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Published by david.holloway, 2016-03-20 11:26:09

English Studio 2016 Prospectus

English Studio 2016 Prospectus


The English Studio has
always been the school of
choice for students who want
outstanding value for money.
Accredited by both the British
Council and the Independent
Schools Inspectorate, we

Wel-offer a great range of courses
at very affordable prices.
Your time at The English Studio
will be the best investment in
you that you will ever make.

comeWe really look forward to you
joining us soon.

02. Why Choose Us?
04. Central London Location
06. Great Teachers
08-19. Our Programmes
20. Work in London
22. Study in London
24. Residential Accommodation for You
26. Homestay Accommodation
28. Student Experience
30. Usefull Information
32. How to Enrol


Independent Schools Inspectorate

•Our Unbeatable Value We are so pleased that the majority
We believe our range of of all our new students come to
programmes offer the best value us because we have been recom-
for you of any accredited London mended by one of their friends
school. or one of our partners around the
world. Thanks to everyone for
02.•Our Quality Wearefully helping make us special.
accredited by both the British
Council and the Independent
Schools Inspectorate.
•Our Success
We have helped thousands of

Whystudents improve their English to
gain better jobs or entry to the
university of their choice.
•Our Teachers
We make sure teachers are the
right ones for you through their

chooserange of qualifications and
experience. They are also pretty
nice people!

•Our Range of Programmes
We are proud of the courses we
can offer you – everything from
IELTS preparation to summer
programmes for young learners.

us?Oh yes, we also train teachers too.
•Our Location
We are just about as central as
you can get, with all of our
teaching centres a few steps
from Holborn tube station. Perfect
if you are working, studying or
just staying in London.

All that, not to mention the great ISI
atmosphere; the free wi-fi; the
interactive white boards; Independent Schools Inspectorate
air-conditioning; up-to-date
teaching materials; access to
university application advice; job
hunting support; and much more.

Come study with us in one of the BuHt oylobuordnoHno’tunseeed statistics to know
world’s most exciting cities – a Cwah1L1nyo3nLyHdooigonuhndeHWovnoeClnb1isVorsr6eonJmQgeremabt,edr oaytiomue?
place full of opportunity. Our wh1eCnatytoonuShtraeedtn’t heard of London?
schools are in Holborn, in the heartThLeoenndeonrgWyCa1nRd4AeBxcitement of this
of London. cit1y9iBslosiommpslbyuirmy pSqoussairbele to put into
woLrodnsd. oWnhWeCn1yAo2uN’rSe here you just
04.Holborn know you’re at the centre of the
Holborn is minutes from Covent world and that’s why those of us who
Garden, the British Museum and live here never want to leave. We
Oxford Street, and so much more. are London, we are proud; and we
We are close to University College want you to come and be pSatratnosftethdis
London, Central St Martins,

CentralBirkbeck, UniverLsuittyonof London, the
University of WeAsitrmpoinrtster and the extraordinary experience. Airport
London School of Economics.
Holborn is also a great location for
work and business, with the City of
London just a short walk away. So
whatever your reason for coming to

LondonLondon – work, study or leisure – The
English Studio is just about the best
place to be.
London City Airport
As the world’s cultural capital and
the planet’s most visited metropolis,City Centre
London is truly the Queen of Cities.

on Earth and the largest in Europe
– oh yes, and a GDP bigger than
London has more than 100,000
international students studying here
– that’s more that 25% of the capital’s
student population.

London is the commercial heart of
the UK and the work opportunities
are unequalled – with more than
700,000 people working in the
financial sector alone.

l •Our Teaching Centres •••Holborn House
Holborn House Catton Street
113 High Holborn Bloomsbury Square
Holborn  Stanstead
•London WC1V 6JQ
1 Catton Street  City
Holborn Airport
•London WC1R 4 AB
19 Bloomsbury Square
London WC1A 2NS

n Luton


on Heathrow

 Gatwick


We want you to get the most out How we teach
of your time with us. So while We believe learning should be
we make sure all our teachers fun. That’s why we try to make our
have the right qualifications and lessons interactive and dynamic.
You learn better when you’re
06.experience, we make sure they’re
nice too. having fun.
The art of teaching
Teaching English is a balance of •Each week, you’ll study grammar,
skill, intuition, careful planning •vocabulary and pronunciation.
and empathy. It requires patient,
smart and kind people to do it well. You’ll also practise reading,
writing, listening and speaking
GreatAnd these are the type of people
• skills.
We’ll tell you what you’re going to
learn at the start of each class
and review what you have

• learnt.
We’ll always teach you language

•that is useful in real life.
We’ll give you homework several

•times a week and correct it.
We’ll correct your spoken and

•written mistakes.
We’ll give you regular tests on
that you’ll have teaching you at
The English Studio. Simply put, our
teachers love teaching.
Our teachers are committed and
professional. Combine their skills
with the great resources and
teaching technology, including
interactive whiteboards, and you’re

teacherguaranteed a memorable learning
experience. •what you’ve learnt.
We’ll answer any questions you
We make sure you get the right have and give you individual
class for you •help.
Before you arrive, or on your first We’ll choose materials from
day, we’ll do a simple assessment different books and resources to
of your language level. It sounds achieve the aim of the class.
scary. It isn’t. But it is very important.
It helps us make sure we select the
best possible class for you. It won’t
be too hard or too easy and, as
each course has been specially
designed for students at that level,
our carefully selected teachers will
help you to improve as quickly as
you possibly can.


General English One-to-One
Our General English Courses are for If you want to improve your English
students of all levels of English: from very quickly, or want to learn
complete beginners to advanced English for a specific reason, then
speakers. No matter how much you we recommend our One-to-One
English Classes. And the great
08.already know, all of our General thing is you can do them anywhere
English Courses will help you to – in one of our teaching centres,
speak English better and more in your office or even online.
Intensive English
Our Intensive English Courses will

Our Profast-trackyoutocommunicating
easily and confidently in English. Teacher Training
We use fun, innovative and interac- Yes – we teach the teachers. Our
tive teaching styles to help you sister company TEFL-lab delivers
achieve your full potential quickly. both full and part-time courses
leading to a Trinity-accredited
English for Work
The English for Work Course will
give you the confidence to work

grammwith English-speaking colleagues,
clients, customers and suppliers.
It will really help you if you are
looking to break into the job market
where your improved English skills
will give you a great advantage.

Exam Preparation
If you’re studying for IELTS or any
of the Cambridge ESOL examina-
tions, our special Exam Preparation
Courses will give you the skills and
the practice that you need to
succeed. Our practical and focused
teaching style will ensure that you
excel in your exams.


YES Summer School Pro
9-15 years
We have over 15 years’ experience
in teaching English and you simply

10.won’t find an English Summer
School in London that is better
value for money. Young English
Studio is a safe, fun and unforget-
table experience for all 9 to 15
year-olds. And the classes are all
age-specific. Oh yes, Mum and
Dad – you can come and study
Ourwith us while your children have
a great time on the YES summer
Individual Programmes
16 & 17 years
This flexible programme enables
students to tailor their courses
according to their specific require-

grammments. Our Central London
teaching centres enable students
to socialise with peers and senior
students, while enjoying a friendly
learning environment.

Group Programmes
10-17 years
Our Group Programme is tailored
to meet each group’s specific
requirements and budget. We are
able to help with exam prepara-
tion, Content & Language Inte-
grated Learning (CLIL) or General
English. Contact us today to get the
best value-for-money quote.


General English General English 20
Our General English Courses are This course is for you if you want
for students of all levels of English: to generally improve your English,
from complete beginners to but want even more practice. Our
advanced speakers. No matter General English 20 Courses are for
people of all levels of English who much you already know, all want to add an extra hour a day of
of our General English Courses will conversation, writing or grammar
help you to speak English better practice to their course.
and more fluently.
We’ll develop your practical commu-
nication skills, with special emphasis

Our Proonspeaking,pronunciationand
Your level of English will be assessed
before you start the course, so that
we can place you in a class that
listening. Our friendly teachers use a
variety of teaching methods to make
sure that you get plenty of practice.
We want you to enjoy learning
English as much as we enjoy teach-
ing it! And we want the English that
we teach you in our classes to be
relevant and useful outside the class-

grammroom. All General English classes
include a minimum 10 min break. will be manageable, but which will
also challenge you to improve your
Class size: Max 22
Mon-Fri class hours: 20
General English followed by 1 hour
Writing, Conversation or Grammar
1 hour Writing, Conversation or
General English 15 Grammar class followed by
The lessons on our General English General English
15 Course are imaginative and
structured to allow maximum time to Option A
learn and practise new language. Main Course: 08.45 - 12.00
Additional hours each day
You will build your English vocabu- 1 hour between: 12.05 - 15.15
lary and learn colloquial English, Option B
idioms and grammar to help you be Main Course: 12.05 - 15.15
as fluent as possible. We use interest- Additional hours each day
ing textbooks, videos, games and 1 hour between: 15.20 - 18.30
group activities to share and practise Option C
how English is used by native English Main Course: 15.20 - 18.30
speakers every day. Additional hours each day
1 hour between: 12.05 - 15.15
Class size: Max 22
Mon-Fri class hours: 15

Option A 08.45 - 12.00
Option B 12.05 - 15.15
Option C 15.20 - 18.30

Intensive English Option A
Our Intensive English Courses will Main Course: 08.45 - 12.00
fast-track you to communicating Additional hours each day
easily and confidently in English. 2 hours between: 12.05 - 15.15
We use innovative and interactive Option B
Main Course: 12.05 - 15.15
o-teaching styles to help you achieve Additional hours each day
your full potential quickly. If your 2 hours between: 15.20 - 18.30
time in the UK is limited, but you Option C
really want your English to get much Main Course: 15.20 - 18.30
better, then you can choose one of Additional hours each day
our Intensive courses, which are 2 hours between: 12.05 - 15.15
specifically designed to accelerate Intensive English 30
your improvement. Are they hard If you’re serious about improving
your English fast then Intensive
meswork? Yes. Do they produce great English 30 is the option for you.
results? Oh yes! With this option you get to attend
Intensive English 25 a General English course plus one
For the Intensive English 25 lessons hour each of Conversation, Writing
we use interesting text books, videos, and Grammar class, or if you prefer,
games and group activities to share you may want to focus on English for
and practise how English is used Work or on preparing for an IELTS or
by native English speakers every a specific Cambridge English exam.
day. An extra hour a day of writing Class size: Max 22
practice plus an extra hour a day Mon-Fri class hours: 30
of conversation will soon boost General English followed by 3 x 1
your ability. hour classes in Writing, Conversation
Class size: Max 22 and Grammar
Mon-Fri class hours: 25 OR
General English followed by 3 x 1 hour classes in Writing,
2 x 1 hour classes in either Writing, Conversation and Grammar
Conversation or Grammar followed by General English class
OR Option A
2 x 1 hour classes in either Writing, Main Course: 08.45 - 12.00
Conversation or Grammar followed Additional hours each day
by General English class 3 hours between: 12.05 - 15.15
Option B
Main Course: 12.05 - 15.15
Additional hours each day
3 hours between: 15.20 - 18.30
Option C
Main Course: 15.20 - 18.30
Additional hours each day
3 hours between: 12.05 - 15.15

Focus on Conversation Focus on Grammar
Our English Conversation classesOur specially-tailored grammar
are a great way to get some extracourses are ideal for students of all
‘talk time’. They take place everylevels. Each day, a specific area of
day and last for an hour. You cangrammar is covered in depth. We
show you how the structures you
14.either top up your General English study can be used to make a huge
class by adding an extra hour ofand noticeable difference to the
conversation a day, or just drop inquality of your spoken and written
for an hour a day no matter whatEnglish.
other course you’re doing with us.Class size: Max 22
Class size: Max 22 Mon-Fri class hours: 5
Our ProMon-Friclasshours:5
Class times: 12:05-13:05 / 13:10-14:10 Classes: 12:05-13:05 / 13:10-14:10 /
/ 14:15-15:15 14:15-15:15
These class times are dependent These class times are dependent
on your level of English. on your level of English.
Focus on Writing
This course is designed to offer

grammyou extra practice in writing. It is
particularly useful if you are taking
Cambridge First Certificate in Eng-
lish (FCE), Cambridge Certificate in
Advanced English (CAE) or IELTS.
But even if you’re not it will help you
to practise a variety of writing skills
and styles. This means you’ll get to
build your vocabulary while also
practising the tones and sentence
constructions that different types of
writing need.

Class size: Max 22
Mon-Fri class hours: 5
Classes: 12:05-13:05 / 13:10-14:10 /
These class times are dependent
on your level of English.

English for Work Class size: Max 22
The English for Work Course will Weekly class hours: 15
give you the confidence to apply
for the job you want, improve the Option A 08.45 - 12.00
job you have or manage those Option B 12.05 - 15.15
Option C 15.20 - 18.30
o-who work for you. Improve your
language skills to better deal with
English-speaking colleagues,
clients, customers and suppliers.
In order to succeed in the modern
world of work, you need to be able
to communicate effectively using

mesEnglish in a business environment.
A specific set of skills relating to
interaction at work is essential for
anyone hoping to make a career
in the 21st century. Our English for
Work Course will provide you with
those skills.
Classes focus on the language
skills that you will need in everyday
•••workplace situations:
Interviews and C.V. writing
Writing emails
Dealing with people on the
•••phone or face-to-face
Attending meetings
Socialising with work colleagues
Reading and writing reports

We cover work vocabulary for
areas such as marketing, adminis-
tration, finance, e-commerce, sales,
and business development.

We’ll check both your English level [email protected]
and what you want from this course
to make sure we place you in a
class that will be just right for you
and your needs.

IELTS 20 hours
Perhaps the most important examOption A1
in the modern world – for eitherMain Course: 08.45 - 12.00
academic or immigration purposes,Additional hours each day:
we take your preparation for this1 hour between 12.05 - 15.15
Option B1
16.exam very seriously. Main Course: 12.05 - 15.15
Our IELTS Preparation CoursesAdditional hours each day:
include intensive practice in the1 hour between 15.20 - 18.30
examination techniques that you willOption C1
have to master to get the IELTS scoreMain Course: 15.20 - 18.30
you need. Your teacher will give youAdditional hours each day:
Our Prodetailedfeedbackthroughoutthe 1 hour between 12.05 - 15.15
course on how you can improve in
each technique.
You will have sessions that focus on
your listening, your speaking, your
reading and your writing skills to give
you plenty of practice for the four

grammparts of the examination. Your
preparation will also include
essay writing, fluent and accurate
speaking, as well as describing and
interpreting graphs and charts.
All IELTS classes include a minimum
10 min break.

Class size: Max 22
Weekly class hours: 15 or 20
(additional 1 hour per day of a
Focus on Writing or Grammar)

15 hours 08.45 -12.00
Option A 12.05 - 15.15
Option B 15.20 - 18.30
Option C

Cambridge Exams Course duration: we recommend 12
If you’re studying for any of the weeks minimum to benefit from this
Cambridge ESOL examinations, course. For FCE you will need to be
our special English Exam Prepara- at B1 level ready to follow a course
tion Courses will give you the skills at B2 level. For CAE and CPE you
will need to be at C1 level to follow
o-and the practice that you need to a course at C2 level. All Cambridge
succeed. Our practical teaching classes include a minimum 10 min
style will help you to excel in your break.
We are sure that any course you do Class size: Max 22
with us will improve your English, Weekly class hours: 15 or 20
but wouldn’t it be great to leave the (additional 1 hour per day of a
Focus on Writing or Grammar)
mesUK with a world-recognised qualifi-
cation in English? The Cambridge 15 hours 08.45 - 12.00
suite of English language exams are Option A 12.05 - 15.15
among the most respected in the Option B 15.20 - 18.30
world and can open doors for you Option C
when your course finishes. At The
English Studio, we have a proven 20 hours
track record of successfully prepar- Option A1
ing people for Cambridge exams. Main Course: 08.45 - 12.00
Cambridge FCE, CAE & CPE Exam Additional hours each day:
Preparation 15 or 20 hours 1 hour between 12.05 - 15.15
Our Cambridge Exam Preparation Option B1
Courses are an intensive preparation Main Course: 12.05 - 15.15
for all elements of these Cambridge Additional hours each day:
ESOL examinations. 1 hour between 15.20 - 18.30
Whether you want to sit the Option C1
Cambridge First Certificate in English Main Course: 15.20 - 18.30
(FCE), the Cambridge Certificate Additional hours each day:
in Advanced English (CAE) or the 1 hour between 12.05 - 15.15
Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency
in English (Cambridge CPE) our
classes will give you the support and
practice that you need.


Young English Studio (YES) All classes are selected by us based
Summer Camps on your child’s ability and age –
We are delighted to offer we’ll make sure that you get the
programmes for young learners, best value for money from your
course choice.
18.right in the heart of Bloomsbury.
Ranging from 9 to 15 years old,
our students can take advantage
of three programme options.
Complete: this all-inclusive pack-
age brings together accommoda-
tion, meals, tuition and excursions

Our Proinoneneatbundlesoparentscan
For the latest information – check
out the English Studio website or
come in and talk to us to see what
options are best for your children.

rest assured that their child is gain-
ing the most from their stay in Lon-
don. What’s more Mum and Dad,
you don’t have to come – we’ll take
care of them from the moment they
step off the plane. Treat yourself
and have a holiday while the kids

Classes & Excursions: this
programme is ideally suited for
children coming with their parents
to London. Parents can either take
advantage of special pricing which
will allow them to take adult classes
at The English Studio or they could
simply use the time to explore
London at their leisure – while the
kids are having the best of fun. This
package includes tuition, lunch
and afternoon excursions.

Classes: the perfect answer for
parents living in London or visiting
the city. The fun-based classes will
give your children a real English
language boost, help them make
new friends and experience a
great summer while you work or
see the sights.

Teacher Training
Here at The English Studio we are
very proud of our teachers – they
are a great bunch of people.
We are especially proud of those

o-whom we trained to be teachers.
Our sister company, TEFL-lab, runs
Teacher Training Courses right
here in the heart of Bloomsbury.
Our greatly experienced teacher
trainers deliver full and part time
courses to people from all over

mesLondon and all over the world and,
if we may say, at really great prices.
Our programmes – whichever you
choose – are accredited by Trinity
College London which means they
are recognised and accepted
Start your English Language
teaching career with us and you
won’t regret it for a moment.
For the most up-to-date information
why not visit our website:

[email protected]

London is one of the world’s greatHere at the English Studio we can
economic powerhouses – with a give you the skills you need – but
rich diversity of companies from we can do much more. We can
the micro start-up to some of the provide you with the opportunity to
world’s largest banks, account- take exams that can prove to any
employer just how talented you are.
20.ancy and law firms. It is an ideal We also work closely with a range
location for you if you want to of partners who can help you find
make the next step in your career work while you are in London.
or gain great work experience and What better thing to put on your
study English at the same time. resumé – that not only did you
Whatever your choice, whatever invest in your own skills develop-
your circumstances, we are here ment, but you worked while doing

Work intohelp.
Make yourself stand out from the
crowd – work and learn with The
English Studio.
English as a key work skill
Your work needs skills – skills that
you may already have, skills that
you need to develop or skills that
you want to gain. Wherever you
are in your career or working life,
a great grip on English language

Londonskills will help you climb the
promotion ladder or get your foot
in the door. It can mark you out
as the preferred candidate for
employers – simply because you
have a stronger level of English
than your colleagues or the other
job applicants.

Our English for Work course helps
you when you need it most.
We know that you need to make
progress, and fast. We know that
you need support in all aspects
from putting together that killer C.V.
to giving just the right answer in the
interview for the job of a lifetime.


This great capital city is home A range of our courses can help
to some of the greatest teaching you, from Intensive English – with
and learning institutions on any a strong spread of skills-focused
continent – the London School of classes – to our IELTS preparation
Economics; SOAS; Imperial Col- programme. All of them will give
you the best foundation for studying
22.lege; University College London; at this high level.
Brunel; King’s College London and Working with our partners we
Queen Mary’s – to name but a few. can also help you with university
London also has a global reputa- applications, interviews and
tion for medical training – Guys; St.academic career planning. We
Thomas’s; The Royal Free and St. will back you 100% of the way and
Barts. And we happen to know of a

Study inverygoodEnglishlanguageschool
as well!
English for academic success
The student is now truly a citizen of
the world – with people traveling far
from their homes and families to take
the very best course that they can.
And, you know what, those great

Londoncourses are delivered in English; the
100% of the time. Let us help you
get where you need to be.

leading scientific and professional
journals are written in English; and
the leading academic debates are
conducted in English.

This is right where The English Studio
can help you. We believe that the
very best advantage in education
can be gained if your English ability
is at the optimum level before you
enter your chosen institution.
Of course, you can study English
while you are studying for your
bachelor’s, masters or doctorate, but
we think you will need your time to
concentrate on the subject and not
be worrying about whether you will
survive in the lecture hall!


+C4a4ll(u0s)t2o0b7o4ok0y4o9u7r 5co9urse

We believe that each of you needs
a range of options when it comes
to making your choice of where
to live in London. Many students

24.choose to make their own plans,
but we love to help. Our two most
popular choices are residential
or homestay.
Raleigh House – The English
Studio residence
Raleigh House is the perfect choice

Residenfor the more independent student,
one who wants to have fun living
with other English Studio students; -
great nights in the communal
kitchen – cooking pasta and talking
over the day that’s gone and the
weekend to come; and a sense
of community with your fellow

Raleigh House is in a great spot
– Zone 2 if you look on a London
Underground map. So not only
can you zip to school in about
20 minutes – but you can spend
your weekends just up the road in
Camden Town, or grab something

dationgreat from a local deli and head
up to Hampstead Heath for a picnic
in the summer sun.
Raleigh House centres around its
large communal kitchen with twin
and single bedrooms available
all year round. But it is very, very

for youpopular–sobookearlyifyouwant
to make sure of getting a spot!

With free wi-fi, bed linen included
and no bills to pay, it is a really
smart choice for the discerning

- just

Homestay is a great choice for Check out The English Studio
the student who sees real value in website for some great information
living with a local host – getting on all types of accommodation
the most of out of the local culture in London:
26.and way of living, and seeing
London as Londoners see it dation-london/
every day.
Working with our trusted long
term partners we have placed
thousands of students with hosts

Homestall over London. The hosts are
recruited, developed and
supported by our partners and
we both make sure that we are
giving you just what you need to
get the most out of your time here
in London.
The hosts are based from Zones 2
to Zone 5 and what you choose

Accommand where you choose to live are
your choice – and we’ll be there to
help guide you in that choice. You
can also choose to have a variety
of meal plans – from self-catering
through to half-board. We also give
you the choice of single or twin

The host network reflects the rich
cultural and ethnically-diverse
nature of this great city and you
will really get to appreciate how
people live in this fantastic city
day-in and day-out. For a real
flavour of London life we can’t
imagine a better option than
settling down with your hosts for a
very real London-living experience.


We believe that The English Studio Lenka Vulksanovic
is the best places in London to Age: 18
study English, but don’t take our From: Serbia
word for it. Read what our former “I came to London
with only one goal:
28.students have to say.
Gustavo Almeida
Age: 28
From: Brasil
“An agent in Brazil
recommended The
English Studio to me

Studentand I’m really happy that I chose
to improve my English
skills. The English Studio was
suggested by some of my friends.
I have been here for one week
now and I have already noticed
great improvement. It is wonder-
ful to study in an environment like
this, with students from all over the
the school. I’m also really happy world. Everyone is very friendly
that I came to London! Thanks to and kind: from staff to students.”
my classes at ES. I’m now preparing
for the IELTS because I would like to
study for a Masters in Physiology.”
Cristina Primo

Experi- Age:17
From: Italy
“Studying at the English
Studio in London has
been a wonderful
experience for me! My English has
improved day by day, and in a very
short time. I’ve also had the chance
to make new friends and experience

encedifferent cultures from all around the
world. The English Studio is a great
place to learn English and spend
some great time in London!”


This is us
Our Teacher Training Programmes
Visitor Info
Transport Info

UsefulWhat’s happening in London
The best site for international
student information
Some different ideas for

Infor-accommodation options
•Our Teaching Centres
Holborn House Bloomsbury
113 High Holborn Square
London WC1V 6JQ

1 Catton Street
London WC1R 4 AB
•Holborn tube
19 Bloomsbury Square
London WC1A 2NS
Holborn tube
Bloomsbury Place
Catton Street
Bloomsbury Sq
Bloomsbury Sq Bloomsbury Way Proctor Row
Southampton Row St High
Southampton Pl Catton Holborn

High Holborn Holborn

boEomkianigl su@s feonrgmliosrhestiundfoirom.caotmion

It really couldn’t be any easier. Think Payment
about when you want to come, how Before we can confirm your course
long you want to study and which or send you a letter of confirmation
course is best for you. If you have any you need to pay your fees in full.

32.questions at any time you can do
any (or none) of the following:

•Check out the website:

•Visit one of our partners in your
own country:

H•Call us on +44 (0)20 7404 9759
• ow toLike us on Facebook and send

us a PM:

•Hunt us on Twitter:
Credit Card
We accept payments by these
cards online, by telephone or at
our receptions.
We accept payments in cash at our
Start dates
You can start your course on any
Monday. You must do a Placement
Test before starting your course:
•Once you have got all the

Enrolinformation you need and you
know what you want them book
away at:
Students aged 16-17
The minimum age to be accepted
on an English Studio course is 16
years old. Please note that 16 and 17
year olds accepted onto the course
will be treated as adult students. The
We really look forward to seeing English Studio is fully compliant with
you soon and to you joining part current legislation regarding the
of the global family that is The teaching of under 18s.
English Studio.

•Book your course We require a parent or guardian to
Book your course online at: complete a parental consent form or by and return this to us when you book
calling us on: the course.

•+44 (0)20 7404 9759
Contact us:

[email protected]
You can also book through an
agent in your country. For a list
of agents go to:


Independent Schools Inspectorate
tel: +44 (0)20 7404 9759


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