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M.1 Speaking booklet - semester 1

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Published by chalynkate, 2022-05-19 09:47:13

M.1 Speaking booklet

M.1 Speaking booklet - semester 1


Speaking English


Name_________________________ Class_______ No.______
Telephone No._______________ Teacher________________

แบบบนั ทกึ การตดิ ตามการพัฒนาทกั ษะการพดู ภาษาองั กฤษ ระดับชนั้ มธั ยมศกึ ษาปีท่ี 1 ภาคเรียนท่ี 1 ปีการศึกษา 2565

จานวนคาศพั ท์ คะแนนคาศพั ท์ จานวนบทสนทนา คะแนนบทสนทนา

คร้งั ท่ี นักเรียน ท้ังหมด นกั เรยี น ทง้ั หมด นกั เรยี น ทงั้ หมด นักเรยี น ท้ังหมด ลงชอ่ื (ครูผูส้ อน) หมายเหตุ
ทาได้ ทาได้ ทาได้ ทาได้

ภาคเรยี นท่ี 1 ปกี ารศกึ ษา 2565

1. มถิ ุนายน 40 10 2 10
15 3 15
2. กรกฎาคม 60 10 2 10
15 3 15
3. สิงหาคม 40 50 10 50

4. กันยายน 60 ………………… / 100 คะแนน

รวม 200

คะแนนทัง้ หมด

ลงชอ่ื ………………………………………….. ลงชื่อ………………………………………….. ลงชือ่ …………………………………………..
นางวรรณภรณ์ สกุลซง้ นางปญรจน์ นาจอมเทียร นางกสุ ุมาวดี พลเรืองทอง

หัวหน้ากลมุ่ สาระการเรยี นรภู้ าษาต่างประเทศ รองผู้อานวยการกลมุ่ บริหารงานวิชาการ ผอู้ านวยการโรงเรียนยางตลาดวิทยาคาร


UNIT 1 : Me 1
1.1 Vocabulary 6
1.2 Phrase 7
1.3 CEFR Speaking
UNIT 2 : People 13
2.1 Vocabulary 14
2.2 Phrase
2.3 CEFR Speaking 16
UNIT 3 : Animal magic 22
3.1 Vocabulary
3.2 Phrase 23
3.3 CEFR Speaking 28
UNIT 4 : Play
4.1 Vocabulary
4.2 Phrase
4.3 CEFR Speaking

1.1 Vocabulary Part of UNIT 1 : Me Meaning 1
speech Check
No. Vocabulary Pronunciation
1 backpack n.
2 bike n.
3 car n.
4 game console n.
5 ice cream n.
6 jeans n.
7 laptop n.
8 phone n.
9 notebook n.
10 orange n.
11 sandwich n.
12 soccer ball

1.1 Vocabulary Part of Pronunciation Meaning 2
speech Check
No. Vocabulary
13 sunglasses n.
14 T-shirt n.
15 website n.
16 story n.
17 trash n.
18 glass n.
19 chair n.
20 album n.
21 wastebasket n.
22 label n.
23 computer n.
24 game

1.1 Vocabulary Part of Pronunciation Meaning 3
speech Check
No. Vocabulary
25 clothes n.
26 technology n.
27 transportation n.
28 alphabet n.
29 article n.
30 basketball adj.
31 boring n.
32 category n.
33 chair n.
34 classmate adj.
35 favorite n.
36 Fruit salad

1.1 Vocabulary Part of Pronunciation Meaning 4
speech Check
No. Vocabulary
37 grape adj.
38 great adj.
39 horrible adj.
40 international n.
41 mountain bike n.
42 neighbor adj.
43 noisy n.
44 Point n.
45 postcards adj.
46 similar pron.
47 something n.
48 thing

1.1 Vocabulary Part of Pronunciation Meaning 5
speech Check
No. Vocabulary
49 tourist
50 vacation n.

1.2 Phrase Pronunciation Meaning 6
Phrase Check

Ask for description of something

What color is it?
What are your… Like?

Is it big / small?

Describe something

It’s black / red.
They’re Italian / Brazilian.
They’re very / really nice.
The neighbors are noisy /


1.3 CEFR Speaking 7

Work in pairs. Check

Situation 1
Becca: I can’t find my backpack.
Kent: What color is it?
Becca: It’s red, and it’s really old.
Kent: Is that it on the chair?
Becca: Yes, that’s it.

Situation 2
Zac: What’s your house like?
Lily: It’s OK, but the neighbors are really noisy.
Zac: What about your room? Is it big?
Lily: No, my room’s very small.

UNIT 2 : People 8
2.1 Vocabulary Part of Pronunciation Meaning
No. Vocabulary
51 brother n.
52 dad n.
53 father n.
54 grandchild n.
55 grandfather n.
56 grandma n.
57 grandmother n.
58 grandpa n.
59 mom n.
60 only child n.
61 sister

2.1 Vocabulary Part of Pronunciation Meaning 9
speech Check
No. Vocabulary
62 arm n.
63 back n.
64 ear n.
65 eye n.
66 face n.
67 foot n.
68 hand n.
69 head n.
70 leg n.
71 mouth n.
72 nose n.
73 teeth

2.1 Vocabulary Part of Pronunciation Meaning 10
speech Check
No. Vocabulary
74 camera adj.
75 easy adj.
76 fantastic adj.
77 friendly adj.
78 hard v.
79 hear n.
80 morning n.
81 picture n.
82 player n.
83 present n.
84 problem v.
85 repeat

2.1 Vocabulary Part of Pronunciation Meaning 11
speech Check
No. Vocabulary
86 smart n.
87 smile n.
88 special v.
89 spell n.
90 street n.
91 tablet n.
92 time n.
93 today adj.
94 different adj.
95 same adj.
96 small adj.
97 young

2.1 Vocabulary Part of Pronunciation Meaning 12
speech Check
No. Vocabulary
98 new adj.
99 nice adj.
100 old

2.2 Phrase Pronunciation Meaning 13
Phrase Check

Make a call

Can I speak to … ?
Is the … ?
Is … there?

Can he / she call me, please?

Answer a call

Can you spell that, please?
Sorry, can you repeat that?
Sorry, I don’t understand.
You have the wrong number.

Bye. / Goodbye.

2.3 CEFR Speaking 14
Work in pairs.

Situation 3 Hello?
Felix: Hi, Felix. This is Mrs. Zemontas. Can I speak to your mother?
Mrs. Zemontas: She isn’t here right now.
Felix: OK, can she call me, please? It’s Emily Zemontas.
Mrs. Zemontas: Um ... Can you spell that, please?
Felix: Z-E-M-O-N-T-A-S.
Mrs. Zemontas: OK, Mrs. Zemontas.
Felix: Thanks, Felix. Bye
Mrs. Zemontas:

Situation 4
Felix: Hello–
Kelly: Hi, are you at the movies?
Felix: Sorry, I don’t understand. What movie?
Kelly: Is this Josh?
Felix: No, it isn’t. You have the wrong number.
Kelly: Oh, I'm sorry. Bye

2.3 CEFR Speaking 15
Work in pairs.

Situation 5
Felix: Hello?
Mark: Hi, Felix, this is Mark. Is Kyle there?
Felix: No, he isn’t.
Mark: Can you give him my new cell phone number?
Felix: Sure.
Mark: It’s 830-0315.
Felix: 830 ... Sorry, can you repeat that?
Mark: 830-0315.
Felix: 830-0315. OK.
Mark: Thanks. Bye

UNIT 3 : Animal magic 16
3.1 Vocabulary Part of Pronunciation Meaning
No. Vocabulary
101 bird n.
102 cat n.
103 chicken n.
104 dog n.
105 fish n.
106 hamster n.
107 horse n.
108 mouse n.
109 rabbit n.
110 turtle n.
111 room

3.1 Vocabulary Part of Pronunciation Meaning 17
speech Check
No. Vocabulary
112 door n.
113 floor n.
114 wall n.
115 window n.
116 bed n.
117 chair n.
118 desk n.
119 table n.
120 clock n.
121 light n.
122 box n.
123 cartoon

3.1 Vocabulary Part of Pronunciation Meaning 18
speech Check
No. Vocabulary
124 adopt v.
125 borrow v.
126 cross n.
127 egg v.
128 fetch n.
129 grass n.
130 lunch adj.
131 neat v.
132 order adj.
133 popular adv.
134 quickly n.
135 refrigerator

3.1 Vocabulary Part of Pronunciation Meaning 19
speech Check
No. Vocabulary
136 Scottish v.
137 stay v.
138 survey adj.
139 tall v.
140 touch v.
141 wait prep.
142 before n.
143 brown n.
144 person n.
145 partner adj.
146 ready v.
147 keep

3.1 Vocabulary Part of Pronunciation Meaning 20
speech Check
No. Vocabulary
148 minute v.
149 remember v.
150 feed

3.2 Phrase Pronunciation Meaning 21

Ask for something

Can I have a / some … ,

Excuse me. Can I borrow your

Give something

Here you are.


Yes, of course.

You’re welcome.
No, sorry.

3.3 CEFR Speaking 22
Work in pairs.

Situation 6
Jeff: Can I have some water, please?
Lisa: Yes, of course. Here you are.
Jeff: Thanks.
Lisa: You’re welcome.

Situation 7
Amy: Hi, Kevin. Can I borrow your phone?
Kevin: No, sorry.
Amy: Oh. OK.
Donna: You can borrow mine.
Amy: Thanks, Donna.
Donna: You’re welcome.

4.1 Vocabulary Part of UNIT 4 : Play Meaning 23
speech Check
No. Vocabulary prep. Pronunciation

151 about n.
152 book n.
153 friends n.
154 internet n.
155 movies n.
156 music n.
157 shopping n.
158 soccer n.
159 television n.
160 video game v.
161 dance n.
162 homework

4.1 Vocabulary Part of Pronunciation Meaning 24
speech Check
No. Vocabulary
163 drums n.
164 guitar n.
165 keyboard n.
166 piano n.
167 violin n.
168 classical n.
169 hip-hop n.
170 Latin n.
171 pop n.
172 rock adj.
173 blind n.
174 board

4.1 Vocabulary Part of Pronunciation Meaning 25
speech Check
No. Vocabulary
175 dark n.
176 deaf n.
177 diary n.
178 disability n.
179 due n.
180 heading v.
181 sing n.
182 singer n.
183 title v.
184 walk n.
185 wheelchair prep.
186 next

4.1 Vocabulary Part of Pronunciation Meaning 26
speech Check
No. Vocabulary
187 completely n.
188 anything adj.
189 normal n.
190 audio adj.
191 traditional n.
192 song n.
193 weekend n.
194 group n.
195 concert n.
196 member adj.
197 famous v.
198 practice

4.1 Vocabulary Part of Pronunciation Meaning 27
speech Check
No. Vocabulary
199 arrive
200 study v.

4.2 Phrase Pronunciation Meaning 28
Phrase Check

go on the internet
go shopping

go to the movies
listen to music
meet friends

play soccer
play video game

read a book
ride my bike
watch television
read comic
play cards
watch videos online
check my social media

4.2 Phrase Pronunciation Meaning 29

Ask the time

What time is it?
What time is the … ?

Say the time

It’s … o’clock.
It’s ten after / to …
It’s a quarter after …
It’s a quarter to …

It’s at …

4.3 CEFR Speaking 30
Work in pairs.

Situation 8
Mike: What time is the movie?
Kelly: It’s at seven o’clock.
Mike: What time is it now?
Kelly: It’s a quarter after six.
Mike: We have time.

Situation 9
Mike: Kelly? What time is it?
Kelly: It’s six thirty.
Mike: It’s six thirty? The bus is late!

Situation 10
Mike: Kelly? What time is it now?
Kelly: It’s six thirty-five.
Mike: Twenty-five to seven! Oh no! Where’s the bus?

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