Daffodils Info Knowledge Solutions
Company Confidential Page 1
Due to Competitive & dynamic work environment and demanding work related priorities there
is always a stress on employees. In order to sustain the productivity and efficiency of
employees, it is important that they should be encouraged to avail Earned Leave so that they
can maintain a healthy work life balance.
The above mentioned organization need is the essence of our Leave Policy. We believe that it is
essential for employees to proceed on their Earned Leave for the purpose of rest and
recuperation in a year. This kind of recreational break from the daily routine of work, will
refresh the employees and will contribute to his/her sustainable good performance and
productivity. It also enables an employee to fulfill certain domestic, social and religious
The revised leave policy is effective from 1st October, 2015 and applicable to all Daffodils and
Ebalia Employees.
All leave shall be calculated with reference to the Leave Accounting year – 01st Apr to 31st Mar
The following types of leave will be applicable to all DInK employees:
Earned Leave (EL).
Sick Leave (SL).
Casual Leave (CL).
Public Holidays.
Compensatory Off
All Employees should always apply for leave approval on the Leave Application Form
(Refer the attachment).
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LEAVE ENTITLEMENTS: Number of days Accumulation
Type of leave (Per Annum)
Maximum 30 Days
EARNED LEAVE 15 Days Per Year No carry forward, No
SICK LEAVE 5 Days Per year Accumulation
CASUAL LEAVE No carry forward, No
PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 5 Days Per Year Accumulation
Compensatory Off As declared by
Company on annual
As per Policy
NOTE: Employees on probation will not be entitled to any Leave. However, in exceptional
circumstances, advance Leave may be granted by due approval from the management.
Every employee will be allowed 15 days Earned Leave for each completed year of service in
accordance with the leave rules.
At the commencement of each Accounting year, employees must inform the HR Department
indicating the period when they wish to avail Earned Leave through their Manager.
This will enable the Manager to plan a tentative leave plan which will ensure that each
individual gets an opportunity to avail this Earned Leave in planned manner.
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(a) An employee will be credited with entitled 15 days Earned Leave for each completed
year of service on 1st April each year. Depending on date of joining of executive and
absence without pay this leave will be granted proportionately.
(b) Earned Leave will be approved base on employee’s need and mutual discussion
between employee and his Reporting Manager.
(c) Earned leave can be accumulated up to a maximum of 30 days only. Any unutilized
leave over and above 30 Days will stand lapsed after the completion of Leave
accounting year.
(d) Public Holiday (s) and weekly off can be prefixed and suffixed with the Earned Leave
and will not be counted while calculating total number of Earned leave availed.
(e) Any Sundays and / or holidays intervening during the leave period will be calculated
as leave.
(f) Application for Earned Leave should be made 15 days in advance of the date of leave
except emergencies in the leave application format.
(g) Although accumulation up to 30 days is permitted, an employee will not be allowed
to take more than 15 Days Earned Leave at a stretch. For an exceptional case
approval from Management is required.
(h) Earned Leave will not be combined with Sick Leave or Casual Leave except with the
prior permission and approval from Management.
(i) Notwithstanding any of the above – an Employee who overstays his/her sanctioned
leave or remains absent without reasonable cause/information will render him / her
liable for strict disciplinary action.
(j) Employees on probation will not be entitled to any Earned Leave. However, in
exceptional circumstances, advance Earned Leave may be granted at the discretion
of Management.
(k) Please ensure If any employee takes leave, they should inform to Bhavesh Sir on
email ([email protected]) with marking cc your Reporting Manager/TL's
and also update in HRMS, otherwise that leave would marked as LWP (Leave
Without Pay).
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Encashment of Earned Leave will be allowed to individuals who resign or retire from the
services of the company and this will be restricted up to a maximum of 30 days. It will be
calculated taking into account only Basic Salary. Basic Salary divided by thirty days into
Number of Days to be en-cashed will be the criteria to calculate the quantum of encashment.
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“Sick Leave” is defined as a leave arising out of sudden illness or sickness which would
necessarily unable the employee from carrying out his duties effectively. Every employee will be
entitled to 5 days Sick Leave with full pay for each completed year of service.
(a) Employees who are unable to attend their duties due to sickness should
immediately inform the HR / Management about their inability to attend duty.
(b) In case of sickness for more than 3 days at a stretch, on resumption of work, after
sickness, it is the duty of the employee to bring along a Medical certificate, without
which the employee shall not be permitted to resume work or otherwise the said
days of absence will be treated as Leave without Pay.
(c) Sick leave in case of hospitalization cannot be taken in combination of Earned Leave
except with the prior permission and approval of the Management. The process to
be followed is same specified in Earned Leave.
(d) In case where the Sick leave commences before a weekly off or any other declared
paid holiday and continues thereafter, the intervening holiday/s would also be
treated as sick leave.
(e) Sick leave cannot be accumulated and after completion of leave accounting year get
lapsed automatically.
(f) Sick leave cannot be en-cashed.
In case the grounds of absence due to sickness are found to be unsatisfactory, the Management
may at its sole discretion call an employee for medical examination by a doctor nominated by
the Company and obtain his Medical report / certificate of fitness.
In case of long illness, an employee will be allowed to avail EL, if sick leave is exhausted with
due approval from Management.
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Every permanent employee will be entitled to 5 days Casual Leave in a leave accounting year.
(a) Casual Leave cannot be accumulated and cannot be en-cashed under any
circumstances. No leave of any kind can be combined with Casual Leave.
(b) Casual leave shall be limited to a maximum of 2 days at a time. Casual leave is
intended to meet specific or unforeseen circumstance.
(c) Holidays declared by the Company and weekly off can be prefixed and suffixed to
Casual Leave.
(d) Casual Leave will be granted subject to exigencies of work. Prior permission of the
Management shall be obtained before taking such leave. When this is not possible,
the Employee shall as soon as it may be practical, give in writing, through any person
about the absence from work. Where prior permission has not been taken, the leave
must be applied for, immediately on resumption of duty.
(e) Employees on probation will not be entitled to any Casual Leave. However, in
exceptional circumstances, advance Casual Leave may be granted with approval
from Management.
(f) Half day Casual leave can also be taken subject to exigencies of work and with the
due approval of Management.
All Employees will get Public Holidays as declared by company on an annual basis. These Public
Holidays are to be decided and declared at the beginning of the year by HR or Management.
For Employees if has the pre approval for work on any public holiday or may be in Sundays or
may be in late hours, will be entitled for Compensatory Off, So to avail this holiday, Employee
has to inform well in advance before taking this off.
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