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Published by Abyssinia, 2019-07-30 13:11:19

Ayssinia Business Network ABN JUNE 2019

Ayssinia Business Network ABN JUNE 2019

Ozzie Cozying Sol Image

Up Hospitality 2 nd YEAR NO 19 ሰኔ 2011 / JUNE 2019

Kumneger Teketel

Ethiopia 40.00 birr , USA 5.00 $ , Europe 5 .00 Euro ,
South Africa 25.00 Rand , Kenya 500 Sh ,UAE 10.00AED

Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019


Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019

Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019 1

Editorial Team ABN : EDITORIAL

MANAGING DIRECTOR This month editorial stems from the presence of the
biggest continental event in the Ethiopian capital,
Daniel Tiruneh Addis Ababa known as Hotel Show Africa which
MANAGING EDITOR is believed to be a very important event to promote
and introduce the nation’s hospitality and tourism
Getachew Alemu potential.
In spite of a long history of promotion and
Aklile Tsige development, Ethiopia’s tourism industry is in its
CONSULTANCY initial stages of development. Changes in governance
systems have resulted in different social constructions
Zeima Ahmed of the role of tourism in national development.
Since 1990s the partial opening up of the economy
Mekonnen Hailu to private investment, the liberalization of national
economic management and a modicum of political
Ketema Kebede decentralization of administration and decision-
making have contributed to significant growth
Chacha in both the number of inbound tourists and the
Hiwot Salelew generation of foreign exchange.

Teshome Fantahun However, the country has not benefited yet from its
abundant natural, historical and cultural resources.
REPORTER Marketing and promoting have been the weakest
Josephine Wawira areas of tourism development. There is a serious
Kamba Anthony shortage in number and type of tourist facilities.
Moreover, the quality of service is poor and
Joseph Oduha unsatisfactory to tourists. There are also shortage of
Designer Performing arts, entertainment services and other
local creative products, and trained manpower.
Daniel Tiruheh Weak mutual support and coordination among
Photo tourism stakeholders have also remained some of the
bottlenecks in the sector.
Sol Image
Web Admin Hence, it’s very timely and vital to embark on
marketing and promotion of the country’s immense
Rahel Tesfaye tourism potential through launching of events like
Distribution the Hotel Show Africa thatfocused on bringing
together major stakeholders to share experiences
Hailu Abesse for the development of the sector, and building the
Partners nation’s image.
Ethiopia Culture And Tourism
Addis ababa police Commission Furthermore,the government and major actors in the
hospitality and tourism industry need to be committed
Ethio Great Investment Support Service PLC to expanding and improving the development of
infrastructural facilities, coordinating, ensuring the
Abyssinia Business Network is published by psychological and physical well-being of visitors, and
protection of heritages in collaboration with local
EYUDAN MEDIA PLC communities as well as involving in the expansion of
infrastructure need.
business license no .KK/AA/14/706/661438/2009


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02 Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019

Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019 03

04 Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019

CONTENTS falling by
13 %

to $1.3

14 44
10 Questions ?
26 40CYBER
Untapped ሃገር ከሁሉም
ነገር ይቀድማል

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Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019 05

Cozying Up Hospitality

By Aklile Tsige

Much-trumpeted that Ethiopia is blessed with immense historical, cultural and natural resources that attract
tourists worldwide. Nevertheless, the effort to tap its rich tourism resources remains lamentable. Many argue
that little attempts have been made to promote the nation’s tourism activities at the national and international
levels, and new trends for the development of the industry are not well introduced in the country. The Meetings,
Incentives, Conference and Exhibitions (MICE) tourism has not been paid due attention unlike the leisure
tourism. Yet, for KumnegerTeketel, the nation could lure multiple benefits with a closer understanding and
support of the industry.

KumnegerTeketel W/Gabriel, who has earned MBA in International Business, and LLB, in Finance, is
Managing Director and Lead Consultant of OZZIE Business & Hospitality Consultancy and International
Events Company. It’s an Ethiopian Headquartered Company in Hotel & Tourism sector that exclusively
hosts Hotel Show Africa- Hospitality Investment Trade fair and MICE East Africa- Meetings Industry/Travel
Industry. ABN Editor-In-Chief, Aklile Tsige had the opportunity to sit down with the company’s Managing
Director and discuss the overall activities of Ozzie and the new concept-MICE. Kumneger also received Award
Winner of African Legend of Travel Award 2018, and MICE ICON Award 2017.

ABN: Tell us a little bit about your events as a platform to share incorporates the management and
organization of international standard
company. with global players. events of various kinds.

Kumneger: Ozzie Business and Established eight years ago, ABN: So far you have organized six
Hospitality Group is one of the the company has worked in Hotel Show Africa-Hospitality and
leading Ethiopian-based business various capacities, including Trade Shows; how were these shows
companies that specialize in development of dozens of star conducted, and how did you find it?
Consultancy and Management rated hotel and resort projects,
services of hospitality and tourism international brand negotiation Kumneger: Of course, Ozzie
businesses. It provides detailed and representation, international Business and Hospitality Group is
and tailor-made consultancy and procurement and hotel operation
management services as well as startups. Ozzie Business and
creating international standard Hospitality Group portfolio also

06 Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019

the founder and organizer of
Hotel Show Africa-Hospitality
and Tourism Trade Show:
the first and only such trade
show in the country. The
previous shows have attracted
an impressive participant and
attendee list of well-known
global brands represented by
local, regional and international
companies and professionals
from all over the world besides
meeting its objective. This
dynamic event has continued
to set new targets and inspire
industry players to upgrade their
overall performance to bring
about a tangible change in the
development of the national and
continental tourism service and
hospitality industry.

ABN: What activities are
carried out in a single show?

Kumneger: There are various Photo Ozzie file
activities included in an
event, mainly exhibition of
the latest Hospitality products
and services, several panel
discussions on selected
industry agendas, professional
competitions and recognition as
well as networking and creation
of business opportunities.

ABN: What’re the participating
parties in this grand show?

Kumneger: Hotel operating

equipment suppliers, hospitality

IT solution providers and

suppliers, hotel/hospitality

hygiene partners, hotels and Photo Ozzie file

resorts, tourist destination consultants/interior designers, ABN: What benefits do visitors,
and airlines management service exhibitors or the nation gain from the
management technology providers and consultants are event?
among the major stakeholders
providers and operators, participating in the event. Kumneger: Participating in the event

hospitality food and beverage

suppliers, hotel architects and

Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019 07

has many advantages, mainly it Kumneger: It is six years since will increase exponentially
reinforces brand awareness and Ozzie Business and Hospitality in years ahead, coupled with
enhances the country’s image, Group, as an industry player, government’s efforts in attracting
it helps create networking with advocating a flexible turn to the international investors in global
industry leaders, it helps generate utmost exploitation of MICE value chains.
new business lead, and strength the industry. It is with such a great
existing customer relationship. pleasure that we pioneered in MICE evolved to selling
organizing MICE East Africa hospitality services by capturing
ABN: How about the number of editions. MICE’s industry concept delegates arriving for international
visitors and exhibitors in the show? has already touched the ground. businesses, conferences and
exhibitions. By adopting global
Kumneger: The number, indeed, is ABN: Is the industry booming? MICE business strategies that
increasing annually. For instance, extract available potential,
every year an estimated 15, 000 Kumneger: yes, indeed. We witness industry professionals plan on
visitors show up while nearly 200 an era when spending capacity how to increase tourists staying
exhibitors with over 300 brand drive markets and the service time at pre- and post- events.
representation participate at the sector, particularly the hospitality
Millennium Hall in the capital, industry is contributing hugely to ABN: What’re the potential
Addis Ababa. economies. The industry revenues benefits that could be earned
from MICE?

ABN: What is the concept of Kumneger: Meeting and

MICE? conference tourists increased

Kumneger: Though the hospitality African to five times more than leisure
industry has taken a new dimension travelers as they’re sponsored by
their companies during their stay

ahead, we are a bit lagging unlike leisure tourists who need
to pay for themselves. According
economies arebehind from celebration of its full
advantages. African economies to some researches, the spending
are already dragged to the global
power difference stood around
already draggedinvestment map, and also adding 500 percent to 600 percent, which

continental voice in global issues. to the global falls between USD 100 to USD
This globally trending shift has 600 difference.
added a new industry frontier

to the existing leisure tourism. MICE, simply speaking,
diversify the tourism sector, build
investment map,MICE are the new tourism concept
arrived in our modern times. At country’s image, attract investors,

this particular era, the hospitality and create ample opportunity
for the domestic private sector.
and also addingindustry has reached a new height
where it can yield much more to It also benefits airlines, hotels,
economies. Therefore, MICE which
conference venues, car rentals,
continental voiceis complementary to conventional event organizers, banks,

leisure tourism is a growing industry interpreters, booth owners, tour
with promising opportunities to our operators, catering companies,
tourism and travel consultants and
in global issues.nation and the continent.

many more.

ABN: What are you doing to ABN: What do you think should

introduce the industry to the nation be done to unleash the immense

and the region? potential in the sector?

08 Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019

“Without establishing Dedicated

body National Convention and
Visitors Bureau it will become
shooting in dark. We need to
focus and Support our Nation
as responsible citizen to lead

”the market on our region .

Sol Image

Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019 09

Kumneger: Quick action on the
understanding of the MICE concept,
creating institutions and platforms for
better exposure and attraction of MICE,
developing hospitality facilities that fit for
international events, providing incentives
for industry players, and investing in
higher education institutions for training
and human capital development of the
MICE industry are the most important
tasks that should be given due emphasis.
Lack of National Convention Bureau is
the main drawback in the meeting sector.
This bureau is an independent institution
vital to rebrand and sell Ethiopia’s image
in the meeting sector, So the concerned
government organ needs to establish this
unit as much as possible, and show its
commitment to enhancing the economic
benefit the country obtains from the

marketing agencies, professional every year. It’s expected to generate

ABN: Who are MICE industry players, event/exhibition organizers, country’s revenue approximately
and how is their participation?
contractors, convention centers, 20 million USD from invited
Kumneger: hotels, airlines, exhibition
centers, catering and logistics companies, professional conference/convention buyers, and expand opportunities
travel industry suppliers, advertising and
organizers. Like the Hotel Show the for the nation through foreign

number of participants in MICE is meetings industry business/ NICE

growing. Over 110 exhibitors and industry.

3000 visitors take part in the event

ABN: I think you are working

on End-To-End hotel project

consultancy; what’s it about?

Kumneger: It deals with

consultancy and management

services in the development of

hotel projects particularly in star

rated hotel projects; this include

hotel feasibility study, hotel design

concept development, evaluation

and review, hotel construction

supervision, international hotel

brand negotiation, hospitality

service quality audit, hotel

operation system development and


getting Image ABN: Can you mention some of
10 Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019 the hotel consultancy projects you
have undertaken?

Kumneger: In the last few years we’ve and construction. Furthermore, we related projects well play vital
worked with more than 30 local and have participated in a local NGO role, of course by measuring
international brand hotel and resort working on providing basic care for there merit and practical
projects at various levels. To mention street children and senior citizens. repayment solutions .Without
some: Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Addis establishing Dedicated body
Ababa, Four Points by Sheraton, ABN: What do you advice for National Con‐vention and
Radisson Blu Bishoftu Conference and government tourism organs? Visitors Bureau it will become
Wellness Destination, Movenpick Hotel shooting in dark. We need to
Addis Ababa, Royal Tulip Hotel, Addis Kumneger:Strong link among focus and Support our Nation
Ababa, Bon Hotel Addis Ababa, Capital industry players especially in as responsible citizen to lead the
Hotel and Spa, Golden Tulip Hotel government institutes is advised market on our region .
Adama and Axum Yeha International in order to mobilize the tourism
Hotel Conference and Health destination sector. We observe clear gap among ABN:How do you see the role
Resort. There are also significant numbers Players. of the government and the
of similar projects underway. privatesector?
ABN:What is your
ABN: What social responsibilities has
Ozzie carried out? recommendation for sustainable

Kumneger; Ozzie is dedicated to help international related projects in
the less fortunate members of the society
and take care of the nation’s natural Ethiopia? Kumneger: In tourism
blessings. In this regard, we’ve managed
to create environmental awareness Kumneger:As an example over sector,governments have
among the business community
through organizing hotels and resorts 40 international projects are on responsibility topromote and
competitions in eco-friendly planning
pipeline. How can we use this unleash the nation’s tourism

opportunity and taking advantage potential; on the other hand the

of it is the main question. Counting private sector will immediately

numbers is nothing without real take the seat to sell the product

practical performance. Due to that and service. Tourism fund is

establishing dedicated investment vital at this level.

banks in connection to international

Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019 11

Enhancing It is obvious that generating Ker-ezhi Ethiopia leather
Export significant amount of hard
through currency, creating ample endeavors of generating more
job opportunities to the foreign exchange earnings. For
Industrial youth, enhancing technology instance, the nation secured
Parks exchange, among others, are more than 100 million USD
the major priorities of the from the export of various
By Staff Writer government while expanding products from operational
industrial parks throughout the industrial parks in the past
Well- known that Ethiopia has set goals country. If the industrial parks nine months in this Ethiopian
to transform the agriculture-led economy that commence operation in budget year.The export
into industry-led economy. And the recent time created this not-to- performance in the stated
government has been developing a number be-proud of job opportunities, period exceeded that of same
of industrial parksdesignated for textileand it would be possible to period last fiscal year by 40
apparel, footwear and leather products, predict huge amount of open percent. Textiles and apparel,
pharmaceuticals, machineryandconstruction employment opportunities footwear and other leather
materials, agro-processing as well as for when all the industrial parks products have been mainly
multiple sectors focused on export. become operational in full exported from the industrial
swing. parks to European countries,
As the industrial parks are playing a significant USA, Asia and other export
role on the national economy in various Currently, the country has also destination countries. Thus,
ways, Ethiopia has in recent years focused on laid cornerstone for further this clearly manifests that
building industrial parks as a viable strategy industrial parks construction how much the industrial parks
to increase foreign exchange earnings; and beyond the ones that are could solve foreign exchange
the country is striving to complete a total of currently operational. And it earning shortage in the future
30 industrial parks over the coming years. is believed that youths across when they start to operate with
the country will access job full potential.
At present, a good number of industrial opportunities at their doorsteps.
parks have become operational while the
construction of other industrial parks well In terms of foreign direct
underwayin different parts of the country. investment, the country has
The country’s favorable climatic condition managed to attract 2.5 billion
makes the nation to be in a unique position USD in FDI in the stated
to grow diversified agricultural products, period and in this regard the
which, in turn, could serve as an input and industrial parks have been
impetus to the industrial parks. playing important role in
enhancing the FDI flow. Apart
12 Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019 from the private industrial
parks, at present time Bole
Lemi, Hawassa, Kombolcha,
Mekele and Adama industrial
parks which were developed by
the government have already
become operational.

On the other hand, the
industrial parks have also
become successful in terms
of strengthening the country’s

“As the main purpose of industrial parks constructions, it the aforementioned aspirations,
investment is creating jobs, requires the country to promote They can also contribute to
theseoperational industrial agricultural commercialization. rapid technology and know-how
The vast arable land and competent transfer, and have broad linkages
parks have managed to human power have assisted the with the rest of the economy, and
generate employment government’s feasible policies use agricultural products as an
opportunities for more than and strategies that aims smooth input.
70,000 compatriots, so far.” and successful journey towards
industrialization. In fact, it is Gearing towards enhancing the
With a view to making the investment extremely important to combine export volume of the country,
more effective, the government is these resources to expedite the the government of Ethiopia
rendering effective industrial park country’s all-round development. has given due attention to the
services, fulfilling infrastructural textile&garment, leather &leather
requirements, promoting competitive As it is known, the second products, food & beverage,
human power, facilitating shade Growth and Transformation Plan pharmaceutical, chemicals and
distribution and access, among of Ethiopia, and its industrial chemical products, plastic &paper
others, are the major activities which development strategy are industries, metal and metal
have been undertaken in recent years. agriculturalbased, manufacturing engineering and other industries.
sector-driven and export-led
The abundant resources that can development? In a net shell, in addition to
be utilized for industrial inputs are playing a crucial role in generating
vital elements to the industrialization The GTP pursued growth through significant amount of hard
aspirations that could catapult export-driven industrialization currency and creating ample jobs
Ethiopia to middle income economy. strategy that focuses on capital to citizens, industrial parks can also
Apart from accomplishing such mega and labor intensive manufacturing support the agro-processing sector
industries, export-oriented and by strengthening and sustaining
import substituting industries. And the bond between the agriculture
taking this fact into consideration, and industrial sector, which is
industrial parks not only can pivotal to the country’s structural
play a huge constructive role in transformation aspirations.

Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019 13


By Staff Writer

Global foreign direct investment getting Image countries recovered from their 2017
(FDI) flows continued their fall, back to $24 billion, the average
slide in 2018, falling by 13 per cent resource-seeking inflows, some for the decade.
to $1.3 trillion. The decline the third diversified investments and a
consecutive year’s fall in FDI was recovery in South Africa after FDI flows to economies in transition
mainly due to large-scale repatriations several years of low-level inflows. continued their downward trend in
of accumulated foreign earnings by 2018, declining by 28 per cent to $34
United States multinational enterprises billion, driven by a 49 per cent drop
(MNEs) in the first two quarters of in flows to the Russian Federation.
2018, following tax reforms introduced
by that country at the end of 2017. The tax-driven fall in FDI was
cushioned by increased transaction
FDI flows to developed economies • Flows to developing Asia, the activity in the second half of 2018.
reached the lowest point since 2004, largest recipient region, were up The value of cross-border merger
declining by 27 per cent. Inflows 4 per cent. In a sign of continued and acquisitions (M&As) rose
to Europe halved to less than $200 dynamism, greenfield project by 18 per cent, fueled by United
billion, due to negative inflows in a few announcements in the region States MNEs using liquidity in their
large host countries as a result of funds doubled in value, recovering foreign affiliates that was no longer
repatriations and to a sizeable drop in from their 2017 pause. encumbered by tax liabilities.
the United Kingdom. Inflows in the
United States also declined, by 9 per • FDI in Latin America and the In 2019, FDI is expected to see a
cent to $252 billion. Caribbean was 6 per cent lower, rebound in developed economies
failing to maintain momentum as the effect of the tax reforms
Flows to developing countries remained after the 2017 increase halted a winds down. Greenfield project
stable, rising by 2 per cent. As a result long slide. announcements indicating forward
of the increase and the anomalous fall spending plans also point at an
in FDI in developed countries, the FDI in the region is still 27 per increase, as they were up 41 per cent
share of developing countries in global cent lower than during the peak in 2018 from their low 2017 levels.
FDI increased to 54 per cent, a record. of the commodities boom.

• FDI flows to Africa rose by 11 per cent • FDI flows to structurally weak
to $46 billion, despite declines in many and vulnerable economies
of the larger recipient countries. The continued to account for less
increase was supported by continued than 3 per cent of the global total.
Flows to the least developed

14 Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019

similar to 2017. Their presence
in the top 100 global MNEs
increased by one to 16. The value
of their M&A activity shrank to 4
per cent of total M&As in 2018,
following a gradual decline from
more than 10 per cent on Much
of the continued expansion
of international production is
driven by intangibles. Non-
equity modes of international
production are growing faster
than FDI, visible in the relative
growth rates of royalties,
licensing fees and services trade.
The top 100 MNE ranking for
2018 confirms that industrial
MNEs are sliding down the list,
with some dropping out.

in 2018, MNEs in the global top 100
falling by 13 % account for more than one third of
to $1.3 trillion. businessfunded R&D worldwide.
Technology, pharmaceutical
Despite this, projections for global of investment and a less favourable and automotive MNEs are the
FDI show only a modest recovery investment policy climate. biggest spenders. The R&D
of 10 per cent to about $1.5 trillion, intensity (relative to sales) of
below the average over the past 10 The long-term slide of greenfield the developingcountry top 100 is
years. The underlying FDI trend investment in manufacturing halted significantly lower. International
remains weak. Trade tensions also in 2018, with the value of announced greenfield investment in R&D
pose a downward risk for 2019 and projects up 35 per cent from the low activities is sizeable and growing.
beyond. value in 2017. Among developing
countries where manufacturing A significant part of investment
The underlying FDI trend has investment is key for industrial between developing countries
shown anemic growth since 2008. development the growth was mostly (South–South FDI) is ultimately
FDI net of one-off factors such as concentrated in Asia and pushed owned by developed country
tax reforms, megadeals and volatile up by highvalue projects in natural MNEs. New data on the global
financial flows has averaged only resource processing industries. network of direct and indirect
1 per cent growth per year for a bilateral FDI relationships
decade, compared with 8 per cent The number of State-owned MNEs shows the important role of
in 2000–2007, and more than 20 (SO-MNEs) stabilized, and their regional investment hubs in
per cent before 2000. Explanations acquisitions abroad slowed down. intraregional FDI and in South
include declining rates of return on There are close to 1,500 SO-MNEs, South FDI.
FDI, increasingly asset-light forms
Indirect investment also has
implications for the coverage
of international investment

Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019 15

SPECIAL International cooperation on

ECONOMIC zone development is increasingly

ZONES common. Many zones in

Special economic zones (SEZs) are developing countries are being
widely used in most developing and
many developed economies. Within built through bilateral partnerships
these geographically delimited areas
governments facilitate industrial or as part of development
activity through fiscal and regulatory
incentives and infrastructure support. cooperation programmes.

There are nearly 5,400 zones across Regional development zones and
147 economies today, up from about
4,000 five years ago, and more than 500 cross-border zones spanning two
new SEZs are in the pipeline. The SEZ
boom is part of a new wave of industrial or three countries are becoming a
policies and a response to increasing
competition for internationally mobile feature of regional economic
SEZs come in many types. Basic free
zones focused on facilitating trade SEZs can make important getting Image
logistics are most common in developed contributions to growth and
countries. Developing economies tend development. They can help requires timely diagnosis,
to employ integrated zones aimed at attract investment, create jobs and especially when there has been
industrial development, which can be boost exports – both directly and a significant level of public
multiindustry, specialized or focused indirectly where they succeed in investment in zone development.
on developing innovation capabilities. building linkages with the broader UNCTAD’s SEZ Sustainable
economy. Development Profit and Loss
The degree and type of specialization Statement (P&L) can guide
is closely linked to countries’ level of Zones can also support global policymakers in the design of a
industrialization, following an SEZ value chain (GVC) participation, comprehensive monitoring and
development ladder. industrial upgrading and evaluation system.
diversification. However, none of
Many new types of SEZs and these benefits are automatic. The decades-long experience
innovative zone development with SEZs provides important
programmes are emerging. Some In fact, the performance of many lessons for modern zone
focus on new industries, such as zones remains below expectations. development:
high-tech, financial services, or SEZs are neither a precondition
tourism moving beyond thetrade nor a guarantee for higher FDI • Strategic design of the
and labour-intensive manufacturing inflows or GVC participation. SEZ policy framework and
activities of traditional SEZs. Others development programme is
focus on environmental performance, Where they lift economic growth, crucial. Zone policies should
science commercialization, regional the stimulus tends to be temporary: not be formulated in isolation
development or urban regeneration. after the build-up period, most from their broader policy
zones grow at the same rate as the context, including investment,
national economy. trade and tax policies. The types
of zones and their specialization
And too many zones operate as should build on existing
enclaves with limited impact competitive advantages and
beyond their confines. capabilities. And long-term

Only a few countries regularly
assess the performance and
economic impact of zones.
Doing so is critical, because the
turnaround of unsuccessful SEZs

16 Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019

zone development plans should zone design with inadequate ensure consistent, transparent and
be guided by the SEZ development facilities or maintenance; predictable implementation of
ladder. or overly cumbersome SEZ policies. The responsibilities
administrative procedures. of SEZ governing bodies should
• Zone development programmes be clearly defined. Zones benefit
should take a frugal approach. The • Active support to promote from having public and private
Sustainable Development P&L clusters and linkages is key sector representatives on their
emphasizes the need for financial to maximizing development boards.
and fiscal sustainability of zones, impact. Firms operating in
as their broader economic growth zones have greater scope to Looking ahead, SEZs face new
impact can be uncertain and take collaborate, pool resources challenges:
time to materialize. High upfront and share facilities more so in
costs due to overspecification, specialized zones, but multi- • The sustainable development
subsidies for zone occupants activity zones can extract some agenda increasingly drives
and transfers to zone regimes of of the benefits of colocation. MNEs’ strategic decisions and
already-operating firms pose the Pro-active identification of operations, which should be
greatest risks to fiscal viability. opportunities, matching efforts reflected in the value proposition
and training programmes, with that SEZs market to investors.
• The success of individual SEZs firms within and outside the Modern SEZs can make a
depends on getting the basics zone, significantly boosts the positive contribution to the
right. Most failures can be traced impact. ESG performance of countries’
back to problems such as poor site industrial bases.
locations that require heavy capital •Asolid regulatory framework,
expenditures or that are far away strong institutions and good Controls, enforcement and
from infrastructure hubs or cities governance are critical services (e.g. inspectors, health
with sufficient pools of labour; success factors. The legal services, waste management and
unreliable power supplies; poor infrastructure of SEZs should renewable energy installations)

Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019 17

can be provided more easily and the development of an entirely

cheaply in the confined areas of new type of SEZ: the SDG model

SEZs. zone. Such zones would aim to

attract investment in SDGrelevant

SEZs are traditionally big employers activities, adopt the highest levels

of women, with about 60 per cent of ESG standards and compliance,

female employees on average. Some and promote inclusive growth

modern zones are implementing through linkages and spillovers.

gender equality regulations, such

as anti-discrimination rules, and The recommendations in this

support services, such as child care report aim to provide guidance

and schooling facilities, setting new for policymakers in their efforts

standards for SDG performance. to revitalize and upgrade existing

zones, and to build new ones that

• The new industrial revolution and avoid the pitfalls of the past and

the digital economy are changing are prepared for the challenges

manufacturing industries the main ahead. The key objective should

clients of SEZs. SEZs will need to be to make SEZs work for the getting Image

adapt SDGs: from privileged enclaves F
their value propositions to include to sources of widespread benefits. I

access to skilled resources, high Global foreign direct investment

levels of data connectivity and (FDI) flows continued their slide

relevant technology service in 2018, falling by 13 per cent

providers. SEZs may also have new to $1.3 trillion. The decline the

opportunities to target digital firms. third consecutive year’s fall in

FDI was mainly due to large scale

• The current challenging global repatriations of accumulated

policy environment for trade foreign earnings by United States

and investment, with rising multinational enterprises (MNEs)

protectionism, shifting trade in the first two quarters of 2018,

preferences and a prevalence of following tax reforms introduced

regional economic cooperation, in that country at the end of 2017.

is causing changes in patterns of

international production and GVCs. The tax-driven fall in the first

These changes can significantly half of 2018 (which ended 40

affect the competitiveness of SEZs, per cent lower than the same

which function as central nodes in period in 2017) was cushioned

GVCs. International cooperation in the second half by increased

on zone development is likely to transaction activity. The value

become increasingly important. of cross-border merger and

acquisitions (M&As) rose by 18

per cent, fueled by United States

Finally, the 2030 Agenda to achieve MNEs using liquidity in foreign

the Sustainable Development Goals affiliates that was no longer

(SDGs)provides an opportunity for encumbered by tax liabilities.

18 Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019

Global FDI fell for the third year in a row

FDI flows to developed economies FDI inflows reached $60 billion to disappear from the list of the top
reached their lowest point since a record level as foreign affiliates 20 outward-investing economies in
2004, declining by 27 per cent. reinvested a record $25 billion of 2018 (figure 3). Overall, outward
Inflows to Europe halved to less their profits in the country. FDI from developed countries as a
than $200 billion; a few important group fell by 40 per cent to $558
host countries of United States FDI flows to developing economies billion. As a result, their share in
MNEs registered negative inflows. remained stable, rising by 2 per global outward FDI dropped to 55
(The repatriation of funds by cent to $706 billion. As a result per cent the lowest ever recorded.
United States MNEs translated of the increase and the anomalous Nevertheless, outward investment
into negative inflows in host fall in developed countries, the by European MNEs rose 11 per cent
countries.) FDI flows to Ireland share of developing economies to $418 billion. France became the
and Switzerland fell to -$66 billion in global FDI increased to 54 per third largest investor home country,
and -$87 billion, respectively. FDI cent, a record. Their presence with FDI outflows of more than
flows to the United Kingdom also among the top 20 host economies $100 billion in 2018.
declined, by 36 per cent to $64 remained unchanged (figure 2).
billion, as new equity investments The United States remained the Outward investment by MNEs from
halved. largest recipient of FDI, followed developing economies declined by
by China, Hong Kong (China) and 10 per cent to $417 billion. Outflows
FDI into the United States declined Singapore. from developing Asia fell by 3 per
as well, by 9 per cent to $252 cent to $401 billion; investment
billion – the average of the last The large-scale repatriations of by Chinese MNEs declined for the
10 years. That decline was mainly funds by United States MNEs second consecutive year. Outflows
due to a fall by one third in cross- translated into negative FDI from Latin America and the
border M&A sales. Australia’s outflows, causing the United States Caribbean contracted sharply.

Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019 19



By staff writer

SURVEY: getting Image

Waterloo, Canada, June 2019 In a new lack of internet security was also now in its fifth year, is the world’s
survey of internet users around the globe,
social media companies emerged as the a critical factor. largest and most comprehensive
leading source of user distrust in the internet
surpassed only by cyber criminals with These and other findings were survey of internet security
75% of those surveyed who distrust the
internet citing Facebook, Twitter and other released today as part of the and trust, involving more than
social media platforms as contributing to
their lack of trust. 2019 CIGI-Ipsos Global Survey 25,000 internet users in over

While cyber criminals, cited by 81% of on Internet Security and Trust, two dozen countries across
those who distrust the internet, remained
the leading source of distrust, a majority in conducted by Ipsos on behalf North America, Latin America,
all regions (62% globally) indicated that a
of the Centre for International Europe, the Middle East, Africa

Governance Innovation (CIGI), and the Asia-Pacific region.

in partnership with the Internet

Society (ISOC) and the United “This year’s survey of global

Nations Conference on Trade attitudes not only underscores

and Development (UNCTAD). the fragility of the internet,

The CIGI-Ipsos Global Survey, but also netizens’ growing

20 Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019

discomfort with social media and while 40% reported taking greater security online,” said Sally
the power these corporations care to secure their devices and 39% Wentworth, vice president of
wield over their daily lives,” said they were using the internet more Global Policy Development for
said Fen Osler Hampson, a selectively. Conversely, only a small the Internet Society. “However, we
distinguished fellow at CIGI and percentage of people reported making also see that users aren’t utilizing
director of its Global Security & use of more sophisticated tools such as tools like encryption that can help
Politics program. using more encryption (19%) or using secure their communications.
technical tools like Tor (The Onion From keeping messages private to
In terms of the effects of user Router) or virtual private networks protecting critical infrastructure,
distrust, nearly half (49%) of (VPNs) (12%) to protect themselves encryption is an essential tool
those surveyed who distrust the online. for digital security. It’s clear that
internet said their distrust had “The survey results tell us that people there is more we can be doing as
caused them to disclose less around the world are increasingly a community to make it easier
personal information online, concerned about their privacy and for Internet users to secure their

Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019 21

communications.” getting Image recognition systems (47%) and
search engines (46%), and lowest
In addition, a digital divide was evident • Citizens around the world are in algorithms used for social
between the world’s developed and increasingly viewing their own media news feeds (32%) and
developing economies when it came governments as a threat to their predictive policing (34%).
to cryptocurrencies and other new privacy online. In fact, more people
internet frontiers, with those surveyed attributed their growing online • The most common reasons
in Latin America and the BRICS privacy concerns to domestic for a lack of confidence in the
(Brazil, Russia, India, China, South governments (66%) a majority in unbiasedness of algorithms were a
Africa) nearly four times as likely nearly every region surveyed than lack of transparency, a perception
to use or purchase cryptocurrencies to foreign governments (61%). that they are exploitative by
within the next year as those in North design and the absence of a
America, Europe and the G-8. • While 73% said they wanted human element from decision-
their online data and personal making. By contrast, objectivity,
“Knowledge is power. It’s also information to be stored in their a lack of human emotion to cloud
a datapoint,” said Shamika N. own country, majorities in Hong decision-making and the absence
Sirimanne, director of UNCTAD’s Kong (62%), Indonesia (58%), of human influence were most
Division on Technology and Egypt (58%), India (57%), Brazil frequently mentioned by those
Logistics. “The CIGI-Ipsos Survey (54%), and Mexico (51%) said who expressed confidence in the
provides us with compelling evidence they wanted their online data and unbiasedness of algorithms.
to help make decisions, shape policy personal information stored outside • 86% said they had fallen for
and channel resources to reduce the of their country. In contrast, only fake news at least once, with
digital divide in a way that is safe 23% of North Americans, 35% of 44% saying they sometimes or
and still creates opportunities for Europeans and 32% of those in G-8 frequently did. Only 14% said
development. We need more trust countries shared this sentiment. they had “never” been duped by
if the digital economy is to become fake news.
a viable development tool for • Less than half of global citizens
developing nations.” express at least some degree • Facebook was the most
of confidence that any of the commonly cited source of fake
Additional highlights of the 2019 algorithms they use are unbiased, news, with 77% of Facebook
CIGI-Ipsos Global Survey include: in any context. Confidence was
highest in algorithms used for facial
• Eight out of 10 (78%) people
surveyed are concerned about their
online privacy, with over half (53%)
more concerned than they were a year
ago, marking the fifth year in a row
that a majority of those surveyed say
they feel more concerned about their
online privacy than the previous year.

• Fewer than half (48%) believe
their government does enough to
safeguard their online data and
personal information, with the lowest
confidence levels in North America
(38%) and the G-8 countries (39%).

22 Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019

users saying they had personally • One in 10 (12%) admit to accessing was conducted between December
seen fake news there, followed by the Dark Web, with higher percentages 21, 2018, and February 10, 2019,
62% of Twitter users and 74% of in India (26%), Russia (22%) and and involved 25,229 internet users
social media users in general. Brazil (21%). Two-thirds (66%) of in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China,
global citizens a majority in every Egypt, France, Germany, Great
• 10% of Twitter users said they country surveyed believe that the Britain, Hong Kong (China), India,
had closed their Twitter account in Dark Web should be shut down. Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Kenya,
the past year as a direct result of However, this number is down from Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Poland,
fake news, while 9% of Facebook 71% in 2016. Russia, South Africa, Republic of
users reported doing the same. Korea, Sweden, Tunisia, Turkey
The 2019 CIGI-Ipsos Global Survey and the United States.
• One-third (35%) pointed to the
United States as the country most
responsible for the disruptive effect
of fake news in their country, trailed
significantly by Russia (12%) and
China (9%). Notably, internet users
in Canada (59%), Turkey (59%)
and the United States itself (57%)
were most likely to say that the
United States is most responsible
for the disruptive effect of fake
news in their own country, while
users in Great Britain (40%) and
Poland (35%) were most likely to
point to Russia, and users in Hong
Kong (39%), Japan (38%) and
India (29%) were most likely to
blame China.

• A majority of internet users
around the globe support all efforts
by governments and internet
companies to combat fake news,
from social media and video
sharing platforms deleting fake
news posts and videos (85%) and
accounts (84%) to the adoption of
automated approaches to content
removal (79%) and government
censorship of online content (61%).

• Nearly seven in 10 people familiar getting Image
with blockchain technology believe
that it will affect every sector of the
economy (68%), that it should be
implemented as widely as possible
(67%), and that it will have an
impact equivalent to the advent of
the internet (67%).

Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019 23

16 Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019

Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019 17





Mekonnen Hailu
(EIC Public Relations Director)

Situated in the eastern highland of that is creating the current interest getting Image
tropical Africa, Ethiopia is endowed in the bamboo as an investment.
with abundant agricultural resource
and has diverse ecological zones. It is obvious that the timber that
Consequently, the country has the is used worldwide in construction
largest area of bamboo in Africa. needs to be in the form of big, flat

Some studies show that several In Ethiopia planks. That is why bamboo has not
bamboo species are endemic to Benshangul been widely used before now. But new
Africa and mainly found in Ethiopia. Gumuz, Amhara, processing techniques now mean that
The Eastern Africa nation has huge Gambella, Oromia, bamboo can be reconstituted and shaped
bamboo potential and more than Southern Nations, just like traditional timber. Thus, bamboo
12 types of bamboo species are Nationalities and is now beginning to replace traditional
available especially in the highland Peoples’ Reginal timber for use in building construction
and lowland areas. States have huge and as flooring. Moreover, bamboo
potential for can be utilized as a building material
Naturally, bamboo has a higher tensile bamboo cultivation. as for scaffolding, bridges and houses.
strength than steel and offers greater Bamboo, like true wood, is a natural
strength, resistance and thermal composite material with a high strength-
tolerance then other timber options. to-weight ratio useful for structures.
In spite of these qualities, bamboo Bamboo has a higher comprehensive
is also very light and therefore strength than wood, brick or concrete and
easier and cheaper to transport. In a tensile strength that rivals steel. Apart
the construction industry, bamboo from these, bamboo plantation is very
has started to replace hardwood and important in the manufacturing sector
steel. It is exciting new prospect of such as pulp and paper production. And
bamboo as a construction material a number of companies have engaged
in this investment sector. These sectors

26 Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019

are really driving increased every parts of the world. Besides, is no question that a combination of an
demand for bamboo and this is the engineering performance of abundance of bamboo and eager foreign
the real investment story. bamboo in these areas exceeds investment is making Ethiopia a frontier
that of more traditional yet less for the bamboo industrial revolution in
As emerging markets grow sustainable timbers. This is because Africa.
especially in China, Brazil, of its fast pace of growth and also
India and Africa demand for has cost advantages. In comparison to soft wood trees that
timber for building materials can take 30 years to reach maturity,
has also been growing, just At the present time, the country bamboo is a fully mature resource after
with other raw materials and has the largest area which is three years, making it commercially and
commodities. At the same estimated one million hectares of environmentally sustainable. It is known
time as demand grows and the commercially untapped bamboo that Sub-Saharan Africa has three million
supply also tighten as action is in East Africa, making it attractive hectares of bamboo forest, around four
taken to preserve forests and to investment partners from the percent of the continent’s total forest
reduce illegal logging. bamboo industry. Moreover, cover. The government of Ethiopia is also
the market potential of bamboo working to increase its bamboo plantation
The big markets for bamboo in Europe is massive. And it is coverage area.
include flooring, fiber panel believed that there can be a reliable The economic liberalization process
board, construction as well and effective supply chain built being undertaken in the country and
as furniture and the demand here in Ethiopia to create a bamboo the commitment of the government to
grows from time to time almost manufacturing industry. There create conducive investment climate for

Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019 27

getting Image

the private sector has positive impact Apart from Benshangul Gumuz
in attracting transnational companies regional state, in Ethiopia Amhara,
(TNCs) from all corners of the world. Gambella, Oromia, Southern Nations,
Nationalities and Peoples’ regions
As Ethiopia has the largest area have huge potential for bamboo
of bamboo resource, conducive cultivation.
investment climate and a rapidly
developing manufacturing industry, Parallel with foreign direct investment
some foreign companies have shown attraction, the government of Ethiopia
interest to engage in this and other is working tirelessly to create ample
investment sectors. Taison Group and jobs for its citizens. In this regard,
Green Diamond are renowned Chinese this investment project will have of
company has signed memorandum of a paramount importance in creating
understanding (MoU) at the margins ample jobs for compatriots especially
of Belt and Road Initiative Forum in the regional state.
held in Beijing recently. Accordingly,
Taison Group and Green Diamond To conclude, apart from ensuring
will establish a large-scale bamboo sustainable economic growth of
pulp-paper manufacturing in Assosa, the country, the main purpose
Benshangul Gumuz regional state. of investment is creating job
The company will have a capacity opportunities and improves citizens’
to manufacture one million tons of quality of life. Consequently, the
pulp paper per annum and supply its government, the private sector and
competitive products to local as well as other stakeholder should give due
international markets. attention to develop this investment
getting Image

28 Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019

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30 Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019

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be Africa’s

Credit: Josephine Wawira

Digital economy in Africa is Image by Maxx-Studio done to tailor bespoke regulatory
snowballing, and in the process it’s solutions for Africa to attract
creating new jobs and opportunities population of 1.28 billion international investment and create
for digital entrepreneurs to explore people, a network of over 15 a conducive environment” . Good
a larger web market. Though million SMEs and merchants, payment services are critical in
e-commerce represents only 0.6% of and a rising internet connection curbing online fraud facing sellers.
all the transactions done in Africa, of 453 million users. Jumia,
as compared to 12% in the USA the leading pan-African African governments also need
and 20% in China; the budding e-commerce platform has been to implement friendlier online
nature of the industry does rightfully on the forefront of Africa’s cross taxation policies, to avoid locking
make one muse on the possibility, border e-trade revolution. The out potential entrepreneurs and
that e-commerce is indeed Africa’s marketplace is enabling about investors from exploring the
economic goldmine. 81,000 active merchants across ecommerce markets.
Africa, who sometimes source Besides, while some marketplaces
Facilitation of Cross Border eTrade products from international are creating sustainable logistics
markets, to capitalize on a huge systems, the consistent success of
The global market has shrunk to €1.4 trillion consumer market cross border commerce will require
a large scale, and is now enabling opportunity in Africa. further and deeper cooperation
billions of people to sell and purchase While the milestone has been among stakeholders, both in the
products across borders. This has remarkable, Nicolas Martin, private and public sectors. “
been made possible by technological EVP -Marketplace & Logistics The power of the marketplace is
innovations that have birthed online for Jumia, noted, at the 2019 huge, and the coordinated effort of
marketplaces that enable e-trade UNCTAD’s Africa Ecommerce
between businesses (B2B), between Week, that “ more needed to be
consumers (C2C) and between
businesses and consumers (B2C).
The opportunities presented by
e-commerce are numerous. Africa
is a massive market with a growing

32 Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019

from page 25 in locations currently beyond
the reach of conventional retail
networks. Furthermore, they are
bringing more women and youth -
who in some countries have
been marginalized from the labor
market - into the formal workforce.

Customers’ access to product

millions will bring about the change we 2025. According to the report Choice, convenience and
need in Africa,” added Nicolas Martin. , these ecommerce platforms, affordability are some of the
which match buyers and top benefits customers get from
Powering Employment in Africa providers of goods and services, e-commerce. From electronics,
could also boost inclusive to fashion, cosmetics, FMCGs,
The World Bank reports an alarming economic growth with minimal travel and accommodation,
rate of unemployed youths in Africa, disruption to existing businesses online food delivery and payment
accounting for about 60% of the and workforce norms. options, customers are looking for
unemployed workforce. Bearing in variety and ease of access to their
mind that the average age in Africa is 20 For instance, Jumia, one of the preferred products and services
years, we need to rethink ways in which case studies in the report, is from a one-stop-shop. Ecommerce
to power employment in a continent already creating 5,000 direct jobs platforms provide customers with
whose population is estimated to grow across the 14 African countries in a pool of diverse sellers, that they
to 2.5 billion people by 2050. which it operates. This is besides would otherwise have no access to
indirect jobs created with sellers, through offline channels. Notably,
Some policymakers are already logistic partners, commercial there exists low retail penetration
hitting the nail on the head with the agents, and marketing partners. rate in Africa, with 1 shop for every
unemployment menace. Not Other positive economic 67,000 people as compared to 1
long ago, the Boston Consulting Group impacts of online marketplaces shop for every 1,000 people in the
(BCG) released a mindjoggling report in Africa include, increasing USA.
on how online marketplaces could vendors’ income through surging
create 3 million new jobs in Africa by demand for goods and services Conclusion

E-commerce potential to boost
Africa’s economy is undeniable.
Yet, it’s effectiveness will require
the development of the right
skills across the various pillars
of the industry, among them
engineering, marketing, logistics
and management. There needs
to be an existing conducive
environment for doing business
at the countries’ level and in the
continent at large. This will give
both domestic and forein investors
more confidence and encourage
budding entrepreneurs to test
the e-commerce waters in the
continent. The ripple effect being,

stronger economic growth!

Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019 33




By staff writer

The South Ethiopian Region has not getting Image bombe woreda, Wolaita zone,
yet been known for its magnificent bordering kambatta Tambaro zone in
and wonderful cultural and natural Photo By Daniel Tiruneh the north, locally known as Haddaro
attractions. Both the regional and the mola kebele, in the south, in the
Federal governments have exerted According to 2007 national locality of Ajora Kebele, Tiyona
little efforts to promote and exploit the census, the total population gore in the east and in the west with
immense tourism potential in the area. number of the zone is 1, 676, 128 Dawro zone. The twin waterfall and
But it’s the private sector and local with 854,086 male population wildlife as well as different bird
travellers who strive to reveal those and 842, 042 female. Regarding species with dense forest makes the
hidden treasures. the land utilization data, 261,000 area aesthetically attractive.
hectares is used for cultivation,
Wolaita, like other parts of the region 5318 ha for grazing, 8261 ha Bush According to my informant,Ale
is famous for the widely grown plant land and the remaining 35382.5 Aken, the name Ajora came from the
commonly known as enset, false ha is cultivable land. earliest settlers of the area known as
banana. Administratively it is with in Yaga or Ajora clan. These clans used
the Southern NationsNationalities and Soddo town is the administrative to live in Ajora gorge. He further
Peoples Regional State (SNNPRS) center of the zone and is among noted that clan of Yaga came from
bordering withGamo andGofa, Dawroin the 18 growth-pole towns selected Tambaro locality and settled in
the west by the Hadya and kambattain in the region. It is located at 383 theplain located between the gorges.
the north, Sidama zone and Oromiain km from south of Addis Ababa
the east regional state. viaHosanna and 326km via They were dependent on cultivation
shashemene and 157m away from and animal breading. But their
It is one of the thirteen zones of the Hawassa town. Enjoying a woina- livesdidn’t last long as the thenking
southern region, covering a total area dega climate,; the town lies on an of Wolaita, kawo Amado waged war
of 4471.3 km2. For administrative altitude of 1483 meter above sea against them, and killed many and
purpose it is divided in to 13 woredas level and has sloppy topography.
namely, Boloso Sore, Damot Galle,
Damot Woyde, Soddo zuria, Kindo The twin Ajora Waterfalls
Koisha, Offa, Kindo Didaya, Humbo, isspectacularly located atBoloso
Damot sore, Damot Fulasa, Duguna
Fango, Boloso Bombe, according to
Wolaita Zone Culture and Tourism
Bureau 2011.

34 Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019


subjugated the rest. Their belongings the twin waterfalls found in this Ajora waterfall lies at 070 100
were destroyed by the king’s soldier. area. It covers a geographical 38.4’ north and 037 26 53.30 East
area of 280 hectares of land. on Greenwichmeridian, according
Ajora cliff is located between Sokei The first Ajora fall has 210 to Tadios Taba 2003.
River which flows from Tambaro and meter length and 2.5 m width
Ajecho River in Wolaita. There is about and it is named Ajecho. The Access to transport system to reach
1.65 km distance between those rivers. second Ajora fall is 170m the destination is available, and
The plain made after the waterfall, goes in length and 1m in width possible by car, air plane, bicycle,
up to the border of Dawro zone. This and named Sokei. The twin etc. It is located 458 km, away from
vast area is covered by dense forest and waterfalls join together at a Addis Ababa via Shashemene, 300
is home to various wild animals. place called “Buqula” and flow km via Hosanna-Soddo road, 238
to Omovalley. km from the capital of the region,
On the other hand, the writing by Hawassa, 68km from the seat of
Tadios Taba (2003) puts the name Ajora The Ajecho fall’s water comes Wolaita zone, Soddo and 20km
as “a Wolaita term which means deep from Wolaita area, while the away from Bombe the center of
hole” but it is unable to identify when Sokei fall’s source is formed Boloso Bombe woreda.
and how it was formed. The falls are on the border of kambatta and
formed from the rivers of Sokei and Wolaita. St. Tekle Haymanot Monastery and
Ajecho. These are the most impressive the holy water which has a very
and attractive falls in the southern The gushing stream, the significant value to the earliest
region and is believed to be the tallest magnificent smoke and stormy Christianity of Wolaita during
in Ethiopia. sounds produced by the twin the reign of king kawo Sasso
waterfalls are stunning and Mottalomi still remain another
In Wolaita language Ajora means deep, attractive to the eye of the attraction to the Ajora.
hence the place was named because of visitors. Geographically, the

Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019 35

Free Transit Tour of

Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa (“New Flower” in Amharic) is the third highest capital in
the World with an altitude of 2,400 m. Founded in 1887 by Emperor
Menelik II; it is also known as the capital of Africa for hosting multiple
international institutions such as the African Union and the United
Nations Economic Commission for Africa.

Travelers for business or leisure enjoy Africa’s bustling and vibrant
capital city while in Addis Ababa. It’s ethnically diverse with a population
of more than 5 million. The people of Ethiopia in general are known for
their friendliness and hospitality and a readiness to help travellers create
experiences that will become long lasting memories.

Highlights of the Free City Tour

• National Museum:
It is one of the most popular museums where Ethiopia’s oldest and most
complete fossils are displayed. They also enjoy collections from the pre
Aksumite time to date.

• Cultural Coffee Ceremony:
Ethiopia’s coffee ceremony is an integral part of our social and cultural
life. An invitation to attend a coffee ceremony is considered a mark of
friendship or respect and is an excellent example of Ethiopian hospitality.

• Shopping:
Experience shopping in Addis Ababa where you can purchase local and
homemade crafts including but not limited to scarfs made of cotton and
other craft

Eligible Passengers

Transit passengers whose flights arriving Addis Ababa airport from
Ethiopian flights in the morning before 08:00 AM and have transit time
of 6- 8 hours.

Passengers who are interested to take the free transit tour of Addis Ababa
must contact Ethiopian Airlines office before their departure and get the
free transit tour voucher.

Transit tour staff will regularly show up from 06:00am-08:00am
local time at transfer Area and will guide you to the Free Transit Tour
Information desk.
The tour will start at 08:30am
Passengers need to be there 30 minutes before the start of the tour.

36 Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019

Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019 37

10 Habits of 3. Taking Action
Third on the list of habits of successful
Successful People people is the inevitable “action” habit.
It is important to organize, to plan and to
BY JIM PROBASCO set priorities, but without action, a plan is
Aside from the random element of luck, much of what makes nothing more than potential.
some people successful involves the cultivating of certain habits.
Learning what these habits are and how to employ them in your Successful people act quickly and often.
own life is worthwhile.To that end, here are 10 of the most often- In addition, although it may sound
cited habits of successful people. counterintuitive, according to James Clear,
they act (start, anyway) before they feel
1. Organization ready. While others come up with reasons
One of the most frequently mentioned habits of those who are not to act, successful people take that
successful in life is organization. Organization includes planning all-important first step even if it seems
as well as setting priorities and goals.Joel Brown, founder of outlandish., calls for a prioritized “To-Do List” every
evening before going to bed to prepare for the next day. 4. Personal Care
Personal care with regard to diet, exercise
According to Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey, Sunday is an and hygiene comes next on the list of habits
important day for organization and a time to “get ready for the of those who are successful.
rest of the week.”
For some, personal care involves a complex
2. Relaxation regimen and a highly disciplined lifestyle.
For others, not so much. Elon Musk, the
It’s interesting to note that relaxing by meditating or simply CEO of Tesla Motors, put it succinctly when
avoiding distractions is another of the most often mentioned asked what daily habit has had the largest
habits of successful people. positive impact on his life. In a tweet, Musk
said simply, “Showering.”
Of course, relaxation comes more easily to those who are
organized, so perhaps for some it is more of a natural byproduct 5. Positive Attitude
than a conscious decision. According to many successful people,
It may also be that the act of “taking a breath” is the successful having a positive attitude is not just a result
person’s way of preparing for the effort yet to come. In fact, one of of being successful it’s one of the root
the first steps toward achieving a meditative or relaxed state is to causes of success.
concentrate on your own breathing for three to five minutes.
Joel Brown refers to gratitude and positive
getting Image self-talk as priorities in the lives of the
38 Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019 ultrasuccessful. Moreover, Brown says,
it’s not enough to express gratitude and a
positive attitude. You must also remind
yourself why you are grateful in order to
achieve a deeper effect.

6. Networking 9. Sharing
Whether through donating to charity or the sharing of ideas,
Successful people know the value of successful people have a habit of giving. They know the
exchanging ideas with others through value of sharing and most believe their success should result
networking. They also know the value of in something more than the accumulation of wealth for
collaboration and teamwork all of which themselves.
are likely when you network.
Some of the most well-known successful philanthropists
Successful people know the importance include Bill and Melinda Gates, Oprah Winfrey and Mark
of surrounding themselves with other Zuckerberg.
successful people, according to author
Thomas Corley. Corley says 79% of wealthy Lack of wealth does not need to be a factor when it comes to
(successful) people spend at least five hours sharing. Volunteering in your community or at a local school
a month networking. By contrast, only 16% does not cost anything but could provide help where it is
of poor (unsuccessful) people network on a needed most.
consistent basis.
getting Image
7. Frugality
10. Reading
Frugal is not the same as stingy. Frugality It’s important to note that successful people read. While
is a habit of being thrifty, with money they also read for pleasure, most use their reading habit as a
and resources. It is also a habit of being means to gain knowledge or insight.
economical. Learning to be economical
comes through avoiding waste, which For anyone who needs inspiration about the value and
automatically results in efficiency. importance of reading, look no further than the example
of billionaire author, J.K. Rowling, who says she read
Corley notes that wealthy, successful “anything” as a child. She advises, “Read as much as you
people avoid overspending. Instead they possibly can. Nothing will help you as much as reading.”
comparison-shop and negotiate. The result, Most people have habits some are positive, some are not.
according to Corley, is financial success Successful people tend to have more of the kinds of habits
through the simple act of saving more that contribute to their success.
money than they spend.
The good news, for those who wish to be successful, is
8. Rising Early that cultivating positive habits takes no more effort than
developing bad ones.Some of the best habits of successful
The more time one can devote to being people involve only conscious effort, like getting up early
successful, the more likely success will every day. Others, such as becoming organized, may take a
result. Successful people are accustomed little more skill and practice but ultimately result in the most
to rising early, and that habit appears desired outcome of all success.
repeatedly among those who do well in life.
Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019 39
While the “Early Riser’s Club” has a huge
membership among successful people, a
few notable members include Sir Richard
Branson of Virgin Group, Disney CEO
Robert Iger and Yahoo’s Marissa Mayer.

ሃገር አቢሲኒያ ቢዝነስ ኔትወርክ፡ በቅድሚያ
ከሁሉም ስለአስተዳደግህ ስለተጫወትክባቸው ክለቦች
ማታሲ፡ እንደአብዛኛው አፍሪካዊ ህጻን እግር
ኳስን መጫወት የጀመርኩት ከሰፈር ነው፣
ከዛም በትምህርት ቤት፣ ከፍ ስልም በትምህርት
ቤቴ አቅራቢያ ይገኝ ለነበረው ምዕራብ ኬንያ
ስኳር ፋብሪካ ከዛም ኤ.ኤፍ.ሲ ሌኦፓርድስና፣
ፖስታሬንጀርስ ናይሮቢ በመጨረሻም ተስከር
ተጫውቼ ወደቅዱስ ጊዮርጊስ መጣው አሁን
ከቅዱስ ጊዮርጊስ ጋር ነኝ ማለት ነው፡፡

ይቀድማል አቢሲኒያ ቢዝነስ ኔትወርክ፡ የጊዮርጊስን ቤት
እንዴት አገኘኸው?
በተሾመ ፈንታሁን
ማታሲ፡ በቅዱስ ጊዮርጊስ የመጀመሪያ ዓመቴ
እንደአውሮፓውያን አቆጣጠር በ1987 ዓ.ም. በማላቫ ኬንያ ነው፡፡ ስለዚህ ባብዛኛው የትምህርት ወቅት ነው
ተወለደ፡፡ እንደአብዛኛው አፍሪካዊ ህጻን እግር ኳስን መጀመሪያ ያሳለፍኩት ክለቡን፣ የክለቡን ታሪክ፣ የደጋፊዎችን
በሰፈር፣ ከዚያም በትምህርት ቤት ከፍ ሲልም በክለብ ተጫውቶ ፍላጎት ብዙ ነገር ነው የተማርኩት፡፡ በርግጥ
የሃገሩን የኬንያን ብሔራዊ ቡድን ግብ ለመጠበቅ በቃ፡፡ ሃገሩ ኬንያ ዘንድሮ የቡድናችን ውጤት ጥሩ አይደለም እኔ
ከ15 ዓመታት በኋላ ለአፍሪካ ዋንጫ ስትበቃ ቁጥር 1 ተመራጭ በግሌ ግን ብዙ የተማርኩበት ዓመት ነው፡፡
ሆኖ በሁሉም የማጣሪያ ጨዋታዎች ተሰልፎ የሃገሩን ግብ ጠብቋል፡
፡ የዚህ ወር እንግዳችን የቅዱስ ጊዮርጊስና የኬንያ ብሔራዊ ቡድን አቢሲኒያ ቢዝነስ ኔትወርክ፡ የጊዮርጊስ
ግብ ጠባቂ ፓትሪክ ሙሶትሲ ማታሲ ነው፣ መልካም ንባብ፡፡ የእናስፈርምህ ጥያቄ እንዴት መጣ?

ማታሲ፡ ጋናን ገጥመን 1-0 ካሸነፍን በኋላ
ኢትዮጵያን ለመግጠም ስንዘጋጅ ነበር ቅዱስ
ጊዮርጊስ እንደሚፈልገኝ የሰማሁት እኔም
በመጀመሪያ ከኢትዮጵያ ጋር ስለምንጫወት የኔን
አእምሮ ለመቀየር ታስቦ የተወራ ተራ አሉባልታና
የሥነ-ልቦና ጨዋታ ነበር የመሰለኝ፡፡ ምንም
መልስ አልመለስኩም ምክንያቱም በብሔራዊ
ቡድኑ ጨዋታ ላይ ብቻ ነበር ማተኮር የፈለኩት፡፡
የኢትዮጵያ ብሔራዊ ቡድንን ለመግጠም በባህር
ዳር በነበርንበት ጊዜ የቅዱስ ጊዮርጊስ ሰዎች
መጡና አናገሩኝ፡፡ ከተስከር ጋር ኮንትራት እንዳለኝ
ነገርኳቸው፡፡ ከደርሶ መልሱ ጨዋታ በኋላ እነዛው
ሰዎች ናይሮቢ መጡና ተነጋገርን ከኔም ከክለቤም
ጋር ከተስማማን በኋላ ጊዮርጊስን ተቀላቀልኩ
ማለት ነው፡፡

አቢሲኒያ ቢዝነስ ኔትወርክ፡ እንዳልከው
በወቅቱ ከኢትዮጵያ ብሔራዊ ቡድን ጋር
በተቃራኒ እየተጫወትክ ነበር፡፡ በወሳኝ ሰዓት
ተቀናቃኝ ሃገር ጋር ድርድር ማድረግ ቀላል
ውሳኔ ነበር?

getting Image ማታሲ፡ ማንኛውም እግር ኳስ ተጫዋች ሁሌም
40 Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019 ቢሆን ከሃገር ወጥቶ መጫወትን ይመኛል፡፡ እኔም
የልጅነት ህልሜ ውጭ ሃገር ሄዶ መጫወት ነበር፡

getting Image

፡ ለረዥም ጊዜ ሳይሳካ ቢቆይም በመጨረሻ ወጥቼ መጫወት የልጅነት ህልሜ አቢሲኒያ ቢዝነስ ኔትወርክ፡ ውድድሩ
እንደቅዱስ ጊዮርጊስ ላለ ትልቅ ክለብ ነበር፡፡ ስለጊዮርጊስ ሁሌም እሰማ ሊጠናቀቅ ሶስት ጨዋታዎች ብቻ
መጫወት በመቻሌ በጣም ደስተኛ ነኝ፡፡ ነበር ጊዮርጊስ ታላቅ ቡድን እንደሆነ እየቀሩት አንተ ለብሔራዊ ግዴታ
ለቤተሰቦቼ ጊዮርጊስ ሊያስፈርምኝ እንደሆነ አውቅ ነበር፡፡ የአፍሪካ ውድድሮችን ወደ ግብጽ ትሄዳለህ፡፡ ሃገርህም
ስነግራቸው በጣም ነበር ደስ ያላቸው፡፡ የምትከታተል ከሆነ ጊዮርጊስን ክለብህም ይፈልጉሃል፡፡ በዚ ወሳኝ
የብሔራዊ ቡድን ጓደኞቼም ቢሆኑ ሁሌም ታውቀዋለህ፡፡ ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ሰዓት ጊዮርጊስን መርዳት አለመቻልህ
በኔ ከኬንያ ወጥቶ አለመጫወት ያዝኑ በመጫወቴም ሆነ ለጊዮርጊስ የፈጠረብህ የተለየ ስሜት አለ?
ስለነበር በጣም ነበር የተደሰቱት፡፡ በመጫወቴ በጣም ደስተኛ ነኝ፡፡
ማታሲ፡ እሱ ነው በጣም አስቸጋሪው
አቢሲኒያ ቢዝነስ ኔትወርክ፡ የኬንያ አቢሲኒያ ቢዝነስ ኔትወርክ፡ ነገር፡፡በዚህ በወሳኝ ሰዓት ጊዮርጊስን
ሊግና የኢትዮጵየ ሊግ ብዙ ልዩነት ዘንድሮ አህጉራዊ ውድድሮች መርዳት አለመቻሌ በጣም ያስቆጫል፡
አለው? ላይ አልተሳተፋችሁም፤ ምንድን ፡ እዚህ ሆኜ ጊዮርጊስን ብረዳው ምኞቴ
ነው የተሰማህ? ነበር፡፡ ነገር ግን ደግሞ ሃገር ከሁሉም
ማታሲ፡ የኬንያ እግር ኳስ የበለጠ ጉልበት ነገር ይቀድማል፡፡ የኬንያ ብሐራዊ
የሚጠይቅ ነው እዚ ደግሞ የበለጠ ቴክኒክ ማታሲ፡ አዎ ዘንድሮ ባልተለመደ ቡድን በደብዳቤ ነው ቅዱስ ጊዮርጊስን
ላይ ያተኩራል ብዙ የኳስ ንክኪ አለ ነገር ሁኔታ ቅዱስ ጊዮርጊስ አህጉራዊ የጠየቀው፡፡
ግን ሩጫ የለም፡፡ የኬንያ ሊግ ከዚህ የበለጠ ውድድሮች ላይ አልተሳተፈም
ፈጣን ነው፤ የኢትዮጵያ ሊግ ሩጫ የሌለበት ነገር ግን ስለሚቀጥለው ዓመት ጨዋታዎቹ በአዘቦት ቀን ተደርገው ቢሆን
ሊግ ነው፡፡ በዚህ አንድ ዓመት የታዘብኩት ውደድሩ ገና ስላልተጠናቀቀ ኖሮ ውድድሩ ቀድሞ ሊያልቅ ይችል ነበር፡
ይህንን ነው፡፡ መናገር አይቻልም፡፡ አሁንም ቢሆን ፡ ነገር ግን ሁሉም ጨዋታዎች በሰንበት
ሻምፒዮን የመሆን ዕድሉ አለን፡፡ ብቻ ነበር የሚደረጉት ስለዚህ ሊጉ
አቢሲኒያ ቢዝነስ ኔትወርክ፡ ኢትዮጵያ ከደቡብ ፖሊስ፣ ከኢትዮጵያ ቡናና ሳይጠናቀቅ የዝግጅት ወቅት ደረሰ፡፡ እኔ
ውስጥ በመጫወትህ ምን ይሰማሃል? ከመከላከያ ጋር የጣልናቸው ነጥቦች እሄዳለው ነገርግን ጓደኞቼ እኔ ባልኖርም
ናቸው እንጂ ሻምፒዮናውን ቀድመን ምንም ለማድረግ አይቸግራቸውም፡፡
ማታሲ፡ እጅግ በጣም ደስተኛ ነኝ፤ ከሃገሬ ማረጋገጥ እንችል ነበር፡፡

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የማፍረጥረጥ አለም ላይ የተፈጠሩ አብዮቶች ባንጎላችን የማቅኛና የማንቂያ ጥበቡን
ያበረከቱልህን ቅርስ እያስጎበኘህ ፈጠርነ።
ህጎች ዶላር እንደምትዝቅበት ሁሉ አለም አትስረቅ የሚለውን ቃል መነሻ አድርገን ።
ላይ ጥለውት የሄዱትን ዳፋ ካሳ እውነቱን ተናግሮ የመሸበት ማደር የሚል
በቻቻ ልትከፍልበት ትገደዳለህ ። ብሂል የፈጠረ ሊቅ ህዝብ ሚዳቋ እያዬ
አርበኛ አያቶችህ ግፈኛም እንደሆኑ ቀበሮ አየነ ብሎ ሃሰትን እውነት በማድረግ
ፃድቅ እንደሆኑ ሁሉ ኃጥእ እንደሆኑ ህግ ከተስማማ የመሸበት ባልመሸበት ነው
ሊቅ እንደሆኑ ሁሉ ልቅ ጠቢብ ወይ ወደሚል የራስ መጠይቅ ያሻግራል።
እንደሆኑ ሁሉ ጠባብ መሆናቸውን
ተቀበል። የሃገራችን “እውነትን ተናግሮ የመሸበት
የማደር” ባህል ቀበሮን ሚዳቋ በማድረግ
እቅጩን ተናገር እንዲል ያገሬ ሰው። የማፍረጥረጥ ህግ እውነተኛ ላይ ስሙሙነት ያለው ነው።
የአለምን ገፅታ ይገነባል። እቅጩን።
ተፃፈ ፊቱን ለሚደብቀው ህዝብ። ኢትዮጵያን ሱዳን ነሽ የማለት
### ስለዚህ አንተ ማለት Half cast ነህ። “ኢ—ሳይንሳዊ”አስተምህሮ።
የሰውነት ውሃ ልክ የተመረጠ ዘር
እግዚአብሄር አምላክም ሰውን ወዘተ የሚለውን ተረተረትህን ትተህ ቶም & ጀሪ የነባራዊው አለም ድብና ጅብ
ከምድር አፈር አበጀው በአፍንጫውም ናቸው ብሎ የመለፈፍ ያህል።
የህይወት እስትንፋስን እፍ አለበት ሌባም ታማኝም ከሆነ የሰው ዘር
ሰውም ህያው ነፍስ ያለው ሆነ ። የተዳቀልህ መሆንህን እመን። ህዝበ ኢትዮጵያንም ለዚህ እኩይ ቃል ጆሮ
እየመረረህም። ሰጥቶ ሃዋሪያ ሆኖ የመከተል አዝማሚያ
—መ,ቅ ኦሪት ዘ ፍጥረት— ባየንበት ግዜ የመገሰጫ ቃል ከአምሳለ
እየመረረህ ሲባል ያልሆንከውን አስተዋዩ ይቸረው ዘንድ አፋችንን አሶገግነ።
“ወለቀድ ከረምና በኒ አደም” ሲጫንብህ መቀበል ሳይሆን
የሰውን ልጅ አልቀን ፈጠርነው። የሆንከውን ባልሆንከው አጣፍተው ማሞጥሞጥ።
የጋቱህን እንድትጥል ሲያስታውሱህ
—ቅዱስ ቁርአን—— ነው። ማፍረጥረጥ ከማፈንገጥ ህጎች ይበልጡን
ተጋፋጭ ነው። ማለሳለስ ማስመሰል እና
ይህ ብሩክ ፍጡር የተከለከለን ሰርቆ ከልምምድህ ሲነጥሉህ። አድር ባይነት አይታይበትም።
ከመብላት አኳኃኑ በኃላ…………
ሌብነትን የፈለሰፈው የመጀመሪያው ፊትለፊታዊ ፍልስፍና ነው።
ፍጡር በመሆን ቃላባይነቱን “ሃ”
በማለት ጀመረ። “አካፋን አካፋ፣ዶማን ዶማ”

ዛፍ ላይ ያለን ፍሬ ዘንጥፎ በማሻመድ ይሄ አባታችን አዳም የምንለው የኢትዮጵያ የ3000 አመት የስልጣኔ ጉዞ
ተሽመደመደ። የመጀመሪያው ሰው። ሪፎርሙ ያልተፋጠነው በማለሳለስ፣
እስካንተ ድረስ ያለው። በማስመሰል በነውርና በይሉኝታ ህጎች
ታጥሮ ነው።
እንደምን ወደ ተፈጠረበት መሬት የብፁእነት ኒሻኑን በወሮበልነት
ዝቅ በማለት አታድርግ የተባለውን ተክቶ በቃየልና በአቤል አነሳሽነት የግመል ሽንት የሆነ የእድገት ጉዟችን ከዚህ
ታምኖ በማሰቀጠል መሬት ይበላው ጎጠኝነትን ፈብርኮ እስከ ኤስማኤልና ይጀምራል።
ነገር ትሰጠው ዘንድ የሚያስችለውን ይስሃቅ ህዝቦች ተሻግሮ የአርያንና
አቅም ፈጥሮ መስራት ተሳነውና ሃቀኛ የአይሁድ ወደሚል የዘር ዘውግ ይህ ደግሞ …………
መሆን አቃተው። ተፈጥፍጦ ኦሽዊት ይሉት የመበያያ በዜና መዋእላችን
የሄዋን ገላ ካምላኩ ቃል እንዴት እና የመፋጃ መጋዘን ፈጥሮ ይሄው በሴራ ፖለቲካችን
ላቀበት። ዘውዳዊና ፌደራሊዝምን ተገን በአሰተዳደራዊ ሰርአታችን ውስጥ ሲተገበር
በማድረግ አደገኛ ቦዘኔ ተብሎ ኖሯል።
በጠያቂነት ድፍረት ካናካሽ ባህላችን ውልቅ
ሌብነቱ። በፌደራል መላእክት ኢትዮጵያ ብለን እንድንወጣ isuzu Mitsubushi
ስለዚህ አንተ ይህን የምታነበው የሌባ የምትባል ዘብጥያ ውስጥ
ዘር ነህ ማለት ነው። ተወረወረ።
ምድር በመምጣቱ ባተረፈው ሌብነት ሱስ ነውና ሰጋቱራን እንጀራ
እንደተሞገስክ ሁሉ ጥፋቱንም በማድረግ ሂደት ላይ ተጠመደ።
ልትጋራ ግድ ይልሃል። ይህ”የማፍረጥረጥ ህግ” የሚሰራው
ግፍና መሰል ጥፋቱ እንዳይፀና

42 Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019

ነው ለሚለን አፋዊ ተራኪ አፍረጥርጠን በመንገር የሚጣፍጥ ነው እያልህ እያበላህ
አፍረጥርጦ የሚጠይቅ እየተበላህ ነው። ተጣጥሎ በመሂያሂያድ
በሚታይ፣በሚዳሰስና በሚጨበጥ አፍረጥርጦ ታሪክ የሚያወርስ ውስጥ ደግሞ ሰውነት የለም።
ኢትዮጵያዊ በዚች ሃገር ይኖር
ህግ ፊትለፊት ተጋፍጠን ሊጭንብን ዘንድ ይችን ቁንፅል የመነሻ ሃሳብ ሰው ማለት ።
የፍልስፍና በየራሱ ሁናቴ ቆሞ በየራሱ ዛቢያ
ያለውን አይጠቅሜ ትርክት እሱም አቅጣጫ አሳዬነ። የሚቆመውን የማይገፋ ነው።
በቀጣይ በጥልቀት የምንዳስሰው
እንዳያስቀጥለው በማስጣል ካፍረጥራጭ ይሆናል። ሰው ማለት።
ያለያ ፈጣን wife ሳይሆን ያለመስፈርት እንዲሁ የሚኃኃን ነው።
ህዝቦች ተርታ ልንሰለፍ ይገባል። ፈጣን wifi ያለበትን በማሰስ
ላይ የተጠመደው ህዝባችን ሰው ማለት።
ዶማ። ዘሩን ተክቶ በስልጡን ዜጋ አገሩን የተፈጥሮን የማይዛነፍ ሂደት ሳይንሳዊ
ከመገንባት ይልቅ አሉታዊ ወጎችን ባልሆን መንገድ የማይቃረን ነው።
አካፋ። እየገነባ አገሩን ያፈርሳል።
ተመራምሮ ተፈላስፎ የሚገራ።
እያልን……… ስለዚህ እንጅ። ተመራርሮ ወይም ተንፈላስሶ
የሚያቅራራ አላልሁም።
እዚህ ላይ የመሸነጋገል ወይም በነኪኪ በነ በአፍላነት ወዝህ እንደጎመራህ
ትቆይ ዘንድ ፍሪጅ ውስጥ ሰው አለማለት ግን………
ጆኒ ቋንቋ የመሞዳሞድ ህጎች አይሰሩም። የሚከትህ እሱ ከሰው ልጅ የንቃት
እድገት የተገታ ነው። የአለምን ሁኔታ በማይለውጥ ነገር ላይ
እቅጩን። የሚባክን ነው። ለየእለት መቆያው
ፔፕሲ እንደሆንክ ከተሰማው። ወይም ካንዱ ቀን ወዳንዱ ቀን ለመሻገር
ይህ ትውልድ በማያውቀው የድሮ ትርክት የሚያስችለው እሳቤ ላይ ሙጥኝ ማለት
እየተነዳ የዛሬ ግዜውን እየተቀማ ይገኛል። ከዝግመትህ ትነቃ ዘንድ ኦቭን ነው።
እምቢ ባይ ሆኖ የራሱን አለም ያቀና ውስጥ ከቶ የሚያበስልህ እርሱ
ዘንድ አፍረጥራጭ መሆን አለበት። ውሃ ሽቅብ እንደሚወጣ አስቦ እህላዊ ጉዞ።
የበዬነ ነው። ፌንጣዊ አፈጣጠር።
በዘመኑ ብሂል”መስሚያዬ ጥጥ ነው”

ተራኪ አባቶች ሰሪ ልጅ አይፈጥሩምና።

እናም cost sharing ያስፈልጋል።
ወጭ መጋራት።

“ወጭ መጋራት” ማለት “የጠፉት
ጥፋቶች” በሚል ተተክቶ ይተርጎም።

ስለዚህ መፃኢውን ትውልድ ለመታደግ ፒዛ እንደሆንክ ከተሰማው። ሰው ሰው አለማለት ከንቱ ነው።
ሲባል አፍረጥራጭ አርጎ የሚያንፅ
ካሪክለም በትምህርት ስርአታችን ውስጥ ሰው ነህና በራስህ የፍጥረት ሂደት አፍረጥርጥ።
ማካተት ያስፈልጋል። ነው የምትፈካው የምትከስመው።
ተለጣፊና ተጣጣፊ ሰው አለመሆንህ
የራሱን እውነታ ጣይ እና ባላመነበት ላይ “Matesbiku min umetin aje- ታምኖበት
አማፂ እንጅ liha wema yesteehirun” “እሱ እኮ ለቋል” ከመባል ውጭ
* ተለማማጭ የሚለጠፍልህ ሌላው ስያሜ “እሱ እኮ
* አጎብዳጅ ማንኛይቱም ህዝብ ግዜዋን ነገረ ስራው ግራ ነው”
* ተቀባይ ምንም አትቀድምም። የሚል ስለሆነ…………
* ጠባቂ ከእርሷም አይቆዩም።
ዜጋ ለዚህች አለም ሸክም ነው። አፍረጥርጥ።

ከዚህ በኃላ የማፈንገጥ ጥበቦችን የዘረመል፣የኢንተረስትና የIQ የሚወላውል ህዝብ
ተጠቅመን እናፍረጥርጥ። ሁኔታ አንተን ከሱ የሚለይ ሆኖ የሚያመነታ አለም
የመገኘት እድል አይኖረውም የሚፈራ ሃገር አፍራጭ ነው።
ብለህ አታስብ።

አሸናፊ ህዝቦች የማይክዱ ናችው። ነግሬሃለሁ አገርህ ትነቃ ዘንድ

ከሃዲ ዜጋ እርቦት ያኘከውንም ለመዋጥ ምህንያቱም ሰጋቱራ እንጀራ አፍረጥርጥ።
ክፈሉኝ ይላል።
እንዳልሆነ እያሰብህ እንደ እንጆሪ

Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019 43




“I, indeed, love

? all my works of
BY AKLILE TSIGE photography”.

ABN June 2019 edition brings you a well-known photographer, Solomon Bogale Cherewho was born in
1984 and grew up in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa at the locality known as Sidist Kilo. Solomon has
completed his secondary education at Teferi Mekonnen secondary school. Obsessed with his childhood
dream-painting, Solomon has made relentless efforts to scale up his potential in photography at early

Currently running the famous photography center, Sol Image, he has extraordinarily made his way
to be one of the renowned and leading photographers in the metropolis. He has traveled to Las Vegas,
Washington DC and other parts of the US to take pictures for a Nigerian film-making group as a celebrity
photographer.Aklile Tsigetalks to Solomon on various issues, including his background and vision.

ABN: How did you get into the photography profession, a day when I have taken picture at a birthday party at

and how long have you been in the profession? home; it was printed out and all beloved ones applauded

and appreciated me for that particular trial. Then after I

Solomon:I used to love paintings during my childhood. I started to keep going with it and I became so interested.

was highly motivated by cartoons which finally pushed me So I have been working as a photographer with passion

forward to embark on doing paintings. Actually all begin on since 2004.

44 Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019

ABN: What does photography smoky incense, I like that very continue at a higher and more
mean to you? much. An old woman at Mount. advanced one. I strongly hold the
Entoto carrying bundles of belief that photography is advancing
Solomon: Photography for me is firewood, that’s also a very every time, so we need to update
moment, showing what eyes need fascinating one. I also like the ourselves as professionals.
to see. It’s all about capturing things photograph I’ve taken at Lalibella
which are hidden somewhere we Also the picture I’ve taken at Los ABN: What’s the most difficult part
cannot notice. Photographyis life; Angeles Airport. I like them all of being a photographer for you?
Photography exists in all of us; you very much since they remind me of
need photo for your ID, you need the moments. Solomon:I think the most difficult
to have photo if you want to buy a thing about this profession is the
car. There is nothing where photo ABN: How do you educate wrong perception people have.
doesn’t present. Even man needs to yourself to take better photos? Many believe that it’s a profession
have a photograph after his death. that doesn’t require little skills and
Thus, photograph is life. We mostly Solomon: I have been taking knowledge. Many don’t understand
don’t recognize this fact. various photography courses that the profession needs training,
being given in Ethiopia by foreign passion and creativity. You don’t take
ABN: Which one of your works is professionals, and through the good picture simply because you
your favorite? Why? assistance provided by some have a camera; the other challenge
embassies. I also try to upscale my is that clients don’t come to terms
Solomon: I, indeed, love all my profession by using information with our proposal for taking pictures;
works of photography; the one communication technologies like they’re not willing to quickly accept
I’ve taken at Bole Medihanealem the internet, visiting appropriate appointment you fix. They hardly
Church, a photograph showing YouTube channels; there’s no know that it requires appropriate and
as such photography school to quality settings.

Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019 45

ABN: What’s the most rewarding “I’m using celebrity photographer, but that
part of being a photographer? doesn’t necessarily mean that I
Photoshop, don’t take pictures of ordinary
Solomon:Photography is freedom. but I’m more people. I have actually worked
If people offer you freedom you do interested to with different personalities like
lots of things; if you see a beautiful complete my Ethiopian World-class athlete
photo, which means those people photo on the Haile G/Selassie, famous
are free. They don’t interfere artists like Serawit Fikre, Seifu
in your business and you can ”camera. Fantahun, Tedros Kassahun
have a good photo. Photography (Teddy Afro), politicians like
needs a person who can listen the former and the late PM
the photographer. Therefore, the Meles Zenawi, Bereket Simon.
photographer will throw his eyes I’ve also taken pictures of many
to different angles, and be creative African leaders at the premises
to take a good picture of him. But of the African Union, and many
he/she denies you that freedom; others.
you won’t be creative, but simply
a camera operator. The other ABN: What types of lens and
interesting part of photography is photo-editing program do you
that you spend much time taking use?
pictures; pictures of children
crying, you observe new and Solomon: I’m using Photoshop,
strange things in due course. You but I’m more interested to
can see their tears dropping, their complete my photo on the
anger, their happiness,etc. It’s an camera. I’m using cannon
art byitself. Max 3 model camera, 70, 200,
405,470 and other models.
ABN: Who’re the renowned
personalities you’ve worked with? ABN: What’s the most
unforgettable experience you
Solomon: Firstly I’ve got into this have encountered since you
profession identifying myself as started this profession?

46 Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019

Solomon: Once upon a time while
I was taking pictures I didn’t notice
that I was standing on the edge of
a void, I suddenly slipped on the
empty hole and break part of my
legs. People around were terribly
shocked seeing me fallen. I never
forget this. I have also fallen from
a car while capturing photos; there
was also time I was imprisoned for
taking pictures around piazza in
Addis Ababa.

ABN: What’s your vision regarding
your profession?

Solomon: My vision is to see a
generation that dreams photography
as a profession as nowadays children
dream to be pilots and doctors. In
order to achieve this I have to teach
young people, demonstrate the art
of photography, and exerting effort
to dispatch various photographs to
different places. Establishing training
center is one of the missions I want
to accomplish. I want also to have
my own photography complex-a
building that deals only with the
art of photography, embracing
photography apparels, book stores,
entertainment, and museum and so

Thank You !

Sol image

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40 Abyssinia Business Nework ሰኔ 2011 / June 2019

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