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Welcome to the final edition of On The Brink for 2018.

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Published by josh, 2018-12-18 23:03:54

On The Brink 2018, Issue 03

Welcome to the final edition of On The Brink for 2018.

On The
What’s Inside 03Issue

Your impact Numbat project Past Projects:
2017/18 update: Stage 2 Where are

complete they now?

p3 p8 p11 2018

Optimism and These figures are staggering and It paints a picture not of despair, but of
Celebration: unfortunately are a stark reality, not a optimism. As a Company, FAME continues
fictitious tale of woe. Stopping extinctions to strengthen, and provide the capability to
Making a difference and ensuring that future generations, your fund more on-ground conservation projects.
together children and grandchildren, will not be
forced to view many species of Australian This gives me hope because together
As more of our precious flora and fauna are fauna only in natural history museums or we are demonstrating we can
battling to avoid becoming extinct in the wild see some plants only as dried specimens make a difference to the world.
through loss of habitat or predation, the list of in herbaria is now an urgent matter.
species classified as vulnerable, endangered or In our 25th year the FAME Board,
critically endangered continues to grow and so We cannot sit idly by and allow the extinction management and staff have had the
too do the demands for the funding of projects of any more Australian plants and animals opportunity to meet many of our donors
to save these species. Although, with your help, and that’s why it’s vitally important we ensure across Australia. It has been a wonderful
we have tackled many projects, stopping strong plans are in place, properly funded, opportunity to speak personally to you
the extinction of many, but there is still more. and in capable and accountable hands. all and hear both your anecdotes and
passions in relation to the Foundation
Altogether, there are 1,866 species of To that end, FAME has launched an and all we have achieved together.
fauna and flora listed under the EPBC exciting and ambitious new campaign It has been a very special time for me
Act. The breakdown is shown below: targeting FAME’s 2019 Top Ten Endangered as CEO meeting you all, and I look
Species - the ones we know we can forward in the future to having the
There are 1,866 threatened species of fauna and revive through implementation of opportunity to meet many more of you.
flora listed under the Environment Protection and science-based recovery plans. These
Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act)* species are outlined on pages 6 and 7. Finally, and most importantly, I would like
to thank all our donors and stakeholders
8 1 With our vision to prevent any further for your support. FAME is completely
Conservation Extinct extinctions of Australia’s endangered donor-funded so, without you, we
Dependent in wild flora and fauna, FAME has committed to cannot do this amazing work.
projects involving our identified 2019 Top Ten
91 Endangered Species that will ensure these As we continue over the next 25 years to
Extinct 258 species have a greater chance of survival. create awareness by bringing the fate of
our precious endangered native species
Critically Through implementing the recovery actions to the forefront, we can only hope that the
Endangered for FAME’s 2019 Top Ten Endangered current state of play improves. By achieving
Species, we can make a difference. conservation success as a community,
797 They all now need our support. I do hope we can work towards halting the rate of
Vulnerable you will join me and consider making a extinction of Australian flora and fauna.
tax-deductible donation to the appeal.
711 At FAME, we believe that together it
Endangered At this year’s Annual General Meeting I was can be done.
pleased to report on the impact of your
support. The 2017/18 financial year ended Tracy McNamara
with our income amounting to $1,344,510. Chief Executive Officer
I have included an overview of your
impact on page 3. A snapshot of * Data as at Nov 2018. For more info visit:
our financial year shows that a
combination of many large and small
donors, stakeholders and partners
together can make a real difference.

The FAME Newsletter is published by Every effort has been made to ensure About FAME
the Foundation for Australia’s Most the accuracy of the content within this
Endangered Species Ltd. newsletter. We apologise for any omissions FAME is an independent, non-profit
ABN 79 154 823 579 or errors that may have occurred. organisation based in South Australia
Level 1, 47 Tynte Street but operating across the country.
North Adelaide 5006, SA Follow us on social media
08 8374 1744
FAME is completely donor
[email protected] funded; our work is only possible because of the generosity of our
community who support us. For
2 this we are grateful. Donations to
FAME are tax-deductible under
relevant Australian legislation.

Your Impact 2017/18

In 2017/2018 you gave An increase of Individual donations

$1,326,930 97.2% 2906

on the previous year

Projects we have funded Donations received from Since 1993, with your help we
have successfully completed
9 5 Countries
30 Projects

1% 3% 4%

27% 30%

Giving by
state in

2% 11%



STATE: QLD NEW PROJECT: Macadamia jansenii (Bulburin Nut)
SPECIES: Bulburin Nut was only recognised by the modern
STATUS: Endangered Securing scientific community in 1992 after being
identified and described by respected
Young Macadamia jansenii plants the future of amateur naturalist Ray Jansen.
at the Tondoon Botanic Gardens.
Australia's most Recent effort has concentrated on
genetic analysis and habitat modelling to
endangered design a reintroduction program to create
new populations in its natural habitat.
Why is it urgent to protect Macadamia
species jansenii from extinction?

It is one of Australia’s most endangered The macadamia nut is a national icon
species, with only 90 known trees of of Australia. It is an important part of
the Macadamia jansenii remaining in a our country's history and culture and is
6000m2 area of natural habitat. one of very few Australian native foods
The danger of extinction of this precious to be exported all over the world.
flora is real. The small natural population More specifically, Macadamia jansenii
of the Macadamia jansenii remains is part of an ecosystem providing habitat
extremely vulnerable to destruction by a for a complex range of other native
catastrophic event such as fire or disease. flora and fauna species, including
the Spotted-tailed Quoll, the Silver-
In partnership with FAME and the headed Antechinus (both endangered)
Macadamia Conservation Trust this and the vulnerable Tusked Frog.
reintroduction program is under way
with the involvement of the Gidarjil Important work is now underway to
Rangers (Traditional Owners of propagate Bulburin Nut trees to create
M. jansenii habitat), the Queensland insurance populations that will guard
Parks and Wildlife Service, the University against the extinction of this endangered
of the Sunshine Coast and the Tondoon macadamia nut species.ready for
Botanic Gardens at Gladstone. release into predator-proof fenced
64 ha and 400 ha sanctuaries.
Animals are expected to be released
into the 400 ha sanctuary in early 2019.

STATE: NSW Saving the All Devils live in wild environments, with
SPECIES: Tasmanian Devil minimal contact with humans, thus
STATUS: Endangered Tassie Devil enabling them to retain wild behaviours to
ensure their successful survival if returned
Tasmanian Devil joey, from extinction home to Tasmania when the time is right.
‘Dash’ born in 2018.
It's been an extremely busy but rewarding Currently classified as endangered
4 time of the year for Devil Ark. This year, (EPBC Act, 1999), the Tasmanian Devil is
the Ark has welcomed its 300th joey! under threat from a transmissible disease
In another successful year for Devil Ark, called Devil Facial Tumour Disease (DFTD).
located at Barrington Tops, NSW, a total of In Tasmania, the disease has reduced the
48 Tasmanian Devils were born, and they wild population to less than 10% in some
will help to ensure survival of the species. areas. DFTD continues to reduce the
endangered Tasmanian Devil population.
2018 Devil joeys are nearing their natural With still no cure or vaccine in sight and a
weaning age where they are big enough continuing population decline, insurance
to leave mum and venture out alone. programs like Devil Ark are the species’s
All Tasmanian Devils at the Ark will be best hope for long-term survival. Devil Ark,
caught in November by Devil Ark staff which began in 2011 with 44 foundation
and will be checked to ensure optimum animals, now holds an impressive 52%
health. They will be then placed into new of the mainland insurance population,
social groups for the upcoming breeding being approximately 150 animals.
season. Young Devils will be placed
with Devils of their size and age where
they will learn important social skills.

STATE: NSW Building a future organic mixing and improving nutrient
SPECIES: Long-nosed availability for plants. These animals
Potoroo, Eastern Bettong, for threatened also help spread fungi through the
Southern Brown Bandicoot ecosystem, which assist plants to
STATUS: Long-nosed species increase nutrient absorption.
Potoroo (Vulnerable),
Eastern Bettong (Extinct Aussie Ark is celebrating having completed Bandicoots are multi-oestrus, meaning
in NSW), Southern Brown the final pouch-check of their Southern they breed several times during the year.
Bandicoot (Endangered) Brown Bandicoots, bringing their final Females can give birth to as many as five
count to 12 joeys born in the program. babies, but usually only one or two survive.
Southern Brown Bandicoot Keepers were happy to confirm that a Their gestation period is very short, about
pouch of twins had successfully survived. 11 days, the shortest of any marsupial.
The young are born very tiny and under-
The largest of the Bandicoots, this species developed (about 1 cm in length) and stay
was once widespread along the coast in the mother’s pouch for approximately
of Northern NSW, QLD, NT and the tip of 2 months. At birth, they use their relatively
Western Australia. However, like many other well-developed forelimbs to reach the
Australian marsupials, the Bandicoot family pouch. Here they drink milk from the
has lost several species since European mother’s teats and grow until they are
settlement because of land clearing and large enough to leave the pouch.
the introduction of predators such as At about three months they can begin to
foxes, dogs and cats. Of the estimated 12 live independently. Bandicoot pouches are
Bandicoot species once present prior to open at the back, to stop dirt entering the
colonisation of the continent, approximately pouch when the mother digs.
half are now either extinct or threatened.
Ms Shute also comments, “We’ve just
Aussie Ark Keeper Hayley Shute completed our first breeding season for our
says, “Bandicoots are the unsung bandicoots at Aussie Ark; we’ve got 12 joeys
heroes of the Australian bush. They and we couldn’t be happier with the result.”
turn over the soil, which is really
important for optimal plant growth.” Since opening Aussie Ark in 2017, the team
have established an insurance population
The Southern Brown Bandicoot is an ready for release into predator-proof
ecological engineer. It helps aerate soil fenced 64 ha and 400 ha sanctuaries.
and leaf litter, thus assisting natural litter Animals are expected to be released
breakdown, penetration of seedlings, into the 400 ha sanctuary in early 2019.

Finding the One of the records is from a site located
elusive Kangaroo within the De Mole catchment in the
Island Dunnart north west of the Island. Kangaroo Island
Dunnarts haven’t been recorded this far
STATE: SA With FAME’s support, the Kangaroo Island north previously and extensive surveys
SPECIES: Kangaroo (KI) Land for Wildlife program coordinated across neighbouring De Mole catchment
Island Dunnart by Terrain Ecology has been surveying private properties have commenced to
STATUS: Endangered bushland for the endangered Kangaroo gain a better understanding of this new
Island Dunnart. The land being surveyed is north western population distribution.
Kangaroo Island Dunnart owned by private landholders who have
a goal to better manage their bushland While the focus is to survey for the Dunnart,
for the conservation of Kangaroo Island’s other threatened Kangaroo Island species
threatened and endangered native wildlife. including the Bassian thrush, Southern
Brown Bandicoot and Rosenberg’s
Over 3,000 survey nights have been Goanna are also being captured.
completed across 2,400 hectares. Monitoring of their threats is ongoing with
To date, 19 records of the Kangaroo a focus on feral cats and phytophthora
Island Dunnart have now been dieback. Management activities to reduce
confirmed. These recordings have these threats within Kangaroo Island
been from four different sites and have Dunnart known habitat has commenced.
provided better understanding of the
endangered Dunnarts distribution within 5
western Kangaroo Island bushland.


Action for FAME’s 2019 Top
Ten Endangered Species!

Western Quoll

Dasyurus geoffroii
Project Location: Ikara-Flinders Ranges, SA.
Population: Regionally extinct (before reintroduction).
Threat: Predation by cats.
Urgent Action Required: Building population.
Control of feral cats.

Kangaroo Island Dunnart

Sminthopsis aitkeni
Project Location: Kangaroo Island, SA.
Population: Est. less than 500.
Threat: Predation by cats, wildfire, habitat loss.
Urgent Action Required: Identifying remaining
populations. Control of feral cats.


Myrmecobius fasciatus
Project Location: Wheatbelt, WA
Population: Est. 1,500 remaining in the wild.
Threat: Predation by cats.
Urgent Action Required: Training dogs to detect
feral cats. Control of feral cats.

Eastern Bettong

Bettongia gaimardi
Project Location: Barrington Tops, NSW.
Population: Classified as near threatened in Tasmania,
the mainland population became extinct in the 1920s.
Threat: Predation by dogs, foxes and cats.
Urgent Action Required: Reintroduction behind
predator proof fence.

Tall Astelia

Astelia australiana
Project Location: Otway Ranges, VIC.
Population: Restricted to 13 sites in the Central
Highlands and one in the Otway Ranges.
Threat: Wildfire, Sambar Deer (herbivory).
Urgent Action Required: Reintroduction to
create additional populations.


*Designated sites of projects give general locations only.

Southern Cassowary

Casuarius casuarius johnsonii
Project Location: Daintree Lowland Rainforest, QLD.
Population: Est. 4,500 remaining in the wild.
Threat: Loss of habitat, pigs, dogs, vehicle strikes.
Urgent Action Required: Habitat restoration through
tree planting. Monitoring by camera trapping.

Bulberin Nut

Macadamia jansenii
Project Location: Bulburin National Park and
locations near Gladstone, QLD.
Population: One stand of 90 trees in Bulburin National Park.
Threat: Wildfire, disease.
Urgent Action Required: Reintroduction to create
two additional insurance populations.

Long-nosed Potoroo

Potorous tridactylus
Project Location: Barrington Tops, NSW.
Population: Distribution greatly reduced and now
locally extinct in many parts of its former range.
Threat: Predation by dogs, foxes and cats.
Urgent Action Required: Reintroduction behind
predator proof fence.

Southern Brown Bandicoot

Isoodon obesulus
Project Location: Barrington Tops, NSW.
Population: Distribution greatly reduced and now
locally extinct in many parts of its former range.
Threat: Predation by dogs, foxes and cats.
Urgent Action Required: Reintroduction behind
predator proof fence.

Tasmanian Devil

Sarcophilus harrisi
Project Location: Barrington Tops, NSW.
Forestier Peninsula, Tasmania.
Population: Est. 10,000–25,500 in the wild.
Threat: Disease.
Urgent Action Required: Safeguarding a disease-free
population in NSW and continual reintroduction into Tasmania.


Baby Numbats. Photo credit: Rob McLean

STATUS: Endangered

Protecting the consisting of a dog, a handler and a of environment and we will test these
support person) searched the area along parameters during the next stage of the
last remaining pre-determined transects that were project to see how effective this tool is.
100m apart. The time it took the dogs
wild populations to locate the scats, if they were able Additionally, nearly 100 remote-sensing
to, the distance from the transect and cameras have been deployed to monitor
of Numbats: environmental variables like wind direction introduced predators, Numbats and
and strength, humidity, temperature and other threatened fauna. Two dedicated
Stage 2 complete rainfall were all recorded. The results were community groups, the Numbat Taskforce
analysed to determine the probability and Project Numbat, have joined the
The Numbat Protection Dog project, of detecting a scat and to identify the project and are providing invaluable
funded in partnership with FAME and variables that influence success. support for the camera monitoring.
the Australian Government, aims to
protect some of the last remaining wild The dog teams searched 399 quadrats Thanks to the Western Australian
populations of Numbats that live in and were able to detect scats in 213 (53%) Department of Biodiversity, Conservation
unfenced reserves. It is progressing well. of them. It took on average 12.7 minutes for and Attractions for providing this update.
a dog to find the scat, with little variation
In May 2018, stage two of the Numbat in the performance of individual dogs. Key highlights
project to test the efficiency of detector Wind variables impacted the search time
dogs to locate cat scent was undertaken a little and it was faster for the dog to find To date, the study has answered
in Tutanning Nature Reserve, located in the scats when the weather was cooler. The the following questions:
Wheatbelt of Western Australia. Tutanning likelihood of detecting a scat declined
and a small number of other reserves with the distance at which the dog was • Detector dogs are capable
in the Wheatbelt are vital because they from the scat and with the age of the scat. of detecting cat scats in the
still support rare species like Numbats Scats were much harder to find when they wheatbelt environment,
and Woylies, but feral cats remain a were greater than 20 days old.
problem for these threatened species. • Feral cat activity on the
This project is one of the first of its kind reserves may not be as high
It had been suggested that detector and has provided great insights into how as initially suspected with the
dogs may provide a new tool to dogs might be used in this environment to feral cats spending the majority
combat the feral cat, but first the ability control feral cats. We are now confident of their time off-reserve in
of detector dogs to locate cat scent that it is possible for detector dogs to adjacent farmlands, and
and communicate their finds to their work effectively in this type of habitat
handlers needed to be established. to pick up feral cat scent and the next • Detector dogs are effective
step is to see if dogs can translate the in locating feral cats but
About 720 ha of Tutanning Nature detection of cat scent to actually tracking whether they are the most
Reserve was divided into 100m x 150m down feral cats. The research has also efficient tool to use in these
quadrats and a single cat scat was allowed us to make some estimates situations needs to be further
randomly placed in each quadrat. regarding the amount of time it might take explored and quantified.
Two detection dog teams (each team for a dog to detect feral cats in this type


5 minutes with What has been your biggest Where do you see the future
challenge as a Board Director? for conservation?
FAME Board We must persevere hoping that the impact
One challenge is the extensive reading that we have fought for becomes stronger
Director, prior to a meeting, but always interesting. with more people joining us in the fight to
It can also be a challenge recruiting new save the special Australian environment,
Margaret board members who have the time. while understanding its fragility, its complexity
and the unspoilt areas that must be
Wilksch OAM An early challenge was importing Rock valued. Replanting areas is valuable, but
Wallabies from the New Zealand Island those small areas cannot replace the
For this issue of On the Brink, we were thrilled where they were due to be culled. I had been complex structure of the many varied
to interview Board Director Margaret Wilksch working with embryo transfer with my stud areas of the Australian native bush.
OAM. As the Foundation celebrates 25 years cattle and understood many of the health What do you think are the biggest
this year, we know members who have problems involved in importing animals. threats we will be facing?
supported FAME since the Earth Sanctuaries Climate change is a threat, and nature
days will enjoy reading Margaret’s interview. It was breaking new ground, which over the has adapted before, but probably it has
years FAME has been prepared to do. never been forced to adapt quite so quickly.
For those not familiar with the Earth However, our population growth, urban
Sanctuaries days, can you please After quarantine, the Wallabies were development with bigger houses, and vast
tell us what was it like transitioning relocated at the Little River Sanctuary commercial development with harsher,
over to a new organisation, FAME? in the hills west of Melbourne bigger footprints continue to impact on
agriculture which in turn puts pressure
The move was not difficult. We felt it was Can you share your most memorable on native habitat. Tourism needs to be
necessary to find a new name and moment over your time with FAME? carefully managed to reduce its impact on
that was the difficulty. We employed our special native conservation areas.
a professional contractor who helped Meetings held at Warrawong were always
us develop the name FAME. enjoyable watching the small animals Margaret Wilksch OAM
through the windows. I also enjoyed my time
A lot has happened in conservation in as acting CEO when we lost our newly-
Australia over the last 25 years. Can you appointed person who left to go to Sydney.
point out one or two of the most poignant
changes and how these impacted FAME? Which native species – flora or fauna are
you particularly worried about the future of?
The Tasmanian Devil was the early big
project. The Reptile Park was the most I am very worried as I see weeds flourishing
successful breeder of young Devils, so and losing our bio-diverse fauna. Our
we worked with them to establish Devil little birds are disappearing; too many big
Ark at Barrington Tops. Our donation birds are in many areas, out of control.
helped the principals at the Reptile Likewise, small critters, which we rarely
Park to get money from the NSW see, are at risk as the fragile balance of our
Government so it all went ahead. native diversity is impacted and the fragile
balance lost. The spread of urbanisation
is impacting our natural environment with
too many people, too many cats, and too
many horses in the peri-urban areas.

Australian catalyst for generating early momentum Australian Geographic
Geographic's for this project. Other potential funders Conservationist of the Year 2018
Conservationist initially declined to assist. Since that recipients, the Numbat Task Force
initial support, and in conjunction - Rob McLean and John Lawson.
of the Year with the Australian Government, the
Threatened Species Commissioner
Congratulations to the Numbat Task and the WA Department of Biodiversity,
Force for being named Australian Conservation and Attractions, FAME
Geographic’s Conservationist of the Year has provided additional funds to the
for 2018. We are so pleased that the Numbat project. Our support was
efforts and commitment of the Numbat urgently needed. The Numbats, the last
Task Force have been recognised remaining population of Numbats in the
through this prestigious award. wild, were under dire threat of extinction.

It was our Foundation’s recognition It’s a small, but noteworthy, success
of the importance and value of this in an environmental landscape still
conservation project that was the littered with threats of extinction.
As we tell you frequently, our work
is likely never to be done.


Species Profile:

Red Handfish

Photo credit: Rick Stuart-Smith, Reef Life Survey Weird looking and weird by the 1980s and 1990s. In January of this year, Live nature. The Red Handfish There is likely to be not Science journal reported (Thymichthys politus) is a more than 1,000 of these that a new population of
small, rare fish endemic to fascinating fish left on the the Red Handfish had been
••• Tasmania’s eastern coast. planet. The whole Handfish discovered. This gives great
Rather than swim, this genus, within which there are hope that, although the
fish has adapted pectoral 10 species, has a recovery odds are very much against
fins that resemble hands plan currently in place. those that remain, there
so it actually walks along could be other unknown
the ocean floor. The Red There are many threats to the populations out there still
Handfish has been found survival of the Red Handfish. battling these odds.
in a diverse range of It faces loss of habitat due
locations, from shallow to pollution and rising water To find out more, please visit
rocky reefs to deeper shelf temperatures, and it has a the Handfish Conservation
waters of 5-10 metres. low reproductive rate. Project website:
A species of introduced
The Red Handfish was first starfish preys on the fish eggs,
discovered in the 1800s and, and they are also susceptible
in recent times, populations to poachers – because they
have been documented in are such slow movers.


Past Projects: Where are they now?

Spiny Daisy In partnership with the South Australian A regeneration program which
2008 – 2010 Department of Environment and Heritage commenced at Banrock Station now
(DEH), FAME provided support for the sees the Spiny Daisy plant blooming
recovery of the endangered Spiny across the Riverland. Although this
Daisy (Acanthocladium dockeri). is heartening for all the volunteers
involved, the plant is yet to be removed
Originally discovered during the Burke from the critically endangered list.
and Wills expedition, this is one of the
world’s rarest plants, with only five The volunteers have been ensuring Spiny
populations known to exist. The Spiny Daisy plants have been placed in various
Daisy was presumed extinct until 1999, locations to increase the chances of it
when a small remnant population was surviving such events as bushfires.
discovered in the Southern Flinders It really has been a fantastic success with
Ranges of SA. FAME supported one volunteer describing her joy that this
work to increase the area occupied ‘pretty, but not showy’ plant is surviving.
by existing plants and establish the
plant at several new locations.

Cane Toad Cane Toads (now Rhinella marina) (we probably can’t), we can buffer their
2015 – 2016 continue to spread rapidly across impact by teaching vulnerable native
the Kimberley, and more slowly down species not to eat toads when they arrive.
the east coast of New South Wales. It’s a simple matter of ensuring that the
Research has confirmed that the alien first toad a predator meets is a small
amphibians have a devastating effect one not a large one. Eating a small toad
on native predators that try to eat them makes a predator sick and reluctant to
– the toad’s powerful poisons are almost ever eat a toad again – whereas eating
instantly fatal for native species like a big toad causes a fatal heart attack.
Quolls, Goannas, and Bluetongue Skinks.
Professor Rick Shine and his team are
But the story is not all “doom and gloom”. now rolling out their taste-aversion
Research has also identified new and training program across the Kimberley,
effective ways to control local populations in collaboration with many local
of Cane Toads by trapping tadpoles organisations. Overall, research has
with a chemical produced by the toads shown us what’s going on with toads,
themselves. The chemical is highly and what we can do about it.
attractive “bait” for Cane Toad tadpoles
but not for other species. And, even if Professor Rick Shine
we can’t exterminate the toads entirely University of Sydney

Help FAME by over some of the risk our donors bear receive the capital gains and not bear
in undertaking to give us specific your unrealised or realised losses.
donating your amounts of cash when they do not
know what their income will be?’ For every donation made under
share returns this scheme (normally twice annually),
Thus we developed this scheme you will receive an immediate
Many of our donors hold a portfolio whereby you undertake to donate receipt for tax-deduction purposes.
of shares from which the returns the annual returns from a specific You also keep your franking credits.
vary from year to year, yet we ask number of shares in a company, A fully-franked dividend of $200, for
you usually to donate cash to us, and we take over your risk of what example, generates franking credits
and sometimes you make these those returns will be. If you are able, of about $85. A donation to FAME
commitments in advance when you you also can undertake to donate the of $200 will yield a $60 reduction in
do not know how well your shares unrealised or realised capital gains your marginal tax if you are on a 30%
are going to perform. So, we at for a period, but here we are not marginal tax rate. Those savings in
FAME thought ‘why don’t we take so generous and we agree only to tax are well worth having.


25 Years of Mountain Pygmy Western Quoll and
Possum Brush-tailed Possum
Highlights Reintroduction
Improving genetic diversity
FAME projects since 1993 of Mountain Pygmy Possums Introduction of extinct species
at Mt Buller back into Ikara Flinders Ranges
25 years ago, a foundation with a vision was National Park
established. From its humble beginnings to now, FAME Partners: Department of Sustainability
continues to support on-ground conservation projects and Environment Victoria Partners:DepartmentofEnvironment,Waterand
to save our precious endangered flora and fauna. NaturalResources,&DepartmentofParksandWildlife
2012 – 2013
During 2018 we have highlighted many of the projects 2013 – 2018
we have been involved in throughout our 25 years;
here are a few more.

Cane Toad Optimising Felixer Project wild_ Aussie Ark

FAME and the Australian The Optimisng Felixer offers the Build awareness through Building a robust population of
Reptile Park are working potential for a highly targeted and visual imagery of Australia's three different species - Long
together to create a large humane management tool that endangered flora and fauna nosed Bandicoot, Long nosed
scale breeding program for also collect valuable monitoring Potorroo and Eastern Bettong.
the endangered Tasmanian information that should enhance 2017 – 2018
Devil on mainland Australia. feral predator control. 2017 – Present

Partners: Sydney University Partners: Ecological Horizons

2015 – 2016 2015 – 2018

Numbat/ Detector Kangaroo Island Bulburin Nut Tall Astelia
Dog Project Securing the survival of the Saving the Tall Astelia from
Finding the elusive Kangaroo last remaining Bulburin Nut extinction by funding important
Researching if Detector Dogs Island Dunnart through trees and planting new trees research to monitor the
can identify feral cats to save surveying to gain understand to help avoid extinction. last remaining populations
Numbats. as to the current distribution and identify suitable sites
and population of the species. Partners: Macadamia for future propagating.
Partners: Australian Federal Conservation Trust
Government, and Department of Partners: Land for Wildlife Partners: Conservation Ecology Centre
Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions Kangaroo Island 2018 – Present
2018 – Present
2017 – Present 2018 – Present
Cover: Bulburin Nut

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