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Published by KimberlyOpensDoors, 2022-09-01 17:23:28

September 2022 Newsletter

September 2022 Newsletter


September 2022 able to accomplish as it
relates to the buying and
Inside this issue: selling processes. You may
want to start with a list of
Homes of the Future 1 Can you believe it? Au- decision with deliberate your desires such as com-
Market Trends 2 tumn is on it’s way already! affirmation is the first ef- munity location, schools,
Technology for the 2 During this time of year, fort in moving forward and commuting distance, etc.
Home many of us reflecting on moving toward your goal.
2 the resolutions we made It’s affirmation of your vi- Then, make an assessment
Real Estate this year and the time we sion. Let’s go! of your finances and re-
Financing 3 have left to follow though. sources. Be honest with
3 The start of a new season Where do we start? Well, yourself about how the pur-
Vendor Spotlight can mean many things for you’ve already made the chase or sale of property
DIY & Decorating 3 folks. Perhaps it’s a time decision to buy or sell your will affect your life, your
Tips 4 for reflection or a bench- home. family and all involved.
mark to start anew. It’s important to anticipate
Good Eats Whatever the case, a new Now, you must set a plan of what may be the final re-
Words of Wisdom season creates windows of how you will achieve your sult of the future transac-
optimism and hope giving vision. Keep in mind, you tion.
Current Market Data vision to those possibilities must be realistic in your
to come. goals and efforts. Finally, be open to giving
 Average 30 year fixed me a call for a and we’ll
mortgage rate - 5.89% Deciding to buy or sell your That’s where folks like me, work together to create and
property this year? Yes? a reliable real estate agent, start your plan. Once your
 Average15 year fixed AWESOME!! Making a are crucial to helping you plan is in place, under-
mortgage rate - 5.41% realize what you may be stand that it may change
from time to time and
 Central Virginia Median that’s OK. We don’t know
sale price - $360,000 what to expect from one
day to the next. Reassess
Source: Virginia REALTORS® your plan periodically and
change it when needed. Be
committed to following it
through. Make it happen!

Homes of the Future

Homes today are designed etc. have lead to considera- tonomous and self-
very differently from the tions for less traditional sufficient without relying
homes just 20 years ago style of homes. on public utilities. Trans-
and even more so from time portable homes can be set
beyond that. Changes in Remember the tiny house? anywhere and moved at
various economic factors, Although the craze for this will. These homes are a
family structures, poverty type of house is fading, oth- serious consideration for
levels, desire for more lib- ers are coming into view. those who want to live a
eral ways to manage, life, For example, off-grid hous- more liberal lifestyle.
es are designed to be au-

Page 2

Housing Market Trends—Seniors & the Housing Market

Seniors play a large role in the hous- Housing for seniors will be in high de-
ing market, particular- mand, whether it be for-sales homes or
ly within the ownership market. rental options. For those seniors that cur-
Nearly one out of every three home- rently own their home and are looking to
owners in the Virginia are 65 and move, either to buy another home, or opt
for a rental home, if there are options
older. Data also indicate the home- available for senior sellers, it will also
ownership rate in the state peaks have a positive impact on the supply chal-
between age 75 and 84. Since sen- lenges facing other segments of the mar-
iors are more likely to own their ket, such as move-up buyers because it
homes than younger adults, and will facilitate more churn of homes com-
ing on the market.
the fact that the senior population is
expected to swell in the coming dec- Read more from the Joint Center for
ades, the housing trends and prefer- Housing Studies at Harvard University
ences among this segment of at
the market will be an increasing-
ly important factor in housing mar-

kets across the commonwealth and

Technology for the Home Home automation or domotics is building automa-
tion for a home, called a smart home or smart
house. A home automation system will monitor
and/or control home attributes such as lighting,
climate, entertainment systems, and appliances. It
may also include home security such as access con-
trol and alarm systems. This technology helps
homeowners watch and secure their home from
virtually anywhere. What’s more, there are many
different types of systems to accommodate every
homeowner’s needs. Honeywell, Vivint, and Apple
HomeKit are some well known brands. Keep your
family and belongings safe with an investment in
smart home technology!

Real Estate Financing

Seller financing in an alternative, creative way to finance the purchase of
your home. It the current housing market, it most likely will not be an
option most sellers will offer however, it can be a win-win for both the sell-
er and the buyer, Depending on the terms, a buyer may be able to qualify
under more flexible conditions. A seller who may have significant equity
in a property or has challenges selling the property for whatever reason.

To find these opportunities, search for ones that are marketed “For Sale
By Owner” or “Seller Financing.” It is highly recommended you work with
a real estate agent to secure reasonable terms and to negotiate those
terms. Sellers are recommended to seek legal advice when drawing up the
terms as well. Either way, seller financing can be a viable way for crea-
tive financing.

Page 3

Featured Area Events

The Chickahominy Indian Tribe will host
its 70th Annual Fall Festival Saturday,
September 24th & Sunday, 25th in
Charles City County, Virginia.

The event is open to everyone and offers
an abundance of experiences. You will not
be disappointed! Every year there is a
grand entry showcasing various native
dances and competitions. There will be
several concession stands with delicious
food and many vendors with all kinds of
unique items to buy.

Parking is free and admission is free. A
donation is greatly appreciated. Come out
and enjoy the activities!

DIY & Decorating—Quadrilateral Wall Vases

This is a good place to briefly, but Here’s a DIY decorating idea sure to highlight your unique eye
effectively, describe your product for simplistic yet sophisticated style. Using about 8 to 10 hang-
or services. ing wall terrariums, arrange them as desired and mount them
on the chosen wall. Planters can be found on Amazon for about
$20. Fill each planter with water and place a plant in each.
Vine plants like Pothos, English Ivy, or Purple Heart work best.
This easy and modest project will add nice open and airy touch
while creating a tasteful geometric space filler. Add a touch of
color with marbles or pebbles to accent.

What a conversation piece!

Good Eats—Sparkling Cranberry Kombucha Mocktail

Try this delicious alcohol free mock- Directions:
Fill 4 double old-fashioned glasses with
Ingredients (serves 4): ice and set aside. In a pitcher or quart-
sized mason jar, muddle sliced ginger
 1 inch slice of fresh ginger, thinly and rosemary together using the end of
sliced, plus more for garnish a wooden spoon or a muddler if you
have one.
 1 large sprig fresh rosemary
Add cranberry juice and kombucha,
 1/2 cup 100% cranberry juice stir gently to combine. Pour into ice-
filled glasses (using a strainer, if nec-
 2 12-ounce bottles LIVE essary) and garnish with sprigs of
Kombucha (Original or Ginger) rosemary, a slice of fresh ginger and a
Fresh cranberries for garnish few cranberries before serving.

Kimberly J. Kyle
9901 Arboretum Pkwy. Suite 120

Richmond, VA 23236
Phone: (804)359-9200
Direct: (804)246-7522
Email: [email protected]

Words of Wisdom

Life is too short
to wake up in the morning with regrets.
So, love the people who treat you right,

Forgive the ones who don’t
and believe that everything

happens for a reason.
If you get a chance, take it.
If it changes your life, let it.

Nobody said it’d be easy,
they just promised

it would be worth it.

- Dr. Seuss

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