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Published by ccapp.dos, 2022-12-01 02:36:28




We are excited to host in person, this year’s CCAPP Poster Presentation after two years of absence
due to the Corvid -19 pandemic.
The CCAPP Poster Presentation is an annual event that showcases the work of the research
students in The City College of New York Division of Science. The posters are designed to describe
the students’ research projects and explain the theories on which the projects are based, and how the
research is an application of these theories. When appropriate, results are shown on the posters.
This book is a collection of abstracts of the work displayed in this year’s CCAPP Poster
Presentation. CCAPP, The City College Academy for Professional Preparation is the student
support program for the Division of Science. It is funded primarily by a CSTEP grant from the New
York State Education Department. The research projects being presented are supported by grants
from the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, the American Museum of
Natural History, Department of Energy/Office of Science, Synergistic Partnership for Enhancing
Equity in Cancer Health (SPEECH), The CCNY-MSKCC Partnership, the New York State
Department of Health through the Associated Medical Schools of New York and some private
On behalf of the students and staff of CCAPP and The City College of New York Division of
Science, I would like to thank you for your support of our students and for your participation in this
extraordinary event.
Yours Truly,


Prof. Millicent Roth, CCAPP Director
Deputy Dean of Science for Undergraduates

ANNUAL CCAPP POSTER PRESENTATION - ABSTRACTS studied ICI, was evaluated in 46 (48%)
studies. The retinal toxicities reported in these
Retinal Toxicity from Cancer Therapies 95 studies included serous retinal detachment in
Registry 35 (37%), Vogt–Koyanagi–Harada–like
Cayla Cruz1, Jasmine H Francis, MD FACS2 Syndrome in 18 (19%), macular edema in 12
1The City College of New York, 2Memorial Sloan (13%), panuveitis in 18 (19%), retinal vasculitis in
Kettering Cancer Center, New York NY 8 (8%), posterior uveitis in 10 (11%), and
retinopathy in 14 (15%). Serous retinal
Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) are detachments, the most common retinal toxicity,
beneficial in treating some cancers, but they can were seen in each class of ICIs (ipi, nivolumab,
have side effects including visually debilitating pembrolizumab, and durvalumab).
toxicities to the retina. ICIs are classified into Conclusion: In our systematic review, immune
inhibitors of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) were associated with
protein 4 (CTLA-4), programmed cell death retinal toxicities/irAEs in 16% of studies. Serous
protein 1 (PD1), and programmed death ligand 1 retinal detachment was the most commonly
(PDL1). Retinal toxicity from ICIs due to reported retinal toxicity and was described in all
ophthalmic immune-related adverse events classes of ICIs. Further studies should
(irAEs) have not been comprehensively characterize patient risk of retinal toxicities for
tabulated. We performed a systematic literature existing and new ICIs, ideally through
review to characterize retinal toxicity of ICIs in prospective clinical trials. As ICI use increases
cancer patients. and new therapies are developed, determination
Methods: Systematic search of of the risk of retinal toxicity is essential to guide
PubMed/Medline and EMBASE was conducted informed consent conversations and tailor
to identify studies characterizing retinal treatment to the individual patient.
toxicity/irAEs in cancer patients on ICIs. When
full texts were unavailable, library articles were Supported in part by CCNY-MSK Partnership
requested. Search strategy used Medical Subject
Heading (MeSH) terms “retinal diseases” and Characterizing Vocalization Processing
“retina”, along with a combination of keywords Deficits in a Mouse Model of Rett
(e.g., ocular, ophthalmic). Use of these key terms Syndrome
and generic names of FDA-approved ICIs Czarina Maysonet1 and Hysell V. Oviedo1,2
(ipilimumab “ipi”, pembrolizumab, nivolumab, 1Biology Department, The City College of New York,
atezolizumab, avelumab, durvalumab, and New York NY, 2CUNY Graduate Center, New York
tremelimumab) as well as combination therapies NY
yielded 536 studies. Articles were not restricted
by year and duplicates were removed. 95 studies A growing number of genes have been
performed from 2012 to 2022 met inclusion implicated in the etiology of communication
criteria (English language, ICI exposure, peer- disorders, but the candidate genes form a very
reviewed), and are the basis of this report. For heterogeneous collection. What is needed is an
each study, we recorded the ICI and retinal efficient way of identifying circuit anomalies in
toxicity. parallel and in multiple animal models to identify
Results: Among 95 studies, 52 (54%) were case the converging defective neuronal features
reports and 20 (21%) were reviews. ICIs were regardless of the disrupted gene. Identifying the
CTLA-4 inhibitors (ipi and tremelimumab) in 57 underlying circuit defects in human subjects is
(60%), PD1 inhibitors (nivolumab and likely to be difficult, if only because of the severe
pembrolizumab) in 67 (71%), and PDL1 limitations of the tools currently available to
inhibitors (atezolizumab, avelumab, and study neural activity in humans. Animal models
durvalumab) in 13 (14%); 23 (24%) articles make the task more tractable. Because the core
addressed more than one ICI. Ipi, the most

ANNUAL CCAPP POSTER PRESENTATION - ABSTRACTS Investigating therapeutic resistance
and growth requirements in acute
symptoms affect behaviors that are unique to myeloid leukemia cell lines
humans, it seems reasonable to focus on Rachelle Monteau1, Rebecca Gelfer, Xiaodi Wu,
anatomical and neurophysiological rather than MD, PhD, Ross Levine, MD2*
behavioral phenotypes in animal models. The 1The City College of New York, 2Human Oncology
mouse is a relevant species with which to study Pathogenesis Program, Memorial Sloan Kettering
communication disorders, given the growing Cancer Center, New York, NY
number of similarities between their vocalization
processing system and ours. Previous work from Currently available therapies are insufficient for
our lab and others has revealed that the mouse many patients with acute myeloid leukemia
brain shares a core feature of human speech (AML). Despite advances in targeted therapy,
processing: division of labor between the including differentiating agents, many patients do
hemispheres, or lateralization. In this summer not reach durable remission. In this research, we
project we will begin to test this approach by develop and optimize ex vivo platforms to study
examining vocalization processing deficits in a leukemia growth and therapeutic resistance in
mouse model of Rett Syndrome: mice with two different leukemia subtypes, IDH1/NRAS
reduced function of the MeCP2 gene. MeCP2 mutated and
regulates gene expression during development CEBPA bZIP mutated AML, using patient
and its dysfunction is linked to mental derived xenograft (PDX) cells. There are not that
retardation and autism. Using markers of neural many ex vivo platforms to culture cells, especially
activity, we will examine lateralization deficits in of these subtypes, therefore this research aims to
response to conspecific vocalizations at different optimize ex vivo PDX AML cell culture
developmental ages. conditions and utilize this platform to study
phenotypes and mechanisms of therapeutic
Supported in part by AMS resistance.
Methods: PDX cell lines with IDH1/NRAS or
Strain Engineering Effects on the CEBPA/GATA2 mutations were used. Cells
Optical Properties of Bilayer MoS 2 were plated in either 24 or 48 well plates for 5
Charanjot Singh, Biswajit Datta, Vinod Menon days. After cells were harvested, flow cytometry
Department of Physics, The City College of New was completed. Data was analyzed in FlowJo.
York Results: IDH1/NRAS cells grew in StemSpan
Two-dimensional (2D) materials like transitional (SS) and stem cell factor (SCF) and the addition
metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) exhibit interesting of the IDH1 inhibitor, ivosidenib, did not cause
optical, mechanical, and electronic properties. cell differentiation with upregulation of myeloid
These properties can be manipulated in several differentiation
ways, one of them being strain engineering. By markers like CD15, in comparison to the control
applying strain to very thin layers of TMDs, we IDHI cells without an NRAS mutation.
can change properties like photoluminescence Therefore, IDH1/NRAS mutated cells showed
and absorption for these materials by causing resistance. CEBPA cells didn’t show as much
their bandgap to change under strain. In our growth in SS + SCF, but in conditions of SCF,
experiment, we prepared Al 2 O 3 pillars on a IL-3 and IL-6, there was marked increases in cell
silicon substrate. Then a MoS 2 bilayer, number. The addition of IL-3 and IL-6 also
encapsulated in hBN, was transferred on the seemed to increase a population of hCD45 high
pillars via dry transfer technique. cells. These cytokines also produced more CD7+
Photoluminescence and white light absorption and CD34- cells and less CD7- CD34+ cells as a
measurements were carried out at low proportion of the total cells. High CD45 levels
temperature (5K) to understand the effect of were seen only when IL-6 was included in media
strain on the excitonic properties.

ANNUAL CCAPP POSTER PRESENTATION - ABSTRACTS Design and Research Methods: Participants were
Mexican immigrants living in New York City
conditions. The cell population with the addition who were enrolled in Salud y Nutrición Para
of IL-6 expressed increased CD11b. Todos (SANOS) (Health and Nutrition for All),
Conclusions: IDH1/NRAS and CEBPA a program aiming to address the obesity crisis
mutated cell lines have different culture among Mexican immigrants. SANOS recruits
conditions. IDH1/NRAS cells grow best in through the Ventanillas de Salud program, a
StemSpan (SS) and SCF. In these conditions collaboration between the IHCD at Memorial
when treated with ivosidenib these cells Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and the Mexican
were resistant to the inhibitor based on a failure Consulate. Participants completed a baseline
to upregulate myeloid differentiation markers. questionnaire which included self-reported
Future research can analyze how downstream demographics (age and gender) and engagement
NRAS signaling pathways, like MEK and ERK, in VPA. Data were analyzed with SPSS using a
contribute to the ivosidenib resistance. CEBPA one-way ANOVA test and independent t-tests.
cells show high growth and differentiation when Results: 166 participants (102 female and 64
treated with SCF/IL-3/IL-6. The addition of IL- male) completed the baseline survey. The average
3 and IL-6 showed a higher hCD45 high age of participants was 43.00 (SD=9.74). When
population without an identifiable comparing men and women, there was a
immunophenotype with the markers used. IL-6 significant difference in the number of minutes
addition is the main driver for the CD34+ and spent engaged in VPA, physical activity for 10 or
CD45 populations which also express CD11b. more minutes that led to heavy sweating and
Therefore, IL-6 promotes the maturation of increased heart rate. Per week, women completed
CEBPA cells in vitro. Further research can an average of 48.11 minutes of VPA, while males
perform transplant experiments to analyze the completed an average of 78.8 minutes, (p=.002).
maturation of CEBPA AML cells. Individuals between 18-35 years old engaged in
an average of 43.5 minutes, ages 36-42 completed
Vigorous Physical Activity, Gender, about 55.3 minutes, ages 43-48 partook in 83.5
and Age Among Obese Mexican minutes, and lastly, ages 49 and over participated
Immigrant Adults in New York City in 59.9 minutes of VPA. Conclusion: In our
Anjali Mercado1 , Amanda Watsula 2 , Bharat study, women engaged in fewer mins of VPA
Narang2 , Jennifer Leng2 compared to men. This can be due to a plethora
1The City College of New York, New York, NY 2 of reasons including increased family
Immigrant Health and Cancer Disparities Center responsibilities among women, such as
(IHCD), Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, household chores or childcare, resulting in less
New York, NY time and energy to prioritize VPA. Additionally,
younger adults (18-35), engage in fewer VPA
Vigorous physical activity (VPA) is a pivotal mins than middle-aged adults, (43-48). Younger
factor for overall good health as it aids in weight adults are more likely to be enrolled in higher
management, enhances mental health, and education such as Masters, and PhDs, or possibly
reduces the risk of disease. Studies have shown be starting their own families and have less time
that 56.4% of Mexicans living in the U.S. do not to tend to VPA, while middle aged adults may be
engage in VPA. Participating in VPA is vital as it more aware of the need to exercise for their
lowers the risk of chronic disease. Perceived health. Based on the findings in this abstract,
barriers to VPA in this population include lack of further research is needed to understand specific
time, fatigue, and work/family responsibilities,
which may vary between men and women and 3
among different age groups. This study
investigated the association between age, gender,
and VPA among Mexican immigrants. Study

ANNUAL CCAPP POSTER PRESENTATION - ABSTRACTS of formal training for PD-L1 testing analysis; lack
of standardized interpretation of PD-L1 tests;
barriers and facilitators toward VPA within the challenges determining the outcomes PD-L1
Mexican immigrant population. tests.

Supported in part by CCNY-MSK Partnership Supported in part by the NIH through NCI and CCNY-MSK
Pathologists’ perception about access
to immunotherapy for breast cancer: Pharmacist perception about access to
A qualitative analysis immunotherapy for breast cancer: A
Ekene Onwubiko1, Jayda Grant, Taisha Gomez, qualitative analysis.
Alexis Brown, MS, Melissa Lopez, BS, Adriana
Espinosa, PhD Francesca Gany, MD, MS,& Cristopher Arevalo, 1,2 Melissa Lopez, BS, 2 Taisha
Devika R. Jutagir, PhD*2 Gomez, MS, 1,2 Adriana Espinosa, PhD, 1Francesca
1The City College of New York, Gany, MD, MS, 2 & Devika R. Jutagir, PhD 2 
2Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 1 The City College of New York, New York, NY,
USA, 2 Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) grows and Sciences, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center,
spreads faster than other breast cancers. Since New York, NY, USA
TNBC does not respond to targeted treatments,
the options are more limited than for other Breast cancer is the second most common cancer
breast cancers. The FDA has approved among women in the U.S.
checkpoint inhibitors to treat TNBC. This form Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is more
of immunotherapy is approved for patients with prone to affect Black and Hispanic women, is
metastatic TNBC who are positive for the PD- more invasive, grows and spreads at a faster rate
L1 biomarker, and for patients with high-risk and has a higher recurrence rate than other breast
early-stage TNBC. However, research has shown cancer subtypes. TNBC lacks the treatment
that immunotherapy is less likely to be targets estrogen, progesterone and Her2,
dministered to patients who are Hispanic/Black therefore restricted treatment options also
or are of lower socioeconomic status. This study contribute to its poor prognosis. Since March
is aimed to identify barriers to and facilitators of 2019, the FDA has approved checkpoint
breast cancer immunotherapy access. inhibitors, a type of immunotherapy, as standard
New York City metropolitan area pathologists of care treatments that improve outcomes for
who work with breast cancer tissue were patients with TNBC. However, studies have
interviewed about factors affecting patient access shown disparities in access to immunotherapy,
to immunotherapy. This study is a preliminary specifically affecting patients who are Black or of
analysis of 9 interviews and more data is still low socioeconomic status. This study aimed to
being collected. Interview questions were crafted qualitatively identify barriers to, and facilitators
around themes we hypothesized to be relevant to of, breast cancer immunotherapy access reported
immunotherapy implementation. A team of 7 by pharmacists.
coders independently, analyzed data and Methods: From July 2020 to February 2022,
identified and reported emerging themes. eight New York City metropolitan area
Findings were guided by Consolidated Criteria pharmacists who worked in academic medical
for Reporting Qualitative Research. The centers, public hospitals, and community-based
following themes emerged: lack of specialized practices, participated in in-depth interviews.
pathologists in breast cancer; variability in criteria Interview questions revolved around themes
for ordering PD-L1 tests; financial barriers to hypothesized to be pertinent to TNBC
having multiple types of PD-L1 tests available at immunotherapy: (1) provider awareness of and
a single institution; lack of autonomy to knowledge about immunotherapy guidelines; (2)
determine PD-L1 test selection; lack of in-house institutional logistics; (3) support for monitoring
pathologists to interpret PD-L1 test results; lack

ANNUAL CCAPP POSTER PRESENTATION - ABSTRACTS OEND) in substance use has been validated.
However little research examines whether
immunotherapy side effects; (4) provider volunteer research associates (RA) can effectively
comfort/training/experience prescribing provide SBIRT-OEND services to patients in
immunotherapy; (5) attitudes about the emergency department. From February 1,
immunotherapy. A team of 4 coders 2022 to September 30, 2022, 44 RAs approached
independently analyzed interview data and 9,349 patients and screened 5,980 patients during
reached consensus about emerging themes. their stay in the Emergency Department. Of the
Results: Preliminary analyses illustrated 10 9,349 approached, 54.3% were males, 45.4%
themes: (1) need for patient, caregiver, and were female, 0.2%
physician education about immunotherapy; (2) were an other gender, and 0.1% refused to
lack of immunotherapy continuing education disclose this information. The median age of
requirements for pharmacists; (3) differences in those approached was 49 years. The
pharmacist knowledge of immunotherapy side race/ethnicity of screened patients included: 24.8
effects between pharmacists in different settings; % White, 30.7% Black or African-American,
(4) lack of English proficiency limits 35.9% Hispanic or Latino, 7.9 % Asian, 0.3 %
immunotherapy access; (5) hospital finances, not American Indian/Alaska native, 0.1% Native
patient resources, may limit immunotherapy Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and others made up
access; (6) variability in financial assistance 1.2% while refused patients made up 0.8%.
programs for immunotherapy offered at different 82.9% of patients lived in stable housing, 9.8% of
treatment settings; (7) pharmacist lack of patients did not, 6.6% lived in semi-stable
awareness about uneven distribution of housing, and 0.6 % of patients refused to
immunotherapy to socially disadvantaged disclose this information.
populations; (8) variability in workflows verifying Some reasons patients were not screened
if patient immunotherapy prescriptions are included: language barrier, medically/ mentally
correct; (9) lack of standardization in ordering unstable, patient was asleep, screening was
tests of interrupted, or patients refused. Of those
biomarkers that determine immunotherapy screened, when asked the frequency of
efficacy; (10) space constraints limit ability to consuming greater than 4-5 drinks per day,
prepare medications on site. 75.9% had more than 4-5 drinks less than
Conclusion: Pharmacists provided insight into monthly, 4.5% had more than 4-5 drinks
disparities in access to immunotherapy for monthly, 5.5% had more than 4-5 drinks weekly,
TNBC. The study is expanding to look at 6.5% had more than 4-5 drinks daily and 0.4%
perspectives of patients on disparities in access to refused to answer. Of those who
immunotherapy for TNBC. Future research indicated illicit substance use, 2.2% used drugs
should aim to better understand and address the less than monthly, 1.9% used drugs monthly,
barriers found in this study to promote 3.6% used drugs weekly, 8.3% used drugs almost
immunotherapy access equity. daily and 0.8% refused to answer. Of those that
indicated substance use 43% were interested in
The Health and Social Impact of the changing their substance use. 363 patients were
Implementation of SBIRT-OEND by given a Naloxone kit. There have also been 371
Volunteer RAs referrals to addiction social work for help with
1Grace Assabil-Bentum, 2Heather Anderson substance abuse. Results indicated that Volunteer
Keightly* RAs can effectively provide SBIRT-OEND
1The City College of New York, 2Emergency services to ED patients. Volunteer research
Medicine Department, NYU associates can successfully deliver SBIRT-OEND
The effectiveness of Screening, Brief services in the emergency department setting.
Intervention, Referral to Treatment, Opioid
Education, and Naloxone Distribution (SBIRT- Supported in part by AMS


American Birds Using Phylogeography
Discovery and characterization of new Bintou Soumaoro, Ana Carnaval. Ph.D*, Elkin
chemical tools to degrade and inhibit Tenorio Moreno
Bruton’s Tyrosine Kinase The City College of New York, Department of
Curtis Edwards1, Omar Abdel-Wahab2 Biology
1The City College of New York
2Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center This project involves using different sources of
information related to the evolution of
Small molecules which inhibit the enzymatic mountain birds in South America. Some of this
activity Bruton’s Tyrosine Kinase (BTK) have information includes genetic, phylogenetic,
been extremely important in the therapy of B-cell morphological, and geographical information.
malignancies such as chronic lymphocytic Examples of questions we will answer are how
leukemia (CLL). BTK enzymatic inhibitors exist the birds speciate and are their competition
as irreversible (or covalent) inhibitors as well as related to the mechanism of speciation in
reversible (or non-covalent) inhibitors. Each of mountainous species. The project includes
these drug classes bind to BTK’s kinase domain molecular lab work in addition to fieldwork. We
and inhibit the enzyme by blocking its access to extracted DNA
ATP. Despite the clinical importance of these from many tissue samples of birds using manual
treatments, recent work from my laboratory has purification methods. The DNA was quantified
identified that a variety of mutations within BTK with a Qubit fluorometer to get concentrations
can confer resistance to both classes of from many samples. We plan to repeat this for
enzymatic inhibitors. Based on these discoveries, many samples to maximize comparison methods.
we are now working to address two major goals: To date, we have extracted and quantified about
(1) determine if chemical degradation of BTK 100 samples. We plan to use gel electrophoresis
can overcome BTK drug resistance mutations to separate the DNA fragments based on their
and (2) identify a new class of small molecules size, necessary for sequencing. The samples will
which inhibit the inactive confirmation of BTK. I be then sent off for sequencing. To make
hypothesize that chemical degradation of BTK diversification estimations, we plan to compare
and/or inhibitors of the inactive confirmation of the sequences and construct phylogenetic trees
BTK may overcome BTK drug resistant mutants. with the genetic information. Other next steps
Thus far, I have been able to demonstrate that include taking pictures of specimens or birds and
BTK degraders can degrade wild-type BTK using coding analysis to determine phenotypic
enzyme as well as most BTK resistance mutant differences. We may also record and then analyze
proteins. I am now working to determine if BTK song records to compare different bird sounds.
degradation can block signaling downstream of The project includes bioinformatics, where
BTK. Furthermore, our laboratory has identified computer technology
a series of molecules which bind BTK and are is used to analyze biological data and
predicted to inhibit its inactive confirmation. I information. We will cross-reference our data
am now testing the impact of these molecules in with those found in online databases.
malignant B-cells
with wild-type and mutant BTK. This project is in collaboration with the City College of New York
and the American Museum of Natural History. It is supported by
Supported in part by AMS and CCNY-MSK Partnership the Associated Medical Schools of New York.


Deliver Mediator to Gene Promoters
Effect of Dual Wavelength Light Mykel Barrett1, Xianglong Tan2, and Michael
Exposure on Regeneration of Dugesia Carey2.
Dorotocephala 1The City College of New York, CUNY; 2University
of California, Los Angeles.
Zayedali Shaikh1*, Khaled Mahmoud2*
1Department of Biology, City College of New York, Biological processes rely on the precise
New York, NY, 2*Bronx High School of Science, spatiotemporal regulation of gene expression. It
Bronx, NY is known that at the level of transcription, gene
regulation is controlled by complex
Increasingly now more than ever, UV damage physicochemical interactions that occur between:
brings with it a litany of minor deformities that transcription factors, the mediator complex,
can range from mild lesions and discoloring to RNA polymerase, and cis-regulatory DNA
cataracts and blindness. Pluripotent stem cells in elements such as enhancers and promoters;
planaria and human skin can be used to treat however the exact molecular mechanisms
wounds and skin damage, with the primary orchestrating transcriptional activation are not
limitations being inadequate growth factors. well understood. To gain insight regarding these
Photobiomodulation therapy in the form of low- mechanisms, ChIP-seq datasets were processed
intensity red light therapy has been proven to using MACS2 and quantitatively analyzed using
provide helpful benefits in the healing of skin deepTools' computeMatrix, to explore, genome-
that displays some of the symptoms of UV wide, the positional occupancy of the mediator
damage, such as burns and lesions, along with complex, Pol II, TAF2, and the master
stimulating the proliferation of stem cells in transcription factor, Esrrb. Our results show
recellularizing tissue by stimulating cytochrome C that: 1) Esrrb preferentially binds to enhancers,
oxidase. This paper puts forth an alternate means instead of promoters; and 2) that the mediator
by which to treat the effects of UV damage using complex tends to colocalize at enhancers bound
the freshwater planarian model system, Dugesia by Esrrb. These findings challenge the
dorotocephala, known for its regenerative commonly accepted model that mediator is
abilities and abundance of pluripotent stem cells, generally docked on gene promoters and instead
which allow for the rapid growth and repair of suggests mediator is delivered to gene promoters
missing or damaged structures. Our work from activator-bound enhancers. The knowledge
consisted of exposing planaria to different types produced from this study is useful in
of light: red light, blue light, white light, darkness, understanding transcriptional dysregulation as an
red and blue light together, UV light, and finally, etiology of diseases, especially cancer, and can
red and UV light together. The primary focus of inform the generation of novel therapies aimed at
this research was on the red and UV lights, with targeting gene regulation.
six controls acting as metrics to compare our
findings. Through computer-assisted Supported in part by AMS and MARC program
morphological analysis, the results show that
there is no significant difference in the rates of
regeneration of planaria treated with
simultaneous exposure to red and UV light
versus planaria in darkness (p > .05), a
representation of their preferred natural habitat.
Our research suggests the viability of red-light
therapy in actively combating UV damage and
expediting the growth of epidermal stem cells by
acting as an additional growth factor.


ANNUAL CCAPP POSTER PRESENTATION - ABSTRACTS prints in the Warhol portfolio. The analysis
provided further insight into the dyes used in À
Andy Warhol and His Amazing la recherche du shoe perdu and confirmed the
Technicolor Shoes: Characterizing the extreme light sensitivity of some colorants and
Synthetic Dyes found in Dr. Ph. Martin's the fastness of others.
Synchromatic Transparent
Watercolors and used in À la recherche Patient Anxiety and Delays due to Prior
du shoe perdu Authorization for Cancer Care
Alexandra Baez1, Fumiko Chino, MD2
Toni-Nakie Miller, Glen Kowach, Ph. D*., Abed 1The City College of New York
Haddad,, Josephine Jenks 2Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York,
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, City NY
College of New York, Museum of Modern Art
Prior Authorization (PA) is a process through
Synthetic organic dyes were extensively by artists which health insurance companies require
in the first half of the 20th century, knowingly or advance approval for a service before the care
otherwise. This included Andy Warhol and his À can be received by the patient. We hypothesized
la recherche du shoe perdu (c. 1955), a major portfolio that PA causes delays in care delivery and
of hand-colored prints, a copy of which lies in increases anxiety for patients with cancer. To test
the collection of The Museum of Modern Art this hypothesis, we investigated the PA
(MoMA). Warhol and his friends were known to experiences of patients with cancer.
use Dr. Ph. Martin’s Synchromatic Transparent Methods: This cross‐sectional survey recruited a
Water Colors to bring these prints to life. A convenience sample online through social media
historical set of Synchromatic Transparent and online cancer advocacy groups. A 32-
Watercolors were initially investigated by UV- question survey was designed to evaluate PA
Visible spectroscopy, and samples from the experiences, including care delays and patient
historic set were also characterized µ-Fourier anxiety. Patient demographics and cancer
transform infrared spectroscopy for fingerprint characteristics were self-reported. Patients rated
identification. To better elucidate the nature of anxiety on a 0-100 scale, with higher numbers
the mixtures present, thin-layer chromatography reflecting more anxiety. The survey was open
was coupled with surface enhanced Raman 7/1/2022 with data collection ongoing; this
spectroscopy to separate the components of all report includes responses through 7/12/2022.
colorants in the set. The dyes decisively identified Results: Of 124 cancer survivors with PA
include Acid Red 73, Acid Red 87, Acid Red 17, experiences, primary cancer was breast in 59
Acid Red 103, Basic Red 1, Acid Orange 7, Acid (49%), hematologic in 18 (14%), lung in 6 (5%),
Yellow 23, Acid Green 1, Basic Green 4, Acid gastrointestinal in 11 (9%), gynecological in 11
Blue 3, Acid Blue 93, Basic Violet 3, Basic Violet (9%) and other in 19 (14%). Among 123 cancer
10, Basic Violet 17, and Acid Black 2. Overall, survivors, 111 (90%) were women and 106 (88%)
Acid Blue 3, along with Acid Orange 7 and Acid were White. Age was 18-39 years old in 63
Black 2, were found in the greatest number of (52%). 92 (75%) had private insurance. Annual
dyes in the Dr. Ph. Martin’s set. Data from the household income was above $100,000 in 64
historic set was subsequently used for direct (52%). Services most often requiring PA were
comparison with reflectance spectra from the imaging studies in 89 (72%), intravenous
Warhol portfolio using principal component
analysis. Microfade testing on a Synchromatic 8
Transparent Watercolors brochure was also
conducted to identify fugitive colorants, the
results of which were extrapolated to each of the

ANNUAL CCAPP POSTER PRESENTATION - ABSTRACTS Supportive interventions to Overcome
grief and Loss through Advocacy and
chemotherapy in 64 (52%), and surgery in 62 Community Engagement (SOLACE):
(50%). Multiple PA requests for the same service Mental Health Conversations with
over time were made by 106 (85%). In 69 (56%), Brooklyn and Harlem Spiritual Leaders
PA was ultimately approved and the original Fariha Haider,1 Tecora Williams,2,3 Raúl
cancer service delivered; however, the rest either Hernández,2 Gabriela Rebello,2 Lakshmidevi Menon,2
had a different service, paid out of pocket, or Yumeng Wu,2 Francesca Gany, MD, MS,2,3 Erica
received an expected bill for care. PA delayed Lubetkin, MD, MPH,1 Nicole S. Roberts, MPH2
care in 87 (72%) survivors; 63 (52%) experienced 1City College of New York, New York, NY, USA
care delays of >2 weeks, with the longest delay 2Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences,
being 215 days. The PA process resulted in Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York,
increased anxiety in most patients, with higher NY, USA, 3Immigrant Health & Cancer Disparities
anxiety scores during PA as compared to baseline Service, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center,
(76 vs. 31.5 on a 100-point scale). The overall New York, NY, USA
experience of PA was rated as bad or horrible for
86 (71%) survivors; 37 (30%) felt that the PA In March 2020, New York City (NYC) became
process made their cancer outcomes worse the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic,
Conclusion: Our study confirmed our resulting in a widening of the existing health
hypothesis. The PA process substantially delayed inequities. Compounding the pandemic, the
cancer care and caused anxiety in most survivors, protests for racial justice arising after George
even in those with private insurance. Although Floyd’s murder profoundly impacted the mental
most cancer services were ultimately approved, and physical health of Black, indigenous, people
most patients had to make multiple PA requests of color (BIPOC).
for the same service. The PA process was rated Objective: The SOLACE project aims to
as bad or horrible by two-thirds of survivors and investigate the effects of the pandemic and
was thought to worsen cancer outcomes in one- protests for racial justice on the mental health
third. The PA process should be reevaluated for needs of BIPOC residing in NYC neighborhoods
efficiency and value in a patient-centered most affected by COVID-19 by interviewing
framework. Future research should focus on how spiritual leaders from those communities.
to streamline PA to minimize delays and Methods: Investigators have been conducting
optimize high quality of care for patients with in-depth interviews with spiritual leaders to
cancer. ascertain demographic characteristics, quality of
life challenges, and the mental health needs of
Supported in part by CCNY-MSK Partnership congregants and community members. To date,
we have completed 22 in-depth interviews of 22
spiritual leaders in churches located in Brooklyn
and Harlem (with our target number of
interviews between 25-30). Data from these in-
depth interviews are currently being coded and
thematically analyzed using Dedoose software.
Results: Of the 22 spiritual leaders interviewed,
14 (63.6%) are pastors and 8 (36.4%) are church
leaders. Among the pastors, over three-quarters
of respondents are male, aged 56 and older, and
married with children. Half are employed full-
time, and over half have finished post-
college/graduate school. Half identify as
Black/African-American, less than half as


ANNUAL CCAPP POSTER PRESENTATION - ABSTRACTS events may change substantially. In this work,
historical data is used to examine trends and
Black/African-Caribbean, and less than a quarter causes of extreme precipitation for the past 140
as white or Afro-Latino. Regarding the church years. Rain gauge observational data gathered
leaders, half are 35-56 years of age, and half are from Central Park are planned to be used and
older than age 56. Most are female, single or analyzed for trends regarding these precipitation
married, college graduates or have finished post- extremes. Additionally, reanalysis data from the
college/graduate school, employed full-time, and European Center for Medium Range Forecasts
do not have children. Half identify as will be used to examine the atmospheric
Black/African-American, and half as conditions that create the extreme events.
Black/African-Caribbean. Preliminary findings Extreme value analysis will be performed on the
reveal a total of six overarching themes: (1) above-mentioned data to identify the largest
community challenges, (2) coping behaviors, (3) precipitation events. These will then be analyzed
views on mental health/stigma, (4) community in terms of their frequency, mean daily rate, and
resources and sources of support, (5) gaps in mean duration to identify positive or negative
services/access/community solutions, and (6) trends over time. For our work focusing on
COVID-19 vaccination. atmospheric phenomena that caused the extreme
Recurrent challenges include job precipitation events in the NYC region, we will
loss/unemployment, housing, depression, and consider the following phenomena: tropical
the death of loved ones, leading to an increase in cyclones (TC), extratropical cyclones (ETC),
harmful health behaviors such as substance atmospheric rivers (AR), and mesoscale
abuse. Due to a lack of resources, accessing convective systems (MCS).
mental health services is particularly challenging.
As a result of stigma and medical mistrust, many Supported in part by the AMS and Department of Energy/Office of Science
fear being seen as weak or “crazy” and hesitate to
seek treatment. Title of project: Characterizing the
Conclusions: Next steps include continuing function of Atm and Msh2 in cell growth
outreach to Imams and other Muslim faith-based Nyima Sherpa, Emily Sible, Bao Q. Vuong, Ph.D*
leaders, as well as finding the best ways to Department of Biology, The City College of NY
support needs based on perceptions of lacking ATM and MSH2 control DNA damage repair,
resources and barriers to mental health service cell cycle progression, and apoptosis. Genetic
accessibility. Given the link between long-term inactivation of Atm and Msh2 causes embryonic
stress and cancer risk, partnering with the lethality in mice, suggesting that the loss of Atm
SOLACE network of churches for health fairs and Msh2 leads to cell growth defects. To
and outreach efforts is critical. characterize how the loss of Atm and Msh2
affects cell growth, Hec-59 cells, which lack
Supported in part by CCNY-MSK Partnership Msh2, and Hec-59 + Chr-2 cells, which have
been reconstituted with a portion of human
Exploring Precipitation Extremes for chromosome 2 containing Msh2, were treated
NYC: Links to Large-Scale Atmospheric with or without the ATM inhibitor KU-60019.
Circulation Hec-59 and Hec-59 + Chr-2 cells treated with
Yuren Rangel, James F. Booth, Carlos Ordaz KU-60019 showed decreased growth. Treatment
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, The of Hec-59 and Hec-59 + Chr-2 cells with KU-
City College of New York 60019 in the presence of bleomycin, a DNA
damage-inducing agent, severely reduces the
Precipitation extremes can create dangerous and
expensive impacts for New York City (NYC). 10
Due to anthropogenic climate change, these

ANNUAL CCAPP POSTER PRESENTATION - ABSTRACTS more comprehensive in quantifying dopamine
boutons than a transgenic DAT reporter mouse
growth of both cells. Bleomycin and KU-60019 line. Future studies could examine whether
treatment decreased Hec-59 cells in G1 and differences in biological sex, age or
increased sub-G1 cells, whereas Hec-59 + Chr-2 neuroanatomical regions could influence our
cells were arrested in G2/M. The increase in sub- findings. Overall, this work will provide further
G1 Hec-59 cells suggests that the observed insight into an optimal method for quantifying
embryonic lethality following genetic inactivation dopamine innervation, which will improve our
of Atm and Msh2 may result from defects in cell understanding of the neurological and
cycle progression. neuropsychiatric disorders that result from
impaired dopaminergic signaling.
Comparison of labeling methods for
dopaminergic innervations in mouse Using the phylogeography of South
prefrontal cortex American Birds to study past
Nana Wiafe Addae Owusu1, Vielka Inoa connections between the Amazon and
Santana1, Rianne Stowell2, Hayley Wnuk2, Jackson the Atlantic forest
Pulizzi2, Kuan Hong Wang2 Mariam Kamissoko, Ana Carnaval,
1. NeuroCity, City College of New York, New York, Ph.D*, Rilquer Mascarenhas
NY 2. Dept. Neuroscience, Univ. of Rochester Department of Evolution and Developmental
Medical Center, Rochester, NY Biology and Genetics, The City College of New York
Dopamine plays a vital role in many physiological It is known that climatic changes in South
functions including mood, movement, reward America over the past several thousand years
pathways and motor control. Examination of (Pleistocene to the late Holocene era) led to
dopaminergic axon boutons, which are the periods of forest expansion and contraction
release sites of dopamine, allows assessment of between the Amazon and the Atlantic forest, and
dopamine signaling at the structural level. these may have led to past corridors between the
Multiple methods are available for quantifying two ecosystems. These corridors are
dopamine boutons in the prefrontal cortex, but hypothesized to have occurred both in the
the relative strength and weakness of these northern and the southern portions of these
methods have yet to be established. To answer ecosystems and at other times in the past. Our
this question, we examined dopamine boutons in lab investigates where and when these changes
the prefrontal cortex of P42 mouse brains using led to connections between populations of two
two different methods. First, we used a mouse passerine bird species - Dysithamnus mentalis and
line that expresses a fluorescent dopaminergic Arremon taciturnus - isolated today in the Amazon
reporter, DAT-Ai14, to assess levels of and Atlantic forests, impacting their distribution
dopaminergic signaling using a transgenic and patterns of genetic diversity. Specifically, we
approach to label boutons. Next, we used a aimed to 1) understand the patterns of intra-
dopamine-synthesis enzyme specific antibody, specific genetic variation of Dysithamnus mentalis
Anti-TH, to assess levels of dopaminergic and Arremon taciturnus in the Amazon and the
signaling using a immunohistological approach to Atlantic forests and 2) identify possible routes of
label boutons. Then, we manually quantified past forest connections between these
boutons across the entire prefrontal cortex to ecosystems. For that, DNA from samples of the
compare differences in relative levels of two species has been extracted by using a salt-
dopaminergic innervation. Our experiment precipitation protocol. After quantifying the
revealed that the immunohistological approach DNA with a Qubit fluorometer, we amplified the
labeled significantly more boutons than utilizing mitochondrial gene cytochrome b through
the transgenic approach to label boutons. These
preliminary results indicate the TH antibody is 11

ANNUAL CCAPP POSTER PRESENTATION - ABSTRACTS increased levels of the chemokine CXCL1 in LM
patients, and the levels of this hemokine were
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR). We verified the significantly decreased after CSI.
success of the amplification protocol with gel To identify the source and role of CXCL1 and
electrophoresis. To date, we have extracted DNA LM, we developed mouse models for LM and
from 23 samples of D. mentalis and five samples CSI that allow us to investigate the molecular
of A. taciturnus. The results so far include DNA aspects for responder vs non- responder LM
concentrations ranging from 1.4 ng/uL to 392 patients to CSI. Mice were inoculated
ng/uL for D. mentalis and we successfully intracisternally with cancer cell lines for lung
amplified three samples of species D. mentalis. (Lewis lung carcinoma cell line, LLC) and breast
For six samples of D. mentalis, three successfully cancer (4T1 cell line). Cancer free animals were
yielded DNA concentration, and the other three also included to serve as controls for the cancer
samples were unsuccessful to yield any DNA inoculation and CSI. Cancer cells were allowed to
concentration. As for A. taciturnus, we grow for one week, and animals were treated
successfully amplified four samples from with 20 Gy of CSI thereafter. Mice were
extractions with DNA concentrations ranging sacrificed at one week after completion of the
from 4.49 ng/uL to 920 ng/uL. We have only CSI treatment and their brains and sounding
performed gel electrophoresis for D. mentalis, and meninges were harvested. Brains were fixed with
for each sample of this species, a similar DNA paraformaldehyde, sectioned using a microtome
size band appeared. The next steps will be to and process of immunofluorescence staining
amplify the remaining individuals and sequence using antibodies against Cxcl1, Iba1 (marker for
these amplified markers. With the sequence in macrophages) and the nuclear counterstain
hand, our findings will be used to construct a Hoechst. The stained sections were images using
phylogenetic tree to infer how and when possible a confocal microscope. Images were further
connections between the Amazon and the processed using the Zen software to quantify the
Atlantic forests happened. number of Cxcl1 expressing cells and assess
whether the CXcl1 expressing cells were the
Supported in part by AMS cancer cells or the macrophages. Our results
showed that the numbers of Cxcl1 expressing
Investigation of the Expression of the cells increased in mice harboring the cancer cells
Chemokine Cxcl1 in Leptomeningeal in both cancer models, LLC and 4T1, however
Metastasis in Mouse models the
Suki Oji1, Dr. Ahmed Osman, and Dr. Adrienne abundance of Cxcl1 expression was seen more in
Boire the LLC model. Moreover, the major source of
1The City College of New York, Department of Cxcl1 in the LLC model was the macrophages,
Neuro Oncology, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer while in the 4T1 model the cancer cells were the
center main source. Currently the functional role of
Leptomeningeal metastasis (LM) is spread of Cxcl1 in LM setting is under investigation as it is
cancer cells in the meninges that surround the involved in regulation of the immune cell
brain and the spinal cord that often occur as dynamics that often shape the tumor
complications of solid tumors, such as lung, microenvironment. A Deeper understanding of
breast cancer and melanoma. The disease has a such regulation can be leveraged to develop
poor prognosis as currently there is no defined novel therapies that may halt LM progression
treatment regimen to cure the disease. Recent confer survival benefits to patients.
results from a clinical trial using craniospinal
irradiation (CSI) were promising and resulted in Supported in part by CCNY-MSK Partnership
prolonged survival in some patients (responders), 12
while others did not benefit from the treatment
(non-responders). Proteomic analysis of the
cerebrospinal fluid of LM patients revealed

ANNUAL CCAPP POSTER PRESENTATION - ABSTRACTS and quantifications, amplify the target gene and
sequence it, so that I can apply population
The Phylogeography of South genetic methods to quantify genetic diversity,
American Mountain Bird Populations of describe geography patterns, estimate
Pipra fasciicauda and Basileuterus connectivity and population change in these
culicivorus in the Atlantic Forest species.

Evelyn Vasquez, Rilquer Mascarenhas, Ana Supported in part by AMS and CCNY-MSK Partnership
Carnava, Ph.D*
The City College of New York, CUNY Understanding the palliative and
supportive care services needed to
Understanding species and populations' develop a meaning-centered
responses to climate change is important in intervention for Muslims undergoing
helping to conserve them. Each species reacts treatment for stage III or IV cancer.
differently to any change in its environment,
which often leads to different geographical Raghd Ahmed 1, Mark Lazenby 2, Claudia Ayash 3,
patterns of genetic and taxonomic diversity. Sahar Alsaidi 3, Maria Jdid 3, Bharat Narang 3, and
Species differ in their niches, dispersal ranges, Francesca Gany 3.
habitat, and other aspects of their ecology that 1 The City College of New York, CUNY, 2 University
lead them to react differently to climate change. of California, Irvine, 3 Memorial Sloan Kettering
Higher levels of genetic diversity has been shown Cancer Center.
to increase the resilience and ability of
populations to recover from extreme changes in Barriers in palliative care for cancer patients exist
the environment; examining how past climatic for a multitude of reasons that can reduce care
shifts impacted them will help us conserve them satisfaction and utilization of services such as
in the future. hospice and comfort care. One way of enhancing
Here I investigate the geographical patterns of palliative care intervention to serve patients is by
genetic diversity and past population connectivity integrating sociocultural values and spiritual
and demographic change in two passerine birds beliefs, targeting the needs of every ethnic group.
endemic to South America, Pipra fasciicauda and When cultural and spiritual disparities arise, end-
Basileuterus culicivorus. South America is home to of-life care becomes aggressive and depletion of
several important Neotropical forests, including health care resources becomes common. Thus,
the Atlantic forest. It has rich biodiversity and there has been a need for palliative care
the presence of many endemic species that have interventions for Muslims that are culturally and
a distinct evolutionary history from each other. spiritually sensitive to reduce health care
Viewing the genetic information of these species inequities.
can help us understand what makes each species The focus of our study is to collect data from
respond to environmental change, and create 120 patients on the quality of life, symptoms of
possible models to help predict these responses. depression and anxiety, as well as the spiritual
To achieve this goal, I gathered 24 samples of health and well-being among Muslim patients
Pipra fasciicauda and 6 samples of Basileuterus diagnosed with stages III & IV cancer to develop
caliciviruses muscle tissues. I extracted and and implement spiritually sensitive palliative care.
quantified the DNA from them, and verified This study is a cross-sectional for Muslim
their quality using gel electrophoresis. I will use patients ages 18 through 85, undergoing active
these DNA extracts to amplify the mitochondrial treatments for only stages III and IV cancer, with
gene cytochrome b using Polymerase Chain fluency in either Arabic or English. The selection
Reaction. This amplified mitochondrial marker is criteria exclude anyone undergoing
useful for assessing genetic information and
diversity. So far I have completed extracting 22 13
samples, DNA amounts range from 3.53 to 115
ng/uL. Future steps are to finalize my extractions

ANNUAL CCAPP POSTER PRESENTATION - ABSTRACTS sets in the somatosensory system. Yet, the cell
identity of these neurons, and how they interact
psychotherapeutic treatment.Participants are to evoke neural representations of tactile
being recruited from the MSKCC database, frequency are still largely unknown. We
Immigrant Health and Cancer Disparities, and hypothesize that a specialized subset of
referrals from other organizations in the New frequency-selective parvalbumin-expressing (PV)
York City metropolitan area. The questionnaire inhibitory interneurons control the
consisted of the following sections:1) socio- representation of individual tactile features (i.e.
demographic information, 2) clinical vibration frequency).
characteristics, 3) quality of life and spiritual well- To test this hypothesis, we performed 2-photon
being, 4) symptoms of distress, 5) symptoms of calcium imaging in mice (n=4) trained to
anxiety & depression, 6) acculturation, 7) social perform a vibro-tactile discrimination task with
support, and 8) adherence to Islam. their forepaws. Head-fixated mice were initially
To date, 33 surveys have been completed. trained to grab handlebars placed directly in front
Preliminary findings could point to potential of them, and lick to one of two spouts to receive
trends among the participants surveyed including water rewards. The bars were attached to piezo
the majority of patients viewing themselves as electrodes that vibrated with a specific frequency.
highly spiritual, experience high levels of Animals lick to the left or right spout if the
unexplained distress, worrying, nervousness, and vibration decreased or increased in frequency,
fears while half reported prolonged feelings of respectively. The behavioral data showed that
sadness. mice were able to discriminate between increases
Next steps: The upcoming steps are to complete and decreases in vibration stimuli. Further, in
surveying all 120 patients and to analyze the data support of our hypothesis, we found that PV
to confirm the trends in order to develop and cells are selectively tuned to tactile vibration.
implement spiritually sensitive palliative care. Overall, this project provides valuable insights
into the neural circuit, and its dynamics,
Supported in part by CCNY-MSK Partnership facilitating the neural representation of tactile
vibratory features in neocortex.
Cortical Representation of Vibrotactile
Stimuli in Awake Behaving Mice Characterizing Lung Cancer Stigma
Chantel Ynoa1, Manuel Gomez-Ramirez, Ph.D.,2* and Coping from Around the World
Michael Duhain Alexis Dickerson1, 2Smita Banerjee PhD.
1The City College of New York, 2University of 1The City College of New York, 2Memorial Sloan
Rochester Kettering Cancer Center, New York NY

The forepaws of mice (and hands for primates) Lung cancer (LC) is the leading cause of cancer
are used in many activities critical to survival in men and women worldwide: each year, LC is
such as foraging, digging, and manipulating food diagnosed in > 2.2 million people, leading to
objects (e.g. seeds and nuts). These behaviors >1.8 million deaths. Cigarette smoking is the
require acute perception of tactile features of the leading risk factor for LC. Most LC patients
object such as texture, shape, size, and vibration report stigma, defined as perception and
to inform the motor planning systems how to internalization of negative appraisal and
make necessary grasp adjustments. Vibration devaluation by self and others, attributable to LC
frequencies are key sensory signals that provide diagnosis, with attendant feelings of guilt and
information necessary to manipulate different shame. Correlation between smoking and LC
tools (e.g., pencils, hammers, drills, and others). intensifies stigma, particularly for current or
Previous studies show that these signals are former smokers. Better understanding of LC
encoded in the mean firing rate of specific neural

ANNUAL CCAPP POSTER PRESENTATION - ABSTRACTS with adverse psychological outcomes and
impaired patient-doctor communication. We
stigma may facilitate measures to improve recommend public LC education and provider
psychological and treatment outcomes in this training on communication with LC patients to
potentially lethal disease. The goal of our study reduce stigma and associated guilt and shame.
was to review the world’s literature on LC We also suggest offering mental health services
stigma. to combat adverse psychological sequelae after
Methods: We conducted a scoping literature LC diagnosis.
review using PubMed searching for Medical
Subject Heading (MeSH) terms “lung cancer” Supported in part by CCNY-MSK Partnership
and “stigma”. Articles published since 2000
addressing one continent at a time were included. Comparison of Pteropodid
Following this search, manuscript titles were Immunoglobulin Constant Coding
examined for relevance, followed by a review of Regions
appropriate abstracts. The 76 selected articles
were coded according to an a priori coding Kanelly Reyes, Dr. Bao Vuong
scheme including study title, methods, setting, Biology Department, City College of New York
participants, results, perceived stigma,
internalized stigma, constrained disclosure, and The Indonesian black flying fox, Pteropus alecto,
recommendations. belongs to the family Pteropodidae and is known
Results: Among these 76 articles on lung cancer to house zoonotic viruses, such as Hendra and
stigma, research was conducted in North Nipah viruses (2). The ability of P. alecto and
America in 64 (89%), Europe in 38 (53%), Asia other bats to carry spillover viruses, while
in 23 (32%), and Africa in 3 (4%). Study design showing little to no adverse symptoms, may
included surveys in 39 (51%), interviews in 28 result from their unique immune system (1).
(37%), and focus groups in 9 (12%). The 9 focus Innate immune genes, such as interferons (IFN),
groups were conducted with the general public in have been detected in bats (3). However, bat
3 (33%), patients with lung cancer in 3 (33%), adaptive immune responses to viruses remains
patients with other cancers in 2 (22%), and poorly characterized. An important component
providers in 1 (11%). We identified three key of adaptive immunity is immunoglobulins (Ig)
themes regarding LC stigma: perceived stigma (4). Mammals, such as mice and humans, express
(individual’s beliefs about attitude of others), five different classes (isotypes), which have
internalized stigma (negative attitudes and beliefs distinct effector functions that are determined
about themselves), and constrained disclosure by the Ig constant region (4). The Ig isotypes
(lack of patient communication to others). LC include IgM, IgD, IgG, IgE, and IgA. P. alecto
stigma led to lower social and role functioning, IgM, IgA, and IgG sequences have been
worsened depression, diminished quality of life, identified. Whether the Ig constant sequences are
and poorer emotional and physical/functional conserved in other pteropodid Igs remains
well-being. Current smoking was associated with unknown. In this study, we aligned the IgG
higher levels of internalized and perceived nucleotide and amino acid sequences from
stigma. In North America and Europe, LC cause P.alecto, Pteropus vampyrus, and Cynopterus
was thought to be smoking; in Asia and Africa, sphinx. These species were selected because they
LC cause was thought to be “karma”. are part of the Pteropodidae family. Based on
Conclusion: In our literature review, LC patients phylogenetic analyses, P. alecto and P. vampyrus
experienced high levels of perceived and are more closely related (5), while C. sphinx
internalized stigma and constrained disclosure, diverges from the pteropodid sub-species. The
goal of this research was to observe conservation
in the IGHG nucleotide and amino acid
sequence in P. alecto and the other selected bat

Supported in part by ORCA/ Research foundation


ANNUAL CCAPP POSTER PRESENTATION - ABSTRACTS This research will elucidate the mechanism of
interaction between teretoxins and TRP
Modulating liver cancer as a channels. It will also identify and validate other
channelopathy by leveraging the teretoxins that show similar anti-HCC activity.
specificity of teretoxins on transient
receptor potential channels Supported in part by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Synergistic
Nusrat Khan1 , Favour Achimba 2,3 , Mande Partnership for Enhancing Equity in Cancer Health (SPEECH)
Holford 2,3,4
1City College of New York. 2Department of Local Recurrence Rates of Lung
Biochemistry, Graduate Center, City University of Ablations of Gynecological
New York., 3Department of Chemistry and Malignancies
Biochemistry, Hunter College, City University of Lenondro King1, Olivier Chevallier, Steve
New York, 4American Museum of Natural History. Solomon, Dr. Etay Ziv2
1The City College of New York, 2Memorial Sloan
Ion channels maintain the intracellular signaling Kettering Cancer Center
pathways by delivering bivalent and trivalent ions Loco-regional therapy is increasingly utilized as a
crucial for cell survival. The dysregulation of ion strategy to control oligometastatic or
channels results in a variety of pathologies oligoprogressive cancers in the lung. Traditional
collectively referred to as channelopathies. loco-regional therapies in the lung include
Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels – surgical resection, stereotactic body radiation
ion channels that discriminate for calcium ions – therapy and percutaneous lung ablation. The
have gained notoriety for their involvement in latter is particularly of interest in the context of
different cancer types including liver cancer. stage 4 cancers as it can be performed as an
Intracellular modulation of calcium ions plays a outpatient procedure that is well-tolerated with
critical role in maintaining proper cellular minimal effects on pulmonary function.
function in hepatocytes. TRP channel However, local control rates for lung ablation of
dysregulation has been implicated as a culprit in gynecological cancers have not been reported.
the development and progress of liver tumors. The purpose of this study it to quantify the local
Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) is the most recurrence rate of lung metastases in patients
common form of liver cancer with the highest with gynecological malignancies at a tertiary
mortality rate. Currently, the only treatment cancer center.
option available for advanced HCC is sorafenib, Methods: This was an Institutional Review
a multi-kinase inhibitor. Treatment with Board approved, single-institution retrospective
sorafenib improves patient survival rates by a study using a cohort of patients who had
mere 3-5 months with multiple side effects. undergone microwave lung ablation. We
Therefore, there is an unmet need to identify extracted data on gynecological patients with
new treatment options that give patients metastatic tumors who received lung ablations
improved survival rates with little or no side using a Neuwave PR probe. Additional
effects. Venom peptides provide a diverse array parameters were collected including age of the
of selective ligands that target ion channels and patient, tumor subtype (origin), prior and
are largely understudied and uncharacterized. concurrent treatments, complications, and time
Terebrid venom peptides obtained from the to local progression (TTLP). Competing risks
terebrid snails have been reported to selectively proportional hazards model was used to calculate
target ion channels. Previous studies show that TTLP with death as a competing risk and to
terebrid venom peptide, teretoxin Tv1, obtained obtain a predicted cumulative incidence function.
from the Terebra variegata snails, All statistical analysis was performed using R
interacts with TRP channels in mouse liver software.
tumors resulting in apoptosis and tumor
reduction. Tv1 was reported to act by blocking 16
calcium ion influx through the TRP channels,
which facilitates downstream inhibition of tumor
proliferation, angiogenesis, and metastasis.

qualitative study, eligible participants included
Results: There were 72 patients in the time to women ages 40-49 and men ages 40-60 without a
local progression analysis (median age: 65, range, prior diagnosis of breast or prostate cancer.
45-82 years). The most prevalent cancer subtypes Three research coordinators individually
were leiomyosarcomas 37/72 (51.3%), interviewed 32 participants (16 women and 16
endometrial 24/72 (33.3%), ovarian 7/72 (9.7%) men) with a semi-structured script through
, 2/72 (2.8%) cervical adenocarcinomas, and remote video communication about factors
2/72 (2.8%) vaginal cancers. Therapy varied generally influencing MDM. Interviews were
amongst patients with 47 (65.2%) receiving recorded, anonymized, and transcribed verbatim.
systemic therapy prior to ablation while 37 The coordinators coded the data after reaching
(51.3%) received systemic therapy post ablation. consensus on its content. Two separate coders
The cumulative incidence of local recurrence used thematic content analysis to identify major
after lung ablation was calculated to be 7% ± influences on MDM.
0.1% for 1-year and 16% ± 0.2% for 2-year. Results: Interviews revealed that major themes
of HCP behavior (communication, information
Conclusion: Percutaneous lung ablation sharing, trust/distrust), second opinions, and
demonstrates efficacy in local control of accessibility/convenience affected patients’
gynecological lung metastases. Additional studies medical decision-making. Sub-themes of
are needed to establish the role of surgery, facilitators and barriers reflect varied experiences
radiation therapy and ablation for treatment of and individual circumstances among participants.
gynecological lung metastases. Within the HCP behavior and accessibility
themes, providing information without overload
Supported in part by CCNY-MSK Partnership and the convenience of testing encouraged
participants to undergo cancer screening.
What Factors Influence Patients’ Views Concerns about cost and insurance mainly
in Medical Decision-Making? discouraged participants.
Zara McPartland1, Khadra Dualeh, MPH, Daniela Conclusion: In MDM, adequate but not
Shill, MPH, Sigrid Carlsson, MD, PhD, MPH2* excessive information and testing convenience
1The City College of New York, 2Memorial Sloan can encourage patients, while cost and insurance
Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY issues can discourage patients. These findings
highlight the need for patient-HCP conversations
The factors which influence patients’ medical to include both medical and non-medical
decision-making (MDM) processes are not information. Understanding factors influencing
widely acknowledged; few data directly evaluate patients’ views can be incorporated into SDM to
this part of the patient experience. enhance HCP-patient interactions by enabling
Understanding the barriers and facilitators HCP to adapt the discussions to individual
relevant to patients’ medical decisions can patients.
enhance communication with healthcare
professionals (HCP). Our study aim is to identify Supported in part by CCNY-MSK Partnership
factors influencing patients’ views in MDM, with
the long-term goal of enhancing the efficacy of 17
patient-HCP interactions regarding shared
decision-making (SDM) practices.
Methods: With Institutional Review Board (IRB)
approval, participants were recruited from
Research Match, an online recruitment database
funded by the National Institutes of Health
(NIH), with supplements from Kings County

ANNUAL CCAPP POSTER PRESENTATION - ABSTRACTS median 6 (range, 1-12) sessions. Drums used
were African in 4 (27%), Native American in 1,
Healing to the Beat of the Drum: varied in 3 (27%), unspecified in 7 (47%).
Potential Applications of Drumming (D) Outcomes were immediate post-D in 9 (60%),
to Improve Mental Health in Oncology long-term in 1 (7%), unspecified in 5 (33%). 8
(53%) studies included psychological outcomes,
Oluwafisayo Adeoye1, Karen Popkin, Camila showing improvements in anxiety, depression,
Casaw, Kevin Liou2* stress, anger, self-awareness, and/or sense of
1The City College of New York, 2Memorial Sloan control. 4 (27%) examined social functioning,
Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY noting increased social cohesion. 4 (27%)
included biological outcomes and noted changes
Mental health is a priority in cancer (C). C in biomarkers of mental health disorders. 3
patients of color, including those who are Black studies on 65 total C patients showed improved
or African American (B/AA), experience worse qualitative well-being in 2 and quantitative
mental health outcomes and have higher psychological and biomarker metrics in 1.
perceived unmet psychological needs as Conclusions: D may promote mental well-being
compared to C patients who are White or in certain patient populations, although few data
Caucasian. With historical roots in Africa, address its use in C. Existing literature is limited
drumming (D) is a holistic, biopsychosocial, and due to few and small studies, Eurocentric focus,
culturally attuned therapy accessible to those poor collection of demographic data, and little
without music training. A recent Cochrane follow-up. Number of B/AA participants was
review reported psychological benefits of musical not reported, despite cultural significance of D in
engagement, but D was not specifically evaluated. African societies. RCTs with diverse C
We review literature on D as a mental health populations are needed to build the evidence
intervention in C and other illnesses to generate base for D interventions to improve mental
hypotheses for future research. health in oncology.
Methods: We searched PubMed, Embase, and
PsycInfo, using keywords D, percussion Supported in part by CCNY-MSK Partnership
instruments, well-being, therapy, health,
treatment, and C. Inclusion criteria were full-text, Bacillus subtilis Modulates Membrane
peer-reviewed, English manuscripts from last 30 Fluidity as An Osmo-protective
years examining health outcomes associated with Mechanism in Fluctuating
D. We abstracted information on study design, Environments
country, participants, intervention, and Hillary F. Okyere1,2 & Fahad Nassam1,3, Maxim
Results: Among 259 articles screened, Ohairwe1, Tristian Yuan1, Felix Barber1, David
convenience sample of 15 met inclusion criteria. Gomez1, Ph.D.
Study design was qualitative in 6 (40%), quasi- 1Center for Genomics and Systems Biology, New
experimental in 6 (40%), randomized controlled York University, New York, 10012
trial (RCT) in 3 (20%). Country of study was 2The City College of New York, New York, 10031
US/UK in 10 (67%), South Africa in 2, 3North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State
Switzerland in 1, Taiwan in 1, Canada in 1. University, NC, 27411
Participant number (n=14) was 535 total
(median, 33; range, 6-111). Underlying illness Mechanical lysis is a biological process that
was psychiatric in 7 (47%), C in 3 (20%), causes a burst in the plasma membrane, resulting
dementia in 1 (7%), unspecified in 4 (27%). 270 in the release of fluid constituents into
women and 198 men were in 12 studies that extracellular environments. The influx of water
reported sex. Only 1 study reported ethnicity in into the cell increases the internal pressure of the
all participants (63/63 American Indian/Alaska cytoplasm towards the membrane, causing an
Native). None provided the number of B/AA increase in membrane tension—that eventually
participants. All studies examined group D for ruptures it. Osmolarity is the accumulation of


Sensor Responds to Aβ-Associated
osmolytes in a solution inside or outside of the with Lipids
cell. The cell is affected by the osmotic imbalance Oluwafunke Kolawole1, Merav Antman-Passig,
between the extracellular and internal space of Ph.D.2, Laura Beth McIntire, Ph.D., Daniel Heller,
the plasma membrane. The imbalance that Ph.D.
occurs in the plasma membrane, leads to cell 1The City College of New York, 2Memorial Sloan
death. The cell can modulate stress in the plasma Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
membrane by using mechanosensitive channels. Amyloid-beta (Ab) aggregation is implicated in
Mechanosensitive channels help prevent cell neuronal dysfunction and in Alzheimer’s disease.
death by directly responding to tension within Ab aggregation is influenced by its interactions
the membrane. In this project, the bacteria with lipids and other proteins. Ab can interact
Bacillus subtilis is used to explore the different with membrane lipids and induce disruption of
survival profiles of cells undergoing hypoosmotic the cell membrane integrity, thus launching a
shocks. Although we are looking into the survival cascade of toxic molecular events that lead to
profiles of the cell, we are more concerned with Alzheimer’s disease. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs)
the plasma membrane and its ability to provide have been engineered to be an optical
osmoadaptation. This is a primary reason why we nanosensor to detect Ab intracellularly and
chose to use mutants without the intracranially. These Ab sensors reveal a
mechanosensitive channels, to explore the solvatochromic shift due to the interaction
plasma membrane further. between Ab adsorbed onto the CNT surface and
Cells respond to a condition in osmolarity that endogenous Ab in solution. This study aimed to
entails rapid swelling followed by an adaptive investigate whether these Ab sensors can detect
response. In the lab, we placed cells in different the association between lipids and Aβ,
osmolality environments and observed their particularly membrane lipids known to interact
recovery and different responses to tension. We with Ab in the physiologic environment. In the
show that cells grown in high-osmolarity media previous work published by the Heller lab, a
survive hypoosmotic shocks of identical decrease in nanosensor emission wavelength was
magnitude better than cells grown in low- linked to increasing Aβ concentration. Here, we
osmolarity media. We observed a correlation first assessed the ability of the nanosensor to
between lower cell death probability and an detect Aβ associated with lipids, and then
increase in membrane fluidity; the results of this evaluated their efficacy in responding to higher
project highlight the overall importance of Aβ-lipid association by increasing lipid
osmoadaptation in cell survival. Our research is concentrations. We think that a greater lipid
important, because osmoadaptation is not a well- concentration would mean more lipid for the Ab
studied mechanism. It’s an unobserved to bind to, and thus the CNTs would detect
mechanism of cell survival and we hope to shed more Ab and emit a left-ward shift or decrease in
light on osmoadaptation as a viable mechanism wavelength. We tested phosphatidylethanolamine
of cells undergoi ng hypoosmotic tension. (PE) lipids containing long-chain fatty acids, 22:6
docosahexaenoic acid (22:6 PE lipid), which has
been reported as a high-binding Aβ lipid, 18:0
stearic acid (18:0 PE lipid), or both (18:0-22:6 PE
lipid). The lipids were bound to plates, at various
concentrations, to which we incubated Aβ
peptide overnight and then added nanosensors.


ANNUAL CCAPP POSTER PRESENTATION - ABSTRACTS DA-GLU neurons phenotypically switch into
DA-only neurons. We and others have shown
We collected optical measurements, wavelength that the percentage of DA-GLU neurons reduces
and intensity, using a Near Infrared to 33% in adulthood (3 months) and to 20% in
spectrometer. In our experiment design, we also old-age (24 months). VTA DA-GLU neurons
used a fluorescence method to quantify Aβ project to specific forebrain regions and among
association with plate-bound lipids, where the those, the lateral entorhinal cortex (LEC)
intensity of fluorescently labeled Aβ is used to receives almost exclusively innervation from this
quantify the Aβ-lipid association. Upon subpopulation. Given that the LEC is vulnerable
association, Aβ binds to the plate-bound lipids, to the effects of aging and linked to age-related
producing fluorescence proportionate to the cognitive deficits, we hypothesized that DA-
degree of association, (i.e., higher intensity upon GLU projections to this region would be affected
more association events). As expected, we in old-aged mice. To test this hypothesis, we used
observed that as lipid concentration increased, an intersectional virus named INTRSECT, which
the fluorescent intensity of Ab increased. We selectively labels the DA-GLU neurons when
assessed whether the nanosensor can report the injected into the VTA of TH-Flp :: VGLUT2-Cre
Aβ-lipid association and found that the double mutant mice. These mice express Flp
nanosensor emission decreased as the lipid recombinase in DA neurons through the tyrosine
concentration increased. To corroborate this, we hydroxylase (TH) promoter, and Cre
used increasing concentrations of Aβ together recombinase in GLU neurons through the
with plate-bound 22:6 PE lipid. As Ab vesicular glutamate transporter 2 (VGLUT2)
concentration increased, there were larger promoter. Upon VTA injections, the
decreases in wavelength. These results expand INTRSECT virus expressed enhanced yellow
the work on Ab nanosensors from just detecting fluorescent protein (EYFP) in cells that
Ab concentrations to also detecting lipid expressed Cre and Flp, selectively targeting the
concentrations in solution. Thus, elucidating DA-GLU neurons (TH positive (+) and
these interactions in vitro for later in vivo VGLUT2+) with a 70% transfection specificity.
application holds potential in identifying We then used immunohistochemistry to
pathogenesis earlier for early diagnosis. subsequently visualize and measure the volume
of DA-GLU terminals in the LEC using
Supported in part by CCNY-MSK Partnership epifluorescence microscopy and Imaris software,
respectively. Data were standardized to LEC’s
Effects of Aging on Dopamine- volume, allowing comparisons between animals.
Glutamate Projections to the Lateral We showed that the density of DAergic terminals
Entorhinal Cortex in the LEC significantly reduced by 78% in old-
Jordan Nacimba1, Dr. Mingote, Susana2, aged mice (INTRSECT viral strategy labeling
Alexandra Builder, Rhonda Kolaric, Jacquelyn DA-GLU neurons: 0.032 µm3 in 3 months old
Tomaio mice, 0.007µm3 in 24 months old mice). This
1The City College of New York, CUNY 2Graduate decrease could be do due to either the
Center, Advanced Science Research Center. degeneration of DA-GLU terminals or to a
Dopamine (DA) neurons are pivotal decrease in TH or VGLUT2 expression that are
neuromodulators of reinforcement learning and necessary to produce viral INTRSECT YFP
memory. DA neurons in the ventral tegmental expression. To test this hypothesis, we expressed
area (VTA) in mice have complex modes of YFP in all DAergic terminals using a different
signaling that are mediated not only by DA but promotor, the dopamine transporter (DAT). For
also by the co-release of glutamate (GLU). In
early stages of development, all DA neurons are 20
able to co-release GLU. However, during aging,

ANNUAL CCAPP POSTER PRESENTATION - ABSTRACTS sequenced Pteropus alecto gouldi Ig
mRNA. Although the amino acid sequence of
this strategy, we injected the AAV– cre the GAPDH control was conserved between the
dependent – Channelrhodopsin 2 (ChR2) – two P. alecto subspecies, two amino acid
EYFP virus into the VTA of DAT-Cre mice. differences were observed in the IgG
This viral strategy showed that the density of primary structure of P. a. alecto as compared to P.
LEC DAergic terminals in old-aged mice were a. gouldi. Subsequent cloning of the Ig cDNA into
reduced only by 22% (0.054 µm3 in 3 months bacterial or mammalian expression vectors will
old mice, 0.040 µm3 in 24 months old mice). permit the generation of monoclonal antibodies
These results suggest that DA-GLU terminals in to purify and characterize the Igs of P. a. alecto,
the LEC are not dying with advance aging but allowing for a better understanding of bat-human
the expression of TH or VGLUT2 maybe viral zoonosis and the development of
decreasing. This decrease was more pronounced therapeutic humanized antibodies to mitigate
in old-aged females compared to male mice. spillover virus infections that originate in bats.
Given that DA neurons in the LEC modulate
memory and women are more susceptible to Adapting an Evidence-Based Nutrition
cognitive decline in advanced age, our results Workshop to the Nigerian Community
suggest that decreases in signaling from DA- Udeme Udom1, Erica Lubetkim, MD, M.D.,2
GLU terminals in the LEC may be a critical Yumeng Wu, M.S.,2 Raul Hernandez, B.S.,2 Gabriela
factor contributing to cognitive deficits and Rebollo, B.S.,1 Francesca Gany, M.D.,2 Jennifer Leng,
increased female susceptibility. M.D2
1The City College of New York, 2Memorial Sloan
Supported in part by the MARC program Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
Many studies have highlighted that a suboptimal
Characterization of Pteropus alecto diet is associated with chronic diseases; cancer,
Immunoglobulin Genes obesity, heart disease, and diabetes mellitus.
Matt Kantorski, Thongthai Thavornwatanayong, Based on data from the Centers for Disease
Susan Tsang, Sigit Wiantoro, Bao Vuong, Ph.D. Control (CDC), African Americans & Black
Biology Department, City College of New York immigrants have a higher prevalence of these
chronic conditions. According to the American
Evidence supports the possible zoonotic origins Community Survey, nearly half a million
of emerging viral infections, such as MERS and Nigerians live in the United States, with the
the ongoing COVID19 pandemic. Recent largest number living in New York City (NYC).
attention has been given to bats, as they host A study by Aikins et al. (2010) in Global Health
viruses such as Hendra, Nipah, Marburg, and revealed that African migrants like Nigerians in
SARS-CoV-2, without the pathological or lethal the United States have a higher prevalence of
effects that are observed in humans. Questions chronic illnesses than the general population.
remain as to how the bat immune system allows Most nutrition educational workshops have been
for viral neutralization but not developed for the general population; workshops
viral elimination, thus creating a viral reservoir, that are culturally tailored to the Nigerian
which may spillover to other species. Infected population are needed. This study aims to adapt
bats may mount a neutralizing immunoglobulin an evidence-based (USDA MyPlate) diet and
(Ig) response that prevents viral pathogenesis and nutrition educational workshop for the Nigerian
disease. To examine this, bat Ig genes and community, and to assess changes in nutrition
mRNA were identified and characterized. RNA
was extracted from liver samples of the 21
Indonesian Pteropus alecto alecto and used to PCR
and clone P. a. alecto Ig cDNA, which were
compared to the previously

Production of Dopamine-Based
knowledge, attitudes, & beliefs (KAB) pre-post Behavior
participation. An existing nutrition workshop Deborah Cobourne, Osceola Whitney, Ph.D., Eric
(developed by the Immigrant Health & Cancer Valensky
Disparities Center at Memorial Sloan Kettering Biology Department, The City College of New York,
Cancer Center for the Mexican immigrant Center for Discovery and Innovation
community), based on the USDA’s MyPlate was
adapted in collaboration with a NYC-based Vocal learning is common in songbirds, parrots,
community-based organization (CBO) serving hummingbirds, and humans. Each organism has
the Nigerian community. Adaptations included a specific region in the brain responsible for
making culturally relevant dietary substitutions, creating and maintaining a vocal motor pathway.
such as drinking Lipton tea with low-fat milk and Songbirds have been used extensively by
a ½ teaspoon of sugar instead of Milo, a high scientists to study the neural mechanisms of
sugar breakfast beverage; and substitution of vocal learning and its relation to human speech.
high carbohydrate swallows (starchy foods from The vocal control network (VCN) of Zebra
tuber and plant flour cooked to a dense Finches is the focus of this lab, specifically the
consistency) like pounded yam and garri (cassava Sonic Hedgehog gene (Shh). Shh is a protein that
flour) with lower carbohydrate, higher fiber plays a crucial role in brain development, cell
swallows, such as amala (yam skin flour) and proliferation, and patterning. Formation of a
wheat. The workshop and pre- post-workshop song, song tutoring, and mate calling involves the
nutrition KAB surveys will be given to a production of dopaminergic neurons which
convenience sample of adult participants results in the release of Shh. This observation
recruited through the collaborating CBO. The suggests that Shh plays a crucial role in the
pre-survey contains questions on production of these dopamine-based behaviors
sociodemographic, nutrition habits, perceived and its relation to the overall function of the
barriers to healthy eating, and nutrition KAB. VCN. PCRs and plasmids are used to identify the
After the nutrition workshop, all participants will expression of this gene and replicate it.
be invited to complete a post-workshop survey
assessing KAB using the same questions asked in Supported in part by AMS and the MARC program
the pre-survey. Workshops are scheduled to
begin in September 2022, and initial results will A Novel Surface-Guided Radiotherapy
be available at the time of the conference. Data (SGRT) Approach for Patient Setup and
from the pre-post survey will help to identify Monitoring
aspects of the workshop that were effective and Yara Abdelrahman1 Dr.George (Guang) Li2
aspects that can be improved. The adapted 1The City College of New York, 2Memorial Sloan
workshop and survey materials will be made Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
available to our collaborating CBO. We will also Optical Surface Imaging (OSI) is used in Surface-
disseminate these materials to other CBOs Guided Radiotherapy (SGRT) to align a patient’s
serving the Nigerian community to improve body surface with external contour of the 3D CT
dietary habits and reduce the prevalence of image, which shows the patient’s tumor in the
chronic disease in this community. abdomen for more accurate setup and
monitoring to treat liver or pancreatic cancer. To
Supported in part by CCNY-MSK Partnership use OSI to infer the internal organ position
beyond external body alignment, the external-
internal motion correlation was investigated. We
measured the diaphragm and various surface
regions of interest (ROIs) from two distinct CTs
from 40 patients, showing their free-breathing


ANNUAL CCAPP POSTER PRESENTATION - ABSTRACTS nano-carriers/particles after their intravenous
injection into cancer-bearing models. The ability
(FB) and deep-inspiration breath-hold (DIBH) to control the in vivo behavior of such
images from internal and external viewpoints to distributions is critically important to achieving
calculate the correlation. Using the diaphragm as high target specificity and improved therapeutic
the surrogate of liver and pancreatic cancer efficacy. The larger size of many of these
position, the displacements were found to be platforms precludes their renal excretion, leading
15mm to 20mm in the superior-to-inferior to their rapid clearance through the liver and
direction between the FB and DIBH CTs. other organs. These properties are often
Sixteen external reference points, from the accompanied by lower tumor accumulations,
sternum xiphoid process to the umbilical button reduced therapeutic responsiveness, and off-
and from the central soft skin to lateral sides with target effects. Additionally problematic may be
rib supports, were measured their posterior-to- the lack of a suitable imaging label for
anterior displacements between FB and DIBH, quantitative imaging to evaluate time-varying
ranging from 1.5cm to 0.4cm. The correlation whole-body distributions. Collectively, these
coefficient (r) of external inferior and/or central technical hurdles highlight the importance of
points at the biblical level is found to be the advancing paradigm-shifting designs in our nano
highest (r = 0.7), whereas the superior and/or products that lead to informative imaging read-
lateral points with rib supports is as low as r = outs and ultimately to safe and clinically effective
0.3. Therefore, this study has demonstrated that products. Towards that end, we developed an
grouping the high-correlation points as the ROI ultrasmall (sub-8-nm) silica nanoparticle
in SGRT can help not only to align patients’ platform, C’ dots, engineered with anti-human
external body surface but also infer patients’ epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)
internal organ position, promising to guide single-chain variable fragments and PET imaging
patient setup from FB and DIBH for more labels to investigate particle tracer distributions,
accurate treatments of abdominal cancer. targeted delivery, and clearance rates in HER2-
expressing breast models. Careful attention to
Supported in part by CCNY-MSK Partnership and MARC surface chemistry, combined with the ability to
accurately track this targeted particle delivery
Engineered Ultrasmall HER2-Targeting vehicle in vivo, led to the observation of high
Nanoparticle Tracers for Precision tumor targeting efficiency, bulk renal clearance,
Imaging in Breast Cancer Models
Feng Chen1 , Li Zhang1 , Sabrina Jezerca1, and favorable pharmacokinetic profiles over
Marcello Marelli2 , Pat Zanzonico3 , J. Anand particle controls in these models. Taken
Subramony2 , Ulrich Wiesner 4 & Dr. Michelle S. together, these findings suggest that our
ultrasmall HER2-targeted nanodelivery platform
1 Department of Radiology, Sloan Kettering Institute for may offer utility for imaging a variety of
Cancer Research, New York, NY 10065 malignant tumors by suitably adapting the
2 AstraZeneca, One MedImmune Way, Gaithersburg, targeting fragment and as a drug delivery vehicle.
Maryland 20878, 3 Department of Medical Physics, Sloan
Kettering Institute for Cancer Research, New York, NY Supported in part by CCNY-MSK Partnership
10065, 4 Department of Materials Science & Engineering,
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 23

Over the past decade, considerable efforts have
focused on combining nanodelivery vehicles with
immune components to develop highly versatile
nanocarriers that can address shortcomings of
current oncologic agents. One shortcoming
involves suboptimal whole-body distribution
profiles often observed with larger-size (>20 nm)

ANNUAL CCAPP POSTER PRESENTATION - ABSTRACTS activated downstream of glutamate receptor signaling,
involving transcriptional activation of neuroprotective
Understanding The Evolutionary genes by the transcription factor CREB. However,
History of Sex-Limited Mimetic the exact nature of signaling pathways that lead to cell
Butterflies in The Tribe Zetherini death and the identity of neuroprotective genes
regulated by CREB remains unknown. In the Mano
Maria Giraldo, David J. Lohman, Ph.D., Yamaly lab, we use the advantages of genetic analysis in the
Barragán simple model system of the nematode C. elegans to
Biology Department, City College of New York study how excitotoxic hyperstimulation of the
postsynaptic neuron leads to cell death, and which
A study conducted fairly recently was one of the first genes regulated by CREB provide neuroprotection.
extensive phylogenetic analyses of the Zetherini tribe, In my research I am making progress towards
however, its phylogeny tree is yet to be completed. analyzing the effect of candidate neuroprotective
Within the tribe Zetherini, it is made up of four CREB-regulated genes. We hope that such analysis
genera Neorina, Ethope, Callarge, Penthema, and Zethera. will contribute to the identification of possible
From these four genera Callarge, Penthema, and Zethera avenues for therapeutic interventions that might
exhibit Batesian mimicry. While Zethera and Penthema alleviate neuronal damage in acute and chronic
both include sex-limited and non-sex limited mimics. neurodegenerative diseases.
This give rise to numerous hypothesis explaining why
mimicry is restricted to sex and why the mimetic sex Supported in part by ORCA Program, NIH
is always female. In order to examine these
hypotheses, it is critical to have an accurate phylogeny Investigating the function of genes
for a taxon that has both sex-limited and non-sex mediating drug resistance in
limited mimics. Here, I will use DNA sequence data mycobacteria
to infer a chronological phylogeny and study the Mohammed Oguntola 1, Thais Klevorn 2, Sabine
temporal and spatial aspects of mimicry evolution in Ehrt 2
this group. 1 The City College of New York, CUNY, 2 Weill
Cornell Medicine.
Supported in part by MARC program Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is a bacterial pathogen
that mainly targets the lungs. Multidrug resistant and
Excitaleotoxicity-Induced extensively drug resistant strains have made treatment
Neurodegeneration in C. elegans: against this infection prolonged, and toxic. An insight
Mechanisms of Vulnerability & into the mechanisms of drug resistance could provide
Neuroprotection novel targets for antibiotics to allow for more
effective elimination of the bacteria. Here, we
Agsa Anjum1, Zelda Mendelowitz, Itzhak Mano, developed a CRISPR interference knockdown
Ph.D2* plasmid to examine whether a gene with unknown
1The City College of New York, CUNY, 2CUNY function, rv3035, works in the same pathway as a gene
School of Medicine known to confer antibiotic resistance, fecB,
by comparing the phenotypes of the knockdown
Neurodegeneration by excitotoxicity is the main cause strains. We discovered that the silencing of
of damage in acute conditions like stroke/brain the fecB and rv3035 homolog genes in the non-
ischemia and a major contributor to chronic pathogenic M. smegmatis individually led to impaired
neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s and ALS. In growth in regular culture media, a change in colony
excitotoxicity, energy shortage disempowers morphology, and hyper-susceptibility to
glutamate transporters that normally would clear vancomycin. These findings strongly indicate that the
excess glutamate from the synapse. As a result, genes function in the same pathway, elucidating
synaptic concentrations of glutamate increase this aspect of the gene relationship and
dramatically, causing chronic hyperstimulation of contributing to our understanding of Mtb’s
postsynaptic glutamate receptors, depolarization, and intrinsic antibiotic resistance.
abnormally high levels of calcium ions in the
postsynaptic neuron, that activate (as yet unclear-) 24
cytotoxic signaling pathways and destroy the neuron.
Surprisingly, neuroprotective pathways that partially
mitigate neuronal damage have been found to be

No. Presenter's Last name Presenter's First name Page #

1 Yara Abdelrahman 22
2 Oluwafisayo Adeoye 18
3 Raghd Ahmed 13
4 Agsa Anjum 24
5 Cristopher Arevalo
6 Grace Assabil-Bentum 4
7 Alexandra Baez 5
8 Mykel Barrett 8
9 Deborah Cobourne 7
10 Cayla Cruz 22
11 Alexis Dickerson 14
12 Edwards
13 Curtis Giraldo 6
14 Maria Haider 24
15 Fariha Inoa Santana
16 Vielka Jezerca 9
17 Sabrina Kamissoko 11
18 Mariam Kantorski 23
19 Matt Khan 11
20 Nusrat King 21
21 Lenondre Kolawole 16
22 Oluwafunke Maysonet 16
23 Czarina McPartland 19
24 Zara Mercado
Anjali 1
25 Miller 17
26 Toni-Nakie Monteau
27 Nacimba 3
28 Rachelle Oguntola 8
29 Jordan Oji
30 Mohammed Okyere 2
31 Suki Onwubiko 20
32 Hillary F Rangel 24
Ekene 12
33 Yuren Reyes 18
34 Shaikh
35 Kanelly Sherpa 4
36 Singh 10
37 Zayedali Soumaoro 15
38 Nyima Udom
39 Charanjot Vasquez 7
40 Bintou Ynoa 10
Evelyn 2
Chantel 6


City College Academy for Professional Preparation CCAPP STAFF

















For more information about the CCAPP Annual Poster Presentation

Nkem Stanley-Mbamelu at 212-650-6059 or [email protected]

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