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Published by PSS MAYA AL KHAWARIZMI SK DEGONG, 2020-12-04 02:56:47

Encyclopedia of Plants and flowers

Encyclopedia of Plants and flowers

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American Horticultural Society Editors David J. Ellis,
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First American edition published by Macmillan Publishing Company in 1989
Second American edition published by DK Publishing in 2002
This fully revised and updated edition first published in America in 2011

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Americans enjoy many hobbies, but surveys continue to show that gardening is the single
most popular leisure time activity. At the same time, given the fast-paced, multitasking,
technology-driven lifestyle that seems to be the norm in the 21st century, most of us have
less time for gardening than we might like.

In developing this revised and updated edition of the AHS Encyclopedia of Plants & Flowers,
our goal was to address this challenge by providing a wealth of practical and inspirational
plant selection and design information in an easy-to-use format that is suited to both new
gardeners and experienced ones.

Among the useful components is the Plant Selector section, which offers detailed lists
of plants suited to particular garden sites—such as sun or shade, dry or moist soil, and
containers—or plants with particular attributes, such as fragrant flowers or decorative
fruits. Within each list, plants are subdivided by type and can be cross-referenced with
the more detailed plant entries included in the Plant Catalog and Plant Dictionary sections.

The Plant Catalog is divided into plant groups such as annuals, perennials, bulbs, grasses,
shrubs, vines, and trees. Under each broad category, special sections are devoted to popular
or useful plant groups that include conifers, hollies, rhododendrons, hydrangeas, roses,
clematis, hellebores, daylilies, and daffodils, to name but a few. New to this edition is a section
for subtropical plants, orchids, and succulents, which have become very popular for use in
containers or for summer color even in regions where they are not fully hardy. Each section
of the catalog is further organized into useful categories such as season of bloom, mature
size, and flower or foliage color so it is easy to locate plants that will provide exactly the
features you want for any garden situation. Each entry includes a color photograph of the
plant so you can see exactly what it looks like, and provides complete information on the
plant’s growing requirements.

In addition to the more than 4,000 plants illustrated in the catalog, another 4,000 are covered
in the Plant Dictionary section, providing additional choices that are suitable for a wide range
of gardens and regions, and supplementing the growing information provided in the catalog.

Whether you are a new gardener eager to begin designing your first yard or a veteran
searching for the perfect plants to fill a few gaps, this encyclopedia allows you to quickly
identify a variety of plants that will thrive in different sites in your garden. By enhancing your
ability to select the best plants, we hope it will make your garden more enjoyable, successful,
and productive—and allow you more time to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

From all of us at the American Horticultural Society, happy gardening!

Tom Underwood

Executive Director, American Horticultural Society

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Zia Allaway Bulbs

Christopher Brickell Rock Plants, Climbers

John R. L. Carter Water and Bog Plants

Philip Clayton Perennials

Philip Harkness Roses

Graham Rice Annuals and Biennials,

Tony Russell Trees, Shrubs

Julian Shaw Tender and Exotics,
Plant Dictionary


Susyn Andrews Hollies

Larry Barlow with W. B. Wade Chrysanthemums

Kenneth A. Beckett Shrubs, Climbers,

with David Pycraft Bromeliads, Plant Selector

John Brookes with Linden Hawthorne Introduction
Eric Catterall with Richard Gilbert Begonias

Allen J. Coombes Plant Origins, Trees,
Shrubs, Glossary

Philip Damp with Roger Aylett Dahlias

Kate Donald Peonies, Daffodils

Kath Dryden Rock Plants

Raymond Evison Clematis

Diana Grenfell Hostas

Peter Harkness Roses

Linden Hawthorne Chapter Introductions

Terry Hewitt Cacti and Other Succulents

David Hitchcock Carnations and Pinks

Hazel Key Pelargoniums

Sidney Linnegar Irises

Brian Mathew Irises, Bulbs

Victoria Matthews Climbers, Lilies, Tulips

David McClintock Grasses, Bamboos,
Rushes and Sedges

Diana Miller Perennials
African Violets
with Richard Gilbert

John Paton Perennials

Charles Puddle Camellias

Wilma Rittershausen with Sabina Knees Orchids

Peter Q. Rose with Hazel Key Ivies

Keith Rushforth Conifers

A. D. Schilling Rhododendrons and Azaleas

Arthur Smith Gladioli

Philip Swindells with Peter Barnes Ferns
with Kath Dryden and Jack Wemyss-Cooke Water Plants
with Peter Robinson
John Thirkell

Alan Toogood Annuals and Biennials

Major General Patrick Turpin Heathers

with David Small

Michael Upward Perennials

John Wright with Nancy Darnley Fuchsias

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Preface 5 Climbers and 188 Rock plants 328
How to use this book 8 wall shrubs 198 332
Plant names and origins 10 205 Large
Creating a garden 12 Clematis 207 347
Plant selector 31 Wisteria Small 370
Honeysuckle 212 Gentians 377
Perennials 216
PLANT CATALOG 56 217 Bulbs 378
including grasses, bamboos, 218
Trees 60 rushes, sedges, and ferns 221 including corms and tubers 382
Large 222 Large 384
including conifers 69 387
Large 70 Delphiniums 223 Gladioli 388
78 Himalayan poppies 224 Alstroemerias 394
Medium Echinacea (Coneflowers) 226 Lilies 396
Magnolias 80 Japanese anemones 228 Cannas
Ornamental bark 87 232 Dahlias 399
91 Medium 234 400
Small 94 Irises 236 Medium 404
Flowering dogwoods Aquilegias 238 Tulips 410
Sorbus (Mountain ash) 95 Peonies 240 Daffodils
Hollies Astilbes 241 Crocosmia 414
99 Persicaria 244 417
Large conifers Penstemons 247 Small
103 Oriental poppies 248 Crocuses
Medium conifers 105 Phlox 249
Campanulas 250 Water and bog plants 430
Small conifers Daylilies 251 440
Dwarf conifers Yarrow 252 Water lilies
Helenium 254
Shrubs 106 Michaelmas daisies Tender and exotic plants 446
110 Salvias 254 450
Large 114 Rudbeckia 257 including cacti and
Buddlejas 115 Chrysanthemums 261 other succulents
Lilacs 118 Red-hot pokers 266 Trees
Witch hazels 272
120 Small 279 Shrubs 453
Medium 120 Primulas 281
Camellias 124 Lungworts 282 Climbers 459
Rhododendrons 126 Carnations and pinks
Cornus 134 Hostas 284 Perennials 465
Hydrangeas 142 Sedum Orchids 466
Shrubs for berries Lenten roses 290 Bromeliads 471
145 African violets 472
Small 154 Heuchera and x Heucherella 294 Gingers 477
Hardy fuchsias 155 302
Salvias 158 Grasses, bamboos, rushes 309 Cacti and other succulents 479
Lavenders 166 and sedges 317 Agaves 482
Heathers Aloes 493
172 Annuals, biennials,
Shrub and Old Garden roses 176 and bedding Index of common names 725
Hips and thorns 177
Modern roses 184 Fuchsias Glossary of terms 736
Climbing roses Pelargoniums
Begonias Acknowledgments 738

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The core of this book is its two main sections—The Plant Catalog and the
Plant Dictionary. Here you will find descriptions and cultivation advice
for thousands of plants. Plant Names and Origins explains the system for
classifying and naming plants, while the new introduction, Creating a
Garden, offers advice on design, planting, and basic pruning.

The Plant Selector The Plant Catalog

The Plant Selector recommends plants for a variety of sites, This section combines plant portraits and descriptions in a colorful
soils, and purposes, making it easy to find one to suit your catalog of 4,000 plants divided into groups: Trees (including
needs. The list is divided into 23 useful categories, including conifers); Shrubs; Roses; Climbers and Wall Shrubs; Perennials
plants for groundcover in sun or shade, drought-tolerant (including grasses, bamboos, rushes, sedges, and ferns); Annuals,
plants, fragrant plants, and those suitable for hedges and Biennials, and Bedding Plants; Rock Plants; Bulbs; Water and Bog
windbreaks. Many are included in the Plant Catalog and Plants; and Tender and Exotic Plants. A short introduction to each
are cross-referenced to a picture and full description. group is followed by plants arranged by size, season of interest, and
color and includes feature panels on plants with particular appeal.
Plants for sandy soil Gaillardia ‘Oranges and Lemons’, p.277 Saponaria ocymoides, p.364 Petrea volubilis, p.463 Cryptanthus zonatus
Sandy soils are often termed “light” or “hungry.” They are usually Gaultheria mucronata ‘Wintertime’, p.163 Agapanthus inapertus subsp. pendulus Gaillardia x grandiflora cvs Sedum spp. and cvs, pp.315, 345, 371, Plectranthus fructicosus ‘James’, p.454 Gazania rigens var. uniflora Catalog page
well-drained, but dry out rapidly and hold low reserves of plant Genista tinctoria, p.148 ‘Graskop’, p.240 Libertia ixioides ‘Goldfinger’, p.277 Climbers Ruellia devosiana, p.465 If you know a plant but
nutrients. Many plants have adapted to such soils by developing Halimium ‘Susan’, p.160 Limonium latifolium ‘Blue Cloud’, p.270 374, 375, 377 Bomarea hirsuta Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Laurentii’, cannot recall its name,
deeply penetrating roots. Their leaves are modified to reduce Hippophae rhamnoides, p.142 Agastache ‘Black Adder’, p.280 Nepeta ‘Six Hills Giant’, p.240 Tanacetum argenteum, p.346 Bomarea multiflora, p.207 have a specimen that
moisture loss: small and reflexed, evergreen and glossy, or Hypericum ‘Hidcote’, p.160 Artemisia ludoviciana ‘Valerie Finnis’, Nepeta x faassenii, p.270 Vaccinium vitis-idaea subsp. minus, p.351 Kennedia rubicunda, p.462 p.476 you want to identify, or
covered with fine gray or silver hairs. To improve moisture LAVENDERS, p.158 Oenothera fruticosa ‘Fyrverkeri’, p.275 Solanum wendlandii, p.463 Strelitzia reginae, p.476 simply wish to choose
retention, incorporate some organic matter when planting Olearia nummulariifolia, p.128 p.274 Origanum vulgare ‘Aureum’, p.274 BULBS, CORMS, AND TUBERS Streptosolen jamesonii, p.464 Cacti and succulents plants for your garden
in fall; little watering will then be needed and plants are able Perovskia ‘Blue Spire’, p.159 Artemisia absinthium ‘Lambrook Silver’ ORIENTAL POPPIES, p.238 Allium aflatunense, p.382 Tropaeolum tricolorum, p.461 AGAVES, p.482 based on their size or
to establish well before summer. Phlomis fruticosa, p.160 Asphodeline Phlomis russeliana, p.243 Allium atropurpureum, p.392 Perennials ALOES, p.493 coloring, the Plant
Robinia hispida, p.133 Aster divaricatus, p.249 Platycodon grandiflorus, p.269 Allium ‘Gladiator’, p.392 Aphelandra squarrosa ‘Louisae’, p.476 Echeveria montana Catalog is the place
TREES Pinus radiata, p.98 Rosa spinosissima Aster ericoides f. prostratus ‘Snowflurry’ Potentilla ‘Arc-en-ciel’, p.268 Allium ‘Globemaster’, p.392 Billbergia nutans Furcraea parmentieri to start. MEDIUM PINK
Amelanchier lamarckii, p.110 Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca, p.96 Rosmarinus officinalis, p.157 Aster species, selections and hybrids, RED HOT POKER, p.254 Allium ‘Mount Everest’, p.385 Rebutia hybrida and cvs, pp.483, 484, SPRING
Betula ermanii, p.78 Thuja occidentalis and cvs SALVIAS, p.155 Romneya coulteri, p.216 Allium neapolitanum Cowanii Group, p.409 Perovskia ‘Blue Spire’ Page headings
Betula pendula ‘Dalecarlica’ Santolina pinnata subsp. neapolitana pp.249, 250, 254, 367 SEDUM, p.279 Allium oreophilum, p.418 486, 487, 496 The headings on each WHITE
Castanea sativa SHRUBS Baptisia australis, p.240 Solidago ‘Goldenmosa’, p.251 Allium ‘Purple Sensation’, p.392 Helianthemum ‘Wisley Primrose’ page reflect the way in
Celtis australis, p.62 Acacia dealbata, p.211 ‘Sulphurea’, p.159 Berkheya purpurea, p.269 Stachys officinalis ‘Hummelo’, p.268 ALSTROEMERIAS, p.387 Antirrhinum majus which each plant group
Cercis siliquastrum, p.83 Artemisia arborescens ‘Faith Raven’ Spartium junceum, p.140 Campanula persicifolia Verbascum spp. and cvs, pp.219, 243, Anemone blanda ‘Violet Star’, p.418 is subdivided—usually by
Crataegus laevigata ‘Paul’s Scarlet’, p.84 Berberis empetrifolia, p.148 Tamarix ramosissima, p.114 Campanula punctata, C. takesimana, p.241 Anemone coronaria De Caen Group Eccremocarpus scaber size and main season of
Genista aetnensis, p.89 Brachyglottis ‘Sunshine’ Teucrium fruticans ‘Azureum’ Campanula species, selections and 246, 345 interest. (See also Size
Nothofagus obliqua, p.63 BUDDLEJAS, p.114 x Halimiocistus sahucii, p.149 ‘Mr Fokker’, p.403 categories, left.)
Phoenix canariensis Calluna vulgaris and cvs, p.166 Yucca gloriosa, p.132 hybrids, pp.241, 242, 342, 360, 367, Grasses and bamboos Anemone ranunculoides, p.263
Pinus bungeana, p.78 Caragana arborescens ‘Lorbergii’ 368, 369 Ampeldesmos mauritanica, p.287 Anomatheca laxa, p.423
Pinus sylvestris, p.78 Ceanothus thyrsiflorus and forms CLIMBERS AND WALL SHRUBS CARNATIONS AND PINKS, pp.266–267 Carex flagellifera, p.289 Babiana rubrocyanea, p.418
Quercus ilex Cistus spp. and cvs, pp.150, 152, 153, 154 CLEMATIS, pp.198–200 Centranthus ruber, p.248 Chasmanthium latifolium, p.288 Bellavalia romana, p.399
Convolvulus cneorum, p.149 Clianthus puniceus, p.193 Coreopsis ‘Limerock Ruby’, p.268 Chionochloa rubra, p.285 Brodiaea ‘Queen Fabiola’
Conifers Cotoneaster lacteus, p.117 Eccremocarpus scaber, p.208 Delphinium grandiflorum ‘Blue Cortadera richardii, p.284 Calochortus superbus, p.409
Abies grandis, p.98 Elaeagnus pungens ‘Maculata’, p.119 Lapageria rosea, p.202 Butterfly’, p.217 Deschampsisa cesoitosa ‘Gold Tau’, p.289 Camassia quamash, p.411
x Cuprocyparis leylandii and cvs Enkianthus cernuus f. rubens, p.123 Vitis vinifera ‘Purpurea’, p.210 Diascia personata, p.223 Elegia capensis, p.285 Chionodoxa forbesii, p.419
Juniperus Erica spp. and cvs, p.166 Eremurus x isabellinus ‘Cleopatra’, p.220 Eragrostis curvula ‘Totnes Burgundy’, CROCOSMIA, p.410
Larix decidua, p.97 Gaultheria mucronata ‘Mulberry Wine’, PERENNIALS Eryngium pandanifolium CROCUS p.417
Pinus pinaster, p.97 Acanthus spinosus, p.239 Eryngium x tripartitum, p.250 p.285 Cyclamen coum ‘Maurice Dryden’, p.428
p.164 Achillea spp. and cvs, pp.235, 243, 247, Erysimum ‘Bowles Mauve’, p.261 Miscanthus sinensis and cvs pp.284, Cyclamen coum Pewter Group, p.429
Francoa sochifolia Rogerson’s form DAFFODILS, pp.404–405
359, 360 285, 286 DAHLIAS, pp.396–398
Agapanthus ‘Northern Star’, p.241 BELOW Hot and dry conditions Molinia caerulea subsp. arundinacea Fritillaria imperalis ‘Lutea’, p.382
Agapanthus ‘Phantom’ Acanthus spinosus and Phlomis Fritillaria persica ‘Ivory Bells’, p.382
Agapanthus ‘Purple Cloud’, p.241 russeliana make a perfect planting ‘Transparent’, p.286 Galanthus ‘Hill Poe’, p.427
partnership on sandy soil. Molinia caerulea subsp. caerulea Galanthus woronowii, p.428
‘Heidebraut’, p.285 Gladiolus murielae Chaenomeles speciosa ‘Moerloosei’ Cotoneaster divaricatus
Panicum virgatum ‘Northwind’, p.289 Habenaria radiata, p.408 Vigorous, deciduous, bushy shrub. Has
Pennisetum spp., pp.286, 311, 312 Hippeastrum ‘Black Pearl’ glossy, dark green leaves and pink- Deciduous, bushy, spreading shrub.
Stipa spp., pp.286, 287, 288 Hyacinthus orientalis ‘Blue Jacket’, p.403 flushed, white flowers in early spring,
Hyacinthus orientalis ‘White Pearl’, p.415 followed by greenish-yellow fruits. Leaves are glossy, dark green, turning
ANNUALS AND BIENNIALS Hymenocallis ‘Sulphur Queen’, p.412
Antirrhinum majus and cvs, pp.306, Incarvillea delavayi, p.265 10ft 3m red in fall. Shallowly cup-shaped, pink-
Ipheion uniflorum ‘Froyle Mill’, p.419
319, 320 Iris reticulata and cvs, p.225 flushed, white flowers in late spring
Brachyscome iberidifolia Ixia viridiflora, p.406
Cleome hassleriana and cvs, p.304 LILIES, pp.388–391 and early summer are followed 10ft 3m
Coreopsis tinctoria, p.321 Muscari spp. and cvs, pp.403, 415, 419, by deep red fruits.
Eschscholzia californica, p.326
Glandularia x hybrida series and cvs, 420, 421
Nerine bowdenii, p.413
pp.303, 307 Nerine bowdenii ‘Nikita’
Limnanthes douglasii, p.321 Ornithogalum, spp. and cvs, pp.382, 399,
Limonium sinuatum
Linaria maroccana ‘Fairy Lights’ 408, 414, 415, 416
Papaver rhoeas Shirley Series, p.310 Polianthes tuberosa ‘The Pearl’, p.385
PELARGONIUMS, p.309 Romulea bulbocodium, p.419
Portulaca grandiflora series and cvs Schizostylis ‘Mrs Hegarty’
Schizanthus ‘Dwarf Bouquet’, p.304 Scilla spp. and cvs, pp.413, 416, 420, 423
Senecio cineraria ‘Silver Dust’, p.315 Triteleia ixiodes ‘Starlight’, p.407
Tagetes cvs, pp.308, 322, 324, 326 Tulbaghia simmleri, p.411
Tanacetum parthenium, p.300 TULIPS, pp.400–401
Xanthophthalmum segetum, p.322 Watsonia meriana, p.385
Xerochrysum bracteatum Monstrosum Zephyranthes spp., pp.413, 424

Series TENDER AND EXOTIC PLANTS AD Z5–9 H9–1 ADt10ft Z5–7 H7–5 10ft 0
Trees 3m
ROCK PLANTS Agonis flexuosa, p.450 3m 0
Acaena caesiiglauca, p.374
Achillea x kellereri, p.360 Shrubs
Aethionema ‘Warley Rose’, p.362 Boronia megastigma, p.456
Andromeda polifolia ‘Compacta’, Chamelaucium uncinatum, pp.453, 454
Chorizema ilicifolium, p.455
p.333 Iochroma australe, p.138
Arenaria montana, p.360 Leucospermum reflexum, p.456
Armeria juniperifolia, p.352
32 Cytisus x beanii, p.335 RIGHT A garden on sandy gravel 33
Dianthus deltoides Alliums and lavenders thrive on light,
Gaultheria procumbens, p.373 sandy soils and are ideal for gravel
Gypsophila repens gardens in dry areas.
Helianthemum spp. and cvs, pp.336, 337,

338, 340, 344, 345
Petrorhagia saxifraga, p.361
Phlox bifida, p.366

Photographic reference Top choices Choisya ‘Aztec Pearl’ Rhododendron ‘Percy Wiseman’
Garden themes and uses Plants are arranged Evergreen rhododendron with a domed,
are illustrated, together with by group, then listed Evergreen, compact shrub with aromatic, compact habit. In late spring produces
photographs of selected plants. alphabetically. open funnel-shaped, peach-yellow
glossy, dark green leaves composed of flowers that fade to white.

3–5 linear leaflets. Clusters of scented, 10ft 3m

white flowers, pink-flushed in bud,

are produced in profusion in 10ft 3m
spring and then quite often

again in early fall.

AD Z8–10 H10–8 10ft BDMt Z6–9 H9–6 10ft 0
3m 0 3m

Size categories Plant portraits Choisya ternata (Mexican orange) Myrtus communis (Common myrtle) Viburnum bitchiuense Camellia x williamsii
Color photographs assist
Within most groups in the Plant differently from group to group. Sizes in the identification and Evergreen, rounded, dense shrub with Evergreen, bushy shrub with aromatic, Deciduous, bushy shrub with oval, ‘E.G. Waterhouse’
Catalog, plants are arranged by are based on plant heights. The specific selection of plants.
size (then subsequently by season height ranges for large, medium, and aromatic, glossy, bright green leaves glossy, dark green foliage. Fragrant, dark green leaves. Rounded heads Evergreen, upright shrub with lance-
of interest). Size categories range small can be found in the introductory Feature panels
from large to small, but are defined section for the relevant plant group. Plant types or genera composed of 3 leaflets. Clusters of white flowers are borne from mid-spring of fragrant, tubular, pale pink flowers, shaped, pale green leaves. Formal
of special interest to the
Color order blues to greens, yellows, and oranges. gardener are presented fragrant, white blooms open in late to early summer, followed by borne from mid- to late spring, double, pink flowers are freely
Variegated plants are categorized by in separate feature
Within each group, plants are arranged the color of their foliage variegation panels within the MAGNOLIASspring and often again in fall. are followed by egg-shaped, produced in spring.
by the color of their main feature. (e.g., white or yellow). appropriate group. purple-black berries. 10ft 3m flattened, black fruits. 10ft 3m 10ft 3m
Colors are arranged in the same order: 10ft 3m
from white through reds, purples, and
A mature magnolia in full bloom makes a spectacular sight

122 in spring. Most magnolias are elegant in habit and though

slow-growing, eventually form imposing trees and shrubs. ADtZ5–7 H7–5 BDMt10ft
AD Z8–10 H10–8 AD10ft 10ft
3m 3m
The flo0wers are generZal8ly–9saHuc9e–r8-, star-, or g1o30bmftlet-shaped 0 M0. sprengeri var. diva Z7–8 H8–7 0
and often have a subtle fragrance. Colors range from pure

white, to white flushed or stained with pink or purple, to

pink and rich red-purple. The genus includes some evergreen,

summer-flowering species. These, and cultivars that are not

fully hardy, are best planted against a sunny wall. Some

magnolias prefer acidic or neutral soil, but most tolerate

any soil provided it is humus-rich. Plenty of organic matter

should be dug into the soil before planting. Avoid planting

in exposed sites, as the flowers can be damaged by frost.

M. ‘Vulcan’ Magnolia BLACK TULIP (‘Jurmag1’)

M. ‘Galaxy’ M. stellata ‘Rosea’ M. ‘Ann’

M. grandiflora ‘Exmouth’ M. x loebneri ‘Leonard Messel’ M. x soulangeana M. ‘Elizabeth’
‘Rustica Rubra’

M. ‘Pinkie’ M. stellata ‘Waterlily’ M. campbellii
subsp. mollicomata

Key to symbols u Prefers well-drained soil Key characteristics 70 M. liliiflora ‘Nigra’ M. ‘Butterflies’
v Prefers moist soil The introduction M. wilsonii M. x brooklynensis ‘Yellow Bird’
r Prefers sun w Prefers wet soil describes the plants
s Prefers partial shade and gives guidance on
t Tolerates full shade m Needs acidic soil cultivation and planting.
t Toxic plant
H Height (or length Plant portraits Plant names
of trailing stems) Close-up photographs of The botanical name is given
individual flowers or plants and the Group or classification
S Spread allow quick identification where appropriate. Descriptions
or selection. and cultivation advice appear in
8 the Plant Dictionary.

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