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Published by eastendrascal, 2017-06-07 09:44:50

AAY Handbook V2.6

AAY Handbook V2.6

Disciplinary Procedures

The principle objective of the company when applying disciplinary procedures is that its
action should be corrective rather than to seek to punish an employee. The company will at
all stages of the disciplinary procedure inform employees of their rights) employees will be
allowed to have a colleague of their choice, or their union representative, present at any
stage of the disciplinary procedure.
Disciplinary procedure
Stage 1
A formal verbal warning will be issued defining the employee's weakness(es) and specifying
what improvements are required and by what date. A review date and any further training
will be agreed.
Stage 2
If the necessary improvement has not been achieved, then a first written warning will be
issued setting out the details as specified in Stage 1.
Stage 3
If the necessary improvement has not been achieved at this stage, then a formal written
warning will be issued setting out the details in Stage 2. You will be informed that,
dependent on your circumstances, failure to meet the required standard will result in your
dismissal from the company.
Stage 4
If you have failed to reach improvement at this stage, you will be dismissed from the
Suspension (non discipline)
There may be occasions when it is necessary to use suspension as a "cooling off' or
investigative period. This suspension will be on full pay based on your average hours for
the last thirteen weeks of employment.
Gross Misconduct
In certain circumstances where the company believes an employee is in fundamental
breach of contract they will be considered by the company to have committed an act of
gross misconduct and may be subject either a shortened disciplinary procedure or to
summary dismissal thus incurring no liability to notice. The following list gives some
examples of Gross Misconduct but is not exhaustive:

1. Assault of any other person whilst on duty

2. Being party to the act of theft or deception whilst on duty

3. Damage to company or Service Users property

4. Being incapable of work due to the consumption of drugs or alcohol

5. Breach of the company Health & Safety Policy and procedures

6. Committing an act of gross indecency

7. Breach of the company anti -discriminatory Policy

8. Breach of confidentiality


Disciplinary Appeals Procedure

The company wishes to enforce its requirements of standards of performance by its
employees as fairly as consistently as possible. To further this aim, where an employee has
received a formal written warning or has been dismissed in accordance with the company
disciplinary procedure and does not agree with the decision, then he or she may appeal
against the decision under this procedure.
Employees should note that an appeal hearing is not intended to repeat detailed
investigations of the disciplinary, but to focus on specific factors which the employee feels
have received insufficient consideration such as:

• an inconsistent /inappropriate harsh penalty

• extenuating circumstances

• bias of the disciplining manager

• unfairness of the disciplinary procedure

• new evidence subsequently coming to light.

The Appeal Procedure
1. An appeal against a written warning or dismissal should be made within 7
days of receipt of the disciplinary letter.
2. The appeal should be made in writing to the partners of the company and
should clearly state the ground(s) on which the disciplinary penalty should be
3. You will be notified of the time and date of your appeal hearing within 7 days.
4. The appeal will normally be heard by a manager senior to the disciplining
manager or by one of the partners of the company and will take place within
14 days of your warning or dismissal letter.
5. An employee has the right to be accompanied at the appeal by a colleague or
by a trade union representative recognised by the company.
6. A management representative will be present at the appeal to keep a record
of proceedings.
7. The employee will be given full opportunity to state the ground(s) on which the
appeal is being made. The disciplining manager will have the opportunity to
explain his or her decision to impose the given penalty. The manager
conducting the appeal may exercise discretion as to whether or not the two
parties will be present together or separately during the proceedings.

8. When all the evidence has be heard the hearing will be adjourned and the
manager conducting the appeal will consider the merits of the appeal before
making a decision.

9. The manager conducting the appeals hearing will, whenever possible inform
the employee of his decision, whenever possible, orally immediately after the
adjournment and will confirm this in writing no later than 3 days of the appeal

10. When an appeal against dismissal fails, the effective date of termination shall
be the date on which the employee was originally dismissed.


Grievance Procedure

The general principles of the grievance procedure are to clarify relationships between the
company and its employees. The company will attempt to ensure that employees have a
clear understanding of their rights obligations. The company’s prime consideration in
matters concerning employee’s grievances is that of fairness and equality to all employees,
furthermore, the company will not grant specific favours or benefits to individual employees
as a result of a grievance hearing or complaint.

Stage 1 (Informal)
If you have a grievance then you should discuss it with your manager, with the intention of
resolving the problem.
Stage 2 (1st stage of formal procedure)
If the problem cannot be resolved at stage 1, then your manager will advise the partners of
the company of your grievance who will appoint a senior manager of the company who will
arrange to meet you at a grievance hearing within seven days to discuss your problem.
Following this meeting the senior manager of the company will report back to you within 3
working days and let you know whether or not your problem can be resolved by the
company. If the company cannot resolve your problem, you will be advised to refer to the
next stage of the procedure.

Stage 3
At this stage either party is open to refer the matter to the Advisory Conciliation and
Arbitration Service (A.C.A.S.) of the Department of Employment in an endeavour to reach
agreement, the decision concluded by A.C.A.S. will be deemed formal and acceptable to
both the company and the employee.
The company will abide by and undertakes to implement any recommendations or
suggestions made by A.C.A.S. into its policies and procedures.


Working Time Regulations

On 1 October 1998 the government introduced new legislation called the "Working Time
Regulations", these regulations may have an affect on your working pattern and the amount
of time you are allowed to spend at work. As your employer I have a duty to enforce the
provisions of these new regulations. This section of the Health & Safety book summarises
the regulations and explains what action, if any, needs to be taken.

In some instances, the employee and the employer may jointly agree to exclude or adapt
part of a particular provision, this can be done by introducing individual workforce
agreements between the employee and employer. Certain regulations differ for adolescent
workers. Adolescent workers are those who are above school leaving age but under 18
years of age.
The provisions affecting you as an employee are:

1. Working Time Limits "The 48-hour week"

As your employer 1 am required to take all reasonable steps to ensure that you are not
forced to work more than an average of 48 hours per week over a reference period of 17
weeks. If you wish to be excluded from this provision you should complete the attached
agreement (Exclusions Agreement "The 48-hour week") sign both copies, keep one for your
reference and return the other to the office.

If you do not wish to be excluded from this provision no action is required. You now have
the right to refuse to work more than an average of 48 hours per over a reference period of
17 weeks and cannot be fairly dismissed for refusing to do so. If you work for another
employer, you are required to disclose this to as additional working for another employer
may result in exceeding 48-hour week limit. You can opt out of the regulations by signing an
exclusion agreement or by reducing your hours.

2. Night Work Limits

A night worker is anyone whose daily working time includes at least 3 hours of night time.
Night time is defined as the period between 11 p.m. to 6 am. As your employer I am
required to take all reasonable steps to ensure that the normal hours of night workers do
not exceed an average of eight hours for each 24 hours over a reference period of 17
weeks, or an 8 hour limit where a worker is subject to special hazards. The night work limit
does not apply to residential institutions or domiciliary care agencies, however, I do not
expect anyone to work above the average night work limit and only in exception
circumstances will an employee be allowed to exceed the limit.

3. Health Assessments for Night workers & other Night Work Provisions

Each employee has the right to a free health assessment before being assigned to night
work and also the opportunity to have further assessments at regular intervals. The purpose
of a health assessment is to determine whether a worker is fit to carry out the duties
assigned to them during night working time.

The company will issue assessment forms for existing night workers as soon as is
practically possible. Further assessments will be done on an annual basis or when a night
work duties have become incumbent to an employee’s health. Each employee has a
responsibility to report any changes to their health that may be affected by their work. In


cases where an employee's night time work has a detrimental effect on their health, then
the company will endeavour to adapt their working pattern and environment to assist the
employee's wellbeing.

The health assessment will be undertaken by means of a questionnaire to be completed by
all night workers. The assessment will take into account the type of work being undertaken
and also the fitness and well being of the person assigned to the work. Contents of the
assessment will remain strictly private and confidential.

4. Rest Periods

The regulations provide for the rest periods itemised below at a. b. & c., however, care
workers in residential institutions and domiciliary care workers come under the special
circumstances category, therefore, when it is not possible for an employee to take his/her
daily or in- work rest entitlement the company will ensure that they take an equivalent
period of compensatory rest. Only in exceptional circumstances where it is not possible will
compensatory rest not be taken

a) In-work Rest Breaks Each employee is entitled to an uninterrupted break of20
minutes when their working shift exceeds six hours. The break is not to be taken at
the beginning or the end of a shift. The in-work rest break entitlement for
adolescence workers is 30 minutes when the daily working time is more than 4.5
hours. The company will not pay remuneration for In-work Rest Breaks

b) Daily Rest Each employee is entitled to 11 consecutive hours’ rest between each
working day in the case of adolescent workers 12 consecutive hours’ rest between
each working day.

c) Weekly Rest Each employee is entitled to one day off (uninterrupted rest period of
24 hours) in each seven day period; this may be averaged over 14 days. For
adolescent worker’s weekly rest is two days off in each seven day period. Due to the
nature of the work carried out the company is excluded from this regulation.
However, if you do wish to work on your rest day please sign the consent form and
return it to a member of the management team.

5. Paid annual Leave

For a basic calculation of your holiday leave allowance multiply the number of days you
work a week by 5.6. For example, if you work a five day week you would be entitled to 28
days' annual leave a year: 5 days’ x 5.6 weeks = 28 days

Regardless of your working pattern, the minimum leave entitlement is capped at 28 days
and includes bank holidays. So if you work a six day week, the statutory entitlement of 5.6
weeks will still be 28 days.

If you work part-time worker, you are still entitled to 5.6 weeks' holiday of your normal
working week. For example, if you work two days a week you would be entitled to 11.2
days' annual leave a year:

2 days x 5.6 weeks = 11.2 days


Part time workers will not be treated less favourably than equivalent full-time workers. This
means that if the company gives extra days off to full-timers we will give extra time off to
part-time on a proportional basis.
6. Company Rules Appertaining to Annual Leave

a) Due to the nature of the business annual leave should normally not be taken during
any week that includes any of the following bank / public holidays:

Christmas Day

Boxing Day
New Year’s Eve
New Year’s Day

Good Friday

Easter Monday

any other public Holiday that may be declared by the government.

b) If for any reason an employee refuses to work on any of the above bank/public
holidays then the day will be counted towards their annual leave entitlement. If the
bank /public holiday falls on an employee’s normal working day they will be expected
to work under their terms and conditions of employment.

c) A minimum of 3 weeks notice is required to book leave, in order to ensure everyone
receives their entitlement in the current year you are required to take your annual
leave within the time periods set out below.

▪ 1 week entitlement to be taken from January to March
▪ 2 weeks entitlement to be taken between July to September
▪ 2 week entitlement to be taken from October to December

d) The company reserves the right to reject requests for holiday leave of more than two

e) Holidays will be allocated on a first come first served basis, however, the company
retains the right to specify when leave is taken. In instances where there is a dispute
about time booked for annual leave the company will have the final say.

f) If an employee wishes to be paid in lieu of leave the payment cannot be made until
he or she receives their last payment on termination of employment.

g) Employees are not allowed to carry over holiday leave into following leave years.

h) Anyone knowingly found to be taking paid leave over and above their entitlement will
be subject to disciplinary procedures for gross misconduct.


Equal Opportunities

Sex Discrimination

In accordance with the Sex Discrimination Act 1974, the Company undertake not to
discriminate on grounds of sex or marriage either by:

Direct discrimination

Both male and female employees are treated equally with regard to employment
opportunities and no regard is made to whether the employee is married or single.

Indirect Discrimination

Where a man or woman cannot comply with an unjustifiable requirement which in theory
applies equally to men and women but in practice can only be met by a smaller proportion
of one sex.


An employee will not be victimised after having made a complaint on any discrimination

Race Discrimination

In accordance with the race relations Act 1976, the Company undertake not to discriminate
on grounds of colour, race, nationality (including citizenship), ethnic or national origins,
either by direct discrimination, indirect discrimination or victimisation in the manner
described above.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is defined as any unwanted sexual advance made verbally, physically
or by gesture which causes an employee to feel threatened or humiliated. If an employee
feels they are being sexually harassed, they can make a complaint through the company
grievance procedure and the company undertakes to act upon any allegation thoroughly
and in complete confidence.

Disability Discrimination

Under the disability discrimination act 1995, the Company undertake not to discriminate
against any potential or current employee, who has a physical or mental impairment which
has a substantial or long term effect on their ability to carry out normal day to day activities,
without a justifiable reason.

The Right to Equal Pay

Under the Equal Pay Act 1970, and Equal Pay (amendment) regulations 1983, the
Company undertake to ensure that all employees, whether male or female, will receive
remuneration in accordance with the responsibilities of their position and the value of the
work they carry out


The Company wishes to make it clear that it is unlawful to, and therefore will not, victimise
any individual who has pursued a case, complaint or allegation of discrimination by: -
disciplining them, dismissing them, transferring them (unless requested by the victim)
subjecting them to any other detriment.


Health Questionnaire

Private & confidential

Name Position

Your Doctors name Height Weight

Are you suffering from, or have you ever suffered from:

Back pain yes no
Neck pain yes no
Rheumatic or arthritic conditions yes
Hernia yes no

Upper limb disorder such as tenosynovitis, tendonitis no
or carpal tunnel syndrome yes no
Fits, fainting or epilepsy yes
Depression, anxiety or nervous illness or have been yes no
referred for psychiatric assessment

Typhoid, paratyphoid, dysentery or food poisoning yes

Tuberculosis or hepatitis yes

Any medical condition not specified above yes

Have you ever been absent from work as a consequence

of any of the above yes

Are you currently on medication yes

What is your medication for:

Have you ever taken time off work due to an accident yes no
at work

Have you ever been in receipt of compensation or yes no
state benefit as a consequence of an illness or an
injury arising at work

I declare the answers to the above questions are true, that I am now in and usually enjoy
good physical and mental health. I understand that the non-disclosure of any suppression
of any relevant facts know to me may prejudice my employment within the company and
may lead to dismissal.

I agree that a medical report may be obtained from my doctor or hospital specialist

Name Signed Date


Job Description Registered Manager

Job Title: Registered Manager
Reports to: Managing Director

Purpose of position:

As the Registered Manager you are responsible for the operational day-to-day
management of the service and should ensure company compliance with relevant
legislation, and in particular compliance with legislation monitored by Care Quality
Commission. To achieve a minimum inspection rating good.

Working in partnership with the management team you will ensure services provided are
high quality, promote independence and enable people to live safely in their own homes.

you will ensure the service is:

a) Safe
b) Effective
c) Caring
d) Responsive to people needs
e) Well-Led

It is your responsibility to:

To ensure the service is compliant with the requirements of the Health & Social Care Act
2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010 and the Care Quality Commission guidance
‘Essential Standards of Quality & Safety’. Ensure Notifiable incidents are reported to CQC.

Service delivery
To ensure:

a) the delivery of safe, personalised services to each individual service user through
assessment, person centred planning and regular outcome focussed review of

b) Risk assessed prior to commencement of service.
c) staff are trained and equipped with the skills and competences to enable them to

carry out their work to the highest standards.
d) staff receive regular supervision and annual appraisal


e) staff are familiar with and observe company Policies

f) delivery of person centred care and support that promotes independence, and choice
and dignity to empower people take control of their own service.

g) services are structured in a way that provides flexibility, reliability and continuity

h) To ensure the service is appropriately resourced with the right number of suitably
qualified, skilled and experienced staff.

i) all new referrals are responded to in a timely manner in line with contractual and
organisational timescales.

j) To oversee the co-ordination of care workers across all areas.
k) To deliver services that ensure the Organisation’s duty of care to the service user and

staff providing the service.

l) To ensure good communication and links with all stakeholders with regard to the
provision of services including commissioners, service users, relatives, social work
teams etc.

m) To ensure the office is staffed during office hours and ensure the provision of an
effective out of hours on-call service.

n) Service user are protected from discrimination on the grounds of age, race, ethnicity
sexual orientation, gender, religion or culture

Service Development

In partnership with the senior management team participate in the strategic development of
the organisation and assist with the identification and development of strategies for the
planning and delivery of quality, innovative domiciliary services.

To grow and develop services through increasing delivered hours and maximising referral

To manage projects that will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the service.

To produce monthly management reports and attend Senior Management Team Meetings.

Team Management and Leadership

To coordinate and manage staff teams involved in the direct provision of the service that:

a) Provide services on time
b) meet identified outcomes
c) are adequately supervised
d) that work safely and minimise risk
To ensure that there is a co-ordinated and consistent approach to service provision that is
cost effective and efficient making the best use of allocated resources.


To identify recruitment needs and develop plans to ensure the service is appropriately
resourced with capacity for expansion.

To be routinely involved in a range of human resources/staff management duties including:
a) Recruitment and selection
b) Training Supervision, Appraisal
c) Disciplinary/grievance procedures
d) Attendance Management

To ensure that processes and procedures are in place to meet the various organisational
and staff requirements with regard to human resources issues.

To ensure that staff are trained for their roles and responsibilities and that all groups of staff
teams have access to appropriate training and learning opportunities.

To arrange and attend regular service planning meetings with supervisors and team

To put in place systems to ensure healthy working practices and that staff receive relevant
information to fulfil their health and safety responsibilities.

To ensure that all staff are familiar with and are compliant with company policies and

Quality Assurance

To implement and maintain an effective quality assurance programme (Investor In People)
to promote high quality, best practice and continuous improvement of services

To deliver services effectively and efficiently and have clear monitoring procedures and
processes in place to ensure standards are continually met

To ensure good and safe practice in all activities relating to service user care by putting
systems in place to guide, monitor and evaluate care and services provided.

To resolve all complaints in accordance with Complaints procedure

To evaluate services through regular review, annual service user questionnaires, analysis
of complaints & compliments etc.

Identification and investigation of safeguarding issues, alert authority and CQC of all
safeguarding allegations.

Resource Management
To develop operational controls in partnership with the senior management team to ensure
a commitment to cost effectiveness and value for money.

This is not meant to be an exhaustive list; the job holder may be required to undertake such
other duties as Management may from time to time reasonably required

Name Signed Date


Job Description Locality Manager

Job Title: Locality Manager
Reports to: Registered Manager / Managing Director

Purpose of position:

As a Locality Manager you are responsible for the operational day-to-day management of
your district/s and should ensure company compliance with relevant legislation, and in
particular compliance with legislation monitored by Care Quality Commission. To achieve a
minimum inspection rating good.

Working in partnership with the management team you will ensure services provided are
high quality, promote independence and enable people to live safely in their own homes.

f) you will ensure the service is:
g) Safe
h) Effective
i) Caring
j) Responsive to people needs
k) Well-Led

It is your responsibility to:

To ensure the service is compliant with the requirements of the Health & Social Care Act
2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010 and the Care Quality Commission guidance
‘Essential Standards of Quality & Safety’.

Service delivery
To ensure:

o) the delivery of safe, personalised services to each individual service user through
assessment, person centred planning and regular outcome focussed review of

p) Risk assessed prior to commencement.
q) staff are trained and equipped with the skills and competences to enable them to

carry out their work to the highest standards.


r) staff receive regular supervision and annual appraisal

s) staff are familiar with and observe company Policies

t) delivery of person centred care and support that promotes independence, and choice
and dignity to empower people take control of their own service.

u) services are structured in a way that provides flexibility, reliability and continuity

v) To ensure the service is appropriately resourced with the right number of suitably
qualified, skilled and experienced staff.

w) all new referrals are responded to in a timely manner in line with contractual and
organisational timescales.

x) To oversee the co-ordination of care workers across all areas.
y) To deliver services that ensure the Organisation’s duty of care to the service user and

staff providing the service.

z) To ensure good communication and links with all stakeholders with regard to the
provision of services including commissioners, service users, relatives, social work
teams etc.

aa)To ensure the office is staffed during office hours and ensure the provision of an
effective out of hours on-call service.

Service Development

In partnership with the senior management team participate in the strategic development of
the organisation and assist with the identification and development of strategies for the
planning and delivery of quality, innovative domiciliary services.

To grow and develop services through increasing delivered hours and maximising referral

To manage projects that will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the service.

Team Management and Leadership

1) To coordinate and manage your staff teams involved in the direct provision of the
service that:
a. Provide services on time

b. meet identified outcomes

c. are adequately supervised

d. that work safely and minimise risk

2) To ensure that there is a co-ordinated and consistent approach to service provision
that is cost effective and efficient making the best use of allocated resources.


3) To identify recruitment needs and develop plans to ensure the service is
appropriately resourced with capacity for expansion.

4) To be routinely involved in a range of human resources/staff management duties
a. Recruitment and selection b. Training Supervision, Appraisal

c. Disciplinary/grievance procedures d. Attendance Management

5) To ensure that processes and procedures are in place to meet the various
organisational and staff requirements with regard to human resources issues.

6) To ensure that staff are trained for their roles and responsibilities and that all groups
of staff teams have access to appropriate training and learning opportunities.

7) To arrange and attend regular service planning meetings with supervisors and team

8) To put in place systems to ensure healthy working practices and that staff receive
relevant information to fulfil their health and safety responsibilities.

9) To ensure that all staff are familiar with and are compliant with company policies and

Quality Assurance

1) To deliver services effectively and efficiently and have clear monitoring procedures
and processes in place to ensure standards are continually met

2) To ensure good and safe practice in all activities relating to service user care by
putting systems in place to guide, monitor and evaluate care and services provided.

3) To resolve all complaints in accordance with Complaints procedure

4) To evaluate services through regular review, annual service user questionnaires,
analysis of complaints & compliments etc.

Resource Management

1) To develop operational controls in partnership with the senior management team to
ensure a commitment to cost effectiveness and value for money.

This is not meant to be an exhaustive list, the job holder may be required to undertake such
other duties as Management may from time to time reasonably require.

I have received a copy of the above Job Description and understand the terms

Name Signed Date


Job Description Domiciliary Care Worker

Job Title: Domiciliary Care Worker
Reports to: Supervisor / Locality Manager/ Registered Manager

Job Purpose:

To provide effective person centred care and support that assists people to live
independently in their own homes.

Principal Duties & Responsibilities are to:

a) Provide person centred care and support as detailed in Person Centred Support
Plans whilst ensuring choice and control about how and who delivers their care
remains with the service user.

b) encourage Service Users to take an active role in planning their own care by
identifying their needs and desired outcomes through and expressing preferences,
choices about how they wish to receive their service.

c) ensure care and support promotes and maintains health, well-being and increases
people’s confidence.

d) observing people’s individual rights to:  Respect
 Dignity
 Privacy

e) promote social inclusion with friends, family, neighbours and their local community.

f) promote self-care and independence through; assisting and enabling people to try
new ways of doing things.

g) Unless informed otherwise; assume capacity and respect peoples wishes to make
their own choices, decisions and to take calculated risks.

h) To provide assistance with personal care and support which may involve assistance

Ensuring:  Dressing and undressing
 Bathing, showering or washing
 Continence requirements
 Administration of medicines
 Manual Handling

 respect for service users right to choose and refuse assistance
 service user’s health and wellbeing is monitored and maintained
 assistance is given to maintain and improve mobility through exercise

and the use of mobility aids
 physical comfort is maximised at all times
 service Users are helped to maintain personal hygiene and

 access to toilet facilities is available


 help is given to service users to manage their domestic and personal

 provision of specialised care to clients with specific needs
 you maintain a clean and safe working environment
 accidents reporting procedures are followed
i) Where required support service users to maintain adequate nutritional status by:

 Preparing well balanced meals of the service users choice
 Presenting food so that it looks appetising
 Providing support with eating and drinking as required
 Ensuring service users are well hydrated and offered plenty of hot and

cold drinks
j) To ensure the service user’s home is clean, tidy, safe and comfortable by carrying

out domestic cleaning tasks as commissioned. Such tasks may include:

 Cleaning of kitchen and bathroom
 Washing and putting away dishes
 Vacuuming and polishing
 Cleaning floors and windows
 Laundry
 Making beds
k) To support service users to access the local community encouraging active

l) To assist service users with shopping, collecting pensions or benefits, paying bills or
other errands

m) To support service users to maintain relationships with family members, friends and
their wider social network

n) To promote effective communication and relationships with Service users and work
colleagues and to be aware of communication differences and adopt an approach
that minimises the effect of such differences.

o) To report promptly any concerns, complaints or grievances to their Line Manager
\Immediately report any signs or indications of abuse to your line manager

p) To maintain records (e.g. care plans) where necessary, ensuring these are wholly
accurate, up-to-date and completed in a timely manner.

q) To ensure confidentiality is maintained at all times, in keeping with the Data
Protection Act (DPA) 1998

r) To contribute towards the protection of individuals from abuse.

s) To attend any meetings in order to contribute to the effectiveness of care delivery.

t) To undertake any training required in order to perform the role more effectively,
acknowledging any deficits in knowledge or practice, identifying training needs and
formulating training plans with the direction of your Line Manager.

u) To participate in the induction and shadowing of all new Staff.

Name Signed Date


This list is not an exhaustive, the job holder may be required to undertake other reasonable
duties within their capability.


The following list of employment qualifications and requirements is by no means exhaustive
and is intended as a guide for recruitment, however, qualifications and requirements listed
should be regarded as the basic minimum for the job positions indicated.

Registered Manager

CQF / NVQ Direct Care Level IV
CQF / N VQ Assessor Qualification TBLB D32/D33
Minimum of 5 years’ experience in a managerial and supervisory role.
Minimum of 3 years’ experience in a direct service organisation.
Experience in selection, recruitment and training.
Broad Knowledge of health and safety procedures.
Basic food hygiene certificate.
Basic Health & Safety Certificate.
Experience in the use Information Technology.
Clean U.K. / E.E.C. Driving licence.

Locality Manager

CQF / N.V.Q. Direct Care Level IV
CQF / N.VQ. Assessor Qualification
Minimum of 3 years’ experience in a managerial and supervisory role.
Minimum of 2 years’ experience in a direct service organisation.
Broad Knowledge of health and safety procedures.
Basic food hygiene certificate.
Basic Health & Safety Certificate.
Experienced in the use Information Technology.
Clean U.K. / E.E.C. Driving licence.

Domiciliary Care Worker

CQF / NVQ Direct Care Level II
Previous experience in a similar position.
Basic Knowledge of health and safety procedures.
Basic food hygiene certificate.
Basic Health & Safety Certificate.
Moving & Handling Certificate.
Ability to communicate with others.

Domiciliary Domestic Care Worker

Basic Knowledge of health and safety procedures.
Basic food hygiene certificate.
Basic Health & Safety Certificate.
Moving & Handling Certificate.
Ability to communicate with others.


Training and Development Plan

The company for its part, and as a result of the annual appraisal exercise, will identify
individual staff training needs, produce and agree an outline training budget before the start
of each financial year. It is important that all staff appreciate the value of training and
development and are expected to be receptive to training, new ideas and changes within
the company.

Training and Development

1. Induction:
All employees are entitled, on joining and when transferring to a new part of the company,
to participate in the company induction programme. Managers are responsible for ensuring
that all staff under their control complete the induction course within eight weeks of joining
the company.

2. Coaching:
The most common form of training in the company is on the job training provided by
colleagues, supervisors and managers. All members of staff are expected to co-operate in
training newcomers. Regular tuition on coaching skills will be given to all employees
involved in coaching. Managers and supervisors will ensure that all relevant employees
receive this training within their department.

3. Work Experience:
From time to time the company will allow work experience students from local schools to
spend a short time working within the company. The co-operation of managers and other
staff is requested in making this a useful and pleasant an experience as possible for the
student concerned. A suitable plan of work will be agreed in advance and the manager will
be required to complete a form listing the accomplishments at the end of the placement.

4. In-house courses:
Periodically the company organises short courses in-house, usually where a group of
employees requires specific or additional knowledge or training (e.g. the introduction of new
piece of equipment or possibly new legislation that affects the workplace). Details of in-
house courses will be circulated and nominations should be made to your manager or

5. Staff Shadowing:
Shadowing of staff will take place for a full two days after induction, following any new
training and in circumstances where the company doubts the capability of an employee and
wishes confirm its suspicions. The purpose of this shadowing is to establish any failings or
weaknesses to identify training need and provide support and assistance. Shadowing is
usually undertaken by the field supervisor or the care manager. Staff must always be
notified when shadowing is taking place and should not be undertaken covertly.

6. Staff supervisions:
Staff supervisions are a 6 weekly informal meeting between carers and their line manager;
they have been introduced for the following reasons:

a) information receiving of carers weekly events and occurrences.
b) information giving to inform carers of events and changes within the company.
c) to give carers the opportunity to seek help and advice


d) compliance with Commissions for Quality Care regulations.
e) to inform managers of any deterioration in service users wellbeing
f) to ensure all staff are aware of individual service user outcomes and work towards

achieving those goals.

It is also intended that 3 monthly supervisions will build and promote a feeling of belonging
to the company, increase moral and reduce absence and sickness. Supervisions will be
recorded on a "Monthly Staff Supervision form" and held on file, a copy may be given to the
employee if requested.

7. Quality Care Framework:
The company recognises the value of nationally accredited qualifications relevant to their
work in the workplace. It is a condition of employment that all employees achieve QCF
(Quality Care Framework training) at entry level 2. The qualification is a vocational
qualification and can be advanced if the employee wishes to move level 3 or higher.
Employees who require further information about QCF’s should contact their manager or

8. Short courses and conferences:
The company regularly receives details of short courses, seminars and conferences run by
outside organisations. Details of these courses will be circulated to managers and
supervisors. Following discussions between the applicant his or her supervisor and the line
manager, suitable employees will be nominated to attend these courses. It should be noted
that because this type of training can be expensive, the manager making the nomination
will be required to justify the relevance and benefits of this training to the partners of the
company who will then decide if the finance will be made available.

9. Trade Organisations and Associations:
In order to gain a broader experience of the market sector and to acquire new information
concerning developments, activity and new legislation the company encourages its
managers and supervisors to join local/ national trade bodies and associations.
To enable company representatives to take an active part paid time off and expenses will
be allowed to enable company representatives to attend meetings, seminars and

10. General:
• All employees taking a course of training will be required to give an assessment of
that training to his manager.
• In certain circumstances the company may reserve the right to make training
conditional upon the employee undertaking to repay all or part of the cost of training
is he or she leaves the company within a certain amount of time.
• In circumstances where knowledge and skill is essential to the job, the company will
reserve the right to make training a condition of an employee’s contract of
• When the company nominates an employee for training the cost of this training and
out of pocket expenses will be funded by the company.


Performance Appraisal & Assessment

Appraisal is essentially the means of ensuring that the managers and employees of the
company meet on an annual basis to discuss performance and the individual’s
development plan. The appraisal procedure must be promoted in a positive light; it is not to
be used by managers to "have a go". If used correctly it will play an important role in the
development of staff. However, managers should not be reluctant to confront their staff with
their failings.
The process has clearly defined objectives and aims:

1. identify the employee’s strengths and weaknesses
2. highlight problem areas requiring improvement
3. promote employee motivation
4. recognise and encourage good work and achievements
5. identify training needs
6. communicate company developments
7. to improve sickness & absence
8. awarding promotion, pay increases etc.
Appraisals will be carried annually by employee’s immediate line manager using the
company Joint Appraisal & Assessment form, a copy of the form will be given to the
employees in advance of the appraisal interview to allow employees time to structure their
thoughts beforehand and offer a written statement of their own performance.


Training Evaluation and Feedback form

It is the responsibility of all staff to complete a training evaluation sheet at the end of each
training course they attend. The information gathered will assist the company to identify
which courses offer quality, worthwhile training and whether or not they offer value for
money. When completing the sheets, you should consider the following.

1. Organisation and domestics, please consider:

Did it start on time, was there sufficient breaks, was the room and
equipment used appropriate, was there sufficient and clean toilet
facilities. If you have disability was there appropriate support and / or
equipment provided.

2. Location, please consider:

Was the venue easy to get to, were you able to park or access public
transport, were you given a location map.

3. Notes, please consider:

Was you given notes, did the notes cover the content of the training,
did you have to take your own notes, if so did you have time to take
down key points

4. Presentation, please consider:

Did speakers communicate their message, did you understand them,
did they use jargon, were you given the opportunity to ask questions,
were questions fully answered, was their style of delivery appropriate,
did they observe equality opportunities, did they discriminate in any

5. Overall enjoyment, please consider:

Let us know if you enjoyed the course or not, please explain why.

6. Did the training meet your needs?

Your training needs will have been identified with your manger during
your appraisal, did this course meet one or more of your specific
training needs.

7. Any other comments

Please use this section to freely comment on any other aspect of the
course or to expand 9n the previous questions.


Training feedback form Excellent good

Please rate the following aspects of the course
not good poor
1 Organisation and domestics
2 Location
3 Notes
4 Presentation
5 Overall enjoyment
6 Did the training meet your needs

7. Any other comments

For office use only
Line manager’s evaluation

Date ………………………………………………………………. Signature …………………………………………………

Name: Staff Supervision Form Date:

Supervisor/Manager taking

Work ( service user problems; service user concerns; H&S issues etc)

Action to be taken: When: By who:

Concerns/team issues (worker relationships; rota’s; new ideas; areas of work etc)

Action to be taken: When: By who:

Training/Development (any areas for development – agree what will be put in place and

Action to be taken: When: By who:

Any other areas for discussion:


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