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Published by hemant_lagvankar, 2017-03-03 09:39:32

Report of Mision NCF 2015-16

Report of Mision NCF 2015-16

Project rePort

Report of “Mission NCF – 2005 for Science Learning in Classroom”
An innovative training project under RMSA Maharashtra
in the academic year 2015-16

1. Background

National Curriculum Framework (NCF - 2005) and State Curriculum Framework (SCF – 2010) are emphasizing on
constructive approach of science learning and schools teachers have received exhaustive training on this since last
few years. As “Activity Based Science Teaching” is one of the tools to achieve this goal, many Government
organizations like NCERT, many non-governmental organizations and many individual activists have developed
kits, experiments and activities which will help teachers in teaching-learning process.

Many organizations and even government bodies organized teachers training workshops to demonstrate how
these experiments can be used in the classroom. NYASS Trust, an NGO working the field of developing a scientific
temper among Children, had also organized some workshops for teacher for “Innovative experiments in Physics:
designed by Dr H C Verma of IIT Kanpur. We are closely in touch with many science teachers through some
activities like National Children Science Congress, Science Club Network in Thane district, Vigyan Mahotsav.

After so many workshops of this kind regarding Activity based Science Teaching it is observed that teachers
respond to these workshops well and say that they will use this method in the classroom. However, there are no
significant and consistent efforts observed in the classrooms; though use of teaching aids, experiments and
activities help promoting constructivism in the classroom.

Mr. Hemant Lagvankar, a renowned science Communicator and educational consultant has also developed some
experiments and has conducted many workshops for teachers on pedagogy of learning. He is closely associated
with NYASS for some of the activities. We had many interactions with the Teachers, organizations, Govt. bodies
engaged in different type of trainings and we also arranged meetings with many of these organizations regarding
the failure and we could find some of the following reasons for not implementing constructive approach through
teaching aids and activities:

 There is confusion between “Teaching Aid” (which to be used in the classroom), “Experiments” and “Scientific

 Teachers are loaded with much documentation process so are anxious to “complete syllabus”
 No teacher or school wants to do any “experiment” in the process of completing a syllabus.
 Exact pedagogy of constructivism is not conveyed and digested by the teachers.
 Much of the experiments prepared by individuals or organization don’t relate their experiments to the units

given in the syllabus.

2. What is the Need of the Hour?

Instead of just discussing about the goals of education, constructivism, principles of NCF etc., a teacher should be
prepared to implement the constructive approach of knowledge as mentioned in NCF - 2005 in actual classroom
interactions during 35 minutes period. If a teacher innovatively uses experiments and activities as teaching aids
then obviously we can bring constructivism in actual classroom and achieve the goals of education as expected in
NCF 2005.

For any qualitative change from the present situation, science education in India must undergo a
paradigm shift. Rote learning should be discouraged. Inquiry skills should be supported and

NCF – 2005 (3.3.2 page 49)

After so much of experience we came to the conclusion that only workshops of teachers will not take us to the level of
implementation of this inquiry based constructive approach but following comprehensive program/action plan should
be implemented:

 The program should involve not only Experts and Teachers but also Science teachers, school Principal,
Management, Education department and of course the end benefactor i.e. student.

 There should be clear demarcation between “Lab based experiments” and “Teaching Aids or “activity based
Classroom learning” while orientation phase of schools.

 The experiments and activities which can be used as teaching aids should be designed in such a manner that
they will cover the abstract concepts in all the branches of science. Thus, there has to be a direct relation of
this programme with the syllabus.

 Relate the activity based learning programme with the regular timetable so that there will not be any difficulty
for so called ‘completion of syllabus’.

 Instead of Teachers’ trainings, actual Classroom demos and their documentation in the form of videos and
written script should be carried out.

 Evaluate the outcome of this implementation.
 Recognition for this program by Education department so that teachers involved in this programme will get a

strong support from the Principal and management of the school.

3. A Pilot project on “Activity based Science learning” : Brief Review

As an outcome of the discussions in the education quality cell of state government, the department together with Mr.
Hemant Lagvankar and NYASS TRUST developed an action plan for pilot level Project of “Activity based Science
learning” which was limited 15 schools in Thane district in Maharashtra. The impact of this concept was tested in
actual classrooms. Maharashtra State Council for Educational Research and Training, Pune (SCERT/SISE) also reviewed
the project proposal and approved the concept and made positive remarks to implement it into the schools.

3.1 Highlights of pilot project:

 Mr. Hemant Lagvankar together with a team of NYASS compiled more than 50 experiments which can be used
as teaching aid and arranged it concept wise and prepared the Teaching aid kits for 15 schools. These
experiments are based on 2 chapters of std. VIII and 3 from std. IX as the project was run on pilot basis.

 The kit was given a transparent plastic box having total weight of the kit less than 1 kg. Concept wise
segregation of teaching aids in small plastic bags was done so that teacher can handle and carry it

 Mr. Hemant Lagvankar along with other MRPs took a demo lesson in each of the selected schools as per the
school timetable to demonstrate how constructivism can be brought into the classroom.

 These demo lessons from MRPs are the part of training and giving direct experiences to the teachers. These
lessons therefore attended not only by the science teachers but Principals and school management also.

 Then the science teachers carried on their lessons using teaching aid kit in their classrooms. A monitoring
team was formed who monitored whether this happened properly or not. All lessons were attended and
observed by School principals also.

3.2 Outcome of the pilot project :
 Teachers and schools realized that constructive approach of knowledge through activities can be implemented
without disturbing their regular school time table and schedule.

 This approach did not require any extra time and teacher could complete the contents according to their

 Students participated actively in the classroom and their understanding about various concepts in science
became better.

 By the use of experimental method to learn the concepts, it is found that concepts of the teachers also got

From the experience of successful execution of pilot project on ABSL it is clear that, the basic objectives
set for the project are achieved. If we scale up this project in all the districts of Maharashtra state and
the education department gives a “Mission Approach” to the whole project, then it is easier to bring
constructivism in actual science learning and to achieve objectives mentioned in NCF – 2005.

Looking at the outcomes of this pilot project RMSA decided that this module should be incorporated in the science
teacher’s training program and invited the proposal from NYASS TRUST for the same for 2015-16 under the name :
“Mission NCF 2005”

The proposal was sanctioned and it was implemented in more than 1000 schools covering all the districts in
Maharashtra state.

4. “Mission NCF-2005” Project on State Level

4.1 Highlights

 Name of the project : Mission NCF – 2005 for Science Learning in Classroom

 Head of the project : RMSA, Govt. of Maharashtra.
 Expected Duration: Academic Year of 2015-16
 Coordinating and implementing Agency: SCERT, Pune and State Science Institute, Nagpur in coordination with

NYASS Trust, Dombivli, Dist. Thane.
 Resource & Support Agency : NYASS Trust, Dombivli, Dist. Thane
 Principal Investigator (PI) of the project : Mr. Hemant Lagvankar (M.Sc., B.Ed.)
 Team: A team of five Master Resource Persons, Regional Resource Persons, District coordinators as selected

by PI, DIET Principals and Education officers.
 Coverage of the programme: For Std. IX and Std. X of 1000 teachers from all 36 districts in Maharashtra.

4.2 Objectives of the project :

 To cultivate the “Constructivism Approach” of learning in actual classrooms
 To imbibe learning practices mentioned in NCF - 2005 in classrooms
 To develop and focus Pedagogy expected in NCF 2005 and prepare implementation modules of the same
 To make the teachers resourceful and doing their capacity building as a “facilitator”.
 To develop modules of “Assessment of Understanding” with the help of a Concept of “Activity Based Science

Learning” by using innovative experiments as teaching aids in actual classrooms.
 To develop various skills like observations, analysis, drawing conclusions among the students through various

hands on activities used as teaching aids.

 To implement the “Activity Based Science Learning” in actual classroom teaching to assess the impact of the

 To replicate a success story of ABSL Pilot project of Thane district in entire state.
 To develop a role model of direct implementation of the NCF 2005 in classrooms by implementing the project

with 15000 teachers in Maharashtra.

4.3 Basic Concept:

 As mentioned in a section “background” and “Need” it is essential to prepare a model to implement
constructivism in learning process.

 The programme is to be carried out to promote the use of Teaching Aid in innovative manner as a tool to
understanding a concept during actual classroom interactions.

 Pedagogy with the use of teaching aids and activities has to be imbibed to promote constructive approach in

 The time should not be spent only on frequent trainings of the teachers; instead the time should be utilized in
orientation, preparation of teaching Aids and Activities; and their effective implementation in classrooms
which will lead to Constructive Approach in Science Learning.

Broadly speaking, the scientific method involves several interconnected steps:
observation, looking for regularities and patterns, making hypotheses, devising qualitative
or mathematical models, deducing their consequences, verification or falsification of
theories through observations and controlled experiments, and thus arriving at the
principles, theories and laws governing the natural world.

- NCF -2005 (3.3, page 46)

4.4 Execution:

Phase I : (A) Conceptualization, preparation, designing of the kit and other resource material:
 The cost of the kit with experiments and activities will be only Rs. 1500.
 All the material and experiments will be segregated concept wise into small plastic bags so that teacher
should not find it difficult to search the required material before going into classroom.
 The experiments or activities will be selected so that teacher need not have to go through complicated
arrangements and should be easy for a teacher to show it around through the classroom with apparatus in
their hands.
 The kit will be kept in a plastic box of the size about 2 ft x 1 ft. So it does not occupy much space.
 The weight of the kit is only 1 kg and therefore can easily be handled.
 The kit will be very easy to handle so that students can be involved to carry out the activities.
 Raw material used for making kit will be such that it is readily available at a low cost.
 There will be a scope kept in the kit to add some more experiments which may be developed after ongoing
research and development in teaching aid.
 Teachers’ Manual was also prepared which includes pedagogy and 215 activities based on the syllabus of 9th
and 10th standard. The manual was given as a part of the kit.
 A CD consisting of presentations, manual, video and photo links of some activities were given as a part of the
kit to guide a teacher on how to do these activities and experiments and which concepts can be taught with
the help of these activities.

(B) The specifications for the material used in the Kits were prepared by PI and NYASS Team and a tender was
invited to compile, constrict and assemble, supply and logistics of the kit to all regions and districts.
(C) For the state level workshops, NYASS Team themselves prepared 40 kits and then remaining kits were
supplied by the supplier.

(D) A what’s app group was formed and the members were added from every district as the limit permitted for a
state group of MRPs, KRPs, representatives from Education departments etc. Eventually regional and district
what’s app groups were created by NYASS and were administered by 8 members of NYASS for smooth working of
the projects. DIET officers were made members of these groups.

(E) Pedagogy documents prepared from the experience of Pilot projects: We prepared some standard demo
lessons showing the pedagogy expected in constructivist approach and circulated among the beneficiaries. We
gave stress not only on kit but on how to use it in the classroom.

Phase II: Logistics of the kit: The kits were supplied in calculated numbers of all the workshops on the addresses of
respective DIET offices.

Phase III - Forming a Network:
Online forms were floated to invite active teachers and from the forms a following network was created:

 Regional Coordinators: For 8 education regions of Maharashtra one person was appointed as a regional
coordinator for that region.

 District Coordinators/MRPs: For each district one district coordinator was appointed and he was asked to
form a team of 4 very active Key Resource persons,

 Key Resource Persons (KRPs): KRPs will be potential Resource persons who are active in districts, have
participated in various activities and are proactive in nature and who will voluntarily come forward for this
work. These KRPs were recommended by district Coordinators.

 End benefactors: Average 25 schools were selected with help of DIETs of each district where the project
would be actually implemented. The parameters were; 10 schools should be from Urban or main district place
and others should cover all the Tahsils. So in all 900 teachers will be trained.

 The government network : State Institute of Science Education, Ravinagar Nagpur, a subsidiary of SCERT was
made responsible for 8 regional workshops and DIETs of each districts were made responsible for all the
district level workshops.

Beneficiary Chart:

Particulars Level of workshop No. of No. of Total no. of
participants Workshops teachers
No. of At State Level per workshop
Teachers Workshop 8 160
receiving At District Level 20
training and Workshop 36 900
a kit 25 (1 workshop per 1060


Phase II: State Level Orientation workshop (No. 1) :

1. One state level workshop of Two days was arranged for training, orientation and kit making in 8
educational regions.

2. Participants were the one district MRP from each district.
3. The resource persons for this workshop were Mr Hemant Lagvankar, a Principal Investigator of the project

and 7 Members of NYASS Trusts helped the groups to assemble a kit will be the trained KRPs who had
participated in regional workshop. One observer will be sent to these workshops from the region.
4. The module of this workshop is attached here. It was completely interactive with direct involvement of
teachers in kit making. It included general introduction of constructivism approach, role of teaching aid or
activity based learning.
5. In this workshop actually the kits will be prepared by participants with the help of state level team so that
they will be trained automatically.
6. They will be also trained to conduct workshops in every districts and teachers.

Module of the workshop

Day Time Activity Description
Day 1 9:30 to 10:00 Registration Register the name of participating teacher. Collect
photograph. Entre the information in particular
10:00 to 10:15 Inauguration of workshop format
10:15 to 10:30 Introduction and presentation Give box of raw material, Some documents regarding
on project the project, Manual, SOP of kit making, etc.
10:30 to 10:45 “ In my classroom” Welcome and formal inauguration
Idea of innovative training and Expectation from
10:45 to 11:30 Introduction to Kit teachers : Presentation
11:30 to 1:30 Kit making : Std. IX What is expected in Constructivism/Pedagogy :
1:30 to 2:00 Lunch Break Presentation
2:00 to 3:30 Kit making Continued : Show each and every object of the kit and segregate
Std. IX Divide into groups, Start preparing kit (Follow SOP)
3:30 to 4:30 Resource material Discussion
Start preparing kit (Follow SOP)
4:30 to 5:00 Discussion
Explanation / demo of remaining activities, How to
Day 2 10:00 to 1:30 Kit making: Std. X use digital material
1:30 to 2:15 Lunch Break Experience sharing and troubleshooting in
2:15 to 2:25 Presentation assembling the kit
2:30 to 3:15 Demo lesson Divide into groups, Start preparing kit (Follow SOP)
3:15 to 4:00 Assessment of Understanding
(AOU) “How to become a good resource person?”
4:00 to 4:30 Open Discussion Explanation / demo of remaining activities
4:30 to 5:00 Valedictory Appeal to develop AOU, Discussion on AOU

Future planning and instructions
Feedback from participants, Conclusion

Phase III: 7 Regional Level Orientation workshops for 8 regions :

1. Seven Regional level workshops of two days were arranged for training, orientation and kit making in 8
educational regions. As Latur and Pune regions are having only 3 districts each, their combined workshops
was organized in Solapur which is convenient to all the extreme districts of both regions.

2. Participants were the 4 KRPs selected by district coordinators from each district.
3. The resource persons for this workshop were Mr. Hemant Lagvankar, a Principal Investigator of the

project and Mr. Vishwas Bhave from NYASS TRUST along with the trained Master Resource persons from
state level workshop,.
4. The module of this workshop was kept same as state level.
5. The participants were also trained to conduct workshops in every districts and teachers.

Phase IV: District Level Orientation Workshops (No. 36):

1. These workshops of two days will be organized in every district by the district coordinators with the help
of DIETs of all districts.

2. The resource persons for this workshop were one MRP trained in state level and 4 KRPs trained in regional

3. We will organize district level training, orientation and kit making workshop for 25 science teachers who
will be actual benefactor of the project i.e. The basic material for the 25 kits will be centrally procured by
raising funds from the regions…Rs. 1500/- per kit.

4. These 25 schools will be selected by a district coordinator based on our parameters.
5. In this workshops, a team was formed comprising of one MRP, 4 KRPs and very active teachers among

these 25 schools and they were asked to conduct demo lessons in all 25 schools using the teaching aid in
the kit and with the pedagogy expected in constructivism.

Workshops, Resource persons, Participants, beneficiaries

Workshops No. Venue RPs Participants
State level 1 Dombivli
PI and NYASS One MRP from each district:
members Total 36

Regional Level 7 Amaravati, Nagpur, MRPs from each Four KRPs from each districts
District Level
Total Aurangabad, Solapur, district trained in in that region i.e. 20 to 24

Mumbai, Kolhapur, Nashik state level total 36 Total 160

along with PI

36 At every District Trained team of one 25 teachers from 25 different

MRPs and 4 KRPs schools well spread over

total 5 almost all Tahsils.

Total 900

44 1060

Phase V: Demo Lessons:

 5 Master resource persons who were trained in the state level workshop conducted not only two days
workshop in their district for 25 teachers but also took demo lessons in those schools to demonstrate
constructive approach of learning.

 These MRPs took help from 7 or 8 active teachers to take demo lessons.
 Thus, demo lessons were carried out in each of the 25 schools from every district.

Phase VI: Reporting:

Formats of reports were provided by RMSA office for registration and feedback forms. As per these formats the
reports were prepared and submitted to RMSA office.

4.5 Fund Channelization: Funds for the state level regional workshops were channelized through SISE and funds for
district level workshops funds were channelized through DIETs.

4.6 Roles and Responsibilities :
1. SCERT/SISE: Fund channelization, Implementation in coordination of Resource organization, official,
infrastructure and facility support for training and resource centers.
2. Principal Investigator: Develop NCF implementation modules, development of all training, resource modules,
complete academic support to the project.
3. Resource & Support Agency: Help in Conceptualizing, Help in Development of Resource and Training material,
Identifying complete support team in regions and districts like RC, DCs, MRPs, KRPs etc., Link between support
team, end benefactors and SCERT/SISE.
4. DIET: Provide official support, training centers and facilities at district level.
5. Regional Coordinators (RCs): Coordination of the whole region
6. Districts Coordinators (DCs): Coordination of the whole region
7. Key Resource Persons (KRPs): Conducting workshop for districts as a Resource person of the district.

These reforms, however, fundamentally need the overarching reform of teacher
empowerment. No reform, however well motivated and well planned, can succeed
unless a majority of teachers feel empowered to put it in practice.
With active teacher participation, the reforms suggested above could have a
cascading effect on all stages of science teaching in our schools.

NCF – 2005 (3.3.2 page 50)

4.7 Important Features of Training program:
 The training module was completely interactive.
 We gave emphasis on pedagogy of constructive approach of learning and not on the kit or activities.
 In each training workshop, we arranged a standard demo lesson to demonstrate the pedagogy of constructive
approach of learning.
 We circulated a standard demo lesson document among the participants.
 We insisted on taking demo lessons in all the schools of the participants.

 For each experiments or activities we initiated the discussions on concept not only showing the experiments.

4.8 Outcome of the Project :

 There are 160 + 900 = 1060 trained science teachers and same number of kits will be for the state.
 Each trained teacher can work as a Resource Person. Thus, the state has a well spread team of 1060 resource

 In the schools of each teacher demo lesson was taken by other teacher.
 The approach of activity based learning will help teachers in CCE where in modules of “Assessment of

Understanding” can be used.

4.9 Observations and Impact:
 In the above mentioned kit, some activities had been added for Physics, Chemistry, biological and
environment sciences where experiments are difficult to use in actual classroom.
 Modules for “Assessment of Understanding” should also be prepared to assess the knowledge constructed by
student as expected in NCF 2005.
 The project has really empowered teachers. After successful implementation of this project in 25 schools of
each districts of the state, we have team of at least 25 fully trained, motivated and experienced teachers in
each district. These teachers can further train the other teachers.
 In the constructive approach of knowledge, it is expected that students are engaged in learning process and
knowledge should be constructed. However, it was found that teachers used the teaching aids but very few
followed the pedagogy. Therefore, it is important to have an orientation or training on “Pedagogy” for the
successful implementation of constructive approach of knowledge.

(Hemant Lagvankar) (Vishwas Bhave)

Principal Investigator, NYASS TRUST
Mission NCF-2005 Project Mob. 9820424867
Mob. 9820138751

Annexure – I
Moments of Mission NCF-2005 training programme

Demo lessons in classroom : Actual Implementation

Annexure – I
Cognizance by the press

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