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Grab our November issue to read about Blocking Blue Light and Crying Anxiety.

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Published by Kids In Perth, 2021-11-03 01:01:17

The Parent's Paper November 2021

Grab our November issue to read about Blocking Blue Light and Crying Anxiety.

Keywords: The parents paper,November,paper,parents,perth

Parents PaperTHE FREE


Parents PaperBlocking blue light as a family.
PART OF / EST 1994 NOVEMBER / 2021

WParePnartesntPs Paappeer riththeincreasinguseoflaptops,
mobile devices and tablets,
keeping eyes healthy has become
By Lee-Ann Price - Kids In Perth, Collaboration with Cooper & Lourie Family Optometrists


increasingly more important for adults and, macular degeneration or delay this condition
from developing prematurely.

In today’s world of unavoidable digital

especially, children. devices, good habits such as avoiding long

Blue light glasses help by blocking or Parentshours of screen work by taking a break for a Paper
filtering out high frequency blue light given off
by screens and reduces digital eye strain. You minute or two every half hour and spending
can wear blue light glasses with the knowledge more time on outdoor activities is advisable.
you’re protecting your eyes from glare and
Blue lighTtHEfiltering lenses can reduce digital
eye strain, improve productivity and may
reduce the risk of long-term damage to eye
reduce potential damage from prolonged screen structures.
time. Blue light is emitted from mobiles, tablet

devices, computers, some light bulbs and, Scan QR Code to
naturally, sunlight and excessive exposure may find facts about
be potentially damaging to the retina leading to
vision impairment. blue light
Have questions about blue light lenses and
For parents that work in front of screens glasses?
all day, blue light blocking glasses can help
reduce eye strain and discomfort by enhancing Dr. Geoff Cooper and Dr Julie Lourie,
founders of Cooper & Lourie Family

Parents PaperOptometrists, have been serving Perth families
for over 4TH0E years and fitting Ortho-K lenses for

your focus resulting in reduced eye tiredness, the last 15 years.

improving productivity throughout the day. Both principals were among the initial

Using blue light blocking glasses at night pioneers to use this therapy to treat Perth

may help to keep sleep patterns more regular children and continually follow research into

because blue light inhibits the brain from this field.

releasing melatonin, vital for setting your Please get in touch with the friendly team at
body’s circadian clock. These glasses may also Cooper & Lourie Family Optometrists by calling
help to reduce the likelihood of age related 9386 8581 to find out more about blue light.

Music gives wings to
the mind and flight
to the imagination

At Christ Church Grammar School, some of our youngest
students will soon participate in a Strings Program.

Music has a proven ability to develop early literacy skills, raise
awareness of distinctive sounds and assist students in aural
skills and oral language. The Strings Program draws on research
linking the study of music to academic achievement.

Commencing in 2022, every Pre-Primary student will select
either the violin or cello and receive group tuition with
specialist instrumental teachers.

Join us for an opportunity to go inside the Preparatory School
and see Christ Church in action.

Tuesday 2 November at 9.00am

Wednesday 3 November at 4.30pm

Wednesday 17 November at 9.00am

Monday 22 November at 4.00pm

Places for these tours are limited.
Register at

Building good men Queenslea Drive, Claremont, WA 6010 | T (08) 9442 1555 | E [email protected] | | CRICOS 00433G


Sport programmes at
ECU Sports and Fitness

Scan to learn more

W.A. let’s welcome LEGO®!
W.A.’s first LEGO® Certified Store
opens its doors to the public from appeal of the LEGO® brand and bring a
9 am on Thursday 28th October world-class retail concept to WA. We look
forward to meeting our loyal, growing

2021. LEGO® awesomeness is spread over a community of brick fans of all ages in Perth.”

massive 343 square meters! This ‘must visit’ Store highlights include:

store can be found near David Jones on the

Ground Floor of AMP Karrinyup Centre. • Large 3D brick-built model ‘a local and

Spudshed’s weekly special Naturally, kids will get excited over the quokkas’ | Comprised of 75,667 LEGO®
latest LEGO® sets and parents can plan bricks, 450 hours build time
Scan to learn more
ahead for Christmas. Inside, we’re looking • Large 3D mosaic of Swan River |
forward to seeing custom-built brick features Comprised of 15,681 LEGO® bricks, 128

that draw inspiration from local icons and hours build time.

landmarks. • Signature LEGO® Pick A Brick Wall

Richard Facioni, Executive Chairman,

Alquemie Group said, “Together with our

partners at The LEGO® Group, we are proud Scan to
to continue to extend the presence of LEGO® see inside
Certified Stores into Western Australia. “The the store
new store will capitalise on the enduring

Crying Anxiety in mothers and fathers

By Lee-Ann Price - Kids In Perth

Being a new parent, whether it’s your Every child calming method varies in
first child or not, you cover the technique and results... Same goes with
basics... making sure your child is fed, managing your emotions. Therefore,
clean, warm and happy. whatever and whichever way you
choose that works and makes both child
Sometimes a child cries for none of these and parent happy then stick with it!
reasons other than to express their emotions
or make themselves known. Persistent and If you or anyone you know is
constant crying can sometimes be grating feeling anxiety or sadness, here are
and, for some parents, causes anxiety. Having
an excessively crying infant or toddler can a few helpful resources to view at
impair breastfeeding and increase feelings of your discretion.
loneliness and parental failure. (Scandinavian
Journal of Caring Sciences, 2019). 1. Perinatal Anxiety and Depression
Australia (PANDA) |
As your child grows, bringing them out
more increases the risk of crying in public. In
a study, public places where parents felt most
anxious and self-conscious of their child’s 2. Uniting WA Parenting Support |
crying were planes, public transport, libraries
or restaurants and cafes. These parents felt like families/parenting-support/
they were under the disciplinary gaze of others
(Annals of Tourism Research, 2014). 3. NGALA Helpline Ph:9368 9368

Much has been written about how a parent To connect and involve local mothers, new groups are starting to appear on Kids Scan for
can calm a child be it co-sleeping, the cry it out In Perth’s facebook page including a Mother’s Group which offers a space for positive helpful tips
method, soothing skin to skin contact or even conversations and support.
white noise but... What about calming mothers
and fathers who are feeling stressed from How do you deal with crying anxiety as a parent? Please share in our facebook group.
nurturing their crying child? What keeps you
calm and in a good headspace?


106th Osborne Park Show 2021 kidsinperth

Friday Nov 26 5pm-10pm to keep you going well into the Who’s #1 in your family?
evening as well as a pop-up bar for
Saturday Nov 27 4pm-10pm mums and dads. Scan to learn more

S Robinson Reserve Tuart Hill This year entry is Free...wait kidsinperth KIDSINPERTH.COM.AU
chools on Stage, Dance & Drums, Classic what? Yes, that’s right entry is free
Cars, Carnival Rides & Tasty Treats. The in 2021 thanks to long time show
106th Osborne Park Show returns in supporter the City of Stirling! All
2021 with more of your favourites like Food, you have to do is book a ticket
Fun and Fireworks! Join in the celebrations and use the Safe WA scanning
with the Stirling school’s celebration onstage, app to enter and join us at the
fast & fine food vendors, carnival amusements, show. Tickets are available from
thrilling rides, show bags, classic car shows and November 1 from Humanitix.
your own front row seat to the best fireworks
display of the year!

This year we put the focus on local Scan to learn
interaction with four primary schools going more
acapella onstage along with local samba
celebs Ziriguidum opening the show on Friday.
Saturday afternoon kicks off from 4pm with
two huge car displays, three high schools and
rock legends West End Music Academy keeping
the rhythm going on the big stage. There’s a
bigger selection of food including ‘Artisans on
the Edge’ and non-stop thrills in side-show alley

W“ onderful teachers with
very kind hearts” -- Jane

Your dancer will discover the joy of movement while
exploring the delicate balance between the technique

and artistry of classical ballet… love in motion

5 to 19yo

to buy

Osborn Park Scan here to find
10 x 2 class times
Locations: Brentwood | Rossmoyne

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NOVEMBER 2021 The Parents’ Paper 03 <<<

to find more
Perth schools


PRINCIPAL’S WELCOME “As a recipient of a Catholic education with and of others and to
now over forty years of experience working live lives more fully
For more than 110 years, we have been that our boys are in Catholic schools, I retain a passionate based on the values
preparing young men to serve and lead in capable and competent commitment to ensuring our learning and faith taught by Jesus.
this fast-moving world. learners who need sharing community is an authentic and vibrant Excellent staff,
Today we are on an exciting journey as we guide space, time and Catholic school. As a parent and a grandparent, I facilities, grounds and
the boys in their search for meaning in the world opportunity to explore, also empathise with those discerning which school resources at each of
around them, and in their interactions with each experiment, take risks to entrust their children. our two campuses
other. Working with experts in their field, Christ and build their We are extremely proud of the over 120 years of provide ample
Church has created its own pedagogy (art and dispositions for achievement and traditions established by the opportunity for
science of teaching), specific programs and a learning. dedicated families and staff, in collaboration with students to excel in
diverse range of activities to assist boys develop a the Sisters of Mercy. The College offers an areas of curriculum, leadership and the sporting,
strong personal identity at every stage of their We are a school that education for life, one that values mind, body and cultural and religious life of the College.”
journey. At the same time, we encourage them to genuinely values diversity and I strongly believe spirit.
understand the significance of positive and it makes our educational community stronger. As a Catholic school community, we also offer our Geoff Mills - Principal
healthy relationships, find their sense of purpose, We operate in a culture where every activity and students several very important challenges - to
and foster a healthy vision for their future. achievement is celebrated equally and a learning develop a deeper awareness of themselves, of God M.Ed. Leadership, M.Ed. RE, B.Ed, Dip. Teach,
environment in which individuals can thrive and Dip. RE, Prof. Cert. Instr. Leadership, MAEL
Our Early Learning Community (ELC) educates each boy feels safe.
boys in Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Pre- ABOUT Ursula Frayne Catholic College
Primary. The Early Learning Program is This is an exciting time to be considering a
research-based, acknowledging that young boys Christ Church education for your son, and Founded in 1990, Ursula Frayne Catholic Years 7 – 12. Committed to the
learn best when they are actively involved in I encourage you to visit our campus and College is a diverse, co-educational school holistic development of young people, Ursula
tasks, when there is rich discussion about what experience first-hand the unique culture of that operates across two sites in the Town of Frayne Catholic College’s mission is to empower
they are doing and when there are regular our school. Victoria Park: the Balmoral Campus in East Victoria all students in the pursuit of excellence in their
opportunities to work with others. We recognise Park for Kindergarten-Year 6 students and the life-long learning journey.
Alan Jones Principal Duncan Campus in Victoria Park for students in

CURRICULUM the unique character of each boy to become more CURRICULUM assist classroom teachers and students to achieve
clearly understood by himself and his teachers. this. Further opportunities in STEM projects and
Christ Church’s Phases of Learning Learning becomes more inquiry-based, with boys To cater for students’ specific other technological advancements mean Ursula
are the core framework of each age taking more responsibility and ownership, and education needs, Ursula Frayne Frayne continues to engage in learning that is both
and stage, and the educational using greater initiative. has established four separate current and purposeful.
approach that develops from childhood sub schools:
through to graduation. The journey through Breadth and Depth (Years 7 and 8) Middle School (Years 7-9)
each phase is designed to motivate them to Preparatory (Kindy – Year 2)
discover and realise the best in themselves Students are introduced to a range of academic, The Middle School provides academic rigour in
and others. co-curricular and pastoral experiences to assist Driven by a commitment to provide a nurturing the core subjects while stimulating the interests of
them in making the most of the opportunities approach, stimulating classroom environments and students with an exciting array of elective subjects.
Play with Purpose available in their future school years. Teaching is a comprehensive early childhood education, the It is designed to provide students with a unique
(Pre-Kindergarten to Year 2) highly structured to ensure the core learning Preparatory School crafts programs that seek to learning environment with academic, co-curricular
areas are emphasised to build a strong satisfy children’s needs holistically. Their state-of- and pastoral care programs that are sensitive to
Teachers work towards creating a strong foundation for future subject opportunities. the-art Early Learning Centre is an open plan the developmental needs of youths. Ursula Frayne’s
foundation on which to build each boy’s learning space that allows purposeful play, direct Middle School aims to assist all students to achieve
education. Direct teaching instruction is Choice and Challenge (Years 9 and 10) sensorial and physical engagement, serendipitous their potential as they move along their learning
reinforced through play-based activities, moments, and exposure to the acquisition of journey and to foster an environment based on
developing academic and social-emotional skills Students can choose a greater number of knowledge across many different processes. harmonious working relationships, responsibility
in a fun, engaging and relevant environment. electives and discover their strengths, beginning Specialist teachers in Student Support, Health and and mutual respect.
the process of making decisions to align with Physical Education, the Arts and Library provide the
Fun with Fundamentals (Years 3 and 4) their future careers. Taking personal students with a diverse range of experiences that Senior School (Years 10-12)
responsibility for learning is given greater focus enrich their learning.
In this phase boys are engaged in fun and and creativity is encouraged. Preparing students for life beyond secondary
interesting activities designed to help them thrive Junior School (Years 3-6) school is a key focus in the Senior School. This
in literacy and numeracy. Teachers aim to develop Excellence and Expertise preparation incorporates three interrelated
the public-speaking skills of all boys through the (Years 11 and 12) In Junior School, emphasis is given to developing aspects: the spiritual dimension, the pastoral
Oracy Australia program and continue their independent learners with skills in higher-level dimension, and an individual academic focus
social-emotional development through PATHS. In this phase, students take ownership of their thinking, problem solving, communication and promoting rigour and excellence. Their aim is for
selected subjects and study courses in social interaction. Specialist teachers in the areas students to exit the College feeling positive, self-
Enquiry with Initiative (Years 5 and 6) considerable depth over a two-year period. The of Music, Physical Education, Languages (Italian or assured and with the confidence to face the future
choice of university entrance in a particular Japanese), Library Studies and Student Support with hope and optimism. Teachers support and
Education programs are targeted at enabling discipline or the pursuit of a work-based course challenge every individual student to develop their
is left to the individual and his family. skills and abilities, helping them to achieve their
maximum potential no matter their chosen


Scan QR code to Scan QR code to
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Christ Church Grammar School SCAN QR CODE Balmoral Street Campus (K - Yr 6) SCAN QR CODE
Queenslea Drive, Claremont to book a 66 Balmoral Street, East Victoria Park to book a
SCHOOL TOUR SCHOOL TOUR Duncan Street Campus (Yr 7 - Yr 12)
15 Duncan Street, Victoria Park >>>


Education & Kids Programs Scan the QR

Just keep reading! Code
By Cassie Hart - Kids In Perth
mum or dad to read to them anymore it for more
Do you read your child a bedtime doesn’t mean they don’t want us to. In
story every night? At what age Scholastic’s Kids and Family Reading articles
do you think you’ll stop doing
so? Usually once a kid becomes capable Report, 83% of children aged 6-14 years • Deal with difficult issues
As our kids get older they have to
of reading books on their own ‘bedtime old said they liked being read to aloud. So navigate some difficult situations such
as bullying and friendship issues. By
why do we stop? selecting books that address issues that
your child may be facing, it creates an
Reading specialist Judy opportunity to have a conversation with
Santilli Packhem believes them about how they are feeling.
there are amazing benefits
in continuing to read aloud • Develop empathy
to older children: By reading about and understanding
the thoughts and feelings of a character
reading’ becomes a solo task. On average • Improve vocabulary in a book, a child can become more Sport programmes at
around 52% of parents with a child aged aware of other people’s emotions and ECU Sports and Fitness
0-8 years old reads aloud to them at least Children are able to perspectives.
five days a week.* The number drops to understand more words Scan to learn more
21% for parents with kids aged 9-11 and when they listen to them As well as the developmental benefits,
down to 7% for children aged 12-14. rather than read them. By reading with your child can help improve kidsinperth KIDSINPERTH.COM.AU
But, just because older kids don’t need reading aloud to your child your relationship. It’s a special one-on-
they are able to enjoy books one moment that they can look forward
that are written above their to each night, and they will likely cherish
reading level. the memories later in life. If you’ve
stopped reading aloud to your older child,
• Increase attention span try asking them if they would like start
reading together again. You may be
When listening to a story, a child’s surprised how much they have missed it.
attention is sustained as they navigate
plots, visualise situations and processes
meanings. Reading aloud to them
regularly can help improve their overall
attention span.



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Finding balance for busy school students

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QR CODE <<< NOVEMBER 2021 The Parents’ Paper 05

Scan the QR Code
for more events

Preparatory School Tour Leave the Lights On: Hammond Park Country & Western Perth Makers
Christ Church Grammar Nocturnal Art Series Food Truck Weekend Market
School Fremantle Arts Centre Botany Park Wanneroo Market Goolugatup Heathcote

Bassendean Food
Ashfield Reserve

Fusion Food and Wardarnji 2021
Culture Festival 2021 Fremantle Arts Centre
Mills Park, Beckenham
Brickwrecks Movie
Food Truck Fiesta Night
Mawson Park, Hillarys
WA Maritime Museum
Treasured Craft Creations Market
Claremont Showground

Preparatory School Tour Bassendean Food Twilight Christmas
Christ Church Grammar Truck Market 2021
School Ashfield Reserve Perth Cultural Centre

Christmas Market

06 THE PARENTS’ PAPER NOVEMBER 2021 Fish & Sips Festival
Coast Port Beach
The Osborne Park Show
Robinson Reserve Tuart Hill

on all month

Brickwrecks: Sunken Ships
in LEGO Bricks

WA Maritime Museum

Spring into Armadale

City of Armadale


Osborne Park Show Mega Fast Karts is one of Australia’s Scan for more
leading Go Kart and Entertainment specialists. family weekend
We have 4 big locations across Australia
offering a wide range of karting and activities
entertainment for all ages.
In WA Mega Fast Karts operates on the Tiger WA’s First Lego
Kart Club track at Wanneroo International Store Opening
Kartway and Cockburn International
Raceway. Who’s #1 in your family?
Booking are highly recommended to ensure
we can cater to your needs and can be made Scan to learn more
for multiple types of events and sessions.

ECU Kids’ Holiday

The 106th Osborne Park Show returns in W.A.’s first LEGO® Certified Store opens its Get your LEGO fix down
2021 with more of your favourites like Food, doors to the public from 9 am on Thursday at Brickwrecks
Fun and Fireworks! Join in the celebrations 28th October 2021. LEGO® awesomeness is
with the Stirling school’s celebration spread over a massive 343 square meters! Scan to learn more
onstage, fast & fine food vendors, carnival This ‘must visit’ store can be found near
amusements, thrilling rides, show bags, David Jones on the Ground Floor of AMP kidsinperth KIDSINPERTH.COM.AU
classic car shows and your own front row Karrinyup Centre.
seat to the best fireworks display of the year!
This year entry is Free...wait what? Yes,
that’s right entry is free in 2021 thanks to welcome-lego/
long time show supporter the City of Stirling!
All you have to do is book a ticket and use The ECU Kids’ Holiday Program is a sports-
the Safe WA scanning app to enter and join based program for primary school aged kids
us at the show. Tickets are available from between 5 and 12 years. Running as full
November 1 from Humanitix. day and half day programs, children will
participate in a variety of different activities - from traditional ball sports to special event

The Nostalgia Box

Experience REAL motor
racing…on REAL racetrackS

Public sessions or Grand Prix Racing!

Get some LEGO® building inspo and learn DUAL SEATER Check out the
the stories of some of the world’s most
fascinating shipwrecks at the WA Maritime (Ages 5 + Driven by an Adult 18+) ALL NEW
Museum. Ryan “The Brickman” McNaught Senior &
and his team spent over 1,600 hours, used JUNIOR KARTS Junior
over 153,000 LEGO® bricks, and had a tonne Karts!
of fun bringing these models to life. Some are (Ages 10+ 138cm tall)
between 1 - 3 metres in length and include
the Titanic and Batavia. SENIOR KARTS (Ages 14 + 148cm tall)

brickwrecks SCAN TO BOOK

Mega Fast Karts

It’s not just the kids who will enjoy this Racetracks - Cockburn & Wanneroo
experience – parents will love reliving
their childhood here! The Nostalgia Box in
Northbridge is Australia’s only video game
console museum with over 100 consoles NOVEMBER 2021 The Parents’ Paper 07
on display dating back to the 70s! There
is also an interactive gaming area where
you can play all of your favourite games
and experience ones you never had the
opportunity to play as a kid. Mario kart,
Pac-man and Space Invaders – oh my! They
are open throughout the school holidays from
11-4. They also run school holiday programs
for children aged 4 and up. <<<

Experience REAL motor LASSOE&P PTHE arents Paper
racing…on REAL racetrackS
Kids in Perth - The Parents’ Paper is a resource Be
guide for parents containing advertising featured
features. in Perths

Kids in Perth - The Parents’ Paper Family
is published monthly by Lasso E&P Pty Ltd Album!
at Suite 1 / 114 Churchill Avenue,
Subiaco, WA 6008 •
Ph: (08) 9388 1600 See Pg 11 for more
A.C.N. 100 895 412 • ISSN No. 1443-3826 details



Public sessions or Grand Prix Racing! Sales Manager:


DUAL SEATER [email protected]

(Ages 5 + Driven by an Adult 18+) Production & Design:


(Ages 10+ 138cm tall) Check out the [email protected] WHERE WE GO
Accounts: Now printing 60,000
SENIOR KARTS ALL NEW [email protected] copies per month,
Senior & Printing: Kids In Perth is
(Ages 14 + 148cm tall) Junior COLOURPRESS available every
Karts! Distribution: month at your local
SCAN TO BOOK [email protected] Supermarket,
public library, places
of family interest as
well as online at

produced in WA

Racetracks - Cockburn & Wanneroo COPYRIGHT: All original material, film, separations and
photography remain the property of the publishers and cannot be reproduced without written authority. DISCLAIMER: Every
endeavour is made to ensure information contained is correct,
however no responsibility is accepted for incorrect or misleading
entries, or typographical or human error. Advertisers and advertising
agencies will indemnify the publisher against all liability, claims or
proceedings arising from the material supplied for this publication.
All advertising shall comply with relevant state and federal laws and
advertising codes of the Media Council of Australia. The opinions
expressed throughout this publication are not necessarily held by
the staff of Kids In Perth or Lasso E&P Pty Ltd.
Dates and information quoted in this issue were correct at time of
printing but may be subject to variation.

Direct from our family farm
to your family table We grow it. We sell it. You save!

Except Wanneroo & Mandurah >>>



Ask A Lawyer: Child Support Explained

There are several types of child support Who’s #1 in your family?
Scan to learn more
• Limited child support agreement
FThe In’s & Out’s of Child Support parents agree to the terms without a Ortho K is the short name for
or many of us, separation and financial lawyer. Orthokeratology (Corneal Reshaping),
issues go hand in hand, with the topic an amazing breakthrough in corrective
of child support being an essential • Binding child support agreement vision which allows excellent daytime
consideration. each party obtains independent legal vision without glasses or contact lenses.
When I decided to separate, the best advice advice.
I received was to contact the Child Support Significantly reduce short-sightedness
Agency and request an assessment be made. • Court ordered child support progression with Ortho-K vision technology.
The Department of Human Service offers a A last resort but may be the best
calculator that provides an estimate of the solution if your former partner has Get your LEGO fix down • Perform better at • Helps stabilise
appropriate amount of child support to be a history of delaying, withholding at Brickwrecks school, playing eyesight.
paid in your particular circumstances. payments or using money to ‘control’ sport and other
Private child support agreements can include other aspects of a parenting agreement. Scan to learn more activities • Healthier eyes for
provisions about the payment of other life.
expenses over and above basic requirements, Wherever possible, parents are encouraged kidsinperth KIDSINPERTH.COM.AU • No more breaking
including but not limited to school fees and to reach an agreement about the welfare of glasses or losing • Ortho K is safe,
health care. their children as prolonged conflict is often contact lenses non-surgical and
detrimental to the relationship between the naturally reversible.
parents and can negatively impact children.

Scan here
to find out


Ask A Optometrists: Childhood Myopia Nedlands 9386 8581 • Innaloo 9446 1887

By 2050, according to a 2016 Ortho K & managing childhood myopia
study published in the Journal of
Ophthalmology, 50% of the world’s One way to manage myopia in children is LAS/FEB19
population will be affected by myopia or to use overnight orthokeratology.
short sightedness. According to ABS statistics, Y“ ou allow little
currently 36% of Australians are predicted to What is Orthokeratology or Ortho K as girls to be
be myopic, numbers are expected to rise and it’s commonly known? They’re specially
reflect anticipated global trends. designed and fitted rigid contact lenses that themselves with
apply enough pressure to temporarily reshape love and compassion”
Why should we look closer into this
growing, alarming health epidemic? What the cornea and slow the - Helen
does it mean for your child? elongation of the eyeball.
Imagine how braces reshape Fairy Floss Ballet is on the look out
Myopia, short-sightedness or the mouth and teeth, this for little dancers aged 2.5 to 5yo.
nearsightedness eye disorder is due to the does the same for eyes. Dancers who delight in the joy of
structure of your eye being too long or the
cornea being too curved which results in the Children as young as movement, in sparking their
light entering your eye not focusing correctly six can wear these contact imagination and creating pathways
onto the retina in the back of the eye. lenses while they’re asleep.
The next day, they can go for lifelong learning.
This is corrected but not cured with without glasses in many
prescription glasses, contact lenses and cases. Ortho K isn’t a These unique little dancers are keen
possibly LASIK in adulthood. perfect solution because to learn their first ballet steps through
children have to develop the magic of play, and they thrive in
Unfortunately, myopia never gets better, good hygiene habits to
it worsens over time so parents can only keep contact lenses clean to classes that are immersed in the
manage their child’s myopia as best as avoid infection and initially wonder and innocence of childhood.
possible. If unchecked, childhood myopia get used to wearing these
leads to increased risk of adult eyesight issues lenses but it’s usually a If you have spotted any of these
including tears in the retina due to eyeball small price to pay. The Children benefit as special little souls, let us know…
elongation (Myopic Macular Degeneration), adults by having reduced rates of eye diseases we have an enchanting experience
retinal detachments, cataracts and open angle associated with myopia as well as lower levels
glaucoma. of myopia than if they had just used normal waiting for them.
Scan here
to find out In a long-term follow up study of
American children that received overnight Scan here to find
more Ortho K correction between January 1998 class times
and December 2013, Ortho K was found to
be effective and safe in slowing down the With limited Fairy Floss Ballet places, to enrol your
myopia in children little dancer go to

5 Tips for Healthy Eyes | from Dr Geoff or contact Terrie on 0419 133 673

Dr Geoff from Cooper & Lourie Family Locations:
Optometrists gives advice on how to keep Bull Creek | Brentwood | Rossmoyne
your child’s eyesight sharp.

• Take regular breaks from prolonged close

• Limit time spent looking at screens.

• Have regular eye examinations (at least
every two years)

• Eat a healthy diet including more fruit
vegetables and fatty fish

• Encourage kids to play outside.

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NOVEMBER 2021 The Parents’ Paper 09 <<<

Me time / our time Scan for more

Parents encouraged to take ‘we time’ Date Night ideas

Date Planner: A Starry Night Out

Afternoon at Masonmill Gardens
Kick off the day early by heading up
to the hills in the late afternoon to play
18 holes of mini golf at the scenic Mason
mill Gardens in Carmel. Then stroll up
to the restaurant to enjoy an early dinner
overlooking the grounds.

Winter Night Tours at Perth Lions Lookout

Observatory On your way back down the hill stop
by the Lions Lookout in Lesmurdie (with a
Look to the sky with your loved one blanket) to take in the city views. One of
at the Perth Observatory in Bickley. the best kept secerets to enjoy one of the
Astronomers say the best time for viewing best views of the city and surrounds. Look
our southern skies is during Winter, so it’s up and try and spot the stars from your
the perfect time to take one of their Winter observatory tour.
Night Tours. They start at 7:30 and run for
1 ½ hours. If you’re not going during the
winter time, they have other night tours
available throughout the year but those
start a bit later (because the sun sets later!).

More than 40 Goodstart Early Goodstart Kingsley Centre Director, Scan here
Learning Centres in Western Danika Dixon, said parents often didn’t to book
Australia took part in a have time to do anything but work and
‘Date Night’ on August 24 and 25, to look after their children.
encourage parents to take some time out ‘Our Date Nights will give couples the
together. chance to spend quality time together
Goodstart introduced this initiative and enjoy a night out or even just to get
after listening to parents who felt they their groceries done,’ she said.
had lost their ‘we time’ after having If you would like to be part of the
children. The idea is for parents to spend Goodstart family and take part in
a couple of hours together to focus on initiatives such as Date Night, visit
maintaining a strong relationship.

W“ onderful teachers with Date Night
very kind hearts” -- Jane Theatre and cuisine

Your dancer will discover the joy of movement while For this month’s Date Night we see the WAAPA’s graduating
exploring the delicate balance between the technique dancers celebrate their final season before heading across the
Matagarup Bridge into Claisebrook cove to wine and dine.
and artistry of classical ballet… love in motion
Classical WAAPA’s final dance season for 2021
ballet celebrates its graduating dance students in
5 to 19yo a stunning program of classical ballet and
contemporary dance.

Verge, which runs from 12-18 November in
The Geoff Gibbs Theatre, lets WAAPA’s ballet
students shine in highlights from famous
classical ballets, while the contemporary
dancers take centre stage in two freshly-
minted dance works. Moonlight Soiree, created
by WAAPA’s Coordinator of Classical Ballet
Kim McCarthy in collaboration with guest
artist Leanne Stojmenov, features 2nd and 3rd
Year ballet students in iconic classical roles.

Scan here to find Carpaccio & Cabernet
class times Stroll over the bridge into Claisebrook Cove
for dinner. Gioia modern Italian cuisine is
located right on the water and is an eclectic
celebration of food, familia, and nostalgia.
Share a bottle of red and tuck in to a delicious
dinner of pasta, or perhaps the Fiorentina:
1.2kg grilled t-bone (with sides) for two.

Locations: Brentwood | Rossmoyne

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