August 2021
Marketing Department
$4.50 Liturgical Year 2021-2022
Price Rinaldo Ronzani, MCCJ
ISBN 9966-60-225-1, Pages 160
This book contains daily readings for the celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours
and the Eucharist according to the latest edition of the General Roman Calendar
for the Liturgical Year 2021-2022. It is in accordance with the Third Typical Edition
of The Roman Missal.
Price The Family Calendar 2022
$1.00 Paulines Publications Africa
ISBN 9966-21-924-c, Pages 24
This Family Calendar has both Saints and Mass Readings of each day throughout
Sexuality the Path Less Trodden
A Christian Approach to Sexuality
Michael Bennett
ISBN 9966-60-201-5, Pages 232
This book, written in the form of a questionnaire, provides a Christian
approach to education in sexuality towards promoting human dignity
and life. The topics discussed focus broadly on issues that affect each
of us, sexual and spiritual beings, as we strive to live our lives in freedom.
The book is meant for young adults, parents, teachers, youth animators,
and formators.
Price Spiritual Companionship
$2.50 A Short Practical Guide
Jean-Michel Laurent, M.Afr.
ISBN 9966-60-227-5, Pages 120
Spiritual companionship occurs when a person (lay, sister, religious
brother, and priest) speaks to another person about various aspects of their
existence and opens the depths of their heart to them under God’s eyes.
This book aims to provide some indications on practical aspects of spiritual
companionship, like the parameters of confidentiality. Its sole purpose is to
help formators, who train priests and religious, especially those who have
had little preparation for the important task entrusted to them.
pope francis Price Price
intention for evangelisation $3.00 $2.00
The Church Price Price
Let us pray for the Church, that She may receive from the Holy
$5.00 $4.00
Spirit the grace and strength to reform herself in the light of the
The Joy of the Gospel
Pope Francis
ISBN 9966-08-792-3, Pages 144
Pope Francis encourages all Christians to take upon themselves an
evangelising spirit marked with joy. The Joy of the Gospel fills the hearts and
lives of all who encounter Jesus. Those who accept his offer of salvation are
set free from sin, sorrow, inner emptiness, and loneliness. With Christ, joy is
constantly born anew.
Instruction on Pastoral Conversion of the
Parish Community
In the Service of the Evangelising Mission of the Church
Congregation For The Clergy
ISBN 9966-60-194-0, Pages 60
This Instruction by The Congregation for The Clergy focuses on the renewal
of Parishes in a missionary sense. The document presents canonical norms
that establish the possibilities, the limits, the rights, and duties of pastors
and laity so that the Parish might rediscover itself as a fundamental place of
The Joyful Power of the Gospel
A Spirituality for the New Evangelisation
Guido Oliana, MCCJ
ISBN 9966-08-891-1, Pages 160,
This book seeks to reawaken and revitalise the faith, hope, and love of many
people who have already been evangelised. The new evangelisation aims at giving
a vivid presentation of the Gospel message, which is “new in its ardour, methods,
and expression”.
The Imitation of Christ
Thomas à Kempis
ISBN 9966-08-355-3, Pages 248
This devotional book reminds us that we are all strangers on earth since
heaven is our true home. It calls the reader to take time and be in quiet union
with God. This book includes instructions for the spiritual life, admonitions for
meeting the world, and reflections on death and the final judgement.
Patterns of Morality in the Bible
Handbook of Fundamental Moral Theology
Michel Istas, S.J
ISBN 9966-60-119-3, Pages 240,
Our actions mostly follow established patterns or standards. We generally don’t
change our behaviour from one day to the next. When it comes to making any
particular moral decision, people know what to expect from us. This is because
we usually act according to the pattern we have established. This book explores
biblical revelation to learn how it tries to shape the human patterns as people walk
with God.
Price Price Ontological Foundation of Traditional
African Morality
$6.00 $5.00
Mutyaba Emmanuel Musoke
Price Price ISBN 9966-60-105-6, Pages 104
$15.00 $15.00 The author argues that traditional African morality is founded in traditional African
ontological reflection (a reflection on being) hence it has a purely rational origin.
Price Man discovered meaning in himself from reflecting on his being vis-à-vis other
beings and how he ought to be, marking the beginning of morality.
Forty Young Martyrs of Burundi
We are all Children of God
Zacharie Bukuru,
ISBN 9966-08-940-3, Pages 175
During a civil war in Burundi, a rural school is attacked by a large force of heavily
armed rebels. Ordered at gunpoint to separate by ethnicity - “Hutus over here,
and Tutsis over there” - the students choose instead to join hands and affirm their
shared identity as children of God. Forty students are killed and many others
injured. As they die, the young people are heard asking God to forgive their
other books
Demystifying Participatory Community
Francis W. Mulwa
ISBN 9966-08-315-4, Pages 336
This book focuses on the efficacy of participatory methodologies in attaining
capacity building for effective and sustainable people’s development. Additionally,
the author opines that poverty, which is a man-made phenomenon, can be
alleviated through appropriate policies which strengthen development initiatives
intended to empower the poor and the powerless to be masters of their own
Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation
of Community Projects
Francis W. Mulwa
ISBN 9966-08-314-6, Pages 296
This book is a gift to those yearning to empower the powerless. Whether you are
an aspiring development education practitioner, consultant or student, you will
find this book a gold mine of reliable information. Its aim is to enable the readers
to enhance their skills and knowledge in participatory approaches to monitoring
and evaluation within the wider context of project management.
Management for Social Transformation
Jeketule J. Soko, Mapopa O. Mphande, Francesco Pierli and
Paul Katuse
ISBN 9966-08-740-0, Pages 135
This book is a result of a long journey of searching for the essential management
methods that can be integrated with faith and bring effectiveness in projects.
The background question is: what is management if it does not contribute to the
efficiency and effectiveness of organisations and consequently to the well-being
of people?
Marketing for Social Transformation Price Price
Jeketule J. Soko and Paul Katuse $3.00 $6.00
ISBN 9966-08-869-5, Pages 136
This book seeks to answer a fundamental question: can marketing lead Price Price
to a transformation of communities? The authors highlight the concept of
marketing and its relevance to organisations. In particular, the book points out $3.00 $6.00
the role of social marketing for behaviour change.
Price Price
$2.50 $2.50
Bakanja – DVD
A Life Without Compromise
Paulines Audiovisuals Africa
ISBN 9966-21-653-7, Duration: 88 min
Blessed Isidore Bakanja was born around 1885 in Congo and became a
Christian as a teenager. His love for Christ was translated into prayer and
witness. He died for his faith in the hands of his pagan employer in 1909.
Clare and Francis – DVD
Paulines Audiovisuals Africa
ISBN 9966-08-316-2, Duration: 200 min
Clare, from a distinguished patrician family, and Francis, the son of a rich
merchant, leave everything to follow Christ. Francis renounces his inheritance
to live the Gospel in poverty. Clare decides to follow him, leaving her home and
family to give herself as the bride of Christ. They both found major religious
orders and together they inspired many people to follow their radical call to live
the Gospel.
The Covenant – DVD
The Sacrament of Marriage
Paulines Audiovisuals Africa
ISBN 9966-08-658-7, Duration: 75 min
Andrew and Mary are in love and preparing for marriage. Their engagement
however becomes a bumpy ride. Mary values chastity and faithfulness, which
puts Andrew to the test.
Other Suggested DVD
* The Secret ...................................... Price $ 3.00
* The Secret ...................................... Price $ 3.00
Wedding Music - CD
Paulines Audiovisuals Africa
ISBN 9966-08-562-9, Duration: 60 min
This audio CD contains 14 wedding tracks.
The Sweetest Name - CD
Paulines Audiovisuals Africa
ISBN 9966-08-561-0, Duration: 60 min
This is a collection of instrumental Marian music.
Other Suggested CD’s
* Neno Lako Taa Yangu...................... Price $ 2.50
* Zaburi ............................................. P rice $ 2.50