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Published by joombeg, 2019-07-23 04:32:29

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Training Proactive


Practicing Managers

– practical guideline –

Professional Line of Management

Training – Coaching – Practicing
The guideline for

Proactive Management
Active Learning

People Development & Active Learning
Training & Coaching by Practice

Culture improve & Behavioural Change
Business & Performance Improvement
Change Management – Proactive Management


Training – Coaching – Practice

Learning by practice refers to implementation of best learning
and behavioral methodology base on Training – Coaching -
Practicing. It will improve the individual's ability to enhance the
achievements and benefits of the organization.
Learning by practice is the most effective method of active
learning. Being more proactive than reactive, best practice comes
alive with people's development.
Effective training and coaching followed by the implementation of
the lessons learned, triggers the spark of knowledge and active
Just take a look to level of knowledge and performance of your
Frontline Managers. Measure their management behaviour.

10% to 20% increase in productivity, is through the
implementation of proactive management principles

Active Learning – Stair to success


The Impact of Training, Coaching & Practice

Proactive Management Behaviour and impact on overall

Even when the performance level is 90% for the rest of the items,
if the "People's Behavior" performance is 75%, then the overall
performance will be 49% only.
It is obviously how important is level of knowledge & continuous
training – coaching – practicing of Frontline Managers.


Frontline Managers – behavioural profile

Take a look to frontline managers, to proactive management
behaviour profile, and impact on overall performance.

▪ Have your frontline managers, the necessary management

knowledge and leadership abilities?

▪ Is their proactive management behaviour, at the highest best

practice standards?

▪ Did you ever performed any study and measure proactive

management behaviour of your managers and impact in
company outcome?

▪ Do you have a continuously training, coaching and audit

system for frontline managers, in terms of management

Frontline Managers have one of the most difficult job with
the greatest impact in any company.
Think that all top-level decision, are handled by the frontline
managers. They should take the goals of higher management
and execute in a way that expected outcomes are achieved.

So, it is unrealistic to expect to do their job at the highest
standards, if they do not have efficient management tools and
leadership knowledge and abilities.

Ensure them right learning cycle
Training – Coaching – Practicing

Active Learning cycle ensure the right well-matched wheels of
knowledge, producing expected outcome.


Frontline Managers are
key to achieving

operational excellence
and smooth management


When you take care of Frontline
Managers, they take care of business.

Training – Coaching – Practicing.
Align Proactive Management Behaviour
with your top-line growth and operational

improvement aspirations.

They are mid
of the



Learning Retention Rates

People remember

The rate of remembering and putting into practice of learning,
leads to sustainable improvements, if the practical
implementation of lesson learned is performed.

10% -15%
of what
they hear

15% - 30%
of what they
hear and see

30% - 35%
of what they say
Group Discussion

up to 75%
of what they do
(supervised coaching)

up to 90%
Teaching and Coaching others
(supervised Coaching the Coaches)

The best practice and highest rate of remembering, are obtained by
implementing entire Active Learning cycle by the end
Training – Coaching – Practicing,


Coaching & Practice

People development, Active Learning and implementation of
Proactive Management aims to accelerate performance
improvement and growth of the business, achieving industrial
Effective coaching is followed by practicing, by implementation of
the lessons learned. Spending time on the shop floor listening and
coaching team members, thus helping them to achieve a quality
task execution at the shortest possible time by:

▪ Dedicated training sessions according company culture
▪ One-to-one dedicated coaching sessions and tools
▪ Effective coaching by practicing lesson learned
▪ Practical implementation of achieved knowledge, and

continually performance improvements.

▪ Coach the Coaches for sustainability
▪ Develop and implement a dedicated coaching tools and

audit system

▪ Implement a coaching systematic process, not a series of

isolated events. Achieve more by doing yourself.

Proactively guiding people to achieve successful results

▪ Building up people’s skills and confidence, on a one-to-one


▪ Helping people get to the level at which they are required

to perform their tasks


Management Behaviour Profile

Proactive Management Behaviour profile & main actions taken
by a manager:

1. Planning & Scheduling

▪ Balance and optimize the available capabilities

2. Making Assignments

▪ The What & The How

3. Following-up

▪ Review the progress of how well do we do our job



Proactive actions taken by a manager

4. Providing feedback

▪ What to change and what to continue?

5. Coaching & Support work team

▪ How can I enhance my team and obtain work

satisfaction and do the Right thing at Right Quality at
the Right time?

6. Problem Solving

▪ What is really wrong & how can we resolve this?

7. Providing feedback

▪ What to change and what to continue?


1. Planning & Scheduling

Planning and scheduling define the right amount of work to be done
in a timely manner under safety and quality.

Right setting and efficient of work by:

▪ Prioritizing,
▪ Balancing and optimizing the available capabilities
▪ Optimizes utilization of resources
▪ Provides a clear picture how to operate and do the work
▪ Ensure high productivity by optimizing the workload
▪ Estimate costs accurately and enable budget follow-up
▪ Provide the right information to scheduling and executing
▪ See how to do the work against the schedule
▪ Improve accountability to execute the schedule

Plan & schedule what we work, how we work, and when is the
properly time for our actions:

▪ Right Work
▪ Right Quality
▪ Right Time
▪ Right People


2. Making Assignments

The “What” do I need you to do
and the “How”

“The What”

▪ Set expectations – What is to be achieved in terms of

Safety, Quality, Quantity and Time

▪ Set context of the big picture & communicate purpose and


▪ Share the schedule and set time to follow-up against the


▪ Weekly / daily schedule (scheduling board) is available

and displayed for review from end of day before

▪ Current daily / weekly reports are displayed
▪ Current "weekly plan – actual – variance" report are


“The How” should you do it

▪ System, process and methods needed to complete the


▪ Detail the actions needed to meet the requirements
▪ Describe physical resources - people resources, and skills

level needed


3. Following-up

The “How” well are we doing

▪ Perform follow up, short interval control as scheduled
▪ Check for accurate completion of the tasks assigned by

comparing what was completed versus what was planned

▪ Identify variance and all issues that cause variances
▪ Deep investigate any issue
▪ Resume the impact potential
▪ Record all issues in problem solving log
▪ Propose and initiate corrective actions
▪ Provide appropriate feedback to the team mate


4. Providing behavioural feedback

The “what” and “how” to change
and what to continue doing

▪ Identify what the team members has done well and needs

to continue and,

▪ Identify what the team members has not done well and

needs to change

▪ Identify appropriate & inappropriate work habits
▪ Identify task completion and provide positive or

constructive feedback


5. Coaching and Support

The “how” can I enhance
individual performance

▪ Identify coaching opportunity
▪ Discuss the needs and obtain agreement that current

performance needs to improve

▪ Develop action steps with the team to improve


▪ Gain commitment from team to complete the action steps
▪ Follow-up, providing support and feedback


6. Solving Problems

The “what” is really wrong
and “how” can we solve it

▪ Recognize that something is going wrong
▪ Take the time to investigate, to gather the facts
▪ Get to the root cause of the problems
▪ Generate and evaluate all possible solutions – seek input

from your team

▪ Select the best solution and develop an action plan to

implement this solution

▪ Follow up to ensure that the solution has resolved the


▪ Measure and report on the results


7. Reporting

Evaluate and Report the
“how” well did we perform

▪ Report on activities and results in a structured way using

Standardized Reports

▪ A good report must be accurate, timely, in properly

format and directed to those who need it

▪ Complete the information and allow correct conclusion to

be drawn

▪ Use the reported information to interpret the situation and

to identify problems

▪ Use the reported information and identified problems for

root cause analysis


Main system elements & tools used

Participants are trained in theory, methods, practice and tools to
use for best practice of Proactive Management.

In Implementation phase, we follow up the effect concept, consist of
dedicated tools to ensure the desired learning effect and

Track the effect of active learning by measuring its outcomes and
practical applicability.

Main conceptual elements used in Proactive Management and best
practice Management Operating System & Process are

▪ Short Interval Control / Walking Around the Floor
▪ Perfect Day – Perfect Week concept
▪ Lesson Learned process
▪ Problem Solving process
▪ Variance Management
▪ Downtime Management
▪ Scheduling board (daily / weekly Planning & Scheduling)
▪ Performance indicators
▪ Meeting Efficiency – Action Plans
▪ Gemba walk
▪ Structured reporting – DWOR (Daily Weekly Operating


▪ Priority matrix – urgent / important
▪ SWOT analyses (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities,

and Threats)

▪ Structure way for continuously Improve the Work Process


The Perfect Day – Perfect Week concept

The Perfect Day – Perfect Week is a concept defining a series of
activities and management behavior that, if all were met, would
consist of performance improvement and success of the day,
weeks and years.

Define the activities with highest added value and benefits,
bringing biggest impact in achieving company objectives.

What would a perfect day look like at daily operations?

▪ The perfect day looks like a day in which the company’s

objectives were met, no variance from the plan, with no
unplanned downtime, no equipment failures, no personnel
injuries and no environmental incidents.
Let’s see yours “Perfect Week vs Current Week”


Coaching the Coaches

Coaching tools for implementing and practicing proactive
management learning. Tools for continuous improvement,
coach the coaches, audit and sustainability.

Frontline Managers

Proactive Management Behaviours 5.00


4.50 4.30

4.00 3.80


3.00 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.59 2.62 2.64
2.50 2.15 2.26
2.00 1.89





Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49


Variance Management

Frontline Managers performing Variance Management and
Root Cause Analyses


Problem Solving process

The Right Path for Solving Problems


Lesson Learned
Learned from the work process


Continuous Improve the Work Process
Continuously Improving


Meeting Effectiveness

Coaching tools for implementing and practicing Meetings, for
continuous improvement, audit and sustainability.

People Development & Active Learning
Training & Coaching by Practice

Culture improve & Behavioural Change
Business & Performance Improvement
Change Management – Proactive Management

Professional Line of Management

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