PREFACE …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2
1. First Book - PRINCIPLE ........................................................................................................ ................................................... 3
Chapter 1 – ORIGINS – God-Father – Father and Son Partnership – Family Project – Universe – Evil – Eden – Adam and Eve.
Chapter 2 – DEGENERATION – Original Sin – Hereditary Curses – Justice-Punishment – Expiatory Lamb – Noah's Ark (Flood) – Rainbow.
Chapter 3 - ALLIANCES - Ancient Covenant with "Priestly Mission" - Covenant with Abraham (Ishrael) - Judaism - Deviations & Mistakes & Fables &
Old Yeast - Egyptian Captivity - Moses - Passover Lamb - Exodus - Law Torah - of the Old Covenant - Tabernacle - Temple
of Solomon.
2. Second Book - REGENERATION...................................................................................................................................5
Chapter 1 - NEW COVENANT - Promise and Fulfillment of the New Covenant - The Blood of the Christ-Lamb.
Chapter 2 - CHRIST-LAMB - Incarnate Word - All Justice - Hidden Gospel - Mystery of Christ-Lamb - Only Name - Sole Mediator - Crucifixion of
Jesus-Lamb - New Birth - Victorious Resurrection.
Chapter 3 - CHURCH-BRIDE - Wedding of the Lamb - Eternal Rock - Living Stones - Inner Altar - Christian Family.
3. Third Book – CONGREGATION ............................................. ................................................................................... .............. 6
Chapter 1 - CHURCH of the CHRIST-LAMB - Eternal Rock - Unique Foundation - Church-Family - Children of Peace - Body of Christ.
Chapter 2 - BROTHERHOOD - Christian Life - Mind of Christ-Lamb - Wisdom - Koinonia - Psalms - Hymns & Songs - Prayers - Tithes &
Offerings - Parables - Prosperity - Wealth - Christmas & Easter.
Chapter 3 - SIGNS & PRODIGIES - Miracles - Deliverances - Misconceptions - Jonah's Sign - Psychiatric Disorders.
4. Fourth Book – RELIGION .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 1 - LAW OF MOSES - Reconnection Ceremonies - Sacrifices and Tithes - Torah - Old Testament - Distant God-Jehovah - Shadows -
Jewish Fables - Deviations & Delusions - Old Leaven - Hypocrisies. - Reconnection for the New Covenant.
Chapter 2 - MIND OF CHRIST-LAMB - Divine Wisdom - Sand & Rock - Carnal and Spiritual Believers - Destroying and Purifying Fire.
Chapter 3 - SALVATION - ETERNAL LIFE – “If” (Condition) and “All”(Fulness) - Full Confession, Repentance and Faith.
5. Fifth Book – EVANGELIZATION ........................................................................................................ ...................................... 8
Chapter 1 - LAMB - "Name" Over Every Name - All Authority - Father and Son Partnership - Peer Unit - Trinity.
Chapter 2 - MISSIONS - New Covenant Mission - Discipleship - Sign of the End - Pentecost - Signs - Power - Great Commission - Acts of the
Apostles - Missionary Journeys - Apostolic Letters.
Chapter 3 - SPIRITUAL BATTLE - Afflictions of Christ - Divine Armor - Peace with Sword - Ministry with Fire - Friend of Christ-Lamb - Good
Fight - Principalities and Powers - Flesh and Blood - Terrestrial and Celestial Bodies.
6. Sixth Book - END OF TIMES............................................. ...................................................................................................... 9
Chapter 1 - CHRIST'S RETURN -- Parousia (Advent) - Maranatha (Come, Lord!) - Wedding of the Lamb - Final Day - Deceiving Signs - Difficult
Times - Greatest Sign of the End of the World (Gospel of the Kingdom of .Christ-Lamb)
Chapter 2 - FINAL BATTLE - Beginning of Sorrows - Great Tribulation - Armageddon - Final Explosion.
Chapter 3 – APOCALYPSE – Two Raptures – Two Resurrections – Zombie Apocalypse – Worthy is the Lamb.
7. Seventh Book - FINAL JUDGMENT .......................................................................................... ........................................... 10
Chapter 1 – DIVINE COURT – Two Books – Final Judgment – Sheep & Goats - Justified & Convicted.
Chapter 2 - FINAL TRIUMPH - Last Enemy - Death Engulfed - Final Victory.
Chapter 3 – NEW HEAVEN – NEW EARTH – Eden-III – Throne of Justice of the Lamb – Meritorious Reward – Eternal Atonement –
Eternal Joy.
8. Epilogue – THE HIDDEN FACE OF THE GOD’S JUSTICE ................................................................................................ 11
(1) - I started writing the New Alliance Bible on July 03, 2021. I ended it on September 03, 2021.
The New Alliance Bible is the Word-Sword of God-Abba-Lamb for the Battle of Faith for the Sound Doctrine of the
Gospel of the Spirit of Christ-Lamb that guides us in “All Truth” (John 16:13; 14:6; 2Tim 4:3).
In the year 2002, when I started to write the Book: “The Gospel of the Glory of the Cross of Christ – All Truth”, I noticed
deviations, mistakes, fables and old yeast, inserted in many texts of the Holy Bible (2Tim 4:4; Titus 1:9-14; 1Co 5:7,8; 2Pe 1:16) (1).
It was born, then, within my spirit, the need to write a Bible based on the New Alliance (Luke 22:20) and on the Hidden
Gospel of the Mystery of Christ (1Co 2:7; Col 1:26; 4:3; Eph 3:3,4) that Ap. Paul (author of half of the books of the New Testament) preached and
wrote, but not received from none Man and none Apostle in Jerusalem (Gal 1:12; 2:4-6; 1Co 11:23).
The “New Aliance Bible” presents this “Hidden Gospel”, dripping with Blood of Christ-Lamb (John 12:32,33), which remains
“hidden” to this day, because it has become easier, more attractive and more profitable to announce the “Jesus Panacea” and
the “Christ Merchandise” (Matt. 7:21-23) than preaching the Message (madness and scandal) of the Cross of Christ-Lamb (1Co 1:20-23;
John 6:60-66).
That was also when I realized (vision without the “scales” of Judaism – Acts 9:18), historical facts that occurred in the Formation of
the Canon (Set of “Inspired Books”) of the Holy Bible, established by the Bishops called Fathers of Church in the Councils of Hippona
(today, Annaba) and Carthage (393 and 397 later Christ), until the end, in the Council of Trent (1545-1563).
These Bishops, after examining thousands of Scriptures, sanctified only sixty-six, after a long and tumultuous process,
full of doubts, controversies, quarrels and political maneuvers. Because of this, the Apostolic Fathers (Holy Fathers) wrote the
"Patristics" (Doctrine of the Holy Fathers - Version of the Hebrew Bible translated, in stages, into the Greek Koine: common dialect), with the objective of
defining, confirming and defending the Faith, the Liturgy, the Discipline, the Doctrinal Uses & Customs that marked the paths of
the Catholic Church during the first centuries of Roman Christianity.
Belo Horizonte/Minas Gerais/Brazil, July 03, 2021.
Jairo Gonçalves
(My Release is on the Site:< https://www.jairogenoma.com.br >, Section “Who We Are”).
(1) – Compare:
a) Genesis 1:1 with John 1:1;
b) Isaiah 45:7 with 1 John 1:5);
c) Proverbs 16:4 with Job 36:13;
d) Proverbs 22:2 with Matthew 19:23,24;
e) John 14:14 with 2Peter 1:3.
Chapter 1 – ORIGINS (Eternal Spirit – Immaculate Light – God the Father-God the Son – Family Project – Universe – Evil – Eden – Fist Man – Sin –
Hereditary Curses).
1. In the Beginning, the God Eternal Spirit, Immaculate Light, without Beginning, without End, without visible Form, became Father by begetting the Son. In
the Beginning the Eternal Spirit created the Beginning of all things: the Firstborn of all Creation. Father and Son Partnership, with the sole Purpose of
carrying out the Project: Constitution of the Heavenly Family (John 1:1; Col 1:15; Eph 3:15).
2. For the Heavenly Family's housing, livelihood, work, leisure, procreation, prosperity, health, peace and joy, God-Father has given the Power of
authorship, all Authority, to the God-Son to create the Universe, visible and invisible, with myriads of luminous beings, Cherubim, Seraphim, Archangels
and Angels, all created good and perfect by the Living Word, the Divine Creator Word who is the Spirit of God the Son (John 1:1; Col. 1:16; Heb. 11:3).
3. To cooperate in the realization of the Family Project, God the Father chose the Archangel Lucifer, full of light, and gave him Power of free will. But, God
the Father, in giving Power to Lucifer, did not foresee that the Archangel would become Evil, because in the Beginning there was no Evil, nor
Foreknowledge of Evil.
4. The unpredictability of God became a loophole, legality and weakness (1Co 1:25; Heb 5:2-9) that allowed the transformation of Lucifer into Evil and Enemy.
Out of jealousy and envy, because he did not receive the Authority given to the God-Son, Lucifer was absent from the Throne of Light. The absences
created dark spots in Lucifer's luminosity, so many that the Archangel, before full of Light, became full of Darkness.
5. Lucifer, feeling grief and revolt, enlisted a third of the Angels (Rev. 12:4), formed an army and declared war against God the Father, God the Son and the
benign Angels. And there was the War in Heaven (Rev 12:7), with the Great Explosion of the Universe, which resulted in the sidereal Worlds, with millions
of Galaxies, Astros, Stars, Meteors; and Black Holes, which are cemeteries of dead luminous beings.
6. However, God the Father did not give up on the unique Project: Constitution of the Heavenly Family. So he immediately provided Justice. God the Son
offered himself as an atoning burnt offering (John 1:29; 1Pe 1:20; Rev 13:8) to: fulfill the Justice-punishment, which God the Father placed upon Himself (Isa 53:5;
John 10:30 ); to correct his weakness (2Co 13: 4); to provide the anti-venom Blood, lifesaving vaccine; to defeat Lucifer-Serpent-Dragon and his evil angels
(Rev.12:11); to ensure security and victory in Creation; Approval and Growth of the Original Family.
7. God-Abba-Lamb organized the Chaos-confusion that resulted from the Explosion, into Cosmos-harmony: He created Astronomical Systems; established
routes with gravitational law for perfect motion of Astros, Stars and Planets; created the Solar System (Day and Night) and, from a great Meteor, formless
and void formed Planet Earth (Gen. 1:2).
8. On Planet Earth, God the Father arranged the relationship of the lands with the waters of the oceans, seas, rivers, lakes and glaciers (Gen. 1:6-10); and
formed a Paradise Garden - without weeds, without thorns and thistles; no venomous animals; without pain, suffering, and death - for quiet habitation,
healthy diet, and Adam-Family's primary profession (Gen. 1:29; 2:15).
9. In the center of the Garden of Eden, God-Abba-Lamb planted two special Trees: the (Genealogical) Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, with forbidden
fruit, and the Tree of Life, with fruit of Eternal Life, to ensure safety and victory in the cleansing trial and approval of the First Family.
10. To carry out the Family Project, God-Abba-Lamb created the first Human, consisting of three integrated dimensions: Body-soma, Soul-psyque and
Spirit-pneuma (1Tess. 5:23).
11. To create the Body of Adam, God-Abba had to use humus, the degraded and volcanic clay that resulted from the Explosion. The name Adam means red
volcanic clay. God-Abba breathed the Spirit into a Body made of degraded clay (Gen 2:7; 2Co 4:7) that needed to be cleansed.
12. God-Abba created the first Man in his own image: male and female, which indicates that Adam was created with an ambivalent gender: half male and
half female. And he created the first Woman, using one side of Adam (tzelah), that is, the female half (Gen 2:21-23).
13. Adam-Man and Eve-Woman were born adults, without navel, without preparatory childhood and adolescence, with nudity without malice (Gen 2:25). They
had a complex sexual identity and a complicated marital life, since, by force of origin, Adam was Eve's father, mother and brother.
14. Adam and Eve, formed from degraded humus, were contaminated humans; they needed to pass the test of obedience and faithfulness for spiritual
purification and ascension, with faith in the remission Blood of the God-Son, the atoning Lamb, present there (Rev. 13:8; John 1:29; 10:30).
15. Eve, cloned weaker than Adam (1Pe 3:7), desired to eat the forbidden fruit in order to know Good and Evil and become strong and powerful. As she
approached the Tree, Eva found Lucifer, on duty, dressed as a beautiful talking Serpent. Eva talked to the Serpent about her desire and prohibition,
showing fear and insecurity. The intelligent Serpent soon calmed her down, picking and biting the forbidden fruit to prove that in the fruit there was
nothing lethal, but Power of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Eve ate the forbidden fruit with malignant saliva.
16. Lucifer did not lie to Eve (Gen 3:5,22), he only deceived her, omitting all Truth. A lie does not subsist, it has a short leg. The Devil is Father of Deception
(half-truth). Lucifer demonstrated that Go-Abba was deceiving. Then, Eve bit the fruit marked with poisonous saliva, in a fatal enjoyment with Lucifer,
because from this act, by malignant cloning, Cain was born, who became the genealogical Branch of the descendants of the evil ones (Isaiah 14:20), of the
daughters of men (Gen 6:2) and the son of perdition (John 17:12).
17. Because of the divine and inexorable Law of Heredity, the sin of our first parents resulted in the genetic inheritance of spiritual death, causing the
degrading degeneration of Nature, Man, Sexuality, Justice, Family, Humanity (1Co 15:22; Rom 3:23; 6:23; Tg 4:1-10).
18. After tasting (knowing, comes from taste) a piece of the forbidden fruit, Eve felt awake, sensual and powerful and this cooperated so that Adam, without
fear, accepted the offer and participated in the fateful enjoyment. That's when they noticed themselves as strangers because of their moral and spiritual
nudity; and, for fear of punishment, they made aprons out of fig leaves to cover and protect their genitals. Eve transmitted corrupted sexual identity to all
women and both passed on to all Humanity the fear of retaliation (1John 4:18).
19. When Adam and Eve heard the voice of God-Abba-Lamb, they were afraid and hid among the trees in the Garden. God asked: Adam, where are you,
for the two to situate themselves, assume the sin committed (Sin is to miss the Target) and, repentant, redeem themselves by asking for forgiveness, healing,
liberation and reconciliation, with faith in the Blood of God-Son-Lamb, present there (John 10: 30; Rev 13:8).
20. But Adam and Eve did not repent, on the contrary, they blamed God-Abba because: they were created from degraded clay; because for the existence
and presence of the Evil One in the Garden; because God-Abba allowed them to eat the poisoned fruit and did not prevent or kill the Evil One. Eve did
not recognize that God-Abba-Lamb was there present in the divine Words of warning, and ignored that the Eternal Father did not kill Lucifer because
everything he created is Eternal.
21. Adam and Eve, hurt and angry, did not admit that it was the hardness of their hearts that gave the opening and legality so that the Enemy was allowed
to be there, not to be prevented from acting, nor to be expelled (Mt 19:7,8). Our first Parents did not forgive the God-Father-Lamb, as we have, to this day,
because, like them, we are unaware that the God-Father has already repented, not with the wrath of the Flood (Gen. 6:1-6), but, with saving mercy, and
from the height of the Cross-punishment, he has already asked for forgiveness (Luke 23:34).
22. Original Sin was not eating the forbidden fruit, a consequence of the root of sorrow and revolt against God-Abba-Lamb. (Heb 12:1,15). Grief and Revolt
characterize the original sin, a fact that, until today, the majority Christianized and Judaized does not recognize, does not confess, nor asks for
forgiveness, and for the same reasons presented by Adam and Eve (Ref. Verse nr. 20).
23. God-Abba-Lamb, in Celestial Assembly, declared: “Adam and Eve gained evil power, they know as much as we do. I gave them opportunity for
repentance, confession, asking for forgiveness and full faith in the atoning blood of my Son-Lamb and covered them with sheep skins. They remain
hardened; did not regret it; they didn't forgive me for accidental weakness. The sin of hurt and revolt against Me, neither assumed nor confessed,
prevents them from receiving my Pardon and thus from having access to the Tree of Life and staying here (1Jo 1:7-10; 2Chron 7:14; Jas 4:1-10; 5:16).
They are expelled from Paradise under curses that were not canceled because they did not repent” (Gen 3:21-24; Lam 5:7,10,16).
24. Faced with the impenitence of our first Parents, God-Abba-Lamb uttered the following Hereditary Curses, generators of the three great Crises of
Humanity. For Adam-Father: Cursed is the Earth because of you (Gen 3:17) - Crisis of Male Authority. For Mother Eve: Your desire will be for the Man and
he will dominate you (Gen 3:16): Crisis of Female Identity. For Cain-Son and Brother: You will be a wanderer and a fugitive. Wherever you till the land,
nothing will be born, the place will be deserted. There will be hunger. The burning hunger will blacken your skin and cause your descendants to be born
with black skin - Fraternal Property Crisis (Gen 4:12; LmJr 5:10).
Chapter 2 – DEGENERATION (Original Sin – Justice-Punishment – Expiatory Lamb – Noah's Ark – Deluge – Rainbow).
1. Adam, Eve and the sons (Gen 5:4 - The daughters are not mentioned because they were not considered heirs), expelled from Eden, had to communicate with God-Abba through
altars, where they performed sacrifices of praise and worship , as God-Abba told them about the immolation of the Atoning Lamb God-Son (Rev. 13:8).
2. But, the adorations of Adam and his family were turbulent, because of the unconfessed hurt and revolt against God the Father and the disagreements
between Cain and Abel, who were not normal brothers, because Cain was cloned by Lucifer in the womb of Eve, during the forbidden enjoyment, in a
process similar to that performed by God the Father for the incarnation of the Spirit of the God-Son (Luke 1:35; John 1:14).
3. Adam, Eve, sons and daughters formed a broken Family, with several altars of worship. Cain, a farmer, had a different altar, because on it he offered, with
proud and selfish sweat, the fruits of his exhausting work. Abel, shepherd of sheep, offered the life and blood of sheep.
4. Because the motivation and type of worship of Cain and Abel were different, God the Father received Abel's worship and sacrifices, but rejected those of
Cain. This caused great jealousy and grief in Cain, who, in anger, killed Abel and buried him.
5. Called by God the Father to answer for fratricide, Cain defended himself by claiming that he was not his brother's keeper, even though the land he was
treading on claimed Justice (Gen. 4:10). The root of Cain's sorrow and revolt against God-Father, not assumed and not confessed, with repentance and faith
in God-Son-Lamb, present there (Rev. 13:8), resulted in three great Hereditary Curses (Gen. 4:11 12).
6. Cain became a wanderer and a fugitive and where he sowed, nothing grew, became desert, and the burning of hunger turned his skin black (LmJr 5:10),
which was the hallmark so that, seeing it, no one would kill Cain , because whoever did this would be avenged seven times (Gen 4:15).
7. Cain fled eastward from Eden (Gen. 4:16), giving rise to great deserts, black-skinned peoples and the daughters of men descendants of the Cain branch, who
were coveted by the descendants of Abel/Seth, resulting in marriages mixed unequal yoke, which provoked the great wrath of God that caused the
overwhelming Flood (Gen. 6:1-6).
8. The first Adam-Family Alliance failed. To rescue humanity, God-Abba-Lamb made the second alliance, now with Noah, whom he warned that he would
cleanse the entire Earth, killing and destroying everything with a great Flood. And he passed on to Noah all the instructions to make a big ark and collect
his Family, special seeds and a couple of all healthy insects, reptiles and domestic and wild animals in it. The entrance to the Ark was sealed from the
9. For forty days it rained so steadily that the waters covered and killed everything. Noah, to see if the Flood was over, released a raven that came and went
several times, because there was a lot of carrion wandering on the waters. Finally, he released a dove, which returned with an olive branch in its beak. It
was a sign that the waters had gone down. He waited another seven days and released the dove that did not return (Gen. 8: 6-10-Olive leaf tea is a
medicine to cure many diseases).
10. The Ark landed on Mount Ararat. Noah left the Ark and built an Altar with sacrifices of praise and worship. A colored Arc appeared in the celestial vault,
caused by the irradiation of the seven colors of the Sun, through the raindrops, Noah understood that it was a Sign of the Covenant that God would bless
Noah, his descendants and all Nature; that it would no longer cause another flood (Gen. 8:21,22; 9:11-17- Iris, in Egyptian mythology, means “messenger goddess”).
11. But Noah and Kindred entered and left the Ark with Nature and Spirit corrupted by original sin. Because of this evil heritage, all the generations of Cain,
Shem, Ham, and Japheth (Genesis 10:1-12; 11:10-32) formed races, peoples, and nations of people with a degenerate nature, mortified spirit, moral and
religious conduct deviant from the original design.
13, The proofs of this reality were demonstrated in the dread and fear that Adam and Eve passed on to all flora and fauna (Gen 9:2) who, to defend themselves,
created and developed thorns, poisons, claws and sharp teeth; in the adoption of a diet contrary to the original one, with the deception that God so
commanded (Gen 1:29; 9:3; Deut 14:1-21); in the construction of a city with a gigantic Tower to reach Heaven (Gen. 11:4), which became Babel's symbol of
confusion in speech and great dispersion of the inhabitants.
12. God Abba-Lamb did not give up on the original Project. He made Alliances with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, Joseph ("Zafenath Panéia" - Savior of the
World - Gen 41:45), with the purpose of forming a Priestly People, with a Mission to know God-Abba and reveal to the World the God-Son-Lamb-Immanuel,
the Incarnate Word, the Son of Man, who came with the Mission to fulfill all Justice and thus rescue and save all Humanity (John 1:1; Matt. 3:15; 9:6; 16:13; Luke
9:56; 18:8; 1Pe 1:18-23).
Chapter 3 – ALLIANCES – (Old Alliance - Priestly Mission - Covenant with Abraham – Ishrael – Deviations, Mistakes, Fables and Old Yeast –
Egyptian Captivity - Moses - Passover Lamb - Exodus – Law Torah – Ark of the Old Covenant – Tabernacle – Temple
of Solomon).
1. The Old Alliance failed. Abraham and his descendants deviated from the divine purpose of forming a Priestly Nation with the Mission to provide the
incarnation of the Creator-Word, the Coming of the Son-Lamb God to fulfill all Righteousness (Matt. 3:15).
2. The Israelite People exchanged the Theocratic Government for the monarchical Government of Saul, because its meanings and objectives were corrupted
by the customs, uses and religiosities of the surrounding pagan peoples.
3. Jewish Patriarchs, Priests, and Prophets created laws, prophecies, and religious practices with the deviant purpose of forming the most powerful Nation on
Earth. Strange people introduced fables and deceptions into the Old Testament artificially (John 1:17; Titus 1:9-16; 2Tim 4:4; 2Pe.1:16).
4. The Israelites rejected the Messiah-Lamb; reject the New Testament; they continue to await the coming of the Messiah the Redeemer, the Lion of Judah;
ignoring that the Jesus of Bethlehem, Nazareth and Golgotha, was already born, grew up and died as an Atoning Lamb (John 1:29; Rev 13:8b).
5. According to the New Alliance Law of Divine Grace (Luke 22:20), the Law of Moses is a shadow (Col 2:17; Heb 8:5-9; 10:1); does not perfect (Heb 7:19; 9:9; 10:14); is
defective (Heb:8:7 - contradicts Ps 19:7); got old, had the Veil of the Temple torn by God-Abba-Lamb (Heb 1:1; 8:8,9; 9:15; Mt 27:51), which was mended by Judaism.
6. When Christ-Lamb declared: “You shall know (all)Truth and (all)Truth shall set you free (John 8:32; 16:13), the Jewish leaders replied that they were never slaves,
that they were children of God. But Jesus-Lamb told them they were children of the Devil (John 8:39-44).
7. The Apostle Paul wrote for Titus to hold fast to the faithful sound doctrine of the Living Word of God-Abba-Lamb, to be mighty in convincing the
contradictory, to cover the mouths of many insubordinate, vain talkers and deceivers, especially those who practiced circumcision mosaic (Acts 1:2; 1Co 7:19;
Gal 5:6); and severely rebuke them that they might be sound in the faith (Titus 1:9-13). Titus was not to heed Jewish fables, nor the commandments of men
who had turned away from (all)Truth (Titus 1:14; John 16:13). He also ordered the believers in the church in Corinth to celebrate the Feast of the New Alliance
without the stale yeast of the Passover (1Cor 5:6-8 - Passover means sacrifice, Suffering).
8. The Alliance with Jacob failed. The name Jacob matches his usurping and deceiving spirit inherited from mother Rebekah, who provided the lentil stew with
which Jacob deceived His brother Esau and deceived the aged father Isaac to steal the birthright blessing (Gen. 27:1-46).
9. The great consequence of this theft was the Egyptian captivity, from which Yaveh, in Covenant with Moses, obtained the liberation and departure of the
Jewish people. The most precious lesson of this Egyptian Captivity comes from the liberating process indicated by God-Jehovah: the sacrifice of a lamb
without blemish with its blood used to cover the entrances of Jewish houses, protecting them, so that only the firstborn of the houses without the mark of
the Blood of the Passover Lamb (Ex 12:1-14).
10, The Alliancet with Joseph also failed, although he was named Zafenate-Paneia (Savior of All – Ex 41:45) because he provided the wheat store that saved and
kept alive the offspring of Jesse, from whom the Virgin Mary was born, with whom God-Abba performed the miracle of the birth of Jesus Christ.
11. And the Alliance with Moses also failed. The Mosaic Law, with its doctrines and practices, and the Covenant of Circumcision (Gen. 17:9-13) contained, and
continues to contain, deviations and deceptions that cooperated in the formation of a Nation similar to the surrounding pagan nations, some with territories
conquered with wars and slaughter.
12. When Moses came down from Mount Sinai, where he received the Tablets of the Ten Commandments, he found the people worshiping the God-Apis, the
black bull with a white triangle on his forehead, as he had done before in Captivity. Moses was so angry to see that unholy idolatry that he broke the
Tablets of the Law (Exodus ch.32). The construction of the Ark and the Tabernacle also happened with Deviations y Deceptions, contrary to the divine
purpose of forming a priestly Kingdom and a holy Nation (Ex 19:6).
13. Solomon (sex maniac; paternal inheritance – 1 Kings 11:1-13) built a luxurious Palace with a sumptuous Temple to serve as the House of the God-Jehovah. For this,
he used the four hundred and twenty talents of gold he received from the Covenant he made with Hiram (1Kings 9:27,28; 10:22) and the one hundred and
twenty talents of gold he received from the Queen of Sheba, to whom Solomon repaid with everything she wanted and asked, including returning to her
land (Ethiopia and Egypt) pregnant with a son of Solomon, from whom black Jews were born, some of them freed years later in the celebrated rescue from
the battle of Entebbe.
14. Solomon and his father David had the arrogance to proclaim that God-Jehovah dwelt in that Temple. Before, this Temple, destroyed and then rebuilt by
King Herod, Christ-Lamb prophesied total destruction: “No stone will be left unturned, that it will not be cast down” (Mark 13:2).
New Covenant Bible
Chapter 1 - NEW ALLIANCE – (Promise and Fulfillment – Expiatory Blood – Christ-Lamb Immolated and Crucified in Two Instances – Alliance of Love-
Agape – Children and Friends).
1. The Kings and Children of Israel abandoned the Old Alliance and killed the Prophets; only the Prophet Elijah remained (1Kings 19:14). God-Abba promised
to make a New Alliance (Isa 61:8; Jer 31:31-33) according to the Law of Atoning Blood: Without the shedding of Blood there is no remission of sins (Matt
26:28; Luke 22:20; Heb 9 :22).
2. God-Abba accomplished the New Alliance in the person of the God-Son, immolated and sacrificed Atoning Lamb in two instances. The first, in Heaven,
to fulfill Justice-punishment (Isaiah 53:5); to correct divine weakness (1Cor 1:25; 2Cor 13:4; Heb 5:2-9); defeating Lucifer (Rev 12:11); and provide the anti-poison
Blood, guarantee of safety and victory in the creation and purification of the first Family (1Pe 1:20; Rev 13:8).
3. The second instance, on Earth, in the fullness of the Times (Ga 4:4), to fulfill all Righteousness (Matt 3:15); to rescue Mankind (1Pe 1:18-23); defeating Death
(John 3:16-18; 5:24; 1Co 15:54), and being able to declare: All Authority is given to me. Whoever hears my Word and believes in the God-Abba who sent me
has Eternal Life (John 5:24). I give Eternal Life and no one will be able to snatch the converted Person of spirit from my hand (John 10:28).
4. And the Creator-Word became flesh and dwelt among us. All things were created by Him (John 1:1-4; Cl 1:16). The Apostles and Disciples saw the Glory of
the Creator-Word as the Firstborn of Creation (Col 1:14) and the Glory of the Cross and Blood as the Only Begotten of Salvation (John 1:14).
5. The most important feature of the New Alliance is the Love-agape of the God-Abba-Lamb, which contains an ineffable gift, but it is more than a gift.
Agape-Love is the fruit of the death of the sown grain (John 12:24; Ga 5:22).
6. The most excellent Way-method for bearing the fruit of the spirit is the Way of the Cross, for the crucifixion of the Ego (1Co 12:31; Ga 2:20; 6:14). God-Abba-
Lamb loved us with Love-agape (Matt 5:44; 22:37; John 3:16; 13:34; 14:15; 15:17), and he loved us first, when we were still dead in our trespasses and sins (Eph
7. Through the New Alliance in the Blood of Christ-Lamb, we can be begotten anew (1Pe 1:23), become children of God-Abba and friends of Christ-Lamb
(John 1:12.13; 15:15).
8. In the New Alliance of Love-agape, we receive a new identity (1Pe 1:23); we have banquet and spiritual revelations (Rev 2:17; 3:20; 1Co 2:9; 2Co 2:14-17); the
Angel of the Lord-Lamb protects us (Ps 34:7); we receive Power and Grace to love even those who mistreat us and return good for evil (John 13:34; Luke
6:27; Rom 12:20,21). And whatever happens to us will contribute to good (Rom 8:28).
Chapter 2 – COMING OF THE LAMB CHRIST (In the Beginning, Expiatory Lamb – Incarnate Word – All Justice – Hidden Gospel – Mystery of
1. Before original sin, in the first instance, God the Son became the Lamb of Atonement (Rev. 13:8b).
2. In the fullness of time (Ga 4:4), through a divine cloning (Virgin Mary fertilized by the Spirit of God-Abba – Mt 1:23; Luc 1:35), Christ-Lamb came to the World and became
Son of Man to, in the second instance, fulfill all Justice (Heb 4:9; Mt 3:15; Luke 19:10).
3. The Priests, Scribes and Pharisees did not understand or accept this presentation and testimony of John the Baptist: Behold the Lamb of God who
takes away the Sin of the World. I saw and testify that this is the Son of God-Abba (John 1:29; 34).
4. The Jewish People were looking for a Delivering Lion-King and not a lowly Atoning Lamb without beauty (Isa 53:2). And to this day the Jewish People
continue to wait for a Messiah-Liberator.
5. Christ-Lamb began his ministry of Redemption, announcing that the Kingdom of God had arrived; that everyone should repent and believe in the
Gospel of the New Alliance in order to enter that Kingdom (Matt 3:2; Mk 1:15).
6. The word Gospel means Good News. Gospel of the New Alliance means Good News of Salvation, Healing and Deliverance for those who repent, as
the repentance of God-Abba in the Cross-punishment, makes full confession (Eph 6:17; John 1:9; LmJr 5:7,16 ) and asks for forgiveness of original sin (hurt and
revolt against God-Abba – Heb 12:15) believing in the Blood-forgiveness of the Christ-Lamb (Luke 23:34).
7. Ap. Paul called the Gospel of the New Alliance of Hidden Gospel of the Mystery of Christ. Hidden Gospel and ignored by the Priests, Scribes and
Levites of Israel who strayed from the original purpose of God-Abba-Lamb when he made the Covenant with Abraham.
8. Mystery in the Holy Bible means a revealed enigma (2Co 2:9.10). The Mystery of Christ is this: Christ-Lamb, in resurrected and glorified Body, is on the
Heavenly Throne making eternal atonement (Rom 8:34; Heb 7:25; Rev 5:8b; 7:17), and in Spirit he is here on Earth with us (Emmanuel - Mat 1:23); between and
within people with regenerated spirit (Rev. 2:20; John 14:23; Ga 4:6).
Chapter 3 - SALVATION - ETERNAL LIFE (Single Name - Sole Mediator - "If" and "All" - Full Confession, Repentance and Faith - Soul-Psyche
Conversion - Spirit-pneuma Conversion - Victorious Resurrection - Assurance of Salvation).
1. During the Jewish Feast of Pentecost, the Apostle Peter declared: In no other is there Salvation, for there is no other Name given among men, whereby we
must be saved (Acts 4:10-12).
2. To be saved, to receive the free gift of Eternal Life (Rom. 6:23), it is necessary to be converted from a spirit-pneuma: Full Confession, Total Repentance and
Faith, according to the two little biblical words: “If” (Condition - John 1:29) and “All” (Fulness - John 16:13; Jer 29:13; Eph 3:19). Complete confession of original sin: hurt
and revolt (Jer 3:25; 29:13; Lam 5:7,16; 2Ch 7:14; 1Jo 1:9). Repentance according to the repentance of God-Abba, in the Cross-punishment. Complete faith in the
Blood-forgiveness and justification of Christ-Lamb (John 3:16-18; 1Pe 1:18-20).
3. Judas Iscariot had repentance-remorse, which resulted in death (Matt 27:5). The Apostle Peter had psychological-repentance (soul-psyche) that did not totally
change his Judaism-impregnated character (Luke 22:32; Mt 26:34; Gal 2:6,11).
4. Christians, in general, do not know of spirit-pneuma conversion; they do not know the God-Abba-Lamb (Gal 4:6; John 1:29; 10:30; Rev 13:8); were not
(re)recognized by the Christ-Lamb (Matt 7:21-23). They are soul-psyche converts only: they believe in the God-Jehovah of the Old Testament and ignore the
God-Abba-Lamb of the New Testament; they believe in the historical Christ, the Lion of Judah, and ignore the Christ the Atoning Lamb (John 1:29; Rev 13:8).
5. There is the remorse-conversion; soul-psyche conversion (Matt 11:28; Ps 103; Luke 22:32; 1Co 3:1; John 4:22) and spirit-pneuma conversion (Matt 11:29; Ga 2:20; 6: 14; 1Co
2:14-16; John 5:24).
6. If we love Abba-God-Lamb with agape-Love, we will have: the Grace to become Abba-God's Children and Lamb-Christ Friends (John 1:12.13; 15:15); new
identity (1Pe 1:23); we will triumph; we will spread a good smell (2Co 2:14-16); we will have banquet and spiritual revelations (Rev 2:17; 3:20; 1Co 2:9; 2Co 2:14-17); the
Angel of the Lord-Lamb will protect us (Ps 34:7); we will receive Power and Grace to love even those who mistreat us and return Good for Evil (John 13:34; Luke
6:27; Rom 12:20,21). And whatever happens to us will contribute to good (Rom 8:28).
7. Today, the Evangelical Sermons announce the Historical-Christ, ignoring that the Jesus of Bethlehem, Nazareth and Golgotha was already born and died
as an Atoning Lamb (John 1:29; Rev 13:8). Today, Preachings emphasize the Foundation (Matt 7:24-27) and ignore the Trial by Fire (1Co 3:13-15; Matt 3:10).
8. Jesus Christ-Lamb declared: I am the Resurrection and the Life. Whoever believes in Me has passed from death to life; is assured of his Salvation (John
5:24); he will live forever (John 11:25; 14:2,23). But the Judaized Christianized majority lives vacillating about the certainty of salvation; does not know the Bride-
Church; lives deceived in the Clientelistics Churches, dominated by Business Bishops & Pastors, some already millionaires (1Pe 5:2; Mt 7:22,23).
9. For many years, I was a professor of Philosophy, Psychology, Pedagogy, Religious Culture; etc, in two large Universities. I had students from various
religious denominations, including Bishops, Priests and Pastors. A Seminary student once vented, saying, "I hate the arrogance of believers who claim to
be sure of their Salvation". I replied, quoting the words of Christ-Lamb: Whoever believes in Me has Eternal Life; passed from Death to Life; will not go into
condemnation; is assured of his Salvation (John 5:24; 10:28).
New Alliance Bible
Chapter 1 – NEW ALLIANCE CHURCH (Church Congregation – Rock and Petros – Living Stones – Unique Foundation – Internal Altar – Family
Church – Children of Peace).
1. There are hundreds of Churches in the World, with thousands of names. Its leaders struggle and make noisy advertisements to show that their Church
is the True one, and has more Spiritual Power; and thus, gain more supporters. The number and diversification of Denominations, Churches,
Doctrines and Religious Practices are great and this causes confusion and dispersion.
2. When I experienced the spirit-pneuma conversion, I realized that I belonged to that Ecclesiastical Babel of modern times. The word Church (Ecclesia – “ek
kaleo”) means a Congregation of people called and converted from the spirit-pneuma, who form the Family and Body of Christ-Lamb, according to the
Gospel of the New Alliance (Gálatas 4:6; Juan 1:29; 10:30; Mateo 23:2; Apoc. 19:7-9; Luc .22:20).
3. The Apostle Paul (Author of half the books of the New Testament), called the Gospel of the New Aliance Hidden (Rom 2:16; 16::5; Gal 1:11; 1Co 2:7) even because he did
not receive this Gospel from any Man, nor from any of the leading Apostles in Jerusalem (Gal 2:1-6).
4. Catholic Churches (Catholic means according to the whole; universal) were born from the broken interpretation of the words of Jesus: “You are Peter (Petros) and on
this Stone (Rock) I will build my Church. I will give you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven; whatever you bind on Earth will be bound in Heaven, and
whatever you loose on Earth will be loosed in Heaven (Matthew 16:18,19).
5. The important difference between Petros (litle rock) and Petra (Big rock) is ignored. The Spiritual Power to (re)connect Man with God was given to all the
Disciples of Christ-Lamb (Matt 18:18). The Foundation Stone (Cornerstone) of the Church of God-Abba is the God-Son-Lamb (John 1:29; Isaiah 51:1), rejected by
religious leaders (1Pe 2:4-8). Apostle Peter became Pope because the Caesars of Rome dominated the World, and this gave the Bishop of Rome the
status to be Pope, reinforcing the deceptive dogma of Apostolic Succession.
6. Although Peter's confession contained divine revelation and his name was changed to Cephas (Matt. 16:18), Peter was converted only in his soul and was
thinking of the Promised Messiah of the Old Testament, for, soon after the confession, Peter is rebuked by Jesus who, already resurrected, said that
he needed to be converted from spirit-pneuma (Matt 16:23; Luke 22:32). The Apostle Paul also rebuked Peter severely (Gal 2:11-14), and wrote to the Galatians
that He, and the other Apostles, had communicated nothing to him about the Hidden Gospel (Gal 2:6).
7. Christ-Lamb is the Cornerstone (Acts 4:11; Eph 2:20), the Eternal Rock, the only Foundation of the Bride-Church that must be built within Families and
Children of Peace (Matt 18:20; Rom 16:5; Luke 10:6,13 - with internal Altar of Praise and Worship) so that we may have stem cells from the New generation forming the
New Israel of God-Abba (1Pe 2:6-10; 1Co 3:11; Gal 4:4-7.19; 1Co 4:15; 1Pe 2:9.10).
Chapter 2 – FRATERNAL COMMUNION (Koinonia – Christian Life – Mind and Body of Christ-Lamb – Psalms & Hymns & Songs – Tithes &
Offerings – Prosperity – Wealth – Prayers – Rational Worship – Tongue of Angels – Holy Doctrine –
Christmas & Easter – Fasts – Spirit Convert – Fables ).
1. Communion (Koinonia), which means Common Union, is the Calvarial force of the Power of the Cross and Blood of Christ-Lamb. To Illustrate: As a boy, I
met an man who felled large trees with a sharp ax and moved large logs of wood with his hands. When someone commented on his great physical
strength, he would show his callused fingers with long nails and explain: “The big nail make the strength”. This laughable explanation reminded me of
the Alliance for Progress program practiced by the Country, which has as its symbol an Eagle with long, sharp nails.
2. Christian Communion is a fraternal community union of spirit-pneuma converts who are spiritually reborn; who have the Mind of the God-Son-Lamb (1Co
2:14-16) and have become members of the Body of Christ-Lamb (Eph 4:25; 1Co 6:15; 10:17; 12:26). All unanimous: only one Savior and Lord; Single Faith; one
Baptism; one Bread and Chalice; one and the New Alliance (Rom 6:3; 1Co 10:16,7; 12:13; Eph 4:5).
3. God-Abba-Lamb called, chose and anointed some disciples to be Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Doctors (Eph 4:7-16), aiming at the
improvement of the saints (saved, called and chosen) for performance effective ministry of preaching the Full Gospel of the Blood of the Christ-Lamb (John
12:32); for the Building of the Church-Body of Christ-Lamb; so that no one remains a child and stunted, but grows to the stature of Christ-Lamb (Eph 4:13).
4. God-Abba-Lamb has given talents according to the capacity and competence to serve by Love-agape, according to the measure of the faith of each
Servant. He did not give talents for servants to become rich masters (Mt 25:14-30). The Prosperity Anointing, so used today, is a misleading attraction in
the preaching of Business Bishops & Pastors (some already millionaires), owners of Clientelistic Churches.
5. According to the Old Testament of the Old Alliance, the Judaized Christian gives ten percent (10%) of his income to open the Windows of Heaven.
According to the New Alliance of the New Testament, the disciple of Christ-Lamb gives one hundred percent (100%) because God-Abba has already
opened the Windows of Heaven and has poured out all the Blessings (2Peter 1:3).
6. The Parable of the Talents teaches that the return to God-Abba is one hundred percent (Matt 25:14-30). A person converted from a spirit-pneuma is a
“centurist” and not “titheist”.
7. The friend of Christ-Lamb gives with the Lord’s Joy (John 15:11,15; Nee 8:10) because he has already received (2Pe 1:3) and not to receive (2Co 9:7; Ps 116:12).
This places a strong question on: Ask and it will be given you (Mt 7:7a?) and great emphasis on: Seek and ye shall find (Mt 7:7b; Jer 29:13).
8. In the Communion of the Christ-Lamb, the Psalms&Hymns&Songs are with spiritual trustworthiness and not with flattering lips (Matt 15:8). Thanking the
God-Abba-Lamb for the Day and Blessings He gave, but were used in a selfish and wasteful way, is Hypocrisy and Unfaithfulness. Asking for divine
blessings, ignoring that God-Abba-Lamb has already given everything, is a lack of divine Wisdom (2Pe 1:3; John 3:16; Jas 1:5; 3:17).
9. Praise and Worship with the Mind of Christ-Lamb (Rom 12:11; Cor 2:2,16b), without the old Pharisaic leaven (1Co 5:7,8), with decency and order (1Co 14:40),
without the gibberish and vain boasting of the Pentecostals.
10. There are only two types of Tongue in the New Covenant: divine Praise (Matt 5;10-12; Acts 5:41; Rom 8:8); and the human Murmur (1Co 10:10). One
who is a spirit-pneuma convert speaks only the Christian language of genuine Praise to God-Abba-Lamb.
11. The believer-friend of Christ-Lamb practices sound doctrine (1Tim 1:10; Titus 2:1); battle the Faith in the Christ-Lamb (Jude 3); does not celebrate
commercialized Christmas, nor Easter chocolated. Rather, he celebrates the Christmas of his spiritual New Birth (John 3:5,6) and celebrates the Passover
of the New Alliance (Lk 22:20), knowing how to discern that the Body of Christ is one, although it has many members: it is the Body of the Church-Bride of
the Christ-Lamb (1Co 11:17-30).
12. Spirit-pneuma converted believer does not send wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year, because he knows that the coming year will grow older
and more difficult (Lk 12:49; 2Pe 3:10-14) and he knows that he must treasure up spiritually (Is 5:8; Matt 6:19.20; Luke 12:34; 17:37).
13. The spirit-pneuma believer knows that the Fast pleasing to the God-Abba-Lamb is in Isaiah 58:3-12; you also know that the God who created Darkness
and Evil (Isa 45:7), who created the Wicked for the day of Evil (Prov 16:4) and who made the Rich and the Poor (Prov 22:2), is the God of Jewish Fables and
the Commandments of Men (Titus 1:14; 2Tim 4:4; 2Pe 1:16).
Chapter 3 - SIGNS and PRODIGIES (Revivals - Miracles - Deliverances - Misconceptions - Jonah's Sign - Psychiatric Problems and Disorders).
1. The Church in Corinth (NT) knew of the Old Alliance revival (Habakkuk 3:2; Joel 1:14; 2:13-17; 28-32), remembered at the Feast of Pentecost, but ignored the better
way of Cross of Christ-Lamb, for Calvarial Revival (1Co 2:2; 3:1; 4:18; 5:2; 9:10; 12:31). In the New Alliance of Calvarial Revival, the heart is not torn (Joel 2:13 –
soul-psyche conversion), because the heart (soul-psyche) is deceitful and incorrigible (Jer 17:9; Prov 4:23?). Conversion is of spirit-pneuma with the crucifixion of the
Ego (Matt 11:29; Gal 2:20; John 4:24).
2. Christ-Lamb, at the beginning of his ministry here on Earth, after performing miracles, asked the disciples not to notice that He was the Christ-Messiah,
because the Messiah-Lamb did not come to be Bakery, Supermarket, Pharmacy, Emergency Room , Mobile hospital. Christ-Lamb came into the World
to fulfill all Righteousness (Matt 3:15); he came to seek and save what was lost (Luke 19:10).
3. All Religious Leaders awaken the faith of the multitudes by commenting on the great deliverances of Noah's Ark; Lions' Pit; Burning Furnace; and all the
miracles performed at Bethsaida and Chorazin. But, they don't talk about the type and duration of the results. John Baptist did not show any prodigious
signs and received special commendation from Jesus Christ (John 10:41; Matt 11:11).
4. In the End Times, many Religious Leaders will perform miracles and wonders that will deceive almost everyone (Mark 13:22; Matt 7:23).
5. To the Jews who asked for the Sign and to the Greeks who sought Wisdom (wicked generation – Mt 12:39), Christ-Lamb spoke of the Sign of the Son of Man
and the Sign of Jonah (Mt 24:30; Mt 16:4 – death and resurrection).
6. In many meetings and religious services there are strange manifestations called spiritual gifts, but they are expressions of psychiatric problems and
disorders. That is why Ap. Paul recommended the Pentecostal believers of the Church in Corinth to walk in the most excellent way of the crucifixion of
the Ego; seek the best gifts (1Co 12:31); do everything decently and in order (1Co 14:40); that only two or three spoke and there was critical evaluation (1Co
Chapter 1- LAW OF MOSES (Ceremonals of Reconnection - Sacrifices and Tithes -To - Old Testament - Distant God-Jehovah - Shadow - Jewish Fables
- Deviations & Decept - Old Yeast - Hypocrisias.- Religination by the New Alliance).
1. Adam and Eve were disconnected from direct communion with God-Abba-lamb because they did not repent of sin committed, expelled from paradise,
began to relate to God-Abba through stone altars, where they burned offerings, in ceremonials of Relation, word that means religion.
2. Each member of the first family who degenerated, had his altar of worship (Gen 4:3,4; 5:29; 9:4). The ancient alliance that God-Abba-Lamb made with
Abraham, was through the sacrifice of animals (Gen 15: 9-13). Ancient renewed alliance (Abraham at 99 years - Gen 12:4), through Circumcision (Gen 17: 9-27), from
the offering of tithes (Gen 14:20, 28:22) and the sacrifice of the son Isaac, replaced by a lamb (Gen 22:1-18).
3. In the Old Alliance with Moses, God-Abba-Lamb established rules and laws known as Torah and recorded in the first five books of the Old Testament of
the Holy Bible. Because of the misleading and deviant patriotism, Moses, and all the Jewish people withdrawn from Egypt, knew only God-Iavéh-
Jehovah (Ex 3:14) and ignored the God-Abba-Lamb (John 1:29).
4. This explains why the Old Testament contains deviations, deceptions, fables and old yeast, artificially introduced by strange people (2Pe. 1:16, Titus 1:10-14;
2Tm 4:4); which present a distant God, unjust, evil, vengeful (Ref. Bible New Alliance - 1st Book, Chap.3).
== / ==
Chapter 2 - MIND OF CHRIST-LAMB (Divine Wisdom - Sand & Rock - Destroyer and Purifier Fire - Carnal and Spiritual Believers).
1. The religious mentality of the Jewish people became devious and misleading, unfortunately, according to statements of John Baptist (Mt 3: 7-10), Jesus
Christ-Lamb (Mt 4:17) and the Hidden Gospel preached by the Apostle Paul (Gal 1:6-11; 2: 6; 4:19; Titus 1:10-14).
2. This deviant and fallacious mentality remains in force, to this day, in the doctrines and practices of every Christianized people. An example of this is the
great contrast that exists, if we compare the construction and consecration ceremonial of temples and altars according to the Old Testament (2Cron.
29:17), with what is written about this, according to the New Alliance (Luc. 17:21; John 1:14; 14:23, Mt 24:2).
3. The mentality according to the Mind of Christ-Lamb (1Co 2:14-16) is built on the Eternal Rock (1Co 3:10,11), with metals and precious stones, purified in the fire
of tasting (Luc 12: 49; 1Co 3:10:17). It is the renewed mind of who hears and practices the words of Christ-Lamb (Rom 12: 2; Mat 7:24).
4. There are carnal believers, converted from soul-psyche who experienced remorse repentance (Mt 11:28, SL 103, Luc 22:32, John 4:22), and there are spiritual
believers, converted from Spirit-pneuma (Mt 11: 29; GL 2:20; 6:14, John 4: 24-26), who experienced repentance on the Cross-punishment of the God-Abba under
the Blood-forgiveness and remission of the God-Son-Lamb.
Chapter 3 - SALVATION - ETERNAL LIFE - “If” (condition) and ”All” (fullness) - Confession, Repentance and Faith totals.
1. All biblical promises (salvation, liberation, healing, protection) are subordinated to the covenant or partnership that God Creator did with Man (Gen 1: 26-28),
expressed in the con-junction and con-diction "if". Because of this pact, the sovereignty of God-Abba-Lamb ceased to be "absolute" in the sphere of
"human will" (Rev 3:20). God-Abba-Lamb (Gal 4:6; John 1:29) had to come, to fulfill all Justice, offer reconciliation (Mt 3:15, Cl 1:20, John 3:17; 1John 1: 9).
2. In general, the Christian people live asking and crying out, ignoring that God-Abba-Lamb has already done, has already given and offers everything for all,
without distinction (2Pe 1:3, John 3:16-18). People speak, all the time: "If God wether", ignoring that there is "if", neither "half" of the God-Abba-Lamb part. "If"
and "half" of the human part, according to this many biblical examples:
3. God-Abba and God-Son will be present at a meeting, “if” all are united and gathered in Christ-Lamb (Mt 18: 19-20).
4. All things will be given to us and added by God-Abba, If ... Mt 6:33.
5. The powerful blood of Christ-Cordeiro only purifies, if we make totals confession and prayer (2Cr 7:14; 1 John 4:1-10; John 16:13).
6. God-Abba will only hear us, forgive and heal, if Christ-Lamb and His words are within us (John 15:7).
7. Everything we ask in the name of Jesus will be done and given, If ... John 15:7; John 14:15.
8. We will seek and find the Lord God, If ... Jeremiah 29:13.
9. We will remain firm in Christ-Lamb and we will keep his commandments, If ... John 14:15; John 15: 7,10.
10. The peace of Christ-Lamb (who is with sword - Mt 10:34), will remain in the house, If ... Mt 10:13; and If ... Lk 10:6.
11. The powerful seed of the living word will only fructify 100%, If ... Lk 8: 8.
12. The powerful living word will not return empty If - Lk 8:6.7.
13. We will reap "one hundred by one", If ... Mt 13:8.
14. Our religion (religation with God-Abba) will be pure and immaculate, If ... James 1:27.
15. God will grant what desires our heart, If ... Ps 37:4.5.
16. We become participants in Christ-Lamb, If ... Hb 3:14.
17. We will be friends of Jesus, If ... John 15:14.
18. We can only enter and take possession, If ... Hb 3:19.
19. We will remain firm in Christ-Lamb, and He will remain in us, If ... John 6:56; John 15:10.
20. We are Home / Temple of God-Abba-Lamb, If ... Hb 3:6.
21. We are children of God-Abba and we will be glorified, If ... Rom 8:17.
22. We will be experienced, If ... Rm 8:13.
23. All things will go for good, If ... Rm 8:28.
24. We will not be defeated by evil, If ... Rom 12:21.
25. We will be firm to resist on bad day, If ... Eph 6: 11.18.
26. The Angel of the Lord in the fence and protects, If ... SL 34:7.
27. We will only be saved, If ... Rom 10:9; John 3:18.
28. We will have eternal life, and we will participate in the first resurrection, If ... John 6:54; Rev. 20:6.
29. We will only know the fullness of the love-agape of Christ, If ... Eph 3:17-19.
30. We will only love the next according to the law of grace (and not the Mosaic-Law - Mt 5:43), If ... John 15:12; 2Co 8:9.
31. The world will hate us, If ... John 15:18,19.
32. We will suffer persecution, If ... 2Tm 3:12.
33. Jesus-Lamb only enters our life, home and business, If ... Rev 3:20.
34. God will raise the sick, If ... James 5:14,15.
35. We will stop asking for what has already been given and ask only: strength, vision, fidelity, If we realize that ... 2Pe 1:3.
Chapter 1 - LAMB (Name On Every Name - Fatal Failure - All Authority - Father and Son Partnership - Unit Pair - NoTrinity).
1. Lamb is the Name on every name (Fp 2:9) that complete, identifies and qualifies the names God, Lord, Jesus, Christ, Church and Throne, so popular in the
Bible and all kinds of religion. This justifies, and makes an important difference, always ask: - What God? - What Lord? - What Jesus? - Wich Church? -
What Christ? - What Throne? (For example, it seems that the athletes of two teams worship and praise the same God in the prayers they do before the beginning of the fight, but this fact does not
confirm when the final score indicates that a team was defeated. But no one wakes up. The losers curses, they fight, promote vandalism and happen to deaths).
2. The Name: Lamb is not thought, written and spoken in meetings, prayers, cults, preaching, hymns and church plates, even Evangelicals and Pentecostals.
- Why? - Christianized leaders and people (Judaised) are unaware of the God-Abba-Dady (Gál. 4:6; John 1:29; 10:30), and were not (re)known by Christ-Lamb (Mt
7:23 ), and this characterizes fatal failure (Mat 7:21-23).
3. The believers of Judaism and Christianity know the historical Jesus of Belém, Nazareth and Golgotha, but ignore that this Jesus was born, he grew, died
and died as an Atoning Lamb (1Pe. 1:20, Rev. 13:8b). They are unaware of the reasons why God-Son was immolated by the Father himself (in the first instance)
before the original sin happens (Is 53:10; 1Pe. 1:20; Rev.. 13:8b; John 1:29 - Conf. BNA - Second Book).
4. The leaders and members of the Judaised Christian Churches do not include the name Lamb in their doctrines and religious practices, therefore, remain in
the shadows of the Old alliance (Hb 8:5; 10:1) and ignore the mistakes and fables inserted, artificially in the OT.
5. All Authority and all Glory of Jesus Christ are in his sacrifice as an Atoning Lamb. Out of repentance on the Cross-punishment of God-Abba, with complete
confession, and faith in the Blood-rescue of God-Son-Lamb, there is no Salvation (Isaiah 53:5; 1Pe 1:18-20). But, attention! The Father and Son partnership is
unity pair and does not trine. There is no Trinity. The Holy Spirit is not a third person; He is, yes, the Spirit of Christ-Lamb sent by the God-Abba on the
Day of Pentecost (Gal 4: 6, John 10:30).
== / ==
Chapter 2 – MISSIONS (Mission New Alliance - Discipleship.- Signs - Sign of the End - Pentecost - Power - Great Commission - Speeches of Peter
- Obstacles - Apostolic letters).
1. The Children of God-Abba, regenerated by Spirit-pneuma, become disciples; receive mental-emotional-spiritual training of Christ-Lamb to the Great
Commission, which is: to witness and announce the Gospel of the Good News of the New Alliance (Mark 16:15 John 14:15; Mt 5:19; 28:18-20), to take place in the
End of Times.
2. Christ-Lamb declared: When this Gospel (dripping blood - not the traditional gospel - John 12:32), he is preached all over the World, in testimony to all Nations, then, the
end will come (Mt 24:14).
3. For victorious performance of this Mission, the disciples would have to remain in Jerusalem until they receive Power, what happened on the day of
Pentecost (Lk 24:49; Acts 2:1-13). The Ap. Paul pointed out that this spiritual power is the Gospel of the New Alliance in the Blood of Christ-Lamb (Rom 1:16), but,
Jewish disciples added Signs that serve for swellings and uphanisms (1Co 5:2, Mc 16:17,18).
4. In the discourses of Ap. Peter (in Pentecost, in the Temple and before the Sanhedrin - Acts chap.. 2, 3 and 4), there are precious truths about the Nazarene Jesus. However,
they are incomplete truths, because Peter (still with scales-cataracts of Judaism - Acts 9:18; Luc 22:32; Gal.2:11) spoke of the historical Jesus; He did not affirm that Jesus
crucified and resurrected is the God-Son-Expiatory-Lamb, immolated by the God-Abba before the sin of Adam and Eve (at first instance – Rev. 13:8), according
the presentation of John Baptist (last Prophet of the Old Testament): "Here is the Lamb of God that takes away the Sin from the World" (John 1:29).
5. Israeli Judaism and Greek Gnosticism were the two great obstacles that Ap. Paul faced, with attacks to prevent him from not preaching the Hidden Gospel
of the Mystery of Christ (1Co 1:22, GL 2:11). But, Paul, even chained, from within the prisons, communicated with dozens of churches and thousands of
believers, through letters.
6. From the contents of the letters, it is perceived that the Church that most has problems for Paul was the Church (Pentecostal) in Corinth; and those who gave
him more satisfaction were the churches in Philippo and Colossos. The first book of the New Testament is not Matthew and, yes, Paul's 1st letter to the
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Chapter 3 - SPIRITUAL BATTLE (Afflictions of Christ - Divine Armor - Peace with Sword - Friend of Christ-Lamb - Good Fight - Principalities and
Powers - Flesh and Blood - Terrestrial and Celestial Bodies).
1. The New Alliance Christian Life is continuous Battle. The Peace of Christ-Lamb is with Sword (Mt 10:34; Eph 6:17) and His Ministry is with Fire (Luke 12:49; Mt
3:10; 1Co 3:13). Christ the Lamb did not deceive anyone. To those who wanted to follow Him, he said: “Deny all carnal pleasures. In the world you will have
afflictions” (Mark 8:34-38; John 16:33).
2. The afflictions of Christ-Lamb abounded in the Ministry of Ap. Paul (2Co 1:5,6); who asked young Timothy to share and suffer with him the afflictions of
Christ as a good Soldier (2Tim 1:8; 4:5).
3. Many do not understand this statement by Ap. Paul: “I fulfill in my flesh the remainder of Christ's afflictions, through his Body which is the Church” (Col
1:24). Christ-Lamb continues to intercede with groans in Heaven (Rom 8:26; Heb 7:25) and here on Earth, through the Ministry of spirit-pneuma converted
disciples, who love the Christ-Lamb with Love-agap); and they worship and praise Him with sacrifices of praise (Rom 12:1,2; Heb 13:15).
4. The disciple of Christ-Lamb is a soldier in the Battle of Faith, for the Soud Doctrine. He must always be clothed of the all divine armor (Eph 6:11-17). Few
realize that the complete Armor is: “All Prayer and Supplication” (Eph 6:18). All Prayer means: complete confession, which includes, first and foremost, the
confession and repentance of the “original sin”: hurt and revolt against God-Abba-Lamb (Gen 3:12; LmJr 5:7,10,16).
5. Ap. Paul declared: “Fight the good fight; I finished the Career; I have kept the Faith” (2Tim 4:7). “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against
principalities and powers, against the powers of this dark world, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly regions” (Eph 6:12).
6. But he also declared: “Every day I beat my body” (1Cor 9:27). “Every day I die” (Rom 7:24; Gal 2:20; 6:14). “I know that in my flesh no good dwells” (Rom 7:18). “I
beseech you to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service” (Rom 12:1). “Our bodies are the
sanctuary of God” (1Co 6:19). “There are terrestrial bodies and celestial bodies. An animal body is sown, a spiritual body is raised” (1Co 15:40,44).
7. It is necessary to know how to interpret the words “flesh and blood”. In general, the Cultural, Medical and Religious interpretations and explanations about
the Body, Flesh and Blood, cited in the NT, are incomplete, sometimes mismatched.
8. Apostolic doctrine teaches that there are terrestrial bodies and heavenly bodies, animal bodies and spiritual bodies. In the final resurrection, an animal
body is sown, a spiritual body is resurrected. The first Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam, life-giving spirit (1Co 15:40-45).
9. We spend most of our time, energy, feeling, thinking, work, art, culture, leisure and religion for the subsistence of the physical body (contaminated and corrupted
clay). Therefore, I believe that the greatest fight against the Devil, in the human sphere, is the Battle against the flesh (body - contaminated clay), against the
blood (psychic-mental) and against the spirit (pneuma - air, wind), because they have loopholes and legality that give permission (human and divine) for the Devil to
kill, to steal and to destroy (John 10:10a).
10. The Divine Creation, which made Man a little smaller than the Angels (Heb 2:7; Heb 2:9?; Ps 8:5?) and superior to the Animals (Gen 1:28), is not in the body -
clay, but in the spirit-pneuma that has the image and likeness of the Mind and spirit of Christ-Lamb.
Chapter 1 - CHRIST'S RETURN (Parousia (Advent) - Maranatha (Come, Lord!) - Wedding of the Lamb - Final Day - Deceiving Signs - Difficult Times -
Greatest Sign of the End of the World (Hidden Gospel of the Kingdom of Christ-Lamb).
1. Christ-Lamb will return in the same way that, resurrected, ascended into Heaven (Acts 1:10,11); he will not return as King and Warrior, as the boastful
Christians preach. The Christianized majority will be asleep when Christ returns; even the virgins, who will be rejected and left out (Matt 24:43; 25:1-13; 1Thes
2. Jesus-Lamb declared:” When the Son of Man comes in his Glory of the Lamb (Matt 25:31), will he find Faith on Earth?” (Luke 18:8). “And because iniquity is
multiplied, the love of almost all will grow cold” (Matt 24:12).
3. It will be difficult times (2Tim 3:1); many will fall away (1Tim 4:10); many deceivers and scoffers will arise (2Pe 3:3). Only the small flock of spirit-pneuma converts
will perceive Christ's return, because he will be prepared for the Marriage of the Lamb. The Christianized majority will remain outside, because they
have not been (re)recognized by the Christ-Lamb (Matt 7:23; 25:12).
4. In the last days, false Bishops, Apostles, Missionaries and Pastors will appear who will perform miracles, wonders and signs to deceive that Christ-Lamb
is returning (Mt 24:5; Mt 7:22,23).
5. The single greatest Sign indicating the Final Day and the Return of Christ the Lamb will take place when the Message of the Cross-Punishment and
Blood-Forgiveness (the Hidden Gospel of the Kingdom of Christ-Lamb) is announced to all Nations and all the Peoples (Matt 24:14).
Chapter 2 - FINAL BATTLE (Beginning of Sorrows - Great Tribulation - Armageddon - Final Explosion).
1. The return of Christ-Lamb will be preceded by wars, pestilences, earthquakes, false prophets, great tribulation, which will be signs of the Beginning of
Sorrows (Matt 24:4-14).
2. Filthy reptilian spirits will come out of the mouths of the Dragon, the Beast of the False Prophet who, with deceptive signs and wonders, will gather the
Kings of Earth for the Final Battle called Armageddon (Rev 16:16).
3. Armageddon is God-Abba-Lamb's Final Battle against the wicked Human Society. Armageddon will take place on the symbolic Mount Megiddo near the
Euphrates River.
4. In the Beginning, there was an explosion of Eden-I, which resulted in billions of stars and meteors (Rev. 12:7). On the Final Day there will be the Final
Explosion (2Pe 3:10-14 – Explosion of Eden-II).
Chapter 3 – APOCALYPSE (Two Gathered Up – Two Resurrections – “Zombie” Apocalypse – Worthy is the Lamb).
1. The Apocalypse, in a symbolic sense, can be an obscure discourse, written by the Apostle John, exiled on the island of Patmos (Greek island of the Dodecanese,
in the South Aegean). Apocalypse (which in Greek means Revelation), contains many enigmatic symbols and mysterious episodes that will culminate in the End of
the World.
2. There are difficulties in understanding the two Gathered Up and the two Resurrections, mentioned in the Apocalypse, which characterize two types of
physical death: those who die saved and those who die lost (1Thess 4:13-18).
3. The Gathered Up and Resurrection of the saved (1Thess 4:13-18; 1Co 15:51-52) are two themes of Revelation that are difficult to understand. It is hard to accept
that, before the Last Judgment, many saved will not taste physical death, will be transformed in a second Gathered Up. It is also difficult to understand
the “second death”, the “first resurrection” and the “first millennium” (Rev 20:5,6).
4. It is noticed that the Apostle John was imbued with Judaism when he wrote: “But the other dead did not live again, until the thousand years were
completed. Blessed and holy are those who have a part in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over these, but they will be priests of
God and of Christ; and they will reign with Christ for a thousand years” (Rev 20:5,6,9).
5. These difficulties breed confusion, misunderstandings, and devious fables. For example, the “Zombie” Apocalypse (largely covered in the Dramatic Arts), which is
the idea of the proliferation of zombies (undead) that would lead to the downfall of contemporary society, leaving the Human Race close to extinction.
6. According to the New Alliance, the synthesis of the Apocalypse is: “Worthy is the Christ-Lamb, seated on the Throne of Justice, to receive all Honor,
Praise and Glory forever! Amen” (Rev. 4:11; 5:12).
Chapter 1 - DIVINE COURT (Final Judgment - Two Books - Sheep & Goats - Justified & Convicted).
1. God-Abba-Lamb (Father and Son Partnership – John 10:30) did and gave everything with responsibly: there will be a Final Judgment with final accountability (Mt
25:14-30; Ecclesiastes 11:9; 12:14; Rom 14;10; 2Co 5:10).
2. At the Last Judgment (according to a vision impregnated with Judaism) two books will be opened: the Lamb's Book of Life and the Book of Good Works (Rev. 13:8; 20:9-
15) and everyone will be separated into two groups : Sheeps and Goats (Mt 25:31-46).
3. The Sheeps, with a new name registered in the Book of Life of the Celestial Registry, will be called blessed and welcome and the Goats will be
4. According to the Sound Doctrine of the New Alliance, the Saved (called Sheep by virtue of the Judaism of the Psalmist David), are the redeemed and justified who,
through Repentance in the Cross-punishment of the Father and Faith in the Blood-forgiveness of the Son-Lamb, become children of God-Abba,
members of the Bride Church Body, disciples, friends and soldiers of Christ-Lamb.
Chapter 2 - FINAL TRIUMPH (Final Destruction - The Martyrs - Sign of the Beast - First Resurrection - 144,000 - First Millennium - Victory Final).
1. In the teaching of the Apostle Paul: “The End will come when Christ-Lamb has delivered the Kingdom to God-Abba, when He has destroyed all Dominion,
all Power, all Authority and all Power” (1Co 15:24-26).
2. The Apostle John wrote: “I saw the souls (spirits) of those who were beheaded, who did not worship the Beast, did not receive the mark of the Beast on
their foreheads and hands, who revived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. This is the First Resurrection” (Rev. 20:4-6).
3. In Kabbalah (Jewish Mystic Numerological Tradition), a ten, a hundred, a thousand have meanings of indefinite quantity (Matt 18:22; Luke 10:1). The numbers
considered spirituals are: 7, 9, 11 and 22. The number 7 is considered the number of perfection and 6 is the incomplete number of human imperfection.
The number 666 indicates the triple imperfection of the apocalyptic Beast (Rev. 13:18).
4. The total number of the saved (144,000), misinterpreted to this day, symbolically and Jewishly represents the twelve Tribes of Israel multiplied by twelve,
the Cosmic number (Rev. 7:4-8; Rev. 13:8; Rev. 21:14). But in the New Alliance, the total number of the saved is countless (Rev. 7:9).
5. The last enemy to be defeated is Lucifer with his empire of death (1Co 15:21-26; 1Co 15:54-58).
Chapter 3 - NEW HEAVEN - NEW EARTH (Eden-III - Throne of Justice of the Lamb - Eternal Atonement - Reward - Eternal Joy).
1. Eden-I exploded with the Uni-Verse during the War in Heaven (Rev. 12:7). The Eden-II will explode with a great bang at the Return of Christ-Lamb (2Pe 3:10-
14), when the Wedding of the Church-Bride will take place and Eden-III, the New Heaven and the New Earth will be inaugurated.
2. There will no longer be a chance for another Lucifer to arise, because in the center of Eden-III will be the God-Son-Lamb sitting on the Throne of Justice,
making Eternal Atonement (2Pe 3:13; Rev. 20:11).
3. The Reward of the Eternal Kingdom (Matt 25:34) will not be subordinated to the practices of good works recorded in the second book (Rev. 20:12b). It will be
according to the degree of faith of the spirit-pneuma-converts who rested in God-Abba-Lamb.
4. This means that it is necessary to review the biblical texts that speak of “treasure up in heaven”, “different dwellings”, “streets of gold” and “Judaized
parables” about the Life of the Saved in the New Heaven. (I feel ashamed remember that I have preached thousands of times explaining that in Heaven, compared to a great Sea,
There would be various vessels, from canoes to luxury yachts; that a rowing navigator asked the Angel about a passing periscope and received this answer: it is from a submarine of the Baptists).
5. God-Abba-Lamb will wipe away every tear. There will be eternal Light and Joy (Rev 7:17; 19:6-9; 21:40).
Everywhere it reads: “God is Faithful”, but all Truth is: “God is Faithful and Just” (1John 1:9; John 16:13).
We avoid thinking and talking about Divine Justice, because we carry deep in our hearts the root of hurt and revolt of “original sin” (Heb 12:15). Children
grow up hearing: “God sees and punishment”; when they reach the age of reason, this root produces feelings of hurt and revolt against the God-Creator,
which are drowned out by the threatening messages about the “punishments of the wrathful God” (Heb 10:310).
Feelings with the bitter taste (knowing) of the following repressed questions: If God is Good, Just, Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent, why didn't
he prevent or kill Lucifer, before or after the fall of Adam and Eve? – Who created Evil? (Is 45:7? - Tit 1:14; 2Pe 1:16). - Why does Evil grow more than Good? -
Why are crippled and sick children born and thousands die in the womb? – If God is “the owner of silver and gold”, why are they born poorer than rich? -
Answer: “Because of the hardness of our hearts” (Mt 19:8; Mk 10:5; Rom 2:5; Eph 4:18; Jer 17:9).
The Christian World does not know the other side of the Righteousness of the Lamb God; it remains hidden to this day by the evil interest in keeping
people religiously submissive and obedient, doing good works and worship more out of fear of divine wrath and punishment than out of Love-Agape to
God-Abba (1John 4:18; John 14:15).
Christians, in general, know only half of the Truth about the Cross-punishment of the Father God and the Redemption Blood of the Son God.
Therefore, when they sing: “It was on the cross, it was on the cross, where one day I saw my sin punished in Jesus”, they sing only half of the Truth. The
Christian majority ignores that the Son God was slain as the atoning Lamb before Original Sin (in the first instance) to correct the unwitting weakness of the
God-Creator (Isa 53:5b; 1Pe 1:20; Rev 13:8; 2Cor 13:4; 1Co 1:25).
The Devil's most strategic and powerful weapon is deception or half-truth. Lucifer-dark is “Father of deceit” (all lies do not [sub]exist, they have a short leg). Lucifer-
dark did not lie to Eve, he just omitted all Truth (Gen 3:4 – Gen 3;:22). So... - How, Why and What did Evil arise? – All Evils comes from the fruit and seed of the
(Genealogical) Tree of the Knowledge of Evil (Gen 2:9; 3:3; 3:22).
The first Human Being was created from degraded clay (humus) and infected, resulting from the Explosion (Big Boon?) of the War in Heaven (Big Bang? – Rev
12:7- The Final Explosion is described in 2Pe 3:10-14). Therefore, Adam and Eve had to pass the liberating and purifying test of spiritual ascension, but they were not
approved. God-Creator is “Faithful and Just” (1John 1:9): he created and gave all that exists responsibly, under eternal laws (Eccl 9:9; Eccl 11:9; Eccl 12:13-14).
As soon as Evil arose, God-Abba assumed co-responsibility: he made Justice-punishment fall on the God-Son (Is 53:5b) in order to correct the
involuntary weakness of having given power to the Cherubim Lucifer without foreseeing the consequence, because in the Beginning there was no Evil,
there was no foreknowledge of Evil. This interpretation (more reasonable and not incriminating compared to what is written in Isaiah 45:7) explains the Mystery of Christ-Lamb
(Eph 3: 4; Col 1:26-27). This Mystery: In a resurrected and glorified body, Christ-Lamb is on the heavenly Throne of Righteousness, making Eternal Atonement
(Heb 7:25); and in Holy Spirit (which is not third person; it is, the Spirit of Christ-Lamb – Gal 4:6) is here with Us (Emmanuel).
The currency–rescue (1Pe 1:18) of Divine Justice has two faces: the “crown” of divine weakness (1Co 1:25; 2Co 13:4; Heb 5:2) and the “face” of human sin
(Rom. 3:23). God-Abba does Justice with his own hands in the body of the Son-Lamb, to fulfill all Justice (Mt 3:15), and thus, regain the usurped power, defeat
Lucifer and provide the anti-venom serum, which is the Blood of Christ-Lamb. Through the Cross and the Blood, God-Abba-Lamb (John 10:30) was entitled
to the retaking of all Power and all Authority.