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Published by moderngps12, 2023-11-19 04:47:34



GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE ACTIVITIES It sounds like an exciting time in the Grade 5 Global Perspective class! The students are working on a project to learn about the responsible use and conservation of water, an essential global issue. This project will help them understand the importance of saving water for the planet. Grade 7 students are working on a pollution project in their Global Perspective class. This project will help them explore the global issue of pollution and its impacts, encouraging them to think critically about environmental challenges and potential solutions. 28

P.E ACTIVITIES الرياضة غذاء للجسم والعقل ، حيث تعد الرياضة المدرسية من مجاالت التربية المهمة التي تهدف إىل تحسين السلوك اإلنساني من خالل ممارسة األنشطة الحركية والرياضية ، كما أنها تعمل عىل تعزيز مناعة الطفل وحمايته من األمراض وتقوية العضالت وتشكيل جسم صحي وقوي ، وإىل جانب ذلك فإنها تحقق المتعة والحماس ؛ لذا قمنا بإجراء مسابقة لدوري كرة القدم بالمدرسة ، باإلضافة لمسابقة الشطرنج ، واستمتع الطالب كثيًرا بهاتين المسابقتين في مراحلهما األوىل ، تعّلم الطالب خالل المسابقات التنافسية قيمة الروح الرياضية والتنافس الشريف والعمل التعاوني والذكاء والمثابرة ، وهنا تبرز قيمة وأهمية الرياضة . 29

MUSIC ACTIVITIES ارتبطت االنسان منذ بدء الخليقة بالفنون الطبيعية وتفاعل مع زقزقة العصفور وتغريد البالبل وصوت خرير الماء وصهيل الخيل، واالبداع الرباني في خلق السماء الصافية والجبال بألوانها المختلفة والحدائق خلقت الوان الزهور والورود كلوحة فنية بديعة خلقها الرب العظيم، ليعلم اإلنسان فنون التذوق للجمال، فالله يحب جميل الجمال 30

د من الكلمات، تحادث القلوب مباشرًة دون أن تقف عىل فكرة، َّر تتج الموسيقى لغٌة تندمج مع النبضات وتتسابق مع المشاعر، الموسيقى لغة األعماق، لغة العصافير، لغة الجمال المطلق، لغة العالم التي يفهمها الجميع، ويطرب لها الجميع، وتتوحد في مسامع اإلنسانية، وحين يكتب شاعر عن الموسيقى يكتب عن لغة اإلنسان المحب، يكتب عن ال ُحلم الذي يجمع القلوب عىل نوتة، وعما يغمس الروح في كؤوس السالم، وما يدفئ ضلوع الكون بضمٍة من األلحان كان يلقيها الكمان بحٍّب عىل كتف عازف 30.1 MUSIC ACTIVITIES

ICT ACTIVITIES Computer Explorers: Grade 2's Digital Destinations We are excited to share the fantastic journey our Grade 2 students embarked on in exploring the world of computers! Our little tech detectives recently investigated where computers can and cannot be used. Using an interactive board, they visually identified these places. Through this hands-on activity, they discovered that computers are great for learning, working, and having fun at school and home. We are proud of their awareness of responsible computer use and the knowledge they've gained. 31

Tech Detectives: Grade4's Microprocessor Marvels our Grade 4 students have embarked on as they discovered the significance of microprocessors in household devices. In a hands-on project, our young engineers created models of various household devices, such as microwave ovens, washing machines, and even smart speakers. These models showcased the intricate inner workings of these devices, but there was one key component that stole the spotlight - the microprocessor. This project not only demonstrated their creativity but also their understanding of how technology shapes our daily lives. We are incredibly proud of their enthusiasm and newfound knowledge. ICT ACTIVITIES 31.1

KGtheme Muhab Alkharoosi KG2F Alaa Mohammed Al Amri KG2F Loay Said Al Humaimi KG2E Haneen Talal Al Kindi KG2E My Body A fun and engaging activity done by KG2E and F in our Unit 2 Theme: My Body. Students have learned the different parts of the body in this enjoyable and fun-filled activity of setting up the missing parts of the head including their eyes, nose and mouth. With this idea, students will truly excited and ready to learn. 32

My Epic Adventures at Modern Generation Private School! Hey everyone! Guess what's been happening at our school in the last two months? Loads of awesome stuff! Our school decided to spice things up! First up, we had this super cool poetry showdown. Imagine students reciting poems in Arabic and English, and they were absolutely smashing it! It was like a poetry party, and everyone rocked the stage. Then, hold on to your hats, because we had a football face-off between different classes. I'm talking third graders all the way up to eleventh graders! The energy was electric, and you could feel the sportsmanship in the air. It was a clash of titans, I tell you! Next on the list was the Holy Qur’an challenge. Let me tell you, these students were on fire! Their recitations were top-notch, and they poured their hearts into it. You could see their passions shining through. Oh, and don't even get me started on the chess showdown. Students from all over stepped up to the plate, and many of them aced it. It was like a battlefield of brains, and everyone brought their A-game! Last but not least, we had this amazing story writing extravaganza. I'm talking both in Arabic and English. And guess what? Every single student was a shining star in the writing department. It was like a creativity explosion! So, there you have it, folks! These first two months at school were like a whirlwind of excitement and talent. Can't wait to see what's next! Student Corner By: Lamar Hashim Al Ghafri 8B 33

بسم هللا الرحمان الرحيم ,انا ولي الطالب آدم الصف الثاني وولي الطالبة أوراد الصف الثالث بصراحة انا اخترت هذه المدرسة ألن سابقا لدي ولدين اكرم و أكثم كان في هذه المدرسة وماشاءهللا كانت مخرجاتهم جدا ممتازه و االن في دراساتهم ما بعد المدرسة وكل هذا بفضل مدرسة االجيال العصرية الخاصة تأسيسها جدا ممتاز وانا اقدم نصيحة ألولياء األمور إذا كانت لديه القدرة يسجل أوالده في هذه المدرسة التأسيس في اللغة العربية جدا رائعه وفي لغة انجليزية جدا ممتاز و ايضا في المواد التي فيها ذكاء مثل الرياضيات و انجليزي و شكرا خالد بن سالم بن خميسالصولي :By Khalid bin Salem bin Khamis Al-Souli Father of Adam and Awrad Al-Souli 34

Teacher’’s Corner Dear Math Enthusiasts, Welcome to the latest edition of our Mathematics Department column, where we embark on a journey through the captivating world of numbers, patterns, and equations. In this edition, we aim to bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-world applications, demonstrating how the beauty of mathematics permeates every aspect of our lives. Unlocking the Mysteries of Geometry Geometry is not just about triangles and polygons. It's a powerful tool for understanding the shapes that surround us in the natural world. In today’s column, we delve into the fascinating world of fractals - infinite patterns that are both stunning and scientifically significant. From coastlines to broccoli florets, we explore the hidden geometry that underlies our natural environment. Our talented students share their experiences applying mathematical concepts beyond the classroom. From designing a sustainable math city project to making a prime design, they showcase how mathematics has a tangible impact on our community. We hope you enjoy this edition of our Mathematics Department column. As always, we encourage you to explore the rich world of mathematics around you, and remember that there's more to math than meets the eye. Happy exploring! By: Hilary Omokafe. E Mathematics Department 35

التعليم ال يتوقف أبًدا في مدرسة األجيال العصرية الخاصة Learning never stops at MGPS Visit and follow our pages: moderngps moderngps [email protected] @m 92828118/ 24455698 oderngeneratio nprivatesch6216

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