Look Inside:
• Free Classes for
Children Birth to
12 Months
• Open Play Times
• Classes For Parents
Early Childhood &
Family Education
Classes for Parents and Children Birth to 5
osseo.ce.eleyo.com | 763.391.8777 Early Childhood & Family Education
En Español, Lus Hmoob, Bằng Tiếng Việt: 855.938.0586
Table of Osseo Area Schools (EC&FE)
Contents Early Childhood & Family Education
Get Started At Osseo Area Schools our mission is to inspire and prepare all students with the
with EC&FE confidence, courage and competence to achieve their dreams; contribute to community;
and engage in a lifetime of learning. The lessons learned in our Early Childhood and
Selecting a Class.................................. 3 Preschool classrooms mirror our district curriculum, so your child will be learning skills
Infants.................................................. 4 - 5 to prepare for kindergarten and beyond.
1-2s & 2-3s Classes.............................. 6 - 7
Multi-age Classes................................ 8 ECFE Classes-Families learning together!
Preschool Open House....................... 9
Every class includes:
Play Time &
Just for Parents • Activities where parents and children learn and enjoy time together.
• Time for children to learn and interact with one another and develop their
Parent & Child Play Time.................. 10
Just for Parents.................................... 11 physical, language and social-emotional skills.
Preschool & PreK • Parent education time with a licensed parent educator to learn about positive
guidance, child development and more.
Preschool & PreK 2019-2020............. 12
Early Childhood Screening and Summer Benefits to families:
School Superstars................................ 13
• Time with other parents to reflect on short and long-term goals, values and
Fees & Registration parenting practices in a supportive group setting.
Class & Sibling Care Fees................... 14 • Curriculum taught by licensed early childhood teachers and parent educators
Registration Form............................... 15 that provide relevant, reliable, research-based parenting practices that supports
and encourages growth and development of families.
• Opportunities for parents and children to make friends with others from the
Stay Connected with Us
Facebook Instagram
facebook.com/osseoEC instagram.com/osseoearlychildhoodprograms
Twitter OsseoEC.org
2 https://twitter.com/OsseoEarly Our program website with resources for families
Class Locations Lottery Sibling Care
Arbor View A registration drawing for all classes Sibling care is available for families who need
Early Childhood Center will be held June 4. Class fees will not be care for their children while attending a class
charged until the day of the lottery. After with another child. Sibling care is for children
9401 Fernbrook Lane N the lottery June 4, registrations will be ages 5 months to 5 years. Babies under 5 months
Maple Grove, MN 55369 accepted until classes are full. of age are welcome to attend class with a
Phone: 763-391-8777 parent for no additional charge. At the time of
Program Calendar registration, if your child will turn 5+ months
Willow Lane during class, please call the office to register.
Early Childhood Center Our EC&FE program is divided into Space is limited. Sibling care is available during
three sessions during each school year. class unless otherwise listed. See page 14 for fee.
7020 Perry Avenue N
Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 • Session One: Support for
Phone: 763-585-7330 Sept. 9, 2019 to Jan. 17, 2020 Participation
Fees • Session Two: If adult participants are in need of auxiliary aids
January 28, 2020 to May 18, 2020 or services to participate in a class, please call
Class and Sibling Care fees are based on family 763-391-8777 or TDD: 763-391-7250. Please
income and the number of sessions a class meets. • Summer 2020 allow us at least 72 hours notice (2 week notice
There is no charge for children birth to 12 months to July 2020-August 2020 is preferred) so we can accommodate your
attend a class. All families are welcome. No one will request. ISD 279 - Osseo Area Schools does not
be denied participation due to inability to pay. See Registration discriminate on the basis of disability.
page 14 for fee chart. Requirements
Types of Classes
Find a Class Immunizations Required
Non-Separating Classes
Register at: osseo.ce.eleyo.com Minnesota State law requires all children
attending EC&FE programs to be current In non-separating classes, parents and children
To ensure registration opportunities for families, with all required immunizations or have remain together in the same classroom for the
our program is designed for a family to register and a notarized conscientious exemption on entire class. Parent education and discussion time
attend one type of ECFE class per session with their file. A copy of your child’s immunizations will be held in the same room with your toddler.
child (ex: attending one 1-2s class instead of two 1-2s must be submitted at the time of
classes) as the curriculum may repeat in the same registration. You or your clinic can fax or Gradual Separating Classes
class. If your family is interested in joining more email immunization records to:
than one class, please contact the office 2 weeks after 763-391-8762 or [email protected]. When the class begins, the start and length of
classes have started and ask about the possibility to parent and child separation time is determined
join another class. For families looking for more, Health Related Needs upon the needs of the group. In a gradual
our program offers a variety of play time and open separating class, parents and children remain
gym opportunities. Families can attend play times as If your child has a health related need that together for part of the class in the same
desired, throughout the school year. requires medication or special attention, classroom. When separation occurs, parents
health forms are required to be submitted will move to a different room for parent
• Registration for Infants 0-12 months is based on at the time of registration. For more education time with a parent educator while
the age of the child at the start date of each class. information, please call 763-391-8777. children participate in classroom activities with a
children’s teacher.
• Registration for children 12 months and older
is based on the age of the child as of September Separating Classes
1, 2019.
Parents and children engage in classroom
• Classes at Willow Lane end in ‘W’. activities together for part of the class. When
Classes at Arbor View end in “A”. separation occurs, parents will move to a
Example: 15-1001A is Arbor View. different room for parent education time with
a parent educator while children participate in
• The number of weeks a class meets is designated classroom activities with a children’s teacher. In a
by the course number. For example: 15-1100A is typical class, separation begins the first or second
a 15 week class, 7-1513W is a 7 week class. week of the class.
Give Your Child a GREAT Start 3
Welcome Baby Infant Massage Saturday
Infant Class
Expectant Parents and Parents and Infants
Parents with Infants Birth to 9 Months Parents and Infants
Birth to 12 Months Birth to 12 Months
Participants will learn: Infant Massage provides Talk, sing, read and play:
many benefits to babies,
Infant massage tips and techniques. including: This three-week class is designed to give
you time to relax and enjoy your new
•• Sample activities to do at home with Better sleep and digestion. baby. While you are playing with your
your baby based on the book Brain baby, a licensed parent educator will
Games for Babies. •• Increased brain and nervous system facilitate discussion and provide relevant
development. information about:
• Connection with other parents in the
community that are also expecting or • Deeper sense of safety and attachment Sleep schedules
have a new baby. to caregivers.
• Infant development
Sandwiches & Baby You will learn to understand and respond • Infant massage
to your baby’s cues and signals as you •• Important ‘firsts’- and more!
1-1000A Tues Sept 3 6-7pm deepen your bond through the relaxing
1-1001W Thurs Sept 5 6-7pm practice of massage. Great for moms, dads, Willow Lane
and grandparents!
Donuts & Baby Saturday 9:30-10:45am
Arbor View 3-1004W Sat Sept 28, Oct 5 & Oct 12
1-1002W Sat Sept 7 9:30-10:30am
1-1003W Sat Sept 14 9:30-10:30am Tuesdays 9:30-10:45am Join us to share your ideas, experiences
and concerns in a supportive, relaxing
Each family will leave with a copy of the Registration for this class is based on the community environment.
book Brain Games for Babies and a set of age of the child at the start of each class.
board books for your home library.
1-1801A Tues Sept 17
The deadline to register or RSVP is one 1-1802A Tues Oct 22
day before the event. 1-1803A Tues Nov 19
1-1804A Tues Dec 17
Participants can register online at:
osseo.ce.eleyo.com or call Join When You Can.
763-585-7330 to RSVP. No sibling care.
Our program offers great flexibility for families. Infant classes are a perfect
opportunity for parents during parental leave. In addition to our FREE
Infant classes, consider our Birth to 5 family classes- there is no charge for
children birth to 12 months to attend. See page 8 for Birth to 5 class details.
4 osseo.ce.eleyo.com
Parents and Infants Infants
Relaxing classes designed to give you time to enjoy your baby, meet Q&A
other parents and talk with a parent educator. Conversations may focus
on sleep schedules, infant development, infant massage, sensory/ My baby is between 6-9 months old.
motor play, nutrition, adjusting to family life, etc. There is no charge How do I choose between a class for
for children birth to 12 months to attend Infant classes. Registration is birth-9 month class or a 6-12 month
based on the age of the child at the start date of each class. class?
Depending on enrollment demand (of children birth to 12 months) and in order to ensure All babies are unique individuals and develop at
registration opportunities for families, we may limit the number of free infant classes a their own pace. As you choose the right fit for
family can take each session. If your family is interested in joining more than one Infant class, your child, you may want to ask yourself:
please contact the office 2 weeks after classes have started and ask about the possibility to join
another free Infant class. • Does my baby like to observe or play quietly
in one spot, or do they like to cruise and
Birth to 9 Months/Non-Separating climb?
1004A Mon Sept 16-Jan 13 10:30-11:45am • Is my baby sensitive to overstimulating
1005A Tues Sept 17-Jan 14 11am-12:15pm situations or do they love to be surrounded
1006A Thurs Sept 19- Jan 16 1:30-2:45pm by activity?
Birth to 12 Months/Non-Separating • Would I like my child to be one of the older
babies in the group, or would I prefer that
1007A Tues Sept 17-Jan 14 6:15-7:30pm my younger baby have the opportunity to be
No Sibling Care around older children?
9-10:15am Babies are born with different temperament traits
1011W Thurs Sept 19- Jan 16 No Sibling Care and a unique developmental timeline, so simply
choose the class that you think will be the best fit
for your baby at this time in their life.
6-12 Months/Non-Separating
1008A Wed Sept 18-Jan 15 10:30-11:45am
1010A Thurs Sept 19-Jan 16 9-10:15am
Parent & Baby Play Time FREE
Open Play for Parents & Babies Birth to 24 Months Story Time read and
A FREE drop-in open play program. The classroom is set Parents and Children play!
up with many play opportunities that help support each Birth to 24 Months
area of your child’s development. Parents get a chance
to meet other parents with similar age children and chat Children can play and
with a parent educator about the joys and challenges explore with innovative
of raising children during the early years of growth and
development. No Sibling Care. After story time, toys while parents have
stay for play time!: a chance to meet their
Arbor View neighbors!
Mondays 8:30-10am Brooklyn Park Library
Sept 9-Jan 13
No Play Time: Oct 14, Oct 28, Thursdays 10:45am-12:15pm Through a partnership Monday Mornings
Dec 23, Dec 30 Sept 12-Jan 16 with EC&FE and the
No Play Time: Oct 17, Nov 28, Hennepin County Library, Maple Grove Library
Wednesdays 8:30-10am Dec 26, Jan 2 FREE events are offered
Sept 11-Jan 15 Friday Mornings
No Play Time: Oct 16, Nov 27, during the year for children
Dec 25, Jan 1 0-24 months and their Visit hclib.org for all
caregivers. A licensed available story times for
parent educator from your family.
Osseo Area Schools EC&FE
program is available as a
resource during story time.
Help Me Grow Parents and Children 1-2
Birth to age 5 Children must be 1 or older by September 1, 2019
Are you concerned about your child’s speech or general
development? Our 1-2s classes provide many opportunities for your
child to develop social and problem solving skills. You
Does your child show any of the following signs? and your child will leave with new ideas and activities
to reinforce what you have learned during the weekly
No big smiles or other joyful expressions by six months. classroom activities and parent education.
•• No back and forth sharing of sounds, smiles or other facial Non-Separating
expressions by 9 months or thereafter. Parent education and discussion time will be held in the same room with
No babbling by 12 months. your toddler.
• No words by 16 months. 15-1100A Mon Sept 9-Jan 13 6-7:30pm
•• No two-word meaningful phrases (without imitating or No Sibling Care
repeating) by 24 months.
Gradual Separation
If so, your child may be eligible for a developmental assessment
and some specific services designed to help him or her grow. Parent education time transitions gradually to an adjoining room. The
Call 763-585-7335, or Minnesota Department of Education pace of the separation is dependent upon the needs of the group.
information and referral line at 866-693-GROW.
For more information visit: helpmegrowmn.org. 15-1101A Mon Sept 9-Jan 13 9-10:30am
15-1102A Mon Sept 9-Jan 13 9-10:30am
30-1103A Tues Sept 10-May 12 9-10:30am
15-1104A Wed Sept 11-Jan 15 No Sibling Care
30-1105A Thurs Sept 12-May 14 9-10:30am
15-1106W Thurs Sept 12-Jan 16
15-1107A Thurs Sept 12-Jan 16
15-1108A Fri Sept 13-Jan 17
6 osseo.ce.eleyo.com
Parents and Children 2-3 FAQ Class Activities
Children must be 2 or older by September 1, 2019 My child has a birthday in mid-September
right after classes begin for the program. Does
In this class, parents discover teachable moments and this mean my child will be the only, oldest
techniques to promote their child’s learning, development, child in their 2-3s class?
social, emotional and problem solving skills. Children gain
confidence and trust as their parents separate for parent Answer: No. The children participating in the class will
education discussions.
all be part of the same one-to-two year age cohort: 2 by
Separating September 1st and not yet 3 by September 1st. Teachers in
each class take into account the ages of the children in the
15-1200A Mon Sept 9-Jan 13 9-10:30am class and modify their teaching and instruction based on the
15-1201A Tues Sept 10-Jan 14 10-11:30am ages and developmental needs of the children present.
15-1202A Wed Sept 11-Jan 15 9-10:30am
30-1203A Thurs Sept 12-May 14 9-10:30am In each class, children of every age will get something out of
15-1204A Thurs Sept 12-Jan 16 11am-12:30pm the activities provided by the teachers.
Practice Preschool Parents & Children For example if the activity is an art collage…
Children must be 2½ or older by September 1, 2019 • Birth-12 months:
Children may feel and look at the different materials
This parent-child class is designed for 2½ year olds that are and might even put them in their mouths.
ready for a little more. For this class children do not need to be
completely potty trained, but should know when they need to • Ones:
use the bathroom and are having few accidents. Parents may put the glue on the paper with the glue
stick and the child may put one to two pieces on the
Separating paper depending on their attention span.
30-1706A Tues Sept 10-May 12 12:30-3pm • Twos & Threes:
30-1707A Fri Sept 13-May 15 9am-11:30am Children may apply the glue from the glue stick and
add several pieces to their creation. Children may also
Participants in Practice Preschool will have priority for a new “Drop Off Young 3s” tear the paper, apply the glue and add a variety of items
class that will be offered during Session Two, January to May 2020. The class may to their collage.
be taught by a different teaching team on a different day or time. The lottery will
fill the remaining spots. • Fours & Fives:
Children may use glue bottles and may cut paper/tissue
paper/yarn to add to their collage. Their collage may
have a theme or be composed with intention.
Multi-Age Parents & Children Birth to 5
Multi-age classes benefit families attending Classes are for all children in the family, age birth to
together with children of different ages and 5. There is no charge for children birth to 12 months to
families attending with one child. Multi-age attend Birth to 5 classes. No Sibling Care.
learning encourages a child’s natural curiosity
with peers of different ages in early literacy, Separating
language, observation and problem solving skills.
NEW No Cry Discipline
Based on the book by Elizabeth Pantley
No Cry Discipline will provide practical tools to help gain
a child's cooperation and to work through big feelings
and challenging behaviors, like whining and tantrums.
15-1511A Mon Sept 9-Jan 13 6-7:30pm
Parents and Children 2-4 15-1512W Tues Sept 10-Jan 14 9-10:30am
7-1513W Tues Sept 10-Oct 29 6-7:30pm
Children must be 2 or 3 by September 1, 2019 7-1514W Tues Nov 12-Jan 14 6-7:30pm
*15-1515W Tues Sept 10-Jan 14 11am-12:30pm
Separating 15-1516A Wed Sept 11- Jan 15 9-10:30am
15-1517A Wed Sept 11- Jan 15 11am-12:30pm
15-1505W Tues Sept 10-Jan 14 9-10:30am *15-1518W Thurs Sept 12- Jan 16 11am-12:30pm
15-1519W Thurs Sept 12-Jan 16 11am-12:30pm
No Sibling Care
Parents and Children 2-5 EC&FE para familias hispana
Children must be 2 or older by September 1, 2019
Separating *15-1515W martes 10 de septiembre- 11:00am-12:30pm
14 de enero
15-1501A Mon Sept 9-Jan 13 11am-12:30pm
*15-1518W jueves 12 de septiembre- 11:00am-12:30pm
15-1503A Thurs Sept 12-Jan 16 6-7:30pm 16 de enero
No Sibling Care Para los niños, EC&FE es un lugar seguro para jugar libremente, convivir
con otros niños, y aprender. Para sus padres, EC&FE es un lugar para
See page 14 for class and sibling care fee chart. recibir apoyo de otros padres de familia, hacerle preguntas sobre la
crianza o educación de su hijo a una maestra licenciada, y reflexionar
sobre sus valores y prácticas familiares. La clase de EC&FE para familias
hispanas se dirige a los que hablan español en casa y que quisieran
participar en la conversación entre los padres en español.
JPolianyUTsimfoer NEW ECFE Plus
See Page 10
This class is designed for ECFE veteran parents with 2-3
years of ECFE class experience who are ready to move
beyond discussions of eating, sleeping and toileting.
Topics will be group generated and focus on deeper
conversations on parenting and child development of
children ages birth to five.
15-1502A Fri Sept 13-Jan 17 11am-12:30pm
8 osseo.ce.eleyo.com Family Literacy
This class is for Parents & their children age 6
weeks to age 5
Osseo Area Schools Adult Basic Education partners with Early
Childhood & Family Education (EC&FE) to offer family literacy
classes. Parents study English, participate in a parenting education
class, and have learning time with their children. To register or for
information, call 763-566-5452.
Willow Lane
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Sept 3, 2019-June 5, 2020
Preschool & PreK Open House
Osseo Early Childhood & Family Education (EC&FE) will offer a variety
of Preschool and PreK programs for the 2020-2021 school year
If your child will be 3 or older by September 1, 2020 join us for a quick informational session on
the various programs and services available to families. There will be time for your questions
and a chance to tour the buildings. Bring your children for activities that will be set up to
spotlight the classrooms.
Arbor View - Wed, Jan 22 Willow Lane - Thurs, Jan 23
6:30-7:30pm 6:30-7:30pm
9401 Fernbrook Lane N 7020 Perry Avenue N
Maple Grove, MN 55369 Brooklyn Center, MN 55429
Parent & Baby Play Time
Open Play for Parents & Babies Birth to 24 Months
A FREE drop-in open play program. The classroom is set up with many
play opportunities that help support each area of your child’s development.
Parents get a chance to meet other parents with similar age children
and chat with a parent educator about the joys and challenges of raising
children during the early years of growth and development. No Sibling Care.
Arbor View Thursdays 10:45am-12:15pm
Sept 12-Jan 16
Mondays 8:30-10am No Playtime: Oct 17, Nov 28,
September 9-Jan 13 Dec 26, Jan 2
No Playtime: Oct 14, Oct 28,
Dec 23, Dec 30
Wednesdays 8:30-10am
Sept 11-Jan 15
No Playtime: Oct 16, Nov 27,
Dec 25, Jan 1
Parent & Child Play Time
Open Play for Parents & Children Birth to 5
Enjoy playing in one of our early childhood classrooms with your children.
Many opportunities are provided to support your child’s development
through play experiences. Children learn so much just by seeing how other
children play and interact with toys and adults. Parents get to connect with
other parents and a teacher. Participants can come regularly or join when
they can. Only $3 per child, per time with a max of $8 per family, per time.
There is no charge for children birth to 12 months to attend.
Arbor View Willow Lane
NEW Mondays NEW Mondays
1:30-3:00pm Open Gym 6-7:30pm
Sept 9-Jan 13 Sept 9-Jan 13
No Play Time: Oct 14, No Open Gym Oct 14,
Oct 28, Dec 23, Dec 30 Oct 28, Dec 23, Dec 30
Fridays 9-10:30am Tuesdays 11am-12:30pm
Sept 13-Jan 17 Sept 10-Jan 14
No Play Time: Oct 18, Nov 29, No Play Time: Oct 15, Nov 26,
Dec 27, Jan 3 Dec 24, Dec 31
Space is limited. Register 2 days Saturdays
before each Friday you wish to Open Gym
attend by calling 763-391-8777. Dec 7
Saturdays Jan 11
Nov 23 9:30-11:30am
Dec 14
Punch cards containing 15 passes may be purchased at either site for $40,
and they do not expire. No need to pre-register unless otherwise listed.
10 osseo.ce.eleyo.com
Book Club: For Parents
How to Be a “Happier Parent”
Get Out and Play
by KJ Dell’Antonia
By Lisa Helgestad
Parenting can be a rewarding, wonderful experience but it can also be Program Assistant Osseo Area Schools
exhausting and overwhelming. KJ Dell’Antonia heard this message Early Childhood and Family Education
over and over. She set out to discover how to bring joy, pleasure and (EC&FE)
fun to an ordinary day with the family.
Imagine a child finds a stick. She
Join in a discussion of what Dell’Antonia found concerning issues gathers some leaves and rocks and
such as discipline, siblings and vacations to help parents find begins to make some “soup”. She
satisfaction with family life. Maybe even be a “Happier Parent.” It uses the stick to stir the soup. Later,
may be helpful, but not necessary to be familiar with the book. Class she scoops some out and gives it to
fee includes one child attending sibling care. Additional children pay you. She is smiling and says, “Look
a four week sibling care fee. what I made!” Then, imagine another
child who is gathering pine cones. He is
Sibling care space is limited. You must register in advance. trying to fit them in his pockets, but they
keep falling out. He calls to another child
4-1601A Wed Sept 11, Oct 9, Nov 13, Dec 11 1:30-3pm digging the sand, “Bring me a bucket.” Together
the two children collect as many pine cones as they
Join Our EC&FE Parent can fit in the bucket.
Advisory Council
Play in nature has been found to have numerous academic and health
The Early Childhood Parent Advisory Council (ECPAC) meets once benefits for children. A summary of research from the Children and
a month to discuss program policy, program fees and services, and Nature Network (2016) shows spending time in nature enhances
parents’ perspectives on ways to improve quality and accessibility. children’s development by increasing:
Members are actively engaged in communicating with parents,
legislators and other community members about early education, • Creativity and problem solving
school district issues and other community concerns that affect • Focus and attention
children and families. Members are also involved in special event • Enthusiasm and engagement in learning
planning, fundraising and more. In recognition of these leadership • Impulse control
roles, ECPAC members receive priority registration for both ECFE • Physical activity
and Preschool/PreK classes. • Relationship skills
Meetings are held monthly during the school year at either Arbor These increased outcomes lead to a decrease in disruptive behavior,
View Early Childhood Center or Willow Lane Early Childhood aggression, stress and obesity. Unfortunately, research also shows that
Center. Free child care is available during each meeting. children are spending less time in free play outdoors. This change seems
to be due to more time being spent in front of a screen (television, video
The Parent Advisory Council is a great way to give games, cell phone…).
back to our Early Childhood programs, families and
the community. To learn more about how to get The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children ages 2-5
involved and the benefits of volunteering, send an spend under an hour a day on screen time. How much time do experts
email to [email protected] and a member suggest kids spend playing freely outdoors? Does three hours a day
will contact you. We hope you will join us! surprise you? If so, consider changing some of your kids “screen time” into
“green time”. Start by giving your child permission to explore and get
Parenting Questions? dirty. Next, head outside and watch what your child does. Or, better yet,
join your child in exploring outdoors!
FREE One-on-One Visits in your home or at one of
our Early Childhood Centers Soon, you and your child will have a new outdoor space dedicated to free
play right in your community! Planning has begun for a Nature Play Area
Parent educators are available for consultation. This service is at Arbor View Early Childhood Center in Maple Grove and is expected to
provided free to our district residents. For more information, call be open this fall. Our hope is to inspire children and community members
763-585-7331. to play, explore and interact with others in a natural environment.
Volunteer Opportunities Can’t wait to see you outside!
Research continues to show the positive References:
impact between a child’s learning and parent Hanscom, A. J. (2016). Balanced and Barefoot. Oakland: New Harbinger
involvement at school which leads to greater Publications.
learning and educational success. There are Children and Nature Network (2016). Nature Can Improve Health and
many opportunities to support our children, Wellbeing.
school and our community, including Children and Nature Network (2016). Nature Can Improve Academic Outcomes.
working with children and/or adults and
helping at events! To learn more about
volunteer opportunities, call 763-391-8764.
Preschool for Preparing Your Child for
3s & 4s Kindergarten and Beyond
Locations: Our affordable Preschool and PreK programs are designed to support your
Arbor View child’s school readiness through meaningful hands-on learning experiences
Cedar Island Elementary in language, literacy, fine and gross motor skills development, mathematics,
Willow Lane science, art and dramatic play.
Preschool for Every class includes:
4s & 5s
Playtime where children interact, learn and engage with one another in a fun, safe environment.
Cedar Island Elementary • Mix of individual, small group and whole group learning.
Elm Creek Elementary •• A time to get up and move in the room, outside or large motor room.
Fernbrook Elementary
Oak View Elementary Preschool for 3s and PreK for 4s & 5s
Rice Lake Elementary
Willow Lane Preschool uses play-based learning, emphasizing social-emotional development. Children learn how
Woodland Elementary to be a part of a group, take turns, share and more. In our Pre-Kindergarten classrooms the lessons
learned lead into district curriculum emphasizing school readiness skills such as: social development,
Preschool for 3s language, literacy, mathematics, physical development and scientific thinking.
& 3-5s with
Parent Connection Preschool for 3s & 3-5s with Parent Connection
Locations: Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten with Parent Connection provide the perfect combination of Preschool
Arbor View drop off days and parent education. You will attend preschool with your child one day per week,
Willow Lane spending time learning with your child, other parents and their children. Parent educators will offer the
latest research and initiate lively discussions on relevant, research-based parenting topics. The other
day or two during the week will be drop off preschool days for your child. Sibling care is available for
younger children age 5 months to 5 years on parent days.
Registration available throughout the 2019-2020 school year.
12 osseo.ce.eleyo.com
Summer School Superstars
Tuesday, July 30th, 2019 Summer Superstars Program
Join us for a fun-filled EC&FE A perfect opportunity for your child to play,
Family Event learn, and discover!
Come with your family and learn more about what our Select an ECFE class for parents and children birth to age 5 that will nurture
Early Childhood & Family Education program offers in your child’s natural curiosity through play based learning and exploration.
your community! Follow event details at: Or, a Preschool & PreK class for 3 to 5 year olds to prepare your child for
facebook.com/osseoEC kindergarten in the fall. Register now at osseo.ce.eleyo.com
Early Childhood
Screening is a FREE service for all
All Minnesota children must be screened prior
to enrolling in kindergarten. The ideal time for
screening is between the ages of 3 and 4. Your
child’s screening results are based on their
age at the time of screening.
At screening, parents learn about their child’s growth and
development and can ask questions if they have concerns.
Early Childhood Screening is a FREE
check of your child’s:
• Hearing
• Height
• Weight
•• Development
Screening helps identify children who may benefit from
resources to help their development.
NEW Screening appointments
can now be scheduled online at
To schedule a screening appointment by phone, call
763-391-8777. En Español, Lus Hmoob, Bằng Tiếng Việt:
How to Register Registration Lottery Fees
Online . f
osseo.ce.eleyo.com Cancelled Registration
763-391-8777 [email protected]
Language Line
In Person or Mail Selecting A Class
Arbor View •
Early Childhood Center
Willow Lane
Early Childhood Center 9.
Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) Fee
Select your yearly family income level and number of weeks the class meets to determine fee.
Class Fees
The class fee is a one time fee for each family per class.
Annual 2 week 3 week 4 week 5 week 6 week 7 week 8 week 13 week 14 week 15 week 16 week 29 week 30 week 31 week Practice
Income Preschool
Sibling Care Fees Practice
The sibling care fee is a one time fee for each child per class.
Income 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week 5 week 6 week 7 week 8 week 13 week 14 week 15 week 16 week 29 week 30 week 31 week
EC&FE Registration Form Date Received:
EC&FE Behavior & Photo Agreements
Complete a separate registration form for each child. Behavior Plan for ECFE Classes
Child Attending Class
Parent/Guardian Photo Agreement
1. Parent/Guardian
Due at Time of Registration
2. Parent/Guardian
Course Selection
1st Choice
2nd Choice
3rd Choice
Do you need sibling care?
If yes, complete a registration form and provide
immunizations for each child in sibling care.
Credit Card Payment Information
Discover MasterCard VISA
Charge will appear as Osseo Area Schools
Other payment options:
11200 93rd Avenue North Non-Profit Org.
Maple Grove, MN 55369 U.S. Postage
763-391-7000 PAID
www.district279.org Permit #3
Osseo, MN
Osseo Early Childhood & Family Education
Arbor View Early Childhood Center
9401 Fernbrook Lane N Maple Grove, MN 55369
Willow Lane Early Childhood Center
7020 Perry Avenue N Brooklyn Center, MN 55429
En Español, Lus Hmoob, Bằng Tiếng Việt: 855.938.0586
Free Classes for Children Birth to 12 Months | Classes for Birth to 5 | Just for Parents