Classes for Parents and Children Birth to Age 5
Preschool & PreK classes for children 3 to 5 | 763.391.8777
En Español, Lus Hmoob, Bằng Tiếng Việt: 855-938-0586
To register, go online by June 10, 2019 | Space is limited
WELCOME Classes for Children 3 to 5
Early Childhood Family Education Lessons learned in our summer program aligns with the
(ECFE) district’s kindergarten curriculum, giving your child the
opportunity to shoot for the stars for school success.
Separating Classes for Parents and their
Children Birth to 5 3 to 5s STEAM
Children and their parents shine during parent and Children must be 3 or older by
child interaction time, guided play for children and September 1, 2018.
parent discussion time.
Steam is hands-on learning in Science, Technology,
Classes are for all children in the family, ages birth to 5 Engineering, Art and Math. STEAM happens naturally
years old. as children explore, play and try new things. In this class
children will be provided learning opportunities and
EC-F4-3300WL Tues July 9-July 30 9am-10:30am materials that support exploration and discovery. STEAM
EC-F4-3301WL Tues July 9-July 30 11am-12:30pm activities are interactive and focus on exploring the
EC-F4-3302WL Wed July 10- July 31 9:00-10:30am world around us and asking questions about how or why
EC-F4-3303WL Wed July 10-July 31 11am-12:30pm something works. This approach to learning allows all
EC-F4-3304WL Thurs July 11-Aug 1 9am-10:30am children- including dual language learners to be actively
EC-F4-3305WL Thurs July 11-Aug 1 11am-12:30pm involved in the class.
P3-3300 WL
July 9-Aug 1
T/W/Th 9:00am-12pm
Class Fees: On My Way To Kindergarten
Household Income 4-week class Children must be 4 or older by
September 1, 2018 and eligible for
$115,000 $35 Kindergarten.
$90 - $114,999 $31 Give your child a jump start to school this fall with this
fun and exciting four-week program class. Our licensed
$75 - $89,999 $27 teachers develop weekly themes that work on literacy,
mathematics and social/emotional learning through play.
$50 - $74,999 $23 Children will explore, ask questions, discover new things
and work on problem solving through hands-on and child-
$35 - $49,999 $19 led experiences. Daily activities include: outside/gym, art,
sensory experiences, snack, songs, books and so much more.
$20 - $34,999 $15 Come and discover the ‘fun’ in learning!
$00 - $19,999 $0
All families are welcome. No one will be
denied participation due to inability to pay.
The price of the class is the cost per family.
K4-4300 WL
July 9-Aug 1
T/W/Th 9:00am-12pm
Class Fees: Class
Household Income $185
Full Fee $162
$75 - $89,999 $135
$50 - $74,999 $83
$29,638 - $49,999 $52
$25,232 - $29,637 $20
$20,827 - $25,231
$0 - $20,826 $0
EC&FE Summer Registration
Date ____________
Child Attending Class
Behavior & Photo Agreements
First Name_________________________ Middle Name_________________
Last Name__________________________ q Male q Female Behavior Plan for ECFE & Preschool classes
Birth Date_________________________
Address _______________________________________ Apt___________ Having a foundation of basic social and emotional skills
City _____________________________________ Zip ________________ is critical to school readiness. At EC&FE we use positive
1. Parent/Guardian First Name______________ Last Name____________ behavior strategies to help children learn and practice
appropriate behaviors, and we are committed to working
Birth Date_________________ Phone Number______________________ with your child while they learn these skills.
Address _________________________________________Apt_________
E-mail Address ________________________________________________ If your child needs more support, we will partner with you
q Male q Female Relationship to child______________________ to develop a guidance plan. In addition to teaching and
2. Parent/Guardian First Name______________ Last Name_____________ learning, our role is to ensure a safe, secure classroom for
all children and staff. If we are not able to agree on a plan
Address ________________________________________ Apt__________ your child may be withdrawn from the program.
Birth Date_________________ Phone Number______________________
q I have read and agree to the terms of
the Behavior Plan Agreement.
Parent/Guardian Photo Agreement
E-mail Address _______________________________________________ I understand my and/or my child’s photo may be used by
q Male q Female Relationship to child______________________ the program. If I wish to deny this I will follow the School
Adult attending with child ___________________ (Parent Connection only) Board Policy and Procedure 515 found at the district
Address ______________________________________________________ website,
City_______________________________ Zip_______________________
q I have read and agree to the terms of
How did you learn about our program? __________________________ the Photo Agreement.
Has your child completed Early Childhood Screening? q Yes q No
Are you interested in Volunteering? q Yes q No Registration Requirements
Do you need Interpreter Assistance? q Yes q No
Does your child have any health or physical concerns that we need to be q Registration Fee q 1st Month Tuition
q Immunizations q Certificate of Birth
aware of?_____________________________________________________ q Proof of Income (if not Full Fee)
Does your child have any food allergies? q Yes q No
Cash, Check, Discover, MasterCard, VISA, or electronic
If Yes, please list ______________________________________________ bank payments are accepted. Checks payable to ISD 279.
Is your child receiving, or has your child in the past received, any
Special Education services? q Yes q No
If yes, please list staff who have worked with your child:________________
The questions below are optional, however answers are strongly encouraged. Preschool Class
The information from this data will help the Minnesota Department of Education.
Data will be handled and protected by state and federal education data privacy laws. 1st Choice Class number
2nd Choice Class number
Please indicate whether you are the child’s 3rd Choice Class number Fee
___ Mother ___Father ___Grandmother ___Grandfather Fee
___ Foster Mother ___ Foster Father ___ Guardian ___ Other Relative
Your highest level of school completed (Mark only one) Credit Card Payment Information
__ Eighth grade __ 12th grade __ HS Diploma __ Some college-no degree
Discover MasterCard VISA
__ Associate’s Degree __ Bachelor’s Degree __ Master’s Degree __ Ph.D Charge will appear as Osseo Area Schools
Card # __ __ __ __-__ __ __ __-__ __ __ __-__ __ __ __
Number of people in household (circle one): 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Expiration Date__________ 3-Digit Code ___ ___ ___
Name on card_______________________________
What is your current job status? Billing address if different_____________________
___ Employed more than 25 hours per week __________________________________________
___ Employed less than 25 hours per week q Yes, I authorize autopay on my account.
___ Unemployed, seeking employment
___ Unemployed, not seeking employment Office Use: Date ________ Cash __________
What was your household’s total yearly income, before taxes last year? Check_______ Amount _______
What is the primary language spoken by the child? (Circle all that apply)
English Spanish Hmong Somali Vietnamese Karen Arabic
Russian Mandarin Laotian Oromo Cambodian Other: _________
What is the race/ethnicity of your child(ren)? (Circle all that apply)
White Black/African/African American Hispanic or Latino Asian
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander American Indian/Alaskan Native
Other, single race Other, two or more races Transportation
763-585-7330 | En Español, Lus Hmoob, Bằng Tiếng Việt: 855-938-0586 Transportation is provided to eligible students ages 4 and older, based on
district transportation guidelines and home address within school attendance
areas of: Crest View, Fair Oaks, Garden City, Park Brook, Palmer Lake or
Zanewood. The deadline to request transportation is May 31, 2018.
Osseo Early Childhood & Family Education (EC&FE) How We Can Help
WELCOMES YOU Eligible families may qualify for a
reduced tuition rate or program
SUMMER scholarship. If for any reason a
SCHOOL family situation is limiting the
SUPERSTARS possibility of your child participating
in our program, please contact Jill at
Willow Lane Early Childhood Center Nonprofit Org.
7020 Perry Avenue N U.S. Postage Paid
Brooklyn Park, MN 55429
Permit # 3
Osseo, MN 55369
Classes for Parents and Children Birth to Age 5
July 9 to August 1, 2019
Location: Willow Lane Early Childhood Center
7020 Perry Avenue N.,
Brooklyn Park, MN 55429
Phone: 763.585.7330