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Chadashos 12.2.21

Chadashos 12.2.21

December 2, 2021 | ‫פרשת מקץ | כ''ח כסלו תשפ''ב‬


DECEMBER 2-6 An individual dispatched a messenger to carry out a mission and, as a reminder of the
requested mission, affixed a ribbon to his garment. The messenger returned and foolishly
Chanukah Vacation reported that he had accomplished the mission by taking care of the ribbon affixed to his
garment. Focused on the reminder, and not the mission, the messenger clearly missed the
•••••• point. So, too, explained Rabbi Simcha Zissel Ziv, zt”l, the Alter of Kelm, as a reminder of the
historic miracles performed on our behalf, on Chanukah we kindle the menorah and
DECEMBER 7 contemplate the greater purpose of ligh ng: man’s rededica on to the Almighty, to the
Torah and its ideals. Simply reci ng the berachos but failing to contemplate its intrinsic
School Resumes message while kindling the menorah is likened to the messenger who focused on the
reminder – the ribbon – but ignore the mission.
Further, explained the Alter, the Talmud teaches, “Barasi yetzer hara barasi lo Torah tavlin, I
DECEMBER 8 & 13 created the evil inclina on and I created for him (man) the Torah as an an dote” (Kedushin
30b). Only when man acquires and adopts the Torah as his own (lo, for him) does the Torah
Yavne Parent Teacher serve as an effec ve an dote. Otherwise, the Torah is merely stored in his possession similar
Conferences 7:00-10:00 to the wealth of a wealthy miser which is neither enjoyed nor u lized; it is stored in his
possession. Rashi succinctly places the miracle of Chanukah in perspec ve when he
•••••• comments, Twelve Chashmonaim and Elazar miraculously defeated the mul tudes (Devarim
33,11). It is our obliga on to contemplate the extent of the miracles performed on our
DECEMBER 14 behalf and to appreciate its relevance is our lives; to personalize the spirit of Chanukah and
make both the miracles and the message ours.
Asara B’Teves
Early Childhood 1:45 Dismissal Chanukah is one of the most memorable fes vals in Jewish life. It brings smiles and cheer to
the young and old alike. Yet, its celebra ons are not merely about the menorah, dreidels and
Kindergarten 2:00 Dismissal latkes. Rather, it is an opportunity to contemplate the underlying mo f of the fes ve
Grades 1-6 2:00 Dismissal celebra ons. It is a me of reflec on whereby we might ask ourselves what and why are we
Jr. High Boys 1:00 Dismissal celebra ng and how is it relevant in our personal lives. When we appreciate its relevance, the
applica on of the ancient miracles in our lives even today, the lessons of Chanukah add
Yavne 2:05 Dismissal significance and meaning to our lives, thereby strengthening our immeasurable debt of
gra tude to and our rela onship with Hashem.
The word Chanukah is a deriva ve of the Hebrew word, chinuch, inaugura on, which is also
translated as educa on. Chanukah is a me for inaugura on, innova on, educa on and
inspira on. Through proper chinuch, relevance can easily find its way into the hearts and
minds of our children. Thus, we teach them that even while they enjoy its fes ve
celebra ons, it is not about the par es. It’s not even about the gi s. Rather, we successfully
bequeath them with a deeper apprecia on of Jewish history and their seminal role as an
important link in the glorious chain of our remarkable heritage. Thus, we infuse them with a
sense of Jewish iden ty and pride – investments for the future and for life!

Have a wonderful Shabbos and a freilechan Chanukah! 

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Junior High School

The Junior High division enjoyed the spirit of Chanukah with their Rabbeim
and peers through mesibos, activities and camaraderie. A game of
Chanukah Jeopardy on the giant screen in the auditorium challenged the
talmidim to explore all aspects of halacha and minhagim of Chanukah

A deluxe, gala

Chanukah mesiba

for the entire

Junior High was

planned and

coordinated by

mesibah planner

extraordinaire, Rabbi

Kahn in his unique

style! The Junior

High also prepared

afantastic,galaChanukah Carnival in the gym and even invited the kindergarten children to visit and enjoy the many fun

activities… great job, boys!

Yeshiva Ketana

Rabbi Berman’s and Rabbi Eiserman’s first grade talmidim celebrated their
Chumash mesiba with two separate heartwarming performances as they
enthusiastically and beautifully sang the niggunim they have been

practicing in class.
With beaming smiles,
it was clear to see
the simchas haTorah
reflected on their
shining faces. The
boys were presented their very first chumashim from Rabbi
Dessler who provided encouragement and divrei bracha as they
took this monumental step towards becoming the baalei
middos and talmidei chachamim. The boys joined their fathers
and grandfathers for exuberant dancing and then enjoyed a
special mazel tov cake in honor of this auspicious occasion.

Inside the Academy | Page 2 | December 1, 2021

Yeshiva Ketana (continued)

Mazel tov to Rabbi Drazin’s fourth grade class on their siyum of Parshas Va’era. Divrei
Torah were given by Yehoshua Adler, Dovid Samowitz, Zecharia Moshe Spector and
Binyamin Steinfeld. Delicious treats were brought in and enjoyed by all.
Aside from the wonderful Shemita Pushka program which was launched last week in
the Yeshiva Ketana, Rabbi A.L. Mann’s 4th grade class has been collecting on their own
for Keren Hashiviis - a remarkable organization which helps farmers during Shemita -
and they have thus far raised over $3500!
Imagine if your business would need to close down every seven years for
an entire year! Imagine if you do not receive your paycheck for 12 months
or even one month! Please help the struggling farmers perform this amaz-
ing and great mitzvah! Please click on the link to donate: https:// Thank you, and Tizku L’mitzvos!
Talented students find opportunities throughout the day to explore and
share their talents. Here, Doniel Israeli practices clarinet for the Chanukah

Girls Elementary

The girls division was buzzing with activities this Chanukah! Moros made wonder-
ful parties for their classes; everyone enjoyed a school wide chagiga, and even the
Moros and staff enjoyed a night out at a gala Chanukah mesiba.
The girls had a great time at our school wide Chanukah chagigah. The 5th grade
performed a beautiful dance, the girls all decorated and enjoyed donuts, and then
we danced and sang together to Chanukah music, and enjoyed doing motions
with dancing sticks. Thank you so much to Morah Rochie Kutoff, Mrs. Malky

Schwartz and Miss Esther Kayla
Cohen for helping pull every-
thing together!
At left are students at Miss
Schneider's third grade Chanu-
kah party.
Mrs. Busel’s class was treated
to a special presentation by
Miss Lax’s 4th grade. The girls
taught their friends a new Chanukah song.

Inside the Academy | Page 3 | December 1, 2021

Yavne High School

This week it’s all about enjoying Chanukah together in Yavne Junior
High. We started on Monday with Mrs. Samowitz hosting the 7th
grade in her home and Mrs. Spector hosting the 8th grade in her
home. The girls decorated Chanukah cookies, played Chanukah
Taboo, Chanukah Bingo, Secret Chanukah presents for each other.

They, of course,
delighted in the vast
array of yummy food
- bagels, doughnuts, ice cream, hot cocoa, and lots of nosh. Thank
you so much to Mrs. Samowitz and Mrs. Spector; to Mrs. Meisels,
Miss Katz, and Mrs. Pransky for walking with the girls to and from
the parties.

On Tuesday,

Junior High G. O.

prepared a

deluxe chagiga.

The girls walked into the beautifully set up auditorium full of

anticipation. Thank you, Mrs. Noemi Landau, guest speaker, for

inspiring the girls to “light up the world” with their actions. Thank

you, to our very own Junior High girls who headed and performed

in a choir and dance. Finally, thank you, Miss Katz for preparing a

glow in the dark “step it up” dance game which surely “lit up” the

atmosphere and brought us to our feet, to the Chanukah beat.


Our kindergartners enjoyed a fun-filled week with special
Chanukah activities every day this week. Our children
loved decorating their own donuts, a special musical “hot
potato” Chanukah game, a fabulous carnival and special
arts and crafts to celebrate this fun and festive time.

We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable Chanukah
vacation and look forward to greeting you back in school
on Tuesday!

Inside the Academy | Page 4 | December 1, 2021

Early Childhood

Our hallways and classrooms were B”H, filled with happy children celebrating
Chanukah in so many ways. Learning the Chanukah story, singing Chanukah
songs, dancing, playing dreidel, baking Chanukah cookies, and playing Chanukah

In conjunction with learning about Chanukah, Morah Deena and Morah Chaya
taught their kinderlach about fire safety. The children took turns being firefight-
ers and putting out fires. They went on a fire scavenger hunt and even saw and
heard what a smoke detector looks like and sounds like. Our kinderlach were
B”H, ready for Chanukah in every way!

Photo of the Week

Our students are maximizing their time in school during Chanukah and enjoy-
ing every minute of it. Yesterday, our second grade boys created a massive
menorah where they filled in what they are grateful for. Each second grade
class received a few candles to decorate. The finished product is proudly dis-
played next to our classroom. Second grade really does help light up our

Condolences to

• Dr. Ilia Itin on the loss of his father, Dr. Abraham Itin, ‫ז’’ל‬
• The Lipins family on the loss of Mrs. Dina Lipins, ‫ע׳׳ה‬

.‫המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים‬

Mazel tov!

• Rabbi and Mrs. Eli Dessler on the birth of a granddaughter to Nussi and Batsheva Dessler
• Rabbi and Mrs. Chanania Goldbaum on the birth of a grandson to Shmuel and Devorah Rosenberg
• Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Heifetz on the marriage of Shani to Chaim Garber

Mazel tov to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Davidovits.
• Rabbi and Mrs. Ariel Klein on the forthcoming marriage of Dovi to Chaya Faiga Taitelbaum
• Rabbi and Mrs. Nochum Sokol on the engagement of Yaakov to Sima Krakauer (Baltimore)
• Mr. and Mrs. Yehuda Webber on the birth of a daughter

Inside the Academy | Page 5 | December 1, 2021

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