October 22, 2021 | פרשת וירא | ט''ז חשון תשפ''ב
NOVEMBER 4 Rabbi Yitzchok Zilberstein, Rav, Ramat Elchanan in Eretz Yisrael, shared a fascinating story
Professional Day that transpired in the early 1940’s in Siberia, Russia. One of the most sparsely populated
Details to Follow areas on Earth, Siberia was the dreaded destination where millions of people were
deported and subjected to forced labor, and worse, in unbearably frigid weather
•••••• conditions.
6:16 One evening, the camp’s medical director entered the barracks. His task was to determine
the health conditions of the innocent prisoners. The terrified prisoners stood tall, keenly
aware that those considered unhealthy would be eliminated. When the physician ruled
that they were healthy, the inmates breathed a collective sigh of relief. Already at the
door, the physician suddenly stopped short to examine a hand-written, Jewish calendar
posted on the door. He appeared angry and asked who wrote the calendar. Silence. The
physician repeated his question, but, again, utter silence reigned in the room. When he
threatened to pronounce the entire barrack unhealthy, one courageous soul, willing to
assume ownership on behalf of the group, stepped forward and expressed that he had
written the Jewish calendar. “Turn around, face the calendar, and read what it says!”
commanded the physician. “Vayeira,” stuttered the terrified prisoner. “Don’t you know
that Vaera is spelled with an aleph, and not a hey, at the end of the word?!” exclaimed the
physician. With that comment, the physician exited the barracks but not before the Jewish
inmates observed a tear streaming down his face. From that moment forward, the
physician was transformed from an inconsiderate soldier to a sympathetic co-religionist
who tried valiantly to simplify life for his fellow Jews in the midst of unfair and complicated
Rabbi Zilberstein concluded: There is no explanation why it was specifically the Jewish
calendar that touched the heart and transformed the personality of the physician. Yet, we
do know that every Jew is endowed with a spark waiting to be ignited. For that particular
Jew, it was the calendar marking this week’s parsha, Vayeira.
The spark of yiddishkeit maintains its presence in the heart and soul of every individual
Jew. The task of parents and educators is to be mechanech our children in a manner which
ignites the spark and transforms it into a blazing fire. Some children are more motivated
than others. Sometimes the spark is easily aroused and, yet, sometimes it must be
rekindled. One thing is clear, though: The spark of yiddishkeit is ever present; it never
ceases to exist. It is merely a question of what it takes to ignite the spark, who will
accomplish the task, and when it will be achieved.
Have a wonderful Shabbos!
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Yeshiva Ketana
Our Yeshiva Ketana talmidim are learning to navigate and
appreciate their new beautiful new makom Torah!
Mrs. Burnstein’s first grade visited the Bikur Cholim house in
Cleveland Heights this week. Thank you to Rabbi Joseph for
sharing his time, teaching us about this important mitzvah
and making our visit possible.
Special thanks to the following volunteers who
took time out of their busy day to drive the boys
to the Bikur Cholim house: Mrs. Farkas, Mrs.
Grayman. Mrs. Hiller, Mrs. Koyfman and Mrs.
Junior High School
This past week, the Junior High School celebrated the Bris of eight day old Nochum Zev Dessler, son of seventh grade
Rebbi, Rabbi Chanina Dessler. While every infant brings joy to others and every bris is heartwarming, this bris seemed
even more meaningful: Nochum Zev was named in our school, Beis Chinuch Horav Dessler, and Kollel Ateres Nochum
Zev, both of which carry the name and legacy of the child’s great grandfather, Rabbi Nochum Zev Dessler zt”l.
May young Nochum Zev distinguish himself as a gadol baTorah and live up to the distinguished name he is fortunate to
Attention HAC Parents
Don’t miss the Parent Campaign Kickoff Event this Sunday at the new, magnificent Oakwood Campus. See the attached flier
for all the details! Thank you to Mrs. Sara Farkas, Mrs. Devorah Pollak and Mrs. Esti Reichman for serving as head captains.
Thank you also to all the captains who are in touch with our families. We appreciate all your devotion, time and energy in
ensuring the success of the parent campaign.
Inside the Academy | Page 2 | October 22, 2021
Yavne High School
High Tech Breakout titled “DIY” - don’t wait for others to effect change in relationships
– Do It Yourself! “DIY” Do it Yavne. At right: Heads: Feige Berg, Rochel Leah Katz,
Reena Reichman, Malka Chaya Schwartz, Rivky Spolter under the direction of Mrs.
Shani Kohn.
Mishmeres heads are off to
the Convention in Monsey
and we look forward to
implementing all the
exciting ideas that will be
TYH – Taking Yavne Higher!
With such an incredible
breakout, our dedicated
chessed heads – Shiri
Bookman, Tzivia Drazin, Bleema Frank, Dassy Keller and Eliana
Farkas – have started us on our journey towards a higher level of chessed!! With motivational charts for each grade
already professionally prepared, the race is on. Under the direction of Mrs. C. Meisels, students will receive their assigned
chessed projects.
Junior High
This week, Yavne Junior High had a
fantastic time at the opening G. O. trip
to Top Golf. The girls practiced their
swing and their aim as they also honed
their achdus, ruach, singing, dancing,
spirit, and more. We were grateful for
the bright, sunny day which matched all
our faces as well.
General Studies
Yavne High School is fortunate to have a relationship with the Cleveland Clinic Community Health & Partnerships
department. This year they are offering the opportunity for our students to participate in virtual career rounds with
various medical teams. Last Thursday, approximately 45 of our 11th & 12th graders chose to join the
Cardiac Care team as they discussed how they diagnose a cardiac issue and then took them through
a virtual open heart surgery. The team also discussed their career paths and the training necessary
for the different jobs, ranging from a post high school training certificate through a doctoral
program. One student commented her biggest takeaway: “It is such a chesed from Hashem that He
gave us these tools to help others stay living!” Another realized, “The human body is fascinating and the amount of people
it takes to perform surgeries and the detail of every aspect highlights how complex it(our body) is.” Throughout the next
few months 9-12th grade students will have the opportunity to choose to join other rounds focused on Pathology,
Emergency Medicine, Primary Care, and Respiratory Care. We hope to expand this program to encompass other careers
outside medicine to inspire our students and show them the numerous opportunities available to them.
Inside the Academy | Page 3 | October 22, 2021
Early Childhood
Mora Bluma and Morah Sara’s class learned about the mitzvah of Bikur Cholim. The
kinderlach colored and decorated Bruchim Habaim signs and are excited to bring them
home to hang on their front door! Mora Shani and Morah Elisheva pitched a tent in their
classroom and had the children sit in it as they told them about this week’s Parsha story
of Avraham’s tent. Morah Miriam and Morah Shani’s afternoon class are learning about
fall. The children had so much fun creating an edible fall
tree by using long pretzels for the tree trunk and fruit
loops for the colored leaves on the tree. Morah Dena and
Morah Chaya’s afternoon learned about squirrels. The
children had so muc fun painting toilet paper rolls and turn-
ing them into “squirrels”. Morah Rivka Shaindel and Morah
Tova Chaya’s kinderlach learned about the colors of the
leaves that are falling from the trees. The children used cray-
ons to color the leaves on their papers and are proud to bring
them home and show off their “color Knowledge” !
This week we all focused on the important mitzvah of hachnosos orchim. The
classes made beautiful hangers for guests, welcome signs, and lists of all our
friends’ numbers to come over and play. Special thanks to Mr. Nissi Heifetz of
TipTop Cleaners for donating the hangers for our fun beading project this week!
On Friday the whole kindergarten
got to fulfill the mitzvah of
hachnosos orchim by hosting Rabbi
Kirsch. Rabbi Kirsch told the kinder-
lach an exciting and dramatic story
and gave out a special treat. Thank
you, Rabbi Kirsch, for making the
time to come visit Kindergarten!
Inside the Academy | Page 5 | October 22, 2021
Photo of the Week
Reenacting the tent of Avraham Avinu makes for a fun parsha lesson!
Condolences to
Rabbi Elazar Saks on the loss of his father, Rabbi Boruch Saks, ז‘‘ל.
.המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים
Mazel tov!
Mr. & Mrs. Shmully Abraham on the birth of a son
Mazel tov to the Abraham and Kurz families.
Rabbi & Mrs. Aizik Blum on the engagement of Etty to Moishe Gellerman (Lakewood)
Mazel tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Yehuda Blum.
Rabbi & Mrs. Moshe Freedman on the engagement of their grandson Elazar Freedman to
Batsheva Lachman
Rabbi & Mrs. Arieh Friedner on the bar mitzvah of Moshe Mordechai
Rabbi & Mrs. Sruly Kazen on the engagement of Simcha to Ahron Reznik
Rabbi & Mrs. Yossi Kirsch on the birth of a granddaughter to Shami and Chani Kirsch
Mazel tov to Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Jacoby.
Rabbi & Mrs. Ariel Klein on the engagement of Dovi to Chaya Faiga Teitelbaum (Providence)
Mr. & Mrs. Shmuel Yaakov Mann on the birth of a grandson to Jake and Dina Handelsman
Mazel tov to Rebbetzin Esther Mann.
Rabbi & Mrs. Daniel Olgin on the birth of a grandson to Yehoshua and Etti Klein
Inside the Academy | Page 6 | October 22, 2021
Yavne is Partnering with Nshei Keren Hashviis to support
the farmers observing Shmitta and their families!
Help us reach our goal! https://nsheikerenhashviis.org/nshei/127