August 5, 2022 | פרשת דברים| ח' אב תשפ''ב
AUGUST 12 Two of the greatest gifts that parents can give their children are a sense of belonging
and feelings of self- worth. In a complicated world of confusion and distraction; in a
Last day of Camp S.T.E.P. world rife with misplaced priorities, we must believe in our children so that they can
believe in themselves.
Klal Yisrael is compared to the stars of heaven. The first time we are introduced to this
AUGUST 31 metaphor is in Parshas Lech Lecha when the Ribono Shel Olam instructed Avraham
Avinu to gaze towards the heaven and count the stars. Avraham was informed that,
First Day of School despite their advanced age, he and his wife, Sorah, would transcend nature and
Early Childhood Orientation conceive a child. The metaphor of stars was indicative of a prophecy; the descendants
of Avraham, the Jewish people, would ultimately multiply and achieve greatness. The
•••••• comparison to stars represent both the sheer number of stars, symbolic of a collective
Jewish people, and simultaneously, the impact of the individual star, symbolic of the
SEPTEMBER 1 potential of the individual Jew.
First Full Day of School The metaphor reappears in this week’s parsha when Moshe Rabbeinu addressed the
First Day of Early Childhood nation to say that he could no longer carry the mantle of leadership alone. He told
them that Hashem had multiplied them and they are kekochvei hashamayim larov, like
8:20 the stars of heaven in abundance (1,10). Rashi’s interpretation is that Klal Yisrael had
not necessarily reached those numbers yet, but is as eternal as the sun, moon and the
Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch, zt”l explains that gazing at the uncounted mass of
people and comparing them to the uncounted mass of stars could counter the
erroneous way of considering them in their totality whereby individuals seemingly lose
their importance. They are, however, like the countless stars among the mass of which
each individual one retains its independent importance and maintains its own value.
Children in general, and our tinokos shel beis raban in particular, need to be
empowered. They need to be confident and resilient. They need to feel good about
themselves and optimistic about their future. They need to appreciate who they are
and how they fit in to the puzzle that is life. They need to know that, as descendants of
Avraham Avinu, they are part of the prophecy and legacy. They need to know that, like
the lone star, they are part of something far greater than themselves; yet with an
independent importance and potential to illuminate our people and, indeed, the entire
Have a wonderful Shabbos!
N.Y. prices with Midwest service only at Plaza Auto Leasing! Call Will Evans at 216-707-9000 or
email [email protected] for your next vehicle!
Camp S.T.E.P.
And the fun
Week 5 at
Camp S.T.E.P.
Back to School
Parents, please watch for the school’s mailing this week. Among the informaƟon you will receive is a communica-
Ɵon from Rabbi Dessler, handbooks and opening day informaƟon.
Keep in mind that families can shop for school supplies tax free during Ohio’s back-to-school sales tax holiday
August 5-7.
Mazel Tov!
Rabbi & Mrs. Tzvi Belsky on the birth of a boy
Mr. & Mrs. Dov Berman on the birth of a boy
Rabbi & Mrs. Zvi Tolchinsky on the birth of a girl
Mr. & Mrs. Eli Weiss on the birth of a girl.
Mazel tov to Mr. & Mrs. Elliot Gutow and Mr. & Mrs. Marcelo Weiss
Inside the Academy | Page 2 | August 5, 2022
A project of the Hebrew Academy of Cleveland
Tisha b’Av
that fallosnoSuthabbos
By: Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Resnick *
When Tisha b’Av falls out on Shabbos like it does days started until shvua shechal bo, this year he
this year the taanis is pushed off until Sunday and may continue until Tisha b’Av.
has many unique halachic ramifications. The Shla”h
says that the reason why we don’t fast on Shabbos B. On a regular year one may not shave or take
is because it says “Kol hamisavel al Yerushalayim a haircut for any reason during shvua shechal
zoche vroeh bbinyano”, therefore since the aveilus is bo, this year by a bris milah it is permissible
binyan Yerushalayim one who fasts would be oiver on for father, mohel, and sandek to shave or take
binyan bshabbos. a haircut for the bris.2 (However this does not
apply to pidyon haben3).
Nine Days:
C. On a regular year, one may only invite
1. On most years the laws of mourning of the family and a minyan to a seudas mitzvah or
nine days start on Rosh Chodesh and intensify siyum with meat and wine during shvua shechal
during shvua shchal bo, however regarding a bo, however this year one may invite anyone he
year when Tisha b’Av falls on shabbos there is would like.
no change during shvua shechal bo1.
D. One may cut nails on erev Shabbos even
Therefore: though it is also erev Tisha b’Av.
A. On a regular year a Jewish tailor may work E. One who has only one shirt (the same
on a garment that was brought in before the 9 applies if only one shirt is clean) may wash it up
to shvua shechal bo, this year one may wash it
until Tisha b’Av.
*Based on a shiur from Rabbi Yaakov Forcheimer שליט”אwho looked over the halachos
2. One may buy shoes without leather for use and this is their seuda.14 Many early poskim say
on Tisha b’Av during the nine days.4 it is mutar after chatzos even if this is not their
3. One may buy tefillin during the nine days.5
However one may not buy a tallis katon or tallis 12. One may not plant new plants, trees, or
gadol during the nine days.6 flowers during the nine days, however one may
water them.
4. During the nine days one may not use fresh
linen or bedsheets. This even includes fresh 13. One may polish shoes for Shabbos chazon
sheets for Shabbos. One who is away at a hotel if one does so regularly.
or as a guest may use the fresh linen provided.
Tablecloths however, are permitted to be changed 14. One may dry clothing during the nine days.
for Shabbos.
15. One may learn Torah on erev Shabbos after
5. Many poskim are maikil to wear fresh chatzos, even though on most years its assur to
undergarments that were not tried on before learn on the eighth of av after chatzos.16
the nine days. New undergarments may only be
worn for shabbos7, and only if one does not have Shabbos:
any old ones.8
16. On Shabbos Tisha b’Av one may learn
6. The poskim differ in their opinions in Torah until chatzos.17 After chatzos one
regard to one trying on clothing for the nine days should try to only learn Tisha b’Av topics.18
on Shabbos.9 An idea that everyone agrees to, If that does not work well, one may learn other
is to switch shirts at intervals where one would things, rather than learn nothing at all.19
normally take off his shirt, i.e. in the morning
and after a nap. 17. By shkiah on Shabbos one must stop
eating. Although normally when one bentches
7. One may not use a fresh towel during the before a fast, the fast starts for him unless he
nine days. One may use many towels on Shabbos makes a tnai, since it is assur to fast on shabbos
to render them used. one who bentches on Shabbos before shkia does
not need to make a tnai.
8. One may repair a piece of clothing during
the nine days even by a tailor, i.e. patch or sew 18. Although normally we don’t make zimun
a hole or button. One may sew a nametag on by seudas hamafsekes, we do make zimun by
clothing for identifying purposes.10 shalosh seudas.
9. Someone cooking for Shabbos may taste 19. It is permissible to eat extra on Shabbos
meat made for Shabbos to make sure it was for the fast, however one may not speak out that
seasoned properly, but must spit it out right he is eating for tomorrow. One may drink sports
away. One who does this, does not need to wait drinks (Powerade, Gatorade etc.) on Shabbos
six hours.11 for the fast.
10. Some say that during the nine days one may 20. One may take medicine to prevent getting
give meat or wine to children12, however others sick on the fast, if without it he will be sick in
argue not to give unless it is necessary for their bed on the fast day.20 Pills that don’t take effect
health.13 until the next day (time release capsules), may
11. One may give children meat on Friday
afternoon if they will not be awake for the seuda
This is meant as a discussion with no intent on giving a psak halacha. For any halacha question please contact your Rav.
be hachana, and should preferably be mixed into 29. One who needs to take medication on Tisha
food.21 b’Av should try to take it without any water27,
if this is not possible one may take with less
21. The minhag is to say av harachamim than a shiur of water.28 One who has a choice
by shachris even though there is no tachanun, between taking a pill on Shabbos or on Tisha
but not tsidkascha tzedek by mincha. b’Av with a bit of water, should rather take on
Tisha b’Av with a bit of water.29
22. At shkia we stop eating, drinking, and
washing, however one may sit high and keep 30. The poskim differ regarding a koton who
shoes on until tzais.22 must eat on Tisha b’Av if he is required to make
Havdalah. Some hold from the age of 9 they
23. One may sing the zmiros of Shabbos even should make Havdalah.30 Others hold a koton
at seudas shlishis23, however one should refrain should not make Havdalah.31 Seemingly, if one
from singing regular songs.24 has the minhag not to make Havdalah for a
koton on Sunday morning, then he should wait
24. After tzias hachochavim, one should make until Sunday if possible to avoid this machlokes.
a bracha on aish. This should preferably be done
at home in order to be motzei the women.25 Sunday morning:
However we don’t make regular havdala or
besamim. 31. It is assur to do work on Tisha b’Av,
although some household work is permitted.
25. We say atah chonantanu at mariv, however There is a question whether one may wash their
we don’t say vyihi noam or veyiten lecha. Shabbos dishes on Tisha b’Av.32 If necessary,
after chatzos one may wash dishes.33 Similarly,
26. One may continue sitting on a chair until one may wash meat for after Tisha b’Av after
tzais, after tzais one must switch to a low seat. chatzos.34
The minhag is that a Tisha b’Av seat should
be at least under three tefachim. 32. One should not make the beds until
chatzos, or sweep the house all Tisha b’Av.35
Motzei Shabbos: Some have a minhag to sweep the house after
27. Normally on motzai Shabbos one is not
required to switch out of his Shabbos clothing.26 33. A choleh who makes Havdalah on Tisha
Once one did take off Shabbos garments however, b’Av may be motzei others who will be
it is not permitted to put them back on. On motzai continuing to fast.
Shabbos chazon this year, which is Tisha b’Av,
we do switch out of Shabbos clothing. 34. When Tisha b’Av is pushed off to Sunday,
there is more leniency in regard to a choleh
28. Regarding a choleh who must eat or drink breaking his fast after chatzos.37 It is very difficult
on Tisha b’Av, for eating (even less than a shiur) to make a general rule for what is considered
one must make havdalah, however one does not not feeling well enough to break the fast after
have to make havdala for drinking water. Since chatzos, therefore one who has a sheilah should
many poskim hold that one may not drink wine, ask a rav for guidance. Obviously, a real choleh
one should rather make havdala on chamar should not be fasting in the first place.
medina (tea or coffee that’s not too hot to drink),
and only makes the bracha of shehakol and 35. One may not learn Tisha b’Av except for
hamavdil. dvarim harayim. One may learn mussar too.38
3 This is meant as a discussion with no intent on giving a psak halacha. For any halacha question please contact your Rav.
36. Motzai Tisha b’Av we make Havdalah on 12 Magen Avrohom and Chaye Adom bring a proof from Havdalah
wine or grape juice, and it need not be given to a during the nine days, where we allow a katon to drink the wine
koton to drink. afterwards.
37. This year it is permitted to take a haircut, 13 Mishna Berura refutes the proof because havdalah is for mitzvah
shave, do laundry, sew, bathe and recite purposes, and therefore it cannot be compared.
Shehecheyanu, immediately after the fast. מעיקר
הדיןmusic is also permitted. Meat and wine 14 Harav Moshe Feinstein zt”l
(other than the wine from Havdalah) should not
be consumed until the next morning. 15 Elya Raba and Leket Yoisher bring that after chatzos the kedusha
of Shabbos already starts
38. A woman who wants to eat, and there are no
men around could make her own Havdalah. 16 Leket Yoisher
39. There are some that hold that on Tisha 17 Dagul Merivava brings a proof from this that we say bameh
b’Av a kotton does not need to wear non leather madlekin fri night even though we don’t learn pirkei avos Shabbos
shoes39, however many others disagree.40 afternoon.
Although children don’t fast one should not give
them nosh. 18 Chasam Sofer says the reason is because things one learns after
chatzos stick in one’s mind and brings to simcha on Tisha b’Av
1 Harav Yaakov Kamenetsky zt”l and many other poskim citing therefore it has the halacha of erev Tisha b’Av.
yerushalmi, Reb Yochanon says “if it was up to me I would make Tisha
b’Av on the next day which is yud b’Av because that is when the bais 19 Mishna Berura says especially on Shabbos when one is supposed
hamikdash was burning”. Although we don’t pasken like Reb Yochanon to learn more.
generally, rather we hold like the rabbanan that Tisha b’Av is observed,
however in a year like this we go according to him. Therefor yud b’Av 20 Harav Shlomo Zalman Aurbach zt”l stating that one who will
(Sunday) is considered the real Tisha b’Av this year, hence there is no definitely become sick, is considered sick on shabbos
shvua shechal bo. However the Avnei Nezer disagrees, and he brings a
proof from the halacha of dvarim shel tzina noheig (private display of 21 Harav Shmuel Kamenetsky shlit”a
mourning are customary) even on Shabbos. This proves that Shabbos
is the real Tisha b’Av and Sunday is a makeup. Seemingly, this dispute 22 Harav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld zt”l states that although bein
would also prove relevant in regard to a boy who turns bar mitzvah on hashmashos is safuk day or night, since the Shabbos and Tisha b’Av
yud b’Av, according to the first opinion he would be required to fast, contradict chazal made up to start after tzais.
however according to opinion that yud is a makeup for Tisha b’Av he
would not. 23 Harav Moshe Feinstein zt”l
2 Sharei Teshuva 24 Harav Shlomo Zalman Aurbach z”l
3 Chasam Sofer 25 Although according to Rav Moshe women can make their own
bracha, since according to the beiur halacha women do not make a
4 Harav Moshe Feinstein zt”l bracha on aish its best to be motzai them.
5 Ibid 26 Ashel Avraham and other poskim
6 Secondly, the tallis gadol needs a shehechiyanu which is prohibited. 27 Harav Yaakov Kamenetsky zt”l
Yaavitz (Harav Yaakov Emden) rules that one who doesn’t have a tallis
should borrow one for davening, however he is patur from wearing 28 Ibid.
tzitzis the rest of the day, since he is an anos al pi chazal. Others disagree
and hold that one may wear a fresh tallis or tzitzis, if no other one is 29 Shevet Halevi
30 Harav Yaakov Kamenetsky zt”l, Harav Shlomo Zalman zt”l and
7 Beiur Halacha ibid. possibly Maharil Diskin
8 Harav Moshe Feinstein zt”l 31 Steipler zt”l and Ybl”ch Harav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l
9 Kaf Hachaim holds that its hachana (preparation).However 32 Orchos Chaim brings a shita that it is assur because it is a melacha
The Steipler zt”l holds it is mutar since you are having enjoyment that takes time. Pischei Teshuva brings that it is muttar because similar
from it on shabbos. to an avel who may wash dishes.
10 Harav Yaakov Kamenetsky zt”l 33 Harav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l says one may wash dishes
evenwith warm water and even without gloves, because it is not
11 Caf Hachaim considered a rechitza shel taanug (enjoyable wash).
34 Ibid.
35 Aruch Hashulchan
36 Birkei Yosef says the reason is because we have shvacha emunah in
mashiach therefore this gives chizuk to the women.
37 Biur Halacha, Reb Akiva Eiger, and Shvus Yaakov citing the
machlokes if a baal bris or pidyon haben may eat after chatzos as a
proof that this situation is more lenient than other years.
38 Meiri
39 Chochmas Adam
40 Harav Chaim Kanievsky zt"l in the name of the Steipler zt”l
4 This is meant as a discussion with no intent on giving a psak halacha. For any halacha question please contact your Rav.