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Steve is having a bad day. He is trying to fix his day with little things he does, but his day just gets worse

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Published by Emmalee Koenen, 2019-05-08 10:14:35

The Bad Day

Steve is having a bad day. He is trying to fix his day with little things he does, but his day just gets worse



Have you ever had a 
bad day? I think 
everyone has had a bad 
day. Well, I know Steve 
has. Here is a little 
about Steve and his 
bad day story.  







Steve is a man that is 30 years old. He has 
dirty brown hair and he is pretty tall. He is 
6’7. His hobbies are, playing basketball with 
his friends, he likes to go fishing, and he 
also likes to help people. He is a good 
person. Steve likes to be with animals. He 
has 3 dogs and 1 cat. He loves to be with his 
family and his friends 
that's why Christmas 
and Thanksgiving  
are his favorite holidays. Steve just got a 
new car, and he really likes to drive it but 
this is the first day it broke down. Here is 
what happened.  


S​ teve was in bed sleeping. Steve 

forgot to set his alarm on his alarm 
clock next to his bed on this 
nightstand. His alarm would usually 
go off at 6:05 am. But Steve forgot to 
set his alarm he woke up at 7:19 am. 
Steve stood up quickly and threw 
his blanket off him and got dressed 
quickly. He was is his Pjs, his 
pajamas were blue shorts and an 
old black shirt. 




​He had his clothes picked out for today 

because today is an important 
day. Today is his first day at his 
new job. His new job is working at 
a hospital. He was a doctor that 
does checkups on little kids. Steve 
has to wear scrubs, and he was 
going to wear a blue pair, but he 
could not find the blue pair. So 
now he has to wear a bright orange pair. He did 
not want to have a bad impression on the first 




Steve drove to the hospital at 71 
mph the speed limit was 65 mph. He 
was just listening to his radio in his 
little blue bug car. Steve’s day was 
going bad so far it. Is a Monday. He 
thought now he still has this whole 
day to go and Tuesday, Wednesday, 
Thursday, and Friday before he can 
go home and take a 2-day break on 
Saturday and Sunday. He starts 
work at 8:20 am. It is 7:53 now, and 
he had 20 minutes to get to work 
still he thought he was right on 




Steve has a little blue bug 
car. Steve liked that car, and 
it was small, but he liked it 
because it was easy to drive 
and he had gotten used to it 
over the years. He has had 
for 3 years now.  




The car starts to make a high 
pitched beep. It was not very loud 
like a fire alarm at your school. It 
was like your timer on your watch 
just went off. Beep, beep, beep, 

He just thought he was hearing 
things, so he was not thinking 
anything was wrong with his car. He 
thought he should check when he 
got home from work at 5:00 pm. 




H​ is car started to slow down and then 

everything just shut off. Steve looked at the sky 
and thought great now it's going to start raining 
on me. Steve just thought that his car had run 
out of gas but that was not the case. He tried to 
start his car again, but it would not start. Now 
his car was smoking, and he lifted the hood, and 
it was smoking so much he could not see what 
was wrong. So he called a fire truck to stop the 
smoking and a taxi to bring him to work and a 
tow truck to bring his car to a shop to get it 
fixed. It had not started to rain too hard yet, he 
could only feel little sprinkles falling on his head. 



His car started to slow down, and then 

everything just shut off. Steve looked at the sky, 

and thought great now it's going to start raining 

on me. Steve just thought that his car had run 

out of gas but that was not the case. He tried to 

start his car again but it would not start. Now his 

car was smoking and he lifted the hood and it 

was smoking so much he could not see what was 

wrong. So he called a fire truck to stop the 

smoking and a taxi to bring him to work and a 

tow truck to bring his car to a shop to get it 

fixed. It had not started to rain too hard yet, he 

could only feel little sprinkles falling on his head. 



The taxi brought him to work and his boss 

Jake was mad because he had no one to do a 

check up on 3 little kids that needed their yearly 

checkup. But Steve told Jake the whole thing 

about how his car was beeping and then it 

started to smoke and how he rode the taxi, Jake 

was not too mad he was late. He was kind of 

disappointed but he could not do anything 

about it. He could punish him but it's his first 

day it's not Steves fault that his car broke down. 

And Jake did not want to seem like a bad 

person, Jake thought to himself people make 

mistakes and then they learn from them. Jake let 

him go this time but he will decide if he will next 

time if it does happen again. 






The rest of the day went good. He did a 
check up on one 4-year-old and two 5-year-olds 
and two 7-year-olds. The checkups take about 
an hour each, there were not too many children 
because their parents do not like to take them 
when they have to work. It is the busiest around 
12 ish when it is everyone's lunch break and their 
parents can take them. And they don't have to 
leave work or school. Steve can only do one 
checkup at a time, so there are more people 
that do the same job as him, they just have a 
different office. 




The children leave with a sucker 
and a sticker in their hand,and a 
smile across their face. Steve gives 
them a sucker and a sticker 
because when they come they are 
kind of nervous but when they leave 
they know that it is ok to go to the 
doctor's office and that its not a 
scary place. 





​ Steve took a taxi home, and he 

did not have a car to drive for 2 

weeks while his car was in the shop 

getting fixed. He rode in a taxi to 

and from work every day and those 

2 weeks at work were good weeks. 

He loved his job. The little kids were 


cute and funny. Steve loves his job. 





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