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Published by ivanruskov, 2019-12-09 06:58:14

Experiments with Fast Neutrons

by D.N. Grozdanov

Keywords: fast neutrons,gamma rays,angular distributions

Experiments with
fast neutrons

Grozdanov D.N. 1
for TANGRA collaboration

TANGRA project

The project "TANGRA" (TAgged Neutrons and Gamma
RAys) is devoted to study of neutron-nuclear interactions,
using the tagged neutron method (TNM). The essence of
TNM is to register the characteristic nuclear gamma-
radiation, resulting from the interaction of neutrons from the
binary d(t, 4He)n reaction with the nuclei of the substances
under study, in coincidence with the accompanying alpha-
particles, detected by the position-sensitive alpha-detector
located inside the neutron generator vacuum chamber



Multidetector, multipurpose, multifunctional, mobile systems, to study the
characteristics of the products from the nuclear reaction induced by 14 MeV tagged
neutrons. TANGRA Setups consist of a portable generator of “tagged” neutrons with
energies of 14.1 MeV, ING-27, with or without an iron shield-collimator, 2D fast neutron
beam profilometer, arrays of neutron-gamma detectors in geometry of daisy-flower
(Romashka, Romasha, HPGe), and a computerized system for data acquisition and analysis

Fig. 1. NaI(Tl) Romashka consists of 22 Fig. 2. BGO Romasha consists of 18 Fig. 3. HPGe Romasha,
hexagonal prism NaI(Tl) detectors with size 78 BGO detectors with size f 76 x 65 mm consists of a HPGe detector
Ortec®GMX 30-83-PL-S,
x 90 x 200 mm
f 57.5 x 66.6 mm


ING-27 Neutron Generator and Tagged
Neutron Method

Main characteristics of ING-27 Fig. 4. Tagged Neutron Method

Continuous Mode: 14-MeV neutrons
Initial Intensity: > 5.0 x 107 n/s/4p
Final Intensity: > 2.5 x 107 n/s/4p
TiT-to-front distance : 44.0 ± 1.4 mm
TiT-to-a-detector distance: 100 ± 2 mm
Power supply voltage: 200 ± 5 V
Max Power Supply Current: 300 ± 30 mV

Consumed Power: < 40 W
Double-side Si a-particles detector
Number of pixels: 64 (8x8 strips)

Pixel area: 6x6 mm2
Distance between strips: 0.5 mm

Voltage bias: -250V DC
Dark current: < 8mA

n-tube life-time: > 800 h

< ING Duty time >: 18 months


Measurements of tagged neutron beams’ profiles

2D-detector, made of 4 double-sided Total size: 120x120 mm

stripped position-sensitive Si- Thickness: 300 mm
detectors Neutron detection efficiency: ~0.8%
At this stage each 8 strips are grouped

Each Si detector consists of 32x32 strips together
~1.8 mm thick forming a matrix 8x8 with a pixel size of

Size of one detector: 60x60 mm ~1.5x1.5 cm

Fig. 5. 2D-detector and Measurements of tagged neutron beams profiles 5

Gamma-ray response function of NaI(Tl) and BGO
scintillation detectors

1. Full Energy Peak - Full absorption of gamma quantum energy in the detector crystal :
2. Single Escape Peak - when a gamma-quantum with an energy ≥ 1022keV interacts with a crystal

substance, an electron-positron pair is created, followed by a further positron annihilation and a

511-keV annihilation gamma-quantum escapes the crystal (energy released in a crystal is (E0 (g) -

0.511 MeV))

3. Double Escape Peak -Escape of two annihilation gamma quanta from the detector with an energy

of 511 keV (1022 keV) (the energy release in the crystal is (E0 (g) - 1.022 MeV)

4. Compton of the Single Escape Peak - processes included in consideration: Compton scattering of

gamma-quantum (single or multiple) with the subsequent formation of an electron-positron pair,

followed by annihilation of the positron with formation of two gamma-quanta with energy of 511

keV, one of which experienced Compton scattering (single or multiple) and flew out of the detector.

This energy distribution has the form of a continuum located to the right of the single escape peak.

5. Compton of the Double Escape Peak - like the point 4), only two 511 keV gamma rays

6. Compton - scattering is usually described by the Klein – Nishina formula, but this formula is valid

only for the scattering of a photon on a single free electron. In real detectors the Compton

scattering processes are more complicated, including multiple scattering, influence of the detector

resolution etc. We approximated the Compton scattering processes by two components: one is

approximately accounting for the single Compton scattering, and the second – all multiple

processes. Both components have similar shape, but different parameters 6

Gamma-ray response function of NaI(Tl) and BGO
scintillation detectors

Full Energy Peak - Full absorption of gamma quantum energy in the detector NaI(Tl)
crystal :
Single Escape Peak - when a gamma-quantum with an energy ≥ 1022keV interacts BGO
with a crystal substance, an electron-positron pair is created, followed by a further
positron annihilation and a 511-keV annihilation gamma-quantum escapes the 7
crystal (energy released in a crystal is (E0 (g) - 0.511 MeV))
Double Escape Peak -Escape of two annihilation gamma quanta from the detector
with an energy of 511 keV (1022 keV) (the energy release in the crystal is (E0 (g) -
1.022 MeV)
Compton of the Single Escape Peak - processes included in consideration: Compton
scattering of gamma-quantum (single or multiple) with the subsequent formation of
an electron-positron pair, followed by annihilation of the positron with formation of
two gamma-quanta with energy of 511 keV, one of which experienced Compton
scattering (single or multiple) and flew out of the detector. This energy distribution
has the form of a continuum located to the right of the single escape peak.
Compton of the Double Escape Peak - like the point 4), only two 511 keV gamma
Compton - scattering is usually described by the Klein – Nishina formula, but this
formula is valid only for the scattering of a photon on a single free electron. In real
detectors the Compton scattering processes are more complicated, including multiple
scattering, influence of the detector resolution etc. We approximated the Compton
scattering processes by two components: one is approximately accounting for the
single Compton scattering, and the second – all multiple processes. Both components
have similar shape, but different parameters

Use the Response function to fit experimental data from
BGO detectors

Eg=6,13 MeV from Eg=4.44 MeV from
reaction 16O(n,n’g )16O reaction 12C(n,n’g )12C


Angular anisotropy of the γ-ray

We measured the angular
distributions of gamma-
rays from the inelastic
scattering of 14.1 MeV
neutrons on 22 elements
(red). With green color are
marked the elements to be



Angular anisotropy of 4.43-MeV γ-rays produced in
inelastic scattering of 14.1-MeV neutrons by 12C nuclei


Angular anisotropy of the γ-ray produced by 24Mg

1368.6 keV 3866.1 keV

24Mg(n,n’γ)24Mg 2754.0 keV

4237.9 keV

4237.9 keV 350.5 keV



Angular anisotropy of the γ-ray produced in


744.2 keV 935.5 keV

1333.7 keV 1434.1 keV
1530.7 keV
3161.0 keV


Neutron detection efficiency of BGO and NaI(Tl)

The efficiency of registration of
fast neutron was calculated, using

the coincidences between the
counts from a single a-detector

pixel and BGO or NaI(Tl)

Neutron efficiency
of BGO detector is ≈ 27 % and for

NaI(Tl) detector is ≈ 44 %


Main publication
1. Mahmoud I. Abbas, M.S. Badawi, I.N. Ruskov, A.M. El-Khatib, D.N. scattering on 28Si”, European Physics Journal – Web of Conferences,

Grozdanov, A.A. Thabet, Yu.N. Kopatch, M.M. Gouda, V.R. Skoy, eISSN:2100-014X, Изд:EDP Sciences - Web of Conferences, 177, 5, 2018

“Calibration of а single hexagonal NaI(Tl) detector using a new numerical 8. D. N. Grozdanov, F. A. Aliyev, C. Hramco, Yu. N. Kopach, V. M.

method based on the efficiency transfer method”, Nuclear Instruments and Bystritsky, V. R. Skoy, N. A. Gundorin, I. N. Ruskov, “Determination of

Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Moisture Content in Coke with 239Pu–Be Neutron Source and BGO

Detectors and Associated Equipment, ISSN:0168-9002, eISSN:1872-9576, Scintillation Gamma Detector”, Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters,

Изд:Elsevier Science Limited, 771, 110-114, 2015 ISSN:1547-4771, eISSN:1531-8567, Изд:MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica

2. I.N. Ruskov, Yu.N. Kopatch, V.M. Bystritsky, V.R. Skoy, V.N. Shvetsov, distributed exclusively by Springer Science+Business Media LLC., 15, 2,

F.-J. Hambsch, S. Oberstedt, R. Capote Noy, P.V. Sedyshev, D.N. 157–163, 2018

Grozdanov, I.Zh. Ivanov, V.Yu. Aleksakhin, E. и др., “TANGRA-Setup for 9. D. N. Grozdanov, N. A. Fedorov, F. A. Aliev, V. M. Bystritsky, Yu. N.

the Investigation of Nuclear Fission Induced by 14.1 MeV Neutrons”, Kopatch, I. N. Ruskov, P. V. Sedyshev, V. R. Skoy, V. N. Shvetsov, A. V.

Physics Procedia, ISSN:1875-3892, Изд:ELSEVIER, 64, 163-170, 2015 Baraev, A. V. Kologov, “Elemental Analysis of Engine Parts of the Proton

3. V. M. Bystritsky, V. Valkovic, D. N. Grozdanov, A. O. Zontikov, I. Zh. Rocket Carrier with Resonance Neutrons”, Physics of Particles and Nuclei

Ivanov, Yu. N. Kopatch, A. R. Krylov, Yu. N. Rogov, I. N. Ruskov, M. G. Letters, ISSN:1547-4771, eISSN:1531-8567, Изд:MAIK

Sapozhnikov, V. R. Skoy, V. N. Shvets и др., “Multilayer passive shielding Nauka/Interperiodica distributed exclusively by Springer Science+Business

of scintillation detectors based on BGO, NaI(Tl), and stilbene crystals Media LLC., 15, 5, 537–540, 2018

operating in intense neutron fields with an energy of 14.1 MeV”, Physics of 10. D. N. Grozdanov, N. A. Fedorov, V. M. Bystritski, Yu. N. Kopach, I. N.

Particles and Nuclei Letters, ISSN:1547-4771, eISSN:1531-8567, Ruskov, V. R. Skoy, T. Yu. Tretyakova, N. I. Zamyatin, D. Wang, F. A.
Изд:MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica distributed exclusively by Springer Aliev, C. Hramco, A. Gandhi, A. Kumar, и др., “Measurement of Angular

Science+Business Media LLC., 12, 2, 325-335, 2015 Distributions of Gamma Rays from the Inelastic Scattering of 14.1-MeV
Neutrons by Carbon and Oxygen Nuclei”, Physics of Atomic Nucei,
4. Ayman Hamzawy, Dimitar N. Grozdanov, Mohamed S. Badawi, Fuad A. ISSN:1063-7788, eISSN:1562-692X, Изд:Springer International Publishing
AG, 81, 5, 588–594, 2018
Aliyev, Abouzeid A. Thabet, Mahmoud I. Abbas, Ivan N. Ruskov, Ahmed
M. El-Khatib, Yuri N. Kopatch, and Mona M. Gouda, “New numerical

simulation method to calibrate the regular hexagonal NaI(Tl) detector with 11. A. Gandhi, N.K. Rai, P.K. Prajapati, B.K. Nayak, A. Saxena, B.J. Roy, N.L.

radioactive point sources situated non-axial”, Review of Scientific Singh, S. Mukherjee, Yu.N. Kopatch, I.N. Ruskov, D.N. Grozdanov, N.A.

Instruments, ISSN:0034-6748, eISSN:1089-7623, Изд:American Institute of Fedorov, A. Kumar. “Evaluation of the nuclear excitation functions of fast

Physics, 87, 115105, 2016 neutron-induced reactions on 52Cr and 56Fe isotopes”. Indian Journal of

5. V.M. Bystritsky, D.N. Grozdanov, A.O. Zontikov, Yu.N. Kopach, Yu.N. Physics, 2019, ISSN:09749845, 09731458, DOI:10.1007/s12648-019-

Rogov, I.N. Ruskov, A.B. Sadovsky, V.R. Skoy, Yu.N. Barmakov, E.P. 01397-8

Bogolyubov, V.I. Ryzhkov, D.I. Yurkov, “Angular distribution of 4.43-MeV 12. Dongming Wang, Ivan N. Ruskov, Huasi Hu, Yuri N. Kopatch, Dimitar N.

γ-rays produced in inelastic scattering of 14.1-MeV neutrons by 12C Grozdanov, Nikita A. Fedorov, Fuad A. Aliyev. “Gamma-ray imaging with

nuclei”, Particles and Nuclei, Letters, Изд:JINR, Dubna, 13, 4, 10, 2016 a time-modulated random coded aperture”. Review of Scientific

6. N. I. Zamyatin, V. M. Bystritsky, Y. N. Kopach, F. A. Aliyev, D. N. Instruments, 90, American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2019, ISSN:0034-

Grozdanov, N. A. Fedorov, C. Hramko, I. N. Ruskov, V. R. Skoy, V. M. 6748 (Print), 1089-7623 (Electronic), DOI:10.1063/1.5050211, 015107-1-

Slepnev, D. Wang, E. V. Zubarev and TANGRA collaboration, “Neutron 015107-7.

beam profilometer on the base of double-sided silicon strip detectors”, 13. Fedorov N. A., Tretyakova T. Yu., Bystritsky V. M., Kopach Yu. N.,

Nuclear Instruments and methods in physics research, Изд:Elsevier, 898, Ruskov I. N., Skoy V. R., Grozdanov D. N., Zamyatin N. I., Dongming W.,

46-52, 2018 Aliev F. A., Hramco C., Kumar A., Gandhi A., Dabylova S., Yurkov D. I.,

7. N.A. Fedorov, D.N. Grozdanov, V.M. Bystritskiy, Yu.N. Kopach, I.N. Barmakov Yu. N. “Investigation of inelastic Neutron Scattering on 27Al

Ruskov, V.R. Skoy, T.Yu. Tretyakova, N.I. Zamyatin, D. Wang, F.A. Aliev, Nuclei”. Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 82, 4, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.,, 2019,
C. Hramco, A. Gandhi, A. Kumar, S. Dabyl и др., “Measurements of the
ISSN:PRINT: 1063-7788; ONLINE: 156124-692X,

gamma-quanta angular distributions emitted from neutron inelastic DOI:, 297-304

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Good team and good results

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