T ext Structures Book
By: Laith A. Qasim
T able of Contents
1- Cover
2- Table Of Contents
3- Glossary
4- Descriptive
5- Sequence
6- Compare & Contrast
7- Cause & Effect
8- Problem & Solution
9- Autobiography
G lossary
Apex Legends- A Battle Royale Trio Team Game.
Backup- A Backup is when you save a copy of the information on a hard drive in order
to be safe in case something Happens or when Reformatting.
Downloading- T aking something from the network in order to have a local file of it.
Fortnite- A 100 Player Battle Royal that features solo, duos, and squads.
Rage- R age is a synonym of angered or frustrated which means getting mad.
Reformatting- Wiping the Hard Drive so that you can reinstall a fresh new version of
windows which will cause the device to be faster typically used for gaming computers.
H aving to Reformat Your
G aming Computer
Sometimes once in a while when you download a bunch of corrupt files or get a virus you have
to reformat your computer. Many think reformatting is hard but it is actually very easy what you
do is you go plug in a flash drive to your computer, then you have to go to www.microsoft.com
and download the installation media for what version of windows you are using then you have to
open it and install the media on your flash drive when you restart your computer and while it is
booting back up you have to spam the F3 key till it gets you to a black screen with white words
then you have to click enter and choose the flash drive that you have inserted to your computer
and then set up windows again and boot up with your specific backup.
S equence
A pex Legends Sequence
First Go to www.ea.com and go to games. Second Go to Apex Legends and click
download. Third Open it and login Fourth Click on Apex Legend. Fifth Click the
Download button. Sixth you wait for it to download. Seventh you play the Game.
A pex vs. Fortnine
C ompare & Contrast
Fortnite & Apex Legends have a lot of similarities & a lot of differences like for example in Apex
you can slide to move faster which you can not do in Fortnite. If you die in Apex you have 90
seconds to get the flag for your teammate and get it to the respawn beacon but there is no such
system in Fortnite. In Fortnite you have the battle pass which is $10 and when you level up it
gets you cosmetic items. The graphics are very different for these 2 games one is more of a call
of duty warfare the other is more of a peaceful map. The ping system is very different in Apex
you can ping items and enemies in Fortnite you can only ping locations. My opinion on these 2
games is Fortnite had its fame but now it is going down in fame and Apex is rising I believe that
Apex will be the new Battle Royal.
R age in Gaming
C ause & Affect
Rage in Gaming it can happen in many circumstances including being killed which
would cause to rage and maybe even break there keyboard. Another way you could
rage in a game is when you are about to beat the level and your little sister unplugs the
computer that may cause you to rage. (Instant Rage) Also, you could have almost when
the game when you get 3rd partied by a 9-year old that would be a way that you can get
mad. Also when you are about to finish the game and your friend keeps distracting you
and then calling you trash at the game when you lose that could cause you to rage. Last
but not least you could just keep trying to beat a level but you are unable to the will
certainly make you unhappy. These are the same as the way that you can rage while
playing games.
F ortnite
Problem & Solution
There was this kid his parents would not let him get the battle pass so he asked Fortnite if they
could give him a free battle pass so they made a challenge to the fortunate community if they
can complete 13 challenges. They will get the Battle Pass for Season 8. Everybody grinding
trying to get 13 challenges. They kept trying until finally they could not as the challenges have
not been sent yet. They waited and waited until the challenges were published. They after kept
trying and trying some could not. All tried finally the release of season 8.
Hi, my name is Laith and I like Video Games & Computers. My Favorite color is red
because it symbolizes danger and risks but I also like blue because it symbolizes
calmness and peace. I love watching TV-Shows you could even say I am obsessed. I
like to play games like Call of Duty Black Ops llll, Apex Legends, CSGO, GTA V, and
Arma 3. I like kinda like the school I have a pretty good grade which I am proud of.
These are some of the things about me there is a lot more but this is a hint of me.