Chayree S. Thomas
Adjunct Certification Program
Fall 2015
I. Syllabus Snapshot - SPAN 1411
II. Student Preparation Strategy
III. BOPPPS Lesson Plan
1. Second day of Class
2. Socrative Quiz - Greeting and Meeting People
IV. Test Questions - Formal Assessment
V. Rubric - Writing Project
VI. Showcase Presentation
VII. Reflective Essay
Beginning Spanish I - SPAN 1411 2413 - Fall2015
Instructor: Mrs. Chayree S. Thomas
[email protected]
Online Office Hours: Tues. & Thurs., 8:30-10:30 AM (by appt. through D2L chat or WebEx)
Textsbook: PLAZAS 4th Edition (Hershberger, Navey-Davis, Borrás).
ISBN: 9781111299460/1111299463.
You may purchase the iLrn Textbook Access Card through the publisher’s website directly:
Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be
able to:
Read and comprehend level-appropriate texts.
Write simple sentences and organize them into paragraphs.
Engage in conversations using level-appropriate grammatical structures
including narrating events that take place in the present and producing
questions and responses on a variety of topics dealing with everyday life.
Understand level-appropriate spoken Spanish.
Identify and discuss traditions, customs and values of the Hispanic world,
and compare and contrast them with characteristics of their own culture.
Student Consumer and Safety Information:
A comprehensive list of helpful website links and information is available at for student reference.
Emergency Procedures:
Lone Star College is committed to providing a safe environment in which to learn,
study, and work. Knowing what to do is your best protection and your
responsibility. In the event of a health, safety, or environmental emergency while
on campus, students should immediately contact LSCS police at 281-290-5911 or
the administrator on duty. If you know you will need assistance to evacuate during
an emergency, please register by calling 281-290-5911 at any time. Detailed
information on LSC emergency procedures is available at
Semester Grade Distribution: Final grades will be calculated as follows:
Asistencia y participación / Attendance and Participation 10%
Proyectos de leer - escribir y Escuchar – hablar 10%
Reading - Writing and Listening - Speaking Projects.
Tarea / Homework (only assigned exercises per chapter, iLrn) 15%
3 Exámenes / 3 Tests (iLrn) 15%
Examen de mitad de semestre (capítulo preliminar, Cap. 1 & 3) 20%
Midterm Exam (Introductory Chapter, Chapter 1 & 3)
Examen Final (exhaustivo, Cap. P. - 5) 30%
Final Exam (Comprehensive Ch. P. to 5)
Grade Scale: A = 100–90; B = 89–80; C = 79–70; D = 69–60; F = 59–0
First Week Schedule:
Introductions , Syllabus, D2L, iLrn Capítulo preliminar
Subject pronouns and the present tense
Capítulo preliminar (p.1) of the verb SER (p.10); HAY and
¡Mucho gusto! numbers 0-3 (p.12); question words
(p.14); and Encuentro cultural: El
Greetings & meeting people (p.2-3); En mundo hispano (p.16/17)
contexto (p.6-7); and Encuentro
cultural: El mundo hispano (p.8-9).
Note: This document is not the official syllabus for this course. To find the final
document, please go to the Welcome Module within D2L.
Chayree Santiago Thomas
SPAN 1411 Beginning Spanish I
Spanish Student Preparation Strategy
1. The first day of class, I ask students to read Encuentro cultural about the Hispanic World
(Plazas Textbook, pages 8-9). I encourage them to think about what they already know of
the Hispanic world. This reading will be the base of an “in-class-activity.”
2. The second day of class, I will ask students: what was the most interesting fact they
learned from the reading? why? Then I will show the mapamundi below to make them
visualize the coverage and distribution of the Spanish language around the world.
Chayree Thomas BOPPPS Lesson
COURSE: SPAN 1411 - Beginning Spanish I (Traditional Face-to-Face)
Lesson Title: ¡Mucho gusto! El mundo hispano / Nice to meet you! The Hispanic World
Capítulo preliminar / Introductory Chapter
1. A map will be displayed to show students the coverage of the Spanish language around the world. Students will be welcome to share their
impressions (slide 2). Then they will be asked: Why do you think it is important to learn Spanish?
2. Discuss answers and provide additional information they have not mentioned.
3. A 33 second video (slide 3) will be presented to introduce the first practical use of knowing a new language: Greetings and Meeting People (today’s
class main topic) How could you practice Spanish in your life? (Bloom Question: Knowledge and Synthesis)
Estimated time: 5 min
Course Student Learning Outcome:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will:
Engage in conversations using level-appropriate grammatical structures including narrating events that take place in the present tense and producing
questions and responses on a variety of topics dealing with everyday life.
Lesson Learning Objectives (slide 5):
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Tell facts about the Hispanic world (Bloom’s Taxonomy # 1: Knowledge)
2. Recall the Spanish vocabulary and grammar structures used in greetings, exchanging information, describing people, and farewells. (Bloom’s
Taxonomy # 1: Knowledge)
3. Recognize a formal and an informal situation when you meet someone, and apply them in a real situation. (Bloom’s Taxonomy # 2: Comprehension)
4. Create basic conversations to learn about people you just met, and adapting it to the different possible scenarios. (Bloom’s Taxonomy # 5: Synthesis)
A CAT called KW (know & Want) was selected to assess student’s preparation (slide 6). They were asked to read page 8-9: Encuentro Cultural “The Hispanic
World” ( Students will brainstorm to complete a two column grid to answer these questions about the reading assignment:
What They Know What They Want To Know
Estimated time: 5 min
Participatory Learning:
Time Instructor Activities Learner Activities Lesson Materials
10 min Vocabulary: Meeting People Slide 7.
Comment about the people on the picture.
Verify if students are familiar with some of Raise your hand if you knew some of the Slide 8: link to pages 2-3
vocabulary. Give students positive feedback. from Plazas e-book.
Read the vocabulary of greetings, Repeat after the instructor each greeting,
introductions, farewells, titles, questions, and
replies. introduction, farewell, titles, question, and reply to
practice pronunciation (
10 min Formal and Informal Situations: Slide 9.
Discuss what kind of situation can be
considered formal and informal. Then play Listen to the audios while reading the formal and
the e-book audios for both situations.
Clarify the formal and informal basic forms of informal dialogues in the textbooks Slide 10: link to audios from
address: usted (formal) and tú (informal).
Verify if there are questions and give ( How would you Plazas e-book p. 2-3.
students positive feedback.
compare both situations? Raise your hand if you
find the key differences (Bloom Question: Slide 11: True/false
Comprehension) Slide 12: Mini dialogue
Work with a partner to label the type of situation in activities.
a True or False activity. Then fill the blanks in a
mini-dialogue (be creative). Volunteers share the
answers to discuss them with the class.
15 min Grammar: Subject Pronouns and the Present Tense of Slide 13: link to page 10.
verb SER
Have students read the definitions and grammar Slide 14.
Review what is a verb, a subject, and a
subject pronoun. Explain the unique Spanish structures on page 10. (
pronoun: “vosotros/as” just used in Spain.
What subject pronouns would you use to talk Slide 15: EL SUJETO act.
Show the pattern conjugation of the verb SER
in the present tense. directly to the people from the picture and to talk
Verify if there are questions and give about them? Activity EL SUJETO (BQ: Knowledge)
students positive feedback.
Watch the first 5 minutes of the video about a Slide 16: link to the cultural
group of Hispanic students meeting for first time in video.
study abroad home and tell the class what type of
situation, words, and expressions you recognize.
Discuss answers. (Technology)
15 min In context / En contexto:
Explain the importance to practice the
vocabulary and grammar structures in a real Taking turns each student introduces him/herself to
life situation as much as possible. the classmate next to him/her (books are closed). Slide 17: link (p.6-7)
Introduce yourself in Spanish and start an
interaction greeting a student. Complete textbook activity EN CONTEXTO: A
Verify if there are questions and give babysitter in Miami. Discuss their answers.
students positive feedback. (
Work in groups of three. Do the speaking activity ¡A Slide 18: ¡A CONVERSAR!
CONVERSAR! Then four volunteer groups will play activity
those roles to the class.
5 min Give instructions to create a short dialogue based on Can you elaborate a short dialogue to greet and Slide 19
the material covered and a real situation. introduce yourself to another classmate? Plazas e-book p. 2-3.
(Bloom Question: Synthesis)
New Technology Added: SOCRATIVE quiz (slide 20).
Students can access this non-graded quiz through any device (Smart phone, tablet, pc, etc).
They need to enter the quiz room # QQEYDXGRQ
The quiz will include a true / false, two multiple choice, and two short answer questions.
Estimated time: 5 min
CAT: Minute Paper (slide 21).
At the end of this lesson students will write on a piece of paper what was the most useful material they learned and what was the most difficult topic in which
they have still doubts.
Estimated time: 2 min
See Attached PPT (Second Day of Class)
¡Mucho gusto! 1
El mundo hispano
Capítulo Preliminar
Introductory Chapter
Profesora Chayree S. Thomas
Why is important to learn Spanish? 2
How could practice Spanish in 3
your life?
¡Mucho gusto! Nice to meet you
El mundo Hispano
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
1. Tell facts about the Hispanic world.
2. Recall the greetings and exchanging information
vocabulary and basic grammar structures used
when you meet someone.
3. Recognize a formal and an informal situation
when you meet someone.
4. Execute a conversation with a new classmate to
learn more about him/her.
CAT: KW (know & Want)
After reading Encuentro Cultural “The
Hispanic World” (p.809) we will have a
brainstorm to complete this two columns
grid to review the reading:
What They Know What They Want To Know.
vocabulary 7
Go to the Plazas e-book 8
Capítulo Preliminar (P.2-3)
Usted (Ud.) is used in Tú is used in informal
formal contexts. Use usted contexts. Use tú to
to address: address:
• someone older • family members
than you • close friends
• children
• strangers • pets
• acquaintances
• colleagues
Formal Informal 9
Listen to the audios 10
¿Formal? ¿informal? 11
Spanish two basic forms of address: tú (informal)
and usted (formal).
Label each of the following expressions with I
(informal) or F (formal).
____ 1. ¿Cómo está?
____ 2. ¿Cómo te va?
____ 3. ¿Y usted?
____ 4. ¿Cómo estás?
____ 5. ¿Cómo les va?
Unlike in English, subject pronouns are not
always needed in Spanish.
It’s better to eliminate the subject pronoun
when speaking or writing, unless the subject is
unclear or you want to emphasize it.
No soy estudiante, soy profesor. Ustedes
son estudiantes.
Gramática 13
Subject pronouns
The Present Tense of verb 14
The verb ser means to be. It is used to identify people and
El sujeto 15
What subject pronouns
would you use to (a) talk
directly to these people and
(b) talk about them?
1. los dos señores, grupo 1
2. las señoras, grupo 4
3. la niña, grupo 3
4. el señor, grupo 2
5. los dos niños, grupo 3
6. las personas, grupo 1
Watch the first 5 minutes of the
video about a group of Hispanic
students meeting for first time in
study abroad home and tell the
class what words, expressions, and
situations you recognize.
1. Please go to PLAZAS TEXTBOOK (p.6-7)
and read the questions.
2. Close your book and listen to the audio
3. Answer the questions without look at the
4. Again go to pages 6 and 7 and read the
5. Check answers with the class.
Work in groups of
For each group in the
drawing, write a short
conversation in which
an introduction
is made.
¡Una creación individual! 19
Each student writes
a short dialogue to
greet and introduce
him/herself to a
(no graded)
1. Please go to
2. Enter this room # QqeydXGRQ
3. Wait for the instructor start the quiz.
4. You can use your name or a nickname.
5. Discuss answers.
Please write in a piece of paper what was the
most useful material you learned and what
was the most difficult topic in which you have
still doubts.
Name: __________________________________________ Date: _______________
Quiz name: Greeting and Meeting People in Spanish!
1. How do you quickly greet a friend in Spanish?
2. What do you say if you are introduced to Mrs. Thomas?
A ¡Hola! ¿Qué tal?
B Mucho gusto señora
C ¡Chao amiga!
D ¿De dónde eres?
3. Is ¿Cómo estás? a question for a formal situation?
A True
B False
4. If someone answers: Soy de México. The question should be...
5. What do you say to a stranger on the way to class at 8:00 AM?
A Buenas noches
B Buenas tardes
C Buenos días
D Buenas
Page 1 of 1
Course Student Learning Outcome:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will:
Engage in conversations using level-appropriate grammatical structures including narrating
events that take place in the present tense and producing questions and responses on a variety of
topics dealing with everyday life.
Lesson Learning Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Recall the Spanish vocabulary and grammar structures used in greetings, exchanging
information, describing people, and farewells. (Bloom’s Taxonomy # 1: Knowledge)
2. Recognize a formal and an informal situation when you meet someone, and apply them in
a real situation. (Bloom’s Taxonomy # 2: Comprehension)
3. Create basic conversations to learn about people you just met, and adapting it to the
different possible scenarios. (Bloom’s Taxonomy # 5: Synthesis)
Test 1
I. According to the use of the verb SER (to be), which of the following sentences would be
exclusively said by a Spaniard or a person who learned Spanish in Spain? (Bloom’s Taxonomy
#1: Knowledge).
1. Nosotras somos muy amigas.
2. Tú eres una persona interesante.
3. Vosotros sois mis estudiantes.
4. Carolina y Mónica son chilenas.
II. It is your second day of classes and you want to surprise your Spanish professor before the
class starts at 9:00 AM, greeting her/him in Spanish. What would be the appropriate way to greet
her/him? (Bloom’s Taxonomy # 1 and 2: Knowledge and Comprehension)
1. Buenas ¿Qué tal?
2. Hola ¿Qué hay de nuevo?
3. Hola ¿Cómo estás?
4. Buenos días ¿Cómo está usted?
III. You are traveling to Panamá, for a short trip, to visit a friend. During the flight you wanted to
practice your Spanish with a Hispanic young girl sitting next to you. How would you compose
the following conversation? (Bloom’s Taxonomy #5: Synthesis)
1. YOU: Hola ¿Cómo ?
SHE: Muy bien, gracias ¿y tú?
2. YOU: Yo estoy bien. ¿Cómo ?
SHE: Soy Juanita. ¿Y tú?
3. YOU: Yo…____________ Mike o Miguel en Español.
SHE: Mucho gusto, Miguel. Eres de los Estados Unidos, ¿verdad?
4. YOU: Sí, yo __________ Americano… Perdón, estadounidense.
SHE: ¡Yo también! pero mis padres son panameños.
IV. You are about to land in Panama City. Your friend’s mom, la Sra. Hernández will pick you
up at the airport. Create an imaginary conversation with her. Remember your friends told you
she is a very serious person and you need to give her a good impression. Could you predict how
she will address you? What would you do different from the conversation with Juanita in the
previous question? (Bloom’s Taxonomy #5: Synthesis)
1. You:
Sra. Hernández:
2. You:
Sra. Hernández:
3. You:
Sra. Hernández:
4. You:
Sra. Hernández:
Task Completion 1 2 3 4 5
It measures how thoroughly Minimal attempt to Less than 50% of the Task largely Completion of the Superior completion
the student completes the complete the task. required length completed, some task, content of the task, content
required activity by completion of the information missing appropriate, ideas appropriate, ideas
addressing the prompt and task, content mostly or irrelevant. adequately well developed and
meeting the minimum appropriate. developed. well organized.
Vocabulary 1 2 3 4 5
It measures the accuracy, Largely inaccurate Frequently Occasionally Adequate and Rich use of a range of
variety and quantity of use of vocabulary inaccurate use of inadequate and/or accurate use of vocabulary studied
vocabulary in the student and/or many English vocabulary; inaccurate use of vocabulary studied
response based on the or un-existing words occasional English or vocabulary
material covered to date. invented words
Grammar 1 2 3 4 5
It measures the use and Largely inadequate Emerging use of basic Errors in structures Emerging control of Control of basic
accuracy of basic language and/or inaccurate language structures. studied are more basic structures. language structures.
structures based on the use of basic language Structures studied often correct than Errors in structures Few to no errors in
material studied to date. structures. Correct are frequently incorrect, but may be studied are occasional structures studied.
grammar is used incorrect. consistent. and sporadic but not
infrequently. consistent
Spelling and Punctuation 1 2 3 4 5
It measures the accuracy of Largely inaccurate Frequently Occasionally Mostly accurate Few or no errors in
spelling, punctuation and spelling, use of inaccurate spelling, inaccurate spelling, spelling, use of spelling, use of
capitalization, and the diacritical marks, use of diacritical use of diacritical diacritical marks, diacritical marks,
proper use of diacritical punctuation and/or marks, punctuation marks, punctuation punctuation and/or punctuation and/or
marks (accents, tildes, capitalization. It and/or capitalization and/or capitalization capitalization capitalization
exclamation and question shows little
marks) understanding of
Spanish conventions.
Comprehensibility 1 2 3 4 5
It measures the degree to Text barely More than 50% of Although most is Text comprehensible, Text readily
which the sympathetic comprehensible to a the text is difficult to comprehensible, it requiring occasional comprehensible,
reader needs to interpret non-English speaker comprehend for a requires frequent interpretation on the requiring no
the student's response. non-English speaker interpretation on the part of the reader interpretation on the
part of the reader. part of the reader
Task completion 1 2 3 4 5
Vocabulary 12 3 4 5
Grammar 12 3 4 5
Spelling & Punctuation 1 2 3 4 5
Comprehensibility 1 2 3 4 5
Total: ____________ x 4 = ___________%
ACP Showcase Portfo
Name: Chayree Santiago Thom
Discipline: Beginning Spanish I
Date: November 18, 2015
Table of C
Student Prepara
BOPPPS Lesson:
◦ Bridge
◦ Objectives
◦ Pre-Assessme
Learning and P
◦ Summary
ation Strategy
ent, Participatory
Student Prepar
Students were asked to read Encu
World” (textbook, pages 8-9, http://
I encouraged them to think what t
reading topic
The reading will be the base of th
a c t i v i t y.
ration Strategy
uentro Cultural: “The Hispanic
they already know about the
he BOPPPS Pre-Assessment
1. A map (next slide) will show the
around the world. Student imp
◦ Why do you think it is important to
◦ Discuss answers and provide additio
2. A 33 second video will be playe
lesson, which will be about Gre
Spanish: the first practical use o
◦ How could you practice Spanis
coverage of the Spanish language
pressions are welcome.
learn Spanish?
onal information they have not
ed (slide 6) to introduce today’s
eetings and Meeting people in
of knowing a new language.
sh in your life?
Share Your
Greeting and
How could you
practice Spanish in
your life?
Course Student Le
Upon successful com
students will:
Engage in conversati
grammatical structu
events that take plac
producing questions
of topics dealing wit
earning Outcome
mpletion of this course,
ions using level-appropriate
ures including narrating
ce in the present tense and
s and responses on a variety
th everyday life.
Lesson Learning Ob
By the end of this lesson, students wi
Tell facts about the Hispanic world (B
Recall the Spanish vocabulary and gr
exchanging information, describing p
Taxonomy # 1: Knowledge)
Recognize a formal and an informal s
and apply them in a real situation. (B
Create basic conversations to learn a
adapting it to the different possible s
ill be able to:
Bloom’s Taxonomy # 1: Knowledge)
rammar structures used in greetings,
people, and farewells. (Bloom’s
situation when you meet someone,
B T # 2: Comprehension)
about people you just met, and
scenarios. (B T # 5: Synthesis)