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Published by jakespider, 2020-05-27 08:47:12

Hebrew in Harmony



Welcoming Shabbat
During the ‫ ַק ָבּ ַלת ַשׁ ָבּת‬service it is traditional to recite six Psalms, one for each
weekday, each day of Creation, before we chant ‫ ְל ָכה דוֹ ִדי‬. With a partner, read

aloud the following phrases from these six Psalms.

‫ ָנ ִרי ָﬠה ְלצוּר ִי ְשׁ ֵﬠנוּ‬,‫ ְלכוּ ְנַר ְנּ ָנה ַלי ָי‬1
‫ ִשׁירוּ ַלי ָי ָכּל ָה ָא ֶרץ‬,‫ ִשׁירוּ ַלי ָי ִשׁיר ָח ָדשׁ‬2

‫ וּ ְל ִי ְשֵׁרי ֵלב ִשׂ ְמ ָחה‬,‫ אוֹר ָז ֻר ַﬠ ַל ַצּ ִדּיק‬3
‫ ָהִריעוּ ִל ְפ ֵני ַה ֶמּ ֶלְך ְי ָי‬,‫ ַבּ ֲח ֹצ ְצרוֹת ְוקוֹל שׁוֹ ָפר‬4

‫ ְו ִה ְשׁ ַתּ ֲחווּ ְל ַהר ָק ְדשׁוֹ‬,‫ רוֹ ְממוּ ְי ָי ֱאֹל ֵהינוּ‬5
‫ ָהבוּ ַלי ָי ְבּ ֵני ֵא ִלים‬,‫ ִמ ְזמוֹר ְל ָד ִוד‬6

Oh! That’s How to Read It!
The vowel ֳ is always pronounced “oh.” And when the vowel ָ comes before
the vowel ֳ in a word, both vowels are pronounced “oh.”

Practice reading these siddur words. Underline the vowels that are pronounced

“oh.” Then circle the word that appears in ‫ ְל ָכה דוֹ ִדי‬.

‫ִמ ָמּ ֳחַרת ְו ָצ ֳה ָר ִים וּ ְב ָצ ֳה ָלה ְבּ ָא ֳה ֵלי ֳק ָדם‬


Gimme, Gimme!

Think of a time when you said “I need this,” when what you
actually meant was, “I want this.” What was the object or experience
you were asking for? Whom were you asking? How did that person
react? Describe or draw the situation.

Happy with My Portion List five things in your life you are
grateful for and satisfied with.
The last verse of ‫ְל ָכה דוֹ ִדי‬
describes Shabbat’s arrival ‫ְבּ ִשׂ ְמ ָחה‬ 1.
(in happiness). 3.
The root of ‫ ְבּ ִשׂ ְמ ָחה‬is ‫שׂמח‬. 5.

Words built on ‫ שׂמח‬are happy words! What makes us think our portion in
life is too small? And what makes us
It’s easy to be lured into wanting think our portion is enough?
things—the newest smart-phone,
jazziest sneakers, or floor seats at a
concert. But getting these things
doesn’t guarantee we’ll be happy.
Some people want more and more,
and become jealous of what others
have. How can we adjust our attitude
so that we can genuinely say, “this is
enough”? When we feel content with
who we are and what we have, we
are embracing the Jewish value of

‫( ָשׂ ֵמ ַח ְבּ ֶח ְלקוֹ‬being happy with

our portion).


La La La L’cha Dodi

Because ‫ ְל ָכה דוֹ ִדי‬is written with

consistent rhyme, it is easily put to

music. There are dozens of ‫ְל ָכה דוֹ ִדי‬

melodies. Many are joyful and upbeat.

Listen to ‫ ְל ָכה דוֹ ִדי‬by the group

Six13. Notice how Six13 uses only
their voices to create a sound as rich
as instruments. The style of singing a
song with voices only and no musical accompaniment is called
a capella. After listening, answer the following questions.

How is this melody different from What makes this melody appropriate
“Lincoln’s Nigun”?
for welcoming ‫? ַשׁ ָבּת‬

Laughter Yoga

Laughter yoga is a practice in which people laugh out loud by choice—not
because they find something funny. Try the following laughter yoga activity.
Stand up, throw your arms in the air, and give a great big laugh! Take a deep breath,
raise your arms over your head, and laugh again. Do that three or four times.

Do you feel any different? In your body? In your spirit?
Why do you think that is?

Would you recommend laughter yoga to your friends?
Why or why not?


Rhyme Time
‫ ְל ָכה דוֹ ִדי‬is a piyut, a poem meant to be recited

or sung during prayer. Look at the Hebrew verses
on pages 1 and 2 and find the rhyming words in
each verse.
In pairs or on your own, write a short rhyming
poem about Shabbat. You can use the English

words of ‫ ְל ָכה דוֹ ִדי‬as inspiration! If you like, you

can illustrate your poem. Share it with your friends.

Name of Your Poem:


Copyright © 2017 Behrman House Inc. • 964O (L’cha Dodi) By: Rabbi Lauren Cohn and Terry S. Kaye • "Hebrew Helpers": Ellen J. Rank • Project Editor: Terry S. Kaye • Design: Zatar Creative • Photographs: p. 1: William Perugini/; EBREW ELPERS
p. 2: Monkey Business Images/; p. 3: mirc3a/; p. 4: Art_man/ ; p. 4–5: Seth Beckton (top), Graphic design/ (middle); p. 6: Richard Lobell; p. 8: Brian Kinney/; p. 8–9: spfotocz/
(background); p. 10: Dan Rous; p.12–13: Ogovorka/; p. 13: Jessica Giovanetti (top), Sergey Furtaev/ (bottom); p. 14: tomertu/; p. 16: Vlasov Volodymyr/ • Manufactured in USA Four in a Row

Play this game with a partner. Take turns reading the Hebrew words. If you
read the word correctly, lightly mark an X or an O in pencil in that box. The
first to get four boxes in a row across, down, or diagonally is the winner.

‫ִשׂ ַמּ ְח ָתּ‬ ‫ַו ִתּ ְשׂ ַמח‬ ‫ִי ְשׂ ְמחוּ‬ ‫ִשׂ ְמ ַחת‬
‫ְו ִשׂ ְמחוּ‬ ‫ְשׂ ֵמ ָחה‬ ‫ְשׂ ֵמ ִחים‬ ‫וּ ְשׂ ֵמ ִחים‬
‫ִשׂ ְמ ָחה‬ ‫ְו ַשׂ ְמּ ֵחנוּ‬ ‫ְל ִשׂ ְמ ָחה‬ ‫ְו ִשׂ ְמ ָחה‬
‫ְמ ַשׂ ֵמּ ַח‬ ‫ְמ ַשׂ ְמּ ֵחי‬ ‫ַשׂ ְמּ ֵחם‬ ‫ִי ְשׂ ַמח‬

The three root letters appear in each word.

Words built on this root have as part of their meaning.

Phrases on the Fly 2

With a partner take turns reading the single words on the right of each line.
Then read the phrase together, blending the phrase smoothly while drawing
an arch in the air.

‫ ְו ֵנ ְל ָכה = ִל ְקַראת ַשׁ ָבּת ְלכוּ ְו ֵנ ְל ָכה‬+ ‫ ְלכוּ‬+ ‫ ַשׁ ָבּת‬+ ‫ ִל ְקַראת‬1
‫ ַה ְבּ ָר ָכה = ִכּי ִהיא ְמקוֹר ַה ְבּ ָר ָכה‬+ ‫ ְמקוֹר‬+ ‫ ִהיא‬+ ‫ ִכּי‬2
‫ ְנסוּ ָכה = ֵמרֹאשׁ ִמ ֶקּ ֶדם ְנסוּ ָכה‬+ ‫ ִמ ֶקּ ֶדם‬+ ‫ ֵמרֹאשׁ‬3

‫ ְתּ ִח ָלּה = סוֹף ַמ ֲﬠ ֶשׂה ְבּ ַמ ֲח ָשׁ ָבה ְתּ ִח ָלּה‬+ ‫ ְבּ ַמ ֲח ָשׁ ָבה‬+ ‫ ַמ ֲﬠ ֶשׂה‬+ ‫ סוֹף‬4
Guess what! You’ve just learned to read the second verse of ‫ ְל ָכה דוֹ ִדי‬.


‫ְל ָכה דוֹ ִדי ‪My Musical Journey:‬‬

‫‪ְ music by filling in the responses below.‬ל ָכה דוֹ ִדי ‪Compose your‬‬

‫‪ְ is part‬ל ָכה דוֹ ִדי‬

‫‪of the Friday night‬‬
‫‪service called‬‬

‫‪Some of the‬‬
‫‪associated with‬‬

‫‪ְ are‬ל ָכה דוֹ ִדי‬

‫‪Some rabbis‬‬
‫‪interpret the words‬‬

‫‪ָ as‬שׁמוֹר ְו ָזכוֹר‬

‫‪I think the‬‬
‫‪Jewish value of‬‬

‫‪ָ is‬שׂ ֵמ ַח ְבּ ֶח ְלקוֹ‬

‫‪important because‬‬

‫ְל ָכה דוֹ ִדי ‪The‬‬

‫‪melody that I found‬‬
‫‪most meaningful‬‬
‫‪was because‬‬



‫ַמ ֲﬠִריב ֲﬠ ָר ִבים‬
‫ יוֹ ֵצר אוֹר‬

What do you appreciate about night and day? Which do you prefer? Why? Two

prayers — ‫ ַמ ֲﬠ ִריב ֲﬠ ָר ִבים‬and ‫—יוֹ ֵצר אוֹר‬help us recognize the beauty of night

and day, like the stars in the inky black sky and the golden morning sunrise.

‫ַמ ֲﬠִריב ֲﬠ ָר ִבים‬

Praised are You, Adonai our God, ,‫ ְי ָי ֶאֹל ֵהינוּ‬,‫    ָבּרוְּך ַא ָתּה‬1

Ruler of the world, ,‫   ֶמ ֶלְך ָהעוֹ ָלם‬2

whose word brings on the evening. .‫  ֲא ֶשׁר ִבּ ְד ָברוֹ ַמ ֲﬠ ִריב ֲﬠ ָר ִבים‬3

Who opens gates with wisdom, ,‫  ְבּ ָח ְכ ָמה פּוֹ ֵת ַח ְשׁ ָﬠ ִרים‬4

and with understanding alters time, ,‫ וּ ִב ְתבוּ ָנה ְמ ַשׁ ֶנּה ִﬠ ִתּים‬5

who changes the seasons, ,‫ וּ ַמ ֲח ִליף ֶאת ַה ְזּ ַמ ִנּים‬6

and arranges the stars ‫    וּ ְמ ַס ֵדּר ֶאת ַהכּוֹ ָכ ִבים‬7

in their heavenly order according to plan. .‫   ְבּ ִמ ְשׁ ְמרוֹ ֵתי ֶהם ָבּ ָר ִקי ַﬠ ִכּ ְרצוֹנוֹ‬8

Creator of day and night, You roll light ‫ גּוֹ ֵלל אוֹר‬,‫  בּוֹ ֵרא יוֹם ָו ָל ְי ָלה‬9

away from darkness and darkness from light, ,‫ ְוח ֶשְׁך ִמ ְפּ ֵני אוֹר‬,‫  ִמ ְפּ ֵני ח ֶשְׁך‬10

turning day into night ,‫ וּ ַמ ֲﬠ ִביר יוֹם וּ ֵמ ִביא ָל ְי ָלה‬11

and separating between day and night. ,‫ וּ ַמ ְב ִדּיל ֵבּין יוֹם וּ ֵבין ָל ְי ָלה‬12

Adonai Tz’va’ot is God’s name. .‫ ְי ָי ְצ ָבאוֹת ְשׁמוֹ‬13

May the living and eternal God ,‫  ֵאל ַחי ְו ַק ָיּם‬14

rule over us always. .‫  ָתּ ִמיד ִי ְמֹלְך ָﬠ ֵלינוּ ְלעוֹ ָלם ָו ֶﬠד‬15

Praised are You, Adonai, ,‫ ְי ָי‬,‫  ָבּרוְּך ַא ָתּה‬16

who brings on the evening. .‫  ַה ַמּ ֲﬠ ִריב ֲﬠ ָר ִבים‬17

1 964P • Ma’ariv Aravim | Yotzer Or NAME

Night Versus Day

How do you react to night and day? Complete the statements below.


I feel…

I like to…

I wish…

What conclusions can you draw from your answers?

Prayer as Comfort

What makes you feel safe? What reassures you when
you are scared? It could be a place, a person, or an
object. Draw or write about it on the left.

Some people find comfort in prayer when they are
scared or upset. How could you find comfort in

In the evening prayer service, we recite the ‫ַמ ֲﬠ ִריב‬
‫ ֲﬠ ָר ִבים‬prayer. Its words provide comfort as night

falls. When might you need comfort as night falls?


At the Root Prayer Reading

The words in the phrase With a partner, alternate reading the

‫“( ַמ ֲﬠ ִריב ֲﬠ ָר ִבים‬brings on the Hebrew lines in ‫ ַמ ֲﬠ ִריב ֲﬠ ָר ִבים‬.
evening”) are built on the root ‫ערב‬.
Words built on ‫ ערב‬have “mixed” How Did I Do?

as part of their meaning. Evening How well did you read? Circle
the face that shows how you feel.
is when day (‫ )יוֹם‬mixes into night
(‫) ַל ְי ָלה‬. Jewish tradition teaches Go online to practice reading

that a tiny spark of God’s light is ‫ ַמ ֲﬠ ִריב ֲﬠ ָר ִבים‬. Make the prayer
mixed in with the darkness of night.
your own by recording yourself!
Describe a time you experienced a
small light in the darkness. Where Prayer Words ‫ַמ ֲﬠ ִריב ֲﬠ ָר ִבים‬
were you? Where did the light come ‫ַהכּוֹ ָכ ִבים‬
from? How did you feel? brings on the ‫ָו ָל ְי ָלה‬
evening ‫ַחי‬
the stars
and night ‫ִי ְמֹלְך‬
living, lives
will rule

Ask a partner to pick three of the prayer
words above for you and to number them
1, 2, and 3. Now draw a small picture to
illustrate each of those words.



Rolling into
Night and Day

Listen to the song “Roll into Dark” by Noam Katz.
What do the English lyrics tell you about night and

How does Noam convey the feeling of rolling
into dark and into light through his voice? The
instruments? The melody?



Prayer Puzzle

Complete the puzzle by writing the Hebrew word for each English word below.


1. and night
5. brings on the evening

2. the stars 5
3. will rule
4. living, lives

Hold Your Breath!

Read each line without taking a breath.

‫ ֲא ֶשׁר ִבּ ְד ָברוֹ ַמ ֲﬠ ִריב ֲﬠ ָר ִבים‬1
‫ גּוֹ ֵלל אוֹר ִמ ְפּ ֵני ח ֶשְׁך‬2

‫ וּ ַמ ֲﬠ ִביר יוֹם וּ ֵמ ִביא ָל ְי ָלה‬3
‫ וּ ַמ ְב ִדּיל ֵבּין יוֹם וּ ֵבין ָל ְי ָלה‬4
‫ ָתּ ִמיד ִי ְמֹלְך ָﬠ ֵלינוּ ְלעוֹ ָלם ָו ֶﬠד‬5
‫ ַה ַמּ ֲﬠ ִריב ֲﬠ ָר ִבים‬,‫ ְי ָי‬,‫ ָבּרוְּך ַא ָתּה‬6


the World

What one thing do you
wish you could change
about the way the world
was created? Draw or
write about it here.

Why would you
want to make
that change?

TaTuhthCosL(aea‫ר‬arGonne‫רוֹ‬w‫א‬daot‫וֹ‬kta‫א‬d)!ipyosaefn‫ר‬tnoao,‫צ‬drcֵ ise‫וֹ‬ntdah‫(י‬cya‫ם‬eplrutr‫וֹ‬wkhd‫ל‬anaoyi‫שׁ‬nneneָ sgkrd)s.gely(iro ig‫ך‬vsְuhe‫שׁ‬oֶtsf‫)ח‬,


‫יוֹ ֵצר אוֹר‬

Praised are You, Adonai our God, ,‫ ְי ָי ֱאֹל ֵהינוּ‬,‫   ָבּרוְּך ַא ָתּה‬1

Ruler of the world, ,‫ ֶמ ֶלְך ָהעוֹ ָלם‬2

who forms light and creates darkness, ,‫ יוֹ ֵצר אוֹר וּבוֹ ֵרא ח ֶשְׁך‬3

who makes peace and creates all things. .‫ ֹע ֶשׂה ָשׁלוֹם וּבוֹ ֵרא ֶאת־ ַה ֹכּל‬4

You light the world ‫ ַה ֵמּ ִאיר ָל ָא ֶרץ‬5

and those who live in it with mercy. ,‫ ְו ַל ָדּ ִרים ָﬠ ֶלי ָה ְבַּר ֲח ִמים‬6

In Your goodness, every day ‫ וּ ְבטוּבוֹ ְמ ַח ֵדּשׁ ְבּ ָכל יוֹם‬7

You renew Creation. .‫ ָתּ ִמיד ַמ ֲﬠ ֵשׂה ְב ֵרא ִשׁית‬8

How numerous are Your works, Adonai, ,‫ ָמה ַרבּוּ ַמ ֲﬠ ֶשׂיָך ְי ָי‬9

in wisdom, You made them all, ,‫ ֻכּ ָלּם ְבּ ָח ְכ ָמה ָﬠ ִשׂי ָת‬10

the world is filled with Your creatures. .‫ ָמ ְל ָאה ָה ָא ֶרץ ִק ְנ ָי ֶנָך‬11

Be praised, Adonai our God, ,‫ ְי ָי ֱאֹל ֵהינוּ‬,‫ ִתּ ְת ָבַּרְך‬12

for the magnificent work of Your hands ‫ ַﬠל ֶשׁ ַבח ַמ ֲﬠ ֵשׁה ָי ֶדיָך‬13

and for the light You created, ,‫ ְו ַﬠל ְמאוֹ ֵרי אוֹר ֶשׁ ָﬠ ִשׂי ָת‬14

may they glorify You. .‫ ְי ָפ ֲארוָּך ֶסּ ָלה‬15

Shine a new light on Zion, ,‫ אוֹר ָח ָדשׁ ַﬠל ִציּוֹן ָתּ ִאיר‬16

that we all may quickly be worthy of its glow. .‫ ְו ִנ ְז ֶכּה ֻכ ָלּנוּ ְמ ֵה ָרה ְלאוֹרוֹ‬17

Praised are You, Adonai, ,‫ ָבּרוְּך ַא ָתּה ְי ָי‬18

Creator of the heavenly lights. .‫ יוֹ ֵצר ַה ְמּאוֹרוֹת‬19


Prayer Words Prayer Reading

king, ruler ‫ֶמ ֶלְך‬ With a partner, alternate reading
light ‫אוֹר‬
and creates ‫וּבוֹ ֵרא‬ the Hebrew lines in ‫יוֹ ֵצר אוֹר‬.
darkness ‫ח ֶשְׁך‬
your hands ‫ָי ֶדיָך‬ How Did I Do?
‫ַה ְמּאוֹרוֹת‬
the heavenly lights How well did you read? Circle the
face that shows how you feel.
Circle the Hebrew word above that
means “light.” Now underline the Go online to practice
other word above that shares the
same Hebrew root. reading ‫יוֹ ֵצר אוֹר‬. Make

Which two Hebrew words above the prayer your own by
are opposites? recording yourself!

and____________________________ _________________________ Draw a picture of yourself

waving ‫ ָי ֶדיָך‬in the air. Draw
a ‫ ֶמ ֶלְך‬standing next to you. Draw
one of ‫ ַה ְמּאוֹרוֹת‬in the picture.


Creator of Light

Listen to Kol B’Seder’s version of ‫יוֹ ֵצר אוֹר‬. How would

you describe the mood or atmosphere of the song? What
is it about the song that made you feel that way?

Greeting One Another
In ‫יוֹ ֵצר אוֹר‬, as we thank God for lighting the

world and renewing Creation, we are saying
that God’s work as Creator is ongoing. Even
time is holy—for example, Shabbat and
holidays such as Sukkot and Passover.

In Hebrew, the way we greet one another often depends on the time or the
occasion. With a partner, practice greeting each other in Hebrew.

good evening ‫ֶﬠֶרב טוֹב‬

good morning ‫ֹבּ ֶקר טוֹב‬

morning of light (response to “good morning”) ‫ֹבּ ֶקר אוֹר‬

good night ‫ַל ְי ָלה טוֹב‬

good afternoon ‫ָצ ֳהַר ִים טוֹ ִבים‬

Shabbat shalom ‫ַשׁ ַבּת ָשׁלוֹם‬

good week (after Havdalah on Saturday night) ‫ָשׁבוּ ַﬠ טוֹב‬

happy holiday ‫ַחג ָשׂ ֵמ ַח‬


Light in Prayers

Read the following lines in Hebrew and in English, first to yourself, then to a
partner. Then circle the Hebrew word(s) that mean “light” in each line.

.‫ וּ ְל ִי ְשׁ ֵרי־ ֵלב ִשׂ ְמ ָחה‬,‫ אוֹר ָז ֻר ַﬠ ַל ַצּ ִדּיק‬1

Light is spread for the righteous, and for the upright in heart, joy.

.‫ ְו ִנ ְז ֶכּה ֻכ ָלּנוּ ְמ ֵה ָרה ְלאוֹרוֹ‬,‫ אוֹר ָח ָדשׁ ַﬠל ִציּוֹן ָתּ ִאיר‬2

Shine a new light on Zion, that we all may quickly be worthy of its glow.

.‫ בּוֹ ֵרא ְמאוֹ ֵרי ָה ֵאשׁ‬,‫ ֶמ ֶלְך ָהעוֹ ָלם‬,‫ ְי ָי ֱאֹל ֵהינוּ‬,‫ ָבּרוְּך ַא ָתּה‬3

Praised are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the world, who creates the fiery lights.

.‫ ְבּאוֹ ְרָך ִנ ְר ֶאה־אוֹר‬,‫ ִכּי־ ִﬠ ְמָּך ְמקוֹר ַח ִיּים‬4

With You is the fountain of life, by Your light we see light.

Renewing Creation
Read the following line from ‫יוֹ ֵצר אוֹר‬.

.‫וּ ְבטוּבוֹ ְמ ַח ֵדּשׁ ְבּ ָכל יוֹם ָתּ ִמיד ַמ ֲﬠ ֵשׂה ְב ֵרא ִשׁית‬...

…in Your goodness, every day You renew Creation.
What do you think it means that God “renews Creation every day”?

Our tradition teaches that we are God’s
partners in the world. What are two ways you
can be God’s partner in renewing Creation?




From the Sun to the Earth

Form a group of three and decide who will take path 1, 2, and 3. Starting at the

‫ ֶשׁ ֶמשׁ‬, take turns reading the words along your path. If you make a mistake,
start over at the beginning. The first player to reach ‫ ָה ָא ֶרץ‬wins.

3 ‫ֶשׁ ֶמשׁ‬ 1

‫ָי ֶדיָך‬ 2 ‫ַה ְמּאוֹרוֹת‬
‫ְמ ַח ֵדּשׁ‬ ‫ַמ ֲﬠ ֵשׂה‬
‫ַה ֵמּ ִאיר‬ ‫אוֹר‬ ‫ֻכ ָלּנוּ‬
‫וּ ְבטוּבוֹ‬ ‫ָח ָדשׁ‬ ‫וּבוֹ ֵרא‬
‫ְבַּר ֲח ִמים‬ ‫ְו ִנ ְז ֶכּה‬ ‫ח ֶשְׁך‬
‫יוֹ ֵצר‬

‫ָה ָא ֶרץ‬

Word Building

With a partner, read these lines aloud. Together determine the three root
letters for each group of words, and write the root letters on the blank lines.

_‫  אוֹר  ְלאוֹרוֹ    ַה ְמּאוֹרוֹת   ַה ֵמּ ִאיר      ָתּ ִאיר     _א_    _ו_    _ר‬1
__   __   __ ‫ ֹע ֶשׂה   ַי ֲﬠ ֶשׂה    ַמ ֲﬠ ֵשׂה       ַמ ֲﬠ ֶשׂיָך     ֶשׁ ָﬠ ִשׂי ָת‬2
__   __   __     ‫ ֶﬠ ֶרב     ֲﬠ ָר ִבים   ַﬠ ְר ִבית        ַמ ֲﬠ ִריב   ַמ ֲﬠ ָרב‬3


Comparing the Prayers

Choose the phrase or ‫ַמ ֲﬠ ִריב ֲﬠ ָר ִבים‬ ‫יוֹ ֵצר אוֹר‬

sentence you consider To me, the most important phrase or sentence is:

most important in

‫ ַמ ֲﬠ ִריב ֲﬠ ָר ִבים‬on page1
and ‫ יוֹ ֵצר אוֹר‬on page7.

Write each phrase or

sentence in English on

the right. Then explain

your choice.

I think this phrase or sentence is the most important because:

What is the common theme in ‫ַמ ֲﬠ ִריב ֲﬠ ָר ִבים‬
and ‫?יוֹ ֵצר אוֹר‬


Text Study

With a partner read the following text, first in Hebrew and
then in English. Answer the questions that follow.

‫  ַו ַיּ ְרא ֱאֹל ִהים‬4 :‫  ַויֹּא ֶמר ֱאֹל ִהים ְי ִהי אוֹר ַו ְי ִהי־אוֹר‬3
‫ֶאת־ ָהאוֹר ִכּי־טוֹב ַו ַיּ ְב ֵדּל ֱאֹל ִהים ֵבּין ָהאוֹר וּ ֵבין‬
‫  ַו ִיּ ְק ָרא ֱאֹל ִהים ָלאוֹר יוֹם ְו ַלח ֶשְׁך ָק ָרא‬5 :‫ַהח ֶשְׁך‬
:‫ָל ְי ָלה ַו ְי ִהי־ ֶﬠ ֶרב ַו ְי ִהי־ ֹב ֶקר יוֹם ֶא ָחד‬

3And God said: “Let there be light.” And there was light. 4And God saw
the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.
5And God called the light Day, and the darkness God called Night. And
there was evening and there was morning, day one. (Genesis 1:3–5)

Big Idea! Circle all the words that mean
Because the Torah
says, “And there Underline the words that mean
was evening and “darkness.”
there was morning,
day one,” Jewish Put a smiley face above the word
tradition teaches that means “good.”
that each day begins
in the evening. That Why do you think the Torah says
is why, for example, that God called the light “good”?
Shabbat starts on
Friday evening.


Saying “Wow!” Mah Rabu

Think about a location that you find Read the following line in Hebrew,
inspiring or amazing. Describe it here: then in English.

There are four kinds of prayers in .‫ָמה־ַרבּוּ ַמ ֲﬠ ֶשׂיָך ְי ָי‬
Jewish liturgy: (1)“Thank you,” .‫ֻכּ ָלּם ְבּ ָח ְכ ָמה ָﬠ ִשׂי ָת‬
(2)“Please,”(3)“Sorry,” and(4)“Wow.”
God, You have so many creations! You
In ‫ ַמ ֲﬠ ִריב ֲﬠ ָר ִבים‬and ‫ יוֹ ֵצר אוֹר‬we made them all in your wisdom.
(Psalms 104:24)
express our amazement at the beauty
of the natural world with “Wow!” Listen to the song
Write your own words of amazement “Mah Rabu” by
to God about your inspiring or Josh Warshawsky.
amazing location.
Describe how
the music makes
you feel. What
mood does it
put you in?

How does the music help you

feel the meaning of the words

‫? ָמה־ַרבּוּ ַמ ֲﬠ ֶשׂיָך ְי ָי‬



Day or Night?

Draw a sun above the words below that have to do with day or light.
Draw a crescent moon above the words that have to do with night or darkness.

‫אוֹר  ח ֶשְׁך   ֲﬠ ָר ִבים   יוֹם     ֹבּ ֶקר‬

‫ָל ְי ָלה    ָצ ֳהַר ִים    ַה ְמּאוֹרוֹת  ַהכּוֹ ָכ ִבים   ֶﬠ ֶרב‬

Copyright © 2016 Behrman House Inc. • 964P (Ma’ariv Aravim, Yotzer Or) By: Irit Eliav Levin • “Hebrew Helpers”: Ellen J. Rank · Project Editor: Terry S. Kaye Which one Hebrew word means the sun, moon, and stars? ________________________________________
• Design: AURAS Design Inc./Robert Sugar • Photographs: p. 2: Elena Elisseeva/; p. 4: Hamstra Photography; p. 6: PCHT/; p. 9: Syda Productions/; p. 10: wavebreakmedia/; p. 12: Terry Kaye; p. 14: Reyna Zack; p. 16: Syda Productions/ • Manufactured in the USA Wow! Moments

The word ‫ ַמה‬often means “How!” like “Wow!” Take turns with a partner
reading aloud these “Wow” lines from the siddur. Circle the word ‫ ַמה‬each time
it appears. Put a check next to the line that is most similar to line 9 of ‫יוֹ ֵצר אוֹר‬.

...‫ ֱאֹל ִהים‬,‫ ַמה ָיּ ָקר ַח ְס ְדָּך‬1

How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God…

...‫ ְי ָי‬,‫ ַמה ָגּ ְדלוּ ַמ ֲﬠ ֶשׂיָך‬2

How great are your works, Adonai…

.‫ וּ ַמה ָיּ ָפה ְי ֻר ָשּׁ ֵתנוּ‬,‫ וּ ַמה ָנּ ִﬠים גּוֹ ָר ֵלנוּ‬,‫ ַמה טּוֹב ֶח ְל ֵקנוּ‬3

How happy is our portion, how pleasant is our lot, how beautiful is our heritage.

.‫ ִמ ְשׁ ְכּ ֹנ ֶתיָך ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל‬,‫ ַמה ֹטּבוּ ֹא ָה ֶליָך ַי ֲﬠ ֹקב‬4

How lovely are your tents, O Jacob, and your dwellings, O Israel.


My Musical Journey: ‫ ַמ ֲﬠ ִריב ֲﬠ ָר ִבים‬and ‫יוֹ ֵצר אוֹר‬

Compose your ‫ ַמ ֲﬠ ִריב ֲﬠ ָר ִבים‬and ‫ יוֹ ֵצר אוֹר‬music by filling in the responses below.

I think the
main idea in

‫ַמ ֲﬠ ִריב ֲﬠ ָר ִבים‬
and ‫ יוֹ ֵצר אוֹר‬is

I think the most
important Hebrew
word or phrase in

‫ַמ ֲﬠ ִריב ֲﬠ ָר ִבים‬

is __ because

I think the most
important Hebrew

word or phrase

in ‫יוֹ ֵצר אוֹר‬

is __ because

The song I
remember best
from these prayers

is __ because

One thing I
learned about

‫ ַמ ֲﬠ ִריב ֲﬠ ָר ִבים‬and
‫ יוֹ ֵצר אוֹר‬from a

friend is


‫ַמה ִנּ ְשׁ ַתּ ָנּה‬

What is your earliest Passover memory? Is
it finding the afikoman? Opening the door
for Elijah the Prophet? Singing the Four

Questions, the ‫ ? ַמה ִנּ ְשׁ ַתּ ָנּה‬During the seder

we imagine we were once slaves in Egypt, and
that God freed us with many miracles.

Why is this night different ‫   ַמה ִנּ ְשׁ ַתּ ָנּה ַה ַלּ ְי ָלה ַה ֶזּה‬1
from all other nights? ?‫ ִמ ָכּל ַה ֵלּילוֹת‬2

On all other nights we eat ‫ ֶשׁ ְבּ ָכל ַה ֵלּילוֹת ָאנוּ אוֹ ְכ ִלין‬3
leavened and unleavened bread, ,‫ ָח ֵמץ וּ ַמ ָצּה‬4
but on this night [we eat] only matzah.
.‫ ַה ַלּ ְי ָלה ַה ֶזּה ֻכּלּוֹ ַמ ָצּה‬5

On all other nights we eat ‫ ֶשׁ ְבּ ָכל ַה ֵלּילוֹת ָאנוּ אוֹ ְכ ִלין‬6
all kinds of herbs, ,‫ ְשׁ ָאר ְי ָרקוֹת‬7
but on this night [we eat] only bitter herbs.
.‫ ַה ַלּ ְי ָלה ַה ֶזּה ָמרוֹר‬8

On all other nights we do not ‫ ֶשׁ ְבּ ָכל ַה ֵלּילוֹת ֵאין ָאנוּ‬9
dip even once, ,‫ ֲא ִפילוּ ַפּ ַﬠם ֶא ָחת‬,‫ ַמ ְט ִבּי ִלין‬10
but on this night [we dip] twice.
.‫ ַה ַלּ ְי ָלה ַה ֶזּה ְשׁ ֵתּי ְפ ָﬠ ִמים‬11

On all other nights we eat ‫ ֶשׁ ְבּ ָכל ַה ֵלּילוֹת ָאנוּ אוֹ ְכ ִלין‬12
either sitting or reclining, ,‫ ֵבּין יוֹ ְשׁ ִבין וּ ֵבין ְמ ֻס ִבּין‬13
but on this night we all recline.
.‫ ַה ַלּ ְי ָלה ַה ֶזּה ֻכּ ָלּנוּ ְמ ֻס ִבּין‬14

1 964Q • Mah Nishtanah NAME

Asking Questions

What was the best question you asked during the past week?
When did you ask it? Where were you? Whom did you ask? Describe or draw the
situation. If you draw, label who’s who in the picture.

What makes this your best question?
How is the question “Why is this night different from all other nights?” a good
question to ask at the start of Passover?
Make up your own best question for the first nights of Passover:


The Music of ‫ַמה ִנּ ְשׁ ַתּ ָנּה‬

Listen to the song “Mah Nishtana” by Elana Jagoda. Then answer these questions:

What instruments did you hear most While you were listening, did you feel
clearly? like moving; for example, nodding
your head or tapping your feet or
your fingers? What do you think
made you feel that way?

How do you think those instruments
influence the tempo (speed) of the

Do you know a different version of

‫ ? ַמה ִנּ ְשׁ ַתּ ָנּה‬Can you hum it in a

quiet voice? How is it different from

Elana Jagoda’s version?

What piece of music do you know

that would be the best new tune for

the words of the ‫ ? ַמה ִנּ ְשׁ ַתּ ָנּה‬Why

did you choose that song?

Go online for videos
with different versions

of ‫ ַמה ִנּ ְשׁ ַתּ ָנּה‬.


below. Ask each other for help when you need it.

5.‫ ָמרוֹר‬is a Passover food that reminds us of the 6. Look at the word

bitterness of slavery. What bitter-tasting food do you ‫יוֹ ְשׁ ִבין‬. The root ‫ישׁב‬
use on your seder plate? ________________ Now make
means the opposite
your best ‫ ָמרוֹר‬face. of “stand.” Choose
someone in your group
What bitter food would you rather use on your seder to count to three,
plate? Choose a food that represents to you the then everyone do the
bitterness of slavery—of being owned by someone opposite of stand on
who has control over your life. Explain your choice. the floor.

Show what ‫ְמ ֻס ִבּין‬


Team Reading

Read the ‫ ַמה ִנּ ְשׁ ַתּ ָנּה‬in

unison with your group.

Go online to How Did We Do?
practice reading
How well did your
the ‫ ַמה ִנּ ְשׁ ַתּ ָנּה‬. group read? Circle
the face that shows
Make the Four how you feel.
Questions your
own by recording



Four Questions Challenge

In a small group, use the ‫ ַמה ִנּ ְשׁ ַתּ ָנּה‬on page 1 to help you complete the six activities

1. Every question in 2. Choose someone 4. ‫ ַמ ָצּה‬is unleavened
from your group to
the ‫ ַמה ִנּ ְשׁ ַתּ ָנּה‬has read the first line of bread (it does not rise).

a two-word phrase in ‫ ַמה ִנּ ְשׁ ַתּ ָנּה‬in Hebrew, Leavened grain products
which both words start
then in English. are called ‫ ָח ֵמץ‬. Give
with ‫ ַה‬.
3. The first line of two or three examples of
Write the two-word
phrase here. ‫ ַמה ִנּ ְשׁ ַתּ ָנּה‬is like ‫ ָח ֵמץ‬.

Let’s figure out what a headline for the
the phrase means. If other questions. What
headline would you
‫ ֹבּ ֶקר טוֹב‬means “good choose for your group if
you get all these answers
morning,” and I say right?

‫ ַל ְי ָלה טוֹב‬when it’s

dark out, what do you

think ‫ ַל ְי ָלה‬means?

What do you think

‫ ַה ֶזּה‬means? For help,

look at “Prayer Words”

on page 7.

So what do you think

‫ ַה ַלּ ְי ָלה ַה ֶזּה‬means?


From the Torah What do these two texts have in
Read the texts below. Then, answer the What prompts the parents to tell
questions that follow. the story?
What can you learn from these texts
‫ ְו ָה ָיה ִכּי־ ֹיא ְמרוּ ֲא ֵלי ֶכם ְבּ ֵני ֶכם‬26 about how the story of Passover gets
...‫ָמה ָה ֲﬠ ֹב ָדה ַה ֹזּאת ָל ֶכם‬ passed from one generation to the
26And when your children ask you, “What do
you mean by this service?” 27You shall say, “It
is the Passover sacrifice for Adonai, because
Adonai passed over the houses of the children of
Israel in Egypt when God killed the Egyptians,
but saved our houses.” (Exodus 12:26-27)

‫ ִכּי־ ִי ְשׁ ָא ְלָך ִב ְנָך ָמ ָחר ֵלאמֹר‬20
...‫ָמה ָה ֵﬠדֹת‬

20When in time to come, your child asks you,
“What do the decrees, laws, and rules that

Adonai has commanded
you mean?” 21You shall say
to your children, “We were
slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt,
and Adonai freed us from
Egypt with a mighty hand.”
(Deuteronomy 6:20-21)


Prayer Words Match the Words

why ‫ַמה‬ Connect the words below to their
different ‫ִנּ ְשׁ ַתּ ָנּה‬ matching English.
night ‫ַה ַלּ ְי ָלה‬
this the book(s) we use to ‫ַמ ִגּיד‬
‫ַה ֶזּה‬ tell the Passover story
at the seder

the part of the ‫ְל ַה ִגּיד‬
Passover seder where
the story is told

Practice the Prayer Words by to tell ‫ ַה ָגּדוֹת‬/‫ַה ָגּ ָדה‬
singing them to the tune you know
What do these three words have in
for ‫ ַמה ִנּ ְשׁ ַתּ ָנּה‬. common? (Look at the English.)

Tell It to the Children

Often the youngest person at the
seder, or all the children there,
recites the Four Questions. It
introduces the main part of the
seder—telling the story of the
Exodus from Egypt. This tellling

is called ‫ ַמ ִגּיד‬. It says in the Torah
(Exodus 13:8): ‫ ְו ִה ַגּ ְד ָתּ ְל ִב ְנָך‬, “you
shall tell your child.” ‫— ְו ִה ַגּ ְד ָתּ‬like
the word ‫! ַה ָגּ ָדה‬


A Fifth Question?
The questions of the ‫ ַמה ִנּ ְשׁ ַתּ ָנּה‬come from the Mishnah, a collection of
Jewish laws compiled almost two thousand years ago. The ‫ ַמה ִנּ ְשׁ ַתּ ָנּה‬originally

included the question, “On all other nights, we eat all kinds of meat. On this
night, we eat only roasted meat.” This refers to the Pesach sacrifice, the lamb
that was roasted and eaten on the first night of Passover. But after the Temple
was destroyed, the Israelites no longer performed sacrifices and the tradition
of eating roasted meat ended, so the question was removed. The ancient rabbis
replaced this question with the question about why we recline.

What fifth question might you add to the ‫ ? ַמה ִנּ ְשׁ ַתּ ָנּה‬Think about what makes

Passover or the seder different from other days and events, or why the story of
the Exodus continues to have meaning for us even today.

Write your question below.

Now answer your own question!

Extra Challenge! Choose a
partner and answer each
other’s question.



‫‪ַ Dash‬מה ִנ ְשׁ ַתּ ָנּה‬

‫‪Choose two lines to read together with a partner. Practice your lines. When it’s‬‬
‫‪your turn, stand up and read aloud together.‬‬

‫‪ַ  1‬מה      ִנ ְשׁ ַתּ ָנּה       ַה ַלּ ְי ָלה     ַה ֶזּה    ִמ ָכּל‬
‫‪ַ  2‬ה ֵלּילוֹת    ֶשׁ ְבּ ָכל         ַה ֵלּילוֹת    ָאנוּ        אוֹ ְכ ִלין‬

‫‪ָ  3‬ח ֵמץ   וּ ַמ ָצּה      ַה ַלּ ְי ָלה     ַה ֶזּה    ֻכּלּוֹ‬
‫‪ַ  4‬מ ָצּה    ְשׁ ָאר     ְי ָרקוֹת      ֵאין     ָאנוּ‬
‫‪ַ  5‬מ ְט ִבּי ִלין     ֲא ִפילוּ    ַפּ ַﬠם       ֶא ָחת     ֵבּין‬

‫‪ 6‬יוֹ ְשׁ ִבין     וּ ֵבין ְמ ֻס ִבּין   ְשׁ ֵתּי      ְפ ָﬠ ִמים‬

‫!‪Order! Order‬‬
‫ֵס ֶדר ‪ֵ means “order.” Read aloud the steps—the order—of the‬ס ֶדר ‪The word‬‬

‫‪in Hebrew.‬‬

‫‪ַ   1‬ק ֵדּשׁ    ‪ַ 5‬מ ִגּיד    ‪ 9‬כּוֹ ֵרְך    ‪ַ 13‬ה ֵלּל ‬
‫‪ 2‬וּ ְר ַחץ  ‪ָ 6‬ר ְח ָצה    ‪ֻ 10‬שׁ ְל ָחן עוֹ ֵרְך       ‪ִ 14‬נ ְר ָצה‬
‫‪ַ 3‬כּ ְר ַפּס          ‪ 7‬מוֹ ִציא ַמ ָצּה ‪ָ 11‬צפוּן  ‬
‫‪ַ 4‬י ַחץ       ‪ָ 8‬מרוֹר     ‪ָ 12‬בּ ֵרְך  ‬


The Best Part of Passover

What is your favorite seder memory? Draw or write about it here.

Answers, Answers!

All of the questions in the ‫ ַמה ִנּ ְשׁ ַתּ ָנּה‬involve actions—things we eat and do.

Each action is a symbol, helping us to remember and tell the Passover story. In
small groups, answer the questions below.

Why do we eat ‫ ַמ ָצּה‬on Passover? Why do we dip twice on Passover?
Hint: ‫ ַמ ָצּה‬isn’t given time to rise before it Hint: One time, we dip
‫ ַכּ ְר ַפּס‬, a green
is baked.
vegetable, in water that is salty, like tears,
and the other time
we combine bitter ‫ָמרוֹר‬

and sweet ‫ ֲחרֹ ֶסת‬.

Why do we eat ‫ ָמרוֹר‬on Passover? Why do we recline on Passover?
Hint: ‫ ָמרוֹר‬is bitter. Hint: In ancient Rome, wealthy people
would lounge at mealtimes and discuss
difficult issues all night long.


Once We Were Slaves
In some ‫ ַה ָגּדוֹת‬this statement about slavery and freedom appears after the
‫ ַמה ִנּ ְשׁ ַתּ ָנּה‬. Read the statement in Hebrew and English.

Once we were slaves. Now we are free. .‫ ַﬠ ָתּה ְבּ ֵני חוֹ ִרין‬.‫ֲﬠ ָב ִדים ָה ִיינוּ‬

Why do you think this line comes directly after the questions in the ‫? ַמה ִנּ ְשׁ ַתּ ָנּה‬

Look at the stamp in this picture. What can you learn from it about ways we can
fight slavery and injustice in modern times?

Martin March on
Luther Washington
King Jr. for Jobs and
11 August 1963

“I Have a


Pesach Blessings
Practice reading these ‫ ֵס ֶדר‬blessings. Circle the number of the blessing we say

on the first day of a holiday or when we experience something new.

.‫ בּוֹ ֵרא ְפּ ִרי ַה ָגּ ֶפן‬,‫ ֶמ ֶלְך ָהעוֹ ָלם‬,‫ ְי ָי ֱאֹל ֵהינוּ‬,‫ ָבּרוְּך ַא ָתּה‬1

‫ ֶשׁ ֶה ֱח ָינוּ ְו ִק ְיּ ָמנוּ‬,‫ ֶמ ֶלְך ָהעוֹ ָלם‬,‫ ְי ָי ֱאֹל ֵהינוּ‬,‫ ָבּרוְּך ַא ָתּה‬2
.‫ְו ִה ִגּי ָﬠנוּ ַל ְזּ ַמן ַה ֶזּה‬

.‫ בּוֹ ֵרא ְפּ ִרי ָה ֲא ָד ָמה‬,‫ ֶמ ֶלְך ָהעוֹ ָלם‬,‫ ְי ָי ֱאֹל ֵהינוּ‬,‫ ָבּרוְּך ַא ָתּה‬3

‫ ֲא ֶשׁר ִק ְדּ ָשׁנוּ‬,‫ ֶמ ֶלְך ָהעוֹ ָלם‬,‫ ְי ָי ֱאֹל ֵהינוּ‬,‫ ָבּרוְּך ַא ָתּה‬4
.‫ְבּ ִמ ְצוֹ ָתיו ְו ִצ ָוּנוּ ַﬠל ֲא ִכי ַלת ַמ ָצּה‬

‫ ֲא ֶשׁר ִק ְדּ ָשׁנוּ‬,‫ ֶמ ֶלְך ָהעוֹ ָלם‬,‫ ְי ָי ֱאֹל ֵהינוּ‬,‫ ָבּרוְּך ַא ָתּה‬5
.‫ְבּ ִמ ְצוֹ ָתיו ְו ִצ ָוּנוּ ַﬠל ֲא ִכי ַלת ָמרוֹר‬

The Ten Plagues

Take turns reading the Ten Plagues with a partner. Pretend to dip your finger
in wine and take out a drop as you recite each plague.

5 4 3 2 1

‫ָדּם   ְצ ַפ ְר ֵדּ ַﬠ   ִכּ ִנּים   ָﬠרוֹב   ֶדּ ֶבר‬

º 9 8 7 6

‫ְשׁ ִחין   ָבּ ָרד   ַא ְר ֶבּה  ח ֶשְׁך   ַמ ַכּת ְבּכוֹרוֹת‬

Write the English for any one of the plagues. _________________________


Remembering the The Four Children
Good Times
The ancient rabbis imagined four types of
Think of a memorable experience children that might ask different kinds of
in your life, such as a family questions about Passover. Traditionally, these
vacation, an award ceremony, four children are called the wise, the defiant,
a Thanksgiving meal, or other the simple, and the one who doesn’t know
holiday celebration. How do you how to ask.
relive that experience? Is there a
song you listen to, a souvenir you The Four Children
look at, a story you tell, a food you and Me
eat? Fill in the details below.
My memorable experience is: One interpretation of the four children is
that they represent four different aspects of
I remember it because: our own personalities, and that each of us has
at least a little bit of each type in us. In these
boxes, write about a time when you felt like
that kind of child. What happened? Did you
act on your feelings? How did others respond?

The Wise Child The Defiant Child

I relive the experience by: The Simple Child The Child Who
(who wants to know Doesn’t Know How
more) to Ask


In Every Generation

Read the Hebrew below to yourself. Then, practice with a partner. Check one
another’s reading.

.‫ְבּ ָכל־דּוֹר ָודוֹר ַח ָיּב ָא ָדם ִל ְראוֹת ֶאת־ ַﬠ ְצמוֹ ְכּ ִאלּוּ הוּא ָי ָצא ִמ ִמּ ְצ ָר ִים‬

In every generation, each of us should see ourselves as if we personally came out of Egypt.

How Did I Do? Imagine you were one of the Israelites in Egypt. It
is the night before you are supposed to leave for
How well did you read? the land now known as Israel. What do you imagine
Circle the face that was happening around you? What do you think you
shows how you feel. might be feeling? Draw or write about it here.

Big Idea! How can you bring that feeling of actually being
brought out of Egypt into your seder experience?
Many people regard

‫ ְבּ ָכל־דּוֹר ָודוֹר‬as

the most important
line in the whole
haggadah. Why do
you think this is?


Copyright © 2016 Behrman House Inc. • 964Q (Mah Nishtanah) By: Irit Eliav Levin • "Hebrew Helpers": Ellen J. Rank • Project Editor: Terry S. Kaye EBREW ELPERS
• Design: AURAS Design Inc./Robert Sugar • Photographs: p. 1: Richard Lobell; p. 3: Lilia Ahner; p. 4-5: Jordyn Rozensky; p. 6: lightwavemedia/; p. 7: Jordyn
Rozensky; p. 8: Richard Lobell; p. 11: catwalker/; p. 14: Dudarev Mikhail/; p. 16: Zheltyshev/ • Manufactured in the USA The Four Children

Read aloud each of these phrases that describe the Four Children. Circle the
Hebrew word for “one.” Hint: It appears in each phrase.

‫ֶא ָחד ָח ָכם    ֶא ָחד ָר ָשׁע‬
‫ֶא ָחד ָתּם    ֶא ָחד ֶשׁ ֵאינוֹ יוֹ ֵד ַﬠ ִל ְשׁאוֹל‬

Singing at the Seder

Practice reading or singing these lines from seder songs. Put a smiley face
next to your favorite seder tune.

.‫ ַדּ ֵיּנוּ‬,‫ ִאלּוּ ָנ ַתן ָלנוּ ֶאת־ ַה ַשּׁ ָבּת‬.‫ ַדּ ֵיּנוּ‬,‫ ִאלּוּ הוֹ ִצי ָאנוּ ִמ ִמּ ְצַר ִים‬1
.‫ ַדּ ֵיּנוּ‬,‫ִאלּוּ ָנ ַתן ָלנוּ ֶאת־ ַהתּוֹ ָרה‬

,‫ ִבּ ְמ ֵה ָרה ִבּ ְמ ֵה ָרה‬,‫ ִי ְב ֶנה ֵביתוֹ ְבּ ָקרוֹב‬,‫ ַא ִדּיר הוּא‬2
.‫ ְבּ ֵנה ֵבי ְתָך ְבּ ָקרוֹב‬,‫ ֵאל ְבּ ֵנה‬.‫ְבּ ָי ֵמינוּ ְבּ ָקרוֹב‬

‫ ֶא ָחד ֱאֹל ֵהינוּ ֶשׁ ַבּ ָשּׁ ַמ ִים‬:‫ ֶא ָחד ִמי יוֹ ֵד ַﬠ? ֶא ָחד ֲא ִני יוֹ ֵד ַﬠ‬3
.‫וּ ָב ָא ֶרץ‬

,‫ ַחד ַגּ ְד ָיא‬,‫ ִדּ ְז ַבן ַא ָבּא ִבּ ְת ֵרי זוּ ֵזי‬.‫ ַחד ַגּ ְד ָיא‬,‫ ַחד ַגּ ְד ָיא‬4
.‫ַחד ַגּ ְד ָיא‬

Did you know that ‫ ְל ָשׁ ָנה ַה ָבּ ָאה ִבּירוּ ָשׁ ָל ִים‬, Next Year in Jerusalem, are the

closing words of the seder? Chorally read or sing these words with gusto!


My Musical Journey: ‫ַמה ִנּ ְשׁ ַתּ ָנּה‬

Compose your ‫ ַמה ִנּ ְשׁ ַתּ ָנּה‬music by filling in the responses below.

I think questions
are an important
part of the seder


One way that the
seder night is

different from all
other nights is

I think the best
way for children to

learn the story of
the Exodus is

I feel most
confident singing

the ‫ַמה ִנּ ְשׁ ַתּ ָנּה‬


The music or
video that helped

me learn the

‫ ַמה ִנּ ְשׁ ַתּ ָנּה‬best

was __ because


‫ִמי ָכמֹ ָכה‬

How do you react when you receive a gift you
really want? Do you shriek in delight? Pump your fist?
Maybe even jump up and down?

The Torah tells us that when God split the Sea of Reeds
for the Israelites to cross from slavery in Egypt to freedom,
they expressed their thanks by singing a song of celebration

that included the words, ‫ ִמי ָכמֹ ָכה‬, “Who is like You?”
Today when we recite ‫ ִמי ָכמֹ ָכה‬we remember that event and

celebrate our own freedom.

Who is like You among the gods, ?‫ ְי ָי‬,‫ ָכמֹ ָכה ָבּ ֵא ִלם‬-‫ ִמי‬1

[that other nations worship], Adonai?

Who is like You, majestic in holiness, ,‫ ֶנ ְא ָדּר ַבּ ֹקּ ֶדשׁ‬,‫ ִמי ָכּמֹ ָכה‬2

Awesome in splendor, doing wonders? ?‫ ֹע ֵשׂה ֶפ ֶלא‬,‫ נוֹ ָרא ְת ִהֹּלת‬3

The redeemed [Israelites] sang a new song of praise ‫ ִשׁי ָרה ֲח ָד ָשׁה ִשׁ ְבּחוּ ְגּאוּ ִלים‬4

For You [God] at the shore of the sea. .‫ ְל ִשׁ ְמָך ַﬠל ְשׂ ַפת ַה ָיּם‬5

Together they acclaimed Your sovereignty, ,‫ ַי ַחד ֻכּ ָלּם הוֹדוּ ְו ִה ְמ ִליכוּ‬6

Saying, “Adonai will rule forever.” .‫ ְי ָי ִי ְמֹלְך ְלעוֹ ָלם ָו ֶﬠד‬,‫ ְו ָא ְמרוּ‬7

1 964R • Mi Chamocha NAME

Rock of Israel, ,‫ צוּר ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל‬8
rise to the aid of Israel. .‫ קוּ ָמה ְבּ ֶﬠ ְזַרת ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל‬9
Keep your promise to redeem
Judah and Israel. ‫ וּ ְפ ֵדה ִכ ְנ ֻא ֶמָך‬10
Our Redeemer, Adonai Tz’va’ot .‫ ְיהוּ ָדה ְו ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל‬11
is Your name, the Holy One of Israel. ‫ ְי ָי ְצ ָבאוֹת‬,‫ ֹגּ ֲא ֵלנוּ‬12
Praised are You, Adonai, .‫ ְקדוֹשׁ ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל‬,‫ ְשׁמוֹ‬13
Redeemer of Israel. ,‫ ְי ָי‬,‫ ָבּרוְּך ַא ָתּה‬14

Prayer Reading .‫ ָגּ ַאל ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל‬15
Practice reading ‫ ִמי ָכמֹ ָכה‬, alternating
How Did I Do?
each line with a partner.
How well did you read? Circle
the face that shows how you feel.

Go online to practice

reading ‫ ִמי ָכמֹ ָכה‬.

Make the prayer your
own by recording
yourself. Use your
voice to show which
words are important
to you.

Place in the Service
baTnohtdehb‫ה‬teh‫כ‬fָeoֹ‫מ‬re‫כ‬evָ et‫י‬nh‫ִמ‬einp‫ה‬gr‫ד‬aaָ y‫י‬ne‫מ‬dִ r‫ֲﬠ‬cm.o‫ה‬omr‫ָכ‬enֹ‫מ‬sin‫כ‬aָ gft‫י‬es‫מ‬eִrratvhpicepee‫תּ‬sָa.‫ב‬rְ ‫ה‬sַ i‫א‬nָ ‫ְו‬


It’s a Miracle!

Think of something you have seen or experienced that was so amazing you
might even call it a miracle. What was it? Describe the scene in pictures or
words, including the setting, people, and sounds.

What did you say during this experience? What would you have wanted to
say? Add a bubble with a word, phrase, or short sentence to your picture
or description. Why do you think that saying those words would help you
remember the experience more clearly?

Sing and Celebrate

When the Israelites experienced the miracle
of the splitting of the Sea of Reeds, they sang
their thanks to God instead of saying it. How
would singing praise instead of saying it make
you feel?


Prayer Words A Holy Root
The word ‫ ַבּקֹּ ֶדֹש‬is built on the
who is like you? ‫ִמי ָכמֹ ָכה‬ root ‫קדֹש‬.
Many words build on the root ‫קדֹש‬
among the gods ‫ָבּ ֵא ִלם‬
have “holy” as part of their meaning.
(that other nations worship)
Write the three root letters in ‫ ַבּקֹּ ֶדֹש‬.
in holiness ‫ַבּ ֹקּ ֶדֹש‬
What does ‫ ַבּקֹּ ֶדֹש‬mean?
splendor, praises ‫ְת ִהֹּלת‬

wonder(s) ‫ֶפ ֶלא‬

Read these words aloud. Then circle the three root letters in each word.

‫ַה ָקּדוֹשׁ ִק ְדּ ָשׁנוּ ָק ְדּשׁוֹ ְקדוּ ָשׁה ִק ַדּ ְשׁ ָתּ ַק ִדּישׁ‬

Joshua Nelson’s Song of Celebration
Listen to a tune for ‫ ִמי ָכמֹ ָכה‬by Joshua Nelson (“the Prince

of Kosher Gospel”) and then answer the questions below.

Is the tempo fast or slow (or other)?

Is there harmony in this song?

What instruments did you hear in this song?

Describe the rhythm (simple?
How does this song make you feel (hopeful,
sad, peaceful, calm, restless, other)?

How does Joshua’s version fit with such an awesome event as our ancestors’
liberation from Egypt?

13 4


Cross the Sea

Cross the Sea of Reeds in just five steps! Read each line aloud with a partner.
Start at the top row and trace a shortcut by circling the Hebrew for the five
English words or phrases below. Then read each circled Hebrew word or
phrase to cross the sea.

1. who is like You 2. among the gods 3. in holiness 4. splendor 5. wonder(s)

‫ַה ָקּדוֹשׁ‬ ‫ֶנ ְא ָדּר‬ ‫ ָכמֹ ָכה‬-‫ִמי‬ ‫ נוֹ ָרא‬1
‫ְבּ ֶﬠ ְזַרת‬ ‫ְשׂ ַפת‬ ‫ָבּ ֵא ִלם‬ ‫ ְו ִה ְמ ִליכוּ‬2
‫ַבּ ֹקּ ֶדשׁ‬ ‫ֹגּ ֲא ֵלנוּ‬ ‫ְצ ָבאוֹת‬
‫ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל‬ ‫ְת ִהֹּלת‬ ‫ֹע ֵשׂה‬ ‫ ִי ְמֹלְך‬3
‫ָגּ ַאל‬ ‫ֶפ ֶלא‬ ‫ קוּ ָמה‬4
‫צוּר‬ ‫ ִכ ְנ ֻא ֶמָך‬5

All in the Family Unscramble the Prayer
The opening words of ‫ ִמי ָכמֹ ָכה‬are mixed up.
Connect each word in the
column on the right to a Read all the words aloud, then number them
related word on the left. in the correct order.
Read the pairs of words
aloud with a partner. ‫ָבּ ֵא ִלם ָכּמֹ ָכה ְי ָי ַבּ ֹקּ ֶדשׁ‬

‫ָכּמֹ ָכה ְו ֻכ ָלּם‬ ‫ִמי ֶנ ְא ָדּר ָכמֹ ָכה ִמי‬

‫ַבּ ֹכּל ָכמֹ ָכה‬ 1

‫ֻכּ ָלּם ְבּ ָכל‬


We know that the word ‫ ֶפ ֶלא‬means “wonder(s).” The root ‫ פלא‬is part of

modern Hebrew words such as these:

wonderful! fantastic! ‫ ִנ ְפ ָלא‬y wonders ‫ִנ ְפ ָלאוֹת‬

In each area below, name someone or something you consider a wonder and
explain why you chose it.

Family/People: Nature: Technology:

How are these wonders the same? How are they different?

We Were All There

Our tradition teaches that we should each think of
ourselves as if we had personally been freed from
slavery in Egypt. Imagine what it would have been
like to flee toward the sea, your heart racing with
fear, Pharaoh’s army approaching, and you have no
choice but to wade into the water. Just when you feel
sure you will drown, God parts the waters, and you are safe and free,

relieved and grateful. You join in singing ‫ ִמי ָכמֹ ָכה‬, thanking God for saving you.

What sights and sounds do you remember when the waters almost closed
around you and God saved you?

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Moses and Miriam
Read the following line from ‫ ִמי ָכמֹ ָכה‬in the evening service:

.‫ בּוֹ ֵק ַﬠ ָים ִל ְפ ֵני מ ֶשׁה וּ ִמ ְר ָים‬,‫ ָראוּ ָב ֶניָך‬...

Your children witnessed…the sea splitting before Moses and Miriam.

Miriam, Moses’ and Aaron’s older sister, is one of the few women called a
prophet in the Torah. When the Israelites safely crossed the Sea of Reeds, the

Torah tells us that Miriam took a ‫( ֹתּ ף‬a timbrel, a tambourine-like instrument)

and led the women in singing and dancing.

Why do you think it’s important that the Torah mentions both Moses’ and
Miriam’s names in the Israelites’ celebration of freedom?

Morning and Night NOAH ARONSON

Listen to Sheldon Low’s tune for the evening

‫ ִמי ָכמֹ ָכה‬. Jump up when you hear him say

Moses’ and Miriam’s names. Now listen to

Noah Aronson’s tune for the morning ‫ ִמי ָכמֹ ָכה‬.

Answer the questions below.


Is the tempo fast or slow (or other)?

Is there harmony in this song?

What instruments did you hear in
this song?
Describe the rhythm. (simple?
How does this song make you feel?
(hopeful, sad, peaceful, calm, restless, etc)


Ring Out Freedom

The ConTEXT of ‫ִמי ָכמֹ ָכה‬

‫ ִמי ָכמֹ ָכה‬comes from the book of Exodus, chapter 15, and is part of the song

the Israelites sang after crossing the Sea of Reeds to safety. The Torah tells
us that the waters formed a wall to the right and a wall to the left so that the
Israelites could cross on dry land. In the text of the Torah, the words of the song

are laid out to look like a wall of bricks. Underline the twelve words of ‫ִמי ָכמֹ ָכה‬

in the Torah text below.

How does seeing ‫ ִמי ָכמֹ ָכה‬as it appears

in the Torah help you understand
the prayer?


Think about It! freed from slavery,
being it every day?
Iwfh‫ה‬y‫ ָכ‬dֹ‫מ‬o‫ ָכ‬w‫י‬e‫ ִמ‬coisnatbinouuet to say


Freeing Others Song of
We learn from our tradition
that we can act as God’s The theme of
partners by performing the
‫ ִמי ָכמֹ ָכה‬is
mitzvah of ‫ִפּ ְדיוֹן ְשׁבוּ ִיים‬
(redeeming captives). The being saved
and brought to
Talmud calls ‫ִפּ ְדיוֹן ְשׁבוּ ִיים‬ freedom. Hebrew
words for “redeem” or “redemption”
a mitzvah rabbah (great
mitzvah) and says that are built on the root ‫גאל‬. Read
captivity is worse than ‫ ִמי ָכמֹ ָכה‬on pages 1 and 2 again
starvation and death.
Whom have you read or heard and circle all the words built on the
about who isn’t free? In what
ways are they not free? root ‫גאל‬.

What can your community do How many words did you circle?
to help them be free?
Write the root letters here.
What can you, as an
individual, do to help? Why do you think our prayers so
often mention the ways God saved
the Israelites?



We’ve Got Rhythm

Use a pencil to tap out each syllable on the tambourine as you read the words below.

?‫ ְי ָי‬,‫ ָכמֹ ָכה ָבּ ֵא ִלם‬-‫ִמי‬
,‫ ֶנ ְא ָדּר ַבּ ֹקּ ֶדשׁ‬,‫ִמי ָכּמֹ ָכה‬
?‫ ֹע ֵשׂה ֶפ ֶלא‬,‫נוֹ ָרא ְת ִהֹּלת‬

.‫ְי ָי ִי ְמֹלְך ְלעוֹ ָלם ָו ֶﬠד‬

Word Building

With a partner, take turns reading each line. Then switch lines. After reading,

together determine the three root letters ‫ פלא‬,‫גאל‬, or ‫ קדשׁ‬for each line and

write the letters on the blank spaces from right to left.

____ ____ ____ ‫ִנ ְפ ָלאוֹת ִנ ְפ ָלא‬ ‫ ִנ ְפ ְל ֹא ָתיו ֶפ ֶלא‬1

____ ____ ____ ‫ְגאוּ ִלים‬ ‫ְגּ ֻא ָלּה ָגּ ָא ְל ָתּ‬ ‫ גּוֹ ֵאל‬2

____ ____ ____ ‫ַק ִדּישׁ‬ ‫ְמ ַק ֵדּשׁ‬ ‫ְקדוֹשׁ‬ ‫ ִקדּוּשׁ‬3

____ ____ ____ ‫ָגּ ַאל‬ ‫ִל ְג ֻא ָלּה‬ ‫ֹגּ ֲא ִלי‬ ‫ ֹגּ ֲא ֵלנוּ‬4

____ ____ ____ ‫ָקדוֹשׁ‬ ‫ ִק ַדּ ְשׁ ָתּ ִמ ְקּ ָדשׁ ְק ֻד ָשּׁה‬5

7 10

Big Idea! Your Favorite Song

The questions in Think of a favorite song you listen to
over and over again. Then answer the
‫ ִמי ָכמֹ ָכה‬are rhetorical— questions below.
Song name:
questions to which we are Favorite lyrics:
not expecting an answer; What makes you want to listen to this
for example, “Who is like song over and over?
You, God?” If we had to
give an answer, it would be Describe your feelings when you listen
that no one is as powerful to your favorite song.
and awesome as God who
opened the Sea of Reeds
so that our ancestors could
pass through to freedom.

Write about a time that you listened
to your favorite song and became aware
of a part that had never caught your
attention before. What made you aware
of that part?


A New Song
The first two words of the lines following ‫ ִמי ָכמֹ ָכה‬in the morning service are
‫( ִשׁי ָרה ֲח ָד ָשׁה‬a new song). If we sing ‫ ִמי ָכמֹ ָכה‬every day, in what ways can it be
a ‫? ִשׁי ָרה ֲח ָד ָשׁה‬.

Musical Midrash
Listen to Sam Glaser’s version of ‫ ִמי ָכמֹ ָכה‬. Just as the rabbis

of the Talmud offered midrashim—interpretations of the Torah—
so do artists offer musical interpretations of prayers by choosing the
instruments, tempo, lyrics, and languages to include in their songs.
These musical elements personally connect them—and us—to
the prayers. As you listen to Sam Glaser’s version, think about his

interpretation. Which elements make this ‫ ִשׁי ָרה ֲח ָד ָשׁה‬, a new and

original song for you?

For you, what is the most effective way to remember the Egyptians who died?
Explain your answer.


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