My adventures at
Shrek's Swamp
Written by: Fernando
Chaves Greyson Lindeman
It was a delightful day with no sun
and zero clouds. I was so bored that I
could devour my toenails, so I went
for a hike down the swamp trail with
only a water bottle.
I was staring at this ugly green swamp with
bugs and a crocodile and an onion and I saw
about 1,245 toenails in the SWAMP! While I was
counting the 1,245 toenails I was on 1,244 and a
bug went in my nose and now I lost count and I
can’t get it out.
Then I discovered an odd sound coming from
the swamp. It felt like a cinematic moment in a
movie where there was a wild BOOM! While I
turned my head I saw nothing, my legs were in
serious trouble and I stumbled into the swamp.
As I was in the swamp, I could feel every toenail press
against my body. The tip was sharp like a knife stabbing
my legs and arms. I could smell disgusting green onions
and the green toenails. So I got up and out of the swamp
to go home and shower and I smelled like an old ogre the
whole way home.
Once I finished showering I realized something was
missing. I could not find my bag, so I looked everywhere
for it.Then I realized, “I LEFT IT AT THE SWAMP.”
I went back to the swamp and tried to look for it all around, but I
couldn't find it. I thought I left it in the swamp it. Wasn't there. I went
into the swamp and everything now smelled again. It did not matter
because I needed to get that bag.
Than I saw a cabin nearby. It was very small, and I had a thought that
my bag would be in there. Every step I got closer to the cabin. It
smelled worse than the swamp-like onions, rotten eggs, and toenails.
Then I heard something “stop “, but it was too quiet. Then I heard it
As I looked back slowly my heart was in a serious pace. Then I saw this
green thing coming out of the swamp.
Fainted on the ground. I woke up, and I saw this
green ugly monster. He gave me the bag, and I
fainted once again, I woke up again then I grabbed
my bag and sprinted out there faster than the speed
of light. As I run off
I hear him say, “What Were you doing in my
I could finally say that today was the weirdest day
of my entire life.