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Published by jaldhari meena, 2019-03-12 08:33:32

hardev news letter last

hardev news letter last

Newsletter Date Newsletter Title

Business Name

Lead Story Headline

Special points of interest: This story can fit 175-225 words. mailing list from a company.

 Briefly highlight your point of interest here. The purpose of a newsletter is to If you explore the Publisher catalog,
 Briefly highlight your point of interest here.
 Briefly highlight your point of interest here. Library activities:-provide specialized information to a you will find many publications that
 Briefly highlight your point of interest here.
targeted audience. Newsletters can be match the style of your newsletter.


First, determine the audience of the that you publish your newsletter at

newsletter. Thi4s c..oBuldoboe aknysonteowchok velreaisfticquaarttieorlynso that it’s considered

might benefit from the information it a consistent source of information.

contains, for e5xa.mBploe, oemkploAyeuestoor matYioourncustomers or employees will look
people interested in purchasing a forward to its arrival.
Inside this issue:
product or req^ue6st.inRgeyoaurdseerrvicce.lub Caption describing picture or
Inside Story graphic.
Inside Story 2,iclriunesgtoleismtnefrroindmfoar-y celebration
Inside Story 2
Inside Story 2 mation sheets, business cards collect-
Inside Story 3 ed at trade shows, or membership
Inside Story 4 lists. You might consider purchasing a
Inside Story 5
6 Secondary Story Headline

This story can fit 75-125 words. and draw readers into the story. De- ship Drive Exceeds Goals, and New
velop the headline before you write the Office Opens Near You.
Your headline is an important part of story. This way, the headline will help
the newsletter and should be consid- you keep the story focused.
ered carefully.
Examples of possible headlines include
In a few words, it should accurately Product Wins Industry Award, New
represent the contents of the story Product Can Save You Time!, Member-

Newsletter Title Page 2

Business Tagline or Motto

Inside Story Headline

Caption describing picture or graph-

Page 3

Library activities fair exhibition review
4.user education
5.Orientation programme
6.QuizInside Story Headline
7.Career guide and counseling
8.reader club activities
9.Class library
10.library week

Back Page Story Headline

Caption describing
picture or graphic.

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