เราคอื ผจู ัดจ�ำ หนายผลติ ภัณฑหลอดไฟและอุปกรณ
แสงสวาง เพื่อใหอ ตุ สาหกรรมของคณุ เตบิ โตและย่ังยนื
ดว ยสนิ คา้ ท่ีมคี ุณภาพ ในราคาท่เี หมาะสม
Contact 02-130-5193 |
Who we are
“Bentech Lighting Solutions คอื ผทู้ มี่ าตอบโจทยก์ ารประหยดั พลังงานอย่างมีประสทิ ธภิ าพ
ด้วยการบริการดา้ นหลอดไฟและอุปกรณแ์ สงสวา่ งเพอื่ งานอุตสาหกรรม”
ดว้ ยกระบวนการผลิตท่ีได้มาตรฐานทำ�ให้สินค้าของเรามคี วามคงทนและประหยัดพลงั งาน ทำ�ให้ค่าใช้จา่ ยในการด�ำ เนนิ งานล
ดลงได้ เพม่ิ ประสิทธภิ าพในการใช้พลังงานรกั ษาสภาพแวดล้อมของการท�ำ งานใหส้ มบูรณ์
What we do
“มงุ่ มัน่ นำ�เสนอ สนิ ค้าและบรกิ าร ด้านแสงสว่างด้วยทมี งานมืออาชพี และเป็นผู้ใหบ้ ริการ
ด้านแสงสว่างท่ีไดร้ ับความไว้วางใจสูงสุด”
1. น�ำ เข้าผลิตภัณฑท์ ี่ไดม้ าตรฐาน มคี ุณภาพจดั สง่ สนิ ค้าตรงเวลาด้วย ราคาทล่ี กู ค้าพึงพอใจ
2. มุ่งม่นั พฒั นาธุรกจิ ทส่ี รา้ งความเชอื่ มัน่ ต่อลูกคา้
3. สร้างทีมงานมอื อาชีพ ดว้ ยความคิดและจิตใจท่ี เปดิ กว้างโดยมงุ่ เปา้ หมาย เพ่ือประโยชนส์ งู สดุ ของลูกค้า
Bentech Lighting Solutions ขอขอบคุณทีใ่ หค้ วามสนใจผลิตภณั ฑ์ และบริการของเรา
European Conformity Underwriters’ Laboratories Inc. TShtaaniladnadrdInIndsutsitturitael
Our Clients
โคมไฟโรงงาน เป็นโคมไฟสอ่ งสวา่ งทใ่ี ชต้ ิดตงั้ ตามเพดานทอ่ี ยใู่ นระดับสงู
เช่น ในโกดงั สินคา้ , โรงงานอตุ สาหกรรม, ห้างสรรพสินคา้ , อาคารตา่ งๆ
เพอ่ื ใหแ้ สงสวา่ งทว่ั ถึงตามความต้องการ
แมว้ า่ คา่ ความสว่างจะได้ตามมาตรฐาน แตห่ ากไมเ่ ลอื กผลติ ภัณฑ์
อย่างถูกตอ้ งก็อาจจะทำ�ให้ไดแ้ สงท่ีไม่สบายตา โทนสไี ม่เหมาะสม
ส่งผลตอ่ ประสทิ ธภิ าพการทำ�งาน
BentechLED จงึ มผี เู้ ช่ียวชาญทชี่ ่วยแนะนำ�หลอดไฟ ใหเ้ หมาะสม
กับการใชง้ านของลกู ค้า
Industrial Lighting
LED T8 TUBE : Glass PC Film
Single Input
• Full glass housing: No Distortion, No Yellowed, No Embrittled. Great Stability
• Environmental friendly, No UV or IR emission and flicker free
• Wide beam angle at 240 degree creating more comfortable lighting distribution
Model T8-800-1.2m T8-900-1.2m T8-1800-1.2m T8-2200-1.2m
Voltage 8W 180-265V 14W
Ref. Power 800 lm 9W 15W 2200 lm
Lumen 604.0×26.0 900 lm 1800 lm 1213.6×26.0
PF 6500K
Working Temperature
82240 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI Dimension 0.9
80200 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI
80160 6L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI -20°C to +55°C
805TH%D 160 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI
604.0×26.0 1213.6×26.0
LED T8 TUBE : Nano Plastic
Single Input
• Light evenly spread, reducing glare and softens the light without reducing lumen output
• Non-discoloration and transmittance under the condition of high temperatures and oxidation test
• Materials are made with better strength and better endurance
Model T8-1080-0.6m T8-2160-1.2m
Voltage 85-265V 180-265V
9W 18W
Ref. Power
Lumen 1080 lm 2160 lm
PF 0.9
Working Temperature -20°C to +55°C
Dimension 604.0×26.0 1213.6x26.0
LSEinDgleTIn8puTt UBE : Polycarbonate
• Specialized polycarbonate cover design for optimal light distribution and smooth visual effect
• Good thermal management design and heat sinking maximizes heat dissipation
• PC with aluminum built in
Model T8-1250-0.6m T8-2100-1.2m
Voltage 180-265V 6500K 100-277V
Ref. Power 8W 0.9 13W
Lumen 1250 lm -20°C to +55°C 2100 lm
PF 604.0×26.0 1213.6x26.0
Working Temperature
LED T8 TUBE : Polycarbonate
Single Input
• Specialized polycarbonate cover design for optimal light distribution and smooth visual effect
• Good thermal management design and heat sinking maximizes heat dissipation
• PC with aluminum built in
Model T8-2500-1.2m T8-3000-1.2m
Voltage 15.5W 180-265V 18W
Ref. Power 2500 lm 3000 lm
Lumen 0.9
PF -20°C to +55°C
Working Temperature 1213.6x26.0
Industrial Lighting
LDEouDbleTI8npTutUBE : Glass Eco
• Full glass housing: No Distortion, No Yellowed, No Embrittled. Great Stability
• Environmental friendly, No UV or IR emission and flicker free
• Wide beam angle at 300 degree creating more comfortable lighting distribution
Model T8-1900-1.2m
Voltage 210-230V
Ref. Power
Lumen 1900 lm
82300 3L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI PF 0.9
Working Temperature -20°C to +55°C
Dimension 1213.6x26.0
LED T8 TUBE : Nano plastic
Double Input
• Light evenly spread, reducing glare and softens the light without reducing lumen output
• Non-discoloration and transmittance under the condition of high temperatures and oxidation test
• Materials are made with better strength and better endurance
Model T8-1080-0.6m T8-2100-1.2m T8-2160-1.2m
Voltage 9W 180-265V 18W
1080 lm 12W 2160 lm
Ref. Power
Lumen 2100 lm
PF 0.9
80200 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI Working Temperature -20°C to +55°C
Dimension 604.0×26.0 1213.6x26.0 1213.6x26.0
LED T8 TUBE : Polycarbonate
Double Input
• Specialized polycarbonate cover design for optimal light distribution and smooth visual effect
• Good thermal management design and heat sinking maximizes heat dissipation
• PC with aluminum built in
Model T8-1250-0.6m T8-2500-1.2m T8-3000-1.2m T8-3800-1.2m
Voltage 180-265V 100-277V 85-265V 180-265V
Ref. Power 8W 16W 18W 22W
Lumen 1250 lm 2500 lm 3000 lm 3800 lm
PF 604.0×26.0 6500K 1213.6×26.0
Working Temperature
80160 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI Dimension 0.9
-20°C to +55°C
1213.6×26.0 1213.6×26.0
LED T8 TUBE : Polycarbonate
Double Input
• Specialized polycarbonate cover design for optimal light distribution and smooth visual effect
• Good thermal management design and heat sinking maximizes heat dissipation
• PC with aluminum built in, *Transparent cover
Model T8-3000-1.2m* T8-4000-1.2m
Voltage 18W 85-265V 25W
Ref. Power 3000 lm 4000 lm
80160 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI Lumen 0.9
PF -20°C to +55°C
Working Temperature 1213.6x26.0
Industrial Lighting
LED T8 TUBE : Motion Sensor
Double Input
• Integrated motion sensor that uses body heat and wave lengths to calculate movement
• Electrical Efficiency, dimmable to 0% when no activity
• PC with aluminum housing
Model T8-S-1000-0.6m T8-S-2000-0.6m
Voltage 9W 85-265V 18W
Ref. Power 1000 lm 2000 lm
80180 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI Lumen 0.9
PF -20°C to +55°C
Working Temperature
Dimension 604.0×26.0 1213.6x26.0
LED T8 TUBE : Anti Mosquito
Double Input
• Our anti-mosquito lamp’s effect up to 95.9% , peak wave length at 580nm to drift away mosquito
• No harm of blue-ray, blue-ray <0.1%
• LED Chips, high efficiency and energy saving. Lifespan up to 30000h
Model AM-2000-1.2m
Voltage 200-240V
Ref. Power
2000 lm
CCT 0.9
PF -20°C to +55°C
200 3L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs Working Temperature
LED T7 TUBE : PC Aluminum
Double Input
• Replacement of tradition T5 fluorescent tube
• Low power consumption with higher light efficiency
• Half PC aluminum housing
Model T7-1040-0.6m T7-2000-0.6m T7-2340-1.2m T7-3600-1.2m
Voltage 9W 85-265V 28W
Ref. Power 1040 lm 18W 18W 3600 lm
Lumen 562.0×22.0 2000 lm 2340 lm 1162.0×22.0
PF 6500K
Working Temperature
Dimension 0.9
80180 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI -20°C to +55°C
1162.0×22.0 1162.0×22.0
LED T7 TUBE : PC Aluminum
Single Input
• Replacement of tradition T5 fluorescent tube
• Low power consumption with higher light efficiency
• Half PC aluminum housing
Model T7-1050-0.6m T7-2100-1.2m
80180 6L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI Voltage 8W 85-265V 16W
Ref. Power 1050 lm 2100 lm
Lumen 562.0×22.0 0.9 1162.0×22.0
PF -20°C to +55°C
Working Temperature
Industrial Lighting
LED T5 TUBE : Frame Light
• Eliminate heat generation problem
• Low power consumption with higher light efficiency
• Half PC Aluminum housing
• Easy installation through mounting clips
Model T5-F-900-0.6m T5-F-1800-0.6m
Voltage 9W 85-265V 18W
900 lm 6500K 1800 lm
Ref. Power
PF 0.9
80180 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI Working Temperature -20°C to +55°C
Dimension 585.0x35.0 1170.0x35.0
LED T8 TUBE : Frame Light
• Eliminate heat generation problem
• Low power consumption with higher light efficiency
• Half PC Aluminum housing
• Easy installation through mounting clips
Model T8-F-1050-0.6m T8-F-2100-1.2m
Voltage 9W 90-265V 18W
1050 lm 6500K 2100 lm
Ref. Power
PF 0.9
80180 6L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI Working Temperature -20°C to +55°C
603.0x35.0 1205.0x35.0
Industrial Lighting
• High quality lens with high light transmittance and dust proof effect
• Ultra thin design, compact, elegance, efficient
• Integrated Die-casting aluminum strengthen the heat dissipation
• Waterproof IP65 design, suitable to damp & wet location
8090 IP65 3L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI HBE-100W HBE-150W HBE-200W
100W 200W
Model 12000 100-265V 24000
Voltage Ø222xH85 18000 Ø302xH93
Ref. Power 6000K
CCT -20°C to +55°C
PF Ø263xH93
Working Temperature
• High quality lens with high light transmittanceand dust proof effect
• Ultra thin design, compact, elegance, efficient
• Integrated Die-casting aluminum strengthen the heat dissipation
• Waterproof IP65 design, suitable to damp & wet location
8060 90 120 IP66 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI
Model MS-80 MS-100 MS-150 MS-200 MS-250
100W 200W 240W
Voltage 80W 17000 85-265V 34000 40800
Ref. Power 13600 150W
260x185 25500 290x197 290x197
Lumen 260x185 6000K
CCT 0.95 10
PF -30°C to +55°C
Working Temperature 260x185
Industrial Lighting
• Hollow heat sink design increase more airflow for better heat dissipation
• Two dimensions. Lighter weight and smaller volume
• Waterproof IP66 design, suitable to damp & wet location
• High Lumen efficiency up to 170lm/watt
8090 IP65 4L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI UFO-50W UFO-100W UFO-150W UFO-200W
50W 200W
Model 6500 85-290V 26000
100W 150W 410x168
Voltage 270x165
Ref. Power 13000 19500 YS-200W
6000K 200W
Lumen 0.95 40000
PF -30°C to +55°C 300x170.5
Working Temperature
Dimension 310x167 360x168
• Hollow heat sink design increase more airflow forbetter heat dissipation
• Two dimensions. Lighter weight and smaller volume
• Waterproof IP65 design, suitable to damp & wetlocation
• High Lumen efficiency up to 200lm/watt
• LED Chip Philips, Driver Moso
8060 90 120 1T0H%D IP66 7L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI
Model YS-100W YS-120W YS-150W
Voltage 100W 100-277V
Ref. Power 20000 120W 150W
Lumen 250x170.5 24000 30000
PF 6000K
Working Temperature
Dimension 0.98
-30°C to +55°C
250x170.5 250x170.5
Industrial Lighting
• Hollow heat sink design increase more airflow for better heat dissipation
• Waterproof IP66 design, suitable to damp & wet location
• Plug in sensor and Zigbee Option
• LED Chip Philips, Driver Moso
8060 90 120 IP66 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI
Model DS-80 DS-100 DS-120 DS-150 DS-200
80W 100W 150W 200W
Voltage 12000 15000 100-277V 22500 30000
Ref. Power 120W
258x139 258x139 18000 299x139 347x142
Lumen 6000K
CCT 0.95
Working Temperature -30°C to +55°C
Dimension 299x139
• Hollow heat sink design increase more airflow for better heat dissipation
• Waterproof IP66 design, suitable to damp & wet location
• Aluminum-alloy design, Anti-glare structure design
• Accurate engineered lens made of optical grade polycarbonate,
light transmittance >98%
• 1-10V,PWM,DALI dimming available, Auto control,Remote control
8060 90 120 IP66 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI
Model LS-100W LS-120W LS-150W LS-200W LS-240W
200W 240W
Voltage 100W 120W 100-277V 34000 40800
Ref. Power 17000 20400 150W
25500 Ø360x188 Ø360x188
Lumen Ø320x188 Ø320x188 6000K
CCT 0.95 12
Working Temperature -40°C to +55°C
Dimension Ø320x188
Industrial Lighting
• Die casting aluminum lamp body with high purified aluminum heat sink
• Environmental friendly, quick and simple installation
• Long life span and less brightness decay
• Waterproof IP65 design, suitable to damp & wet location
80120 IP65 4L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI
Model BK-10W BK-50W BK-100W BK-150W BK-200W
10W 50W 150W 200W
Voltage 1100 5500 220-240V 16500 22000
Ref. Power 100W
103x83x24 206x160x34 11000 298x231x36 380x280x44
Lumen 6000K
CCT 0.9
Working Temperature -30°C to +55°C
Dimension 270x210x36
• High pressure die-cast aluminum alloy housing
• Made of non-corrosion with electrophoresis process technology
• High efficient optical lens creating professional beam for different
• Waterproof IP66 design, suitable to damp & wet location
8025 40 60 90 IP66 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI
Model HM-50W HM-100W HM-150W HM-200W HM-250W
50W 100W 200W 250W
Voltage 6500 13000 200-240V 26000 32500
Ref. Power 150W
302x88x225 302x176x255 19500 302x352x255 302x440x255
Lumen 6000K
CCT 0.95
Working Temperature -30°C to +55°C
Dimension 302x264x255
Industrial Lighting
• Use whole aluminum lamp cooling technology, perfect solution for heat
problem and ensure long lamp life
• High-pressure aluminum die casting, strongresistance to corrosion
• Easy replacement with independent power design
• Waterproof IP65 design, suitable to damp & wet location
80120 IP65 4L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI LX-30 LX-50 LX-100 LX-150
30W 150W
Model 3900 100-305V 19500
Voltage 280x135x70 50W 100W 600x235x85
Ref. Power 6500 13000
Lumen 3000K,6000K
CCT 0.95
Working Temperature -40°C to +55°C
425x180x80 505x215x80
• Excellent optical design, greatly improved the light utilization and
• Hollow heat sink bring lighter lamp body and better dissipation
• Four types of installation way : AM ( Slip Fitter ) YM (Trunnion),
DM ( Round Pole ) , DM ( Square Pole )
• High Lumen efficiency up to 160lm/watt
80IP66 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI SBL-50W SBL-70W SBL-100W SBL-120W SBL-150W
120W 150W
Model 50W 70W 90-305V 19200 24000
8000 11200 100W
Voltage 16000 651x312x93 651x312x93
Ref. Power 524x312x93 524x312x93 3000K,6000K
0.95 14
Lumen -30°C to +55°C
CCT 524x312x93
Working Temperature
Industrial Lighting
• Use whole aluminum lamp cooling technology, perfect solution for heat
problem and ensure long lamp life
• High-pressure aluminum die casting, strong resistance to corrosion
• Easy replacement with independent power design
• Waterproof IP65 design, suitable to damp & wet location
80120 IP65 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI STL-50W STL-100W STL-150W STL-200W
50W 200W
Model 5750 100-277V 23000
Voltage 334x258x100 100W 150W 512x258x100
Ref. Power 11500 17250
Lumen 3000K,6000K
CCT 0.95
Working Temperature -30°C to +55°C
423x258x100 423x258x100
• Use whole aluminum lamp cooling technology, perfect solution for heat
problem and ensure long lamp life
• High-pressure aluminum die casting, strongresistance to corrosion
• Easy replacement with independent power design
• The whole lamp reach IP66 IK10 rating
• Pole diameter 60mm
80120 IP65 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI
Model LY-30W LY-50W LY-80W LY-100W LY-120W
30W 50W 100W 120W
Voltage 3900 6500 90-305V 13000 15600
Ref. Power 80W
424x160x84 424x160x84 10400 535x247x96 535x247x96
CCT 3000K,6000K
PF 0.95
Working Temperature
Dimension -40°C to +55°C
โคมไฟ LED ส�ำ หรับ สำ�นกั งานหรอื ออฟฟศิ จะแตกต่างกนั
ตามขนาดห้อง ปรมิ าณแสงสวา่ งที่ตอ้ งการ และรูปแบบ
การใหแ้ สงสว่าง ต้องค�ำ นงึ ถงึ แสงสวา่ งที่เหมาะสม
พร้อมทง้ั บรรยากาศในการทำ�งานตา่ งๆ
BentechLED จึงคัดสรรผลติ ภัณฑท์ ่ีมี design สวยงาม
ติดตัง้ ง่าย มีความคงทน เพ่อื ตอบโจทย์ความตอ้ งการ
ของลูกคา้ ในทุกรปู แบบ
Commercial Lighting
• The light module adopt straight down type, Back-lit Panel
• New construction design, more thinner and lighter
• Aluminum alloy frame with a superior heat dissipation performances
• No yellowing (LGP), beam angle 120° light emitting area
Model PNL40-6060 PNL40-30120 PNL50-60120
Voltage 40W 220-240V 50W
4000lm 40W 5000lm
Ref. Power 4000lm
Lumen 595x1195x32
CCT 6000K
PF 0.9
80120 4L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI Working Temperature -10°C to +45°C
Dimension 595x595x32 295x1195x32
• Various sizes, applicable to different application
• Save up to 80% energy compared with traditional incandescent lamp
• Wide color temperature range from 3000K to 6500K
• Mercury free, no UV emission
Model DL4-9W DL6-15W DL6-18W
Voltage 220-240V 18W
Ref. Power 9W 15W
Lumen 750lm 1250lm
CCT 3000K,6500K
Cap 4’’ 6’’
80120 3L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI Working Temperature -10°C to +45°C
Dimension Ø147×12 Ø200×12
• R9 > 0: Showing illuminated objects in vivid colors
• Save up to 80% energy compared with traditional incandescent lamp
• Wide color temperature range from 3000K to 6500K
• Mercury free, no UV emission
Model A60-5W A60-7W A60-10W
80120 2L5if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI Voltage 5W 100-240V 10W
Ref. Power 400lm 7W 800lm
Lumen 120.0x60.0 120.0x60.0
CCT 3000K,6500K
Cap E27
Working Temperature
-10°C to +45°C
Dimension 120.0x60.0
Commercial Lighting
• R9 > 0: Showing illuminated objects in vivid colors
• Save up to 80% energy compared with traditional incandescent lamp
• Wide color temperature range from 3000K to 6500K
• Mercury free, no UV emission
Model A60-6.5W A60-11W
80120 3L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI Voltage 6.5W 100-240V 11W
Ref. Power 480lm 800lm
Lumen 113.0x60.0 E27 113.0x60.0
Cap -10°C to +45°C
Working Temperature
• High CRI, up to 95
• R9 > 0: Showing illuminated objects in vivid colors
• 80% energy saving compared with halogen lamp
• Mercury free, no UV emission
Model MR16-3W MR16-6W
Voltage DC12V 6W
3W 380lm
Ref. Power 200lm
Lumen 50.0x50.0
CCT 3000K,6500K
9515 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI Cap E27
Working Temperature -10°C to +45°C
Dimension 50.0x50.0
• High CRI, up to 95
• R9 > 0: Showing illuminated objects in vivid colors
• 80% energy saving compared with halogen lamp
• Mercury free, no UV emission
Model PAR20-8W PAR30-12W PAR38-18W
Voltage 8W 100-240V 18W
Ref. Power 550lm 12W 1200lm
9515 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI Lumen 87.0x65.0 132.8x120.0
CCT 3000K,6500K
Cap E27
Working Temperature
-10°C to +45°C
Dimension 116.1x95.0
Commercial Lighting
• The lamp body and radiator are integrated
• Anti-glare, light is more comfortable
• Front can be made in black, gold and white color
• Surface-mounted and suspended are available
Model SCOB-76-150 SCOB-116-150 SCOB-142-170
Voltage 10W 100-277V 30W
1000lm 20W 3000lm
Ref. Power 2000lm
Lumen 142.0x170.0
CCT 3000K,6500K
9025 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI PF 76.0x150.0 0.9
Working Temperature -10°C to +45°C
• Energy-saving, Environment-friendly
• Start without delay, No glare, No strobe light
• The excellent heat sink, low light decay
• Use Aluminum alloy glass socket for better insulation
Model SCOB-110-110 SCOB-140-132 SCOB-160-132
Voltage 10W 100-277V 30W
1000lm 20W 3000lm
Ref. Power 2000lm
Lumen 160.0x132.0
CCT 3000K,6500K
9025 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI PF 110.0x110.0 0.9
Working Temperature -10°C to +45°C
• No radio frequency interference and anti-electromagnetic interference
• Start without delay, No glare, No strobe light
• High-efficiency, energy saving up to60-80%
• LED design integration of a special perspective
• No mercury and lead contamination
Model TL-10 TL-20 TL-30
Voltage 10W 100-277V 30W
Ref. Power 1000lm 20W 3000lm
9025 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI Lumen 40a 2000lm 00lm
PF 6000K
Working Temperature 0.9
-10°C to +45°C
Commercial Lighting
• Environmental friendly, No UV or IR radiation
• Stable luminous, excellent light, comfortable to eyes, no flicker, no strobe
• Thick and solid aluminum material, low thermal resistance, good heat dissipation
• Easy installation
Model LN-18 LN-36 LN-54
Voltage 18W 100-277V 54W
1800lm 36W 5400lm
Ref. Power 3600lm
CCT 3000K,6500K
8290 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI PF 598.0x60.0 0.9 1798.0x60.0
Working Temperature -10°C to +45°C
• Environmental friendly, No UV or IR radiation
• Stable luminous, excellent light, comfortable to eyes, no flicker, no strobe
• Thick and solid aluminum material, low thermal resistance, good heat dissipation
• Easy installation
8290 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI Model LNT-18 LNT-36 LNT-54
Voltage 18W 100-277V 54W
Ref. Power 1800lm 36W 5400lm
Lumen 598.0x60.0 1798.0x60.0
CCT 3000K,6500K
PF 0.9
Working Temperature
-10°C to +45°C
Dimension 1198.0x60.0
โคมไฟพลงั งานแสงอาทิตย์ หรอื โคมไฟโซล่าเซลล์ หนงึ่ ในแหลง่ พลังงานทดแทน
ทสี่ �ำ คญั ทางเลือกช่วยประหยดั พลังงาน อกี ทง้ั เป็นพลงั งานสะอาด ไมส่ ่งผลเสยี
ตอ่ สภาพแวดล้อม
แผงโซล่าเซลล์ มีอายกุ ารใชง้ านยาวนานถึง 25 ปี สามารถน�ำ ไปใช้งานไดท้ ัว่ ทุก
BentechLED ค�ำ นึงถึงความรับผิดชอบตอ่ สงิ่ แวดล้อม เพอ่ื ลดปญั หาภาวะโลก
ร้อน และแก้ปัญหาพลังงานให้กบั ประเทศไทย เพราะพลังงานแสงอาทติ ยเ์ ป็น
พลงั งานหมนุ เวียนท่ีมไี มส่ ิน้ สุด
Solar Lighting
LED Solar Street Light remInotetellicgoennttrol
All In One Motion Sensor
• Energy saving, high brightness, long lifetime, free maintenance
and easy installation
• Perfect combination of solar power, LED, Lithium battery,
lighting sensor and timing control technology
• Support up to 2-3 rainy days
• Installation height 4-5m
• Pole diameter 50mm
• Two lighting mode
- Mode A : 4Hrs 100% power, remaining time working with sensor
- Mode B : Sensor mode for whole night
120 IP65 8 Hours 3L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs
Charging Time
Model SSL-E-40W
Solar Panel 6V 14W
Ref. Power 40W
Lumen 6000K
CCT 3.2V-24AH
Battery -0°C to +50°C
Working Temperature 640x250x70
LED Solar Street Light
All In One Motion Sensor
• Energy saving, high brightness, long lifetime, free maintenance remInotetellicgoennttrol
and easy installation
• Perfect combination of solar power, LED, Lithium battery, 22
lighting sensor and timing control technology
• Support up to 2-3 rainy days
• Installation height 4-5m
• Pole diameter 50mm
• Two lighting mode
- Mode A : 4Hrs 100% power, remaining time working with sensor
- Mode B : Sensor mode for whole night
120 IP65 8 Hours 3L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs
Charging Time
Model SSL-40W
Solar Panel 6V 22W
Ref. Power 4400
Lumen 6000K
CCT 3.2V-36AH
-0°C to +50°C
Battery 630x317x70
Working Temperature
Solar Lighting
LED SOLAR FLOOD LIGHT remInotetellicgoennttrol
All In One Motion Sensor HL-400W
• Energy saving, high brightness, long lifetime,
free maintenance and easy installation 5V 45W
• Perfect combination of solar power, LED, Lithium battery, 400W
lighting sensor and timing control technology 3.2V-45AH
• Aluminum housing, anti-corrosion, can be adjusted to any 301x441x45
• Automatic light on at night when environment brightness
is lower than 20 lux
• Support up to 3 rainy days
4 Hours 2 Rainy Days HL-100W HL-200W
90 IP65 Charging Time Operating Time 5V 20W 5V 30W
100W 200W
Model 3000K,6000K
Solar Panel 3.2V-25AH
Ref. Power 199.5x294x45 -10°C to +65°C
Working Temperature
All In One Motion Sensor
• Energy saving, high brightness, long lifetime,
free maintenance and easy installation
• Perfect combination of solar power, LED, Lithium battery,
lighting sensor and timing control technology
• Work time : 10 Hours per night.
• PIR Sensor function : Light turn to 100% full power when
people detected, standby at 30% power.
• Work Day : Last 2-3 nights when fully charged.
120 IP65 8 Hours 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs
Charging Time
Model TX-40W TX-60W TX-80W TX-100W
Solar Panel 18V 80W 18V 100W 18V 120W 18V 130W
Ref. Power 40W 60W 80W 13000
Lumen 5200
CCT 7800 10400 12.8V-60AH
6000K 1640x670x200
Battery 12.8V-36AH 12.8V-48AH 12.8V-56AH
Working Temperature -0°C to +50°C
Dimension 1240x570x200 1350x580x200 1435x670x200
Solar Lighting
3000K 6500K
120° IP65 C6haHrgionguTrimse 50Li,f0et0im0ehrs
Item Parameters Item Parameters
Street Light Solar Panels
Power : 20W, 30W, 40W, 50W, 60W, Power: 60W, 90W, 120W, 75Wx2, 90Wx2,
Street Light 80W, 100W, 120W 120Wx2, 150Wx2, 180Wx2
Controller Chips : Lumileds, Bridgelux, Cree Nominal Voltage: 18V
Lumen : 130lm/w
Voltage : DC12V/24V Street Light Materials: Plastics, Metal
Lithium Battery, Gel Battery Height: 5m – 10m
Nominal Voltage: 12V/24V Thickness: 3mm – 4mm
Rated Current: 5A/10A/15A/20A
Nominal Voltage: 12V/24V
TIS. 1955-2551
จัดแสงไฟใหท้ วิ ทัศนภ์ ายนอกอาคาร สวา่ งอยา่ งมเี สนห่ ์
โคมไฟสนาม ถกู ออกแบบมาใหเ้ หมาะสมกับทุกสภาพอากาศ
ใชต้ ดิ ต้ังบรเิ วณภายนอกอาคาร ตวั สนิ คา้ ผลิตจาก
เหล็กคุณภาพดี ทนทานตอ่ การใชง้ าน
BentechLED มโี คมไฟสนาม หลากหลายรูปแบบ
พรอ้ มทั้งทมี งานมอื อาชีพ คอยให้คำ�แนะนำ�แกล่ ูกค้า
Landscape Lighting
TX-S / M / L
• Save 85% energy than the traditional lights, not easy to break and long life,
can save much cost for the frequent replacement of traditional bulbs
• Real green product: soft light; no UV and IR radiation;does not contain lead,
mercury and other pollution elements
• With high performance-cost ratio
80IP66 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI TX-S TX-M TX-L
Model 80W 100-305V 300W
11000lm 150W 22000lm
Voltage 4.5kg 16500lm 9.0kg
Ref. Power
610x270x140 3000K,6500K 866x372x168
Lumen 7.2kg
Net Weight -25°C to +55°C
Working Temperature 765x320x140
TX-GL A / B / C / D
• Housing : corrosion resistant cast aluminium housing with steel pole
• Surface treatment : ion-phosphate coated anti-rust with top finished
• With uv resistance polyester powder coated
• Diffuser : vandal resistant opal glass diffuser
• Color : black, white, silver, green, other colors
• Installation : surface floor mounted
• Application : car park, walk ways, parks, road ways, etc
80IP66 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI TX-GL 011 TX-GL 012 TX-GL 013 TX-GL 014 TX-GL 015
Model 30W 40W 100-305V 60W 80W
3300lm 4400lm 50W 6600lm 6600lm
Voltage 5500lm
Ref. Power 7.7kg 8.4kg 9.2kg 9.2kg
500x500x275 500x500x470 3000K,6500K 500x500x488
Lumen 500x500x488
CCT 9.0kg
Net Weight -25°C to +55°C 26
Working Temperature
Dimension 500x500x478
Landscape Lighting
• Historical shape
• Energy-efficient luminaire
• Variety of mounting options : luminaire can be combined with different columns,
brackets and multiple-arm brackets
• Installation : surface floor mounted
• Application : car park, walk ways, parks, road ways, etc.
80IP66 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI TX-GL 021 TX-GL 022 TX-GL 023 TX-GL 024 TX-GL 025
Model 40W 60W 100-305V 100W 120W
4400lm 6600lm 80W 11000lm 13200lm
Voltage 8800lm
Ref. Power
Lumen 7.7kg
Net Weight -25°C to +55°C
Working Temperature 400x400x800
• Made by die casting aluminum, electrostatic powder coating for surface treatment
• Added dispersing agent to diffusion and makes the lights more even
• Silicone washer for the sealer
• Class scenery of garden design
80IP66 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI TX-GL 031 TX-GL 032 TX-GL 033 TX-GL 034 TX-GL 035
Model 40W 60W 100-305V 100W 120W
4400lm 6600lm 80W 11000lm 13200lm
Voltage 8800lm
Ref. Power
Lumen 13.5kg
Net Weight -25°C to +55°C
Working Temperature 650x650x680
Landscape Lighting
• Made by die casting aluminum, electrostatic powder coating for surface treatment
• Added dispersing agent to diffusion and makes the lights more even
• Silicone washer for the sealer
• Class scenery of garden design
80IP66 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI TXGL011 TXGL012 TXGL013
Model 10W 3.7/6.4V DC 2000lm
1100lm 15W
Solar Panel 1650lm 28
Ref. Power
Lumen 6.2kg
Net Weight -25°C to +55°C
Working Temperature 550x550x365
โคมไฟกันระเบดิ LED คอื โคมไฟทีถ่ กู ออกแบบมาสำ�หรับใชง้ าน
ทุกพ้ืนท่อี ันตราย เสี่ยงการจดุ ตดิ ระเบดิ ในโรงงาน ปโิ ตรเคมีโรงพ่นสี
โคมไฟกนั ระเบิด BentechLED ใหค้ วามส�ำ คญั ด้านความ
ปลอดภัยและคุณภาพสงู สุด โรงงานผู้ผลิตผา่ นมาตรฐาน ISO
และผลิตภณั ฑ์โคมไฟไดร้ ับการรับรองเฉพาะด้านกนั ระเบิด
BentechLED พร้อมบริการงานตดิ ตัง้ และคำ�นวนแสงดว้ ย
ทมี งานมอื อาชพี ตามหลักความปลอดภัยสากล มผี ลงานการ
ติดตงั้ รองรับ สินค้ามีใหเ้ ลือกใช้หลากหลายรปู แบบ ตดิ ตั้งงา่ ย
เหมาะกบั การใชง้ านในทกุ พืน้ ท่ี
Explosion Proof
High Bay Explosion Proof
GYD 210 Series
• Zone 1&2, Zone 21&22
• Instant on crisp white light output
• High efficiency drivers and LEDs provide, low cost operation in harsh
and heavy industrial applications
• Isolated LED compartment reduces temperature within driver housing
• Dense cooling fins design enhances airflow for greater heat dissipation
• 5 year fixture warranty
European (ATEX) 1282 II 2G Ex d IIC Gb 70120° IP66 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI
Gas and Dust 1282 II 2D Ex tb T85°C
Model GYD2107-100 GYD2108-150 GYD2108-180 GYD2108-240
100W 240W
Power 12000lm 150W 180W 28800lm
Luminous Flux (lm) 18000lm 21600lm
260 x 260 x 235 mm 330 x 330 x 285 mm
Input Voltage 5.4kg AC100-240V 50/60Hz 9.9kg
Power Factor
Color temperature 0.95
Working temperature
Material -30°C to +55°C
Aluminum Die Casting
Net Weight
330 x 330 x 285 mm 330 x 330 x 285 mm
9.9kg 9.9kg
High Bay Explosion Proof
GYD 620 Series
• Zone 1&2, Zone 21&22
• Instant on crisp white light output
• High efficiency drivers and LEDs provide, low cost operation in harsh
andheavy industrial applications
• Isolated LED compartment reduces temperature within driver housing
• Multi choice of beamangle for 45°, 90°, 120°
120° IP66 Lifetimehrs CRI
European (ATEX) 7050,0001282 II 2G Ex d e mb IIC T6
Gas and Dust
1282 II 2D Ex tb T80°C
Model GYD6201 GYD6202 GYD6203 GYD6204
100W 240W
Power 13000lm 150W 200W 31200lm
Luminous Flux (lm) 19500lm 26000lm
270 x 270 x 170 mm 400 x 400 x 175 mm
Input Voltage 5.25kg 100-240VAC 50/60Hz 10.7kg
Power Factor
Color temperature 0.95 30
Working temperature
5500K - 6000K
Material -30°C to +55°C
Ceiling; Wall Bracket; Pendant
Net Weight
320 x 320 x 170 mm 360 x 360 x 170 mm
6.5kg 8.6kg
Explosion Proof
Flood Light Explosion Proof
GYD 970 Series
• Zone 1&2, Zone 21&22
• Instant on crisp white light output
• High efficiency drivers and LEDs provide, low cost operation in harsh
and heavy industrial applications
• Isolated LED compartment reduces temperature within driver housing
• Dense cooling fins design enhances airflow for greater heat dissipation
• Clear crystal tempered glass for low light loss
• 5 year fixture warranty
European (ATEX) 1282 II 2G Ex d IIC T6 70120° IP66 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI
Gas and Dust 1282 II 2D Ex tb Db
Model GYD970-1 GYD970-2 GYD970-3 GYD970-4
Power 50W, 80W 100W, 120W 150W, 200W
Luminous Flux (lm) 130lm/W
Input Voltage AC100-240V 50/60Hz
Power Factor
Color temperature
Working temperature 6000K
-30°C to +55°C
Material 5.12kg Aluminum Die Casting
Net Weight 9kg 12kg
Explosion Proof LED Light
GYD 98 Series
• Zone 1&2, Zone 21&22
• Instant on arisp white light output
• High bay reflector with anti-glare performance
• High efficiency drivers and LEDS provide, low cost operation in harsh
and heavy industrial applications
• Isolated LED compartment reduces temperature within driver housing
• Modules can be interlinked to increase the output
• 5 year fixture warranty
European (ATEX) 1282 II 2G Ex d IIC Gb 70120° IP66 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI
Gas and Dust 1282 II 2D Ex tb Db
Model GYD98-1 GYD98-2 GYD98-3
50W 100W 150W
Luminous Flux (lm) 100-120lm/W 310 x 385 x 103 mm
Input Voltage AC100-240V 50/60Hz
Power Factor
Color temperature 0.95
Working temperature
-30°C to +55°C
Material 310 x 130 x 103 mm Pendant; Ceiling; Wall Bracket; Street Mount
Dimension(mm) 310 x 260 x 103 mm
Net Weight 5.2kg 6.1kg
Explosion Proof
T8 Aluminum Explosion Proof
BPY Series
• Zone 1&2, Zone 21&22
• Die casting aluminum shell, with high voltage electrostatic
plastic spray surface
• Easy to change the tube, just remove the end cover to change
• Glass lamp shade, stainless steel exposed fastener
• Steel pipe wiring or cable wiring
Model BPY600-1 BPY600-2 BPY1200-1 BPY1200-2
70IP54 5L0if,e0ti0m0ehrs CRI LED Tube Single/ Double L1350*W210
Input Voltage AC100-240V 50/60Hz
Working temperature -30°C to +55°C
European (ATEX) Mounting Option Pendant, Ceiling, Stanchion
Gas and Dust
1282 II 2G Ex d IIB T4Gb Dimension(mm) L710*W145 L710*W210 L1350*W145
Explosion Proof LED Linear Light
BYS Series
• Zone 1&2, Zone 21&22
• GRP enclosure, corrosion-proof, PC lampshade, strip-shaped, anti-glare
• Built-in explosion proof interlock device, automatically power-off after cover open
• Lamp adopt curve sealed structure, high waterproof and dust proof class
• Lightweight and slim line construction
• The emergency device can be equipped at the request of users
Model BYS600 BYS1200
LED Tube Single/ Double
Input Voltage (1-3)*8W 220VAC 50/60Hz (1-3)*18W
T8 LED Tube Pendant, Ceiling Wall, Stanchion
European (ATEX) 1282 II 2G Ex d IIC T6 Mounting Option
IP66 Gas and Dust Dimension(mm) L798*W208*H120 L1380*W208*H120
Explosion Proof LED Linear Light
GYD 93 Series
• Zone 2, Zone 21&22
• Instant on crisp white light output
• Built-in LED driver, CC-CV (constant current constant voltage) output, power factor-0.95
• Main enclosure is extruding formed of copper-free aluminum, anodic-oxidation treatment
for surface. Both ends of enclosure are die casting formed of copper free aluminum, powder
coated surface
Model GYD9301 GYD9302 GYD9303
Power 20W 40W 60W
Luminous Flux (lm)
Input Voltage 220VAC 50/60Hz
European (ATEX) 1282 II 3G Ex nR IIC Gc Power Factor 0.95
1282 II 2D Ex tb IIIC T80°C Db Mounting Option Pendant, Ceiling Wall, Stanchion
IP66 Gas and Dust
Net Weight 3kg
Dimension(mm) 1.62kg 1300 x 116 x 40 mm 4kg
650 x 120 x 35 mm 1620 x 116 x 45 mm
Explosion Proof
Explosion Proof HID Light
BCD Series
• Zone 1&2, Zone 21&22
• Housing is made of die-cast aluminum, with epoxy sprayed
• Tempered glass shade, stainless steel exposed fasteners, with galv
nized and epoxy coated guard
• Rotary opening, easy installation and maintenance
• Optional lamp shade
European (ATEX) 1282 II 2G Ex d IIC T3 Gb IP65
Gas and Dust 1282 II 2D Ex tb Db
Model BCD-100 BCD-200 BCD-200B BCD-250 BCD-400
E27 E40
Lamp holder E27 E27 E40
Input Voltage - 220VAC 50-60Hz 400W
Metal Halide Lamp - 70,100,150,175W 70,100,150,175W 250W 400W
High Pressure Sodium Lamp - 70,100,110,150W 70,100,110,150W 250W 400,450W
High Pressure Mercury Lamp 15W 150W
Energy Saving Bulb 8W 80,125,160W 80,125,160W 175,250W
1.4kg 36W 36W 105W -
LED Bulb 6.31kg
Weight 15W 15W 36W
Mounting Option 2.0kg 2.87kg 3.87kg
Pendant, Ceiling Wall, Stanchion
Explosion Proof HID Light
FAD Series
• Zone 1&2, Zone 21&22
• The housing is made of GRP, compact structure, beautiful appearance
• Resistance to strong acid, alkali, salt, ammonia ion corrosion
• Stainless steel exposed fasteners and silicone rubber gasket, which is resistant to oil,
acad, alkali and heat
European (ATEX) 1282 Ex e ll T3 IP65
Gas and Dust FAD-100
Model 220VAC 50Hz FAD-200
70,100,150W Pendant, Ceiling Wall, Stanchion E40
Lamp holder 70,100,110W
Input Voltage 250W
Metal Halide Lamp 80,125W 250W
High Pressure Sodium Lamp 175,250W
High Pressure Mercury Lamp
Mounting Option
Explosion Proof
Explosion Proof Emergency Light
BCJ Series
• Zone 1&2, Zone 21&22
• Built-in maintenance-free battery pack, the battery will be charged automatically
when power is supply. And it will be in emergency light when the power fails
• The lamp head can be rotated around 270° from top to bottom, with wide lighting range
• Easy to install
• LED indicator of main, charge, fault to easy to know the status of the light.
• Self inspections annual month. And test button for testing any time for user.
• Equipped with an explosion-proof buzzer with a 65dB-85dB voice. When the product is
in fault status, the buzzer will work 1-3s every minute to remind the user to maintain the
European (ATEX) 1282 II 2G Ex d IIC Gb IP65
Gas and Dust 1282 II 2D Ex tb Db
Model BCJ
Power 220VAC 50/60Hz
Input Voltage >120min
Back-Up Battery G3/4 (suitable for 10mm-14mm cable); NPT3/4 is optional
Ceiling / Wall / Base Mount
Entries 243 x 570 x 55 mm
Mounting Option
Dimension(mm) 2.6kg
Net Weight
Explosion Proof Emergency Light
BYY Series
• Zone 1&2, Zone 21&22
• Die-cast aluminum body with baked epoxy powder coat finish for durability and
corrosion resistance
• Ultra-bright LED light source, service life is up to 50,000 hours
• Designed with test buttons, convenient for regularly maintenance
• The light fitting is designed with a main power indicator, failure and charging indicator,
to the using status
• Equipped with an explosion-proof buzzer with a 65dB-85dB voice. When the product is
in fault status, the buzzer will work 1-3s every minute to remind the user to maintain the
European (ATEX) 1282 II 2G Ex d IIC Gb IP65
Gas and Dust 1282 II 2D Ex tb Db
Model BYY
Power 220VAC 50/60Hz
Input Voltage >120min
Back-Up Battery G3/4 (suitable for 10mm-14mm cable); NPT3/4 is optional
Ceiling / Wall / Base Mount
Entries 166 x 375 x 65 mm
Mounting Option
Dimension(mm) 3.25kg
Net Weight
“หลอดไฟของ BentecLED มอี ายกุ ารใชง้ านท่ยี าวนาน ถงึ 50,000 ชว่ั โมง
และใชพ้ ลงั งานน้อยกวา่ หลอดไฟ แบบเกา่ ถึง 90% ผ่านกรรมวิธกี ารผลิต
ตามมาตรฐานสงู สดุ เพ่ือให้ไดร้ ับ การไวว้ างใจจากลูกคา้ เราจงึ มกี าร
รบั ประกนั ยาวนานถงึ 5 ปี พรอ้ มทีมงานมอื อาชีพ ดา้ นการ ออกแบบแสงสว่าง
ชว่ ยเป็นท่ี ปรึกษาให้เหมาะสมกับทางลกู คา้ ” Bentech Lighting Solutions Co., Ltd.
420/130 Kanchanaphisek Road, Dok Mai, Prawet, Bangkok 10250
Tel : 02-130-5193 Fax : 02-130-5193 [email protected]
TIS. 1955-2551