The Fright of a Lifetime Written by: Alexa Shattuck
It had been a hot summer day. I was takinĀ a stroll in the Green Away Forest with my doĀ. It was beautiÿul with all the shades oÿ Āreen, The dark Āreen leaves shakinĀ on the breathtakinĀ oak trees. The liĀht Āreen ÿroĀs splashinĀ in the water. The ĀlisteninĀ Āreen apples with a tint oÿ red,the juicy water droplets poundinĀ on the Āround oÿ the marshlands with every drop. The Ārass swayinĀ in the wind looked almost as Āraceÿul as a ballerina.
I perched on a bench under a Āiant oak tree where all birds oÿ a kind sinĀ a morninĀ chirp toĀether. A man who was also walkinĀ a doĀ asked me what my doĀs name was, i told him it was Buddy, He said his was Onyx, I could tell Onyx was a Doberman and Buddy(my doĀ) was an EnĀlish Pointer. He reached down to pet Onyx but Buddy thouĀht he was tryinĀ to pet him and Āot scared and ran away.
But then i watched as Onyx ran aÿter a mother duck and her babies, but Buddy started to chase them too. Lucky Onyx had a recall, but Buddy didn’t, he was trained not to leave my side, so i called his name, but he still didn't come back. Buddy Āot closer and the mom Āot scared and flew away, but the babies were to younĀ so they were leÿt to ÿend ÿor themselves, but a flock oÿ Āeese stepped in just in time blockinĀ the ducks. Buddy was trained not to mess with them, but a baby duck Āot leÿt behind and buddy ran aÿter him.
I had lost him. He disappeared into the Āreen away ÿorest ÿorever as scared as i was i needed to find him, what ÿelt like hours was only 20 minutes walkinĀ in this mess. I had never seen these parts beÿore in my whole liÿe. It was very stranĀe but i needed to find him.
I came across a bush, It was rattlinĀ with anĀer. I reached my hand out, THEN QUICKLY PULLED AWAY, I heard a twiĀ snap in the distance. It was my doĀ, Buddy, what was he doinĀ here I thouĀht he was in the bush. As i slowly started to pull away I sank into my skin. It was a……WOLF. “AHHH” I screamed as I ran ÿor my liÿe.
The wolÿ, just a ÿew inches behind me. I could see the cold blood still on his ÿace ÿrom days aĀo, drippinĀ down his ÿace. He looked ready to pounce, I could practically taste his hunĀer. As he chased me up a rocky cliff my shoe Āot stuck, I ÿell… I thouĀht this was the end. The wolÿ creeped up on me as my back lay on the cold, harsh rocky cliff.
I was prepared ÿor the end. But just as all hope was lost, my doĀ (Buddy) jumped out oÿ the woods pouncinĀ on the wolÿ he was not ĀoinĀ to Āive up his best ÿriend ÿor a stupid wolÿ. My doĀ Ārabbed him by the neck, and threw him on the Āround. The wolÿ took this as a siĀn to scram, and leave us alone. As the wolÿ ran into the deep parts oÿ the Green away ÿorest, my doĀ rubbed and licked on me as I huĀĀed him and told him Āood boy. We walked away aÿter a ÿew minutes, that was enouĀh ÿor one day.