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Published by webmaster, 2021-05-05 14:29:04

2021 Spring - Summer

2021 Spring - Summer



Always Ready.............................................................. 2

COVID-19 Vaccines.................................................... 4

Grab and Gobble........................................................5

Class Descriptions and Schedule.............................. 6

UMC is committed to the health and well-being of our community, and
as the temperatures warm up, we’d like take this opportunity to remind
you that preventive medicine plays a big part in your overall health. If
you don’t currently have a primary care provider or would like to find
one closer to home, UMC’s Primary Care physicians offer you a gateway
to Nevada’s Highest Level of Care. Call 702-383-CARE to schedule an
appointment with a UMC Primary Care physician today!

Through the Healthy Living Institute at UMC, we offer many opportunities
for you to participate in wellness education and activities. As you
explore this quarter’s Living Magazine, you will find information about
activities and speakers exploring many wellness topics along your
journey to greater health!

Well-being is not only one’s physical health; it is the ability for one to find
a balance in body, mind and spirit — the whole person. Our goal is to
provide information and guidance in creating a healthy lifestyle using
integrative healing practices and evidence-based health care.

celebrates adults 50 years and better! By joining
this program at no cost, you will receive many different membership
benefits. Members have access to free health screenings and flu shots;
free notary services; office services (free copies and faxing); cafeteria
discounts; home delivery of our quarterly Living Magazine; community
blood pressure screenings; and exclusive physician lectures. Additionally,
for any inpatient stays at UMC, Senior Celebration members may be
eligible to have their Part A Medicare deductibles waived.

Please visit
You will be able to view the calendar of events, register for classes

and view our newsletters. Be sure to join our email club.
Registration is available on the website. You will

receive email updates and a virtual newsletter. For
more information, please call 702-383-SELF (7353).

child need a

Most children
ages 8-12 do.
Seat belts do
not usually fit
until children
are 4’9” tall
and between
8-12 years old.

Free car seat and booster
seat inspections are available
at the Healthy Living Institute
at UMC. Call 702-383-SELF
(7353) to schedule.

In the Face of Crisis, plan to build a second on-site
UMC is Always Ready laboratory at UMC dedicated
solely to COVID-19 testing.
UMC has earned its reputation Built in a space formerly
for offering valuable leadership occupied by an outpatient
to the Las Vegas community physical therapy gym, UMC’s
during its greatest times of COVID-19 Laboratory has
need. As the world braced for processed more than 1 million
the impact of the COVID-19 COVID-19 tests, far outpacing
pandemic in early 2020, any other testing provider in
UMC set forth to prepare the Nevada.
community it serves, utilizing “With a capacity of 10,000 tests
every resource at its disposal per day, our on-site laboratory
to educate the local health care has significantly improved access
industry and begin building to COVID-19 testing services in
the infrastructure to support a Nevada,” said UMC CEO Mason
community-wide COVID-19 Van Houweling. “The additional
response operation. capacity provided by this lab
allowed our team to introduce
Before the first case of several large-scale public testing
COVID-19 in Nevada, UMC’s centers in our community.”
leadership team had already
developed a carefully crafted

UMC is the only hospital in vaccinations, providing a vital
Southern Nevada to provide resource to build a brighter,
community COVID-19 testing healthier future for the
services. community. Through a unique
Team members from the Healthy partnership with Wynn Resorts,
Living Institute at UMC have UMC has developed a large-
played an instrumental role scale vaccination site at Encore
in UMC’s COVID-19 testing Las Vegas. In total UMC has
operation, providing convenient administered nearly 60,000
testing services for local workers vaccine doses, supporting the
and helping the local economy hospital’s mission to safeguard
safely reopen. the health of community
As a result of its robust members.
COVID-19 testing resources, “UMC has a unique
UMC is the only hospital in responsibility to address the
the state to test every admitted urgent health care needs of
patient for COVID-19, the community we serve,” Van
promoting the safest possible Houweling said. “Throughout
clinical environment. the COVID-19 pandemic, our
UMC also serves as the only team members across UMC have
hospital in Southern Nevada worked tirelessly to save and
to offer public COVID-19 improve lives across Southern




All Nevadans 16 and older are eligible to receive the COVID-19
vaccine from the UMC COVID-19 Vaccination Center at Encore
Las Vegas.
Schedule your appointments online at, scan
the code or call our team directly at
Appointments are limited and available on a
first-come, first-served basis.

Staff of the Healthy Living Institute at UMC and UMC’s
Food Services Division served up drive-thru style meals to
Senior Celebrations members on November 19, 2020.

Members were treated to a full thanksgiving meal
including turkey, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie.

Thank you to all the Senior Celebrations members who
joined us for this special event. Please look for details
about upcoming events on the pages of the Living
Magazine, in addition to the Healthy Living Institute’s
Facebook page.

Wellness Classes Stop the Bleed
These sessions provide valuable
Important new class/event information about the steps
guidelines at HLI for everyone’s needed to stop severe bleeding
protection: with the appropriate use of
pressure, dressing and tourniquets,
• All classes require RSVPs. while waiting for emergency
No walk-ins responders to arrive.
Friday, May 7, 3 p.m.
• All participants must wear masks Friday, July 16, 3 p.m.

• Social distancing will be enforced 13,811STRENGTH IN NUMBERS

• Virtual class options available − AND COUNTING!
for some classes. Please inquire
for details. Exclusive Senior
Celebration Events
Enhance®Fitness Senior Celebrations
Enhance®Fitness focuses on Exclusive Movie Event
dynamic cardiovascular exercise, Join the staff of the Healthy
strength training, balance and Living Institute at UMC for a free
flexibility — everything older Exclusive Movie Event at
adults need to maintain health Galaxy Cannery Luxury+ Theatre
and function as they age. RSVP by visiting:
Balance exercises are included and typing
throughout the class. “UMC” into the search bar.
Tuesdays and Thursdays Wednesday, June 23, 10 a.m.
9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Must RSVP. No walk-ins.

Stepping On
The goal of this seven-week
series of workshops is to build
confidence and reduce falls
among older adults. Work with
trained facilitators and experts
covering topics such as balance
and strength, vision, medications,
community safety and home
hazards to reduce the risk of falls.
Tuedays, May 11-June 22
12:30 p.m.- 2:30 p.m.

For more information and to register:
call 702-383-7353 (SELF) or go to

Support Groups course in their seventh or eighth
month of pregnancy. This class is
Cancer Support Group $35 for individuals not delivering
We welcome cancer survivors, at UMC. Please call for registration
families, caregivers, and friends information.
to learn more about survivorship, Saturday, June 19, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
experience camaraderie and
provide support for one another. Breastfeeding Preparation
First Tuesday of the month at 4 p.m. Let us help you to get off to a
Cancer Survivor Celebration, May 4 great start with breastfeeding!
at 5 p.m. Learn what you’ll need to
know to successfully meet your
Classes for New and breastfeeding goals. Birth partners
Expectant Families and other family members are
welcome to attend.
Car Seat Inspections Mondays, June 14 and August 23
Did you know that three out of four 6 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
car seats are installed incorrectly?
The Healthy Living Institute at Baby Basics
UMC proudly offers free car seat Join us and learn the basics of
education and inspections from newborn baby care. You will also
certified technicians. Email us at receive information on how to
[email protected] properly care for yourself after
or call 702-383-SELF (7353) for you deliver.
more information about scheduling Thursdays, June 3 and August 23
your personal educational session 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
and inspection.
Baby Basics II (Soothing and
A Mindful Approach To Sleeping)
Childbirth Education This is the second part of our free
This class is designed to educate Baby Basics education for new
parents about the childbirth parents and those who need
process. We will discuss both a refresher. We will continue to
medicated and non-medicated discuss basic baby care and
forms of pain control. We focus on sleeping and soothing
encourage parents to take this techniques.
Tuesdays, June 6 or August 17
6 p.m. - 8 p.m.

Health and Wellness Classes

Boot Camp For New Dads Safe Sitter®
Led by a team of veteran dads, Safe Sitter is for children 11 to 14
this class gives expectant and years of age. This class teaches
new dads a chance to talk with them how to be safe when
other men about being fathers. they’re home alone, watching
Dads learn baby basics, ask younger siblings or babysitting.
questions, discuss concerns, gain Students learn life-saving skills
confidence and prepare such as how to rescue someone
for the best time of their lives. who’s choking, practice CPR skills
We encourage fathers to bring and receive helpful information
their babies. like what to do if there’s severe
Wednesday, July 7 weather.
4:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Friday, June 11, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Monday, July 12, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Infant & Child CPR - Monday, August 2, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
AHA Friends & Family Must RSVP. No walk-ins.
This American Heart Association
Friends and Family class teaches Triple P: The Power of Positive
family members how to be life- Parenting
savers by providing infant and This seminar introduces the
child CPR skills. This class requires five key principles of positive
a $10 deposit, which will be parenting.
refunded to you when you attend Wednesday, July 7
the class. 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Mondays, May 17 and July 19
2 p.m. - 4 p.m. Triple P: Raising Confident,
Competent Children
BREASTFEEDING In this seminar, parents are
SUPPORT introduced to the building blocks
for helping children become
If you have any confident and successful.
Wednesday, July 14
breastfeeding 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

questions or Triple P: Raising Resilient Children
Parents are introduced to the
concerns, please strategies for helping children
email us at manage their feelings and deal
healthylivinginstitute@ with stress. to Wednesday, July 21
schedule a FREE 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
consultation with
our IBCLC Lactation


For more information and to register:
call 702-383-7353 (SELF) or go to

A lot has changed, but not the convenience of UMC
Quick Care. Whatever you need us for, we’re here.




901 Rancho Lane, Suite 180, Las Vegas, NV 89106

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