Please visit to view the calendar of events, register for classes and view our newsletters. Be sure to join our email club. Registration is available on the website. For more information, please call 702-383-SELF (7353). Contents: Learn How to Save A Life.......................................... 2 Senior Celebrations Movie Event ............................. 3 The Future and UMC Orthopedic & Spine Institute...4 Safe Medication Disposal ......................................... 7 Lunch & Learn ............................................................ 8 Class Descriptions and Schedule............................. 9 UMC is committed to the health and well-being of our community, and we’d like take this opportunity to remind you that preventive medicine plays a key role in your overall health. If you don’t currently have a primary care provider or would like to find one closer to home, UMC’s Primary Care physicians offer you a gateway to Nevada’s Highest Level of Care. Call 702-383-CARE to schedule an appointment with a UMC Primary Care physician today! Well-being is not only one’s physical health; it is the ability for one to find a balance in body, mind and spirit — the whole person. Our goal is to provide information and guidance in creating a healthy lifestyle using integrative healing practices and evidence-based health care. celebrates adults 50 years and better! By joining this program at no cost, you will receive many different membership benefits. Members have access to free health screenings and flu shots; free notary services; office services (free copies and faxing); Café @ UMC discounts; home delivery of our quarterly Living Magazine; community blood pressure screenings; and exclusive physician lectures. Additionally, for any inpatient stays at UMC, Senior Celebration members may be eligible to have their Part A Medicare deductibles waived.
Free CPR classes at UMC to help you learn how to save a life By: Linsey Lewis The Healthy Living Institute at University Medical Center is adding additional free courses to teach hands-only CPR to adults and children. The institute is adding additional adult classes to its schedule as more members from the Las Vegas community sign up. The courses are free and teach the basic skills of hands-only CPR for adults and children. “The majority of incidents of heart attacks and anything cardiac-related actually 90% happen outside of the hospital so odds are if something happens it’s going to be with a loved one,” Amy Runge, a clinical nurse at Healthy Living Institute, said. The course uses a curriculum from the American Heart Association to help people learn the skills to save a life. This CPR course is not intended for community members who need an official certification card. This is just one of several free courses offered by the Healthy Living Institute. To view the schedule and register online, scan the QR code below, or call 702-383-7353. First Aid and CPR for Pets Learn basic first aid skills for common pet medical emergencies and how to provide CPR to your cat or dog. Friday June 27, Noon - 2 p.m.
EXCLUSIVE MOVIE EVENT Join us for a free Exclusive Movie Event at Galaxy Cannery Luxury+ Theatre on Wednesday, May 24 for a 10 a.m. showing. RSVP by visiting: and typing “UMC” into the search bar. For more information, please call 702-383-SELF (7353) SAY YES TO THE HIV TEST TO SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT CALL 702-207-TEST
If you’d like information on no cost shingles vaccines, please call 702-383-7353 to see if you qualify.
From a good parent to a grandparent Let us help get you there. Sign up today for any of the following classes, Baby Basics, Infant Massage, The Power of Positive Parenting and many more!
SAFE MEDICATION DISPOSAL DOS & DON’TS BEAT flush your medications down the toilet. This introduces unwanted chemicals into DON’T our water supply and the environment! DObring your unused or expired medications to a designated drug take-back location. DOsafely dispose of medications at home place your personal information in the trash or medication drop-box Mix medications with an unappealing substance ex: coffee grounds, kitty litter Place mixture in a sealed container. Throw sealed container into household trash. Scratch out personal information prior to disposing of medication containers! search for a medication disposal location near you! DON’T DOhelp yourself and the community by safely disposing of medications that are expired or no longer being used! Sources: Sources: DOpick up your medication disposal pouch at the Healthy Living Institute at UMC to safely dispose of your expired and unneeded medications!
umc offers educational lunch & learn classes as part of our senior celebrations program, bringing you informative, informal sessions with top caregivers in their various fields. free lunch provided. aches, pains and muscle strains - what does it all mean? DR. KATE MARTIN associate dean for graduate medical education, kirk kerkorian school of medicine at unlv, professor, department of family and community medicine, designated institutional official (dio) thursday, may 4 • noon - 1 p.m. healthy living institute at umc 901 rancho lane • suite 180 charleston/rancho ln., behind cvs, next to umc join dr. kate martin for an interactive presentation that will focus on the differences between fibromyalgia, lupus and arthritis. it will also cover diagnosis and treatment options. space is limited. rsvp: 702-383-7353 (self) aches, pains and muscle strains - what does it all mean?
For more information and to register: call 702-383-7353 (SELF) , scan the QR code or go to Wellness Classes AARP Safe Driver Course Sign up now for a great class that will teach you how to adapt to changes in yourself, the laws, the car and the road. Refresh your driving skills and discover proven driving methods to help keep you and your loved ones safe on the road. Take the class, and you may be eligible for up to three years of auto insurance discounts. Class fees: $20 for AARP members; $25 for non-members. Payment by check made out to AARP or by cash only. Please arrive 15 minutes early to complete required paperwork, and bring your AARP card and driver’s license. Fridays, May 12, June 9, July 14 and August 11 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Adult AHA Friends & Family CPR This American Heart Association Friends and Family class teaches family members how to be lifesavers by providing CPR skills. This course is for people who want to learn CPR but do not need a course completion card in CPR for their job. Monday, May 8, Friday, June 2 and Monday, June 5 1 - 2 p.m. Conversation Maps® Recognized by the American Diabetes Association, this class is now offered at the Healthy Living Institute, designed to promote interactive discussions in a small group setting of people living with diabetes. Each map addresses a different topic area to assist with self-management of the disease. This is a four-week workshop held over the following dates. Tuesdays, May 2, May 9, May 16 and May 23 Noon - 1 p.m. First Aid for Burns Minor burns are common and can often be treated with basic first aid at home. Appropriately responding to an initial burn can prevent further damage and promote faster healing. In this course, you will learn essential skills for providing immediate care for minor burns and when to seek medical attention. Thursdays, May 4, and June 29 3 - 4 p.m. First Aid and CPR for Pets Learn basic first aid skills for common pet medical emergencies and how to provide CPR to your cat or dog. This class is not a certification course. Tuesday, June 27 Noon - 2 p.m.
Complimentary Health and Wellness Classes appointment. Then the “Pelvic Health 101” workshop is for you! Wednesday, June 14, Noon - 1 p.m. Stepping On The goal of this seven-week series of workshops is to build confidence and reduce falls among older adults. Work with trained facilitators and experts covering topics such as balance and strength, vision, medications, community safety and home hazards to reduce the risk of falls. This is a seven-week workshop: This is a 7-week workshop: Fridays, June 9-July 21, 10 a.m. - Noon Stop the Bleed These sessions provide valuable information about the steps necessary to stop severe bleeding with the appropriate use of pressure, dressing and tourniquets, while waiting for emergency responders to arrive. Monday, May 1 , Noon-1 p.m. Mondays, June 26, July 17, and August 21 3 - 4 p.m. Enhance®Fitness Enhance®Fitness focuses on dynamic cardiovascular exercise, strength training, balance and flexibility — everything older adults need to maintain health and function as they age. Balance exercises are included throughout the class. Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Heart Healthy Heart disease is a leading cause of death in the United States for both men and women. You can take important steps to protect your heart and stay healthy. Join us to uncover how lifestyle shifts such as diet adaptions influence your blood pressure, weight, and cholesterol to meet your healthyheart goals. Tuesdays June 8, 15, 22 and June 29 11 a.m. - Noon Pelvic Health 101 “Pelvic health” is probably a term you’ve heard before but are you still unsure about what it actually means? Maybe you’ve had a baby and were told that leaking pee, constipation and low back or hip pain were just part of being a mom. Or you’ve never had a baby but you have pelvic pain and want to understand what happens at a pelvic floor
For more information and to register: call 702-383-7353 (SELF) , scan the QR code or go to Reflexology Reflexology is an ancient form of therapy. It is grounded in ancient and modern science. It has been shown that our organs are mapped out on our feet, our hands and our ears. In this class you will learn the history and science of reflexology. We will also demonstrate an effective way to massage the feet to assist with GI motility. This technique is easy to learn and can be used for the entire life span of individuals. Wednesdays, May 3 and July 12 Noon - 1 p.m. Exclusive Senior Celebrations Events Senior Celebrations Exclusive Movie Event Join the staff of the Healthy Living Institute at UMC for a free exclusive movie event at Galaxy Cannery Luxury+ Theatre. RSVP by visiting: and typing “UMC” into the search bar. Wednesday, May 24, 10 a.m. Tea Party We invite you to a tea-riffic party of finger foods and fun! Bring the flair to the party by wearing your most fancy hats and ties! Prizes will be awarded to the most amazing and unique looks. Tuesday, June 20 Noon - 1 p.m. Aches, Pains and Muscle Strains - What Does It All Mean? Lunch and Learn Join Dr. Kate Martin for an interactive presentation that will focus on the differences between fibromyalgia, lupus and arthritis. It will also cover diagnosis and treatment options. Space is limited, please call to RSVP. Thursday, May 4 Noon - 1 p.m. Support Groups Joint Camp Join us for a one-hour class designed for a patient and a coach (support person), who is undergoing a joint replacement at UMC Hospital. To schedule for this class, please contact our Orthopedic Nurse Navigator at 702-224-7131 Mommy Care Club 1 in 5 women suffer from PostPartum Depression, we are here to support you in your motherhood journey. Every 3rd Thursday 11:00 - Noon
Classes for New and Expectant Families Car Seat Inspections Did you know that three out of four car seats are installed incorrectly? The Healthy Living Institute at UMC proudly offers free car seat education and inspections from certified technicians. Email us at or call 702-383-SELF (7353) for more information about scheduling your personal education session and inspection. Baby Basics Join us to learn the essentials of parenting a newborn from birth to 6 weeks. This class covers newborn care, helpful facts for new parents on infant behavior, safe sleep, recognizing illness and comforting techniques. Free booklet and companion web app included. Wednesday, June 7 and August 16 1 - 3:30 p.m. Breastfeeding Preparation Let us help you to get off to a great start with breastfeeding! Learn what you’ll need to know to successfully meet your breastfeeding goals. Birth partners and other family members are welcome to attend. Free booklet and companion web app included. Wednesday, June 21 and August 23 2 - 4:30 p.m. Boot Camp For New Dads Led by a team of veteran dads, this class gives expectant and new dads a chance to talk with other men about being fathers. Dads learn baby basics, ask questions, discuss concerns, gain confidence and prepare for the best time of their lives. We encourage fathers to bring their babies. Wednesday, July 19 3 - 5:30 p.m. Childbirth Education This class is designed to educate parents about the childbirth process. We will discuss stages of labor, both medicated and nonmedicated forms of pain control, medical interventions, cesarean births and the post-partum period. We encourage parents to take this course in their seventh or eighth month of pregnancy. This class is offered in a two-part series. Free booklet and companion web app included. Tuesdays, June 6 and June 13, Tuesdays, August 8 and August 15, 2 - 5 p.m. Complimentary Health and Wellness Classes
For more information and to register: call 702-383-7353 (SELF) , scan the QR code or go to Infant & Child CPR - AHA Friends & Family This American Heart Association Friends and Family class teaches family members how to be lifesavers by providing infant and child CPR skills. Mondays, May 8, June 5, August 14 and Tuesday July 11 2 - 4 p.m. Infant Massage Soothing Techniques Looking for ways to relax and bond with your baby? Learn to know when and how to give an infant massage. These techniques will help calm, relax, promote sleep and enhance bonding between caregiver and infant. This class can be taken prior to delivery, or with infants 6 weeks to 1 year of age. Wednesday, June 7 and August 16, 11 a.m. - Noon Safe Sitter® Safe Sitter is for children 11 to 14 years of age. This course teaches them how to be safe when they’re home alone, watching younger siblings or babysitting. Students learn life-saving skills such as how to rescue someone who’s choking, practice CPR skills and receive helpful information, like what to do if there’s severe weather. Mondays, June 12 and July 31 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Register online. No walk-ins. Triple P: The Power of Positive Parenting This seminar introduces the five key principles of positive parenting. Wednesday, July 12, 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Triple P: Raising Confident, Competent Children In this seminar, parents are introduced to the building blocks for helping children become confident and successful. Wednesday, July 19, 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Triple P: Raising Resilient Children Parents are introduced to the strategies for helping children manage their feelings and deal with stress. Wednesday, July 26, 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Please check The Healthy Living Institute’s website or follow us on our Facebook page for details about other upcoming events.
901 Rancho Lane, Suite 180, Las Vegas, NV 89106 VALLEY-WIDE LOCATIONS NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED A lot has changed, but not the convenience of UMC Quick Care. Whatever you need us for, we’re here. BETTER GET BETTER. QUICK. VALLEY-WIDE LOCATIONS NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED A lot has changed, but not the convenience of UMC Quick Care. Whatever you need us for, we’re here. BETTER GET BETTER. QUICK. 702.383.CARE | GET BETTER. QUICK. In locations all around the valley, we’re seeing you for bumps, breaks, burns, sprains, colds, flus, and other small calamities. No appointment needed.