World AIDS Day........................................................... 2
Safe-Tacular Event...................................................... 3
Lunch & Learn..............................................................7
Class Descriptions and Schedule.............................. 9
UMC is committed to the health and well-being of our community, and
as the we move into the new year, we’d like take this opportunity to
remind you that preventive medicine plays a key role in your overall
health. If you don’t currently have a primary care provider or would like
to find one closer to home, UMC’s Primary Care physicians offer you
a gateway to Nevada’s Highest Level of Care. Call 702-383-CARE to
schedule an appointment with a UMC Primary Care physician today!
Through the Healthy Living Institute at UMC, we offer many opportunities
for you to participate in wellness education and activities. As you
explore this quarter’s Living Magazine, you will find information about
activities and speakers exploring many wellness topics along your
journey to greater health!
Well-being is not only one’s physical health; it is the ability for one to find
a balance in body, mind and spirit — the whole person. Our goal is to
provide information and guidance in creating a healthy lifestyle using
integrative healing practices and evidence-based health care.
celebrates adults 50 years and better! By joining
this program at no cost, you will receive many different membership
benefits. Members have access to free health screenings and flu shots;
free notary services; office services (free copies and faxing); Café @ UMC
discounts; home delivery of our quarterly Living Magazine; community
blood pressure screenings; and exclusive physician lectures. Additionally,
for any inpatient stays at UMC, Senior Celebration members may be
eligible to have their Part A Medicare deductibles waived.
Please visit
You will be able to view the calendar of events, register for classes
and view our newsletters. Be sure to join our email club.
Registration is available on the website. You will
receive email updates and a virtual newsletter. For
more information, please call 702-383-SELF (7353).
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Register Now!
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World AIDS Day inpatient and outpatient services.
World AIDS Day takes place
In recognition of World AIDS on December 1 each year. It’s
Day on December 1, 2021, an opportunity for people
Dr. Alireza Farabi, Infectious worldwide to unite in the fight
Disease and HIV Specialist against HIV, to show support
at UMC, hosted a seminar to for people living with HIV, and
educate community members to commemorate those who
about the advances in HIV have died from an AIDS-related
treatment and programs at the illness. Founded in 1988, World
UMC Wellness Center. UMC AIDS Day was the first ever
pioneered HIV/AIDS care in global health day.
Nevada more than 40 years ago,
and is proud to continue leading
the state with dedicated
The Healthy Living Institute
at UMC hosted it's annual
Halloween Safe-tacular and
Boo-ster Seat Bonanza on
Saturday, October 30, 2021.
This year’s event, hosted
in partnership with Kohl’s
Cares, was set up as a
trunk-or-treat event in the
UMC Children’s Hospital
lot, providing a fun-filled
atmosphere and access for
some or our littlest patients,
who were able to attend
with assistance from our
clinical staff.
More than 1,000 community
members participated
in the event. All of our
trick-or-treaters received
goodies and safety items.
Participants also received
information on booster
seats and the safe use of
Thank you to all of our UMC
colleagues and community
members who came
together to help make this
another successful event!
JANUARY 1, 2022
Children TEAM OF
57 inches
in height and
under 6
years of age
are now
required to be
secured in a car
seat or booster seat.
Children under 2
years old must
be secured in a
car seat in the
backseat of a vehicle.
Schedule a free
inspection at the
Healthy Living Institute
at UMC by calling
702-383-SELF (7353).
Community members who have completed their initial COVID-19
vaccination series can now receive booster doses with either the
same vaccine they initially received or a different vaccine brand.
Pfizer booster doses are available for people 16 and older, while
Moderna and Johnson & Johnson boosters are available for people
18 and older. Booster vaccines are administered at least six months
after the second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, or at least
two months after the initial dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
Schedule your appointments online at, scan
the code or call our team directly at
Join us for a free Exclusive Movie Event at
Galaxy Cannery Luxury+ Theatre on
Thursday, February 17 for a 10 a.m. showing.
RSVP by visiting:
and typing “UMC” into the search bar.
For more information,
please call 702-383-SELF (7353)
Spring Forward
Sunday, March 13, 2022 at 2 a.m.
clocks are turned forward 1 hour
women’s heart health
umc offers educational lunch & learn classes as part of
our senior celebrations program, bringing you informative,
informal sessions with top caregivers in their various fields.
free lunch provided.
women’s heart health
dr. dalia hawwass, board certified in both
internal medicine and cardiology
thursday, february 10 • noon - 1 p.m.
healthy living institute at umc
901 rancho lane • suite 180
charleston/rancho ln., behind cvs, next to umc
join dr. dalia hawwass as she discusses women’s heart health
and how misconceptions about heart disease in women
could be putting you at risk. she will also discuss causes of
cardiovascular disease in women and whether women of all
ethnicities share the same risk.
space is limited. rsvp: 702-383-7353 (self)
Are you taking care of an adult relative, partner, friend or
parent? Caregiving can be difficult and holds many challenges.
Powerful Tools for Caregivers gives you the skills to care for
yourself while caring for someone else. By taking care of your
own health and well-being, you become a better caregiver.
We hope that by taking this six-week workshop, caregivers will be
able to better manage emotions, increase self-confidence and self-
care behaviors, and use local resources.
Tuesdays, February 1 - March 8
1 - 2:30 p.m.
Important new class/event Diabetes Self Management
guidelines at HLI for everyone’s Program (DSMP)
protection: Take control of your diabetes
• All classes are subject to with this six-week program. You
will learn the skills you need to
change based on CDC take control of your health. Topics
guidelines. include: healthy eating, exercise,
• All classes require RSVPs. communication skills, and a step
No walk-ins by-step plan to improve your
• All participants must wear masks health and your life.
• Social distancing will be enforced Wednesdays, Jan. 26 - March 2
• Virtual class options available 9 - 11 a.m.
for some classes. Please inquire
for details. Enhance®Fitness
Enhance®Fitness focuses on
Wellness Classes dynamic cardiovascular exercise,
strength training, balance and
AARP Safe Driver Course flexibility — everything older
Sign up now for a great class adults need to maintain health
that will teach you how to adapt and function as they age.
to changes in yourself, the laws, Balance exercises are included
the car and the road. Refresh your throughout the class.
driving skills and discover proven Tuesdays and Thursdays
driving methods to help keep you 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
and your loved ones safe on the
road. Take the class and you may BREASTFEEDING
be eligible for up to three years of SUPPORT
auto insurance discounts.
If you have any
Class fees: $20 for AARP members; breastfeeding
$25 for non-members. questions or
concerns, please
Virtual classes offered at: email us at healthylivinginstitute@ to
schedule a FREE
consultation with
our IBCLC Lactation
For more information and to register:
call 702-383-7353 (SELF) or go to
Powerful Tools for Caregivers Stop the Bleed
Are you taking care of an adult These sessions provide valuable
relative, partner, friend or parent? information about the steps
Caregiving can be difficult and necessary to stop severe bleeding
holds many challenges. Powerful with the appropriate use of
Tools for Caregivers gives you pressure, dressing and tourniquets,
the skills to care for yourself while while waiting for emergency
caring for someone else. By responders to arrive.
taking care of your own health Mondays, Jan 24, Feb. 14, and
and well-being, you become March 28
a better caregiver. We hope 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
that by taking this six-week
workshop, caregivers will be able Exclusive Senior
to better manage emotions, Celebration Event
increase self-confidence and
self-care behaviors, and use local Senior Celebrations
resources. Exclusive Movie Event
Tuesdays, February 1 - March 8 Join the staff of the Healthy
1 - 2:30 p.m. Living Institute at UMC for a free
Exclusive Movie Event at
Women and Coronary Artery Galaxy Cannery Luxury+ Theatre.
Disease - Lunch and Learn RSVP by visiting:
Join Dr. Dalia Hawwass as she and typing “UMC” into the search bar.
discusses women’s heart health Thursday, February 17, 10 a.m.
and how misconceptions about
heart disease in women could be Support Groups
putting you at risk. She will also Cancer Support Group
discuss causes of cardiovascular We welcome cancer survivors,
disease in women and whether families, caregivers, and friends to
women of all ethnicities share the learn more about survivorship and
same risk. experience camaraderie and
support for one another.
Space is limited, please call to RSVP. First Tuesday of the month at 4 p.m.
Thursday, February 10
Noon - 1:00 p.m.
Health and Wellness Classes
Classes for New and Breastfeeding Preparation
Expectant Families Let us help you to get off to a
great start with breastfeeding!
Car Seat Inspections Learn what you’ll need to
Did you know that three out of four know to successfully meet your
car seats are installed incorrectly? breastfeeding goals. Birth partners
The Healthy Living Institute at and other family members are
UMC proudly offers free car seat welcome to attend.
education and inspections from Tuesday, February 8, 2 - 4:30 p.m.
certified technicians. Email us at Wednesday, April 6, 2 - 4:30 p.m.
or call 702-383-SELF (7353) for Baby Basics
more information about Join us and learn the basics of
scheduling your personal newborn baby care. Discussion
educational session and topics include methods of
inspection. keeping your newborn safe
during the first year of life,
Childbirth Education soothing techniques and
This class is designed to educate developmental milestones.
parents about the childbirth Tuesday, February 15, 2 - 5 p.m.
process. We will discuss stages of Tuesday, April 19, 2 - 5 p.m.
labor, both medicated and non-
medicated forms of pain control, Boot Camp For New Dads
medical interventions, cesarean Led by a team of veteran dads,
births and the post-partum period. this class gives expectant and
We encourage parents to take this new dads a chance to talk with
course in their seventh or eighth other men about being fathers.
month of pregnancy. This class is Dads learn baby basics, ask
offered in a two-part series class or questions, discuss concerns, gain
an all day Saturday class. confidence and prepare
Saturday, Jan. 8, 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. for the best time of their lives.
Saturday, April 9, 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. We encourage fathers to bring
their babies.
Tuesday, Feb. 22 and Monday, Thursday, March 3
Feb. 28, 2- 5 p.m. (two-part class) 2 - 4:30 p.m.
For more information and to register:
call 702-383-7353 (SELF) or go to
Infant Massage Triple P: The Power of Positive
Learn techniques to calm and Parenting
relax your baby, as well as This seminar introduces the
relieve discomfort. Massage also five key principles of positive
promotes better sleep. Infants 6 parenting.
weeks to 1 year old. Wednesday, March 23
Monday, March 7, 10 - 11:30 a.m.
10 - 11 a.m. Triple P: Raising Confident,
Competent Children
Infant & Child CPR - In this seminar, parents are
AHA Friends & Family introduced to the building blocks
This American Heart Association for helping children become
Friends and Family class teaches confident and successful.
family members how to be life- Wednesday, March 30
savers by providing infant and 10 - 11:30 a.m.
child CPR skills. Triple P: Raising Resilient Children
Monday, January 10, 2 - 4 p.m. Parents are introduced to the
Monday, March 14, 2 - 4 p.m. strategies for helping children
Monday, April 18, 2 - 4 p.m. manage their feelings and deal
with stress.
Safe Sitter® Wednesday, April 6
Safe Sitter is for children 11 to 14 10 - 11:30 a.m.
years of age. This class teaches
them how to be safe when Please check The Healthy Living
they’re home alone, watching Institute’s website or follow us on
younger siblings or babysitting. our Facebook page for details on
Students learn life-saving skills other upcoming Spring events.
such as how to rescue someone
who’s choking, practice CPR skills
and receive helpful information
like what to do if there’s severe
Monday, February 7, 9 a.m.- 3 p.m.
Monday, April 25, 9 a.m.- 3 p.m.
Register online. No walk-ins.
Health and Wellness Classes
For more information and to register:
call 702-383-7353 (SELF) or go to
901 Rancho Lane, Suite 180, Las Vegas, NV 89106
A lot has changed, but not the convenience
of UMC Quick Care. Whatever you need us
for, we’re here.
A lotNhOas AchPaPnOgeIdN,TbMutEnNotTtNheEcEoDnEvDenience
of UMuCmQcuicsnk .Ccaorem. W/qhautiecvkecr ayorueneed us
for, we’re here.