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Published by 2019591685, 2022-06-14 02:05:30

The Sun Daily-140622

The Sun Daily-140622


page Law yet to be 3 to have

2 amended to more EPF
abolish death

ON TUESDAY JUNE 14, 2022 BALINESE FLAIR ... Women perform a

No. 8044 PP 2644/12/2012 (031195) traditional dance during a parade for the 44th Bali Art
Festival in Denpasar on the Indonesian resort island.

Severe water risk
█ BY ELLY FAZANIZA oWith 70% of country’s water used
[email protected] for agriculture, existing severe
pollution puts efforts to ensure
PETALING JAYA: Malaysia’s food security in jeopardy
ability to ensure food security
through its homegrown farmers have been badly affected due to specialise in the farming of certain
agriculture sector is getting supply chain issues, and cost-push vegetables and fruits to further
bleaker by the day, no thanks to the inflation, which is caused by an increase boost our self-sufficiency levels so
country’s serious water pollution, which in prices of labour, raw materials and that there is a sufficient buffer for
has put the agriculture sector at “severe others,” he told theSun. exports to ensure adequate
risk”, said think-tank Emir Research domestic supply and reduce net
president and CEO Datuk Dr Rais He said this was in addition to our imports.”
Hussin. dependence on food imports, which in Rais said having a circular
2020 amounted to a record RM55.5 economy would help to deploy
He said the country’s agricultural billion to meet consumer needs and technology to recycle waste water
water risk is rated at 5, which is the demands, according to the Statistics into potable and treated water like in
highest level. Department. Singapore.
“Additionally, we need to harness
This score indicates serious water Rais was commenting on how the technology to convert saline water
pollution, and is well above the world country could improve food security, into potable water like in Singapore
average risk score of 3.3, according to the given that the inflation rate in March was and pass legislation to protect and
Global Food Security Index 2021. at 2.2%, while food inflation was at 4%. conserve water catchment
areas to ensure they are
“Malaysia’s score critically impacts He proposed that the government not converted for Turn to
our ability to produce food through the designate a special agricultural zone in development purposes.
local agriculture sector because 70% of every state as an “anchor” food —
the country’s water resources are for production park that integrates farming “This would contribute
agriculture. In short, our ability to and breeding to build a food security net page 3
produce food through our agriculture for Malaysians.
sector is facing severe risk.” to ensuring cleaner water.”
“The park would allow each state to
Rais said strong political will was
required to ensure our vulnerability to
external forces is mitigated.

“We should not only aim to be
self-sufficient in the areas where we’re
lacking, but also in critical commodities
such as chicken feed, where our poultry

2 theSUN ON TUESDAY | JUNE 14, 2022


Reports on Law on death penalty yet to
Adib, ex-AG’s be amended, says minister
book, Batu
Puteh ready
by August PUTRAJAYA: The death penalty still o ‘Government has agreed to abolish Wan Junaidi said the government
exists in Malaysian law although the mandatory death sentence, substitute it with had also accepted and taken into
PUTRAJAYA: Complete reports on government decided on June 8 to other sentences, subject to court’s discretion’ consideration the recommendations
investigations and studies on Batu abolish it, said Minister in the Prime from the special committee with
Puteh, the death of firefighter Minister’s Department (Parliament regard to the direction of the
Muhammad Adib Mohd Kassim and and Law) Datuk Seri Dr Wan criminal justice system in Malaysia.
allegations in the book My Story: Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar.
Justice in the Wilderness by former He said the government had He said this includes the
attorney-general Tan Sri Tommy agreed to abolish the mandatory under Section 302 of the Penal Code. principles, Bernama reported. introduction of pre-sentencing
Thomas are expected to be ready by death penalty and substitute it with Wan Junaidi said the death He said for offences causing procedures, a sentencing council
August. other sentences, subject to the penalty at court’s discretion means death, the death penalty at court’s and a sentencing guideline, as well
discretion of the court. that judges will have options to discretion will be maintained, while as the setting up of a Law
Minister in the Prime Minister’s “The government, through a sentence the person found guilty of for offences not causing death, the Commission, prison reform and the
Department (Parliament and Law) Cabinet meeting, agreed in principle a crime to either death or life death penalty should not be execution of sentences based on
Datuk Seri Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar on June 8 to do away with the imprisonment, or whipping. imposed by the court, and if the restorative justice.
said the team and committee mandatory death penalty, but it is “It will be up to the discretion of death penalty is not imposed, the
involved requested for more time to still being implemented by the the judge to decide, depending on offender can be punished with He also said the Legal Affairs
peruse each report and study. courts. the type and the level of seriousness whipping. Division and the Attorney-General’s
“The sentence is governed by of the offence, trend of punishment, Wan Junaidi said the amendment Chambers are studying the
Wan Junaidi said an extension existing laws (which have yet to be condition of the victim, cooperation related to the abolition of the feasibility of the recommendations
was required, among others, to amended),” he told a media and regret expressed by the offender, mandatory death penalty would be made by the special committee on
translate especially the legal terms as conference yesterday. as well as other factors to impose a tabled for first reading at Parliament 1,342 inmates whose death
the reports were written in English. He said the mandatory death substitute sentence on the offender.” in October and it is expected that the sentences were put on hold due to a
penalty refers to the provisions for Wan Junaidi added that the provision of the law can be moratorium.
“Certain reports needed more criminal offences in which the Special Committee on Substitute realistically abolished either in
time as the investigation committee convicted offender would be Sentences for the Mandatory Death January or February next year. He said the special committee
had problems, among others, on the sentenced to death without Penalty led by former chief justice “The government’s decision is a also proposed the setting up of a
acquisition of statements.” exception as the judge has no other Tun Richard Malanjum made the bold step forward (for Malaysia’s special panel comprising Federal
choice but to hand down the recommendation on the new criminal justice system) to be seen as Court and Court of Appeal judges for
Earlier, Wan Junaidi was reported sentence for the offence, such as sentencing policy based on three more humane.” the purpose.
as saying the final reports on the
death of Muhammad Adib and “This matter needs scrutiny as it
allegations in Thomas’ book would touches on constitutional issues,”
be presented to the Cabinet in June. he added.

Muhammad Adib suffered serious
injuries in riots at Sri Maha
Mariamman Temple in USJ 25,
Subang Jaya on Nov 27, 2018 and died
while being treated at the National
Heart Institute on Dec 17 the same

On Oct 29 last year, the Cabinet
agreed to set up a task force, chaired
by former attorney-general Tan Sri
Mohamed Apandi Ali, to review the
actions and legal issues on Batu
Puteh, Middle Rocks and South

The team had submitted and
tabled an interim report at the end of

A special task force, chaired by
Sarawak Legal Adviser and former
state attorney-general Datuk Seri
Fong Joo Chung, was also established
to focus on fact-finding about
allegations in Thomas’ book.
– Bernama

New policies Wan Junaidi at the media conference yesterday. – BERNAMAPIX
to address EV
ecosystem PH leaders to meet PM on anti-party hopping Bill

PUTRAJAYA: Malaysia has to KUALA LUMPUR: Pakatan Rakyat meeting, which starts on the government’s failure to Jaafar was reported as saying
implement new policies to address Harapan (PH) leaders will hold an July 18. convene a special sitting of the recently that there was no need for
various issues concerning electric immediate meeting with Prime Dewan Rakyat to table the the government to convene a special
vehicles (EV) for the sector to flourish Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri “By passing this Bill, 83% or 15 anti-party hopping Bill. sitting of Parliament to table and
in the country, said Transport Yaakob to discuss the anti-party of the 18 items in the MoU signed The statement was jointly issued debate the Constitution
Minister Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong. hopping Bill and three matters between PH and the federal by Opposition Leader Datuk Seri (Amendment) (No. 3) Bill 2022
related to the memorandum of government will be implemented.” Anwar Ibrahim, Amanah president regarding the prohibition on
He said with EV becoming more understanding (MoU) signed Mohamad Sabu, DAP switching parties by members of the
prevalent in the world, it is inevitable between PH and the federal The three matters in the MoU secretary-general Loke Siew Fook Dewan Rakyat.
that the vehicles would become a government. that still need to be implemented and United Progressive Kinabalu
prominent feature in Malaysia. are setting a limit of two terms, or 10 Organisation president Datuk Seri He said the Bill would be tabled
The PH presidential council said years, for the prime minister’s Madius Tangau. and debated at the second meeting
He said in a post on his Facebook in a statement yesterday the tenure, tabling of the Parliamentary Minister in the Prime Minister’s of the fifth session of the 14th
page that the country needs an coalition hoped that the Bill would Services Bill and amending Dewan Department (Parliament and Law) Parliament before being presented
ecosystem that would support the be tabled, debated and approved in Rakyat’s Standing Orders. Datuk Seri Wan Junaidi Tuanku to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
use of EV. the first week of the next Dewan – Bernama
The PH presidential council also
He added that creating the expressed disappointment over
necessary infrastructure for the EV
ecosystem is slow.

An accompanying Facebook post
showed Wee receiving a courtesy call
from Alpha ESS Co Ltd chief
executive officer and co-founder
Alfred Wang. Both exchanged views
on EV development.

Alpha ESS is a global energy
storage solution and service provider.

Present was Alpha ESS
vice-president and co-founder Zoe
Zhang. – Bernama

3theSUN ON TUESDAY | JUNE 14, 2022


Unwise to have more EPF withdrawals

o Former minister, ex-ministry sec-gen suggest that other solutions ought to and not implemented across Malaysians who would have little or
govt provide options that do not jeopardise be found. the board. practically nothing when they retire,
retirement savings of contributors with no other source of income. A
Ramon said even if the Since 2020, the government has new group below the poverty line
█ BY RAJVINDER SINGH the people. government wants to turn to EPF, it announced three special EPF would be created.
[email protected] “For example, the government can must only allow withdrawals by those withdrawal schemes – i-Lestari,
PETALING JAYA: The government who need it, and not everyone. i-Sinar and i-Citra – with a total of “What is needed now is a
should look at other ways of helping set up lunch and dinner hubs in every RM101 billion withdrawn. In comprehensive package of policy
the people deal with the rising cost of district to help those who find it hard “Even those who are in desperate addition, another RM10,000 special measures.”
living rather than allow them to make to deal with the increasing cost of need of money may also end up using withdrawal was allowed in March.
another withdrawal from their living,” he told theSun. it for different purposes than what Rafidah said for crisis
Employees Provident Fund (EPF) they need it for,” said the chairman of EPF statistics revealed that some management, it was essential to
savings, said economist Tan Sri He was commenting on Umno the Centre for Public Policy Studies at 6.1 million contributors have understand the trigger of the crisis.
Ramon Navaratnam. Youth chief Dr Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki the Asian Strategy and Leadership retirement savings of less than
who said while he was one of the Institute. RM10,000 in their accounts, of which “Based upon that, and a
He said the government needs to proponents who previously 3.6 million households have less comprehensive understanding of the
think out of the box instead of turning supported the special EPF He added that by cutting down on than RM1,000. economic and socioeconomic
to EPF to deal with the issues faced by withdrawal, it is not currently an government wastage, the extra funds scenario, we need to draw up
option to address the financial woes could be used to help the poor Former International Trade and appropriate, effective and targeted
caused by the rising cost of living, and and needy. Industry minister Tan Sri Rafidah policy measures, and not have a
Aziz said contributions to EPF are one-policy-fits-all approach.
Ramon said whatever decision the savings for the future.
government makes to help the “A responsible government must
people overcome their financial “When they are allowed to ensure the measures are fair and
problems, it must be aimed at withdraw funds before retirement, equitable, giving priority to the
helping those who truly deserve it the government is creating a group of neediest,” she added.

Agri-based policy needed to provide aid to farmers Lakes, ponds to be
used as backup
He said Malaysia’s agro-food supply costs are more efficient and effectively “We need to refocus on policies that water resources
chain could include promoting applied, while simultaneously are agriculture-driven since we have
contract farming and smart boosting yields,” he said. neglected them and focused on the KUALA LUMPUR: Lembaga Urus Air Selangor
precision farming, or agri- From Meanwhile, economist Tan Sri manufacturing industry. (LUAS) has identified more than 60 ponds and
technology, which involves the use Ramon Navaratnam recently said lakes throughout the state that have the
of the Internet of Things and front a rigorous agriculture-based “The introduction of approved potential to be used as additional water
automation to control and monitor page policy was essential to provide new permits (that has since been abolished) resources as a long-term plan in the event that a
made the situation worse, and giving drought hits the Klang Valley.
farming processes – from fertigation subsidies to farmers to ensure the food production contracts to
to pesticide spraying and harvesting. country does not fall behind in food non-performers aggravated matters,” Its director Hasrolnizam Shaari said of the
“Agri-technology would ensure input security. said Ramon. total, 21 ponds have been approved by the state
government to be widened and deepened to
increase their capacity.

“For a start, we have updated the status of
more than 60 ponds and lakes identified,
including the status of the land and its usability.

“We have also received approval from the
Selangor government for 21 ponds to be
widened and deepened, with construction to be
carried out by the state government subsidiary,
Kumpulan Semester Sdn Bhd,” he said on the
‘Air di Selangor: Persediaan Menghadapi
Kemarau’ programme on Bernama TV

Hasrolnizam said LUAS has built other
infrastructure to ensure that water from the
ponds could be channelled to water treatment
plants, adding that it has also developed an app
that can record the amount of water available in

Recently, he was reported to have said water
supply in the Klang Valley would be sufficient
for eight months if a drought hits the region in
2025 as forecast.

The entire 6.5 million population in the
Klang Valley, including Putrajaya and Kuala
Lumpur, currently receives treated water supply
from Selangor, with a total daily consumption
of 500 million litres. – Bernama

ALL SMILES ... Education Senior Minister Datuk Dr Radzi Jidin taking a wefie with students of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Libaran in Sabah RM12 million flood
during his visit to the school yesterday. – BERNAMAPIX mitigation project

New fares to be implemented for Labuan ferry passengers CHUKAI: A new drainage project costing RM12
million will be built in Teluk Kalong, near Kijal,
LABUAN: The new ferry passenger fares He added that the move also included the actually not just an increase as it is more of to reduce the impact of flood damage in
from Labuan to mainland Sabah will be standardisation of the fare to RM15 for a trip standardisation. We have never imposed the future.
implemented from tomorrow, said Labuan from Menumbok to Labuan. terminal fees and surcharges on travellers,
Holdings Sdn Bhd chief executive officer despite the management company carrying State Disaster Committee deputy chairman
Mohammad Ridzuan Ibrahim. “We will start (raising) ferry fares from out a number of manifest (registration of Hanafiah Mat said that the project, funded by
RM13 to RM15,” he said, adding that the passenger) works.” the federal government, would begin in
He said the company, as the Labuan increase was initially scheduled to start in September near the Teluk Kalong affordable
International Ferry Terminal management, 2017, but was postponed. Ridzuan said passengers currently only housing scheme.
decided on the move as passenger fares from needed to pay 50% of the price due to the
Labuan to Menumbok have not been “The fare increase was approved by the subsidy given by the government for the “The project tender will be issued in July.
reviewed in a long time. Sabah Ports and Harbour Department in 2017 journey to Menumbok. – Bernama Construction work is expected to take seven
but was not implemented. This move is months. Upon completion, the flood problems
around Teluk Kalong would be minimised as
there would be faster water flow to the sea,” he
said after a ceremony to present land and oil
palm plantation titles to Felda Neram 2 settlers,
which was officiated by Mentri Besar Datuk Seri
Dr Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar yesterday.

Hanafiah, who is also state Welfare, Women,
and Family Development and National Unity
Committee chairman, said the project has
received Environmental Impact Assessment
approval from the Department of Environment.

Teluk Kalong has been often hit by floods,
with the worst occurring in 2020. – Bernama


Platform to boost RM100,000 raised for rare diseases fund
inoculation of
haj pilgrims SEREMBAN: The Ride with Hope “The Miku Challenge 2022 Meanwhile, Persons with protocols that go with it.
Miku Challenge 2022, held at echoes the call to action and Disabilities Sentral president “The database will be an
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian digital Dataran Rembau yesterday, raised supports the government’s plan to Senator Datuk Ras Adiba Radzi
health platform, Health Digital RM100,000 for the Malaysia Rare launch the trust fund that would congratulated all the participants, invaluable resource of information
Technologies Sdn Bhd Disease Trust Fund. enable RD patients across the especially the patients and parents. to not just the medical sector, but for
(DoctorOnCall), has inked a country access to life-saving drugs ministries to develop better policies,
memorandum of understanding Malaysia Lysosomal Diseases and intervention, and medical care. Ras Adiba added that she has stakeholders in care and service
(MoU) with Bumiputra Tourism Association (MLDA) president Lee been following the development of provision, as well as the RD
Operators Association of Malaysia Yee Seng said the event, participated “The plan, which was also RD advocacy in Malaysia, and said community – from patients,
(Bumitra Malaysia) to facilitate and by almost 600 participants, mentioned by Health Minister there is a need for an official and up- advocacy groups, caregivers and
increase vaccination among pilgrims including rare diseases (RD) Khairy Jamaluddin in his remarks at to-date registry for RD in the individuals alike, to receive current
who have planned to undertake the patients, was a collaboration the first Rare Disease Community country. information that will help them to
annual hajj or umrah in Saudi Arabia. between MLDA, Malaysian Rare Virtual Family Gathering and manage the disease better,” she said.
As part of the MoU, DoctorOnCall Disorders Society, Prader-Willi Conference in February, is “Some groundwork has been
will provide a platform for pilgrims to Syndrome Society and Negri testament to the government’s done on building this database, Ride With Hope Miku Challenge
make inoculation appointment Sembilan Cycling Association to commitment towards more which falls under the 12th Malaysia 2022, organised in conjunction with
bookings. The platform will be create awareness on RD and equitable access to healthcare and Plan. This is important as the World Rare Disease Day 2022, was
educate the public on the platforms well-being for all Malaysians,” he database will be the repository of the opened to four categories of fun
and assistance available for them. said in a statement yesterday. various types of diseases in run/walk, namely 74km, 16km, 1km,
Malaysia, inclusive of medical and a 30km virtual ride. – Bernama

available to pilgrims making travel Coping with brain
plans with any participating travel deterioration illness made a vibrant seashell collage,
agency nationwide under Bumitra. slowly discovering a hidden talent
The pilot phase of the vaccination despite never having touched clay or
drive will kick off this month, focusing held a paintbrush.
on Kuala Lumpur and Selangor, with
phase two set to commence from late To understand the illness better,
July onwards, covering the whole of the couple took up an eight-week
Malaysia. online course offered by the
Championing convenience, University of Tasmania.
responsiveness, transparency,
accessibility and trust via its wide “It was a real eye-opener as I was
spectrum of products and services, the introduced to a book by Christine
DoctorOnCall platform will act as an joined a centre that specialises in Bryden, who is a dementia survivor
online database of healthcare o Patient suffering from vascular dementia managing physical mobility of those and has written on her experience
providers that offer vaccinations takes up pottery and painting lessons to stay suffering from dementia. However, living with it,” she said.
across Malaysia. active with husband’s support she found the exercises to be too
The database will help pilgrims strenuous, and led to knee pains. Though her symptom is mild,
search and identify suitable clinics for Irene has her tools to cope, which
vaccinations. But rather than throw in the includes having a grocery list with
towel, Irene took up the fight in her the prices on it. At times, she would
No more flights to █ BY ELLY FAZANIZA John@Kanga Thavi initially just own way. browse through her photo album to
Madinah after last [email protected] went into denial. see the faces of her childhood
plane tomorrow PETALING JAYA: No one is ever With her husband’s support, she friends.
prepared to face the challenge of “I was sad and full of questions. took up a weekly pottery class, in
MECCA: There will be no more flights coping with vascular dementia, Why me?” she recounted the day she which she moulded her first orange “I don’t remember them, so Peter
for Malaysian haj pilgrims landing in which is a type of dementia caused was given the news two years ago. brown espresso cup. would refresh my memory and tell
Madinah after the last flight, which is by reduced blood flow to the brain. She was diagnosed after undergoing me that they were my friends. I know
scheduled for tomorrow, said a yearly medical examination in “It took me a day to make it, and coping with it is not easy, but I try
Malaysian Haj Delegation head Like many who have been Ipoh, where she lives with her when I made a jug later, my my best.”
Datuk Seri Syed Saleh Syed Abdul diagnosed with it, Irene Swiss-born husband, Peter J. Bucher. teacher was surprised by my
Rahman. progress,” she said. According to Peter, dementia is an
On the advice of a specialist, she ever-changing chronic progressive
He said the flight will Irene then broadened her brain change that eventually leads to
accommodate the KT22 delegation. horizons and turned to painting. She brain failure. It has no cure.
Starting June 20, all flights for
Malaysian haj pilgrims, starting with Irene and Peter are advocates for people living with dementia. “I now have to speak loudly and
the KT23 delegation, will be landing clearly, having eye contact. I believe
at King Abdulaziz International it is part of the illness in which her
Airport in Jeddah. hearing has deteriorated in the past
two years. She is unable to manage
“So far, a total of 4,670 Malaysian simple arithmetic. Her artwork is
pilgrims have arrived in the Holy vital to slowing down the brain’s
Land involving 17 flights. A total of deterioration as it is best to have an
2,986 pilgrims are still in Madinah active lifestyle.
while 1,684 are already in Mecca.
“I have prepared myself for the
“The final flight to Madinah will challenges which lay ahead as a care
arrive (tomorrow) and after that, there partner and am committed to being
will be no more flights (from a strong advocate for people living
Malaysia). The subsequent flights will with dementia in my community,
land in Jeddah, and pilgrims who have which includes running a regular
worn ihram (in state of consecration) bimonthly dementia cafe in Ipoh,
from the homeland will be brought to that is safe and has easy access for
Mecca to perform the first umrah,” he them,” he said.
told reporters at Abraj Al Janadriyah,
the building that houses the Tabung The couple have also planned a
Haji (TH) headquarters and the four-day art exhibition and
accommodation for Malaysian workshop to be held in conjunction
pilgrims here. with Irene’s upcoming 80th birthday
on June 28.
Meanwhile, Syed Saleh said TH
had made adequate preparations to The number of older adults
face the spread of Covid-19 infections suffering from dementia in Malaysia
among its staff and pilgrims. is expected to nearly triple over the
next 30 years.
He said TH has taken preventive
measures to deal with unforeseen According to the Alzheimer’s
circumstances, by conducting Disease Foundation Malaysia, in
monitoring from time to time, 2020, some 204,000 to 264,000
including carrying out immediate people were living with end-stage
screening tests for those showing dementia, which leaves them
symptoms of Covid-19. dependent on 24-hour care.

“As infections are still rampant, we Covid-19 cases increase by 0.4%: Health DG
are making preparations for any
eventuality. KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia preceding week. Meanwhile, Noor Hisham said unit beds dropped by 17%.”
recorded a 0.4% increase in new “The average infectivity rate the admission of Covid-19 patients Noor Hisham said positive cases
“We provide treatment and rest Covid-19 cases for Epidemiological into health facilities, namely public
centres or isolation wards for those Week 23 (June 5 to June 11), with showed a 5.5% increase at 0.96, hospitals and Quarantine and monitored by the Covid-19
who are infected,” he said, adding 11,096 cases compared with 11,052 compared with 0.91 previously,” he Treatment Centres per 100,000 Assessment Centres nationwide
that the centres have been set up at reported in the previous week. said in a statement yesterday. population, decreased by 10% also dropped, with patient arrivals
the pilgrims’ accommodation, of compared with the preceding down by 8.7% and the number of
which 200 beds have been prepared Health director-general Tan Sri The number of recovered cases week. new cases undergoing home
in total. – Bernama Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said the also dropped by 21.7% last week monitoring dropped by 0.5%.
cumulative number of cases from 13,797 to 10,806, bringing the “Overall, bed occupancy at
currently stood at 4,524,727. cumulative recoveries to 4,466,305. Quarantine and Treatment Centres However, the number of cases
increased by 200% and non-critical referred to Quarantine and
He said the average daily active He said the number of deaths bed occupancy also increased by Treatment Centres or hospitals
cases recorded a 5.5% drop, which showed a 3.8% drop, with 25 cases 8%, while the use of intensive care increased by 51.9%, he said.
was 22,013 cases compared with the compared with 26 cases, bringing – Bernama
the cumulative deaths to 35,711.

5theSUN ON TUESDAY | JUNE 14, 2022

Witness: Over RM45 million transferred into Najib’s personal account

KUALA LUMPUR: The High Court heard on Oct 23, 2014, and RM3,624,473.70 and RM60,629,839.43) in the first phase, US$30 transactions came from Najib, as her
yesterday that RM45.8 million was RM11,567.57 on Nov 24 and 26 respectively. million (equivalent to RM90,899,927.28) in department dealt with the account holder’s
transferred into Datuk Seri Najib Abdul the second phase, US$681 million relationship manager over those
Razak’s AmBank account from Vista Equity “Two other transactions of RM5,360,065 (equivalent to RM2,081,476,926) in the third transactions.
International Partners Ltd (Barbados) and RM6,809,129.43 took place on Dec 10 phase and transactions in British pounds
between October and December 2014. and 18,” said Salmah in the former prime that were equivalent to RM4,093,500 and When re-examined by senior deputy
minister’s trial over the misappropriation of RM45,837,485.70 or a combined total of public prosecutor (DPP) Datuk Seri Gopal Sri
Ambank (M) Berhad Treasury Operations RM2.3 billion in funds from 1Malaysia RM49,930,985.70 in the fourth phase. Ram, the witness said usually, the bank
Department vice-president Salmah Daman Development Berhad (1MDB). would send statements to customers at the
Huri, 50, who is the 23rd prosecution witness, During cross-examination by Najib’s end of the month to notify them of the
said the funds totalling £8,706,021.92 Salmah confirmed five documents, which counsel Wan Aizuddin Wan Mohammed, balances in their accounts.
(RM45,837,485.70 at the conversion rate at all showed transfers from Vista Equity Salmah said no red flags were raised by Bank
the material time), were transferred into the through Amicorp Bank and Trust Ltd in Negara Malaysia or AmBank when the To another question by DPP Najwa
former premier’s account in five Barbados via Standard Chartered Bank in transactions took place. Bistamam, Salmah said Najib never raised
transactions. London before it reached the same any reports against the said transactions to
“AmPrivate Banking – 1MY” account. She also said she was unaware that the the bank.
Vista Equity is a shell company owned account belonged to Najib at the material
and controlled by Eric Tan, a trusted On the first day of the trial, the time and she only learnt about it following Najib, 68, is facing four charges of using
associate of fugitive businessman Low Taek prosecution said it would show that 1MDB investigations by the authorities. his position to obtain bribes amounting to
Jho. funds had been transferred in multiple RM2.3 billion and 21 charges of money
transactions to Najib’s accounts, namely Salmah also testified that she could not laundering involving the same amount.
“A sum of RM30,032,250 was transferred US$20 million (equivalent to confirm that the foreign exchange – Bernama

‘Be alert when using QR codes’ Remand extended
for rape suspect
o Experts say hackers and scammers could use information to original one with a new one that redirects the link
direct users to malicious sites, steal data or gain access to devices elsewhere. PARIT BUNTAR: A remand order against
a man, suspected to have committed rape
█ BY IMAN MUTTAQIN “Hackers and scammers can replace the QR “Users should always check whether the QR 19 years ago, has been extended for
[email protected] code with a fake one. Our firm has done security code takes them to the right destination before another three days until
PETALING JAYA: Quick response (QR) codes are testing at a bank where we placed fake confirming or accepting QR code transactions,” he June 16.
great for saving time and are sometimes the best promotional lucky draw codes in front of an ATM told theSun.
way to share information. However, cybersecurity and we were able to successfully trick people into Kerian district police chief Supt
experts have warned users to be on high alert when scanning the code. Our tests showed that the He added that it is the same as the “phishing Mazuki Mat said the remand order was
the link prompts them to instal unauthorised apps majority of ATM users gave out their usernames technique” that is used by hackers or scammers to issued by the magistrate’s court yesterday
on one’s mobile phones or key in personal data. and passwords.” let the target believe that he is going to the right to allow the police to continue with
destination. investigations.
Cybersecurity company LGMS Bhd chairman He said this shows the bank the dangers of
and cybersecurity consultant Fong Choong Fook having QR codes at ATMs, and justifies their Agreeing with Husin, criminologist Shankar The 40-year-old suspect had
said the public must be careful when scanning a removal. Durairaja said cybercriminals can exploit this previously been remanded for four days
QR code in public places. technology through both physical and digital QR at the Kerian district police headquarters
eSecurity and Privacy Channel and codes. in Bagan Serai from June 10 to assist in
Whether outside a restaurant, building or at an Cybersecurity Malaysia founder Assoc Prof Datuk investigations under Section 376 of the
ATM, these codes can be replaced by hackers. Dr Husin Jazri said as long as the QR code is “Cybercriminals can direct users to malicious Penal Code.
professionally designed and unique, it can sites to steal their data, embedding malware to gain
“If the QR code shows you a menu or website, it represent the right attributes and fulfil its intended access to a victim’s device and redirect payments. Police managed to arrest the suspect
can usually be trusted. You are okay as long as you purpose. following a deoxyribonucleic acid profile
do not key in personal information such as “Usually, scanning the fake QR code would match.
identification card numbers, home addresses, “It should be properly tested before being put lead victims to malicious sites that are designed to
passwords or instal any apps from unauthorised into operation so that the link correctly (directs) to obtain a victim’s bank account details, credit card Bukit Aman Criminal Investigation
links. the intended destination. Scammers or hackers information or other personal data.” Department director Datuk Seri Abd Jalil
can hijack a QR code indirectly by swapping the Hassan said the man was arrested at
However, Shankar said cybercriminals cannot 9.30pm on Thursday.
access the data directly through the QR codes.
He said with the arrest of the suspect,
“These criminals can only access data when the the police have managed to solve the rape
users key it in on the fake websites linked to the case that occurred in 2003. – Bernama
malicious QR code.”
Three killed, two
An armed policeman guards the drugs seized in hurt in car crash
raids in Nibong Tebal, Penang following the
arrests of eight individuals, including two Thai TELUK INTAN: Three people were killed
nationals recently. – MASRY CHE ANI/THESUN while two others were seriously injured
when the car they were travelling in
collided with a fuel tanker at Km7 Jalan
Maharajalela yesterday.

Hilir Perak district police chief ACP
Ahmad Adnan Basri said in the 9.40pm
incident, a car with five friends was
heading to Teluk Intan from Hutan
Melintang when it collided with a tanker,
which was coming from the opposite

“The 26-year-old car driver and
another 19-year-old passenger of the
vehicle sustained serious injuries while
the tanker driver escaped unhurt.”

Ahmad Adnan said the bodies of the
three deceased, aged between 19 and 26,
were sent to the Teluk Intan Hospital for a
post-mortem. – Bernama

Police cripple international drug ring Man detained for
mischief and trespass
GEORGE TOWN: Police have busted an a lorry. Police seized 848 slabs of compressed by sea from Satun in southern Thailand.
international drug trafficking syndicate in ganja in that raid. He added that the syndicate, which had BAGAN SERAI: A 36-year-old man has
Penang after arresting eight men, including two been remanded for six days for allegedly
Thais, and seizing 840kg of ganja worth RM2.12 “In a follow-up operation on Saturday, police started operations at the end of last year, raked in trespassing and committing mischief at a
million. detained another member of the syndicate at millions of ringgit each month, smuggling in the cemetery in Kampung Jawa in
Simpang Ampat in Nibong Tebal, but no drugs ganja for distribution in the state. Semanggol.
Bukit Aman Narcotics Crime Investigation were found on him. The suspects are aged
Department director Datuk Ayob Khan Mydin between 35 and 59.” “Five of the suspects tested positive for drugs Kerian district police chief Supt
Pitchay said the arrests and drug seizure were and have criminal records.” Mazuki Mat said the man was detained at
made in two raids on Friday and Saturday. Describing it as the biggest drug bust in around 9am on June 9 following a
Penang this year, Ayob Khan said the seized Police also impounded three vehicles public tip-off.
Seven men were arrested when police raided ganja could provide approximately 1.68 million including the lorry, worth RM80,000.
a house in Sungai Bakap in Nibong Tebal on the fixes for drug addicts. “A one-minute and 21-second video
mainland at 1am on Friday. He said all eight suspects have been of the incident on June 8 has gone viral,”
The house in Sungai Bakap was used as a remanded for seven days until June 18 to assist in said Mazuki.
“All the men were busy unloading ganja from store for the ganja, which had been smuggled in investigations under Section 39B of the
Dangerous Drugs Act 1952. – Bernama He added that investigations revealed
the suspect lived near the area, and the
case was being investigated under Section
297 of the Penal Code. – Bernama


Elephant kills woman, World headed for new era of nuclear rearmament
returns to trample
corpse at funeral STOCKHOLM: The number of 1986, as the US and Russia have “That is really kind of dangerous As for North Korea, Sipri said Kim
nuclear weapons in the world is set gradually reduced their massive territory.” Jong-Un’s Communist regime now
NEW DELHI: An elephant in eastern to rise in the coming decade after 35 arsenals built up during the has 20 nuclear warheads.
India killed a 70-year-old woman and years of decline as global tensions Cold War. After a “marginal” decrease seen
then returned to her funeral to flare amid Russia’s war in Ukraine, last year, “nuclear arsenals are “China is in the middle of a
trample her corpse. researchers said yesterday. But this era of disarmament expected to grow over the coming substantial expansion of its nuclear
appears to be coming to an end and decade”, Sipri said. weapon arsenal, which satellite
The incident occurred in the state The nine nuclear powers – the risk of a nuclear escalation is images indicate includes the
of Odisha last week, police said. Britain, China, France, India, Israel, now at its highest point in the Moscow and Washington alone construction of over 300 new missile
North Korea, Pakistan, the United post-Cold War period, said Sipri account for 90% of the world’s silos,” it said.
Maya Murmu was at a tube well States and Russia – had 12,705 researchers. nuclear arsenal.
drawing water in Mayurbhanj nuclear warheads early this year, or According to the Pentagon,
district’s Raipal village when the wild 375 fewer than one year ago, “Soon, we’re going to get to the Russia remains the biggest Beijing could have 700 warheads by
elephant appeared out of nowhere. according to estimates by the point where, for the first time since nuclear power, with 5,977 warheads, 2027.
Stockholm International Peace the end of the Cold War, the global according to the institute.
Authorities said it had strayed Research Institute (Sipri). number of nuclear weapons in the Britain said last year it would
from the Dalma wildlife sanctuary, world could start increasing for the The US has 5,428 warheads. increase the ceiling on its total
nearly 200km from Mayurbhanj. The number has come down first time,” said Matt Korda, one of China comes third with 350, warhead stockpile, and would no
from a high of more than 70,000 in the co-authors of the report. followed by France with 290, Britain longer publicly disclose figures for its
After being trampled, Murmu was with 225, Pakistan with 165, India operational nuclear weapons. – AFP
taken to hospital where she died from with 160 and Israel with 90.
her injuries, police officer Lopamudra
BRIEFSNayak was quoted as saying by the A medical
Press Trust of India news agency. worker in a
protective suit
Reports said when family collecting
members gathered for the funeral a swab from
and were in the middle of performing a resident
last rites, the same elephant during mass
appeared, lifted her body from the testing for
funeral pyre and trampled it again in Covid in
front of shocked mourners. Chaoyang
The family were only able to go – REUTERSPIX
ahead with the ceremony after the
elephant left. Beijing tests millions, The bar, where customers check
isolates thousands aisles to grab anything from local
Intensive industrial activity in heavy spirits to Belgian beer, is
mineral-rich Odisha has increased oCovid cluster at 24-hour bar caused by The district of Chaoyang in known among Beijing revellers for its
human encroachment in animal ‘complacency’: State-backed newspaper Beijing kicked off a three-day mass tables plastered with empty bottles,
habitats, increasing chances of testing campaign among its roughly and customers falling asleep on
encounters between villagers and BEIJING: Authorities in China’s infections is also raising new 3.5 million residents yesterday. sofas after midnight.
elephants. – The Independent capital yesterday raced to contain a concerns about the outlook for the
Covid-19 outbreak traced to a world’s second-largest economy. About 10,000 close contacts of the With the almost 200 Covid cases
NORTH KOREA FIRES raucous 24-hour bar known for bar’s patrons have been identified, linked to the bar since June 9,
ARTILLERY SHELLS cheap liquor and big crowds, with China is only just shaking off a and their residential buildings put authorities described the outbreak
millions facing mandatory testing heavy blow from a two-month under lockdown, and some planned as “ferocious” and “explosive” –
SEOUL: North Korea fired a series and thousands under targeted lockdown of Shanghai, its school reopenings in the district people infected live or work in 14 of
of artillery shots over the lockdowns. commercial nerve centre, that also have been postponed. the capital’s 16 districts.
weekend, the South’s military said, roiled global supply chains.
days after leader Kim Jong Un The outbreak of nearly 200 cases Queues snaked around some The bar cluster was caused by
vowed to use“power for power”to linked to the city centre Heaven Dine-in service at Beijing testing sites yesterday for more than loopholes and complacency in
defend the country’s sovereignty. Supermarket Bar, which had just restaurants resumed on June 6 after 100m, according to eyewitnesses. epidemic prevention, state-backed
The South Korean military said on reopened as curbs in Beijing eased more than a month in which the city Beijing Evening News wrote in a
Sunday it detected “several flight last week, highlights how hard it will of 22 million people enforced Large metal barriers have been commentary piece yesterday.
trajectories” that are understood be for China to make a success of its various Covid curbs. installed around several residential
to be shots from North Korean “zero Covid” policy as much of the compounds, with people in hazmat “At a time when ... normality in
artillery. Seoul’s presidential rest of the world opts to learn how to Many malls, gyms and other suits spraying disinfectant nearby. the city is being restored, the fall of
national security office said it held live with the virus. venues were closed, parts of the Heaven Supermarket Bar means the
a meeting to discuss the artillery city’s public transport system were Last week, as dine-in curbs were hardship and effort of countless
shots, and reaffirmed the South’s The re-emergence of Covid suspended, and millions were urged lifted, Heaven Supermarket Bar, people have been in vain.”
position of“responding calmly and to work from home. modelled as a large self-service
sternly” to Pyongyang’s liquor store with chairs, sofas and The newspaper said if the
provocations. The presidential tables, reclaimed its popularity outbreak grows, “consequences
office said the shots were of a among young, noisy crowds starved could be serious, and would be such
“traditional” type with relatively of socialising and parties. that nobody would want to see”.
low altitude and short range. – AFP
Heaven Supermarket Bar, and
SANDSTORM BRINGS other businesses nearby, including
IRAQ TO STANDSTILL the Paradise Massage & Spa, were
under lockdown, with police tape and
BAGHDAD: Iraq temporarily security staff blocking the entrances.
closed the capital’s airport
yesterday as choking clouds of A handful of customers and staff
dust blanketed the city. It is the at the parlour would be locked in
10th duststorm since mid-April to temporarily for checks, authorities
hit Iraq, which has been battered said. – Reuters
by soil degradation, intense
droughts and low rainfall linked to
climate change. Earlier this
month, President Barham Saleh
warned that tackling climate
change “must become a national
priority for Iraq as it is an
existential threat to the future of
our generations to come”. A thick
white dust covered Baghdad and
surroundings areas early
yesterday, with visibility slashed to
a few hundred metres. Airport
officials announced the temporary
suspension of flights. – AFP

Indonesians mourn governor’s son found dead in Swiss river

JAKARTA: Tens of thousands of videos online of the eldest son of search and repatriated it to Indonesia Some mourners travelled from frequently named as one of the
people filled streets in the city of Ridwan Kamil, the governor of on Sunday. other Indonesian islands to pay their figures expected to run in the 2024
Bandung yesterday to mourn a Indonesia’s most populous province respects, local media reported. presidential election.
governor’s son, who was found dead West Java. Massive crowds gathered
in a Swiss river last week after a yesterday in Bandung, the capital of “I believe Eril is very happy now President Joko Widodo on Friday
search that captivated Indonesia. The 22-year-old disappeared in West Java, to bid goodbye to the and he is at peace. We are also at said he contacted the governor to pay
the Swiss capital Bern’s Aare River on politician’s son ahead of a burial peace and we have accepted what his “deepest condolences”.
The disappearance of Emmeril May 26 while swimming with his broadcast on national television, happened,” his father told reporters.
“Eril” Kahn Mumtadz last month sister and friends. where sobbing mourners were seen Ministers and politicians also paid
gained national attention, with waving to his family as they travelled Ridwan is a former mayor of their respects, welcoming his son’s
Indonesians posting images and Swiss authorities retrieved his to a cemetery alongside his body. Bandung and one of the most body on arrival in Jakarta and meeting
body from a dam after a 12-day popular politicians in Indonesia, Ridwan before the funeral. – AFP

7theSUN ON TUESDAY | JUNE 14, 2022

Fight for ‘every metre’ of Severodonetsk

o Russian troops seek to encircle key eastern it to Lysychansk on Sunday, said ours, but also the occupier’s.” crimes,” the rights group said in a
city, defenders told to ‘surrender or die’ Eduard Basurin, a representative for The capture of Severodonetsk report on Ukraine’s second biggest
pro-Russian separatists. city.
KYIV: Ukraine said yesterday its equipment” to “encircle” would open the road for Moscow to
forces had been pushed back from Severodonetsk, and that they had “The Ukrainian units that are another major city, Kramatorsk, in their On a farm near the city of
the centre of key industrial city “pushed our troops from the centre there, they are there forever. They steps towards conquering the whole of Mykolaiv in the south, the harvest has
Severodonetsk, where President and continue to destroy our city”. have two options: to surrender or Donbas, a mainly Russian-speaking been delayed by the need to undo the
Volodymyr Zelensky described a fight die,” Basurin said. region partly held by pro-Russian damage done by Russian troops that
for “literally every metre”. The local Azot chemical plant, separatists since 2014. passed through the area in March.
where hundreds of civilians have On Sunday, Zelensky said the
The cities of Severodonetsk and reportedly taken refuge, was being latest fighting in Severodonetsk was Amnesty International yesterday “We planted really late because we
Lysychansk, which are separated by a “heavily shelled”, Gaiday said. “very fierce”, adding that Russia was accused Russia of war crimes in needed to clear everything
river, have been targeted for weeks as deploying undertrained troops and Ukraine, saying that attacks on the beforehand”, including bombshells,
the last areas still under Ukrainian In Lysychansk, bombardments using its young men as “cannon northeastern city of Kharkiv – many Nadiia Ivanova, 42, said.
control in the eastern Lugansk region. killed three civilians, including a fodder”. using banned cluster bombs – had
six-year-old boy, he said. killed hundreds of civilians. The farm’s warehouses currently
Regional governor Sergiy Gaiday Russia’s massed artillery in that hold 2,000 tonnes of last season’s
said yesterday Russian forces were Severodonetsk had been “de region gave it a tenfold advantage, “The repeated bombardments of grain but there are no takers.
“gathering more and more facto” blocked off after Russian forces said commander-in-chief of residential neighbourhoods in
blew up the “last” bridge connecting Ukrainian military Valeriy Zaluzhny. Kharkiv are indiscriminate attacks The railways have been partially
which killed and injured hundreds of destroyed by the Russian army, while
“Every metre of Ukrainian land civilians, and as such constitute war any ship that sails faces the threat of
there is covered in blood but not only being sunk. – AFP

US senators reach limited deal to curb gun violence Macron’s majority
in parliament at risk
WASHINGTON: A bipartisan group of US backing from at least 10 Republicans, resources, improves school safety and
senators on Sunday proposed steps to curb meaning it has a strong chance of earning the support for students, and helps ensure PARIS: French President Emmanuel Macron
gun violence following devastating mass supermajority of 60 votes needed to advance dangerous criminals and those who are and his allies began a crucial week of
shootings in Texas and New York, but the in the 100-seat US Senate. adjudicated as mentally ill can’t purchase campaigning yesterday to secure a
limited measures fall far short of the weapons.” parliamentary majority after a first round of
president’s calls for change. The reforms include tougher background voting that has galvanised a newly formed
checks for gun buyers under 21, increasing President Joe Biden praised the proposals leftwing alliance.
The shootings last month – one at a Texas resources for states to keep weapons out of and urged lawmakers to quickly turn them
elementary school that killed 19 young the hands of people deemed a risk, and into legislation, while saying the measures do A strong showing by the left-wing Nupes
children and two teachers, and another at a adding domestic violence convictions and not go far enough. coalition and gains by the far right made it likely
New York supermarket that left 10 Black restraining orders to the national background that Macron’s “Ensemble” (Together) alliance
people dead – have piled pressure on check database. “Obviously, it does not do everything that I could lose dozens of National Assembly seats in
politicians to take action. think is needed, but it reflects important steps the second round of voting next Sunday.
“Today, we are announcing a in the right direction, and would be the most
Republicans lawmakers, who have commonsense, bipartisan proposal to protect significant gun safety legislation to pass “One week to wrest an absolute majority,” Le
repeatedly blocked tougher measures, are still America’s children, keep our schools safe, and Congress in decades,” he said in a statement. Parisien titled its front page yesterday, calling
resisting major changes to gun regulations, reduce the threat of violence across our the first-round results a “warning” – not least for
instead pointing to mental health issues as the country,” the group of 20 lawmakers said in a “With bipartisan support, there are no its record-low turnout of just 47.5%.
root of the problem. statement. excuses for delay, and no reason why it should
not quickly move through the Senate and the Macron will face reporters today at the
But the new framework notably has “Our plan increases needed mental health House.” – AFP Eurosatory arms fair north of Paris, and his top
lieutenants have already vowed to campaign
hard against the “extremist” pledges of hard-left
veteran Jean-Luc Melenchon, leader of the new
Nupes alliance.

“The second round is turning into an
anti-Macron referendum,” despite his winning
re-election in April, leading Nupes candidate
Eric Coquere told LCP television.

Based on Sunday’s results, Macron and his
allies could emerge with 255 to 295 parliament
seats, polling firms projected, well below the
345 it has currently.

Macron needs at least 289 seats for an
absolute majority, otherwise he would need to
win over right-wing opponents such as the
Republicans for every legislative vote.

Melenchon, whose alliance finished
neck-and-neck with Macron’s in the popular
vote on Sunday at just over 25% each, said the
president had been “defeated” and called for
supporters to “pour out” for the second round.

BURNING BRIGHT ... Firemen fighting a fast-moving brush fire at Sheep Creek and Highway 2 in San Bernardino County, California, yesterday.
– SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FIRE/AFPPIX TEHRAN: Two Iranian aerospace officials,
including a member of the Revolutionary
Mob lynches man over social media accusations Guards’ Corps, were “martyred while on
mission” in separate incidents inside the
MEXICO CITY: A mob in Mexico attacked a shared on telephone messaging groups, administers the town of Papatlazolco where country, the Fars news agency reported
young political adviser and set him on fire municipal authorities said. the lynching took place, said in a statement. yesterday. Ali Kamani, a member of the
over child trafficking accusations shared on Guards aerospace division was “martyred”
chat groups, local authorities said on Police attempted to rescue Picazo and “The authorities are already investigating in the city of Khomein in Iran’s central
Sunday. placed him inside a patrol car but the mob what happened to determine responsibility.” Markazi province, Fars said. In a separate
forced him out and into a sports field where incident, Mohammad Abdoos, 33, an
Daniel Picazo, 31, was lynched by a crowd he was beaten, doused with gasoline, and set Picazo’s body was recovered after the mob aerospace staff member, died in the
of 200 people in the central state of Puebla on fire while still alive. left the area. northern Semnan province on Sunday
after accusations that a suspected child while on a “mission”, Fars said. – AFP
kidnapper had entered the town were widely “This is not justice, but barbarism,” the Until March, he served as an adviser at the
municipality of Huachinango, which legislative Chamber of Deputies, the MEXICO: 37 U.S.-BOUND
institution confirmed on social media. – AFP MIGRANTS DIED THIS YEAR

MEXICO CITY: At least 37 undocumented
migrants traveling through Mexico have
died so far this year, most of whom
drowned attempting to cross the Rio
Grande into the US. In addition to four
migrants who died due to various causes in
the states of Veracruz and Baja,“33 drowned
due to the force of the current, the depth
and the low temperatures of the Rio Bravo
(Grande),” said Mexico’s National Institute of
Migration in a statement on Sunday. It said
22 of the migrants “were not carrying
identification,” while the others were from
Mexico, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala,
Cuba, Peru and Venezuela. – AFP


COMMENT byYS Chan COMMENT by Kua Kia Soong

Allow e-hailing service Knighthood exposes
for motorcycles hypocrisy over Ukraine war

WITH traffic congestion those carrying customers will be at their and also to record traffic violations THE British Queen is about to award side, they have not brought these
increasingly worse by the best behaviour as they do not wish to get committed by other motorcyclists and a knighthood to Tony Blair, an act detailed accounts of starving infants
day, drivers and any complaint. motorists; that starkly exposes the hypocrisy of in the Middle East to international
passengers will be wasting 9. Records of traffic offences could be the West in its stance on the Ukraine attention.
prolonged hours in their vehicles and To ensure the highest standards are submitted to the traffic police for war.
arriving late, affecting employee morale set for motorcycle e-hailing service in notifications of traffic offence to be Israel’s occupation of lands the
and productivity. Malaysia, the government could adopt issued and sent by post. E-hailing In their outrage over the Russian Palestinians claim for a future state is
the best practices found in neighbouring motorcyclists are to be paid at a incursions into Ukraine on Feb 24, well into its sixth decade, and
If this were to continue unabated, the countries, such as Thailand and reasonable rate for records of evidence Western countries have invoked millions of Palestinians still live
health and career of frequent latecomers Indonesia, consider introducing the submitted; international law, imposed sanctions under military rule.
will be ruined. measures listed below and add more 10. With e-hailing motorcyclists against Russia, welcomed mainly
where necessary: assisting in surveillance, they will deter white refugees and cheered on While the Western world has
A major transaction or crucial 1. Motorcycles for e-hailing service are to other motorcyclists and motorists from Ukraine’s armed resistance. cheered Ukrainians as they stockpile
opportunity could be dropped when be inspected initially and annually by e- committing driving offences such as Molotov cocktails and take up arms
one is late for an important meeting or hailing firms managing the apps to running traffic lights and hogging yellow Stop the War Coalition has called against the Russians, Palestinians
business appointment. ensure that they are safe for pillion boxes at busy intersections; and for an immediate cessation of the and Iraqis are branded as terrorists
riders, the seat is comfortable, the 11. E-hailing motorcyclists not allowed Ukraine war which they point out, when they resist in the same way.
If this were to happen, it could result number plates comply with regulations, to accept new bookings until they have has been going on since 2014, and
in a corporate crisis that would have a the horn and lamps are in working order, dropped off their pillion riders. It is not 2022. The Biden administration has
huge impact on the profitability or even the factory-fitted exhaust pipe comes common to see delivery riders looking alleged that Russian forces
survivability of a company. with a silencer, etc; or using their phones while riding as What is not generally highlighted committed war crimes in Ukraine
2. E-hailing firms should keep a record of they are often busy checking and in the current news is that between and would work with others to
For travellers, failing to arrive at the inspections and photos of motorcycles accepting new bookings. 2014 and early February 2022, more prosecute offenders.
terminal on time to catch a bus, train or inspected; than 14,000 Ukrainians, most of
plane could amount to losing all the 3. E-hailing firms must conduct and Allowing e-hailing service with all whom were Russian speaking, had But the US is not a member of the
monies paid for transport, keep record of face-to-face interviews safety measures in place would greatly already been casualties of the International Criminal Court and
accommodation and other reservations. and onboarding, and to demonstrate improve road safety, and video cameras conflict. staunchly opposes any international
how crash helmets for use by pillion of e-hailing motorcyclists could also probe of its own conduct in Iraq,
And to proceed to the next riders can remain hygienic; deter snatch thefts, making our streets And 31 years after the formal Libya, Syria and Afghanistan.
destination, one must go through the 4. The minimum age for e-hailing safer. dissolution of the Warsaw Pact on
hassle of rebooking all arrangements. motorcyclists is 21, with at least B2 March 31, 1991, and thus the end of The record of Blair’s time as
licence (up to 250cc); This invaluable service helps the the Cold War, Nato has not dissolved prime minister is paved with so
Even for those who managed to 5. E-hailing motorcyclists are free of public to arrive on time and provides as promised but has continued its much destruction and injustice that
arrive just on time, having been caught criminal records and without unpaid jobs for many. eastward expansion. Nato has now the decision to award him such an
in chock-a-block traffic may produce a summonses, including notifications of become an instrument to maintain honour is an affront to peace-loving
surge of hormones that causes blood traffic offence; Since 2019, new vehicle registrations, US’ military hegemony. people all over the world.
pressure to shoot up, which could lead to 6. A special category of public service excluding motorcycles, averaged
a heart attack or stroke. vehicle licence be introduced for the 601,671 annually. The war in Ukraine has turned His most despicable role was in
motorcycle e-hailing service to be into a proxy war between Russia and signing the country up to the US-led
If so, the victims together with their renewed annually after passing a This meant that every day for the past Nato, and it is the Ukrainian people Afghanistan and Iraq wars by lying
loved ones, will undergo untold medical test, including for drugs; 12 years, an average of 1,648 new who are suffering the consequences. repeatedly, to get Britain into the war
sufferings. 7. Personal accident insurance (PAI) vehicles comprising cars, SUVs, MPVs, on the false pretence that there was a
cover for one unnamed passenger to pickups, vans, buses, lorries and trailers Rather than sending extra direct connection between 9/11 and
But the powers that be are sitting insure a pillion rider for RM100,000 for were added to our roads. missiles to Ukraine, and fuelling the the Taliban regime, as well as the
pretty, preferring to err on the side of death or permanent total disability, and conflict, the British government fabricated claims that Saddam
caution. up to RM10,000 for medical expenses. While Thailand and Indonesia are ought to be encouraging a ceasefire, Hussein had weapons of mass
(This PAI cover is superior to “Legal racing ahead on many fronts, including the withdrawal of Russian troops destruction.
Last November, Deputy Transport Liability to Passengers” for taxis and motorcycle e-hailing, we are still from Ukraine and the
Minister Datuk Henry Sum Agong gave a buses that require injured passengers to saddled with the old mindset of recommencement of peace talks, Tony Blair’s wars left devastation
reply in Parliament that motorcycle e- sue the driver at fault and usually takes banning things that are difficult but although they have not yet shown and destruction in their wake, a
hailing service will not be allowed many years for compensation to be possible to control. any sign of doing so. refugee crisis and millions dead.
because 64% of road fatalities involved awarded by a court. PAI pays out
motorcyclists. speedily without having to establish who And as long as the authorities are Has the West forgotten, in the In 2004, the fomer United Nations
was at fault); dragging their feet, the rakyat continues British Queen’s imminent secretary-general, Kofi Annan,
Then, it was expedient to cite grim 8. Motorcyclist’s helmet be fitted with a to suffer. bestowment of a knighthood for declared explicitly that the US-led
statistics. But now, the Transport weatherproof dashboard video camera Blair, their hypocrisy and culpability war on Iraq was illegal.
Ministry cannot disregard the (dashcam) to indicate whether the YS Chan is AseanTourism Master in their actions in other parts of the
worsening traffic jams that affect the motorcycle had been ridden carefully Trainer for travel agencies, master world? Remember that the US-led Annan said that the invasion was
lives and health of millions of road users. trainer for Mesra Malaysia andTravel war in Iraq, which began 19 years not sanctioned by the UN security
&Tours Enhancement Course. He is ago, was widely seen as an unlawful council or in accordance with the
As such, the ministry ought to also a tourism and transport industry invasion of one state by another. UN’s founding charter.
introduce new measures to make consultant and writer. Comments:
motorcycling safer in our country. But Iraqis who fought the Tony Blair should be held
[email protected] Americans were branded as accountable for war crimes.
Motorcyclists carrying pillion riders terrorists, and refugees fleeing to the Honouring him with a knighthood is
tend to be more careful than those riding West were often turned away, treated a disgrace and demonstrates that the
solo, whether they are transporting a as potential security threats. Queen has not shown remorse for
family member, relative or friend. the British colonial legacy of
While western media have occupations and exploitation that
Unlike food or parcel delivery riders, covered the Ukraine war includes Malaya.
meticulously from the Ukrainian Comments: [email protected]

9theSUN ON TUESDAY | JUNE 14, 2022

Bon Odori debate highlights larger issues

COMMENT millions of Malaysians of multi-ethnic History has Muslims to be curtailed in any way but political parties using religion as their
by K. Sudhagaran Stanley and multi-religious backgrounds. shown how merely seeking for the separation of sole ideology.
religion can be religion from the state.
THE recent remarks by Minister The repercussions of such a exploited by History has shown how religion
in the Prime Minister’s statement or view is on the entire political A secular government will have no can be exploited by political parties
Department (Religious Affairs) Malaysian population and not on a parties and business in meddling in the and leaders to cause unrest and
Datuk Idris Ahmad calling on particular community or group. leaders to administration of faith related matters division among communities and
Muslims in the country not to attend cause unrest and secular values would be the corner disrupt the development of a country.
the Bon Odori festival gives us If Japan, for example, decides to and division stone in deciding policies, laws and
Malaysians an opportunity to reflect pull out investments from Malaysia among even on approvals for festivals such as The nexus of state and religion in
on the principle of the separation of because of that statement made by communities the Bon Odori. this country overlaps to the extent
religion from the state and politics. Idris, every Malaysian would be and disrupt that Perlis Mufti Datuk Dr Mohd Asri
affected by this. the All religions and cultures in is not aware that he has no right or
To be clear, I think it is not a development Malaysia can continue to be practiced business in telling people of other
problem when religious leaders and Such statements also cause of a country in peace and harmony. faiths how to celebrate their festivals.
their followers have discussions and disharmony between the followers of
debates on such matters concerning different cultures and religions in The statement by the Sultan of It was recently reported that he had
their faith. Malaysia. Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris proposed for the Bon Odori festival to
Shah comes at the perfect moment as be renamed to “Japanese cultural
This happens in every religion and Article 3(1) of the Federal the Religious Affairs Minister seemed festival” and for the organiser to
is part of the process of discovering Constitution states that Islam is the to have overstepped his boundaries in ensure that there will be no religious
one’s faith and the values it promotes. religion of the Federation and other instructing Muslims not to attend the elements at the event.
religions may be practised in peace Bon Odori festival.
I remember that these sort of and harmony in any part of the It is mind boggling how a well-
debates, on the acceptance of cultural federation. Perhaps it now time for us to also known preacher could come out with
celebration, also takes place within the clearly define the power and authority such a statement.
Catholic Church. The supreme court in a 1998 case of the various State Sultans and the
decided by Lord President Tun Salleh Yang di-Pertuan Agong in the While many might laugh at his
The Vatican has a very clear stand Abbas had stated that we are a secular administration of Islam in this country. statement and joke on how silly it can
when it comes to this, that the Church state and the civil court administers be, incidents such as this reaffirms the
accepts the diversity of culture and secular law. The various state level constitutions need for the separation of religion
stresses for its followers to never forget already provide for the Sultan as the from the state and politics and to
their culture. Tunku Abdul Rahman during his head of the Islamic religion in their return the power back to the Sultans
80th birthday celebration organised by State, however in reality, it is the as the true heads of the Islamic
In Catholic terminology, this is the Barisan Nasional in 1983 said that: Federal Government that seems to religion.
cultural enculturation, where the “The Constitution must be respected have a say and control over the
diversity of cultures is incorporated and adhered to. There have been administration of Islam and this is The words of John F. Kennedy on
into the Church and their practices attempts by some people who tried to where the interference of the state in Sept 12, 1960, addressed to the
harmonised with the Gospel. introduce religious laws and morality religion occurs. Greater Houston Ministerial
laws. This cannot be allowed.” Association in US, is very relevant to
This was often emphasised by Pope People are confused on who is the Malaysia today albeit in a context of a
John Paul II in his communications. It has been a contention for many ultimate leader here. All matters different religion, in that he said: “I
years now on whether Malaysia is an pertaining to Islam should come believe in an America where the
The Tamil Harvest festival Ponggal, Islamic or secular country. The latter it directly under the purview and separation of church and state is
Chinese New Year and the Hari Gawai is, being my opinion. responsibility of the respective state absolute – where no Catholic prelate
and Kaamaatan, which is widely Sultan, who will be assisted by their would tell the President (should he be
celebrated, is an example of cultural Perhaps it is now time for us to personal and state committees without Catholic) how to act, and no
incorporation into the Catholic revisit the constitution and word out government or political interference. Protestant minister would tell his
Church. clearly the need to separate religion parishioners for whom to vote ... I
from the state. There is also a need to stop believe in an America that is officially
I am of the view that every religion political parties such as PAS, which neither Catholic, Protestant nor Jewish
is free to debate and decide what is The involvement of religion in exploits religion for their own benefit – where no public official either
right or wrong for them in accordance shaping state policies has been an and spreads extreme views. requests or accepts instructions on
with their beliefs and practices. obstacle to Malaysia’s development public policy from the Pope, the
and competitiveness on the global PAS ideologies are a matter of great National Council of Churches or any
Religious leaders of different faiths stage and in turn has affected every tax concern for Malaysians as they are other ecclesiastical source – where no
have the right to advise their followers payer in this country. now part of the federal government religious body seeks to impose its will
on the do’s and don’ts pertaining to and can influence policies and laws. directly or indirectly upon the general
their religion. Politicians have exploited religion populace or the public acts of its
for their own political survival and From their opposition to the Beer officials.”
The issue here is when these kind of created disunity among the different Fest Carnival, Valentine’s Day, the
comments or instructions are made by cultures and religions in Malaysia. Bon Odori festival, and PAS leader, K. Sudhagaran Stanley is a human
a minister. Tan Sri Haji Abdul Hadi Awang rights activist. The views expressed
How much longer must we tolerate sympathising with the Taliban regime, here are of his personal opinion and
Now this becomes a problem for all these politicians tearing apart our PAS has continuously created
Malaysians because such views are country? controversies and caused does not represent any of the
seen as the official stand of the country unnecessary distress to Malaysians in organisations he serves in. Comments:
and her people. This emphasises the need for our this country, often encroaching on the
country to be governed by secular rights of non-Muslims. [email protected]
But in actual fact, it does not values that take into account the rights
represent the views or beliefs of the and freedoms of every Malaysian, It is time we call for a ban on
including the practice of all religions.

I am not advocating for the rights of

Swerving from side to side is ‘Trolley’ PM’s survival secret

█ BY JOHN RENTOUL In it, he veered from protecting the calm analytical mind at the Treasury, has been he had to take a position, and it was his “duty”
THERE is method in Boris Johnson’s madness. vulnerable by massive public spending, to the sucked into the Johnson business of claiming to oppose the prime minister.
Remember that it was he himself who first said: case for tax cuts. to be cutting taxes while putting them up, and
“I’m veering all over the place like a shopping claiming to be prudent about public spending Now there probably won’t be another
trolley.” It was as if he had written two speeches while announcing another £21 billion of help confidence vote for a year, as Sir Graham Brady,
making opposite arguments, and delivered with people’s energy bills. chair of the backbench 1922 Committee, made
He was explaining how he was making up them both with equal conviction, alternating it clear he didn’t think it would be right to
his mind about whether to support Leave or paragraphs from each. This is widely held to be part of Johnson’s change the rules while the game is in progress.
Remain in February 2016. problem as he fights for his survival after the
Politicians are often accused of saying confidence vote on Monday. On the contrary, it The plotters will try other devices, such as
Dominic Cummings has done the prime different things to different audiences, but it is is how he will survive. an extraordinary meeting of the National
minister a favour by adopting “The Trolley” as unusual to listen to one do so in consecutive Conservative Convention, which represents
his nickname for his former boss. sentences. If he gave the tax-cutting punk Thatcherites local party associations, using an obscure rule
everything they wanted, he would lose the One unearthed by Jacob Rees-Mogg when he was
Trying to get his revenge, Cummings has “Of course this government will continue to Nation compassionate Conservatives. trying to get rid of Theresa May, or MPs “going
only added to the mythology of Johnson as the invest in the bedrock on which businesses on strike” when asked to vote for the
inconsistent lord of chaos — a myth that is build their foundations: in infrastructure, skills If he gave the Brexit Spartans everything government in the Commons. But none of it
helpful to the prime minister’s improbable and technology,” he said at one point. they wanted by tearing up the Northern Ireland will work.
survival. protocol, he would lose the Tory respecters of
“But sometimes the best way that international law. Johnson will continue to veer from side to
Veering all over the place can be a strength government can help is simply to get out of the side, offering something to one bit of the party
as well as a weakness. way.” He is alleged to be doing all sorts of extreme and then something contradictory to another
things, of course, and he sometimes seems to bit, and they won’t get rid of him until it is
In 2016, it advertised to David Cameron that I had as much fun as the next commentator claim to be, but when it comes to it, he claims clearer (a) that he is going to lose them the next
Johnson could be persuaded, if he were offered in dissecting the contradictions in the speech to be doing the opposite as well, and ends up election, and (b) that someone else could take
something big enough. and in pointing out the incoherence of somewhere in between. over who could save their seats.
Johnson’s political position.
Cameron didn’t take the bait; but it also That is how politics works: put off difficult By this time next year, something may have
meant that Johnson avoided appearing to be a But most normal people don’t pay attention choices until tomorrow and in the meantime turned up. The chances are that it will be
wide-eyed dogmatist in the Brexit cause. to whole speeches. They might hear a clip on pretend they don’t have to be made. something that finishes Johnson off.
the news.
It did something else valuable: by writing Then something else might happen and But we shouldn’t rule out the possibility that
two articles, the case for Remain and the case They might hear the prime minister new difficult choices will distract from the old what looks like an out-of-control shopping
for Leave, Johnson understood the strengths warning of the dangers of inflation, and agree ones that haven’t been made. Johnson’s trolley is actually dodging mortal threats to his
and weaknesses of both sides in the way a with that. trolleying is like politics, only more so. premiership, and we should not forget that, if
partisan could never do. he sees an opportunity that will help him, not
Or they might hear him promise a “package The plotters against him triggered the believing in anything is a huge strength in a
The shopping trolley and the writer of both of help” that will go “overwhelmingly to the confidence vote too early, as Jeremy Hunt in politician. – The Independent
sides was in evidence this week in the prime most vulnerable households” in the effect admitted, saying he hadn’t written a
minister’s speech in Blackpool. aftershocks of Covid, and agree with that too. letter asking for a vote, but when it happened

What is surprising is that Rishi Sunak, the

10 theSUN ON TUESDAY | JUNE 14, 2022

CommittedMEDIA&MARKETING to a greener future
o Garnier Malaysia kicks off its green beauty
initiative with a Pantai Remis beach cleanup

GARNIER Malaysia recently waste and recycling. These school Participants during the beach clean up at Pantai Remis.
held its first beach clean-up workshops are held in partnership
at Pantai Remis in Kuala with the Malaysian Nature Society, I.S. Shanmugaraj, executive I.S. Shanmugaraj, Executive Director of MNS weighing the collection.
Selangor as part of its spanning the year until December director of the Malaysian Nature
environmental initiative under its 2022. Society who also participated in the
Garnier Green Beauty commitments. event said: “MNS is continuously
Present at the Pantai Remis beach looking to work with partners who
In 2022, Garnier Malaysia and the clean-up were 80 participants from are committed to a greener
Malaysian Nature Society are Garnier Malaysia, Watsons Malaysia environment and a sustainable
collaborating to tackle plastic as well as the Malaysian Nature future. We are also pleased to work
pollution in the country with Pantai Society. and have Garnier onboard with us as
Remis being the first of five planned this shows their dedication towards
beach clean-ups nationwide. The participants gathered at making a difference as well as
Pantai Remis despite the challenging promoting education on recycling.”
Green Beauty is Garnier’s global rainy weather to partake in the first For more information on the Garnier
initiative of an end-to-end approach organized beach clean-up.
to sustainability. This commitment Green Beauty campaign, visit
has ambitious 2025 targets to Chris Chan, head of Garnier
dramatically reduce Garnier’s overall Malaysia, said: “Tackling the plastic
environmental impact. crisis in our country is a crucial step or follow Garnier Malaysia on
towards a greener and sustainable Facebook or Instagram.
The 2025 sustainability goals environment.
include ensuring all products are
made with zero virgin plastic, as well “Through the Garnier Green
as changes to packaging to ensure Beauty campaign, we hope to
that all materials are reusable, encourage Malaysians as well as our
recyclable, or compostable. consumers to make sustainable
choices and take a stand to choose
Taking green measures at all steps recycling and sustainability.
of the brand’s value chain, Garnier
commits to having 100% of its “Aside from this, we will also be
industrial sites be carbon neutral by organising educational school
2025. Garnier also aims to empower workshops nationwide to further
1,000 communities through their educate and nurture our future
Solidarity Sourcing program. Green Heroes. We also have the Hero
Hijau initiative which empowers our
Locally, Garnier Malaysia has customers to join us in making a
initiated activities such as beach difference where with every purchase
clean-ups, alongside school of a Garnier product, we will educate
workshops nationwide to educate one student on plastic waste
both students and teachers on plastic reduction.”

Nestlé Malaysia promotes greener
communities through recycling

International superstar PSY performing during the event. IN the spirit of positively met, such as adult diapers and
contributing to communities medication.
Celebrating global techpreneurs during the festive season, Nestlé
MALAYSIAN e-commerce platform Malaysia aims to inculcate greener Dato’ Adnan Pawanteh,
Synergy Via Online (SVO) celebrated support system, especially through June 3. As part of a joint venture with habits among Malaysians through Executive Director, Group
the success of thousands of local and FIV5S. This is vital to our Success MSSC Sports Car Club, SVO its Let’s Recycle for Charity Corporate Affairs of Nestlé
international techpreneurs during its Without Borders concept. welcomed its international batch of campaign. Through this Malaysia said: “Generosity and
two-day SVO Grand International techpreneurs to the venue during the campaign, the Company rallied charity is central to the spirit of the
Fiesta 2022 at Sepang F1 Circuit. The “Ultimately, this event is for the first day of the event with a fast and Malaysians to improve their Raya festivities. With that in mind,
party was a move to commemorate techpreneurs who have worked furious style car show. recycling by pledging to donate a we wanted to provide Malaysians
the company’s fourth smooth sailing tirelessly to achieve their goals. We Zen Low, an internationally total of RM20,000 in duit raya to with a platform to give back to the
year in the market since its hope that this international fiesta famous professional GT race and drift support those in need, when a community during the recent
establishment in 2018. would also be the comprehensive driver, delivered a 30-minute display minimum of 300 tonnes of Ramadan and Raya season.
platform for them to further grow of high-end racing techniques. Also, recyclables is collected.
On that front, SVO aims to their e-commerce business.” prizes worth over RM500,000 were “We are truly heartened by the
become one of the world-leading e- given away during the event’s lucky The campaign targeted a total positive response to our campaign
commerce platforms with its The two-day event also witnessed draw segment to the attending of 70,000 households in the Klang and deeply grateful to the many
signature FIV5S system integrating the unveiling of a Malaysia Book of techpreneurs. Valley, and saw a total of 342 Malaysians who were willing to
high-quality products, easy-to- Records for the biggest appreciation Other notable event highlights tonnes of Dry Mixed Recycling adopt greener habits to support
operate business applications, co- night gathering in Sepang (DMR) materials collected. those in need.”
working spaces, skill training, and an International Circuit. In addition to
omnichannel logistics network that that, 266 individuals were recognised Nestlé Malaysia then presented “More importantly, this is also
facilitates trade expansion for the for their personal achievements the duit raya and product hampers part of our drive to tackle plastic
digital entrepreneurs of tomorrow. within the realm of e-commerce. to two homes nominated during waste in shaping a waste-free
the campaign – Pusat Jagaan Sri future.”
Shawn Wong, co-founder of SVO Built on the principle of creating Mesra in Ampang, Selangor and
said: “SVO is the ultimate platform win-win situations, SVO deeply Rumah KIDS in Subang Jaya, with Nestlé Malaysia’s recycling
that enables techpreneurs to venture believes in achieving collaborative each home receiving RM10,000 in programmes are supported by
into the global e-commerce industry. success for shared prosperity. Ever cash and a year’s worth of supply of Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya
It is built upon the spirit of since 2018, SVO has always strived to Nestlé products. (MBPJ), Majlis Bandaraya Subang
collaboration and innovation. As be the trendsetter in diversified Jaya (MBSJ), Majlis Bandaraya
such, this grand event is an online entrepreneurship and to build This will go towards the upkeep Shah Alam (MBSA), Alam Flora
embodiment of our vision and a world-leading e-commerce of the homes and ensuring Environmental Solutions (AFES),
business model as we look to provide platform. Today, more than 26 of its nutritional and daily needs are KPT Recycle Sdn Bhd and Tetra
the opportunity for success regional offices can be found Pak Malaysia.
internationally by gathering our throughout Asia. Moving forward, the
techpreneurs all in one place for company will continue working on its include venue-wide carnival games,
them to connect even further. After mission of creating new values in the interactive photo booths, music
all, we believe in providing a strong digital commerce market. shows by renowned DJs as well as
special performances by famous
The SVO Grand International musicians such as ELLA, Namewee,
Fiesta 2022 was held from June 2 to and international superstar PSY
during the second day of the event.
After four years of accumulating
various achievements and
milestones, SVO wants to gather
more like-minded young
entrepreneurs all over the globe to
collaborate and co-exist in the SVO e-
commerce landscape.
For more information, visit, or follow
@SVOGroupBerhad on Instagram,
SVOGroupBerhad on Facebook, and
SVO Group on YouTube.

JUNE 14, 2022
197201001092 (12738-U)
Editorial Tel: 03-7784 6688
A Participating Organisation of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad Fax: 03-7785 2624/5

A Trading Participant of Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Berhad Email: [email protected]
Advertising Tel: 03-7784 8888
13/06/2022 Fax: 03-7784 4424

Participation Bought Sold Net Email: [email protected]

% RM m RM m RM m

43.9 Institutions 1045.5 945.6 99.9

28.4 Retail 673.8 610.5 63.3

27.7 Foreign 545.4 708.6 -163.2 29.12 42.38 738.60 29.28 836.86 389.14 91.36 87.70
100.0 2264.7 2264.7 0 1,464.83 26,987.44 2,504.51
3,139.35 21,067.58 3,255.55 16,070.98 6,932.00
Preliminary stats (excluding trade amendments). For final data, please refer to
Source: Bursa Malaysia

KL MARKET SUMMARY M’sian economy to expand
June 13, 2022 5.5% this year: World Bank

FBMEMAS -256.45
FBMKLCI 1,464.83 -29.12
CONSTRUCTION 154.94 -4.64
FINANCIAL SERVICES 16,179.91 -240.22
ENERGY 752.78 -30.89
TELECOMMUNICATIONS 563.70 -10.92 o Report says fiscal policies must strike balance “With the right governmental support
HEALTH CARE 1,739.27 -71.97 systems and prudent fiscal steps in place,
TRANSPORTATION 822.78 -20.51 between increasing revenues, spending efficiently and Malaysia’s economy can expand beyond a
PROPERTY 652.03 -16.28 ensuring sufficient social protection for lower-income return to pre-pandemic levels, towards
PLANTATION 7,382.91 -213.74 groups achieving significant long-term development
FBMSHA 10,680.65 -316.59 goals,” it said.
FBMACE 4,916.66 -217.70
TECHNOLOGY 63.92 -3.84 Meanwhile, World Bank Group lead
economist Dr Apurva Sanghi (pix), when
asked if Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), is
TURNOVER VALUE expected to raise interest rates
3.265 BIL RM2.264 BIL █ BY GLORIA HARRY BEATTY programmes did not reach further this year, said he
[email protected] nearly a quarter of those believes BNM is more

5 MOST ACTIVES earning RM2,000 or less concerned about stability and
June 13, 2022 PETALING JAYA: Malaysia’s economy is month. volatility than maintaining the
projected to expand 5.5% this year, driven While higher fiscal spending Malaysian ringgit per se.
mainly by a strong rebound in in response to the Covid-19 “We therefore expect future
STOCK VOL CLSG (sen) +/– (sen) consumption, according to a World Bank pandemic has helped support movements in the OPR
FINTEC 154,331,600 1.0 -0.5 report released yesterday. the economy, it has led to (overnight policy rate) to be
BCMALL 83,755,700 2.5 UNCH The World Bank’s June 2022 Malaysia further narrowing of the fiscal largely driven by domestic
SAPNRG 77,881,700 5.0 UNCH Economic Monitor report said the space. Efforts to rebuild fiscal economic conditions to
TOPGLOV 77,796,200 103.0 -10.0 country’s economy grew at 3.1% in 2021. It buffers through increased respond to forex (foreign
HSI-HA8 73,847,500 38.0 +16.0 forecast that Malaysia’s economy is revenue collection and exchange) volatility, preferably

projected to grow by 4.5% in 2023 and 4.4 % enhanced spending efficiency at a gradual and measured
in 2024. should remain a key policy pace”, he told reporters at a
5 TOP GAINERS The report said Malaysia’s fiscal policies priority. However, because the economic virtual media briefing in conunction with
June 13, 2022 must strike a balance between increasing recovery is still in its early stage, medium- the release of the World Bank report .
revenues, spending efficiently, and term fiscal consolidation has to be tackled Separately, World Bank country director
STOCK VOL CLSG (RM) +/– RM ensuring sufficient social protection for gradually. for Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines and
SP500-H13 147,800 2.96 0.59 lower-income groups to encourage The report highlights challenges Thailand Ndiame Diop said as recovery
SP500-H11 256,900 1.48 0.35 comprehensive growth. constraining economic development in becomes more entrenched, policy needs to
HSI-HEJ 26,000 1.33 0.28 In the short term, the World Bank report lagging states, namely Kedah, Perlis, refocus on addressing the fiscal impact of the
SP500-H15 264,900 1.16 0.28 said, fiscal policy should be focused on Kelantan, Sabah, and Sarawak, Covid-19 crisis through increased revenue
HSI-HB6 234,100 0.95 0.235 maintaining financial support for the poor characterised with the lowest average collection and greater spending efficiency.
and vulnerable and establishing a more income/highest poverty rate. The “Beyond rebuilding fiscal buffers,
inclusive social protection framework with report finds that some barriers to new growth opportunities could be
5 TOP LOSERS better targeting. The government’s various growth in these states could be See seized in the post-pandemic world.
June 13, 2022 cash assistance programmes throughout addressed through deepening also For example, Malaysia can step up
the pandemic have provided important federal-state collaboration under an page 12 efforts to address some of the main

STOCK VOL CLSG (RM) +/– RM support to households. However, the World explicit policy framework for constraints facing the development of
MPI 165,500 30.32 1.62 Bank’s High-Frequency Phone Survey addressing specific challenges of lagging Malaysia’s services sector and reinvigorate
BKAWAN 34,400 25.20 1.30 revealed that these cash assistance states. private investment,” he said in a statement.
F&N 161,500 19.72 0.78
HLFG 220,600 18.42 0.78 Firefly resumes flights to Singapore
KLK 1,363,200 24.20 0.78

EXCHANGE RATES JUNE 13, 2022 SINGAPORE: Firefly, a wholly owned unit the situation and where market demand is Changi Airport.
at the moment,” he said. “We will evaluate that. We haven’t
of Malaysia Aviation Group, has reinstated
its flights to Seletar Airport here that had On the number of passengers that confirmed anything. We have to do the
Foreign currency Bank sell Bank buy Bank buy been suspended since March 2020 due to Firefly expects to carry by year-end, See market assessment. It has to be from Changi
the Covid-19 outbreak. hopes it will reach 60,000 to 70, 000 when because Seletar only takes turboprop
1 US DOLLAR TT/OD TT OD Flight FY3124 departed from Sultan the frequency is increased. operations and turboprop has no capacity
1 AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR 4.4765 4.3435 4.3335 Abdul Aziz Shah Airport and arrived with or range to do Penang-Singapore.”
1 BRUNEI DOLLAR 3.1600 3.0360 3.0200 64 passengers, including Firefly CEO Philip On the passenger load before Covid-19,
1 CANADIAN DOLLAR 3.2180 3.1250 3.1170 See and his accompanying delegation on See said that with six flights a day, the load If it does it, it should be “feasible and
1 EURO 3.4940 3.4010 3.3890 board yesterday morning. was 50% to 60%. He noted that yesterday’s commercially viable” for Firefly, he said.
1 NEWZEALAND DOLLAR 4.7040 4.5530 4.5330 Firefly’s maiden flight to Seletar was in flight was about 80% full.
1 SINGAPORE DOLLAR 2.8490 2.7460 2.7300 April 2019. “As international borders reopen, we
1 STERLING POUND 3.2180 3.1250 3.1170 Speaking to “With two flights a day, you’re going to have to also prioritise which routes and
1 SWISS FRANC 5.5060 5.3330 5.3130 reporters, See said he see some spillover. markets we’re going to focus on.”
100 UAE DIRHAM 4.5130 4.4100 4.3950 hopes that demand As we ramp up
100 BANGLADESHTAKA 123.2900 116.9300 116.7300 will pick up and gradually, you will See said Firefly will not reinstate
100 CHINESE RENMINBI 4.8980 4.5950 4.3950 gradually go back to move to 50% and international flights to other destinations in
100 HONGKONG DOLLAR 66.7000 64.2000 pre-pandemic levels. 60%.” the next 12 months or expand to new
100 INDIAN RUPEE 57.6300 54.7700 N/A The airline, which However, See destinations.
100 INDONESIAN RUPIAH 5.8200 5.4700 54.5700 flew six flights daily to noted that Firefly’s
100 JAPANESE YEN 0.0318 0.0288 5.2700 Singapore previously customers “are “We were focusing on just making
100 NEWTAIWAN DOLLAR 3.3250 3.2210 0.0238 using the twin-engine turboprop ATR 72-500 mostly corporate Subang-Seletar work. Build the load (and)
100 PAKISTAN RUPEE 16.1000 aircraft, is flying two times a day to Seletar for business travellers”. the volume as the market is huge. We want
100 PHILIPPINE PESO 2.2600 N/A 3.2110 now. to focus on that at the moment.”
100 QATAR RIYAL 8.5600 2.1100 N/A “We will be looking at the current “We are not here about packing the seats
100 SAUDI RIYAL 123.6900 8.0600 performance of these two daily flights first to the maximum. It’s really about giving a “Singapore by far is the most significant
100THAI BAHT 120.6500 117.4200 1.9100 to decide on the crystallised timeline. great schedule and then people are willing and largest value for the group because the
13.4300 114.5400 7.8600 Naturally, if demand picks up, you will do it to pay for th schedule. Our strategy here is market is high yield ... the market is corporate.”
11.9100 117.2200 in phases two times and then four times really about driving yield. Not load for the
114.3400 and six times. business.” Asked about the manpower crunch in
11.5100 “That’s how we plan to introduce it. the aviation industry, See said at the
Hopefully, by the end of the year, we hope For this week alone, See said the loads moment Firefly did not see it as a significant
to increase the schedule. It is a function of are very high, close to 60% to 70%. challenge. However, he added that the
Source: Malayan Banking Berhad/Bernama airline is going to look at it on a day-to-day
On whether Firefly will operate ATR for basis.
Penang-Seletar, See said not at the
moment as the aircraft does not have the “The environment here is very volatile,
range to fly the route and it has to do it via not only in Singapore but around the
region. So we’re going to be monitoring this
very carefully,” he said. – Bernama

12 theSUN ON TUESDAY | JUNE 14, 2022 Bermaz Auto posts higher FY22 profit, to pay special dividend
PETALING JAYA: Bermaz Auto contribution from the domestic of RM897.4 million and RM115.4 expiration of the sales tax
Local institutions Bhd posted a better net profit of Mazda operations, as well as million respectively, compared exemption incentive at the end of
back as net buyers RM155.72 million for the financial positive contribution from the with the preceding year’s this month.
last week year ended April 30, 2022 (FY22) , Peugeot operations. corresponding quarter which
with RM244.9m up from RM133.84 million in the Improved margins from sales reported a revenue and pre-tax The better quarter was evident
previous financial year, mainly due mix of completely- profit of RM641.2 as the country entered the
KUALA LUMPUR: Local institutions to better margin from vehicle sales. knocked down million and “transition to endemic” phase of
finally turned net buyers on Bursa models, the RM83.5 million Covid-19 in April 2022. The rules
Malaysia again with RM244.9 million Revenue improved to RM2.32 strengthening of respectively. were further relaxed in May 2022
last week, after being net sellers for four billion from RM2.29 billion the ringgit against The increase in with the removal of all restrictions
consecutive weeks, MIDF Research previously, largely due to sales the Japanese yen group revenue of on business.
said. contribution from the newly and reversal of provisions no RM256.2 million or 40% was
acquired Peugeot and Kia longer required also contributed to achieved mainly due to the higher Bermaz Auto announced a
In its weekly fund flow report marques. the increase in pre-tax profit. overall sales volume from the fourth interim dividend of two sen
yesterday, the research house said For the quarter ended April 30, group’s Mazda, Peugeot and Kia single-tier dividend per share and a
local institutions began the week as In line with the increase in 2022, the group reported higher operations as consumers rushed to special dividend of 2.5 sen single-
net sellers wirh RM12.2 million last revenue, the group’s pre-tax profit revenue and higher pre-tax profit register vehicles before the tier dividend per share in respect of
Tuesday before turning net buyers improved by RM32 million or the financial year ended April 30,
for the rest of the week. 38.3% largely due to higher profit 2022, payable on Aug 4, 2022.

“Their strongest net buying day M’sian firms turn down orders
was on Thursday at RM129 million. as migrant labour crunch bites
They have been net sellers for 19 out
of 23 weeks this year. o Shortage said to chief executive director of oil palm customers, locals are not interested A migrant
be worsening daily grower United Plantations. in working in the industry and many worker
“To date, they have sold RM8.27 as demand grows who do join leave in less than half a harvesting
billion of equities,” it said, adding that with the easing of “The situation is dire and very year, says Datuk Seri Wong Siew Hai, palm oil fruit
local retailers were also net buyers the Covid pandemic much like having to play a game of Malaysia Semiconductor Industry at a plantation
with RM192 million. football against 11 men but only Association president. in Banting,
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian being allowed to field seven,” he Selangor. The
The research firm noted that local companies from palm oil said. The palm oil industry, which Malaysian
retailers were net buyers every day of plantations to semiconductor contributes 5% to Malaysia’s palm oil
the week except on Wednesday when makers are refusing orders and Malaysia lacks at least 1.2 million economy, warns 3 million tonnes of industry
they net sold RM3.4 million of forgoing billions in sales, hampered workers across manufacturing, crop could be lost this year as fruit reports a
equities. The strongest net buying by a shortage of more than a million plantation and construction, a rots unpicked, meaning losses of shortage of
came on Friday at RM91.5 million. workers that threatens the country’s shortage worsening daily as demand more than US$4 billion (RM17 120,000
economic recovery. grows with an easing of the billion). The rubber glove industry workers. –
It said local retailers have been net pandemic, industry and government estimates US$700 million of lost REUTERSPIX
buyers for 14 out of 23 weeks of 2022, Despite lifting a Covid-19 freeze data show. revenue this year if the labour Saravanan said companies had
at RM1.31 billion to date. on recruiting foreign workers in shortage persists. asked to hire 475,000 migrant
February, Malaysia has not seen a Manufacturers say they are short workers but the ministry had
Meanwhile, foreign investors significant return of migrant workers 600,000 workers, construction needs Malaysia’s Ministry of Human approved just 2,065, rejecting some
were net sellers every trading day of due to slow government approvals 550,000, the palm oil industry reports Resources, which is responsible for for incomplete information or lack of
the week from Tuesday to Friday, and protracted negotiations with a shortage of 120,000 workers, approving the intake of foreign compliance with regulations.
continuing its net selling trend which Indonesia and Bangladesh over chipmakers lack 15,000 and cannot workers, did not respond to Reuters Diplomats from Indonesia and
started on June 2 to mark six worker protections, say industry meet demand despite a global chip queries for comment on the labour Bangladesh, two of Malaysia’s
consecutive days of net selling. groups, companies and diplomats. shortage, and medical-glove makers crunch and its economic impact. biggest sources of foreign labour,
say they require 12,000 workers. told Reuters that workers’ rights
“The steepest net selling days by The export-reliant Southeast In April, Minister Datuk Seri M. were part of the hold-up in sourcing
foreigners were Thursday and Friday Asian nation, a key link in the global Chipmakers are turning away migrant workers.
at RM189.1 million and RM183.2 supply chain, relies on millions of Bangladesh signed an agreement
million, respectively,” MIDF said. foreigners for factory, plantation and in December to send workers, but
service sector jobs shunned by locals implementation was delayed after
In terms of participation, only retail as dirty, dangerous and difficult. Dhaka protested Malaysia’s proposed
investors saw a weekly growth in the hiring process, citing fears the plan
average daily trade value at 0.32%, Manufacturers, who make up could lead to increased costs for the
while institutional investors and foreign nearly one-fourth of the economy, workers and debt bondage, said a
investors saw a reduction of 20.67% and fear losing customers to other Bangladeshi diplomatic source.
56.81%, respectively. – Bernama countries as growth picks up. He told Reuters that Malaysia
wants to hire 200,000 Bangladeshi
GST better than “Despite the greater optimism in workers within a year. – Reuters
SST: World Bank outlook and increase in sales, some
companies are gravely hampered in
KOTA KINABALU: The goods and their ability to fulfil orders,” said Tan Sri
services tax (GST) is better than the Soh Thian Lai, president of the
sales and service tax (SST) because Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers,
GST widens a country’s tax base and which represents over 3,500 companies.
brings in more revenue, said World
Bank Group lead economist Dr Palm oil growers are at breaking
Apurva Sanghi. point, said Datuk Carl Bek-Nielsen,

More than 170 countries around MIDF Research maintains positive stance on palm oil sector
the world have adopted some kind of
value-added tax or GST system, and KUALA LUMPUR: MIDF Research as economic activities improve. could result in another worldwide palm oil export ban, it said.
that is one reason why GST is more has maintained its positive stance “Despite our positive view on the lockdown, above-expectation “We expect the ongoing Russia-
efficient than SST, he said. on the oil palm plantation sector, stockpiles and supply of soybean
raising the calendar year 2022 sector, we do expect that CPO price and soybean oil, as well as changing Ukraine war and improving demand
“GST is a regressive system (CY22) crude palm oil (CPO) target will ease in second half of this year policy in importing countries. on better economic activities would
because it is based on a tax on price by 27.9% to RM5,500 per tonne (H2CY22) but at a very slow pace. support upside demand for palm oil.”
consumption and 60% of the from RM4,300 per tonne. MIDF Research said Malaysia’s
economy depends on consumption. “Given the higher-than-expected palm oil production has dipped, Meanwhile, Malaysia’s palm oil
The research house expects the CPO price in 1H2022 as well as with the overall CPO production at inventories fell by 7.4% on-month to
“Early analysis shows that GST CPO price to retain its upward previously mentioned factors, we 1.46 million tonnes versus 1.57 1.52 million tonnes in May 2022 versus
provides nearly twice as much tax momentum throughout CY22, anticipate that the CPO price will million tonnes in the previous year. 1.64 million tonnes in April, due to
revenue (compared) to SST. It is also supported by higher price of edible oils remain elevated throughout CY22, lower-than-expected production,
self-billing because businesses must on the back of supply concerns amid supported by tight inventory supply As for exports, Malaysia’s palm oil amid higher export demand during
issue invoices to claim a refund,” he said the prolonged Russia-Ukraine war, in our local plantation industry,” it export volume rose by 26.7% the month. “However, we anticipate
in an online press conference yesterday. Indonesia’s widened export ban, said in a note yesterday. month-on-month and 7.1% year- Malaysia’s palm oil stockpiles in the
subdued production outlook for on-year to 1.36 million tonnes in second to the third quarter to
The press conference was held in soybean and resilient demand outlook However, the research house May 2022, as importers turned to the improve with the higher production
conjunction with the launch of the noted that key risks to CPO prices Malaysian palm oil afterIndonesia’s cycle,” it added. - Bernama
Malaysia Economic Monitor report, are new Covid-19 variants which
entitled “Catching Up: Inclusive
Recovery and Growth for Lagging
States”, scheduled for Thursday here.

Apurva said GST is not without
shortcomings, one of which is that
lower-income households consume
more than regular households,
which will affect them if a regressive
tax system based on consumption
like GST is implemented.

“Some countries use tax exemptions
to address the regressiveness of the GST
but in our view, tax exemptions may
not be the best option. Instead, the
government should increase the
targeted spending to those affected,”
he said. - Bernama

13theSUN ON TUESDAY | JUNE 14, 2022

Scientex posts lower net profit of RM88.3 million for Q3

PETALING JAYA: Global packaging manufacturer namely packaging and property. million, a decrease of 20% compared to RM305.3 rising costs and labour shortages. The group is
and property developer Scientex Bhd recorded a In a Bursa filing, it said the group’s packaging million recorded in the preceding year’s enhancing its competitive edge internationally by
19.61% lower net profit of RM88.33 million in the corresponding quarter. The lower revenue was investing in automation and expanding capacity in
third quarter ended April 30, 2022 compared to revenue was RM749.7 million compared to mainly attributed to the deferment of certificate of areas of competitive strengths, to support growth
RM109.88 million, due to higher raw material and RM671.5 million recorded in the preceding year completion & compliance (CCC) for the group’s as countries transition to Covid-19 endemicity.
freight costs for the packaging division, and lower corresponding quarter, the increase was projects in Johor and Malacca due to material
property contribution. contributed from both its industrial and consumer shortages for power supply infrastructure. The group also declared an interim dividend of
packaging products, driven mainly by its export four sen per share in respect of FY’22, with ex-date
Its revenue grew by 1.75% to RM993.84 million markets as well as increase in average selling price Its CEO Lim Peng Jin said it will continue to on July 7 and payment date on July 22. The
from RM976.8 million in the corresponding (ASP). strengthen the operating and supply chain dividend payout would amount to RM62 million or
quarter in last year and is made up of two divisions, efficiencies of its packaging segment, to manage 21.8% of 9M22 net profit.
While, its property revenue was RM244.2

Pharmaniaga in talks to BRIEFS UNITRADE TO MAKE DEBUT
expand into UK, Turkey, Mena ON ACE MARKET TODAY

o Group’s plan to be the world’s first halal vaccine and are looking to shorten the process by PETALING JAYA: Building materials
insulin facilities is on track for commercialisation by 2025 looking into the product that has already wholesaler Unitrade Industries Bhd will be
been registered but has not been properly making its debut on the ACE Market of
█ HAYATUN RAZAK African countries to buy vaccines. Seven sold in the UK market. Same for MENA Bursa Malaysia today. The company’s initial
[email protected] embassies from Africa have come to region, it will take around two to three public offering (IPO) entails a public issue of
PETALING JAYA: Pharmaniaga Bhd is in discuss with us on this,” he said at years,” he added. 312.5 million new ordinary shares at 32 sen
aggressive discussions with the UK, Turkey Pharmaniaga Q1’22 financial performance per share, representing 20% of the enlarged
and the Middle East and North Africa briefing yesterday. Zulkarnain said the group is currently share capital of 1.56 billion shares. Apart
(Mena) for expansion into those markets. working closely with partners to come up from the 78.125 million shares offered to
Zulkarnain said for it to enter into any hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) the Malaysian public, the company has also
Pharmaniaga managing director Datuk new markets, registration of vaccine to be ready by 2023 and offered 117.18 million new shares to
Zulkarnain Bin Md Eusope said the group’s pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical commercialised by 2024. bumiputra investors approved by the
plan to be the world’s first halal vaccine and products normally takes around 1½ to two Ministry of International Trade and Industry
insulin facilities is progressing on track for years while over-the-counter (OTC) Zulkarnain remarked Pharmaniaga’s (Miti) and 63.5 million shares to its eligible
commercialisation by 2025. products take one year to 1½ years. Indonesian units, PT Millennium directors, employees and persons who have
Pharmacon International Tbk, as well as PT contributed to the success of the company.
“In Africa, we plan to market our vaccine “For the UK market, currently we are Errita Pharma, had contributed almost
to more than 15 countries altogether engaging with ex-NHS (National Health RM1 billion in revenue last year while in SKM TERENGGANU PLANS TO
because it has a 1.2 billion population but Service) people to understand its the first quarter of this year, it has increased SET UP 100 NEW CO-OPS THIS YEAR
with a low vaccination rate. Some are at less regulatory matters and are going to invite 25%. The group aims to further enhance
than 5% rate due to financial constraints. MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare the profitability of the overall Indonesian KUALA TERENGGANU: Malaysia Co-
We are in serious discussion with Islamic products Regulatory Agency) to inspect our division in the coming quarters. operative Societies Commission (SKM)
Development Bank (IDB) to help OIC plant. We’re going to enter the UK market Terengganu aims to set up 100 new
in about two to three years. However, we Additionally, Pharmaniaga is finalising cooperatives in various business fields this
the logistics and distribution contract year. SKM Terengganu director Mohd
extension agreement with the health Aznan Abdul Aziz said this target is
ministry, slated to be completed by the end achievable with the establishment of
of 2022. cooperatives facilitated by the amendment
of the Cooperatives Act 1993 (Act 502) to
the Cooperatives (Amendment) Act 2021
(A1634), which came into force on March 1.
Currently, there are 760 cooperatives in
Terengganu but only 540 cooperatives are
still active. – Bernama


GEORGE TOWN: Perbadanan Nasional Bhd
(Pernas), an agency under the Ministry of
Entrepreneur & Cooperative Development,
has intensified efforts to empower
entrepreneurs in the peninsula’s northern
region by organising the BizFrancais
Penang Programme 2022 with a potential
financing target of RM7.1 million. Pernas
said the programme, held on Sunday in
Penang, was the first of four locations for
the BizFrancais Programme tour series this
year, the others being Sabah, Sarawak and
Kelantan. – Bernama

Abdul Fattah (second from right) and Mars Global Sdn ‘Asean must upskill,
Bhd (Mars Global) chairman Abdul Hadi Abdullah reskill for digitalisation’
(fourth from left) visiting the fresh chicken processing
centre after the MoU signing yesterday. – BERNAMAPIX KUALA LUMPUR: Digitisation will be the main
driver of economic recovery in Asean following
Angkasa hatching 100 co-ops for poultry farming the devasting Covid-19 pandemic, said World
Economic Forum (WEF) panellist and QI Group
KULAI: Angkatan Koperasi Kebangsaan JiMAT SHOP Angkasa store flagship and we must be forthcoming in starting up the farm. executive chairman Datuk Seri Vijay Eswaran
Malaysia Bhd (Angkasa) aims to create 100 have identified 6,000 mosques that can be “We have to negotiate with the state yesterday.
cooperatives for the halal poultry industry in outlets.
the country. government to secure a plantation area (for He noted that in 2021, the number of
“For us, the question of where to sell is not example, to set up) four coops which will internet users in Asean grew by over 10% to 400
Its president Datuk Seri Dr Abdul Fattah an issue, so long as this effort can be require seven to 10 acres of land. If it can be million people, and almost 70% of Asean’s
Abdullah said henceforth, a minimum of 100 implemented to fruition,“ he said at a press done, the cooperative can expedite this effort population is now online – well above the global
coops could be built each with a capacity of conference after witnessing the signing of a and get the farm up and running,” he said. rate of 60%.
raising 50,000 chicken, thus contributing to the MoU between Angkasa, Koperasi Negeri Johor
annual production of about 30 million birds. and Mars Global Sdn Bhd yesterday. He said the government’s allocation of “The region’s digital economy is now valued
RM500 million in agro-food fund offered to at over US$100 billion (RM439 billion).
He said the effort could increase the Also present were Johor Angkasa chairman entrepreneurs would help the poultry farms to
involvement of the cooperative movement in Sazali Abd Hamid and Mars Global Sdn Bhd materialise. “However, for many Asean residents,
the field of agro-food and is in line with the CEO Mohd Norulhizam Mohd Ramli. expensive or poor internet quality or digital
government’s intention to see the sector “So I really hope the cooperatives can use devices, lack of digital skills, as well as trust and
contribute RM100 billion to the GDP by 2030. Abdul Fattah said the cooperative could be this space and opportunity and request the security concerns prevent them from fully
set up through collaboration with chicken government to channel this allocation to the reaping their fair share of benefits from an
“We have seven million cooperative suppliers such as Mars Global Sdn Bhd in cooperative movement, seeing the benefits inclusive digital economy,” he said in a
members nationwide. In terms of marketing, Johor through contract farms. that will impact the community and the statement.
we will provide at least 3,000 outlets under the national economy,” he said. – Bernama
He said however, support from the state As such, Vijay opined that Asean needs to
upskill its workforce quickly to tackle barriers to
digital adoption, and noted the urgent need for
further upskilling and reskilling initiatives to
ensure that the digital generation is equipped
for a post-pandemic world and beyond.

“To drive digital transformation and to
accommodate the new normal, businesses
must quickly work with forward-thinking
vendors or businesses that can successfully and
securely facilitate digital transformation today
and prevent obstacles tomorrow,” he added. –


UK recession fears rise as economy shrinks for second month in a row

LONDON: British economic output contributed negatively to a monthly price rises. soaring food and energy prices as UK annual inflation stands at
declined for a second month in a row GDP estimate since January 2021”, “Despite weakening economic economies reopen from pandemic nine%, the highest level in 40 years,
in April, weighed down by decades- the ONS said, as the data added to lockdowns and following the causing a cost-of-living crisis for
high inflation, official data showed fears of recession. growth, the Bank of England this invasion of Ukraine by major oil and millions of Britons.
yesterday. week is expected to raise rates further gas producer Russia.
The ONS noted that “businesses as it seeks to get inflation under In the US meanwhile, Friday’s
Gross domestic product fell 0.3% continued to report the impact of control,” said Paul Craig, portfolio “Businesses from all sectors are forcecast-beating inflation print has
in April after a drop of 0.1% in March, price increases and supply chain manager at Quilter Investors. facing unprecedented rises in raw triggered expectations that the
the Office for National Statistics said shortages”. material costs, soaring energy bills, Federal Reserve will ramp up the
in a statement. “While a recession is still a while and wage pressures, David Bharier, pace of its interest-rate increases.
The data comes as the Bank of away, it is looming on the horizon and head of research at the British
Output in the services, production England is set to raise its main its effects will begin to be felt in the UK Chambers of Commerce, said That has sent investors running
and construction sectors fell – “the interest rate at a fifth straight meeting well before we are officially in one.” following Monday’s GDP data. for cover, with world stock markets
first time that all main sectors have Thursday in a bid to cool the pace of tumbling since Friday. – AFP
Inflation is being fuelled by

The party is over for retail BRIEFS FRASERS PROPERTY SEEKS TO

o Many stock-pickers are steering clear of a turbulent analysts said. SINGAPORE: Singapore-listed Frasers
market as living costs rise and the economy teeters British bank NatWest is interested in potential Property Ltd, part of Thai tycoon Charoen
Sirivadhanabhakdi’s TCC Group, proposes
LONDON: The trillion-dollar retail investment – seven out of 13 reviewed by Reuters – posting buys in the wealth sector, CEO Alison Rose told a to take unit Frasers Hospitality Trust
express is losing steam, dampening the fortunes losses in their most recently filed annual financial conference in Rome last week. private in a deal that values it at S$1.35
of British trading platforms that boomed during accounts, according to a review of documents at billion (RM4.28 billion). Frasers Property is
lockdowns on the back of a meme stocks frenzy. UK Companies House. It’s a very different scene from 2021, when offering S$0.70 cash for each of the shares
new customer numbers across the “direct-to- in the real estate investment trust that it
Many stock-pickers are steering clear of a Although accounting periods varied, the consumer” investment sector ballooned, with and related parties do not already own,
turbulent market as living costs rise and the seven loss-makers included OpenMoney and several platforms reporting record joiners. the target and intending buyer said in a
economy teeters, squeezing the business of PensionBee, who posted numbers for the year Growth was fuelled by the social media-driven joint statement on June 13. The group
consumer investment platforms that are facing ending December 2021. meme stock frenzy which saw an army of small and related parties own about 63% of the
falling fees and thinning margins. investors pile into shares of GameStop, AMC and trust, company executives said. The price
Reporting losses is common for startup other once-unfashionable companies. is 6.1% higher than the last closing price
Even the biggest fish, such as FTSE-listed fintech firms, which early on typically prioritise for Frasers Hospitality Trust. The trust has
Hargreaves Lansdown and AJ Bell and those reaching critical mass over turning a profit. But this year many individual investors, who a S$2 billion property portfolio that
owned or recently acquired by major banks and watched their wealth grow during the historic includes hotels and serviced residences
asset managers, are struggling with wilting flows Yet fierce competition and the mounting rally in financial assets earlier in the pandemic, across Asia, Australia and Europe. It has
of new customers and money. cost-of-living crisis may nonetheless stymie the have been left nursing losses as stock prices have been seeking to improve its valuations in
sector’s growth this year, weeding out weaker slid at a time of war in Europe and rampant a challenging market and had considered
Britain’s biggest bank Lloyds told Reuters in players or making them takeover targets, inflation. many options. – Reuters
an interview last month that inflows to its retail according to many of the 15 platform managers,
investment platforms – which boast £19.5 billion financial advisers and analysts who spoke to The assets held by Britain’s consumer LG ENERGY SOLUTION TO BOOST
(RM106 billion) of customer funds – slowed in Reuters. investment platforms fell 2.5% to £906.8 billion CAPACITY AT DOMESTIC PLANTS
the first quarter of 2022 versus a year before, and (RM4.8 trillion) in the first three months of 2022
more clients were selling than buying stocks. It’s not just a problem for British platforms; versus the end of 2021, according to data from SEOUL: LG Energy Solution said yesterday
US pandemic darling Robinhood posted a 43% industry tracker Fundscape. it will invest 730 billion won (RM2.5 billion)
The “sugar rush” of the social media frenzy fall in quarterly revenue in April and said it was to expand its production capacity at its
that propelled stocks like GameStop last year has laying off a tenth of staff, sending its stock to Manuel Pardavila-Gonzalez, managing Ochang production site in South Korea.
worn off for investment platforms, said Mike record lows. director of Lloyds’ retail investment platforms, The South Korean battery maker, which
Barrett, director at financial services consultancy told Reuters that the cost-of-living crisis may counts Telsa Inc, General Motors Co and
the Lang Cat. Wall Street giant JPMorgan snapped up loss- derail the bank’s forecast of £1.7-1.8 billion of net Volkswagen AG among others as
making British platform Nutmeg last year, and a inflows of customer funds this year, although it customers, said it planned to invest 580
The market is more daunting for the smaller collapse in tech valuations broadly could make does not expect significant outflows. billion won to add 9 gigawatt hours (GWh)
investment platforms, with around half of them other start-up platforms attractive targets, worth of production capacity of 4680
The review of annual accounts filed to cylindrical batteries at its No. 2 Ochang
Companies House, a government agency, found factory. LGES also said it would invest 150
that most of the 13 mainly small and mid-sized billion won in the No.1 Ochang factory to
platforms had reported losses. – Reuters add 4GWh worth of production capacity
of 2170 cylindrical battery cells. In March,
Yen dives to lowest level against US dollar in 24 years LGES announced a plan to invest 1.7
trillion won to build a battery factory in
HONG KONG: The yen tumbled to its lowest That implies at least one increase of 75bps, BOJ would buy Arizona, US by 2024 to meet demand from
against the dollar in 24 years yesterday, as the which would be the biggest single-meeting raise ¥500b of North American customers. – Reuters
gap between Japanese and US benchmark since 1994. Japanese
yields widened after red hot US inflation data government TAIWAN CENTRAL BANK
drove US Treasury yields higher. Higher energy prices have also hurt Japan’s bonds as part SET TO RAISE RATES: POLL
balance of payments, weighing on the yen. of its policy to
The dollar rose as high as ¥135.22 (RM4.42), keep TAIPEI: Taiwan’s central bank is likely to
its highest since October 1998, having gained for “For the yen, what could go wrong did go benchmark 10- raise its policy rate again this week,
each of the past seven sessions, as the policy wrong, and continues to go wrong,” said Paul year yields according to all economists polled by
divergence between hawkish central banks Mackel , the global head of FX research at HSBC, within 0.25 Reuters, to help fend off inflation now at
overseas and the dovish Bank of Japan (BOJ) adding it was important to watch whether percentage an almost 10-year high. The central bank
becomes ever more apparent. Japanese investors were prepared to take more points. - is likely to raise its benchmark discount
unhedged currency risk in their portfolios. AFPPIX rate by 12.5 basis points to 1.5% at its
Central banks’ efforts to raise interest rates to Yesterday’s declines follow a short-lived yen quarterly meeting on Thursday, according
curtail inflation will remain in focus this week. “The big thing now is whether the domestics rally late on Friday when Japan’s government to the median forecast of 19 economists
The Federal Reserve and the Bank of England begin to change their so-called FX hedge ratio, and central bank said they were concerned by surveyed. The central bank unexpectedly
are expected to raise rates at their meetings and which could lead to more persistent demand for its recent sharp falls, a rare joint statement seen raised the rate by 25 basis points to
there is a chance the Swiss National Bank will do foreign exchange versus Japanese yen. If so, that as the strongest warning to date that authorities 1.375% at its last meeting, in March. Nine
the same. keeps the currency on a weakening path, or at could intervene to support the currency. of the economists surveyed said they
least stops it strengthening.” Expectations of a more hawkish Fed are expected stronger action - a second 25-
Little change is expected from the BOJ, pushing up the dollar against more than just the basis-point rise, to 1.625%. The central
however, which said yesterday it would buy yen. The dollar index, which tracks the bank has repeatedly said it will tighten
¥500 billion of Japanese government bonds greenback against six peers, was 0.3% higher at monetary policy this year, as its
today as part of its policy to keep benchmark 10- 104.58, its highest in four weeks. counterparts elsewhere are doing, and
year yields within 0.25 percentage points of its The euro was languishing at US$1.05, down that it sees inflation as a key criteria for
0% target. 0.23%, and sterling was 0.23% lower at US$1.23, interest rate moves. – Reuters
taking little support from expectations the Bank
In contrast, the benchmark US 10-year yield of England will raise rates on Thursday, which GERMANY, CHINA LARGELY
touched 3.2% early yesterday, having gained would be its fifth increase since December. – UNAFFECTED BY LOCKDOWNS
nearly 12 basis points (bps) last Friday. Reuters
BERLIN: German trade with China in April
The US two-year yield extended Friday’s was little affected by Covid-19 lockdowns
gains to touch 3.194%, its highest since late 2007. and consequent disarray in supply chains,
the Federal Statistics Office said yesterday.
US inflation beat expectations last Friday Germany imported goods worth €16.7
driving bets that the Fed will have to raise rates billion (RM77 billion) from China in April, up
even more aggressively. 52.8% on a year earlier, said the statistics
office. Importation of chemical products, up
Market pricing indicates roughly a two- six-fold, particularly drove the increase, but
thirds chance of at least 125bps of increases other product groups also rose considerably.
across the Fed’s next two meetings – today and Exports to China in April, however, were
tomorrow this week and in July – according to down 1.5% from a year before at €8.3 billion,
the CME’s FedWatch tool. according to the office.“German foreign trade
in April 2022 was still largely unaffected by
the Covid-19 lockdowns in the People’s
Republic of China and the related disruptions
in freight transport,”it said.– Reuters

14 JUNE 2022

Izzie Islam brings a piece called, Nian, inspired by Zhafir Muzani, directs and co-choreographs for KonTra : ASWARA graduate Yee Teng will be performing a
Tarian Terinai, which will be performed with candles. Bianglala. He will be performing a piece called Sujud. dance performance called MULAN.

RAYA may be over but the celebrations Injecting freshness into
are continuing. Fresh from his traditional arts
stunning Balinese dance performance, Sharmnoh with his prop, BuuGeng which he will
Zhafir Muzani teams up with some of oThe past and future collide in klpac’s upcoming be using for his dance piece also called BuuGeng.
Malaysia’s top choreographers in this exciting presentation, KonTra: Bianglala
fusion of contemporary and traditional dance
aptly named KonTra: Bianglala from June 16 to ancient dance forms performed in palace and freshness into traditional arts, sparking As part of klpac’s birthday month, audiences
19 at Pentas 2, klpac. grounds. Tari Inai was often seen during the renewed interest among the young and driving can enjoy 17% off normal-priced tickets with the
circumcision ceremonies of palace dignitaries new creative works by dance artists. “comehome17” promo code.
KonTra marries the Malay word for while, Tarian Terinai is usually performed with
‘kontemporari’ (contemporary) and candles. By bringing together our past and future, our For the full list of its birthday month
‘tradisional’ (traditional) while Bianglala, traditional heritage and future innovations can activities, visit, call 03-4047 9000
which many may not know, means ‘rainbow.’ Last but not least, Zhafir Muzani, the winner stand on equal ground. or WhatsApp 018-227 7212.
of five awards for his Balinese dance
As the title promises, it will showcase a performance, turns to crowd-pleasers Zapin With its intricate costuming and different Donations for the performance can be made
colourful array of traditional Malaysian dances and Joget to create his piece Sujud in this signature moves, dance lovers will be via
reimagined with contemporary touches using powerful experiment involving the body, music mesmerised from start to end.
contemporary dance moves, digital elements as and vocals.
well as entirely new creations. Supported by klpac and MyCreative
KonTra: Bianglala hopes to inject creativity Ventures, tickets for KonTra: Bianglala are
An impressive line-up of six choreographers priced at RM50 and can be purchased online via
– many of them award-winning – will be
drawing from different dance forms such as the
fast-paced Zapin or mystical kuda kepang
popular in Johor, court dance Tari Inai, Terinai,
Portuguese-influenced joget and even martial
arts to create six unique pieces.

Inspired by our customs and traditions, all
these dances have a tale to tell including Raso
(which means Rasa in Minangkabau) by Kerol
Mohtar, Founder of Nyala Dance Theatre and
winner of countless awards at SHORT+SWEET
Dance, Festival Tari and other competitions.
Inspired by traditional Minangkabau
philosophy, he cleverly marries different
traditional dances with Minangkabau elements.

Another exciting combination will be Sharm
Noh’s Buu-Geng. With his background in dance,
gymnastics and circus art (as the Artistic
Director of Psycusix), he brings an interesting
take to the traditional martial art form of Gerak
Silat through the use of buugeng which is a prop
used in flow art. The word “Buu” means self-
defence while “Geng” means an illusion.

ASWARA graduate Yee Teng uses the clash
between femininity and masculinity from the
story of Mulan. The Master’s of Dance student
cleverly weaves feminine and masculine
movement from traditional Malay dances with
elements from kuda kepang and some Iban
influences in MULAN.

Travel back in time with Dayang Norinah’s
Nian inspired by Tari Inai and Izzie Islam’s Aku
Mau inspired by Tarian Terinai.

Though not one and the same, both are

16 theSun LYFE ON TUESDAY | JUNE 14, 2022 /thesundaily

Fighting for Campbell decided to leave
equality the Scream franchise after

feeling she was being
underpaid. – AP

Britney and her mum Lynne during happier o Scream stars support Gun: Maverick]?” he asked. “clear example of how twisted the system is.”
times. – AP actress Neve Campbell’s “So, why is a woman supposed to take less? He added: “Neve is the final girl. It’s crazy
decision to leave franchise
Britney Spears’ Why wouldn’t you pay her more as the series that the people behind the scenes are not
estranged family EQUAL pay for men and women has goes on? Was Scream 5 a hit or not a hit? It was paying the money to literally the face of the
show support for been in the news for some years. Even a smash hit. Did they make a [ton] of money? franchise.
wedding though we have gone a long way, Yes.”
salary disparity remains a problem “It’s people who weren’t involved from the
THE Spears family are finally stepping up today. The gender pay gap impacts numerous Lillard continued: “Should Neve Campbell get-go. This is everything that’s wrong with the
to the plate and showing their support for industries, with women usually earning less — be paid for the work she’s done in five movies business.”
Britney. and Hollywood is no exception. Neve of a franchise? Yes, because she’s a female lead
Campbell is well aware of the wage difference of one of the most successful horror David Arquette, who played Dewey Riley in
Following the singer’s wedding to Sam between men and women in the franchises.” all five films, expressed regret that she would
Asghari last Thursday, Lynne and Jamie entertainment industry. She realised a long not be returning for Scream 6, but he respects
Lynn Spears have expressed their good time ago that she was not being paid equally in Similarly, Jamie Kennedy, who co-starred and understands her decision since, at the end
wishes to Britney despite not receiving an any job she did. with Campbell in two Scream films, voiced his of the day, it’s all about business. – by Thashine
invitation. support on his YouTube channel, calling this a Selvakumaran
With the latest offer that was presented to
Lynne congratulated her daughter in her for Scream 6, Campbell realised that the
the comments section of one of Britney’s pay given did not reflect the value she believes
Instagram posts. “You look radiant and so she gave to the film, and decided to pass on
happy!” wrote Lynne. returning. As a result, Scream 6 will be the
series’ first film without Campbell.
“Your wedding is the ‘Dream’ wedding!
And having it at your home makes it so Campbell’s co-stars have come out in
sentimental and special!” she added. “I am support of her choice. Matthew Lillard, who
soooo happy for you! I love you!” starred as killer Stu Macher in the 1996 film
Scream, took part in a Twitter Spaces
Jamie Lynn, on the other hand, did not conversation with Midnite Movie Club to
comment on any of Britney’s posts. discuss Campbell’s decision on leaving the
However, she did show her support by franchise.
liking the carousel of shots. Britney and
Asghari’s wedding took place at Spears’s “Did Tom Cruise take less money for [Top
home and was attended by 60 guests,
including Drew Barrymore, Madonna, Paris Get ready for second round of
Hilton and Selena Gomez. Squid Game
ON Sunday, Netflix announced that the hit elementary textbooks, will also be in the new
Why Britney did not invite her mother, South Korean thriller Squid Game was season. The teaser image shared by Netflix, featuring a
sister and father was due to the star’s officially coming back for the second season, glimpse of Squid Game’s iconic killer doll. – NETFLIX
fallout with them over her 13 years of and shared a message from Hwang Dong- The series quickly picked up a fandom
conservatorship, which was terminated last hyuk, writer, director, producer and creator of after its release last September, and became
November. the series. Netflix’s most-watched series in 94 countries,
amassing 1.65 billion viewing hours during
In spite of their absence, the Oops I Did “It took 12 years to bring the first season of its first four weeks from launch.
It Again star reportedly had the best time at Squid Game to life last year. But it took [just]
her wedding. According to a close source, 12 days for Squid Game to become the most Squid Game is a thriller about down-on-
“the wedding was everything Britney could popular Netflix series ever,” read the his luck Gi-hun, who joins 455 other debt-
have wished for and more. She loved it all.” statement from Hwang. ridden participants in what he thinks is an
unassuming game to win a huge cash prize.
The insider also claimed that Britney Hwang continued by teasing what is to However, things turn out deadlier than they
and Asghari have been enjoying “being come for the new season, revealing that appear, when the children’s games begin
newlyweds and just hanging out in Los protagonist Seong Gi-hun (Lee Jung-jae) and causing deaths amidst the players’
Angeles.” – by John Tan masked antagonist the Front Man (Lee desperation to win.
Byung-hun) will both return.
In season 1, the show ended with Gi-hun
“The man in the suit with ddakji might be winning the game. While following late rival
back,” Hwang writes, referring to the Sang-woo’s (Park Hae-soo) plea to take care
character played by Gong Yoo, before also of his mother, Gi-hun realises that the game
stating that Cheol-su, the ‘boyfriend’ of is still going on. Rather than moving on with
Young-hee, the infamous gigantic killer his life, he decides to find a way to go back to
animatronic doll inspired by the slightly the game to make sure it all ends once and
bizarre but didactic stories of Korean for all. – by Marietta Mu

BTS breaks Spotify records with PROOF PROOF, the latest anthology English tracks Permission To Dance,
album by BTS, was released on Dynamite, and Butter.
A promotional image from BTS’ PROOF release. – ALLKPOP June 10 and includes some new
tracks (Yet To Come, Run BTS, and The B-side track Run BTS from
For Youth), as well as some of their the album had 5.4 million streams
most popular songs from the past. on the first day, which is the most
for any B-side music by a Korean
On its first day of release, the act that has ever been released.
highly-anticipated album received
over 56.7 million cumulative Four of the top five largest song
streams on Spotify. It now holds debuts by a Korean act this year are
the record for the most streamed by BTS’s Jungkook, with Stay Alive
debut album by a Korean act in (Prod. SUGA) taking the number
2022, and also in the history of three spot. The others are Yet To
Spotify. Come, Run BTS, For Youth, and the
song Born Singer.
In addition to Yet To Come (The
Most Beautiful Moment) receiving Spotify’s Daily Top Global Artists
over 7.1 million Spotify streams on chart also shows BTS at #2, a new
its first day, it also became the high.
greatest Korean-language single
debut by a K-Pop act in Spotify Congratulations to BTS for
history, following the group’s making yet another milestone in
the history of Korean pop culture! –
by Hazique Zairill


17theSun LYFE ON TUESDAY | JUNE 14, 2022

(below) Stills from the movie The Family.

MOVIE REVIEW loFvoer otfhea child It shows the painful moments
when a mother has to separate from
THE movie opens with the o French film The Family is a beautiful and tragic story about the child she has been caring for
scene of a happy family, a a foster mother and her son – and their impending separation since a toddler. At the same time, it
couple with their three young shows how the child had to adapt to
children, having fun time in a sudden changes at a young age.
swimming pool during a holiday. The
focus slowly shifts to the bond Although the child is reluctant, he
between the mother and her has no option other than to follow.
youngest child.
The movie also showcases the
It turns out that the boy, Simon, somewhat insensitive officer who
was placed with the family – parents seems not to care much about the
Driss and Anna Moran and their two bond developed between the mother
children, Adrian and Jules – by child and child, and focuses more on
welfare services when he was just 18 Eddy’s capability to take charge as a
months old. father.

In subsequent scenes, Anna Actress Thierry, is a powerful
(Melanie Thierry) brings Simon, now performer. She shows her emotions
six years old, to meet his biological in a subtle way and at times,
father, Eddy Carneiro (Felix Moati), restrained, but her facial expression
who was unable to care for the child speaks volumes about her feelings
after the death of his wife. and emotions.

Eddy wants the child back, and the In addition Simon, played by
social care officer wants to ensure Gabriel Pavie, proves to be a capable
that he is capable of taking care of his actor despite his young age. Lyes
child independently and allows him Salem, a critically acclaimed and
to meet the boy every weekend and award-winning director, is good in his
spend holidays with him. role as Anna’s husband.

On the other hand, Anna has to
face the bitter truth that she has to let
go of the child, even though Driss is
adamant about allowing the boy to
stay with his biological father.

Although Anna complies with and
obliges to Eddy’s insensitive requests
(through the officer), even to the
extent of telling Simon to stop calling
her mother, deep down in her heart,
she is not ready to let go.

On Christmas Day, Simon spends

time with his adopted family instead with Driss. Every scene reveals a bit about the
of Eddy’s, and soon, Anna faces a In the next scene, mother and son story and the character.
judge, who decides that she should
cut all ties immediately and put the get separated, and this moment tugs Though the movie is slow-paced,
boy into a foster home instead. at the heart. Anna is emotional and he keeps us wondering what will
the heartbreaking separation moves happen next, all the way to the
Towards the end of the movie, us to tears. The last few scenes will ending.
Simon is sent to the foster home, but make you feel emotional, but it is not
he is unhappy and refuses to look at the ending you would expect to see. In a nutshell, the movie depicts
his mother’s face when he has to say the real emotions and feelings of what
his last goodbye. Moments later, The director and writer Fabien a foster family goes through when
Simon runs towards the car, calling Gorgeart deliver a remarkable and yet they have to send the child back to
for his mother as she leaves in a car touching story of a mother and her their biological parents, after living
son from the first scene to the last. with them for several years.

iQiyi starts production on two Malaysian originals
AS the content streaming market in Asian content in the region is at an opportunity to participate, interact various locations across the country, Mohammad in a dark romantic story
Malaysia continues to grow, iQiyi all-time high. As the Home for Asian and join us and their favourite stars fans in different states will also be adapted from a novel that strays from
International, an on-demand video Entertainment, iQiyi is committed to across the entire journey from able to resonate with the diverse local conventional story-telling.
streaming service that provides pan- continuously delivering high-quality production to release. The challenge culture featured in the drama. It tells the story of Riz, a young
Asian entertainment, has Asian entertainment to audiences we are creating in collaboration with Rampas Cintaku man desperate to get out of debt,
commenced production for its first coupled with superior experiences Tiktok is just the first of many other In collaboration with well- poverty and harassment from loan
two Malaysian originals Sorry Naik beyond simply viewing their favourite experiences we want to create around established production house MIG sharks. He decides to work in a
Lori and Rampas Cintaku. Both are content. A key pillar of us delivering our originals for our users.” Productions, nightclub for better wages where he
expected to be released globally and this entertainment experience here in Sorry Naik Lori Rampas meets wealthy and illustrious
exclusively on the iQiyi platform later Malaysia is ensuring an ample supply A collaboration with renowned local Cintaku businesswoman, Datin Safieya.
in the year. of high-quality local content. Since production house Tsar Asia, Sorry stars Afieq While married to Dato Jeffri, she
iQiyi also provided a unique our foray into the local market in Naik Lori is a modern-day take on Shazwan, entices Rizal and promises him a life
opportunity for fans to engage with 2020, we’ve licensed some of the spousal dynamics through comedy popular of luxury should he agree to be her
their favourite stars on set during biggest local dramas from our and drama. It follows Khairul, a female sugar baby. Filled with
production and even partners Media Prima and Astro. young lorry driver who lives in celebrity twists, Rampas
participate in the production Penang with his wife Nadia, a Fasha Cintaku promises
itself. In collaboration with Kickstarting our first original housewife. Nadia dreams to become Sandha, to keep viewers
Tiktok, iQiyi launched its drama productions marks a social media influencer. Zarul Husin on the edge
“iQiyi Catwalk Challenge” another key milestone for us as we and Ady of their
that granted five lucky One day a random NikNok post of seats.
winners the opportunity continue to invest in her at the restaurant propels her to
to be a part of and make and grow the local fame. She soon receives an offer from
an appearance in the content a talent agency. Meanwhile, Khairul’s
shooting of Sorry Naik Lori, ecosystem. determination for extra income is
on top of winning an He added: met with resistance by bullies at work.
attractive RM500 cash “Keeping our All these resulted in a strain in their
reward. users at the relationship and caused Khairul to
Dinesh Ratnam, core of feel insecure.
Country Manager of everything
iQiyi Malaysia, we do, we are With a star-studded cast including
Singapore and also creating Nazim Othman, Ruhainies, Tajul, A scene
Brunei, said: “OTT new and fresh Nafiz Muaz, Sheila Mambo, Asha from
streaming experiences Zainul and Ahmad Saffuan, Sorry Rampas
continues to rise around our Naik Lori will keep viewers hooked Cintaku.
and demand for originals that with multiple plot twists and
Sorry Naik Lori. enable fans character development. Shot in


18 theSun LYFE ON TUESDAY | JUNE 14, 2022

█ BY HAZIQUE ZAIRILL Apodaca, went viral after posting a
video of himself gliding down a
TIKTOK, the popular platform The rise of TikTok highway on a longboard while
for the sharing of videos – marks a substancial drinking cranberry juice, lip-syncing
which is owned by the shift on how to the 1977 Fleetwood Mac song
Chinese company recorded music is Dreams.
ByteDance – has the potential to utilised. – 123RF
Following the event, Dreams re-
revolutionise the way in which the entered the Billboard Hot 100 after
music industry operates. being used by millions of TikTok
It can be seen that most of the users for more than four decades.
songs on Spotify’s Top 50 and
Billboard 100 charts are often How can such things happen?
influenced by TikTok’s popularity. Videos made on TikTok are very brief,
Therefore, even decades-old and even if the maximum duration of a
non-mainstream songs could emerge video is 60 seconds, so music plays a
naturally on the app. crucial role.
According to a November 2021 Many of the videos show people
survey done for TikTok by the music dancing or lip-syncing, but there are
analytics company MRC Data, “67% also videos of people giving speeches,
of the app’s users are more likely to reviewing businesses, or even giving
seek out songs on music-streaming advice.
platforms after encountering them on When those users create videos,
TikTok.” they typically select a song, cut it, and
It’s no secret that some labels are use only the most memorable
using TikTok as a way to promote portions of a song, such as a chorus or
both their most recent releases and when the beat drops.
their entire back catalogue, as it has The second aspect fueling virality
been shown that the app has proven may be so-called challenges, in which
to be a vital promotional tool for both millions of users construct visual
musicians and record labels alike. narratives or dance moves to a single
Marketers engage with influencers music clip and encourage other users
on the app to help a song acquire to follow the trends.
popularity, resulting in an TikTok videos don’t directly
avalanche of user- contribute to the chart’s success, but
generated TiktThoekmchuasnicgiinngdustry?a song’s success on the app might
content from affect its popularity on other music
their followers. streaming services, such as Spotify,
Some Joox, and Apple Music, and on the
musicians even Billboard charts.
schedule The future of the
exclusive TikTok music industry
listening sessions The success of
to obtain TikTok marks a
attention for their substantial shift
new tracks.
from the
industry’s view of recorded music as
o This app has proven that it isn’t a gimmick, and the something to be listened to passively.
music industry is sitting up and paying attention Music on TikTok is a medium for
creativity and artistic expression.
TikTok helps listeners discover
new music styles due to the brief
The beginning of the new hits era Artistes’ have skyrocketed due to videos. Its self-learning algorithm is
Early in 2019, American rapper and millions of TikTok users using their also the main reason that it exposes
vocalist Montero Lamar Hill, songs in their videos. viewers to a lot of new music rapidly.
commonly known by his stage name With only one tap, users can see more
Lil Nas X, hit the lottery when his Power of virality videos in the same genre of music.
song Old Town Road was named the CKay’s Love, Nwantiti was released in Importantly, what we’re seeing
most successful song of all time, and 2019, but it didn’t become a hit until now is very likely just the beginning in
became the first song ever to go 15 2021. Since then, it has been featured terms of new kinds of ways to express
times platinum. in more than seven million TikTok oneself creatively and new ways to
Due to the This success is largely down to the videos. This makes it the most promote music.
pandemic’s spike in song’s early adoption as a TikTok popular and successful pop song to In the meantime, it’s not clear
downloads, TikTok “meme” by millions of users. Old ever come out of Africa. whether this will restrict originality or
has reached 1 billion Town Road has become the origin With entirely new audiences, if artistes will feel forced to produce
monthly active users. story for an extraordinary string of classic songs are making remarkable “TikTokable” content for TikTok’s
– 123RF viral musical successes on TikTok. comebacks. One TikTok user, Nathan virality.

Affordable and quality online mental health

WE all saw the dark side of the 011-1984 4028, ask them about the per session with one session health help by making it easy to
pandemic, with suicide rates in services, make the payment, and typically lasting an hour. WhatsApp them.
Malaysia climbing nearly 150% you’ll be able to get started on your Meanwhile, data from the
during the first half of 2021. The past mental wellness journey. Millennium Cohort Study in Despite the affordable pricing,
two years have shined a new and 2012 found children in the Skybi holds up the quality of their
much-needed spotlight on the All their sessions are conducted lowest income quintile to be 4.5 service and can conduct
cruciality of improving the state of through Zoom, which allows anyone times more likely to experience counselling/psychotherapy sessions
mental wellbeing and care in to get help with an internet severe mental health problems across a broad variety of scenarios
Malaysia from several perspectives connection. Their Skybi Mental than those in the highest, and circumstances including
including awareness, accessibility, Health Community Service (SMHCS) suggesting that young people in individual therapy, marriage therapy,
affordability and quality of care. is a programme offering mental poverty require more help in family therapy and corporate
health services at a minimal amount terms of mental health. counselling amongst others.
That’s where Skybi comes into the or discounted price to lower-income Poverty in adulthood is also
picture. communities. linked to depressive disorders, By utilising a digital platform,
anxiety disorders, psychological Skybi is able to reach out to
Skybi is an online matching In Malaysia, the price for private distress, and suicide, which is why Malaysians across the country,
platform to connect people who therapists and counsellors can cost affordable mental health help is so organising and conducting sessions
require mental health services, important. An upcoming free webinar by Skybi in for clients even in the most remote
including live chat, virtual seminar anywhere between conjunction with their Parenting locations in the comfort of their own
talk, E-mental health assessments RM200 to RM500 Month Series which might include homeswhich helps avoid the
and e-psychotherapy. Face-to- Tiger Parenting Style & Helicopter unfortunate stigma associated with
face mental health services are With Skybi, students and people in Parenting Style. seeking mental health help.
also available upon special B40 communities can now get help
request. with just RM10. Kai Lin Ng, Skybi’s vice president
To know more about of operation, mentioned that “Skybi
In order to use your current mental has taken the initiative to not just roll
Skybi’s services, all health status, you can tension/stress, making mental out a temporary campaign to address
you need to do is also take the free healthcare more accessible to some this, but to make social outreach for
WhatsApp them at mental health of the most at risk and impacted mental health a core pillar of our
Skybi offers assessment on their individuals. organisation.”
accessible, affordable website, which is a On top of that, Skybi also conducts
& quality mental Google Form DASS an array of free-to-join webinars for If you are ever in need of support
healthcare from as low 21-item self-report underserved communities, or counselling, Skybi can also be
as RM10. instrument designed educating them on their mental contacted by their email at
to measure depression, health and destigmatising the [email protected]. To find out
anxiety and concept of reaching out for mental more about their services, visit – by Marietta Mu


19theSun LYFE ON TUESDAY | JUNE 14, 2022


CHO CHEE MIN beautifully
twists and bends steel wires
to create unique shaped
baskets, and some of the
pieces look like mini art sculptures
that should have been on the shelves
of an art gallery.
Surprisingly, these handcrafted
baskets were once used to keep eggs
in the kitchen by the older generation
in Chinese community, many
decades ago.
However, Cho’s innovative
approach to the designs elevated the
simple basket into a work of art.
His wire creations are aesthetically
beautiful and contemporary, and
though meant to function as a mere
basket, it is actually perfect as a
decorative piece in any interior
design or high-end setting.
“I make fully-handcrafted
decorative steel wire baskets, similar
to those found in many Malaysian
households [and used] for collecting Incredible wire basketsCho’s creations have evolved in terms of design and shape over the years. –ALLPIXBYCHOCHEEMIN
and storing eggs and dry produce,
and commonly used about 40 to 50
years, ago,” said Cho.

“All my baskets are made by
hand-twisting and bending wires of
different thicknesses to create the
structural frames, handles, and mesh
bodies. The same techniques were o Cho Chee Min uses steel wire to craft a
originally used for Chinese stunning heritage basket – which was once
handcrafted wire skimmers called
‘spiders,’ which my family used to
make,” he added. used to store eggs – into a work of art
Some creations take just a few
days to a month to make, depending
on the basket’s size, mesh density including my mother, me and my years.
and complexity. siblings, helped him with the manual Though he still makes baskets
His latest creation is a pair of production process,” said Cho. similar to what his parents used to
baskets named Feng Fu, which Cho’s father got into crafting wire make, most of his current pieces are
translates to “abundance” in English. baskets using the same method as different and showcase unique
“The Feng Fu I is the largest basket skimmer crafting in his later years. designs.
I have made so far, and the scaled Although Cho didn’t pick up the skills “I began making my steel baskets
down Feng Fu II is available from The directly from his father, he learned in late 2019, and the first one was a
Boutique at Datai Langkawi. from his mother, who had in turn blend of my own design and the
“These creations are inspired by learned from his father. traditional egg baskets my father
the idea of baskets as a traditional “I never directly learned the craft once made. I still make the traditional
and universal symbol of harvest and of making baskets from my father, as design till today,” said Cho.
plenty, as represented by the basket’s he only passed on the skill of “Over time, I ventured into designs
wide, rotund form and its multiple skimmer making to me. Basketry was with finer details and more
thousands of twists and loops,” said something he developed in his later ornamental elements. I remade some
Cho. years, in fact, after I had left home,” he old baskets left behind by my late
His baskets are usually inspired by said. father. I have made one-of-a-kind
vintage homeware, antique vessels, “I began to try my hand at baskets, which are much higher
and – believe it or not– the shape of replicating some baskets my late priced than my repeated (usual)
fruits and vegetables like pumpkin. father had left for me and my siblings, designs.”
He uses a specific technique to and I started to develop an Cho’s father created the baskets
make his basket. “Every basket appreciation for the craft which I with plastic-encased wires for
incorporates a radial ‘spider’ design inherited from my parents.” utilitarian purposes; hence, the mesh
at the base, a quintessentially East Though, he had not made baskets was looser, the form was simpler and
Asian feature taken from the kitchen in years, he had a chance to get back less sturdy.
skimmer of the same name,” said into wire crafting four years ago as he “In comparison to his process, I
Cho. wanted to accompany and spend focus more on showcasing
more time with his ageing mother craftsmanship and making each
From simple to stunning and to “keep her hands active”. basket an art piece in its own right,”
Initially, Cho started off by making “In 2019, I started gifting my said Cho.
these simple heritage egg baskets baskets to family and friends for The craft, however, comes with
before venturing into his own design. special occasions and holidays, and many challenges.
“My late father passed on the skills people’s excitement and enthusiasm “Every step is manually executed,
of crafting traditional wire skimmers at receiving them prompted me to and much agility and strength in the
in the 1960s and 1970s while he was share what I had created on fingers and hands is required. I have
growing up in Mantin, Negeri Instagram with my daughters’ help,” had hundreds of failed attempts,
Sembilan,” said Cho, who lost his said Cho. practised for countless hours, and
father years ago. even endured periods of physical
“He had a side business crafting An elegant egg basket pain in my hands while developing
the utensils to supply kitchenware His basket making skills evolved in my skill over the past couple of years.
shops at the time, and my family, terms of design and shape over the “Attention to detail throughout the
entire crafting process of a basket is a
must, to ensure every gap is
consistently-spaced, the final form is
balanced and symmetrical, and also
material consistency,” explained Cho.
“It seems almost impossible to
have access to wires of the same Cho Chee Min pays attention to details in his crafting.
pliability, even when purchasing
from a regular supplier. So my fingers a sturdy yet airy quality, structural memories among the older
have to constantly adapt, and in some elements are visible, and for him, this generation, he is also aware that the
cases, a piece cannot be completed gives a somewhat contemporary and difficulty and time-consuming nature
because it’s virtually impossible due timeless feel. of making the basket could have
to the density or closeness of the In fact, he has seen baskets used as deterred the younger generation
twists and loops, and the hardness of art objects despite its humble history from picking up the craft.
the steel.” as a utilitarian carrier. “Many traditional art forms, not
“I think it’s wonderful that wire just wire basketry, are currently dying
From common to contemporary baskets have evolved into decorative out. While we can’t force the next
Despite its beauty and functionality, pieces. It’s like how people put vases generations to preserve these skills,
one wonders if these heritage baskets and jars on display, just because of as long as people continue to value
are still relevant in this day and age, or their beautiful form and design.” the handcrafted and the traditional, I
fit into the contemporary world? trust that efforts will be made to keep
Though Cho feels the wire baskets For the next generation. them alive in some way or form,”
A close up of Cho working on one of his wire baskets. have a nostalgic and rustic charm and While the baskets bring back fond added Cho.


20 theSun LYFE ON TUESDAY | JUNE 14, 2022

Never too old for
o MSU offers breakthrough ways for working adults
wishing to further their studies as well as enhance
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IT was inspiring how Lau Ay Kuen made up colleagues and classmates. educational and professional backgrounds in Lau Ay Kuen (on
his mind to pursue a Diploma in Being an adult learner with a greater sense of mind. right) with MSU
Translation and Interpreting at President, Prof
Management and Science University maturity along with long life experiences, Lau is Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning Tan Sri Dato’
(MSU). He has a sound background as a more likely to be focused, motivated and (APEL) returns opportunities lost to education Wira Dr Mohd
translator and interpreter, with 20 years of achievement-oriented. put on hold, with flexible learning at MSU. Shukri Ab Yajid
experience including four years of teaching after receiving
Mandarin and English in secondary school All the hard work was rewarded when he Introduced and approved by the Malaysian the President’s
after graduating with a basic teaching certificate received the President’s List Award from the Qualifications Agency (MQA), APEL widens List Award
from Maktab Perguruan Ipoh in 1991. university twice, as an acknowledgement of his access to higher education for adult learners 2021/2022.
strong will and ability to maintain his excellent who are richly work-experienced yet lacking pursue their education is a micro-credential
After so many years in Sabah, he returned to grades. Among the materials that he translated academic qualifications. The APEL C pathway programme. Its offer offers industry in-demand
his home town in Tanjung Malim, Perak to look were testimonies from magazines, fiction, provides credit transfer for entry into diploma programmes that provide flexible and made
after his mother and at the same time to explore novels, inspirational quotes, business write- programmes right up to PhD. easy learning assessments that shall fulfil his or
other opportunities available. Knowing well his ups, and research papers. her needs for comprehensive education in
skills and capabilities in translation and APEL C or Accreditation of Prior Experiential preferred areas of study. These stackable
interpreting, the family members encouraged He is also a certified HRDF trainer. His Learning via Credit Transfer allows the programmes will allow for exemptions into
him to get a formal certificate from a qualified experience as a teacher also allowed him the assessment of credits against matching academic programmes at MSU.
institution. His search for higher institutions opportunity to teach Mandarin at MSU. modules in a programme of study. Lifelong learners from all walks of life may
that offered courses related to translation and access MSU’s range of undergraduate as well as
interpreting led him to MSU. “It was an honour to serve the university Once an APEL C applicant’s competency postgraduate programmes, and choose from a
because teaching is my true passion, and I level is determined, those credits can shorten variety of study modes to fit their situation best:
“Through the flexible learning mode at MSU, always enjoy sharing knowledge with others. his or her entire study duration considerably, whether to attend classes on the weekdays, the
it gives me freedom and allows me to learn at Hopefully, I can work until my very last breath saving time and money. weekends, or in the evenings or to opt for virtual
my own pace, which is within the academic to benefit more people around me. learning that runs via video conference
timetable and can be done at any time, from Another flexible option for adult learners to supported by online discussion.
any place. There’s one inspirational Chinese proverb For a full range and information on flexible
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“As I am self-employed, flexible learning old to learn something new, which says: “Live 5521 6868, email [email protected], or visit
provides me with full control and accountability until you’re old, study until you’re old.”
for learning, and to balance with other
commitments. Rather than having to attend As for Lau, earning this diploma will never
classes as a requirement of conventional stop him from keeping on learning and moving
learning, I am able to decide and allocate time forward. Age is just a number, and he would like
to study at my convenience. to pursue more in the future.

“The biggest challenge is always meeting Management and Science University (MSU)
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lecturers. Overall, I really enjoy the experiences, Centre (CEdEC) offers breakthrough ways for
including being surrounded by much younger working adults wishing to further their studies
as well as enhance their skills and knowledge. A
wide range of programmes are offered with the
student’s convenience as well as their

322 Notices 322 Notices 21theSUN ON TUESDAY | JUNE 14, 2022
THE COMPANIES ACT, 2016 PULAU PINANG Tour title since 2019 goes on after he
was beaten by Matteo Berrettini in
AND DALAM NEGERI PULAU PINANG the final of the Stuttgart Open
PA - 24FC - 289 - 11/2021 More concerning, though, was an apparent
RULES, 1972 left hip problem for which he twice sought
AND Dalam Perkara Mengenai Hartanah yang treatment in the third set before
dipegang di bawah Hakmilik Strata No. succumbing to a 6-4, 5-7, 6-3 defeat
IN THE MATTER OF Berdaftar Pajakan Negeri No.637/M1/1/16, against last year’s Wimbledon
ETON INTERNATIONAL Lot No. 2676, Petak No. 16, Tingkat No. runner-up.
1, Bangunan No.M1, Bandar Butterworth,
SDN. BHD. Seksyen 3, Daerah Seberang Perai Utara, It has been one of Murray’s best
(In Liquidation) Pulau Pinang; weeks since his hip problems came to
(Reg. No.: 201601035954 the fore in 2017, with the Scot defeating
042 Vehicles Wanted 322 Notices (1206895-P)) Dan Stefanos Tsitsipas and Nick Kyrgios to reach his
By order of the High Court of first grass-court final since he won his second
ʿˢˢ˞˜ˡ˚ ˙ˢ˥ ˚ˢˢ˗ IN THE MATTER OF Malaya at Pulau Pinang dated Dalam Perkara Mengenai milikan kosong Wimbledon title in 2016.
˖ˢˡ˗˜˧˜ˢˡ ˖˔˥˦ THE COMPANIES ACT, 2016 23rd day of May 2022, Khor Yong hartanah yang dipegang di bawah Hakmilik
Yong of 33B Jalan Pahang, 10400 Strata No. Berdaftar Pajakan Negeri No.637/ With only two weeks until Wimbledon, and
ʢˀ˃ˉʢˆˈˉ AND Georgetown, Pulau Pinang, has M1/1/16, Lot No. 2676, Petak No. 16, Tingkat with Murray due to play at Queen’s Club this
ʛ˟ˢ˖˔˟ʢʽ˔ˣ˔ˡ˘˦˘ʢ IN THE MATTER OF been appointed liquidator of the No. 1, Bangunan No.M1, Bandar Butterworth, week, the Scot must hope this is not an issue
CONCOA PACIFIC SDN. BHD. above-named company. Seksyen 3, Daerah Seberang Perai Utara, that will put him back on the sidelines.
˖ˢˡ˧˜ˡ˘ˡ˧˔˟ʜ Company No. 200201006999 Khor Yong Yong Pulau Pinang;
˕˘˟ˢ˪ ʱ ʫ ˬ˥˦ ˢ˟˗ Liquidator Murray a concern
˙ˢ˥ ˖ˢˠˣ˔ˡˬ ˟ˢˡ˚ (574662-P) Dated this 14th day of June 2022 Dan for Wimbledon
˧˘˥ˠ ˟˘˔˦˘ʡ Voluntary Winding-up) THE COMPANIES ACT, 2016 Dalam Perkara Mengenai Gadaian Perserahan Briton troubled by apparent hip
ʶ˔˟˟ ʣʤʬʬʦʣʪʦʣʫ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT No. 17820/2000 bertarikh 30/08/2000; problem in Stuttgart defeat
pursuant to Section 459 of the AND
Advertise with us Companies Act, 2016, the Final IN THE MATTER OF Dan
& connect to our Meeting of the Members of the COMPANIES (WINDING UP)
urban readers. abovenamed Company will be held at Dalam Perkara Mengenai Seksyen 256 dan
Suite 701, 7th Floor, Wisma Hangsam, RULES, 1972 257 Kanun Tanah Negara, 1965;
KLANG VALLEY Jalan Hang Lekir, 50000 Kuala Lumpur AND
PENANG | KEDAH on 15th July 2022 at 10:00 am for the Dan
PERAK | PERLIS following purposes :- IN THE MATTER OF
PAHANG | KELANTAN AGENDA ETON INTERNATIONAL Dalam Perkara Mengenai Aturan 83 Kaedah-
1. To receive and consider the Kaedah Mahkamah 2012
TERENGGANU Liquidator’s Final Accounts showing SDN. BHD.
how the winding-up has been (In Liquidation) Antara
MS. Shoba conducted and to receive any (Reg. No.: 201601035954
TEL: 03-7784 8888 explanations thereon; and (1206895-P)) PUBLIC BANK BERHAD (6463-H) …Plaintif
FAX: 03-7784 4424 2. To resolve, under Section 518(3)(b) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Dan
of the Companies Act, 2016 that the Creditors of the above Company
MALACCA | books, accounts and documents of which is being wound up by court, KOAY LEE LEE
SEREMBAN the Company be destroyed after the are required on or before 14th (NO. K/P: 5538029/ 590516-02-5456)
expiration of 3 months from the date July 2022, to send their names
MR. Rajah of the Final Meeting. and addresses and the particulars …Defendan
TEL: 012-628 2844 GOH KENG JUAY of their debts or claims and
FAX: 06-764 2051 the names and addresses of Kepada:- NOTIS IKLAN
(Liquidator) their solicitors (if any) to the
JOHOR BAHRU Dated this 14th day of June 2022. undersigned, the Liquidator of the KOAY LEE LEE
Note: said Company, and, if so required BLOCK C-6599-0
MS. Anne Lim A member entitled to attend and vote in writing from the Liquidator are TAMAN MAK MANDIN FLAT
TEL: 013-770 6699 at the above meeting may appoint a by their solicitors or personally to 13400 BUTTERWORTH, PENANG
FAX: 07-355 5549 proxy to attend and vote on his behalf come in and prove their debts or
and such proxy need not be a member. claims at such time and place as KOAY LEE LEE
Such proxy forms will be sent by or shall be specified in such notice NO 6599-0 TAMAN MAK MANDIN
may be obtained from the Liquidator. or in default thereof they will be 13400 BUTTERWORTH, PENANG
All proxy forms must be lodged with excluded from the benefit of any
the Liquidator at Suite 701, 7th Floor distribution made before such AMBIL PERHATIAN bahawa satu Saman Speaking in an on-court interview
, Wisma Hangsam, Jalan Hang Lekir, debts are proved. Pemula dan Afidavit Sokongan telah broadcast by Tennis Channel, Murray said: “It’s
50000 Kuala Lumpur not less than 48 Khor Yong Yong dikeluarkan terhadap kamu dalam Mahkamah been a incredible week here. I really enjoyed it.
hours before the time set for holding Liquidator ini oleh Public Bank Berhad (No. Syarikat I’d like to congratulate Matteo and his team on
the meeting . 33B Jalan Pahang, 6463-H) yang beralamat di Regional Credit a fantastic week.
10400 Georgetown, Pulau Pinang Centre-Penang, Tingkat 2, No. 48, Bishop
Tel: +604 286 4100 Street, 10200 Penang dan Mahkamah telah “He’s just come back from a surgery and it’s
Dated this memerintahkan supaya Saman Pemula dan never easy. He played extremely well today
14th day of June 2022. Afidavit Sokongan ini diserahkan kepada and deserved the win. Finally thank you to my
kamu secara penyampaian ganti dengan team here and my team back home.
IN THE HIGH COURT OF MALAYA menampalkan sesalinan Saman Pemula
AT KUALA LUMPUR dan Afidavit Sokongan dengan sesalinan “Sorry I couldn’t get over the line today, but
meterai Perintah Penyampaian Ganti pada there’s been a lot of progress the last few weeks.
IN THE FEDERAL TERRITORY OF Papan Notis Mahkamah Tinggi Pulau Pinang, I’m looking forward to what the future has to
KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA dipremis terakhir Defendan yang diketahui hold, I’m feeling a lot better about my game.
COMPANIES (WINDING-UP) di Block C-6599-0 Taman Mak Mandin Hopefully my body can hold up a little while
NO.: WA-28NCC-359-05/2022 Flat, 13400 Butterworth, Pulau Pinang longer so I can keep playing matches like this.”
dan/atau No 6599-0 Taman Mak Mandin,
In the matter of Sections 465 (1) 13400 Butterworth, Penang dimana kedua- Meanwhile at the Libema Open in Holland,
(e) & 466(1)(a) of the Companies dua alamat tersebut merupakan premis local wild card Tim Van Rijthoven completed a
Act, 2016 yang sama dan pengiklanan Notis ini remarkable week by defeating top seed Daniil
dalam surat khabar tempatan dan bahawa Medvedev to claim his first ATP Tour title.
And penampalan dan pengiklanan ini adalah
In the matter of NEMS GATEWAY SDN merupakan penyampaian yang sempurna, The 25-year-old had only ever faced one
BHD (Company No. 201401013329 cukup dan memadai akan penyampaian top-50 player in his career before last week but
(1089413-V)) Saman Pemula dan Afidavit Sokongan ini defeated the top three seeds, following up
kepada Defendan yang dinamakan di atas victories over Taylor Fritz and Felix Auger-
Between selepas tujuh (7) hari dari perbuatan akhir Aliassime by seeing off Medvedev 6-4, 6-1.
HAMI STYLE INTERNATIONAL SDN penampalan atau pengiklanan sedemikian.
BHD (Company No. 201901040919 There was also an upset in the women’s
(1350249-A)) DAN SELANJUTNYA AMBIL PERHATIAN final, with seventh seed Ekaterina Alexandrova
bahawa Saman Pemula akan didengar defeating top seed Aryna Sabalenka 7-5, 6-0. –
…Petitioner di Mahkamah ini pada 20 JUN 2022 jam The Independent
And 9:00 pagi yang mana pada hari tersebut
NEMS GATEWAY SDN BHD (Company kamu dikehendaki hadir, dan jika kamu INSIDE EDGE
No. 201401013329 (1089413-V)) tidak hadir, Mahkamah akan menjatuhkan
satu Perintah Jualan bagi hartanah di
…Respondent atas terhadap kamu atas ketidakhadiran.
NOTICE is hereby given that a Saman Pemula dan Afidavit Sokongan
Petition for the winding-up of the itu boleh diperiksa oleh kamu atas
abovenamed company by the permohonan kepada Mahkamah.
302 Jobs High Court was, on the 6th of May
2022, presented by Hami Style Bertarikh pada 09 Mei 2022
WE ARE HIRING International Sdn Bhd, a Creditor
that the said Petition is directed to .......................................
ADVERTISING SALES & be heard before the Court sitting at PENOLONG KANAN PENDAFTAR
MARKETING Kuala Lumpur High Court at 9:00
o’clock in the morning, on the 4th MAHKAMAH TINGGI
1)ASSISTANT MANAGER / MANAGER October 2022; and any creditor or PULAU PINANG
2)EXECUTIVE / SENIOR EXECUTIVE contributory of the said company
desiring to support or oppose the Notis Iklan ini difailkan oleh Toh Theam Andy Murray reacts
Job Description: making of an order on the said Hock & Co., Peguamcara bagi Plaintif yang during the ATP tour
Petition may appear at the time of beralamat di No. 155, Tingkat 1, Medan final against Matteo
• Building and sustaining strong working relationships with hearing by himself or his counsel Kikik Satu, Taman Inderawasih, 13600 Perai. Berrettini. – AFPPIX
advertising clients. for that purpose; and a copy of the [Ruj: TTH/PBB/OD-10/2021/OSY/INA]
Petition will be furnished to any
• Plan and executive new, creative, exciting and innovative creditor or contributory of the said 322 Notices
marketing campaigns for the company company requiring the same by
the undersigned on payment of the Shadab blows away Windies Classy Klaasen puts
• Develop and continuously improve marketing materials, regulated charge for the same. Proteas two up
product/service presentations and proposals. The Petitioner’s address is Level 5, ALLROUNDER Shadab Khan hit a fighting
Menara Liang Court, No.37, Jalan half century before taking four wickets to HEINRICH KLAASEN capitalised on his
• Passionate in serving client accounts to improve sales revenue Sultan Ahmad Shah, Pulau Pinang, anchor Pakistan’s 53-run win over the West chance selection to smash 81 off 46 balls as
Jalan Clove Hall, 10500 George Indies in the third and final day-night South Africa beat India by four wickets in the
Requirements: Town, Penang. international in Multan which was second Twenty20 International for a 2-0
The Petitioner’s Solicitor is Messrs interrupted by a dust storm. Shadab hit 86 series lead in Cuttack yesterday.
• Minimum Diploma/Bachelor's degree in business, marketing, Boon & Partners whose address for to lift Pakistan to 269-9 after unlikely West Bhuvneshwar Kumar claimed three wickets
or any other related field. service is at No.64, Jalan Saujana Indian hero Nicholas Pooran grabbed four in the powerplay to reduce South Africa to
Indah 1, Summer Heights, S2 wickets to leave the home team struggling 29-3 in reply to India’s modest total of 148-6
• Assistant Manager/Manager: minimum 5 years of experience in Heights, 70300 Seremban 2, Negeri at 117-5. Opener Imam-ul-Haq scored a after being put into bat. Klaasen, selected
sales and marketing in media industry Sembilan (Tel: 017-630 1860; Email: brilliant 68-ball 62 but there was a rare after wicketkeeper-batsman Quinton de
[email protected]) [Ref: BP/ failure for world No. 1 ODI batsman Babar Kock sat out with a hand injury, smashed five
• Executive/Senior Executive: at least 2 years of sales and BS/061/2022]. Azam who fell for one off three balls. sixes and seven fours in his incendiary knock
marketing experience in media industry Shadab’s legspin then fetched 4-62 to as South Africa romped home with 10 balls
-Signed- dismiss the visitors for 216 in 37.2 overs, remaining. David Miller scored the winning
• Good communication, presentation, problem solving and ………………………………… giving Pakistan 30 invaluable points in the run for the tourists and remained not out on
organizational skills ODI Super League, a qualification round for 20. “Klaasen’s was a top knock,” Miller said. “It
Solicitors for the Petitioner next year’s World Cup in India. is very tough to win in India, but we still have
• Possess own transport and willing to travel Messrs Boon & Partners a lot of hard work still to do.”
• Able to start work immediately. NOTE:- Root, Pope lead
Any person who intends to appear England fightback State honours for Warne, Barty
DIGITAL MARKETING on the hearing of the said petition
must serve on and send by post JOE ROOT scored his fastest Test century SHANE WARNE has received his first
EXECUTIVE / SENIOR EXECUTIVE to the abovenamed, Messrs Boon while Ollie Pope struck a superb 145, as Australian state honour posthumously after
& Partners, notice in writing of England launched a stirring fightback to being named an Officer of the Order of
Job Description: his intention so to do. The notice reach 473-5 at the close of play on the third Australia (AO) along with former tennis player
must state the firm, and must be day of the second Test against New Zealand Ash Barty in the Queen’s Birthday list. The
• Design and develop online marketing strategies, digital roadmap served, or, if posted, must be sent yesterday. Resuming on 90-1 in the spin-bowling great, who died at the age of 52
and creative campaigns that aligned with the business goals and by post in sufficient time to reach morning after the touring side had posted a of a suspected heart attack while on holiday in
directions. the abovenamed not later than massive first-innings total of 553, England Thailand in March, was showered with awards
12:00 o’clock noon of the 3rd day excelled on a good batting wicket at a in the sporting world but had never been
• Provide creative ideas for content marketing. of October 2022 (the day before the sunny Trent Bridge to trail by 80 when formally honoured by his country. That was
• Manage all digital marketing channels day appointed for the hearing of the stumps were drawn. Root was unbeaten on rectified late on Sunday when he received the
• Plan and manage social media platforms. petition). 163 with Ben Foakes not out on 24 after award “for distinguished service to cricket as a
• Able to create content & produce graphics for social media being handed a lifeline. “Amazing. He’s player, role model and commentator, to the
England’s greatest,” Pope told the BBC while community through charitable initiatives, and
postings. discussing Root. “Watching him do what for philanthropic contributions”. Three-times
• Prepare copywriting for the marketing campaign. he’s doing at the moment – it’s a joy to be a Grand Slam champion Barty received her
part of in the changing room or out there in award three months after retiring from
Requirements: the middle with him. It’s amazing to watch.” professional tennis at the age of 25.

• Diploma/Degree in Marketing, Digital Marketing or equivalent.
• At least 2 years of experience in implementing digital marketing

• Excellent understanding of digital marketing concepts and

best practices.
• Required Skill(s): Google Adwords, Google Analytics, SEO/SEM,

social media marketing and optimization.
• Team player
• Great interpersonal and communication skills

Office based in Petaling Jaya (5 days a week)
Closing date - 30 June 2022

Send in your CV with your photo via email to :

[email protected]


Max stays grounded SHORTS
Keep it up!

Verstappen not getting carried away despite Red Bull’s Azerbaijan GP win MAX VERSTAPPEN spared no sympathy for
MAX VERSTAPPEN has admitted Charles Leclerc after the Dutchman took
Red Bull cannot get carried away Verstappen pre-race is now a 34-point gap. a team as well, it’s a really good day for us. I advantage of a race-ending engine failure
despite a fifth successive But Verstappen is still wary of a response think every weekend is a bit different, you for his Ferrari Formula One rival to cruise to
Formula One race win for the from the Prancing Horse in Canada this really have to be precise and on it for the an unchallenged win in Azerbaijan on
team in Azerbaijan. Verstappen clinched his Sunday. little things for the race management as well. Sunday.
The Dutchman said: “Today we had an It can swing around every race weekend.”
fourth win in the last five races in Baku and incredible car and we could really look after Second-placed Perez said: “I would say sh*t happens, that’s racing,
his first at this circuit. the car and chip away at it and pass for the “Unfortunately we missed the virtual safety you know?”Verstappen, who experienced
The Red Bull driver became the sixth lead. car stop, there was some miscommunication the heartbreak of crashing out of the lead in
different winner of the Baku race and was “Of course also a tiny bit lucky with the and we were a bit too late. We were a bit Baku last year, told reporters.
helped by a double Ferrari DNF with Carlos retirement. Nevertheless our car was really unlucky there.
Sainz, on lap nine, and Charles Leclerc, on quick today so I could’ve closed that gap “At the restart I just had too much deg “It happened to me, it happened to
lap 20, both forced to retire. Leclerc had a then you have a race on your hands. (degradation) on the medium tyre, the many people in the past and unfortunately
power unit failure while leading the race. “Overall, really happy with how deg was extremely high for me. We it’s happening to Charles.
After crossing the finishing line, the balance of the car was today. have to understand what
Verstappen said: “Was that a good race or Tyre behaviour together with happened there. Certainly Max “If I would be in the same situation, I
was that a good race? You tell me. Amazing general grip of the car, that’s was a lot stronger today on that would also be disappointed, I think that’s
result for the team. Really happy with that.” what you need around here, medium stint. very normal, but it’s about how you come
Verstappen is now 21 points clear in the then you can look after “A lot of things to review but out of it.”
championship standings with Sergio Perez your tyres. still a very good team result. I
second. “A think it was the right call by “You learn from it, you don’t like it, you
The Mexican, who finished P2 in o n e - the team (not to fight) are angry, but you turn it around,” he said.
Azerbaijan, is 13 ahead of Ferrari’s Leclerc. two as because Max was a bit further
The Monegasque’s nine-point deficit to ahead at the time. “You always have to stay on it because
“It’s a good team result In this something else might happen and you
RESULTS race anything can happen but have to prevent these issues from
we managed a one-two
so that’s a great team Russell agrees with Hamilton
AZERBAIJAN GRAND PRIX result.” – Express on‘brutal’Mercedes issues
1. Max Verstappen (Red Bull) Newspapers
2. Sergio Perez (Red Bull) GEORGE RUSSELL admitted that he was
3. George Russell (Mercedes) relieved to see the chequered flag at the
4. Lewis Hamilton (Mercedes) Azerbaijan Grand Prix after he and Lewis
5. Pierre Gasly (AlphaTauri) Hamilton were subjected to violent
6. Sebastian Vettel (Aston Martin) bouncing on the long straights in Baku.
7. Fernando Alonso (Alpine)
8. Daniel Ricciardo (McLaren) Russell managed to secure an
9. Lando Norris (McLaren) impressive third-placed finish at the end of
10. Esteban Ocon (Alpine) the 51-lap contest but was far from
11. Valtteri Bottas (Alfa Romeo) comfortable inside the cockpit.
12. Alexander Albon (Williams)
13. Yuki Tsunoda (AlphaTauri) Hamilton, who crossed the finish line in
14. Mick Schumacher (Haas) fourth place, complained of back pain at
15. Nicholas Latifi (Williams) times via team radio and was spotted
16. Lance Stroll (Aston Martin) Charles Leclerc after winning moving gingerly as he pulled himself out
pole position in Baku on of his car in the immediate aftermath of
FASTEST LAP: Sergio Perez (Red Bull) Saturday. –REUTERSPIX the race.
DNF: Carlos Sainz (Ferrari), Charles
Leclerc (Ferrari), Zhou Guanyu (Alfa “To be honest I was pleased to see the
Romeo), Kevin Magnussen (Haas), Lance race come to a close,” he told Sky Sports F1.
Stroll (Aston Martin) “Just smashing the ground every single
corner, every single lap.
WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP STANDINGS Leclerc ‘hurt’ after Baku failure
Drivers “(It was) pretty brutal, I’ll sleep well
1. Max Verstappen (NED) 150; 2. Sergio Perez CHARLES LECLERC has admitted his happen again. tonight. Especially on a circuit that isn’t
(MEX) 129; 3. Charles Leclerc (MON) 116; 4. retirement from the Azerbaijan Grand Prix “I don’t really find the right words to usually too physical, it’s just what we’ve
George Russell (GBR) 99; 5. Carlos Sainz (ESP) “hurts”. got to deal with and live with at the
83; 6. Lewis Hamilton (GBR) 62; 7. Lando describe it. It’s very, very disappointing. I moment.”
Norris (GBR) 50; 8. Valtteri Bottas (FIN) 40; 9. Leclerc’s Ferrari teammate Carlos Sainz don;’t know. We really need to look into it.
Esteban Ocon (FRA) 31; 10. Pierre Gasly (FRA) similarly had to retire after an issue on lap Mercedes team principal Toto Wolff
16; 11. Fernando Alonso (ESP) 16; 12. Kevin nine. “We’ve been fast and we did have apologised to Hamilton moments after the
Magnussen (DEN) 15; 13. Daniel Ricciardo problems in the first part of the season. race.
(AUS) 15; 14. Sebastian Vettel (GER) 13; 15. The Prancing Horse are being plagued Now it seems we have a bit more compared
Yuki Tsunoda (JPN) 11; 16. Alexander Albon by problems after Leclerc also suffered a to the beginning of the season but we “This is a bit of a **** box to drive, and
(THA) 3; 17. Lance Stroll (CAN) 2; 18. Zhou mechanical issue in the Spanish Grand Prix didn’t change massive things. sorry for the back problems.”
Guanyu (CHN) 1; 19. Mick Schumacher (GER) last month, with a lack of reliability and
0; 20. Nico Hulkenberg (GER) 0; 21. Nicholas team mistakes threatening to derail his “If anything we made it better so it’s Hamilton responded: “And well done on
Latifi (CAN) 0. championship bid. difficult to understand. We’ll have to the strategy. Thank you on continuing to
Constructors analyse. I don’t have the full picture of what push, but make some changes, okay?
1. Red Bull 279; 2. Ferrari 199; 3. Mercedes Damningly, Leclerc has started on pole happened today. Personally, again, it hurts. Please. Let’s keep pushing.”
161; 4. McLaren 65; 5. Alpine 47; 6. Alfa position in all of the last four races but has
Romeo 41; 7. AlphaTauri 27; 8. Haas 15; 9. not won any of them. That makes him the “I really don’t know for now. I have no Thongchai makes history
Aston Martin 15; 10. Williams 3. first driver to fail to convert four successive news. There’s still the disappointment. I
poles since Juan Pablo Montoya in 2002. came from the car straight to here and I THONGCHAI JAIDEE wrote a slice of golf
didn’t speak to anybody from the team. I history by becoming the first Thai golfer to
He told Sky Sports F1: “It hurts. We really don’t know what’s going on.” – Express win on PGA Tour Champions following a
have to look into that so it does not Newspapers one-stroke victory over Tom Pernice Jr at
the American Family Insurance
McIlroy takes dig at Norman after Canada win Championship yesterday.

RORY MCILROY hit a superb final round of 62 “Twenty first PGA Tour win, one more than the year and he said: “I think after Covid I just Tied for the overnight lead, the 52-year-
to retain his RBC Canadian Open title – before someone else, that gave me a little extra needed a complete reset, sort of rededicated old Thongchai signed off with a 4-under
taking aim at rebel series chief Greg Norman. incentive today and happy to get it done.” myself to the game a little bit, sort of realised 68 for a winning total of 14-under 202 at
what made me happy and this makes me University Ridge – The University of
McIlroy, who started the day in a share of Finau closed with a 64, as did Justin Thomas, happy.” Wisconsin Golf Course to earn his maiden
the lead with Tony Finau, hit 10 birdies in his 8- who was third on 15-under, while Justin Rose victory on US soil in what was his 19th
under round to finish two shots clear of the hit the best round of the day, a 10-under 60 Rose provided a curtain-raiser to the final- career start on PGA Tour Champions.
American on 19-under and land his 21st PGA earning him a share of fourth place, a shot group fireworks and flirted with the 13th sub-
Tour crown. further back. 60 round in PGA tour history. Jerry Kelly and 36-hole co-leader
Miguel Angel Jimenez were amongst four
That is one more than Norman, the CEO of McIlroy finished with back-to-back birdies The Englishman, who had a real chance not players who finished tied third.
the Saudi-backed LIV Golf Invitational Series, on the 17th and 18th, having dropped shots at only at 59 but even at Jim Furyk’s PGA record of
whose maiden tournament finished on Sunday. the 13th and 16th. 58 – admitted it was a disappointing finish “I’m really very happy with the
The PGA Tour has suspended its members who “because you know what’s at stake, for sure. tournament here. Sometimes everything
teed off in the event at Centurion Club. He added: “It’s incredible, playing with Tony has to be perfect, you can’t expect you can
and JT (Thomas) today, two of the top players “I never shot 59 before, so it would have win… I’m very happy,” said a jubilant
“This is a day I’ll remember for a long, long in the world and all of just playing the way we been a lovely footnote on the week,” added Thongchai.
time,” McIlroy said on CBS after his victory at St did.” Rose, who finished tied for fourth with Sam
George’s Golf and Country Club in Toronto. Burns. – The Independent/AFP With his lowest 54-hole score on PGA
Victory was the Northern Irishman’s first of TOUR Champions, Thongchai became the
first international winner of the American
Family Insurance Championship which
dates back to 2016 and rose to 12th place
on the Charles Schwab Cup standing.

He is now exempt on the over-50
circuit through the end of 2023 and also
earned a spot in the 2023 Mitsubishi
Electric Championship in Hualalai.

“Great tournament here,” added
Thongchai. “I played solid… I think my
confidence was in the putting, that’s what
helped me a lot.”

Southgate hopes for EPL help to aid WC preparations 23theSUN ON TUESDAY | JUNE 14, 2022
█ SIMON PEACH the rapid turnaround. to have to make really quick decisions on
GARETH SOUTHGATE hopes the Premier “We have asked the Premier League to have medical situations in particular. Time running out
League keeps England’s World Cup preparations for unwanted Devils
in mind when deciding next season’s fixtures. a think about things but we also understand “So that’s the only thing that we’re looking at
that they’ve got a lot of (things to consider),” he that might help us but we understand the GARETH SOUTHGATE has warned the likes of
ESPN recently reported that the Football said. landscape. We’d be stupid not to ask the Jadon Sancho and Marcus Rashford that they
Association has submitted a formal request to question if it could make a difference.” have “a lot to do” if they are to get into
the League requesting that no match between “The fixture programme is very complicated, England’s World Cup squad.
the so-called big six takes place on the weekend you can’t have Manchester City the same Asked if there would be a meeting before the
of Nov 12/13. weekend as Manchester United (at home) and World Cup, Southgate said: “Well, no, because The Three Lions are now five months away
so there’s all of those variations that we there’s going to be midweek fixtures every week from heading to Qatar, with September’s two
England are scheduled to fly to Qatar on Nov recognise are tough. whether that’s a couple of League Cup weeks Nations League fixtures all that remain after
15 ahead of their opening match against Iran on but definitely six European weeks and midweeks facing Hungary in Wolverhampton tomorrow.
Nov 21, before completing Group B against the “We’d have a preference for none of those with Premier League games so you just won’t be
United States and neighbours Wales. big games but to be honest the difference it’s able to. Harry Maguire is the only United player
going to make is fairly marginal. involved in the England set-up this month,
The Premier League reveal their fixture “I’ve got to bear in mind the load for the with Luke Shaw unavailable as he regains
schedule for the 2022/23 season on Thursday “It could help us with perhaps a medical players and to drag them for a meeting fitness at a time when Rashford and Sancho
and Three Lions boss Southgate hopes they report if a team played Saturday it would give us probably wouldn’t achieve very much and missed out through poor form.
have considered the request to help deal with an extra day to assess. would actually end up being detrimental rather
than anything else.” – The Independent Southgate last month said the pair still
“Because we’re going to have to meet on the have time to work their way into his World
Monday and fly on the Tuesday and we’re going Cup plans, but he has now admitted it is an
uphill battle for the club’s English contingent
Conflicting fortunes to seal their place on the plane.
Spain celebrate as Portugal fall to 57-second sucker punch
Asked if United players may be fresher
SPAIN won a second Portugal’s Danilo League B. It was Haaland’s 20th without the Champions League to contend
successive Nations League Pereira (left) in “I’m speechless!” the 21-year-old international goals in 18 Norway with next season, the England boss said:
match yesterday with a 2-0 action with appearances. “We’ve only got one with us! They’ve got a lot
win over the Czech Republic Switzerland’s Haris striker told Norwegian television, to do to get back in the squad.
while rivals Portugal conceded a Seferovic during the before adding: “To win against Sweden replied eight minutes
goal after just 57 seconds to lose to Nations League, Sweden in the last match of the later when Emil Forsberg smashed “Well, look, I think the lower the load then
Switzerland. League A Group 2 season, it’s beautiful.” home a pass from Dejan Kulusevski. of course the less likely for injuries and the
match at Stade de hope that players can be that little bit sharper
Spain went in front in Malaga Geneve yesterday. Haaland, who is heading for Haaland then crossed for Sorloth but there’s no way of knowing.
after 24 minutes when a perfectly- – REUTERSPIX Manchester City from Borussia to head home and restore the host’s
weighted pass by Marco Asensio have preferred to stay top of the Dortmund this summer, gave two-goal lead after 77 minutes. “Some players are at their best when
released Carlos Soler to score. group, but I have always said that the Norway the lead in the 10th minute they’re in a rhythm of playing and you talk to
decisive match will be the one heading in a near-post cross. Viktor Gyokeres gave the Swedes some of our lads now and they want to play
Pablo Sarabia added the second against Spain.” brief hope by rifling home a shot five every game because that’s how they feel they
on 75 minutes as Spain got the better Victory was a welcome boost for a He added a penalty in the 54th minutes into added time. get to their best level.
of a Czech side against whom they Swiss side who went into the game minute after Hjalmar Ekdal fouled
had drawn 2-2 in Prague last week. having lost their previous three Alexander Sorloth. “This tasted great,” said Norway “Others need the breaks, they need longer
matches. coach Stale Solbakken. – AFP recovery between the matches to be at their
Despite the win, Spain were Spain stay top of League A Group best.”
indebted to some fine saves by 2 with eight points from four games
Athletic Bilbao goalkeeper Unai with Portugal a point further back. Rashford and Sancho were conspicuous by
Simon. Erling Haaland scored twice and their absence from March’s internationals and
set up the third as Norway beat overlooked again as the Three Lions boss
He thwarted an 18th-minute neighbours Sweden 3-2 in Oslo in named his squad for June’s four Nations
strike from Vaclav Cerny and, two League matches.
minutes later, denied Jan Kuchta.
Departing midfielder Jesse Lingard and
“I hope to return in the next goalkeeper Dean Henderson are others to
international window and go to the have dropped off the radar following a
World Cup,” said Soler. challenging campaign for the Old Trafford
giants. – The Independent
“But now I only think of going on
vacation. It’s been a very tough TOUCHLINES
season, which started with the Tokyo
Olympics. I have made many JUVENTUS are confident of signing Paul
dreams come true, but I hope to Pogba on a free transfer from
make many more come true.” Manchester United, with the 29-year-old
France midfielder to agree a four-year
In Geneva, Switzerland took the contract.
lead after just 57 seconds against a TOTTENHAM’S Steven Bergwijn says he
Portugal side playing without has interest from a number of clubs as the
Cristiano Ronaldo when Haris Netherlands winger, 24, looks to leave, with
Seferovic scored from Silvan Ajax in talks over a summer move.
Widmer’s pass. DENMARK midfielder Christian Eriksen,
30, has decided to pursue a new chal-
Portugal’s stand-in skipper Pepe lenge and is preparing to leave
made his 128th international Brentford, amid interest from former
appearance and they were unlucky clubTottenham Hotspur and Manchester
not to get something from the game United.
with Swiss keeper Jonas Omlin MANCHESTER UNITED are also on course
saving from Danilo and Bernardo to sign Brazil winger Antony, 22, from Ajax,
Silva. and Netherlands midfielder Frenkie de
Jong, 25, from Barcelona.
“We can’t concede a goal after 30 CHELSEA are close to signing American
seconds of the game. It’s our goalkeeper Gabriel Slonina, 18, from
mistake,” said Portugal coach Chicago Fire after Real Madrid had a bid
Fernando Santos. of €10m (RM46m) rejected.

“We lacked aggression. We would

RESULTS SIDENETTING Francisco Calvo warned his side will replacing Pochettino. PSG regained the
Duel for last WC ticket need to be wary of complacency. “We French title last term but the Argentine
NATIONS LEAGUE have to be focused for the 90 minutes, failed to lead them beyond the Champions
League A Group 2: Spain 2 (Soler 24, Sarabia 75) Czech THE last place at this year’s World Cup will because they shoot from wherever they League’s last 16. Although they were
Republic 0, Switzerland 1 (Seferovic 1) Portugal 0. be decided tomorrow) 2am Malaysian time) can. We’ll have to defend to the death and beaten by eventual winners Real Madrid,
League B Group 4: Norway 3 (Haaland 10, 54-pen, in Doha when Costa Rica face New Zealand keep Chris Wood under control,” he told PSG held a 2-0 aggregate advantage with
Sorloth 77) Sweden 2 (Forsberg 62, Gyokeres 90+5), in their intercontinental playoff. The match reporters in Doha. less than half an hour remaining in their
Slovenia 2 (Cerin 48, Sesko 53) Serbia 2 (Zivkovic 8, at the Ahmed bin Ali Stadium pits the second leg. Pochettino claimed the first
Mitrovic 35). fourth-placed finishers in the CONCACAF Pochettino set to leave PSG trophies of his managerial career with PSG
League C Group 2: Northern Ireland 2 (McNair 71, J. qualifying group against the top team in – the 2021 Coupe de France and 2022 Ligue
Evans 90+4) Cyprus 2 (Kakoulli 32, 51), Greece 2 the Oceania confederation and the winners COACH Mauricio Pochettino is to leave 1 title – but the club’s hierarchy felt that was
(Giakoumakis 71, Mantalos 90+9) Kosovo 0. will play in Group E at the finals in Qatar Paris St-Germain following talks with the the minimum he should achieve given the
Group 4: Georgia 0 Bulgaria 0, North Macedonia 4 along with Germany, Japan and Spain. club at the end of last week. PSG are still to squad at his disposal. The ex-Spurs
(Bardi 4, Torrilla 14-og, Miovski 16, Churlinov 31) Gibral- “Costa Rica have played a lot together and make a formal announcement but it is manager was considered a potential
tar 0. have a lot of caps,” said New Zealand coach understood the former Tottenham replacement for Ole Gunnar Solskjaer at
League D Group 2: Malta 1 (Muscat 50) San Marino 0. Danny Hay. “We don’t really get enough manager, 50, will not serve the final year of Manchester United before they appointed
opportunity to test ourselves against top his contract. Zinedine Zidane, Jose interim boss Ralf Rangnick and then
quality opposition.” Costa Rica defender Mourinho and Nice coach Christophe Solskjaer’s permanent successor Erik ten
Galtier are among those linked with Hag.


Today we had an incredible car and we
could really look after the car and chip
away at it and pass for the lead… it’s a really good
day for us. I think every weekend is a bit different,
you really have to be precise and on it for the little
things for the race management as well…”

Formula One Red Bull driver Max Verstappen

Nunez set to become Reds most
expensive signing of all time

BENFICA have now confirmed an near future. He wrote: “For me (Alex Oxlade)
agreement is in place with Liverpool Liverpool are already confident of Chamberlain, (Takumi) Minamino and
for the sale of Darwin Nunez in a deal Rhys Williams. And players that we
worth up to £85 million (RM476m). clawing back most of the money should bring is a ride side left foot
outlayed for Nunez as Bayern Munich winger back up, No. 8 to fight for
Nunez is now set to arrive at close in on Mane. starting role and a rightback.”
Anfield later this summer as the club’s
second signing, after Fabio Carvalho The Reds have played hard ball Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain has
joined from Fulham. with the Bundesliga giants in been linked with a move away from
negotiations, standing firm on their Anfield this summer, with Liverpool
“In the early morning hours of £42.75m (RM239m) valuation. reportedly ready to part ways with
Monda, Sport Lisboa e Benfica – the 28-year-old midfielder that made
Futebol, SAD informed the Securities Bayern have already had two bids just nine Premier League starts last
Market Commission (CMVM) that it rejected, but talks are expected to season.
had reached an agreement with progress and reports indicate that
Liverpool FC for the sale of all rights to Liverpool fully expect Bayern to lodge Steven Gerrard’s Aston Villa and
the player Darwin Nunez, for the an improved third bid. West Ham have been linked with
amount of €75m (RM345m),” the the former England
Benfica’s statement read. Mane is unlikely to be the only sale international. –
at Liverpool this summer with Takumi Express
“To the CMVM, Benfica’s SAD also Minamino also attracting plenty of Newspapers
informed that the agreement provides interest.
for the payment of a variable
remuneration, so the global amount The Japan international played on
of the sale could reach the amount of the periphery of Klopp’s attacking unit
€100m (RM460m). last season, but still played an
important role in the cup
“It is further informed that the competitions
aforementioned agreement is
dependent on the signing of the He scored seven goals in both the
player’s sports employment contract Carabao Cup and FA Cup as Liverpool
with Liverpool FC.” lifted both trophies. But the 27-year-
old featured in just 11 Premier League
After Sadio Mane indicated that he matches with Liverpool now hoping
wanted to leave Liverpool after their to get £17m (RM95m) for the attacker
Champions League final defeat to Real this summer.
Madrid, the Reds put plans in place to
find a replacement. Divock Origi has also left Liverpool
after seven seasons at the club with
Nunez quickly emerged as the the Belgian forward joining AC Milan
club’s top target, but there was on a free transfer.
reportedly some trepidation on
meeting Benfica’s £85m demand. Former Liverpool defender Jose
Enrique has also identified three areas
But now Benfica have confirmed where the Reds could strengthen this
that the transfer will see Liverpool pay summer.
£64.1m (RM359m) up front plus a
possible £21.3m (RM119m) in add- One of the areas where the
ons. Spaniard has suggested is at
rightback, and Liverpool are getting
It is claimed that £12.8m (RM72m) closer to sealing a deal for young
is related to appearance related add- Aberdeen fullback Calvin Ramsay.
ons while a further £8.5m (RM48m)
depends on team success. Enrique was asked on Twitter
which three players Liverpool
Virgil van Dijk will initially reman should move on after selling Sadio
the club’s most expensive signing, Mane, and the three players that
but that looks set to change in the should be signed in addition to

Qatar on his Darwin Nunez

Southgate focused on World Cup preparations rather than silencing critics

█ SIMON PEACH “incredibly complicated” time. played with confidence. match behind closed doors.
“We’re trying to set out the best possible way to “I thought Prowsey (James Ward-Prowse) did a “Well, to win the group, we need to win,” said
GARETH SOUTHGATE is focused on
England’s World Cup 2022 preparations get through these games, learn as much as we can, very good job, used the ball well, organised the Southgate, whose side are bottom of Group A3 at
rather than quietening critics, meaning of course with a desire to win, but there is a bigger game. His switches of play were good, so I thought the halfway point. “I think having a full house here
promising performances from his objective for us at the end of the year as well,” it was a really positive night for him. will be a huge lift for the players.
experimental side were as important as the result Southgate said.
against Italy. “And Tammy (Abraham) we were happy with. “You’re at a stage of the season where it’s been
“What I didn’t want to do was keep rolling out We took him off because we wanted to refresh the incredibly difficult for them – two very tough away
It is just over five months until the Three Lions the same team because a win might relieve a bit of forwards at that stage of the game to try to win the games and (then) to come here and play in front of
kick off their quest to be crowned world tension on my shoulders when the more game. no fans.
champions in Qatar, where they will face Iran, the important thing is the team and how we progress
United States and neighbours Wales in the group ahead of the World Cup. “He’ll obviously be disappointed not to take “So, a really tough schedule for them – two
stage. the chance right at the start but I thought his hold tough away games and a home game that isn’t an
“So, for me, it was really important to see those up play was good and he worked well for the advantage, other than the people who’ve looked
England now only have three more matches players come in and play as well as they did, and team.” after us brilliantly here.
until the tournament gets underway, which is why that was as important today as the result.
manager Southgate has tried different systems Southgate made six changes against Italy as “We can’t wait to come here when the place
and personnel during June’s Nations League “With the players that came into the team, very Ramsdale came in for his second cap and Tomori will be bouncing and it will just add that extra
fixtures. pleased with Aaron Ramsdale. I thought he made made his full debut, while Ward-Prowse and percentage or two that at this point we could do
important saves, was very calm in possession of Abraham were given chances to shine against top with that help.
The Three Lions lost 1-0 in Hungary and drew the ball, so that was exactly what we were hoping level opponents.
1-1 in Germany before Sunday’s drab 0-0 draw he would bring. “Without a doubt we’d like to win the game and
with inexperienced Italy – a match that saw the More alterations are in store as England round send the supporters who are going to be here
manager attempt to hone and fine-tune at this “With Fikayo (Tomori), I thought he defended off their run of four matches in 11 days against (home) happy and finish on a positive note that
very well, was calm with the ball. His speed is a Hungary tomorrow (2.45am Malaysian time) at a would probably leave the group wide open.” – The
great asset for us at the back, so I thought he sold-out Molineux, which had to host the Italy Independent

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