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Sizing Cables information - Catalouge Cableco

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Published by aziz.muhtaseb, 2019-10-29 03:22:16

Sizing Cables information - Catalouge Cableco

Sizing Cables information - Catalouge Cableco

National Cable and Wire
Manufacturing Company


Technical Information
for Cables 1


Contents Page

Introduction--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
1-General Electrical Values/Formulas--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
2-Comparison of American Wire Gauges of Solid Round Wires ----------------------------------------------- 7
3-Conductors Data------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
4-General Colors of Cores and Sequence-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
5-Cuerrent Rating------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11
6-Rating Factors for Current Ratings-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
7-Voltage Drop---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21
8-Conductor Short Circuit Current---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23
9-Ordering Guide------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 3


óbh á«FÉHô¡µdG πHGƒµdGh ∑Ó°SC’G êÉàf’E 1983 ΩÉY ¿OQ’C G ‘(ƒµ∏Ñ«c) á«FÉHô¡µdG ∑Ó°SC’Gh πHGƒµdG áYÉæ°üd á«æWƒdG ácô°ûdG â°ù°SCÉJ
( áë∏°ùŸG h ájOÉ©dG) πHGƒµdGh ∑Ó°S’C G ™«æ°üàd á«LÉàf’E G •ƒ£ÿG øe á∏°ù∏°ùH õ¡› ƒgh,AÉbQõdG áæjóe ‘ ácô°ûdG ™æ°üe º«bGC
•É£ŸG hGC (P.E) hGC (XLPE) hCG Ö∏£dG Ö°ùM ™æ°üJ »àdGh á°UÉÿG hGC ájOÉ©dG ( PVC ) ∫G IOÉà ádhõ©ŸG Ωƒ«æŸC’G hGC »°SÉëædG π°UƒŸG äGP
≥aGƒà∏d (IEC,BS,VDE) á«fÉŸ’C G hGC á«fÉ£jÈdG hGC á«dhódG äÉØ°UGƒŸG Ö°ùM ≈∏Y (XLLSHF,LSHF HALOGEN FREE) hGC ( EPR) »YÉæ°üdG
International) á«dhódG äÉÑ∏£àŸG Ö°ùM IôjÉ©ŸGh ¢SÉ«≤∏d á°UÉÿG Iõ¡L’C G øe á∏°ù∏°ùH ™æ°üŸG OhR óbh , »ŸÉ©dGh ÊOQC’G ¥ƒ°ùdG ™e
πµ°ûdÉH èàæŸG º«∏°ùJ ≈àMh áØ∏àîŸG ™«æ°üàdG πMGôà GQhôeh á«dhC’G OGƒŸG øe ájGóH ÉæJÉéàæŸ IOƒ÷G §Ñ°Vh áÑbGôe ºà«d (Traceability

.¿ƒHõ∏d »FÉ¡ædG
ÖcGƒàd (LAN Data Cables & Fire Resistant Cables) :πãe á«ŸÉY á°UÉN äÉØ°UGƒe äGP πHGƒc êÉàfGE ≈∏Y πª©dG ” 2011 ΩÉY ‘h

.á°UÉÿGh á«eƒµ◊G ÊÉÑŸGh äÉ°ù°SDƒŸG ‘ áeÉ©dG áeÓ°ùdG ÒjÉ©eh áãjó◊G É«LƒdƒæµàdG ᪶fCG ≈∏Y π°UÉ◊G Qƒ£àdG
(ISO 9000) hõjB’G äÉØ°UGƒe Ö°ùM π«gÉC àdG äÉÑ∏£àe ‘ƒà°ùJ ¿GC ΩGôµdG É¡æFÉHõd IOƒ÷ÉH Égõ«“h É¡JQó≤d ÉJÉÑKEG ácô°ûdG äCÉJQG óbh

. 2003 ΩÉY ‘ ISO 9001/2000 hõjB’G IOÉ¡°T ∂dòch 1996 ΩÉY ‘ ISO 9002/1994 hõj’C G IOÉ¡°T ≈∏Y ∫ƒ°ü◊G ” ób å«M
.∫ÉéŸG Gòg ‘ Ióªà©ŸG äÉ¡÷G øe ISO 9001/2008 hõj’B G IOÉ¡°T ≈∏Y ∫ƒ°ü◊G ” 2009 ΩÉY ‘h

National Cable and Wire Manufacturing Company (CABLECO) was established in 1983 in Jordan,
for production of electrical wires and cables (Armoured and Non Armoured).
The factory is located at Zarqa city, and equipped with series 0f production lines designed to
produce wires and cables of copper or Aluminum conductors insulated /sheathed by (ordinary
PVC or special types of PVC) or (XLPE) or (P.E) or (synthetic rubber EPR) or (XLLSHF, LSHF HALOGEN
FREE) according to the International, British or German standards (IEC, BS, VDE) to comply with
Jordanian and international markets.
The factory is also equipped with series of (Testing and Measuring) equipments calibrated according
to international standards/Traceability to monitor and to control the quality of our production,
starting from raw material, going through various productions /manufacturing stages and up to
delivery stages/finished products.
In 2011, the company has produced cables with special international standards like (LAN Data
cables & Fire Resistant Cables), to be compatible with modern technologies and international
safety standards in public and private buildings.
Our objective is to produce high quality cables to satisfy the customer requirements therefore, we
have achieved registration to ISO 9002/1994 in year 1996 and ISO 9001/2000 in year 2003, and
in year 2009 we have achieved registration to ISO 9001/2008. 5

1- General Electrical Values /Formulas:

- Voltage (V) = I * R
- Resistance (R) = ρ * L


- D.C Power (P) = V * I

- A.C Power Single Phase (P) = V * I * Cos Ø

- A.C Power Three Phase (P) = √3 * V * I * Cos Ø

- Drop Voltage for Single Phase = 2* I * L* (R Cos Ø +2πƒL Sin Ø)

- Drop Voltage for Three Phase = √3*I* L * (R Cos Ø +2πƒL Sin Ø)

- Inductance of Conductor-Internal (Lint.) = µ int.

- Inductance of Two Parallel Cores-External (Lext.) = µ * ε

- Capacitance of Two Parallel Cores (C) = π*ε
Ln D + √ (D²-d²)

- Capacitance of Coaxial Conductors (C) = 2 * π * ε

Ln D


- Impedance A.C Power Cable Core (Z) = √ (R² + (2πƒL)²)

- Characteristic Impedance for High Frequency Coaxial (Zo) = √ L/C
- Characteristic Impedance for Telephone at Voice Frequency (Zo) = √(R/jωC)
- Attenuation for High Frequency Coaxial (ɑ) = R + G * Zo

2Zo 2
- Attenuation for Telephone at Voice Frequency (ɑ) = √(R * C * 2πƒ/2)

ρ =Resistivity
A=Conductor Area
Cos Ø=Power Factor
D=Diameter over Core Insulation
d=Diameter over Core Conductor


2- Comparison Table for American Wire Gauges of Solid Round Wires:

AWG Diameter Cross Section Diameter Cross Section
NO. mm mm² inch Circular Mils
5/0 13.120 135.1 0.5165
4/0 11.684 107.2 0.4600 266800
3/0 10.404 85.0 0.4096 211600
2/0 9.260 67.4 0.3648 167800
1/0 8.250 53.5 0.3249 133100
7.350 42.4 0.2893 105600
1 6.540 33.6 0.2576 83690
2 5.820 26.7 0.2294 66360
3 5.190 21.1 0.2043 52620
4 4.620 16.8 0.1819 41740
5 4.110 13.3 0.1620 33090
6 3.670 10.6 0.1443 26240
7 3.260 8.37 0.1285 20820
8 2.910 6.63 0.1144 16510
9 2.590 5.26 0.1019 13090
10 2.300 4.17 0.0907 10380
11 2.050 3.31 0.0808
12 1.830 2.63 0.0720 8230
13 1.630 2.08 0.0641 6530
14 1.450 1.65 0.0571 5180
15 1.290 1.31 0.0508 4110
16 1.150 1.04 0.0453 3260
17 1.020 0.823 0.0403 2580
18 0.904 0.653 0.0359 2050
19 0.813 0.519 0.0320 1620
20 0.724 0.412 0.0285 1290
21 0.643 0.324 0.0253 1020
22 0.574 0.259 0.0226 812
23 0.511 0.205 0.0201 640
24 0.455 0.162 0.0179 511
25 0.404 0.128 0.0159 404
26 0.361 0.102 0.0142 320
27 0.320 0.0804 0.0126 253
28 0.287 0.0647 0.0113 202
29 0.254 0.0507 0.0100 159
30 0.226 0.0401 0.0089 128
31 0.203 0.0324 0.0080 100
32 0.180 0.0255 0.0071 79.2
33 0.160 0.0201 0.0063 64.0
34 0.142 0.0159 0.0056 50.4
35 0.127 0.0127 0.0050 39.7
36 0.114 0.0103 0.0045 31.4
37 0.102 0.0040 25.0
38 0.00811 20.2
16.0 7

3- Conductors Data

3.1- Stranded Conductors Data for Single Core and Multi Cores Cables

1 2345 6 7 89 10

Nominal Number of Wires in Conductor Maximum Resistance of Conductor at
20 °C
Cross Circular Conductor Circular Compacted Shaped Conductor Annealed Copper Aluminum
CU AL Conductor CU AL Conductor Conductor
Sectional Plain or Metal Clad
Area CU AL Plain Metal
Wires Coated Wires

mm² Ω/Km Ω/Km Ω/Km

0.5 7 - - - - - 36.0 36.7 -

0.75 7 - - - - - 24.5 24.8 -

1.0 7 - - - - - 18.1 18.2 -

1.5 7 - 6 - - - 12.1 12.2 -

2.5 7 - 6 - - - 7.41 7.56 -

4.0 7 7 6 - - - 4.61 4.70 7.41

6.0 7 7 6 - - - 3.08 3.11 4.61

10 7 7 6 - - - 1.83 1.84 3.08

16 7 7 6 6 - - 1.15 1.16 1.91

25 7 7 6 6 6 6 0.727 0.734 1.20

35 7 7 6 6 6 6 0.524 0.529 0.868

50 19 19 6 6 6 6 0.387 0.391 0.641

70 19 19 12 12 12 12 0.268 0.270 0.443

95 19 19 15 15 15 15 0.193 0.195 0.320

120 37 37 18 15 18 15 0.153 0.154 0.253

150 37 37 18 15 18 15 0.124 0.126 0.206

185 37 37 30 30 30 30 0.0991 0.100 0.164

240 61 61 34 30 34 30 0.0754 0.0762 0.125

300 61 61 34 30 34 30 0.0601 0.0607 0.100

400 61 61 53 53 53 53 0.0470 0.0475 0.0778

500 61 61 53 53 53 53 0.0366 0.0369 0.0605

630 91 91 53 53 53 53 0.0283 0.0286 0.0469

800 91 91 53 53 - - 0.0221 0.0224 0.0367

1000 91 91 53 53 - - 0.0176 0.0177 0.0291


3- Conductors Data

3.2-Flexible Conductors Data for Single Core and Multi Cores Cables

1 2 34

Nominal Cross Sectional Maximum Diameter of Wires in Maximum Resistance of Conductor at 20 °C
Area Conductor
Plain Wires Metal Coated Wires
mm² mm Ω/Km Ω/Km
0.5 0.21 39.0 40.1
0.75 0.21 26.0 26.7
1.0 0.21 19.5 20.0
1.5 0.26 13.3 13.7
2.5 0.26 7.98 8.21
4.0 0.31 4.95 5.09
6.0 0.31 3.30 3.39
10 0.41 1.91 1.95
16 0.41 1.21 1.24
25 0.41 0.780 0.795
35 0.41 0.554 0.565
50 0.41 0.386 0.393
70 0.51 0.272 0.277
95 0.51 0.206 0.210
120 0.51 0.161 0.164
150 0.51 0.129 0.132
185 0.51 0.106 0.108
240 0.51 0.0801 0.0817
300 0.51 0.0641 0.0654
400 0.51 0.0486 0.0495
500 0.61 0.0384 0.0391
630 0.61 0.0287 0.0292 9

4- General Colors of Cores and Sequence

Power Cables: The general normal colors sequences as follows:
Single Core: Black or any color according your requirement
Two Cores: (Red, Black) or (Black, Blue)
Three Cores: (Red, Yellow, Blue) or (Black, Blue, Brown) or (Green/Yellow, Black, Blue)
Four Cores: (Red, Yellow, Blue, Black) or (Black, Blue, Brown, Black) or (Green/Yellow, Black, Blue, Brown)
Five Cores: (Red, Yellow, Blue, Black, Green/Yellow)
Six Cores and More: (Can be in any different Colors) or (Black with White No’s) or (White with Black No’s)
Note: Normally Reduced Core if any is Black or Green/Yellow

Flexible Cables: The general normal colors sequences as follows:
Single Core: Black or any color according your requirement
Two Cores: (Blue, Brown) or (Black, Blue)
Three Cores: (Black, Blue, Brown) or (Green/Yellow, Brown, Blue)
Four Cores: (Black, Blue, Brown, Black) or (Green/Yellow, Black, Blue, Brown)
Five Cores: (Black, Blue, Brown, Black, Black) or (Green/Yellow, Black, Blue, Brown, Black) or (Blue,
Brown, Green/Yellow, Black, Gray)
Six Cores and More: (Can be in any different Colors) or (Black with White No’s) or (White with Black No’s)


5- Current Ratings (AC)

The maximum current ratings for cables manufactured according to IEC, BS and VDE in general are
given in the following tables.
The Current ratings of cables given below are based on the ERA (Electrical Research Association) report
which accepted worldwide (ERA Publications), related to cable industry (AC system 0.6/1.0 KV-50/60 Hz).
Cables may only be continuously operated at their tabulated ratings if the minimum current at which
circuit protection is designed to operate does not exceed 1.5 times (for cables in air or in ducts) or 1.3
times (for cables laid direct in ground ) the values given in the tables.

Standard Installation Conditions for Ratings
The following conditions have been used to calculate the current ratings given in the tables:
Thermal soil resistivity: 1.2 Km/W
Standard ground temperature: 15 ºC
Ambient air temperature: 25 ºC
Depth of laying (from ground surface to center of cable or duct): 0.5 m 11

Current Ratings (AC)

Stranded Copper and Aluminum Conductors Single Core Cables in Trefoil Formation

Stranded Copper Conductors for XLPE Insulation

Nominal Area of Direct in Ground In Single Way Ducts Installed in Air
Conductor Amps Amps Amps
50 Armoured Armoured Unarmoured Armoured
95 231 231 223 231
150 284 278 284 295
240 340 327 352 362
400 386 366 412 420
630 431 396 475 483
1000 485 437 551 555

50 558 489 658 654
95 623 534 761 745
150 691 567 887 851
240 765 615 1027 963
400 841 664 1186 1084
630 888 692 1347 1178

942 735 1503 1278

Stranded Aluminum Conductors for XLPE Insulation

177 178 165 173

218 216 211 221

260 255 261 271

296 288 304 314

331 315 351 362

374 350 409 417

433 397 489 494

486 438 567 566

550 495 624 624

623 562 690 690

705 638 782 782

Stranded Copper and Aluminum Conductors Two Cores Cables

Stranded Copper Conductors for XLPE Insulation

Nominal Area of Direct in Ground In Single Way Ducts Installed in Air
Conductor Amps Amps Amps
1.5 Armoured Armoured Unarmoured Armoured
4 38 31 - 31
10 49 41 - 41
25 65 53 - 55
50 81 67 - 70
95 109 89 - 95
150 141 115 124 126
240 183 148 156 164
400 219 178 193 202

259 211 235 244

317 260 298 306

381 313 368 378

433 357 429 437

485 401 491 499

547 455 569 576

632 527 678 680

708 592 783 775

799 669 911 892

Stranded Aluminum Conductors for XLPE Insulation

16 108 88 93 95
25 138 112 116 122
35 165 135 142 149
50 196 160 172 180
70 241 197 219 227
95 288 237 270 279


Current Ratings (AC)

Stranded Copper and Aluminum Conductors 3 & 4 Cores Cables

Stranded Copper Conductors for XLPE Insulation

Nominal Area of Direct in Ground In Single Way Ducts Installed in Air
Conductor Amps Amps Amps

mm² Armoured Armoured Unarmoured Armoured

1.5 32 26 24 26

2.5 42 34 32 35

4 55 45 44 47

6 69 56 55 59

10 92 75 79 82

16 119 96 107 107

25 152 124 134 140

35 182 149 165 172

50 217 177 201 209

70 266 218 256 263

95 319 263 316 324

120 363 300 369 376

150 406 338 423 430

185 458 382 489 495

240 529 442 582 584

300 592 496 672 666

400 667 570 780 766

Stranded Aluminum Conductors for XLPE Insulation

16 91 74 81 81

25 116 95 101 106

35 139 113 124 129

50 165 135 151 157

70 203 167 192 198

95 244 201 237 244

120 278 230 277 283

150 311 259 317 324

185 353 294 368 375

240 409 342 438 444

300 461 386 507 508 13

Current Ratings (AC)
Stranded Copper and Aluminum Conductors Single Core Cables in Trefoil Formation

Stranded Copper Conductors for PVC Insulation

Nominal Area of Direct in Ground In Single Way Ducts Installed in Air
Conductor Amps Amps Amps

mm² Armoured Armoured Unarmoured Armoured

1.5 26 26 26 26

2.5 35 35 35 35

4 46 46 46 46

6 58 58 58 58

10 80 80 80 80

16 110 110 100 100

25 140 140 132 132

35 175 175 160 160

50 203 199 184 193

70 248 241 233 243

95 297 282 290 298

120 337 311 338 347

150 376 342 388 395

185 423 375 450 452

240 485 419 537 532

300 542 459 620 607

400 600 489 722 690

500 660 523 832 776

630 721 563 957 869

800 756 587 1083 937

1000 797 621 1206 1010

Stranded Aluminum Conductors for PVC Insulation

25 110 110 100 100

35 130 130 125 125

50 154 154 137 141

70 188 188 174 177

95 226 222 215 218

120 257 252 251 254

150 288 280 288 289

185 326 306 335 337

240 377 347 400 399

300 424 384 464 458

400 500 434 532 532

500 560 492 587 587

630 600 559 666 666


Current Ratings (AC)

Stranded Copper and Aluminum Conductors Two Cores Cables

Stranded Copper Conductors for PVC Insulation

Nominal Area of Direct in Ground In Single Way Ducts Installed in Air
Conductor Amps Amps Amps
1.5 Armoured Armoured Unarmoured Armoured
4 32 26 21 24
10 41 34 29 33
25 55 45 38 44
50 69 57 48 56
95 92 76 72 77
150 119 98 97 102
240 158 129 130 136
400 190 154 159 166

16 225 183 194 201
35 277 225 244 252
70 332 271 302 312
377 309 351 360

422 346 402 409

478 393 464 473

551 455 552 558

616 510 636 636

693 574 739 729

Stranded Aluminum Conductors for PVC Insulation

91 75 74 77

118 96 96 98

142 115 117 120

168 137 143 145

209 170 180 185

250 204 222 227

Stranded Copper and Aluminum Conductors 3 & 4 Cores Cables

Stranded Copper Conductors for PVC Insulation

Nominal Area of Direct in Ground In Single Way Ducts Installed in Air
Conductor Amps Amps Amps
1.5 Armoured Armoured Unarmoured Armoured
4 27 22 18 21
10 35 29 25 28
25 47 38 36 38
50 59 48 47 48
95 78 64 63 66
150 101 83 84 87
240 132 107 110 116
400 159 129 136 142

16 188 153 166 172
35 233 190 210 218
70 279 228 259 268
120 317 260 302 310
185 355 292 345 355
300 401 331 398 407

462 382 474 480

517 428 545 547

580 490 631 627

Stranded Aluminum Conductors for PVC Insulation

77 62 63 65

100 81 83 85

120 97 102 104

143 116 124 128

176 144 158 161

213 174 195 200

243 199 226 232

272 223 259 264

309 254 299 306

360 298 357 366

407 338 412 421 15

6- Rating Factors for Current Ratings

Rating Factors for Variation in Ground Temperature for Cables Laid Direct in the Ground and in Ducts

Ground Temperature ºC 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Rating Factor 1.03 1.0 0.97 0.93 0.89 0.86 0.82
(Maximum Conductor Temperature 90 ºC)

Rating Factors for Variation in Ambient Air Temperature

Air Temperature ºC 25 30 35 40 45 50 55

Rating Factor 1.0 0.96 0.92 0.88 0.83 0.78 0.73
(Maximum Conductor Temperature 90 ºC)

Rating Factors for Variation in Ground Temperature for Cables Laid Direct in the Ground and in Ducts

Ground Temperature ºC 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Rating Factor 1.04 1.0 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.74 0.67 0.60
(Maximum Conductor Temperature 70 ºC)

Rating Factors for Variation in Ambient Air Temperature

Air Temperature ºC 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Rating Factor 1.0 0.94 0.88 0.82 0.75 0.67 0.58

(Maximum Conductor Temperature 70 ºC)

Rating Factors for Depth of Laying for Cables Laid Direct in the Ground

Depth of Laying Meter Up to 50 mm² 70 mm² to 300 mm² Above 300 mm²
0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0
0.6 0.99 0.98 0.97
0.8 0.97 0.96 0.94
1.0 0.95 0.93 0.92
1.25 0.94 0.92 0.89
1.5 0.93 0.90 0.87
1.75 0.92 0.89 0.86
2.0 0.91 0.88 0.85
2.5 0.90 0.87 0.84
0.89 0.85 0.82
3.0 or more

Rating Factors for Depth of Laying Single, Twin or Multi-Cores Cables in Single Way Duct

Depth of Laying Meter Single Core Multi-Cores
0.5 1.0 1.0

0.6 0.98 0.99

0.8 0.95 0.98
1.0 0.93 0.96
1.25 0.91 0.95

1.5 0.89 0.94
1.75 0.88 0.94
2.0 0.87 0.93

2.5 0.86 0.92

3.0 or more 0.85 0.91


Rating Factors for Variation in Thermal Resistivity of Soil Twin or Multi-Cores Cables Laid Direct in the Ground

Nominal Area of Conductor Value of Resistivity Km/W
0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

1.5 to 2.5 1.12 1.09 1.07 1.04 0.94 0.86 0.80 0.75 0.70 0.66

4 1.13 1.10 1.07 1.05 0.94 0.85 0.79 0.74 0.69 0.65

6 1.14 1.10 1.07 1.05 0.93 0.85 0.79 0.74 0.68 0.64

10 1.15 1.11 1.08 1.05 0.93 0.85 0.78 0.73 0.67 0.63

16 1.16 1.12 1.08 1.05 0.93 0.84 0.77 0.72 0.66 0.62

25 to 50 1.17 1.13 1.09 1.06 0.92 0.83 0.76 0.71 0.65 0.61

70 to 150 1.19 1.14 1.10 1.06 0.92 0.82 0.75 0.69 0.64 0.60

185 to 400 1.20 1.15 1.10 1.07 0.92 0.81 0.74 0.69 0.63 0.59

Rating Factors for Variation in Thermal Resistivity of Soil Three Single Cores Cables Laid Direct in the Ground

Nominal Area of Conductor Value of Resistivity Km/W
0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

50 to 185 1.22 1.16 1.12 1.07 0.91 0.81 0.73 0.68 0.63 0.59

240 to 800 1.23 1.17 1.12 1.07 0.91 0.80 0.73 0.67 0.62 0.58

960 to 1200 1.24 1.18 1.12 1.08 0.90 0.80 0.72 0.66 0.61 0.58

Rating Factors for Variation in Thermal Resistivity of Soil Twin or Multi-Cores Cables Laid in Single Way Ducts

Nominal Area of Conductor Value of Resistivity Km/W
0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

1.5 to 2.5 1.04 1.03 1.02 1.02 0.98 0.94 0.91 0.88 0.86 0.83

4 to 10 1.05 1.04 1.03 1.02 0.97 0.93 0.90 0.87 0.84 0.81

16 to 35 1.06 1.05 1.03 1.02 0.96 0.92 0.88 0.84 0.82 0.78

50 to 95 1.07 1.06 1.04 1.02 0.96 0.91 0.86 0.82 0.79 0.76

120 to 150 1.08 1.06 1.04 1.03 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.81 0.78 0.74

185 to 400 1.09 1.07 1.05 1.03 0.95 0.89 0.84 0.79 0.76 0.72

Rating Factors for Variation in Thermal Resistivity of Soil Three Single Cores Cables Laid in Single Way Ducts

Nominal Area of Conductor Value of Resistivity Km/W
0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

50 to 95 1.12 1.09 1.06 1.04 0.94 0.87 0.81 0.76 0.72 0.68

120 to 185 1.13 1.10 1.07 1.04 0.94 0.86 0.80 0.75 0.71 0.67

240 to 500 1.14 1.11 1.08 1.05 0.93 0.85 0.79 0.74 0.69 0.65

600 to 800 1.15 1.12 1.09 1.05 0.93 0.84 0.78 0.72 0.68 0.64

960 to 1200 1.16 1.13 1.09 1.05 0.92 0.83 0.77 0.71 0.67 0.63 17

- Conversion factors for current ratings in case of more cables erected in air for single core
cables in three phase systems (approximate estimation).


- Conversion factors for current ratings in case of more cables erected in air for multi-cores
cables in three phase systems (approximate estimation). 19

- Conversion factors for current ratings in case of more cables erected in air for multi-cores
cables in three phase systems (approximate estimation).


7- Voltage Drop :

Voltage drop is especially of importance for cables of voltage rating not exceeding voltage 0.6/1 KV,
Relevant installation regulations have to be observed with respect to the maximum permissible voltage
drop of cable circuits which normally should not exceeds 3.5% of the nominal voltage.
Approximate values of voltage drop are contained in table 5.4 and are based on a current of 1 A for a
cable length of 1 meter.
For a given cable route the tabulated values have to be multiplied by the cable length (in meters) and
by the current (in amperes) that the cable carries under assumed load conditions.
It should observed, however, that the application of the tabulated values of specific voltage drop only
yields approximate results but with sufficient accuracy for cables up to including 120 mm² where the
power factor of load power factor does not exceed 0.8.
For other conditions exact individual calculations should be considered.
Below the voltage drop for three phase system, for single phase system multiply the tabulated values
by factor (1.16). 21

7.1- Voltage Drop for PVC Insulated Cables Volt/Ampere/Meter

Conductor Copper Aluminum
Area Two
Single Two Multi Single Cores Multi
mm² Trefoil Cores Cores Trefoil mV Cores
mV mV mV
1.5 mV 4.50 mV
2.5 Armoured and Unarmoured 2.90
4 26.30 2.10 15.40
6 16.10 30.40 26.30 1.55 9.60
10 10.0 1.05 6.40
16 6.70 18.60 16.10 0.79 3.90
25 3.80 0.63 2.50
35 2.40 11.60 10.0 0.52 1.80
50 1.52 0.42 1.35
70 1.10 7.70 6.70 0.34 0.92
95 0.82 0.28 0.68
120 0.59 4.60 3.80 0.24 0.55
150 0.45 0.44
185 0.37 2.80 2.40 3.97 0.37
240 0.31 0.30
300 0.27 1.75 1.50 2.50 0.25
400 0.23 0.21
500 0.21 1.25 1.10 1.81
630 0.195
800 0.18 0.94 0.81 1.35
1000 0.17
0.16 0.65 0.57 0.92
0.50 0.43 0.69

0.41 0.35 0.55

0.34 0.29 0.45

0.29 0.25 0.37

0.24 0.21 0.30

0.21 0.185 0.26

0.185 0.16 0.23





7.2- Voltage Drop for XLPE Insulated Cables Volt/Ampere/Meter

Conductor Copper Aluminum
Area Two
Single Two Multi Single Cores Multi
mm² Trefoil Cores Cores Trefoil mV Cores
mV mV mV
1.5 mV 19.0 mV
2.5 Armoured and Unarmoured 11.80
4 26.70 7.90 16.50
6 16.40 30.90 26.70 4.80 10.24
10 10.20 3.10 6.84
16 6.80 18.90 16.40 2.20 4.20
25 1.65 2.70
35 4.0 11.80 10.20 16.50 1.15 1.95
50 2.50 0.84 1.45
70 1.62 7.90 6.80 10.24 0.72 0.97
95 1.17 0.61 0.72
120 0.87 4.70 4.0 6.84 0.52 0.58
150 0.62 0.42 0.47
185 0.47 2.90 2.50 4.20 0.39 0.39
240 0.39 0.36 0.31
300 0.33 1.90 1.65 2.70 0.26
400 0.28 0.21
500 0.24 1.35 1.15 1.93
630 0.21
800 0.195 1.0 0.87 1.40
1000 0.18
0.17 0.69 0.60 0.98
0.155 0.52 0.45 0.74

0.42 0.37 0.60

0.35 0.30 0.49

0.29 0.26 0.41

0.24 0.21 0.34

0.21 0.185 0.29

0.19 0.165 0.25






8- Conductor Short Circuit Ratings

The resistance of the insulation to high temperature that may be produced by a short circuit in a network
is determined by the short circuit temperature limit , according to which the cable has to be rated.
The values of short circuit ratings derived based on the type of conductor insulation for insulated cables
which being fully loaded at the start of the short circuit conductor temperature of ( 70 ºC for PVC
insulation and 90 ºC for XLPE insulation) and final conductor temperature of (160 ºC for PVC insulation
and 250 ºC for XLPE insulation)
The short circuit currents in the following table are values for one second.

Conductor Cross Aluminum Copper
Section Area
mm² Type of Insulation Type of Insulation

16 0.46 0.56 0.69 0.84
35 0.76 0.94 1.15 1.40
70 1.22 1.50 1.84 2.24
120 1.90 2.35 2.88 3.50
185 2.66 3.29 4.03 4.90
300 3.80 4.70 5.75 7.00
500 5.32 6.58 8.05 9.80
800 7.22 8.93 10.93 13.30
9.12 11.28 13.80 16.80

11.40 14.10 17.25 21.00

14.06 17.39 21.28 25.90

18.24 22.56 27.60 33.60

22.80 28.20 34.50 42.00

27.20 37.60 41.20 56.00

34.00 47.00 51.50 70.00

42.84 59.22 64.89 88.20

54.40 75.20 82.40 112.00

68.00 94.00 103.00 140.00

Copper conductor PVC insulation short circuit current in (KA) = 0.115*A/√t (for ≤ 300 mm²)
= 0.103*A/√t (for ˃ 300 mm²)

Aluminum conductor PVC insulation short circuit current in (KA) = 0.076*A/√t (for ≤ 300 mm²)
= 0.068*A/√t (for ˃ 300 mm²)

Copper conductor XLPE insulation short circuit current in (KA) = 0.143*A/√t
Aluminum conductor XLPE insulation short circuit current in (KA) = 0.094*A/√t
t: short circuit time in seconds
A: conductor cross section area mm² 23

8.1-Short Circuit Curves
1.1.1-Short Circuit Curve for Copper Conductor PVC Insulated Cables
- Copper conductor PVC insulation short circuit current in (KA) = 0.115*A/√t
t: short circuit time in seconds
A: conductor cross section area mm²


8.1.2- Short Circuit Curve for Copper Conductor XLPE Insulated Cables
- Copper conductor XLPE insulation short circuit current in (KA) = 0.143*A/√t
t: short circuit time in seconds
A: conductor cross section area mm² 25

8.1.3- Short Circuit Curve for Aluminum Conductor PVC Insulated Cables
- Aluminum conductor PVC insulation short circuit current in (KA) = 0.076*A/√t
t: short circuit time in seconds
A: conductor cross section area mm²


1.1.4-Short Circuit Curve for Aluminum Conductor XLPE Insulated Cables
- Aluminum conductor XLPE insulation short circuit current in (KA) = 0.094*A/√t
t: short circuit time in seconds
A: conductor cross section area mm² 27

Due to the wide range of cables in the catalogue, it is advisable, when ordering, to provide as
much information as possible, please use the following information as a guide.

Ordering Guide
The following details will ensure that your enquiries and orders will be achieved quickly and
1- Length of cables and individual drum lengths.
2- Voltage designation.
3- Relevant British or International Standard.
4- Number of Cores.
5- Conductor Size.
6- Type of Insulation.
7- Type of Bedding.
8- Type of Armouring.
9- Type of Outer Sheathing.
10- Any Other Special Requirements, e.g. Special Insulation or Sheath Material, etc.

Technical Service

Specialist advice and assistance on all matters, you can contact us on:
National Cable and Wire Manufacturing Company (CABLECO)
P.O.Box 927104, Amman-Jordan
Tel : 962-6-5511484 / 962-6-5511867 Fax: 962-6-5532081
E-mail: [email protected]

[email protected]



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