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English Year 4

English Year 4

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Contents English Year 4

Jadual Pentaksiran Bilik Darjah 1
1Module Where are you from? ........................................................... 19
2Module My week ............................................................................... 36
3 Module In the past ............................................................................ 53
4 Module Celebrations.......................................................................... 69
5Module Eating right ..........................................................................

6Module Getting around ....................................................................

7Module Helping out ..........................................................................

8Module Amazing animals ................................................................

9Module Get active! ...........................................................................

10Module What’s the matter? ..............................................................

Year-end Assessment ................................................................... 85


Jadual Pentaksiran Bilik Darjah

School: Class:

Page Skill Content Standard Learning Standard Performance Date
1 Level
CONTOH3 Module 1: Where are you from?
5 Listening 1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.2 Understand with support
6 Speaking variety of familiar contexts specific information and
8 details of longer simple
Reading texts
11 Reading 2.2 Use appropriate 2.2.1 Keep interaction going in
communication strategies short exchanges by using
Writing suitable words:
(i) to show understanding
(Vocabulary) 3.2 Understand a variety 3.2.1 Understand the main idea
of linear and non-linear of simple texts of one or
Writing print and digital texts by two paragraphs
using appropriate reading
Listening strategies
3.2 Understand a variety 3 .2.2 Understand specific
of linear and non-linear information and details of
print and digital texts by simple texts of one or two
using appropriate reading paragraphs

4.3 Communicate with 4 .3.2 Spell most high frequency
appropriate language form words accurately in guided
and style for a range of writing
purposes in print and digital

3.2 Understand a variety 3 .2.3 Guess the meaning of
of linear and non-linear unfamiliar words from clues
print and digital texts by provided by title and topic
using appropriate reading

4.2 Communicate basic 4.2.5 Connect sentences into
information intelligibly for a a coherent paragraph
range of purposes in print using basic coordinating
and digital media conjunctions and reference

Module 2: My week

1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.2 Understand with support
variety of familiar contexts specific information and
details of longer simple

2.2 Use appropriate 2.2.1 Keep interaction going in
communication strategies short exchanges by using
suitable words:

(i) to show understanding

English • Year 4 i

3.2 Understand a variety 3.2.1 Understand the main idea

of linear and non-linear of simple texts of one or

12 Reading print and digital texts by two paragraphs

using appropriate reading


3.2 Understand a variety 3.2.2 Understand specific

of linear and non-linear information and details of

13 Reading print and digital texts by simple texts of one or two

using appropriate reading paragraphs


4.3 Communicate with 4 .3.2 Spell most high frequency

Writing appropriate language form words accurately in guided
15 (Vocabulary) and style for a range of writing

purposes in print and digital


4.1 Form letters and words 4.1.2 Use cursive writing in

17 Writing in neat legible print using written work

cursive writing

4.2 Communicate basic 4.2.3 Describe basic everyday

18 Writing information intelligibly for a routines
range of purposes in print

and digital media

Module 3: In the past

1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.3 Understand with support

19 Listening variety of familiar contexts short simple narratives on

a range of familiar topics

2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.2 Find out about and
describe experiences in the
20 Speaking information intelligibly past

3.2 Understand a variety 3.2.1 Understand the main idea

of linear and non-linear of simple texts of one or

21 Reading print and digital texts by two paragraphs

using appropriate reading


3.3 Read independently for 3.3.1 Read and enjoy A1 fiction/

22 Reading information and enjoyment non-fiction print and digital

texts of interest

4.3 Communicate with 4.3.1 Use capital letters, full

appropriate language form stops, question marks

25 Writing and style for a range of and commas in lists

purposes in print and digital appropriately in guided

media writing at discourse level

4.3 Communicate with 4.3.3 Produce a plan or draft

appropriate language form of one paragraph for a

26 Writing and style for a range of familiar topic and modify

purposes in print and digital this appropriately in

media response to feedback

Module 4: Celebrations

1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.1 Understand with support

27 Listening variety of familiar contexts the main idea of longer

simple texts

28 Speaking 2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.1 Explain and give reasons
information intelligibly for basic opinions

English • Year 4 ii

3.2 Understand a variety 3.2.1 Understand the main idea

of linear and non-linear of simple texts of one or

29 Reading print and digital texts by two paragraphs

using appropriate reading


3.2 Understand a variety 3.2.2 Understand specific

of linear and non-linear information and details of

30 Reading print and digital texts by simple texts of one or two

using appropriate reading paragraphs


31 Listening 1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.5 Understand longer

variety of familiar contexts supported questions
4.3 Communicate with 4 .3.2 Spell most high frequency

Writing appropriate language form words accurately in guided

32 (Vocabulary) and style for a range of writing

purposes in print and digital


3.2 Understand a variety 3 .2.3 Guess the meaning of

of linear and non-linear unfamiliar words from clues

Reading print and digital texts by provided by title and topic
33 (Vocabulary) using appropriate reading
strategies 3 .2.4 Recognise and use with
little or no support key

features of a simple

monolingual dictionary

4.3 Communicate with 4.3.2 Spell most high frequency

appropriate language form words accurately in guided

35 Writing and style for a range of writing

purposes in print and digital


Module 5: Eating right

1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.2 Understand with support

36 Listening variety of familiar contexts specific information and
details of longer simple


2.2 Use appropriate 2.2.1 Keep interaction going in

37 Speaking communication strategies short exchanges by using
suitable words:

(i) to show understanding

3.2 Understand a variety 3.2.1 Understand the main idea

of linear and non-linear of simple texts of one or

38 Reading print and digital texts by two paragraphs

using appropriate reading


3.2 Understand a variety 3.2.2 Understand specific

of linear and non-linear information and details of

39 Reading print and digital texts by simple texts of one or two

using appropriate reading paragraphs


3.2 Understand a variety 3 .2.3 Guess the meaning of

Reading of linear and non-linear unfamiliar words from clues

41 (Vocabulary) print and digital texts by provided by title and topic

using appropriate reading


English • Year 4 iii

4.2 Communicate basic 4.2.2 Make and respond to

43 Writing information intelligibly for a simple offers and invitation
range of purposes in print

and digital media

Module 6: Getting around

1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.1 Understand with support

44 Listening variety of familiar contexts the main idea of longer

simple texts

2.2 Use appropriate 2.2.1 Keep interaction going in

45 Speaking communication strategies short exchanges by using
suitable words:

(i) to show understanding
3.2 Understand a variety 3.2.1 Understand the main idea

of linear and non-linear of simple texts of one or

46 Reading print and digital texts by two paragraphs

using appropriate reading


3.2 Understand a variety 3.2.2 Understand specific

of linear and non-linear information and details of

47 Reading print and digital texts by simple texts of one or two

using appropriate reading paragraphs


49 Writing 4.2 Communicate basic 4 .2.4 Describe people and
(Vocabulary) information intelligibly for a objects using suitable
range of purposes in print statements

and digital media

3.2 Understand a variety 3.2.3 Guess the meaning of

Reading of linear and non-linear unfamiliar words from clues

50 (Vocabulary) print and digital texts by provided by title and topic

using appropriate reading


4.3 Communicate with 4 .3.3 Produce a plan or draft

appropriate language form of one paragraph for a

52 Writing and style for a range of familiar topic and modify

purposes in print and digital this appropriately in

media response to feedback

Module 7: Helping out

1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.1 Understand with support

53 Listening variety of familiar contexts the main idea of longer

simple texts

1.1 Recognise and reproduce 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce

54 Listening target language sounds with support a wide
range of target language


2.2 Use appropriate 2.2.1 Keep interaction going in

55 Speaking communication strategies short exchanges by using
suitable words:

(ii) to ask for clarification

3.2 Understand a variety 3.2.1 Understand the main idea

of linear and non-linear of simple texts of one or

56 Reading print and digital texts by two paragraphs

using appropriate reading


3.2 Understand a variety 3 .2.2 Understand specific

of linear and non-linear information and details of

57 Reading print and digital texts by simple texts of one or two

using appropriate reading paragraphs


English • Year 4 iv

3.2 Understand a variety 3.2.3 Guess the meaning of

Reading of linear and non-linear unfamiliar words from clues

58 (Vocabulary) print and digital texts by provided by title and topic

using appropriate reading


4.2 Communicate basic 4.2.5 Connect sentences into

information intelligibly for a a coherent paragraph

60 Writing range of purposes in print using basic coordinating

and digital media conjunctions and reference


Module 8: Amazing animals

CONTOH 1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.1 Understand with support

61 Listening variety of familiar contexts the main idea of longer

simple texts

2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.5 Describe people and
objects using suitable
62 Speaking information intelligibly statements

3.2 Understand a variety 3.2.1 Understand the main idea

of linear and non-linear of simple texts of one or

63 Reading print and digital texts by two paragraphs

using appropriate reading


3.3 Read independently for 3.3.1 Read and enjoy A1 fiction/

64 Reading information and enjoyment non-fiction print and digital

texts of interest

4.3 Communicate with 4 .3.2 Spell most high frequency

Writing appropriate language form words accurately in guided

65 (Vocabulary) and style for a range of writing

purposes in print and digital


3.2 Understand a variety 3 .2.3 Guess the meaning of

Reading of linear and non-linear unfamiliar words from clues

66 (Vocabulary) print and digital texts by provided by title and topic

using appropriate reading


4.3 Communicate with 4 .3.2 Spell most high frequency

appropriate language form words accurately in guided

68 Writing and style for a range of writing

purposes in print and digital


Module 9: Get active!

1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.1 Understand with support

69 Listening variety of familiar contexts the main idea of longer

simple texts

2.3 Communicate 2.3.1 Narrate short basic stories

70 Speaking appropriately to a small or

large group

3.2 Understand a variety 3.2.1 Understand the main idea

of linear and non-linear of simple texts of one or

71 Reading print and digital texts by two paragraphs

using appropriate reading


English • Year 4 v

3.2 Understand a variety 3 .2.2 Understand specific

of linear and non-linear information and details of

72 Reading print and digital texts by simple texts of one or two

using appropriate reading paragraphs


4.3 Communicate with 4.3.2 Spell most high frequency

Writing appropriate language form words accurately in guided

(Vocabulary) and style for a range of writing

purposes in print and digital

73 media

3.2 Understand a variety 3 .2.3 Guess the meaning of

Reading of linear and non-linear unfamiliar words from clues
(Vocabulary) print and digital texts by provided by title and topic

using appropriate reading


4.2 Communicate basic 4.2.1 Explain and give reasons
information intelligibly for a for simple opinions
range of purposes in print
and digital media

75 Writing 4.3 Communicate with 4 .3.2 Spell most high frequency

appropriate language form words accurately in guided

and style for a range of writing

purposes in print and digital


Module 10: What’s the matter?

1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.1 Understand with support

77 Listening variety of familiar contexts the main idea of longer

simple texts

78 Speaking 2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.4 Give reasons for simple
information intelligibly predictions

3.2 Understand a variety 3.2.1 Understand the main idea

of linear and non-linear of simple texts of one or

79 Reading print and digital texts by two paragraphs

using appropriate reading


3.2 Understand a variety 3 .2.2 Understand specific

of linear and non-linear information and details of

80 Reading print and digital texts by simple texts of one or two

using appropriate reading paragraphs


4.3 Communicate with 4.3.2 Spell most high frequency

Writing appropriate language form words accurately in guided

81 (Vocabulary) and style for a range of writing

purposes in print and digital


3.2 Understand a variety 3.2.3 Guess the meaning of

Reading of linear and non-linear unfamiliar words from clues

82 (Vocabulary) print and digital texts by provided by title and topic

using appropriate reading


4.2 Communicate basic 4 .2.5 Connect sentences into

information intelligibly for a a coherent paragraph

84 Writing range of purposes in print using basic coordinating

and digital media conjunctions and reference


English • Year 4 vi

1Module Where are you from?

Textbook: pp. 5 – 14


Where are they from? Listen and match the correct answers. LS 1.2.2

Performance Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6




English • Year 4 1


Complete the conversation below. Then, act it out with your friend. LS 2.2.1(i)

Performance Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Hi, I’m Jamilah. (1) What’s your name?

CONTOHWhere are you from, Barbara? I’m Barbara.
(2) I’m from the US.

Oh, (3) you’re American


I’m from the US. you’re American What’s your name?

English • Year 4 2


A For each question, read and choose the correct answer. LS 3.2.1

Performance Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 A He’s from Brazil.
B He’s from Mexico.
Hi! I’m Pedro. I speak C He’s from Australia.
2 A I’m Brazilian.
B He’s Brazilian.
I’ m Maria and she is my C We’re Brazilian.
good friend, Juliana. We’re

from Brazil.

3 A Malaysia
B the UK
The people in this country C Korea
like to eat rice like nasi

4 A Nikko is writing a letter to Lina.
B Nikko is talking to Lina on the phone.
From : Nikko C Nikko is introducing herself in an email.
To : Lina
My name is Nikko. I’m from A Students must be at the hall at 8.15 a.m.
Japan. I’m ten years old. B Students must be at the hall at 8.00 a.m.
C Students must be at the school hall at
7.45 a.m.
All students must gather at
the school hall at a quarter to


English • Year 4 3

B Read and answer the questions that follow. LS 3.2.2

Performance Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6

This is Jane. She is from the UK. She is British. She is ten years
old. Her father is Robert and her mother is Christine. She has a
brother, Mark and a sister, Lucy. She usually goes to school with
her siblings at half past six. They are never late for school. Her
favourite sport is swimming. She always goes swimming with
Mark and Lucy after school. She sometimes plays volleyball
with her friends. She never plays chess.
Word Station 2. volleyball: bola tampar

1. favourite: kegemaran

Choose the correct answer.

1. Jane is from . 4. Jane goes swimming with her

A Korea B British C the UK .

2. Jane’s parents are A friends
. B siblings
A Jane and Mark C parents
B Mark and Lucy
C Robert and Christine 5. Does Jane like to play chess?
A No, she doesn’t.
3. There are members in B Yes, she does.
Jane’s family. C No, she don’t.

A five B four C three

Write always, usually, sometimes or never in the blanks based on the passage

6. Jane sometimes plays volleyball with her friends.

7. Jane usually goes to school with Mark and Lucy.

8. Jane always goes swimming after school.

9. Jane never plays chess.

1 0. Mark and Lucy never late for school.

English • Year 4 4


A Look at the pictures and fill in the correct answers. LS 4.3.2

Performance Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6


Sammi usually goes to the ice-skating rink
in the morning.

Azmi and Rahim always play chess
after school.


Rahman sometimes goes skateboarding
in the park.


They’re playing volleyball .

5. Raymond is doing karate .

English • Year 4 5

B Read the descriptions about the games that people play. What is the word

for each one? LS 3.2.3

Performance Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6

1. It is a board game played by two players. ch e s s
2. You need this vehicle to go cycling. bi k e
3. People usually play this game in the field. fo o t b a l l
4. You need this gadget to play computer games. co m p u t e r
5. People usually swim here. po o l
C Based on the picture, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.

Zhao Wu is from (1) . He likes playing (2) . After

school, he usually goes to the (3) with his friend. They play the game

with (4) and a shuttlecock.

1. A China B Japan C Thailand

2. A hockey B baseball C badminton

3. A court B field C park

4. A bats B sticks C rackets

English • Year 4 6


We use a singular verb for a singular subject (one person or thing).

Singular subject Singular verb


She is, does, doesn’t, wakes, plays,
It has, goes

We use a plural verb for a plural subject (more than one person or thing).

Plural subject Plural verb

We are, do, don’t, wake, play,
They have, go
Roberto and his brother

A Complete the sentences with is, are or am.

1. She is playing netball with her friends.
2. They are washing their shoes.
3. It is chasing a ball.
4. I am exercising in the park with my sister.
5. We are playing computer games in the room.

B Underline the correct answer.

1. We ( do , does ) our homework every afternoon.
2. She ( do , does ) all the housework at the weekends.
3. I ( don’t , doesn’t ) like cooking very much.
4. Ivan and Eric ( don’t , doesn’t ) go to school late.

English • Year 4 7


Read the notes and complete the email. LS 4.2.5 i -Think

Performance Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Age: I’m from:
ten years old the UK
father: John Anne favourite
mother: Chris sport:

sister: Kate swimming

New Message From : [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: About myself


My name is (1) Anne and I’m (2) ten
the UK
years old. I’m from (3) and I’m
(4) British . My father is John (5) and .
sister .
mother is (6) Chris . I have a (7) Kate

(8) Her name is (9) .
My favourite sport is (10) swimming

Please write back soon,


English • Year 4 8


Categorise the words according to their sounds.

CONTOH claps glasses eggs watches
friends caps dishes sleeps
foxes boys paints dreams

s/s/ s/z/

claps, caps, paints, sleeps eggs, friends, dreams, boys


glasses, watches, foxes, dishes

English • Year 4 9

2Module My week

Textbook: pp. 15 – 26


What are their favourite subjects? Listen and choose the correct answer.

LS 1.2.2

Performance Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Music Science Art PE


Hassan Anna
Science Music
3 4

Rajoo Fatimah
PE Art

English • Year 4 10


Look at the timetable. Role-play with your friend to ask and answer. LS 2.2.1(i)

Performance Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Year 4 Elite Timetable

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

CONTOHEnglish PE Science PE PE

Art Science English English Science
Music English RECESS Art Maths
Bahasa Melayu

Social Studies Maths Maths Bahasa Melayu English

Science Art Library Maths Music
Bahasa Melayu Bahasa Melayu Social Studies
Social Studies Bahasa Melayu

How often do you have Science?

I have Science four times a week.

Complete the answers with your partner.

1. I have English five times a week .
2. I have PE three times a week .
3. I have Music twice a week .

4. I have Bahasa Melayu five times a week

5. I have Maths four times a week/ Art three times a week/ Social Studies three
times a week
English • Year 4 11


A For each question, read and choose the correct answer. LS 3.2.1

Performance Level: 1 2 3 4 5 6


Hannah is a very good A Art
singer. She also plays B Music
the guitar. What’s her
favourite subject? C Social Studies


Betty has Music twice A Betty has Music two times a week.
a week. She has PE B Betty has Music three times a week.

once a week. C Betty has Music and PE three times a week.

3. Attention!

Please bring your A It is a notice.

own drawing B It is a report.

materials for the C It is a timetable.


Hi! I’m Wati. I have to A Wati is talking about her homework.
do the washing-up and
take out the rubbish B Wati is talking about her housework.
after dinner. C Wati is talking about her free time.

5. Amy, I’ll be late. Ask What should Amy do?
your sis to heat up the A Ask her sister if she is hungry
spaghetti in the fridge if B Show her sister the spaghetti in the fridge
you are hungry. C Tell her sister to heat up the spaghetti for her


English • Year 4 12


Module 1 (pp. 1 – 9) C 2. C 3. A 4. C
1. A
Listening script:
1. Hi, I’m Steve. I’m from the UK.
2. Hi, my name is Coco. I’m Mexican.
3. I’m Carlos. He’s Pedro. We are Brazilian.
4. Hi, my name is Mariana. I’m from Malaysia.
CONTOH Grammar


1. is 2. are 3. is 4. am 5. are

1. B 2. does 3. don’t 4. don’t
3. 1. do
Speaking 6. Chris
1. Anne 7. sister
1. What’s your name? 2. ten 8. Her
2. I’m from the US. 3. the UK 9. Kate
3. you’re American 4. British 10. swimming
5. and

Reading Phonics

A s/s/: claps, caps, paints, sleeps
s/z/: eggs, friends, dreams, boys
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. C es/IZ/: glasses, watches, foxes, dishes

B Module 2 (pp. 10 – 18)
1. C 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. A

6. sometimes

7. usually Listening script:
1. Hassan likes to look at tiny things using a microscope.
8. always 2. Anna loves to sing and play the guitar.
3. Rajoo jumps and runs a lot. He likes to be active.
9. never 4. Fatimah loves colours and drawing.

10. never

Vocabulary 1. Science 2. Music
3. PE 4. Art
4. volleyball Speaking
1. ice-skating rink 5. karate
2. chess 1. five times a week
3. skateboarding 2. three times a week
3. twice a week
B 2. bike 3. football 4. five times a week
5. pool 5. Maths four times a week/ Art three times a week/ Social
1. chess
4. computer Studies three times a week

English • Year 4 A1

Reading 3 1
5 4
A 6 2

1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. C

B 9. False Speaking
10. False
1. B 11. B 1. computer games yesterday
2. C 12. A 2. did my homework yesterday
3. C 13. B 3. I wrapped a present yesterday.
4. B 14. A 4. I did my project on ancient Egyptians yesterday.
5. C 15. B
CONTOH 6. False Reading
7. True
8. True A

1. A 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B

Vocabulary 2. clear 3. feed B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B

1. take out 1. C
4. washing-up
5. shovel snow

Grammar 2. has to 3. has to C
5. have to 3. doesn’t
A 1. Yes, she did.
2. throw 2. Yes, she did.
1. have to 5. does 3. No, he didn’t.
4. have to 4. No, it didn’t.
5. No, she didn’t.
1. help
4. don’t 1. B 2. C 3. B

Writing Grammar 5. cooked
6. were
A- 1. talked 7. was
B 2. painted 8. go
3. took
My name is Sabrina. I always help at home. On Saturday, I 4. bought
have to mop the floor. On Sunday, I have to water the plants
and feed my cat. On Wednesday, I have to set the table Writing
before lunch and do the washing-up after lunch.
1. My family and I went to Cairo last November.
bear, pair, there, stair, pear, where, fair 2. Fitria saw some mummies in the museum.
3. What is the longest river in the world?
Module 3 (pp. 19 – 26) 4. Encik Hashim bought a fridge magnet, a key ring, a hat

Listening and a pair of sunglasses at the souvenir shop.
5. What’s the weather like in Egypt?
Listening script: 6. How did Shukura die?
Shira washed her shoes yesterday morning. Then she 7. The Englishmen found chairs, treasures, gold and
did her homework. After that, she tidied her room and
cleaned the aquarium. After cleaning the aquarium, she spears inside the tomb.
fed her pet cat. After dinner, she threw the rubbish.

Hello Ramlan,
Last week, my family and I went to Melaka for a holiday. We

English • Year 4 A2

visited a few historical places like A’Famosa, the Stadthuys B 2. Gawai 3. Children
and the Baba & Nyonya Heritage Museum. I bought some 5. Labour
souvenirs at the Jonker Street. It was a fun holiday. 1. National
4. Deepavali

Phonics C 2. B 3. C 4. A

ed/t/: helped, laughed, walked 1. C
ed/d/: used, called, listened
ed/Id/: wanted, needed, planted Grammar

Module 4 (pp. 27 – 35) 1. aren’t 2. is 3. am 4. aren’t
CONTOH 5. is 6. isn’t 7. aren’t 8. are

Listening script: Writing 6. ribbons
1. Gawai Festival falls on the first and second of June. 7. food
2. Mother’s Day falls in May. 1. special 8. sandwiches
3. Children’s Day falls in November. 2. May 9. chocolate
4. New Year’s Day falls in January. 3. have 10. our
5. We celebrate National Day on the thirty-first of August 4. party
5. decorate
every year.
6. Father’s Day falls in the month of June. Phonics
7. Malaysia Day is celebrated on the sixteenth of
joy, soil, point, boy, toy

1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C
6. A 7. C

Speaking Module 5 (pp. 36 – 43)
1. What are you going to dress up as?
2. I’m going to dress up as a police officer. Listening script:

Reading Khazali is at a restaurant.
1. For the main course, he wants a chicken burger.
A 2. For dessert, he wants a scoop of ice cream.
3. For drink, he wants a glass of orange juice.

1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B 1. (b) ✓ 2. (a) ✓ 3. (a) ✓

B Speaking

1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A 2. some eggs, milk and cheese
3. a sandwich, please
6. celebrate 4. a can of lemonade

7. a card/ a cheesecake

8. a box of assorted chocolates

9. chicken curry, mixed vegetables and nasi briyani Reading

10. Yes, they are. A

11. Yes, they are. 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B

1 2. No, she isn’t.

13. No, they aren’t. B

1 4. Yes, she is.

Vocabulary 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. B

A 6. pineapple, oranges, lollipops, biscuits, eggs

1. decorate 7. orange juice, milk, cereal, sugar, flour, butter
4. fireworks
2. dress up 3. barbecue
5. present/ gift

English • Year 4 A3

Vocabulary Reading


1. bowl 2. knife 3. plate 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A
4. fork 5. spoon 4. A 5. C

B 1. B 2. B 3. C

1. B 2. B 3. B 4. A 6. trip

7. bus

Grammar 8. four hours and fifteen minutes


1. some
4. any
CONTOH 9. 8.15 a.m.

1 0. 12.30 p.m.

2. some 3. some 11. How many
5. any
12. How long

13. How

B 14. How many

1. much 15. How much
4. many
2. many 3. much
5. many
Writing 2. 5 June 3. 11.30 a.m. 2. long 3. comfortable
A 5. slow
1. Rini 5. 010 – 1234 567
4. bus 1. fast
4. fun

Phonics B 2. plane 3. bus
5. train
down, about, mouth, clown, shout, growl 1. bike
4. yacht

Module 6 (pp. 44 – 52) C 2. B 3. A
1. C

Listening script: Grammar
Let’s learn some of the street safety rules.
1. Ride in single file while you go cycling with your 1. How much is the train ticket?
2. How do you go to the library?
friends. 3. How long does it take to get to the zoo?
2. Fasten your seat belt when you are in the car. 4. What time does the bus leave?
3. Use the zebra crossing to cross the road. 5. How much are the shoes?
4. Hold the handlebars with both hands when riding a

5. Don’t stick your head out when you are travelling in a


1. (a) ✓ 2. (a) & (b) ✓ 3. (b) ✓ Writing

Speaking Hello Halim,
We’re going to go on a trip to the National Museum on 7
1. I have to wear a helmet when I’m going to ride a bike. August. We’re going there by bus. The bus leaves the school
2. I have to hold the handlebars with both hands when I’m at 9:00 a.m. We’re going to arrive at the National Museum at
10:30 a.m. Take a water bottle with you.
riding a bike. Sayem
3. I have to look both ways before I cross the street.
4. I have to walk on the pavement when I walk. Phonics

ow/əʊ/: follow, slow, grow, snow
ow/aʊ/: now, power, bow, cow

English • Year 4 A4


English • Year 4

Jadual Pentaksiran Bilik Darjah

1Module Where are you from?....................................... Activity 1 – Activity 2

2Module My week .......................................................... Activity 3 – Activity 4

3 Module In the past ....................................................... Activity 5 – Activity 6

4 Module Celebrations..................................................... Activity 7 – Activity 8

5Module Eating right ..................................................... Activity 9 – Activity 10

6Module Getting around .............................................. Activity 11 – Activity 12

7Module Helping out ..................................................... Activity 13 – Activity 14

8Module Amazing animals ........................................... Activity 15 – Activity 16

9Module Get active! ........................................................................... Activity 17

10Module What’s the matter? .............................................................. Activity 18


Jadual Pentaksiran Bilik Darjah

School: Class:

Activity Skill Content Standard Learning Standard Performance Date
1 Reading
CONTOH Module 1: Where are you from?
2 Writing
3 Speaking 3.2 Understand a variety of linear 3.2.2 Understand specific
5 Writing and non-linear print and digital information and details of
6 Listening
7 Writing texts by using appropriate simple texts of one or two
8 Reading
9 Writing reading strategies paragraphs
3.2 Understand a variety of linear 3.2.4 Recognise and use with little

and non-linear print and digital or no support key features of a

texts by using appropriate simple monolingual dictionary

reading strategies

4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.2 Spell most high frequency

language form and style for a words accurately in guided

range of purposes in print and writing

digital media

Module 2: My week

2.3 Communicate appropriately to 2.3.1 Narrate short basic stories
a small or large group

4.2 Communicate basic 4.2.3 Describe basic everyday
information intelligibly for a routines
range of purposes in print and
digital media

Module 3: In the past

1.2 Understand meaning in a 1.2.3 Understand with support short
variety of familiar contexts simple narratives on a range of
familiar topics

4.2 Communicate basic 4.2.5 Connect sentences into a
information intelligibly for a coherent paragraph using
range of purposes in print and basic coordinating conjunctions
digital media and reference pronouns

Module 4: Celebrations

3.2 Understand a variety of linear 3.2.1 Understand the main idea

and non-linear print and digital of simple texts of one or two

texts by using appropriate paragraphs

reading strategies

4.2 Communicate basic 4.2.2 Make and respond to simple
information intelligibly for a offers and invitations
range of purposes in print and
digital media

Module 5: Eating right

1.3 Use appropriate listening 1.3.1 Guess the meaning of
strategies in a variety of unfamiliar words from clues
contexts provided by knowledge of the

English • Year 4 i

Activity Skill Content Standard Learning Standard Performance Date
10 Speaking Level
11 Speaking 2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.3 Give a longer sequence of
12 information intelligibly basic instructions or directions
13 Writing
14 Speaking Module 6: Getting around

15 Writing 2.2 Use appropriate 2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short
communication strategies exchanges by using suitable
16 Reading words:
18 Writing (ii) to ask for clarification
4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.1 Use capital letters, full stops,
CONTOH Writing
language form and style for a question marks and commas

range of purposes in print and in lists appropriately in guided

digital media writing at discourse level

Module 7: Helping out

2.2 Use appropriate 2.2.2 Check steps needed to
communication strategies complete short classroom

4.2 Communicate basic 4.2.1 Explain and give reasons for
information intelligibly for a simple opinions
range of purposes in print and
digital media

Module 8: Amazing animals

3.3 Read independently for 3.3.1 Read and enjoy A1 fiction/ non-
information and enjoyment fiction print and digital texts of

3.2 Understand a variety of linear 3.2.4 Recognise and use with little

and non-linear print and digital or no support key features of a

texts by using appropriate simple monolingual dictionary

reading strategies

4.2 Communicate basic 4.2.4 Describe people and objects
information intelligibly for a using suitable statements
range of purposes in print and
digital media

Module 9: Get active!

2.1 Communicate simple 2.1.1 Explain and give reasons for
information intelligibly basic opinions

Module 10: What’s the matter?

4.3 Communicate with appropriate 4.3.2 Spell most high frequency

language form and style for a words accurately in guided

range of purposes in print and writing

digital media

English • Year 4 ii

Module 1: Where are you from?

Activity 1: Reading Textbook: pp. 5 – 14

Read the text below. LS 3.2.2

CONTOHRo Hee usually goes jogging in the morning. After jogging, she has breakfast and
goes to school. In the afternoon, she does her homework. At half past three, she
takes a nap.

Dexter loves outdoor activities. At weekends, he usually goes skateboarding with
his friend. Sometimes, he goes hiking with his father.

Shanti goes to school at half past six. After school, she always goes to the school
library and reads books. She sometimes plays chess with her sister in the evening.

For each question, choose the correct answer.

Ro Hee Dexter Shanti

1. Who likes skateboarding? A B C
2. Who likes reading? A B C
3. Who goes skateboarding at weekends? A B C
4. Who plays chess in the evening? A B C
5. Who goes jogging in the morning? A B C

Match the meaning with the word in bold. LS 3.2.4

Meaning Word
6. going for long walks
7. a short sleep

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6

English • Year 4 1

Activity 2: Writing Textbook: pp. 5 – 14

What are they doing? Write. LS 4.3.2 .

2 .

3 .

4 .

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6

English • Year 4 2

Module 2: My week

Activity 3: Speaking Textbook: pp. 15 – 26

What do you have to do? Complete the table. Then talk. LS 2.3.1
My Week

CONTOH Morning Afternoon Evening









Hi, I’m Hisham. Every morning, I have to make my bed. In
the afternoon, I have to do the washing-up. In the evening,
I have to take out the rubbish. At weekends, I have to wash
my bike and rake leaves.

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6

English • Year 4 3

Activity 4: Writing Textbook: pp. 15 – 26

Look and write. LS 4.2.3 What does he have to do?

What does she have to do?

What do they have to do?

What do you have to do?

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6

English • Year 4 4

Module 3: In the past

Activity 5: Listening Textbook: pp. 27 – 36

Listen. For each question, choose the correct answer. LS 1.2.3 Audio

1. The old man told his sons that he had buried a .

2. What did the four sons do while digging the land? C

3. What happened in the end?

4. How did the four sons make money?

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6

English • Year 4 5

Activity 6: Writing Textbook: pp. 27 – 36

Look and write. You may use the words given to help you. LS 4.2.5

CONTOHtrip China last October Great Wall 6,000 walked
of China kilometres

watchtower visiting the scenery breathtaking mountain
carpeted yellow, section took photos fun
red, green

My family and I went .
We went to
long. We walked inside . It is over

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6

English • Year 4 6


Module 1 Module 4

Activity 1 Activity 7

1. B
4. C
CONTOH 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 2. A 3. B
6. hiking 7. nap 5. B 6. C
5. A

Activity 2 2. playing badminton Activity 8
4. playing chess
1. doing karate Hello Rina,
3. ice-skating Tomorrow is my birthday. I’m going to have a party. My father
is going to order food online. My brother is going to decorate
Module 2 the house with balloons. My mother is going to make a big
cheesecake. I’m going to invite all my friends. We’re going to
Activity 3 play board games.
Do you want to come?
(Accept any suitable answer) Write back soon,
Activity 4
Module 5
1. He has to shovel snow.
2. She has to do the washing-up. Activity 9
3. They have to rake leaves.
4. I have to make the bed. Transcript:
1. Let’s make a cake. We need some flour, some sugar,
Module 3
Activity 5 some butter, some milk and four eggs.
2. Let’s make a salad. We need an apple, a cucumber, a

tomato and a lettuce.

Transcript: 1. flour 6. apple
2. sugar 7. cucumber
Once, there was an old man who had four sons. His 3. butter 8. tomato
sons were lazy. One day, the old man told his sons that 4. milk 9. lettuce
he had buried a treasure box somewhere in their land. 5. eggs
The four sons dug their land. While digging, they sowed
some seeds in their land. In the end, they couldn’t find Activity 10
the treasure box but the land became a fertile garden
with vegetables. The four sons sold the vegetables at 1. Cook the jelly powder until it dissolves.
the market and earned large amounts of money. They 2. Add some sugar and stir well.
realised that it was hard work that was referred to as 3. Strain the mixture into another pot.
‘treasure box’ by their father. 4. Add some chocolate milk and vanilla essence.
5. Pour the mixture into the jelly mould.
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C
Module 6
Activity 6
Activity 11
My family and I went on a trip to China last October. We went
to the Great Wall of China. It is over 6, 000 kilometres long. 1. I’m going to go to Kuching.
We walked inside a watchtower while visiting the Mutianyu 2. By plane.
section. The scenery was breathtaking. The mountain was 3. It takes about one hour and fifty minutes.
carpeted with yellow, red and green leaves in autumn. I took
a lot of photos. It was fun!

English • Year 4 A1

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