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Published by Publications, 2023-01-05 04:43:51

English Form 3 (B)_clone

English Form 3 (B)

Civic Education Contents Recording Scripts

Student Performance Standard Record Table i Unit 6 Ready, Steady, Go!
Project-Based Learning Lessons 1 – 4 (Textbook-Based Unit)

Unit 1 Family Ties 01 Reading......................................................................................52
02 Listening....................................................................................55
(Textbook-Based Unit) 03 Speaking....................................................................................57
04 Writing......................................................................................58
01 Reading........................................................................................ 1 05 Language Awareness 6: Grammar.......................................59
02 Language Awareness 1: Grammar.......................................... 2 06 Vocabulary Drill............................................................60
03 Vocabulary Drill.............................................................. 5
04 Listening...................................................................................... 8 Unit 7 Extreme Situations
05 Speaking...................................................................................... 8
06 Writing........................................................................................ 9 (Textbook-Based Unit)
07 Literature in Action (Non-Textbook-Based Unit)...........11
CONTOH 01 Reading......................................................................................61
Unit 2 Food, Food, Food! 02 Listening....................................................................................64
03 Speaking....................................................................................64
(Textbook-Based Unit) 04 Writing......................................................................................65
05 Language Awareness 7: Grammar.......................................66
01 Listening....................................................................................12 06 Vocabulary Drill............................................................67
02 Speaking....................................................................................13
03 Reading......................................................................................14 Unit 8 Time to Spare
04 Writing......................................................................................16
05 Literature in Action (Non-Textbook-Based Unit)...........18 (Textbook-Based Unit)
06 Language Awareness 2: Grammar.......................................19
07 Vocabulary Drill............................................................20 01 Reading......................................................................................69
02 Speaking....................................................................................70
Unit 3 The Wonders of Nature 03 Listening....................................................................................72
04 Writing......................................................................................73
(Textbook-Based Unit) 05 Language Awareness 8: Grammar.......................................74
06 Vocabulary Drill............................................................74
01 Listening....................................................................................23
02 Speaking....................................................................................23 Unit 9 High-Tech World
03 Reading......................................................................................24
04 Writing......................................................................................25 (Textbook-Based Unit)
05 Literature in Action (Non-Textbook-Based Unit)...........26
06 Language Awareness 3: Grammar.......................................27 01 Reading......................................................................................76
07 Vocabulary Drill............................................................31 02 Listening....................................................................................79
03 Speaking....................................................................................80
Unit 4 Special Relationships 04 Writing......................................................................................81
05 Language Awareness 9: Grammar.......................................84
(Textbook-Based Unit) 06 Vocabulary Drill............................................................86

01 Listening....................................................................................32 Unit 10 That's Entertainment
02 Speaking....................................................................................33
03 Reading......................................................................................33 (Textbook-Based Unit)
04 Writing......................................................................................35
05 Literature in Action (Non-Textbook-Based Unit)...........37 01 Reading......................................................................................87
06 Language Awareness 4: Grammar.......................................38 02 Listening....................................................................................90
07 Vocabulary Drill............................................................39 03 Speaking....................................................................................91
04 Writing......................................................................................92
Unit 5 A Place to Call Home 05 Language Awareness 10: Grammar.....................................93
06 Vocabulary Drill............................................................95
(Textbook-Based Unit)
Unit 11 Lessons to Learn
01 Listening....................................................................................41
02 Speaking....................................................................................41 (Textbook-Based Unit)
03 Reading......................................................................................42
04 Writing......................................................................................46 01 Reading......................................................................................96
05 Literature in Action (Non-Textbook-Based Unit)...........47 02 Listening....................................................................................97
06 Language Awareness 5: Grammar.......................................48 03 Speaking....................................................................................98
07 Vocabulary Drill............................................................50 04 Writing......................................................................................98
05 Language Awareness 11: Grammar.................................... 101
06 Vocabulary Drill......................................................... 102

Answers All websites and YouTube

channels in this book can be QR

retrieved on September 2021

Student Performance Standard
Record Table English Form 3

Skill Learning Standards Pages SOW Week Date PL Achieved ()/ Teacher’s
& Worksheets Lesson Not Achieved () Signature & Date

Unit 1 Family Ties Theme: People & Culture

1.1.1 Understand independently the main ideas in simple longer texts on 3.1.1 Understand the main points in longer texts on an increased range
an increased range of familiar topics of familiar topics

1.1.2 Understand independently specific information and details in longer 4.1.5 Organise, sequence and develop ideas within short texts on
texts on an increased range of familiar topics familiar topics

2.1.4 Explain own point of view 4.2.1 Punctuate written work with moderate accuracy
2.2.1 Use formal and informal registers appropriately in some familiar 5.1.1 Explain why a part or aspect of a text interests them


Reading 3.1.1, 2.1.4 1–2 1
Grammar Stative Verbs, Present 2–5 3
Simple, Present Continuous,
Countable & Uncountable
Nouns, Quantifiers

Vocabulary Family-related words, 5–7 3

Collocations & Expressions

Listening 1.1.1, 1.1.2 (audio) 8 4–5

Speaking 2.2.1, 2.1.4 8–9 7

Writing 4.1.5, 4.2.1 (an email) 9 – 10 9

Literature 5.1.1 11 10

Skill Learning Standards Pages SOW Week Date PL Achieved ()/ Teacher’s
& Worksheets Lesson Not Achieved () Signature & Date

Unit 2 Food, Food, Food! Theme: People & Culture

1.1.2 Understand independently specific information and details in 3.1.6 Recognise with support typical features at word, sentence and
longer texts on an increased range of familiar topics 4.2.3 text levels of a range of genres
1.1.5 Understand independently more complex questions 5.1.2 Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more and modify
2.3.1 Keep interaction going in longer exchanges by asking a speaker to this appropriately independently
slow down, speak up or to repeat what they have said Explain briefly the development of plot, characters and themes
in a text

Listening 1.1.2 (audio) 12 – 13 15

Speaking 2.3.1, 1.1.5 (PAK-21) 13 – 14 16

Reading 3.1.6 14 – 16 11

Writing 4.2.3 (a review) 16 – 17 19

Literature 5.1.2 18 – 19 20

Grammar Past Simple, Past Continuous, 19 – 20 13
used to & would, be used to &
get used to

Vocabulary Food-related words, Word 20 – 22 13
formation (PAK-21)

Skill Learning Standards Pages SOW Week Date PL Achieved ()/ Teacher’s
& Worksheets Lesson Not Achieved () Signature & Date

Unit 3 The Wonders of Nature Theme: Health & Environment

1.2.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by 3.1.6 Recognise with support typical features at word, sentence and
other words and by context on an increased range of familiar 4.2.3 text levels of a range of genres
1.3.1 topics 4.2.4 Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more and modify
2.1.4 Recognise with support typical features at word, sentence and text 5.1.2 this appropriately independently
3.1.1 levels of a small number of spoken genres Begin to use formal and informal registers appropriately to the
Explain own point of view target audience in familiar situations
Understand the main points in longer texts on an increased range Explain briefly the development of plot, characters and themes
of familiar topics in a text

Listening 1.2.1, 1.3.1 (audio) 23 24 – 25

Speaking 2.1.4 23 – 24 27

Reading 3.1.1, 3.1.6 24 – 25 21 – 22

Writing 4.2.4, 4.2.3 (an informal email) 25 – 26 28 – 29

Literature 5.1.2 26 – 27 30

Grammar Present Perfect Simple, Present 27 – 30 23
Perfect Continuous, Articles

Vocabulary Environment-related words, 31 23
Prepositions (PAK-21)


English Form 3 Project-Based Learning Lesson 1

Project-Based Learning Lesson 1

Non-Textbook-Based Unit
Theme Health and Environment

SOW: Lesson 111 Reading NBoans-eTdexLtebsosookn-

3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in longer texts on an increased range of familiar topics
3.2.1 Read, enjoy and give a personal response to fiction/ non-fiction and other suitable print and digital texts of interest

Core Civic Value Core Value: Mutual Respect
Topic: Preserved Environment

Prosperous Community
A You have learned to make bookmarks from old greetings cards. You want to tell your mate about it.

Hi Carrie,
It’s very easy to make bookmarks from recycled materials. Many things lying around the house can be used to
make these bookmarks. All you need are old greetings cards, for example, a birthday card or a festive one, a
pencil, an eraser, a pair of scissors, some crayons and some silken threads or tassels.
Firstly, take the greetings card and on the inside, draw a picture on it. You may draw a carrot or an
aubergine or any other fruit or vegetable. Then, cut the card in the same shape. Remember to use a greetings
card that is made of thick paper. This is to ensure that the bookmark does not fold easily. Next, use the crayons
to colour the plain side of the card. When you turn the bookmark over, there is an attractive or colourful
pattern on the other side too. Finally, punch a hole at the top middle part of the picture. Weave the silken
thread or tassels through this hole to decorate the bookmark.
Sometimes the simplest craft ideas are real winners. Making your own bookmarks is full of fun and you
can be as creative as you like. They are great page markers for larger picture books and they make lovely
handmade gifts.
Give it a try!

B Draw six pictures to explain to your mate the procedure for making a bookmark from an old
greetings card in the correct order.

C You want to make another craft using upcycled materials at home. Get your parents/ guardian to
help you make this craft successful.

Make a fun egg carton train/ Make cute little dinosaurs from toilet rolls/ Design your own board
game from a cereal box/ Make a mini banjo from old jar lids and loom bands/ Recycle plastic lids
into a sparkly suncatcher mobile/ Make an egg carton fire engine (Accept any ideas)

Teacher’s signature :

Date : PL


English Form 3 Project-Based Learning Lesson 1

Project-Based Learning Lesson 4

SOW: Lesson 112 Non-Textbook-Based Unit
Theme People and Culture

Listening, Speaking and Writing

NBoans-eTdexLtebsosookn-1.1.6Understand independently longer simple narratives on a range of familiar topics
2.1.4 Explain own point of view
CONTOH2.1.5Express and respond to common feelings such as happiness, sadness, surprise and interest
4.1.1 Explain simple content from what they have read or heard

A Watch the film ‘Cast Away’ on YouTube/ at home. Here are some links to get you started:

To watch the film, please scan any of the QR codes below:

B Now, complete the film review below. Running time

Title Cast
Genre Director


What did the film
teach you about
My rating

C Having watched the above-mentioned film, express and respond to your parents/ guardian
and sibling(s) about your feelings of happiness, sadness, loneliness, emptiness, dissatisfaction,
helplessness, surprise, etc.

D What genres of films do you like? What is your favourite genre of film? In pairs, talk to your friend.

Teacher’s signature : Core Civic Value Core Value: Happiness
Topic : Rise from Failures
Date : in Life PL


Unit 1 Family Ties

Textbook-Based Unit

Theme People and Culture

SOW: Lesson 1 Reading LS 3.1.1 LS 2.1.4 Close-up p. 6 & p. 7 Digital Resource 1


You are going to read a text on the family and relationship. First, read it through quickly to get a general

Cancer had claimed my mother’s life when I was ten. She had been sick for quite a long time and my
father had done the best he could for Mum. Dad had taken her in her last few years to the Middle East and to
London, where she stayed for a while. So our school holidays were spent in London.
My two eldest siblings were already in a boarding school in England. So after my mother’s death, it was
just me, my older sister, Hani, and Dad at home. Hani and I were pretty much left to our own devices while

Dad worked. Luckily, it was in an era when we could safely roam our neighbourhood with our mates. Our
uncles and aunts visited us regularly, bringing our cousins to play with us. I was definitely not bored during
my childhood.

One day, we discovered a woman in Dad’s life. Soon, he asked us for our permission to get married,
which I readily gave. I couldn’t remember how my siblings reacted. We met our future stepmother at a
hill resort about an hour’s drive from Kuala Lumpur. She had a little girl, Ita, from her previous marriage. I
thought this was great – after years of bullying from my elder siblings, I could be the bully for once! I proudly
said as much when a relative asked what I thought of the upcoming union.

As much as the marriage was a huge chance to my life and those of my siblings, my stepmother too,
probably had her own fears. Some relatives were supportive of our blended family, while others shunned
my stepmother, with many feeding us nasty stories about her. But my stepmother was resilient, never once
lashing back at our relatives. She trusted Ita, Hani and me implicitly, and we became as close as any sisters.
Throughout my teenage years, I would vent my feelings on her, and she would coax and cajole my father into
accepting my point of view. She encouraged me to be curious, independent and most of all, brave.

She taught me empathy, and to think of Vocabulary Chamber
others before I thought of myself. When she claimed someone’s life – killed someone
had my little brother, she showed me how to left to our own devices – allowed to do as we pleased
handle babies – feeding, bathing, changing lashing – criticising someone in a very angry way
nappies and encouraging their development. upcoming union – approaching marriage
She also taught me to cook, and we often spent coax – persuade
weekends making cakes, brownies, bread and vent – express negative emotions
even pizza. Even now, almost 30 years later, cajole – influence or gently urge
she remains the thread that holds our family
together, and she still is the channel through
which I pass messages to my father.

A Read the text again and write T for True, F for False or NM for Not Mentioned. NM
1 It took the writer a while to adapt to her blended family. T
2 The writer’s mother visited the Middle East and London before she passed away.
3 The writer, her stepmother and stepsister connected very well with each other and

formed a supportive relationship.


English Form 3 Unit 1

4 Hani and the writer spent their time doing shopping while their father was working. F
5 The writer readily gave her father permission to get married when he asked. T
6 The writer felt competitive for her father’s attention. NM
7 The writer’s stepmother taught the writer to be brave, independent and curious. T

B Based on the text you have read, now answer the following questions. PL

1 What was the writer’s reaction when she met her future stepsister?
She was happy to have a younger sister as after years of bullying from her elder siblings, she could be
the bully for once.
2 Name two problems that the writer’s stepmother experienced after her marriage to the writer’s father?
(i) Many relatives shunned the stepmother after the marriage.
(ii) Many relatives fed the children nasty stories about their stepmother.

3 How did the writer’s stepmother help the writer during her teenage years?
The writer would vent her feelings on her stepmother, who would coax and cajole her husband to
accept his daughter’s point of view.

4 What did the writer learn when her baby stepbrother came along?
The writer learned to handle him, like feeding, bathing, changing nappies and encouraging his

5 From the text, state one characteristic of the stepmother that you admire.
Prove a reason to support your answer.

Characteristic : Resilient/ Motherly

Reason : Despite the bad treatment and comments from some relatives, she did not condemn or

scold any of them./ She taught the writer how to cook and handle baby, and held the

family together with all her tact and diplomacy. (Any suitable answer)


SOW: Lesson 3 Language Awareness 1: Grammar Close-up p. 9 & p. 13

Stative Verbs
➤ Stative verbs describe a state or mental situation rather than an action. They are not usually used in
the present continuous form. We use the present simple with stative verbs. For example:
• I don’t know the solution. ( I’m not knowing the solution. )
• Jason seems happy at the moment. ( Jason is seeming happy at the moment. )
➤ Stative verbs often relate to:
• thoughts and opinions: agree, believe, imagine, know, remember, think, understand, guess,
recognise, etc.
• feelings and emotions: prefer, dislike, hate, like, love, want, wish, etc.
• senses and perceptions: be, feel, hear, appear, look, see, seem, smell, taste, etc.
• possession and measurement: possess, belong, have, measure, own, weigh, etc.


English Form 3 Unit 1

Worksheet 1

Write the correct verb form to complete the following sentences.

1 Pete is usually an easy-going person and I don’t think he minds (mind) the change of his

2 I smell (smell) the wonderful scent of your freshly laundered towels.

3 They have had a rough childhood. They deserve (deserve) some good things in their lives now.

4 I really appreciate (appreciate) all that my parents have done to get me where I am today. I
dedicate this degree to them.

5 Xavier looks very much like his father. He resembles (resemble) him a lot.

6 Do you think Renee knows (know) who her grandparents are since she has never met them?


Worksheet 2

Match each sentence with one use of the Present Simple.

1 An ostrich does not bury its head in the sand when it is afraid. When it hears its enemies coming, it
runs away.

2 I like animals.
3 My aunt usually takes the bus to work.
4 Azrin leaves for London tonight.
5 In Chapter 2, Julia meets Kyle, and agrees to go to the school dance with him.
6 First, check the tyre. Then, mark the puncture.

a To make a summary of the events in a narrative 5
b To show habitual actions done regularly 3
c To state a general truth or fact 1
d To describe feelings and senses 2
e To give instructions and directions 6
f To show an action that has been planned 4


Worksheet 3

Match each sentence with one use of the Present Continuous.

1 The weather is getting warmer day by day.
2 Benjamin is visiting his in-laws on Sunday.
3 I’m doing the washing-up.
4 You’re making the same mistake again!
5 Granny is watching over little Jamie while Mrs Ong is in hospital.

a To refer to something that is changing 1
b To refer to a temporary situation 5
c To refer to an action that will happen in the future 2
d To refer to a temporary action, happening at the time of speaking 3
e To refer to a repeated temporary action 4



English Form 3 Unit 1

Worksheet 4 Pop Quiz 1

Fill in the blanks with the Present Simple or the Present Continuous form of the verbs given in brackets.

1 My brother is taking (take) his bath. He is singing (sing) his favourite

song ‘Shower’ in the bathroom.

2 My mother likes (like) gardening. She always takes (take)

good care of her plants. She sometimes exchanges (exchange) her plants with our

neighbours. Now, she is planting (plant) some vegetables.

3 ‘Who is making (make) so much noise? I am trying (try) to get some

rest,’ Grandpa grumbled.

4 My grandma usually feeds (feed) the hens, but I am doing (do) it
today as she is sick.
5 Every evening, I wash (wash) the dishes after dinner and my sister

wipes (wipe) them dry. Later, we sweep (sweep) and

mop (mop) the floor together. We enjoy (enjoy) doing our

chores. We do not quarrel (not quarrel) over our duties.

6 ‘I can’t talk now. I am cooking (cook) the dinner,’ Aunt Jodie says.

7 I still have (have) pain in my right foot, but it is getting (get)

8 I am looking (look) after Patrick’s dog this weekend. Do you want (you

want) to take it for a walk?

9 Every holiday, my brother and I take (take) a train to Butterworth to visit my

grandparents. I like (like) taking the train because I get
(get) to enjoy the scenery of plantations and villages.

10 ‘This almond cheesecake is for you. I know (know) you like cheesecakes very

much. I also remember (remember) that today is your birthday. Many happy returns of

the day!’ Alfred said. PL

Worksheet 5

Write a suitable quantifier for each sentence.

1 Could you give me some advice on saving?
milk on my school uniform.
Pop Quiz 2

2 My sister spilt some/ a little

3 Grandpa : Is there any more tea?

Edward : Yes, Grandpa. There is a little left in the pot.

4 It’s amazing how some mothers have so much patience

looking after their children.

Z 5 There is so much information about environmental issues on the internet.


U a lot of

PdPc 6 Although my father has work to do and is always away on business, he
speaks to us every day.

O much

P 7 How longer do I have to wait to see the dentist?


English Form 3 Unit 1

8 My cousin succeeded in building a robot after putting in
a few boys attended the football training
a lot of hard work and tears.

9 The coach was very angry because only

yesterday. a great deal from our grandparents. Unfortunately, very

10 We can learn young people are willing to spare a little time to chat

with them. PL

BONUS Vocabulary Drill SOW: Lesson 3

Worksheet 1

Complete the following text with these words.
consumed tantrums revolved care reminisce confused

happiness changes bruise entrenched blessed thirst

When I was little, my world (1) revolved around Granny. I felt

(2) blessed that I was one of the three things that would have her attention daily – the

other two were the television and the rice cooker. She found (3) happiness in providing

me with ice cream, cakes and delicious soup. She took care of my nosebleeds, high temperatures, and cuts

and bruises, in addition to my occasional (4) tantrums . It is hard to say what love is – the

meaning of love seems to differ from drama to drama serial, but in my world, she is love.

She is 80 years old now, and her strong, determined gaze is replaced by a timid, lost expression. She

has moved in with my family. Everyone in the family, including all the uncles and aunts, helps in her

(5) care . Despite all the (6) changes , some things stay the same.

I still have my ice cream cone, but I am sure to hold on tighter to her than my ice cream cone. She is still

a superwoman to me, as she holds on to her can of Sarsi in her other hand, swallowing big gulps of the

carbonated fizz to satisfy her (7) thirst .

‘Where’s Daddy?’ Granny asks. ‘At work. He’ll be back this evening,’ I reply. She nods silently

as I unlock the gate. Her (8) confused eyes looks at me as if searching for a

(9) bruise or spotting an unexpected nosebleed. ‘Where’s Daddy?’ she inquires again. I

hold her hand and reply, ‘At work.’

In the comfort of my room, I (10) reminisce about my childhood with my

granny – memories of our time together. My memories are (11) entrenched deeply within

me, but Granny’s memories are being (12) consumed , figment by figment by Alzheimer’s.

Anger flushes through me. I ache at the thought of Alzheimer’s eroding her memories, along with me in



English Form 3 Unit 1

Worksheet 2

Complete the sentences with the most suitable word.

pensioner gentleman generation family brothers relations

1 My father likes to be called a senior citizen, 6 My nephew, Harry, was named after one of his
not an old-age pensioner .
father’s distant relations .

raised grew up brought up spinster single married bachelor

2 I was born in Reading, but I grew up 7 Is Aunt Rebecca single or
in Glasgow.
married ?

CONTOHpersonality appearance character I don’t like to ask her.

3 You can’t tell what someone is like just from proposed engaged divorced
their appearance .
8 My son and Brenda got married a year after

they got engaged .

grown- widowed alone middle-
up aged

4 They are a middle-aged couple, with ferocious easy-going cunning

grown-up children. 9 Uncle Bradley knows how to disarm his

opponents with his easy-going
generous mean frank

5 My uncle hates spending money. He is rather shouting spanking dispute rows

mean . 10 My parents often have rows , but
my dad does most of the
shouting .

Worksheet 3

Complete the following phrases with fall, get, have, keep and pay.

1 fall to pieces 6 fall in love

2 pay a compliment 7 keep a secret

3 get married 8 have sympathy

4 pay/ have a visit 9 have a family

5 get divorced 10 get/ have a chance

Z Worksheet 4



PdPc Complete the sentences with the correct form of the expressions from Worksheet 3. Pop Quiz 3


O fall to pieces

P 1 Their marriage began to after only a few years.


English Form 3 Unit 1

2 ‘I was paid a very sincere compliment this weekend,’ my sister


3 Tom and Annette want to get married and have a family .

4 I fell in love with Lucas because of his kind nature.

5 The couple got divorced after a tempestuous marriage.

6 My family knew about it in advance and somehow managed to keep it

a secret from me.

7 Poor Chloe really fell to pieces during the funeral service.

8 Dexter kept paying me compliments on my cooking.

9 I was surprised to have a visit from an old friend.CONTOH

10 It’s been a long time since I have paid my grandparents a visit .

11 They wanted to get married to be united forever, but fate spun a different web for them.

12 I was 18 when I first fell in love .

13 After they got divorced , Ana never remarried.

14 ‘Why did you have to go and tell Mum about my financial problems? You just can’t keep a secret ,
can you?’ my brother said.

15 I have great sympathy for the victims of the flood.

Worksheet 5

Complete the sentences with suitable prepositions.

1 It’s very out of character for Xavier to behave like that.

2 I’m sorry, but I just can’t put up with your behaviour any longer.

3 My sister is a teacher and she is patient with small children.

4 All four children take after their father and are very sociable.

5 Paula decided to turn down Graham’s offer of marriage.

6 My sister and I get on well with our stepfather.

7 My parents keep treating me like/ as a child, but I’m not one!

8 Nicole was brought up by her grandmother after her parents died.

9 ‘I thought we might call on Aunt Jane on our way − I’ve got some mangoes for P

up . PdPc


10 After four years, their marriage broke U




English Form 3 Unit 1

SOW: Lessons 4-5 Listening LS 1.1.1 LS 1.1.2 Close-up p. 10 Track 1
Worksheet 1

Listen to different people talking about themselves and their family. Cross out the descriptions
that do not match the person’s descriptions about themselves.

Chong Keat Jake Sue Harris

1 Lives with his 1 Does not have any 1 Has two siblings 1 Has twin sisters
parents siblings
2 Youngest in the 2 Has two brothers
2 Helps out in a 2 Has two siblings family
grocery store 3 Paternal
3 Father cooks 3 Lives with her grandmother lives
3 Has two sisters mum and sisters with them
4 Plays board games
4 Has an older 4 Lives close by to 4 Mum works in a
brother 5 Loves outdoor her father hospital
5 Lives in Pasir Putih 5 Works three days a 5 Father is an
week accountant
AUDIOWorksheet 2 PL
Track 2
Listen to a student’s talk about the benefits of a small family. Identify at least FIVE advantages PL
she mentioned.

(a) Will have less financial pressure (Will have more money to spend around)

(b) Will have better and more nutritious food options

(c) Will have better healthcare opportunities

(d) Will have better life experiences and quality of life

(e) Will have more resources to pursue personal interests

(f) Will receive more attention from parents
• Parents will have less stress
• Increased levels of happiness and satisfaction

SOW: Lesson 7 Speaking LS 2.2.1 LS 2.1.4 Close-up p. 11

Worksheet 1

Look at the quotes below and talk with a friend about what those quotes mean to you.

I’m blessed to have so many great things in my life − family, friends and God. All will be in my
thoughts daily.~ Lil’ Kim

Families are the compass that guides us.They are the Love your family. Spend time, be kind and serve one
inspiration to reach great heights and our comfort another. Make no room for regrets. Tomorrow is not
when we occasionally falter. promised and today is short.

~ Brad Henry ~ Unknown

Each day of our lives, we make deposits in the memory banks of our children.
~ Charles R. Swindoll


English Form 3 Unit 1

(Suggested answers)
(i) I really like what Lil’ Kim said about feeling blessed. He has stated three things that are important to me too. Family, friends and
God. I believe in God and always want to be the best person I can be according to what I believe in. When I hold on to my religious
principles, I feel that I must be thankful for having family and friends which are the most important things in life, not material things.
(ii) I agree with the quote that families and the individuals that make up a family have the potential to teach us many things in life.
I believe that how I was raised as a child will always be in my heart and mind, especially when I face challenges in life as an adult. I’ll
always bring to mind what I had been taught, or if the people are still around, go back to them for advice.
(iii) When the world is becoming so chaotic, I believe that the quote about loving your family and being kind to them is important.
I often take my family members for granted but this reminds me that kindness and serving each other at home is important so that I
will not have any regrets. My family knows the good and bad in me and yet they love me unconditionally. How can I not do the same for
(iv) Parents or caregivers of children can create a home environment that allows children to grow up securely. The words adults say
to their children can build or tear them down. We must deposit and invest good values in children, so that goodness can be multiplied.

Speaking Skill

Pronunciation 1−2 3−4 5−6 7−8 9 − 10
Fluency & coherence 1−2 3−4 5−6 7−8 9 − 10
Grammar & accuracy 1−2 3−4 5−6 7−8 9 − 10
1−2 3−4 5−6 7−8 9 − 10
Lexical resource
Total marks /40
Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Marks 1−7 8 − 15 16 − 23 24 − 30 31 − 35 36 − 40

SOW: Lesson 9 Writing LS 4.1.5 LS 4.2.1 Close-up p. 14 & p. 15

Worksheet 1

Fill the blanks in the email with the correct phrases of your own.

To : [email protected]
From : [email protected]
Subject : Garden Party Invitation

Hi Khairy,

How are you? I’m having a garden party next Saturday at 5 p.m. (1) Would you like to
come? It will be lots of fun! There will be loads of friends there. (2) We are going to have

a barbecue, so please bring some meat and fizzy drinks. My house is on Prince’s Avenue,
next to the basketball court
(3) . You can see it’s my house
because (4) I have a blue sliding door . and see you soon.
(5) Hope you can come




Worksheet 2

It is your birthday next weekend and you are having a party.

Write an email inviting one of your cousins to the party.

In your invitation, you should:
• say what the invitation is for
• provide information about the party (date, time and place)
• say who is coming
• ask your cousin if he/ she can come


English Form 3 Unit 1

Your email should be about 35 – 45 words.

To : [email protected]
From : [email protected]
Subject : Invitation

(Suggested answer)
Hi Alice,
How are you? I’m having a birthday party next Sunday at 4.00 p.m. at my house. My house is behind my
school. It’s right next to the park and it’s got a white front door. Would you like to come? It will be fun!
Some of my mates from my school are coming. You know some of them – Harris, Carrie, Haikal, Jay Sern
and Christine. Hope you can come and see you soon.
Worksheet 3 PL

Read the email from your mate, Aizat.

New Message

To : [email protected]
From : [email protected]
Subject : Best Place to Visit

Hi Firdaus,
My cousin, who lives overseas, is planning to spend a week with my family and
me during his holidays. He is a nature lover, so I was thinking about taking him
to Taman Negara, Tasik Kenyir or Kuala Gandah Elephant Sanctuary – or maybe
somewhere else. Where would be the best place to take him to?
I’d love to know what you think.


In about 80 words, write a reply to Aizat giving some advice.

To : [email protected]
From : [email protected]
Subject :
Re: Best Place to Visit

(Suggested answer)
Hi Aizat,

If I were you, I’d take him to Tasik Kenyir. The rainforest surrounding the largest man-made lake in
Southeast Asia is home to various species of flora and fauna. Your cousin can enjoy the scenic views
when he goes boating. There are caves too, so he can go caving. Fishing is also allowed in certain areas,
so he can give fishing a try. Finally, he can get close to elephants at a nearby elephant conservation
centre. There’s never a dull moment at Tasik Kenyir.



10 PL

English Form 3 Unit 1

SOW: Lesson 10 L i t e r a t u r e i n A c t i o n LS 5.1.1 Non-Textbook-Based Unit

Worksheet 1

Read the poem below once silently. Then read it to a friend aloud. Complete the tasks that follow.

A Family Is Like A Circle
Nicole M O’Neal

A family is like a circle.
The connection never ends,
and even if at times it breaks,

in time it always mends.

A family is like the stars.
Somehow they're always there.

Families are those who help,
who support and always care.

A family is like a book.
The ending's never clear,
but through the pages of the book,
their love is always near.

A family is many things.
With endless words that show
who they are and what they do
and how they teach you so you know.

Adapted from:
A Ask your friend to provide appropriate responses in their own words. You may refer to the poem

to provide your response.

1 The poet compares a family to ... a circle, stars, a book

2 A family is like a circle because … the connections or ties in a family never end

3 A family is like the stars because … families (family members) are always there for us

4 A family is like a book because … we never know how each family member ends up

5 Families show and teach us with … their words and actions PL

B Think of your own family and what you can compare it with. Briefly explain your response. Share

your response with your friends.

I compare my family to a house or shelter because I know I can always be safe and protected.



Unit 2 Food, Food, Food!

Textbook-Based Unit

Theme People and Culture

SOW: Lesson 15 Listening LS 1.1.2 Close-up p. 22 Track 3

Worksheet 1

Listen to the words spoken and match them to the appropriate food picture.

PdPc firm spicy crunchy
icy wobbly mushy

Worksheet 2 Track 4

Look at the table on Scottish breakfasts. Can you predict what you are going to hear?

Look at the table below and decide what sort of information you need to complete each column/ gap.

Scottish breakfasts

Types 1 Porridge Cooked breakfast

Oats 2 Bacon/ Scones
3 Eggs/ Baked beans/ Mushrooms
Ingredients 4 Black pudding/ Sausages/ Tomatoes

Served with Bacon or 5 fried sausages 6 Toast and strong hot


English Form 3 Unit 2

Benefits/ • Low calorie Filling • 8 Too heavy for breakfast
Disadvantages • Healthy • 9 Great for brunch
• 7

SOW: Lesson 16 Speaking LS 2.3.1 LS 1.1.5 Close-up p. 23

Worksheet 1

Study the scenarios below and work with a partner to write a short script to role-play a conversation.
Remember to keep the conversation going and reduce hesitations. Practise to have conversation go smoothly.

Scenario 1CONTOH
Have a conversation about a restaurant or a place you eat at.

(Suggested response) PdPc
Student A : Hi Rita! Did you do anything special for your birthday? AUDIO
Student B : Yea, I did. My parents brought me to Rasa Thai for dinner. I love Thai food.
Student A : Yes, I remember you mentioning that. Was it any good?
Student B : Well, the food was fantastic, but the service was not good.
Student A : Oh! What do you mean?
Student B : Well, the waitresses were not very friendly. They placed the dishes roughly on the table. It

seemed as if they were not happy doing their job. I had to ask them to fill up my water glass
frequently and they were not very pleased about that.
Student A : Oh, how horrid! However, you mentioned the food was good.
Student B : Oh yes! We ordered the usual tom yum, green curry and an egg dish as well as a spicy fish
dish. Everything smelled wonderful and tasted even better. I was totally satisfied.
Student A : I assume that you would go back again despite the poor service.
Student B : I think so. The food was delicious and the price was very reasonable, so yes.


Scenario 2
Converse with a friend about your favourite food.

(Suggested response)
Student A : Jamal, what are you going to choose as your favourite food for our oral presentation next

Student B : It’s been really challenging trying to think of a favourite. I love food, all kinds of food. I haven’t

eaten anything that I haven’t liked.
Student A : That is funny. Well, think of the times when you thought of eating something, what usually

comes to mind?
Student B : Oh, something not very healthy.
Student A : Really? I’m curious to hear what it is.
Student B : Instant noodles!
Student A : Oh! I agree, but that would not be a good choice for the presentation.
Student B : I agree with you.
Student A : Why is instant noodles your favourite?
Student B : Well, I like it because it is convenient to prepare. All I need is hot water to cook the noodles. I

also like that I can add anything to it.
Student A : What do you mean?
Student B : I can add an egg, sausages or whatever protein I fancy. I can add vegetables too. Sometimes, I

just add leftovers I have in the fridge into the noodles. It still tastes so good.
Student A : Well, if you put it like that, your instant noodles could be a fairly healthy option I suppose.
SSStttuuudddeeennnttt ABB ::: ICDtienhftiinnankiteditleywf.iIinsllittbeheleyre.eTveahnecehnreotaoalidtnhleibesrraairnfedIcdohofeniwn’tsietuars.nettnhoeosdelaessoynoinuglipkaec?ket that comes with it.
Student A : You know what? I think you should just go ahead and use this in your presentation next week.

Your ideas are very sound ones.


Scan me

Answers Answers
(Speaking Skill)

Unit 1 Reading 4 fell in love 12 fell in love
5 got divorced 13 got divorced
SOW: Lesson 1 6 keep, a secret 14 keep a secret
7 fell to pieces 15 have, sympathy

8 paying, compliments

Worksheet 1 Worksheet 5

A 1 out 2 up with 3 with 4 after 5 down

1 NM 2 T 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 on 7 like/ as 8 up 9 on 10 up

6 NM 7 T SOW: Lessons 4-5 Listening

1 She was happy to have a younger sister as after years of bullying Worksheet 1
from her elder siblings, she could be the bully for once.
Chong Keat: 1, 4 Sue: 2, 5
2 (i) Many relatives shunned the stepmother after the marriage. Jake: 2, 5 Harris: 1, 5
(ii) Many relatives fed the children nasty stories about their

3 The writer would vent her feelings on her stepmother, who would

coax and cajole her husband to accept his daughter’s point of view.
4 The writer learned to handle him, like feeding,

bathing, changing nappies and encouraging his
5 Characteristic: Resilient/ Motherly
Reason: Despite the bad treatment and comments from some
relatives, she did not condemn or scold any of them./ She taught the
writer how to cook and handle baby, and held the family together
with all her tact and diplomacy. (Any suitable answer)
CONTOH Worksheet 2

(a) Will have less financial pressure (Will have more money to spend

(b) Will have better and more nutritious food options
(c) Will have better healthcare opportunities
(d) Will have better life experiences and quality of life
(e) Will have more resources to pursue personal interests
(f ) Will receive more attention from parents
• Parents will have less stress
• Increased levels of happiness and satisfaction

SOW: Lesson 3 Language Awareness 1: Grammar SOW: Lesson 9 Writing

Worksheet 1 2 smell 3 deserve Worksheet 1 4 I have a blue sliding door
5 resembles 6 knows 5 Hope you can come
1 minds 1 Would you like to
4 appreciate Worksheet 3 2 We are going to have
3 next to the basketball court
Worksheet 2

5, 3, 1, 2, 6, 4 1, 5, 2, 3, 4 Worksheet 2

Worksheet 4 To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
1 is taking, is singing Subject: Invitation
2 likes, takes, exchanges, is planting (Suggested answer)
3 is making, am trying Hi Alice,
4 feeds, am doing How are you? I’m having a birthday party next Sunday at 4.00 p.m. at my
5 wash, wipes, sweep, mop, enjoy, do not quarrel house. My house is behind my school. It’s right next to the park and it’s
6 am cooking got a white front door. Would you like to come? It will be fun! Some of
7 have, is getting my mates from my school are coming. You know some of them – Harris,
8 am looking, Do you want Carrie, Haikal, Jay Sern and Christine. Hope you can come and see you
9 take, like, get soon.
10 know, remember Love,
Worksheet 5 RSVP :)

1 some 2 some/ a little 3 any, a little Worksheet 3

4 some, much 5 much 6 a lot of To: [email protected]
9 a few From: [email protected]
7 much 8 a, a lot of Subject: Re: Best Place to Visit
(Suggested answer)
10 a great deal, few, a little Hi Aizat,
If I were you, I’d take him to Tasik Kenyir. The rainforest surrounding
B O N U S Vocabulary Drill the largest man-made lake in Southeast Asia is home to various species
of flora and fauna. Your cousin can enjoy the scenic views when he goes
Worksheet 1 boating. There are caves too, so he can go caving. Fishing is also allowed
in certain areas, so he can give fishing a try. Finally, he can get close to
1 revolved 2 blessed 3 happiness elephants at a nearby elephant conservation centre. There’s never a dull
moment at Tasik Kenyir.
4 tantrums 5 care 6 changes Bye!
7 thirst 8 confused 9 bruise Firdaus
10 reminisce 11 entrenched 12 consumed
SOW: Lesson 10 Literature in Action
Worksheet 2 6 relations
7 single, married
1 pensioner 8 engaged
2 grew up 9 easy-going
3 appearance
4 middle-aged, grown-up

5 mean 10 rows, shouting Worksheet 1
Worksheet 3
1 a circle, stars, a book
1 fall 2 pay 3 get 4 pay/ have 5 get 2 the connections or ties in a family never end
8 have 9 have 10 get/ have 3 families (family members) are always there for us
6 fall 7 keep 4 we never know how each family member ends up

Worksheet 4 A1

1 fall to pieces 9 have a visit
2 paid, compliment 10 paid, a visit
3 get married, have a family 11 get married

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