Student Performance Standard Record Table............... i Unit 6 Shopping
Project-Based Learning Lessons 1 – 5............................ v (Non-Textbook-Based Unit)
Unit 1 Money Savvy 01 Listening................................................................. 39
(Non-Textbook-Based Unit) 02 Speaking................................................................. 41
03 Reading.................................................................. 43
01 Speaking................................................................... 1 04 Writing................................................................... 44
02 Listening................................................................... 2 Vocabulary Drill ........................................................... 47
03 Reading.................................................................... 3
04 Writing..................................................................... 5 Unit 7 Colours of Malaysia
Vocabulary Drill ............................................................. 6 (Non-Textbook-Based Unit)
Unit 2 What Do You Like? 01 Listening................................................................. 48
(Textbook-Based Unit) 02 Speaking................................................................. 50
03 Reading.................................................................. 52
01 Speaking................................................................... 8 04 Writing................................................................... 54
02 Reading.................................................................. 10 05 Language Awareness............................................. 56
03 Language Awareness 1.1 & 1.2: Grammar....... 12
04 Listening................................................................. 13 Unit 8 Wild Weather
05 Writing................................................................... 14 (Textbook-Based Unit)
Unit 3 The Good and Bad of Science 01 Speaking................................................................. 57
and Technology 02 Reading.................................................................. 58
03 Language Awareness 3.1 & 3.2: Grammar....... 61
(Non-Textbook-Based Unit) 04 Listening................................................................. 62
05 Writing................................................................... 64
01 Listening................................................................. 16
02 Speaking................................................................. 17 Unit 9 Life on Earth
03 Reading.................................................................. 19 (Textbook-Based Unit)
04 Writing................................................................... 21
Vocabulary Drill ........................................................... 24 01 Speaking................................................................. 65
02 Reading.................................................................. 67
Unit 4 Mother Earth in Tears 03 Language Awareness 4.1 & 4.2: Grammar....... 68
(Non-Textbook-Based Unit) 04 Listening................................................................. 70
05 Writing................................................................... 71
01 Listening................................................................. 26
02 Speaking................................................................. 27 Unit 10 Let's Experiment!
03 Reading.................................................................. 28 (Textbook-Based Unit)
04 Writing................................................................... 29
Vocabulary Drill ........................................................... 30 01 Speaking................................................................. 75
02 Reading.................................................................. 78
Unit 5 Fact or Fiction? 03 Language Awareness 5.1 & 5.2: Grammar....... 80
(Textbook-Based Unit) 04 Listening................................................................. 82
05 Writing................................................................... 84
01 Speaking................................................................. 32
02 Reading.................................................................. 34 Answers
03 Language Awareness 2.1 & 2.2: Grammar....... 35
04 Listening................................................................. 37
05 Writing................................................................... 38
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retrieved on September 2021
Student Performance Standard
Record Table English Form 1
Skill Learning Standards Pages SOW Week Date PL Achieved ()/ Teacher’s
& Worksheets Lesson
Not Achieved () Signature & Date
Unit 1 Money Savvy Theme: Consumerism & Financial Awareness
1.1.6 Understand with support longer simple narratives on a 3.1.4 Use with some support familiar print and digital resources
wide range of familiar topics to check meaning
2.1.1 Ask about and give detailed information about themselves 4.1.3 Narrate factual and imagined events and experiences
and others 4.1.5 Connect sentences into two coherent paragraphs or more
2.4.1 Narrate short stories, events and experiences using basic coordinating conjunctions and reference
3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple pronouns
longer texts
3.1.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues
provided by other known words and by context
Speaking 2.1.1, 3.1.4 1–2 1
Listening 1.1.6, 2.4.1 (audio) (PAK-21) 2 – 3 2
Reading 3.1.2, 3.1.3 (PAK-21) 3–4 3
Writing 4.1.3, 4.1.5 (narrative) 54
Vocabulary Money-and-finance-related 6–7
words, Expressions (PAK-21)
Skill Learning Standards Pages SOW Week Date PL Achieved ()/ Teacher’s
& Worksheets Lesson
Not Achieved () Signature & Date
Unit 2 What Do You Like? Theme: People & Culture
1.1.1 Understand with little or no support the main ideas in 2.3.2 Agree on a set of basic steps needed to complete extended
simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics classroom tasks
1.1.2 Understand with little or no support specific information 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple
and details in simple longer texts on a range of familiar longer texts
topics 4.1.1 Give detailed information about themselves and others
2.1.1 Ask about and give detailed information about themselves 4.2.3 Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more and
and others modify this appropriately in response to feedback
Speaking 2.1.1, 3.1.2 (PAK-21) 8–9 7
Reading 3.1.2, 2.1.1, 2.3.2 10 – 11 8 – 9
Grammar Present Simple, Present 12 – 13 10 & 13
Continuous (affirmative,
negative, questions and
short answer questions)
Listening 1.1.1, 1.1.2 (audio) 13 – 14 11
Writing 4.1.1, 4.2.3 (personal 14 – 15 16
Skill Learning Standards Pages SOW Week Date PL Achieved ()/ Teacher’s
& Worksheets Lesson
Not Achieved () Signature & Date
Unit 3 The Good and Bad of Science and Technology Theme: Science & Technology
1.1.2 Understand with little or no support specific information and 3.1.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues
details in simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics provided by other known words and by context
1.1.4 Understand longer sequences of supported classroom 4.1.2 Describe future plans or events
instructions 4.1.5 Connect sentences into two coherent paragraphs or more
2.1.2 Ask about and express rules and obligations using basic coordinating conjunctions and reference
2.1.4 Explain and give reasons for simple advice pronouns
3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple 4.2.2 Spell most high frequency words accurately in independent
longer texts writing
Listening 1.1.2, 1.1.4 (audio) 16 18
Speaking 2.1.2, 2.1.4 17 – 18 19
English Form 1 Student Performance Standard Record Table
Reading 3.1.2, 3.1.3 19 – 20 20
Writing 4.1.2, 4.2.2, 4.1.5 (future 21 – 23 21
Vocabulary Science-and-technology-
related words, Expressions 24 – 25
Skill Learning Standards Pages SOW Week Date PL Achieved ()/ Teacher’s
& Worksheets Lesson
Not Achieved () Signature & Date
Unit 4 Mother Earth in Tears Theme: Health & Environment
1.1.5 Understand more complex supported questions 4.1.2 Describe future plans or events
2.1.3 Ask about and describe future plans or events 4.1.3 Narrate factual and imagined events and experiences
2.1.4 Explain and give reasons for simple advice 4.2.3 Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more and
3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple modify this appropriately in response to feedback
longer texts
3.1.4 Use independently familiar print and digital resources to
check meaning
Listening 1.1.5, 2.1.4 (audio) 26 24
Speaking 2.1.3, 4.1.2 27 25
Reading 3.1.2, 3.1.4 28 – 29 26
Writing 4.1.3, 4.2.3 (narrative) 29 – 30 27
Vocabulary Environment-related words 30 – 31
Skill Learning Standards Pages SOW Week Date PL Achieved ()/ Teacher’s
& Worksheets Lesson
Not Achieved () Signature & Date
Unit 5 Fact or Fiction? Theme: People & Culture
1.1.1 Understand with little or no support the main ideas in 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple
simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics longer texts
1.1.2 Understand with little or no support specific information 4.1.1 Give detailed information about themselves and others
and details in simple longer texts on a range of familiar 4.2.3 Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more and
topics modify this appropriately in response to feedback
2.1.1 Ask about and give detailed information about themselves
and others
Speaking 2.1.1, 3.1.2 32 – 33 30
Reading 3.1.2, 4.1.1 34 – 35 31 – 32
Grammar Past Simple (regular and
irregular verbs) and was/ 35 – 37 33 & 36
were and could/ couldn’t
Listening 1.1.1, 1.1.2 (audio) 37 – 38 34
Writing 4.1.1, 4.2.3 (review) 38 39
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Unit 6 Shopping Theme: Consumerism & Financial Awareness
1.1.6 Understand with support longer simple narratives on a 4.1.4 Describe personality
wide range of familiar topics 4.1.5 Connect sentences into two coherent paragraphs or more
2.1.2 Ask about and express rules and obligations using basic coordinating conjunctions and reference
2.1.4 Explain and give reasons for simple advice pronouns
2.3.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by checking 4.2.2 Spell most high frequency words accurately in independent
understanding of what a speaker is saying writing
3.2.1 Read and enjoy fiction/ non-fiction and other suitable print
and digital texts of interest
Listening 1.1.6, 2.1.4 (audio) 39 – 40 41
Speaking 2.1.2, 2.3.1 41 – 42 42
Reading 3.2.1 43 43
Writing 4.1.4, 4.1.5, 4.2.2 (essay) 44 – 46 44
English Form 1 Student Performance Standard Record Table
Vocabulary Expressions 47
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& Worksheets Lesson
Not Achieved () Signature & Date
Unit 7 Colours of Malaysia Theme: People & Culture
1.2.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple
provided by other known words and by context on familiar longer texts
topics 4.1.3 Narrate factual and imagined events and experiences
2.1.4 Explain and give reasons for simple advice 4.2.1 Use capitals, full stops, commas in lists, question marks
2.1.5 Ask about and describe personality and speech marks appropriately at discourse level
2.3.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by checking 4.2.3 Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more and
understanding of what a speaker is saying modify this appropriately in response to feedback
3.1.1 Understand the main points in simple longer texts
Listening 1.2.1, 2.1.5 (audio) 48 – 49 47
Speaking 2.1.4, 2.3.1 (PAK-21) 50 – 51 48
Reading 3.1.2, 3.1.1 52 – 53 49
Writing 4.1.3, 4.2.1, 4.2.3 54 – 55 50
Grammar Present Simple, Present 56 52
Skill Learning Standards Pages SOW Week Date PL Achieved ()/ Teacher’s
& Worksheets Lesson
Not Achieved () Signature & Date
Unit 8 Wild Weather Theme: Health & Environment
1.1.1 Understand with little or no support the main ideas in 2.4.1 Narrate short stories, events and experiences
simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics 3.1.1 Understand the main points in simple longer texts
1.1.2 Understand with little or no support specific information 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple
and details in simple longer texts on a range of familiar longer texts
topics 4.1.3 Narrate factual and imagined events and experiences
2.1.1 Ask about and give detailed information about themselves 4.2.3 Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more and
and others modify this appropriately in response to feedback
2.3.2 Agree on a set of basic steps needed to complete extended
classroom tasks
Speaking 2.1.1, 2.3.2 (PAK-21) 57 – 58 53
Reading 3.1.2, 3.1.1, 2.4.1 (PAK-21) 58 – 60 54 – 55
Grammar Past Continuous, Regular 61 – 62 56 & 59
and Irregular Adverbs,
Contrast the use of the
Past Simple and Past
Listening 1.1.2, 1.1.1 (audio) 62 – 63 57
Writing 4.1.3, 4.2.3 (fictional 64 62
narrative) (PAK-21)
Skill Learning Standards Pages SOW Week Date PL Achieved ()/ Teacher’s
& Worksheets Lesson
Not Achieved () Signature & Date
Unit 9 Life on Earth Theme: Health & Environment
1.1.1 Understand with little or no support the main ideas in 3.1.1 Understand the main points in simple longer texts
simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple
1.1.2 Understand with little or no support specific information and longer texts
details in simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics 4.1.1 Give detailed information about themselves and others
2.1.1 Ask about and give detailed information about themselves 4.2.3 Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more and
and others modify this appropriately in response to feedback
2.3.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by checking
understanding of what a speaker is saying
Speaking 2.1.1, 2.3.1 65 – 66 76
Reading 3.1.2, 3.1.1 67 – 68 77 – 78
Comparatives and
Grammar Superlatives, Countable 68 – 69 79 & 82
and Uncountable Nouns
English Form 1 Student Performance Standard Record Table
Listening 1.1.1, 1.1.2 (audio) 70 – 71 80
Writing 4.1.1, 4.2.3, 3.1.2 71 – 74 85
(description) (PAK-21)
Skill Learning Standards Pages SOW Week Date PL Achieved ()/ Teacher’s
& Worksheets Lesson
Not Achieved () Signature & Date
Unit 10 Let’s Experiment! Theme: Science & Technology
1.1.1 Understand with little or no support the main ideas in 2.3.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by checking
simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics understanding of what a speaker is saying
1.1.2 Understand with little or no support specific information 3.1.1 Understand the main points in simple longer texts
and details in simple longer texts on a range of familiar 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple
topics longer texts
2.1.1 Ask about and give detailed information about themselves 4.2.3 Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more and
and others modify this appropriately in response to feedback
2.1.3 Ask about and describe future plans or events
Speaking 2.1.1, 2.3.1 (PAK-21) 75 – 77 99
Reading 3.1.2, 3.1.1, 2.1.3 (PAK-21) 78 – 80 100 – 101
Grammar Will and Won’t, First 80 – 82 102 & 105
Listening 1.1.2, 1.1.1 (audio) 82 – 83 103
Writing 4.2.3, 3.1.2 84 108
Skill Learning Standards Pages SOW Week Date PL Achieved ()/ Teacher’s
& Worksheets Lesson
Not Achieved () Signature & Date
Project-Based Learning Lesson 1 (Non-Textbook-Based Lesson) Theme: Consumerism & Financial Awareness
1.1.4 Understand longer sequences of supported classroom instructions
2.3.2 Agree on a set of basic steps needed to complete extended classroom tasks
Listening 1.1.4 v 110
Speaking 2.3.2 v 110
Skill Learning Standards Pages SOW Week Date PL Achieved ()/ Teacher’s
& Worksheets Lesson
Not Achieved () Signature & Date
Project-Based Learning Lesson 2 (Non-Textbook-Based Lesson) Theme: Health & Environment
4.1.2 Describe future plans or events
4.1.5 Connect sentences into two coherent paragraphs or more using basic coordinating conjunctions and reference pronouns
4.2.3 Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more and modify this appropriately in response to feedback
Writing 4.1.2, 4.1.5, 4.2.3 vi 111
Skill Learning Standards Pages SOW Week Date PL Achieved ()/ Teacher’s
& Worksheets Lesson
Not Achieved () Signature & Date
Project-Based Learning Lesson 3 (Non-Textbook-Based Lesson) Theme: People & Culture
2.1.1 Ask about and give detailed information about themselves and others
2.3.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by checking understanding of what a speaker is saying
Speaking 2.1.1, 2.3.1 vii – viii 111
Grammar Prepositions viii 111
Skill Learning Standards Pages SOW Week Date PL Achieved ()/ Teacher’s
& Worksheets Lesson
Not Achieved () Signature & Date
Project-Based Learning Lesson 4 (Non-Textbook-Based Lesson) Theme: Consumerism & Financial Awareness
4.1.3 Narrate factual and imagined events and experiences
Writing 4.1.3 ix 112
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& Worksheets Lesson
Not Achieved () Signature & Date
Project-Based Learning Lesson 5 (Non-Textbook-Based Lesson) Theme: Science & Technology
3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple longer texts
Reading 3.1.2 x 112
English Form 3 Project-Based Learning Lesson 1
Project-Based Learning Lesson 1
Theme Consumerism and Financial Awareness
Core Civic Value Core Value: Responsibility
Topic : Financial Management
SOW: Lesson 110 Listening and Speaking
1.1.4 Understand longer sequences of supported classroom instructions NBoans-eTdexLtebsosookn-
2.3.2 Agree on a set of basic steps needed to complete extended classroom tasks
Vocabulary Game
CONTOHSTART Go forward The old Could you This car is too Jump back How would
HERE 2 spaces painting I lend me some expensive . I 2 spaces you like to
found in the can’t afford it. pay, cash
loft turned money ? or card?
out to be My mother
valuable . keeps her
money in the
Money-and-finance-related words
safe .
Jump back Dave asked I take out a The bank I have to take Go forward The school
1 space his parents if RM300 000 has branches out a bank 1 space budget is
they would mortgage in most major loan to going to be
pay off his to buy the start my own cut this year.
towns. business.
debts . house.
Jason thinks Rules:
he is due a The questions have no fixed answers, but must be logical, sensible and grammatically correct.
tax rebate .
Will you get I bought this Alif pulls Go forward It costs Jump back There is a
your deposit coat in the out a fat 5 spaces RM1000 a 4 spaces small flat to
week to rent
back if you sales . wallet the yacht, let
cancel the It was so stuffed with with a RM500 in Jonker
cheap. banknotes. refundable
trip? deposit. Street.
Rules: You can
Students who answer the questions in the box correctly can roll the dice. make a
Those answer incorrectly will miss a turn. fortune
out of junk
YOU If you put your Your hobby I must do The Go forward if you call it
WIN! money in the could something shopkeeper 1 space antiques.
bank, it will become a about gave me How much do
earn you a 5% part-time way all these RM10 in you
unpaid change . earn
interest . of earning
income . bills. in your new
English Form 3 Project-Based Learning Lesson 1
Project-Based Learning Lesson 5
Theme Science and Technology
SOW: Lesson 112 Reading
3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple longer texts
Experiment, Observe, Predict, Explain
CONTOHStudents work in groups of four or five to conduct the following experiments. Write down their observation
and explain how it works.
The following are great science experiments with instructions that you can do right at home or at school.
In order for your science experiments to be safe and successful, be sure to:
• get your teacher’s or parents’/ guardian’s permission and their help
• follow the instructions as written
Experiment 1: How to make a volcano Instructions: Observation and how it works:
Materials needed: 10 ml of dish soap, 1 Combine the vinegar, cold water, A chemical reaction between vinegar and
100 ml of cold water, 400 ml of white baking soda creates a gas called carbon
vinegar, food colouring, baking soda dish soap and 2 drops of food dioxide. Carbon dioxide is the same type of
slurry, 2-litre empty soda bottle. colouring into the empty soda gas used to make the carbonation in sodas.
Experiment 2: Chemical eruption in bottle. What happens if you shake up a soda? The
your mouth 2 Use a spoon to mix the baking soda gas gets very excited and tries to spread
Materials needed: an orange or a slurry until it is all a liquid. out. There is not enough room in the
clementine, ½ teaspoon baking soda. 3 Pour the baking soda slurry into the bottle for the gas to spread out, so it leaves
Experiment 3: Storm in a glass soda bottle quickly. through the opening very quickly, causing
Materials needed: Shaving cream, a 4 Step back! an eruption!
large glass, water, food colouring, a *This experiment should be done
spoon. outside due to the mess. Observation and how it works:
Experiment 4: Draw figures that Instructions: As you chew, it should start to bubble in
become animated 1 Cut the orange/ clementine into your mouth. This is because oranges and
Materials needed: a glass plate or bowl, slices, or peel separate into sections. other citrus fruit are filled with citric acid.
water, a dry erase marker. 2 Dip a slice or section into the baking It is a safe acid, and it is what gives oranges,
soda. lemons and limes their sourness. Baking
3 Take a bite. soda is a base, the opposite of an acid, but
doesn’t taste very good on its own. As the
Instructions: citric acid and baking soda mix, it makes
1 Fill the glass ½ full with water. millions of carbon dioxide bubbles, the
2 Spray some shaving cream on top of same gas you breathe out, and the same
one that makes soda so fizzy.
the water to fill the glass to ¾ full.
3 Use your finger or a spoon to spread Observation and how it works:
Clouds in the sky hold onto water. The layer
the shaving cream evenly over the of shaving cream is our pretend cloud in this
top of the water. The top of the experiment. The shaving cream layer can
shaving cream should be flat. also hold onto water, but can’t keep storing
4 Mix ½-cup water with 10 drops of food more and more water forever. When they
colouring in a separate container. finally get too heavy, the water falls down
5 Gently, add the coloured water (precipitates) as rain, snow, sleet or hail.
spoonful by spoonful to the top of
the shaving cream. Observation and how it works:
Instructions: Your drawing will dance and move when you
1 Draw a simple picture on the glass swirl the water around. This is because the
plate. A stick figure is a good one to marker leaves behind mixture of pigments
start with. and a type of alcohol mixed together. The
2 Pour water onto the plate or into the alcohol dissolves and the pigments are left
bowl slowly to lift up the drawing. behind as a solid. Glass is so smooth that
3 Swirl the water around. the solid slides right off when it gets wet.
Teacher’s signature : Date : PL
Unit 1 Money Savvy
Non-Textbook-Based Unit
Theme Consumerism and Financial Awareness
SOW: Lesson 1 Speaking LS 2.1.1 LS 3.1.4
Worksheet 1 Guided
Complete the conversation below so that students could ask and give detailed information about
themselves and others.
It is recess. Two boys are chatting while eating.
Student A : Spending pocket money has become so easy, that many of us wonder where all of it goes every
month. money-saving tip
Student B : I agree with you. What’s your (1) most likely food
Student A : My biggest monthly expense is (2)
. While
eating at the canteen all the time is the easiest option, it is also the costliest. For me, by
planning out my meals for the coming week, I know the exact ingredients I need to buy.
(3) Make a shopping list and shop strategically. Only buy what
reduce food waste
you need and not what you want. This also helps (4)
at the end of the week. I make my own coffee . If you buy a coffee
Student B : Likewise, (5)
per day at RM2.5 per cup, that will end up costing you approximately RM500. Instead,
(6) buy coffee beans in bulk and make it yourself. Purchase a travel mug and
keep your coffee warm
bring it with you to school to (7) .
student discounts
Student A : That’s a good idea! I’ll also ask about (8) . While
many shops offer discounts to students, these deals are not always advertised. So don’t be
afraid to inquire with staff. And always have your student card ready.
Student B : You’re really a money-savvy person. Extracurricular activities and a social life are necessary
for making our school experiences enjoyable. How can we have fun without breaking the
bank? Any idea? Choose social activities
Student A : (9) that don’t cost money. Go hiking, cycling
or take a walk in the park. These activities don’t cost you much, but are actually intellectually
rewarding activities. Activities that take advantage of nature are best.
Student B : Thank you for your brilliant ideas! In this consumer culture we live in, it’s very tempting
buy everything in the market
to (10) . Resisting the temptation to spend
frivolously is the best way to save money.
Student A : Always differentiate between the things you necehdecaknydotuhrebtuhdinggest fyirosut want. If you do want
to spend money on a ‘want’, (11) and see if
on the spot
you can afford it. Don’t make purchasing decisions (12)
without thinking about the consequences.
Student B : The bell has gone and recess is over. Let’s go back to class.
Worksheet 2
Work in pairs. Role-play the conversation with your mate.
Speaking Skill 1−2 3−4 5−6 7−8 9 − 10
1−2 3−4 5−6 7−8 9 − 10
Pronunciation 1−2 3−4 5−6 7−8 9 − 10
Fluency & coherence 1−2 3−4 5−6 7−8 9 − 10
Grammar & accuracy
Lexical resource
Total marks
Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Marks 1−7 8 − 15 16 − 23 24 − 30 31 − 35 36 − 40
English Form 1 Unit 1
Worksheet 3 Complementary skill
Look up the meaning of the word/ phrase with the help of a hard copy of dictionary or an online dictionary.
Language Focus: Words and phrases to build your money vocabulary
No Word/ Phrase Meaning
1 thrifty to use money very carefully
2 petty cash a small amount of money kept for buying small things
3 haggle to discuss the price of an object persistently
4 debt something, especially money, that is owed to someone else
5 profit when a person or business makes more money selling something than buying
or producing that thing
6 squirrel away to hide or store something, especially money, in order to use it in the future
7 flat broke not having any money at all
8 bread and butter a job that provides you with the money you need to live
9 recession a period of decreased economic activity where people lose jobs and things get
more expensive
10 break the bank to cost too much
SOW: Lesson 2 Listening Track 1
LS 1.1.6 LS 2.4.1
Worksheet 1
Listen to the narrative on the world of money. Rearrange the pictures in the correct order. Leave out the
picture which does not correspond to the narrative and discuss in class what is wrong with the picture.
Mak, I don't want the
smartphone anymore. I
don't want Mak to suffer
just to earn some money
to get me a smartphone.
2 4
C is the wrong picture. Puan Khadijah did not buy her son the smartphone for she was poor. Her son, Kadir, PL
did not want the smartphone anymore because he did not want to see his mother suffer.
English Form 1 Unit 1
Worksheet 2 Complementary skill PAK-21
Teacher’s role Get pupils to log on to a website where they can create mini comic strips.
Pupils’ role The most important thing here is the comic strips must be related to the
Pupils’ role
Teacher’s role topic: Money Savvy.
Inform pupils that it must be a narrative of short stories, events or
Work in pairs and do this piece of practice as homework.
Arrange their schedule to work out the comic strip.
Pupils must bring their completed work to class the following week.
In class, the following week:
put their comic strips on a whiteboard or blackboard.
present their narrative.
get their classmates to rearrange the comic strips in the correct order
while the pair is reading out the narrative.
get other classmates to narrate their story.
Act as a facilitator.
Monitor as the pupils present their narrative.
SOW: Lesson 3 Reading LS 3.1.2 LS 3.1.3 Digital
Worksheet 1 Resource 1
Read the article below carefully.
The financial implications stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic are expected to last for years as PAK-2P1dPAc ctivity
unemployment rates rise and markets continuously fluctuate. On a personal level, the coronavirus has made
it difficult for many parents to maintain a sense of financial normality in the home. While mums and dads D
have worked hard to make ends meet and disguise any financial turbulence over the past several months,
their children’s brains are like sponges, and they are picking up on money management habits intuitively. i
According to behavioural research, kids start grasping basic money concepts by the age of 3, and by the g
age of 7, many of their money habits are already set. As they grow into young adults, children continue to
learn through their parents’ examples as well as outside influences, such as media and friends. i
While it’s always important to teach children about making good economic choices, it’s especially t
critical during economic recessions like today’s. Parents must go beyond piggy banks and coins to teach
their children about money management. Instead, they should encourage today’s digitally youth to manage a
everything from their allowances to their first pay packets.
Digital money has rapidly overtaken cash in recent years to become the main way that people hold,
spend and send their money on a global scale. Unlike their parents and grandparents, learning to manage PdPc
money digitally should come naturally to youth, as they have grown up in a world filled with websites,
gadgets and apps. Digital tools, like mobile apps and educational games, can help instill financial literacy and Re
build a solid foundation in money management concepts before reaching adulthood.
It’s a good idea to start introducing kids to basic concepts of money as soon as they start counting.
This will help them both to understand that numbers have important applications in everyday life, as o
well as making them comfortable with the concept of money at a tender age. A tried-and-true method for
introducing the transactional nature of money is to play pretend grocery shopping where the child can act u
out the process of purchasing items from a shopkeeper. To add a digital component to this exercise, instead
of using paper money at the make-believe register, parents can encourage children to reenact the ‘tap to pay’ r e
action that occurs when using digital wallets.
By the time children reach their teenage years, they often crave independence. Many of today’s banking
apps and digital money wallets give teenagers the power to make their own decisions, which is crucial for
their financial development, while also allowing parents to keep a watchful eye on their financial activities.
Not only will digital money wallets and platforms teach young adults to be savvy in today’s world, but they
will also give them a leg up in the future.
English Form 1 Unit 1
A Read the article quickly. Which sentence best summarises the article? Choose A, B, C or D.
A How to raise technologically savvy children.
B Importance of savings in times of COVID-19.
C How to create a solid financial plan for children.
D Teaching children to be financially savvy in the COVID-19 outbreak and the digital future.
B Read the article again and write T for True, F for False or NM for Not Mentioned.
1 Children continue to imitate their parents’ money habits. T
2 One-in-four adults have had trouble paying their bills since the start of the T
coronavirus outbreak. NM
3 Children start understanding the basic concept of money from as young as three F
years old. T
4 Digital money is the digital representation of value. NM
5 Digital money has rapidly overtaken credit cards in recent years to become the main T
method that consumers spend their money. NM
6 Parents can teach children the basic money skills through simple, fun games.
7 A habit of saving is an essential skill parents can develop in their child.
8 Many young children crave attention when they reach their teenage years.
9 Playing pretend grocery shopping is one of the most effective ways to improve
financial literacy among children.
10 Piggy banks are a great way to get children excited about learning to save money.
PAK-2 P1dPAcctivity
C Read the article again. Give the meanings of the words/ phrases below according to the context.
No Word/ Phrase Meaning (as used in context)
1 tried-and-true used many times in the past and proven to work well
2 give them a leg up to give children an added advantage
3 stemming from causing by
4 make ends meet to have just enough money to pay for the things that one needs
5 pretend not real, not genuine
6 pay packets the money that a person regularly earns, a wage or salary
7 go beyond to do more than is expected or required
8 keep a watchful eye on to watch closely
PAK-21 (Penglibatan Ibu Bapa)
Ask your parents how do they pay their bills and determine which ones are most important. Which monthly
expenses do they choose to pay first? Which can save them money and which could be managed differently?
English Form 1 Unit 1
SOW: Lesson 4 Writing LS 4.1.3 LS 4.1.5
Worksheet 1
Write a narrative on ‘Money is the root of all evil’.
Plan Think of an idea for your story.
Then make notes:
• who it was about − you or somebody else?
• how the story began and ended?
Write • write three paragraphs − an introduction, the main body of the story and the end
• write in about 120 words
Check Check your writing.
past simple
past continuous
coordinating conjunctions and reference pronoun
(Suggested answer)
Money Is the Root of All Evil
Samuel and Sunny were very close siblings. They were born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Their
father, Mr Kong, was a filthy rich businessman in town. Mr Kong suddenly passed away due to a sudden
heart attack. The two brothers were very sad over their father’s sudden demise.
When their father’s will was read out to them, Samuel, the elder, was not too happy with it because he
only got one quarter of their father’s estate. Since then, Samuel had been trying to pick on Sunny. He had
also gone to the extent of trying to cheat Sunny of his share. The bond between both brothers was severed.
Samuel was aggressive, greedy and sly. He thought of ways to get as much money as possible from the
company. He sold the company’s shares and property without Sunny’s knowledge. Samuel was very happy PAK-2P1dPAc ctivity
doing it for he got lots of money.
Soon, their father’s company went bankrupt. Sunny was at a loss, but Samuel was enjoying himself.
After all, he had got all the money he wanted. Poor Sunny was left in the lurch to fend for their father’s
company and other businesses. He was practically living from hand to mouth. He sighed and said to himself,
‘Money is the root of all evil.’
PAK-21 (Create Your Octopoem)
An octopoem has eight short lines describing the topic (a person or thing). Each line has a subject to refer to
the topic. For example:
Line 1: colour Line 2: season Line 3: place Line 4: weather Line 5: a piece of clothing
Line 6: a piece of furniture Line 7: a film/ TV show Line 8: food
Now, create your own octopoem about MONEY and describe it in EIGHT lines. Each line can be as long as you
choose and does not need to rhyme or anything of that nature. However, the only thing you need to follow is
the order of the descriptions you use for each of the eight lines about your poem.
English Form 1 Unit 1
BONUS Vocabulary Drill
Worksheet 1
Fill in the blanks with the correct verb in the box using the correct tense of the verb.
owe borrow lend invest find earn
pay back save inherit spend budget withdraw
1 My grandfather invested some money in that piece of land many years ago. Now, he is happy
that the value of the land has gone up.
2 The rich lady inherited tons of money when her parents passed away last year.
3 I still owe the bank some money, which I borrowed years ago to further my studies
to England.
4 Aiden does not earn much, so he always works around his budget.
5 Camila lent her friend a few hundred ringgit years ago, but till now she hasn’t got back
a single cent.
6 The beggar was extremely happy when he found a five ringgit note by the drain.
7 Carter was able to pay back the five thousand ringgit he borrowed from the bank when he got
a bonus from his company.
8 As a child, I was taught to save some of my pocket money every month. I am happy I did
it because I have lots of savings in the bank now.
9 Don’t spend all your money. Please draw up a budget .
10 My father goes to the bank at the end of the month to withdraw some money for the family’s
Worksheet 2 English Form 1 Unit 1
Pop Quiz 1
Match the situations with the correct expressions.
1 Old Mr Lau is happily retired. This is because B A Money doesn’t grow on O
he started saving at a very young age and has a trees PdPc
substantial amount in the bank. PQ
2 Try to be thrifty rather than working overtime E B Nest egg
for more money.
3 Jenny and Jeffrey had lunch at the café. They G C A fool and his money are
CONTOHpaid for their own food. soon parted
4 Clarence has all the money in the world. He gets H D Penny wise, pound
whatever he wants for his father is filthy rich. foolish
5 Ken inherited his late father’s estate but he soon C E A penny saved is a penny
got nothing for he wasted all on useless things. earned
6 Mrs Tai tries to save a little here and there on D F As poor as a church
groceries, but she could buy herself a new BMW. mouse
7 Harry could hardly survive on his meagre pay as J G Go Dutch
a labourer at that construction firm. Whatever
little money he has, he spends on his family.
8 Lynn keeps asking her mother for money to buy A H Born with a silver spoon
beautiful clothes and make-up. Her mother tells in one’s mouth
her that she doesn’t have that much money and PAK-2P1dPAc ctivity
that Lynn should only spend on what she needs
and not what she wants.
9 That beggar begs by the road every day. Not many F I Bring home the bacon
people give him money, so he often goes hungry.
10 Eunice goes to work while her husband looks I J Live from hand to
after the children at home. mouth
PAK-21 (Round Robin) Digital Digital D
Resource 2 Resource 3
1 Work in groups of three. a
2 Teacher announces the topic: How to Plan for Back-to-School Expenses in times of COVID-19?
and gives ‘think time’.
3 Teammates take turns to give their opinions and discuss. As each teammate says his/ her opinion PdPc
on the topic, each of them writes the answers on the paper. Re
4 At the end of the activity, each teammate takes turns to choose the most effective step/ tip and s
give reasons for his/ her choice.
r e
Unit 5 Fact or Fiction?
Textbook-Based Unit
Theme People and Culture
SOW: Lesson 30 Speaking LS 2.1.1 LS 3.1.2 PULSE 2 p. 20
Worksheet 1 Topic Literature
Complete the conversation below. You may choose any of the literature genre below to help you.
fairy tales adventure fiction biographies autobiographies graphic novels
historical fiction sports fiction horror novels romance novels comedy
cookery books science fiction thrillers
detective novels poetry
Student A : You love reading?
Student B : Of course I do.
Student A : What literature genre you like most?
Student B : (1) Graphic novels .
Student A : Why do you like this particular literature genre?
Student B : (2) Not only do I enjoy the artwork, but also the stories that go along with the novels
fit the story perfectly . And how about you?
Student A : Oh, I enjoy reading (3) horror novels .
Student B : Wow! Why do you enjoy it?
Student A : (4) I like the kind of horror novels that give me sleepless nights! A lot of Stephen King's
novels have this powerful quality. It sets his genre apart from others in a way.
Student B : Each to his own.
Student A : Yes, others may like reading thrillers, romance novels or even historical fiction.
Student B : I can’t agree with you more.
Speaking Skill 1−2 3−4 5−6 7−8 9 − 10
1−2 3−4 5−6 7−8 9 − 10
Pronunciation 1−2 3−4 5−6 7−8 9 − 10
Fluency & coherence 1−2 3−4 5−6 7−8 9 − 10
Grammar & accuracy
1 2 /40 5 6
Lexical resource 1−7 8 − 15 31 − 35 36 − 40
Total marks 3 4
16 − 23 24 − 30
Performance level
English Form 1 Unit 5
Worksheet 2 Complementary skill
Read the story below.
Romeo and Juliet
By William Shakespeare
The Montagues and the Capulets were not on good terms. One day, there was a ball at Capulet’s
house. Young Romeo of the Montagues and his friends disguised themselves and attended the ball. It was
here that Romeo fell in love with Juliet, Capulet’s daughter. These two young lovers with the aid of Friar
Laurence made plans to marry secretly.
Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin, came to know about the lovers. He set out to teach Romeo a lesson. In the
fight, Tybalt killed Mercutio, Romeo’s best friend. Romeo was so angry that he killed Tybalt. Because of
this, Romeo was banished by the Prince of Verona. Sadly, Romeo left Juliet. He had no choice but to leave
his beloved Juliet behind.
Juliet’s parents forced her to marry Paris, a cousin to the Prince. Juliet was sad indeed. Friar Laurence
had a plan for her. Juliet obtained a drug that would make her ‘dead’ for forty-two hours. Friar Laurence
would then send a letter to Romeo to rescue her from her tomb. Unfortunately, his letter did not reach
Romeo. Meanwhile, Romeo received news that Juliet had died. Romeo was so sad that he also wanted to
die. He bought some poison and rushed to Juliet’s tomb. He wanted to die by her side.
When he reached the tomb, he met Paris. After killing Paris, Romeo quickly took
the poison. Friar Laurence rushed to the scene. By then, Julie had awakened but she
was grief-stricken to find the lifeless body of Romeo beside her. Juliet then stabbed her
heart with Romeo’s dagger.
The Prince arrived followed by the Montagues and the Capulets. Friar Laurence
related to them what happened. The Montagues and the Capulets realise the effect of
their feud upon their children. They became friends again!
1 What is the literature genre of ‘Romeo and Juliet’?
Romance novel
2 Who wrote ‘Romeo and Juliet’?
William Shakespeare
3 Do you like the story? Why/ Why not?
Yes, I like the story. Romeo and Juliet were deeply in love. Romeo thinking that Juliet had died poisoned
himself. This shows his true love for Juliet. Juliet too, portrays true love for Romeo when she killed
herself after finding that Romeo had poisoned himself./ No, I don’t like the story. Romeo should have
found out more about Juliet’s ‘death’ instead of taking the rash action of poisoning himself. He should
act more sensibly. As for Juliet, she had no choice because Romeo was already dead. She could not live
without him. (Any suitable answer)
English Form 1 Unit 5
SOW: Lessons 31 – 32 Reading LS 3.1.2 LS 4.1.1 PULSE 2 p. 21 Digital
Resource 10
Worksheet 1
Topic Literature
Read the passage below. What do you think the passage will mainly be about?
Science fiction or sometimes called sci-fi is a genre of speculative fiction. This science fiction deals
with imaginative and futuristic concepts like science and technology, time travel and space exploration.
Science fiction, whose roots go back to ancient times, is related to fantasy, horror and superhero fiction.
It provides entertainment. Some of the popular science-fiction novels, include The War of the Worlds, The
Time Machine and The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells and A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle.
Science fiction is a fascinating subject to write about. Writing a really good sci-fi story is not that hard
at all, but there are certain steps you need to keep in mind.
The first step is planning your plot. A good plot is the main essence of the novel you are writing
about. Imagine yourself on your own planet, floating in space or deep inside some unknown universe.
Let your imagination run wild! The next step is where you put in your characters. Your characters can be
a fictional person, someone you know of or even someone very famous.
The next step is a very important one − writing the novel. Make sure that you are ready and
comfortable. Find a spot in your house or anywhere you would like to be. Then, start writing your novel
based on the plot and characters you have created. Always start your novel with a gripping introduction
in order to keep your readers interested. If your story is based in the future, you can write pretty much
anything you want, but if your story is set in the past, be sure to check your facts when writing about past
Finally, end your story with a bang. Every story needs a gripping ending. Don't end your story while
some parts of the plot or storyline are still unfinished, for example, ‘Aliens invade Mexico in the
year 5050’, but you never expand on why they came or what they came to do.
Adapted from: https://www.wikihow.com/Write-a-
Complete the sentences below. Choose no more than three words from the passage for each answer.
1 Science-fiction novels are a source of entertainment .
2 Science-fiction novels are written since ancient times .
3 To write a good science-fiction novel is not hard .
4 To make your science-fiction novel popular, you need a good plot .
5 A science-fiction novel needs your imagination, so let your imagination run wild .
e 6 The characters that you want for your science-fiction novel can be fictional, someone you know of or
u very famous
o someone .
PdPc 7 Your science-fiction novel should have a gripping introduction and ending .
Digital 8 For a science-fiction novel that is about the past, make sure you check your facts .
English Form 1 Unit 5
Worksheet 2 Complementary skill
1 Look at the list of jobs below.
teacher doctor photographer clown software engineer
2 Look at each job and write about the skills a person would need to be good at the job.
3 Write a summary of the job. You may use the example below:
This person’s name is Charlotte. She lives in Jitra, Kedah. She is a teacher.
She teaches children in a primary school. She loves all of them. She uses the
computer to make her lessons more interesting.
SOW: Lessons 33 & 36 L a n g u a g e A w a r e n e s s 2 . 1 & 2 . 2 : G r a m m a r PULSE 2 p. 22 & p. 25
Grammar Focus: Past Simple (regular and irregular verbs)
& was/ were & could/ couldn’t
Worksheet 1 Topic Literature Topic A famous writer
Fill in the blanks with the past simple tense of the verbs in brackets.
Shirley Geok-lin Lim was born in Malacca in 1944. She was (1) raised (raise) by
her Chinese father. She (2) grew (grow) up in a big family of ten children. Her mother
(3) left (leave) the family when Lim was only eight. Her father (4) remarried (remarry).
His second wife (5) bore (bear) him four more children. ‘It was a life of poverty when my father’s
shoe business (6) collapsed (collapse),’ (7) said (say) Lim.
Although her first languages were Malay and the Hokkien dialect of Chinese, she was able to read
English by the time she was six. Lim (8) attended (attend) missionary schools such as the Infant Jesus
Convent. Poetry was Lim’s first form of literary genre. Her first poem was written and then published in
the Malacca Times when she was only ten. By the time she was eleven, she (9) knew (know)
she (10) wanted (want) to be a writer. Her first book of poetry, Crossing the Peninsula and other
poems (11) won (win) the Commonwealth Poetry Prize in 1980.
She had published seven poetry collections; three books of short stories; two novels
(Joss and Gold and Sister Swing); a children's novel, Princess Shawl, which was
(12) translated (translate) into Chinese; and The Shirley Lim Collection. Her
memoir, Among the White Moon Faces, (13) received (receive) the American
Book Award.
The children’s novel, Princess Shawl, tells a story of a girl named Mei Li
who (14) inherited (inherit) a shawl from her grand-aunt. Mei Li had a mission
– it was to rescue the Chinese princess, Hang Li Po, from the
island where the wicked ‘bomoh’ had exiled her. At the end, Mei Li
(15) succeeded (succeed) in uniting the princess with the brave Sultan
Mansur Shah.
English Form 1 Unit 5
Worksheet 2 Pop Quiz 6 Pop Quiz 7
Complete the conversation below using the past simple form of the verbs in brackets.
Kathy : Hi, Flora! Have you heard of Jane Austen? Who (1) was (be) Jane Austen?
Beatrice : She (2) was (be) an English novelist who (3) lived (live) from
U 1775 to 1817.
Kathy : An English novelist? What (4)
PdPc were (be) the novels she (5) wrote
Beatrice : Emma, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park and Sense and Sensibility, to name a few.
Kathy : (6) Were (be) her novels about love?
Beatrice : Love (7) was (be) one of the many themes in her novels.
Kathy : What (8) did she write (write) about?
Beatrice : A lot of her novels (9) were (be) about marriage, status, poverty and the
struggles of the British society at the end of the 18th century.
Kathy : Why (10) did people like (like) her novels?
Beatrice : Her novels were easy to understand. Readers (11) felt (feel) that they
(12) could (can) connect with the characters in the novel.
Kathy : My friends (13) paid (pay) quite a lot for Jane Austen’s hard copies.
Beatrice : People didn’t mind paying for such beautiful novels.
Kathy : Yeah, people didn’t mind paying for what (14) made (make) them happy and
most importantly, they also (15) learned/ learnt (learn) about the British society
during the 18th century.
English Form 1 Unit 5
Worksheet 3
Read the text below and correct the underlined errors.
For each question, write the correct word in the space provided.
‘How was the film, ‘Puteri Gunung Ledang’?’ my sister asked me. I told her that it (0) is
good. Puteri Gunung Ledang was a love story, which (1) take place during the 15th century in
Malacca. The story began when Princess Gusti from Majapahit (2) leave her homeland in search
of her love, Admiral Hang Tuah, in Malacca. She (3) wait for him at Gunung Ledang. Her brother,
Husti Adipati, offered her to the Sultan of Malacca, Sultan Mahmud. He hoped that Malacca
(4) can protect Majapahit from the attacks of Demak. Hang Tuah carried on his loyal duties to the
Sultan. He (5) leading a party to Gunung Ledang to ask Princess Gusti for her hand in marriage on
behalf of the Sultan. Princess Gusti (6) were very hurt and angry. She agreed to the marriage on the
condition that Sultan Mahmud could (7) granted her seven wishes. Sultan Mahmud (8) were able
to grant the six wishes easily. As to the seventh wish on the day when Sultan Mahmud was about
to kill his own son to get a bowl of blood, Puteri Gustri appeared and rebuked him. Sultan Mahmud
was so angry that he cast a curse on Princess Gusti to live at Gunung Ledang forever and never to
be seen by anyone again. Hang Tuah rushed to see his lover for the last time.
Example: PdPc
0 was
1 took 2 left 3 waited 4 could 5 led
6 was 7 grant 8 was PL
SOW: Lesson 34 Listening LS 1.1.1 LS 1.1.2 PULSE 2 p. 23 Track 7
Worksheet 1 Topic Professions
Listen to the audio. Before you begin, look at these pictures. Do you know who they are?
Now listen to the audio and match the names with the descriptions of the professions.
1 2345
Tun Dr Mahathir
Dato' Dr Sheikh Harith Iskander Pandelela Rinong Dato' Redzuawan
Muszaphar Shukor bin Musa Pamg bin Ismail bin Mohamad
English Form 1 Unit 5 Track 8
Worksheet 2 Complementary skill
You are going to hear a teacher talking about a famous Malaysian. Before you listen, read through the
statements and underline the key words.
Do the following statements agree with the information in the listening passage? Write True if the statement
agrees with the information and False if the statement contradicts the information.
1 Tan Sri Ong is a renowned scientist in Malaysia. True
2 His younger days were spent in a rubber plantation. True
3 Tan Sri Ong’s research was on palm oil. True
4 The world has never recognised Tan Sri Ong’s research. False
5 Tan Sri Ong found that palm oil is good for health. True
6 Tan Sri Ong has five children who are living overseas. False
7 Tan Sri Ong was awarded the Palm Oil Industry Leadership Award. True
8 Tan Sri Ong has since retired after his successful research into palm oil. False
SOW: Lesson 39 Writing LS 4.1.1 LS 4.2.3 PULSE 2 p. 28
Worksheet 1 Topic Places
Write a review of an interesting place you visited recently.
Plan Choose an interesting place and make notes.
Write Write your review. Write three paragraphs. Use your notes to help you. Write in not less than 120
Check Check your writing.
also and too past simple verbs could/ couldn't
(Suggested answer)
Last weekend, my family and I visited the Melaka Maritime Museum, which is situated in Melaka town itself. The
main place we enjoyed most is a replica of the Flor de la Mar, a Portuguese ship, laden with treasure, which sank off the
coast of Malacca on its way back to Portugal. I felt nice to get into the ship, which was converted into a museum. We could
see lots of displays about Malacca’s past. We could also walk around as though we were on board the Flor de la Mar. We
were free to explore. The most exciting thing was we could take lots of photos too.
Later, we went to Muzium Samudera. In this museum, we could see exhibits, such as model fishing boats, dioramas
of fishing villages, displays of marine creatures and birds too. Next, we crossed the road to the Royal Malaysian Navy
Museum. Here, we could see exhibits like a WASP MK1 helicopter, some naval guns and equipment. There was also
information on the history of the Royal Malaysian Navy. I was very attracted to a patrol boat displayed on stilts outside
the museum. Visitors could climb onto its deck but could not go inside. That was something I did not enjoy!
My family and I left the Melaka Maritime Museum after an hour. Then, we went to explore some other places.
Unit 1 SOW: Lesson 4 Writing
SOW: Lesson 1 Speaking Worksheet 1
Worksheet 1 (Suggested answer)
Money Is the Root of All Evil
1 money-saving tip
2 most likely food Samuel and Sunny were very close siblings. They were born
3 Make a shopping list with a silver spoon in their mouth. Their father, Mr Kong, was a filthy
4 reduce food waste rich businessman in town. Mr Kong suddenly passed away due to
5 I make my own coffee a sudden heart attack. The two brothers were very sad over their
6 buy coffee beans in bulk father’s sudden demise.
7 keep your coffee warm
8 student discounts When their father’s will was read out to them, Samuel, the
9 Choose social activities elder, was not too happy with it because he only got one quarter of
10 buy everything in the market their father’s estate. Since then, Samuel had been trying to pick on
11 check your budget first Sunny. He had also gone to the extent of trying to cheat Sunny of his
10 on the spot share. The bond between both brothers was severed.
Samuel was aggressive, greedy and sly. He thought of ways
to get as much money as possible from the company. He sold the
company’s shares and property without Sunny’s knowledge. Samuel
was very happy doing it for he got lots of money.
Soon, their father’s company went bankrupt. Sunny was at a
loss, but Samuel was enjoying himself. After all, he had got all the
money he wanted. Poor Sunny was left in the lurch to fend for their
father’s company and other businesses. He was practically living
from hand to mouth. He sighed and said to himself, ‘Money is the
root of all evil.’
Worksheet 3CONTOH
BONUS Vocabulary Drill
1 to use money very carefully
2 a small amount of money kept for buying small things Worksheet 1 6 found
3 to discuss the price of an object persistently 7 pay back
4 something, especially money, that is owed to someone else 1 invested 8 save
5 when a person or business makes more money selling 2 inherited 9 spend, budget
3 owe, borrowed 10 withdraw
something than buying or producing that thing 4 earn
6 to hide or store something, especially money, in order to use it 5 lent
in the future
7 not having any money at all
8 a job that provides you with the money you need to live
9 a period of decreased economic activity where people lose jobs
and things get more expensive
10 to cost too much
SOW: Lesson 2 Listening Worksheet 2
Worksheet 1 1 B 2 E 3 G 4 H 5 C
6 D 7 J 8 A 9 F 10 I
A = 3, B = 1, D = 2, E = 4
SOW: Lesson 3 Reading Unit 2
Worksheet 1 SOW: Lesson 7 Speaking
Worksheet 1
B 2 NM 3 T 4 NM 5 F 1 is very popular right now
7 NM 8 F 9 T 10 NM 2 simply love her new songs
1 T 3 I don’t like listening to country-pop songs
6 T 4 it’s a waste of time
5 I have to disagree with you
C 6 overcome with my homesickness
7 improve your English vocabulary
1 used many times in the past and proven to work well 8 make out the lyrics
2 to give children an added advantage 9 spend my time doing what interests me most
3 causing by 10 playing football
4 to have just enough money to pay for the things that one needs 11 running around the field and chasing after a ball
5 not real, not genuine 12 requires a lot of skill to be able to play well
6 the money that a person regularly earns, a wage or salary 13 doesn’t seem the least interesting to me
7 to do more than is expected or required
8 to watch closely