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English Form 1 Book B

English Form 1 Book B

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Student Performance Standard Record Table............... i Unit 6 Shopping
Project-Based Learning Lessons 1 – 5............................ v (Non-Textbook-Based Unit)

Unit 1 Money Savvy 01 Listening................................................................. 39
(Non-Textbook-Based Unit) 02 Speaking................................................................. 41
03 Reading.................................................................. 43
01 Speaking................................................................... 1 04 Writing................................................................... 44
02 Listening................................................................... 2 Vocabulary Drill ........................................................... 47
03 Reading.................................................................... 3
04 Writing..................................................................... 5 Unit 7 Colours of Malaysia
Vocabulary Drill ............................................................. 6 (Non-Textbook-Based Unit)
Unit 2 What Do You Like? 01 Listening................................................................. 48
(Textbook-Based Unit) 02 Speaking................................................................. 50
03 Reading.................................................................. 52
01 Speaking................................................................... 8 04 Writing................................................................... 54
02 Reading.................................................................. 10 05 Language Awareness............................................. 56
03 Language Awareness 1.1 & 1.2: Grammar....... 12
04 Listening................................................................. 13 Unit 8 Wild Weather
05 Writing................................................................... 14 (Textbook-Based Unit)

Unit 3 The Good and Bad of Science 01 Speaking................................................................. 57
and Technology 02 Reading.................................................................. 58
03 Language Awareness 3.1 & 3.2: Grammar....... 61
(Non-Textbook-Based Unit) 04 Listening................................................................. 62
05 Writing................................................................... 64
01 Listening................................................................. 16
02 Speaking................................................................. 17 Unit 9 Life on Earth
03 Reading.................................................................. 19 (Textbook-Based Unit)
04 Writing................................................................... 21
Vocabulary Drill ........................................................... 24 01 Speaking................................................................. 65
02 Reading.................................................................. 67
Unit 4 Mother Earth in Tears 03 Language Awareness 4.1 & 4.2: Grammar....... 68
(Non-Textbook-Based Unit) 04 Listening................................................................. 70
05 Writing................................................................... 71
01 Listening................................................................. 26
02 Speaking................................................................. 27 Unit 10 Let's Experiment!
03 Reading.................................................................. 28 (Textbook-Based Unit)
04 Writing................................................................... 29
Vocabulary Drill ........................................................... 30 01 Speaking................................................................. 75
02 Reading.................................................................. 78
Unit 5 Fact or Fiction? 03 Language Awareness 5.1 & 5.2: Grammar....... 80
(Textbook-Based Unit) 04 Listening................................................................. 82
05 Writing................................................................... 84
01 Speaking................................................................. 32
02 Reading.................................................................. 34 Answers
03 Language Awareness 2.1 & 2.2: Grammar....... 35
04 Listening................................................................. 37
05 Writing................................................................... 38

Civic Recording All websites and YouTube
Education Scripts
Module channels in this book can be QR

retrieved on September 2021

Student Performance Standard
Record Table English Form 1

Skill Learning Standards Pages SOW Week Date PL Achieved ()/ Teacher’s
& Worksheets Lesson
Not Achieved () Signature & Date

Unit 1 Money Savvy Theme: Consumerism & Financial Awareness

1.1.6 Understand with support longer simple narratives on a 3.1.4 Use with some support familiar print and digital resources

wide range of familiar topics to check meaning
2.1.1 Ask about and give detailed information about themselves 4.1.3 Narrate factual and imagined events and experiences

and others 4.1.5 Connect sentences into two coherent paragraphs or more

2.4.1 Narrate short stories, events and experiences using basic coordinating conjunctions and reference

3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple pronouns

longer texts

3.1.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues

provided by other known words and by context

Speaking 2.1.1, 3.1.4 1–2 1

Listening 1.1.6, 2.4.1 (audio) (PAK-21) 2 – 3 2

Reading 3.1.2, 3.1.3 (PAK-21) 3–4 3

Writing 4.1.3, 4.1.5 (narrative) 54

Vocabulary Money-and-finance-related 6–7
words, Expressions (PAK-21)

Skill Learning Standards Pages SOW Week Date PL Achieved ()/ Teacher’s
& Worksheets Lesson
Not Achieved () Signature & Date

Unit 2 What Do You Like? Theme: People & Culture

1.1.1 Understand with little or no support the main ideas in 2.3.2 Agree on a set of basic steps needed to complete extended

simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics classroom tasks

1.1.2 Understand with little or no support specific information 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple

and details in simple longer texts on a range of familiar longer texts

topics 4.1.1 Give detailed information about themselves and others

2.1.1 Ask about and give detailed information about themselves 4.2.3 Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more and

and others modify this appropriately in response to feedback

Speaking 2.1.1, 3.1.2 (PAK-21) 8–9 7

Reading 3.1.2, 2.1.1, 2.3.2 10 – 11 8 – 9

Grammar Present Simple, Present 12 – 13 10 & 13
Continuous (affirmative,
negative, questions and
short answer questions)

Listening 1.1.1, 1.1.2 (audio) 13 – 14 11

Writing 4.1.1, 4.2.3 (personal 14 – 15 16

Skill Learning Standards Pages SOW Week Date PL Achieved ()/ Teacher’s
& Worksheets Lesson
Not Achieved () Signature & Date

Unit 3 The Good and Bad of Science and Technology Theme: Science & Technology

1.1.2 Understand with little or no support specific information and 3.1.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues

details in simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics provided by other known words and by context

1.1.4 Understand longer sequences of supported classroom 4.1.2 Describe future plans or events

instructions 4.1.5 Connect sentences into two coherent paragraphs or more

2.1.2 Ask about and express rules and obligations using basic coordinating conjunctions and reference

2.1.4 Explain and give reasons for simple advice pronouns

3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple 4.2.2 Spell most high frequency words accurately in independent

longer texts writing

Listening 1.1.2, 1.1.4 (audio) 16 18

Speaking 2.1.2, 2.1.4 17 – 18 19


English Form 1 Student Performance Standard Record Table

Reading 3.1.2, 3.1.3 19 – 20 20

Writing 4.1.2, 4.2.2, 4.1.5 (future 21 – 23 21

Vocabulary Science-and-technology-
related words, Expressions 24 – 25

Skill Learning Standards Pages SOW Week Date PL Achieved ()/ Teacher’s
& Worksheets Lesson
Not Achieved () Signature & Date

Unit 4 Mother Earth in Tears Theme: Health & Environment

1.1.5 Understand more complex supported questions 4.1.2 Describe future plans or events

2.1.3 Ask about and describe future plans or events 4.1.3 Narrate factual and imagined events and experiences
2.1.4 Explain and give reasons for simple advice 4.2.3 Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more and

3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple modify this appropriately in response to feedback

longer texts

3.1.4 Use independently familiar print and digital resources to

check meaning

Listening 1.1.5, 2.1.4 (audio) 26 24

Speaking 2.1.3, 4.1.2 27 25

Reading 3.1.2, 3.1.4 28 – 29 26

Writing 4.1.3, 4.2.3 (narrative) 29 – 30 27

Vocabulary Environment-related words 30 – 31

Skill Learning Standards Pages SOW Week Date PL Achieved ()/ Teacher’s
& Worksheets Lesson
Not Achieved () Signature & Date

Unit 5 Fact or Fiction? Theme: People & Culture

1.1.1 Understand with little or no support the main ideas in 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple

simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics longer texts

1.1.2 Understand with little or no support specific information 4.1.1 Give detailed information about themselves and others

and details in simple longer texts on a range of familiar 4.2.3 Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more and

topics modify this appropriately in response to feedback

2.1.1 Ask about and give detailed information about themselves

and others

Speaking 2.1.1, 3.1.2 32 – 33 30

Reading 3.1.2, 4.1.1 34 – 35 31 – 32

Grammar Past Simple (regular and
irregular verbs) and was/ 35 – 37 33 & 36
were and could/ couldn’t

Listening 1.1.1, 1.1.2 (audio) 37 – 38 34

Writing 4.1.1, 4.2.3 (review) 38 39

Skill Learning Standards Pages SOW Week Date PL Achieved ()/ Teacher’s
& Worksheets Lesson
Not Achieved () Signature & Date

Unit 6 Shopping Theme: Consumerism & Financial Awareness

1.1.6 Understand with support longer simple narratives on a 4.1.4 Describe personality

wide range of familiar topics 4.1.5 Connect sentences into two coherent paragraphs or more

2.1.2 Ask about and express rules and obligations using basic coordinating conjunctions and reference

2.1.4 Explain and give reasons for simple advice pronouns

2.3.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by checking 4.2.2 Spell most high frequency words accurately in independent

understanding of what a speaker is saying writing

3.2.1 Read and enjoy fiction/ non-fiction and other suitable print

and digital texts of interest

Listening 1.1.6, 2.1.4 (audio) 39 – 40 41

Speaking 2.1.2, 2.3.1 41 – 42 42

Reading 3.2.1 43 43

Writing 4.1.4, 4.1.5, 4.2.2 (essay) 44 – 46 44


English Form 1 Student Performance Standard Record Table

Vocabulary Expressions 47

Skill Learning Standards Pages SOW Week Date PL Achieved ()/ Teacher’s
& Worksheets Lesson
Not Achieved () Signature & Date

Unit 7 Colours of Malaysia Theme: People & Culture

1.2.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple

provided by other known words and by context on familiar longer texts

topics 4.1.3 Narrate factual and imagined events and experiences

2.1.4 Explain and give reasons for simple advice 4.2.1 Use capitals, full stops, commas in lists, question marks

2.1.5 Ask about and describe personality and speech marks appropriately at discourse level

2.3.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by checking 4.2.3 Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more and

understanding of what a speaker is saying modify this appropriately in response to feedback

3.1.1 Understand the main points in simple longer texts
Listening 1.2.1, 2.1.5 (audio) 48 – 49 47

Speaking 2.1.4, 2.3.1 (PAK-21) 50 – 51 48

Reading 3.1.2, 3.1.1 52 – 53 49

Writing 4.1.3, 4.2.1, 4.2.3 54 – 55 50

Grammar Present Simple, Present 56 52

Skill Learning Standards Pages SOW Week Date PL Achieved ()/ Teacher’s
& Worksheets Lesson
Not Achieved () Signature & Date

Unit 8 Wild Weather Theme: Health & Environment

1.1.1 Understand with little or no support the main ideas in 2.4.1 Narrate short stories, events and experiences

simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics 3.1.1 Understand the main points in simple longer texts

1.1.2 Understand with little or no support specific information 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple

and details in simple longer texts on a range of familiar longer texts

topics 4.1.3 Narrate factual and imagined events and experiences

2.1.1 Ask about and give detailed information about themselves 4.2.3 Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more and

and others modify this appropriately in response to feedback

2.3.2 Agree on a set of basic steps needed to complete extended

classroom tasks

Speaking 2.1.1, 2.3.2 (PAK-21) 57 – 58 53

Reading 3.1.2, 3.1.1, 2.4.1 (PAK-21) 58 – 60 54 – 55

Grammar Past Continuous, Regular 61 – 62 56 & 59
and Irregular Adverbs,
Contrast the use of the
Past Simple and Past

Listening 1.1.2, 1.1.1 (audio) 62 – 63 57

Writing 4.1.3, 4.2.3 (fictional 64 62
narrative) (PAK-21)

Skill Learning Standards Pages SOW Week Date PL Achieved ()/ Teacher’s
& Worksheets Lesson
Not Achieved () Signature & Date

Unit 9 Life on Earth Theme: Health & Environment

1.1.1 Understand with little or no support the main ideas in 3.1.1 Understand the main points in simple longer texts

simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple

1.1.2 Understand with little or no support specific information and longer texts

details in simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics 4.1.1 Give detailed information about themselves and others

2.1.1 Ask about and give detailed information about themselves 4.2.3 Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more and

and others modify this appropriately in response to feedback

2.3.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by checking

understanding of what a speaker is saying

Speaking 2.1.1, 2.3.1 65 – 66 76

Reading 3.1.2, 3.1.1 67 – 68 77 – 78

Comparatives and

Grammar Superlatives, Countable 68 – 69 79 & 82

and Uncountable Nouns


English Form 1 Student Performance Standard Record Table

Listening 1.1.1, 1.1.2 (audio) 70 – 71 80

Writing 4.1.1, 4.2.3, 3.1.2 71 – 74 85
(description) (PAK-21)

Skill Learning Standards Pages SOW Week Date PL Achieved ()/ Teacher’s
& Worksheets Lesson
Not Achieved () Signature & Date

Unit 10 Let’s Experiment! Theme: Science & Technology

1.1.1 Understand with little or no support the main ideas in 2.3.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by checking

simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics understanding of what a speaker is saying

1.1.2 Understand with little or no support specific information 3.1.1 Understand the main points in simple longer texts

and details in simple longer texts on a range of familiar 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple

topics longer texts

2.1.1 Ask about and give detailed information about themselves 4.2.3 Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more and
and others modify this appropriately in response to feedback

2.1.3 Ask about and describe future plans or events

Speaking 2.1.1, 2.3.1 (PAK-21) 75 – 77 99

Reading 3.1.2, 3.1.1, 2.1.3 (PAK-21) 78 – 80 100 – 101

Grammar Will and Won’t, First 80 – 82 102 & 105

Listening 1.1.2, 1.1.1 (audio) 82 – 83 103

Writing 4.2.3, 3.1.2 84 108

Skill Learning Standards Pages SOW Week Date PL Achieved ()/ Teacher’s
& Worksheets Lesson
Not Achieved () Signature & Date

Project-Based Learning Lesson 1 (Non-Textbook-Based Lesson) Theme: Consumerism & Financial Awareness

1.1.4 Understand longer sequences of supported classroom instructions
2.3.2 Agree on a set of basic steps needed to complete extended classroom tasks

Listening 1.1.4 v 110
Speaking 2.3.2 v 110

Skill Learning Standards Pages SOW Week Date PL Achieved ()/ Teacher’s
& Worksheets Lesson
Not Achieved () Signature & Date

Project-Based Learning Lesson 2 (Non-Textbook-Based Lesson) Theme: Health & Environment

4.1.2 Describe future plans or events
4.1.5 Connect sentences into two coherent paragraphs or more using basic coordinating conjunctions and reference pronouns
4.2.3 Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more and modify this appropriately in response to feedback

Writing 4.1.2, 4.1.5, 4.2.3 vi 111

Skill Learning Standards Pages SOW Week Date PL Achieved ()/ Teacher’s
& Worksheets Lesson
Not Achieved () Signature & Date

Project-Based Learning Lesson 3 (Non-Textbook-Based Lesson) Theme: People & Culture

2.1.1 Ask about and give detailed information about themselves and others
2.3.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by checking understanding of what a speaker is saying

Speaking 2.1.1, 2.3.1 vii – viii 111

Grammar Prepositions viii 111

Skill Learning Standards Pages SOW Week Date PL Achieved ()/ Teacher’s
& Worksheets Lesson
Not Achieved () Signature & Date

Project-Based Learning Lesson 4 (Non-Textbook-Based Lesson) Theme: Consumerism & Financial Awareness

4.1.3 Narrate factual and imagined events and experiences

Writing 4.1.3 ix 112

Skill Learning Standards Pages SOW Week Date PL Achieved ()/ Teacher’s
& Worksheets Lesson
Not Achieved () Signature & Date

Project-Based Learning Lesson 5 (Non-Textbook-Based Lesson) Theme: Science & Technology

3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple longer texts

Reading 3.1.2 x 112


English Form 3 Project-Based Learning Lesson 1

Project-Based Learning Lesson 1
Theme Consumerism and Financial Awareness

Core Civic Value Core Value: Responsibility
Topic : Financial Management

SOW: Lesson 110 Listening and Speaking

1.1.4 Understand longer sequences of supported classroom instructions NBoans-eTdexLtebsosookn-
2.3.2 Agree on a set of basic steps needed to complete extended classroom tasks
Vocabulary Game

START Go forward The old Could you This car is too Jump back How would
HERE 2 spaces painting I lend me some expensive . I 2 spaces you like to
found in the can’t afford it. pay, cash
loft turned money ? or card?
out to be My mother
valuable . keeps her
money in the
Money-and-finance-related words
safe .

Jump back Dave asked I take out a The bank I have to take Go forward The school
1 space his parents if RM300 000 has branches out a bank 1 space budget is
they would mortgage in most major loan to going to be
pay off his to buy the start my own cut this year.
towns. business.
debts . house.

Jason thinks Rules:
he is due a The questions have no fixed answers, but must be logical, sensible and grammatically correct.
tax rebate .

Will you get I bought this Alif pulls Go forward It costs Jump back There is a
your deposit coat in the out a fat 5 spaces RM1000 a 4 spaces small flat to
week to rent
back if you sales . wallet the yacht, let
cancel the It was so stuffed with with a RM500 in Jonker
cheap. banknotes. refundable
trip? deposit. Street.

Rules: You can
Students who answer the questions in the box correctly can roll the dice. make a
Those answer incorrectly will miss a turn. fortune
out of junk
YOU If you put your Your hobby I must do The Go forward if you call it
WIN! money in the could something shopkeeper 1 space antiques.

bank, it will become a about gave me How much do
earn you a 5% part-time way all these RM10 in you
unpaid change . earn
interest . of earning
income . bills. in your new


English Form 3 Project-Based Learning Lesson 1

Project-Based Learning Lesson 2

Theme Health and Environment

SOW: Lesson 111 Writing Core Civic Value Core Value: Love
Topic: Preservation and

Conservation of
Flora and Fauna

NBoans-eTdexLtebsosookn-CONTOH4.2.3Produce a plan or draft of two paragraphs or more and modify this appropriately in response to feedback
4.1.5 Connect sentences into two coherent paragraphs or more using basic coordinating conjunctions and reference pronouns
4.1.2 Describe future plans or events

Proposing an Earth Day Activity

A Earth is the only planet in the universe where life originated. We can say that Earth is our mother
and we are her children. She gave us food, water and shelter. What useful things have we done to
our mother then? Earth Day this year is just around the corner and you want to do your bit to help
the earth. You would like to propose an activity to raise environmental awareness that can be
carried out in your school.

Here are some ways/ ideas to inspire you:

Plant-A-Tree Day Integrate art Make a video/ Recycling and
projects presentation composting

Build nature box Hold a swap meet Go on a scavenger Organise a field trip
dioramas hunt

Craft a nature Volunteer for a Create a green idea Create posters with
collage clean-up project competition Earth Day messages

Here are some links to get you started:



After you have chosen an activity to be carried out in your school, do your research on the following:


what will students Activity cost (if any)
learn from it

how will it be who can join
carried out

B Now, write a formal letter to the principal of your school proposing the suggested activity.

Teacher’s signature : Date : PL


English Form 3 Project-Based Learning Lesson 1

Project-Based Learning Lesson 3

Theme People and Culture

SOW: Lesson 111 Speaking

2.1.1 Ask about and give detailed information about themselves and others NBoans-eTdexLtebsosookn-
2.3.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by checking understanding of what a speaker is saying
Grammar: Prepositions
Making an Individual Presentation

A Malaysia has a number of festivals and celebrations, Core Civic Value Core Value: Mutual Respect
most of which are either religious or cultural in origin, Topic : Unique Malaysia

and are swathed in traditions and rituals.

Choose a religious or cultural festival that is important in your country. Here are some examples:

Religious festivals and celebrations

Hari Raya Aidilfitri Thaipusam Christmas Wesak Day

Cultural festivals and celebrations

Chinese New Year Ka’amatan Festival Gawai Festival Mid-Autumn

B Complete the flow map below with necessary information. Then, use this map to plan your

Name of festival and when it is Who celebrates it and the What happens during the
celebrated purpose of celebrating it festival

What you did during it What you like or dislike about it Explain why this festival is


English Form 3 Project-Based Learning Lesson 3

C Now, do a presentation or slide and present it to the whole class. You may make your presentation
more interesting by including some visual aids, pictures, etc. After the presentation, there will be

a Question-and-Answer session.

Hi everyone. One of the important festivals in my country is Christmas, which is celebrated on 25th
December. I spent last Christmas with my family and will also spend this one there too. We all get together
at my parents’ house. On Christmas morning, we start preparing the meal, as it takes a long time to cook.
We put the turkey in the oven, and then some of us go to church for a Christmas mass. The rest of us stay
behind to carry on cooking. At around midday, we gather round the Christmas tree, which is decorated with
baubles, tinsel and fairy lights, and we open our presents, which were all placed under the tree the night
before. After that, we have our Christmas dinner, which is always the same meal as it is a traditional feast.
I love nearly everything about Christmas. There is a sense of excitement and anticipation in the period
leading up to Christmas, and then during the festival itself, families and friends spend time together and
most people have time off work. Well, one thing I don’t like about Christmas is that it is very commercialised
and it can be stressful getting ready for it.
Christmas is important for many people, even for non-Christians. Many non-Christians in Malaysia
enjoy the festive season without attaching any religious significance to it. It is our national public holiday
involving resting, feasting and the giving of gifts. And I think such times nurture our souls.
Let’s take a look at some useful phrases and conversation techniques related to Lesson 2.


to refer to a period of more than one day to refer to an exact day or date
over New Year means during the New on Boxing Day = 26th December
Year period on New Year’s Eve = 31st December
over Christmas means during the on New Year’s Day = 1st January
Christmas period


it can mean either a single day or a period of days
at Christmas means over Christmas or on Christmas Day
at New Year means over New Year, on New Year’s Eve, on New Year’s Day

Here are some good ways to start a conversation with your classmates, friends or neighbours during
the festive season:

1 What are you up to over New Year? (i) What are your plans over/ at New Year?
(ii) How are you planning to spend your New


2 How was your Hari Raya? (i) Did you have a good Hari Raya?

3 Did you go away at Christmas or did you stay (i) Did you spend Christmas away or at
at home?
(ii) Where did you spend Christmas?

4 Did you go out or stay in on Chinese New (i) Were you at a party or at home on Chinese
New Year’s Eve?
Year’s Eve?

5 Have you finished your Hari Raya shopping (i) Have you bought all your Hari Raya
yet? necessities yet?

6 What did you get up to over Deepavali? (i) How did you spend Deepavali?
(ii) What did you do over Deepavali?

Teacher’s signature : Date : PL


English Form 3 Project-Based Learning Lesson 1

Project-Based Learning Lesson 4

SOW: Lesson 112 Theme Consumerism and Financial Awareness


4.1.3 Narrate factual and imagined events and experiences NBoans-eTdexLtebsosookn-

Preparing a Weekly Budget

Before there was money, livestock was considered the most valuable
commodity in society. Other means of payment were accepted through
the trading of bread, crops, weapons, tobacco or tools. It was not until
the 7th century that the first standardised coins were made.
CONTOH Core Civic Core Value: Responsibility
Value Topic : Financial


A Work in groups. Get students to create good money slogans and taglines.

(a) Being broke is no joke. (i) Don’t buy things just to impress people.
(b) Money doesn’t grow on trees. (j) Make habit of saving money.
(c) Money saved is money earned. (k) Don’t put your money at stake.
(d) Saving money, the smart choice. (l) Try to be frugal with money.
(e) Say yes to saving money. (m) No money no life; no money more
(f) Saving money can benefit you in
future. (n) Money can make you, or it can also
(g) A fool and his money are soon parted.
(h) Money in pocket makes you feel good. break you.
(o) Beware of little expenses; a small leak

will sink a great ship.

B Prepare your own weekly budget to keep track of your expenses. Here’s an example:

Month: Week:

Day Items Amount (RM)









Money I have at the beginning of the week: Money I save at the end of the Savings goal:
• Pocket money :
• Extra incomes : week:

Chores :

Part-time job :

* Teacher follows up with the students from time to time to check their progress.

Teacher’s signature : Date : PL

English Form 3 Project-Based Learning Lesson 1

Project-Based Learning Lesson 5

Theme Science and Technology

SOW: Lesson 112 Reading

3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple longer texts
Experiment, Observe, Predict, Explain
Students work in groups of four or five to conduct the following experiments. Write down their observation
and explain how it works.

The following are great science experiments with instructions that you can do right at home or at school.
In order for your science experiments to be safe and successful, be sure to:
• get your teacher’s or parents’/ guardian’s permission and their help
• follow the instructions as written

Experiment 1: How to make a volcano Instructions: Observation and how it works:
Materials needed: 10 ml of dish soap, 1 Combine the vinegar, cold water, A chemical reaction between vinegar and
100 ml of cold water, 400 ml of white baking soda creates a gas called carbon
vinegar, food colouring, baking soda dish soap and 2 drops of food dioxide. Carbon dioxide is the same type of
slurry, 2-litre empty soda bottle. colouring into the empty soda gas used to make the carbonation in sodas.
Experiment 2: Chemical eruption in bottle. What happens if you shake up a soda? The
your mouth 2 Use a spoon to mix the baking soda gas gets very excited and tries to spread
Materials needed: an orange or a slurry until it is all a liquid. out. There is not enough room in the
clementine, ½ teaspoon baking soda. 3 Pour the baking soda slurry into the bottle for the gas to spread out, so it leaves
Experiment 3: Storm in a glass soda bottle quickly. through the opening very quickly, causing
Materials needed: Shaving cream, a 4 Step back! an eruption!
large glass, water, food colouring, a *This experiment should be done
spoon. outside due to the mess. Observation and how it works:
Experiment 4: Draw figures that Instructions: As you chew, it should start to bubble in
become animated 1 Cut the orange/ clementine into your mouth. This is because oranges and
Materials needed: a glass plate or bowl, slices, or peel separate into sections. other citrus fruit are filled with citric acid.
water, a dry erase marker. 2 Dip a slice or section into the baking It is a safe acid, and it is what gives oranges,
soda. lemons and limes their sourness. Baking
3 Take a bite. soda is a base, the opposite of an acid, but
doesn’t taste very good on its own. As the
Instructions: citric acid and baking soda mix, it makes
1 Fill the glass ½ full with water. millions of carbon dioxide bubbles, the
2 Spray some shaving cream on top of same gas you breathe out, and the same
one that makes soda so fizzy.
the water to fill the glass to ¾ full.
3 Use your finger or a spoon to spread Observation and how it works:
Clouds in the sky hold onto water. The layer
the shaving cream evenly over the of shaving cream is our pretend cloud in this
top of the water. The top of the experiment. The shaving cream layer can
shaving cream should be flat. also hold onto water, but can’t keep storing
4 Mix ½-cup water with 10 drops of food more and more water forever. When they
colouring in a separate container. finally get too heavy, the water falls down
5 Gently, add the coloured water (precipitates) as rain, snow, sleet or hail.
spoonful by spoonful to the top of
the shaving cream. Observation and how it works:
Instructions: Your drawing will dance and move when you
1 Draw a simple picture on the glass swirl the water around. This is because the
plate. A stick figure is a good one to marker leaves behind mixture of pigments
start with. and a type of alcohol mixed together. The
2 Pour water onto the plate or into the alcohol dissolves and the pigments are left
bowl slowly to lift up the drawing. behind as a solid. Glass is so smooth that
3 Swirl the water around. the solid slides right off when it gets wet.

Teacher’s signature : Date : PL


Unit 1 Money Savvy

Non-Textbook-Based Unit
Theme Consumerism and Financial Awareness

SOW: Lesson 1 Speaking LS 2.1.1 LS 3.1.4

Worksheet 1 Guided

Complete the conversation below so that students could ask and give detailed information about
themselves and others.

CONTOHIt is recess. Two boys are chatting while eating.

Student A : Spending pocket money has become so easy, that many of us wonder where all of it goes every

month. money-saving tip ?
Student B : I agree with you. What’s your (1) most likely food . While
Student A : My biggest monthly expense is (2)

eating at the canteen all the time is the easiest option, it is also the costliest. For me, by

planning out my meals for the coming week, I know the exact ingredients I need to buy.
(3) Make a shopping list and shop strategically. Only buy what
reduce food waste
you need and not what you want. This also helps (4)

at the end of the week. I make my own coffee . If you buy a coffee
Student B : Likewise, (5)

per day at RM2.5 per cup, that will end up costing you approximately RM500. Instead,
(6) buy coffee beans in bulk and make it yourself. Purchase a travel mug and
keep your coffee warm
bring it with you to school to (7) .
student discounts
Student A : That’s a good idea! I’ll also ask about (8) . While

many shops offer discounts to students, these deals are not always advertised. So don’t be

afraid to inquire with staff. And always have your student card ready.

Student B : You’re really a money-savvy person. Extracurricular activities and a social life are necessary

for making our school experiences enjoyable. How can we have fun without breaking the

bank? Any idea? Choose social activities

Student A : (9) that don’t cost money. Go hiking, cycling

or take a walk in the park. These activities don’t cost you much, but are actually intellectually

rewarding activities. Activities that take advantage of nature are best.

Student B : Thank you for your brilliant ideas! In this consumer culture we live in, it’s very tempting
buy everything in the market
to (10) . Resisting the temptation to spend

frivolously is the best way to save money.

Student A : Always differentiate between the things you necehdecaknydotuhrebtuhdinggest fyirosut want. If you do want
to spend money on a ‘want’, (11) and see if
on the spot
you can afford it. Don’t make purchasing decisions (12)

without thinking about the consequences.

Student B : The bell has gone and recess is over. Let’s go back to class.


Worksheet 2

Work in pairs. Role-play the conversation with your mate.


Speaking Skill 1−2 3−4 5−6 7−8 9 − 10
1−2 3−4 5−6 7−8 9 − 10
Pronunciation 1−2 3−4 5−6 7−8 9 − 10
Fluency & coherence 1−2 3−4 5−6 7−8 9 − 10
Grammar & accuracy
Lexical resource
Total marks

Performance level 1 2 3 4 5 6
Marks 1−7 8 − 15 16 − 23 24 − 30 31 − 35 36 − 40


English Form 1 Unit 1

Worksheet 3 Complementary skill

Look up the meaning of the word/ phrase with the help of a hard copy of dictionary or an online dictionary.

Language Focus: Words and phrases to build your money vocabulary

No Word/ Phrase Meaning

1 thrifty to use money very carefully

2 petty cash a small amount of money kept for buying small things

3 haggle to discuss the price of an object persistently
AUDIO4 debt something, especially money, that is owed to someone else

5 profit when a person or business makes more money selling something than buying
or producing that thing

6 squirrel away to hide or store something, especially money, in order to use it in the future

7 flat broke not having any money at all

8 bread and butter a job that provides you with the money you need to live

9 recession a period of decreased economic activity where people lose jobs and things get
more expensive

10 break the bank to cost too much


SOW: Lesson 2 Listening Track 1

LS 1.1.6 LS 2.4.1

Worksheet 1

Listen to the narrative on the world of money. Rearrange the pictures in the correct order. Leave out the
picture which does not correspond to the narrative and discuss in class what is wrong with the picture.


Mak, I don't want the
smartphone anymore. I
don't want Mak to suffer
just to earn some money
to get me a smartphone.


2 4

C is the wrong picture. Puan Khadijah did not buy her son the smartphone for she was poor. Her son, Kadir, PL
did not want the smartphone anymore because he did not want to see his mother suffer.


English Form 1 Unit 1

Worksheet 2 Complementary skill PAK-21

Teacher’s role  Get pupils to log on to a website where they can create mini comic strips.
Pupils’ role  The most important thing here is the comic strips must be related to the
Pupils’ role
Teacher’s role topic: Money Savvy.
 Inform pupils that it must be a narrative of short stories, events or

 Work in pairs and do this piece of practice as homework.
 Arrange their schedule to work out the comic strip.
 Pupils must bring their completed work to class the following week.
In class, the following week:
 put their comic strips on a whiteboard or blackboard.
 present their narrative.
 get their classmates to rearrange the comic strips in the correct order

while the pair is reading out the narrative.
 get other classmates to narrate their story.
 Act as a facilitator.
 Monitor as the pupils present their narrative.

SOW: Lesson 3 Reading LS 3.1.2 LS 3.1.3 Digital
Worksheet 1 Resource 1

Read the article below carefully.

The financial implications stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic are expected to last for years as PAK-2P1dPAc ctivity
unemployment rates rise and markets continuously fluctuate. On a personal level, the coronavirus has made
it difficult for many parents to maintain a sense of financial normality in the home. While mums and dads D
have worked hard to make ends meet and disguise any financial turbulence over the past several months,
their children’s brains are like sponges, and they are picking up on money management habits intuitively. i

According to behavioural research, kids start grasping basic money concepts by the age of 3, and by the g
age of 7, many of their money habits are already set. As they grow into young adults, children continue to
learn through their parents’ examples as well as outside influences, such as media and friends. i

While it’s always important to teach children about making good economic choices, it’s especially t
critical during economic recessions like today’s. Parents must go beyond piggy banks and coins to teach
their children about money management. Instead, they should encourage today’s digitally youth to manage a
everything from their allowances to their first pay packets.
Digital money has rapidly overtaken cash in recent years to become the main way that people hold,
spend and send their money on a global scale. Unlike their parents and grandparents, learning to manage PdPc
money digitally should come naturally to youth, as they have grown up in a world filled with websites,
gadgets and apps. Digital tools, like mobile apps and educational games, can help instill financial literacy and Re
build a solid foundation in money management concepts before reaching adulthood.
It’s a good idea to start introducing kids to basic concepts of money as soon as they start counting.
This will help them both to understand that numbers have important applications in everyday life, as o
well as making them comfortable with the concept of money at a tender age. A tried-and-true method for
introducing the transactional nature of money is to play pretend grocery shopping where the child can act u
out the process of purchasing items from a shopkeeper. To add a digital component to this exercise, instead
of using paper money at the make-believe register, parents can encourage children to reenact the ‘tap to pay’ r e
action that occurs when using digital wallets.
By the time children reach their teenage years, they often crave independence. Many of today’s banking
apps and digital money wallets give teenagers the power to make their own decisions, which is crucial for
their financial development, while also allowing parents to keep a watchful eye on their financial activities.
Not only will digital money wallets and platforms teach young adults to be savvy in today’s world, but they

will also give them a leg up in the future.


English Form 1 Unit 1

A Read the article quickly. Which sentence best summarises the article? Choose A, B, C or D.

A How to raise technologically savvy children.
B Importance of savings in times of COVID-19.
C How to create a solid financial plan for children.
D Teaching children to be financially savvy in the COVID-19 outbreak and the digital future.

B Read the article again and write T for True, F for False or NM for Not Mentioned.

1 Children continue to imitate their parents’ money habits. T
2 One-in-four adults have had trouble paying their bills since the start of the T
coronavirus outbreak. NM
3 Children start understanding the basic concept of money from as young as three F
years old. T
4 Digital money is the digital representation of value. NM
5 Digital money has rapidly overtaken credit cards in recent years to become the main T
method that consumers spend their money. NM
6 Parents can teach children the basic money skills through simple, fun games.
7 A habit of saving is an essential skill parents can develop in their child.

8 Many young children crave attention when they reach their teenage years.

9 Playing pretend grocery shopping is one of the most effective ways to improve
financial literacy among children.
10 Piggy banks are a great way to get children excited about learning to save money.
C Read the article again. Give the meanings of the words/ phrases below according to the context.

No Word/ Phrase Meaning (as used in context)

1 tried-and-true used many times in the past and proven to work well

2 give them a leg up to give children an added advantage

3 stemming from causing by

4 make ends meet to have just enough money to pay for the things that one needs

5 pretend not real, not genuine

6 pay packets the money that a person regularly earns, a wage or salary

7 go beyond to do more than is expected or required

8 keep a watchful eye on to watch closely


PAK-21 (Penglibatan Ibu Bapa)

Ask your parents how do they pay their bills and determine which ones are most important. Which monthly
expenses do they choose to pay first? Which can save them money and which could be managed differently?


English Form 1 Unit 1

SOW: Lesson 4 Writing LS 4.1.3 LS 4.1.5

Worksheet 1

Write a narrative on ‘Money is the root of all evil’.

Plan Think of an idea for your story.
Then make notes:
• who it was about − you or somebody else?
• how the story began and ended?

Write • write three paragraphs − an introduction, the main body of the story and the end
• write in about 120 words
Check Check your writing.
 past simple

 past continuous

 coordinating conjunctions and reference pronoun

(Suggested answer)

Money Is the Root of All Evil

Samuel and Sunny were very close siblings. They were born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Their
father, Mr Kong, was a filthy rich businessman in town. Mr Kong suddenly passed away due to a sudden

heart attack. The two brothers were very sad over their father’s sudden demise.

When their father’s will was read out to them, Samuel, the elder, was not too happy with it because he

only got one quarter of their father’s estate. Since then, Samuel had been trying to pick on Sunny. He had

also gone to the extent of trying to cheat Sunny of his share. The bond between both brothers was severed.

Samuel was aggressive, greedy and sly. He thought of ways to get as much money as possible from the

company. He sold the company’s shares and property without Sunny’s knowledge. Samuel was very happy PAK-2P1dPAc ctivity

doing it for he got lots of money.

Soon, their father’s company went bankrupt. Sunny was at a loss, but Samuel was enjoying himself.

After all, he had got all the money he wanted. Poor Sunny was left in the lurch to fend for their father’s

company and other businesses. He was practically living from hand to mouth. He sighed and said to himself,

‘Money is the root of all evil.’


PAK-21 (Create Your Octopoem)

An octopoem has eight short lines describing the topic (a person or thing). Each line has a subject to refer to

the topic. For example:

Line 1: colour Line 2: season Line 3: place Line 4: weather Line 5: a piece of clothing

Line 6: a piece of furniture Line 7: a film/ TV show Line 8: food

Now, create your own octopoem about MONEY and describe it in EIGHT lines. Each line can be as long as you

choose and does not need to rhyme or anything of that nature. However, the only thing you need to follow is

the order of the descriptions you use for each of the eight lines about your poem.


English Form 1 Unit 1

BONUS Vocabulary Drill

Worksheet 1

Fill in the blanks with the correct verb in the box using the correct tense of the verb.

owe borrow lend invest find earn

CONTOHpay back save inherit spend budget withdraw

1 My grandfather invested some money in that piece of land many years ago. Now, he is happy
that the value of the land has gone up.

2 The rich lady inherited tons of money when her parents passed away last year.

3 I still owe the bank some money, which I borrowed years ago to further my studies

to England.

4 Aiden does not earn much, so he always works around his budget.

5 Camila lent her friend a few hundred ringgit years ago, but till now she hasn’t got back

a single cent.

6 The beggar was extremely happy when he found a five ringgit note by the drain.

7 Carter was able to pay back the five thousand ringgit he borrowed from the bank when he got
a bonus from his company.

8 As a child, I was taught to save some of my pocket money every month. I am happy I did
it because I have lots of savings in the bank now.

9 Don’t spend all your money. Please draw up a budget .

10 My father goes to the bank at the end of the month to withdraw some money for the family’s


Worksheet 2 English Form 1 Unit 1
Pop Quiz 1
Match the situations with the correct expressions.


1 Old Mr Lau is happily retired. This is because B A Money doesn’t grow on O

he started saving at a very young age and has a trees PdPc

substantial amount in the bank. PQ




2 Try to be thrifty rather than working overtime E B Nest egg
for more money.
3 Jenny and Jeffrey had lunch at the café. They G C A fool and his money are
paid for their own food. soon parted

4 Clarence has all the money in the world. He gets H D Penny wise, pound
whatever he wants for his father is filthy rich. foolish

5 Ken inherited his late father’s estate but he soon C E A penny saved is a penny
got nothing for he wasted all on useless things. earned

6 Mrs Tai tries to save a little here and there on D F As poor as a church
groceries, but she could buy herself a new BMW. mouse

7 Harry could hardly survive on his meagre pay as J G Go Dutch
a labourer at that construction firm. Whatever
little money he has, he spends on his family.

8 Lynn keeps asking her mother for money to buy A H Born with a silver spoon
beautiful clothes and make-up. Her mother tells in one’s mouth

her that she doesn’t have that much money and PAK-2P1dPAc ctivity

that Lynn should only spend on what she needs

and not what she wants.

9 That beggar begs by the road every day. Not many F I Bring home the bacon
people give him money, so he often goes hungry.

10 Eunice goes to work while her husband looks I J Live from hand to
after the children at home. mouth

PAK-21 (Round Robin) Digital Digital D
Resource 2 Resource 3




1 Work in groups of three. a
2 Teacher announces the topic: How to Plan for Back-to-School Expenses in times of COVID-19?
and gives ‘think time’.
3 Teammates take turns to give their opinions and discuss. As each teammate says his/ her opinion
on the topic, each of them writes the answers on the paper. Re

4 At the end of the activity, each teammate takes turns to choose the most effective step/ tip and s
give reasons for his/ her choice.


r e



Unit 2 What Do You Like?

Textbook-Based Unit
Theme People and Culture

SOW: Lesson 7 Speaking LS 2.1.1 LS 3.1.2 PULSE 2 p. 10

Worksheet 1 Guided Topic Free-Time Activities

Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about free-time activities. Use the words given in brackets to help
you. You may use your own ideas.

Student A : Hi Aizat! Have you heard the latest about Taylor Swift? It’s in the top spot in the Billboard Hot

100 this week.

Student B : Do you mean the American country-pop singer-songwriter, Amelia?
is very popular right now
Student A : That’s right. She (1) (popular). I
(2) simply love her new songs (love), ‘Willow’ and ‘Cardigan’.
I don’t like listening to country-pop songs
Student B : You know (3) (don’t like). It bores me
it’s a waste of time
to tears and I think (4) (waste).
I have to disagree with you
Student A : I’m afraid (5) (disagree). Her music is so
overcome with my homesickness
soothing and helps me (6) (overcome)

amidst lockdown regulations in the light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. I know this

holiday season will be a lonely one for most of us and I turn to music to cope with missing
improve your English vocabulary
loved ones. Besides, you can also (7) (improve)

through listening to songs. make out the lyrics (make out).
Student B : Not her new songs! I can barely (8)

Student A : That is because you are not used to listening. If you keep at it, you will be able to hear the lyrics

more clearly. spend my time doing what interests me most

Student B : I’d rather (9) playing football (interests).
Student A : I suppose you mean (10)

Student B : Amelia, you hit the nail on the head!
Student A : It is all so dumb, if you ask me – a few men (11) running around the field and chasing
after a ball
(running, chasing).
Student B : Hey, there is much more to it than you think. Actually, it (12) requires a lot of skill to be
able to play well
(skill) and years of training and practice to

become a good player. doesn’t seem the least interesting to me

Student A : Well, it (13) (interesting).

Student B : As the saying goes, ‘One man’s meat is another man’s poison’.


Worksheet 2

Work in pairs. Refer to the conversation in Worksheet 1, role-play the conversation with your mate.


Speaking Skill 1−2 3−4 5−6 7−8 9 − 10
1−2 3−4 5−6 7−8 9 − 10
Pronunciation 1−2 3−4 5−6 7−8 9 − 10
Fluency & coherence 1−2 3−4 5−6 7−8 9 − 10
Grammar & accuracy
1 2 /40 5 6
Lexical resource 1−7 8 − 15 31 − 35 36 − 40
Total marks 3 4
16 − 23 24 − 30
Performance level


English Form 1 Unit 2

Worksheet 3 Complementary skill Topic Free-Time Activities

Read the conversation below. Then, write True or False for each sentence. Digital
Resource 4

Damon : Adli, what are the boys playing at the court there? What game is it?

Adli : Oh, it is sepak takraw or some people call it sepak raga. The boys here play sepak takraw

during their free time.

Damon : Sepak takraw?

Adli : Yes, sepak takraw is a traditional game in Malaysia.

Damon : Only a rattan ball is used? How is the game played?

Adli : Yes. It is played by two teams of three players each. A court is needed for this game. The

CONTOHgame starts when a teammate throws a ball to the server. The server must then kick the ball

over the net while keeping one foot in the service court.

Damon : I was observing the boys playing just now. I noticed that the players can only touch the ball

with their feet, head, knees and chest.

Adli : You are right. Touching the ball with the hand or any other part of the body can result in a

fault and a point is awarded to the opposing team.

Damon : That’s quite a balancing skill, yeah?

Adli : Yes, it is. Each team is allowed a maximum of three touches of the ball to return it back over

the net without letting it touch the ground. Failure to return the ball over the net before it

hits the ground results in a point to the opposition.

Damon : How is the point system? How is the winner determined?
Adli : The first team to reach 21 points wins a set. The first team to win two sets is declared the


Damon : I remember you told me that sepak takraw is a traditional game. Since when is this game


Adli : According to historical evidence, sepak takraw was played during the time of the Malacca

Sultanate in the 15th century. Evidence points to an incident where Raja

Muhammad, son of Sultan Mansur Shah, was accidentally hit with a

rattan ball by Tun Besar, son of Bendahara Tun Perak, while playing

sepak raga with his mates.

Damon : The game has ended. The boys are resting now.

Adli : Let’s go now.

Damon : Okay.

1 Damon and Adli are at the school field. False PAK-2P1dPAc ctivity
2 The boys are playing sepak takraw. True
3 A rattan ball is used in sepak takraw. True D
4 In Malaysia, sepak takraw is also known as sepak raga. True
5 There are usually two teams of four players each in one game. False i
6 The first team to reach 21 points wins a set. True
7 The first team to win two sets of the game is the winner. True
8 Raja Muhammad accidentally hit Tun Besar with the rattan ball. False

PAK-21 (Round Table) PL






The COVID-19 pandemic has forced most of us to stay home. As a result, we are all looking for PdPc
hobbies to pick up during quarantine while we are social distancing.
1 Work in groups. Discuss the following topic: What are the hobbies to pick up during quarantine? Re
2 On a shared piece of paper, take turns writing down the ideas.
3 Present these ideas to the class. s

9 o


r e


English Form 1 Unit 2

SOW: Lessons 8 – 9 Reading LS 3.1.2 LS 2.1.1 LS 2.3.2 PULSE 2 p. 11

Worksheet 1 Topic Free-Time Activities

You are going to read an article about music.
Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences (A – H) to fit each gap (1 – 6).
There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use.


Music is an important part in my life. My parents loved music, so music was always being played in our
house. As a result, I was exposed to all types of music genres and learned to appreciate music at a tender age.

When I was seven years old, my parents thought it was time that I learned to play a musical instrument.
1 B I liked listening to music, but never imagined myself actually playing an instrument. I started
my piano lesson at a music school. I learned quickly and played well. My passion grew and I forgot my initial
lack of interest to learn. However, my nerves got the best of me and I froze each time I had to play in front of
the examiners. As a result, I couldn’t pass my test. My parents decided that I should continue taking lessons,
but I didn’t sit for any tests.

2 G Some of my mates also played the guitar. I began to play with them often. I enjoyed playing
in a group. Soon, we began to play at school events and became quite popular.

A few years later, my school organised a talent contest. 3 A I recalled the times I froze when
I played in front of the examiners. Most of my friends in the group were in different schools, so I had to
participate in the solo category.

4 E I realised it was time to conquer my fear. It was the only way for me to know for sure if I
was really good. If I was good, I didn’t want my fear stopping me from achieving my full musical potential.

With a lot of practice and support from my parents and siblings, I got through the audition. 5 D
I was a bundle of nerves during the days leading to the final. Thankfully, I didn’t freeze this time.
6 H In the end, I was the winner when the headmaster called my name during the prize-giving
Now, I am working on completing my piano and guitar certifications.
A I was interested in taking part, but I hesitated to sign up immediately.
B I, on the other hand, was not very enthusiastic. PL
C When I am playing the piano, I have to focus on the rhythm, pitch, tempo,

note duration and several other things.
D But the real test was playing in front of a large crowd.
E I agonised for several days before signing up for the contest.
F Playing the piano and the guitar can be quite challenging.
G Three years later, I decided to learn the guitar too.
H I was on top of the world and already felt like a winner.


English Form 1 Unit 2

Worksheet 2 Complementary skill

Read the text below.

Yvonne Turned Her Passion into a Business

‘It’s so cool to see young girls between the ages of 1 and 12 wearing smocked
dresses. Cool colours and cool smocking designs,’ said Yvonne. Since young, Yvonne
loves spending her free time, smocking. Once that is done, she will sew dresses
for her nieces. Hence, these little girls are like her models, parading in town and
wherever they go.

In 2018, Yvonne along with her sister-in-law, both 38, started their business at a shop at Jonker
Walk three days a week; Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. This is because they
have their regular jobs. Yvonne is a software engineer while her sister-in-law is a lawyer.

What made Yvonne decide to turn her hobby into a small business? Way back in 2017, she
threw a birthday party for her daughter, who was two then. Yvonne sewed a very nice smocked dress
for her. The dress, not the birthday girl, was the centre of attraction. Relatives and friends began
inquiring more about the smocked dress. Soon, Yvonne’s hands were full, making sure that orders
were met. She has never complained for making smocked children’s clothing is her passion.

It takes Yvonne about ten hours of her free time to come up with her own creations. Her
smocked children’s dresses are a bit expensive, but her customers are willing to pay. It’s rare to find
people who are interested in smocking these days. Yvonne learned the art of sewing
smocked children’s dresses from her late maternal grandmother. Those days,
Yvonne would sit beside her grandmother, trying her best to pick up the art step
by step. Later, she picked up some pointers from the internet.

Most of Yvonne’s customers are her regulars and her relatives. About 30% of
them are tourists. Yvonne is extremely happy as none of the tourists would leave
her shop with nothing. For most people, ‘It was love at first sight,’ commented
Yvonne. Smocked dresses make perfect gifts for female babies and toddlers.
Read the text again and complete the table below.
Yvonne Turned Her Passion into a Business

How Yvonne picked up 1 Through her late maternal grandmother
the art of smocking 2 The internet

When did she start 3 Since young
4 Software engineer
Yvonne’s occupation 5 At Jonker Walk

Where is Yvonne’s shop 6 Her sister-in-law

Who is Yvonne’s 7 Relatives and friends were attracted to the smocked dress she made
business partner for her daughter for her birthday.
8 She received lots of orders from relatives and friends.
What made Yvonne start
her smocked children’s 9 Rare these days
clothing business 10 Suitable birthday gifts for female babies and little girls

Why are people willing
to pay for a smocked
children’s dress



English Form 1 Unit 2

SOW: Lessons 10 & 13 L a n g u a g e A w a r e n e s s 1 . 1 & 1 . 2 : G r a m m a r PULSE 2 p. 12 & p. 15

Grammar Focus: Present Simple/ Present Continuous (affirmative, negative,
questions and short answer questions)

Worksheet 1 Topic Free-Time Activities Topic Art

Z Complete the sentences with the present simple form of the verbs in brackets.



PdPc 1 We go (go) to the beach every Sunday. Pop Quiz 2


2 The boys do not draw (not draw) during their free time anymore.

3 Annie prefers (prefer) baking to cooking.

4 My parents sing (sing) and dance (dance) in that musical group.

5 The children wear (wear) tracksuits for that game.

6 Theodore surfs (surf) the internet for information on modern sports.

7 Mrs Ding does not take (not take) dinner after 6 p.m.

8 They do not need (not need) special equipment for that kind of sports.

9 The school organises (organise) field trips for the students every year as their year-end activity.

10 The older kid conducts (conduct) judo classes during his free time.


Worksheet 2

Complete the text with the present simple and present continuous (affirmative, negative and questions) of
the verbs in brackets.

Aizad (1) does not realise (not realise) that he (2) is going (go) round

the jungle in circles. He (3) is trying (try) his best to locate his friends. He

(4) wonders (wonder) where they are. He (5) asks (ask) himself,
‘(6) Are they coming (come)? (7) Do they
know (know) where I am? Actually, I (8) don’t have (not have) any idea where

I am!’
‘Aizad, what (9) are you doing (do) here?’ Aizad
turns comes
(10) (turn) around and (11) (come) face-to-face with
a troop of monkeys. He (12) (scratch) his head. One of the monkeys asks,
‘(13) Are you looking (look) for your friends?’
‘Yes, I (14) am (be),’ Aizad says. ‘(15) Do you
know come
(know) where they are? My friends and I (16) (come) here
every Saturday to catch butterflies, our free-time activity!’
‘They (17) are not coming (not come) here. They can’t find you, so they
(18) are playing (play) tennis at the court over there at the moment,’ says the monkey.
‘You (19) are not joking (not joke), right?’ asks Aizad.
‘Of course, I am serious,’ (20) (reply) the monkey.



Worksheet 3 English Form 1 Unit 2
Pop Quiz 3
Read the text below and correct the underlined errors.
For each question, write the correct word in the space provided.



Hi, I am Ping Huay but my friends always (0) calls me Pinky. Want to know why? Well, I PdPc
love the colour pink and my cheeks are pink too! I usually wear my pink dress and pink socks
when I am (1) do the Latin dance at the dance school or even at school. I love Latin dance very PQ
much. My parents (2) sends me for lessons every Sunday evening. My friends and I are always
(3) dance. Want to know where I am? Look out for the little girl in pink from head to toe. When I am U
at the dance school, my parents are (4) play tennis at the court nearby. That is their favourite free-time
activity. Both my parents (5) knows the game very well. Where is my little brother now? I suppose I
he is (6) kick the ball into the goalpost now! My little brother is only seven years old, but he is a
fantastic scorer. He (7) love football so much that he even sleeps with his football jersey on. He is Z
always (8) dream of becoming a professional footballer so as to earn lots of money. That tiny tot has
big dreams!
Example: PdPc
0 call

1 doing 2 send 3 dancing 4 playing 5 know
6 kicking 7 loves 8 dreaming

Track 2

SOW: Lesson 11 Listening LS 1.1.1 LS 1.1.2 PULSE 2 p. 13

Worksheet 1 Topic Skills and Abilities

You are going to hear three boys talking about their favourite things. Name the person described in the box.

This is

Fred Kingston Alvin Koh

13 PL

English Form 1 Unit 2 Track 3

Worksheet 2 Complementary skill True
Before you listen, read through the questions and underline the key words. True
Now listen to the audio and answer Questions 1 and 2. False
Circle the correct answer. True
1 What is the best title for this text?
A Music, My Love PL
B People Like Music
C The Many Types of Music
2 Are these sentences True or False?
A Music is everywhere in our daily life.

B The writer listens to rock music to make her happy.

C The writer listens to soft music when she is tired.

D Listening to music is an expensive hobby.

E Some people sing when they are in the shower.
AUDIOSOW: Lesson 16WritingLS 4.1.1 LS 4.2.3 PULSE 2 p. 18

Worksheet 1 Topic Personal Profiles

Write a personal profile about yourself. friends



My Personal

family members likes and dislikes


English Form 1 Unit 2

Write Write your personal profile in not less than 120 words.

Check Check your writing.
 because and so
 present simple
 present continuous

(Suggested answer)

Hi! My name’s Savannah Tang and I’m 13 years old. I’m from Kuala Lumpur. I’m Malaysian. I live with
my parents and my 10-year-old brother, who’s a great Manchester United FC fan. My best friends are Akito,
Dalton Yap, Lee Chin and Fatimah.
About my likes and dislikes, well, I’m into squash. I’m basically an outgoing person and I like socialising,
so one way to socialise is through squash. I play squash with my friends in the neighbourhood. We have a
coach who trains us at weekends. Currently, our coach is training the national squash team, so we are off.
Anyway, we are playing on our own. We enjoy each other’s company because there’s great teamwork. I like
squash because it keeps me fit and gives me the opportunity to do something interesting during my free
time. I take it to be that I’m hanging out with my friends in a very healthy and meaningful way. I don’t like
hanging out at shopping malls or some other places because I tend to spend lots of money shopping and
eating! That’s not me!

I’m always doing embroidery pieces while my mum is sewing pillowcases using the completed pieces
of embroidery after church on Sundays. We love this form of teamwork because at the end of the month, we
get paid from the sale of embroidered pillowcases. This keeps us greatly motivated, so Mum and I make sure
we complete a few pieces of embroidered pillowcases a week. For your information, I love doing embroidery
but I don’t like sewing because I hate machines!


Unit 3 The Good and Bad of
Science and Technology

Non-Textbook-Based Unit
Theme Science and Technology

SOW: Lesson 18 Listening Track 4

LS 1.1.2 LS 1.1.4

Worksheet 1

You are going to hear part of a lecture about science and technology. Before you listen, consider the following:

1 What is the most suitable title for the lecture?
A Science and Technology Saves Lives
B The Many Effects of Science and Technology
C The Positive Effects of Science and Technology
AUDIONow listen to the lecture and complete the following graphic organiser.

2 Aspects Changes

Education (a) Great improvement in education
(b) Information on any topic is readily available
( c) Just google search any topic

Family relationship (d) Bring families closer
( e) Constant contact with family members no matter how far they are

Health and (f) Medical breakthroughs have helped lives in many ways
medicine (g) Longer lifespan
(h) Cure diseases
(i) Better and more accurate diagnosis of diseases

Worksheet 2 Complementary skill PL
Track 5
You are going to hear a teacher talking about a science experiment associated with how water
travels in plants. Before you listen, consider:

How does water travel in plants?

Now listen to the audio and rearrange the steps of the science experiment in order. Write numbers 1 to 9 in
the boxes.

2 Cut about 2 cm off the base of the celery stalks.

7 Rip apart the stalks.

4 Add some colouring to each jar; each jar is of a different colour.

1 You need 3 clear glass jars, 3 different colours of food colouring, 3 celery stalks, a knife and some

3 Fill each jar with some water.

5 Place a stalk of celery in each jar.

6 Let the stalk sit for half to one hour.

8 You will see how the colouring travels through each stalk.

9 Record the result and draw a conclusion.



English Form 1 Unit 3

SOW: Lesson 19 Speaking LS 2.1.2 LS 2.1.4

Worksheet 1

The Science teacher is explaining the rules and obligations of using the school science laboratory.

Complete the conversation below using your own words and ideas.

Student A : Miss Tan, what are the rules and obligations of using the science laboratory?

Miss Tan : Before you enter the science laboratory, please (1) line up

outside the lab until the teacher gets the class to enter. Another rule is put

CONTOH (2) all bags and belongings on the shelves outside the lab .

Bring only what you’re required to.

Student B : What about in the lab? listen attentively to the teacher’s
Miss Tan : First and foremost, (3)

instructions. Make sure you understand all the instructions before you start any


Student A : What should we do in case of any accident?

Miss Tan : (4) Report all accidents, injuries and breakages of glass or equipment

to the teacher immediately.

Student B : Miss Tan, are we allowed to eat and drink while conducting our experiment?

Miss Tan : The rule is no (5) eating and drinking in the science laboratory . It’s

very dangerous because you’re working with chemicals and at times, fire. Please no

(6) talking and playing in the lab too. Focus on the

experiment you’re working on.

Student A : What are the other rules, Miss Tan?

Miss Tan : Do not (7) touch or smell other chemicals found in the science laboratory .

Work on chemicals that you’re supposed to have, no others. Concerning beakers and
other equipment, please (8) do not remove them from where they are placed .

Can all of you understand?

Student B : Yes, Miss Tan. leave the laboratory
Miss Tan : Another important rule. Do not (9)

without the teacher’s permission.

Students : We will follow all rules and obligations, Miss Tan.


Speaking Skill 1−2 3−4 5−6 7−8 9 − 10
1−2 3−4 5−6 7−8 9 − 10
Pronunciation 1−2 3−4 5−6 7−8 9 − 10
Fluency & coherence 1−2 3−4 5−6 7−8 9 − 10
Grammar & accuracy
1 2 /40 5 6
Lexical resource 1−7 8 − 15 31 − 35 36 − 40
Total marks 3 4
16 − 23 24 − 30
Performance level


English Form 1 Unit 3

Worksheet 2 Complementary skill

Your father wants to buy a digital device for your brother on his birthday. He needs your opinion. Give your
suggestion by giving reasons.

Father : Dan’s birthday is just round the corner. I would like to buy him a digital device. What do you

think? a digital camera .
You : I would suggest buying him (1)

Father : A digital camera?
You : Yes, Dan likes photography and arts. He can use (2) .
the digital camera to take photos of any events such as family gatherings .

Father : I see. Does the digital camera need any film? for use at anytime
You : No. That’s why a digital camera can be ready (3)

What is needed is a long-lasting battery.

Father : Okay. Any other uses of the digital camera?

You : Dan has his own website. (4) He can create his own graphics for his websites

using the digital camera.

Father : That’s fantastic!

You : Another thing, Dad.

Father : Yes, what’s it? make your photo business cards using the
You : You can get Dan to (5)

digital camera.

Father : That’s good. (6) How much is a digital camera?

You : A digital camera costs (7) only about RM2 000 . Price is

within (8) your budget . Moreover, Dan already has

(9) a laptop and a MP3 , so I think a digital camera is the best

birthday gift. Dan would love it as he is always taking (10) photographs using

his old camera, which can be quite troublesome .

Father : Okay. I will get him a digital camera then.

You : Thanks Dad.


Speaking Skill 1−2 3−4 5−6 7−8 9 − 10
1−2 3−4 5−6 7−8 9 − 10
Pronunciation 1−2 3−4 5−6 7−8 9 − 10
Fluency & coherence 1−2 3−4 5−6 7−8 9 − 10
Grammar & accuracy
1 2 /40 5 6
Lexical resource 1−7 8 − 15 31 − 35 36 − 40
Total marks 3 4
16 − 23 24 − 30
Performance level



Unit 1 SOW: Lesson 4 Writing

SOW: Lesson 1 Speaking Worksheet 1

Worksheet 1 (Suggested answer)
Money Is the Root of All Evil
1 money-saving tip
2 most likely food Samuel and Sunny were very close siblings. They were born
3 Make a shopping list with a silver spoon in their mouth. Their father, Mr Kong, was a filthy
4 reduce food waste rich businessman in town. Mr Kong suddenly passed away due to
5 I make my own coffee a sudden heart attack. The two brothers were very sad over their
6 buy coffee beans in bulk father’s sudden demise.
7 keep your coffee warm
8 student discounts When their father’s will was read out to them, Samuel, the
9 Choose social activities elder, was not too happy with it because he only got one quarter of
10 buy everything in the market their father’s estate. Since then, Samuel had been trying to pick on
11 check your budget first Sunny. He had also gone to the extent of trying to cheat Sunny of his
10 on the spot share. The bond between both brothers was severed.

Samuel was aggressive, greedy and sly. He thought of ways
to get as much money as possible from the company. He sold the
company’s shares and property without Sunny’s knowledge. Samuel
was very happy doing it for he got lots of money.

Soon, their father’s company went bankrupt. Sunny was at a
loss, but Samuel was enjoying himself. After all, he had got all the
money he wanted. Poor Sunny was left in the lurch to fend for their
father’s company and other businesses. He was practically living
from hand to mouth. He sighed and said to himself, ‘Money is the
root of all evil.’
Worksheet 3CONTOH
BONUS Vocabulary Drill
1 to use money very carefully
2 a small amount of money kept for buying small things Worksheet 1 6 found
3 to discuss the price of an object persistently 7 pay back
4 something, especially money, that is owed to someone else 1 invested 8 save
5 when a person or business makes more money selling 2 inherited 9 spend, budget
3 owe, borrowed 10 withdraw
something than buying or producing that thing 4 earn
6 to hide or store something, especially money, in order to use it 5 lent

in the future
7 not having any money at all
8 a job that provides you with the money you need to live
9 a period of decreased economic activity where people lose jobs

and things get more expensive
10 to cost too much

SOW: Lesson 2 Listening Worksheet 2

Worksheet 1 1 B 2 E 3 G 4 H 5 C
6 D 7 J 8 A 9 F 10 I
A = 3, B = 1, D = 2, E = 4

SOW: Lesson 3 Reading Unit 2

Worksheet 1 SOW: Lesson 7 Speaking
Worksheet 1

B 2 NM 3 T 4 NM 5 F 1 is very popular right now
7 NM 8 F 9 T 10 NM 2 simply love her new songs
1 T 3 I don’t like listening to country-pop songs
6 T 4 it’s a waste of time
5 I have to disagree with you
C 6 overcome with my homesickness
7 improve your English vocabulary
1 used many times in the past and proven to work well 8 make out the lyrics
2 to give children an added advantage 9 spend my time doing what interests me most
3 causing by 10 playing football
4 to have just enough money to pay for the things that one needs 11 running around the field and chasing after a ball
5 not real, not genuine 12 requires a lot of skill to be able to play well
6 the money that a person regularly earns, a wage or salary 13 doesn’t seem the least interesting to me
7 to do more than is expected or required
8 to watch closely


English Form 1 Answers

Worksheet 3 5 False About my likes and dislikes, well, I’m into squash. I’m basically
6 True an outgoing person and I like socialising, so one way to socialise is
1 False 7 True through squash. I play squash with my friends in the neighbourhood.
2 True 8 False We have a coach who trains us at weekends. Currently, our coach
3 True is training the national squash team, so we are off. Anyway, we are
4 True playing on our own. We enjoy each other’s company because there’s
great teamwork. I like squash because it keeps me fit and gives me
SOW: Lessons 8-9 Reading 3 A the opportunity to do something interesting during my free time. I
6 H take it to be that I’m hanging out with my friends in a very healthy
Worksheet 1 2 G and meaningful way. I don’t like hanging out at shopping malls or
5 D some other places because I tend to spend lots of money shopping
1 B and eating! That’s not me!
4 E
I’m always doing embroidery pieces while my mum is sewing
Worksheet 2 pillowcases using the completed pieces of embroidery after church
on Sundays. We love this form of teamwork because at the end of
1 Through her late maternal grandmother the month, we get paid from the sale of embroidered pillowcases.
2 The internet This keeps us greatly motivated, so Mum and I make sure we
3 Since young complete a few pieces of embroidered pillowcases a week. For your
4 Software engineer information, I love doing embroidery but I don’t like sewing because
5 At Jonker Walk I hate machines!
6 Her sister-in-law
7 Relatives and friends were attracted to the smocked dress she

made for her daughter for her birthday.
8 She received lots of orders from relatives and friends.
9 Rare these days
10 Suitable birthday gifts for female babies and little girls

SOW: Lesson 18 Listening

Worksheet 1

SOW: Lessons 10 & 13 Language Awareness 1.1 & 1.2: Grammar 1 C
2 (a) Great improvement in education
Worksheet 1 2 do not draw 3 prefers (b) Information on any topic is readily available
5 wear 6 surfs (c) Just google search any topic
1 go 8 do not need 9 organises (d) Bring families closer
4 sing, dance (e) Constant contact with family members no matter how far
7 does not take
10 conducts they are
(f) Medical breakthroughs have helped lives in many ways
Worksheet 2 (g) Longer lifespan
(h) Cure diseases
1 does not realise (i) Better and more accurate diagnosis of diseases
2 is going
3 is trying 11 comes Worksheet 2
4 wonders 12 scratches
5 asks 13 Are, looking 2, 7, 4, 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9
6 Are, coming 14 am
7 Do, know 15 Do, know SOW: Lesson 19 Speaking
8 don’t have 16 come
9 are, doing 17 are not coming Worksheet 1
10 turns 18 are playing
19 are not joking 1 line up
20 replies 2 all bags and belongings on the shelves outside the lab
3 listen attentively
Worksheet 3 4 Report all accidents, injuries and breakages of glass or equipment
5 eating and drinking in the science laboratory
1 doing 2 send 3 dancing 4 playing 6 talking and playing
5 know 6 kicking 7 loves 8 dreaming 7 touch or smell other chemicals found in the science laboratory
8 do not remove them from where they are placed
SOW: Lesson 11 Listening 9 leave the laboratory

Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2

Fred, Kingston, Alvin Koh 1 a digital camera
2 the digital camera to take photos of any events such as family
Worksheet 2
1 A
2 A True D False 3 for use at anytime
B True E True 4 He can create his own graphics for his websites
C True 5 make your photo business cards
6 How much is a digital camera?
SOW: Lesson 16 Writing 7 only about RM2 000
8 your budget
Worksheet 1 9 a laptop and a MP3
10 photographs using his old camera, which can be quite


(Suggested answer) SOW: Lesson 20 Reading
Hi! My name’s Savannah Tang and I’m 13 years old. I’m from
Worksheet 1
Kuala Lumpur. I’m Malaysian. I live with my parents and my 10-year-
old brother, who’s a great Manchester United FC fan. My best friends 1 He had never been inside one./ He wanted to see what’s inside.
are Akito, Dalton Yap, Lee Chin and Fatimah. 2 They might be poisonous./ They might be filled with chemicals

and pesticides.


English Form 1 Answers

3 They were at the gaming zone and they were playing online classroom but there are some who are dead against it. They are
games/ video games./ They were enjoying themselves with the against it for there are many inappropriate materials on the internet.
Curious students will be accessing other websites on their own.
PlayStations. Mrs Lim, a parent, argues that most students use digital devices in
one form or another at home. She feels that additional exposure at
4 They were wasting their time./ They might fall sick spending school could be harmful.
hours at the gaming zone.
BONUS Vocabulary Drill
5 Parents and children were busy with their smartphones./
Parents were not spending quality time with their children. Worksheet 1

6 He was playing ‘RAGE 2’ on his smartphone.
7 He was trying to get some food.
8 His parents spent quality time with him./ He had his parents’

love./ He realised that technology was slowly killing people.

(Any suitable answer)

Worksheet 2 5 surprise 1 B 2 A 3 H 4 K 5 L
6 not at work 6 C 7 N 8 D 9 O 10 E
1 amazed 7 very harmful 11 F 12 J 13 M 14 I 15 G
2 piece 8 expensive things
3 caught
4 saw
CONTOH Worksheet 2

1 A 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 B

SOW: Lesson 21 Writing Unit 4

Worksheet 1

(Suggested answer) SOW: Lesson 24 Listening
As the principal of the school, my future plan is to implement
Worksheet 1
the use of digital devices in the classrooms. Our government has
plans pointing to that aspect because the use of digital devices, such 1 sad and human beings are the cause of it
as the laptop and the computers, can enhance the teaching-learning 2 cutting down trees in the forests to make way for housing
process. Pupils will be brought into a whole new world of education.
projects, farmlands and other developments
In order to make this a reality, I need to identify the challenges
and look at ways to at least solve them. My future plan is to make 3 hunt animals for their meat and other body parts to make
sure that there is sufficient budget to buy those digital devices. I plan money
to get funding from the school Parent-Teacher Association and may
organise a fundraising project. When there is enough funding, much 4 polluted because human beings throw rubbish and plastic into
can be done. them

My next plan is to make sure that the wi-fi network can support 5 a paradise, it is decaying and dying
the new devices. I will find out from Telekom whether the school
area is within the unifi zone. This will enhance internet connectivity. Worksheet 2
Next is training for teachers who are not computer literate. The plan
is to get them to attend courses or a buddy-support system, where 1 it will contribute to air pollution
those teachers who are tech-savvy will teach those who are not so. 2 because smoke from these waste pollutes our air with fine
That goes too for the office staff and those working in the laboratory.
particles and other toxic pollutants
These are my future plans for my school so that students, 3 this polluted air can cause serious health problems for many of
teachers and the other non-academic staff can benefit.
us, especially young children and the elderly
Worksheet 2 4 cough, breathlessness, headache and rashes
5 For the dead leaves, add them to a compost pile
Are you tech-savvy? Are you aware that it is very important to 6 Tie them in bundles and bring them to the recycling centre
be tech-savvy? Being tech-savvy comes with lots of goodies.
SOW: Lesson 25 Speaking
A tech-savvy candidate will be the most likely candidate to be
hired by a company. This is because nowadays employers will hire Worksheet 1
an individual with skills and knowledge in the latest technology.
Today, everything is done online. Sending emails, sending urgent 1 plant a tree around the school
documents, sending feedback, designing a poster, doing marketing 2 a vegetable garden or a herbal garden
and even interviewing a candidate are all done online! Can you 3 posters related to conservation of the environment
understand why a candidate who is tech-savvy has an edge over 4 hosting a recycling drive
others who are not? 5 bring recyclables they have collected to the school hall
6 sort these recyclables accordingly and bring them to the
Being tech-savvy enhances productivity and efficiency. A
tech-savvy employee is able to achieve more in less time. You just recycling centre
need your digital device. Everything is there but you need to be tech-
savvy in order to produce maximum results. You will find that you 7 cycling, walking or carpooling to school
are able to achieve more in less time. No need to spend lots of time
on the road just to meet a client. Teleconferencing or text messages Worksheet 3
will do unless there is an urgent need to meet a client in person.
(Any suitable answer)

SOW: Lesson 26 Reading

Worksheet 3 Worksheet 1

Some parents do agree on the use of digital devices in the 1 Forest
classroom for they provide instant information. Parents believe that 2 Pintu
the use of digital devices, such as smartphones, iPads and tablets, 3 Chintu
will help their children to learn better and faster at school. They 4 Chirpy Bird and its family
also believe that the use of digital devices can enhance the learning 5 Bunky Bear
experience. They say that their children cannot visualise events that 6 To chop down Chintu and Pintu
happened in the world and historic events of the past. With the use 7 The animals were protecting Chintu and Pintu.
of digital devices, students can view these events on YouTube, so 8 Animals knew how to appreciate trees.
their learning experience comes alive for they can visualise better. 9 Even animals knew how to protect the trees in the forest.
10 Human beings must value trees around them.
Some parents do agree on the use of digital devices in the


English Form 1 Answers

Worksheet 2 5 screamed Worksheet 2
6 drawn to
1 dense 7 bit 1 Romance novel
2 risky situation 8 think over 2 William Shakespeare
3 ask for 3 Yes, I like the story. Romeo and Juliet were deeply in love.
4 recognise
Romeo thinking that Juliet had died poisoned himself. This
SOW: Lesson 27 Writing shows his true love for Juliet. Juliet too, portrays true love for
Romeo when she killed herself after finding that Romeo had
Worksheet 1 poisoned himself./ No, I don’t like the story. Romeo should have
found out more about Juliet’s ‘death’ instead of taking the rash
(Suggested answer) action of poisoning himself. He should act more sensibly. As for
My school organised a Go Green Campaign last week. The Juliet, she had no choice because Romeo was already dead. She
could not live without him. (Any suitable answer)
aims of the campaign are to instil environmental awareness among
students and to at least save Mother Earth. SOW: Lessons 31-32 Reading

It was a one-week campaign. The whole school was Worksheet 1 5 imagination run wild
involved. First and foremost, there was a talk by an officer from 6 very famous
the Southern Waste Management of the district on our duty to save 1 entertainment 7 introduction and ending
the environment. The Southern Waste Management also had an 2 ancient times 8 check your facts
exhibition in the school hall on the various things each and every 3 not hard
4 good plot
one of us could do to save Mother Earth.
The Science Society carried out an activity where they turned

food waste into compost. The members even made enzymes from
fruit peels. They sold the enzymes to their teachers and parents.
Students were advised to use both sides of the pages of their
exercise books. Besides, students were only allowed to switch on the
air conditioners in their class after 12 noon. Students had to switch
off fans and air conditioners in class when not in use. Not only that,
they also had to unplug all electrical devices.

The most interesting part of the Go Green Campaign was the
Canteen Day organised by the English Language Society and the
Bahasa Melayu Language Society. On this special day, the school
only sold non-meat food. This was to drive home the message that a
meatless diet could help conserve the environment.

The highlight of the Go Green Campaign was the drama
competition organised by the Cultural Club of the school. Every class
presented their drama with the theme, ‘Put a Smile on Mother Earth’.
At the end of the event, the principal delivered a speech to thank all
students and teachers for making the campaign a success.
CONTOH SOW: Lessons 33 & 36 Language Awareness 2.1 & 2.2: Grammar

Worksheet 1

1 raised 2 grew 3 left
4 remarried 5 bore 6 collapsed
7 said 8 attended 9 knew
10 wanted 11 won 12 translated
13 received 14 inherited 15 succeeded

Worksheet 2 2 was 3 lived
5 wrote 6 Were
1 was 8 did, write 9 were
4 were 11 felt 12 could
7 was 14 made 15 learned/ learnt
10 did, like
13 paid

BONUS Vocabulary Drill Worksheet 3 2 left 3 waited 4 could
6 was 7 grant 8 was
Worksheet 1 1 took
5 led

1 B 2 E 3 G 4 H 5 C SOW: Lesson 34 Listening
6 A 7 F 8 D

Worksheet 2 Worksheet 1

1 conservation 5 recycle 1 C 2 A 3 E 4 D 5 B
2 pollution 6 smog
3 insecticide 7 Global warming Worksheet 2 2 True 3 True 4 False
4 deforestation 8 toxic 6 False 7 True 8 False
1 True
5 True

Worksheet 3 6 scrapyards SOW: Lesson 39 Writing
7 carbon sink
1 green audit 8 biodegrade Worksheet 1
2 reusable 9 non-renewable
3 blue flag 10 zero-carbon (Suggested answer)
4 ozone-friendly Last weekend, my family and I visited the Melaka Maritime
5 ecological footprint
Museum, which is situated in Melaka town itself. The main place we
Unit 5 enjoyed most is a replica of the Flor de la Mar, a Portuguese ship,
laden with treasure, which sank off the coast of Malacca on its way
SOW: Lesson 30 Speaking back to Portugal. I felt nice to get into the ship, which was converted
into a museum. We could see lots of displays about Malacca’s past.
Worksheet 1 We could also walk around as though we were on board the Flor
de la Mar. We were free to explore. The most exciting thing was we
1 Graphic novels could take lots of photos too.
2 Not only do I enjoy the artwork, but also the stories that go
Later, we went to Muzium Samudera. In this museum, we
along with the novels fit the story perfectly could see exhibits, such as model fishing boats, dioramas of fishing
3 horror novels villages, displays of marine creatures and birds too. Next, we
4 I like the kind of horror novels that give me sleepless nights! A crossed the road to the Royal Malaysian Navy Museum. Here, we
could see exhibits like a WASP MK1 helicopter, some naval guns and
lot of Stephen King's novels have this powerful quality. It sets equipment. There was also information on the history of the Royal
his genre apart from others in a way. Malaysian Navy. I was very attracted to a patrol boat displayed on
stilts outside the museum. Visitors could climb onto its deck but
could not go inside. That was something I did not enjoy!

My family and I left the Melaka Maritime Museum after an
hour. Then, we went to explore some other places.


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