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Published by lib.kolejkomunitikb, 2021-12-29 20:02:11

The Sun Daily - 30 Dec 2021



showing an inundated area in Taman Sri
Muda, Selangor, and the same location prior
to the floods. – BERNAMAPIX


No. 7936 PP 2644/12/2012 (031195)


oInterest groups voice abhorrence
for abuse of power, call for
perpetrators to be punished

█ BY SHIVANI SUPRAMANI police report alleging that he had physically assumption of power abuse, adding that the increasingly feels entitled to “more of the sweets”.
[email protected] abused her. perpetrators should face the consequences. “This explains the increased likelihood of
them engaging in rude, selfish or unethical
PETALING JAYA: It has been said that In another case, Kota Baru Bersatu Youth Awam told theSun that a study conducted by behaviour.”
to test a man’s character, give him division member Noor Azhar Muhammad was University of California professor of psychology Awam said the sense of entitlement could be
power. Wielded appropriately, it can caught on CCTV in August assaulting a security Dacher Keltner found that power could lead to consolidated by the person’s assumption of his
influence others in a positive way but guard after he was barred from using the loss of empathy. invulnerability.
in the wrong hands, as seen recently, it swimming pool at a condominium complex. “We seriously hope the people in power in
manifests in dictatorial and bullying “They no longer feel compelled to take into our country, who are the politicians,
behaviour. The guard later succumbed to the injuries consideration the needs of others while they are not allowed to get away with
inflicted on him during the attack. move on to secure their position. This lack of such behaviour. Nobody is above Turn to
Two cases of what many would regard as empathy makes them more likely to be the law. In both cases, action
abuse of power come to mind. According to All Women’s Action Society impulsive and thereby engage in risky —
(Awam), both cases are instances of power behaviour,” Awam said.
In the first case, Morib state assemblyman abuse. must be taken against the page 6
Hasnul Baharuddin’s wife recently lodged a It added that qualities such as a sense of perpetrators.”
YPolitics.MY co-founder Kyle Choong said it fairness also fade as the person with power
was the political factor that led to the

7 Expertproposesstrictersteps tocurbOmicroncases -p4 7 Chinese,Tamilschoolsnotunconstitutional:HighCourt -p6

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Be prepared for more floods, says King

KUALA LUMPUR: The Yang royal advice followed a yellow alert of and to be always on the alert. of previous floods to overcome wave of floods.
di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah continuous rain issued by the “They are also advised to adhere weaknesses and shortcomings in He said the King expressed hope
Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah Meteorological Department for facing any eventuality, especially in
yesterday advised the people, Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang, to all instructions and guidelines handling post-flood matters. that early preparations would enable
especially those in the east coast Johor and Sabah, which is expected given by local authorities, such as proper action, rescue operations and
states as well as Johor and Sabah, to to continue until Jan 2. instructions to evacuate for their Ahmad Fadil said Al-Sultan assistance for flood victims,
brace for a possible second wave of safety and that of their families,” he Abdullah advised relevant especially those in remote or
massive floods. “The King advises the people, said in a statement yesterday. government agencies and local high-density areas to be executed
especially those residing in authorities to stay vigilant and effectively.
Comptroller of the Royal flood-prone areas, to pay extra While expressing concern about proactive to ensure the highest level
Household for Istana Negara Datuk attention to weather forecasts and the people’s well-being, Ahmad Fadil of preparedness, coordination and “He also called on all Malaysians
Ahmad Fadil Shamsuddin said the warnings issued by the department said the King also called on all management to face the second to pray that the second wave of floods
quarters to learn from the experience would not happen.” – Bernama

‘Senate seat should not be Charity group,
used to reward supporters’ beverage
producer donate
█ BY RAJVINDER SINGH o Appointments to Upper House have been Dewan Negara. RM1 million
[email protected] used by political parties as a way to show He added another measure that
PETALING JAYA: A Dewan Negara gratitude for backing rendered, says expert PETALING JAYA: A charitable
seat should be used as a means to has to be taken is to give the senate foundation and a food and beverage
serve the people, rather than a government with the assent of the Mohamad Ariff said wider room to deliberate legislations in producer have jointly donated RM1
reward for political support. Yang di-Pertuan Agong compared representation for states and greater greater depth. million in aid to victims of the recent
with those appointed to represent professionalism would make the floods.
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia the states.” Dewan Negara more effective as a “To achieve this, we must have
geostrategist Dr Azmi Hassan said legislative body. professionals in the chamber. There In a joint statement issued
political parties have been using Azmi added that an elected must be experts in their respective yesterday, Ng Teng Fong Charitable
appointments to the senate as a way senate had worked well in other He said the Dewan Negara fields, social activists and Foundation and Yeo Hiap Seng (M)
to thank supporters. countries. should be expanded and non-governmental organisation Bhd said the money was to help pay
reconstituted, adding that representatives.” the cost of repairs to victims’ homes
“This is one of many ways “For instance, the US Senate is a representation from each of the 13 as part of efforts to help them recover
available to political parties to repay very powerful body.” states should be raised from two to Mohamad Ariff said the Dewan from the disaster.
those who have helped them,” he three each. Negara should also have very
told theSun. He said the original objective was powerful committees that could Foundation director Daryl Ng and
to appoint professionals to the The senate now has 70 members, discuss and deliberate laws and Yeo’s group chief executive officer
He was commenting on a recent Dewan Negara to help improve laws comprising 40 appointed by the issues. Samuel Koh said the cash aid would
proposal by former Dewan Rakyat and legislations. federal government, four that be distributed through community
speaker Tan Sri Mohamad Ariff Md represent the Federal Territories and “Today, the questions being organisations, including Crisis Relief
Yusof that the senate be Azmi noted that while an two each from the 13 states. asked in the Dewan Negara are Services and Training Bhd, the
reconstituted to give the states a appointment to the senate is made almost the same as those asked in Methodist Crisis Relief and
bigger representation. in the name of the Yang di-Pertuan Mohamad Ariff said an increase the Dewan Rakyat, which makes it a Development organisation and
Agong, it is always on the advice of in representation of states to 39 very sad state of affairs.” World Vision.
Mohamad Ariff pointed out that the government of the day, which would reduce the domination of the
there was an imbalance under the enables supporters to be rewarded federal government in the He said the people would not These organisations are actively
existing format of appointing with positions in the Upper House. want to see the antics in the Dewan rendering assistance on the ground.
senators. Rakyat repeated in the Dewan Their volunteers have been helping to
Negara, adding that holding clean victims’ homes, distribute daily
“More senators are appointed by elections for the senate is premature. essentials and assess requirements to
the executive branch of the help them get back on their feet.
“But if it comes down to that, the
people should be given a voice.” The aid is an initiative under Yeo’s
Helping Hands, the company’s
corporate social responsibility
programme to help communities in
need, Bernama reported.

Yeo’s Helping Hands was
launched recently to serve
communities in need. In July, it
distributed food aid to 40,000 families
from the B40 low-income group who
have been most severely affected by
the Covid-19 pandemic and the
subsequent lockdown.

Flood warning
in east coast

AFTERMATH ... Two flood-damaged cars KUALA LUMPUR: The National
left by the roadside in Taman Sri Muda, Flood Forecasting and Warning
Selangor. – ASYRAF RASID/THESUN Centre has issued an early forecast
beginning Dec 31 for Kelantan and
RM35 million aid for disaster victims in eight states Terengganu and starting from Jan 1
for Pahang and Johor.
KUALA LUMPUR: The Welfare “More than 31,921 collapsible 771 flood relief centres nationwide. Khidmat Malaysia and the National
Department has spent RM35 million tents have been used at flood relief Siti Zailah said the department Youth Council, had sent more than The centre, which is under the
to provide aid to flood victims in centres. The department also 10,000 volunteers to affected states. Department of Irrigation and
eight affected states. provided cooked food at each relief had also mobilised more than 3,000 Drainage, issued the forecast
centre according to the number of officers to see to the welfare of The department has set up and following an alert of continuous rain
Deputy Women, Family and victims, including its staff,” she said evacuees at relief centres. coordinated kitchens for the people by the Meteorological Department.
Community Development Minister in a statement yesterday. in each flood-hit location.
Datuk Siti Zailah Mohd Yusoff said “A total of 135 of the department’s According to the notification that
the aid included comforters, mats, She said so far, a total of 114,280 officers on duty were also affected by Siti Zailah added it also helped was posted on the website
blankets, towels, sarong, hygiene kits people from 31,921 families had been the recent floods.” organise movement of volunteers for, the
and other basic necessities. accommodated by the department at post-flood work such as cleaning districts in Pahang that are likely to
Siti Zailah said the department, houses and mosques. – Bernama be hit by floods are Maran,
with the strategic cooperation of Temerloh, Jerantut and the
surrounding areas, Kuantan (Sungai
Lembing) and Rompin. In Johor,
Mersing and the surrounding areas
are also expected to be affected,
Bernama reported.

In Kelantan, the areas likely to be
hit by floods are Gua Musang, Kuala
Krai, Jeli, Tanah Merah, Machang
and the surrounding areas, Tanah
Merah (Jenob) and Pasir Mas
(Rantau Panjang).

Floods are also forecast in
Terengganu, involving areas in Besut,
Hulu Terengganu and Dungun.

“Disaster management agencies,
as well as residents in affected areas
are advised to be vigilant.”



over Christmas greetings FOR FLOOD VICTIMS
ALOR GAJAH: A total of 390 out of
2,528 household heads in Malacca
who were affected by the recent
floods have received
compassionate aid (BWI) to date.
Chief Minister Datuk Seri Sulaiman
Md Ali said the state government
began distributing the financial
aid on Tuesday night after
receiving a sum of RM400,000
█ BY SHIVANI SUPRAMANI o Controversial preacher cited as ignorant, out was when we saw the true spirit of from the federal government
[email protected] of touch and divisive Keluarga Malaysia,” he added. through the National Disaster
PETALING JAYA: Controversial Management Agency (Nadma).
Islamic preacher Zakir Naik has He said the authorities “must “We welcome the call made by
been dismissed as ignorant, out of have a reason” for allowing Naik to prime minister (Datuk Seri Ismail
touch and divisive. remain in Malaysia despite he being Sabri Yaakob) for the BWI to be
“Islam did not segregate us. Instead terrorism. “As soldiers, we have sought by Indian law enforcers to handed over to the household
In response to his latest it taught us the glory of co- fought side by side for our nation, answer for criminal offences of heads as soon as possible or while
pronouncement that Muslims existence,” he told theSun. men and women of all cultures and terror financing, hate speech, they are still in the relief centres.”
should refrain from wishing faiths in uniform. If Naik’s teachings inciting communal hatred and He said this to reporters after the
Christians a “Merry Christmas”, He said that while the ancient are taken as the gospel truth, our money laundering. ceremony to hand over aid to
various groups and opinion makers Arab traders brought Islam to other nation’s defences will crumble,” he flood victims in the Alor Gajah
also expressed their disgust for his parts of the world, they also earned added. “But my view is that foreigners district here yesterday, with State
views. the respect of non-Muslims whom who are granted residence in Secretary Datuk Kamel Mohamad
they traded with. Social activist Tan Sri Lee Lam Malaysia should not create unease also present. – Bernama
National Patriots Association Thye said Naik was entitled to his or incite negative feelings,” he
president Datuk Mohd Arshad “If they had done what Naik views like everyone else as long as it added. OPS TO HELP CLEAN UP
Mohd Raji said Naik’s lack of preaches now, I don’t think they did not contravene the law. AFTER FLOODS
knowledge of Malaysian history had would have done justice for Islam, Political commentator Dr Mohd
made him naive. let alone propagate the religion from “It’s up to the rest of us to decide Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi described HULU LANGAT: The Ministry of
East to West, North to South,” he whether or not to take him seriously. Naik’s opinion that Islam is different Communications and Multimedia
He said Naik had also forgotten added. But my view is that he is out of touch from others as an “early learner’s yesterday launched the “Operasi
Islamic history and was ignorant of with reality,” Lee told theSun. view”. Bantu Hingga Selesai” (Ops Bahis)
Islamic civilisation. Furthermore, Arshad said, many to help clean the houses of the
traditions and festivals had a social He pointed out that Malaysia is a “Unfortunately, this view requires flood victims. Communications
In a post on his Facebook page significance and nothing to do with multiracial country that continues to a higher understanding as the and Multimedia Minister Tan Sri
last week, the preacher had cited a religion. practise racial and religious practices and practicalities of Islam Annuar Musa said more than 1,000
verse from the book Majmoo al tolerance and understanding and have changed over time. I would not volunteers would help clean up
Fataawa stating that the Islamic “Take Santa Claus for instance. despite what Naik has said, the say he is wrong, just that his views about 500 flood-affected houses
cleric Shaikh Ul Islam ibn Taymiyyah People see Santa as the bearer of people would continue to celebrate are out of context,” he told theSun. for five days until Sunday. “We
had forbidden Muslims from happiness, surprises and good each other’s festivals. “We can see want them (flood victims) to
participating in non-Muslim tidings. Wearing a Santa cap does the spirit of togetherness among Tajuddin said many Muslims return (to normal life) as soon as
festivals. not make one a religion any more Malaysians, especially during the have only a very superficial possible. Volunteers have to make
than wearing a kopiah makes one a recent floods,” he said. understanding (of the religion) and sure that every basic item such as
Arshad pointed out that Malaysia pious Muslim,” he added. often rely on narrow-minded clerics mattresses, pillows and others are
is a multicultural society and even Lee noted that Christian and Sikh who refer to outdated traditions. replaced with new ones after the
before Arabs brought Islam here the Arshad said Malaysia is fortunate charities and other similar groups cleaning process is completed,” he
various communities already had that its people are peace loving, but had been helping the victims with “The religious authorities should told reporters when joining 153
their own traditions and beliefs. even then extremist views like what no regard for race or religion. “That explain what Naik meant. Otherwise volunteers to clean up flood
is propagated by Naik could breed we will fail in our objective to remain victims’ homes in Sungai Lui, near
united,” he added. here. – Bernama

Couple recounts DAP: Poor PH
fearful night record in govt
reason for S’wak
SEPANG: Communications and polls rout
Multimedia Ministry (KKMM)
Human Resource Division ‘BAG’ TO SCHOOL ... A. KUCHING: The sentiment about
employee Roslaini Mat Riffin, 50, Prema, 42, selecting school Pakatan Harapan’s (PH) 22-month
and her husband Kamaruddin Said bags for her children, seven- rule as the federal government had
panicked when they saw floodwater year-old Helena Joe and contributed to DAP’s poor
entering their house in Taman Intan Joshua Joseph, six, at a shop in performance in the recently
Baiduri, here lately. Campbell Street, George Town concluded 12th Sarawak state
yesterday, in preparation for election.
Roslaini said it was the first time the new school term, which
her housing estate was inundated begins on Jan 9. – MASRY CHE Sarawak DAP chairman Chong
after settling here 11 years ago and ANI/THESUN Chieng Jen said during that time, PH
they only managed to save some did not manage to match the
important documents. Reprieve for insurance policy holders expectations of the people who voted
for them in the last general election.
“Water rose to thigh level on KUALA LUMPUR: Life insurance reducing or waiving the interest industry is focused on helping the
Wednesday (Dec 22), and we had to and family takaful policyholders charges for policy/certificate loans victims in their times of need. He said although PH managed to
clean the house with our children affected by the floods have been under the Automatic Premium Loan implement reforms within the
and office colleagues,” she said after offered a range of support and relief option. “The floods have taken a toll on government system and introduce
receiving a “Kotak Kasih” (gift box) measures, including an extra the family, business, and wellbeing good governance measures, the
contribution from KKMM secretary- timeline of a few months for Another measure is the waiver of of the victims and the necessary coalition still fell short of what was
general Datuk Seri Mohammad payment of printing cost for replacement of relief measures will help ease their expected of them.
Mentek, here yesterday. premiums/contributions. insurance policies, takaful burden during this difficult time.
These measures, which are certificates and medical cards. “We acknowledge that the low
Roslaini was among the KKMM subject to insurers’ and takaful “The floods have resulted in the voter turnout and split-voting were
staff who were affected by the operators’ terms and conditions, LIAM president Loh Guat Lan evacuation of many victims from due to the general sentiment of
unusual flood in Sepang recently were announced by the Life said the association’s member flooded areas to safer grounds disappointment among the
which caused dozens of victims to Insurance Association of Malaysia companies are committed to mainly causing the family to lose electorate in many of our
suffer property damage and she (LIAM) and Malaysian Takaful providing the necessary support to contact with their family members, constituencies.
expressed her appreciation to Association (MTA) in a joint affected families so that they can losing business and some even lost
KKMM for the contribution. statement yesterday. have peace of mind with the their loved ones in the floods and it is “Those who had voted for DAP in
Other measures include knowledge that their insurance timely for the industry to play its role 2018 to bring about change of
The Kotak Kasih containing food restructuring of needs are taken care of. and responsibility in helping the government, decided not to continue
and personal-care items were premium/contribution paying victims,” he added. supporting DAP in this state election
presented to 12 families in Sepang, modes from an annual to monthly “We would like to advise because we did not live up to their
Dengkil and Klang by Mohammad basis; extending the grace period policy/certificate holders to contact As circumstances of each case or expectations. We wish to extend our
in their respective homes. (usually 30 days) to a longer their insurance/takaful companies claim may differ, policy/certificate sincere apology for falling short of
timeframe for payment of to find out the details of the relief holders who are affected and unsure such expectations,” he said at a press
Meanwhile, KKMM Finance premiums/contributions; and measures offered by their life of their coverage are advised to conference here yesterday.
Division undersecretary Hasan insurers,” he said. contact their insurers/takaful
Muda thanked the secretary-general operators for more information and Chong said DAP would continue
for taking time off to visit employees MTA chairman Elmie Aman clarification. – Bernama to play its role as a responsible
who were affected by the flood. Najas said the insurance and takaful opposition in Sarawak and support
what is right and oppose the wrongs
“I really value the ministry’s committed by the government of the
gesture as it is a big help in time like day.
this. The presence of the secretary-
general shows he is concerned about DAP managed to win only two
the welfare of staff who were caught state seats through Chong in
in the major flood recently,” he said. Padungan and Violet Yong in
Pending. – Bernama
Samiyah Mohd Sarip, who is an
employee of the Malaysian Digital
Economic Corporation is grateful to
KKMM for the visit and
contribution. “The flood is the worst
as I did not expect it to cause so
much damage and we are glad to be
alive,” she said. – Bernama

Decision on death
penalty abolition Time for stricter measures

KUALA LUMPUR: A committee to look into o Expert calls for more focused efforts to stem rising cases will be key to the management of
abolition of the death penalty will soon number of Omicron cases coming in from abroad Omicron.”
submit its findings to Minister in the Prime
Minister’s Department (Parliament and █ BY ASHIQIN ARIFFIN She called on the authorities to re-evaluate He also urged Malaysians to get their booster
Law) Datuk Seri Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku [email protected] the situation and enhance the efficiency of dose, adding that it could reduce the health risks
Jaafar, who said he would present the PETALING JAYA: The increase in the number of laboratory assessments to hasten the associated with an infection.
findings to the Cabinet for a final decision to Omicron infections has prompted health identification of the variant, especially at entry
be made after the Cabinet has been briefed. experts to call for tighter measures to curb its points. “Those eligible for booster shots should get
spread. their jab as soon as possible as there is evidence
“There have been repeated calls to Loh pointed out that virologists had earlier that boosters will strengthen protection against
abolish the death penalty. My role is to However, they conceded that additional feared the possibility of another variant of the Omicron variant. This should be a priority.”
assess the effectiveness of these information about the new variant would be concern.
punishments as a deterrent. We must study essential to enable the authorities to introduce Dr Muhamad Afiq Aziz of the Institute of
this thoroughly before we come to a more focused measures. “Due to rapid mutations, it is really difficult Biological Sciences at Universiti Malaya said
decision. We also need to see if for any country, even the United States and education is imperative in ensuring that
rehabilitation of convicts would be a better Another three Omicon cases were reported United Kingdom, to get well-prepared.” everyone knew their responsibility in taking
option, in the best interests of the greater yesterday in Negri Sembilan, raising the care of themselves and the community.
society.” national tally to 65. Malaysian Medical Association president Dr
Koh Kar Chai said the genomic sequencing “The only way we can survive is to fully
He said the committee was established There has only been one case that was process should be improved to enhance understand how this virus is transmitted. I can
in 2019 to gauge public response to the transmitted locally and it was detected in monitoring of the infection. see that some people have yet to get the
proposal and examine the ramifications of Sarawak. message.”
such a decision, and to look at the issue “Prevention is better than cure in controlling
from several aspects. University of Nottingham Malaysia associate the spread of Omicron. It is key to ensuring that Afiq said in the long run, the country would
dean and professor, virologist Dr Sandy H.S. it does not gain a foothold in the country. need to adapt to the changes and prepare for the
He added that the study was in Loh, said quarantine measures imposed in the worst by reviewing infrastructure to prevent
consonant with the government’s country are inadequate. “If our people are disciplined and observe transmissible diseases.
aspirations to rehabilitate criminals where the standard operating procedures to the letter,
possible, and later assimilate them into “We have not done enough to prevent we should be able to prevent a surge,” he said. “A good ventilation system is important,
their respective communities as valuable transmission of imported cases,” she said, especially now with more virulent variants. In
members of society. adding that those who arrived on international Koh added that steps should be taken to be the future, we must have buildings that meet
flights had breached quarantine requirements thorough in contact tracing, in line with the these requirements because reports have
“If they have done their time, paid their and as a result, the variant spread locally. FTTIS (find, test, trace, isolate and support) shown that coronavirus can travel through a bad
dues, shown genuine remorse for what they system. (venting) system,” he added.
have done and have been completely
rehabilitated, we should not close the door “Early detection and isolation of Covid-19 Experts agreed that quarantine should be
on them,” he said. – Bernama confined to specific centres to eliminate the risk
of violation of home quarantine, which leads to
more infections.

Extra precautions in Labuan

LABUAN: Healthcare personnel periods.”
here are taking extra precautions Ismuni said the home-
against the possible spread of
Covid-19 from among those quarantine order could be
returning from performing the cancelled and replaced with hotel-
umrah, Bernama reported. quarantine if the residence of the
pilgrims is deemed unsuitable for
State Health Department effective quarantine.
director Dr Ismuni Bohari said the
pilgrims are required to undergo a “Our healthcare personnel will
mandatory polymerase chain visit the premises and conduct the
reaction (PCR) test before necessary checks at their homes. If
returning to Labuan. it fulfills the requirements, we will
allow them to undergo home
“They are required to undergo quarantine. If not, they will have to
Covid-19 screening upon arrival undergo quarantine in a hotel.”
after performing the umrah
pilgrimage, and they will be Ismuni said healthcare
required to wear digital tracking personnel are on standby at the
devices throughout their home Labuan Airport and at the two ferry
surveillance and quarantine terminals to monitor the return of
pilgrims to the duty-free island.

C VID-19

As of noon yesterday

Armed Forces officials applauding medical frontliners during a simple closing ceremony at Penang Hospital yesterday. concTafiosrtemasl ed 2,750,516

All Penang field hospitals closed

GEORGE TOWN: All 10 Armed surpassed 80% of their capacity at patients in Categories Four and Five, Total
Forces field hospitals opened to the time. while the field hospital in Penang ac? ve cases cNaesews 3,683
facilitate treatment for Covid-19 treated those in Categories Three and
patients have been closed in stages “Throughout the operations of the Four. The Armed Forces is committed 73,258
following a decline in the number of 24-bed ICU facility in Kepala Batas, a to helping the country in handling
patients. total of 421 patients were treated and breaking the chain of Covid-19 Total
since May 28, 381 of whom recovered infections,” he said. recoveries Current
The last two – at the Penang and 40 others died. Three military recovery 95.59%
Hospital and the Kepala Batas officers and 29 personnel were Muhammad Huzaimi added that 2,673,084
Hospital – were closed yesterday. attached at the hospital during the the Armed Forces was prepared to rate
operations,” he said after attending reopen the hospitals should the need
Second Division of the Malaysian the symbolic closure of the field arise, especially with the increase of Death 6,338Brought
Infantry Commander Mejar-Jen hospital in Penang. cases involving the Omicron variant. toll
Datuk Muhammad Huzaimi Sabri -in-Dead
said the hospitals were closed after Muhammad Huzaimi said at the “So far, we have not received any 37,392
the number of Covid-19 cases field hospital in Penang, 499 patients instructions to reopen the field
showed a significant drop as a result were treated since it opened on Sept hospitals.” PROGRESS STATISTICS FOR THE NATIONAL COVID-19 IMMUNISATION PROGRAMME
of mitigation efforts and the 24, with 449 patients recovering while As of October 26
vaccination programme, which had 50 others died. The field hospital in Kepala Batas Received second doses
seen almost 80% of the population was set up using four military
inoculated against the coronavirus. He said the field hospital had eight containers to house 12 beds, while 15 25,985,559 25,596,683
ICU beds and 92 regular beds with other beds were placed in four
“The objective of the setting up of oxygen tanks and was operated by makeshift tents in the hospital
the military field hospital was to help two Armed Forces officers and parking lot.
the hospitals under the Health personnel.
Ministry in treating Covid-19 patients The Penang field hospital had 100
after bed usage in the hospitals “The field ICU at Kepala Batas beds set up in 23 tents at the parking
provided treatment to Covid-19 area. – Bernama


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‘Vernacular schools not unconstitutional’

KUALA LUMPUR: The High Court o Establishments not deemed as public establishment and existence of did not delve into the role of the
here yesterday ruled that the authorities and use of Chinese, Tamil languages Chinese and Tamil vernacular national language in the promotion
existence and establishment of for teaching not for official matters: High Court schools would infringe the of national identity and unity, or in
vernacular schools and the use of fundamental liberties or rights of nation-building.
Chinese and Tamil languages in to Article 152 (1). the existence of vernacular schools any person under the Constitution.”
such schools are constitutional. “A true and proper interpretation is against provisions in the Federal He said critical questions on the
Constitution as Article 152 (1) Mohd Nazlan added the court standard of learning and teaching in
Judge Datuk Mohd Nazlan Mohd of these provisos in Article 152 (1) defines Malay as the national would generally lean towards the schools, such as whether the
Ghazali ruled that vernacular does not prevent the establishment language. constitutionality of a statute on the national education system is
schools are not a public authority and maintenance of vernacular premise that Parliament sufficiently inclusive, and whether
and the use of a non-Malay medium schools as national-type schools, Mohd Nazlan held that there understands and correctly academic progress and excellence
of instruction for teaching in which also use the national was no basis to contend that the appreciates the needs of the people. take priority over all else, are
Chinese and Tamil vernacular curriculum as adopted by all establishment and existence of matters best dealt with by the
schools is not for an official purpose schools in the national education vernacular schools are inconsistent “This has also been described as Executive and the Legislature.
and thus, did not infringe Article 152 system,” he said. with or infringe Articles 5, 8, 10, 11 judicial deference that the court
(1) of the Federal Constitution. and 12 of the Constitution or should accord to the judgment of In the suit filed in December
The judge made the ruling when violated the fundamental liberties of the democratically elected 2019, the three plaintiffs had
He said there are more than 1,800 dismissing a lawsuit brought by the any person guaranteed in the said legislature on matters that are named the government and 13
vernacular schools throughout the Federation of Peninsular Malay Articles. placed within the domain of the other defendants.
country, with about half a million Students, the Islamic Education legislature.
students of different racial Development Council and the “Enrolment in a vernacular Among them were Chinese
composition, Bernama reported. Confederation of Malaysian Writers school is after all a matter of choice. “It is also an important facet to educationist groups Dong Zong and
Association for a declaration that It is difficult to see how the the doctrine of the separation of Jiao Zong, Persatuan Thamizhar
“Such use of the language is powers.” Malaysia, Persatuan Tamilar
therefore not unconstitutional and Thurunal (Perak) and four political
is protected under the Constitution According to the judge, the ruling parties – MIC, MCA, Gerakan and
by virtue of both provisos (a) and (b) was focused predominantly on the Parti Bumiputera Perkasa Malaysia.
interpretation of Article 152 (1) and

‘Need for MyKad relief for
awareness overseas-born
campaign’ children

mothers with overseas-born
It said if such behaviour children are advised to go to the
became the norm on a national nearest National Registration
level, the people could become Department (NRD) office to
disillusioned with the government obtain MyKad/MyKid for their
and withdraw their support, children.
curtailing its ability to operate Family Frontiers president
effectively. Suriani Kempe said the NRD had
It added that abusive quickly facilitated the process to
leadership also leads to the get their citizenship confirmation
perpetuation of values that certificate, which will be issued
support abuse, thus creating a within three months.
culture that silences victims and Their children will finally be
emboldens recognised as Malaysian citizens,
perpetrators. and mothers can use the
From While pointing citizenship confirmation
front certificate to get the children’s
page out that cases of identification cards.
power abuse are
often linked to This followed the Court of
politicians, Choong said Appeal’s dismissal of the
the people should also let the facts government’s application to stay
speak for themselves. the High Court judgment that
“In those two cases, there is confirms Malaysian mothers’
nothing to show that there was equal rights to automatically
abuse of power.” confer citizenship on their
Given such conditions, he said overseas-born children.
it is essential to ensure “On Dec 29, three of the
transparency. plaintiffs in Suriani Kempe & Ors
“Let us stay clear of vs Government of Malaysia & Ors
misconceptions and focus on the went to the National Registration
core issue,” he said, adding that Department, Putrajaya to obtain
those who abuse their powers citizenship documents as
should not be allowed to hold authorised by the High Court,”
such positions. Suriani said in a statement
“If they have no basic respect yesterday.
for another human being, what “The plaintiffs are relieved that
will happen if they are put in the NRD officers efficiently
positions of power? It will lead to facilitated the process of accepting
more abuse, creating a toxic the citizenship forms under
environment and that will not be Article 14(1)(b) of the Federal
healthy for our country.” Constitution, to be issued within
Choong said the issue of power three months to the overseas-born
abuse, whether at work or home, children.”
has often been understated. Suriani said the move
“This is where I believe the confirmed that Malaysian women
government should have an have an equal right to
awareness campaign to bring automatically confer citizenship to
more attention to the issue.” Long Tiger being taken to court yesterday. – BERNAMAPIX their children.
He proposed a review of The NRD has told Family
legislation governing the Four-day remand for fugitive, accomplices Frontiers it will issue instructions
behaviour of members of to all its offices nationwide, as well
Parliament and state assemblies as Malaysian embassies and high
who have been accused of JOHOR BARU: A remand order for three other individuals, believed to Inspector-General of Police Tan commissions, to start the process
criminal offences or charged in four days was issued by the Tangkak be Abdul Hamim’s accomplices. Sri Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani was of citizenship-related documents
court. magistrate’s court yesterday against a reported to have said Abdul Hamim for overseas-born children.
“We need to be clear about the Rohingya man known as “Long Abdul Hamim, who was was rearrested at about 3pm. “I am relieved that the court
types of behaviour that will Tiger” who escaped police custody rearrested in Kedah on Tuesday, was order was followed and I am
disqualify an elected official. The while at the court on Dec 15. detained for investigations under Abdul Hamim was reported to looking forward to the processing
legislation should be amended to Section 223/224 of the Penal Code, have escaped police custody at the of relevant documents for my
ensure that elected officials facing The remand order against Abdul while the detention of the three same court on Dec 15 when brought child’s citizenship.
criminal charges no longer hold Hamim Ab Hamid, 32, was issued by individuals was made under Section there to face an extortion charge. “It is long overdue,” said Adlyn
office,” he added. magistrate Analia Kamaruddin, who 216 of the same law for harbouring an Adam Teoh.
also issued a similar order against offender. He also has other cases pending,
including for rape.– Bernama


Indian officials seize cash and gold ahead of state elections

NEW DELHI: Indian tax officials have seized hot political issue of undeclared “black Also seized was 600kg of precious of the abolished currency made it back into
more than 2.2 billion rupees (RM125 million) money” in a country where millions of sandalwood oil, officials said. the banking system.
in cash and gold in raids on suspected tax people scratch a living on a dollar or two a
evaders this week including a record haul of day. Elections in the world’s largest democracy A former finance minister from the main
1.94 billion rupees and 23kg of gold ahead of are often accompanied by floods of cash opposition Congress party said the amount
assembly elections in five states. “This is the biggest ever seizure of cash,” from businesses to political parties in the of cash seized in the raids was proof Modi’s
the Finance Ministry said in a statement. hope of winning influence and favours. bid to shut down the underground cash
The raids triggered a flurry of accusations economy had been in vain.
from rival political parties over protection for Tax officials seized the 1.94 billion rupees Parties, in turn, dole out cash to voters
tax evaders as they prepare to compete in the and 23kg wrapped in sacks in an and their workers. “The case exposed the utter failure of
elections, including in the bellwether state of underground storage facility on the premises demonetisation,” P. Chidambaram said on
Uttar Pradesh. of a manufacturer in the city of Kanpur, in Prime Minister Narendra Modi tried to Twitter.
Uttar Pradesh, who media has reported is crack down on the shadow economy in 2016
The seizures also shone a spotlight on the linked to a political party. by banning high-denomination banknotes The state elections are due by March.
but central bank data later showed almost all – Reuters

Police arrest staff, freeze BRIEFS CHINA WARNS OF
assets of HK media agency ‘DRASTIC MEASURES’

o Stand News shuts down BEIJING: China will take “drastic
after crackdown over measures” if Taiwan makes moves
‘seditious publication’ offences towards independence, a Beijing
official warned yesterday, adding
HONG KONG: Pro-democracy media outlet that the island’s provocations and
Stand News shut down yesterday after police outside meddling could intensify
raided its office, froze its assets and arrested next year. China was willing to try
senior staff on suspected “seditious its utmost to seek peaceful
publication” offences, in the latest crackdown reunification with Taiwan but
on the city’s media. would act if any red lines on
independence were crossed,
Stand News, set up in 2014 as a non-profit, Taiwan Affairs Office spokesman
was the most prominent remaining Ma Xiaoguang told reporters. “If
pro-democracy publication in Hong Kong after separatist forces in Taiwan seeking
a national security investigation this year led to independence provoke, exert
the closure of jailed tycoon Jimmy Lai’s Apple force or even break through any
Daily tabloid. red line, we will have to take
drastic measures.” Provocation by
The raid raises more concerns about press pro-independence forces and
freedom in the former British colony, which “external intervention”could grow
returned to Chinese rule in 1997 with the “sharper and more intense” in
promise that a wide range of individual rights coming months, he said. – Reuters
would be protected, media advocacy groups
“Stand News is now stopping operations,” KAMPALA: A prominent Ugandan
the publication said on Facebook, adding all novelist and government critic
employees had been dismissed. has been arrested in Kampala, his
lawyer said yesterday, prompting
Steve Li, head of the police’s national calls by rights activists for his
security department, told reporters Stand News release. “Armed men claiming to
had published news and commentary inciting be from the Uganda Police Force”
hatred against authorities. broke into Kakwenza
Rukirabashaija’s home on
He said some of the articles said protesters Tuesday, his lawyer Eron Kiiza said,
went missing during the city’s 2019 adding that he had been on the
pro-democracy unrest or were sexually telephone to his client at the time.
harassed, which he called “factually baseless” “I heard them threaten to break
and “malicious”. his legs,” Kiiza said. An outspoken
critic of President Yoweri
Li also said some articles falsely claimed the Museveni’s government,
Communist Party extended its powers through Rukirabashaija won acclaim for his
the city’s independent courts or called for 2020 satirical novel The Greedy
foreign sanctions. Barbarian, which describes
high-level corruption in a fictional
He did not specify the exact articles. country. According to Kiiza,
Li said police seized assets worth HK$61 witnesses saw Rukirabashaija
million (RM33 million) as well as computers, being bundled into a van known
phones and journalistic materials, and that he as a “drone”, which is associated
did not rule out further arrests. with abductions of government
“We are not targeting reporters. We are opponents in Uganda. – AFP
targeting national security offences.” Lam is detained by policemen as they leave after searching his office in Hong Kong yesterday. – REUTERSPIX
Police said 200 officers searched the Stand
News office and three men and four women, Tat-chi and Christine Fang – as well as former “Anybody who attempts to make use of Russia court hits
aged 34 to 73, were arrested on suspicion of chief editor Chung Pui-kuen and acting chief media work as a tool to pursue their political rights group with
“conspiracy to publish seditious publications”. editor Patrick Lam. purpose or other interests countering the law, second ban
Police did not identify them but media said particularly offences that endanger national
four former members of the Stand News board Chung’s wife, Chan Pui-man, formerly with security, they are the evil element that damage MOSCOW: A court yesterday ordered
were arrested – former democratic legislator Apple Daily, was re-arrested in prison, media press freedom,” Lee said. the closure of Russia’s Memorial
Margaret Ng, pop singer Denise Ho, Chow said. Human Rights Centre, a day after its
Earlier yesterday, scores of police were seen sister organisation and the country’s
Stand News deputy assignment editor and loading about three dozen boxes of documents oldest human rights group was
the head of the Hong Kong Journalists and other seized material onto a truck. ordered to disband by the Supreme
Association Ronson Chan was not among Court.
those arrested but said police confiscated his Committee to Protect Journalists Asia
computer, mobile, tablet, press pass and bank programme coordinator Steven Butler said the State prosecutors had accused
records during a search of his home. arrests were an “open assault on Hong Kong’s both organisations of breaking a law
already tattered press freedom”. requiring them to act as “foreign
“Stand News has always reported news agents”. Both said the charges against
professionally,” Chan told reporters. On Tuesday, prosecutors filed an additional them were politically motivated.
“seditious publications” charge against Lai and
Hong Kong Chief Secretary John Lee told six other former Apple Daily staff. – Reuters International rights groups and
reporters he supported the police action. the US State Department strongly
condemned Tuesday’s ruling against
Father demands jail terms for cops who shot his son sister organisation Memorial
International, a move which capped a
WASHINGTON: The father of teenager police rushed into the Burlington department other praying, when something hit Valentina and year of unprecedented crackdown of
accidentally shot dead by US policemen in a store to confront a man swinging a bike lock at threw us to the floor. dissent in Russia.
department store, demanded jail time on customers.
Tuesday for the officers involved in her killing. “She died in my arms. I couldn’t do anything, I Established in the final years of the
Video footage of the chaotic incident shows couldn’t do anything. Soviet Union, Memorial initially
The death of Valentina Orellana-Peralta, 14, is several officers prowling the aisles with weapons investigated the crimes of the Stalin
the latest at the hands of law enforcement in a drawn, one of whom opens fire almost as soon as “To see a daughter die in your arms is one of era, but later broadened its remit to
country where guns abound and police readily he sees the attacker. the greatest and deepest pains one can imagine. looked into modern-day abuses too.
resort to deadly force. She meant the world to me,” she said.
One of the bullets he fired went through a wall That irked the authorities who
“The only thing I want is justice for my and killed the schoolgirl, who had been trying on The parents were accompanied by lawyers. sometimes accused the group of
daughter,” Juan Pablo Orellana told reporters. clothes with her mother for Christmas. Los Angeles police chief Michael Moore has siding with extremists. – Reuters
pledged a “complete and transparent
“I will not rest until the last day, until all these “We were together in a fitting room shopping investigation” into Valentina’s death.
criminals are in jail.” for Christmas clothes,” a tearful Soledad Peralta Emergency calls included reports that the
said. suspect had a gun, but no firearm was
Valentina, a Chilean immigrant, was hiding in a subsequently found. – AFP
changing room last Thursday as Los Angeles “We heard screams, we sat hugging each

BRIEFS GREEK ISLAND Omicron may overwhelm
healthcare systems: WHO
ATHENS: A 5.7 magnitude earthquake
struck off the Greek island of Crete o Europe imposes new curbs as several countries report France reported almost 180,000 infections
yesterday, the Athens Observatory said. record high daily infection numbers over 24 hours.
The quake struck at 0408 GMT with an
epicentre in the sea 48km southeast of GENEVA: Omicron still poses a “very high” risk Omicron variant has a growth advantage over To hold back the tide, many nations on the
Arvi, on the south coast of the island. and could overwhelm healthcare systems, the the Delta variant, with a doubling time of two to continent have brought back curbs, with heavy
No damage was reported but Greek World Health Organisation (WHO) warned three days.” economic and social consequences.
firefighters were dispatched as a yesterday, as the highly transmissible
precautionary measure. Greece is coronavirus variant fuelled record outbreaks in WHO said early data from Britain, South Contact restrictions were in place in
located on a number of fault lines, and many countries. Africa and Denmark – which currently has the Germany for the second year in a row heading
is sporadically hit by earthquakes. In world’s highest rate of infection per person – into the New Year, as it shut nightclubs and
October last year, a magnitude seven Case numbers have shot up 11% globally in suggested there was a reduced hospitalisation forced sports competitions behind closed doors.
quake hit in the Aegean Sea between the last week, forcing governments from China risk for Omicron compared with Delta.
the Greek island of Samos and the to Germany and France to find a difficult It also limited private gatherings to 10
Turkish city of Izmir, killing 114 in balance between anti-virus restrictions and the But it added that further data was needed to vaccinated people – or two households where
Turkey and two in Greece. – AFP need to keep economies and societies open. understand Omicron’s severity. any unvaccinated people are present.

U.S. KEEPS CARRIER The Netherlands and Switzerland said Despite those studies, Omicron’s rapid Finland on Tuesday said it would bar
IN MEDITERRANEAN Omicron had become the dominant strain in growth “will still result in large numbers of unvaccinated foreign travellers from entering.
their countries, and while some studies hospitalisations, particularly among
WASHINGTON: The United States has suggested it causes milder Covid-19, the United unvaccinated groups, and cause widespread The Nordic country, like Sweden, had begun
ordered an aircraft carrier to remain in Nations health agency urged caution. disruption to health systems and other critical requiring negative tests for incoming
the Mediterranean in a bid to reassure services”, warned WHO Europe’s Covid Incident non-resident travellers from Tuesday, a day after
European allies amid fears Russia will “The overall risk related to the new variant of Manager Catherine Smallwood. Denmark applied the same measure.
invade Ukraine, an official said concern Omicron remains very high,” WHO said
yesterday. Defence Secretary Lloyd in its Covid-19 weekly epidemiological update. Europe was again the pandemic hotspot. As New Yorkers marked “Good Riddance
Austin ordered the USS Harry S Truman France, Britain, Greece and Portugal all Day” at Times Square – burning pieces of paper
aircraft carrier strike group to stay in the “Consistent evidence shows that the reported record daily case numbers on Tuesday. representing their worst memories of 2021 –
region and hold off on its scheduled many just wanted to say goodbye to Covid-19.
onward voyage to the Middle East. The
“schedule change reflects the need for “I want to get rid of Covid and quarantines,”
a persistent presence in Europe, and is said teacher Robin Myers on Tuesday.
necessary to reassure our allies and
partners of our commitment to “... so that my kids can be normal again and
collective defence”, a US official said. see their friends and be out and be social.” – AFP
The move comes despite an agreement
by the US and Russia to hold talks on
Jan 10 in Geneva. – AFP

Public shaming of
Covid offenders

POPSICLE VEHICLES ... A woman in the port of Vladivostok in Russia taking a picture of cars unloaded from the cargo ship Sun Rio, which was caught BEIJING: Armed riot police in southern China
in severe weather conditions in the Sea of Japan. – REUTERSPIX have paraded four alleged violators of Covid
rules through the streets, state media reported
Thailand warns of spike in coronavirus cases yesterday, leading to criticism of the
government’s heavy-handed approach.
BANGKOK: Thai health authorities warned citing how one of the bars linked to the cluster indicated that by March, daily infections could
yesterday that residents should brace for a had been packed and did not have good hit 30,000, with more than 160 deaths, without a China banned such public shaming of
potential jump in Covid cases after classifying ventilation. faster rollout of measures like vaccinations and criminal suspects in 2010 after decades of
the country’s first cluster of the Omicron variant testing, as well as greater social distancing. campaigning by human rights activists, but the
as a super-spreader incident. “During the New Year, if you visit any place practice has resurfaced as local governments
and it does not look safe, just don’t go.” If restrictions were tightened, daily cases struggle to enforce the national zero-Covid
The Omicron cluster identified in the could peak at 14,000 in February, with fewer policy.
northeastern province of Kalasin on Christmas Thailand has reported 740 cases of the than 60 daily deaths, the scenario showed.
Eve has been linked to a couple who had highly transmissible Omicron variant, Four masked suspects in hazmat suits –
travelled from Belgium and visited bars, including 251 involving people who had come Government employees have been advised carrying placards displaying their photos and
concerts and markets. into contact with foreign arrivals, said Opas. they can work from home for the next two names – were paraded on Tuesday in front of a
weeks, said coronavirus taskforce spokesman large crowd in Guangxi region’s Jingxi city.
The ensuing cluster had infected hundreds, After coronavirus infections peaked above Taweesin Wisanuyothin.
with cases spreading to 11 other provinces, said 20,000 in August, daily case numbers have Photos of the event showed each suspect
senior health official Opas Karnkawinpong, fallen to about 2,500 in the past week. He urged the private sector to follow suit. held by two police officers – wearing face
– Reuters shields, masks and hazmat suits – and
But the Health Ministry’s planning scenario surrounded by a circle of police in riot gear,
some holding guns.

The four were accused of transporting illegal
migrants while China’s borders remain largely
closed due to the pandemic.

Jingxi is near China’s border with Vietnam.
The public shaming was part of disciplinary
measures announced by the local government
in August to punish those breaking health rules.
State-run Guangxi News said the parade
provided a “real-life warning” to the public, and
“deterred border-related crimes”.
But it also led to backlash, with official outlets
and social media users criticising the
heavyhanded approach.
Although Jingxi is “under tremendous
pressure” to prevent imported coronavirus
cases, “the measure seriously violates the spirit
of the rule of law and cannot be allowed to
happen again”, Chinese Communist
Party-affiliated Beijing News said yesterday.
Other suspects accused of illicit smuggling
and human trafficking have also been paraded
in recent months, according to reports on the
Jingxi government website.
Videos of a similar parade last month
showed a crowd of people watching two
prisoners being held while a local official read
out their crimes on a microphone. – AFP

Rapid tests not as accurate with new variant, says regulator

WASHINGTON: Rapid Covid home The news comes as the US is In a statement, the FDA said it was versions of the Omicron variant. The FDA said it would continue to
tests are more likely to give a false facing a surge in cases that experts collaborating with the National “Early data suggests that antigen authorise the use of antigen tests,
negative with the heavily-mutated said is being under-captured as a Institute of Health to study the which work by detecting surface
Omicron variant compared to earlier result of a testing crunch, with long performance of home tests, also tests do detect the Omicron variant proteins of the virus, and individuals
strains, the US Food and Drug wait times for the more accurate PCR known as “antigen” tests, against but may have reduced sensitivity.” should use them in accordance with
Administration (FDA) said on Tuesday. tests, and home kits in short supply. patient samples containing live the instructions. – AFP
Sensitivity is a measure of how
likely a test is able to detect a positive.




Taking Catching up with
to tshekies singer Conan Grey

Local metal band Mothflesh >>> Page 3
drops its biggest album to date
Places to travel in
>>> Page 4&5 2022





Winslet spoke about Breslin spends
her decades-long first Christmas
friendship with without her dad
DiCaprio and what it
was like filming their
first film together. –

Lifelong friends 22,” she said, adding that the process of ON Christmas Eve, Abigail Breslin wrote a
o Kate Winslet talks about missing longtime friend filming the movie “wasn’t pleasant for any of lengthy caption on Instagram, where she
Leonardo DiCaprio during pandemic us, but we were all in together.” opened up about the whirlwind of emotions
she experienced around the holiday season
OSCAR Winner Kate Winslet got dinner or grab a coffee and a catch up,” said Although DiCaprio had more days off, following her father, Michael’s death from
emotional reconnecting with her Winslet in a recent interview with The Winslet never made a big deal out of it. Covid-19 back in February.
long-time friend, Leonardo Guardian.
DiCaprio after spending three long “I guess I was raised to be grateful and just The 25-year-old admitted that Christmas
years apart due to Covid-19 travel restrictions. The English actress continued: “We get on with it. And if I was miserable I felt strange without her dad, but she is still
haven’t been able to leave our countries. Like certainly would not have let a journalist thankful to spend it with her friends and
The pair, who first met when filming 1997’s so many friendships globally, we’ve missed know. There is no way I would have let that family.
Titanic, had not seen each other due to the each other because of Covid. slip!”
pandemic. Hence, the actress could not She talked about missing her dad a lot, but
contain her tears when they hung out “He’s my friend, my really close friend. This is not the first time Winslet has she also added that if her dad was here, he’d
recently in Los Angeles. We’re bonded for life.” publicly spoken about her friendship with probably be consoling her not to cry, that he’s
DiCaprio. Back in 2016, the actress explained fine, and that he loves her.
“I’ve known him for half my life! It’s not as During the interview, Winslet also how the actor has continued to remained a
if I’ve found myself in New York or he’s been reflected on the experience shooting the great person and loyal friend despite his Breslin shared how some days are harder
in London and there’s been a chance to have iconic movie 20 years ago. remarkable success. than others and that coping with grief is not
easy. Closing out her message, she wrote: “To
“I turned 21 on that shoot, and Leo turned “He’s a great friend, he always has been, anyone who’s missing someone this holiday
and not just to me, but to everyone around season… I see you, I hear you and you’re not
him.” alone.”

New season of Bridgerton to return to Netflix next March Earlier this year, the Scream Queens star
announced that her father had died shortly
NETFLIX and Shondaland have Fans of after contracting Covid-19 at 78.
announced the return of hit Bridgerton can
period drama Bridgerton, with look forward to “Hard to write this. Harder than I thought..
season 2 set to premiere on new episodes I’m in shock and devastation… My sweet,
March 25. on March 25. – perfect, amazing, heroic, wonderful dada
passed away after my family and I said
Keeping up with the tradition NETFLIX goodbye,” she wrote then, while sharing
of Julia Quinn’s novels, upon our job correctly, is you are photos of her father from over the years.
which the series is based, the going to be as invested and
new season will continue with excited by that couple as Her brothers Ryan and Spencer, who are
the story of Lord Anthony you were by the couple of also actors, also shared their own tributes.
Bridgerton’s (played by Jonathan Season 1.”
Bailey) quest for love as he sets Ryan wrote: “My dad had plenty of
out to find a suitable wife. hardships and obstacles in his life, but he
always set an unparalleled example of will,
When Kate Sharma and her determination, sticktoitiveness ... He
younger sister Edwina arrive from overcame adversity and was a champion of
India, Anthony starts to court the the people he loved.”
latter sister – and Kate soon
discovers that his intentions for Spencer added: “I love this man that
marriage are not pure. helped bring me into this world and raised me
and loved my mother and my two amazing
Shonda Rhimes, who is an siblings. Death is the one thing we all have in
executive producer of the series
under her Shondaland banner, common, but never
teased what would come in expect. Love you,
season 2 after it was revealed Dad. Forever and
that breakout fan favourite ever.”
character Simon Basset (Regé- Breslin’s first
Jean Page), the Duke of Hastings, Christmas
would not be returning for the without her
upcoming season. father was a

Rhimes offered a brief forecast the heart of it. They’re an
about the central couple in an incredibly interesting and
interview with Variety, saying: “I exciting pair. I like to watch
think there’s a powerful, them.”
interesting, romantic couple at
She added, “Our goal, if we do

Spider-Man keeps breaking records

THE latest Spider-Man film is a certified US$81.5 million (RM341.9 million) playing in China, which is currently the
blockbuster, becoming the first domestically in its sophomore world’s biggest moviegoing market.
pandemic-era movie to cross US$1 weekend for a North American
billion (RM4.2 billion) at the global box cumulative of US$467.3 million (RM1.96 Fans have pointed out that this is
office. billion). the fifth movie featuring Holland that
has broken the billion-dollar mark. Of
Sony’s comic-book epic has eclipsed So far, coronavirus concerns have the other four, three were ensemble
that milestone in a near-record 12 days, done little to slow Peter Parker’s Marvel Cinematic Universe features,
tying with 2015’s Star Wars: The Force prowess; the film is still playing to many while the fourth was his previous
Awakens as the third-fastest film to sold-out screenings nationwide. The Spider-Man solo film, Far From Home.
reach the billion-dollar benchmark. Tom Holland-led feature is also on track
Only 2018’s Avengers: Infinity War and to surpass its predecessor, Spider-Man: “What this represents is quite mind-
2019’s Avengers: Endgame were quicker, Far From Home, as Sony’s No. 1 film of boggling,“ senior media analyst Paul
smashing the coveted tally in 11 and all time. Dergarabedian told CNN Business. “The
five days, respectively. monumental achievement of No Way
It’s also notable that No Way Home Home hitting this number cannot be
The film picked up a whopping surpassed that high-watermark without overstated for this industry right now.”

@thesundaily 3theSun LYFE ON THURSDAY | DECEMBER 30, 2021

█ BY JOHN TAN to make each individual song what
I think it should sound like. I really
CONAN GRAY has come a do not care too much about the
long way since his days as bigger picture because I am not the
a YouTube vlogger. The 23- type of person who only listens to
year-old who formerly one specific genre.
detailed his life events on YouTube
is now a rising pop indie darling. “So, that process was very much
In fact, Gray has found like this chorus is ridiculously 80s,
tremendous musical success since and this song is not meant to be a
his debut album Kid Krow last serious song. So, we wanted to
year. purposely let the song be a bit
In the United States, the record ridiculous. Like the bridge is
marked the biggest debut by a new ridiculous, it has all these silly
artiste in 2020. Its two singles, things.
Heather, and Maniac were also
among the most popular songs on “Because that is what the song is
online streaming platforms such as supposed to be. It is supposed to
Spotify and TikTok. be fun because the song is me
“The most pivotal moment has making fun of someone the entire
definitely been releasing my album time. That is what we were kind of
Kid Krow. It was my first real large going for.”
body of work and I had no idea Do you normally have a vision in
what people were gonna think or mind when writing a song?
how they were going to react,” “I would say generally I would have
expressed the singer in a recent fun with it. I usually would know
Southeast Asian virtual how exactly a song would sound,
conference. but the vision is not always a
The success of Kid Krow has normal vision.
inspired the singer to work on his
sophomore album. His latest “But ultimately, I think when it
release Telepath is another piece of comes to making the songs, it boils
the puzzle. And this time around, down to working with people who
Gray embraces the sounds of the understand me. People whom I
80s, marking a new shift sonically. can get along with. Otherwise, I do
not really feel like telling all my
What is Telepath all about? Back to the 80s Gray has deepest and darkest secrets to
“I would say the message of o Conan Gray incorporates the sounds managed to these people.
Telepath for one is to be light- of the 80s in his new release, Telepath find a unique
hearted about heartbreak. And I niche with “And so, I think it is important to
think it was also just me poking fun his music and have a bit of fun with it and be as
of the fact that people always act his aesthetic. genuine as possible. Or else,
like they are always going to leave, people can feel that you are not
but they always come back over being honest. And I think that is
and over. the most important part of song
writing is honesty.”
“It is like people love to treat When you wrote Telepath, where
people badly, but the second they do you envision people listening
realised they treated someone too to it to be?
badly, they want them back. It is “I usually imagined it as either in
the classic; you always want what my car because I love listening to
you cannot have. That is mainly the music in the car. It is genuinely one
message. I was in the mood during of my favourite activities. Or in the
the writing of the song. bedroom, I spent most of my time
“A bunch of people I
talked to in the past “But for Telepath, I want to see
decided to pop back people listening in the car, jumping
around and dancing.”
He plans to offer Seeing that you are the creator of
a more uplifting ‘sad boi anthems’, will this
mood with his remain constant or will more
as-yet-untitled themes be explored in the
second album. upcoming project?
– DILLON “There is a lot of new themes that I
MATTHEW talk about on the album. I think
everyone’s lives are constantly
With his new changing and there have been new
song Telepath, problems that have arrived in my
life that I did not think I would
Gray is ready have to talk about. But they just
to pivot to a show up.
new musical
direction. – “So, there is going to be a lot of
BRIAN ZIFF different themes. I think it is always
fun for me to put the sadder topics
into my life. And I was like ‘I do not the chorus first and with that note and wrap them in bubble gum. It is
really feel like talking to you ‘I got that feeling’, it just needed to more fun to have a song like that.
people, I am going to write a mean have that 80s vibe. Or else, it would But I think it also depends on what
song about you instead’.” just not feel right. I think I am saying.
What was the creative process oftentimes, with my music, a lot of
like for Telepath seeing that it it does not sound like it belongs “But yea, there are bunch of new
sounds like something out of the together. The only thing that can things that I talk about on this next
80s? tie them together is the lyrics. album that I am excited for people
“I remember just simply writing to hear. I think they are just
“This is because when it comes relatable things and these days; I
to production and sound, I just like am looking for someone to listen to
my troubles and say ‘oh yea, I felt
that too’.

“There have been new things
that have happened to me since my
last album. So, I never got any
Will we see more of a 80s or 90s
“I am not sure but I would not say it
is an 80s inspired album in the
slightest. I think sometimes it is
just fun to put a little 80s in a pop
song. I would say it is just an album
that is very me.

“This album has a lot of
different themes and genres. And
you would not really know until it
is playing in your ear. So yeah, that
is how it is going to sound like!”



N 2014, bassist Eze Mavani had just
returned to Malaysia and had a desire to
start a band with musicians based in the
country. At the time, Lowyat Forums had
an active music community, and it was on the
forum that Eze made a post saying he was
looking for a vocalist for his band at that time.

Three years after that, in 2017, vocalist
Imran Muhammad came across the post and
sent Eze an email, which also contained a
demo of Imran singing a song from the band

“I was really hesitant to respond because I
was out on a date that same night. It was a
really boring date, because she pushed me to
go to H&M. I hate H&M. I was sitting near the
changing room and saw the email containing
the demo,” Eze told theSun.

He explained that it was the first time he
had experienced anyone showing an interest
in starting a band while providing a demo.

“That was initiative, and for me, that was
enough to consider taking the idea seriously”.

When the duo met, Eze made it clear to
Imran that he did not have a lot of time, and if
they went through with starting the band, Eze
had no intention of it being a “weekend
warrior thing”.

Imran was in agreement.
“When we met up, we also talked about our
direction, and what our short and long-term
goals would be. Then we met up with a couple
of guys that Eze had played with before, and
we officially had our first line-up in the
January of 2018,” Imran explained.

Early genesis Pmusuhsiincagltehnevelope
Initially called Mothlung, the band decided on
changing “lung” to “flesh” as the latter carried o Charting Mothflesh’s four year journey from Malaysia
a lot more weight due to the visual imagery, to greater Southeast Asia
which supplemented the “moth”, which
represented the night and regeneration. us shared that goal,” Imran said, before metal band to play in Cambodia. After touring (from left) Eze, Imran and Ranveer are defying traditional heav
explaining how several other wrenches were Southeast Asia for our first album, when we
“Nocturnal regeneration as a concept. That thrown into the bandmembers’ lives. were barely two years old, we realised that we Goatlordth and GLordRecords for merchandising Ja
was what we wanted to do; to regenerate the could do more,” Imran said. and CD release of the album. Ez
metal in Malaysia,” explained Eze. In 2021, the band lost another two du
members, drummer Tunku Shafiq, over After conquering Southeast Asia, the band “They mentioned that the market they’re looking of
In Mothflesh’s early days, the band played creative differences, and guitarist Giri saw an opportunity to reinvent their sound, at for our music was abroad, in countries such as
an amalgamation of melodic death metal and Ganesan, over his growing responsibilities in style and musical weight further after Ranveer
groove metal. other matters. joined the band.

This was due to how the band’s first two Now a trio, the remaining members of “When we were composing with the
guitarists wrote much of the first album, Mothflesh are operating like how a unit is original line-up, one of the problems I had was
Nocturnal Armour in the style of Gothenburg- supposed to function; in tandem with, and in getting the other members to be a little more
style Swedish death metal, while Eze brought support of, each other. current with their musical taste,” Eze
groove as a counterweight to the latter two due explained.
to his background as a bassist. “Friendship is very important. I realised
that after playing in many bands, Mothflesh is Imran added that Ranveer being in
To round out the instrumentation of the the only band where the camaraderie and Mothflesh was a breath of fresh air, as the
band was Imran as the singer, whose vocals friendship is at such a personal level, where guitarist injected further technical
has evolved from the very first single to the even without the band, we can still be friends,” songwriting and musical tech-savvy that the
band’s latest album. Eze said. band’s previous guitarists couldn’t necessarily
“I was heavily influenced by hard rock and “Giri is not part of the band anymore, but
blues music. When I started listening to more he is still very much a friend. We know he’ll be With Eze on bass, Imran on vocals and
extreme forms of music, I was at first inclined there for us. I think that’s very important.” Ranveer on guitars, the band dropped the
to a lot of thrash bands like Slayer, Exodus and Earning their stripes hefty Machine Eater album on Dec 12, which
Overkill. When we started playing together, From the band’s conception, Eze made it clear has been described to lean heavily into
their influences inspired me to listen to a lot that the band was going to be goal-oriented, technical groove metal and djent, a subgenre
more bands like Meshuggah and Gojira, and that they had to bring a different style of under progressive metal.
which I previously only listen to casually,” music into the Malaysian metal scene.
Imran explained. Despite the troubles that led up to the
“A lot of things were possible because of successful release of the second album, things
“Our individual influences melded this, like how we were the first Malaysian have started to look up for Mothflesh, with the
together, and we found a particular sound that band also signing a deal with local labels
we can’t really put a label on.”
Learning and adapting
One of the biggest problems with the
underground music scene in Malaysia is how
new bands seemingly crop up fast and
dissolve before they even move past the
“playing for a small crowd on weekends”

These breakups usually go back to one
main reason; bandmembers are never in
alignment with each other.

Mothflesh had to learn this the hard way
several times over the last four years, and the
fat had to be trimmed from the flesh, so that
the band could truly become an “aggressive
musical unit”.

“Friendship saved the band from utter
destruction and disbanding,” lead guitarist
Ranveer Singh said.

Ranveer joined the band in February 2020,
touring with Mothflesh for the last two shows
in Thailand before the pandemic hit. His
entrance came after the band’s previous
guitarist bailed two days before the band
played in Indonesia in 2019.

The band faced further strain when Covid-
19 hit, causing cancellations for many of their
booked shows. After a year of no activity, the
band pushed through just one single,

“With that momentum, we felt that
regardless of what happens in 2021, we need
to release one album. Though it wasn’t shared
with other members of the band, the three of



Yuna believes Malaysia’s talented musicians and artistes have to be true, sincere and real
to themselves, while making and releasing music without expectations. – TONGTONG

Yuna helms grassroots
music project
AFTER the first successful iteration in musicians focusing on what makes
vy metal conventions in the country. – AMIRUL SYAFIQ MOHD DIN/THESUN 2020, Levi’s Malaysia is bringing back them unique, and bring it to the table.
its improved Levi’s Music Project
apan, Taiwan and Poland,” Imran pointed out, with image. (LMP), which will once again see the “The current music landscape is
ze saying the organisation resonated with the band Machine Eater is out today, which the band will company championing and nurturing interesting – musicians now have their
ue to how they saw eye-to-eye on the cultural views the local music scene and community. freedom to make and put out music
f heavy metal in Malaysia, in marketing, sound and follow-up by headlining their official album launch any way they like, and its exciting to
show on Jan 22. Improving on its previous cycle, the see them do it on their own terms
second Levi’s Music Project will boast while just being themselves,” she
a new programme with local music elaborated.
and cultural icon, Yuna.
Speaking on her own career, its
The internationally-renowned trajectory and what she learned along
singer spoke to theSun about helming the way, Yuna points out that moving
the project, saying that she feels to another country has changed her
compelled to give back after becoming life and how she does things, such as
successful both locally and abroad. being more open to new ideas,
collaborations and embracing
“I’m very blessed to be able to do opportunities.
what I do and usually when I get the
opportunity to give back and share my “I now know my strength as an
knowledge with others I take it, artiste and what is unique about
because it’s important to me to lift up myself that I can just focus on that and
the people in my community and help also my music. When I was younger I
them however I can in terms of music,” was just fearful of everything; of
she explained. change, people, opportunities and
failing. I’m very different now. I don’t
“I’m happy to be a part of Levi’s let unimportant things stress me out!”
Music Project. This way I can share
with people my experiences and my These virtues are some of what she
knowledge.” hopes to convey to up-and-coming
musicians through Levi’s Music
As the country moves away from Project, which will be handled on the
the maligned years of 2020 and 2021, project’s Discord server, which will
so too does the music industry, with serve as the campaign’s central hub.
the creative scene inching out of the
shadows of what seemed like an The project will also be a firsthand
endless loop of lockdowns. peek for those outside the singer’s
circle into Yuna’s creative process and
The second Levi’s Music Project world, and an exclusive live virtual
seeks to propel the revival of the music performance.
industry in particular, while staying
true to its roots – or grassroots, if you The key programming highlight of
will. Yuna’s involvement will be the Remix
Challenge, where the singer will host
Introducing an entirely new an open-call for aspiring musicians to
framework and approach, Levi’s Music remix one of her songs for a chance to
Project 2021 will fully embody and be a part of a private, live workshop
exemplify the music iniative’s focus on session with industry experts and
championing, giving back to, and Yuna herself.
nurturing local music communities in
a way that’s especially fitting for a Any and all longform content will
primarily digital, and socially distant, then be subsequently posted to the
world today. Levi’s YouTube channel, further
increasing access and opportunity.
While the local music scene will see
guaranteed benefits from the project, The Levi’s Music Project x Yuna was
Yuna – who has never stopped seeing launched on Nov 24, and will continue
herself as a student of life – expects to to be rolled out through 2022 on the
also walk away with more knowledge LMP Discord server and Levi’s
and experience. YouTube channel. – by Mark Mathen
Yuna also wants to see new




MUSIC therapy is a sort of
expressive arts therapy
that involves a wide
range of activities –
such as listening to music, singing,
and playing a musical instrument –
to enhance and maintain an
individual’s physical,
psychological, and social well-
There are extra benefits to
listening or creating music that
talking therapies may not be able to
For instance, learning and
practicing a piece of music can
improve memory skills,
coordination, reading
comprehension, and math skills,
and it can also give lessons in
responsibility and perseverance.
It is suitable for people of any
age and offers people a creative way
of expressing their feelings. Music
has become a part of people’s
everyday life. The reason music has
played such an important role is
because of how it affects us.

Self-expression music allows you to tune in to your aMsutshiecrapy as classical and ambient, have long
Music is a powerful. It has the emotions as you play a song to been studied for their calming
ability to influence our mood, and direct your actions. If you have o The right song can do more than just effects, listening to your particular
allows us to channel our emotions anxiety issues, you may use music entertain, it can lift our mood and see favourite music, regardless of
into creative endeavors. as a means of escape. us through difficult times genre, has its own set of advantages.

In these tough life moments, Music also helps to distract. If If you are looking for something
music can be a constructive way to you are anxious, turn up the volume to lower your stress levels during
express who you are and what you in your living room and dance certain activities or to help you feel
are feeling. around. If you are angry, grab a more relaxed overall, give your
pillow and hit is as hard as you can chosen calm-inducing music a go.
If you are feeling particularly sad
about a reality in your life, listen to Relaxation music and sounds
a song that connects you to that have been proven to help alleviate
emotion. In the process of anxiety and kick start a feeling of
experiencing the power of self- peace. So, turn the music on.
expression by listening to all genres
of music, you will be able to learn Music therapy for sure helps
about yourselves. with mental health conditions but
Decrease anxiety there are also few other benefits,
Music can be a convenient way to such as improving communication,
reduce symptoms of anxiety, as expanding knowledge and cultural
awareness, and improving
while listening to your favourite improve sleep. Soothing music can cognitive skills such as memory.
lyrics. Songs allow you to calm your lower heart rate and relax your
nervous system and relax yourself. body. Low music ‘tunes’ your If you have a busy day ahead that
Sleep disorders heartbeat toward the sleep zone. requires extra energy, try
Perhaps there’s nothing quite as something that’s upbeat and makes
frustrating as trying and failing to Making it a routine to listen to you want to dance and smile.
fall asleep. Sleep is a vital aspect of pleasant music every night may
health and quality of life. Problems signal to your body that it’s time to Hopefully, one day, music
in sleep occur for a variety of rest and you may able to fall asleep therapy will be recognised as a valid
reasons such as stress, insomnia, faster. Trust your own musical treatment for depression, anxiety,
sleep disorders or old age, among choices over generic ‘sleep’ and other mental health illnesses,
others. playlists. and people will be living again, all
Relieve stress around the world.
For some, music may help While some genres of music, such



The iconic Taipei 101 is impossible to miss and a must visit when you’re in Swim in an underground lake when you visit Mérida, Mexico. –
█ BY MARIETTA MU Only When in
Auckland, test
NOW that countries are your bravery by
opening up, Lonely Planet bungee
has released its list of top
destinations to travel to in
2022 after taking a year off in 2021 due o Here are the 10 top destinations to visit in
to Covid-19. jumping off Sky
After considering all upcoming Tower. –
events, news, travel initiatives, and 2022 according to Lonely Planet PINTEREST
sustainability, the list ranks the must-
visit cities for 2022 in the post-
pandemic world as travellers 3.Freiburg, Germany
rediscover travelling with a newfound The dynamic university town in
appreciation. southwest Germany bears the
According to Lonely Planet, the unofficial title of Germany’s
top 10 cities to travel to for 2022 are: environmental capital. Being the
home to some of the greatest minds,
10. Gyeongju, South Korea the city is full of masterful
Gyeongju was the capital of the engineering, seen from the green
ancient kingdom of Silla which ruled buildings to the Bächle, which are
about two-thirds of the Korean little waterways fed by the Dreisam
Peninsula, which was at its peak river. Legend says that if you
around the 8th century. After ruling accidentally step into one, you’ll end
for close to a thousand years, that up marrying someone from
makes Gyeongju a place of many Freiburg. The eco-town developed
archaeological sites, and many and built its new neighbourhoods
referred to the city as the museum according to sustainability
without walls. Among such historical principles, and the citizens are
treasures, Seokguram grotto, known for their love of cycling and
Bulguksa temple, Gyeongju Historic recycling. The city has an excellent
Areas and Yangdong Folk Village are public transport system with railway
designated as World Heritage Sites by lines the leads to the gorgeous Black
Unesco and many of the historical Forest. Travel to Freiburg to see how
sites have helped Gyeongju become the futuristic city set in a forest
one of the most popular tourist became the most liveable,
destinations in South Korea. progressive, sustainable and child-
friendly city for a medieval old town.
9. Florence, Italy Florence, Italy is known for its delicious food and awe inspiring sights. – PINTEREST 2. Taipei, Taiwan
A city in Central-Northern Italy, As one of the countries that was able
Florence is the city of museums, kayaking tour to Dalkey Island. The to contain the Covid-19 spread,
palaces, and churches, and is the city has a history over 5,000 years ago Taiwan has received international
home to some of the greatest artistic with the Viking settlers and Celtic praise and approval for it, making it
treasures in the world. Originating as tribes that shaped Dublin into the number two on the list. The bustling
a Roman city, it was the birthplace of magnificence it is now. Just outside metropolis of Taipei is a blend of
the Italian Renaissance. Politically, the city and along the coast are some Chinese culture with a curious fusion
economically, and culturally, it was of the truly beautiful seaside towns of Japanese and American
one of the most important cities in and extraordinary walking routes. influences, where you’ll find shiny
Europe and the world around the Some long, some short, some easy, skyscrapers and ancient temples
15th century, with renowned some challenging, but all stunning hazy with incense. Spend your day
architecture like the Cathedral, the and all unique to the Dublin and exploring the treasures in the
Baptistery, the Uffizi, the Bargello, Wicklow mountains and coastline. National Palace Museum that date
and the Accademia. Florence is back to 8,000 years and surveying the
calmer than Italy’s other equally 6. Nicosia/Lefkosia, Cyprus For those who enjoy nature, the Black Forest in Friedburg is reputed to be one of city from Taipei 101 before shopping
tourist-centric spots, allowing you to Steeped in an exceptionally long and the most scenic places on earth. – PINTEREST your way down the streets of
let your mind learn and absorb intricate history that can be traced Ximending. As night falls, eat your
history from all around. back to the Bronze Age, the old city Lagos in 1852. Like all the Obas Jr. National Historic Park. When way across the numerous night
8. Mérida, Mexico has had a treasure trove of turbulent before him, their official residence is visiting, you can check out the markets filled with street food that
The capital and largest city in Yucatán history that can be seen all around. In the Oba of Lagos, which is available portraits and stories in the Center for leaves you hankering for more.
state in Mexico is a far cry compared stark contrast, there is youthful for tourists to visit. Oba Akitoye was Civil and Human Rights to 1. Auckland, New Zealand
to the tourist-clogged beaches of energy around the city with its vibrant the first Oba of Lagos to be buried commemorate people who lost their Across Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland
Cancun. With Spanish colonial café culture and modern art within the modern palace, which is lives in the fight, or check out one of in Māori language), there are 53
buildings made in the 16th century museums. Nicosia is the city of also home to ancient shrines, È ù and the hundreds of diverse volcanoes, more than 50 islands,
built on top of an ancient Maya duality, with fascinating architecture Ògún. As an important location for performances at the Fox Theatre each three wine regions and numerous
civilization called T’ho which dates like the Selimiye Camii, a former African and Black cultural identity, year. The city has an iconic African beaches. Across the West Coast, there
back to 2600 BC, Mérida’s culture is a Christian cathedral converted into a Lagos has a vibrant nightlife and has American history with historical are glaciers to climb, parachuting in
distinctive blend of traditions. After mosque, to the more surreal and given birth to a variety of music styles black neighbourhoods like Fox Glacier, kayaking in the scenic
500 years of coexistence, a sombre oil barrels and barbed wire such as Sakara music, Nigerian hip Summerhill, The West End and Old Hokitika Gorge, down to fly fishing in
comingling of rituals and beliefs barricading the UN Buffer Zone, hop, jùjú, and Afrobeat. 4th Ward, featuring African- Lake Brunner. In the Hauraki Gulf
created a vibrant cultural identity that giving you a sense of a present-day 4. Atlanta, US American fine art and soul food, Marine Park, it is home to a myriad of
continues to shape the dynamic city, state of limbo for the world’s last Georgia’s capital, Atlanta is the home giving Atlanta the nickname of ‘Black islands and five marine reserves, and
making it one of the safest cities in divided capital. of the Coca-Cola museum, Mecca’ for it reputation as one of the next to the Kiwi town, the Cook
Mexico with a diverse splendour of 5. Lagos, Nigeria Buckhead, and Martin Luther King, top destinations for Black History and Islands, have also gotten a spot in the
art, architecture, and food. Lagos is one of the most prominent Culture. guide as the number-one country to
7. Dublin, Ireland cities of the Yoruba people with the travel to in 2022. Since New Zealand
Nights in Dublin are alive with pub unique architecture introduced by had also been largely successful in
crawls and live music, while the days returning Amaros/Agudas, the controlling its Covid-19 outbreaks,
are full of enchanting architecture, descendants of freed Afro-Brazilian that is why Auckland is the number-
tucked-away bookstores, and even a slaves after Ibikunle Akitoye signed one city to travel to in 2022.
the Treaty between Great Britain and



Rogue planets discovered in space
o Astronomers have found 70 freely-roaming
planets, and hope to discover 100 more

A TEAM of astronomers Way alone. This artist’s impression shows an example of a rogue planet detected in the Rho Ophiuchi region. – EUROPEAN SOUTHERN
discovered at least 70 By studying these planets, OBSERVATORY
‘rogue’ planets in our
galaxy, the largest collection astronomers believe they could
ever found to date. unlock clues as to how the mysterious
objects come to be. It is hypothesised
While conventional planets (like they are generated from the collapse
those in our Solar System) orbit a star, of gas clouds too small to create stars,
rogue planets roam freely without but they could also have been ejected
travelling around a nearby star. from a parent system.

“We did not know how many to “These objects are extremely faint
expect and are excited to have found and little can be done to study them
so many,” said Núria Miret-Roig, an with current facilities,” says Hervé
astronomer at the Laboratoire Bouy, another astronomer at the
d’Astrophysique de Bordeaux. Laboratoire d’Astrophysique.

It would usually be impossible to “The ELT [Extremely Large
detect rogue planets because they are Telescope, currently being built in
hard to spot far from a star’s light. One Chile] will be absolutely crucial to
key fact of their existence made them gathering more information about
visible: these planets still give off most of the rogue planets we have
enough heat to glow millions of years found.”
after their creation, making them
visible to powerful telescopes. The exact number of rogue planets
discovered is vague, because the
This heat allowed the 70 planets – observations made by the
each with masses close to that of researchers do not allow them to
Jupiter – to be discovered in the measure the mass of the objects.
Scorpius and Ophiuchus Bodies with a mass 13 times greater
constellations. than that of Jupiter are unlikely to be
planets, but relying on brightness
“We measured the tiny motions, makes this figure unclear.
the colours and luminosities of tens
of millions of sources in a large area of The brightness of these objects is
the sky,” explained Ms Miret-Roig. also related to age, as the older the
planet is the dimmer it will be. The
“These measurements allowed us brightest objects in the sample could
to securely identify the faintest have a mass greater than the upper
objects in this region, the rogue limit but be older and therefore
planets.” dimmer. Researchers estimate there
could be as many as 100 more planets
The astronomers’ study suggests yet to be discovered because of this
there could be many more elusive, uncertainty. – The Independent
starless planets yet to be discovered,
numbering in the billions in the Milky

The proposed The circle shows the location of a recently discovered rogue planet in the
design of the direction of the Upper Scorpius constellation. – EUROPEAN SOUTHERN
hope will help
them locate
more rogue
planets and
stars. – ACE

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BELIEF LOYALTY TO KING TO achieve greater unity TO maintain a TO create a just society in which
IN GOD AND COUNTRY among Malaysians democratic way of life the wealth of the nation shall be equitably shared

THE SUPREMACY OF THE RULE COURTESY AND TO ensure a liberal approach to her rich TO build a progressive society which shall be
THE CONSTITUTION OF LAW MORALITY and diverse cultural traditions oriented to modern science and technology

The people were the real heroes
THE first humane test of any
government is keeping its authorities are still struggling to “People learnt As champions of the people in A local branch of the China Tzu Chi
citizens safe. In this flood clear flood debris and mitigate the hard way distress, these groups could not have Foundation, mobilised 2,500
disaster, leaders had the further erosion. that the been more starkly different from the volunteers every single day to the
ultimate opportunity to take centre agencies and agencies and departments, with a relevant sites to help in any way they
stage and shine with qualities people Ironically, it is now that Malaysians departments heightened sense of altruism, wisdom can. There are so many impactful
seek in leadership – reliability, have truly become “One Family”, failed to utilise and speed. video clips showing Muslim youths
courage and efficiency. consolidated by a contagious and deliver cleaning up a temple and Hindu
raging anger over the cascading effective services, Though all rushed to the aid of the youths cleaning up a mosque.
All peoples’ representatives should inefficiencies, lukewarm responses and reflected victims with food, hygiene items and
have sprung into action, as they knew and the lack of empathy towards the poorly in a new helped to relocate victims to relief Segamat member of Parliament
these floods had the severity “that flood victims. world that is centres, a few are worthy of mention Hannah Yeoh mentioned about the
happens only once in a 100 years”. changing here. From the onset, the Gurdwara arbitrary yardstick used for flood
Even if they were not aware of that, the To date, there are angry viral videos superfast with Sahib of the Malaysian Sikh instantly protection when building contracts
December floods are an annual of victims expressing that they were technology. set up a 24-hour “Big Kitchen” and were sanctioned in flood-prone areas.
occurrence. being pushed around while seeking started preparing non-stop meals for
solutions for post-flood problems. the victims. The bitter truth during this epic
With global climate change, they catastrophe was that people had lost
should be prepared for surprises. Of course, no words can convey the Asia Heroes is Brickfields Asia trust in the civil service, so much so
full depth and range of the trauma as college’s initiative, linked to UPLIFT, when Apple CEO Tim Cook wanted to
Even if their portfolios were not visuals of posts of young children sent teams of volunteers to literally donate to our flood victims, people
related to flood mitigation, holding “kami lapar” placards, old clean up the aftermath mess of pleaded to him to channel assistance
representatives should have rolled up people perked on rooftops holding on rubbish. They worked with various directly, or through NGO.
their sleeves, immersed themselves in to their dear lives, and mothers crying corporate sectors and other
the floods and ensured their people because they were left out in food aid. non-governmental organisations Sadly, people learnt the hard way
were safe. And yet many left for (NGO) to attend to daily needs of the that the agencies and departments
holidays. Some before the floods and In stark contrast, without any victims. failed to utilise and deliver effective
some during the height of the floods. semblance to these realities, some services, and reflected poorly in a new
representatives were taking photo Floods not only result in economic world that is changing superfast with
Even the Environment and Water shoots of themselves “working at flood and physical impacts but gives rise to technology. They also knew that there
Ministry only appeared 96 hours after sites”, which made no sense at all. mental health issues as well. In were simple ways this catastrophe
the floods. response to this, the COVIDCAREMY could have been avoided with proper
The real heroes were those who did has been providing counselling for intervention.
The Welfare and the not take a single picture of themselves, teenagers, women and children who
Meteorological departments, with despite taking charge from the were traumatised during the floods. We hope New Year ushers in
their huge fund allocations, resources, onslaught of the floods during the humanity in governance.
trained manpower and blueprints darkest hours. They were immersed in The Malaysian Bar, through its Vasanthi Ramachandran is an author,
for these situations, reacted with mud, while carrying sacks of food and National Legal Aid Committee, has set
sluggish inefficiency. attending to all immediate concerns. up counters at selected courts to brand strategist and runs
provide free legal advice and Helping Hands.
Almost two weeks into the Most of all, they had to raise funds assistance to the victims.
destructive floods and landslides, all by themselves, mobilise volunteers Comments: [email protected].
and work around the clock.

COMMENT by Nur Ayuni Zainal Abidin The rape of the
Waiting for Godot
WE are living at times when technology pandemic and illness prevail, without fair shattered many to the ground. People went FROM long ago, from time immemorial
advancement and innovation have leaped access to vaccines and medications. missing and death was imminent. The The trees once stood, so majestic and tall
unimaginably all around the world. stasis of some galvanised the best of us. Flora and fauna, magnificent, large and small
Fifty-two years after Apollo landing, Nasa Developed countries too cannot Malaysians rose to the occasion in In their natural and safe habitats, flourished all
launched the James Webb telescope on a demand excessive adherence of carbon providing aid and rescue missions. The gifts of Nature, the supporters of life
mission to show the first stars to light up emissions, without taking cognisance of In the cycle of living, together they did survive
the universe. historical responsibility and equitable Malaysians never waited for Godot to In rivers clear, fishes did breed and thrive
growth for all. make things happen. Today’s realism The seas did enthrall, for those who dive
Scientists will soon be able to see the taught us to acquire an endurance to Then, we succumbed to AVARICE and GREED,
early phases of star formation and History taught us that growth is a overcome calamities, be it poverty, HUMANS having no limits to end, what we really need
the atmospheric compositions of far-off journey of progress and regress, swinging pandemic or social disorders. HUMANS on Nature, we began to voraciously feed
planets. Elon Musk’s dream to colonise back and forth like a pendulum. We Destroying, ravaging with scant care, concern or heed
Mars seems more probable than ever. progress then we retreat. We speed up, then Endurance, built on value system that is The rape of Nature is there for all to see
slow down. The essence to progress must common and communally shared across From mountains tall, right out to the sea
Regionally, Indonesia’s Kopi Kenangan be meaningful delivery. The soul to religion, race and political ideologies. The And land bereft of life and greenery
became the first Southeast Asian food and transformation is results. The panacea for sight of Malaysians helping each other with Animal species being found extinct needlessly
beverage unicorn joining the ranks of scepticism is accountability. Meaningful what they have tells everything about our The rape of Nature has extracted its TOLL
Traveloka, Tokopedia, OVO, Xendit, delivery comes when we own the endurance and resilience. This will surely Our environment today is no longer whole
Bukalapak, J&T Express, OnlinePajak and responsibilities bestowed on us. reverberate for years to come. The ozone layer is now a big gaping hole
Ajaib, in addition to their decacorn All because of the HUMAN lack of control
company Gojek. Southeast Asia’s largest Like a chain, a team is only as strong as When the Spartans handed the Fires burn and destroy, hillsides are eroded
ride-hailing Grab that started in Malaysia its weakest link. Leaders must be capable of government of Greece to Athenians, it Rivers overflow and vast areas are flooded
made its debut on Nasdaq on Dec 2 but it is aligning team objectives so members required the transferring of common riches Disasters caused by HUMANS can indeed be avoided
now headquartered in Singapore. understand how they are contributing. The and resources to the new government. They If planning and governance are truly well ordered
days of command and control should make needed to find a person of virtue and Sustainable development must be seriously undertaken
Domestically, we are grappling with way for the days of connect and collaborate. integrity to undertake the duty faithfully. All Not merely for politics, lip service or just as a token
disasters and failures of the kind never seen This sets bosses apart from leaders. eyes were on Aristides, cited as the best and The environment, once destroyed, can be beyond
before. How did we progress so rapidly yet most honourable man in Athens and reparation
descended to such devastation? The greater By now, we have also learned that nicknamed Aristides the Just. It needs to be taken care of and preserved, for each
the progress, the grander the calamities. progress does not guarantee value system. successive generation
At the core of value system is character The calamities we endured have given RESPONSIBLE governance is what is required
Theoretically, our decision-making is building. Together, they form the rise to the Aristides among us. The ordinary NOT actions based on what is personally desired
supposed to be more accurate and foundations of institutions and ecosystem people who presided over the task of When HUMANS unscrupulously RAPE the ENVIRONMENT
evidence-based given the wealth of we approve and adopt as our culture helping others, with the trustworthiness WE will eventually destroy EVEN our places of ETERNAL
knowledge, discoveries and tools available. and norms. and devotion of caring for our own internment!
Rather than sending our scientists to the treasures. May the Almighty save our Malaysia.
moon and welcoming more unicorns, we No legislation can ensure good
are now back to talking about eliminating character and value system. They must be This year, I am humbled and more Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz was a former minister.
hardcore poverty by 2025. nurtured, beginning at home. If a society grateful than usual for being a citizen of this Comments: [email protected]
tolerates breaking of laws, then the compassionate country. In Ernest
After years and efforts to prosper our characters will normalise lawbreaking as a Hemingway’s novel, For Whom the Bell
markets and earn handsome revenue, way of life. Tolls, he wrote about a soldier who traverses
people still wade into poverty, stuck in the life with character, strength and honesty,
abyss of deprivation to befriend despair If this is not the society we aspire, we the ultimate principles that define legacies.
and destitution. must resist the convention of “the way we Ask not for whom that bell tolls, it tolls for
were”, especially the loss of integrity. We thee Malaysia.
We cannot keep progressing when there must do our best in doing Malaysia right.
remain men, women and children cut off Happy New Year 2022. May our
from modernisation and the opportunities Despite our changing circumstances endurance, unity and resilience carry us
it affords. and progress, humanity abides. The last forward, stronger together because love,
two years saw Malaysians struggling with not force is our resistance.
We cannot leap when hunger and the pandemic that ravished small
poverty prevail, especially during disasters. businesses. People lost jobs and incomes. Comments: [email protected]
Equally, we can never be a healthy society if
Then came the floods that battered and

DECEMBER 30, 2021
197201001092 (12738-U)
Editorial Tel: 03-7784 6688
A Participating Organisation of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad Fax: 03-7785 2624/5

A Trading Participant of Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Berhad Email: [email protected]
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% RM m RM m RM m

50.4 Institutions 964.3 881.1 83.2

32.9 Retail 592.2 613.7 -21.5

16.7 Foreign 275.7 337.4 -61.7

100.0 1832.2 1832.2 0.0 5.15 9.61 194.02 33.11 162.28 51.47 26.95 89.50
Preliminary stats (excluding trade amendments). For final data, please refer to 1,545.04 3,138.02 23,086.54 3,597.00 28,906.88 18,248.28 2,993.29
Source: Bursa Malaysia 7,509.80

KL MARKET SUMMARY Senheng New Retail to
December 29, 2021 raise RM267.5m from IPO

INDICES 11,195.21 CHANGE +31.49 o Public issue of 250m
FBMEMAS new shares and offer for
FBMKLCI 1,545.04 +5.15 sale of 139.5m existing
CONSUMER PRODUCTS 576.22 +1.45 shares at RM1.07 each
FINANCIAL SERVICES 15,621.06 +48.57 [email protected]
ENERGY 699.68 +4.38
HEALTH CARE 2,284.50 +20.82
PROPERTY 698.17 +2.12
PLANTATION 6,544.78 -32.67
FBMSHA 12,054.23 +41.93
FBMACE 6,362.97 +39.48
TECHNOLOGY 96.80 +0.06

2.405 BIL RM1.832 BIL

December 29, 2021 yesterday launched the prospectus ahead of
its listing on Bursa Malaysia’s Main Market
STOCK VOL CLSG (sen) +/– (sen) involving a public issuance of 250 million Senheng New Retail’s IPO prospectus launch was held virtually. Senheng is expected to list on
XOX 169,113,600 3.0 UNCH new shares and an offer for sale of 139.5 the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia on Jan 25, 2022.
AT 107,919,700 3.5 UNCH million existing shares at an issue price of
SMTRACK 104,831,700 15.5 +1.0 RM1.07 per share to raise an estimated “Our traffic and sales dropped in 2014, payouts of at least 30% of the net profit
SWIFT 93,573,600 100.0 +5.0 RM267.5 million. 2015, and 2016. We had no solutions to attributable to shareholders.
ATAIMS 46,329,600 63.5 +2.0 overcome it. Our customers shifted to online Of the 250 million new shares, 149.5
About 60% or RM160.5 million of the
proceeds will be used to set up more SenQ shopping platforms. I was inspired by million shares will be placed out to
and Senheng stores, and upgrade existing (Alibaba co-founder) Jack Ma’s seminar that I institutional and selected investors, and 48
5 TOP GAINERS ones into bigger and enhanced concept watched in October 2016 where he said the million shares will be placed out to
December 29, 2021 stores. The electrical and electronic products pure online retail wave is over, the next 20 to bumiputra investors approved by the
retailer aims to upgrade or set up 61 new and 30 years will be a new retail era. Then, we Ministry of International Trade and
STOCK VOL CLSG (RM) +/– RM existing stores from 2022 to 2024. were badly affected by the online Industry (Miti). Another 22.5 million shares
GENETEC 218,800 39.14 1.14 marketplace in Malaysia. will be available for application by eligible
MPI 216,600 50.82 1.02 About 19.3% or RM51.7 million will be “We called Alibaba Group in Hangzhou, directors, employees, and persons who
NESTLE 75,900 133.90 0.50 used to strengthen the group’s back-end China, to learn from Jack Ma about new retail. have contributed to the group’s success. The
SAM 64,200 22.18 0.38 capacities and capabilities. I brought 26 top managers from the Senheng remaining 30 million new shares will be
NHFATT 87,400 2.34 0.24 group and stayed in China for a week to learn available for application by Malaysians.
“It includes the development of new
brand distribution business, expanding and new retail. We brought back the solutions and Meanwhile, 139.5 million offer-for-sale
upgrading the warehouse and logistics localised them and then fine-tuned them for shares will be placed out to bumiputra
5 TOP LOSERS network, and boosting the digital Senheng’s business model. In 2017, within a investors approved by Miti.
December 29, 2021 infrastructure. The remaining 20.7% or couple of months after the new retail was Applications for Senheng New Retail’s
RM55.3 million will be utilised to repay bank launched, traffic returned, sales jumped, and IPO will close on Jan 10, 2022. It is expected
STOCK VOL CLSG (RM) +/– RM borrowings and defray listing expenses,” it our business grew 7%. In 2018, we achieved to list on Jan 25, 2022. Based on an issue
HONGSENG 4,145,200 2.72 0.24 said in a statement. 26% year-on-year growth,” Lim told reporters price of RM1.07 per share, Senheng New
A50CHIN-C82 29,500 0.525 0.20 at the virtual prospectus launch yesterday. Retail will have a market capitalisation of
CHINHIN-CD 11,000 0.14 0.17 Senheng New Retail executive chairman He said the group targeted dividend RM1.6 billion upon listing.
VITROX 260,500 20.06 0.16 Lim Kim Heng said the group reinvented its
PETGAS 2,029,700 17.36 0.14 strategy after a week of on-site learning with
experts from Alibaba Group in China.

EXCHANGE RATES DECEMBER 29, 2021 AirAsia to complete RM974.5m rights issue tomorrow

Foreign currency Bank sell Bank buy Bank buy KUALA LUMPUR: AirAsia Group Bhd will returning to pre-Covid levels on many of for its transformation strategy to become
complete its renounceable rights issue to its our popular routes in the new year, more than just an airline in the digital era.
1 US DOLLAR TT/OD TT OD existing shareholders upon listing of the alongside strong vaccination rates, better
1 AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR 4.2430 4.1180 4.1080 redeemable convertible unsecured Islamic testing procedures and education in all of “Importantly, with today’s (yesterday)
1 BRUNEI DOLLAR 3.0860 2.9650 2.9490 debt securities (RCUIDS) and warrants our markets. announcement, our fundraising strategy
1 CANADIAN DOLLAR 3.1320 3.0410 3.0330 tomorrow. remains firmly on track. We have now
1 EURO 3.3070 3.2190 3.2070 “It also shows continued strong investor achieved over RM2.5 billion through
1 NEWZEALAND DOLLAR 4.8060 4.6520 4.6320 The group will be able to raise RM974.5 confidence in our overall recovery strategy, fundraising, providing strong liquidity to
1 SINGAPORE DOLLAR 2.9000 2.7930 2.7770 million – a strong injection to support the including the digital transformation which ramp up operations through next year when
1 STERLING POUND 3.1320 3.0410 3.0330 group’s overall fundraising strategy. has already received overwhelming we expect to be sustainable and drive
1 SWISS FRANC 5.7070 5.5280 5.5080 support to date through various shareholder value once again.”
100 UAE DIRHAM 4.6120 4.5070 4.4920 AirAsia Group CEO Tony Fernandes said fundraising initiatives,” he said in a
100 BANGLADESHTAKA 116.8800 110.8400 110.6400 the rights issue announced yesterday is a statement yesterday. The rights issue entails the issuance of
100 CHINESE RENMINBI 5.0330 4.7200 4.5200 key component of the company’s overall seven-year RCUIDS with a nominal value of
100 HONGKONG DOLLAR 66.6000 64.0000 fundraising strategy, supporting a strong Furthermore, Fernandes said, the airline 75 sen each, plus free detachable warrants
100 INDIAN RUPEE 54.9900 52.2600 N/A rebound in air travel across Asean in 2022. has also secured Danajamin Nasional Bhd’s on the basis of two RCUIDS with one
100 INDONESIAN RUPIAH 5.7700 5.4200 52.0600 approval for an 80% guaranteed loan of up warrant for every six AirAsia Group shares
100 JAPANESE YEN 0.0309 0.0279 “We are gradually resuming flights in all to RM500 million, signalling strong support held. – Bernama
100 NEWTAIWAN DOLLAR 3.7010 3.5860 5.2200 of our key markets and look forward to
100 PAKISTAN RUPEE 16.4000 0.0229
100 PHILIPPINE PESO 2.4200 N/A 3.5760 Port Klang handles record 13.64m TEUs year to date
100 QATAR RIYAL 8.5100 2.2600
100 SAUDI RIYAL 117.8400 8.0200 N/A KUALA LUMPUR: Port Klang handled a the government’s proactive measures to distribution and delivery. The rollout of
100THAI BAHT 114.2400 111.8700 2.0600 record-breaking container volume of 13.64 facilitate Malaysia’s port and logistics sector vaccination programmes for port and
13.2400 108.4500 7.8200 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) during the pandemic, keeping the industry logistics sector workers in June 2021
11.7300 111.6700 as of Dec 28, 2021, surpassing its 2019 ticking towards meeting the demands of provided the assurance and protection for
108.2500 record of 13.58 million TEUs despite the both the domestic and the international the industry to resume full operations,” he
11.3300 many challenges of Covid-19 as well as the markets. said in a statement yesterday.
spillover effects of container shortages, port
Source: Malayan Banking Berhad/Bernama congestions and, most recently, adverse “The introduction of several economic Wee said a big part of this success is due
weather conditions. stimulus packages aimed at increasing to the commitment and coordinated efforts
consumer spending resulted in higher of Port Klang’s logistics players and
Transport Minister Datuk Seri Wee Ka demand for consumer goods leveraging on government agencies led by the Port Klang
Siong said this growth is attributed largely to e-commerce platforms to expedite Authority. – Bernama


KUALA LUMPUR: EFKON Asia Sdn Bhd, MDEC: Digital identity,
the Austrian technology provider of the signature for individuals
Infra-Red (IR) toll collection system on
Malaysian highways, has asserted that o Initiative will build on Malaysia’s pioneering effort in this In addition, it recently introduced the CALMS
the authorities and highway sector which had introduced the world’s first electronic Temperature and Anti-Pandemic Monitoring
concessionaires should look at passport in 1998 Solution, a package of products and services to
increasing SmartTAG lanes, its director help businesses re-open during the pandemic.
Helmuth Blasch said. Blasch said this PETALING JAYA: The Malaysia Digital Economy work and eCommerce.
year alone, about 75% of the 270,000 Blueprint (MyDigital) aims to implement a “This necessitates new security measures, The agency stated both digital ID players will
new passenger cars and commercial National Digital Identity (NDI) and digital be taking their products and services further
vehicles registered in Peninsular signatures, marking the country’s foray into the including easier authentication processes with internationally as they will be part of MDEC’s
Malaysia until September 2021 were digital identification industry. new digital ID solutions,” he said in a statement. delegation to Expo 2020 Dubai, participating at
delivered with either a SmartTAG the Malaysia Digital Economy Week at the
compatible built-in toll reader or Malaysia Digital Economy Corp (MDEC) said “The proliferation of fintech also makes the Malaysia Pavilion of the global expo.
portable device. EFKON Asia has been the NDI will serve as a trusted digital digital ID market ripe for the picking – and
working closely with the local certification and verification for individuals, Malaysia has local champions well-equipped to Mahadhir believes Malaysia has innovative
manufacturers of SmartTAG ensuring flexible and secure online transactions start plucking.” digital ID solutions and providers that could
compatible devices to continuously while reducing administrative costs with the serve the needs of many global tech companies.
introduce upgrades and improve the goal of increasing the scope and quality of online One such local champion is Innov8tif
user experience. – Bernama services as well as a better user experience. Technologies, an ISO 27001:2013 certified It stated the focus on emerging and
artificial intelligence (AI) company helping innovative technologies like digital ID forms part
VISTA EYES CHANGEMAKER The initiative will build on Malaysia’s businesses to widen sales funnel, speed up of MDEC’s Digital Investments Future5 (DIF5)
STATUS WITH B CORP CERT pioneering effort in the digital ID industry which processes without paper and prevent frauds. strategy, a five-year plan in line with the 12th
had introduced the world’s first electronic Malaysia Plan (12MP) aimed at attracting
PETALING JAYA: Vista Eye Specialist passport in 1998. Founded in 2011, the company has since investments and advancing Malaysia’s digital
believes that being one of the leading expanded from its base in Kuala Lumpur to economy.
eye specialists is not just about medical According to a forecast by Adroit Market cover the entire Southeast Asia specialising in
care but changing lives of others. To Research, digital ID solutions will grow at a 16% digital ID assurance, digital low-code process The five-year plan has set a target of RM50
further embed this culture and to CAGR from 2020 to 2025 to reach US$33 billion automation, and mobile biometric billion investments in the digital economy as
benchmark its efforts on its (RM138 billion), with the integration of authentication across various sectors from well as attracting 50 Fortune500 tech companies
commitment to its governance, biometric tech in smartphones and numerous telcos, banking, manufacturing and the public to land and expand in Malaysia by 2025.
workers, patients, the community and industries as a driving factor. sector.
the environment, Vista has embarked In addition it also aims to establish five
on becoming a global certified B MDEC CEO Mahadhir Aziz said the solution CALMS Technologies is another local unicorns and the create 50,000 high-value jobs
Corporation – an internationally has grown in prominence in the wake of the stalwart, which provides smart ID solutions. It in the Multimedia Super Corridor.
recognised certification for business Covid-19 pandemic, as the public and private has provided a range of integrated solutions to
that balances profit and purpose; and sector are forced to embrace new practices for more than 1,000 organisations from various “Expo 2020 Dubai will also allow MDEC to
one that meets the highest standards of work and businesses, especially with remote industries and sectors in Malaysia, Indonesia, highlight the digital economy ecosystem present
social and environmental performance, Singapore and Thailand. in Malaysia which fosters innovation and
transparency and accountability nurture innovators such as Innov8tif and
through a rigorous independent CALMS Technologies. With this, we will be able
verification process. – Bernama to showcase Malaysia as the digital hub of Asean
that can further advance the digital ID industry,”
Serba Dinamik CEO
PUTRAJAYA: The Property and charged with giving
Evaluation Services Department (JPPH) false statement
has been empowered by the Public
Sector Home Financing Board (LPPSA) Ab Rauf (second from right) visiting the Xinyi Glass factory in Elkay Industrial Area, Lipat Kajang in KUALA LUMPUR: Serba Dinamik Holdings
to be the intermediary in evaluating Malacca yesterday. – BERNAMAPIX Bhd Group CEO Datuk Dr Mohd Abdul Karim
and determining the price of a property Abdullah was charged at the Sessions Court
for those who wish to take a loan on it. Xinyi to invest RM1.5b in two plants yesterday with submitting a false statement to
This followed the online signing of a to produce automotive glass Bursa Malaysia Securities Bhd (Bursa Malaysia)
memorandum of understanding in February.
between LPPSA and JPPH yesterday for JASIN: Asia’s largest glass manufacturer Xinyi opportunities, especially for locals in Malacca
the sharing of information on financing Glass Holdings Ltd will increase its investment of and, to date, the company had employed more Mohd Abdul Karim, 56, who is also group
evaluation for the public housing about RM1.5 billion for the construction of two than 1,700 workers with 55% of them being locals managing director of the company, however,
sector. – Bernama factories that will produce glass for use in the in the state. pleaded not guilty after the charge was read out
automotive industry in Elkay Industrial Area, before Justice Datin Sabariah Othman.
Gagasan Nadi Cergas Lipat Kajang, Malacca. He said the Hong Kong-based company had
lands RM195m brought in investments amounting to RM2.2 He was alleged to have made a false
Paramount project State senior exco member for Investment, billion since starting operations in Malacca in statement to Bursa Malaysia, with intent to
Industry and Entrepreneur Development Datuk 2016. deceive, in relation to the revenue figure of
PETALING JAYA: Construction group Seri Ab Rauf Yusoh said the two factories would RM6.014 billion contained in Serba Dinamik
Gagasan Nadi Cergas Bhd had on Dec 28 be built on 52.61ha in the area and were expected He said that apart from that, Xinyi Glass was Holdings Bhd’s quarterly report on the
received a Letter of Award (LA) from a to begin development within the next six months. also interested in investing to upgrade facilities at consolidated results for the quarter and year
subsidiary of Paramount Corp Bhd the Port of Tanjung Bruas in Tanjung Kling here ended Dec 31, 2020.
(Paramount Group) on the RM195.2 million “Based on the discussions held earlier, Xinyi is as the company will use the port to export the
high-rise affordable housing project. very interested in the facilities and surrounding glass they produced abroad. The offence was alleged to have been
areas in Lipat Kajang and plans to expand committed at Bursa Malaysia Securities Bhd,
Nadi Cergas Sdn Bhd, a wholly owned operations with an additional capital of about “Xinyi chose Tanjung Bruas Port instead of Bukit Kewangan on Feb 26.
subsidiary of Gagasan Nadi Cergas, RM1.5 billion in the near future. Port Klang and within a month, there were
received the LA from Paramount Property already two overseas shipments involving 500 The charge, framed under Section 369(a)(B)
(Sepang) Sdn Bhd to undertake the turnkey “So all parties, including the state government containers each shipment using ships at the and read together with Section 367(1) of the
contract of designing and developing 1,076 and agencies present today are working to help port,” he said. Capital markets and Services Act 2007, carries a
high-rise residential units in Greenwood Xinyi to start a factory expansion project in maximum jail term of 10 years and a fine not
Salak Perdana in Sepang, Selangor. Malacca because Xinyi is one of the largest glass In another development, he said the state exceeding RM3 million, upon conviction.
Construction will commence in the fourth manufacturers in the Asian region,” he told government would hold talks with the
quarter of the year 2022 and is expected to reporters after visiting Xinyi Glass yesterday. management of Tanjung Bruas Port, Malacca Justice Sabariah allowed the accused bail of
take 48 months to complete. Waterfront Economic Zone and the agencies RM500,000 with two sureties and fixed Jan 22 for
Ab Rauf said the construction of the two involved within the next two weeks to coordinate remention.
The LA comes as a confirmation to the factories was expected to create about 800 job efforts to improve facilities at the port. – Bernama
previous letter of intent awarded by “He need not to surrender his passport to the
Paramount Group on May 24. court, but he is strongly reminded to attend every
court proceedings or the bail will be revoked,”
Under the group’s projects in hand, she said.
Gagasan Nadi Cergas is slated to deliver
more than 10,000 units of affordable homes Meanwhile, Serba Dinamik deputy president
in the next six years, supporting notable (Accounts and Finance) Muhammad Hafiz
property developers such as Paramount Othman, 37, pleaded not guilty at the Shah Alam
Group and Kwasa Land Sdn Bhd. Sessions Court in Selangor yesterday to the
charge of falsifying the company’s accounting
Gagasan Nadi Cergas has a current records by instructing the preparation of false
outstanding order book of RM2.5 billion, documentation relating to the sales of its
including the mosque construction project subsidiary, Serba Dinamik Sdn Bhd.
at Merdeka 118, Kuala Lumpur; various
affordable housing projects within Klang He was charged under Section 368(1)(b)(i) of
Valley; the MRSM full-facility campus in the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007, which
Dungun, Terengganu; Cardiology Centre in carries a maximum jail term of 10 years and a
Serdang Hospital, Selangor; as well as fine not exceeding RM1 million.
Putrajaya Homes public residential
development in Putrajaya. Juatice Rozilah Salleh allowed him bail of
RM300,000 with two sureties and set Jan 26 next
year for remention. – Bernama

‘listing by introduction’ CROSS-BORDER ETF LINK

o Mechanism doesn’t involve raising capital, and sources say addition to ride-hailing, offer products such as SHANGHAI: China’s Shenzhen
Chinese ride-hailing giant eyes filing by April and trading by June delivery and financial services, did not Stock Exchange and the
immediately respond to Reuters’ request for Singapore Exchange (SGX) have
HONG KONG: China’s ride-hailing giant Didi Didi US shares to transfer them to the city’s comment. committed to setting up a cross-
Global plans to use a mechanism that will allow bourse gradually, said the people. They declined border link for exchange-traded
it to list shares in Hong Kong without raising to be identified as the plan was not yet public. Unlike typical IPOs, companies listing stock funds (ETF), the bourses said, a
capital or issuing new stock as it seeks to delist by introduction in Hong Kong raise no capital move designed to open up a
from New York, two people with knowledge of Didi aims to file for the Hong Kong listing by and issue no new shares. The mechanism was wider range of investment
the matter said. end-April and list by June, one of the people popular among companies in the past looking to options on both sides. Under a
said. build a brand in Hong Kong and the rest of memorandum of understanding
The plans come as Didi is moving towards Greater China. for the link, the two exchanges
withdrawing from the New York Stock Exchange The plans are being prepared six months will jointly develop and promote
under pressure from Beijing after running foul after Didi, sometimes dubbed the Uber Didi has picked Goldman Sachs, China ETF markets in Singapore and
of Chinese authorities by pushing ahead with an Technologies Inc of China, made its debut in Merchants Bank International (CMBI), and China through cross-border
initial public offering (IPO) there earlier this New York after raising US$4.4 billion (RM18.4 China Construction Bank International (CCBI) investments, they said in
year despite being asked to put it on hold while billion) in a conventional IPO. to manage the Hong Kong listing process, said separate statements late on
a review of its data practices was conducted. the people. Tuesday. As at end-November,
It said earlier this month that it plans to delist Singapore-listed ETFs exceeded
The Hong Kong mechanism, known as from the US bourse and pursue a Hong Kong Goldman declined to comment, while CMBI, S$12 billion (RM37 billion) in
‘listing by introduction,’ would allow owners of listing. and CCBI did not immediately respond to assets, up nearly 50% from a year
requests for comment. earlier, SGX said. The Shenzhen
A spokesperson for Didi, whose apps, in Stock Exchange currently lists
Goldman was one of the main underwriters 212 ETFs with a combined
of Didi’s New York IPO, along with Morgan market capitalisation of US$39
Stanley and JPMorgan. – Reuters billion (RM163 billion). – Reuters

China outlines Apple puts supplier Foxconn’s HK HOME PRICES IN
vision for four India plant ‘on probation’ NOVEMBER FALL
centre clusters MUMBAI: Apple said it has placed food poisoning. “following recent concerns about
its iPhone assembler Foxconn’s The plant, which employs some food safety and accommodation HONG KONG: Hong Kong private
BEIJING: China has approved plant in southern India “on conditions at Foxconn Sriperumbudur.” home prices, among the most
plans to build four mega clusters probation” after both companies 17,000 people, was closed on Dec expensive in the world, softened
of data centres in the country’s found that some remote 18. Apple and Foxconn didn’t say Apple said it had found that from an all-time high for the
north and west with the aim of dormitories and dining rooms used when they expected it to reopen. some of the remote dormitory second month in November,
supporting the data needs of for employees did not meet accommodations and dining official data showed yesterday,
Beijing and major coastal centres, required standards. Foxconn said yesterday it was rooms being used for employees but realtors expect the property
according to the country’s top “very sorry for the issue our did not meet its requirements and market to gain as much as 10%
state planner yesterday. Apple did not detail what being employees experienced and are that it was working with the in 2022. The prices declined 1.2%
“on probation” meant. When it taking immediate steps to enhance supplier to ensure a last month, according to the
The clusters will be built in placed the southern India plant of the facilities and services we comprehensive set of corrective data, compared to a revised 0.5%
the northern Inner Mongolia another supplier, Wistron Corp, on provide at the remote dormitory actions, adding that it will ensure its fall in October. Prices reached a
region, northwestern Ningxia probation after unrest last year, it accommodations”. strict standards are met before the record high in September
region, Gansu province and said it would not award the facility reopens. according to the revised figures,
southwestern Guizhou province, Taiwanese company new business “We are also restructuring our and gained 3.1% in the first 11
the National Development and until it addressed the way workers local management team and our The impact on Apple from the months. For the full year of 2021,
Reform Commission said in four were treated. management systems to ensure we closure of the plant, which makes property consultancy Cushman
separate statements. can achieve and maintain the high iPhone 12 models and has started & Wakefield expects home prices
The latest action comes on the standards that are needed,” a trial production of the iPhone 13, is to rise around 6.5% and
The four locations can use heels of protests that erupted Foxconn spokesperson said. expected to be minimal, analysts transaction numbers to jump to
their energy and environmental earlier this month after more than have said. But the factory is the highest since 2012, at 74,600
advantages to set up green and 250 women who work at the The Taipei-based company said strategic in the long term as Apple units. – Reuters
low-carbon mega data centres, Foxconn plant in Sriperumbudur employees will continue to be paid tries to cut its reliance on China’s
the state planner said. town, near the southern city of while improvements are made. supply chain amid trade tensions GERMAN REGULATOR
Chennai, and live in one of the between Washington and Beijing. – FINES DEUTSCHE BANK
The move comes as energy- dormitories, had to be treated for An Apple spokesperson said Reuters, AFP FOR EURIBOR CONTROLS
hungry data centres located in yesterday it had dispatched
China’s east have found it independent auditors to assess FRANKFURT: The German
difficult to expand due to limits conditions at the dormitories financial regulator BaFin said
imposed by local governments yesterday it had fined Deutsche
on electricity consumption. Vietnam’s 2021 GDP growth slides to 30-year low Bank €8.66 million (RM40.8
million) for controls related to
Some cities in China’s HANOI: Vietnam reported 2021 Workers in a factory producing activewear for various textile clothing brands the Euro Interbank Offered Rate
northern and western regions economic growth of just 2.58% in Hanoi. Vietnam. The country’s industrial production output this year (Euribor), a setback for the
rich in renewable energy yesterday, beating a 30-year low set rose 4.8%. – AFPPIX nation’s largest lender as it seeks
resources such as wind and solar last year as the Covid-19 pandemic to restore its reputation. The fine
power have already built data continues to take a toll. billion, while imports were up was a “huge success” in remarks is the first imposed by BaFin
centres to serve the 14.6% to US$31.98 billion, reported by state media. under a 2018 regulation that
economically developed coast. The country has long been a translating into a trade surplus of seeks to prevent manipulation of
success story among Asian US$2.54 billion, the GSO said. Vietnam is officially targeting the rate, a benchmark used in
But their distant locations economies, posting growth of 7% GDP growth of 6.0%-6.5% next the financial industry. “The bank
have meant the centres have in 2019. Its gross domestic product The country’s industrial year. Fitch Solutions has forecast at times did not have in place
struggled to provide the near- (GDP) grew 2.58% this year, production output this year rose growth at 8% in 2022. effective preventive systems,
instantaneous retrieval slipping from a 2.91% expansion in 4.8%, while its consumer prices controls and policies,” BaFin said.
demanded by coastal clients 2020, the General Statistics Office rose 1.84%, according to the GSO. Meanwhile, government data Deutsche Bank said it accepted
with little tolerance for delays. (GSO) said in a statement. yesterday showed Vietnam the fine and had implemented
GSO head Nguyen Thi Huong received US$19.74 billion in foreign measures to improve its controls
It is unclear how China would “The Covid-19 pandemic has left gave an upbeat gloss, saying that direct investment in 2021, down regarding Euribor. – Reuters
turn western and northern a serious impact on all aspects of achieving even the modest growth 1.2% from a year earlier. – AFP,
regions such as Ningxia and the economy,“ it said. under such difficult circumstances Reuters RUSSIA EXPLAINS OPEC+
Gansu, which are 1,000km from REBUFF OF US CALLS
the coast, into actively operating The GSO traditionally releases
centres of computing power data before the end of the MOSCOW: Russian Deputy Prime
given the data latency caused by reporting period and its data is Minister Alexander Novak said
the huge distances to data users often subject to revision. yesterday that the Opec+ group
in the east. of largest oil producers has
On a quarterly basis, Vietnam’s resisted calls from Washington to
China aims to expand its big economy recovered strongly in the boost output because it wants to
data industry into a more than 3 fourth quarter, after authorities provide the market with clear
trillion yuan (RM1.97 trillion) started lifting most coronavirus guidance and not deviate from
sector by 2025 through the mobility restrictions in October. policy. The United States has
building of several clusters of repeatedly pushed Opec+ to
data centres, according to a GDP grew 5.22% in the fourth accelerate output hikes and in
2021-2025 plan by the Ministry quarter from a year ago, November said it and other
of Industry and Information rebounding from a contraction of consumers would release
Technology released in 6.02% in the third quarter. reserves. Asked why Opec+
November. – Reuters rebuffed the calls, Novak said
Exports in December rose 24.8% Opec+ had a long-term vision.
from a year earlier to US$34.52 “We believe that it would be right
for the market to show in the
mid-term how we will increase
production as demand grows,”he
told RBC media outlet. – Reuters

Registration No.: 199601002919
(375265-U) One more
302 Jobs 322 Notices crack Warnerwantsto
(Incorporated in Malaysia) make amends in 2023
WE ARE HIRING SILVERLAKE CRM SDN. BHD. (In Members’ Voluntary Winding Up) DAVID WARNER has us,” said Warner, who has been a
Registration No.: 199401003232 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT pursuant hinted he is keen for mainstay at the top of the
Digital Marketing to Section 459(2) of the Companies Act one last Ashes tour in Australian order for a decade.
(288910-A) 2016, the Final Meeting of the Members 2023 to make amends
Senior Executive (Incorporated in Malaysia) of the Company will be convened and “For me it was one of those
held at Level 2A, KPMG Tower, First for his failed campaign in tours where I didn’t back my
Job Description: (In Members’ Avenue, Bandar Utama, 47800 Petaling England two years ago, drawing game plan and I went too
· Design and develop online marketing strategies, Voluntary Winding Up) Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan on Monday, inspiration from veteran seamer defensive and I didn’t attack. That
digital roadmap, creative campaigns that aligned with NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 7 February 2022 at 1.00 p.m. for the Jimmy Anderson. was my fault, and he bowled
the business goals and directions. pursuant to Section 459(2) of the following purposes: The explosive Australian really well.”
· Provide creative ideas for content marketing. Companies Act 2016, the Final Meeting opener would be approaching 37 Whether Warner can still be
· Plan and manage our social media platforms. of the Members of the Company will be AGENDA should he retain his place that competitive into 2023 remains to
· Able to create content & produce graphics for social convened and held at Level 2A, KPMG 1. To receive an account from the long and in all likelihood would be seen, although he has been
media postings. Tower, First Avenue, Bandar Utama, have joined the 100-Test club. He written off previously and come
· Prepare a copywriting for marketing campaign. 47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul liquidator showing the manner in currently has 89 caps. roaring back, most recently at the
Ehsan on Monday, 7 February 2022 at which the winding-up has been Winning in India is also on his Twenty20 World Cup.
Requirements: 2.00 p.m. for the following purposes: conducted and to hear explanations bucket list before pulling up He was dropped by his Indian
- Diploma/Degree in Marketing, Digital Marketing or that may be given by the liquidator. stumps on a Test career that has Premier League team Sunrisers
AGENDA 2. To determine by ordinary resolution so far yielded 7,551 runs at 48.40. Hyderabad ahead of the World
equivalent 1. To receive an account from the in the manner in which the books, “Winning the Ashes here was Cup, leading some pundits to
- Excellent understanding of digital marketing accounts and documents of the obviously a big one,” Warner said suggest his best days were over.
liquidator showing the manner in Company and the liquidator thereof after Australia crushed England in But Warner responded in the
concepts and best practices which the winding-up has been shall be disposed of. the third Test in Melbourne to only way he knows, by scoring
- Required Skill(s): Google Adwords, Google Analytics, conducted and to hear explanations NG HENG HOOI retain the Ashes. runs, and was named player of
that may be given by the liquidator. Liquidator “We still haven’t beaten India the tournament as Australia lifted
SEO/SEM, Social media marketing and optimization 2. To determine by ordinary resolution Dated: 30.12.2021 in India, that would be nice to do. the trophy.
Office based in Petaling Jaya in the manner in which the books, Notes: “And England away – we had a He pointed to England’s
accounts and documents of the 1. A member entitled to attend and vote drawn series (in 2019) but Anderson, still going strong at 39,
Send in your application with your photo Company and the liquidator thereof at the meeting may appoint another hopefully if I manage to get that as an example of cricketers
to [email protected] shall be disposed of. person as his proxy to attend and vote opportunity, I might think about performing at their peak well into
NG HENG HOOI in his stead. going back.” the twilight of their careers.
Liquidator 2. The instrument appointing a proxy England hasn’t been a happy “James Anderson sets the
Dated: 30.12.2021 shall be in writing under the hand hunting ground for Warner, who benchmark for older guys these
Notes: of the appointor or of his attorney had a horror tour in 2019, when days, we look up to him getting on
1. A member entitled to attend and duly authorised in writing or, if the he managed just 95 runs at 9.50 in our days,” Warner said after
vote at the meeting may appoint appointor is a corporation, under from five Tests with Stuart Broad Anderson bowled beautifully in
another person as his proxy to its common seal or the hand of its dismissing him seven times. the Melbourne Test.
attend and vote in his stead. Attorney. “In terms of 2019 it was “For me it’s just about
2. The instrument appointing a proxy 3. The proxy form must be deposited at obviously in England so he performing to the best of my
shall be in writing under the hand BO3-B-13-1, Level 13, Menara 3A, KL (Broad) was able to get the ball to ability and putting runs on the
of the appointor or of his attorney Eco City, No. 3, Jalan Bangsar, 59200 come back into us and away from board.” – AFP
duly authorised in writing or, if the Kuala Lumpur not less than forty eight
322 Notices DALAM MAHKAMAH MAJISTRET DI 322 Notices appointor is a corporation, under (48) hours before the time for holding Australia’s
KUALA LUMPUR its common seal or the hand of its the meeting or at any adjournment David Warner
IN THE MATTER OF THE IN THE MATTER OF Attorney. thereof. (right) and
COMPANIES ACT, 2016 DALAM WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, THE COMPANIES ACT 2016 3. The proxy form must be deposited Michael Neser
MALAYSIA at BO3-B-13-1, Level 13, Menara 3A, SILVERLAKE COMPONENT (left) celebrate
AND AND KL Eco City, No. 3, Jalan Bangsar, TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS SDN. BHD. winning the
IN THE MATTER OF GUAMAN SIVIL IN THE MATTER OF 59200 Kuala Lumpur not less than match and
BIZI GLOBE SDN. BHD. NO. WA-A72NCVC-5340-09/2021 PANSKY LAND SDN. BHD. forty eight (48) hours before the Registration No.: 199901027517 retaining the
time for holding the meeting or at (502417-K) Ashes against
(1224435-K) ANTARA (Company No. any adjournment thereof. England at the
(In Members’ 199201007549 (239053-W) (Incorporated in Malaysia) Melbourne
Voluntary Winding-up) COSWAY (M) SDN BHD PLAINTIF 322 Notices (In Members’ Voluntary Winding Up) Cricket
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT pursuant Liquidation) IN THE HIGH COURT OF to Section 459(2) of the Companies Act yesterday.
to Section 459(1) of the Companies Act, DAN MALAYA AT SHAH ALAM 2016, the Final Meeting of the Members – REUTERSPIX
2016, the Final Meeting of the Members At a Meeting of Member of the IN THE STATE OF SELANGOR of the Company will be convened
of the abovenamed Company will be KENYALANG THEATRE & COMMERCIAL Company duly convened and held at DARUL EHSAN, MALAYSIA and held electronically via video Shami joins 200 club
held at Suite 1.00, Level 11B, Akademi COMPLEX SDN BHD the Conference Room, Unit C-6-5, 6th COMPANIES (WINDING-UP) conferencing at Level 2A, KPMG Tower,
Etiqa, 23, Jalan Melaka, 50100 Kuala [NO. SYARIKAT: Floor, Block C, Megan Avenue II, No. NO.: BA-28NCC-630-12/2021 First Avenue, Bandar Utama, 47800 INDIA seamer Mohammed Shami claimed his
Lumpur on 31st January 2022 at 10.00 17699-P/197301000124(BARU)] 12, Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, 50450 Kuala In the matter of Sections 465 (1) Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan on 200th Test wicket and completed figures of 5-
a.m. for the following purposes :- Lumpur on the 23rd day of December (e) & 466(1)(a) of the Companies Monday, 7 February 2022 at 10.00 a.m. 44 as hosts South Africa were bowled out for
AGENDA DEFENDAN 2021, the following Special Resolution Act, 2016 for the following purposes: 197 on the third day of the first Test yesterday.
was duly passed:-
1. To receive and consider the NOTIS PENYAMPAIAN GANTI THAT the Company be wound up by And AGENDA India reached 16 for one in their second
Liquidator’s Final Accounts showing way of Member’s Voluntary Winding In the matter of Hoong Zheng 1. To receive an account from the innings at the close, a lead of 146 that already
how the winding-up has been Kepada:- Up pursuant to Section 439(1)(b) of Adhesive Tapes Sdn Bhd (Company looks imposing for the home side on a
conducted and to receive any the Companies Act 2016 and that, in No. 199801001885 (458011-H)) liquidator showing the manner in Centurion Park wicket that will get harder to
explanations thereon; and KENYALANG THEATRE & COMMERCIAL accordance with Section 445 of the which the winding-up has been 322 Notices bat on.
COMPLEX SDN BHD Companies Act 2016, Ong Lai @ Ong Between conducted and to hear explanations
2. To resolve, under Section 518(3) (NO. SYARIKAT : 17699-P- Kong Lai [NRIC No. 430925-06-5253] SB Tape International Sdn Bhd that may be given by the liquidator. PARETO SYSTEMS Eighteen wickets fell on the third day after
(b) of the Companies Act 2016, that V/197301000124 (BARU) and Wong Cham Mew [NRIC No. (Company No. 19960021216 2. To determine by ordinary resolution MANAGEMENT SDN. BHD. no play was possible on Monday due to rain.
the books, accounts and documents LEVEL 3, KENYALANG THEATRE 480601-10-5875] of Unit C-20-5, Block (393568-K) in the manner in which the books, Registration No.: 199401016215
of the Company shall be destroyed COMMERCIAL COMPLEX C, 20th Floor, Megan Avenue II, No. 12, accounts and documents of the Shami led the Indian attack with a superb
after the expiration of three months JALAN DATUK SIM KHENG HONG Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, 50450 Kuala …Petitioner Company and the liquidator thereof (301895-D) bowling display, eking out every ounce of
from the date of the dissolution of KENYALANG PARK Lumpur be and are hereby appointed And shall be disposed of. (Incorporated in Malaysia) assistance from the helpful conditions.
Company. 93300 KUCHING, SARAWAK joint and several Liquidators for the Hoong Zheng Adhesive Tapes Sdn NG HENG HOOI (In Members’ Voluntary Winding Up)
purpose of such winding up with all Bhd (Company No. 199801001885 Liquidator NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT pursuant “Test match cricket is not rocket science.
(Signed) AMBIL PERHATIAN bahawa satu powers given by Section 456 of the (458011-H)) Dated: 30.12.2021 to Section 459(2) of the Companies Act Understanding the conditions was crucial… it
SATHISH A/L V SREE VALLABHAN NAIR Writ Saman dan Pernyataan Tuntutan Companies Act 2016. Notes: 2016, the Final Meeting of the Members had rained a bit and I just wanted to hit the
(Liquidator) telah dikeluarkan terhadap kamu oleh KWAN SOON LIN …Respondent 1. A member entitled to attend and vote of the Company will be convened and right lengths,” Shami told reporters.
Date : 30th December 2021 COSWAY (M) SDN BHD (NO. SYARIKAT: Director ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION at the meeting may appoint another held at Level 2A, KPMG Tower, First
Kuala Lumpur 50118-A) yang beralamat di Tingkat Dated this 30th December, 2021 NOTICE is hereby given that a person as his proxy to attend and vote Avenue, Bandar Utama, 47800 Petaling “While coming through the ranks, no
Note : 2, Wisma Cosway, Jalan Raja Chulan, Petition for the winding-up of the in his stead. Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan on Monday, bowler thinks about this (getting 200 wickets).
A member entitled to attend and to vote 50200 Kuala Lumpur dan Mahkamah IN THE MATTER OF abovenamed company by the High 2. The instrument appointing a proxy 7 February 2022 at 12.00 p.m. for the They just dream of playing for India. It’s all
at the above meeting may appoint a telah memerintahkan bahawa Writ THE COMPANIES ACT 2016 Court was, on the 13th of December shall be in writing under the hand following purposes: about hard work… when you put in the work,
proxy to attend and to vote on his behalf Saman dan Pernyataan Tuntutan 2021, presented by SB Tape of the appointor or of his attorney results follow.”
and such proxy may but need not be a tersebut beserta Perintah Penyampaian AND International Sdn Bhd, a Creditor duly authorised in writing or, if the AGENDA
member of the Company. Proxy form Ganti bertarikh 23 November 2021 IN THE MATTER OF that the said Petition is directed to appointor is a corporation, under 1. To receive an account from the His haul included the wicket of South
will be sent by or may be obtained yang bermeterai disampaikan ke PANSKY LAND SDN. BHD. be heard before the Court sitting its common seal or the hand of its Africa’s top-scorer Temba Bavuma, who had
from the Liquidator. The instrument atas kamu secara penyampaian at Shah Alam High Court at 9:00 Attorney. liquidator showing the manner in reached 52 when he edged to wicketkeeper
appointing a proxy must be deposited ganti dengan penampalan di alamat (Company No. o’clock in the morning, on the 8th 3. The proxy form must be deposited at which the winding-up has been Rishabh Pant.
at the Liquidator’s office at Suite 1.00, terakhir Defendan yang diketahui 199201007549 (239053-W) March 2022; and any creditor or BO3-B-13-1, Level 13, Menara 3A, KL conducted and to hear explanations
Level 11B, Akademi Etiqa, 23, Jalan iaitu di Level 3, Kenyalang Theatre contributory of the said company Eco City, No. 3, Jalan Bangsar, 59200 that may be given by the liquidator. All the Indian seamers were among the
Melaka, 50100 Kuala Lumpur not less Commercial Complex, Jalan datuk sim (In Member’s Voluntary desiring to support or oppose the Kuala Lumpur not less than forty eight 2. To determine by ordinary resolution wickets, Jasprit Bumrah (2-16) weighing in
than 48 hours before the time set for kheng hong, Kenyalang park, 93300 Liquidation) making of an order on the said (48) hours before the time for holding in the manner in which the books, despite rolling his ankle and being forced to
holding the meeting. Kuching, Sarawak dan pengiklanan Petition may appear at the time of the meeting or at any adjournment accounts and documents of the leave the field. He returned late on to pick up
Notis ini dalam satu keluaran akhbar NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the hearing by himself or his counsel thereof. Company and the liquidator thereof the last wicket.
harian “The Sun” dan “The Borneo creditors of the above-mentioned for that purpose; and a copy of the shall be disposed of.
Post” dan bahawa penampalan dan Company, which is being wound up Petition will be furnished to any SILVERLAKE QUAESTOR SDN. BHD. NG HENG HOOI “Bumrah is fine. He came back and picked
pengiklanan sedemikian dianggap voluntarily, are required on or before creditor or contributory of the said Registration No.: 199801017099 Liquidator up a wicket. Ankle injuries are always painful
sebagai penyampaian yang wajar dan 31st day of January, 2022 to send company requiring the same by Dated: 30.12.2021 but hopefully he should be okay,” Shami said.
mencukupi akan Writ Saman dan in their names and addresses with the undersigned on payment of the (473228-V) Notes: – Reuters
Pernyataan Tuntutan ini ke atas kamu particulars of their debts or claim regulated charge for the same. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 1. A member entitled to attend and vote
selepas tempoh TUJUH (7) HARI selepas and the names and addresses of their The Petitioner’s address is Lot 1813, at the meeting may appoint another
tarikh penyampaian tersebut. solicitors (if any) to the undersigned, Jalan KPB 1, Kawasan Perindustrian (In Members’ person as his proxy to attend and vote
the Liquidators of the said Company; Kampung Baru Balakong, Seri Voluntary Winding Up) in his stead.
Jika kamu berniat untuk menentang and, if so required by notice in writing Kembangan 43300, Selangor. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 2. The instrument appointing a proxy
dan atau membela diri, kamu mestilah from the said Liquidators, are, by The Petitioner’s Solicitor is Messrs pursuant to Section 459(2) of the shall be in writing under the hand
dalam EMPAT BELAS (14) HARI dari their solicitors or personally, to come Shu Yin, Teh & Taing whose address Companies Act 2016, the Final Meeting of the appointor or of his attorney
tarikh penyampaian tersebut menjadi and prove their said debts or claims for service is at No. 8, (1st & 2nd of the Members of the Company will duly authorised in writing or, if the
sempurna, memohon kepada Mahkamah at such time and place as shall be Floor), Jalan SS15/4B, 47500 be convened and held at BO3-B-13-1, appointor is a corporation, under
untuk mengenepikan Writ Saman dan specified in such notice, or in default Subang Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan Level 13, Menara 3A, KL Eco City, No. 3, its common seal or the hand of its
Pernyataan Tuntutan tersebut dengan thereof they will be excluded from the (Tel: 03-5636 2233; Fax: 03-5636 Jalan Bangsar, 59200 Kuala Lumpur on Attorney.
memasukkan kehadiran bagi maksud benefit of any distribution made before 2232) [Ref: ET/3023/2021(wkc)]. Monday, 7 February 2022 at 11.00 a.m. 3. The proxy form must be deposited at
tersebut di Mahkamah ini. Jika tidak, such debts or claims are proved. for the following purposes: BO3-B-13-1, Level 13, Menara 3A, KL
suatu Penghakiman boleh dikeluarkan -Signed- Eco City, No. 3, Jalan Bangsar, 59200
terhadap kamu. ONG LAI @ ONG KONG LAI …………………… AGENDA Kuala Lumpur not less than forty eight
WONG CHAM MEW Solicitors for the Petitioner 1. To receive an account from the (48) hours before the time for holding
Writ Saman dan Pernyataan Tuntutan (LIQUIDATORS) Messrs Shu Yin, Teh & Taing the meeting or at any adjournment
boleh diperiksa oleh kamu atas NOTE:- liquidator showing the manner in thereof.
permohonan di Mahkamah ini. c/o Messrs. Ong & Wong, Any person who intends to appear which the winding-up has been
Chartered Accountants (AF 0241) on the hearing of the said petition conducted and to hear explanations
Bertarikh pada 26 November 2021 Unit C-20-5, Block C, 20th Floor, must serve on and send by post that may be given by the liquidator.
to the abovenamed, Messrs Shu 2. To determine by ordinary resolution
t. t. Megan Avenue II, Yin, Teh & Taing, notice in writing in the manner in which the books,
................................... No. 12, Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, of his intention so to do. The notice accounts and documents of the
Peguamcara Plaintif must state the firm, and must be Company and the liquidator thereof
50450 Kuala Lumpur. served, or, if posted, must be sent shall be disposed of.
NOTIS PENYAMPAIAN GANTI KE Dated this 30th day of December, 2021 by post in sufficient time to reach NG HENG HOOI
ATAS WRIT SAMAN ini difailkan oleh Kuala Lumpur the abovenamed not later than Liquidator
Tetuan Rejinder Singh & Associates, 12:00 o’clock noon of the 7th day Dated: 30.12.2021
beralamat di 568-8-38 & 39, Tingkat of March 2022 (the day before the Notes:
8, Kompleks Mutiara, Batu 31/2 Jalan day appointed for the hearing of the 1. A member entitled to attend and
Ipoh, 51200 Kuala Lumpur. petition). vote at the meeting may appoint
Tel: 62575597 another person as his proxy to
(Rujukan Kami: RSA/L/52122/2020) attend and vote in his stead.
2. The instrument appointing a proxy
shall be in writing under the hand
of the appointor or of his attorney
duly authorised in writing or, if the
appointor is a corporation, under
its common seal or the hand of its
3. The proxy form must be deposited
at BO3-B-13-1, Level 13, Menara 3A,
KL Eco City, No. 3, Jalan Bangsar,
59200 Kuala Lumpur not less than
forty eight (48) hours before the
time for holding the meeting or at
any adjournment thereof.


Boland fighting for Test future No ‘Big Three’ would be disaster: Kyrgios

SCOTT BOLAND wrote his name into Mullagh medal as man-of-the-match WITH Roger Federer already ruled out vaccinated or have a medical the fans and the people that enjoy
Australian Ashes folklore with his for decimating the tourists in a four- of the Australian Open it would be a exemption granted by an tennis.
magical 6-7 against England in over second-innings blitz. “disaster” if Novak Djokovic and Rafa independent panel of experts,
Melbourne, but his fairytale debut Nadal do not turn up for the first Djokovic has kept everyone guessing “Yes, it’s obviously a good
could incredibly be his last Test. It was fitting – Mullagh was also Grand Slam of the year, Nick Kyrgios by repeatedly declining to say if he has opportunity for some of the younger
an Indigenous cricketer, who led an said, adding that the sport needs the been innoculated against Covid-19. guys to come through and make an
The 32-year-old was called up for all-Aboriginal team to Britain in 1868. ‘Big Three’ to continue playing. impact but, as a whole, we do need
his expertise on his home Melbourne The Serb has said he is “opposed to them to be part of the sport.”
Cricket Ground as cover with Jhye Yet despite equalling the record Nadal, Federer and world No. 1 vaccination” and Australian Kyrgios, a
Richardson, Michael Neser and Josh for the fastest five-wicket haul in Test Djokovic are tied on a men’s record 20 former world No. 13, told Melbourne Kyrgios, a crowd favourite at
Hazlewood either rested or not fit for history, Boland could well be Grand Slam singles titles but there is a newspaper The Age that while he did Melbourbe Park, has not played since
the third Test. overlooked for the fourth Test in possibility that none of them will be in not know what Djokovic’s situation is, late September due to knee problems,
Sydney starting on Jan 5. action at Melbourne Park when the tennis needs him on the court. slipping to 93rd in the rankings, which
And he grabbed the opportunity first major of 2022 kicks off on Jan 17. ruled him out of contention for the
with both hands, helping inspire “That could conceivably be the “I hope he’s had a good Christmas Australian team for the season-
Australia to victory by an innings and last Test that he plays,” former skipper Federer, 40, has already pulled out and I hope he’s able to play in the opening ATP Cup in Sydney.
14 runs to retain the Ashes urn in Ricky Ponting told after undergoing multiple knee sport for as long as possible, because
style. surgeries while Spaniard Nadal has not I’ve voiced before I think Federer, The 26-year-old will begin his 2022
“It’s staggering to think. He’s confirmed his participation as he Nadal and Djokovic need to be season at an ATP 250 event in
Not only did Boland become just almost 33, he’s just taken six for recovers from Covid-19. (playing),” Kyrgios said. Melbourne next week and was
the second Indigenous man – after seven. Hoff (Hazlewood) has got to handed a wild card for the Sydney
Jason Gillespie – to play Test cricket come back, Jhye’s probably ahead of With organisers mandating all “If all three aren’t there, it’s a Tennis Classic the following week. –
for Australia, he also won the Johnny him in the pecking order as well.” – players and participants must be disaster. It’s an absolute disaster for Reuters

5396/2021 29/12/2021 (WED) Mickelson defies history
… as Morikawa and Rahm reign supreme in 2021
Defying his age, 50-year old Phil Mickelson won
TOTO 4D PRIZE PAYMENTS GUARANTEED IN FULL the 2021 PGA Championship and became the DrawDate:29/12/21(Wed) DrawNo:5343/21 Venue: PERAK TURF CLUB
oldest person to ever win a major PGA
1st Prize 8138 tournament. 9703
2nd Prize 3429 2819

3rd Prize 1581

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3rd Prize 1581 + 9574 + 2819 2819 + 9574
4th Prize
Special Prize + TIGER █ TOM KERSHAW couldn’t stop the Spaniard’s assault on RM157,936.70
+ FOR ALL the drama that has
dominated golf in the past 12 Collin Morikawa has revelled in the
5th Prize Consolation Prize + months, beginning with Tiger eye of that storm, too, but in an entirely
Woods’s car crash and extending different manner.
6th Prize Any 4D drawn number into an existential power struggle, a
raucous Ryder Cup and a gimmicky feud, The 24-year-old plotted a route around
TOTO 5D & 6D PRIZE PAYMENTS GUARANTEED IN FULL the true peak of absurdity arrived on a Royal St George’s with nerveless and 719 703 + OX RM1,243,333.30
Sunday afternoon in May. methodical precision to lift the Claret Jug,
12310 becoming the first player since 1926 to 509 574 + RAT RM2,785,381.20
There was, to put it bluntly, no win two majors in his first eight starts.
92760 2310 precedent whatsoever for Phil Mickelson’s 002 819 + HORSE RM800,000.00
53455 310 performance at the PGA Championship. A bogey-free final round of 66 told of
10 the American’s immeasurable composure
The 50-year-old’s form had waned into and, although his sense of calm might not
765499 a wretched state and he’d openly admitted attract starry headlines, he is for now at 792 153 929 240 968 184 673 152
that the sanctuary of the seniors’ tour least clearly the best player hailing from 616 464 134 986 793 359 819 032
76549 65499 beckoned. the other side of the Atlantic. 577 386 292 182 428 718 890 897
7654 5499 970 682 850 632 416 963 551 774
765 499 The behemoth Ocean Course at Instead, throughout the year, it was 936 895 736 377 011 515 416 077
76 99 Kiawah Island was supposed to favour the Koepka and Bryson DeChambeau’s
relentless and musclebound, like Rory constant bickering that garnered much of
TOTO GAMES GIVES YOU MORE WINNING CHANCES! McIlroy or Brooks Koepka. the media’s interest. 703 574 819

7 22 24 29 41 46 In holding off the latter to become the That it took on such an increased focus RM1,422,310.10
38,450,450.42 oldest major champion in golf history, ahead of the Ryder Cup, though, told of 703 + 574 + 819 574 + 819 + 703
Mickelson warped the seams of logic. the weighted advantage in the US’s favour. 703 + 819 + 574 819 + 703 + 574
1 13 30 34 37 50 574 + 703 + 819 819 + 574 + 703
8,053,181.11 For one of golf’s cult figures and true Their strength and depth were so
greats, it will last as the pinnacle and, in all enormous that seemingly only their own HSSB1+3DJ 1 RM10,901,810 & 1+3DJ
Jackpot 1 8 18 36 37 48 49 41 likelihood, remain the perfect send-off. self-destruction could halt a procession. 2 RM777,424 won on 28/12/21
Jackpot 2 6,197,694.90
144,040.13 The week where, as the winds buffeted For a sport that has always felt hostage
the east coast, Mickelson held back the to its past, it is no surprise that the year’s
Toto 4D Jackpot 2 tides of time and withstood a fierce new end circled around the unshakeable figure
generation. Of course, they could only be of one man.
RM560,939 denied for so long.
Woods’ first public appearance at the
Toto 4D Jackpot 1 (i-System) Into the vast void left by Woods’s Hero World Challenge, that golf world was
absence, they wrestled for supremacy and left in wonder at Woods’s gentle range
RM176,161 two, at least for the time being, elevated session for the frenzied photographers.
themselves above the pack.
won on 28/12/2021 ! A few weeks later, his performance
A few weeks after Mickelson’s alongside son Charlie at the PNC
Visit for e-Results and more info. astonishing victory, Jon Rahm stormed to Championship had the golf world fawning
a virtually insurmountable six-shot lead at at his feet like days of old.
the Memorial Tournament only to be
forced to withdraw when he tested A new generation has never been so
positive for Covid-19. pronounced and prevailing and yet, in
Mickelson’s unexpected glory and
In his next appearance, at the US Woods’s latest comeback, golf still
Open, even an inspired Louis Oosthuizen remains in thrall to two of its greatest
icons. – The Independent

Eagles soar
SIDENETTING CRYSTAL PALACE moved up to ninth in Edouard inspires Palace to 3-0 win over lowly Norwich
Chelsea still struggling the English Premier League after
Frenchman Odsonne Edouard scored passes but earned a penalty in the sixth minute Norwich barely had time to recover when
MANAGER Thomas Tuchel said Chelsea are not one and assisted two goals in a 3-0 win when Kenny McLean tripped Hughes in the box. constant pressure helped Palace win the ball
out of the woods yet with a number of Covid- over struggling Norwich City at Selhurst Park back minutes later.
19 cases and injuries depleting the squad. yesterday. With Wilfried Zaha suspended, Edouard
Tuchel was forced to give some players more stepped up to the spot and steered a side-footed Edouard danced into the box through a
minutes than he should have against Aston Palace scored all three goals in the first half to effort into the bottom corner. crowd before the ball fell to Jeffrey Schlupp,
Villa on Sunday, as both Romelu Lukaku and stamp their authority on the game and now have whose venomous shot from an acute angle beat
Callum Hudson-Odoi returned after missing 23 points from 19 games. Norwich remain rooted “I don’t think we started great in terms of Gunn.
their last three games due to Covid-19. to the bottom of the standings after a fifth intensity, but the penalty calmed us down,”
Midfielders Jorginho and N’Golo Kante have straight loss without scoring. Hughes added. Palace took their foot off the gas in the second
had injury issues while Mateo Kovacic recently half and though Norwich managed to create a
recovered from Covid-19. Kante came off in the It was only a second win for Palace in eight The home side doubled the lead in the 38th few chances, Patrick Vieira’s side kept a clean
63rd minute of the Villa clash after appearing games but a welcome three points after losing to minute when Edouard turned provider from the sheet to move into the top half of the table.
to aggravate a knee injury he picked up during Tottenham Hotspur only two days ago. left flank, finding Jean-Philippe Mateta with a
their Champions League clash against cut-back and the French forward beat “On the back of Sunday’s game… and playing
Juventus in November. The German told the “The win was needed off the back of the last goalkeeper Angus Gunn with a shot into the far at home, it was important to come back and start
club website he would speak to the club couple of results and with a diminished squad. corner. well and have good energy,” said assistant
doctors and physios to find solutions for the Our quality shone through in the end,” Palace manager Osian Roberts, deputizing for Vieira
upcoming games, with injured midfielder midfielder Will Hughes said. who tested positive for Covid-19.
Ruben Loftus-Cheek also suffering from Covid-
19. “If you speak about central midfield, let’s “When you’re 3-0 up at halftime, it’s about “The important thing when you score early is
assume N’Golo is out, maybe Ruben is out, so managing the game. You don’t want to give them to build on that and not go flat. It was
one positive test is enough for the thing to a sniff because in the Premier League when a professional and disciplined in the second half.”
collapse because then Kovacic will play again team gets a goal back, they’re right back in it.” – Reuters
90 minutes… and you risk injuries,”Tuchel said.
“This is what we do at the moment. I can’t see Palace started poorly with many wayward
how we’re out of the Covid threat at the
moment as it doesn’t feel like it.”

Chilwell to undergo knee surgery

CHELSEA leftback Ben Chilwell will undergo Crystal Palace’s Jean-Philippe
knee surgery that is likely to rule him out for Mateta (right) in action with
the rest of the season, the Premier League club Norwich City’s Kenny
said yesterday. The 25-year-old hasn’t played McLean (centre) during their
since picking up an anterior cruciate ligament English Premier League
injury in Chelsea’s Champions League group match at Selhurst Park
win against Juventus on Nov 23. “After a knee yesterday. – REUTERSPIX
injury in the match against Juventus the
Chelsea medical department, in collaboration Unbeaten record offers
with their knee specialist, took the decision to little solace to Conte
attempt a conservative rehab approach,” the
club said in a statement. “Unfortunately Ben ANTONIO CONTE entered the Tottenham But he is unlikely to be revelling in his
was unable to progress and so collectively the Hotspur history books yesterday by record-breaking moment, and instead
decision has been taken to proceed this week extending his unbeaten league run to seven pondering how his team only took one
with a surgical repair.” games, but the Italian is unlikely to savour a point after having 65% possession and 11
frustrating 1-1 draw at Southampton. shots on target to the hosts’ two.
Newcastle call off Everton game
Spurs went behind to a James Ward- He had one theory at fulltime.
EVERTON’S home Premier League game Prowse strike, but the game changed when “To play after 44 hours is not easy
against Newcastle United on Friday has been Mohammed Salisu was sent off and because you need to recover from the last
postponed after the visiting team said they conceded a penalty before halftime, which game,” Conte told the BBC.
were left with insufficient players to fulfil the Harry Kane converted. “Maybe the fatigue caused bad decisions
fixture due to Covid-19 cases and injuries, the especially when we arrived in their box. It’s
Premier League said yesterday. It is the 16th However, Conte’s side couldn’t find a not easy to take a good result in this
Premier League game to be postponed due to second, with Kane’s disallowed goal for the stadium. In the end we could do better.”
Covid-19 cases and injuries this month. “The narrowest of offsides providing extra Under the Italian, Kane has rediscovered
Board accepted Newcastle United’s exasperation, as they squandered a chance his scoring touch, and the striker’s penalty
postponement application as the club does to significantly narrow the gap to the top was his third strike in three games.
not have the required number of players four. It would have been even better if VAR
available for the match, due to Covid-19 cases had not chalked off his explosive second.
and injuries,” the Premier League said in a Spurs dropped to sixth place behind “Kane played a good game. He could
statement. Newcastle boss Eddie Howe had West Ham United, and are five points have scored twice. His performance was
said after Monday’s 1-1 draw with Manchester behind Arsenal in fourth with two games in good. At the end he played a bit of fatigue
United that they are “thin on the ground in hand. like the whole team,” Conte added.
terms of bodies” with Federico Fernandez, Spurs are on the way up under Conte,
Jamal Lewis, Fabian Schar, Paul Dummett, Allan “We have to be disappointed because but afternoons like this may come back to
Saint-Maximin and Ryan Fraser injured. you have to exploit the situation against 10 bite them in a fierce battle for Champions
men,” Conte told the BBC. League qualification. – Reuters
Conte is the first Spurs manager to
ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE: Crystal Palace 3 remain unbeaten in his first seven league
(Edouard 8-pen, Mateta 38, Schlupp 42) Norwich 0, matches, winning four and drawing three.
Leicester 1 (Lookman 59) Liverpool 0, South-
ampton 1 (Ward-Prowse 25) Tottenham 1 (Kane
41-pen), Watford 1 (Dennis 5) West Ham 4
(Soucek 27, Benrahma 29, Noble 58-pen, Vlasic 90).

P W D L F A Pts Hammers bounce back with a win
Man City 19 15 2 2 50 12 47
Liverpool 18 12 5 1 50 15 41
Chelsea 19 12 5 2 42 13 41
Arsenal 19 11 2 6 32 23 35 WEST HAM UNITED ended a three-game are back challenging which was not the
West Ham 19 9 4 6 34 25 31 winless run in the Premier League, romping situation maybe even two years ago. To be
Tottenham 17 9 3 5 22 20 30 to a 4-1 win at struggling Watford yesterday talked about in the top four or Europe this
Man Utd 17 8 4 5 27 25 28 to move up to fifth place. year is a big turnaround,” added Moyes.
Wolves 18 7 4 7 13 14 25
Crystal Palace 19 5 8 6 27 27 23 “I thought Jarrod played very well today, The defeat leaves Watford hovering two
Brighton 17 5 8 4 16 17 23 his assists were important and his link up points above the relegation zone in 17th
Leicester 17 6 4 7 30 33 22 play was as well today and a good place on 13 points.
Aston Villa 18 7 1 10 24 28 22 combination with Vladimir (Coufal),” said
Southampton 19 4 9 6 20 29 21 West Ham manager David Moyes. “We score goals but it is important to
Brentford 17 5 5 7 21 24 20 maintain the clean sheet. We have to play
Everton 17 5 4 8 21 29 19 “Him making the goals is a sign of his better or help each other much better,” said
Leeds 18 3 7 8 18 36 16 maturity and getting better with his last Watford boss Caludio Ranieri, whose team
Watford 17 4 1 12 22 35 13 pass and decision,” he added. were hit hard by Covid in the past fortnight.
Burnley 15 1 8 6 14 21 11
Newcastle 19 1 8 10 19 42 11 The Hammers end the year in contention “The Covid situation is not an excuse but
Norwich 19 2 4 13 8 42 10 for a European place for the second straight when you have had just one training session
year after picking up 22 wins in 2021. together it is not easy to prepare. I hope this
week nothing happens and we can train
“We have had a great year, we really every day,” he added. – Reuters
have. We have had a lot of wins this year. We


Winning the Ashes here was obviously a
big one. We still haven’t beaten India in
India, that would be nice to do. And England away –
we had a drawn series (in 2019) but hopefully if I
manage to get that opportunity, I might think about
going back.”

David Warner

Dortmund eager to settle Haaland’s future

ERLING HAALAND is one of the hottest By comparison, Cristiano Ronaldo needed 56 president Joan Laporta has already met Raiola, After netting 29 goals in 27 games for
properties in European football and his Champions League games to reach the same goal while Bayern president Herbert Hainer said before Salzburg, Dortmund paid €20m (RM94.5m) for
Bundesliga club Borussia Dortmund are eager to tally. Lionel Messi took 40 matches. Christmas that they were out of the running. him.
learn if they will lose their star striker in 2022. At the same age as Haaland (21 years, six “I only know for sure that Real Madrid are very The then 19-year-old immediately showed a
The 21-year-old has scored a phenomenal 76 months), Ronaldo – the Champions League’s all- interested in him,”Watzke revealed recently, return on the investment by becoming the first
goals in 75 games for Dortmund since his arrival time top-scorer with 140 goals – had yet to score adding that he “could also name 25 other clubs.” player in Bundesliga history to score a hattrick as
from Red Bull Salzburg in January 2020. in Europe. Dortmund have brushed off the constant a replacement on his debut in January 2020.
A release clause in his Dortmund contract, Haaland has a contract at Dortmund until speculation. “That’s the reason you bought me,” Haaland
valid until 2024, could allow Haaland to leave in 2024, but a release clause, reportedly for around “We are used to it, sometimes more, replied after Dortmund sports director Michael
2022 and club CEO Hans-Joachim Watzke wants €80 million (RM378m) becomes active next year. sometimes less,” Dortmund coach Marco Rose Zorc congratulated him.
to know what the player’s agent Mino Raiola has Haaland’s agent Mino Raiola fuelled said of the speculation. “We take it as it is.” Haaland has since scored 53 goals in 54
planned. speculation recently by claiming there is “a strong With Haaland sidelined by a hip injury, Bundesliga games for Dortmund.
“We will talk in the next few weeks,”Watzke chance Erling will leave Dortmund, maybe this Dortmund were eliminated from the Champions His Champions League record is now 23 goals
said in early December, “and we will all make sure summer, maybe next summer”. League and the team plays with more confidence in 20 games for Dortmund and Salzburg
that we don’t wait until March or April to know “He can – and wants – to take the next step,” and purpose when he is on the pitch. combined.
the decision.” Raiola added, listing Bayern Munich, Real Madrid, Dortmund have already signed a back-up His warrior-like body language and work ethic
In March of this year, Haaland became the Barcelona and Manchester City as possibilities. striker in Dutch forward Donyell Malen, who is has earned his teammates respect. “He’s a
fastest player to reach the milestone of 20 “When he signed for Dortmund, we all knew finding form after a slow start since joining from machine,” said Dortmund winger Julian Brandt. –
Champions League goals in a record 14 games. that this next step would come.”Barcelona PSV Eindhoven. AFP
Reds stunned
Klopp sends Premier League title warning to Liverpool after Leicester defeat

Liverpool’s Sadio Mane
(centre) shoots at goal
during the English
Premier League match
against Leicester City at
the King Power Stadium
yesterday. – REUTERSPIX

█ NICK MASHITER Klopp said: “To top that, Chelsea “When they scored the goal it was The goalkeeper also turned Salah’s Rodgers said: “In the context of the
and us play against each other. It was clear we were under pressure, we were fierce close-range effort over while game, on the back of Sunday, the
BOSS Jurgen Klopp admits not our plan to give City the chance to pushing them but didn’t use the Jordan Henderson and Diogo Jota shot players put in a heroic performance. If
Liverpool can forget about run away. chances. They deserved the three off target. you think about the recovery time, the
catching Manchester City if points.” players were amazing how they coped
they drop their standards after “If we play like tonight we cannot Liverpool continued to push after with it.
a damaging 1-0 defeat at Leicester. think about catching up with City. Leicester responded to their 6-3 the break and Mane should have
defeat at Manchester City with a opened the scoring but he blazed over “We had to be resilient, tough and
Ademola Lookman’s winner “If we play our football and we can resilient and determined display to having been put through by Jota. defend for your life at times but also
stunned the second-placed Reds to win games, we can see how many collect just their third league clean show good moments of football.
keep them six points behind City in the points we can get and what that means. sheet of the season despite a makeshift It proved costly as substitute
title race. line-up with midfielders Daniel Lookman snatched the points on 59 “If you look at the weekend, even
“I don’t have a proper explanation Amartey and Wilfred Ndidi both minutes, just 178 seconds after though the scoreline was 6-3, two were
Kasper Schmeichel saved for tonight – to find it is my main playing out of position in central replacing Hamza Choudhury, when he penalties and two were set-pieces.
Mohamed Salah’s first half penalty and concern, not City. defence. jinked past Joel Matip to drill inside
Sadio Mane missed a golden chance Alisson Becker’s near post. “We let ourselves down with the
after the break as the wasteful visitors “We were not ourselves. We started Schmeichel kept them level in the set-pieces so we needed to break the
suffered just their second defeat of the OK, I didn’t like the intensity even in first half when he saved Salah’s 16th- Liverpool failed to find a good cycle.
season. the beginning but it was the start. Then minute penalty after the forward had enough response and Jota headed
we lost the rhythm and never found it been tripped by Ndidi. wide and Virgil Van Dijk was denied by “I just thought ‘let’s just go back to
It ended a 10-match unbeaten run again. Schmeichel late on. the basics again’ – a bit of an old-school
and they could be 12 points adrift of Salah nodded the rebound onto the structure, defenders go and defend,
City by the time they play third-placed “We forced it a little bit too early, bar having missed his first league spot Victory allowed the Foxes to climb guys on the posts. The two centre-
Chelsea on Sunday. instead of passing the extra pass. We kick in four years. to ninth following the win against boss halves were amazing.” – The
tried to change that at halftime but for Brendan Rodgers’ former club. Independent
some reason it didn’t click.

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