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Published by lib.kolejkomunitikb, 2022-04-13 21:14:00

The Sun Daily - 14 April 2022


TELLING IT AS IT IS INSIDE page Business recovery
page Political will vital
3 first, new base wage
2 to address climate
later: Nurul Izzah

ON THURSDAY APRIL 14, 2022 SPOILT FOR CHOICE ... Kedah trader Rian

No. 8007 PP 2644/12/2012 (031195) Hidayat arranging tubs of Hari Raya cookies
yesterday at his stall at the Mega Aidilfitri Bazaar in
Kulim, where customers can choose from 60 types
of snacks and cakes. – MASRY CHE ANI/THESUN

AI justice
█ BY SIVAA TANGAI RAJU oTempering justice with mercy when
[email protected] sentencing an accused can only be done
by humans, not computers: Lawyers
PETALING JAYA: The introduction
of Artificial Intelligence (AI) mercy comes in. guidelines to presiding arbiters
sentencing systems in courts has “That is where feelings will have to be before passing sentences.
sparked worries among However, she said it runs the risk
advocates that sentences may not be predominant. Even if the prosecution of undermining the rule of law and
meted out tempered with mercy. proves the accused is guilty of theft, do limiting individual rights when
you want to record a conviction? there are not sufficient protections
In this regard, concerns have been in place to supervise AI sentencing.
raised about the accuracy and practicality “Tempering justice with mercy, which “It will be rather hard for AI-based
of AI-based judgements, with some involves discretion based on emotions sentencing systems to ensure justice.
believing that computers may not and feelings, is something that I feel can The very objective of AI sentencing is
interpret emotions as efficiently as a only be executed by a human who to maintain consistency based on
sitting judge. understands law and justice and the need algorithm databases that provide
to mete out that mercy,” he said. guidelines to the given discretion of
Lawyer Mohemad Haniff Khatri presiding arbiters before meting out
Abdulla said the use of AI needs to be Haniff added that he believes AI was sentences.
explored further to assess if it can started to enable judges or judicial “The proposed AI mechanism will
evaluate the feelings and intentions of officials to peruse records via computers never replace the time-tested judicial
committing a crime and the accused and AI systems to find the nature of discretion that is based on the human
better than a judge. judgement, similar to a quick search. touch and emotional consideration of
the presiding judges or
He said tempering justice with mercy “It is not about the intelligence but it is magistrates who delve into
under the criminal judicial system, which just like a computer. When you put in the every mitigation factor of Turn to
entails discretion based on emotions and keyword, you will get all the answers. any guilty plea.
feelings, is something only a human —
can do. “If that is what it is, then it is not “Justice must be
intelligence, it is just a fast search.” page 2
“There is a famous phrase in the
criminal justice system, which is to Lawyer and Selangor Bar chairman tempered with mercy.
‘temper justice with mercy.’ Kokila Vaani Vadiveloo said AI sentencing
was intended to ensure accuracy by using
“If a person steals bread or milk for algorithm databases that provide
babies because they are out of a job, don’t
have money, and the family has not been
eating for three to four days, that is where
the tempering of justice with


Support govt’s Political will vital to address
ePemula initiative, climate emergency
trader groups urged
o Extreme events such as heatwaves, heavy rainfall and and flaws in the country’s economic system.
KUALA LUMPUR: Retail traders’ droughts expected to be more intense: UN report “We must have resilience and overall good
associations or related organisations
should work together to support the █ BY IMAN MUTTAQIN planning stages as global warming would only governance,” Aroe said, adding that Kamy had
government’s initiatives through [email protected] intensify. been part of roundtable talks and capacity
the ePemula programme, an building with civil societies and the
economist said. PETALING JAYA: The government needs to He said a climate emergency is fast government. We must bring the voices of
recognise that climate emergency is a serious approaching and the window for climate communities, which are at the frontlines of the
Universiti Putra Malaysia Putra matter and be part of the global effort to address change mitigation is rapidly closing since the climate crisis in Malaysia, and include them in
business school lecturer Assoc prof Dr the issue, said experts on the subject. global temperature limit is capped at 1.5°C. the decision-making process.”
Abu Sofian Yaacob said among other Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
things, the ePemula programme could climatologist Prof Dr Fredolin Tangang said “The IPCC report said the global annual She said they include indigenous people,
help to bolster small businesses. mitigation efforts are important. emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) was 59 women, farmers, fishermen, workers and youth.
“The United Nations’ Intergovernmental global annual carbon dioxide equivalent
“When it comes to buying things, Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report issued emissions (GtCO2e). This has to be reduced to “We have a set of demands. We primarily
everyone has different interests, this year said changes in the climate system are around 20 to 30 GtCO2e by 2030, and a zero-net want a declaration on climate emergency, to
especially the young generation. So widespread, making extreme events, such as GHG emission should be attained by 2050 if the accelerate concrete climate action. The
perhaps, some new mechanism or heatwaves, heavy rainfall and droughts more world is to achieve the 1.5°C warming limit by declaration must be spearheaded by the public
guideline is needed to guide frequent and severe. 2100. as well as prioritise people and earth before
recipients on how to spend their e- “The number of floods in the country have profit.”
credit in a way that will also help been increasing in the last few decades,” he told “The target is possible, given that the world
traders. theSun. can focus on transforming to a renewable Aroe said the solution calls for serious
Fredolin said factors that may exacerbate energy system as costs have come down political will on climate change policies. “We
“As such, traders’ associations or such events like clogged drainage systems significantly. The only issue is the lack of must reform land use management and
organisations should play their roles notwithstanding, the primary cause is still political will.” formulate climate-proof town planning laws
and give ideas to help the government rainfall intensity and frequency. and by-laws through federal, state and local
achieve its targets and aspirations He added that the government, however, Klima Action Malaysia (Kamy) is pushing the councils by putting people, local communities
through the programme.” needs to focus on adopting measures to government to go beyond mitigation- and the environment first.”
overcome flooding in the infrastructure adaptation policies, which need to be done
The government has allocated before another climate disaster strikes. She added that the government must
RM300 million for ePemula, an facilitate community recovery after disasters.
initiative to promote cashless Kamy co-founder Aroe Ajoeni said raising
spending among youths aged between awareness and making policy changes should “Until today, vulnerable and marginalised
18 and 20, as well as full-time students be done simultaneously to address inequality groups which experienced health impacts,
in higher learning institutions. stress and trauma are struggling to rebuild their
lives as many of them still have not received the
Under the programme, RM150 will monetary aid that was promised by the
be credited on a one-off basis to government.”
recipients’ e-wallets, and around two
million youths are expected to benefit
from the programme. – Bernama

‘AI sentences can vary with changing times and public opinion’ Grand Tamil, Sikh
and Malayalee
“Another concern is that presiding From changing times and public opinion. We “It is rather useful for the judiciary to celebrations
officers may accept the recommended just need more judges and prosecutors consider the formulation of a sentencing
sentencing using their discretion, front to handle the increasing caseload. AI council like Australia where the stakeholders
despite the existence of exceptional page cannot replace human judges and is recommend structured guidelines based on
mitigating factors. merely a set of algorithms that cannot common human factors and emotions for
truly comprehend human needs. every specific offence,” she said.
“AI sentences can vary with

TIMELY KUALA LUMPUR: After low-key celebrations for
HELP ... These two years due to strict Covid-19 standard operating
parents are all procedures (SOP), the Tamil, Sikh and Malayalee
smiles after communities in Malaysia are all set to grandly
receiving aid usher in their respective major festivals today and
under the tomorrow.
Bantuan Prihatin
Pahang initiative Chittirai Puttandu, the Tamil New Year, and
on behalf of Vaisakhi, the Sikh New Year, will be celebrated
their Year 1 today while Vishu will be observed by the
children from Malayalee community tomorrow.
Mentri Besar
Datuk Seri Wan Malaysia Hindu Sangam president Datuk R.S.
Rosdy Wan Mohan Shan said the Tamil community is expected
Ismail in to celebrate the New Year on a grand scale.
yesterday. He said the Tamil community can now attend
– BERNAMAPIX prayer activities in temples without the need for
any physical distancing.
Three main areas targeted for public service reform
“This year is known as Subakiruthu year and it
PUTRAJAYA: Public Service Director- and private sectors. “All agencies should work together by begins at 10.24am on April 14,” he said.
General Datuk Seri Mohd Shafiq Abdullah Mohd Shafiq, who was appointed on Feb closing ranks, be more collaborative by not
will focus on three main areas for public working in silos, and optimise partnerships The birth of the Tamil month of Chittirai is
service reform and adding value to the public 10, said that to drive the nation’s economic under the MyDigital initiative. marked annually as the first day of the Tamil solar
delivery system. recovery, the delivery system should change calendar.
in line with the post-pandemic era, which “This effort will be intensified by reviewing
He said the areas are digitalisation, requires people-centred efficiency and job descriptions and circulars to remain Malaysian Hindu Malayalee Cultural and
fighting corruption and adoption of effectiveness as well as reduction in relevant,” he told the media here yesterday. Traditional Association president Dr N.R Nambiar
collaborative thinking between the public bureaucracy. – Bernama said the celebration this year will be more
meaningful since everyone would get a chance to
be with their families unlike the last two years.

He said according to the official panjangam
(almanac), Vishu will be celebrated tomorrow. It
marks the first day of the zodiac new year, the first
day of the month called Medam.

Sikh Naujawan Sabha Malaysia president Dr
Jasbir Singh said that about 120,000 Sikhs in the
country will celebrate the Vaisakhi festival today.

“Several gurdwaras are organising games and
setting up stalls to mark the occasion. I would like
to advise all Sikhs to adhere to the SOP as they
celebrate the auspicious day.”

At Little India in Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur and
Little India in Jalan Tengku Kelana, Klang, Indians
were found making final preparations.

Social media comments reveal that the Indian
community is excited about two South Indian
films, “Thalapathy” Vijay’s Beast and Kannada star
Yash’s KGF: Chapter 2, which are heading towards a
dramatic face-off in local theatres. – Bernama

3theSUN ON THURSDAY | APRIL 14, 2022

Delay imposing minimum wage: Nurul

o Allow businesses to recover first from the pandemic the pre-pandemic price of ikan kembong, that found to be insufficient.
to avoid greater burden, says Permatang Pauh MP increased six times, from the fisherman to the “Look at the plight of workers, they must be
█ BY RAJVINDER SINGH small and medium enterprises (SME) and paid accordingly, and businesses need to be
[email protected] micro businesses will only be made on May 1. “Tackling the root causes of the problem given full support. Cronyism and corruption
PETALING JAYA: Imposing a higher minimum This is unreasonable, considering many rather than looking at the minimum inhibit business growth.”
wage is long overdue as it has been stagnant for segments have been left in the dark. wage would be helpful. Serious policy
too long. However, businesses must be allowed announcements should not be politicised. Nurul said there is a need to return to the
to recover from the pandemic first, otherwise it “Communications must be the pillar for any Instead, these should be made in Parliament issue of wage subsidies during the pandemic
would be a greater burden on them, said policy. For instance, former Human Resources and be comprehensive after consultations are and how much was disbursed.
Permatang Pauh MP Nurul Izzah Anwar. minister M. Kulasegaran used to meet the held with all stakeholders.
Malaysian Employers Federation and Malaysia “No one can touch a moment in time
She said there has to be a comprehensive Trade Union Congress consistently to “The government should know which are without understanding what happened, as
plan with complementary schemes such as understand their issues.” the vulnerable sectors. Policy announcements people used up their savings and
tax breaks or subsidies to help businesses should not be made blindly as this is not a even withdrew from the Employees
before the minimum wage requirement is Nurul said issues such as red tape, delay in cowboy nation,” she added. Provident Fund.
implemented. licensing and other issues that are a bane for
businesses have to be dealt with, including the Nurul said businesses are in dire need of “Suddenly, the people are being given an
“For example, the announcement to defer escalating cost of raw materials. support because of the devasting impact ill-conceived plan of a RM1,500 minimum
the new minimum wage requirement for some caused by the pandemic. Hence, there is a need wage. Our laws dealing with workers are archaic
She said a 2019 research by the Competition to look at other costs of doing business, and not flexible enough. There are even
Commission found distortion in prices, such as including the ecosystem, agencies and complaints of violations.”
middlemen involved.
Nurul said major corporations have been
Also, during the pandemic, the wage making headlines about working conditions,
subsidy provided by the Finance Ministry was and not SME. Hence, they are the ones that
should be paying the RM1,500 minimum wage.

Sabah urges govt to look into high airfares Kit Siang rejects
proposal to be mentor
KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah government and families. This also does not bode well for price hike for flights from Kuala Lumpur to
has urged the federal government, through the the aspiration to bring in more visitors to Sabah, Sabah during the Aidilfitri festive period has KUALA LUMPUR: Former DAP veteran
Transport Ministry, to look into reducing now that the country’s borders have been raised concerns, and the state government has leader Lim Kit Siang yesterday
airfares for domestic flights, said Chief reopened,” he said in a statement yesterday. urged the federal government and Transport announced his rejection of the party’s
Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor. Ministry to look into the matter. central executive committee’s (CEC)
It was earlier reported that local proposal to be a mentor.
Hajiji, who is also Sabah finance minister, commercial airlines providing flights from He said many Sabahans were either In a blog post, the Iskandar Puteri MP
said the airfares have increased to the extent Kuala Lumpur to Kota Kinabalu and Kuching studying or working in the peninsula and most said: “I thank the new CEC members and
that they are burdening the people who were offering flight tickets from RM300 of them want to return to their hometowns to Anthony Loke for the proposal for me to
have to fly to Kuala Lumpur from Sabah, and onwards for a return trip during the festive celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri with their become a DAP mentor.
vice-versa. period. families. “I will always be available to offer my
views and advice on the future of
He said the state Cabinet discussed the However, checks on the websites of “We urge the transport minister to look into Malaysia and DAP’s new direction.
matter at its weekly meeting yesterday and commercial airlines recently found that return the matter immediately and reduce the “There is, however, no need for any
viewed seriously the exorbitant flight tickets could go up to RM2,000, an airfares, which has reportedly skyrocketed to position, and I am, therefore, declining
airfare hike. increase of about 566% during the Aidilfitri around 566%, compared with the non-festive the CEC proposal to be DAP mentor.”
festive period from April 29 to May 8. period flight fares for the same route,” he said.
“Whether it is for work or leisure, the high – Bernama
airfares have posed a challenge for individuals Hajiji said the recent report on the airfare

PM: Use Songkran Lim,81, who had held the party’s
festival to bolster secretary-general post since 1969 and
family ties was appointed national chairman from
1999 to 2004, pledged to fully support
KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Loke’s leadership as the sixth secretary-
Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob yesterday expressed general.
hope that the Siamese community in the On March 30, Lim announced his
country would use the Songkran celebration retirement from politics during the 17th
to further strengthen family ties as well as DAP National Congress.
relationships with friends and neighbours of Apart from Iskandar Puteri, he had
different races. served as MP for Bandar Malacca (1969-
1974), Kota Malacca (1974-1978 and
In a post on Facebook, Ismail Sabri said 1982-1986), Petaling Jaya (1978-1982),
prosperity is the foundation that is the Tanjung (1986-1999), Ipoh Timur (2004-
backbone of the Keluarga Malaysia 2013) and Gelang Patah
(Malaysian Family) concept. (2013-2018).
He was also assemblyman for Kubu
He also called on Malaysians to pray for (1974-1982), Kampung Kolam
the situation to return to normal so (1986-1990) and Padang Kota (1990-995).
Songkran and other festivals can be – Bernama
celebrated in a lively atmosphere, as the
country is still facing the Covid-19 threat. TRADITIONAL TREAT ... Entrepreneur Muhammad Shaufi Che Dad (right) and his friend S’pore eases restrictions
Muhammad Azman Abdul Rahim preparing dodol, a palm sugar-based confection, to be sold at for commuters
“This year’s Songkran festival is Ramadan bazaars. – MASRY CHE ANI/THESUN
celebrated in an atmosphere where the SINGAPORE: The island city-state will ease the
community still needs to remain vigilant health declaration requirement for travellers
against the threat of Covid-19, which has arriving via land checkpoints, in particular, for
affected the lives and economic activities of those who commute across the border daily for
all Malaysians and the world over. employment and studies, effective April 15.

“May the Siamese community and According to the Immigration and
the entire Keluarga Malaysia continue to Checkpoints Authority (ICA) website, the move is
be in good health at all times. Happy to provide greater convenience for fully vaccinated
Songkran 2022.” Singapore residents, citizens and permanent
residents, and long-term pass holders, given the
Ismail Sabri said the granting of volume of traffic at these checkpoints.
unrecorded leave to civil servants of Siamese
descent in conjunction with the festival was However, there are some conditions to be
a privilege for those who have been working met, among them, for those who get vacccinated
to develop the country. in Singapore, their vaccination status must be
reflected in the TraceTogether and/or
“Consider this as a recognition of the HealthHub apps.
Siamese community as part of the
bumiputras in the country,” he said. Meanwhile, for those who get vaccinated
outside the republic, their vaccination record
The Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan must be sent to the Singapore Health Ministry
Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah upon their first entry. In addition, travellers in
Shah and Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku both these groups must not have travelled to any
Hajah Azizah Aminah Maimunah country/region in the Restricted Category in the
Iskandariah also extended their greetings to past seven days.
the Siamese community yesterday.
Since March 27, 2020, travellers arriving in
In an official post by Istana Negara on Singapore must submit a health declaration
Facebook, Their Majesties expressed hope form. ICA said the health declaration
that the Songkran festival would bring requirement will continue to apply for all other
peace, happiness and prosperity to all. travellers. – Bernama

Songkran, or Water festival, is the Thai
New Year that is celebrated for three days,
from April 13 every year. – Bernama

Mission to promote
healthy vegan meals Dave is now a vegan
ambassador to six
o Chef gets wake-up call to become advocate brands and
for plant-based diet after watching collaborates with 30
documentary on animal husbandry companies to
produce plant-
based meals.

█ BY ELLY FAZANIZA “After watching the documentary, textures,” he said. “I was curious as she was a Clean options to make it more accessible to
[email protected] I learned that animal husbandry He is also not spared criticism Eating Challenge participant, and ate those who want to become vegan. It
PETALING JAYA: Apart from health would lead to global warming. But as from netizens. the same meals for two months. She may take a century to change, but I’ll
benefits, plant-based meals can be a a chef, I could not initially relate to a “I get questions such as why I use eventually shared that she had support any brand that takes the
pleasure to the taste buds as well. meat-free menu. mock meat in my cooking and about Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, a initiative to include vegan products in
protein intake. condition that affects the ovaries. the market,” he said.
A leading vegan advocate of the “But when I saw how eggs were “I use my platform to educate
“green” lifestyle, Kalidewan processed, I became depressed and audiences that we can get protein “The best part was she did not theSun is offering readers a
Murugaya, or Chef Dave as he is wondered about our human from plant-based meals,” need her medications anymore. Even chance to take part in a “Eat Right
fondly known, is on a mission to compassion and love for others,” he said. her doctors were surprised,” he said. Challenge” in collaboration
promote and create healthy meals, he told theSun. He recounted how a fan was with PB Health. Visit
one person at a time. always tagging him on his Instagram With a following of almost 70,000
Dave immediately removed eggs account to show the meals she ate. on his YouTube channel, Dave is not s/forms/eat-right-challenge for
A vegan is one who does not eat and dairy products from his diet. about to rest on his laurels. details and to enrol.
any food derived from animals or
avoids animal products. He started tweaking Malaysian “We need more plant-based
cuisine and shared it online. To widen
Formerly a chef at a five-star hotel, his exposure, he left laminated notes
cooking meat dishes came with the on his cuisine adventures at the
job for Dave. doorsteps of residents at the
condominium where he stayed.
It was the same when he spent a
year working on a cruise liner, where Two years later, Dave is now a
he cooked steaks and other meat vegan ambassador to six brands and
dishes. collaborates with 30 companies to
produce plant-based meals.
However, an injury he sustained
in the kitchen resulted in surgery. He He has also created his own food
then suffered another setback when academy called D’Vegan, with 3,000
two days before the movement students who learn how to cook and
control order was imposed in 2020, prepare vegetarian cuisine from him.
he was told his contract would not be
renewed as the pandemic had Looking back, Dave said he is
grounded the cruise business. humbled by the outpouring of
While recuperating from surgery,
Dave came across a documentary “I never expected this to happen.
titled Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Even so, I believe in consistency. My
Secret, which changed his life. team and I have to produce 30 recipes
this month and we are still
experimenting with different

No deaths linked to vaccine: Report Swine fever detected
in over 3,000 hogs
PUTRAJAYA: The assessment of the Covid-19 on the status of the AEFI reports on the recipients, and investigations done by the
Vaccine Pharmacovigilance Special Covid-19 vaccine as of April 8. committee showed that 25 reports of deaths IPOH: More than 3,000 pigs from three
Committee on 460 reports of adverse effects Roshayati said NPRA recieved in total had no connection with the vaccine received. commercial farms in two Perak districts were
of immunisation (AEFI) found that none of 26,071 AEFI reports, including 1,552 found to have contracted the African Swine
the reported deaths were directly related to involving booster recipients and 288 involving “The investigation process for 32 reports Fever (ASF) virus.
the vaccine received. vaccine recipients of children aged five to 11. has not been completed for assessment,”
Of the 1,552 reports involving booster she said. Perak Plantation, Agriculture and Food
National Pharmaceutical Regulatory recipients, 137 or 9% were classified as Industry Committee chairman Razman Zakaria
Agency (NPRA) director Dr Roshayati serious, she said. In regard to the effects of AEFI on children said the virus was detected in a commercial pig
Mohamad Sani said the findings were part of As of April 8, a total of 69,116,358 vaccine aged five to 11, she said a total of 288 reports farm in Hilir Perak on March 27 and two
a total of 610 AEFI reports involving deaths doses have been administered under the were received, with 94% displaying commercial farms in Batang Padang on April 4
among Covid-19 vaccine recipients, which National Covid-19 Immunisation non-serious symptoms such as fever, skin through real-time polymerase chain reaction
required complete investigation and detailed Programme, of which 15,888,555 were rashes, stress response to the immunisation tests at the Veterinary Research Institute
assessment. booster shots. process, dizziness and headaches. laboratory here.
Roshayati said NPRA also received 57 AEFI
“A total of 150 reports are still being reports involving deaths among booster dose Roshayati said there was one brought-in- “A quarantine notice under Section 18(3) of
investigated before being evaluated by the dead case, which was still under investigation. the Animals Act 1953 (Revised 2006)(Act 647)
committee,” she said in a statement yesterday Initial reports found that the child had a has been issued to the owners of the affected
pre-existing illness. – Bernama farms and they are not allowed to move the pigs
and carcasses in and out of the infected areas.
More than 195,000 children fully inoculated
“A total of six pig farms within a 5km radius
KUALA LUMPUR: A total of 195,865 children, one dose. Meanwhile, according to the Health from the affected farms have also been
aged five to 11, or 5.5% have completed their As for the adult population, a total of Ministry’s GitHub portal, 30 deaths due to quarantined for further inspections and
vaccination under the National Covid-19 Covid-19 were reported on Tuesday. sampling,” he told a press conference yesterday.
Immunisation Programme for Children as of 15,942,215 or 67.8% have received the booster
Tuesday. dose, while 22,958,810 or 97.6% have been Johor registered the highest number with He said all affected pigs were immediately
fully vaccinated and 23,235,580 or 98.8% five cases, followed by Penang and Sarawak disposed under Section 19 of the Animals Act
According to the CovidNOW website, a received at least one dose. with four cases each. 1953 (Revised 2006) to control the spread. To
total of 1,371,120 or 38.6% have received at date, 990 pigs have been culled.
least one dose of the vaccine. A total of 45,550 doses were administered Perak and Selangor recorded three cases
on Tuesday, with 32,773 as second dose, 8,283 each, while Kedah, Malacca, Negri Sembilan Razman added that monitoring,
For adolescents aged 12 to 17, a total of booster dose and 4,494 first dose, bringing the and Pahang with two cases each and one case examinations and samplings of all pig farms in
2,863,771 or 92% have been fully vaccinated, cumulative total doses dispensed under the each in Perlis, Sabah and Terengganu. the two districts are being carried out.
while 2,965,625 or 95.3% received at least immunisation programme to 69,320,354. – Bernama
“Commercial pig farmers are advised to
New daily cases below 10,000 enhance strict biosecurity controls in their
respective farms,” he said.
KUALA LUMPUR: New daily Covid-19 cases on Monday. reported on Tuesday, bringing the cumulative
have remained below 10,000 for three Of the total number of new cases, 67 were total to 4,180,763. Pig farmers and the public are required to
consecutive days, with 9,002 cases reported report of wild boar, pig, or commercially-reared
on Tuesday, bringing the cumulative number in categories Three, Four and Five. Noor Hisham said two states registered pig deaths to nearby district veterinary services
of cases to 4,342,559. He said 394 cases were admitted to over 50% bed occupancy at critical or office or Perak veterinary services office at
intensive care units. They are Putrajaya at 05-545 9111.
Health Director-General Tan Sri Dr Noor hospitals on Tuesday, of which 162 were in 100% and Selangor at 51%.
Hisham Abdullah said in a statement categories Three, Four and Five, while the Perak Veterinary Services Department
yesterday that a total of 8,112 new cases were remaining 232 were in categories One and No state recorded occupancy of more than director Dr Ahmad Shafri Hassan said the ASF
reported on Sunday, followed by 7,739 Two. 50% at quarantine and low-risk treatment infection would not affect the supply of pork in
centres. – Bernama the state as it only involved a small percentage
A total of 16,986 recovery cases were of the total of 555,705 pigs in farms in several
districts. – Bernama

5theSUN ON THURSDAY | APRIL 14, 2022


Mixed views on Ramadan Bid to smuggle
bazaar restriction move 60,000 litres
of petrol foiled
o Experts divided
over ruling to bar LAHAD DATU: Security forces foiled
children, seniors over a bid to smuggle 60,000 litres of petrol
concerns on spread worth RM624,000 to the Philippines
of Covid-19 with the arrest of six men near
Kampung Bakarat beach on Monday.
[email protected] Joint Task Force 2 commander
Brig-Jen Abdul Karim Ahmad said the
PETALING JAYA: The call to ban Medical experts advise people to get vaccinated before visiting Ramadan bazaars. – AMIRUL SYAFIQ/THESUN arrest of five locals and a Filipino,
children and those above 65 years aged between 23 and 54, was made
from entering Ramadan bazaars has complete recovery. recover,” he said. need to remain close at hand and after eight military personnel and two
received mixed reactions from “I don’t believe in banning those In contrast to Azrul, Malaysian not loiter around the premises. policemen who were on the routine
medical experts. Don’t forget, children can also go patrol as part of Op Pasir Sektor Delta
above 65 from visiting these bazaars Medical Association president Dr missing in these crowded places,” he spotted three oil tankers at 11.30am.
While some believe they should because, if we banned everything Koh Kar Chai said as there are still said.
not be allowed entry to such considered dangerous or risky for many children eligible for “All of these lorries were stuck on a
crowded places, others do not see a those above 65, the list would vaccinations who have yet to get it, As for those above 65, Koh said muddy road in an oil palm plantation
reason why. include activities like exercising at parents should be discouraged from although we may be transitioning near Kampung Pantai Bakarat and
the gym and even driving,” he said. bringing their young children along into endemicity, this group is still at this raised our suspicions. The
Galen Centre for Health and to Ramadan bazaars. risk of severe Covid-19 infections. personnel on duty also noticed the
Social Policy founder and chief As a reminder, he stressed that presence of a barge anchored not far
executive officer Azrul Mohd Khalib the chances of unvaccinated “Those who are too young to be “It would be advisable for those in from the location.
said he does not see the need to ban individuals dying from a Covid-19 vaccinated (five and below) may be this group who have not received
children below 12 from going infection are 62 times higher than at risk of infection and can spread their booster shots to get it before “Further investigation led to the
to bazaars. those who had received both the disease to others,” he said. visiting Ramadan bazaars. A safer arrest of the suspects, who failed to
primary vaccinations and booster However, he added that some option would be to purchase food produce documents granting them
“Due to the open air nature of jabs. parents may not have an option as from a less crowded shop or to buy permission to carry controlled goods
Ramadan bazaars, there is less risk they may not have someone to their food before more people arrive from the Domestic Trade and
involved and contagion is less likely,” “The possibility of an babysit their children. at the bazaars,” he said. Consumer Affairs Ministry.
he said. unvaccinated person contracting the
virus is also nine times higher in “We also don’t want to have Koh also said we should not be “The total seizure is worth RM1.15
However, Azrul noted that the comparison with those who have situations where the children are left looking at banning them from entry million, involving 60,000 litres of
congested environment at popular taken at least the primary jabs. locked in the car, while their parents into the bazaars as there are senior petrol worth RM624,000, three oil
bazaars, such as the one in Taman are off to the bazaar. This will lead to citizens who live alone and may tankers worth RM400,000 and a
Tun Dr Ismail, does raise concerns “Children could get infected but other issues. If the parents do not need to go out to get their Toyota Hilux worth RM128,000,” he
that unvaccinated children below 12 they are also more likely than adults have any other option, their children food themselves. said in a statement yesterday.
years could be vulnerable to to just have mild symptoms and
infection. Abdul Karim said an investigation
carried out by the Eastern Sabah
Based on Health Ministry data, Security Command Operations
the admission of children to Centre found that there was no refill
paediatric intensive care units due to scheduled at Pos Merabung, leading
Covid-19 infections last month had them to suspect the tankers were
risen by 94% for Categories 3 to 5, attempting to smuggle petrol onto a
with a spike of 200 and 125 cases in barge on Lahad Datu beach.
Categories 4 and 5, respectively.
“The Marine Police Force was
Nevertheless, he said while then deployed to the location but the
children could get infected, they are barge had already fled,” he said,
also more likely than adults to have adding that the case would
mild symptoms and make a be investigated under the Supply Act
Ex-AG settles alleged wrongful termination civil action
Meanwhile, he said, the ongoing
integrated Op Pasir and Op Benteng
operations under the Joint Task Force
2 will ensure the safety of Sabah’s east
coast waters.

He added that the task force is
always increasing its preparedness
and operational capabilities.

It will not allow any
encroachments or smuggling
activities or threats to the country’s
security and sovereignty.
– Bernama

KUALA LUMPUR: A suit filed by Tan without any order as to costs,” he first and second defendants that there was a failure to comply Azmin wins
Sri Mohamed Apandi Ali against said after the case proceedings respectively, seeking, among others, with Article 145 of the Federal appeal to axe
former prime minister Tun Dr before Judge Datuk Akhtar Tahir a declaration that the termination of Constitution in his dismissal and suit filed by 10
Mahathir Mohamad and the yesterday. his contract as AG by the former that his sacking as AG was unlawful,
Malaysian government over the prime minister as invalid. and therefore invalid. PUTRAJAYA: Gombak member of
termination of his contract as the The proceedings were joined by Parliament Datuk Seri Mohamed
attorney-general (AG) has been two other lawyers working for In his statement of claim, Mohamed Apandi had sought Azmin Ali won his appeal in the Court
settled amicably at the High Court. Mohamed Apandi, namely Datuk Dr Mohamed Apandi, who was a RM2,233,599.36 in special, general of Appeal yesterday to strike out a suit
Abdul Shukor Ahmad and Nor Federal Court judge before being and exemplary damages, costs and filed against him by 10 voters from his
However, counsel Datuk Dr Baljit Shahadah Saari, while senior federal appointed as AG in 2015, had also other relief deemed fit by the court. constituency for alleged deceit and
Singh Sidhu, who represented counsel Donald Joseph Franklin sought a declaration that the first breach of fiduciary duty.
Mohamed Apandi, said the terms of represented Mahathir and the defendant (Mahathir) had abused In their statement of defence filed
the settlement could not be government. his position (as the prime minister on Nov 12, 2020, the two defendants A three-member panel
disclosed. when Pakatan Harapan was in had asserted that the action to comprising Judge Datuk Yaacob Md
The court before this had set April power from May 2018 to February terminate Mohamed Apandi’s Sam, Datuk Lee Heng Cheong and
“Without prejudice, the 18, 20, 21 and 22 for the hearing of 2020) and had caused a breach of contract of service as the AG was Datuk Hashim Hamzah said the
government has agreed to settle the the suit. contract between him and the valid and in accordance with the voters’ claim was unsustainable and
case without any admission of government. provisions of the law and there was bound to fail.
liability. The suit was dismissed On Oct 13, 2020, Mohamed no abuse of power by Mahathir in
without freedom to refile and Apandi had filed the suit naming He had also sought a declaration the matter. – Bernama “There is no necessity for the suit
Mahathir and the government as the to proceed for full trial.”

Woman jailed, fined over crash involving cyclists Yaacob, who delivered the court’s
unanimous decision and allowed
JOHOR BARU: The High Court In his judgment, Abu Bakar said magistrate’s court’s decision on Oct He said the trial court had erred Mohamed Azmin’s appeal to set
yesterday sentenced a female clerk the defence failed to raise any 10 last year to acquit and discharge when it failed to decide whether the aside the decision on June 30 last year
to six years’ jail and a RM6,000 fine reasonable doubt against the the woman. woman’s defence in her unsworn by the Kuala Lumpur High Court that
after finding her guilty of reckless prosecution’s case which had clearly statement was a mere denial or an disallowed his application to strike
driving, which caused the death of proved the essence of the offence. However, upon appeal by the afterthought. out the suit.
eight teenage cyclists five years ago. prosecution, the High Court had, in
“The woman’s act of driving February 2021, ordered the woman “In her defence, the woman said The 10 voters filed the suit against
Judge Datuk Abu Bakar Katar recklessly or dangerously has to enter her defence. that she did not see the group of Mohamed Azmin on Nov 27, 2020 for
ordered Sam Ke Ting, 27, to serve the resulted in the loss of eight lives. In cyclists at the scene and that there alleged deceit and breach of fiduciary
jail sentence from yesterday. the sentencing, this court follows a Abu Bakar, when reading his was another vehicle that hit the duty as their MP over the “Sheraton
precedent which takes into account decision in allowing the appeal, said victims and sped away. This version Move” that caused the Pakatan
She was also disqualified from the number of victims involved,” he the court was satisfied that all the was never raised by the respondent Harapan government to collapse in
driving for three years and must said. essence of the offence under Section during the prosecutions case,” he February that year. – Bernama
serve another six months in jail if she 41(1) of the Road Transport Act 1987 said. – Bernama
fails to pay the fine. Yesterday’s decision set aside the had been successfully proven.

6 theSUN ON THURSDAY | APRIL 14, 2022

Indonesia truck Sri Lanka asks citizens
careens into cliff, abroad to send cash home
16 killed
o Island nation in grip of worst economic crisis spent where it was most needed. to millions of dollars the island
JAKARTA: At least 16 people were since independence The bank “assures that such received in aid after the December
killed and more than a dozen others 2004 disaster, which claimed at least
injured when a truck descending a COLOMBO: Sri Lanka urged its Central bank governor Nandalal foreign currency transfers will be 31,000 lives on the island.
remote mountain in Indonesia’s West citizens overseas to send home Weerasinghe said he needed Sri utilised only for importation of
Papua province crashed into a cliff money to help pay for desperately Lankans abroad to “support the essentials, including food, fuel and Much of the foreign cash
yesterday, police said. needed food and fuel yesterday after country at this crucial juncture by medicines”, he said in a statement. donations meant for survivors was
announcing a default on its US$51 donating much needed foreign rumoured to have ended up in the
The truck, carrying 28 passengers billion (RM216 billion) foreign debt. exchange”. Tuesday’s default announcement pockets of politicians, including
and the driver, was heading down a The island nation is in the grip of will save Sri Lanka about US$200 current Prime Minister Mahinda
road in the Arfak mountains to the its worst economic crisis since His appeal came a day after the million in interest payments due on Rajapaksa, who was forced to return
provincial capital Manokwari at about independence in 1948, with severe government announced it was Monday, he said, adding that the tsunami aid funds credited to his
2am local time when the driver lost shortages of essential goods and suspending repayments on all money would be diverted to pay for personal account.
control and crashed, police said. regular blackouts causing external debt, which will free up essential imports.
widespread hardship. money to replenish scant supplies of Sri Lanka’s economic crisis began
“We suspect the brakes failed, the Authorities are weathering petrol, pharmaceuticals and other Weerasinghe’s appeal has so far to be felt after the coronavirus
truck lost its grip and the driver lost intense public anger and spirited necessities. been greeted with scepticism. pandemic torpedoed vital revenue
control,” West Papua police’s traffic protests demanding the from tourism and remittances.
unit deputy head Andre Manuputty government’s resignation ahead of Weerasinghe said he had set up “We don’t mind helping, but we
told local television station Metro TV. negotiations for an International bank accounts for donations in the can’t trust the government with our The government imposed a wide
Monetary Fund bailout. United States, Britain and Germany cash,” a Sri Lankan doctor in Australia import ban to conserve dwindling
When search and rescue teams and promised Sri Lankan told AFP, asking for anonymity. foreign currency reserves and use
arrived at the scene two hours after expatriates the money would be them to service its debts.
they first received reports of the crash, A Sri Lankan software engineer in
they saw some bodies strewn across Canada said he had no confidence But the resulting shortages have
the road, thrown out of the truck by that the money would be spent on stoked public resentment, with
the force of the impact, said local the needy. day-long lines forming across the
rescue official Monce Bruriy. island for petrol and kerosene. – AFP
“This could go the same way as
A child was among those killed, the tsunami funds,” he said, referring
and 13 others were injured and
BRIEFSreceiving treatment at a local hospital. MID-AIR RESCUE ... Indian Air Dry streets as
Force personnel evacuating Myanmar boycotts
Some of the injured were in a cable-car passengers on Tuesday water festival
critical condition, Manuputty said, after a collision on Sunday in
adding that the road was particularly Deoghar district in the eastern YANGON: Myanmar marked its
dangerous due to its steepness and state of Jharkhand. – REUTERSPIX normally boisterous new year water
the absence of proper lighting. festival with silence and boycotts
yesterday, as fighting between the
Deadly traffic accidents are military and opponents of the coup
common Indonesia, where vehicles are raged across the country.
often old or poorly maintained, and
road rules are routinely ignored. – AFP The Thingyan water festival, part
of a cleansing ritual to welcome in
CHINA TRYING OUT the Buddhist new year, is typically
REDUCED QUARANTINE marked by jubilant pandemonium
as crowds engage in large-scale
BEIJING: China is trying out reduced street water fights.
quarantine times for overseas
arrivals and close contacts of But thoroughfares in central
positive cases in eight cities, in a Yangon were quiet yesterday, with
potential easing of some of the no sign of the usually disruptive
world’s most stringent pandemic festivities, AFP correspondents said.
entry controls, financial media
outlet Caixin reported. Shanghai One small group, among them
and Guangzhou are among the several children and a soldier, did
cities picked by the State Council indulge, splashing each other within
for a trial that will see quarantine the shelter of a sandbagged security
times reduced to 10 days from 14 post as residents looked on from the
days currently, plus seven days of other side of the street.
health monitoring with regular
testing as before. The trial will help There was a heavy security
authorities to better understand presence leading to Yangon’s Sule
how antigen testing can be used in Pagoda, with barricades barring the
pandemic controls and to better way to a stage where celebrities sang
determine the optimal isolation traditional songs and choreographed
period, Caixin said. – Reuters dancers swayed as part of a
junta-sponsored programme.
SNUB SECURITY PACT Meanwhile, fighting between the
military and opponents of the coup
HONIARA: An Australian minister was reported across Myanmar.
met the Solomon Islands’ leader
yesterday and asked him not to sign Near Myawaddy in the east, Karen
a proposed security agreement National Union spokesman Padoh
between the Pacific island nation Saw Taw Nee said junta troops had
and China that Australia opposes. called in multiple airstrikes on rebels.
“We have asked Solomon Islands
respectfully to consider not signing In northern Sagaing state, junta
the agreement and to consult the troops reportedly overran a post held
Pacific family in the spirit of regional by a local “People’s Defence Force”, a
openness and transparency, civilian militia that has sprung up to
consistent with our region’s security fight the military. – AFP
frameworks,” Minister for
International Development and the
Pacific Zed Seselja said after
meeting Prime Minister Manasseh
Sogavare in Honiara. – Reuters

HK leadership candidate says one-horse race ‘not easy’

HONG KONG: The city’s former request, face no rivals in the election. explain to various members what my for his government: enhancing Hong the nomination but it is a hard effort.”
security chief said it was “not easy” to Lee officially registered his election platform will be like.” Kong’s competitiveness, being Former Hong Kong Economic
run as the only candidate to become “results-orientated” and consolidating Journal chief editor Chan
its next leader, as he announced candidacy with the city’s election Lee has yet to publicly release a the city’s further development. King-cheung wrote in a newspaper
yesterday that he had secured enough watchdog yesterday with 786 manifesto or any concrete policies, column yesterday that Lee should
nominations to enter the poll. nominations from the committee. although he said one was on the way. He has since shuttled between still explain to the public what his
various pro-government groups and policies are, even though ordinary
John Lee, 64, is expected to be That number surpasses the legal “It has just been a few days since I held five online conferences with the residents do not get to vote.
anointed Hong Kong’s new chief threshold needed for him to win the announced to stand for the election. Election Committee members to “To say ‘result-oriented’ without
executive by a committee of 1,500 May 8 poll. gather support. defining the result is so vague and
Beijing loyalists next month. “Writing the platform needs time.” empty that the ‘voters’ can’t tell what
Asked by a reporter whether he The nomination period closes on “I think members agree with these promises he has actually made.” – AFP
Hong Kong media have widely faced an easier journey without Saturday. three directions.
reported that Lee will, at Beijing’s rivals, Lee said: “It is not easy because When announcing his bid last
I have been working very hard to week, Lee gave three broad priorities “That is why they have given me

7theSUN ON THURSDAY | APRIL 14, 2022


Manhunt for assailant after 10 shot in New York subway attack

WASHINGTON: A massive manhunt commissioner Keechant Sewell told a victims, 13 others were injured as Police later recovered a Glock 17 Both Sewell and Essig said the
was underway on Tuesday in New press conference the suspected they tried to get out of the station or 9mm handgun, three additional person of interest had posted several
York for a man who donned a gas gunman put on a gas mask just as the suffered smoke inhalation. ammunition magazines and a videos on YouTube of himself
mask before setting off two smoke train was arriving at the station. hatchet from the scene. delivering long, sometimes
bombs in a packed subway train and None of the injuries were aggressive political tirades.
shooting 10 terrified commuters. The gunman “opened two considered life-threatening. Sewell said they had identified a
canisters that dispensed smoke “person of interest” and described He also criticised New York City
Police said the incident in throughout the subway car”, she said. “We are truly fortunate this was him as a “dark-skinned male” mayor Eric Adams.
Brooklyn was not being investigated not significantly worse than it is,” wearing a neon orange vest and a
as an act of terrorism, with no “He then shot multiple passengers Sewell said. gray hooded sweatshirt. Mass casualty shootings happen
indication of a motive at this stage. as the train pulled into the 36th Street with relative frequency in the US,
station.” New York Police Department chief They did not have anyone in where firearms are involved in about
New York Police Department James Essig said the gunman had custody, she said. 40,000 deaths a year. – AFP
In addition to the 10 gunshot fired 33 shots.

Moscow claims 1,000 Driverless car baffles
cops at traffic stop

Ukraine marines surrendered WASHINGTON: San Francisco police faced
an unprecedented problem recently when
o Fall of Mariupol’s Reuters journalists accompanying Illich Iron and Steel Works in Mariupol on an officer stopped a car that was driving at
industrial district would give Russia-backed separatists saw flames billowing Tuesday, many of them wounded. night with no headlights on, only to discover
Russians immense edge from the Azovstal district on Tuesday. there was no one inside.
It showed what it said were Ukrainian
KYIV: More than a thousand Ukrainian Thousands are believed to have been killed soldiers being marched down a road with their The vehicle, it turned out, was a
marines have surrendered in the besieged under a near-seven week siege of Mariupol and hands in the air. self-driving car, and the police officer’s
Ukrainian port of Mariupol, Russia’s Defence Russia has been massing thousands of troops encounter was captured on film by a passerby,
Ministry said yesterday of Moscow’s main in the area for a new assault, Ukrainian One of the soldiers was shown holding a who posted the footage on social media.
target in the eastern Donbas region which it President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said. Ukrainian passport.
has yet to bring under its control. The clip, showing bemused officers
Ukraine said tens of thousands of civilians Moscow’s incursion into Ukraine, the circling the vehicle and peering through its
If the Russians seize the Azovstal industrial have been trapped inside that city with no way biggest attack on a European state since 1945, window for several minutes, has been shared
district, where the marines have been holed to bring in food or water, and accuses Russia of has seen more than 4.6 million people flee so widely that Cruise, the company that
up, they would be in full control of Mariupol, blocking aid convoys. abroad, killed or wounded thousands and left owns the vehicle, reacted on Twitter to
the lynchpin between Russian-held areas to Russia increasingly isolated on the world stage. explain what had happened.
the west and east providing a land corridor for Russia’s Defence Ministry said 1,026
troops and supplies. soldiers of Ukraine’s 36th Marine Brigade The Ukrainian prosecutor general’s office It said the self-driving car “yielded to the
surrendered. said 191 children had been killed and 349 police vehicle, then pulled over to the
It would be the first major city to fall to wounded since the start of the invasion. nearest safe location for the traffic stop, as
Russian forces since they invaded Ukraine on Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, an ardent intended. An officer contacted Cruise
Feb 24. supporter of Russian President Vladimir Putin, US President Joe Biden said for the first time personnel and no citation was issued”.
urged remaining Ukrainians holed up in that Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine amounted
Ukraine’s general staff said that Russian Azovstal to surrender. to genocide, as Putin said Russia would In the footage, as the police are inspecting
forces were proceeding with attacks on “rhythmically and calmly” continue its the parked vehicle, someone can be heard
Azovstal and the port. “Within Azovstal at the moment there are operation and achieve its goals. exclaiming: “There’s no one in it, it’s crazy!”
about 200 wounded who cannot receive any
Ukraine’s Defence Ministry spokesman said medical assistance,” Kadyrov said in a Russia has denied targeting civilians and A police spokesman said after the police
he had no information about any surrender. Telegram post. has said Ukrainian and Western allegations of had stopped the car, a maintenance team
war crimes are fabricated. had taken control of it.
“For them and all the rest it would be better
to end this pointless resistance and go home to Many towns Russia has retreated from in Cruise explained that the headlights were
their families.” northern Ukraine were littered with the bodies turned off due to human error.
of civilians killed in what Kyiv said was a
Russian television showed pictures of what campaign of murder, torture and rape. Founded in 2013, Cruise has developed
it said were marines giving themselves up at – Reuters software that allows cars to drive themselves
completely autonomously.

The US manufacturer General Motors
owns the majority of shares in the company,
valued at more than US$30 billion thanks to
investments by giants such as Microsoft,
Honda and Walmart.

Since February, Cruise has passed a key
threshold in offering individuals the chance
to book free trips in the streets of San
Francisco in its driverless cars. – AFP

FEAST OF COLOURS ... Customers dining at a Koi-themed restaurant in the Thai city of Chiang Mai. – AFPPIX
DHAKA: A Bangladesh court sentenced
Crypto expert jailed 63 months for helping North Korea four extremists to hang yesterday for
their fatal machete attack on a
WASHINGTON: A US cryptocurrency expert Prosecutor Damian Williams said Griffith sanctions, including through “smart contracts”, celebrated writer, in a case that took
was sentenced on Tuesday to 63 months in had “admitted in court he took actions to evade according to the court. nearly two decades to reach a verdict.
prison for advising North Korea on how to sanctions, which are in place to prevent (North The men brutally maimed
create cryptocurrency services and blockchain Korea) from building a nuclear weapon”. The prosecution said Griffith then “pursued award-winning author and language
technology to circumvent US sanctions, court plans to facilitate exchange of cryptocurrency professor Humayun Azad outside a
officials in New York said. In April 2019, Griffith gave a presentation in between the Democratic People’s Republic of book fair in 2004 – the first in a wave of
Pyongyang, the North Korean capital, on Korea and South Korea, despite knowing that violent attacks on free speech
Virgil Griffith, 39, had pleaded guilty to cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. assisting with such an exchange would violate advocates. The 56-year-old died several
conspiring to violate US law, in a bid to reduce sanctions against the North”. months later while seeking treatment in
the sentence for a crime that can carry up to 20 At the conference, Griffith provided Germany. Two of the attackers are still at
years behind bars. information on how North Korea could use the He was arrested at Los Angeles airport in large. “Four were handed down the
technology to launder money and evade November the same year. – AFP death penalty over the murder
including two who were sentenced to
death in absentia,” said chief prosecutor
Abdullah Abu. The perpetrators were
members of the banned Jamayetul
Mujahideen Bangladesh. – AFP


BAMAKO: Three Europeans suspected of
“terrorism” have been arrested in central
Mali during operations against militants,
the Malian army said on Tuesday
without giving identifying details. “The
Malian military detachment from
Diabaly carried out the arrest on April 10,
2022, of five suspects including three
European nationals,” the general staff
said in a statement. The statement did
not identify the suspects, who were
arrested in Diabaly, about 300km
northwest of Bamako. Ruled by a
military junta since August 2020, Mali
has been in a political crisis since 2012.
The spread of militants from the north
has spilled into neighbouring Burkina
Faso and Niger. – AFP


COMMENT by Anis Chowdhury and Jomo Kwame Sundaram

China debt traps in the new cold war
AS China increases lending to
other developing countries, cope with renewed “tied” Sri Lanka’s later debt crisis has been former Malaysian prime minister
“debt trap” charges are concessional aid. due to its structural economic Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak.
growing quickly. Grand debt trap diplomacy weaknesses and foreign debt
As it greatly augments financing for narratives make for great propaganda, composition. The Chatham House Ostensibly to develop the less
development while other sources but obscure debt flows’ actual impacts. report blamed it on excessive developed East Coast of Peninsular
continue to decline, condemnation of Most Chinese lending is for borrowing from Western-dominated Malaysia as part of China’s Belt and
China’s loans is being weaponised in infrastructure and productive capital markets – not Chinese banks. Road Initiative, it rejected other less
the new Cold War. investment projects, not donor- costly, but much needed options.
determined “policy loans”. Even the influential US Foreign
Some countries “over-borrow”, but Policy journal does not blame Sri Borrowings are far more than
Debt-trap diplomacy? most do not. Deals can turn sour, but Lanka’s undoubted economic needed – probably for nefarious
The catchy term “debt-trap most apparently don’t. difficulties on Chinese debt traps. purposes.
diplomacy” was coined by Indian geo- While leaving less room for
strategist Brahma Chellaney in 2017. discretionary abuse in Instead, “Sri Lanka has not Loan terms were structured to delay
According to him, China lends to implementation, project lending “As the new successfully or responsibly updated its repayment – to Najib’s political
extract economic or political typically puts borrowers at a Cold War and debt management strategies to reflect advantage by “passing the buck” to
concessions when a debtor country is disadvantage. the scope of the loss of development aid that it had later generations.
unable to meet payment obligations. This is largely due to the terms of economic become accustomed to for decades”.
sanctions But such abuse is by the borrower –
spread, As the US Fed tapered “quantitative not the lender – unless Chinese official
collateral easing”, borrowing costs – due to Sri connivance is involved.
damage is Lanka’s persistent balance of payment
Thus, it overwhelms poor countries sought-after foreign investment and undermining problems – rose, forcing it to seek Non-alignment for our times
with loans, to eventually make them financing, regardless of source. development International Monetary Fund help. There is undoubtedly much room for
subservient. Hence, the outcomes of most such finance and improving development finance,
Unsurprisingly, his catchphrase has borrowing – not just from China – vary. developing Some argue borrowing even more especially to achieve more sustainable
been popularised to demonise China. countries. from China is the best option available development.
Harvard’s Belfer Center has Sri Lanka to the island republic. Instead of mainly lending to the US,
obligingly elaborated on the rising Sri Lanka’s Hambantota Port is the as before, China’s growing role can still
Asian power’s nefarious geostrategic most frequently mentioned China debt To set the record straight, there was be improved.
interests. trap case. no debt-for-asset swap after Sri Lanka To begin, all involved should respect
Meanwhile, as with so much else, could no longer service its foreign debt. the United Nations’ principles on
the Biden administration continues The typical media account Instead, a Chinese state-owned responsible sovereign lending and
related Trump policies. presumes it lent money to build the enterprise leased the port for US$1.1 borrowing.
But even Western researchers port expecting Sri Lanka to get into billion. After more than half a century of
generally wary of China dispute the debt distress. Western donors’ largely betrayed
new narrative. Sri Lanka has thus boosted its promises, China’s development
A London Chatham House study China then supposedly seized it – in foreign reserves and paid down its debt finance has significantly improved
concluded it is simply wrong – flawed, exchange for providing debt relief – to other – mainly Western – creditors. “South-South cooperation”.
with scant supporting evidence. enabling use by its navy. Meanwhile, sustainable
Studying China’s loan Also, Chinese navy vessels cannot development finance needs –
arrangements for 13,427 projects in But independent studies have use the port – home to Sri Lanka’s own compounded by global warming, the
165 countries over 18 years, AidData – debunked this version. Last year, The southern naval command. pandemic and Ukraine war – have
at the US-based Global Research Atlantic insisted, “The Chinese ‘Debt increased.
Institute – could not find a single Trap’ Is a Myth”. “In short, the Hambantota Port case After decades of the West denying
instance of China seizing a foreign shows little evidence of Chinese China commensurate voice in decision
asset following loan default. The subtitle elaborated, “The strategy, but lots of evidence for poor making, even under rules it made, its
China has been the “new kid on the narrative wrongfully portrays both governance on the recipient side.” role on the world stage has grown.
block” of development financing for Beijing and the developing countries it Malaysia But instead of working together for
more than a decade. deals with”. China has also been accused by the the benefit of all, rich countries seem
Its growing loans have helped fill media of seeking influence over the intent on demonising it.
the yawning gap left by the decline and It elaborated: “Our research shows Straits of Malacca, through which some Unsurprisingly, most developing
increasing private business that Chinese banks are willing to 80% of its oil imports pass. country governments seem
orientation of financing by the global restructure the terms of existing loans undeterred.
North. and have never actually seized an asset Debt-trap proponents claim Beijing As the new Cold War and the scope
Instead of tied aid pushing exports, from any country, much less the port of therefore inflated lending for of economic sanctions spread,
as before, it now shamelessly Hambantota.” Malaysia’s controversial East Coast Rail collateral damage is undermining
promotes foreign direct investment Link (ECRL). development finance and developing
from donor nations. The project was initiated by then countries.
Unless disbursed via multilateral president Mahindra Rajapaksa – not The Chatham House report notes, To cope with the new situation,
institutions, China’s increased lending China or its bankers. “The real issue here is not one of developing countries need to consider
to support businesses abroad has not geopolitics, but rather – as in Sri Lanka building a new non-aligned movement
really helped developing countries Feasibility studies by the Canadian – the recipient government’s efforts to for our dark times. – IPS
International Development Agency harness Chinese investment and
and the Danish engineering firm development financing to advance
Rambol found it viable. domestic political agendas, reflecting
both need and greed.”
The Chinese Harbour Group
construction firm only got involved ECRL was initiated by convicted
after the US and India both refused Sri
Lankan loan requests.

Johnson broke the law, but he won’t quit anytime soon

█ BY JOHN RENTOUL If it hadn’t been for the Ukraine war, there Conservative MPs were contemplating a But they cannot claim that the prime
IT may be the birthday cake gathering, because would have been even more of a fuss, but I still change of leader mainly because they thought minister and chancellor did so “knowingly”,
that was the only one that we know Rishi Sunak don’t think Johnson would have been forced Johnson had become an irredeemable vote- which is the constitutional tripwire.
attended. out of office. loser; but it became obvious quite quickly that
Labour wasn’t nearly far enough ahead to And ultimately, whether the law was broken
The chancellor says he was in the cabinet The appetite for as many as 54 Conservative maintain the necessary level of panic. remains a matter of opinion: the police say they
room for a Covid meeting when, in the MPs for a change of leadership evaporated think it was; Johnson and Sunak may insist that
immortal words of Conor Burns, the remarkably quickly after Dame Cressida Dick, Then events started to crowd in on history. in their view they were within the law, but that
Conservative MP trying to defend the prime the then Met Police commissioner, announced Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine; the chancellor they are paying the penalty because they don’t
minister, they were “ambushed with a cake”. on 25 January that she would be investigating delivered a mini-budget that went down badly; want to go to court.
lockdown gatherings. and then he was engulfed in controversy about
That was on Boris Johnson’s 56th birthday, his wife’s non-dom status. Johnson is up; Sunak The brutal bottom line is that Conservative
June 19, 2020. What would have been standard That announcement meant that Sue Gray’s is down; and what is more, Sunak has received a MPs are the ultimate judge and jury in the
procedure in any pre-pandemic office in the full report couldn’t be published straight away, penalty notice as well. prime minister’s case: if 54 of them demand a
land would seem to have been judged by the and the pressure that had been building was vote of confidence in Johnson, it must be held,
police to be a criminal offence during suddenly dissipated. For a moment, Johnson’s The prime minister may well receive more and if 181 of the total of 360 vote against him, he
lockdown. position had been precarious. than one notice. I thought the birthday cake must go. That is not going to happen. Johnson is
gathering was one of the lesser charges, and going to survive.
The prime minister and the chancellor have We still don’t know what is in Gray’s detailed that Sunak’s defence for that was a good one,
been notified by the Metropolitan Police, as a report, but if it is as damning as most people that he turned up for an important meeting. The more interesting question is whether
courtesy, that penalty notices are on their way. assume it is, its publication could well have Sunak uses this as the moment to quit.
triggered the 54 letters needed to require a vote But Johnson was at several gatherings where
A spokesperson for the prime minister has of confidence in Johnson’s leadership. there seemed to be less of an excuse. There has been a lot of commentary in
confirmed the unprecedented news, fulfilling recent days about how he will just pack up and
the undertaking some time ago that, while the And in the atmosphere of those days, If the prime minister thinks he can try to go to California if things get too rough for him
identity of the recipients of penalty notices are Johnson’s survival would have been a finely avoid disclosing how many penalty notices he here.
not usually made public, we would be told if the balanced question – not least because just 10 receives, he will be put right by his advisers: it
prime minister or the chancellor received fines. weeks ago, Sunak was the spotlessly popular won’t be possible. Too many people will know. I think that is a misreading of him. Things
and competent prime minister in waiting. Even so, he will survive. don’t look great for him, but the one thing that
(However, we also know that Helen that last few days have shown is that politics
MacNamara, the former civil servant who was But that moment passed. The most In the meantime, the opposition will changes fast.
head of ethics, has received one – how that significant change was that Johnson and the overreach itself, claiming that Johnson and
became public is still unknown.) Conservative Party started to recover in the Sunak misled parliament when they said no In a year’s time, Sunak may be a contender
opinion polls. rules had been broken. again, riding the tide of economic recovery.
– The Independent

9theSUN ON THURSDAY | APRIL 14, 2022

BRIEFS NCT ALLIANCE, MAYBANK Knight Frank survey sees
ISLAMIC OFFER HOUZKEY TO hotel investment revival
o Positive sentiment returns, majority of respondents open quite difficult during the pandemic, banks will
PETALING JAYA: NCT Alliance Bhd to expanding their exposure to Malaysian hospitality sector also see the improvements in the sector and
(formerly Grand-Flo Bhd) is begin to lend again.
collaborating with Maybank Islamic PETALING JAYA: Knight Frank Malaysia’s recovering. We do expect to see an increasing
to offer home ownership financing second Malaysian Hospitality Investment number of hotel transactions over the next 24 Knight Frank noted that historically,
solution HouzKey. Purchasers of Intentions Survey 2022 found positive months,” Buckley said in a statement earlier Malaysia has attracted a diverse pool of
Acacia Residences, NCT Alliance’s sentiment returning to the sector with 64% of this week. international tourists from all over the world
high-rise project in Salak Perdana, the respondents considering to increase their and is particularly well positioned to capture
Selangor can benefit from the exposure to the Malaysian hotel sector, a stark The survey noted that investors continue to the growth of halal tourism, as it took the
HouzKey home ownership financing contrast to 36% of those surveyed wanting to seek high returns to offset the risk of investing number one spot in MasterCard
solution that offers 100% financing increase exposure back in 2020. in the sector as 33% of respondents are CrescentRating Global Muslim Travel Index
with no down payment required, targeting a net yield of above 7% (versus 36% in 2021 for being the most Muslim-friendly
only a three-month fully refundable The survey also found 36% of respondents 2020) when acquiring a four to five-star hotel in holiday destination.
deposit and the lowest rate for the not interested in increasing their exposure in Malaysia, and 26% of respondents are targeting
first five years. Under this initiative, hotels, a significant improvement from 64% net yields of 6-7% (versus 29% in 2020), whilst It pointed out that traditionally prime hotels
purchasers will not have to make reported in 2020. 19% would accept 5-6% (versus 29% in 2020). do not come to market regularly and the next 12
payments during the construction months presents a window of opportunity to
period for projects until they have The property consultant firm’s executive Buckley opined that investors are seeing acquire some unique opportunities.
obtained their keys. HouzKey home director James Buckley remarked that with the 2022 as a good time to invest in Malaysian
is available to both first- and second- last two tumultuous years, it is not surprising hotels as they can see the economy is The firm laid out that the majority of hotels
home Malaysian buyers to own their that investment in hotels across Malaysia fell recovering, especially now that the borders have conservative levels of gearing, with 43%
dream home at Acacia Residences. from a 2017 high of RM2.2 billion to just RM556 have opened. Many can see the strong pent-up having less than 49% loan to value ratio whilst
million in 2020 and RM177 million in 2021. demand for holiday travel and in the short 17% have no debt at all. However, 31% have
RAIKAN REZEKI BERSAMA term, Singapore tourists coupled with domestic loan to value between 50% and 69%, and 9%
LBS: REZEKI RAYA Since the first survey, he stated that there demand will drive hotel performance in 2022. have high gearing of above 70%. On a whole,
ANDA CAMPAIGN IS HERE has been a rapid and widespread distribution hotel owners with conservative gearing have
of Covid-19 vaccines globally, an increasing list “We expect to see hotel transaction volumes managed to weather the pandemic storm and
PETALING JAYA: LBS Bina Group Bhd of countries opening their borders to to increase in 2022 as the price gap between have not had to sell at fire sale prices.
has launched the Raikan Rezeki international travellers and airlines re- vendors and purchasers will narrow as
Bersama LBS: Rezeki Raya Anda establishing some of their networks. investors become more optimistic with the “The survey indicates that owners of
campaign where home buyers stand border opening and increasing arrivals,” he Malaysian hotels tend to have quite
a chance to bring home e-wallet “International traveller’s confidence is said. conservative levels of debt. Lower leveraged
cash worth over RM541,800 and slowly returning and this is filtering through to properties carry less risk and are better
enjoy six bonus offerings when they the 2022 survey with investor sentiment Although bank financing of hotels has been equipped to weather market fluctuations and
purchase a home with LBS. Entries might explain why we have not seen any
for the campaign will be accepted notable distressed hotel sales during the Covid-
for home buyers who purchase 19 pandemic,” said Buckley.
selected LBS participating projects
from April 1 to May 31. The six bonus
offerings by LBS under this
campaign include free legal fees,
loyalty reward, flexi payment
scheme, low booking fees, zero exit
fees and furniture package.

An insight into residential overhangs in 2021 SkyCraft – building
dream homes
THE recently released 2021 Property Market height – with 36,863 units and 24,295 units, trend. Majority (71%) of the products are aiming with SkyWorld
Report by the National Property Information respectively – amounting to 61,158 units of for B40 and M40 income groups, with 35% or
Centre (Napic) shows a sign of recovery in the completed unsold, or a 15% growth from 53,171 15,332 units are products priced below PETALING JAYA: SkyWorld Development Group
property sector. A total of 300,497 transactions units in 2020. If those unsold units “under RM300,000, and 36% or 15,723 units priced has launched SkyCraft, an online initiative to
worth RM144.87 billion are recorded, which is construction” and “not constructed” are taken within RM300,000-RM500,000, signifying that engage with future home buyers to build their
an increase of 1.5% in volume and 21.7% in value into account, a total of 203,804 unsold units is the supply side of the property industry is dream homes with SkyWorld.
compared to 2020. Meanwhile, house price recorded, which is a 12.4% increase from 181,292 actually responding to the market demand by
continues its moderate growth since 2018 in 2020, being the highest since 2017. providing products that match the mass buyers’ SkyWorld CEO Lee Chee Seng said SkyCraft is
despite of the market slowdown – from an affordability level. a co-creation platform to provide the public with
average house price of RM417,974 in 2018 to The overhang may not perfectly reflect the a chance to take part in the homemaking process
RM432,111 in 2020 and further to RM434,758 in overall market performance, but it does provide As such, the current challenges faced by the even before SkyWorld starts to develop it.
2021 – which could probably help to restore the insights for property developers on how to housing industry is not merely a mismatch of the
consumer buying sentiment. respond to the challenges in the property sector. housing supply-delivery system. It is an “We want to create quality cityscape living, as
Rather than simply attributing overhang to the economic issue that is deeply related to the we believe
Looking ahead, the property market will see a building of over-priced houses, one should country’s weak economic performance and the the ideas
significant pick-up following the increase in realise that as high as 31% or 11,610 completed reduction in household income due to the and
domestic business activities as a result of the unsold residential units are contributed by unforeseen pandemic-induced recession. feedback
lifting of restrictions of business operating hours products priced less than RM300,000. Another Correspondingly, measures to address housing garnered
and the reopening of country borders on April 1. 26% or 9,461 units are priced within RM300,000- affordability should move away from simply from
RM500,000. All these are developments initially building more affordable houses or relaxing SkyCraft
While the property market is deemed to be targeted for B40 and M40 income groups. In financing preconditions to make purchasers will help
back on track after its subdued performance in terms of unsold units under construction and more viable for housing loan, but to be treated as SkyWorld
2020, the overall environment is still pretty much not constructed, majority of them also the economic issue of the country. in building
the same as the pre-crisis level, which is originated from products priced below quality
prevalent with “excessive supply” and “slow RM300,000 – both at 41% (or 29,083 units) and This article is contributed by MKH Bhd homes. At
absorption”. This is supported by the overhang 44% (or 9,641 units). product research and development manager SkyWorld,
figures, where both the residential housing and we have
service apartment have recorded a historical New launches in 2021 also show the similar Dr Foo Chee Hung. redefined
our purpose to ‘make living better’ and hence the
Status of overhang in the Malaysian property industry. Source: Napic idea of SkyCraft as we always believe that the
opinions of our future homebuyers or
‘SkyCrafters’ matter a lot to us, and through this
campaign, we could make homes better,
together,” Lee said at the virtual launch of
SkyCraft recently.

Lee said SkyCrafters would be given the
option to craft two distinguished projects via this
platform namely SkyAmanyi in Cheras and
SkyRia by the Hills in Taman Melawati.

“We are at the drawing board stage for these
two projects and it is timely for SkyWorld to
engage with our potential home buyers to see
what innovative ideas that are ‘good to have’ or
‘must have’ so we can implement them in our
new launches and build homes that meet the
current market demands,” he said.

Lee mentioned that all SkyWorld new projects
will go through this platform to engage with the
local community for a better understanding of
the requirements of home buyers before any new
launches take place.

APRIL 14, 2022
197201001092 (12738-U)
Editorial Tel: 03-7784 6688
A Participating Organisation of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad Fax: 03-7785 2624/5

A Trading Participant of Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Berhad Email: [email protected]
Advertising Tel: 03-7784 8888
13/04/2022 Fax: 03-7784 4424

Participation Bought Sold Net Email: [email protected]

% RM m RM m RM m

47.7 Institutions 1055.4 1082.7 -27.3

26.6 Retail 614.3 577.9 36.4

25.7 Foreign 572.8 581.9 -9.1

100.0 2242.5 2242.5 0 0.05 11.97 55.24 26.51 508.51 310.74 49.73 25.00
Preliminary stats (excluding trade amendments). For final data, please refer to 1,597.18 3,342.22 3,186.82 26,843.49 17,301.65 2,716.49
Source: Bursa Malaysia 21,374.37 7,479.00

KL MARKET SUMMARY Malaysia Aviation Group
April 13, 2022

INDICES 11,463.30 CHANGE +19.67 set to post profit in 2023
FBMKLCI 1,597.18 +0.05
CONSTRUCTION 168.78 +0.92
FINANCIAL SERVICES 16,733.00 +14.02
ENERGY 747.98 +9.19
TELECOMMUNICATIONS 637.92 +2.91 o Airline operator maps
HEALTH CARE 2,084.00 -18.00 out plan to increase
TRANSPORTATION 891.69 +9.16 ancillary revenue
PROPERTY 729.63 -0.43
PLANTATION 8,505.58 +30.24
FBMSHA 12,085.80 +29.12
FBMACE 5,823.65 +18.54
TECHNOLOGY 73.32 +0.98
TURNOVER VALUE [email protected]
3.547 BIL RM2.242 BIL
SUBANG JAYA: Malaysia Aviation Group
5 MOST ACTIVES (MAG) is on track to achieve profitability by
April 13, 2022 2023 given the encouraging numbers in the
first quarter of this year.
STOCK VOL CLSG (sen) +/– (sen)
VC 189,187,200 17.0 -2.5 According to its chief sustainability
VIZIONE 176,156,100 10.5 UNCH officer, Phillip See, the carrier has surpassed
VIZIONE-WE 159,691,100 2.0 -0.5 its own projection by 20% in the quarter.
ATAIMS 157,952,400 48.0 -5.0
CSH 148,507,100 13.5 -0.5 “The plan is to hit pre-pandemic revenue
levels by 2024-2025,” he told the press after
5 TOP GAINERS the signing of a memorandum of
April 13, 2022 understanding (MoU) between MAG and
Sunway Group yesterday.
DLADY 11,600 34.46 1.02 Under the MoU, the two will enter into a
AEONCR 419,100 15.50 0.60 partnership to explore broad collaborative
F&N 231,800 22.46 0.40 initiatives, which include new business
AYER 15,000 6.00 0.20 opportunities, joint marketing campaigns
MPI 349,000 32.54 0.20 as well as branding and promotional
5 TOP LOSERS MAG chairman Tan Sri Wan Zulkiflee Wan Ariffin (left) presenting an Airbus A350-900 model
April 13, 2022 In the long term, See said, the group aims aircraft to Sunway founder & chairman Tan Sri Jeffrey Cheah as Sunway deputy chairman Tan
to widen its ancillary revenue. Sri Razman M Hashim looks on.
HEIM 217,300 24.00 0.34 For the pre-pandemic period of 2019, other measures to boost ancillary revenue, today demonstrates how organisations with
PETDAG 308,800 21.18 0.34 MAG delivered revenue of RM10 billion which include travel packages, seat shared values and goals can pave the way to
DIN040000223 101.20 0.20 with ancillary’s share at roughly 3-4%. selection and meals, as well as from accelerate industries and economic
GENP 100 9.00 0.20 Journify, the platform that was launched growth.”
PPB 685,000 17.16 0.16 See declined to divulge specific ancillary earlier this year.
192,700 expansion targets in the wake of the Similarly, Sunway Malls & Theme Parks
partnership with Sunway. Although the In addition, the group has made some CEO, HC Chan said the collaborative effort
EXCHANGE RATES APRIL 13, 2022 figure might be small, he said, each portion changes to its business model to boost will accelerate Malaysia’s economic
of ancillary revenue is pure margin for the ancillary revenue by offering Firefly flights recovery and growth that was hampered by
Foreign currency Bank sell Bank buy Bank buy carrier as its cost structure is 70-80% fixed. from its hub in Penang to Kota Kinabalu the pandemic.
and Kuching as a bundled product.
1 US DOLLAR TT/OD TT OD “Given that the airline business is very “Through this partnership with MAG, we
1 AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR 4.2900 4.1650 4.1550 low margin, it’s important for us to drive for MAG CEO Captain Izham Ismail believe that it is time for revitalisation and
1 BRUNEI DOLLAR 3.2130 3.0860 3.0700 all these different travel experiences here, believes that the collaborative efforts are recovery for these sectors once again,
1 CANADIAN DOLLAR 3.1440 3.0520 3.0440 that is why Sunway is a very important vital for exploring and capitalising on new putting Malaysia on the map of the world.”
1 EURO 3.3910 3.3010 3.2890 collaboration here.” opportunities that will emerge to ultimately
1 NEWZEALAND DOLLAR 4.6500 4.5000 4.4800 promote brand awareness at greater levels. Through this memorandum, Malaysia
1 SINGAPORE DOLLAR 2.9490 2.8410 2.8250 See explained that the MoU is structured Airlines will be appointed as the preferred
1 STERLING POUND 3.1440 3.0520 3.0440 so that there is synergy between the airline “Our collaboration with Sunway Group airline of Sunway.
1 SWISS FRANC 5.5840 5.4080 5.3880 and Sunway’s various operations in retail,
100 UAE DIRHAM 4.5840 4.4800 4.4650 education, hospitality and medical.
100 BANGLADESHTAKA 118.2000 112.0800 111.8800
100 CHINESE RENMINBI 5.0760 4.7400 4.5400 He said the partnership started with the
100 HONGKONG DOLLAR 67.4000 64.8000 intention of integrating their two loyalty
100 INDIAN RUPEE 55.3300 52.5900 N/A programes, MAG’s Enrich (4 million
100 INDONESIAN RUPIAH 5.7300 5.3800 52.3900 members globally) and Sunway’s Pals (1.2
100 JAPANESE YEN 0.0309 0.0280 million members) which then cascaded
100 NEWTAIWAN DOLLAR 3.4230 3.3150 5.1800 into various other possibilities.
100 PAKISTAN RUPEE 15.8000 0.0230
100 PHILIPPINE PESO 2.4000 N/A 3.3050 The collaboration will be a part of MAG’s
100 QATAR RIYAL 8.3700 2.2400
100 SAUDI RIYAL 118.7200 7.8800 N/A Malaysia’s policy rate to go up by
100THAI BAHT 115.7000 112.7000 2.0400 50bps or less this year: S&P Global
13.3600 109.8400 7.6800
11.8500 112.5000 KUALA LUMPUR: S&P Global Ratings vulnerable to capital flight, central banks adding to global inflation, while the
109.6400 (S&P) anticipates Malaysia’s policy rate to will be forced to raise interest rates. increasingly hawkish Fed is tightening its
11.4500 increase by 50 basis points (bps) or less this policies, and has signalled that it would
year due to the inflationary impact of the However, where neither inflation nor significantly reduce its balance sheet.
Source: Malayan Banking Berhad/Bernama Russia-Ukraine conflict and capital outflow capital flight is a major issue, central
pressure, amid a more hawkish United bankers will focus on growth. These have put pressure on the region’s
States Federal Reserve (Fed). central banks to raise policy rates to anchor
“This will result in a three-speed policy inflation expectations, retain credibility,
S&P Asia-Pacific chief economist Louis setting across Asia-Pacific. support the national currency, or head off
Kuijs said higher inflation and rising US financial instability.
interest rates are weighing heavily on Asia- “Many economies are likely to see
Pacific economies. significantly higher rates – some may lift rates “However, as the effect of the conflict
moderately, while the rest (China and Japan) and the US Fed shift weighs on economic
Given the current environment, he said probably will not tighten at all,” he said. growth, we anticipate some central banks
S&P expects that in regions where inflation will tighten as little as possible, or not at all,”
already exceeds targets, or which are He said Asia-Pacific’s monetary added Kuijs. – Bernama
policymakers will face difficult trade-offs
this year as the Russia-Ukraine conflict is

11theSUN ON THURSDAY | APRIL 14, 2022

UMW March auto AirAsia Malaysia tracking demand for international flights
sales up 48% from
previous month SEPANG: AirAsia Malaysia is Kochi, Hyderabad, Chennai, and AirAsia Aviation Group CEO Bo Lingam, High Commission of India in Malaysia
keeping an eye on demand for Tiruchirappalli with 71 weekly chargé d’affaires C. Sushma and Riad at the event to announce more flight
PETALING JAYA: UMW Group’s international flights as borders flights expected by year-end with connectivity to India yesterday.
automotive sales increased 48% to reopen globally, especially in the the airline hoping to achieve the
35,246 units in March 2022 from Asea region. pre-Covid capacity of more than 140
23,853 units sold in February, as both weekly services to and from India.
UMW Toyota Motor (UMWT) and AirAsia Malaysia CEO Riad
UMW’s associate company, Asmat said the demand would be “With the reopening of
Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua Sdn dictated by how countries adapt to Malaysia’s international borders and
Bhd (Perodua), registered higher the current Covid-19 situation as quarantine-free travels, we would
automotive sales. well as the reopening of their like to take this opportunity to
borders. welcome back international
UMWT’s sales surged by 32% to tourists, as this will provide a
8,487 units in March from 6,432 units “We also must look at demand, significant boost to the nation’s
registered in the preceding month. when there’s demand, we will tourism sector and the economy, as
obviously pursue it. But it very much we did pre-pandemic,” he said. “I
In the first quarter of 2022, UMWT (depends) on how countries adjust think contribution-wise, we are
sold 22,447 units, 31% higher than the to the current situation and how hoping India will contribute
17,151 units sold in the corresponding relaxed they are (towards significant double digit growth to
period of 2021. The top-selling models international arrivals) which will our market. The majority of (the
in first-quarter 2022 were Hilux, Vios, dictate that demand. growth) will be in Asia right now.”
Corolla Cross and Yaris.
“I applaud the government for Riad revealed that the airline is
Meanwhile, Perodua’s sales what it is doing. Non-quarantine also working on plans to reinstate
increased to 26,759 units in March travelling is the most attractive thing routes to Indonesia, the Philippines,
2022, 54% higher than the 17,421 for now,” he said at a press Vietnam, and Thailand in anticipation
units in the previous month. conference to announce the airline’s of their border reopening.
reinstatement of six routes to India at
In the first quarter of 2022, the carrier’s headquarters yesterday. “Planning-wise, everything is in
Perodua sold 61,624 units, 6% higher place and I am comfortable with
than the 57,909 units registered in the With borders being reopened, what we are doing at the moment,”
same period of 2021. Its top-selling AirAsia announced that it will again he said. – Bernama
models for the first quarter of the year fly again to Bengaluru, Kolkata,
were the recently facelifted Myvi,
followed by the Axia and Bezza. More work to be done
Perodua has achieved 25% of its sales to attract FDI to Selangor
target for the year of 247,800 units.BRIEFS
o Over 60% of state’s total investment electronics and transport equipment Moving forward, Selangor will
While the Covid-19 pandemic and in 2021 was attributed to expansion projects sectors contributed 71% (RM5.36 continue to attract high-value
component supply issues continue to billion). The cluster remained the projects for potential domestic and
linger, Perodua is working closely with PETALING JAYA: Selangor saw attracting inward investment to largest contributor to approved foreign investors and to create high-
its suppliers and dealers to minimise lower foreign direct investment Selangor,” it said in a statement investment value. quality employment opportunities
the impact on its customers. (FDI) in 2021 given the yesterday. for its 6.5 million population.
unpredictable nature of the Over 60% of Selangor’s total
T7 GLOBAL UNIT GETS pandemic and delayed economic In 2021, the manufacturing sector investment in 2021 was attributed to Since 2017, Selangor has been at
RM6M JOB FROM HESS growth, the lack of promotional in Selangor received RM7.5 billion in expansion projects including the forefront annually with 1,329
missions and engagement sessions investment, contributed mainly by Hartalega, Top Glove, Duopharma investment projects worth RM67.5
PETALING JAYA: T7 Global Bhd’s overseas due to the closing of domestic direct investment (DDI) and Datasonic domesticically, and billion, of which the manufacturing
manpower subsidiary T7 international borders. worth RM6.1 billion, according to the Denso and Wistron internationally. sector provided 83,934 employment
Intelligent Resources Sdn Bhd Malaysian Investment Development opportunities. At an annual rate of
(T7IR) has secured a two-year “Invest Selangor acknowledges Authority. Investment projects in Despite a lower investment RM6 billion, DDI remained a strong
contract worth RM6 million from 2021 was a challenging year in rubber, chemical, electrical and performance, Selangor received the source of investment for Selangor.
Hess Exploration and Production highest number of manufacturing Since 2017, Selangor has received
Malaysia BV for the provision o f projects (247) and created the RM31.1 billion DDI (46% from the
technical and non-technical highest employment opportunities manufacturing sector).
manpower for the North Malay (14,393) in Malaysia.
basin integrated gas development
project. The contract is expected China institute launches certification for Malaysian durian
to contribute positively towards
T7 Global’s earnings and net PETALING JAYA: The Chinese authentic, strong smell, delicious
assets for the next two years. Academy of Inspection and pulp and rich nutrition. This has
Quarantine (CAIQ) has launched made an effective implementation
BIMB: NO LINK AT ALL the Malaysian durian standard and of the certification even more
WITH SCAM WEBSITE certification “Malaysian Durian important.
Certification Implementation The review is conducted by
PETALING JAYA: Bank Islam Rules” which aims to protect the experts from different institutes,
Malaysia Bhd (BIMB) has reiterated interests of durian farmers, including the China Academy Of
that it has no affiliation with a operators, and consumers while Science (Institute of Agricultural
scam share brokerage website creating a fair and trustworthy Quality Standards and Testing
using a logo similar to that of the consumption environment. Technology), the Development
bank’s to cheat the public into Research Center of the State
investing in BIMB shares. The bank CAIQ is a Chinese national Administration for Market
said it will not use such a method public institution established to Regulation, China Customs Science
or investment platform to obtain research and develop science and and Technology Research Center
the public’s investment in BIMB technology applicable in inspection together with other institutions.
shares. “Customers and members and quarantine. These reviews provide the technical
of the public are advised to support and guarantee for the
exercise caution and not fall prey In a statement, it said the standard effective implementation of the
to any fake websites or social is in compliance with the “Regulations Malaysian durian certification.
media accounts using BIMB’s logo of the People’s Republic of China on The standard will help to
and corporate information. Certification and Accreditation”, significantly higher than other authenticate its origin. encourage the Malaysian fruit
Customers are also advised to refer according to the “World Traceable durian varieties due to the higher The “Malaysian Durian farmers to increase their
to and use BIMB’s official platform High-quality Agricultural Product: transportation costs. Given the investment, improve and develop
for any transaction. We want to Malaysia Durian” (T/CASME 13 – strong demand for Malaysian Certification Implementation Rules” new durian varieties and improve
remind members of the public 2021) group standard. durian and its higher pricing, this formulated by CAIQ have completed the quality of durians targeted for
who are interested in BIMB shares has led some unscrupulous the filing with the National export to China.
to place deposits and invest with CAIQTEST Malaysia CEO Dr importers to confuse the durian Certification and Accreditation “This is a game changer as this is
licensed brokerage companies Ch’ng Soo Ee said the quality of origin and variety in order to obtain Administration (CNCA) and will among the first standard
listed in Bursa Malaysia,“ BIMB said Malaysian durians has been high profits,” she said. accept applications for certification implemented in line with the
in a statement. recognised by the public due to the from Chinese importers of ‘National Standardization
growth of domestic durian demand According to Ch’ng, the standard Malaysian durians and Malaysian Development Outline’ to actively
DEPT’S OPENDOSM and the improvement of living implemented will help to fight against exporters from now on. promote the docking and
FOR OPEN DATA ACCESS standards. these unscrupulous importers’ cooperation in the field of standards
practices of confusing durian origin The demand for durian, which is with countries jointly building the
PETALING JAYA: The Statistics “Malaysian durian has great as they would require to obtain the known as the “King of Fruits” has ‘Belt and Road,’” Ch’ng said.
Department (DOSM) has launched advantages in comparison to other Malaysian Durian Certification to been gaining traction in China over
OpenDOSM, an alternative variants in terms of colour, meat the last few years, mainly for its
platform for open data access on quality and taste. However, the price
official statistics. OpenDOSM is a of Malaysian durian is also
platform that provides access to
machine-readable data format on
a wide range of data sets,
including social, economic,
financial and environmental. The
data in OpenDOSM include gross
domestic product, population,
labour market, and balance of

12 theSUN ON THURSDAY | APRIL 14, 2022

13theSUN ON THURSDAY | APRIL 14, 2022

14 theSUN ON THURSDAY | APRIL 14, 2022 Local bosses confident
SUNBIZ about hiring skilled talent

SC: Fintech to be o Hays survey shows despite ongoing restructuring and workplaces and accelerating digitalisation, the
innovative solution digitalisation, employers say skill sets are still an important skills gap that organisations are already
enabler in Malaysian aspect when it comes to running a business or operation experiencing could become more apparent,” he
Islamic capital market added.
PETALING JAYA: Abot 62% of employers in restructuring said it was due to changes in
KUALA LUMPUR: Financial technology Malaysia are confident about hiring skilled talent required skill sets while 58% attributed it to Top reasons employers gave for skill shortages
(fintech) will be leveraged as an enabler for in 2022 despite most organisations undergoing digital transformation. at their organisations included ‘higher
innovative solutions focusing on the halal restructuring to adapt to changes in the world of compensation offered elsewhere”, “lack of
economy, socially responsible investing work, according to findings from the 2022 Hays Hays Malaysia managing director Tom learning and development opportunities to
(SRI) and Islamic social finance to further Asia Salary Guide. Osborne said the growing confidence bodes well upskill current employees”, and “skills needed are
grow the Malaysian Islamic capital market for the 50% of employers who said they intended too niche and hard to source in the current
(ICM), says the Securities Commission Around 60% of employers who mentioned to increase permanent headcount next year. market”.
Malaysia (SC). that their organisation is going through
“However, with Covid-19 transforming The top soft skills valued by employers in
SC Islamic capital market development Malaysia were communication skills, problem-
executive director Sharifatul Hanizah Said Top reasons employers give for skill shortages are higher compensation offered elsewhere, lack of solving skills, and teamwork. This was consistent
Ali said the regulator also expects greater learning and development opportunities to upskill current employees, and skills needed are too niche across Asia.
adoption of digitisation and technology to and hard to source in the current market.
broaden and accelerate the capacity for Top hard skills were analytical skills, technical
stakeholders to enhance the Islamic finance skills, and management skills. Malaysia was the
ecosystem. only country where management skills were
given a strong emphasis.
“The digital solutions would facilitate
connectivity by allowing issuers, investors, When Malaysian professionals were asked
and intermediaries to access existing and about what they were doing to improve job
new markets in a more efficient and cost- prospects, 55% said they spent time on
effective manner, thereby accelerating the developing soft skills and 32% on developing
industry’s growth,” she told Bernama via an hard skills. 13% also said they were getting higher
email interview recently. or additional qualifications. Most reported
spending one to two hours per week on skills
Sharifatul Hanizah said post Covid-19, development.
the small and medium enterprise (SME)
industry had acknowledged the importance “It’s heartening to see that there is a strong
of going digital and utilising fintech to sense of initiative among professionals in
ensure continuous operationalisation of Malaysia to upskill. That said, candidates should
their business activities, as well as to gain prioritise skills that are valued by employers and
access for capital to maintain and expand which are relevant to the current market and
their business. world of work.

“Raising capital through syariah- “Employers on the other hand should
compliant means is especially essential for continue to invest in training and upskilling their
SME in the halal industry, which comprises staff. Not only does this maximise productivity,
a large percentage of SME in Malaysia,” she but it would also help in boosting employee
said. retention,” said Osborne.

As for the bottom 40% of the household Now in its 15th edition, the Hays Asia Salary
income group (B40), the youth and Guide compiles and presents salary and sector
underprivileged, Sharifatul Hanizah said overviews based on real data and a survey of
the adoption of fintech and Islamic fintech skilled professionals across China, Hong Kong,
had provided them with new ways to Japan, Malaysia, and Singapore. Over 9,500
generate income after being displaced from responses were collected between October to
their job, or to regain some financial control November 2021.
with easier and more effective money
management with increased financial Sedania’s ESPL enters crypto NFT gaming in Metaverse
PETALING JAYA: Sedania Innovator Bhd’s our partnership with YGG SEA, we can channel tournaments can be held in the Metaverse with
Noting the importance of fintech in Singapore-based gaming arm Esports Players our growth by building the foundations of a rewards and prizes distributed immediately
serving the B40 and SME, she said the SC is League (ESPL) recently partnered with Yield sustainable Metaverse with ESPL
focusing on expanding ICM offerings to Guild Games Southeast Asia (YGG SEA) as part being at the helm of the community.” upon completion.
enable greater connectivity, accessibility of its vision to amass gamers in the “Moving forward in 2022, ESPL
and inclusivity for all market players, cryptocurrency, non-fungible token (NFT) Sedania ventured into the
particularly the underprivileged segments. gaming and Metaverse sphere, which aims to esports space in 2019 when it will organise a series of tournaments
generate up to 300,000 gamers for ESPL and founded ESPL through its involving a globalised Metaverse
“To achieve this, the SC will increase its Sedania Innovator. investment in Esports Pte Ltd, with and NFT games such as Axie Infinity
efforts on the development of the Islamic the group’s stake currently standing by Sky Mavis. We are optimistic that
social finance sector which has been Commenting on ESPL’s prospects and how it at 36.21%. the success of our current
instrumental in addressing poverty aligns with the group’s focus on technology, tournaments will be a signal from
alleviation and socio-economic Sedania founder and managing director Datuk ESPL has organised tournaments gamers to continue our pursuit of
development,” she said. Azrin Mohd Noor said it is important for the for the world’s top game publishers expanding our user base.”
group to discover the including Riot Games, Supercell, Tencent, Sky The partnership will allow ESPL to focus on
She said today, additional sources of viability of cutting-edge enabling the 3Gs (game publishers, gamers, and
funding for Islamic social finance are technologies critical to the Mavis, and many others. guilds) to build a sustainable ecosystem by
enabled by capital market instruments such Metaverse as it believe it Coming from its roots as a launching exciting NFTs and projects
as SRI sukuk and waqf-featured funds. enhances its vision of ESPL community-driven esports surrounding cryptocurrency other than gaming
as a compelling platform that platform, ESPL is working tournaments.
On the third Capital Market Masterplan provides a more exciting towards its goal of becoming ESPL’s online tournament platform ESPL.GG
(CMP3) for 2021-2025 launched in gaming experience for players. the preferred platform for provides a proprietary infrastructure for anyone
September 2021, Sharifatul Hanizah said competitive gaming across to run tournaments for any genre of games with
innovation and fintech are among the key “We’ve been working closely with ESPL to all genres in the Metaverse. a ready-to-go community of over 250,000
areas outlined in the five-year plan. drive sustainable Esports development. Through On behalf of ESPL, CEO Daryl Teo said with gamers to date.
Web 3.0 on its way, more ESPL development and
“To enable further growth and expand
ICM offerings, fintech will be leveraged as
an enabler for innovative solutions.

“Awareness and active participation
from both the demand and supply side of
the market are also crucial to ensure the
growth and expansion of the ICM through
fintech and digital channels,” she said. –

MNC Wireless kick-starts lifestyle e-commerce platform

PETALING JAYA: MNC Wireless Bhd MNC’s 30% private placement raised and consumers has been on an upward adoption via business-to-consumer to obtain the analysis of consumer
has inked a memorandum of early this year. trend in recent years. model. It will also be equipped with a behaviour and their transaction patterns
understanding (MoU) with Hot TV customer relationship management as well as derive revenues and fees from
Entertainment Sdn Bhd to kick-start a MNC’s provision of end-to-end “There is a huge business feature that will allow buyers to track the advertisements and merchants.
lifestyle e-commerce platform whereby fulfillment services encompasses the opportunity ahead of us to tap on in status of orders placed.
MNC will invest RM5.5 million to operations and management of the Malaysia and this region,” Tan said. According to independent market
develop it in the next 18 months. mobile platform, branding, marketing The platform will feature lifestyle researcher Providence Strategic
and promotional services, order The lifestyle e-commerce platform products and services such as fashion Partners Sdn Bhd, the e-commerce
The company plans to first launch placement and fulfilment, will provide an integrated one-stop apparel, food and beverages, health and market in Asean based on gross
the lifestyle e-commerce platform in warehousing, logistics as well as data solution to address the core aspects of beauty care products, entertainment, merchant value rose from US$5.5 billion
Malaysia before other countries in the analytics. e-commerce operations. It combines electrical and electronic devices, home (RM23.3 billion) in 2015 to US$120
Asia Pacific region within two years. social media features with an e- products, sporting goods and services, billion in 2021 at a CAGR of 67.2%. It is
MNC CEO/executive director Datuk commerce marketplace that matches and hobbies. also expected to further grow to US$234
It has allocated RM2.8 million as its Tan Chor How Christopher said the buyers and merchants and eliminates billion by 2025 at a CAGR of 18.2%.
working capital. The capital is from adoption of e-commerce by merchants layers of sales channels in product Through the platform, MNC will get

15theSUN ON THURSDAY | APRIL 14, 2022

China’s imports unexpectedly fall, export growth slows

BEIJING: China’s imports unexpectedly fell in Inbound shipments fell 0.1% in March from some raw materials remained soft. is likely to drop further to minus 3.0%,” Nomura
March as Covid-19 curbs across large parts of a year earlier, marking the first decline since Exports – a major driver of the economy – said in a note.
the country hampered freight arrivals and August 2020, customs data showed yesterday.
weakened domestic demand, while export That compared with a 15.5% gain in the first two rose 14.7% in March, beating analyst Many analysts expect trade conditions to
growth slowed, prompting analysts to expect a months of the year and an 8% increase forecast expectations for a 13% rise, although slowing worsen in April, on slower customs clearance
worsening in trade in the second quarter. by analysts in a Reuters poll. from a 16.3% gain in January-February. and as the impact from a lockdown in Shanghai
is felt.
The softer trade figures are likely to reinforce The decline was broad-based. China’s imports “Due to the severe disruptions in factory
expectations of more policy support from the of crude oil tumbled 14% in March and gas import operations, road transport and port congestion China posted a trade surplus of US$47.38
government, with an adviser yesterday calling volumes were the lowest since October 2020. as a result of the worst Covid-19 wave and the billion in March, more than double the forecast
for cuts in banks’ reserve requirements and Purchases of copper fell 8.8%, as Covid outbreaks most severe lockdowns since spring 2020, we US$22.4 billion, thanks to the unexpected
interest rates to boost a flagging economy. hurt manufacturing and industrial demand for expect export growth in dollar terms to slump to decline in imports. It reported a US$115.95
0.0% year-on-year in April, while import growth billion surplus in January-February. – Reuters

CNOOC preparing to exit S’pore startup Zilingo’s
Britain, Canada and the US board suspends
CEO pending probe
o Sources say Beijing concerned that China’s top oil and gas sources said.
producer’s assets could become subject to Western sanctions CNOOC is seeking to sell “marginal and SINGAPORE: The board of Singapore-based
fashion technology startup Zilingo said
LONDON/SINGAPORE: China’s top offshore around 220,000 barrels of oil equivalent per hard to manage” assets in Britain, Canada and BRIEFSyesterday its major investors had authorised the
oil and gas producer CNOOC Ltd is preparing day (boed), Reuters calculations found. the US, a senior industry source told Reuters. suspension of its chief executive and co-
to exit its operations in Britain, Canada and founder, Ankiti Bose, pending an investigation
the United States, because of concerns in Last month, Reuters reported CNOOC had In the US, CNOOC owns assets in the by an independent firm they had hired.
Beijing the assets could become subject to hired Bank of America to prepare for the sale onshore Eagle Ford and Rockies shale basins
Western sanctions, industry sources said. of its North Sea assets, which include a stake as well as stakes in two large offshore fields in A lawyer for Bose said she declined to
in one of the basin’s largest fields. the Gulf of Mexico, Appomattox and comment on her suspension or the investigation.
Ties between China and the West have Stampede.
long been strained by trade and human rights CNOOC has launched a global portfolio Zilingo, which is backed by investors
issues and the tension has grown following review ahead of its planned public listing in Its main Canadian assets oil sands projects including Temasek Holdings and Sequoia
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which China has the Shanghai stock exchange later this month are Long Lake and Hangingstone in Alberta Capital India, said in a statement sent to Reuters
refused to condemn. that is aimed primarily at tapping alternative Province. that its shareholders and board members had
funding following the delisting of its US shares received information last month that required
The US said last week China could face last October, the sources said. All the sources spoke on condition of investigation.
consequences if it helped Russia to evade anonymity because of the sensitivity of the
Western sanctions that have included The delisting was part of a move by former issue. “The major investors hired an independent
financial measures that restrict Russia’s access US president Donald Trump’s administration firm to investigate the matter, and the company
to foreign currency and make it complicated in 2020 that targeted several Chinese CNOOC has faced hurdles operating in the is working closely with the major investors and
to process international payments. companies Washington said were owned or US in particular, such as security clearances the independent firm for the investigation,” it
controlled by the Chinese military. China required by Washington for its Chinese added.
CNOOC did not immediately comment. condemned the move. executives to enter the country, the source
Companies periodically carry out reviews added. Sources familiar with the matter said the
of their portfolios, but the exit being prepared CNOOC is also taking advantage of a rally investigation was related to concerns raised by
would take place less than a decade after in oil and gas prices, driven by Russia’s “Assets like Gulf of Mexico deepwater are Temasek and Sequoia about Zilingo’s accounts.
state-owned CNOOC entered the three invasion of Ukraine on Feb 24, and hopes to technologically challenging and CNOOC The sources declined to be named due to the
countries via a US$15 billion acquisition of attract buyers as Western countries seek to really needed to work with partners to learn, sensitivity of the matter.
Canada’s Nexen, a deal that transformed the develop domestic production to substitute but company executives were not even
Chinese champion into a leading global Russian energy. allowed to visit the US offices. It had been a Zilingo, which sources said was last valued at
producer. pain all along these years and the Trump about US$1 billion (RM4.23 billion), said
The assets, which include stakes in major As it seeks to leave the West, CNOOC is administration’s blacklisting of CNOOC made specific details of the investigations and the
fields in the North Sea, the Gulf of Mexico and looking to acquire new assets in Latin it worse,” said the source. affairs of the company were strictly confidential.
large Canadian oil sand projects, produce America and Africa, and also wants to
prioritise the development of large, new In its prospectus ahead of the initial public Temasek declined to comment, while
prospects in Brazil, Guyana and Uganda, the offering, CNOOC said it could face additional Sequoia referred to Zilingo’s statement. – Reuters
“We cannot predict if the company or its PRODUCTION IN CHINA
affiliates and partners will be affected by US
sanctions in future, if policies change,” TAIPEI: More than 30 Taiwan companies,
CNOOC said. – Reuters many making electronics parts, said
yesterday that government Covid-19
Yen slides to 20-year low against dollar control measures in eastern China had led
them to suspend production until at least
TOKYO: Japanese Finance Minister Shunichi An electronic quotation board displays the yen’s rate against the US dollar at a foreign exchange next week, as disruption from the measures
Suzuki said yesterday sharp currency moves brokerage in Tokyo yesterday. – AFPPIX spreads. However, some other companies
were “very problematic”, escalating his said they had applied to continue
warning against excessive yen declines Separately, BOJ governor Haruhiko consumption shows signs of improvement, operations under a “closed loop” system,
following the currency’s slide to a two-decade Kuroda warned yesterday the recent rise in and robust overseas demand underpin with workers isolated inside. – Reuters
low against the dollar. inflation driven by higher import costs could exports, he also warned of risks.
hurt the economy, stressing the central bank’s IMPACT OF RUSSIA OIL SUPPLY
Suzuki made the remarks to reporters after resolve to keep monetary policy ultra-loose. “The outlook, however, remains highly DROP TO KICK IN NEXT MONTH
the yen’s fall below 126 to the dollar, which uncertain due to the impact of the pandemic,
marks the first break below that level since Consumer inflation is likely to clearly as well as developments regarding Ukraine and LONDON: The impact of sanctions and
2002. His comments were stronger than his accelerate as energy prices rise sharply and the impact on commodity prices,” Kuroda said buyer aversion on Russian oil will take full
warning earlier yesterday that rapid moves in companies steadily pass on higher raw in a speech to an annual meeting of trust banks. effect from May onwards, the International
the yen were “undesirable” and that material costs to households, Kuroda said. Energy Agency (IEA) said yesterday.
authorities were watching currency moves He stressed the need to maintain the BOJ’s Countering that, expected lower demand in
carefully. While the BOJ chief said the world’s third- massive stimulus to support an economy yet to China, output increases from Opec+
largest economy was expected to recover as recover to pre-pandemic levels. – Reuters AFP producers and beyond plus a record draw
Government spokesman Hirokazu on emergency oil storage by the United
Matsuno said “the stability of exchange rates States and its IEA member allies ought to
is important and we see rapid currency moves prevent any sharp deficit, it said. Global
as undesirable”. demand is now expected to be balanced
with supply in the second quarter at 98.3
“We will monitor trends in the foreign million barrels per day (bpd), the agency
currency market and the impact on the added, with the potential to calm soaring
Japanese economy with a sense of urgency,” energy price inflation. It had previously
he added. expected market balance to be next
achieved in the fourth quarter. – Reuters
“The Japanese yen has been one of the
weakest currencies anywhere in the world IMF HOPES TO MOBILISE US$45B
this year,” Dutch banking group ING said in a FOR NEW SUSTAINABILITYTRUST
recent commentary.
WASHINGTON: The International Monetary
“Driving the rally has been the perfect Fund (IMF) hopes to mobilise around US$45
storm of a hawkish Federal Reserve, a dovish billion (RM190.35 billion) for a new trust to
Bank of Japan, and Japan’s negative terms of help a broader range of countries, including
trade shock as a major fossil fuel importer.” some middle-income economies, deal with
climate change and other longer-term
The yen had already lost 10% of its value challenges, a paper prepared by IMF staff
against the dollar in 2021 after four years of and reviewed by Reuters shows. Nearly
steady strengthening. three-quarters of the IMF’s 190 members
would be eligible to borrow from the
Swiss Bank UBS said a weaker yen would Resilience and Sustainability Trust, the
likely hit Japanese households’ purchasing global lender’s first facility set up expressly
power, and domestic-oriented small to help countries manage balance of
businesses who will face higher import costs. payments risks posed by longer term
challenges, the paper said. – Reuters

14 APRIL 2022

A path not Liu became a
taken worlwide sensation
as the MCU’s first
Asian superhero. –

o Simu Liu reflects upon the moment that
set him on the course to stardom

TEN years ago on April 12, card debt. successes, but I am sure that if I Rim, before he landed a recurring
actor Simu Liu was fired from It’s only in the last hadn’t been cast in two life- role on television’s Blood and Water.
accounting house Deloitte. changing roles, I’d still find
The event was fondly looked three years, he said, purpose and meaning in the Second to his venture on the silver
back upon by Liu on the anniversary that his efforts have pursuit of success on my own screen, Liu was the lead in the
of the day that changed his life. begun to pay off, when terms,” Liu wrote. critically lauded TV comedy Kim’s
he was inducted into Convenience, about a Korean-
“I owe my life to being let go from the successful Marvel “[The company] destroyed a American family running a
a career I hated. Accounting [was] not Cinematic Universe life that I was building for convenience store.
for me,” he recently posted on not as a side someone else, so that I could
Facebook. character, but as finally begin to build a life for Liu’s upcoming projects include
the lead of Shang- me.” Arthur the King, with Mark Wahlberg,
In the caption, Liu wrote that he Chi and the and Greta Gerwig’s high-profile
thought his life was over when he got Legend of the Ten Liu’s early entrance in acting Barbie movie, with Margot Robbie
the news that his job as an Rings. were bit roles as an extra and even and Ryan Gosling. – by Mark Mathen
accountant had ended, and it wasn’t as a stuntman, such as in Pacific Victor
just about the loss of a paycheck. Liu played
the MCU’s first
“I had wasted countless time and Asian superhero
money that my family had invested in and the film
me,” Liu wrote. broke box office
Liu noted that several of the years
since his firing had been spent “I know luck
“running around like a headless has played a
chicken”, as he tried to figure out how substantial role
to succeed in showbiz and in my
desperately trying to pay off his credit

BTS’s military exemption to be decided this month Remembering
Gilbert Gottfried
THE ongoing saga of whether K-pop discrimination to exclude popular culture BTS fans will
supergroup BTS will get a military service from the exemption system while pure arts know by the end ICONIC comedian, Gilbert Gottfried has died
exemption appears to be drawing to a close. and sports businesses are given preferential of the month after a long battle with a rare disease. The
protection. whether or not Aladdin star was 67. His family broke the news
A member of the South Korean they will get a of his passing on Gottfried’s twitter account.
parliament’s National Defense Committee Members of BTS have currently left their military service
stated that “there was a conversation exemption.– “We are heartbroken to announce the
between the secretaries of both parties to ALLKPOP passing of our beloved Gilbert Gottfried after a
assess swiftly” over BTS’s military exemption. military duty’s decision in the hands of the long illness,” wrote his family in a joint
company. BTS has already stated that they will statement. “Although today is a sad day for all of
Representative Seong Il Jong said: “The accept the call of duty when the nation us, please keep laughing as loud as possible in
ruling Democratic Party of Korea is more wants, and they have not changed their Giblert’s honour.”
enthused about the military exemptions minds. – by Thashine Selvakumaran
granted to BTS. I don’t believe the According to his publicist and long time
government and opposition parties have friend, Glenn Schwartz, the comedian’s death
opposing views on this issue since it is about was due to complications from myotonic
equality and national interest.” dystrophy type 2.

Regarding whether or not there is a Gottfried who performed comedy for over 50
unique circumstance for BTS’ military duty, he years, was adored for his crude humour,
noted that the Democratic Party of Korea is political incorrectness and shrill voice.
moving more proactively, and the
government is determined to address it as His influence in comedy even gave him life
quickly as possible. as an actor, appearing in films like Beverly Hills
Cop II and Aladdin as the iconic parrot.
BTS is qualified for alternative service,
according to Ahn Cheol-soo, the chairman of Sienfeld actor Jason Alexander, wrote on
the presidential transition committee drafting Twitter: “Gilbert Gottfried made me laugh at
the framework of the future administration, times when laughter did not
because the boy band has contributed come easily. What a gift. I
significantly to the country’s benefit. did not know him well
but I loved what he
Ahn also remarked that it is reverse shared with me. My
best wishes and
The Depp-Heard libel trial begins sympathy to his
The former couple have accused each other of THE sequel to Johnny Depp and ex-wife relationship came to a spectacular end just 15
abusive behaviour. – AFP Amber Heard’s bitter legal battle has begun. months later, with Heard filed for a divorce The late
and a restraining order, appearing in a Los comedian is survived
After losing the first round – a libel trial set Angeles court with a bruised cheek. by his wife, daughter,
in the United Kingdom – Depp, 58, sued son, sister and
Heard, 35, for US$50 million (RM211.1 million) She alleged verbal and physical abuse, nephew. – by John Tan
over an op-ed she wrote in The Washington with Depp denying all accusations.
Post in which she claimed to be a victim of The beloved
domestic abuse. Heard has sued back, with a In 2018, Heard wrote an opinion piece in voice actor was
US$100 million (RM422.3 million) The Washington Post about her experience as a cultural icon.
counterclaim against Depp. a “public figure representing domestic abuse”. – REUTERS
Depp sued for defamation, calling it “an
The defamation trial is expected to feature elaborate hoax to ... advance her career”.
painful accusations of domestic abuse. It will
be broadcast live and involve a number of The upcoming battle - expected to last up
high-profile witnesses, including James to six weeks - will in many ways be a rerun of
Franco, Paul Bettany and Elon Musk. the London trial, exposing lurid details about
Depp and Heard’s former relationship, with
Depp and Heard married in 2015, accusations of abuse aimed at both sides. – by
following three years of dating. However, their Anansa Jacob

/theSunMedia 17theSun LYFE ON THURSDAY | APRIL 14, 2022

its magic
FANTASTIC Beasts: The Secrets
of Dumbledore is the eleventh o Sadly, J.K. Rowling’s
film in the Wizarding World spinoff series
movie universe, with the continues to fall short
previous eight films belonging to the
Harry Potter series. Given the film’s
pedigree, anticipation for the new
sequel is at an all-time high, with
viewers and fans anticipating
answers to questions raised since the
release of the first Harry Potter film in
This film falls into the same pitfalls
as its previous, delivering an
unmanageable, generally
uncomfortable mash-up of serious
topics and childish silliness, made
even more perplexing by too many
subplots, too many characters, and a tale barely add up, and they primarily
tone that veers dramatically off- serve to keep the protagonists busy
course at every point. until the election.
The film opens with Newt
Scamander (Eddie Redmayne) It’s incredibly easy to accept
assisting in the birth of a qilin, a Mikkelsen as the wicked wizard
mystical creature with a pure heart Grindelwald in place of Depp.
and has the ability to see future. Mikkelsen complements Law’s
Gellert Grindelwald’s (Mads intensity as Dumbledore, and is a
Mikkelsen, who replaces Johnny great casting choice to see the saga
Depp) minions, led by Credence through to its conclusion two films
Barebone (Ezra Miller) then attack from now. Both actors create some
and kill the mother qilin, and steal exciting, almost thrilling parts that
the newborn, whom Grindelwald frequently draw our focus away from
kills in order to harness its gift. the bad storyline. Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets Of Dumbledore is the third film in darker Harry Potter spin-off series. – WARNER BROS
Newt and his brother Theseus
(Callum Turner) are recruited by The film contains more cool duel between Dumbledore and thoroughly explored. The film does, two more of these films? It’s time to
Albus Dumbledore (Jude Law) since blockbuster action sequences than Credence playing out solely in their in fact, carry on the franchise’s release David Yates from the
he is unable to combat Grindelwald the previous two films combined, imaginations. tradition of seeming detached from Wizarding World chains. It can end
owing to a blood bond. The two are from an assassination attempt at a its previous instalment, and failing to here.
joined by wizard Yusuf Kama dinner party concluding in a However, Fantastic Beasts’ biggest provide any kind of convincing plot to
(William Nadylam), No-Maj Jacob spectacular slow-motion paper trick, flaw has always been its treatment of justify a sequel. Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of
Kowalski (Dan Fogler) and Lally and on to a humorous jail break its supporting characters, who are Dumbledore is out in theatres now.
Hicks (Jessica Williams) in a mission involving octo-spiders, before there to fill in the gaps but are never Do we even have to sit through
culminating with an actually quite

to stop Grindelwald’s scheme for
world dominance.
Grindelwald has dispatched 0DIRECTOR:
Credence to murder Dumbledore David Yates
first, before rulers of the wizarding 0CAST: Eddie
world assemble in Bhutan to elect the Redmayne,
next Supreme Head through the Jude Law, Mads
ancient ritual of being judged worthy Mikkelsen,
by a qilin, who bows to those who are Jessica
pure in heart. Williams,
Whether Albus and his team will Callum Turner,
be able to prevent Grindelwald’s Dan Fogler and
ascension, and whether Grindelwald Ezra Miller
is chosen as the Supreme Head, are
some of the remaining questions in E-VALUE
the film. 6
The Secrets of Dumbledore is
constantly divided into a split ACTING
storyline, none of which feel 8
important unless they happen to

develop anywhere around (from left) Jessica Williams, Callum Turner, Jude Law, Fionna Glascott, Dan Fogler, and
Grindelwald. The jumbled bits of the Mads Mikkelsen as Gellert Grindelwald. – WARNER BROS Eddie Redmayne. – WARNER BROS.

The price of Fans can go behind
fandom the scenes of the Harry
Potter franchise in
London. – ETX STUDIO

BEING a superfan can be a costly Superfan Victoria
business. Between the box sets of Maclean (below) poses
complete movie franchises and all with her collection at
kinds of associated merch, the bill her home in south
can quickly add up. A study looking at Wales. – REUTERS
the most expensive movie franchises
for fans has found that being a total of £467.98 (RM2,578). average price of the box set is
superfan of the Harry Potter franchise To determine this top 20, the site cheaper, the signed poster reaches
can be more costly than Star Wars £382 compared to £306 for the boy
fandom. So which are the top 10 most compared the average price of a full wizard. Next in the top three comes
expensive and most affordable movie box set of movies, an action figure, a t- Back to the Future costing £355.84
franchises for fans? shirt, a costume and a signed movie (RM1,960).
poster. The first movie, Harry Potter
Evidently, the magic comes at a and the Philosopher’s Stone was As for the most affordable
cost for fans of the wizarding world. released in 2001. Since then, seven franchises, Star Wars is in sixth place
As the latest instalment of the other movies have been released, at a cost of “just” £109.17 (RM601) to
Fantastic Beasts spin-off series hits making the franchise a particularly fans. But the top prize goes to Shrek,
theatres, the movie franchise based prolific business. with a total of only £60.46 (RM333)
on J.K. Rowling’s books has been for the box set and all the
named the most expensive for In second place comes the merchandise. The Die Hard saga and
superfans, according to Godfather franchise. Although with Twilight complete the top three most
only three films, the franchise affordable franchises for movie fans,
The British price comparison directed by Francis Ford Coppola according to – ETX
website has selected 39 movie comes at a cost of £448.62 (RM2,471) Studio
franchises, among the most popular to fans. Unlike Harry Potter, while the
worldwide, consisting of at least three
films, to determine the average cost
of box sets and fan merchandise on
eBay. The study puts the Harry Potter
franchise at the top of the table as the
most expensive for superfans, with a


18 theSun LYFE ON THURSDAY | APRIL 14, 2022

The miniskirt
is set to rule
the fashion
scene of
Summer 2022.
– 123RF

Stay fashion forward
this Raya
THE Fashion Journal at Setia City accessories complete the fashion
Mall is the all-new, go-to fashion lineup with its range of OVERSIZE cuts and maxi Kendall Jenner is Model Candice
precinct located on level UG-135. comfortable, versatile and lengths can get back in the is well known Swanepoel in
The new fashion retail concept is modern modest wear for women closet! Any superfluous piece for her love of a black leather
home to a collection of unique of all walks of life. of fabric will have no place in mini dresses. miniskirt.
homegrown brands to cater to women’s wardrobes this year, all the – PINTEREST – PINTEREST
your fashion and beauty needs, “We’re excited to be a part of way through until fall. Skirts, dresses,
from April 2022 onwards. The Fashion Journal as it is a tops and even bags are shedding a few Short good
unique retail space that offers an centimetres, while jeans and pants are o Fashion goes mini for maximum effect
“As Shah Alam’s largest urban intimate and cosy shopping landing with (very) low waists. And it’s
lifestyle shopping mall, Setia City experience, while providing us a trend that we once again owing to has seen a 200% increase in searches Mini cuts, maximum effect
Mall constantly seeks to deliver with an opportunity to grow and younger generations’ infatuation with for the miniskirt – in plaid patterns, if But the skirt will not be the only
fresh concepts to elevate the expand our customer base. We’re all things Y2K. you please – showing a definite craze wardrobe essential to losing several
shopping experience for our confident our fashion-forward for this 2000s staple. centimetres this season. Dresses, of
customers. What inspired the clothing line will appeal to Microclothes are riding higher than course, will be getting the chop, but so
birth of The Fashion Journal was shoppers who are looking for ever, relegating maxi dresses and long And, if we’re going full-on Y2K, will tops. Bra tops, visible bras, crop
the desire to create a unique individuality and elegance in summer skirts to the background this there’s a good chance that the mini- or tops and the likes are all looking
space, to support local brands by their festive wear,” said Shukri season. And this is despite the major micro-skirt will be worn with a crop popular, again channelling a certain
providing them a platform and Shari, Creative Director of return of the Coachella festival, top, or even a bikini top, rather than Y2K nostalgia. The LTK platform
space to showcase their products LOCKA. scheduled from April 15 in California, anything more oversized in cut. This is reports a 200% increase in searches for
and offerings,” said Vivien which is usually synonymous with a a trend that is gradually gaining the purple crop top this season, once
Phuah, General Manager, Setia Additionally, for makeup bohemian-chic wardrobe. popularity on TikTok, which counts again showing a definite interest in
City Mall. enthusiasts, head over to NITA nearly 180 million views for the shorter pieces this season. And, to top
and SYEDEWA. The former is the This year, it will be all about short #miniskirt hashtag. it all off, mini handbags – worn on the
“The Fashion Journal is a go-to cosmetic line for young cuts, low waists, and navels visible shoulder – are also proving a hit
unique concept as each brand women who want to add zest and from miles away ... Tiny styles will be Not content with being a star style (+150%).
featured has its distinct identity colour into their everyday lives, everywhere, as (already) proved by for sunny days, the miniskirt will also
and products that have been and the latter serves up many fashion icons, influencers, and be in the spotlight next season. During If we combine this trend with
carefully curated to cater to our specialised and individualised various other users on social networks. the fall-winter 2022-2023 fashion people’s (mainly women’s) infatuation
target audience. It is a cosy one- cosmetics for all skin tones. And, of course, designers are already shows, many designers trimmed with low-waisted (or even very low-
stop haven for shopaholics, Patrons can also cap off their surfing on the trend. down the miniskirt to create an even waisted) jeans, pants and skirts in
where they can shop for fashion, shopping experience at Oh The miniskirt will be summer’s star shorter version (yes, really), like recent months, the ultra-short trend
beauty and even indulge in a Apong, a homegrown creamery A symbol of emancipation, the Versace, Miu Miu and Coperni. appears to be a major inspiration for
cuppa with their friends when that specialises in gula apong ice miniskirt – whether invented by Mary summer style. It remains to be seen if
they want a break from cream and coffee. Quant or André Courrèges – is shaping Diesel went even further by this new fad will materialize on the
shopping,” added Phuah. up to be one of the most coveted proposing large belts that turn into street, or if – as is often the case – it will
“The fashion offerings at The pieces in the womenswear wardrobe. micro-skirts in a flash, giving some struggle to make its way beyond the
The brands featured in The Fashion Journal perfectly Influencer marketing platform LTK indication of the little amount of fabric realms of social media. – ETX Studio
Fashion Journal include Bayu complement our range of that will be used to conceal what you
Somerset, offering affordable cruelty-free and wallet-friendly might call your ‘winter body.’
Kedah Baju Kurung and Kebaya home-grown cosmetics. Our
with unique prints that are made wide range of hypoallergenic SHEIN collaborates with Iman Troye this festive season
to fit any woman’s unique sense makeup products which suit all
of style. Meanwhile, Binwani’s skin tones, will certainly be a hit
offers a selection of fashion among the mall’s patrons,” said
fabrics for your everyday style Aznita Azman, Founder of NITA.
and needs. Next, LOCKA
provides trendy clothing and So be ready to head over to
design pieces, with individuality, Setia City Mall’s The Fashion
authenticity and utmost comfort Journal to celebrate Raya in style
at the heart of the brand’s and check out exclusive in-store
philosophy. UMMA offers a wide promotions.
range of headscarves, inners and
For more information, visit

FOR the very first time, fashion brand 2020. thank God for the blessings they have
SHEIN is all set to make a big splash by SHEIN Malaysia will also host its received in life.
bringing fashionable kaftans, abayas,
hijabs, and other fashionable pieces to #SHEINGayaRaya live streaming event SHEIN has your Hari Raya Aidilfitri
our shores. To commemorate the on April 15, 2022, at 9pm with hosts festive clothes covered, with more
launch, SHEIN is also collaborating with Isha Norsham and Shiha Zikir. Not to fashionable pieces, as well as more
talented Malaysian singer Iman Troye. mention, attractive flash sales and gifts sizing and colour options to choose
are up for grabs. from.
A modest wear collection specially
curated and styled by Iman Troye is now The launch of the new Modest “SHEIN has never disappointed me
available across all SHEIN platforms. It Fashion line on the SHEIN Malaysia in the wide selection of clothes that I
will feature relaxed and feminine website comes mere weeks from the can mix and match to suit my style! I
silhouettes that will complement any celebration of Hari Raya Aidilfitri on 3 hope that this exclusive collection will
wardrobe. May. This is an occasion that most add colours to your wardrobe as much
Malaysians look forward to as Muslims as it has for me!”says Iman.
Iman’s collection features matching wake up early to visit the mosque to
neutrals with relaxed silhouettes in Visit for more info.
neutral tones for your everyday modest
look. There are also summer shades –
which are soft pastel pieces that you
can mix and match for any occasion.

The up-and-coming recording artist
is no stranger to making a big splash,
having been one of the first Malaysians
to be featured on the digital billboard in
Times Square in New York City.
Responsible for such hits as Teman,
Pejam Celik Hari Raya, and Nang, Iman
has been making a name for herself
since releasing her debut album in


19theSun LYFE ON THURSDAY | APRIL 14, 2022

Tech gadgets from the 90s and 2000s are gaining popularity among the Gen Z population. – 123RF


OUT with the old, in with the
new is one phrase that best
describes how the tech
industry operates. While
old trends often find new meanings
in fashion and entertainment, old
gadgets many times do not share the
same fate. They are indeed
disregarded once their service is no
longer valued.

According to reports, over 50
million tons of electronic goods are
thrown away every year globally. This
includes TVs, computer monitors,
cameras, and mobile phones. But
thanks to a recent TikTok trend, old
gadgets are once again finding new
life among the general public.
Specifically, the ones from the late
‘90s and 2000s.

Generation Z (kids born from 1997
to 2012) are reclaiming iconic gadgets
from the ‘90s and 2000s as their own.
Despite not living through both the
decades, many Gen Zs have found
comfort and pride in using the
devices. Here are some of the popular

Wired headphones Back in fashion!
Thanks to influencers like model
Bella Hadid to ‘it girl’ Lily-Rose Depp, o Iconic 90s’ and 2000s tech gadgets that are coming back in style
wired headphones have now become
the new must-have accessory. In fact, 24/7 screen life that youths now live. Both millennials and Gen Zs are using
many Gen Zs prefer them over The fascination lies in the possibility disposable cameras. – THE PHOTO LAB
wireless earphones. Shelby Hull, who of what they can do without
documents this new phenomenon on checking/playing with their phones. The best part of it all? It does not
Instagram, explains that there is a require any Wi-Fi connection! “It’s
cool factor behind using wired “Our relationship to our cell really exciting to see the generations
headphones. phones in the era of flips and slides playing,” said Tara Badie, Bandai
was quite different to what it is today,” America’s senior director. “Kids really
“Wired is an attitude. It is the way said Biz Sherbert, a cultural specialist enjoy playing with their parents as
you carry yourself and moves about at The Digital Fairy. “Today’s they take care of their virtual pets
the world.” She further explained that, smartphones distract us and stress us together.”
unlike air pods, wired headphones out, as we find ourselves constantly Disposable cameras
also carry a strong message. “I love scrolling through social media. Forget about high-resolution photos.
the signal they send. Both millennials and Gen Z are
“But, back in the 2000s, the heyday relishing the joys of disposable
“It’s like, ‘Please don’t speak to me, of the flip phone, you could use your cameras. Kate Rozansky, like many
I’m too busy.’ AirPods don’t really say phone to basically just call, text, and youths her age, finds it more
that. I’ll still talk to someone if I see maybe send emails or surf a very appealing than modern phone
their AirPods in, but when you have pixelated web. [There was] no social cameras.
just a wire in, it’s clear: ‘Don’t media to doomscroll.”
approach me.’ I think that’s the “They look more authentic. I love
perfect accessory.” And it seems like Samsung and how vibrant the colours are. It
Apple are taking notice of this trend. reminds me of photos I’ve seen that
Apart from that, youngsters like Just last year, Samsung released its my parents used to take.” And it looks
Hull also believe that wired first smart flip phone, Samsung like celebrities too are digging
headphones give them the “cool IT Galaxy Z Flip 3. Whereas Apple is disposable cameras!
girl” aesthetic. following suit with its upcoming
foldable model. Model Gigi Hadid was seen
Young influencers are using iPod shuffles as vintage hair clips. – FRECKENBATS channelling the 90s when she
Gen Z enjoy flip phones for its attended the 2019 Paris fashion show.
throwback aesthetic and iPod shuffles songs. Users could play them in Hadid was seen busy snapping
limited functions. – 123RF Before came Spotify and other random order. photos with her disposable camera in
streaming platforms, iPod shuffles the front row seat.
rule the world with its music services, Whereas its second model,
convenience, and coolness. The first released a year later, was a bit
model which was released in 2005, different from its predecessor. Apple
was designed to store a selection of called it “the most wearable iPod
ever” due to its small size and clip
attachment. Founder Steve Jobs even
called it the “world’s smallest MP3

Like the previous gadgets, Gen Zs
has grown fond of iPod shuffles. But I
am not too sure if they know what it is
actually. Tik Tok user @sailorkiki who
spearheaded the trend has been
using it as a vintage hair accessory
instead of an MP3 player.

Johnny Depp’s daughter Lily-Rose is Tamagotchi Tamagotchi were popular among
among the many celebrities Of course, who could forget Millennials back then. – SOFIA BARRETT
pioneering the wired headphones Tamagotchi! The electronic pet that
movement. – LILY-ROSE DEPP millennials spent so much time
Flip phones taking care of in the past. Since the
Ah, as someone who lived through new version was released, Gen Zs
the 2000s, flip phones are something I have been following our footsteps –
would like to see come back! Its taking care of their virtual pets in the
aesthetics are something I lived for Tamagotchi On Wonder Garden.
but surprisingly for Gen Zs, it goes
beyond that. They find it attractive While the gadget does retain its
not just for its throwback aesthetics shape, it comes with new features.
but also for its limited functionality. For instance, users can now take their
pets outside their homes, travel to
It offers them an alternative to the eight different towns and use
exclusive character features in the
elusive Wonder Garden.


20 theSun LYFE ON THURSDAY | APRIL 14, 2022

When You Drive,
Never Drink

oHEINEKEN Malaysia calls for consumers,
business partners and employees to take a
stand against drink-driving

AS a responsible and committed Walking the talk, 10% of the Heineken brand
brewer, Heineken Malaysia Berhad media spend annually is committed to
(HEINEKEN Malaysia) launches the promoting responsible consumption
When You Drive, Never Drink campaigns. Leveraging the appeal and reach of
(WYDND) campaign. The campaign reinforces the Heineken brand, these campaigns will
the company’s commitment to advocating effectively raise awareness of responsible
against harmful consumption and behaviours consumption amongst consumers. The brand
through a series of initiatives to encourage aims to make moderation socially desirable by
consumers, business partners as well as celebrating the heroes who stay in control when
employees to take a stand against drink-driving. driving and in turn bring about attitude and
behavioural change amongst consumers in
The WYDND campaign’s aim is to Malaysia.
encourage consumers to be the hero who drives
sober by taking the leap to pledge to never drink HEINEKEN Malaysia Responsible
when they drive. It also serves to inspire Consumption Industry Pledge
consumers to adopt healthy habits towards In conjunction with the WYDND campaign, Take the pledge and do your part to advocate responsible consumption.
drinking to protect their health, family and
society and to turn peer pressure into peer HEINEKEN Malaysia also calls for its valued engaging consumers to avoid harmful use of Malaysia, our priority has always been the
support. Through the campaign, the company business partners including restaurants, coffee
reiterates that there is no better way to get home shops, bars, hotels and retailers as well as alcohol including excessive drinking, drink- safety, health and wellbeing of our consumers.
safely after drinking than supporting your relevant trade associations to sign the driving, drinking while pregnant, and underage In doing so, we want to give a chance to our
friends and reminding them, that when they HEINEKEN Malaysia Responsible drinking. partners to be a part of an exclusive network,
drive, they should never drink. Consumption Industry Pledge and be an ‘Enjoy Supporting consumers to make a working together to reduce harmful
Responsibly’ ambassador. Through the pledge, responsible choice by promoting the use of consumption and behaviours among
Take a Stand Against Drink Driving and Be HEINEKEN Malaysia aims to inspire its alternative transport, in line with HEINEKEN consumers. Through these collaborations, we
Rewarded! business partners to join forces as Malaysia’s WYDND campaign. can strive to make a change in Malaysia by
The Heineken brand leads the way by part of a responsible and Reinforcing the industry’s commitment to advocating against drink-driving together,” says
launching the WYDND Pledge, progressive industry in serving alcoholic beverages only to consumers Renuka Indrarajah, HEINEKEN Malaysia’s
encouraging consumers to pledge Malaysia. The pledge who are non-Muslim and above the minimum Corporate Affairs and Legal Director.
against drink-driving. Consumers can includes commitments purchasing age of alcohol To join the pledge and be an official ‘Enjoy
visit the WYDND pledge website and towards: in Malaysia, which is Responsibly’ ambassador, partners can visit the
fill in their details to affirm their Contributing to 21 years old. HEINEKEN Malaysia Responsible
commitment to never drink when Malaysia’s economy Supporting Consumption Industry Pledge website and fill
they drive. Consumers who pledge to through a vibrant the in their details to affirm their commitment.
drive sober will receive a RM10 Grab food and beverage Government’s HEINEKEN Malaysia will then present a pledge
Ride voucher. The brewer aims to sector. efforts certificate to be displayed at the partner’s
collect over 10,000 pledges, with Supporting towards business premises.
RM100,000 worth of vouchers up for consumers to eliminating
grabs. Enjoy Responsibly the sales and Responsible Consumption Starts with Every
“As a responsible and progressive through consumption HEINEKEN Malaysia Employee
brewer, we promote the enjoyment of promotions at of illicit HEINEKEN Malaysia believes that the right
our products in moderation for a respective outlets, in alcohol in attitude and behaviour on responsible
balanced lifestyle. When you drive, never collaboration with Malaysia by not consumption must start with its employees. In
drink is a message that we are passionate HEINEKEN participating in conjunction with the WYDND campaign, the
about. We strive to change the narrative, Malaysia. the illicit trade. brewer launched a series of challenges that aim
calling for consumers in Malaysia to be Educating “At HEINEKEN to reinforce awareness and responsible
the hero who drives sober by and behaviours among its employees. One of the
pledging to say no when challenges includes a call for all HEINEKEN
getting behind the wheel, Malaysia employees to complete an e-Learning
even if it is just one Renuka course on responsible consumption, entailing
drink,” says Pablo Indrarajah, the importance of responsible consumption,
Chabot, Marketing HEINEKEN the health effects of alcohol, and ways to enjoy
Director for Malaysia’s alcohol responsibly.
HEINEKEN Corporate
Malaysia. Affairs and Through the WYDND campaign,
HEINEKEN Malaysia stays true to its purpose of
Pablo Chabot, Legal brewing the joy of true togetherness to inspire a
Marketing Director. better world. Individual consumers are
Director for encouraged to take the WYDND pledge by
HEINEKEN visiting the WYDND pledge website while
Malaysia. HEINEKEN Malaysia’s business partners can
take the Responsible Consumption pledge by
visiting the HEINEKEN Malaysia Responsible
Consumption Industry Pledge website.

For more information on HEINEKEN Malaysia
and the company’s initiatives, please visit

330022 JJoobbss 332222 NNootticiceess 21theSUN ON THURSDAY | APRIL 14, 2022

AANNDD Djokovic ‘needs to talk to team’ after Monte Carlo defeat
JJoobbDDeessccrriippttiioonn:: RREEDDIAIASSDDNN..BBHHDD.. has claimed he Slam champion is set to play
CCoommppaannyyNNoo..119988440011001144554488 “collapsed physically” the French Open on May 22,
•• BBuuilidldininggaannddssuusstataininininggsstrtroonnggwwoorrkkininggrreelalatitoionnsshhipipsswwitihth after being beaten on and recently uploaded a
aaddvveerrtitsisininggcclileienntsts.. ((112277110044--PP)) training video which suggested
((ININMMEEMMBBEERRSS’’VVOOLLUUNNTTAARRYY his return to action in Monte he was eager to get his clay-
•• DDrriviveetotoppeerrfoforrmmaannddbbrrininggininssaalelessrreevveennuueefoforrththeeccoommppaannyyoonnaalll Carlo. court preparation underway in
mmeeddiaiapplalatftoforrmmss.. WWININDDININGG--UUPP)) Djokovic, 34, was playing Monte Carlo. A draw against
NNOOTTICICEE isis hheerreebbyy ggiviveenn ththaatt ththee just his fourth match of 2022 as world No 46 Fokina initially
•• PPlalannaannddeexxeeccuutitviveenneeww,,ccrreeaatitvivee,,eexxccitiitninggaannddininnnoovvaatitvivee FFininaal l GGeenneerraal l MMeeeetitningg ppuurrssuuaanntt toto he came up against Alejandro appeared a good starting point.
mmaarrkkeetitninggccaammppaaigignnssfoforrththeeccoommppaannyy SSeecctitoionn 445599(1(1)) ooff ththee CCoommppaannieiess Davidovich Fokina of Spain. However, he appeared more
AAcct,t, 22001166 ooff ththee aabboovveennaammeedd And having dug deep to than rusty, losing the first set 6-
•• DDeevveeloloppaannddccoonntitninuuoouusslylyimimpprroovveemmaarrkkeetitninggmmaateterriaialsls,, CCoommppaannyy wwilill bbee hheeldld aatt NNoo.. 44 && level matters in a second set tie- 3 before responding with a
pprroodduucct/ts/seerrvviciceepprreesseenntatatitoionnssaannddpprrooppoossaalsls.. 55,,JJaalalannRRoosseellele11,,TTaammaannRRoosseellele,, break, the world No. 1 then fell battling second set, which he
8866990000 EEnnddaauu,, JJoohhoorr oonn ththee 1166thth away in the decider to exit the eventually took on a tie-break
•• WWoorrkkcclolosseelylywwitihthththeerreessppeecctitviveeddeeppaarrtmtmeenntttotoimimpprroovveerreevveennuuee MMaayy 22002222 aatt 1111.0.000 aa.m.m.. foforr ththee tournament at the first hurdle. 7-5.
ggeenneerraatitninggpplalatftoforrmmss.. fofollolowwininggppuurrppoosseess:-:- The Serbian’s refusal to be However, it was Fokina, 22,
(1(1))TToo rerecceeivivee aanndd ccoonnssidideerr ththee vaccinated against Covid-19 who then dominated the
RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss:: has left him seriously short of decider, taking it 6-1 having
LLiqiquuididaatotorr’s’s AAccccoouunntt sshhoowwiningg game time this season. broken his opponent’s serve
•• MMininimimuummDDipiplolommaa/B/Baacchheelolorr's'sddeeggrreeeeininbbuussinineessss,,mmaarrkkeetitningg,,oorr ththee mmaannnneerr inin wwhhicichh ththee He was eventually banned nine times in all.
aannyyooththeerrrreelalateteddfifeieldld.. wwininddiningguupphhaassbbeeeennccoonndduucctetedd from competing in the After afterwards, Djokovic
aannddtotorerecceeiviveeaannyyeexxpplalannaatitoionn Australian Open following an admitted to being unhappy
•• MMininimimuumm55yyeeaarrssooffeexxppeerrieienncceeininssaalelessaannddmmaarrkkeetitninggininpprrinintt ththeerreeoonn.. explosive visa saga, which with his condition. “Physically I
aannddddigigitiatal lmmeeddiaia (2(2))TToo ddeeteterrmmininee ppuurrssuuaanntt toto culminated in him being completely collapsed. I
SSeecctitoionn 551188(3(3)()b(b)) ooff ththee deported out of the country just couldn’t move any more. I
•• GGooooddccoommmmuunnicicaatitoionn,,pprreesseenntatatitoionn,,pprroobblelemmssoolvlvininggaanndd CCoommppaannieiess AAcct,t, 22001166 ththee a day before the event began. didn’t like the way I felt in the
oorrggaannizizaatitoionnaal lsskkililsls mmaannnneerr inin wwhhicichh ththee bbooookkss,, He did play in the Dubai end. I need to talk with my
aaccccoouunntsts aanndd ddooccuummeenntsts ooff Tennis Championships in team.
•• PPoosssseessssoowwnntrtraannssppoorrttaannddwwilililninggtototrtraavveell ththeeCCoommppaannyysshhaall lbbeeddisisppoosseedd February, reaching the “He was the better player. I
•• AAbbleletotosstatarrttimimmmeeddiaiatetelylyififssuucccceessssfufullylycchhoosseenn oofffaaftfeterrththeeeexxppiriraatitoionnooffththrreeee quarterfinals, and then was hanging on the ropes the
•• SSuucccceessssfufullccaannddididaatete(s(s))wwilillbbeebbaasseeddininththeePPeetatalilninggJJaayyaaooffifcicee (3(3))mmoonnththssfrfroommththeeddaateteooffththee attempted to enter ATP entire match. I just ran out of
ddisisssoolulutitoionnooffththeeccoommppaannyy.. tournaments in Indian Wells gas completely.
SSEENNIIOORR EEXXEECCUUTTIIVVEE DDaateteddththisis::1144ththAApprrilil22002222 and Miami. However, he was “If you can’t stay in the rally,
CCHHAAI IMMININYYEEAAWW Novak Djokovic during a break in the second forced to withdraw from both not feeling your legs on the clay,
DDIIGGIITTAALLMMAARRKKEETTIINNGG LLiqiquuididaatotorr round match against Alejandro Davidovich over vaccination rules. it’s mission impossible.’’ –
JJoobbDDeessccrriippttiioonn:: 2233,,JJaalalannSSuulalamm,, Fokina yesterday. – REUTERSPIX However, the 20-time Grand Express Newspapers
•• DDeessigignnaannddddeevveeloloppoonnlilnineemmaarrkkeetitninggsstrtraateteggieiess,,ddigigitiatallrrooaaddmmaapp 8800115500JJoohhoorrBBaahhrruu,,JJoohhoor.r. Verstappen has ‘no reason to believe’
aannddccrreeaatitviveeccaammppaaigignnssththaattaalilgignneeddwwitihthththeebbuussinineessssggooaalslsaanndd NNootete::
ddirireecctitoionnss.. AA mmeemmbbeerr eenntittilteledd toto aattetenndd aanndd
•• PPrroovvidideeccrreeaatitviveeidideeaassfoforrccoonntetennttmmaarrkkeetitningg.. toto aappppooinintt aa pprrooxxyy oorr pprrooxxieiess toto
•• MMaannaaggeeaalllddigigitiatallmmaarrkkeetitninggcchhaannnneelsls aattetennddaannddvvooteteoonnhhisis/h/heerrssteteaadd..
•• PPlalannaannddmmaannaaggeessoocciaiallmmeeddiaiapplalatftoforrmmss.. NNoo ppeerrssoonn sshhaalll bbee aappppooinintetedd aa
•• AAbbleletotoccrreeaateteccoonntetenntt&&pprroodduucceeggrraapphhicicssfoforrssoocciaiallmmeeddiaia pprrooxxyy uunnlelessss hhee isis aa mmeemmbbeerr ooff
ppoosstitninggss.. oorraappeerrssoonnaapppprroovveeddininwwrritiitninggbbyy
•• PPrreeppaarreeccooppyywwrritiitninggfoforrththeemmaarrkkeetitninggccaammppaaigignn.. DDirireecctotorrss..
AAlll foforrmm ooff pprrooxxieiess mmuusstt bbee
RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss:: ddeeppoossitietedd aatt NNoo.2.233,, JJaalalann SSuulalamm,,
TTaammaann SSeenntotossaa,, 8800115500 JJoohhoorr
•• DDipiplolommaa/D/DeeggrreeeeininMMaarrkkeetitningg,,DDigigitiatallMMaarrkkeetitninggoorreeqquuivivaalelennt.t. BBaahhrruu,, JJoohhoorr nnoott lelessss ththaann 4488
•• MMininimimuumm33yyeeaarrssooffeexxppeerrieienncceeininimimpplelemmeenntitninggddigigitiatall hhoouurrssbbeefoforreeththeetitmimeeaappppooininteteddfoforr
•• EExxcceellelennttuunnddeerrsstatannddininggooffddigigitiatallmmaarrkkeetitninggccoonncceepptstsaanndd 332222 NNootticiceess 332222 NNootticiceess FORMULA 1 world champion Max Verstappen now on we need to be ahead.
admits he has “no reason to believe” he can “We need to quicker, which we are not at
•• RReeqquuirireeddSSkkilil(ls(s):):GGooooggleleAAddwwoorrddss,,GGooooggleleAAnnaalylytitcicss,,SSEEOO/S/SEEMM,, AATTSSHHAAHHAALLAAMM MMAALLAAYYAAAATTSSHHAAHHAALLAAMM the moment. And we need to be reliable,
CCOOMMPPAANNIEIESS(W(WININDDININGG--UUPP)) The Dutchman, who dramatically pipped which we are also not. So there’s a lot of things
ssoocciaial lmmeeddiaiammaarrkkeetitninggaannddoopptitmimizizaatitoionn. . (C(COOMMMMEERRCCIAIALLDDIVIVISISIOIONN)) Lewis Hamilton to the 2021 championship in to work on.”
•• TTeeaammpplalayyeerr CCOOMMPPAANNIEIESS(W(WININDDININGG-U-UPP)) PPEETTITITIOIONNNNOO. . Abu Dhabi last year, has suffered reliability
•• GGooooddtitmimee--mmaannaaggeemmeennttsskkililsls NNOO. .BBAA-2-288NNCCCC-2-20033-0-033/2/2002222 BBAA--2288NNCCCC--114433--0033/2/2002222 problems in both Bahrain and Melbourne When asked about his potential title
•• GGrreeaattininteterrppeerrssoonnaallaannddccoommmmuunnicicaatitoionnsskkililsls InIn ththee mmaatteterr ooff SSeecctitoionnss 446644(1(1)()b(b),), which have seen him fail to finish. challenge this year, Verstappen then added: “I
InInththeemmaattteterrooffSSeecctitoionn446655(1(1) )(e(e) )&&SSeecctitoionn 446655(1(1)()e(e) )aanndd446666(1(1) )oof fththeeCCoommppaannieiess don’t even think about it. At the moment,
OOfffiicceebbaasseeddiinnPPeettaalliinnggJJaayyaa((55ddaayyssaawweeeekk)) 44666(1(1) )(a(a) )ooffththeeCCoommppaannieiessAAcct,t,22001166 AAcctt22001166(A(Acctt777777);); He did clinch victory at the Saudi Arabian there is no reason to believe in it.”
CClloossiinnggddaattee--3300AApprriill22002222 Grand Prix but two DNFs have left him sixth in
SSeennddiinnyyoouurrCCVVwwiitthhyyoouurrpphhoottoovviiaaeemmaaiillttoo:: AAnndd AAnndd the drivers’ championship, a huge 46 points off Ferrari are clearly the team to beat as they
tthheessuunn..hhrr22@@ggmmaaiill..ccoomm InIn ththee mmaatteterr ooff JJSSKK InIndduusstrtireiess SSddnn runaway leader Charles Leclerc just three races have followed up a memorable one-two in
InInththeemmaattteter roof fththeeCCoommppaannieiess(W(Wininddiningg-- BBhhdd [C[Coommppaannyy NNoo.:.: 119999990011001199223300 into the season. Bahrain with a second place for Leclerc in
UUpp) )RRuuleless, ,11997722 (4(49944113300-V-V)])] Saudi Arabia, before the Monegasque driver
And Verstappen, who has been left then picked up another victory in Melbourne.
AAnndd BBEETTWWEEEENN extremely frustrated by his team’s inability to
DDWWITITAASSIKIKPPRROOJJEECCTTDDEEVVEELLOOPPMMEENNTTSSDDNN provide him with a car which can make it to Despite their struggles, Mercedes now
InInththeemmaattteterrooffMMFFI IBBUUSSININEESSSSRREESSOOUURRCCEESS BBHHDD[C[CoommppaannyyNNoo.:.:220000770011001199778855 the finish, insists the championship is not even occupy second spot in the drivers’ standings
SSDDNN. .BBHHDD. .[C[COOMMPPAANNYYNNOO.:.:2200055001100220022288 (7(77777880011-T-T)])] on his mind at this moment in time. thanks to George Russell.
/ /770022334477-A-A] ]
……PPEETTITITIOIONNEERR Speaking after the disappointment in Leclerc’s teammate Carlos Sainz is third,
BBEETTWWEEEENN AANNDD Melbourne, he said: “Being already so far down with Sergio Perez and Lewis Hamilton also
JJSSKKININDDUUSSTTRRIEIESSSSDDNNBBHHDD in the championship, I think it’s 46 points, from ahead of reigning champion Verstappen. – The
PPAACCLLEEAASSEEBBEERRHHAADD [C[CoommppaannyyNNoo.:.:119999990011001199223300 Independent
[C[COOMMPPAANNYYNNOO.:.:119999660011001144330033/ / (4(49944113300-V-V)])]
33886665533-K-K] ] .....PPEETTITITIOIONNEERR
[C[COOMMPPAANNYYNNOO.:.:220000550011002200222288/ / foforrththeewwininddiningg-u-uppooffJJSSKKININDDUUSSTTRRIEIESS
770022334477-A-A] ] .....RREESSPPOONNDDEENNTT SSDDNN BBHHDD (“(“CCoommppaannyy””)) bbyy ththee HHigighh
CCoouurtrt wwaass, , oonn ththee 11sstt ddaayy ooff MMaarcrchh
PPEERRISISYYTTIHIHAARRAANNJJUUAALLAANN NNOOTTICICEE ISIS HHEERREEBBYY GGIVIVEENN ththaat t aa PPeetittiitoionn AAnnddththaattththeessaaididppeetittiitoionnisisddiriereccteteddtoto SHORTS of the West Indies series last month,
DDAALLAAMMMMAAHHKKAAMMAAHHTTININGGGGI IMMAALLAAYYAADDI IKKUUAALLAALLUUMMPPUURR foforrththeeWWininddiningg-U-UppooffththeeMMFFI IBBUUSSININEESSSS bbeehheeaardrdbbeefoforereththeeHHigighhCCoouurtrtooffMMaalalayyaa Super Kings snap winless run alongside long-term opening partner Stuart
PPEERRMMOOHHOONNAANNUUNNTTUUKKPPEERRLLAAKKSSAANNAAAANNNNOO: :WWAA-3-388-8-81177-1-111/2/2002211 RREESSOOUURRCCEESS SSDDNN. . BBHHDD. . (“(“ththee CCoommppaannyy””) ) ssitiitninggaattSShhaahhAAlalammaatt99.0.000oo’c’clolocckkininththee Broad, after their 4-0 Ashes defeat – with
bbyyththeeHHigighhCCoouurtrtwwaass, ,oonnththee2288ththddaayyooff foforerennoooonn, ,oonnththee77ththddaayyooffJJuunnee22002222; ; HOLDERS Chennai Super Kings (CSK) finally interim director of cricket Andrew Strauss
DDaalalammppeerkrkaararammeennggeennaai iSSeekkssyyeenn225566ddaann225577KKaannuunnTTaannaahhNNeeggaarara, ,11996655 MMaarcrchh 2200222 ppreresseenntetedd toto ththee ssaaidid CCoouurtrt aannddaannyyccreredditiotorroorrccoonntrtirbibuutotoryryooffththee ended their losing streak in the Indian Premier suggesting it was an opportunity for the
DDaann bbyyPPAACCLLEEAASSEEBBEERRHHAADDooffLLeevveel l1122&&1133, , ssaaidid CCoommppaannyy ddeessiriirningg toto ssuuppppoortrt oorr League (IPL) by beating Royal Challengers team to develop.
MMeennaararaHHaawwPPaar,r,JJaalalannSSuultlatannIsIsmmaaili,l,5500225500 ooppppoosseeththeemmaakkininggooffaannoordrdeerroonnththee Bangalore (RCB) yesterday, with Shivam Dube’s
DDaalalammppeerkrkaarara mmeennggeennaai i GGaaddaaiaiann PPeersrseerarahhaannNNoo: :9911992288/0/055( (bbeertratarirkikhh: :3300/1/111/2/2000055) ) KKuuaalalaLLuummppuur,r,WWilialayyaahhPPeersrseekkuututuaannKKuuaalala ssaaidid ppeetittiitoionn mmaayy aappppeeaarr aatt ththee titmimee sparkling ball striking earning comparisons Anderson, 39, is preparing to start the
kkeeaatatasssseemmuuaabbaahhaaggiaianntatannaahhyyaannggddipipeeggaannggddi ibbaawwaahhHH.S.S(D(D))2222338833, ,PPTT2222662211, ,MMuukkimim LLuummppuurr(“(“ththeePPeetittiitoionneer”r”).). ooff hheeaarirningg bbyy hhimimsseelflf oorr hhisis ccoouunnsseel l with former India stalwart Yuvraj Singh. new season with Lancashire but says he is
KKlalanngg, ,DDaaeerarahhKKUUAALLAALLUUMMPPUURR, ,SSeelalannggoorr foforr ththaatt ppuurprpoossee; ; aanndd aa ccooppyy ooff ththee still unable to comprehend his England axe.
AANNDDththaat tththeessaaididPPeetittiitoionnisisddiriereccteteddtotobbee ppeetittiitoionnwwililllbbeefufurnrnisishheeddtotoaannyyccreredditiotorr Chennai’s title defence looked in tatters
DDaann hheeaardrdbbeefoforereththeeHHigighhCCoouurtrtssitittitninggaat tSShhaahh oorr ccoonntrtirbibuutotoryry ooff ththee ssaaidid CCoommppaannyy after four successive defeats under new “I’ve stopped trying to make sense of it
DDaalalammppeerkrkaararammeennggeennaai iAAtuturarann8833KKaaeeddaahh--KKaaeeddaahhMMaahhkkaammaahh, ,22001122 AAlalamm, ,aatt99.0.00oo’c’clolocckkininththeemmoornrnininggoonnththee rereqquuiriirninggththeessaammeebbyyththeeuunnddeersrsigignneedd captain Ravindra Jadeja but Dube’s 95 not out and just put it to one side,” Anderson said.
2277ththddaayyooffJJuunnee2200222. . oonnppaayymmeennttooffththeereregguulalateteddcchhaargrgeefoforr off 46 balls fired them to 216-4 against
AANNTTAARRAA ththeessaammee. . Bangalore. “It was completely out of my control. I’ve
AAMMBBAANNKK(M(M))BBEERRHHAADD(N(Noo. .SSyyaarirkikaatt: :119966990011000000116666(8(8551155-D-D))) AANNDD aannyy ccreredditiotorr oorr ccoonntrtirbibuutotoryry ooff ththee TThheePPeetittiitoionneer’rs’saaddddreresssisisaatt1100ththFFlolooor,r, got to focus on what I can control and that is
CCoommppaanny,y,ddeessiriirningg toto ssuuppppoortrt oorr ooppppoossee TToowweerr BBlolocckk, , PPlalazzaa DDwwitiatassikik, , JJaalalann The left-hander combined with Robin bowling as well as I possibly can.”
. .. .. .PPLLAAININTTIFIF ththeemmaakkininggooffaannOOrdrdeerroonnththeessaaididPPeetittiitoionn, , SSriri PPeermrmaaisisuurir,i,BBaannddaarr SSriri PPeermrmaaisisuurir,i, Uthappa (88) to plunder 165 runs off 74 balls
DDAANN mmaayy aappppeeaarr aatt ththee titmimee ooff HHeeaarirningg bbyy 5566000000KKuuaalalaLLuummppuur.r. for the third wicket to set up their 23-run Cash is king, says Norman
VVAASSAANNTTHHAARRUUBBAANNAA/L/LHHAARRI IKKRRISISHHNNAANN hhimimsseelflfoorrhhisisCCoouunnsseel lfoforrththaattppuurprpoossee. . TThhee PPeetittiitoionneer’rs’s ssoolilcicitiotorsrs isis SShhinin SShhinin victory.
(N(Noo. .KKaaddPPeennggeennaalalann: :880000661122110055888899)) &&CCoo.,.,ooffAA-5-5-1-100, ,EEmmppiriereTToowweerrSSSS1166/1/1, , MANY of the world’s top golfers have
AANNDD aa ccooppyy ooff ththee PPeetittiitoionn wwililll bbee 4477550000 SSuubbaanngg JJaayyaa, , SSeelalannggoorr DDaarurul l Dube’s clean ball striking, which he distanced themselves from the Saudi-
. .. .. .DDEEFFEENNDDAANN fufurnrnisishheedd toto aannyy ccreredditiotorr oorr ccoonntrtirbibuutotoryry EEhhssaann. . illustrated with eight sixes, earned him the backed LIV Golf Invitational Series but Greg
MMeennuururutt PPeerirnintatahh MMaahhkkaammaahh TTininggggi i MMaalalayyaa ddi i KKUUAALLAA LLUUMMPPUURR mmeennggeennaai i PPeerirnintatahh oof fththeeCCoommppaannyyrereqquuiriirninggththeessaammeebbyyththee Man-of-the-Match award as well as Norman said the lure of the huge prize
JJuuaalalannddaannPPeerirnintatahhbbeertratarirkikhh1188DDisiseemmbbeerr22001188ddaann2288FFeebbruruaariri22002222, ,aaddaalalahhddeennggaann uunnddeersrsigignneeddoonnppaayymmeennt toof fththeereregguulalatetedd --ssggdd-- comparisons with Yuvraj. purses on offer will prove too hard to resist.
ininididiiisisyytithihaarkrkaannbbaahhaawwaaTTimimbbaalalannPPeennddaaftfatar/rP/PeennoololonnggKKaannaannPPeennddaaftfatarrPPuussaattOOppeerarassi iee-- cchhaargrgeefoforrththeessaammee. . .….………………………………………
LLeelolonnggddi iKKuuaanntatann “We were looking for our first win and it’s The series released details of eight new
TThhee PPeetittiitoionneer’rs’s aaddddreresss isis PPAACC LLEEAASSEE SShhininSShhinin&&CCoo. . really an honour for me to be able to tournaments in March, promising prize
AAKKAANNMMEENNJJUUAALLSSEECCAARRAA BBEERRHHAADDooffLLeevveel l1122&&1133, ,MMeennaararaHHaawwPPaar,r, SSoolilcicitiotorsrsfoforrththeePPeetittiitoionneerr contribute to this win,” the 28-year-old said. money of at least US$250 million (RM1.08b).
LLEELLOONNGGAAWWAAMM JJaalalannSSuultlatannIsIsmmaaili,l,5500225500KKuuaalalaLLuummppuur,r, NNootete:-:- The US-based PGA Tour has told it members
WWilialayyaahhPPeersrseekkuututuaannKKuuaalalaLLuummppuur.r. AAnnyy ppeersrsoonn wwhhoo inintetennddss toto aappppeeaarr oonn Jimmy still struggling they would be banned if they joined it.
PPaaddaaHHaaririKKhhaammisis, ,2211AApprirlil22002222, ,PPaaddaaJJaamm99:0:000ppaaggi,i, ththee hheeaarirningg ooff ththee ssaaidid ppeetittiitoionn mmuusstt with England omission
SSEECCAARRAAEELLEEKKTTRROONNIKIKDDIILLAAMMAANNWWEEBBee-L-LEELLOONNGG, ,PPUUSSAATTOOPPEERRAASSIIee-L-LEELLOONNGG, , TThhee PPeetittiitoionneer’rs’s SSoolilcicitiotorsrs isis MMeesssrsrs. . sseervrveeoonnoorrsseennddbbyyppoosstttotoththeeaabboovvee-- Several top players including Tiger
AAbbrarahhaamm OOooi i && PPaartrntneersrs, , AAddvvooccaatetess && nnaammeedd PPeetittiitoionneer’rs’s ssoolilcicitiotorsrs, , nnootitcicee JAMES ANDERSON is still struggling to make Woods, Jordan Spieth and Justin Thomas
KKOOMMPPLLEEKKSSMMAAHHKKAAMMAAHHKKUUAANNTTAANN, ,PPAAHHAANNGGDDAARRUULLMMAAKKMMUURR SSoolilcicitiotorsrsooff88ththFFloloor,r,WWisismmaaHHaarwrwaannt,t,NNoo. . ininwwrirtiitninggooffhhisisinintetenntitoionnssoototoddoo. .TThhee sense of his omission from the Test side and have expressed their allegiance to the PGA
NNOOTTAA: :BBaakkaal lppeemmbbeeliliaaddaalalahhddininaassihihaatktkaannaaggaarrmmeemmbbuuaattccaariraiannHHaakkmmililkiksseeccaararararassmmi iddi i 110066, ,JJaalalannTTuuaannkkuuAAbbdduul lRRaahhmmaann, ,550011000 nnootitciceemmuussttsstatateteththeennaammeeaannddaaddddreresss says he has had no communication from the Tour, while Rory McIlroy has described the
PPeejajabbaattTTaannaahhddaannmmeemmeerirkikssaasseemmuuaatatanngggguunnggaann, ,bbeebbaannaannsseertratammeennggeennaal lppaasstitiddeennggaann KKuuaalalaLLuummppuur,r,WWilialayyaahhPPeersrseekkuututuaannKKuuaalala ooffththeeppeersrsoonn, ,oorrififaafifrimrm, ,ththeennaammeeaanndd England camp. breakaway league as “dead in the water”.
teteppaatthhaartratannaahhtetersrseebbuuttsseebbeelulummjujuaalalannlelelolonnggaannddijiajalalannkkaann. . LLuummppuur.r. aaddddreresssooffththeefifrimrm, ,aannddmmuussttbbeessigignneedd
SSilialalalayyaaririhhttptpss:/:/e/elelelolonngg.k.keehhaakkimimaann.g.goov.vm.myy/b/bididddeerwrweebb bbyy ththee ppeersrsoonn oorr fifrimrm, ,oorr hhisis oorr ththeeirir England’s record wicket-taker was left out Norman told The Telegraph on Tuesday,
ssoolilcicitiotorr(i(fifaannyy))aannddmmuussttbbeesseervrveedd, ,oorrifif however, that the series was going ahead
BBUUTTIRIR-B-BUUTTIRIRHHAAKKMMILILIKIK: : : : HH.S.S(D(D) )2222662211 SSigignneeddIlIlleleggibiblele ppoosstetedd, ,mmuussttbbeesseennttbbyyppoossttininssuuffifcicieienntt with or without them.
NNoo. .HHaakkmmiliilkik : : PPTT2222662211 titmimeetotorereaacchhththeeaabboovveennaammeeddnnoottlalateterr
NNoo. .LLoott : : KKlalanngg//KKUUAALLAALLUUMMPPUURR//SSeelalannggoorr ……………………………………………………………………………… ththaanntwtweelvlveeoo’c’clolocckknnoooonnooffththee66ththddaayy
MMuukkimim//DDaaeerarahh//NNeeggeeriri : : HHaakkmmililkikKKeekkaal l MMeesssrsrs. .AAbbrarahhaammOOooi i&&PPaartrntneersrs ooffJJuunnee22002222. .
PPeeggaannggaann :: SSoolilcicitiotorsrsfoforrththeePPeetittiitoionneerr TThhisis AADDVVEERRTTISISEEMMEENNTT OOFF PPEETTITITIOIONN isis
NNoo. .PPeetatakk/N/Noo. .TTininggkkaat/tN/Noo. . : : 11110000.0.000kkaakki ippeersrseeggi i fiflieleddbbyySShhininSShhinin&&CCoo, ,ssoolilcicitiotorsrsfoforrththee
KKeeluluaassaannTTaannaahh : : 110022.1.199mmeeteterrppeersrseeggi i NNootete:-:- AApppplilcicaannttaabboovveennaammeedd, ,wwitihthaannaaddddreresss
PPeemmiliilkikBBeerdrdaaftfatarr : : VVAASSAANNTTHHAARRUUBBAANNAA/L/LHHAARRI IKKRRISISHHNNAANN AAnnyyppeersrsoonnwwhhooinintetennddsstotoaappppeeaarroonnththee oof f sseervrvicicee aat t AA-5-5-1-100 EEmmppiriereTToowweerr SSSS
SSyyaararattNNyyaatata : : BBaanngguunnaannKKeeddiaiammaann HHeeaarirninggooffththeessaaididPPeetittiitoionnmmuussttsseervrveeoonn, , 1166/1/1, , 4477550000 SSuubbaanngg JJaayyaa, , SSeelalannggoorr
SSeekkaatatannKKeeppeenntitninggaann : : TTIAIADDAA oorrsseennddbbyyppoossttoto, ,ththeeaabboovveennaammeeddMMeesssrsrs. . DDaarurul lEEhhssaann. .
BBeebbaannaann//LLaainin-L-Laainin :: AAbbrarahhaammOOooi i&&PPaartrntneersrs, ,nnootitciceeininwwrirtiitninggooff [T[Teel:l:0033-5-500333311665588; ;FFaaxx: :0033-5-500333311665599]]
KKaawwaassaannRRizizaabb :: hhisisinintetenntitoionntotoddoossoo. .TThheeNNootitciceemmuussttsstatatete [E[]]
KKaavveeaatt ththeennaammeeaannddaaddddreresssooffththeeppeersrsoonn, ,oor,r,ififaa [R[Reef:f:LL2200.2.27799]]
fifrimrm, ,ththeennaammeeaannddaaddddreresssooffththeefifrimrm, ,aanndd
LLOOKKAASSIIDDAANNPPEERRIHIHAALLHHAARRTTAANNAAHH: : mmuussttbbeessigignneeddbbyyththeeppeersrsoonnoorrfifrimrm, ,oorrhhisis
HHaartratannaahhtetersrseebbuuttaaddaalalahhRRuummaahhTTeereressyyaannggbbeeraralalammaattppoossddi iNNoo. .3388, ,TTaammaannSSeenntotossaaJJaalalann oorrththeeirirssoolilcicitiotorsrs, ,ififaanny.y.TThheennootitciceemmuussttbbee
DDaatotoAAbbdduul lHHaammidid1111, ,4411220000KKlalannggSSeelalannggoor.r. sseervrveedd, ,oorrififppoosstetedd, ,mmuussttbbeesseennttbbyyppoosstt
HHAARRGGAARRIZIZAABB: : ininssuufffifcicieienntttitmimee, ,totorereaacchhththeeaabboovveennaammeedd
HHaartratannaahhtetersrseebbuuttaakkaannddijiujuaal laatatass““sseeppeertritmimaannaasseeddiaiaaaddaa””tetertratakklulukkkkeeppaaddaassaatutuhhaargrgaarirzizaabb nnoottlalateterrththaann1122.0.00pp.m.m. .ooffththee2266ththddaayyooff
ddaann kkeeppaaddaa ssyyaararat-ts-syyaararatt jujuaalalann yyaanngg ddilialammppirikrkaann. . PPeemmbbididaa yyaanngg bbeermrmininaatt hheennddaakklalahh
mmeennddeeppoossitiktkaann1100%%ddaarirpipaaddaahhaargrgaarirzizaabbddaalalammbbeenntutukkBBaannkkDDraraffddi iaatatassnnaammaaAAMMBBAANNKK(M(M)) TThhisisAAddvveertritsiseemmeennt toof fPPeetittiitoionnisisisissuueeddbbyy
BBEERRHHAADD11HHAARRIIBBEEKKEERRJJAAsseebbeelulummtatarirkikhhlelelolonnggaawwaamm. .BBaakki ihhaargrgaabbeelilaiannhheennddaakklalahhddibibaayyaarr MMeesssrsrs. .AAbbrarahhaammOOooi i&&PPaartrntneersrs, A, Addvvooccaatetess
oolelehhppeemmbbididaayyaannggbbeerjrajayyaakkeeppaaddaaAAMMBBAANNKK(M(M))BBEERRHHAADDddaalalammtetemmppoohhsseeraratutussdduuaappuululuhh && SSoolilcicitiotorsrs, , ssoolilcicitiotorsrs foforr ththee PPeetittiitoionneer,r,
(1(12200))hhaaririddaariritatarirkikhhjujuaalalann. .UUnntutukkbbuutitri-rb-buutitrirsseelalannjujutntnyyaa, ,ssilialabbeerhrhuubbuunnggddeennggaann:-:- wwhhoosseeaaddddreresssooffsseervrviciceeisisaattNNoo. .110066, ,88thth
FFloloor,r,WWisismmaaHHaarwrwaannt,t,JJaalalannTTuuaannkkuuAAbbdduul l
FFirimrmaaGGuuaammaann : : TTHHEECCHHAAMMBBEERRSSOOFFWWAANN RRaahhmmaann, , 550011000 KKuuaalala LLuummppuur,r, WWilialayyaahh
AAlalammaatt : : 66TTHHFFLLOOOORR, ,SSUUITITEE66.6.6BB, ,MMEENNAARRAAHHIDIDAAYYAAHH PPeersrseekkuututuaannKKuuaalalaLLuummppuur.r.
NNoo. .TTeelelefofonn TTeel lNNoo: :0033-2-266991100772255
NNoo. .FFaaxx JJAALLAANN33/2/277AA, ,SSEEKKSSYYEENN11WWAANNGGSSAAMMAAJJUU, ,5533330000, ,WWPPKKLL, ,MMYY FFaaxxNNoo: :0033-2-266997700662266
NNoo. .RRuujujukkaann : : 0033-4-411442211004411 RRuuj:j:AAWW/L/L/A/AUU/L/LFF/3/322884488/2/211/H/HPP/P/PLL
: : 0033-4-411331133996611
: : CCWW/A/AMMBBBB/L/LITIT/H/HLL/1/1003355-1-133


BARCELONA have toiled at home in Nou or never
continental competition this season but
they will need to find a way past Eintracht
Frankfurt at the Nou Camp tomorrow if
they are to reach the semifinals of the Europa Barcelona in need of rare European home victory against Frankfurt
The Catalans needed a second half Ferran
Torres strike to come from behind and draw 1-1
with Eintracht in Germany in the first leg of their that has lifted them back up to second in La Liga. Whoever emerges victorious at the Nou Camp defender Kurt Zouma due to injury for the return
quarterfinal last week, leaving the tie open going That means they are unlikely to have to win the will play either Lyon or West Ham United in the against Lyon.
into the return. Europa League to return to the Champions last four. On the other side of the draw Rangers must
Barca have won just once at home in Europe League next season, but they still want to finish the Those sides meet in France with their overturn a 1-0 first-leg deficit as they play host to
this season, edging Dynamo Kiev 1-0 during their season with silverware and are eyeing a place in quarterfinal tie also finely poised after a 1-1 draw Braga at Ibrox, and the winner of that tie will
failed Champions League group-stage campaign. the final in Seville on May 18. in London, where West Ham held out despite face either Atalanta or RB Leipzig in the
Since dropping into the Europa League – the Eintracht are in mid-table in the Bundesliga having Aaron Cresswell sent off in the first half. semifinals.
first time they have taken part in the second-tier and have not won any of their last five matches but “We didn’t play well and we can only play Meanwhile Leicester City go to the
European competition since 2004 – they have they have lost only once to Spanish opposition – much better next week,” said West Ham manager Netherlands to face PSV Eindhoven in the
drawn at home to both Napoli and Galatasaray against Real Madrid in the 1960 European Cup David Moyes after the first leg. Europa Conference League hoping to progress
before getting the job done in the return. final. They will be without French international to the first European semifinal in their history.
There may be no away goals advantage The teams drew 0-0 in England last week and
anymore, but current form makes Barcelona clear the winner will face either Roma or Bodo/Glimt.
favourites to advance to the last four with Xavi UEFA Europa League 2021-22 Jose Mourinho’s side lost 2-1 in Norway last
Hernandez’s team unbeaten in 15 games, a run week meaning they have not beaten
Bodo/Glimt in three attempts this season.
Q-FINAL, 2ND LEG – APR 15 That match was marred at the end by a

Match highlight European form W D L scuffle involving Bodo/Glimt coach Kjetil
Knutsen and Roma goalkeeping coach Nuno

Groupama Stadium Santos. Both men have been suspended for
what could be a tense return leg. – AFP
5445/2022 13/04/2022 (WED) First leg result: 1-1


Won 0 Drawn 1 Won 0

7304 19 / 7 Form 14 / 5
6298 Goals for / against
Atalanta ITA First leg result DrawDate:13/04/22(Wed) DrawNo:5392/22 Venue: PERAK TURF CLUB
1-1 Leipzig GER

5789 7815 9761 0140 Barcelona ESP 1-1 Eintracht Frankfurt GER 5438
5172 7548 2103 0026 Rangers SCO 0-1 Sporting Braga POR
6105 1823 7689 6457 2059
0422 8110 6898 7165 9641
5,951,101.95 Jarrod 9848 + 3980 5342 + 8472
6298 7304 Sinobo Stadium Bowen 0074 + 1708 4240 + 7564
6855 7304 First leg result: 3-3 3843 + 0446 4677 + 9941
6855 6298 14 goals and 11 assists 0654 + 9269 9313 + 2281
380,625.55 Head-to-head in all competitions. 6131 + 0408 7711 + 6718
Won 0 Drawn 2 Won 1 Aiming to inspire West
Ham to first European
7304 6298 PSV Eindhoven NED 0-0 Leicester City ENG semifinal since 1976
7304 6855 Roma ITA 1-2 Bodø/Glimt NOR
6298 6855 PAOK GRE 1-2 Marseille FRA

Source: UEFA, Transfermarkt Picture: Getty Images *Since 2010 © GRAPHIC NEWS RM8,809,147.30

7304 Subs energy got Real 5438 + 2059 2059 + 5438
6298 through, says Ancelotti 5438 + 9641 9641 + 5438
2059 + 9641 9641 + 2059
BOAR RM518,071.80

CARLO ANCELOTTI’S substitutions “We suffered on set pieces because 785 438 + SNAKE RM1,693,333.30
made the difference for Real Madrid we didn’t have (Eder) Militao. We
24126 yesterday as they came from behind to struggled, after the 2-0 we had a 302 059 + ROOSTER RM3,235,381.20
4126 eliminate Chelsea in the Champions psychological slump, but the magic of
37025 126 League quarterfinals. the stadium helped us a lot again. The 219 641 + DOG RM1,250,000.00
42490 26 more we suffer, the happier I am.”
And the Italian knows how much of a 949 848 923 980 965 342 418 472
068059 difference the substitutions made as well, Eduardo Camavinga was one of the 370 074 761 708 774 240 567 564
saying afterwards that it was their energy players who made a huge impact off the 703 843 750 446 074 677 869 941
06805 68059 that allowed Los Blancos to complete bench, and Ancelotti conceded that the 550 654 359 269 219 313 282 281
0680 8059 another historic comeback at the midfielder is unfortunate to not start 286 131 590 408 607 711 836 718
068 059 Santiago Bernabeu. more often for Real Madrid.
06 59
“We won this tie thanks to energy,” “He can play from the start, but it’s
Ancelotti said after the game in his press true that when he comes on he puts a lot
conference. “I made the changes I made of energy into the game,” Ancelotti said.
to add energy.
“When the games go on, if you have
“The team suffered a lot and all the Rodrygo (Goes), (Fede) Valverde and
players gave their all. We didn’t deserve Camavinga you have a very strong team
to be 2-0 down. physically.” – Agencies

Bayern ‘not crazy’ to sell Lewa: Kahn

10 12 15 31 39 58 ROBERT LEWANDOWSKI has potential exit. 438 059 641
11,882,826.11 dominated the headiness in Spanish “We’ll definitely have him with us for
media this week, with reports suggesting RM854,233.40
1 32 34 40 43 49 he has already agreed personal terms another season. We’re not crazy to
3,827,679.71 with Barcelona over a potential move in discuss a transfer of a player who scores 438 + 059 + 641 059 + 641 + 438
the summer. 30-40 goals for us every season,” Kahn 438 + 641 + 059 641 + 438 + 059
2 4 8 16 18 26 12 said. 059 + 438 + 641 641 + 059 + 438
1,446,007.94 Lewandowski’s current deal with
100,000.00 Bayern expires at the end of next season. Kahn, who holds legendary status at dmcGO: All you need is at your
The player has no intention of continuing Bayern, has endured a difficult start to his finger tips!
his spell at the Allianz Arena, especially life as a chairman. He and sporting
after yesterday’s Champions league exit. director Hasan Salihamidzic have both
been criticised for their questionable
However, Barcelona’s hopes of signing signings that have not been able to make
Lewandowski in the new season have an impact at Bayern.
taken a massive blow, following Oliver
Kahn’s comments in an interview with At the same time, they have played a
PrimeVideo. crucial role in facilitating the exits of
David Alaba, Javi Martinez and most
The Bayern Munich chairman has recently, Niklas Sule. The departure of
squashed rumours of Bayern selling Lewandowski could lead to further
Lewandowski in the summer, virtually animosity from fans this summer. –
dismissing the possibility of the Pole’s Agencies


TOUCHLINES ERIK TEN HAG has agreed to become Done deal
the next manager of Manchester
BARCELONA are targeting Arsenal and United, according to reports. The Ajax Ten Hag agrees to take Man Utd job
Brazil centreback Gabriel, 24. boss has been battling with the likes of
MANCHESTER UNITED are eyeing a Mauricio Pochettino, Luis Enrique and Julen United admiring the Argentine since his time Twente. And Robin van Persie and Jaap Stam
potential move for RB Leipzig and France Lopetegui to take over from Ralf Rangnick at with Southampton. Yet it’s now claimed the have been tipped to return, too.
midfielder Christopher Nkunku, 24, who Old Trafford. Red Devils have “opted against” hiring the
has 17 goals and 12 assists in 29 current PSG boss. Meanwhile, De Telegraaf journalist Marcel
Bundesliga games this season. Yet, now, it seems the 52-year-old is set for Van der Kraan has explained how the 52-year-
UNITED and Tottenham are both inter- the biggest job of his career with United Ten Hag has been at Ajax since taking over old wants to focus on footballing matters at Old
ested in the summer signing of West reaching an agreement in principle. in December 2017 and has won two league Trafford.
Brom and England’s 29-year-old goal- titles there so far, playing some enthralling and
keeper Sam Johnstone. United, according to The Athletic, have entertaining football along the way. “He is not scared to take on the Manchester
LIVERPOOL are poised to make a £25m struck a verbal agreement with Ten Hag that United job,” he wrote for the BBC. “But he will
(RM137.5m) offer for Torino’s Brazilian will see him become their new boss. He’s previously spent time coaching at want to be in a tracksuit many hours a day.
defender Gleison Bremer having previ- Bayern Munich, where he learned from current
ously expressed interest in the 25-year- The 52-year-old is poised to take over from Manchester City boss Pep Guardiola. And a “He doesn’t consider himself an office man
old in January. Rangnick, who is poised to move upstairs as a move to United is now primed to happen. – if he did he’d have gone in to his dad’s
MANCHESTER UNITED face a backlash consultant come the end of the campaign. company.
from their players over the decision to Regarding his coaching staff, Ten Hag is
offer France midfielder Paul Pogba, 26, It’s stated that United will finalise Ten Hag’s expected to bring Ajax assistant Mitchell van “For me, it would be a mistake for him to go
a new deal that would make him the coaching staff in due course, while an official der Gaag with him to Old Trafford. And there down the route of thinking part of his job is
Premier League’s highest paid player. announcement won’t be made just yet out of have been rumours he’ll also look to hire other fitting into the traditional English way of
NAPOLI are determined to keep top respect to Ajax. The Dutch giants are due to coaches with experience of both life at United management.
scorer Victor Osimhen this summer face PSV Eindhoven in the Dutch Cup final this and in the Premier League.
despite interest in the 23-year-old Nigeria weekend. “He will not want to go in there thinking he
striker from Manchester United and Steve McClaren, who worked under Sir Alex has to take on the whole of Manchester United.
Arsenal. And United don’t want to risk rocking the Ferguson, is one possible option having He will want to focus on giving the club an
BARCELONA must pay Juventus boat and damaging their hopes of bringing Ten previously spent time with Ten Hag at FC identity again – and he will do that best by
€100m (RM550m) if they want to sign Hag to the club this summer. United and Ten putting on a tracksuit.” – Express Newspapers
Netherlands centreback Matthijs de Hag’s representatives, SEG, have both declined
Ligt, 22. to comment on the matter.

Pochettino had, until recently, been widely
considered the frontrunner for the post with

Chelsea’s Timo Werner (left) scores their third
goal during the Champions League 2nd leg
quarterfinal match against Real Madrid at
Santiago Bernabeu yesterday. – REUTERSPIX

BRENTFORD are hopeful Denmark play-
maker Christian Eriksen will remain at the
club beyond the end of his six-month
deal, but the Bees face“fierce competi-
tion”for the 30-year-old’s signature from
his former side Tottenham.

ASTON VILLA have expressed interest Werner believed
in Germany centreback Matthias he had sent
Ginter, whose Borussia Chelsea into semis
Monchengladbach contract expires at
the end of the season. The 28-year-old █ NICK PUREWAL Blues relinquished their Champions League
has also been scouted by Juventus, TIMO WERNER has admitted to thinking his title.
Tottenham and West Ham. goal in the Bernabeu had floored Real Madrid
FULHAM are close to finalising a £7m in yesterday’s breathless Champions League “When I celebrated, I thought: ‘This is it,’”
(RM38.5m) deal for Shakhtar Donetsk and quarterfinal second leg. Werner told Chelsea’s official club website.
Israel winger Manor Solomon, 22, as a
replacement for 19-year-old Portuguese Chelsea prevailed 3-2 in Madrid but exited “We could have scored before that to
attacker Fabio Carvalho, who is set to join the competition 5-4 on aggregate after extra make it 3-0 but the officials didn’t give it to
Liverpool. time. us. It is a point you can talk about but when I
BRENTFORD are in talks with Shakhtar scored I thought: ‘We are through with this.’
Donetsk over a deal for Ukrainian Werner struck midway through the
winger Mykhaylo Mudryk, 21. second half to put Chelsea into a 3-0 lead, “We nearly gave no chances to Madrid
SPANISH defender Pablo Mari, 28, has with the Blues shaking off Marcos Alonso’s but in the end we have to say the goals they
revealed his intention to stay in Italy after disallowed goal in style. scored were very good.
his loan spell at Udinese from Arsenal
ends in the summer. Germany forward Werner’s strike put “To come back after a 3-1 defeat in the
MANCHESTER CITY’S Republic of Chelsea 4-3 ahead on aggregate, after home game was very good for us, we had
Ireland goalkeeper Gavin Bazunu is Madrid had claimed a dominant 3-1 win at everything that we needed at 3-0 up, we had
attracting interest from a number of Stamford Bridge in the first leg. the chance to go through.
clubs in the Premier League and across
Europe. The 20-year-old will hold talks Just when the Blues looked to close out a “There was one moment in regular time
with City regarding his future when his remarkable comeback victory however, Luka when we were not like we were the whole
loan spell at Portsmouth ends. Modric conjured a majestic pass for game and Madrid have the quality to score
PAULO DYBALA’S representatives are in Rodrygo’s volley and Karim Benzema against you and they showed it for the 3-1.
talks with Inter Milan over a free transfer thumped in a header in extratime as the
move from Serie A rivals Juventus, with “I think it was a brilliant goal, a brilliant
the 28-year-old Argentina playmaker’s cross from Modric, hard to defend.” – The
deal set to expire at the end of the Independent

Pep surprised by Fernandinho exit news

PEP GUARDIOLA was left in shock after Guardiola responded to the comments in kind of situation… at the end of the season
Manchester City’s captain Fernandinho the press and said he had no knowledge of we are going to talk.”
announced he plans to leave the Premier the midfielder’s desire to leave.
League leaders at the end of the season. Fernandinho has since posted on social
“I didn’t know it,” said Guardiola. “We will media insisting he remains focused on
The Brazil international has been at the see what happens at the end of the season. finishing the season with City.
club since 2013 and he signed a one-year We don’t know what’s going to happen.
contract extension last June. “Anyone who knows me also knows that
“Fernandinho, I’ve said many times, is so my greatest honesty is with Manchester City
But when he was asked if he will important for me. We will see what happens and my duties as team captain,” he said on
continue to play for Guardiola’s side next but, anyway, I will talk to him. Twitter.
season he responded: “No, I want to play
regularly. I will go back to Brazil. I decided “Maybe it’s a family decision or maybe he “My focus is 100% on winning all the
with my family, which is the most important wants more minutes than he has had this titles we are playing for and I will only talk
for me.” season, I don’t know. about my future at the end of the season.
Let’s keep pushing!” – The Independent
“I will speak to him, of course, but this


Physically I completely collapsed.
I couldn’t move any more. I didn’t like the
way I felt in the end. I need to talk with my team. He
(Alejandro Davidovich Fokina) was the better player.
I was hanging on the ropes the entire match. I just
ran out of gas completely.”

Novak Djokovic

Villarreal’s Pervis Villarreal win fuelled by
Estupinan (right) Bayern boss Nagelsmann’s
embraces teammate
Serge Aurier after the remarks, says Moreno
Champions League
quarterfinal, second leg
match against Bayern
Munich yesterday. – VILLARREAL forward Gerard Moreno said first leg result, but we had to defend well
AFPPIX comments by Bayern Munich coach Julian and we tried to create our own chances –
Nagelsmann inspired the Spaniards to their we created five and took the final one,“ he
shock 2-1 aggregate win over the German said.
giants in the Champions League Bayern Munich’s season cannot be
quarterfinals yesterday. successful after their Champions League
Leading 1-0 from the first leg, Villarreal exit even if they land their 10th straight
snatched a 1-1 draw on the night and a Bundesliga title, lamented Nagelsmann.
semifinal place through Samuel The Bavarians are nine points clear of
Chukwueze’s 88th-minute goal. second-placed Borussia Dortmund atop
“Tonight they (Bayern) made the the Bundesliga with five matches
mistake of not killing us off and we took remaining.
advantage of that,” Moreno said. “We are out of the German Cup, out of
On Monday, Nagelsmann said Villarreal the Champions League. I don’t think this is
had made a mistake by winning the first good enough for Bayern.
leg by a slender 1-0 margin “which allowed “We had the semifinals as our minimum
us to survive”. goal and we failed to achieve it,“
“In the first leg we made the mistake of Nagelsmann said. “It counts as one of my
not finishing them off. All the comments top three defeats.”
about that served as motivation,” said Thomas Muller came close with a
Moreno, whose cross set up Chukwueze’s diving header before Chukwueze netted
tie-winning strike. “What this team has on the break to crush the home side’s
done is great.” hopes.
Robert Lewandowski had put Bayern “What happened is we lost the duel.
ahead on the night to level the tie. With our performance today you saw the
Unai Emery’s Villarreal had already emotions and the good tactics we played.
knocked out Juventus in the last 16 It was quite the opposite from the first leg,”
following a stunning 3-0 win in Turin. Nagelsmann said.
“It’s an extraordinary feeling, it was not “We knew they can defend. At the end
easy for us. We are a small club, from a we missed that second goal. The pressure
village, like that of Asterix and Obelix,” said was good. We defended well. We
Emery. dominated them for much of the game but
“We are moving forward step by step, it matters little because we are eliminated.”
we had a very difficult quarter-final.” Bayern CEO Oliver Kahn, however, was
Villarreal captain Raul Albiol, the man of not going to throw a fit over the result.
the match in Munich, who at 36 is two The legendary goalkeeper simply wants
years older than Nagelsmann, added: “It’s to focus on the positives and move
unbelievable, it’s taken a lot of hard work,” forward.
said “Of course it’s always disappointing
“Our victories are as a team. We have when you concede a goal just before the
suffered a lot in both games, but to be in end. We could have done made it 2-0
the semifinals is great for Villarreal. before,” Kahn told Tz.
“We knew it was going to be a long 90 “You can hardly show more will than
minutes and we were going to suffer a lot. what the team showed today. We were
“We want more. We see ourselves as eliminated in the quarterfinals, but we
causing problems to all our opponents.” won’t burst into tears now. “We have
Emery basked in the glory of a historic another opportunity next year and will try
result for Villarreal in his 50th Champions to use it. We will now focus on the league
League match as a coach. and throw everything into it.”–
“We took a lot of confidence from the AFP/Reuters/Agencies
CHELSEA boss Thomas Tuchel tore into
Polish referee Szymon Marciniak after Raging Blues
the Blues crashed out of the Champions
League to Real Madrid in an absorbing Chelsea manager Tuchel slams referee after Real Madrid defeat
contest at the Bernabeu yesterday.
performances of his players in the Spanish capital “There’s nothing to regret. We had a huge the tie, after his first-leg hattrick in London, with a
Chelsea won 3-2 on the night but went out on nonetheless. deficit to overcome because we did big mistakes header in the sixth minute of extra-time.
5-4 on aggregate. And Tuchel was unhappy with in the first leg. Unfortunately today also both
the match official for his “very bad” post-match “Always (it hurts to lose). But these are the goals come from big mistakes in the build-up. Despite late chances, Chelsea could not draw
conduct and also for not deciding to go to the kind of defeats we can digest and swallow level and the European champions sunk to the
monitor over a disallowed Marcos Alonso goal. because we left nothing to regret. We left “They took advantage of the mistakes with turf after the fulltime whistle confirmed their
everything out there. individual quality. That was enough because over demise despite their best efforts.
VAR ruled out the second-half strike due to the two legs we did too many of these big
handball and Marciniak did not take a second “We played what we wanted to play, we mistakes.” Goalscorer Rudiger meanwhile told BT Sport
look at the incident himself. showed the quality and character that this team that the “individual class” of Luka Modric and
has. We deserved to go through. It was not meant Chelsea led 3-0 at the Bernabeu on 75 minutes Benzema was crucial.
Tuchel declared post-match: “I was to be today. We were simply unlucky. after Timo Werner added to Mason Mount and
disappointed that the referee had a nice time with Antonio Rudiger’s goals in the Spanish capital “The positive is we didn’t give up. Not many
Carlo Ancelotti, laughing loudly and smiling with “The most important was how we played and shortly after Alonso’s chalked-off strike. teams can come here and dominate them as we
the opposing coach. how much the players lived up to the tactics and did,” he said.
how lively they played and how much discipline That saw Chelsea leading 4-3 on aggregate
“This is the wrong time to do this. It’s very, they showed, how much they invested. after a 3-1 defeat to Stamford Bridge a week “But over the two legs if you make the
very bad timing and I told him this. earlier. Yet Rodrygo then levelled just five minutes mistakes we did, you get punished.
“This was up to the fullest. The full credit is for later to bring the 13-time European Cup winners
“Maybe I will get now some problems, but the players. It’s not easy to come here. You need to level. “Before the game not everybody thought we
when you play against Real Madrid maybe not score, you need to win. To do it over the 90 could get to 3-0 but then the individual class
everybody always has the courage to make the minutes, simply unlucky not to go through. And Karim Benzema scored his fourth goal of comes to light with Modric and Benzema.” –
decisions.” Express Newspapers

And the German added to BT Sport: “I didn’t
see the goal that was disallowed. I’m very, very
disappointed for the referee that he didn’t check
it by himself. Absolutely disappointed.

“I had the feeling both matches that it was like
51% on the other side with all the decisions made.
That’s what it is if you play Real Madrid in the
Champions League. Unlucky today.”

The Chelsea manager was proud of the

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