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Published by lib.kolejkomunitikb, 2022-05-30 20:42:48

The Washington Post - 30 Mei 2022


Prices may vary in areas outside metropolitan Washington. SU V1 V2 V3 V4

Mostly sunny, hot 90/70 • Tomorrow: Hot 96/75 B8 Democracy Dies in Darkness MONDAY, MAY 30, 2022 . $2

plead for shadows
arms amid President Biden and first lady Jill Biden visit a memorial, reading the names of the victims and touching each portrait, at Robb another
battering Elementary in Uvalde, Tex. They came to comfort the victims’ families and attend Mass at Uvalde’s only Catholic church. Story, A9 summer

Outgunned in the east, A reckoning for a ‘peaceful, pretty town’ MORE THAN 100,000
forces are losing ground INFECTIONS DAILY
In Uvalde, residents’ view of an idyllic community is shattered by a tragedy they never expected Rate is 5 times higher
at a critical moment than last Memorial Day
BY PETER JAMISON carne guisada and summer eve- American life has found itself, 2012 massacre in Newtown,
BY SIOBHÁN O'GRADY, AND TEO ARMUS nings on the Frio River. Uvalde is and a nation seemingly inured to Conn. Uvalde is a place no longer BY FENIT NIRAPPIL,
PAUL SONNE, a city of more than 15,000 where gun violence, on the brink of known for its village closeness CRAIG PITTMAN
MAX BEARAK uvalde, tex. — Those who people still claim to know each despair. but for nearly two dozen white
other. crosses erected to honor the AND MAUREEN O'HAGAN
AND ANASTACIA GALOUCHKA spend their lives in this remote The most powerful sign yet of dead. For the third year, Americans
town in the rolling scrublands of But since Tuesday, when one of that wrenching transformation are greeting the unofficial start of
donetsk oblast, ukraine — South Texas say there is some- Uvalde’s own killed 21 people — was the arrival on Sunday of Biden’s appearance capped summer shadowed by the specter
thing here they could never find including 19 children — at Robb President Biden, who came to nearly a week of jolting intru- of the coronavirus amid rising
The ambulances hurtled into the elsewhere. Elementary School, its residents Uvalde to comfort the families of sions into the rhythms of daily covid-19 cases and hospitaliza-
parking lot one after the other, have been forced to consider that the dead and wounded. His pres- life here, as residents have con- tions across the country.
each carrying wounded troops It is a togetherness, they say, they may not have known each ence confirmed that the town The United States is recording
directly from the nearby front born of innumerable ties of kin- other as well as they thought. was something its residents nev- SEE UVALDE ON A8 more than 100,000 infections a
line. One young man stared ship and preserved through the The town they once called a er expected it to be: the site of the day — at least five times higher
straight ahead, his face swollen, easy rituals of rural life: baptisms haven from the pathologies of worst school shooting since the ‘It was chaos’: One child had left than this point last year — as it
his neck and back dripping with and deer seasons, long lunches of school early. Her sister stayed. A10 confronts the most transmissible
blood. Others lay silently under versions of the virus yet. Immuni-
foil blankets. ty built up as a result of the record
winter outbreak appears to pro-
Some stumbled out the back vide little protection against the
doors and collapsed into wheel- latest variants, new research
chairs as staff members rushed to shows. And public health authori-
push them inside. Nearby, blood- ties are bracing for Memorial Day
ied cots sat propped against a gatherings to fuel another bump
tent and other wounded soldiers in cases, potentially seeding a
lingered about, their faces grim, summer surge.
their heads, arms or legs ban- It’s a far cry from a year ago,
daged as the sound of outgoing with predictions of a “hot vax
artillery boomed across the sky. summer” uninhibited by covid
concerns. Back then, coronavirus
About 10 wounded soldiers ar- seemed to teeter on the brink of
rived at this hospital in eastern defeat as cases plummeted to
Ukraine in less than an hour their lowest levels since spring
Sunday morning — the latest 2020 and vaccines became widely
military casualties as Ukrainian available for adults. Even the vac-
forces, outgunned by Russia in cinated and boosted now grudg-
the country’s east, continue to ingly accept the virus as a formi-
lose territory at a critical moment dable foe that’s here to stay as
in the war. governments abandon measures
to contain it.
Soldiers also helped one civil-
ian woman with leg wounds out SEE VIRUS ON A4
of a military ambulance.

The Washington Post is with-
holding the name and precise
location of the hospital out of
concerns from staff members
that it could be targeted by Rus-
sian forces.

“Seventy people from my bat-


Cheney’s seat isn’t safe Lincoln Memorial still beckons a nation divided
in Trump-charged Wyo.
As D.C.’s most visited monument turns 100, The Post spends one ordinary, epic day there

After Ga. losses, former against Cheney and looped to- BONNIE JO MOUNT/THE WASHINGTON POST This article is written by Lizzie
president seeks to topple gether what he called the “failed Johnson, William Wan, Gillian
foreign policy of the Clintons, Visitors at the Lincoln Memorial on May 18. On May 30, 1922, it was dedicated in Northwest Brockell, Peter Jamison, Sydney
his top GOP critic Bushes, the Obamas and the Washington before 50,000 people who came to pay tribute to the 16th president. Trent, Ian Shapira, Jessica
Bidens.” Contrera and John Woodrow Cox
AND JOSH DAWSEY Attendees laughed when a pho- For a century, an American
to mash-up of the congresswom- icon carved from 175 tons of white
casper, wyo. — Since her fa- an’s body and former president marble has presided over the
George W. Bush’s face appeared on nation’s capital, beckoning
ther’s first victory 44 years ago, the Ford Wyoming Center’s high- thousands of visitors each day up
Republican Rep. Liz Cheney and est screen. “I think she looks his steps and into his hallowed
her family have never lost an elec- good,” Trump joked. “Liz Cheney is chamber.
tion in Wyoming. When George W. about America last.”
Bush picked Dick Cheney as his The Lincoln Memorial is by
running mate, the Republican The Aug. 16 primary in Wyo- far the city’s most popular
ticket won by about 40 points, ming is shaping up as the next big monument, attracting about
twice. test of Trump’s effort to unseat 8 million people in a normal year.
Republican elected officials who But what draws so many from
Former president Donald have been critical of him and who every corner of the country and
Trump is determined to end that fought his falsehood-ridden at- the world is as complicated as the
streak this summer, rallying ag- tempts to overturn the results of slain president that the building
gressively behind primary chal- the 2020 election. immortalizes.
lenger Harriet Hageman, who he
is wagering can topple his most His crusade was dealt a major They come to learn, to give
outspoken Republican critic in blow last week in Georgia, where thanks, to protest, to be inspired,
Congress. Republican primary voters over- to propose, to eat lunch, to walk
whelmingly renominated Gov. dogs, to peddle T-shirts, to snap
He hit the trail over the week- Brian Kemp and Secretary of State selfies, to launch school trips, to
end in a very different Wyoming Brad Raffensperger over candi- shoot movie scenes, to share a
from years past, one where thou- dates the former president vigor- kiss, to have a nightcap, to give
sands cheered him as he railed ously supported. speeches, to ask for votes, to pray
for change, to mourn America’s
Those losses followed a spotty
record in earlier races that includ- SEE LINCOLN MEMORIAL ON A6


In the News opposed to federal fire- the early rounds of the Inside
arm restrictions. B1 Scripps National Spell-
AJ MAST/ASSOCIATED PRESS THE NATION off between anti-estab- The race for a D.C. ing Bee at National Har- STYLE
Relatives remember lishment populists. A13 Council seat in Ward 1 bor.
How Swede it is Marcus Ericsson of Sweden educators Irma Garcia THE ECONOMY has become a referen- The Supreme Court One last laugh
takes command during the final laps and and Eva Mireles, the ed- The Help Desk answers dum on public safety and issues an order list.
races to his first Indianapolis 500 win. D5 ucators at Robb Elemen- questions from iPod fans constituent services. B1 WEDNESDAY Contending with the
The next ban GOP legislators around the tary who authorities said in the wake of Apple’s THE WEEK AHEAD Agriculture Secre- pandemic and a cancer
nation are seeking to limit the titles students sought to shield children discontinuation of the MONDAY tary Tom Vilsack deliv- diagnosis, comedian
can search for in library databases. A3 from the gunfire. A9 product line. A15 Memorial Day is ers a speech at George- Norm Macdonald made
THE WORLD THE REGION observed. town University on his a final special before he
Thousands of people Hundreds of Black mo- President Biden takes agency’s plans to “trans- died in September. C1
have been hospitalized torcyclists returned to part in the wreath-laying form the nation’s food
after recent Middle East D.C. for a Memorial Day ceremony at the Tomb of system.” With flying colors
sandstorms, made more tribute to the all-Black the Unknowns. THURSDAY
likely across the region Army regiments known TUESDAY Jobless claims are esti- In an era of biggest,
by climate change and as Buffalo Soldiers. B1 Biden hosts the South mated at 210,000. loudest and most
land-use practices. A12 In a congressional dis- Korean K-pop group The Supreme Court outrageous, “Top Gun:
Colombians gave a lead trict miles from the Na- BTS at the White House holds a conference. Maverick” succeeds with
to a leftist presidential tional Rifle Association’s to discuss “anti-Asian FRIDAY its effortlessness. C1
candidate for the first headquarters, a gun- hate crimes and discrim- European Union trade
time in national history, control advocate will ination.” ministers meet in Brus- BUSINESS NEWS ....................... A15 1CONTENT © 2022
paving the way for a run- take on a Navy veteran Students participate in sels. COMICS ....................................... C6 The Washington Post / Year 145, No. 176
OPINION PAGES.........................A16
OBITUARIES ................................ B6
TELEVISION ................................. C4
WORLD NEWS............................A12


CORRECTIONS After Ga. losses, Trump targets Cheney in Wyo.
The Washington Post is committed to
correcting errors that appear in the CHENEY FROM A1 CHET STRANGE/GETTY IMAGES
newspaper. Those interested in
contacting the paper for that purpose ed high-profile defeats of his pre- Former president Donald Trump speaks at a rally in Wyoming, where he is backing the primary challenger to his most open GOP critic.
can: ferred candidates in Idaho, Ne-
Email: [email protected]. braska and North Carolina. In Cheney’s office during the investi- Trump boasted about his ability to over voting in Georgia, where all were loud cheers, and no boos,
Call: 202-334-6000, and ask to be Pennsylvania, the candidate gation and was annoyed when he defeat Cheney and said the “peo- voters can choose which primary when Trump allies such as Rep.
connected to the desk involved — Trump endorsed for U.S. Senate is got a form letter defending her. ple of Wyoming cannot stand her.” they want to vote in, by Democrats Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and Rep. Jim
National, Foreign, Metro, Style, Sports, in a recount. Taken together, the “When she votes with the Demo- who opposed Perdue and Hice. Jordan (R-Ohio) also appeared.
Business or any of the weekly sections. results have raised questions in crats, it doesn’t just hurt Wyo- Advisers said the former presi-
Comments can be directed to The the party about his influence. ming, it hurts the whole country,” dent frequently rants about In the interview, Trump Gaetz was one of several Trump
Post’s reader advocate, who can be Clark said. “So Cheney and Trump Cheney, often raging about her bragged about how many pro-im- allies who denounced Cheney
reached at 202-334-7582 or The Saturday rally in Casper didn’t get along. She decided to family. Defeating her, they say, has peachment Republicans had been over her foreign policy stances,
[email protected]. was a moment the former presi- listen to her dad. Fine. She’s right been his top priority as he makes forced into retirement, describing reflecting how far many Trump-
dent and his movement used to for her dad but not right for us.” endorsements in the 2022 cycle. his brand in the Republican Party era Republicans have moved from
KLMNO regroup. After failing to oust Re- And in the interview, Trump sug- as “better than ever.” Four of the 10 the party that supported the 2003
publicans in Georgia who had re- Trump has spent months trying gested in vain that Cheney might House Republicans who voted to invasion of Iraq. Gaetz joked that
NEWSPAPER DELIVERY buffed his attempts to subvert the to persuade Republicans to see not file for reelection, even though impeach Trump in January of 2021 Cheney’s brief 2014 campaign for
For home delivery comments election, Trump was pivoting to a things that way, and his support- she ultimately did. “If someone is have opted to retire. the U.S. Senate, which she ended
or concerns contact us at campaign with better odds of suc- ers have also searched for ways to down at a low level, and they ha- before filing for the ballot, repre- or cess, due to a strong anti-Cheney make it more difficult for Cheney ven’t filed, I wonder why,” he said. The Trump team has repeatedly sented the first time “a Cheney
send us an email at sentiment in the Republican to survive the challenge. “She’s at 15 percent.” pointed out his enduring popular- had an exit strategy,” a reference to
[email protected] or call ranks in Wyoming. ity with Republicans in Wyoming the Bush administration’s deba-
202-334-6100 or 800-477-4679 The former president and his A poll released by the pro-Hage- and elsewhere. In Casper, the cles in the Middle East.
TO SUBSCRIBE Cheney, who scrapped her allies tried unsuccessfully to man Club for Growth on Friday crowd easily set a record for the
800-753-POST (7678) weekend schedule after develop- change the voting rules in Wyo- put the challenger well ahead of biggest political gathering in the That record did not stop
TO ADVERTISE ing covid-19, declined to comment ming. Last year, the Republican- Cheney, with just a quarter of Re- least populous state in the coun- Cheney from winning the sole for this story. Hageman, an attor- controlled state Senate defeated, publican voters favoring the con- try. Attendees wore Trump gear House seat for Wyoming in 2016.
Classified: 202-334-6200 ney and former member of the by a single vote, a bill that would gresswoman. That was a stronger from his past campaigns, and hats Some Republicans who had
Display: 202-334-7642 Republican National Committee, have required runoff elections in position than Trump-endorsed and shirts that assumed a 2024 backed her then have been coming
MAIN PHONE NUMBER who declined to be interviewed, primaries where no candidate candidates in Georgia, and some campaign was inevitable. Hun- to her defense. Joe McGinley, a
202-334-6000 told the crowd in the arena here won a majority of the vote. Trump other states, had been in ahead of dreds wore merchandise with the committeeman for the Natrona
TO REACH THE NEWSROOM that conservative Wyoming was was incensed at the governor, who primary defeats this year. phrase “Ultra MAGA,” a recent County Republican Party, said vot-
Metro: 202-334-7300; sick of Republicans “who work he had personally spoken to, ad- term coined by Democratic strat- ers would respect Cheney’s hones-
[email protected] harder to deflect attention from visers said. Several other candidates that egists as a disparaging label that ty. “I don’t think many people
National: 202-334-7410; the failures of the current admin- Trump campaigned for elsewhere, was adopted almost immediately would say that what happened on
[email protected] istration than they do to protect us A proposal to close the pri- including Nebraska gubernatorial by Trump supporters. Jan. 6 was a great thing,” he said.
Business: 202-334-7320; from it.” maries to independents and Dem- contender Charles Herbster and
[email protected] ocrats went nowhere. The fear in Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.), “Hello, Ultra MAGA-ers!” said But in the Ford Wyoming Cen-
Sports: 202-334-7350; Unlike in Georgia, where Kemp Trump’s orbit, according to four had fallen in polls and were op- Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.), one of ter, plenty of Wyoming Republi-
[email protected] and Raffensperger ran more nu- advisers, is that so many Demo- posed financially by Republican several pro-Trump Republicans cans disagreed. Trump got some of
Investigative: 202-334-6179; anced campaigns when it came to crats will switch over and vote for establishment figures. who flew to Casper for the rally. his loudest cheers on Saturday
[email protected] addressing Trump, Cheney, a Cheney that she can make the race Republican candidates from Utah when he referred to the rioters on
Style: 202-334-7535; three-term congresswoman who closer than people expect. Trump advisers said he was an- and Colorado also made the trek, trial for their role in the Jan. 6
[email protected] has raised more than $10 million gry over the defeat of former sena- trying to get face time with Trump insurrection as “political prison-
Reader Advocate: 202-334-7582; for her reelection campaign, has Here in Casper, Trump told the tor David Perdue, who lost to and his allies. Among them was ers,” falsely suggesting that there
[email protected] been unapologetic about oppos- crowd that he was greeted by Gov. Kemp in Georgia, and Rep. Jody Utah Attorney General Sean had been no arrests or prosecu-
TO REACH THE OPINION PAGES ing the 45th president, even as Mark Gordon when he landed, Hice (R-Ga.), who was defeated by Reyes, who is seen as a potential tions of left-wing protesters who
Letters to the editor: local Republicans have con- and chided Gordon for offering Raffensperger. Trump had viewed Republican challenger to Sen. rioted in 2020.
[email protected] or call demned her. him a hat instead of the election both as embarrassments and saw Mitt Romney (R-Utah) in 2024.
202-334-6215 changes he had asked for. “I’d rath- Perdue as lazy, said advisers who Sue Edison, 74, said that
Opinion: On Friday, in a video released er not have the hat,” Trump said. spoke on the condition of anonym- House Minority Leader Kevin Cheney’s positions were baffling.
[email protected] after she filed for the primary, “I’d rather have Democrats not ity to discuss private discussions. McCarthy (R-Calif.) did not ap- “She doesn’t think that the 2020
Cheney framed the race as a refer- voting in Republican primaries.” pear in person at the rally, but election was stolen?” asked Edi-
Published daily (ISSN 0190-8286). endum on “the rule of law” and In Casper, Trump barely men- when he appeared on-screen, hun- son, who echoed Trump’s false
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to “our founding principles,” leaning The Hageman campaign is tioned the losses, except to chide dreds of rallygoers booed McCar- claims. “Jan. 6 was a Democrat
The Washington Post, 1301 K St. NW, Washington, into her role on a House commit- helmed by a coterie of Trump al- the media for not covering his thy, some of them shouting setup, right from the get-go.”
D.C. 20071. tee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, lies, including Murtaugh, Bill overall win record in primaries, “RINO,” an abbreviation for “Re- Dawsey reported from Washington.
Periodicals postage paid in Washington, D.C., and attack on the Capitol by a pro- Stepien, Nick Trainor and Justin where he has largely endorsed safe publican in name only.” There
additional mailing office. Trump mob. The panel, which will Clark. In a recent interview, incumbents. He denounced cross-
hold public hearings in June, has
Download The interrogated and sought informa-
Washington Post app tion from some of Trump’s closest
allies and some of the colleagues
Stay informed with award-winning who booted her from the third-
national and international news, ranking House Republican leader-
PLUS complete local news coverage ship role she held until last May.
of the D.C. metro area. Create
customized news alerts, save “I won’t waver or back down. I
articles for offline reading in My won’t surrender to pressure or in-
Post, browse the daily print edition timidation. I know where to draw
and scroll through our the Discover the line and I know that some
tab to find stories that interest you. things aren’t for sale,” Cheney
Free to download on the App Store said. “What we do in this election
and Play Store, subscribers enjoy in Wyoming matters.”
unlimited access.
Republican activists in Wyo-
ming have taken multiple steps to
reject and try to discredit Cheney.
After she joined nine other House
Republicans to impeach Trump
after the insurrection at the Capi-
tol, the state party voted to cen-
sure her. In November, it voted not
to recognize her as the party’s can-
didate for Congress. Trump had
endorsed Hageman, who had once
worked to block him from the
party’s 2016 nomination, two
months earlier.

In Casper, Republicans who
had come to see Trump, Hageman
and a constellation of MAGA guest
stars said they were outraged by
Cheney’s actions and agreed with
Trump’s criticism of the investiga-
tion into the Jan. 6 insurrection.

George Clark, 69, a Buffalo,
Wyo., rancher supporting Hage-
man, said he had contacted


OKLAHOMA Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt (R) Third suspect arrested in
said on Twitter that he was Sacramento shooting: Police
1 killed, 7 injured in grateful for the OSBI’s “swift have arrested a third suspect in
shooting at festival response to assist local police.” connection with a gang shootout
in downtown Sacramento last
Authorities said a 26-year-old Buckner was being held month that left six dead and 12
man was in custody after one Sunday in Muskogee County jail. wounded, authorities said. Mtula
person was killed and seven Jail records did not have an Payton was arrested in Las Vegas
people were injured in a shooting attorney listed for him. on Saturday, officials said.
early Sunday at an outdoor Authorities had identified three
festival in eastern Oklahoma, — Associated Press suspects — Payton and rival gang
where witnesses described members Smiley Martin and his
frantic people running for cover CALIFORNIA brother Dandrae Martin — in
amid gunfire. connection with the barrage of
Pelosi’s husband bullets unleashed into a crowded
An arrest warrant was issued accused of DUI street just as patrons were
for Skyler Buckner and he turned leaving downtown bars in the
himself in to the Muskogee Paul Pelosi, the husband of early hours of April 3. Three men
County sheriff’s office Sunday House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D- and three women were killed.
afternoon, the Oklahoma State Calif.), was arrested Saturday Payton was already wanted on
Bureau of Investigation said in a night on a charge of driving multiple felony warrants,
statement. The OSBI said that under the influence. including domestic violence and
those shot at the Memorial Day gun charges, according to
event in Taft, located about 45 Napa County records show authorities.
miles southeast of Tulsa, ranged Paul Pelosi, 82, was arrested at Five dead in Ga. boat collision:
in age from 9 to 56. 11:44 p.m. Saturday and booked Searchers recovered the bodies of
about 4 a.m. Sunday on one three missing boaters Sunday
A 39-year-old woman was count of driving under the after two vessels collided on a
killed, the OSBI said. The injuries influence and one count of Georgia river, bringing the
of those wounded were driving with a blood alcohol crash’s death toll to five people.
considered non-life-threatening. content level of 0.08 or higher. One of the surviving boaters was
charged with boating under the
The OSBI had earlier said two Both counts are misdemeanor influence. Two people were found
juveniles were injured in the charges, and his bail was set at dead shortly after the Saturday
shooting but said Sunday $5,000, records show. The arrest collision on the Wilmington
afternoon that only one juvenile was first reported by TMZ. River near Savannah, authorities
was injured. said. One of the boats had six
The Napa County Police people aboard and the other
Witnesses said an argument Department did not respond to a carried three people, the U.S.
preceded the gunfire just after request for comment. Coast Guard said in a statement.
midnight, the agency said. At least four people were taken to
A representative for Nancy hospitals, authorities said.
About 1,500 people attended Pelosi’s office said the speaker
the event in Taft, which usually was not in California during the — From news services
has a population of just a few incident. “The Speaker will not
hundred people. Members of the be commenting on this private
Muskogee County Sheriff’s Office matter which occurred while she
were in attendance and was on the East Coast,” Pelosi
immediately began rendering spokesman Drew Hammill said
aid, the OSBI said. in a statement.

— Amy B Wang


Politics & the Nation

States aim to limit book titles students can search for

website the NCOSE staffer visit-
Republican legislation ed. When that school system
would restrict school “asked about this issue, we
worked with them to adjust the
library databases library content accessible,” McE-
voy wrote.
BY HANNAH NATANSON Bergson-Michelson, the Palo
Republican lawmakers across Alto school librarian, said stu-
the country are proposing legisla- dents can find porn easily online
tion that would target online li- and, in her experience, use data-
brary databases and library man- bases for other reasons.
agement technology — tools built “Students say, ‘Hey, there’s an
by a half-dozen large companies article from the Economist I want
that catalogue millions of books, to read and it’s behind a paywall,’
journals and articles that stu- ” she said. “I say, ‘Great, go to this
dents peruse for assignments. subscription we have.’ ”
These bills — already enacted And Follett, the CEO of the
in Utah and Tennessee, on the namesake company, said parents
verge of becoming law in Okla- across the country might have
homa and proposed in at least six different definitions of what
other states — are broadly similar. counts as pornography.
They require databases to remove “That becomes a slippery
and block student access to ma- slope,” she said. “Is a steamy scene
terial that is obscene, porno- in a book considered pornogra-
graphic, sexually exploitative of phy? Two readers might reach a
children or “harmful to minors” different perspective on that.”
— designations that opponents In response to the database
say could encompass a wide legislation and other recent laws
range of texts. Some laws, such as focused on education, Follett
a bill advanced in Nebraska, also said, about 30 school districts in
require that parents be able to Texas, Georgia and Florida
view all content their children reached out to her company in
can view online. February asking for greater pa-
So far, database companies — rental involvement in student da-
such as ProQuest, Gale, EBSCO tabase searches.
Information Services and Follett That is what led the company
School Solutions — say they are to consider adding a novel, op-
tracking the spate of legislation tional feature that would have
but have no plans to make major allowed parents to receive emails
changes to their services. In whenever their child checks out
March, Follett, which provides MONTINIQUE MONROE FOR THE WASHINGTON POST books from the library — and
books and library management Bills enacted or proposed in some states require databases to remove and block student access to material that is obscene, pornographic, another feature that allows par-
systems to the majority of Ameri- sexually exploitative of children or “harmful to minors” — designations that opponents say could encompass a wide range of texts. ents to register specific texts their
can school districts, said it would child cannot read.
add a feature allowing parents to same intellectual and practical statement Thursday. EBSCO also lating databases — said he was sent a link to a three-minute In March, the company publi-
track and limit what their chil- information,” Bergson-Michelson later added more granular con- motivated to act because taxpayer YouTube video in which a staffer cized the idea in a now-deleted
dren check out from the library. said. “My concern is that, ulti- trols allowing school officials to dollars were being used to serve types the word “pornography” LinkedIn post.
Then it disavowed the idea after mately, my students will find bar student access to specific arti- up “illegal pornography to young into an EBSCO database. One of The proposal quickly drew
receiving backlash on social me- themselves in a position where cles and journal issues deemed public-school students.” He did the search results is a book titled heavy negative attention on Twit-
dia. they can’t access things that they inappropriate, adding these to a not provide examples. “Porno-Graphics and Porno-Tac- ter, CEO Follett said, including
Conservative activists, politi- care about.” decades-old tool permitting Hawkins of NCOSE sent a tics: Desire, Affect and Represen- boycott threats and allegations
cians and parents argue that schools to ban particular publica- statement Thursday saying that tation in Pornography.” A Wash- that the company was “responsi-
more controls are needed to erad- A history of individual tions. researchers at her company have ington Post review of the book ble for the murder of gay chil-
icate an epidemic of sexual con- complaints found, inside middle school re- shows that it contains images of dren.”
tent, including pornographic ma- The EBSCO controversy sur-
terial, that students are viewing Concern over what students faced again in 2018, when Utah search databases, links to “hard- sex acts. The company nixed the idea a
through online school databases. can view while online at school mother Nicholeen Peck said she core pornography and prostitu- EBSCO spokeswoman McEvoy few days later without ever writ-
There is “absolute obscenity on dates back to 2000, when Presi- found pornography after spend- tion websites,” as well as material wrote in an email that the book “is ing “a single line of code,” said
our laptops or our devices that we dent Bill Clinton signed into law ing 45 minutes searching the da- that “encourages sugar dating … not in any of our databases, it is co-CEO Paul Ilse. The main rea-
allow our children to take home, the Children’s Internet Protection tabase. Local outlet 2News later and normalizes risky sexual be- included in the Directory of Open son, Follett said, was because
and they’re paid for with taxpayer Act (CIPA). It requires that replicated her search and discov- haviors like hook-up, violent, or Access Books, a free resource that “there wasn’t a single thing we
dollars,” said Joni Albrecht (R), a schools receiving federal technol- ered a picture of two women group sex.” had been made available” to the could have built that would have
Nebraska state representative ogy funding equip their comput- kissing, a picture of a woman An NCOSE spokeswoman also particular school system whose met everyone’s desires.”
who introduced that state’s bill. “I ers with filters that prevent stu- wearing underwear and a picture
have 14 grandchildren, and I dents from viewing Internet por- in which two men are kissing on a
don’t want any one of them ex- nography or content that is ob- bed while touching a woman who
posed to anything like this.” scene, depicts sexual acts or is is wearing only underwear and
But educators and librarians “harmful to minors.” pasties over her breasts. Your leaky
say the new laws are unnecessary, CIPA, coupled with the 1974 After Peck complained to a
as federal child protection and
Internet privacy laws passed dec- Family Educational Rights and Utah lawmaker, the state wound
ades ago already require database Privacy Act — known as FERPA, up canceling access to EBSCO for
companies to ensure that their which in part protects students’ its more than 650,000 students.
materials are age-appropriate, privacy online — long ago forced The shutdown continued for a
which the companies have done library database providers to ex- little less than a month while basement fixed
mostly successfully for at least a clude pornographic and other- officials reviewed Peck’s allega-
quarter-century. Database com- wise inappropriate content, tions and worked with EBSCO to
pany leaders said in statements Chrastka said. upgrade filters meant to block
and interviews that they are care- access to inappropriate material.
ful to provide only content that is EBSCO Information Services, Shortly after the Utah Educa-
meant for K-12 students. one of the leading providers of tion and Telehealth Network
Educators worry that the real research and reference materials Board voted unanimously to re- or it’s free.*
purpose of the laws — especially to schools in the United States, store EBSCO access, the executive
those forbidding content “harm- complies with CIPA by operating director at the time, Ray Timothy,
ful to minors” — is to justify within the pornography-exclud- said that “we have not been able
blocking articles and books that ing Web filters set by school sys-
parents dislike. tems, said spokeswoman Kath- to replicate” access to the materi-
“If somebody with an anti-gay, leen McEvoy. als Peck complained about.
anti-trans agenda wants to cen- She added that EBSCO also Last year, the Utah legislature
sor, the first thing you have to be “has curation controls in place passed a Republican-proposed
able to do is point to a law that that ensure age-appropriateness.” measure requiring that “obscene
says, well, issues of sexuality are She declined to say how many or pornographic material” — de-
off-limits for children,” said John school systems EBSCO works fined as content that “appeals to
Chrastka, the executive director with, calling that information prurient interest in sex” and is
of EveryLibrary, a nonprofit that “proprietary.” without “serious literary, artistic, 500Save Up To *
advocates for libraries. “That’s political, or scientific value” — be
what these laws do: provide le- Britten Follett, the co-CEO of blocked from all digital resources $ **
vers to remove certain kinds of Follett School Solutions, said her provided to the state’s public
material.” company offers only titles that schools. It was signed into law
The wave of legislation focused publishers have recommended as March 16, 2021, and took effect on
on databases, which Chrastka “age and grade-range appropriate May 5. State officials did not reply
called unprecedented, is part of a from pre-K through 12th grade.” to requests for comment about
larger conservative-driven cam- Other popular online database whether it has been invoked yet.
paign to alter nearly every aspect providers, including Gale and
of the way American public ProQuest, did not respond to ‘A slippery slope’
schools function. questions asking about their con- The recent wave of database
Laws are being proposed and tent selection processes.
passed across the country that When Republican legislators legislation does not seem in-
limit what teachers can teach and advocates criticize databases, spired by particular reported in-
about race, racism, history, sex they often point to individual bad cidents of children encountering Free Quote
and gender identity — and the experiences — saying they, their sexual material through databas-
number of books banned from children or someone else’s chil- es.
school libraries reached a record dren navigated to explicit con-
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In contrast with those noisy tor, said she became concerned
debates, the recent legislative at- EBSCO in particular has faced about school databases when a Strongest lifetime warranty We also fix:
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ticed. And that worries Tasha In the mid-2010s, a Colorado Albrecht how easy it was to navi-
Bergson-Michelson, a school li- family complained to the Nation- gate to sexually explicit content. A+ Rated with the BBB Foundations
brarian in Palo Alto, Calif. al Center on Sexual Exploitation, “I’ll give you an example. Let’s
Bergson-Michelson said school an anti-pornography group say a child … wants to look at the Remove Mold
library databases are vital for known as NCOSE, that the par- latest and greatest toys that are
students trying to learn about the ents had found articles with links out on the market,” Albrecht said.
world and to gain the data-pro- to sexual content when using “Instantly [the database] takes
cessing skills they will need to their teenage daughter’s EBSCO them to adult toys, and in the next ‘58
make their way in the informa- account. click you’re going to find out how (582f0ou2nd)at8io3ns1o-f2D4C.5co0m TM
tion-rich 21st century. She noted to use that toy.”
that the online library databases Soon after, NCOSE CEO Dawn FOUNDATIONS
make paywalled content, such as Hawkins said she conducted her Asked whether she was refer-
newspaper and magazine arti- own search on the site and found ring to a general Internet search
cles, accessible to all students. links to pornography. — as library database searches
“These databases mean that more typically point users to
any of my students, without re- At the time, EBSCO spokes- books, news reports, or magazine
gard for their economic back- woman McEvoy said the compa- and journal articles — Albrecht
ground, can have access to the ny did not know of any instances said it was a database search.
of students using its database to
watch pornography. Still, in 2017, Albrecht’s bill targeting databas-
EBSCO conducted an audit of its es failed in 2021 because she ran
content selection processes and out of time, she said. But she *Certain Terms and Conditions apply. Ask Foundation Specialist for details. Quality Products.
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tabase is “educationally and/or Meanwhile in Utah, Rep. Travis
developmentally appropriate for Seegmiller (R) — one of the spon-
student users,” McEvoy said in a sors of that state’s 2021 law regu-


Another covid
summer possible

VIRUS FROM A1 from the omicron variant. “We are AN RONG XU FOR THE WASHINGTON POST
going into a surge of the omicron
As the virus morphs and the subvariants that are more and People in Manhattan on May 22. As the coronavirus shifts, Americans are drawing their own lines for what they feel comfortable doing.
scientific understanding of how it more able to infect people who
operates shifts with each variant, have preexisting immunity.” first encounter with some class- region did not experience as or cold or something.” old son, Max, to indoor play facili-
Americans are drawing their own mates in the College of Health and many cases in the spring as the Others at the vintage Florida ties, where Lucía would catch ill-
lines for what they feel comfort- Experts say vaccines are still Human Services who were only Northeast, and rising tempera- nesses even before covid. She asks
able doing. showing durability in protecting familiar as faces on a computer tures are driving people indoors. memorabilia festival feared Lucía to wear a mask while she’s
people against severe illness. But screen during virtual class. She worse consequences. at prekindergarten. And the fam-
“This time last year, I was so the initial burst of antibodies felt comfortable marching along- Florida residents are bracing ily isn’t planning any travel, be-
hopeful,” said Margaret Thorn- from shots or infections fades side them through a tunnel and for the return of another summer Patti Kane-Wood, 78, entered cause Max is too young to get
ton, a 35-year-old Philadelphia after several months, said Celine onto the field knowing the univer- surge in sharply different ways. the expo wearing a blue surgical vaccinated.
researcher preparing to spend Gounder, an infectious-diseases sity required vaccines and boost- mask but felt uncomfortable by
her summer socializing mostly specialist and senior fellow at er shots. And it was important for For Jeff Schulte, a 63-year-old how attendees “were squeezed in But Poole, 37, is not trying to
outdoors because of her weak- Kaiser Health News. That means her relatives to celebrate the occa- retiree, coronavirus has never re- there like sardines” and didn’t avoid the virus at all costs.
ened immune system. “Now, I the virus can develop into an sion with her because she is the ally gone away, and he sees no stay long. She has heard about
don’t know when it’s going to be infection before the body’s im- first in the family to graduate reason to change his behavior for more people getting covid in the “Whatever strain is going
over, and I don’t think there is mune system kicks in. college. an omnipresent threat. He is not last month than in the last two around now, you can’t be too
necessarily a light at the end of planning on masking, social dis- years. While she feels well-pro- terrified of it,” Poole said outside a
the tunnel. Or rather, if there is a Burhan Yardimci, his wife and But to avoid graduation tancing or getting booster shots tected from getting her second CrossFit gym where she planned
light, is it an opening to get out? their three young children — who crowds, she said the family waited this summer. booster dose, she worries about to work out without a mask on.
Or is it a train?” had all contracted coronavirus in several days for their celebratory long-term complications after “We need to live a normal life
February — joined thousands of dinner because they were “a little “For the rest of our lives, it’s watching friends develop persis- now.”
Parents of children too young Turkish Americans on Madison scared” as infections rose and Los here,” he said while smoking a tent breathing problems follow-
to be vaccinated are making Avenue recently for the return of Angeles County moved from a low cigarette outside the library in ing their illnesses. A recent study At a southeast Portland pub,
cross-country travel plans. Octo- New York’s annual Turkish Day to medium covid-19 risk level. downtown Sarasota. “It’s going to found vaccines may offer little George Cummings, 85, took a leap
genarians are venturing to bars. Parade, canceled the last two Rosales lives with her parents, catch every one of us.” protection against most long- of faith as he joined his friends
And families are celebrating grad- years because of the pandemic. both of whom have preexisting covid symptoms. from a local mountaineering and
uations and weddings with The next day, the family stood conditions, and six other rela- To the north near Tampa, Rick climbing club for drinks. He
throngs of mostly unmasked rev- among another crowd of thou- tives. Kilby, 57, donned a KN95 mask as “If I catch covid, even the knows he’s at a higher risk be-
elers — mindful they may get sick. sands for the Celebrate Israel Pa- he hawked his book about the slightest case of covid, it’s possible cause of his age and wears a mask
Again. rade. “I don’t want to risk it at this Victorian-era belief in the healing I have long covid and have issues at the grocery store. He said he
point,” Rosales said. “We’re just properties of Florida springs at for the rest of my life,” Kane-Wood has not received a second booster
More than half of the U.S. pop- Yardimci doesn’t take much trying to be as respectful to my Floridania Fest in a Gulfport casi- said. “I’m very afraid because peo- shot because his doctor had not
ulation is living in areas classified solace in his recent infection as an parents as possible.” no ballroom. Mostly unmasked ple are very relaxed now and un- told him they were available.
as having medium or high covid- extra layer of protection. He attendees snaked past his table, derstandably so, but it’s not a time
19 levels by the Centers for Dis- thought his booster shot would For most Americans, coronavi- conveniently situated near an to let our guard down.” He went maskless as he drank
ease Control and Prevention. The stop infections, but he knows peo- rus has faded from the fore- open door that brought in fresh lemonade, ate a cheeseburger and
latest cases have yet to overrun ple who’ve had the virus three ground. air. Parents of young children are mingled with a group of two doz-
hospitals, but that could change times. Because no one in his fam- entering Memorial Day weekend en in the crowded bar.
as the virus spreads among more ily became seriously ill, he doesn’t More than half say they are not He’s not worried about getting frustrated that children younger
vulnerable people. The dominant see the need to upend his life too concerned or not at all con- seriously ill after a second booster than 5 remain the only group “I’m not sure I’m 100 percent
strains circulating in the United when everyone around him ap- cerned with coronavirus, accord- shot. But after hearing about five ineligible for vaccines. The pros- comfortable with my decision,
States are the most contagious pears to be carrying on as normal. ing to a May survey by Monmouth vaccinated friends getting infect- pect of regulators clearing shots but the alternative was not to go
thus far. University. ed in just two days, he does fret by the end of June is becoming to the event,” said Cummings,
“Hopefully, we’ll never get it about having to cancel his upcom- increasingly likely after Pfizer-Bi- who lives alone and had suspend-
“This one is really revved up, again,” said Yardimci, 42. Nearly three-quarters say they ing trip to western Pennsylvania oNTech reported data showing ed his social life for the better part
and it’s probably getting up there hope to vacation this summer and — the only vacation he had their three-dose regimen proved of two years.
with something as transmissible In the Boston suburbs, Mandy less than a third say coronavirus planned for the year. 80 percent effective in preventing
as measles,” said Peter Hotez, Boyd found herself humbled by is a major factor in their plans, symptomatic infections in chil- “It’s almost a question of, do
dean of the National School of coronavirus after getting infected according to a recent Washington “It’s not like it was two years dren 6 months to 4 years old. you want to live — and that in-
Tropical Medicine at Baylor Col- twice in five months: during the Post-Schar School poll. The Trans- ago where you are really con- cludes some sort of social life for a
lege, describing the BA. 2.12.1 sub- massive omicron wave in Janu- portation Security Administra- cerned about going to the hospital In the meantime, parents are human being — or am I going to
variant now accounting for more ary, and again in May after attend- tion on Thursday reported and not getting out. Now, it’s more navigating how to protect their hide in my basement?”
than half of new cases. “Over the ing a 150-person indoor wedding. screening more than half a mil- of a concern that this is going to unvaccinated children when cas- Pittman reported from Gulfport, Fla.,
Memorial Day holidays, if you are Neither case was severe. lion additional fliers a day com- be a real inconvenience to my es are rising and others are drop- and O’Hagan reported from Portland,
in settings where you are indoors pared with the same day last year. schedule,” said Kilby, who lives in ping their guards. Ore. Jack Wright in New York, Yvonne
with large numbers of people The experience left the 35-year- Orlando. “That’s the wonder of Condes in Anaheim, Calif., and Doug
without masks … there is a good old health technology worker re- Experts are paying close atten- the vaccine. It made it from a In Portland, Ore., Jessica Poole Moser in Boston contributed to this
likelihood you will suffer a break- assessing how to protect her 4- tion to the Southeast for a poten- life-threatening condition to one said she is not taking her 5-year- report.
through infection.” and 6-year-old children from in- tial covid resurgence because the that’s really more like having a flu old daughter, Lucía, and 3-year-
fections that would disrupt their
Experts had hoped that the schooling or summer camp. She
explosion of the omicron variant still plans to dine out and go to the
this winter, estimated to have in- gym, but her family will wear
fected a quarter of Americans masks on their flight to Seattle for
who hadn’t already been infected, an upcoming vacation as well as
and the subsequent spring wave when they watch a WNBA game
of omicron’s even more transmis- while there. She worries about
sible subvariants, would provide passing on a future variant to her
a buffer against future surges. children, even if her short-term
immunity protects her from get-
But an emerging body of re- ting sick.
search suggests those infections
will not confer lasting protection “We’re in a strange spot be-
as the virus’s latest iterations cause it turned into a much more
show remarkable ability to escape minor virus,” said Boyd of
immunity. Experts say the recent- Swampscott, Mass. “From that
ly infected who also received perspective, I don’t see that the
booster shots can count on at world should stop or schools
least several months of immunity, should close.”
while the unvaccinated should
expect little protection. Graduations, proms and wed-
dings have also returned after
“You should not think, ‘Oh, I being canceled in earlier stages of
had omicron, I don’t need any the pandemic when cases were
shots’ or ‘I don’t need any more lower than they are now.
shots,’” said Melanie Ott, director
of the Gladstone Institute of Vi- Adeline Rosales, 26, was
rology and a co-author of a paper among the hundreds of California
recently published in Nature find- State University Long Beach stu-
ing limited natural immunity dents in caps and gowns flooding
into Angel Stadium in Anaheim
on a recent morning. It was her

In Pittsburgh, a shooting victim leaves behind legacy to help youth

Those who knew Mathew Steffy-Ross, 17, recall a shy kid who was interested in mentoring other young, vulnerable men

BY NICK KEPPLER were the two killed in a mass her home to raid the fridge for recall a similar pattern: When graphic design. Mind-set was a word that Matt
shooting at a crowded house par- Gatorade. they first met him, he was shy, but “He recorded a few songs in heard countless times in mentor-
pittsburgh — The nonprofit ty at an Airbnb in Pittsburgh in once they established a rapport, ing programs, Davis said.
mid-April. About 100 rounds In August 2018, the same he was bright, talkative and fun- our studio,” Suica-Reed said. “His
Youth Enrichment Services had were fired, hitting 10 people. Po- month Matt turned 14, his grand- ny. poetry was profound, with posi- Davis connected him with a
tasked their teen employee lice still haven’t made any arrests. mother, who had been his pri- tive messages.” professional graphic designer for
Mathew Steffy-Ross with creating mary caretaker — the woman he Pope, YES’s program director, the final design, one that he still
“a wall of remembrance” for Nationally, the rate of shoot- called “Mom” — died. He and his remembers he had a sly way of His songs were “mostly rap intends to print on a T-shirt.
young homicide victims. ings that kill or injured at least brother moved in with their fa- communicating. She hounded music with melody,” she recalls. Imprinted in the gear is the motto
four people is higher this year ther. The shock of the loss was so him, as a mentor would, to focus “It was about what life was like as Matt chose for his company: Stay
Pittsburgh had undergone a than it was before the pandemic, profound that Matt wept at the on a task or absorb a point — and a teen, how to manage as best he in the fight.
spike in homicides in the past few according to the Gun Violence mention of her, McLain said. The he cocked his head to the side as if could. He spoke of racial justice
years. In 2021, 29 of the 123 Archive, a research group. family avoided bringing her up pondering. Then he grinned and and gun violence.” He spent his afternoons after
victims were 20 or younger. when he was around. said, “I get it, Miss Anay.” She school at YES. Matt noticed that
In 2020, the firearm homicide burst out laughing. It immedi- To family, he was shy about his one of these boys, age 16, wore
YES, which provides mentor- rate was higher than in any year He also struggled after he en- ately defused tension. creative pursuits. McLain asked battered clothing. He told Pope
ing programs and works with since 1994, the Centers for Dis- tered high school, suddenly up- to hear the songs he recorded at he was using his own paycheck to
local courts on alternatives to the ease Control and Prevention re- rooted to a new district. Nate School remained a struggle, Phase 4. He refused. “He said, buy him clothes at the Target and
standard juvenile justice, strug- ported. The largest increase that Crawford, one of the intervention partially because of his anxiety ‘Auntie, it ain’t nothing,’ ” McLain the sneaker shop next to their
gled with how to give their partic- year was among young people, specialists at YES, recalls that “he over formal learning, his great- said. “I said: ‘It’s something.’ ” office. Pope insisted he use money
ipants a way “to talk about what Black people and males. wasn’t academically on par with aunt said. In 2018, he transferred from the organization.
was happening around them to some of the kids, … and he was to a charter high school, Propel His new career ambition was
their friends,” said Anay Pope, the To those who knew him, Matt bullied a lot for it.” Braddock Hills, which had a cam- T-shirt design. Matt kept a He shot back that he would
program director. is not just another statistic. pus in a strip mall next to a sketchbook of shapes, symbols, match it, dollar for dollar. He
During that difficult period, Family Dollar and a program for logos and words and phrases. He called McLain for a donation.
Matt was a onetime mentee He was a creative soul who had Matt and a friend listed an Xbox kids who had been through the drew several variations of the
who became a part-time em- reinvented himself in the few for sale on Craigslist. When the court system. word peace, Suica-Reed said. “I think he started out with
ployee. Lanky, he wore his hair in years since the death of the buyer came for it, they collected $40 and he ended up with $140,”
long braids, two of which sloped grandmother who raised him de- the money and left him with just At the onset of the coronavirus At a school-run violence- Pope said, “just to take this young
down the sides of his face. railed his life at age 14. He had a the box in which the video game pandemic, he tried online learn- prevention seminar, he met Lee man shopping so that he
sly sense of humor and a sense of system came. He was arrested, ing but soon joined the legion of Davis, a Pittsburgh-area jack-of- wouldn’t have to be picked on or
Matt searched online news sto- altruism toward other kids who although those records are not kids who essentially disconnect- all-trades who has worked in he wouldn’t have people whisper
ries about people younger than 18 were struggling. He had note- available because he was a minor. ed from school. He spent his days marketing, entertainment pro- about him behind his back.”
in the area who had been mur- books full of poetry and sketches. working drive-through windows duction, and business and leader-
dered recently. He printed their A judge assigned Matt to a at fast-food joints. ship consulting. That back- On the night of the shooting,
names, ages and neighborhoods His main focus was graphic diversionary program run by YES ground makes him a popular McLain said she texted Matt to
in a cursive font and cut them design, and with the help of one in 2018, his great-aunt said. Over the course of the six speaker in schools. He has pro- check on him, as she often did. He
out. He stacked them under a of a series of mentors, he created months before his death, Matt vided insight to many students always sent the same response:
banner reading “The lost.” a T-shirt design they were ready- Matt joined the nonprofit’s all- attended another alternative seeking nontraditional careers. “Auntie, I’m cool. You cool?”
ing to produce. It incorporated male Boys to Men group. Each school, went back to Propel and
Now his name waits to be his personal motto: “Stay in the week, he had a one-on-one meet- finally transferred to the Phase 4 Matt showed him a design. She kept waiting for that text.
added to the wall. fight.” ing with an intervention special- Learning Center, a private school Davis was blunt: It didn’t look When she saw news of the
ist and an outing in which staffers program designed for credit res- professional. But if Matt worked shooting on TV, she repeatedly
Pope has not brought herself to As children, Matt and his older took all the mentees to a casual toration, in the hopes of graduat- to come up with something sleek- called and texted him. “You just
pin it up. The thought causes her brother lived with their grand- spot such as a movie theater or an ing at age 18. er, with more symmetry and im- get your feeling in your stomach,”
to break into tears. mother, Mary Ross-Coleman, in arcade. The boys talked about life pact, Davis would fund a line of she said. Matt’s father called her
the Pittsburgh suburb of Penn skills that fall outside school cur- He was severely behind aca- shirts. later that day. He was dead.
“When his name goes up on Hills. His great-aunt, Bonnie riculums: dealing with family, demically, said Terrie Suica- “Even now, we were blessed,
there, he’s just going to continue McLain, remembers him as a setting goals, gaining financial Reed, founder and CEO of Phase After many tries, Matt came up because,” McLain said, “even af-
to be my real reason why,” she happy child who enrolled in Boy literacy. 4, but he had gathered an array with a design that looked like a ter a tragedy like this, he has left
said. “It’ll just be a reminder, Scouts and spent summer days of new interests: rap, poetry, bicycle gear. In the middle was this world knowing so many peo-
every day, why I started working playing baseball, dropping in at Mentors who remember Matt “Mindsetz,” the name of his yet- ple and touching so many.”
with young people.” to-be-realized apparel company.

Matt and Jaiden Brown, also 17,


Shooter rumors at N.Y. arena lead to stampede, injuries

BY ANNABELLE TIMSIT social media appear to show that nearly 19,000 spectators at the night that a Barclays Center radio was it occurred on con- minor injuries and went to area
the match was over and that sold-out Barclays Center who security supervisor told the out- course. Crazy stampede of people hospitals at approximately 1
Several people were injured many spectators had already left watched undefeated lightweight let there was “a person with a followed. Scary scene.” o’clock outside the location.”
after false reports of an active when people began to scream champion Gervonta Davis, of gun” outside the arena.
shooter sent crowds scrambling and run back inside the arena Baltimore, retain his World Box- The NYPD had a different Osaka later wrote, “I really
after a boxing match at the early Sunday. ing Association title with a sixth- Stefan Bondy, a sports report- account. hope everyone made it out safely,
Barclays Center in Brooklyn at- round technical knockout of Ro- er for the New York Daily News, since I’m tweeting this we made
tended by celebrities including In the aftermath, shoes and lando Romero. It was not im- tweeted that he was inside Bar- “There was some kind of it out ok.”
Madonna and tennis star Naomi trash were seen strewn on the mediately clear whether she was clays Center. sound disturbance where people
Osaka, authorities said. ground. When contacted for present during the subsequent became a little afraid — some ran Another shooting was report-
A spokesman for the New York comment, the Barclays Center mayhem. At the end of the fight, “as toward the Barclays Center, ed overnight Sunday in Chatta-
Police Department told The directed The Washington Post to everybody was clearing out, some ran away from it,” Navarro nooga, Tenn., where local news
Washington Post that a “loud the NYPD. Mike Coppinger, a reporter for there were reports of gunshots,” said. “People are banging into outlets, citing police, said several
disturbance” after the world ESPN, tweeted earlier in the he wrote. “I didn’t hear them but each other, so you had 10 individ- people were shot and one person
Madonna was among the security guard said report on uals — no children — who had detained.

lightweight championship
match caused people to start
running just after midnight on
Sunday and that early reports
swirling on social media of shots
fired were “incorrect.”
Ten people suffered minor in-
juries in the crowd surge and
were transported to hospitals for
treatment, Detective Adam Na-
varro said.
Osaka wrote on Twitter early
Sunday that she was inside the
Barclays Center when she “heard
shouting and saw people run-
ning,” before being told “that
there was an active shooter and
we had to huddle in a room and
close the doors.” Osaka said she
was “petrified.”
The panic revealed a nation on
edge after 19 elementary school
children and two adults in Uval-
de, Tex., and 10 people at a
Buffalo supermarket were killed
in separate mass shootings just
days apart this month, illustrat-
ing the bleak recurrence of such
incidents in the United States.
Navarro said the NYPD inves-
tigated and dismissed reports of
an active shooter at the scene.
“Once we looked into it, we
found it was a bunch of nothing,”
he told The Post.
Some people took to social
media to call for gun-control
measures, appearing to draw a
link to the Texas school shooting
last week.
“We’re used to brawls at box-
ing events but recent headlines
and the panic of the crowd made
many of us worried that our
worst fears would come true,”
Ryan Songalia, a boxing reporter
for the Ring, told the New York
One social media user, who
had earlier posted a video of the
match from inside the Barclays
Center, wrote that he and his
father “had to run and hide
against the walls” when a stam-
pede broke out.
“I watched a guy get trampled
nearly out cold,” that person
tweeted. “I am beyond done.”
The Twitter user could not
immediately be reached for com-
Photos and videos posted on

DOESN’T STOP. Memorial Day:

Never forget.


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The president’s statue at the Lincoln Memorial receives a dusting from a National Park Service employee early on May 18, as its 100th birthday approaches.

“One of his hands looks like it’s
greatest sin and remember its Members of the November Project, a public exercise group, run Virginia congressional candidate Victoria Virasingh (D), left,
greatest ideals, to hope that the up and down all 87 steps of the memorial as the sun rises. gets a selfie with NBC correspondent Hallie Jackson, center left. curling into a fist, like he’s about
union Abraham Lincoln died to to punch slavery in the mouth,”
preserve will endure. MICHAEL ROBINSON CHAVEZ/THE WASHINGTON POST Chiara said, giggling.

On May 30, a nation nearly as Emory Springs, a sixth-grader at Benjamin Tasker Middle School in Bowie, Md., recites Abraham Lincoln’s “House Divided” speech. Grayson studied the expres-
polarized as it was in Lincoln’s sion on his face and suddenly
day will mark the 100th anniver- For complex reasons, its draw endures recalled something she’d heard
sary of the memorial’s dedica- on another field trip.
tion. And though he doesn’t ap- date beneath the shade of an elm. 8:40 a.m. ington marches and protests concluded. “Wait, why’s that sig-
pear to have aged much through Behind them, through the wide they’d seen on television over the nificant?” “The reason he’s squinting is
the decades (kept youthful by a Retirement’s rewards decades and about the marches he’s, like, looking forward into the
rigid skin-care routine of dust- marble columns that hadn’t yet Just steps from Lincoln, a cou- and clashes over the past year. “Ooooh, four score and seven future, the future of the nation.”
ing, brushing and pressure wash- warmed in the afternoon heat, About the ups and downs of the years,” said her friend Grayson
ing), the centenarian has borne the roar of the leaf blowers was ple from California sat at the top nation and the ups and downs in Crittenberger, also 13, jotting it “Whoa!” the other two girls
witness to history countless quieter. of the memorial. As they watched their own life. down. exclaimed, as they scribbled it
times. the crowds pass, Marlin Klatte, down. “Good one!”
Timothy Boyd, 52, stood below 68, and his wife Joyce Klatte, 70 — It was good to have the time to They wrote down the number 10:30 a.m.
On the steps in front of him, Lincoln’s massive legs and hoist- both newly retired and trying to think about it all in Lincoln’s of columns: “36, which symboliz- A house divided
Marian Anderson sang for the ed a 40-foot long pole topped by a figure out a different rhythm to presence. es the states there were at the
nation in 1939, and the Rev. Mar- soft bristle brush into the air. It their life — reminded each other 10 a.m. time” of Lincoln’s death on April The lectern had been set up by
tin Luther King Jr. shared his resembled a giant toilet bowl how much had changed since the Punching slavery 15,1865. National Park Service rangers so
dream in 1963. Beneath the 16th cleaner. first time Marlin visited the me- school kids from the Washington
president’s steadfast gaze, Afri- morial 15 years ago from their Inside the memorial, dozens of They went to the wall inscribed region could deliver historical
can Americans, Native Ameri- Lincoln would be getting a home in Simi Valley. seventh-graders from the Poto- with the Gettysburg Address and speeches. But as soon as Sephora
cans, liberals, conservatives, in- steam bath the next day — but mac School rushed to finish a picked out three phrases particu- Grey spotted it, the 24-year-old
dependents, theists, atheists, hip- first, the preservationist needed He was working as a propul- scavenger hunt devised by their larly meaningful to them. Then Georgetown Law Center gradu-
pies, veterans, anti-vaxxers, co- to do something about the dust sion engineer for NASA, and his history teachers. they moved onto the man himself. ate, clad in her black-and-purple
medians, Juggalos and hundreds and bird poop. Boyd ran the brush visit to the memorial was rushed cap and gown, commandeered it
of other groups have gathered to down the slope of Lincoln’s nose — wedged between business Clutching a clipboard and their The girls just stood for a while, for a photo op.
demonstrate. On Jan. 6, 2021, he and along the curve of his fore- meetings. four-page assignment, three girls staring at the giant figure seated
caught glimpses in the distance of head. from the private school in North- before them. The assignment said Grey, who mentors younger
insurrectionists storming the U.S. “It’s so different now,” Marlin ern Virginia carefully counted the to list six things they noticed students and has a podcast where
Capitol. By then, the president’s brief said. “You never get to savor it and steps from the Reflecting Pool to about Lincoln’s likeness. she interviews successful African
moment in the morning light had just take it all in.” Lincoln’s statue. American women in law, can en-
It was at the Lincoln that nearly passed. The sun was rising, “I dunno, he looks pretty seri- vision herself “giving speeches to
Jimmy Stewart’s Mr. Smith had the crowds were growing. A new Joyce rubbed his back affec- “Eighty-seven,” Taylor Shen, 13, ous?” said Chiara Mizzo. hundreds of thousands of people,
an epiphany, that Forrest Gump day was underway. tionately. like many before have done here.”
reunited with the woman he “He looks like he’s in charge,
loved, that the bachelors from They talked about the Wash- like he knows he’s the man,” Taylor At 11 a.m., a ranger clicked on
“Wedding Crashers” finished a replied. “And he’s wearing formal the microphone.
bottle of champagne, that Lisa
from “The Simpsons” sought Then Emory Springs, 12, a
wisdom. sixth-grader at Benjamin Tasker
Middle School in Bowie, Md., ap-
History doesn’t happen at the proached.
memorial every day, but some-
thing compelling or strange or “A house divided against itself
funny or sad certainly does. In cannot stand,” she declared, her
honor of the anniversary, Wash- voice rolling down the steps to the
ington Post journalists chroni- Reflecting Pool. “I believe that
cled one of those days, from sun- this government cannot endure
up to sundown. permanently half-slave and half-
6:30 a.m. free.”
Lincoln logs
It was Lincoln’s powerful
Dozens of people in athletic “House Divided” speech, deliv-
shirts and Spandex shorts raced ered in 1858 during his unsuc-
up and down the memorial’s steps cessful bid for the Senate. His
as six workers in yellow vests opponent, Stephen A. Douglas,
powered up their leaf blowers. wanted to stick with the status
The scent of gasoline and exhaust quo, each state choosing its slave-
permeated the early-morning air. holding status. Lincoln prophe-
sied boldly — and correctly — this
“Please, can you just move to was no longer possible.
the other side?” one of the work-
ers asked the runners. “Just need “I do not expect the Union to be
a minute to clean.” dissolved,” Emory continued. “I
do not expect the house to fall. But
The members of the November I do expect it will cease to be
Project — fitness devotees who divided.”
meet at the memorial every
Wednesday not to check out the She was polished in a royal blue
president’s somber visage but to blazer and long neat braids. And
climb what they call “Lincoln she was already ambitious, with
logs” — made way for the cleaning plans to go to UCLA and become a
crew. psychiatrist to “help people with
mental struggles.” But she was
The workers descended the also nervous, not just because she
steps in a line, their leaf blowers had to go first, but also because
sending a plastic water bottle she was delivering a Lincoln
flying onto the lawn below. When speech at the Lincoln Memorial.
they reached the landing, they
turned around and returned to “I kind of felt like he was watch-
the top. ing over me when I was present-
ing,” she said later, “because he
A puff of dust flew into a scrum was right behind me.”
of teenage girls from Georgetown Noon
Visitation Preparatory School The fun rangers
taking selfies between the col-
umns. They’d arrived at dawn First things first: You are not to
wearing pleated green skirts, touch Mr. Lincoln.
white sneakers and T-shirts from
the colleges they’d be attending in Admire or equivocate, behold
the fall: Tulane. Syracuse. Wake in reverie or with suspicion. Sit on
Forest. the steps, if you must, and follow
his marble gaze toward the trou-
“I don’t see N.C. State,” ob- bled heart of American democra-
served Roy Williams Jr., a horse- cy. But don’t touch, don’t pat,
mounted officer with the U.S. don’t rub his feet for luck — and
Park Police. most certainly don’t do what a
visitor now proposed to Park
Now the girls, the runners and Service ranger David Smithey.
the cleaners were joined by Ma-
rines out on a jog and an NBC “I want to sit in his lap,” she said.
journalist conducting an inter- “You do not want to go to the
view with a congressional candi- D.C. jail,” Smithey, 50, replied
with a tight smile.
Lauren DeVore, his co-worker,
stared at him from beneath the



A park ranger stands in front of the 75 tons of white marble that make up the Lincoln Memorial, which receives thousands of visitors each day.

“You speaking from experi- watching of “The Crown.”
A volunteer with Old Glory Honor Flight photographs a group of George Washington University graduates and roommates Bryce
ence?” she asked. Vietnam veterans that the group brought to the memorial. Lawson, left, and Sam Linder pose for pictures at the memorial. He was a “go with the flow” guy.
This is life for park rangers on Her every moment was scheduled
the Mall. In the argot of the Park
Service, they are interpretive rang- Visitors take photos and pose for evening selfies at the memorial. Its 100th birthday becomes history the evening of May 30. She was a minimalist who
ers — or, as they like to put it, the avoided carbs. His kitchen was
fun rangers, not the gun rangers. the Mall — a space that has been next to two coolers brimming told Shells. when she noticed a man smiling overflowing with gadgets, espe-
the stage for key moments in the with Gatorades, sodas and bottles He smiled. Staring up at Lin- at her. It was May 2020, and she’d cially the ones for making pasta.
They would rather be explain- long march toward Black free- of water. been desperate to get out of her
ing the historical minutiae of dom — is singular, Lawson and coln every day, he said, can be apartment. She didn’t plan on But here she was, devouring his
Ford’s Theatre or the World War Linder agreed. The deal: Two dollars for a inspiring. introducing herself to a total lasagna.
II Memorial than deterring bottle of water. Four bucks for a stranger.
would-be Lincoln Memorial al- Linder, who is White and from Coke or a Gatorade. He wants to start his own busi- Here he was, practicing being
pinists. During the noon hour, Newton Mass., recalls his grand- ness some day. “I want to make But here she was, saying hi. on time.
they were in their element, hand- parents sharing what it was like But most people weren’t buy- money,” he said. “Be my own Soon they were walking the
ing out maps and junior ranger to be present in 1963 as King ing. Maybe it was the arrival of boss.” Mall together, learning the basics And when she surprised him
badges beneath a green tent be- thundered his “I Have A Dream” clouds and cooling temperatures. of each other’s lives: Christiaan on Christmas morning with a ring
low the memorial. There was even speech from the memorial’s steps. Or the fact that the prices reflect- By 5 p.m., with rain drops fall- was 38 and worked for the Dutch from Tiffany’s, he bought her one
a miniature statue of the seated ed quite the markup. ing, Shells cut his prices in half. Embassy. Karen was 41 and to match.
Lincoln, for anyone particularly “They told me that the out- “Happy hour!” he declared. worked for Homeland Security.
obsessed with touching his like- pouring of love and happiness Shells, a 19-year-old from 5:40 p.m. Lincoln was 98 and watching Now they were at the top of the
ness. was incredible,” Linder said. He Northeast D.C., said he and a few Wedding sprint them from a distance. famous steps, catching their
credits Lincoln with “putting us friends hawk drinks at the Lin- His monument was everything breath between the columns.
For the memorial’s centennial, on a path ... but there is still a lot coln and around the Mall almost There was just 20 minutes un- Karen loved about Washington:
the rangers were trying to tell more we need to do before there is every day in the summer. til Karen De Waal and her hus- The grandeur! The history! She’d “Why don’t you just take mo-
people about some of the civil equality for everyone.” band of one hour, Christiaan, just moved back to D.C. after four ment,” their photographer sug-
rights history attached to the site. On a good day, he claimed he were supposed to arrive at their years abroad. Four years in which gested. “Take it all in.”
Smithey was particularly animat- The photos all taken, the could sell several hundred dollars reception. Most of their marriage her fantasy of a whirlwind inter-
ed in discussing Anderson, the friends took a fleeting last look at of drinks. On a bad day, he said, thus far had been spent stuck in national romance never material- Karen grabbed Christiaan’s
Black contralto who performed to Lincoln in his shaded majesty. police officers hassle them about traffic. But there was one photo ized. She’d all but given up on hand. They turned toward each
an audience of 75,000 at the me- Then they mounted their skate- needing permission. worth hurtling out of the limo for. dating, and then the pandemic other. The pandemic still wasn’t
morial in 1939 after the Daugh- boards and zoomed away. had settled it for her. She was just over. A war had started with no
ters of the American Revolution 3:30 p.m. “How are you doing today, sir?” In a Princess Diana-replica ti- going to be one of those people end in sight. America felt nearly
refused to let her sing in Constitu- Profit motive he asked one man. ara, a bedazzled wedding gown who didn’t find love. as divided as in Lincoln’s era.
tion Hall. and three-inch heels, Karen start- But here she was, giving Chris-
“Don’t let dehydration ruin “Fine,” said the man, who dart- ed sprinting. tiaan her number. But here they were, together.
“Are these free?” one man your vacation!” ed off. Their first walk led to another, “Let’s do it baby,” Karen said.
asked, holding up a laminated “We have to see Lincoln!” she just as friends. Then came a date The camera clicked.
card with Anderson’s photo on it. Troy Shells was shouting the “Ice cold drinks you guys!” he called. at Gravelly Point. A widening of 7:25 p.m.
pitch over and over from the base said to one group of students. Remains of the day
“Oh, no,” Smithey said. of the memorial, where he stood On this day exactly two years The golden hour had arrived,
DeVore, 34, hailed a crowd of They ignored him. before, she had been sitting on a and with it, hundreds of celebrat-
Old Glory Honor Flight veterans An elderly woman negotiated bench in Judiciary Square, alone, ing graduates. But few had made
as they swept past the tent toward three bottles of water for three their way to the back side of
the memorial. Among them was dollars. Lincoln’s cathedral, a haven of
Jim Bricco, 75, from Wisconsin. “Thank you, sweetheart,” she serenity on the edge of the Mall’s
“I’ve been here before,” Bricco chaos.
said. “In 1968.” Here on the western wall, a
Back then, Bricco was serving space frequented mostly by lo-
in the Old Guard at Arlington cals, three young women popped
National Cemetery. The memori- the cork on a bottle of sparkling
al, of course, was there, but in his rosé, a couple passed a joint back
telling, the rangers were not. No- and forth and two friends sharing
body stopped Bricco as he climbed carrot cake peered into the blan-
up Lincoln’s gangly stone legs. ket of purple clouds depriving
The young serviceman did not them of a sunset.
sit in Lincoln’s lap. But he did Nearby, Araceli Ciriaco, a 22-
dangle for a while on his knee. year-old au pair, wrote in her
2:30 p.m. journal. She’d moved to D.C. from
Skateboard skeptic Argentina just two months ago,
It was the warmest point of the but she looked like someone who
day when Bryce Lawson and Sam had been coming to the Lincoln
Linder rolled up on colorful big- for years. Phoebe Bridgers played
wheeled skateboards wearing on her headphones as she sipped
business suits. mate, a loose-leaf tea from her
The newly minted alumni of homeland.
George Washington University Ciriaco knew nothing about
had visited Lincoln’s hallowed the man whose statue stood in the
lair often throughout college, and building behind her, but she ap-
they referred to the Mall as GW’s preciated the respite he offered
“backyard.” on her nights off.
On this day, the roommates Lincoln, of course, never got a
were there to take graduation night off, and that was especially
portraits, propping their skate- true on this one. Like a tide reach-
boards behind the memorial’s pil- ing its peak, darkness brought
lars. with it hordes of school groups,
Like many African Americans running, pointing, posing. No one
born long after the civil rights era, could blame them, though. The
Lawson doesn’t necessarily re- Great Emancipator is at his most
vere Lincoln as a hero. Still, the regal at night, when the lights
22-year-old from Atlanta ac- flicker on and a pair of deep, dark
knowledged that many Black peo- shadows settle upon his eyes.
ple, especially older ones, put him It was just then that Jamal
on a pedestal for a reason. Alexis arrived, wading through
“Out of the presidents, even my the throng with two of his friends.
grandparents will say ‘He’s the Alexis, 32, thought he’d never
one.’ He’s the one who invokes see this place in person. He’s from
freedom,” said Lawson, as he Houston but had been working
stood at the back of the memorial on an oil rig in Delaware. On their
in a black suit and crisp white last day up north, the men took an
shirt, the red and white stole of impromptu trip to D.C., and there
his Black fraternity, Kappa Alpha was nothing Alexis wanted to see
Psi, draped across his broad more than Lincoln.
shoulders. Alexis, who is Black, knew that
But his own view of the role the such a moment with his friends,
president played during the Civil who are White, might not have
War and in ending slavery is more been possible without the man
critical. behind him.
“Lincoln was in no way a “This is me giving my thanks to
prophet or a savior,” he said. him,” Alexis said, and when he
And yet Lincoln’s command of was done, he headed down the
stairs, passing through a new
crowd headed up, toward the
glow beyond the columns.


Texas school shooting

Taking stock in a town that people once considered idyllic


fronted not only the slaughter of
children and their teachers but
also subsequent questions about
whether some of those lives
could have been saved by more
prompt attempts to bring down
the 18-year-old gunman. Uvalde’s
residents, most of them Mexican
American, have watched televi-
sion news broadcasters describe
their suffering in French and
Japanese and politicians resur-
rect familiar arguments about
gun control.
And they have watched their
own understanding of their com-
munity begin to dissolve.
“It’s a wonderful place. We
care for each other,” Joe Ruiz,
pastor of Templo Cristiano
church, said during an interview
in his office at the Pentecostal
church last week. But no sooner
had Ruiz begun his stock defense
of Uvalde’s communitarian spirit
than he faltered, and looked at
his desk.
“I thought we cared for each
other,” he said, shaking his head.
“This shouldn’t happen in Uval-
Long before Tuesday, reality
interfered with some visions of
Uvalde as a pastoral idyll. The
city has struggled with gangs
active in the region’s busy meth-
amphetamine trade. The rail-
road tracks that run through
town are watched by Border
Patrol agents waiting for those
who have crossed into Texas
Like some others in town,
Jessie Morales said that when he
heard someone had crashed a
truck outside Robb Elementary
on Tuesday, he assumed it was a
“bailout,” a maneuver in which
human smugglers drive a vehicle PHOTOS BY SARAH L. VOISIN/THE WASHINGTON POST

as far and as fast as they can Rosa Chavez, 65, sits on the front porch with her granddaughter, Aracely Chavez, 4. She lives a block from the school and heard the sound of the shooting on Tuesday.
when pursued by law enforce-
ment, then abruptly stop to flee was eventually killed by a Border “This is a quiet little town,” he Biden’s first stop Sunday was “I asked him what his name
on foot. Patrol agent. said on Friday night while paying the memorial outside Robb El- “This is a quiet little was,” Terrazas said. “He said his
It was only later that Morales Morales’s daughter wasn’t in- his respects at a memorial on the ementary School, located in a name was Salvador.”
— a 32-year-old whose 8-year-old jured. He can’t say the same town square. “Everybody’s family quiet grid of streets overhung town. Everybody’s Reflecting on the word’s
daughter, Aaliyah, attends Robb about his sense of the hometown here. Everybody knows every- with pecan trees and roamed by meaning in Spanish — savior —
— would learn the truck was to which he returned after a stint body. And for something like this quarrelsome chickens. she told him that his mother had
family here. Everybodydriven by Salvador Rolando Ra- in the larger border city of Del to happen —” given him a good name. Then she
He and his wife, Jill, laid
mos, who minutes after crashing Rio, thinking it would be a good Morales trailed off. flowers at the base of a memorial knows everybody. asked if he went to church.
it entered the school, where he place to raise his children. “I don’t know, man.” already overflowing with them His one-syllable response: No.
and gently touched, one by one, And for something like “I said, ‘You should, the way
giant cutout portraits of the vic- things are now,’ ” Terrazas re-
tims. They also spoke quietly this to happen — called.
with residents and officials there. He said nothing. The silence
Tony Hernandez, 54, wan- I don’t know, man.” lasted for the remainder of their
DGWEOETNIET. dered from his home near the 10-minute car ride. Then they
school to the police barricade for Jessie Morales, reached their destination: the
a glimpse of the president. But a Robb Elementary School parent home of Salvador Ramos’s grand-
that glimpse was fleeting, and mother, whom he would shoot
Hernandez was left wondering granddaughter, Aracely, rolled eight weeks later, just before he
how Uvalde will find its way out flour tortillas in the kitchen. entered the school with a rifle.
“Muy pacifico,” she insisted. After he left the elementary
“This is going to affect all the Very peaceful. school, Biden attended Mass at
kids for years,” he said. Among Sacred Heart, Uvalde’s only Cath-
those kids is his granddaughter, “We all know each other,” she olic church, a center of gravity for
who escaped from the school said. “It’s a peaceful, pretty a way of life that now seems
Tuesday through a window. town.” hopelessly disrupted. The priest,
Uvalde must cope with more Aracely, her dark hair held in a Eduardo Morales — better
than its grief, Hernandez said: topknot by a pink band, poked at known as Father Eddie — has
The town must also live with its a white mound of tortilla dough shared in his parishioners’ shock,
WINDOWS fear. There will be the Friday on the kitchen table. She was weeping with families he has
night high school football games bored, and that boredom would tried to comfort.
or trips to the movie theater not be relieved by the president’s “I thought I’d be okay,” he said,
SIDING when he knows he will find visit. Her grandmother was no “and I wasn’t.”
himself on alert for the sound of longer letting her play outside.
The men and women who
gunfire. Dora Terrazas, who lives down worship at Sacred Heart have
DOORS “We take life for granted,” he the road from Chavez, had what much to be angry about. But the
said. “It could happen again.” she has come to realize was an priest cautions his parishioners
TRIM Rosa Chavez has lived half a especially close encounter with that their anger must not turn to
block away from the school for 35 Uvalde’s dark side about two hatred. There will be a day, he
years and was cooking calabaza months ago. Terrazas, a 70-year- believes — after the president
TILE con pollo on Tuesday when gun- old auto inspector, has spent her has come and gone, and after the
fire began to resound. entire life in Uvalde and was children’s funerals he will soon
Chavez, who suffers from dia- accustomed to doing favors for be overseeing, day after day and
VANITIES betes and hypertension, sat in a people. She naturally agreed sometimes twice a day — when
chair on her front porch as her when a friend asked her to give a Uvalde can again be a place
FLOORING neighbors began to run toward ride to his girlfriend’s son. where people find a sense of
Robb Elementary. Her 4-year-old Terrazas found him on a dirt togetherness that eludes them
granddaughter followed her out- road off Sabinal Street. The boy elsewhere.
COUNTERTOPS side, her ears hurting from the who stepped into the cab of her “I hope we’ll be able to say it
noise, her eyes unable to follow white pickup truck was slight
the swarm of parents and police. and painfully quiet. She would still is like that,” he said, “that
On Friday morning, Chavez, have guessed he was perhaps 14, this is home.”
ACCESSIBILITY though he was nearly four years Sarah L. Voisin and Tim Craig
65, spoke in Spanish to The
& MORE Washington Post as she and her older. contributed to this report.


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Texas school shooting

Bidens pay a solemn visit to a city gripped by mourning

President and first lady MARCO BELLO/REUTERS store by a gunman apparently breakdowns in communications
see Uvalde memorial, motivated by racist ideologies. or other issues.
attend church service President Biden consoles Mandy Gutierrez, the principal of Robb Elementary School. Also at the site
were first lady Jill Biden and Hal Harrell, Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District chief. “Look, I’m not naive. I know McLaughlin, the Uvalde may-
BY PETER JAMISON, tragedy will come again,” Biden or, said he hoped to see a “fair and
AMY B WANG, Mandy Gutierrez, the principal of “These families have 600 people filled the pews. A had said in Buffalo. But there balanced report” from the Justice
TEO ARMUS Robb Elementary, in front of the a right to know. violinist and a pianist played “Ave were things that could be done, Department.
brick sign welcoming visitors to Maria” and other inspirational he added, to try to prevent shoot-
AND SEUNG MIN KIM campus in English and Spanish. We will get answers songs before the service started. ings. “These families have a right to
Others who joined the Bidens to and we will get to the know,” he said. “We will get an-
uvalde, tex. — President Biden pay respects at the memorial in- bottom of it. I have no “Our hearts are broken,” A few days later, Biden left for a swers and we will get to the
cluded Texas Gov. Greg Abbott words for these families García-Siller said as the service five-day trip to South Korea and bottom of it. I have no words for
and first lady Jill Biden paid their (R), Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-Tex.) commenced. He invited children Japan. On his 17-hour return these families except, ‘I’m so, so
respects here Sunday amid a sea and Uvalde Mayor Don McLaugh- except, ‘I’m so, so to come to the front of the church flight from Asia, he learned that sorry.’ ”
of flowers, coming face to face lin. Some in the crowd booed sorry.’ ” and sit on the floor. They were the there had been another mass
with oversize photos of the when they saw the governor and ones, he told them directly, who shooting, this time hundreds of McLaughlin said that he did
19 children and two teachers chanted, “Vote him out!” Uvalde Mayor would help the community heal. miles away from western New not attend meetings on Sunday
killed during the massacre at Don McLaughlin, York, at an elementary school in between Biden and the victims’
Robb Elementary School. The White House invited Sen. referring to a pending Justice As the Bidens left the church, Texas. families, whom he feared may not
John Cornyn (R-Tex.) and notified Department review of the law another crowd of spectators gath- yet be ready to see their local
The first couple stood in si- Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) of the presi- enforcement response ered to watch their departure. “As a nation, we have to ask: elected officials.
lence, reading the names of the dent’s visit, a spokesman said, but When in God’s name are we going
victims and touching each por- neither man was with Biden on “Do something!” someone in to stand up to the gun lobby? The first couple’s visit marked
trait, ringed with white roses. Sunday. the crowd yelled. When in God’s name will we do the beginning of official remem-
Nearby, white crosses staked into what we all know in our gut needs brances that will stretch for
the ground outside the school After the school visit, the first Biden had already reached the to be done?” Biden said shortly weeks. The first viewing and
were painted with the names of couple attended Mass at Sacred presidential limousine. He stood after arriving back in Washing- prayer services will be on Monday
each of the victims. Heart, Uvalde’s only Catholic at the open door and replied: “We ton. for Amerie Jo Garza and Maite
church, where they were greeted will.” Rodriguez, both 10. Services for
Makenna Lee Elrod . . . Jayce by Archbishop Gustavo García- “Why? Why are we willing to the other 19 victims will follow in
Luevanos . . . Nevaeh Bravo . . . Siller. The visit to Uvalde was the live with this carnage? Why do we the coming weeks.
second by the president in less keep letting this happen?” he
Jill Biden placed her hand gen- As the Bidens entered the sanc- than two weeks to the site of a said. “Where in God’s name is our At Geraldine Street and Old
tly on some of the photos, as if to tuary and made their way to the mass shooting to comfort fami- backbone to have the courage to Carrizo Road, people waited list-
pat the children on their shoul- front pew, Jill Biden lightly lies of victims in private and meet deal with it and stand up to the lessly in the heat on Sunday to
ders. The president wiped away a touched the hands of several peo- with first responders. On May 17, lobbies? It’s time to turn this pain leave their own flowers at the
tear. ple seated along the aisle. About the first couple traveled to Buffalo into action.” memorial site visited by the
to grieve with the families of Bidens. A line of at least 100 peo-
They had traveled to Uvalde on 10 Black people killed at a grocery The Bidens spent most of the ple stretched from the police bar-
Sunday to follow a familiar ritual afternoon meeting privately with rier in front of the school.
after an American massacre: victims’ families and survivors at
praying, trying to comfort vic- the Uvalde County Fairplex and Many were not from Uvalde.
tims’ families and survivors, and then separately with first re- Some had missed seeing the pres-
meeting with first responders. sponders later in the day. ident altogether, obstructed by
the law enforcement checkpoints
Less than a week ago, dis- Biden did not plan to make and resulting traffic that choked
traught parents had paced the formal remarks on Sunday, nor off large portions of the commu-
same grounds of Robb Elemen- did he directly address the ques- nity on Sunday.
tary School as the shooting was tions or anger apparent as details
unfolding. It became public later of a slow law enforcement re- Indalecio Gonzalez III, a 75-
that the parents shouted and sponse during the massacre have year-old from Hondo, Tex.,
pleaded with law enforcement emerged. Authorities say officers thought he saw the president’s
officers to let them into the school didn’t breach the classroom and car pass, but he could not be sure.
— to do something to save their kill the gunman — whom they He said he has been distraught
children. identified as 18-year-old Salvador since the attack Tuesday at the
Ramos — until more than an hour school.
In the days since, the president after he entered the school.
had forcefully condemned the A Biden supporter, he knows
“carnage” of American gun vio- The Justice Department an- that many of his fellow Texans
lence, called for stricter gun laws nounced Sunday that, at the re- didn’t vote for the president. But
and lamented the loss of life. quest of the city’s mayor, it will at a time like this, he said, that
conduct a review of the law en- shouldn’t matter.
On Sunday, though, Biden forcement response to the shoot-
mourned mostly in silence, at- ing. “He represents our country,
tuned to the heavy grief that had whether we like it or not,” Gonza-
settled over the school site and a It is routine for authorities to lez said.
community in pain. launch reviews after incidents of Jamison and Armus reported from
mass violence. Such reviews often Uvalde, and Wang and Kim reported
At one point, Biden embraced involve an attempt to analyze any from Washington. Devlin Barrett and
potential missteps in the law en- Mark Berman in Washington
forcement response, such as any contributed to this report.

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Family members recall veteran fourth-grade co-teachers
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For five years, Irma Garcia and Disney World. OFF
Eva Mireles were a teaching team Jose Garcia said he just finished on Custom Blinds,
at Robb Elementary School. On Their teachers, too, had no his freshman year at Texas State Shades & Drapery
Tuesday, they died together in shortage of energy. When the University. On Tuesday morning,
their fourth-grade classroom — school year started, Garcia and he said, he woke up to a text from Motorized Shades Available PLUS
slain while probably doing their Mireles had posted cheery greet- his mother. She asked whether
utmost, relatives said, to protect ings on school webpages. he’d be interested in a job as a FREE
their students from a rampaging physical education coach at a sum-
gunman. “Hello Boys and Girls! Let me mer school. He replied yes. In-Home Design
Garcia, 48, and Mireles, 44, introduce myself,” Garcia wrote. “I Consultation
were killed in the shooting in Uval- am Mrs. Garcia and I will be one of Then came the awful news of
de, Tex., that authorities say also your 4th grade teachers this year. I the shooting and the lockdown Call Call To Schedule
took the lives of at least 19 chil- am so excited to begin this new and the agonizing hours of wait- Today &
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A nephew of Garcia said author- as “fun facts,” that she loved to said, “the way the whole day SAVE!
ities told the family that the teach- “BBQ with my husband, listen to played out. I started getting wor- oorr vviissiit wwww.3DayOffer248023..ccoomm
er had sought to shield children music, and take country cruises.” ried. I texted her and never got a
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as someone who sacrificed her life derful year ahead of us!” She add- Mireles, an educator for 17 We DESIGN, We MEASURE, We INSTALL, You RELAX!®
and put her life on the line for her ed that she had “a supportive, fun, years, had expertise in special edu-
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said Wednesday. “They weren’t loved “running, hiking, and now Delgado said Mireles was married
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line, she lost her life to protect couple’s daughter, Adalynn, had handling. Not valid on previous purchasseessoorrwwiitthhaannyyootthheerrooffffeerroorrddisisccoouunntt..OOfffeerrCCooddeeBBGGXXBB. .EExxppirieress0047//3301/22. State Contracttoorr
them. That’s the type of person she Both of the teachers were grad- recently graduated from college, and HHome IImmprovement Licenses: Arizona 321056. California 1005986. Connecticut HIC.0644950. New Jersey 13VH093902000..
was.” uates of Sul Ross State University Delgado said. Oregon 209181. Pennsyyllvvaanniiaa PPAA110077665566.. TTeennnneessee 1002200.. WWaasshhininggtotonn33DDAAYYBBDDB8B4824K2SK.SC. oCuonutyntLyicLeincseenss:eNs:asNsasusaCuouCnotyu,nNtyY,
There were similar reports of in Texas. Garcia earned a bach- HN0Y10H7031010713. 1R0o1.cRkolacnkdlaCnoduCnotyu, nNtYy, HN-Y12H4-0121-43041--0304--0000.-L0i0ce. nLsiceedntsherdouthgrhoGugrehaGt rWeaintdWowinsdSoewrsviScesrv, iLcLeCs,: LVLirCg:inViairg2i7n0ia5127720657187.2W67e8st.
heroic efforts by Mireles. “Mom, elor’s degree in interdisciplinary Delgado said Mireles was VWiregsitnViairWgiVni0a6W12V3086. V12a3r8io.uVsaCrioituysLCiciteynsLeicseAnvsaeislaAbvleailUapbolenURpeoqnuResetq. u©es2t0. 2©2230D22ay3BDlianydBs lLinLdCs. LLC.
you are a hero,” Adalynn Ruiz studies in 1997, a university cheerful and active, recalling a
wrote on Facebook. “My heart will spokeswoman said, and Mireles time she got up before sunrise
forever be broken. I keep telling earned the same in 2003. with other relatives for a hike dur-
myself that this isn’t real. I just ing a family gathering. “She did all
want to hear your voice.” Garcia was in her 23rd year of she could to live a long life, and
The long string of school shoot- teaching, all at Robb Elementary. here it was cut short,” Delgado
ings nationwide, since the Colum- She had won various professional said.
bine High School massacre in honors, her son Jose Garcia said,
1999, has made something that and she even taught him in third Audrey Garcia, who is not relat-
was once unthinkable a palpable grade one year. ed to Irma Garcia, said she will
risk for American schoolteachers. never forget the attention Mireles
Garcia and Mireles, like others “She treated her students as her paid to her daughter Gabby, now
before them, were shot and killed own,” raving about them at the 23, when she was in third grade.
in their line of duty — a grim fate family dinner table, said Garcia, “My daughter has Down syn-
that historically belonged to law 19. “They were her lifeblood. She drome, and she was one of the first
enforcement and the military. loved engaging with children and students at that time to be includ-
There is now a National Memorial teaching them.” ed in a regular classroom,” said
to Fallen Educators in Kansas, Garcia, who now lives in San Anto-
with names etched in stone. He said his mother often deco- nio. “Ms. Mireles always went
Many of those Garcia and Mire- rated her classroom with college above and beyond. She never saw
les taught had just reached the pennants, mascots and other rega- Gabby as having less potential
double digits of life: 10. A mile- lia to inspire students to go to than any of the other students.”
stone for fourth-graders. Among college.
their names: Jose, Xavier, Nevaeh, Mireles would often contact
Ellie, Tess. With her husband, Joe Garcia, them around Christmas, Garcia
In one fell swoop on Tuesday, the schoolteacher had two daugh- said, because Gabby had given her
the gunman took away the jokes, ters and two sons, ages ranging an ornament as a gift.
the cumbia dances and the ham- from 12 to 23. The couple often
ming it up for camera shots or hosted their extended family, in- “She would say that she always
TikTok videos. He took away the cluding nieces, nephews and cous- thought about Gabby when she
freshly minted honor roll recipi- ins, for holiday meals. On Thurs- put up her Christmas tree,” Garcia
ents and the aspiring athletes — day, Joe Garcia died of an apparent said. “After all those years, she still
heart attack, Martinez said. cared about Gabby as a student. I
just want everyone to know what
“She’s the best cook I have ever kind of person she was and what
known,” Jose Garcia said. “She’d kind of educator she was. I don’t
always love feeding everyone, the want her to be forgotten.”
whole family.” Beth Reinhard contributed to this
Menudo was one of her favorite
dishes, he said, along with every-
day staples, such as breakfast ta-
cos with potatoes, chorizo and


Texas school shooting

‘Progress is possible’ on gun legislation, senator says

BY AMY B WANG finding a path forward this time Schumer called on just 10 Re- background check system, if not magazine capacity limits, raising Presiding over a Senate Judici-
It’s difficult for Sen. Chris Mur- than I have ever seen since Sandy publicans “to stand before his- universal background checks. the age to be able to purchase ary Committee hearing Wednes-
phy (D-Conn.) to express too Hook,” Murphy said on ABC’s tory and yell stop!” He then We’re talking about safe storage.” guns from 18 to 21, and other gun day, Sen. Richard J. Durbin (D-
much hope that this time, after “This Week.” acknowledged the “reality” that restrictions. The recent shootings Ill.) called for a vote on back-
yet another mass shooting in the most would not. The Senate went He once again tempered his in Buffalo and in Uvalde forced ground check legislation after the
country, things will be different “And while in the end I may into recess without taking any optimism, saying that simply him to reevaluate his position on Senate returns from its Memorial
when it comes to Congress pass- end up being heartbroken, I am votes on gun legislation. breaking that logjam could be the guns, Jacobs told the Buffalo Day recess.
ing legislation to address gun at the table in a more significant most important step that the News.
violence. way right now with Republicans But on Thursday, Senate Mi- bipartisan group could accom- “We should vote,” he said.
But he allowed room for some and Democrats than ever before nority Leader Mitch McConnell plish. Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), “That’s why we were elected.”
optimism Sunday, saying he was — certainly with many more Re- (R-Ky.) deputized Sen. John whose NRA rating went from an
in talks with more of his GOP publicans willing to talk right Cornyn (R-Tex.) to negotiate with That would “just show that “A” to an “F” after he called for a On CNN’s “State of the Union”
colleagues than ever before. now than were willing to talk Democrats on gun legislation. progress is possible and that the ban on bump stocks following a Sunday, Durbin said he was not
Murphy was in office in 2012 after Sandy Hook,” he said. Those bipartisan conversations sky doesn’t fall for Republicans if mass shooting at a Las Vegas certain the Uvalde tragedy would
when a gunman killed 20 stu- — which have continued they support some of these com- music festival, on Sunday blasted move enough Republicans to
dents and six adults at Sandy Other Democratic lawmakers throughout the holiday weekend, mon-sense measures,” Murphy the NRA as a “grifting scam.” show “political courage in a very
Hook Elementary School in his also echoed hopes that some gun even though the Senate is in said. tough situation.”
home state. And he was in Con- control legislation may now be recess — have been “encourag- Kinzinger said that raising the
gress on Tuesday when a gunman worked out, even as most Repub- ing,” Murphy said. Still, most Republicans have age for gun purchases to 21 years “I can’t say for certain, but I
opened fire at Robb Elementary lican members of Congress have shown an unwillingness to budge old is “a no-brainer” and that he can tell you, I sense a different
School in Uvalde, Tex., killing 19 shown little indication they are “These are serious negotia- on allowing any restrictions on is open to regulations or even a feeling among my colleagues af-
students and two teachers, the willing to support any tighter tions, and we are going to contin- gun ownership. ban on AR-15s. On Saturday in ter Uvalde,” Durbin said. “Of
deadliest school shooting since controls on guns. ue to meet through early next Buffalo, Vice President Harris course, 10 years ago, it was Sandy
Sandy Hook. week to try to find some common On “Fox News Sunday,” Rep. called for a ban on assault weap- Hook, and Parkland, and so many
In the years since Sandy Hook, The day after the shooting, ground,” Murphy said, before Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), who is run- ons. other instances.”
there have been plenty of discus- Senate Majority Leader Charles adding that a ban on assault ning for the Senate, indicated he
sions in Washington, but no sig- E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) begged his weapons and universal back- would not support any changes to “I think if there’s a way to He added that the stories com-
nificant federal legislation has GOP colleagues to consider a bill ground checks might not be real- gun laws currently on the books, maybe when it comes to ARs, you ing out of Uvalde could compel
been passed to tighten gun laws, that would strengthen back- istic, even though he wholeheart- saying “un-infringed Second know, if there’s a special license lawmakers “to picture your own
Murphy noted on Sunday. ground checks on those seeking edly supports them. Amendment rights” were re- you need to own one,” Kinzinger children or grandchildren cap-
“But there are more Republi- to buy guns. quired in case citizenry needed to said. “I’m definitely ready to en- tives of this madman as he’s
cans interested in talking about “But what we’re talking about “take our government back.” gage in that conversation. And killing them off one by one in that
“To my Republican colleagues, is not insignificant,” he added. maybe that ultimately includes school, and realize, it is time for
imagine if it happened to you. “We’re talking about red-flag Rep. Chris Jacobs (R-N.Y.), en- not selling them anymore. That’s us to do something.”
Imagine if this was your kid or laws. We’re talking about dorsed by the National Rifle As- fine, because to me, again, I’m Mike DeBonis and Steven Zeitchik
your grandkid. How would you strengthening and expanding the sociation, broke with the GOP focused on saving life now.” contributed to this report.
feel?” Schumer said Wednesday. last week and said he now would
support an assault weapons ban,

1 child was taken out of school early. Another was there during the attack.

A mother recounts a desperate search for her daughter, and a family grapples with terror, chance and how to grieve in a shattered community

out of school on Tuesday morn-
uvalde, tex. — Marisela Roque Kat Roque, 10, foreground, her sister, Ariely Arellano, 9, and their mother, Marisela Roque, 34, with her 11-month-old son, Rodolfo ing, that there were angels watch-
Ballesteros. Marisela Roque took Kat out of school early on Tuesday. Ariely was still inside when the shooting occurred. ing over them. But why had those
was in the Walmart at the north- angels not watched over so many
eastern edge of town when her Roque reminded her that MARISELA ROQUE mates from the fourth grade were others? Roque felt like she had
phone began buzzing. It was her school wasn’t out until 3 p.m. anywhere to be seen. glimpsed some truth many people
sister, Araseli Ruiz, with news Kat Roque, fifth from left, poses with her fourth-grade classmates went their whole lives without
that Roque did not immediately “Stay,” she said firmly. at an awards ceremony at Robb Elementary School on Tuesday Roque looked around at the seeing, something to do with
comprehend: A shooting was in But Kat said all her class would morning. Six of the students pictured were killed later that day. other parents, many of them her chance or fate, but she didn’t
progress at Robb Elementary be doing that afternoon was friends, who were straining for a know what it was.
School. watching a movie. She would be She loved many things about others at the back of the campus, glimpse of their own children.
bored, she told her mother. It her hometown: The quiet and near his house. Time passed, One approached Roque with a “Honestly, I don’t know. I keep
It was a school that Roque, 34, occurred to Roque that Kat might seemingly changeless pace of life, though she couldn’t say how question. thinking about it. I just keep
knew well. Her parents’ ranch- help her with some shopping for the open fields where her daugh- much. The crowd grew angrier, thinking about it,” she said. “I
style home on Old Carrizo Road the two-bedroom house they had ters could ride the family’s four and so did she. “Have you seen my daughter?” could have left her.”
overlooked the campus through a just moved into on the outskirts of horses. But above all she loved Late on Friday afternoon
stand of oak trees, and she had Uvalde. Uvalde’s intensely communal Then she felt her phone buzz- Roque was once again leaving the And now their destination was
been inside the school that morn- “Where are you going, Kat?” spirit. ing again. Walmart at the northeastern edge in view: the Uvalde town square,
ing for the student award cer- Her teacher asked as he saw her of town, this time with her 11- with its worn stone fountain sur-
emony that marked the close of leaving. The town’s population had It was her sister, who not long month-old baby, Rodolfo, and Kat rounded by 21 white crosses.
the academic year. Roque explained to Reyes that grown to about 15,000, but people ago had delivered to her the news and Ariely. Her shopping list was
she was going to sign her daugh- still said everybody knew every- of the shooting. Now she had very different from the one she It was just after 5 p.m., that
One of the awardees was ter out for the afternoon. Then body, and to Roque that seemed more news. had just three days earlier. hour of the day in South Texas
Roque’s 10-year-old daughter, she went to the front desk. true. She certainly couldn’t go In the cart were bouquets, where the sun is an increment too
Kat, who had grinned from a stage “Just the one?” the receptionist long without encountering a Ariely was alive. which the store was now giving bright for the human eye. Roque
festooned with pink balloons as confirmed. neighbor, or friend, or aunt, or The girl had emerged from the away, and Sharpie markers. parked on a side street and
she held up her honor roll certifi- “The other doesn’t really want cousin. They were at the grocery back of the school and had run “How is everybody?” The cash- stepped out of the truck with her
cate alongside her fourth-grade to leave,” Roque joked. store, and at the snow cone place, into the desperate embrace of ier asked Roque. children into the 96-degree heat.
classmates. Afterward, Kat A little over an hour later, and at Ofelia’s, the restaurant Jorge, her grandfather. Roque “So far, good,” Roque replied
begged her mother to take her out Roque’s truck screeched to a halt owned by her mother and where joined them outside the house on quietly. The square was not nearly as
of school early, and Roque reluc- in front of her parents’ house Roque worked as a waitress. Old Carrizo Road, where she too “All right,” she then said to the crowded as it would be in the
tantly agreed, reasoning that the across from the school. She embraced her daughter. cashier. “See you later, Dora.” coming hours, when the votive
girl could help her shop for a shoe looked at her phone again. Yet the crowd she joined out- Ariely had been hiding behind The family climbed into the candles were lit and television
rack. “They said there’s a shooting at side the police perimeter at Robb the curtain of the stage where she silver Chevrolet pickup. They crews began their evening broad-
Robb,” her eldest daughter, John- on Tuesday was unlike any she and her sister received their were not in a hurry, as Roque had casts. But there were still a few
And so it was that Kat was at benay, had texted. had seen before in Uvalde. People awards that morning, quietly been on Tuesday, and the truth photographers and camera crews
Walmart to see the frightening “Ariely is in there,” Roque re- were crying, angry and bewil- praying until they were led out of was that they were not eager to roaming the site.
expression on her mother’s face plied, with a weeping-face emoji. dered. Some were yelling at police the building. She never encoun- reach their next stop. Roque
when she said they needed to Police were everywhere. Roque officers. tered the shooter. drove at a steady pace down Main Kat stopped abruptly and
leave, abandoning their shopping led Kat into a house at the back of Roque thanked God as she held Street, running no red lights. turned her back on the memorial.
cart mid-aisle to sprint for the her parent’s property and told her “It was chaos,” she later re- her daughter, again and again. They passed a Texas state flag
family’s silver Chevrolet pickup in to lock the door and stay there, no called. But she soon became aware that at half-staff, and a Subway sign “Guys, they’re going to take
the parking lot. matter what happened. there were limits to what she board that now read “Uvalde pictures of me,” she said.
Soon Kat began texting with Roque stood with many par- could celebrate. Strong.” They passed the im-
Roque told her something was her older sister. ents on one side of the school, Kat was still cowering in the promptu memorials that were ap- Roque told her she would be
happening at the school but she “Benay is me kat it is scary near Hillcrest Memorial Funeral nearby house. None of her class- pearing someplace new every day okay. Kat had said on the way over
didn’t know what, and Kat didn’t because I keep hearing like thou- Home. Her father waited with as the sun rose. Class photo- that she was afraid of crying, and
ask questions when her mother sands and thousands of gun- graphs. Wreaths. Rows of empty her mom had told her that there
flipped on her hazard lights and shots,” she wrote. chairs. was nothing wrong with that. But
began blowing through one red “It’s okay baby just stay by There were so many children her face, like Ariely’s, betrayed
light after another on Main Street. mom,” Johnbenay wrote back. dead. Why had her own been almost no emotion as they ap-
Shortly after that, Johnbenay spared? Roque couldn’t stop proached the crosses bearing the
And nothing needed to be said, texted again. thinking about it, although her names of their dead schoolmates.
because Kat knew that her sister “Anything yet?” thoughts seemed to lead no-
— another of Roque’s daughters, Roque had spent most of her where. On the square they met with
9-year-old Ariely — was still in- life in Uvalde. Her father, Jorge “It keeps playing in my head: Roque’s sister, Ruiz, and niece,
side Robb Elementary and that Roque, immigrated to the United What if I had left her there? I Aleah. The girls uncapped the
Roque had chosen, earlier in the States when he was 12 from Palaú, would have felt that guilt for the markers they had just purchased
day, to leave her behind. about 150 miles away across the rest of my life,” she said. while Roque held the bouquets.
Mexican border. Roque’s mother, the matron at
That decision, when Roque Ofelia’s restaurant, told her God’s “Aleah,” Kat instructed her
made it, could not have seemed cousin, “we have to sign all of
less important. them.”

The celebratory mood of Ariely followed behind her old-
school’s release for summer was er sister, and Roque followed be-
already upon Uvalde. On Monday, hind all of them, watching her
a group of Uvalde High School daughters through large, dark
seniors — including Roque’s el- sunglasses.
dest daughter, Johnbenay Garcia
— had trouped through the school Messages had been scrawled in
in crimson caps and gowns to most of the available space on the
greet the children, part of an an- crosses, assuring the dead chil-
nual ritual that preceded the high dren that they were loved, and
school’s graduation. missed, and in heaven, where the
people of Uvalde would see them
On Tuesday morning, the el- again. The girls had to reach
ementary students gathered for across waist-high mounds of
their awards ceremony. Kat was flowers and stuffed animals to
recognized for straight A’s and B’s, find corners where they could
as well as with an award for “paw- write.
some” computer skills, featuring a
giant paw print. Ariely, a year As she circled the fountain, Kat
below her sister, received an began to see the names of the
award for outstanding citizen- children with whom she had
ship. posed for the photograph Tuesday
morning, when they had all been
In a photograph taken at 10:51 alive and holding their school
a.m., less than an hour before awards: Jose Flores, Xavier Lo-
shots would begin ringing pez, Alexandria Rubio, Layla Sala-
through the school, Kat can be zar, Annabell Rodriguez and Uzi-
seen standing in a row of children yah Garcia. The children were
clutching their certificates in killed in a classroom where she
front of a stage. To either side of should have been sitting on Tues-
her are several of her classmates day afternoon.
— including Jose Flores, Xavier
Lopez, Alexandria Rubio, Layla On each of their crosses she
Salazar, Annabell Rodriguez and simply wrote her name: “Kat.”
Uziyah Garcia — as well as their And then she found herself look-
teacher, Arnulfo Reyes. Not pic- ing at a cross that bore the name
tured is Eliahana Torres, the best Eliahana Torres.
friend with whom Kat was usually
inseparable. “That’s my best friend,” Kat
said, expressionless.
As the ceremony wound down,
Roque said goodbye to her daugh- Among the slain girl’s tributes
ters. and mementos, someone had
placed a sheet of paper printed
“Can I go with you?” Kat asked. with photos of the victims’ faces.

Kat stared for a while at those
faces. Then she placed her bou-
quet alongside them.


Texas school shooting

Since 1999, the cycle of gun violence in schools


At least 185 children, teachers and other people have lost their lives in school shootings
since the Columbine High School massacre in 1999, according to a database tracking
gun violence at K-12 campuses by The Washington Post. ¶ Since that horrific day in
Littleton, Colo., there have been over 300 shootings during school hours — including
nearly 80 that resulted in at least one death. ¶ Gunfire has rang out in classrooms,
schoolyards, bathrooms and parking lots. The brutality of these shootings doesn’t cease
when the bullets stop. There are more than 311,000 children who have now witnessed
gun violence in a place meant to be safe. ¶ For many, the trauma persists. ¶ Over 23
years, the photographs that follow when first responders rush to a massacre begin to
look eerily similar. The shock plastered on yet another grief-stricken face. Children
escorted from their school by hand. Tears and hugs at another candlelight vigil. The
repetition of these frames speaks to the devastation of this cycle of violence. They
document utter tragedy thrust upon yet another group of children. ¶ These are images
from some of the deadliest shootings in recent years.


Littleton, Colo.
April 20, 1999: Two teenage
indiscriminately at fellow stu-
dents and staff, killing 13 people After the shooting stops, a familiar scene plays out: The mourners gather — survivors, family, friends — and the tears begin to flow. It has become an all-too-familiar image
and injuring 21. since 1999, from Littleton, Colo. to Parkland, Fla., from Santa Fe, Tex. to Bemidji, Minn., to Chardon, Ohio. The tragedy in Uvalde, Tex., is the latest.

Santana High School, Santa Fe High School, Saugus High School, Oxford High School, Robb Elementary School, About this story:
Santee, Calif. Santa Fe, Tex. Saugus, Calif. Oxford, Mich. Uvalde, Tex. Reporting provided by The

March 5, 2001: A 15-year-old May 18, 2018: A 17-year-old Nov. 14, 2019: A 16-year-old Nov. 30, 2021: A 15-year-old May 24, 2022: An 18-year-old Washington Post School Shoot-
boy with a .22-caliber revolver boy with a Remington 870 shot- boy with a .45 caliber handgun boy opened fire at the school, opened fire inside the school, ings Database.
went on a shooting rampage for gun and a .38-caliber revolver opened fire at the school, killing killing four teens and wounding killing 19 children and two
six minutes, killing two people opened fire at the school, killing two teens and wounding three at least seven other people. adults.
and wounding 13 others. 10 people and wounding 13 oth- others.
Rocori High School,
Cold Spring, Minn.

Sept. 24, 2003: A 15-year-old
boy with a .22-caliber handgun
fatally wounded two students in
a school hallway.

Red Lake High School,
Red Lake, Minn.

March 21, 2005: A 16-year-
old boy with a Glock .40-caliber
handgun and a pump-action
shotgun went on a rampage at
the school, killing seven and
injuring seven more before end-
ing his own life.

West Nickel Mines Amish
School, Nickel Mines, Pa.

Oct. 2, 2006: A 32-year-old
man with several guns held stu-
dents and staff hostage before
wounding five of them and kill-
ing five more, then himself.

Chardon High School,
Chardon, Ohio

Feb. 27, 2012: A 17-year-old
boy with a .22-caliber semiauto-
matic handgun opened fire in the
cafeteria, killing three students
and injuring three more.

Sandy Hook Elementary
School, Newtown, Conn.

Dec. 14, 2012: A 20-year-old
man with a Bushmaster XM15-
E2S semiautomatic rifle went on
a rampage through the school,
killing 20 children and six staff
members and injuring two other

Marysville Pilchuck High
School, Marysville, Wash.

Oct. 24, 2014: A 15-year-old
boy with a .40-caliber Beretta
semiautomatic handgun opened
fire in the cafeteria, killing four
students and injuring a fifth
before he killed himself.

North Park Elementary
School, San Bernardino,

Apr. 10, 2017: A 53-year-old
man with a .357-caliber revolver
opened fire in the classroom of
his estranged wife, killing her
and a student and injuring an-
other child.

Aztec High School,
Aztec, N.M.

Dec. 7, 2017: A 21-year-old
man with a Glock 9mm semiau-
tomatic handgun shot and killed
two students before firing at
others and eventually killing

Marshall County
High School, Benton, Ky.

Jan. 23, 2018: A 15-year-old
boy with a handgun went on a
shooting rampage at the school,
fatally wounding two students
and injuring 14 other people.

Marjory Stoneman Douglas
High School, Parkland, Fla.

Feb. 14, 2018: A 19-year-old
man with an AR-15-style rifle
killed 17 people and injured 17
more during a shooting rampage
at the school.


The World

Thousands hospitalized amid Middle East sandstorms

Throughout the region, climate change and land-use practices are increasing the frequency at which the severe weather events occur

AND KASHA PATEL storm activity as “soilfall” or health. Sandstorm exposure can
Early last week, a bright or- “earthfall,” because the winds TOP: A heavy dust storm advances toward Kuwait City on May 23. cause cough, runny nose, asthma Saudi Arabia plans to plant
ange glow bathed the streets of kick up layers of soil. The storms briefly grounded flights in the nation for the second attacks, eye irritation and other 10 billion trees in the next dec-
Kuwait City, like a wildfire with- time this month. ABOVE: Bedouin shepherds work through a problems. In addition to natural ades to reduce its carbon foot-
out flames. In Tehran, the tip of Wetlands in southern Iraq and sandstorm May 23 outside Najaf, Iraq. particles, the storms carry harm- print and land degradation. Sau-
the Milad Tower, the tallest struc- Iran, where many people make a ful pollutants. Elderly people, di Crown Prince Mohammed bin
ture in the city, could barely be living off the land, are drying up. tumn and winter too.” consumption, exacerbating children and individuals with Salman unveiled a “Middle East
seen. In Mosul, Iraq, a wall of An Iraqi environmental minis- shortages. “After every dust respiratory illnesses, heart prob- Green Initiative” last year, hailed
dust blotted out the skyline. Far- Ismael al Ameri, a research storm, people need to wash their lems and other preexisting condi- by the United Nations, to work
ther south, bridges disappeared fellow at Birkbeck, University of try official said the country’s house, yard, cars and trees and tions are particularly vulnerable, with other Arab countries to
into the haze. London, said the near-disappear- dusty days have increased from plants they have in their gar- the Iraqi government has plant 40 billion more in the
At least one dust storm began ance of Al Sawa, a salt lake about 243 to 272 days a year over two dens,” he said. warned. region.
in Iraq and traveled to Saudi 150 miles south of Baghdad, will decades, according to data from The eerie orange skies and
Arabia, satellite imagery showed. leave a new source of mud, silt the General Authority for Meteo- streets coated with sand come at The hospitalizations in Iraq Iran, a regional rival, has spent
NASA data showed dust reaching and salt for sandstorms. The rology. He said Iraq could face a serious cost, as workers are last Monday came two weeks 450 million euros ($483 million)
more than three miles into the construction of dams on the Ti- nearly 300 days of dust storms forced to stay home, govern- after a storm sent at least 4,000 over the past three years to miti-
sky, said Hiren Jethva, a Morgan gris and Euphrates rivers has per year by 2050, the Iraqi News ments must invest in response people to the hospital with gate sandstorm hot spots in the
State University and NASA scien- added to the problem, he said, Agency reported. and mitigation measures, facto- breathing issues. Another dust country by planting trees, stabi-
tist. The dust layer thinned over and more broadly, military oper- ries close and flights are ground- storm earlier in May led to a lizing soil, constructing wind-
Saudi Arabia on Thursday and ations in Iraq since 2003 have Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa ed. Dust storms also damage death, according to Agence breaks and other measures, ac-
migrated toward the Red Sea. also damaged topsoil layers. al-Kadhimi told his cabinet this crops and deplete fertile soil. The France-Presse. Three people died cording to the Tehran Times.
More than 1,000 people had month that the dust storms illus- United Nations estimates the and hundreds were hospitalized
been hospitalized across Iraq In Iran and Iraq, the storms trate the effects of climate change Middle East and North Africa in the province of Deir al-Zour in Iraq has been experimenting
with respiratory problems as of are also connected to farming and that “urgent measures” must lose about $13 billion in gross eastern Syria because of a sand- with the strategy for more than a
May 23, Health Ministry spokes- practices in the region and the be taken, according to a readout domestic product every year be- storm earlier this month, the decade, planting eucalyptus and
man Seif al-Badr told Agence mismanagement of shared rivers, of the meeting. cause of these storms. Associated Press reported. Hos- olive trees and date palms as part
France-Presse. The Iraqi govern- said Banafsheh Keynoush, a non- pitals were on standby again of a plan to shield the central city
ment declared a national holiday resident scholar with the Middle Abdulrahman said that the there last week as the latest of Karbala, one of Iraq’s Shiite
to keep people in their homes. East Institute’s Iran program. dust storms lead to more water storm hit the area. holy cities. But construction de-
Flights were grounded briefly lays, funding shortages and ne-
in Kuwait for the second time this The conditions driving dust The Saudi Food and Drug Au- glect contributed to the project’s
month. Officials warned drivers storms have been exacerbated by thority on Tuesday called on peo- failure, Agence France-Presse re-
in Riyadh, the Saudi capital, to human-caused climate change. ple to wear masks and refrain ported. Some blame financial
move slowly. Schools and govern- The Middle East is heating up from eating food exposed to the mismanagement.
ment offices in Tehran were about twice as quickly as the rest open air to protect themselves
closed, and hundreds of people in of the world, which has warmed from harmful particles carried by The cabinet on May 10 directed
southern Iran sought medical by about 2.3 degrees Fahrenheit the storms. the Finance Ministry to disburse
help for troubled breathing and since the preindustrial era. some $2 million to implement a
flights were delayed, the Associ- Planting trees and other vege- project to stabilize sand dunes,
ated Press reported. The hotter temperatures, tation represents one solution. the Iraqi News Agency reported.
Sand and dust storms, known paired with increasing water- During the Dust Bowl in the
as haboobs, have always been a supply issues, prime the desert United States in the 1930s, the Governments in the region
feature of life in the Middle East. region for more dust storms. federal government planted mil- have invested in early-warning
The storms ramp up in the late lions of trees to stop soil from and monitoring systems for
spring and summer as seasonal “These climate extremes are continuing to blow across the sandstorms, Keynoush said.
winds blowing from the north- widely reported as clear indica- Great Plains. These “shelterbelts”
west, known as the “shamal,” kick tors of climate change,” said al or “green belts” reduce soil ero- But regional governments
up dust from the Tigris-Euphra- Ameri, who has previously writ- sion and preserved moisture in should take stronger collective
tes basin and transport it to the ten on the subject. “This is com- the soil. action to address the problem,
Persian Gulf and Arabian Penin- bined with an increase in storm she said. “We need to be a step
sula. recurrence activity, not only in ahead of sandstorms rather than
But experts say the storms this spring and summer, but in au- sandstorms being a step ahead of
year are particularly intense, as us.”
climate change and desertifica-
tion increase their frequency. In
Iraq, at least nine significant
storms have hit the country since
April. More are likely to material-
ize in the summer and, without
major policy changes, could con-
tinue to get worse in years to
“We have had many more dust
storms this spring than in the
past,” Salam Abdulrahman, a lec-
turer at the University of Human
Development in Iraq, said in an
email. “Every dust storm has
lasted from one day to 2-3 days.
Previous dust storms were short-
Benjamin Cook, an environ-
mental scientist at Columbia
University’s Climate School, said
three elements are needed for a
sandstorm to take off: wind, a
source of dust where there is little
to no vegetation, and very dry
The recent storms in Iraq have
stemmed in part from a lack of
rain, water-flow issues and hu-
man activity.
2020-21 was the second-driest
rainfall season in 40 years, result-
ing in crop failure. Conditions
remain poor. In most of the
country, groundwater storage,
used for crop irrigation and
drinking water, is near its lowest
levels compared with long-term
records, according to NASA data.
The limited water stunts vege-
tation growth, which loosens the
surface for dust storms, said Ab-
dulrahman. He said some locals


JERUSALEM City before the parade began. Sixteen of those who will This is the eighth batch of came hours after the Security and said. He was arrested in February
As the march got underway, receive the prestigious red cardinals that Francis has named Defense Council, Sudan’s highest 2018 after giving interviews
Israeli nationalists cardinal’s hat from Francis in a since becoming pontiff in 2013. body that decides on security sharply critical of President Abdel
march in show of force Orthodox Jewish youths gathered consistory ceremony at the matters, recommended an end to Fatah al-Sissi. Authorities accuse
outside Damascus Gate, waving Vatican on Aug. 27 are younger — Associated Press the state of emergency and the the Brotherhood of promoting
Thousands of Israeli flags, singing religious and than 80 and thus would be Hurricane could strike Mexico release of all detainees. The militancy and subversion,
nationalists, some chanting nationalistic songs, and shouting eligible to vote for his successor if as Category 3 storm: The first changes come as the country accusations it strongly denies.
“Death to Arabs,” paraded “The Jewish nation lives” before a conclave — in which pontiffs are hurricane of the season formed faces protests against military Peru’s president under criminal
through the heart of the main entering the Muslim Quarter. secretly elected — were to be off Mexico’s southern Pacific rule and an unknown number of investigation: The attorney
Palestinian thoroughfare in One large group chanted “Death held. coast Sunday and rapidly gained activists and former officials general’s office in Peru said it was
Jerusalem’s Old City on Sunday, to Arabs” and “Let your village power ahead of an expected remain in detention. Earlier including President Pedro Castillo
in a show of force that risked burn down” before descending Among those tapped by the strike along a stretch of tourist Sunday, the United Nations’ in an investigation into alleged
setting off a new wave of violence into the Old City. pontiff to receive the red hat will beaches and fishing towns as a envoy for Sudan, Volker Perthes, crimes, including influence
in the tense city. be two prelates from India and major storm. Agatha could make called for the country’s leaders to peddling, collusion and “criminal
Police cleared Palestinians out one each from Ghana, Nigeria, landfall as a Category 3 hurricane lift the state of emergency. organization.” The investigation
The crowds, overwhelmingly of the area, which is normally a Singapore, East Timor, Paraguay Monday afternoon or evening in Court sentences ex-presidential targets former minister of
young Orthodox Jewish men, bustling Palestinian thoroughfare. and Brazil, in keeping with the area near Puerto Escondido candidate to 15 years in Egypt: transport and communications
were celebrating Jerusalem Day Francis’s determination to have and Puerto Angel in the southern An Egyptian court sentenced Juan Silva and six legislators from
— an Israeli holiday that marks — Associated Press church leaders reflect the global state of Oaxaca. The U.S. National former presidential candidate the opposition party. The
the capture of the Old City in the face of the Catholic Church. Hurricane Center said Agatha Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh and prosecutor’s office began working
1967 Mideast war. Palestinians VATICAN could have winds of 120 mph several prominent figures from on the case more than three weeks
see the event, which passes With church growth largely when it makes landfall. the banned Muslim Brotherhood ago to determine whether there
through the heart of the Muslim Non-Europeans lead stagnant or at best sluggish in Sudanese general lifts state of to lengthy jail terms on was a “criminal network” in the
Quarter, as a provocation. Last ranks of new cardinals much of Europe and North emergency: Sudan’s leading accusations that include plotting Transport Ministry to award
year, the parade helped trigger an America, the Vatican has been general lifted a state of to overthrow the state. Aboul public contracts. According to
11-day war with militants from Pope Francis named 21 new attentive to its flock in developing emergency Sunday that was Fotouh, who is in his early 70s and statements by a collaborator and
the Gaza Strip. cardinals on Sunday, most of countries, including in Africa, imposed following the October according to his family suffers business executive linked to the
them from continents other than where the number of faithful has coup he led. The decision by Gen. from several medical conditions, government, Castillo would have
Israel said it deployed Europe — which has dominated been growing in recent decades. Abdel-Fattah al-Burhan, head of was sentenced to 15 years in had knowledge of such a network.
thousands of police and security Catholic hierarchy for most of the Only one new cardinal was Sudan’s ruling sovereign council, prison, subject to appeal, the court
forces for the event, and scuffles church’s history — and further named from the United States: — From news services
between Jewish and Palestinian putting his mark on the group of Robert Walter McElroy, bishop of
groups erupted inside the Old people who might someday elect San Diego.
the next pontiff.


Two outsider candidates for Colombia’s presidency move on to a runo≠

She spoke about her son-in- extradition of its leader to the
bogotá, colombia — Colombi- TOP: A Colombian man with a girl on his shoulders casts his vote up with incumbent governments United States. Recent assassina-
during the election on Sunday. ABOVE: People count ballots at a they feel have failed to meet the law’s hardware store that has tion threats against Petro and his
ans on Sunday gave a lead to a polling station after voting closed in Medellín. The election came needs of the people. They are des- struggled to stay afloat. She began running mate, Francia Márquez,
leftist presidential candidate for amid discontent among voters with the outgoing administration. perate for something different to cry as she described how much led the campaigns to tighten secu-
the first time in the country’s his- and they are getting it. harder it had become for many to rity.
tory, a vote that paved the way for cal project” of the Duque adminis- who have led us to the painful eat, to afford a pound of meat that
an unusual runoff race between tration “has been defeated.” situation we’re in today.” In Peru, a surge in poverty has doubled in cost in the past two On Sunday, representatives
two populist, anti-establishment helped propel Marxist rural years. “I hurt for my country, I hurt from several campaigns ex-
candidates promising radical “It is the end of an era,” Petro But he is also facing charges schoolteacher and political neo- for my kids, I hurt for my grand- pressed concern about what they
change in the third-largest nation said, standing onstage beside his from Colombia’s attorney gener- phyte Pedro Castillo to the presi- kids,” she said. “I want a change.” saw as election irregularities,
in Latin America. running mate, Francia Márquez, al’s office accusing him of improp- dency last year. In Chile, the free- heightening fears that a losing
who could become Colombia’s erly giving out contracts for waste market model of the region, voters “Change” was the word heard candidate could question the le-
Gustavo Petro, a 62-year-old first Black vice president. “From management as mayor. He has this year chose 36-year-old former over and over at the polls in the gitimacy of the election results in
senator and former leftist guerril- this moment on, we must define pleaded not guilty and is due to student activist Gabriel Boric. Colombian capital on Sunday. For June.
la, rode a wave of support from what kind of change we want.” face trial soon. And in Brazil, the largest country Bautista and many others in line,
young and poor voters frustrated in Latin America, leftist former change could only happen with a For decades, elections here fo-
with high levels of unemploy- Hernández, speaking in a video It will be a kind of presidential president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva Petro presidency. But others, like cused on the core issue of war. But
ment, inflation and violence in address, said the results reflected election unheard of in Colombia. leads polls to unseat President Jair nurse Tibisay Contreras, 50, saw this year, security is further down
one of the most unequal societies a country “that doesn’t want to But it follows a pattern across a Bolsonaro in October. that change in Hernández. the list of voter priorities, accord-
in the region. With the prelimi- keep going for one more day with region ravaged by the pandemic’s ing to Silvia Otero, a political sci-
nary count nearly complete, Petro the same people, the same people economic assault: Voters are fed “There is a desire everywhere to “He is not the same as always,” entist at the University del Rosa-
had won about 40 percent of the castigate those who are in power,” Contreras said of the outsider can- rio in Colombia.
first-round vote on Sunday, falling said Alberto Vergara, a political didate. She was afraid of Petro,
far short of the majority he needed scientist at the University of the whose policies she felt were too Petro promises to transform an
to become president outright. Pacific in Peru. This is especially radical. “Rodolfo has never been unequal society through redistrib-
true in Colombia, one of the most part of the political machine. I utive policies such as universal
Instead, he will face off in a unequal countries in Latin Ameri- want to try someone different, free higher education and a mini-
second round on June 19 with an ca. Over half the population is someone who is not corrupt.” mum wage for single mothers. He
outsider candidate who catapult- experiencing food insecurity, says he would raise taxes on the
ed in the polls at the last minute: 40 percent are living in poverty, Hernández could prove to be a 4,000 wealthiest Colombians. He
Rodolfo Hernández, a brash, 77- and 78 percent said in a recent formidable threat to Petro in the proposes ending new oil explora-
year-old engineer and wealthy survey that their country was second round, analysts say. Both tion and moving the country
businessman who pledges to root moving in the wrong direction. candidates will be forced to try to toward renewable energy. He en-
out corruption and has drawn capture voters from the establish- visions a country, and a “progres-
comparisons to former U.S. presi- “This didn’t start two years ago, ment they both campaigned sive axis” in the region, built on
dent Donald Trump. Hernández, a this started 200 years ago,” said against. While he has run on a industrialization instead of ex-
former mayor of the midsize city Marta Bautista, 59, who stood in platform attacking corruption tracting natural resources. “Latin
of Bucaramanga, won about 28 line to vote Sunday in a working- among the political elite, Hernán- America needs a new agenda,” he
percent of the vote. class area in Suba, in northern dez will have to recover voters told The Washington Post.
Bogotá. “The same people have from the right wing and “every-
Hernández claimed a four- been in charge, the same people thing that means, with the entire His candidacy has generated
point lead over Federico Gutiérr- political class behind him,” said panic among the Colombian con-
ez, the center-right candidate and Yann Basset, a political scientist at servative political and financial
former Medellín mayor seen by Bogotá’s Rosario University. Petro, establishment. Some warn a Petro
many as a continuation of incum- meanwhile, will have to show he’s presidency would strain relations
bent President Iván Duque. Until part of a “reasonable change.” with the United States. Others say
recently, Gutiérrez was widely ex- he will not be able to keep his
pected to compete against Petro in As a longtime politician, sena- promises with a divided legisla-
a second round. tor and former mayor of Bogotá, ture.
will Petro suddenly become the
Now, in a country historically establishment candidate? Alfonso Hernández, meanwhile, offers
led by the political elite, Colombi- Prada, head of debates for Petro, an alternative that appeals to both
ans will choose between two can- said Saturday that the campaign the anti-Petro and anti-establish-
didates who are far from it. One is will instead focus on connecting ment vote. He is known by some as
a leftist former rebel long reviled Hernández to the conservative po- “the engineer from Santander”
by the establishment in a con- litical establishment that prob- and by others as the “old guy from
servative country still reeling ably will rally around him. On TikTok,” a popular former mayor
from armed conflict. The other is a Sunday night, some prominent of the city of Bucaramanga. As
wild-card businessman who was members of Duque’s party were mayor, he managed to root out
once suspended as mayor for slap- already announcing their support some key sources of corruption in
ping a city councilman in the face. of the former Bucaramanga may- the city.
Gutiérrez announced Sunday or.
night that he will support Hernán- Hernández rejects the right-
dez in the runoff. It could prove to Sunday’s vote followed the wing label but has embraced sup-
be a tight race, analysts say, a most tense and volatile election port from conservative voters.
contest between two very differ- cycle in over a decade. Election Asked by The Post about compari-
ent versions of change for the observers recorded more than 580 sons to Trump, he laughed. He
country. acts of violence against political acknowledged that they share a
and social leaders ahead of the tendency to be “direct.”
Speaking before a crowd of sup- election. Weeks before the vote, Diana Durán contributed to this
porters Sunday night, Petro said the Clan del Golfo cartel shut report.
the results proved that the “politi- down much of the rural north of





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U.N. rights chief’s China trip frustrates Uyghur advocates

Bachelet is criticized as they were not applied in an arbi- OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES gotten to see the “real Xinjiang.”
going soft on Beijing on trary and discriminatory way. “I “Certain Western countries,
first such visit since 2005 have heard you,” she said, regard- Michelle Bachelet, the U.N. high commissioner for human rights, attends a virtual meeting with
ing those who made appeals to Chinese President Xi Jinping in Guangzhou on Wednesday, during her recent multiday trip to China. out of ulterior motives, went to
BY EVA DOU her about specific human rights great lengths to disrupt and un-
cases. provided into the whereabouts of some changes. and minority rights issues. Ku dercut the High Commissioner’s
shenzhen, china — U.N. High hundreds of missing Uyghurs,” “If the U.N. came out and start- said these kinds of dialogues have visit, their plot didn’t succeed,”
Bachelet is the first U.N. hu- Blinken said in a statement. had limited results in influencing the ministry’s readout said.
Commissioner for Human Rights man rights chief to visit China ed attacking China, it would be China’s policies in past years.
Michelle Bachelet ended a long- since 2005, and her trip was the Julian Ku, a law professor at unlikely to make China do any- On the second day of her mis-
awaited trip to China with cau- result of years of negotiation. Hofstra University in New York, thing. At least that’s their per- Chinese officials touted her sion to China to look into human
tious criticism of the country’s Activists were widely disappoint- said Bachelet’s cautious remarks spective,” he said. trip as a success. China’s Foreign rights violations in Xinjiang,
crackdown in the Xinjiang re- ed that she did not criticize Chi- reflect the limited influence the Ministry released a readout of Bachelet posed for photos with
gion, balanced with praise for na’s human rights violations in United Nations has over China, Bachelet and Beijing agreed to Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zha- Chinese Foreign Minister Wang
Chinese authorities, in what Xinjiang more forcefully or man- with Bachelet trying to use praise start an annual senior strategic oxu’s media briefing on Saturday, Yi, who gave her a book by the
rights advocates called a propa- age to ferret out new details to encourage Beijing to make meeting and set up working in which he said Bachelet had nation’s leader, “Excerpts From Xi
ganda win for Beijing. about the situation on the groups to discuss human rights Jinping on Respecting and Pro-
ground. tecting Human Rights,” and said
In a news conference in Beijing he hoped the trip would “help
on Saturday, Bachelet reiterated “The High Commissioner’s re- enhance understanding . . . and
that her trip was “not an investi- marks were too non-specific and clarify misinformation.”
gation.” She said she was unable weak to match the gravity of the
to determine the scale of a Xinji- situation,” William Nee, advocacy Bachelet spoke with Chinese
ang reeducation and incarcera- coordinator at Chinese Human President Xi Jinping by video
tion program directed at ethnic Rights Defenders, a D.C.-based conference on Wednesday, stat-
Uyghurs, saying high-profile offi- nongovernmental organization, ing afterward that it was an op-
cial visits were not conducive to said on Twitter. “To a large extent, portunity to “discuss directly hu-
“discreet work of an investigative this is the sort of white washing man rights issues and concerns in
nature.” that the human rights communi- China and the world.”
ty was afraid would happen when
Beijing has repeatedly denied the news of her visit was an- Beijing has previously said that
accusations of committing cul- nounced.” such a trip would not constitute
tural genocide against Muslim an investigation into rights abuse
Uyghur residents in Xinjiang, Secretary of State Antony claims, which it calls “the lie of
where up to an estimated 2 mil- Blinken raised concerns Saturday the century.”
lion residents have been incarcer- about China’s “efforts to restrict
ated, according to rights re- and manipulate her visit,” and he Ku said that part of the disap-
searchers. said Bachelet was unable to ac- pointment among rights activists
cess individuals who were part of came from heightened expecta-
Bachelet said she encouraged labor transfer programs from tions that after years of negotiat-
Beijing to review its “counterter- Xinjiang to other parts of the ing the trip, Bachelet would have
rorism” policies to ensure that country. gotten more access.
they complied with international
human rights standards and that “We are further troubled by “If she’d gone five years ago,
reports that residents of Xinjiang people would not be as upset,” he
were warned not to complain or said.
speak openly about conditions in Lily Kuo in Taipei, Taiwan, and Cate
the region, that no insight was Cadell in Washington contributed to
this report.

Missing flight’s wreckage found in Nepal after search-and-rescue pause

BY ANNABELLE TIMSIT Plane carrying 22 people posed to be 20 minutes. But the Civil Aviation Authori- according to the AP, and the operated by Tara Air and flying
AND MIRIAM BERGER disappeared after takeoff Tara Air told Reuters that the ty of Nepal said in a news release Nepali army posted a photo of the the same Pokhara-to-Jomsom
A day after pausing search- for 20-minute journey Sunday that at least one search wreckage on Twitter. route crashed. The plane was
and-rescue efforts for a plane plane was carrying four Indian helicopter returned to Jomsom found south of Jomsom.
carrying 22 people that disap- shortly after taking off from nationals, two Germans and 16 “due to bad weather without lo- According to Flightradar24, a
peared Sunday, the Nepali army Pokhara, in central Nepal, at Nepalis, three of whom were crew cating the plane,” according to website that tracks flights in real The International Civil Avia-
announced the wreckage had 9:55 a.m. Sunday, according to the members. Reuters. time around the world, the Tara tion Organization, a United Na-
been found, the Associated Press Indian Embassy in Kathmandu. Air flight stopped transmitting a tions agency, audited Nepal’s civil
reported. A Nepali army spokesperson “Helicopters are ready to take signal around Shikha, a moun- aviation industry in 2017 and
Information about possible The plane was headed for Jom- cited “loss of daylight and adverse off for search from Kathmandu, tainous area north of Pokhara. found that the country scored
survivors was not provided. som, near Nepal’s border with weather” for the search’s suspen- Pokhara and Jomsom once The aircraft lost contact with the below the global average in inves-
The aircraft, a DHC-6-300 Tibet. The flight time was sup- sion on Sunday, saying military weather conditions improve,” avi- control tower shortly after it took tigating accidents. Nepali airlines
Twin Otter operated by the pri- personnel and helicopters were ation authorities said in a state- off on its short journey from are banned from flying in Euro-
vate airline Tara Air, went missing “trying to locate [the] plane,” ment. “Army and police search Pokhara, the AP reported. pean Union airspace because of
which was thought to be “in and teams have left toward the site.” “a lack of safety oversight by the
around Lete,” about 22 miles Twenty-three people died in aviation authorities” there.
south of Jomsom. The search resumed Monday, 2016 when a Twin Otter aircraft

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Everything you need to know as the age of the iPod comes to an end

BY CHRIS VELAZCO Failing that, the repair chain
uBreakiFix offers mail repair serv-
When Apple quietly acknowl- ice and still seems to fix older
edged the end of the iPod earlier iPods like the one you have.
this month, some of you grew
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soundtrack of your youth. Others twinge of interest in DIY, you
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mp3 players continue to chug yourself.
along like it is 2004. And a surpris-
ing number of you had questions. There is no shortage of online
video guides to help you figure out
How do I get all the stuff on my how to swap out potentially prob-
iPod back off of it? Does Apple still lematic parts. Some of them, like
fix these things? And, most impor- one from Australian YouTuber
tantly to some, what are we sup- DankPods, manage to be funny
posed to listen to now? and useful.

At Ask Help Desk, we set out to And if highly visual guides are
tackle those issues and hopefully more your style, iFixit has a collec-
convince a few people to crack tion of guides that is hard to beat.
open their iPods for fun. And if And with the right parts, like a
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of your own you are trying to replaces aging hard drives with
figure out, send an email to SD cards, your iPod classic could
[email protected]. I work far better in 2022 than Apple
promise that we look at all of had ever imagined it would.
them. Now, on to the questions
about this topic. APPOINTMENTS

Preparing for the worst: I love COMPANIES
my iPod, so what will replace it if it ENSCO of Springfield
breaks? I have movies that I made
and tons of music, more than I appointed Jeff Stevens
keep on my computer. And I dis- president.
like my iPhone so probably won’t
be using it for music. I am also old a Mac or PC, some of which failed The catch? Unless you find a since LG smartphones basically APPLE/WASHINGTON POST ILLUSTRATION ASSOCIATIONS AND
school as far as streaming and just to even recognize an attached good deal on a Sony, many of the tanked in the United States, you NONPROFITS
don’t want to pay for that. mp3 player. (Here’s looking at you, affordable ones are kind of junky. can find these devices on sites like Where can I get it fixed? Does
AnyTrans.) But one app, called And the ones that perform and eBay for a relative steal, at least Apple still bother with repairs if it Radio Free Asia of the
— Tori, Texas iMazing, worked like a charm. sound like rock stars can cost until supplies finally start to discontinued the device? District appointed Kataryna
If it helps, Tori, you are abso- more than most people expect. dwindle. DeLisle general counsel.
lutely not the only person who If you are only after a specific One looker of a media player from — Chris, Tennessee FINANCE
still loves their iPod. And your handful of tracks and movies, you Korean brand Astell & Kern will In any case, once you have one As you have probably guessed,
question touches on two fascinat- might not need to for the service set you back $749, and that is the in hand, just move your music Chris, Apple officially considers Sandy Spring Bank of Olney
ing issues other people also have at all, as iMazing lets you transfer cheapest one the company makes. onto the phone, and voilà, you your iPod obsolete. Practically appointed Sherman Moore
written in about. Let us tackle 50 files from an iPod to a comput- essentially have an iPod Touch speaking, that means two things: division executive of its private
those in order. er free. Any more than that, and So here is what I would recom- that plays music better than the First, Apple will not bother trying client group.
Saving old music and movies you will need to shell out some mend. LG, the company best real deal. Alternately, you could to fix it for you. Second, Apple says LAW AND LOBBYING
It is definitely possible to pull cash. The fees start at $35 for use known for televisions and appli- do your best to spruce up your on its website that authorized
media off of iPods, even much with a single Apple device and go ances, for years made smart- current iPod to keep it running for service shops cannot even order Nixon Peabody of the District
older ones. The process can be a up depending on how many iPods phones that sounded wonderful longer, something another reader the replacement parts for those appointed Jen Squillario and
little tricky though. Whether you you want to pull from. paired with the right headphones. was keenly interested in. products, outside of some rare Ian Taylor partners.
have a Mac or PC, you will have to The secret? It was about the only circumstances, anyway.
make sure your computer can Finding a new music player company out there that put quali- Reviving a classic model: I still With that in mind, I would say Steptoe & Johnson of the
view hidden files and poke around It may seem like the world has ty digital-to-analog converters have an iPod classic that, unlike you have a few options. You could, District appointed Coy Garrison
in the file structure store on your into their devices. many other Apple products I have for instance, scour your area for partner.
iPod. Once you have managed moved on from mp3 players, but owned over the years, crapped out local repair shops that might be
that, you can drag and drop your that is not completely true. Sony My friends at the website An- within about a year. I would love willing to take the case. Most of Venable of the District
files right back to your computer, still makes some Walkman port- droid Authority do a great job to get it working again because these outfits tend to deal with appointed Richard DiNucci
even if it is not the one you were able music players, while San- unpacking the geeky details, but new cars don’t have CD players smartphones, tablets and com- senior policy adviser.
using the iPod way back when. Disk, a company best known for long story short, certain LG and my CD collection is huge. puters, but you might get lucky. Send information about promotions,
However, if you are willing to making storage chips for other phones, such as any of its V series appointments and personnel moves
pay a little, there is an easier way. I gadgets, has a line of tiny Clip phones, or the G7 or newer, make in the Washington region to
spent a recent weekend trying out music machines. for great music machines. And [email protected].
a handful of apps that claim to
easily migrate from iPods back to FFLLOSOSAOALRREIINNGG

Poll finds Republicans back net neutrality

The Technology 202 at the school. account factors including the role FREE INSSTTALLATION ON ALL
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move, according to a new survey Republicans said they found the those arguments. They found the E COME TO YO
from the University of Maryland case in favor “very convincing” or same result, with clear bipartisan
shared exclusively with The “somewhat convincing,” that support for net neutrality. And FREE
Technology 202. figure dropped to 57 percent for they incorporated the same
the argument against. “We think arguments into their latest poll, EISNT-IHMOAMTEES
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Capitol Hill, where Republicans that they hear both sides of it,”
have been seeking to block a Kull said of the survey design. The online poll surveyed a
Democratic nominee whose random sample of over 2,700
confirmation would probably And he said they felt compelled registered voters, provided by
pave the way for the return of the to revisit these questions given market research firm Nielsen
rules. that the debate is entering a Scarborough, between January
pivotal stretch, with the pending and February.
For the poll, the University of nomination of Gigi Sohn for the
Maryland Program for Public Federal Communications Asked about the 2017 poll, Evan
Consultation provided Commission raising the specter of Swarztrauber, a senior adviser at
respondents with a policy Democrats at the agency reviving the Lincoln Network and former
briefing laying out arguments on the rules. “This is an inflection adviser to Pai, said the way the
both sides of the net neutrality point,” Kull said. survey described the argument in
debate and then asked them favor of net neutrality was based
which they found more The findings largely mirror a on “hyperbolic” rhetoric about
persuasive and would ultimately similar poll the school conducted repealing the rules.
support. The rules would block in 2017, as the FCC of the Trump
Internet service providers from era prepared to repeal the “I would support net neutrality
throttling or favoring certain Internet regulations. based on this description,” said
content. Swarztrauber, who served as an
Support for net neutrality adviser to Republican FCC
The poll found 65 percent of slightly diminished in the new Commissioner Brendan Carr
Republicans favored reinstating poll compared with the findings during the repeal. “Now it is
net neutrality regulations, while in 2017, when three out of four generally at least accepted in the
68 percent of independents and Republican voters said they tech policy world that the worst
82 percent of Democrats said the opposed Republican plans to predictions that were made were
same. Only 32 percent of repeal the rules. But Kull said that completely over the top,” he said.
Republican voters said they were could likely be attributed to
opposed, while 2 percent said “status quo bias,” or the notion Kull said the goal of the surveys
they did not know. that there is a tendency to prefer is to simulate the policymaking
to keep things the same or, in this process and present voters with
“Clearly, this is one more case, to maintain the repeal. the strongest arguments for both
illustration of how there is not a sides. “If they believe that there is
correspondence between public The agency, then led by some key argument that would
opinion and policy,” said Steven Republican FCC Chairman Ajit make a real difference, we want to
Kull, a senior research associate Pai, pushed back on the findings make sure that it is in there,” he
in 2017, calling it a “biased said of the net neutrality
survey” that did not take into opponents at the FCC.


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Blowing China’s cover

Truth emerges about the repression of Uyghurs — no thanks to the U.N.
pean and Japanese media or- Yet Beijing insists on its coverup, with pandemic. What was highly foreseeable BY AL GOODWYN
ganizations has published an ex- the Chinese Embassy in Washington de- were attempts by Beijing to exploit a
traordinary cache of leaked pho- claring, in response to the Xinjiang Police distinguished U.N. envoy’s presence for LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
tographs and documents from inside Files revelations, that the critics are dis- propaganda purposes. Mr. Xi lectured the [email protected]
China’s vast system of “reeducation” in- seminating “lies and disinformation.” visitor in their one meeting — on Wednes-
ternment centers, making plain beyond Which brings us to the just-completed day, via video link. “There is no need for Public support for schools lics need to inform their consciences with
any doubt that millions of Muslim six-day visit to China by Michelle ‘preachers’ to boss around other coun- the teachings of the church, the teaching
Uyghurs — including children and elder- Bachelet, the former president of Chile tries, still less should they politicize the The May 24 editorial “Virginia’s hard on abortion is not an article of faith. Few
ly people — have been oppressed since and current U.N. high commissioner for issue, practice double standards or use it lesson” seemingly ignored the May 20 things are, actually. Ultimately, it is the
Beijing launched its program, officially human rights. Billed as the first such as an excuse to interfere in other coun- Metro article “Report knocks student individual Catholic who must, guided by
labeled genocide by the United States, in trip to China by an occupant of her office tries’ internal affairs,” he told her. Adding performance.” The editorial was im- church teaching, decide.
2017. The Xinjiang Police Files, as the since 2005, it comes roughly three years injury to this insult, the official Xinhua pressed that the report presented by
cache is known, prove that, in a single since Ms. Bachelet first proposed a fact- News Agency reported that Ms. Bachelet Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) and his Conservative leaders, such as the arch-
Xinjiang county, 22,762 residents, more finding mission related to the Uyghurs had told Mr. Xi that she “admire[d]” education team was “chock-full of data,” bishop, are effectively “cafeteria Catho-
than 12 percent of the adult population, and six months since her office an- China’s efforts to protect human rights, but it ignored the news article that stated lics,” picking and choosing which moral
were interned in a camp or prison during nounced it was about to release a highly an apparent fabrication that Ms. Bache- a Post analysis of the report “suggests the issues they want to emphasize. What
2017 and 2018. The files include the text of critical report on their plight. That re- let was obliged to deny hours later. use of data is misleading.” The Metro about the Catholic Church’s teachings on
a speech in which the official in charge of port has still not been published, howev- article also quoted National Assessment war, nuclear weapons and the death pen-
the crackdown mentions President Xi er. The timing of her visit, permission for The State Department labeled of Educational Progress officials as call- alty? How about the church’s social teach-
Jinping’s detailed knowledge of the re- which Beijing announced in March, cre- Ms. Bachelet’s trip “a mistake,” which is ing the comparisons made in the report ings? These teachings are publicly ig-
pression, and his orders to continue it. ates an appearance that the document an understatement. Heavily influenced that criticize Virginia’s public-school per- nored and often derided by conservative
This devastating material, especially the was withheld in return for access to by China, a permanent member of the formance not “appropriate.” politicians without a peep from bishops.
images of clearly bewildered, even tear- China for Ms. Bachelet. Security Council, the United Nations is
ful, detainees, “blows apart the Chinese poorly positioned to hold the communist That student achievement suffered We aren’t a theocracy. The rights of
propaganda veneer,” as Adrian Zenz, a If so, it wasn’t worth it. It’s absurd on dictatorship accountable. That takes peo- during the pandemic when schools were non-Catholics, indeed nonbelievers, must
scholar at the U.S.-based Victims of Com- its face to suppose that Ms. Bachelet ple such as the courageous — and neces- closed is not news. Nor is the continued be respected and protected — even by
munism Memorial Foundation who re- could conduct any sort of serious inquiry sarily anonymous — whistleblower in need to close the achievement gap among Catholic politicians. Democrats such as
ceived, authenticated and collated the while being guided through what the China who leaked the Xinjiang Police racial and ethnic groups. Both can be Ms. Pelosi aren’t claiming to speak for all
material, told the BBC. Chinese foreign ministry itself has de- Files, and Mr. Zenz, who made sure that accomplished with public support for women, but they do speak up for the right
scribed as a “closed loop” of contacts, they would be available for all the world our teachers and our public schools. The of women to self-determination, to make
ostensibly necessitated by the covid-19 to see. meaningful reform for which the editori- their own decisions about their bodies
al called should not include siphoning and their families; that is, to use their
Paying the ultimate price money away from the public schools to go intelligence and to exercise their own
to charter schools, which seems to be the judgment on this topic.
This Memorial Day, do not forget the young lives cut short. goal of many.
A PROMINENT journalist of the Church rule over public policy ended in
World War II era complained Kenneth R. Plum, Reston 1789.
once about the frequent use of the The writer, a Democrat,
word “boys” when speaking of represents Fairfax in the William A. Brown, Austin
U.S. troops in the field. After what they’d
been through, he said, they were not just a Virginia House of Delegates. Health-care access on base
bunch of kids out on an adventure. In fact,
the average age of those who died in the When Catholics make law Though Allison Gill was correct in her
Second World War was about 27, and their May 19 op-ed, “Overturning Roe would be
numbers did include a good many youths. Mary Eberstadt’s May 24 Tuesday Opin- disastrous for the U.S. military,” that the
But the term was meant more as an ion essay, “Catholics ‘personally opposed’ Military Justice Improvement and In-
expression of affection and solidarity — to abortion? A fallacy.,” was long on con- creasing Prevention Act was not passed
“our boys in uniform” — than as a descrip- servative Catholic talking points and short last year, last year’s National Defense
tion. It also reflected the poignant truth of on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) Authorization Act included my bipartisan
their untimely deaths: much too young. responsibility as a member of the House of provision to remove cases of sexual as-
This element of vulnerability, fear and Representatives. The speaker’s role is not sault, murder, stalking, kidnapping, do-
helplessness is hard to express in a Memo- to preach Catholic theology but to uphold mestic violence and other special victim
rial Day speech or remembrance. Nothing the Constitution. A key constitutional pro- offenses from the chain of command.
can quite convey the devastation of those vision, under much attack from the right, is These provisions achieved the most his-
who knew and loved “the fallen,” a euphe- the separation of church and state. toric and sweeping military justice re-
mism that ennobles their sacrifice but forms since the creation of the Uniform
also fails to capture the awfulness of The theological conclusion of Catholic Code of Military Justice in 1950 and will
violent death. doctrine that life begins at conception ensure that prosecutorial decisions will be
The words that are perhaps most suited GRACE RAMEY/ASSOCIATED PRESS makes perfect sense: It’s the safest bet. made by an independent military attor-
Life could begin with first breath, at con- ney outside of the victim’s and assailant’s
for Memorial Day were written 78 years Members of the Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps place flags at the graves ception or at some point in between medi- chain of command. Independent special
ago by the war correspondent Ernie Pyle, of military personnel at Fairview Cemetery in Bowling Green, Ky., on Friday. cally termed “viability.” Theologically, life trial counsels will be under civilian con-
whose name became known in just about begins when soul and flesh are united, and trol, reporting to the secretaries of the
every American household during World the soldiers said quietly, “This one is then reached up and gently straightened no human can say definitively when that Army, Air Force and Navy.
War II. He described in simple, powerful Captain Waskow.” the points of the captain’s shirt collar, and point is. Constitutionally, the First
prose the lives and deaths of the soldiers “The unburdened mules moved off to then he sort of rearranged the tattered Amendment bans laws based on an inter- I agree with Ms. Gill wholeheartedly
he accompanied through some of the their olive orchard,” Pyle wrote. “The men edges of his uniform around the wound. pretation of theology. List me as pro-life that the lack of protections for service
worst fighting, with a special feel for the in the road seemed reluctant to leave. And then he got up and walked away and anti-criminalization. members when it comes to access to
enlisted infantry. They stood around, and gradually one by down the road in the moonlight, all abortion would be inhumane. And it
Pyle’s account of the death of a beloved one I could sense them moving close to alone.” Further, the pope has recommended won’t stop at abortion. As a member of the
young Army captain named Henry Capt. Waskow’s body. Not so much to look, The story of Capt. Waskow’s death be- that the church’s pastoral role not be linked House Armed Services Committee and
T. Waskow during the fighting in Italy was I think, as to say something in finality to came an instant classic in the United to politics, as Archbishop Salvatore chair of the military personnel subcom-
first carried by the old Washington Daily him, and to themselves.” States and has been reprinted many times J. Cordileone has done. Perhaps many mittee, I have tried for years to expand
News. He described the scene as bodies of A soldier “squatted down, and he over the years. It does not deserve to Catholic clergy today, and apparently access to contraception for our service
the American dead were brought down reached down and took the dead hand, become a neglected classic now, not when Ms. Eberstadt, should consider why, in members and their dependents. They de-
from a hill on the backs of mules: “The and he sat there for a full five minutes, it is only a few keystrokes away and when their minds, Pope Francis’s guidance is serve the same access to prescriptions and
Italian mule-skinners were afraid to walk holding the dead hand in his own and young people continue to be deprived of much more optional than that of Benedict health-care services as those available to
beside dead men, so Americans had to looking intently into the dead face, and their lives and their futures — by neglect, XVI or John Paul II. The politicization of civilians through the Affordable Care Act.
lead the mules down that night.” As the he never uttered a sound all the time he greed, orchestrated hatreds or delusional the Catholic Church in the United States If we can ask women to put their lives on
grim work proceeded, the bodies being sat there.” aggressions — in places from Ukraine to will do to it what the polarization of politics the line in defense of country, there is no
laid out alongside a low stone wall, one of “And finally he put the hand down, and Uvalde, Tex. does to the nation itself: create dangerous logical or ethical reason they should not
division. benefit from the same rights enjoyed by
Another monster hurricane season those they serve to protect. As Ms. Gill so
John E. Valliere, Lake Frederick, Va. eloquently noted, we must find a way to
While we dawdle on climate change, a daunting forecast arrives. Though I believe Archbishop Salvatore ensure they have the freedom to decide.
T HE NATIONAL Oceanic and At- J. Cordileone has the right to deny Com-
mospheric Administration has big storms. The result appears to be No government program or interna- munion to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Jackie Speier, Washington
forecast that the coming hurri- stronger hurricanes. tional accord will stop hurricanes from (D-Calif.), Mary Eberstadt should think The writer, a Democrat, represents
cane season will see 14 to worsening. Humans have already again about demanding that Catholics in California’s 14th Congressional District
Researchers from Lawrence Berkeley pumped so many greenhouse gas emis- public office take positions that are con- in the U.S. House of Representatives.
National Laboratory, Pennsylvania State gruent with Catholic dogma. (Why not
21 named storms — and three to six University and Stony Brook University sions into the air, and the world econo- sharia?) The suspicion that the leaked It’s really the gun
Category 3 or above. This would be yet examined the entire 2020 season, during my is still so dependent on fossil fuels, draft Supreme Court decision is based on
another in a series of abnormal seasons. which human-caused warming increased that further warming is inevitable. The the application of Catholic belief to the In his May 24 letter, “From anger to
Scientists are only just coming to average North Atlantic sea-surface tem- task is twofold. First, governments must interpretation of the Constitution is the violence,” Joseph P. Petito wrote, “Too
grips with the monster storm seasons of peratures by 0.6 degrees Celsius. They try to prevent a bad situation from cause of much of the loss of confidence in often, individuals fall off the radar. On
the recent past. The 2020 one brought a mapped out how the hurricane season becoming even worse by forcing long- the court’s juridical independence. the road from anger to violence, there
record 30 named storms to the North would have proceeded without climate term cuts in polluting fuels, in the hope Ms. Eberstadt wrote, “Public figures typically have been multiple failures
Atlantic, including 12 that hit the United change and compared it to what hap- that warming can be kept under 1.5 de- who want simultaneously the political along the way — parents, friends,
States, causing some $40 billion in pened. The three-hour extreme rainfall grees Celsius — or at least not too far benefits of ‘choice’ and the personal conso- schools, churches or other organizations
damage. A recent study published in the rate was 11 percent higher than it would over that threshold. lations of being Catholic might have to that should have been alarmed enough to
journal Nature Communications finds have been absent climate change, they Congress must act on major climate decide once more which of these two mas- alert authorities. This is an addiction
that climate change made these storms found, and the three-day extreme rainfall legislation. In the meantime, govern- ters they will serve.” Not to worry, Ms. Eber- that can and should be cured.”
far worse than they would have been accumulation total was 8 percent higher. ments must prepare for the impacts stadt. The voters will decide for them.
without human-caused global warming. In other words, the storms dumped more that are already in the pipeline. Coastal All of this was well said. However,
Predicting climate change’s effects on water, and faster. communities must invest in flood- Frank Arsenault, Annapolis missing from Mr. Petito’s argument was
hurricanes has long been controversial. The study’s authors noted that their resilient infrastructure that they never Whatever House Speaker Nancy Pelosi the need — the imperative, the glaring
It is unclear, for example, just how rising results are just one indication that needed before. Some will have to make (D-Calif.) believes about abortion, a great moral obligation — to remove the actual
world temperatures might alter the climate change is worsening hurricane tough choices about what is worth number of Catholic men and women agree instrument used to carry out the vio-
frequency of these battering storms, a strength in a variety of ways. For exam- saving and what they will surrender to that Roe v. Wade shouldn’t be overruled lence: the gun. How can it be any clearer,
fact that deniers of climate change often ple, wind speed might also be increasing, rising seas and floodwaters. Other and that it is for the woman to make her especially after, again, another mass
cite in their effort to play down its risks. they suggested. But just more and more areas of the country will need new own choices on reproductive health. But it school shooting on May 24? At an el-
But there is increasingly little doubt that rapid rainfall is enough for concern, as strategies to cope with vicious storms, is only the Democratic politicians who are ementary school. Dead children and staff
human-caused warming is heating anyone in New Orleans in 2005 or droughts and wildfires. Humanity can- pro-choice who are vilified. Though Catho- because of the use of a gun.
ocean-surface temperatures, which fuel Houston in 2017 could tell you. not afford to dawdle.
Nancy Stone, Westminster

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I’m from E.J. DIONNE JR.
Uvalde. I’m
not surprised We are paralyzed
this happened. by our past in the
debate over guns
M emorial Day was first celebrated as Decora-
I was born in Uvalde, Tex., lived there recent- President Biden and first lady Jill Biden attend Mass at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in tion Day, three years after the end of the Civil
ly and love its complex history and people. Uvalde, Tex., on Sunday to pay their respects to the victims of last week’s shooting. War, to honor Union soldiers. Unfortunately,
Like most, I’ve been struggling under the the divisions of that long-ago time continue to
weight of grief to understand the violence communities safe. Finally, the social conditions that gave birth hinder national progress — most tragically in our
that left 19 children, two teachers and a young Let’s start with banning assault weapons and to deadly violence and the killer’s mental paralysis when confronted by unbridled gun violence.
killer dead last week. But I’m not surprised. condition can be addressed through our support
limiting young people’s access to firearms. The of community organizations, health-care sys- This Memorial Day weekend, we will — and should —
First, you would be challenged to find a more freedom to own weapons that facilitate mass tems and schools — by supplying resources and honor our war dead. But we do so under a cloud of
heavily armed place in the United States than murder is less important than the safety of our legal avenues to identify and deal with emerging mourning for the 19 children and two teachers gunned
Uvalde. It’s a town where the love of guns children, they’re not needed for hunting, and threats such as the one posed by this young man. down last week in Uvalde, Tex. We should consider
overwhelms any notion of common-sense regu- they don’t need to be sold to 18-year-olds. Most whether the country for which so many have honorably
lations, and the minority White ruling class Americans and many Texans agree, despite the The deaths at Robb Elementary were pre- given their lives is doomed to stand alone among peer
places its right-wing Republican ideology above rhetoric of Republican leaders. dictable and avoidable. Uvalde, the state of nations for the criminal stupidity of our firearms
the safety of its most vulnerable citizens — its Texas and the United States of America failed statutes.
impoverished and its children, most of whom Let’s also recognize that Uvalde has a suffi- the children and teachers who died there. We
are Hispanic. ciently large law enforcement presence, be- owe it to their memory and to current and Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Norway
tween the police department, the sheriff’s office, future generations to avoid yet another, similar all tightened their gun laws after searing national
Second, at news of the shooting, I was struck the Texas Department of Public Safety, the Texas tragedy. tragedies. As a result, Max Fisher reported in the New
to hear the words “Robb Elementary” because I Rangers, Customs and Border Protection and The writer, a retired lawyer, is a fifth-generation Texan. York Times, mass shootings became rarer in those
knew of its centrality to the struggle in Uvalde the FBI. We won’t succeed in creating “hard- He now lives in Bethesda. nations, as did homicides and suicides.
over the past half-century to desegregate its ened targets” by arming teachers and other
schools. Robb sits in the city’s southwest quad- civilians. We don’t act because the Republican Party, with
rant. So I knew the victims of the shooting precious few dissenters, has become a wholly owned
would largely be Hispanic. They have been subsidiary of the gun lobby and because the U.S. Senate,
locked into that school for decades. with a filibuster rule that gives veto power to the
minority, vastly overrepresents rural states.
In Uvalde, simply put, everything north of
Highway 90 is primarily White Republican, and The upshot? Majority rule is foiled on such broadly
everything south is mostly Hispanic Democrat. popular measures as universal background checks and
The city has about 15,000 residents; more than bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.
80 percent identify as Hispanic or Latino. And the Supreme Court, shaped in recent years by
presidents who lost the popular vote, seems poised to
Most of Uvalde’s political leadership and the make the task of legislating even harder.
heads of the largest employers are White. At the
center of town on the courthouse grounds, you’ll These facts are important because there is far too
find a monument to Jefferson Davis, the Confed- much loose talk about “politicians” or “governing elites”
erate president — installed when the Ku Klux failing our society on guns. No, there are very specific
Klan dominated Uvalde politics. (Some of us actors who choose their political interests and an absurd
tried to get the monument removed after the reading of the Second Amendment over the lives of
murder of George Floyd, but that’s a story for children.
another day.)
But today’s gun politics did not come from nowhere.
When I heard reports about the shooter, a The Civil War ended 157 years ago, yet the alignments
young Latino, I winced at the reflexive disclaim- that led up to and defined that conflict are still very
er that he wasn’t an “illegal immigrant.” It much alive in our politics.
wasn’t surprising to learn that he was bullied for
a speech impediment, may have come from a Look first at simple measures. In the Giffords Law
broken family struggling with drug use and had Center’s list of the 20 states with the toughest gun laws,
experienced problems in school. Drug use only Virginia, which tightened its statutes recently, was
plagues the city, and the courts struggle under part of the old Confederacy. Among the 20 states with the
the weight of young people’s encounters with lowest rates of gun deaths, Virginia was again the only
the legal system. About 1 in 3 Uvalde children one that left the Union after Abraham Lincoln was
live in poverty. elected. (It’s worth noting that the two parties have, in a
broad sense, switched sides. All the states that backed
The killer allegedly bought his guns at the Lincoln in 1860 supported Barack Obama in 2008.)
Oasis Outback, a popular lunch spot for wealthi-
er Uvaldeans, known for its large buffet, hunting Tellingly, the data on gun laws and death rates overlap.
supplies and gun shop. On most days you’ll also The two states with the lowest rates of gun deaths,
see groups of Border Patrol agents and local law Hawaii and Massachusetts, are among those with the
enforcement there. It’s a monthly meeting place toughest gun measures. The two with the highest gun
for groups such as the Uvalde County Republi- death rates, Mississippi and Louisiana, were ranked
can Women, whose Facebook page includes among those with the weakest firearms legislation.
posts decrying “the border invasion.”
But the influence of the struggles over slavery and
The Oasis reflects the establishment’s deep secession goes deeper. As the historian Heather Cox
cultural reverence for guns, hunting and the Richardson argued in her 2020 book, “How the South
Wild West mythology. I wasn’t surprised that an Won the Civil War,” the North may have prevailed
18-year-old could walk in and easily buy tactical militarily but not, in the long run, politically.
weapons without anyone being concerned.
The triumph of Southern-inflected conservatism
I wasn’t surprised to see the Republican panel came first with the dismantling of Reconstruction in
of politicians at a news conference the day after 1877, leading to the Jim Crow era of white supremacy.
the shooting, almost all White and in top The Southern political ethic was also reflected in the
positions of power in the community and the West, she argues, with the rise of the myth of the cowboy
state, taking the lead. In Uvalde, the custodians and the rugged (White and male) individualism he
of order — the chief of police, the sheriff, the embodied. Today’s coalition against sensible gun laws is
head of the school district police — are Hispanic, largely an alliance between the South and the non-
but here they were largely silent. Unsurprising- coastal West.
ly, they now bear the primary blame for the
disastrous response at the school. The battle over the Supreme Court and the meaning of
the Constitution also has echoes in Civil War-era clashes.
Finally, I wasn’t surprised to see victims being In his 2021 “The Crooked Path to Abolition: Abraham
flown to San Antonio for treatment. The Uvalde Lincoln and the Antislavery Constitution,” historian
hospital was converted in recent years to a James Oakes traced the radical differences in how
critical access facility, limiting its number of anti-slavery forces in the North and defenders of slavery
beds. The hospital benefited financially, but in the South read the nation’s founding document.
many residents seeking health care must now
travel to distant locations. The negative impact The South insisted that the Constitution endorsed
on a community with high rates of poverty — slavery while the North argued that the Founders (by,
families who can’t afford this burden — is among other things, never explicitly mentioning slavery
obvious. and insisting on referring to slaves as “persons”) envi-
sioned freedom as the national rule and merely tolerated
President Biden and first lady Jill Biden a temporary exception for the Southern states.
visited Uvalde on Sunday to offer comfort to the
families of victims at Robb. But Uvalde and Those who now call themselves “originalists” and
other towns like it need more than comfort — we claim to be the true arbiters of what the Founders
need to know that American leaders will take intended — on guns and everything else — willfully
the overdue steps necessary to keep these ignore the political brawls throughout our history over
the meaning and spirit of the words put on paper in 1787.

It is maddening and heartbreaking that our country is
so deeply mired in the past that we are incapable of
regulating weapons whose ferocity our Founders
couldn’t have imagined. The fight for sane gun laws is,
first, about the innocent lives extinguished by the failure
of our politics. But it is also about moving, at last, into a
more humane future.


Abbott vows change after a school shooting. We’ve heard that before.
T en days after the Feb. 14, 2018,
mass shooting that left 14 stu- petent to stand trial. proof doors and glass — a case often the kind of fortresses that many con- 13, he recalled, and grew up in an area
dents and three staff members Now, following the horrific slaughter made by those who want to deflect the servatives claim they should be. Kevin where high-schoolers typically drove
dead at Marjory Stoneman Doug- conversation away from tighter gun laws Brown, executive director of the Texas around with gun racks in their pickup
las High School in Parkland, Fla., Texas last week of 19 children and two teachers — Texas has already done that. Or at least, Association of School Administrators, trucks. “It’s part of the culture in Texas.
Gov. Greg Abbott (R) happened to be in in yet another Texas town, Abbott once it has claimed to, with a 2019 school told me the state allotment of funds for Kids get shotguns as gifts at Christmas-
Washington for an annual governors again speaks of lessons learned and safety law that allocated $100 million to school security is a mere $9.72 per stu- time to go hunting or for their birthday or
meeting and, like everyone else in the changes coming. “Do we expect laws to those purposes. As the Texas Tribune dent annually. And in recent years, Texas whatever,” he said. “I don’t see that
country, was trying to find some cause for come out of this devastating crime?” he noted, the Uvalde Consolidated Inde- voters have become increasingly resis- changing in Texas.”
hope. said Friday, three days after the carnage pendent School District received a tant to bond measures, which would be
at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde. $69,000 grant through that law to en- needed to fund extensive physical im- Having grown up myself in a gun-
“The shooting of kids in school — I just “The answer is absolutely yes.” hance the physical security of its schools. provements to school buildings. owning extended family in Texas, I don’t
think that oftentimes in life there’s some either — at least, no time soon. As
event that is a catalyst to change, and I But it is hard to believe that much will The Tribune, quoting an expert, noted All but off the table, politically speak- children, my own sons shot at targets
think this will be a catalyst to change,” be different this time, especially in my “the majority of public schools in the ing, is doing much of anything about under the careful eye of my uncle. But
Abbott told my colleague Dan Balz and home state of Texas. Officials are talking United States already implement the guns. After the Santa Fe school shootings, there is a vast difference between the
me. “I really do feel that there will be about the things they usually do: “hard- security measures most often promoted Abbott asked the Texas legislature to rite-of-passage experience in which a
changes and improvements in the way ening” schools, improving mental-health by public officials, including locked doors “study the possibility” of a “red-flag” law youngster gets his own rifle to go deer
we address this issue going forward.” care, more vigorous law enforcement. All to the outside and in classrooms, active- allowing courts to order the seizure of hunting with his granddad and the
of that would help, but it’s not enough. shooter plans and security cameras.” guns from people deemed an imminent purchase of a weapon of war by a
If only. Even so, there were lapses in Uvalde — an threat. When state lawmakers balked at troubled teen. Surely there must come a
Three months before the governor Abbott noted the Uvalde school shoot- exit door propped open by a teacher, law even looking at the possibility, Abbott day when even Texans can recognize
spoke with us that day, in Abbott’s own er had a “mental health challenge” and enforcement’s failure to quickly rush the backed down. that.
state, a gunman with a AR-15-style rifle added, “We as a state, we as a society, classroom where the gunman was — that
had gone into a Baptist church during need to do a better job with mental showed how security protocols and sys- More difficult still would be making it The country will inevitably move on as
Sunday worship in the rural town of health.” He said the same during our tems can be undermined by human error. harder for an 18-year-old in Texas to buy Uvalde fades from the daily news, until
Sutherland Springs and fired 700 rounds interview in 2018, declaring: “It’s time to assault rifles — as the Uvalde shooter did there is another Uvalde or Parkland or
in 11 minutes, killing 26 people. Still three tackle the tough solution and that is It is also fair to question how commit- just days after his birthday. Sutherland Springs. Then, we will once
months in the future was the day that mental health.” But four years later, with ted Texas really is to these ideas, which again hear politicians promising how,
eight students and two teachers would be Abbott in his eighth year as governor, arise as talking points every time a After the 2018 Parkland massacre, a this time, things will change. The truth is,
killed by gunfire at Santa Fe High School Texas ranks behind all 50 states and the shooting tragedy occurs. The Lone Star place once known as the “Gunshine there will never be a single cure to the
near Houston. The alleged shooter, a District of Columbia in access to mental State has long ranked near the bottom of State” quickly enacted new firearms re- sickness of gun violence in this country.
17-year-old reported to have used a shot- health services, according to the advoca- the nation when it comes to how much it strictions, including raising the age at Which is why it is long past time for
gun and pistol legally owned by his cy group Mental Health America. spends on public schools, and it is no which one may be purchased to 21. But leaders such as Abbott to stop repeating
father, was later found mentally incom- more generous when it comes to the Abbott said that Texas is different from the same tired tropes and start taking
As for “hardening” schools through dollars it would take to turn them into Florida. The future governor was given action on multiple fronts at once.
such measures as restricting the number his first .22-caliber rifle when he was 12 or
of entranceways and installing bullet-


WAr in ukraine

As Ukrainians lose ground, gloom descends on nation’s east


talion were injured in the last TOP: A trench is seen Saturday near Kramatorsk, Ukraine. “It’s all
week,” said a soldier and ambu- artillery bombing down,” said Vlad, a soldier and ambulance driver
lance driver just outside the hos- deployed in the country’s east. “All the wounded are coming from
pital gates who identified himself shrapnel. Most guys in the trenches haven’t even seen the enemy
only as Vlad, 29. “I lost too many face-to-face.” ABOVE: An elderly woman is lifted onto an
friends; it’s hard for me. I don’t evacuation train in Prokovsk, a hub where civilians have arrived to
know how many. . . . It’s getting evacuate from cities across the Donbas region. LEFT: Train station
worse every day.” employees and volunteers assist elderly women lying in the back of
a van after their evacuation from a nursing home.
The night before, he said, the
shelling was so loud he hardly got range of more than 180 miles had recently hit a mine, he said, their frail legs. Underneath, they missing the lower half of her right now will only lead to Russia
any sleep. “It’s all artillery bomb- would allow Ukrainian forces to although he didn’t know how wore nothing but diapers. leg. “Now the war has gotten to us regrouping and launching a far
ing down,” he said. “All the hit targets far into Russian terri- exactly he ended up wounded. and it’s gotten a bit scary.” more vicious war against Ukraine
wounded are coming from shrap- tory, potentially prompting an Hours earlier, volunteers had in the future.
nel. Most guys in the trenches escalatory response from Mos- Severodonetsk, he added, “is evacuated them from a nursing Many elderly evacuees — all
haven’t even seen the enemy face- cow, but the White House is now the worst.” home in Chasov Yar, a small town with red bracelets strapped Mykhailo Podolyak, an adviser
to-face.” comfortable managing that risk less than 50 miles from Severodo- around their wrists — said they to Zelensky, told The Post that the
by withholding the longest-range Ukrainians waiting for help netsk. Now, one by one, they did not know exactly where they Ukrainian government refuses
Last week, one battalion of ammunition for the system, a away from the front lines are moaned and wailed in pain as were going. One said her family any plan other than a military
young soldiers on a road near senior U.S. official told The Post. suffering too. they were lifted onto pieces of was trapped nearby in occupied loss for Russia on the battlefield.
Kramatorsk spent their days dig- tarp and carried from the van territory. Another couldn’t speak
ging defensive trenches in a pock- Whether the weaponry will get On Saturday, at the train sta- into an evacuation train heading at all, tears streaming down her “If Russia doesn’t lose, they
et not far from the front line. to Ukrainian forces in time to tion in the eastern city of Pok- west — a trip their caretakers face as she grasped the hands of won’t have any internal transfor-
stave off a significant defeat in rovsk, a hub where civilians have hoped might save their lives. two reporters. mation,” Podolyak said. “A Russia
They were gearing up to pro- the east is now unclear, as Rus- arrived to evacuate from cities that doesn’t lose will, on the
vide additional support for the sian forces unleash a wave of across Donbas, four elderly wom- “They’re shooting a lot, they’re On a main road heading east contrary, be more chauvinist and
soldiers battling the Russians attacks with gruesome weaponry en lay crammed side-by-side in bombing a lot,” said a woman from the city of Dnipro on Satur- have an even more revanchist
head-on, preparing for a worst- on Ukrainian positions, forcing the back of a van, a mix of dirty named Halya, who was 73 and day, even a gas station attendant outlook, because they will hate us
case scenario in which Russian an exodus of people from the blankets and pillows covering urgently appealed to a Post re- for humiliating them in front of
forces continue or accelerate country’s embattled easternmost porter for more support from the the rest of the world . . . and,
their current advance. That regions. “Help us with weapons. The most important is United States — begging for anti- accordingly, in two years they will
would be a potential turning antiaircraft. Close the sky — it’s the civilians who aircraft weapons to help protect come back and kill us even more
point on the battlefield. In an Instagram post on Friday, her two sons serving on the front brutally.”
Andriy Yermak, head of the are suffering the most.” line near Donetsk. At a nearby
It would come at a particularly Ukrainian presidential adminis- checkpoint, a Virgin Mary statue Zelensky, who said Kissinger
desperate moment for the Ukrai- tration, said Ukrainian forces Bohdan, a 30-year-old Ukrainian officer draped in a Ukrainian flag sat was living in 1938 — a reference
nians. Kyiv is already enraged needed the weaponry “yesterday,” propped up high, another plea to attempts to appease Adolf Hit-
that some Western voices are as well as other systems that have Members of a Ukrainian battalion return to their base near posted beneath her: “Pray for ler before World War II — chided
floating the idea of ceding terri- been requested, such as air de- Kramatorsk. They have spent days digging defensive trenches in a Ukraine.” “great geopoliticians” trying to
tory to Moscow. And the Biden fense systems and tanks. pocket not far from the front line. give away parts of Ukraine in a
administration is taking weeks to As Ukrainian forces seek to post on Instagram on Saturday,
decide whether to provide heavi- Outside the hospital Sunday, hold the line, officials in Kyiv saying they were unwilling to see
er weaponry that could aid Ukrai- men who were recently wounded have been disheartened to see the people who live in those
nian troops at this critical junc- in Severodonetsk lamented the suggestions from the West that territories as real people.
ture in the war. difficult conditions on the Ukraine should give up part of its
ground. “We need more Javelins,” territory to satisfy Russian Presi- “Ordinary Ukrainians. Mil-
“Everyone’s tired,” said Boh- said Lapa, 26, who spoke on the dent Vladimir Putin and end the lions of those who actually live in
dan, a 30-year-old soldier and condition that he be identified war. the territory they propose to ex-
officer in the battalion who spoke only by his call sign. change for the illusion of peace,”
on the condition that only his For days, top Ukrainian offi- Zelensky said. “You must always
first name be used and his precise On Saturday, he said, many cials have been fending off sug- see people. And remember that
position not be given. “But we are soldiers slain in fighting nearby gestions from European leaders, values are not just a word.”
ready to stand and protect until were carried out. Now, he said, former secretary of state Henry
the last man.” “Ukrainian soldiers are pulling Kissinger and the New York In Pokrovsk, many of those
back.” Times editorial board that Kyiv people rushed to board the evacu-
In recent days, Russian troops should enter talks with Russia ation train, some carrying ani-
have captured the towns of Svitl- He was at the hospital to be and make concessions. mals or children. One young cou-
odarsk and Lyman and have treated for a fracture in his leg ple held each other close — then
closed in on Severodonetsk, a and a wounded arm. Another French President Emmanuel kissed before the woman took her
large regional hub, where Rus- soldier in his unit, who identified Macron and German Chancellor seat inside, leaving the man on
sian forces have entered a hotel himself as Adik, 41, had broken Olaf Scholz have been pushing the platform to watch her
on the city limits. If Russian ribs. A bloody bandage covered peace talks, and top Italian offi- through the window.
troops manage to encircle and the side of his head where he had cials submitted a peace plan to
take the city, Moscow would occu- been hit with shrapnel. the United Nations that would They stayed on the phone until
py nearly all of Ukraine’s eastern- freeze the current front lines, the train pulled out of the station
most Luhansk region, which “They’re just raining down leading to a significant loss of — not knowing if or when they
makes up roughly half of Donbas. metal on us,” Lapa said. Nearby, a territory for Ukraine. might see one another again.
25-year-old with his head Bearak and Sonne reported from
“I mainly hope the boys don’t wrapped in a bandage puffed on a Ukrainian officials believe that Kyiv.
get encircled in Severodonetsk,” cigarette. He goes by Koleh and any concessions to satisfy Putin
Bohdan said of his fellow troops.
“They need more guns, they need
more weapons.”

If he could send one message
to Washington, he said, it would
be this: “Help us with weapons.
The most important is antiair-
craft. Close the sky — it’s the
civilians who are suffering the

The situation in the country’s
east marks a shift from an earlier
stage of the war, when staunch
Ukrainian defenses forced a
broad Russian retreat in Kyiv and
other areas, increasing confi-
dence among Ukrainians and
their Western backers about the
prospects of all-out victory over a
poorly organized and equipped
Russian force.

Having now regrouped, Rus-
sian troops are making incre-
mental but steady progress in
their campaign in the east and
are regularly employing heavy
flamethrowers and long-range
artillery that Ukrainian forces
lack, leaving Kyiv on the back
foot. Though Ukrainian resis-
tance has made the fight a slog for
Russian forces, Moscow is inch-
ing closer to encircling Ukraine’s
biggest strongholds in the Don-
bas region, while fighting on ter-
ritory contiguous to Russia with
easier supply lines.

In a video address early Satur-
day, Ukrainian President Volod-
ymyr Zelensky said the situation
on the battlefield in Donbas was
“very difficult,” with Russian forc-
es attacking Ukrainian positions
with “maximum artillery and
maximum reserves.”

“We are defending our land
insofar as the defense resources
we have today will allow. We’re
doing everything we can to
strengthen them — and we will
strengthen them,” Zelensky said.
“If the occupiers think Severodo-
netsk or Lyman will be theirs,
they are mistaken. Donbas will be

For weeks, Zelensky and other
top Ukrainian officials have been
asking the United States to pro-
vide multiple launch rocket sys-
tems, or MLRS, which would give
Kyiv the ability to strike targets
from much farther away and a
better chance of resisting the
assault in the east.

U.S. officials and congressional
staffers told The Post on Friday
that the administration is prepar-
ing to send the weaponry and
could announce the move as early
as this week, but the White House
must still make a final decision
on the transfer.

Some White House officials
had expressed concern that pro-
viding MLRS weaponry with a


8 a.m. Noon 4 p.m. 8 p.m. High today at JOHN KELLY’S WASHINGTON THE REGION OBITUARIES
approx. 4 p.m.
72° 84° 90° 84° The Stories Behind the A guide to closings, traffic, Andy “Fletch” Fletcher, 60,
90° Stars project aims to write parking and trash pickup added his synth sounds to
about every American in Virginia, Maryland and Depeche Mode hits for
Precip: 0% killed in World War II. B3 D.C. for Memorial Day. B3 more than 40 years. B6

Wind: SSW
4-8 mph


Buffalo Soldiers thunder in D.C. Rights movement’s old
again after a two-year pause bastion has trended blue

Event draws motorcyclists to honor post-Civil War, all-Black Army regiments BY MEAGAN FLYNN
In the shadow of the National
BY LUZ LAZO TOP: Members of the Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club listen to Rifle Association headquarters,
speakers at the African American Civil War Memorial in D.C. on the debate over gun rights and
T he 8-year-old had waited all week to Sunday. ABOVE: Donna Martin, center, shows her appreciation gun control raged in Virginia’s
hear the roar of Buffalo Thunder on while receiving an award during the annual Memorial Day tribute. 10th Congressional District when
Sunday morning, and when hundreds Rep. Jennifer Wexton (D) first
of the motorcycles finally arrived in won her seat in 2018 — a year of
the nation’s capital, his eyes opened wide. mass shootings in schools, at a
Pittsburgh synagogue and at a
Karter Hassell had decided earlier in the California bar.
day that he would wear black and gold, just Now, in the wake of the coun-
like the men and women on the bikes. He try’s latest back-to-back mass
didn’t know much about them, or the brave shootings, the debate is starting
soldiers they had come to honor, but he to return in Wexton’s Northern
wanted to. Virginia district, a onetime bas-
tion for the gun-rights movement
“I’ll learn,” he said, standing beside his that has trended blue over the
7-year-old sister, Krista, and his grandmother, past decade.
Helen Hassell, as they watched the riders pull Wexton, who emerged in her
up to the African American Civil War Memori- first two terms as a fierce gun-
al in Northwest Washington. control advocate, is gearing up
for a campaign against Hung Cao,
After two years of a pandemic pause, a retired U.S. Navy captain who
hundreds of Black motorcyclists returned to has made his opposition to gun
Washington for the annual Memorial Day control clear, offering a stark
tribute to the post-Civil War, all-Black regi- contrast to voters on an issue
ments of the Army, known as Buffalo Soldiers, likely to remain a dominant na-
tional conversation.
SEE BUFFALO SOLDIERS ON B6 “The question is, do you want
somebody in Congress who’s go-
ing to be fighting for common-
sense gun-violence prevention
legislation, or do you want some-
body who’s going to throw up
their hands and say, ‘Oh, well,
there’s nothing we can do?’ ” Wex-
ton said in an interview Thursday.


Nadeau, 2
in heated
Ward 1 race

Constituent services,
safety are issues driving

Democratic primary


How a Workers lay the cornerstone at the Lincoln Memorial on Feb. 12, 1915, when the site was a remote spot The origin With less than a month to go
hallowed two miles from the Capitol. Monday marks the 100th anniversary of the dedication of the memorial. story of a until Election Day in D.C.’s Demo-
shrine rose signature cratic primary, the race for council
from mud local spice member in Ward 1 has turned into
a referendum on two key issues:
BY MICHAEL E. RUANE BY KARINA ELWOOD public safety and constituent ser-
The site was once called It’s not hard in Maryland to find
Kidwell Flats, an insect-ridden the blue-and-yellow packaging of Incumbent Brianne K. Nadeau,
tract on the Potomac River that Old Bay seasoning. It’s on grocery 41, a favorite among liberals with
had been reclaimed with mud store shelves and served in restau- eight years on the council, is fend-
dredged from the bottom. Bed- rants. It’s printed on T-shirts, ing off determined challenges
rock was 50 feet down, and a masks, mugs, hats, dog leashes. from former D.C. police officer
prominent member of Congress The spice is sprinkled by die-hards Salah Czapary, 31, and Sabel Har-
called it a “God-damned swamp.” on pizza, chicken, popcorn, hot ris, 32, an advisory neighborhood
chocolate. It’s infused, by Old Bay commissioner — and longtime po-
Back then, it was a remote spot, brand owner McCormick, into litical observers say they see the
two miles from the U.S. Capitol — products like Old Bay hot sauce race tightening.
yet fitting, many believed, for the and Old Bay-flavored vodka.
noble project at hand. In recent weeks, campaign
This month, the brand intro- signs for all three candidates have
So there, over 100 years ago, duced its latest addition: Old Bay flooded the ward’s bustling neigh-
builders began sinking concrete Goldfish, because putting the borhoods from Adams Morgan,
pilings, gathering earth, and haul- Maryland spice on real seafood Mount Pleasant and Columbia
ing in blocks of marble and lime- wasn’t enough. Heights down to the U Street cor-
stone to erect one of the nation’s ridor over to Howard University
SEE OLD BAY ON B4 and up to Park View.
Mail-in voting has already be-
gun, and sniping on social media
between the candidates’ backers is
getting testier.

Both challengers have taken
aim at Nadeau, with Czapary argu-
ing that she has failed to adequate-
ly address rising rates of violent
crime in the ward and across the
city, while Harris has attacked Na-
deau’s responsiveness to resi-




This is the most important standardized test in America

Chester E. Finn exams that periodically sample was not significantly different Foundation in Washington and previous results? Is achievement research prowess, or one’s ability
Jr., known as the progress of about 5,000 from a decade ago or from 1998, several other assignments. improving or not, and for which to work with others.”
Checker, is 77. His children per state. He thinks but was higher in comparison to kids?’
first contact with NAEP is the most important 1992.” This is his 24th book. It is full Even worse, legislators and
the National testing program in the country of bureaucratic history and He quotes Education Week regulators keep messing with
Assessment of but worries it could be blown I suspect Finn, a careful would be a heavy slog except reporter Stephen Sawchuk vital data. The correlation
Jay Educational away by the ideological winds optimist, may mention NAEP that Finn is a gifted writer who pointing out that “the exam’s between academic achievement
Mathews Progress, known rattling schoolhouse windows data when he runs into feverish spotlights the most interesting technical properties make it and socioeconomic status as
as our nation’s these days. pessimists at parties. He first stuff, like the recurring battle difficult to use NAEP data to measured by the percentage of
report card, goes way back to went deep into the realities of over NAEP’s long-term trend prove cause-and-effect claims students eligible for lunch
1969. That was when he received NAEP is an old but solid federal support for education assessment. Some people don’t about specific policies or subsidies has been a favorite
an office visitor who wanted to anchor in any debate over when his graduate school like measuring today’s schools instructional interventions,” topic of NAEP consumers like
discuss NAEP, pronounced whether our schools are going to mentor, Daniel P. Moynihan, the same way we did in 1992. even though distinguished me. Finn informs us that
“nape.” hell. Senior citizens I know often became a key adviser to Finn disagrees. Having some experts use the results that way “beginning in 2010 … and
Finn was 25. He had a desk in take a pessimistic view. They President Richard M. Nixon and legitimate way to compare our all the time. It is not uncommon nationally implemented in 2015,
the Old Executive Office tend to remember their school took Finn with him to schools to the past “is NAEP’s to see enraged debaters hurling the ‘community eligibility’
Building in Washington. He had days fondly and overlook the fact Washington. single most valuable function NAEP data at each other. feature enables high-poverty
graduated from college four that schools then weren’t and solemn responsibility,” he schools to supply free meals to
years before with a degree in teaching as much to as many That visitor who told Finn said. Not everyone likes all their pupils regardless of
history. He also had a master’s different kids, particularly those about NAEP was the executive government officials pointing individual poverty status.”
degree in social studies teaching, with disabilities, as they do now. director of the Education Looking back at old data “is out achievement gaps between
an indication of how early he Commission of the States. He certain to raise concerns as different ethnicities, Finn said, There are NAEP exams in
acquired his lifelong obsession The most recent NAEP wanted the well-placed kid to curricular emphases, education “at least not unless it’s reading, math, science, writing,
with schools in America. He has summary of reading progress know the project needed more reform priorities, and testing accompanied by causal arts, civics, history, geography,
done enough since to be called indicates that, over the long money. Finn went on to get an technologies evolve over time,” explanations and — more economics, technology and
our nation’s education expert. term, we are not falling back: Ed.D. in educational policy and he said. “How informative are important — remedies for the engineering.
In his latest book, “Assessing “The percentage of fourth-grade become a much-quoted sage as assessment results in 2025, say, situation.” NAEP people consider
the Nation’s Report Card: students performing at or above professor of education and if they’re based on what was that beyond their capabilities. Politicians and other special
Challenges and Choices for NAEP Proficient in 2019 was public policy at Vanderbilt being taught in American NAEP results can illuminate interests will still misrepresent
NAEP,” Finn provides a much- higher in comparison to a University, U.S. assistant schools at the turn of the knowledge and skills in certain the results. But as we try to
needed appreciation of those decade ago, as well as to 1998 secretary of education, senior century? … On the other hand, subjects that groups of students comprehend our schools’
federally funded-and-managed and 1992. The percentage of fellow at Stanford’s Hoover how valuable are 2025 results on might have, Finn said, but progress, there is no better
eighth-graders performing at or Institution, president of the a measure like NAEP if they “they’re not good at gauging measure than that obscure
above NAEP Proficient in 2019 nonprofit Thomas B. Fordham cannot be compared with creativity, motivation, grit, testing project Finn first heard
about 53 years ago.

Las Vegas-area schools grapple with
increase in angry outbursts, violence

STEVE MARCUS/LAS VEGAS SUN/ASSOCIATED PRESS Students and teachers experienced physical or verbal ag- like people are always on edge. I’ve
are back on campus gression from students during the received some of the nastiest par-
Eldorado High School in Las Vegas was the scene of an attack on a teacher in April. and questioning safety pandemic, according to a survey ent emails in my 12-year career.”
by the American Psychological As-
Ibby is a Division of Case Architects & Remodelers BY ZOË BERNARD sociation. In addition, there has A survey of 500 CCSD educators
been a significant increase in the by the Education Support Employ-
See it. las vegas — Teachers in Clark number of students showing up to ees Association found that 27 per-
Choose it. campuses with guns: 249 inci- cent of teachers have felt threat-
County, Nev., say they have never dents were reported in 2021, com- ened by a student and that 30 per-
That’s it!Loveit. felt less safe. pared with 112 in 2019. cent of teachers had to report a
violent act to their administrator.
Bathroom Remodeling Made Easy. In February, a teenage girl pum- Some educators say the pan-
meled another student at Vegas demic engendered or exacerbated “There are a lot of things that
Introducing Ibby; an entirely new way to remodel. Select Valley High while others in the social problems, taking a toll on don’t make the news,” said Vicki
from one of our twelve beautifully curated bathrooms classroom said nothing and students attending class from Kreidel, an elementary school
from our professional design team, built by in-house CASE watched. In April, county police home. Others in Clark County teacher and president of the Ne-
craftspeople, and you’re on your way to a new look that’ll reported a spate of violent inci- blame the local administration’s vada State Education Association
take the pain out of your bathroom renovation project. No dents against staff members, in- hurried return to in-person educa- of Southern Nevada.
muss, no fuss. That’s It! cluding one incident in which a tion. A surge in Nevada suicides
15-year-old girl threatened a forced Superintendent Jesus Jara Some parents, including Dricka
For more information, browse our gorgeous designs, teacher with a pair of scissors and to open schools last August, but Holden, have given up on the
or to connect with one of our dedicated team, visit: another in which a 14-year-old girl teachers said that the district has schools. Holden pulled her 16-
wielding an eight-inch kitchen provided little to no additional year-old twins out after one of knife forced a high school teacher mental health resources. Instead them was involved in a fight at
800.750.9399 out of his classroom. the administration put the priority Foothill High School in March.
on testing and grades, they said. Holden had already kept her girls
MD MHIC #1176 | VA # 2701039723 | DC #2242 That month, 16-year-old Jona- at home for multiple days because
than Eluterio Martinez, a student The Clark County School Dis- they’d heard about threats of vio-
  @Team_Ibby at Eldorado High School, allegedly trict said in an email that it pro- lence on campus. “They were
choked his teacher with a comput- vides many options for students afraid to go to school,” she said.
er cord, then beat and sexually as- and staff seeking mental health re- They’re home-schooled now.
saulted her, after she’d taken him sources, including teletherapy, sup-
aside to discuss his grades. Marti- port groups for troubled youths, Students, too, are feeling the
nez was charged as an adult with and a program that assists multi- effects of rising violence at school.
multiple felonies including at- lingual students, staff and parents
tempted murder, kidnapping and in finding suitable mental health “CCSD has failed to keep us as
sexual assault. care. students safe,” Gianna Archuleta,
18, told Jara and trustees at an
Educators in Las Vegas and the “Safety is a top priority for April 28 board meeting. “CCSD
surrounding suburbs have noticed a CCSD,” said Tod Story, CCSD chief has failed to protect the very peo-
change in students since schools re- communications officer. “We have ple that they’re meant to serve.”
opened last year. They face more our own police department with
disruptions and angry outbursts over 175 police officers focused on To address the violence in Clark
compared to previous years, with a providing safety on campus.” County schools, Jara has intro-
few turning violent, leaving many duced a “panic button” on educa-
teachers shaken, they say. As children came back to school tors’ phone systems, which con-
in Clark County, the fifth-largest nects them directly to the school
As of April 20, the Clark County district in the country with 320,000 front office. The move was met
police dispatch center received students, a trend soon became with derision by many educators,
3,260 calls reporting harassment clear. who would like to see more sub-
and threats and 232 reporting sex- stantive changes within the dis-
ual assault. These figures have al- “This has been a school year like trict. Nearly 600 teachers have
ready eclipsed the number of calls no other,” said CCSD police Lt. signed a petition asking Nevada
for 2018-2019 (the last cycle when Bryan Zink. “We’ve been going Gov. Steve Sisolak (D) to do some-
students attended in-person crazy.” thing about the problem. (Siso-
classes for the entire year), which lak’s office did not respond to a
totaled 2,340 calls reporting ha- Zink said that in addition to the request for comment.) Some edu-
rassment and threats, and 159 re- uptick in violence, his department cators have proposed that the dis-
porting sexual assault, a 46 percent has seen a rise in students bring- trict provide more mental health
rise. ing firearms to school and a spike professionals, additional security,
in calls to both the dispatch center and discipline for unruly stu-
“The sexual violence is aston- and the district’s anonymous tip dents, including stricter suspen-
ishing,” said Alexis Salt, who line, which takes calls from con- sion enforcement for bad behav-
teaches middle school and high cerned parents and students re- ior.
school English at Indian Springs. garding bullying or school-shoot-
“We knew something was going to ing rumors. The school year has taken a toll
happen because the fights [at on educators, some of whom are
school] have been getting progres- Not every call to the dispatch considering retiring from teach-
sively more violent.” center results in arrest or disci- ing. The district has already lost
plinary action, but educators in about 1,700 teachers this school
While there is no comprehen- Clark County schools said that the year, a 78 percent increase in sepa-
sive data on school violence at a reported incidents only scratch rations compared with an average
national level for the current the surface of what they experi- school year, according to figures
school year, school districts across ence while managing classrooms. from education data firm Data
the country are reporting an up- Insight Partners.
tick in bad behavior, fighting and “Students are a lot quicker to
violent incidents based on anec- resort to angry feelings than be- “I have thought about walking
dotal reports. Sixty percent of peo- fore,” said Erin Dressler, who away from teaching,” said Cimar-
ple working in schools, including teaches music at Bertha Ronzone ron Memorial High School teach-
educators and bus drivers, have Elementary School. Dressler, er Karlena Kulseth, who said she
along with other educators, has has struggled to manage angry
noticed an increase in parents’ bad outbursts in her ninth- and 10th-
behavior as well. “We’ve had fights grade classes. “I’m thinking about
with adults, and I’ve never seen leaving, and I have three degrees
that at my school before. It feels invested in this career.”

She had a loud,
nonstop crunching
noise in her head…

Read “Medical Mysteries,”
Tuesdays in Health & Science.



For Memorial Day, telling the stories behind the gravestones

The simplest facts than 421,000 Americans died in ‘Wow, these guys that gave their completed by the Fourth of July.
of James Gerald the conflict, and Milne wants to lives were that age.’ ” On a recent trip to Arlington,
LaMarre Jr.’s life gather all their stories by Sept. 2,
and death are 2025, the 80th anniversary of the Volunteers like Harmon use Milne noticed that visitors tended
etched in his war’s end. He’s broken it into sites such as to to stay on the paths, seemingly
gravestone at manageable chunks, relying on find census records. They pore reluctant to venture into the low
John Arlington volunteers around the world to through online newspapers. forest of white markers that
Kelly's National scour genealogical sites to gather They visit, which blanket the 639-acre cemetery.
Washington Cemetery: born information and craft the text. archives military records. They
on May 2, 1921; track down photos. Sometimes “What reason do they have
died on Feb. 2, 1945; a staff “I have about 400 volunteers they find relatives on Facebook. to?” he asked. “They might go in
sergeant in the U.S. Army from regularly contributing stories,” said and see names on gravestones.
Virginia who served with the Milne, who retired as the financial Milne estimates it take about They can’t do much more than
18th Infantry. literacy manager at a bank and two to three hours to create a story. that. Once people know this is
It’s enough to convey that lives in Louisville. “In order to available — especially in sections
LaMarre gave his life in service reach our target we’re going to “Everyone does it a little rich with World War II fallen,
to a worthy cause, but Don need between 2,000 and 3,000 differently,” he said. “It’s like a like Section 34 — they can walk
Milne wants you to know even people doing one story a week.” version of leaving flowers on a from grave to grave to grave and
more about the 23-year-old. grave. There are no rules for read each person’s story. It makes
He wants you to know that Milne hopes to find more what’s appropriate. Some are the experience much richer and
LaMarre attended Fairfax High people willing to “give up one fancy. Some are simple.” much more engaging.”
School, where he was president night of Netflix and instead of
of the Agriculture Club and watching ‘Tiger King’ do a story All are fairly short, about 500 Jeff Joyce, 61, an Air Force
played outfield for the school about somebody who gave their words. The stories are saved to veteran from Manassas, is
baseball team; that in civilian life life for our country.” the database and can another volunteer. He also
he was a truck driver; that, five be accessed by entering the volunteers with the group
months before he enlisted, he Kathy Harmon of Saint person’s name via the Wreaths Across America and the
married Ethel Rose Fox at the Thomas Township, Pa., is one app. Milne Honor Flight program that
Methodist Church in such volunteer. So far, she’s hopes it will someday be possible brings veterans to Washington.
Rockbridge, Va.; that he had blue researched the lives of more than to scan a gravestone with your
eyes. 300 World War II dead, phone and pull up the story. “There’s a phrase: You die
Milne, 61, is the creator of including that of Sgt. LaMarre. twice,” Joyce said. “You die when
Stories Behind the Stars, an Stories Behind the Stars — the you physically die, then you die a
effort to research every last U.S. “I have a passion for name comes from the gold stars second time when no one
soldier, sailor, airman and genealogy,” said Harmon, 65, given to grieving families — has remembers your name. Part of
Marine who died in World War II who has traced her own family already catalogued the 2,341 this process is trying to remind
and write a brief essay about back to the 1700s. The World FAMILY PHOTO Americans who died in the myself and others that this person
each that can be pulled up on a War II project has made her Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor had a life — a family — and they
smartphone app. think about history in a different Don Milne, seen at Arlington National Cemetery, is the creator of and the 2,502 Americans killed deserve to be remembered, like I
It’s a gargantuan task. More way. Stories Behind the Stars, an effort to research and profile every last on D-Day. Milne’s current focus would like to be remembered.”
U.S. soldier, sailor, airman and Marine who died in World War II. is on creating stories for all the
“When I first started doing World War II dead buried at To learn more about the
this, the young ages of most of Arlington National Cemetery, project, including how to
them really hit me,” she said. “My about 8,000 men and women. He volunteer, visit
oldest grandson is 18. I thought, hopes to have most of that


Memorial Day Parade returns with a Tuskegee Airman as grand marshal

forward to the event, which pays ularly excited to welcome Harvey, Air Force Base because we were
Air Force pilot was on tribute to members of the armed who retired from the Air Force as a Black and we were flying the P-47,”
team in 1949 that won forces who have given their lives lieutenant colonel and traveled the dated World War II fighter
‘Top Gun’-style meet in service to the country on the from his home in Colorado to later known as the F-47, Harvey
nation’s traditional day of remem- participate. said. “We were the only active unit
BY MICHAEL E. RUANE brance. In 1949, the Air Force held the in the United States Air Force
First Lt. James H. Harvey III first gunnery competition at what flying P-47 aircraft.”
was a pilot with the 332nd Fighter “What does the grand marshal was then Las Vegas Air Force Base, “It was a nice airplane,” Harvey
Group, the famed African Ameri- do?” Harvey joked in a recent now Nellis Air Force Base. The said in an interview. “It was big,
can Tuskegee Airmen. telephone interview. best pilots in the Air Force were and it was very heavy; weighed
He had flown a host of Ameri- invited. 4,000 pounds just sitting on the
can fighter planes, including an Informed that he probably The competition consisted of ground.”
F-47 and F-51, though he was nev- would sit in a car and wave, he aerial gunnery at 12,000 feet and “Thanks to the combined effort
er in combat during World War II. laughed. “I thought … that too,” he 20,000 feet, skip bombing, rocket of everyone, we won the weapons
Then, he and three buddies were said. “But I had some doubt in my firing, panel strafing and dive meet,” he told the museum.
selected to fly in the first “Top mind.” bombing, according to the Air But the annual almanac pub-
Gun”-style gunnery competition Force. lished by the Air Force Association
hosted by the Air Force. The honor comes with the de- Harvey was then stationed at for many years listed the winner of
It was May 1949, outside Las but last week of the new aircraft U.S. AIR FORCE Lockbourne Air Force Base, near the 1949 competition as “un-
Vegas. He was 25. And his team action movie “Top Gun: Maver- James H. Harvey III, 98, traveled from his home in Colorado to Columbus, Ohio. His team includ- known,” he said. Finally, in 1993,
was piloting the old F-47 against ick,” a sequel to the 1986 film participate in Washington’s Memorial Day Parade. ed Capt. Alva Temple, 1st Lt. Harry the commander of the 332nd
teams in the propeller class flying about the Navy’s fighter weapons Stewart and 1st Lt. Halbert Alex- Fighter Group got the outfit listed
newer F-51s and the even newer school, which was established in tution Avenue was held in 2019. restrictions, organizers decided to ander. as a 1949 winner, Harvey said.
F-82s. The competition was in- 1969. It was a festive event that cel- hold the parade live again this “Benjamin O. Davis Jr. was our And in January, the Air Force
tense. One F-82 crashed, killing ebrated, among others, the Afri- year. Wing Commander and his depart- unveiled a plaque at Nellis Air
the two men aboard. The parade will feature, among can American women veterans of “The fact that we were able to ing remark to us was, ‘If you don’t Force Base that honors the men of
Harvey’s team won the propel- other things, the U.S. Army band the Army’s 6888 Central Postal bring the parade back, live on win, don’t come home,’ ” Harvey the 332nd for their achievement
ler competition and reportedly Pershing’s Own. It begins at 2 p.m. Directory — the “Six Triple Eight” Constitution Avenue with the told a Smithsonian National Air at the competition:
scored the most overall points, but and goes along Constitution Av- — which sorted through ware- crowds, with the veterans … and Space Museum website. “He 1st place
didn’t get the credit for over four enue NW from Seventh Street to houses in Britain filled with mail makes it” special this year, Hol- was joking, of course.” Top Team Honors
decades, the Air Force says. 17th Street. for soldiers in World War II. bert said. “Our competing pilots laughed USAF Fighter Gunnery Meet …
On Monday, Harvey, now 98, is The next year, because of the Organizers said they are partic- at us when we landed at Las Vegas 1949
scheduled to be the grand marshal “We are really proud to be back, coronavirus pandemic, the pa-
in Washington’s Memorial Day Pa- after all we’ve gone through, as a rade was canceled at the last min-
rade, which returns in full to Con- city and country, and everything ute along with numerous other Memorial Day closings
stitution Avenue after a hiatus of we’re still going through,” said spring festivities in Washington.
two years because of the pandem- Tim Holbert, senior vice president The parade was also not held Banks
ic. Harvey said he was looking of the American Veterans Center,
which puts on the parade. “We just live in 2021, although a dimin- Federal government offices
With light winds, really need shared events like this ished version was staged for TV on
Sunday proves where we can all come together. the Mall with no crowds present.
to be the calm But with the recent easing of Post offices: No mail delivery except for Express Mail
after the storm “This is one that we’re especial-
ly proud of. There are so many the pandemic and many of its Courts: Closed except for adult arraignments, juvenile referrals in the District
BY MARTIN WEIL events and businesses and organi-
On Sunday, the air seemed to zations that are gone from three Varied restrictions
possess a certain stillness, prob- years ago and aren’t coming back.”
ably appropriate for this week- LOTTERIES
end. It contrasted with Friday, The last live parade on Consti-
when two tornadoes touched Results from May 29 DISTRICT MARYLAND VIRGINIA
down in the area, according to LOCAL DIGEST No city parking Meters not enforced in HOV restrictions lifted on I-
the National Weather Service. THE DISTRICT DISTRICT 3-9-6 Traffic, enforcement. Rush-hour Montgomery and Prince 66 and I-395. Meters not
They snapped and uprooted 9-0-8-4 parking restrictions lifted. George’s counties except enforced in Arlington and
trees and damaged houses. One Man fatally shot near Day/DC-3: 2-9-2-0-4 Trash, No collections; pickups at National Harbor and Alexandria.
followed a quarter-mile path in encampment in NW DC-4: recycling slide one day to the end of the Prince George’s Regular county collections
the Olney area of Montgomery DC-5: 6-2-3 the week. Fort Totten Department of Corrections. in Arlington and Fairfax. In
County in Maryland, with winds A man was fatally shot in Night/DC-3 (Sat.): 7-4-3 Liquor Transfer Station closed. No collections. In Howard the cities of Alexandria and
of about 80 mph, the Weather Northwest Washington early DC-3 (Sun.): 1-5-8-3 stores and Montgomery, pickups Fairfax, collections are
Service said. Sunday, D.C. police said. DC-4 (Sat.): 6-6-9-0 Schools Open at owner’s discretion. slide to the end of the delayed by one day.
The other tornado, packing DC-4 (Sun.): 8-5-4-5-8 week. In Prince George’s, Landfills closed.
winds of up to 90 mph, tracked After a report of gunfire about DC-5 (Sat.): 2-1-7-3-6 pickups are on the next
along a four-mile path from Char- 2:30 a.m., officers responded to DC-5 (Sun.): regularly scheduled day. In Open until 6 p.m.
lotte Hall in St. Mary’s County to the 900 block of Ninth Street NW Anne Arundel, Monday
Benedict in Charles County, the and found a man with an MARYLAND 1-8-4 pickups are on Tuesday
Weather Service said. apparent gunshot wound. 0-6-7-2 and Tuesday on
Neither tornado — one which Day/Pick 3: 4-8-6-3-2 Wednesday. Landfills and
was confirmed Saturday and the The man, whose name was not Pick 4: Montgomery Transfer
other Sunday — caused any inju- immediately released, was taken Pick 5: 8-1-7 Station are closed.
ries, the Weather Service said. to a hospital, where he died. Night/Pick 3 (Sat.): 6-9-5 Open at owner’s discretion.
By contrast, Sunday’s winds Pick 3 (Sun.): 4-5-3-5
seemed sedated. Through 5 p.m., D.C. Council member Brooke Pick 4 (Sat.): 1-7-5-2
the average wind speed was Pinto (D-Ward 2) said on social Pick 4 (Sun.): 4-8-4-1-9
4.1 mph, according to the Weath- media that the slaying took place Pick 5 (Sat.): 3-1-4-9-7
er Service. If maintained through near a homeless encampment. Pick 5 (Sun.): 12-16-17-20-26 *38
day’s end, that would make Sun- Bonus Match 5 (Sat.): 19-21-30-35-38 *5
day the calmest day this month. “Living outside continues to Bonus Match 5 (Sun.):
The strongest wind was 10 mph pose serious risks to folks & we
and the peak gust was 13 mph. will keep working to ID housing,” VIRGINIA 6-4-2 ^6 Closed. Closed. Closed.
But no breeze seemed neces- Pinto wrote. 6-2-7-8 ^7
sary for comfort Sunday, with its Day/Pick-3: Libraries Open. Closed. Closed.
high temperature of only 82 de- — Nicole Asbury Pick-4: 4-2-5 ^6
grees — two above average for the Night/Pick-3 (Sat.): 5-5-9 ^8 Local Closed. Closed. Closed.
date — and humidity that seemed 40-year-old charged Pick-3 (Sun.): 6-5-1-7 ^3 government
barely discernible. in fatal stabbing in SE Pick-4 (Sat.): 2-2-0-9 ^5 offices
Pick-4 (Sun.): 9-17-23-32-40
D.C. police have charged a 40- Cash-5 (Sat.): 5-13-31-36-40
year-old man from Southeast Cash-5 (Sun.): 2-15-16-17-20-25 *18
Washington with fatally stabbing Bank a Million:
another man early Sunday.
MULTI-STATE GAMES Transportation services
Officers were dispatched at 4:11 Powerball: 2-39-50-61-66 †15
a.m. to the 4000 block of Fourth Power Play: 2x l Metrorail runs from 5 a.m. to midnight on a Sunday holiday schedule. Metrobus is on a Sunday schedule.
Street SE after a report of an attack, Double Play: 11-34-52-61-69 †24 MetroAccess has regular service but subscription trips are canceled.
police said. There, they found Cash 4 Life: 2-6-14-34-36 ¶3 l Ride-On, DASH and Fairfax Connector are on a Sunday schedule.
Kenneth Sills, 42, inside a home Lucky for Life: 6-15-29-35-38 ‡9 l CUE is on a Saturday schedule.
with an apparent stab wound. *Bonus Ball †Powerball l ART is running Routes 41, 42, 45, 51, 55 and 87 only on a Sunday schedule.
¶ Cash Ball ‡Lucky Ball ^Fireball l TheBus (Prince George’s) is on a regular schedule.
Sills was taken to a hospital, l PRTC OmniRide, Loudoun Bus, MARC and VRE are not running.
were he was pronounced dead. For late drawings and other results, check
Tyrone Graham, also of
Southeast Washington, has been
charged with second-degree
murder while armed.

— Nicole Asbury


In Va. district miles from NRA, debate on gun rights looms

GUNS FROM B1 shootings, often targeting KEVIN DIETSCH/GETTY IMAGES nal conviction because his back-
schools and communities of col- ground check wasn’t completed
Cao, a Vietnamese refugee and or, continue unabated. Ten days Gun-control advocates demonstrate outside the Fairfax headquarters of the National Rifle Association in time. Those two bills passed
first-time candidate, won the before the Texas school massacre, on Wednesday, a day after a gunman killed 19 children and two teachers at a school in Uvalde, Tex. the House but stalled in the Sen-
GOP nomination to take on Wex- a gunman killed 10 in a racist ate, where Republicans have
ton in an 11-way primary last rampage in a Buffalo supermar- At the time, Gabrielle Giffords, again this year. A spokeswoman style weapons and high-capacity maintained their opposition.
weekend. When asked about his ket. the former congresswoman who said in a statement Thursday that magazines and to create a federal Sens. John Cornyn (R-Tex.) and
position on gun control by a local survived being shot in the head in Wexton has “proved her status as “red flag” law enabling authori- Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) began
outlet Tuesday — the day a gun- Democrats, including Wexton, 2011, chose Virginia’s 10th dis- a gun safety champion everyday ties to temporarily confiscate leading negotiations on modest
man killed 19 schoolchildren and have issued another call to urgent trict to launch her organization’s since flipping her seat.” guns from people who pose an possible gun policies this week.
two teachers at an elementary action on gun-control provisions efforts to help elect Democrats imminent risk to themselves or
school in Uvalde, Tex. — Cao said that have languished in Congress. prioritizing gun restrictions. The The most recent tragedies others. Mark Rozell, dean of George
“gun control has never stopped Giffords PAC made a $1 million ad “have made it all too clear how Mason University’s Schar School
anyone.” “We have to do better for our buy to help Wexton in her cam- high the stakes are this fall and She voted in 2021 to expand of Policy and Government, said
kids,” Wexton said Thursday. “It’s paign against then-Rep. Barbara we are determined to protect our background checks to all com- he anticipated that in the 10th
“Most people get bludgeoned absolutely insane to me we keep Comstock (R-Va.), who had an A gun safety majority in Congress,” mercial gun sales and expand the district, Democrats would again
to death and stabbed to death allowing this to happen, because rating from the NRA. The NRA’s she said. federal background check win- be driven to vote on the gun-con-
than they get shot. I mean it’s a we can prevent some of these Fairfax headquarters is less than dow from three to 10 days to close trol issue in November.
tragedy, it’s an absolute tragedy,” mass shootings, and it seems 10 miles from the 10th District. Wexton, a former domestic vio- the “Charleston loophole” — so
he told Loudoun Now in an inter- there’s no political will to do it. I lence prosecutor and state sena- named because a mass shooter at “Advocacy for stronger gun-
view about his platform. “But if don’t understand that. I don’t Giffords’s organization plans tor, has supported Democratic a Charleston church in 2015 was control laws plays well in that
it’s not guns it’s going to be with understand why the rights of the to invest in Wexton’s campaign gun-control proposals in Con- able to get a gun despite a crimi- district,” he said, “and particular-
pipe bombs. Or knives or ham- gun lobby are greater than the gress, including to ban assault- ly for Wexton, who very effective-
mers. People get bludgeoned to lives of our children.” ly took that issue to the voters in
death a lot. … There’s a lot of evil her first election in 2018.”
in the world and we’re not going Many Republicans, including
to stop it with gun control.” Cao, have said now is not the time Public opinion on gun policy
for political discussions in the was shifting then in once-red
The vast majority of people wake of the tragedies. On a con- Virginia, polls showed. A majori-
who die by homicide are killed servative radio show Wednesday, ty of Virginians expressed broad
with guns, according to homicide Cao expressed dismay that he approval of expanding back-
data from the FBI and the Centers “got caught in a trap” talking ground checks and “red flag” laws
for Disease Control and Preven- about gun control with Loudoun ahead of the 2019 state election.
tion. In 2020, firearms became Now and questioned, “Is it really
the leading cause of death among the time to talk about gun con- But gun-control laws passed by
adolescents for the first time, trol?” the Democratic-controlled Gen-
surpassing car accidents. eral Assembly in 2020 — after a
Cao argued that mental Virginia Beach shooting that
Cao and his campaign did not health was the main problem killed 12 people — prompted
respond to multiple inquiries that needed to be addressed. backlash among Republicans.
seeking an interview. A campaign When asked by the radio host, Thousands of gun-rights support-
spokesman shared an earlier Vince Coglianese, what role the ers protested in Richmond ahead
statement from Cao in which he federal government should play of the laws’ passage, and many
lamented the tragedy in Uvalde, in preventing mass shootings, Republican candidates and of-
saying he and his wife “join all Cao said he did not envision any ficeholders have campaigned
Americans in prayer for the stu- role other than providing fund- against the measures since, in-
dents and families who are vic- ing to states that could go cluding in 2021, when Republi-
tims of a horrific act of violence toward schools. cans won control of the state
today in Texas.” House and Executive Mansion.
Wexton was one of three Vir-
The candidates’ responses il- ginia Democrats to flip seats blue Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R), who
lustrate the deep gulf between the in 2018 while promising to priori- focused more on schools and the
parties about what the appropri- tize gun-control measures, along- economy, lost in the 10th district
ate response should be as mass side Reps. Elaine Luria and Abi- as it’s drawn now by less than 2
gail Spanberger. percentage points.

Nadeau’s challengers in primary focus on public safety, constituent services

WARD 1 FROM B1 meets regularly with D.C. police. making progress on homicides,” including pedestrian safety, af- him chairman. ris, who reported raising $47,386.
She pointed out that the public she said. “But we’ve had too much fordable housing and sustainabili- “When I found out that his poli- All three have opted into the city’s
dents’ concerns. safety budget, which includes gun violence. . . . There’s no ques- ty issues. public financing program, which
Violent crime in Washington is spending for the police depart- tion about that.” tics didn’t align, I took immediate matches capped donations with
ment, has increased from $1.3 bil- Nadeau said that she’s proud of action,” he said in an interview. “I city funds.
up 18 percent over this time last lion to $1.8 billion since she has Harris, who has lived in the her constituent services record will own that mistake.”
year, and homicides have risen been in office. And this year she District for about 10 years and and that since she’s been in office, Still, longtime Ward 1 political
8 percent. It is the fifth straight voted to increase the hiring budg- serves as an Advisory Neighbor- her team has resolved more than His opponents and some of observers say they think the race is
year of rising homicides in the et. But, she said, the focus should hood Commission member in the 8,000 constituent cases, including their supporters have questioned tightening.
district. So far this year there have not be on “an arbitrary number of U Street corridor, said there have 2,000 last year. his allegiance to the Democratic
been at least seven homicides in police.” been numerous shootings in her Party. “I think that definitely [Na-
Ward 1, the city’s densest ward. district this year. Safety, she said, She also dismisses criticism deau’s] campaign is scared of the
“Public safety includes the po- “is absolutely top of mind for my that she’s not out enough, meeting “The idea that I’m being paint- attacks on her positions,” said Bry-
In recent interviews, all three lice, but it’s not only about the neighbors.” with constituents. ed as a Donald Trump plant is an Weaver, a longtime D.C. resi-
candidates said violent crime was police,” she said. The police de- ridiculous,” Czapary said. “I mean, dent and former ANC commis-
a critical issue. partment “continues to have a But unlike her opponents, Har- “To me, that’s kind of silly,” Na- I’m an Arab American gay man. sioner who challenged incumbent
budget of a half a billion dollars a ris said she would not increase deau said. “I mean, that’s my bread My mom’s a Palestinian refugee. Jim Graham for the Ward 1 council
Czapary, who moved into the year. But over the years, council funding for D.C. police or hire and butter, being out in the com- My dad’s a Hungarian immigrant. seat in 2010. He said Harris and
ward in 2019 and left the police has really had to fight to fund more officers. munity.” Donald Trump’s bigotry was per- Czapary “perceive weakness” on
department this year when he de- other public safety measures that sonal to me and personal to my Nadeau’s public safety position
cided to run for the seat, said there prevent violence and get guns off “I am not in favor of giving [the Czapary has come under fire family.” and constituent services record
is a “morale crisis” on the force the streets. . . . That’s really, I be- police] more money,” said Harris, from his opponents over his cam- and are hammering her on those
because of staffing shortages, can- lieve, the way we need to be think- who if elected would be the first paign, following disclosures on so- Still, Nadeau and Harris have fronts.
celed days off and extended shifts. ing about how we end violence.” Asian American to serve on the cial media and in a Washington seized on the issue, saying Czapary
He criticized Nadeau for voting to council. “They have plenty of mon- City Paper story that his campaign exercised poor judgment in his Weaver, who does community
cut the police hiring budget in Nadeau pointed to a red-flag ey. We spend over half a billion chairman, William Pack, had close choice of staff. outreach for the homeless at Pot-
2020, which, he said, has depleted law for gun purchasers that she dollars every year, and they say ties to Republican organizations, ter’s House in Adams Morgan, said
the number of officers and the wrote, which allows someone to they need more money to hire. We including the Claremont Institute, “I find it deeply concerning,” Nadeau’s work on the council “has
force’s ability to respond to crime. petition a court to temporarily need to see where they’re spend- a conservative think tank. Nadeau said, adding: “He didn’t been about bringing D.C. into a
take away someone’s guns and ing that money.” Czapary, who was registered as an even register as a Democrat until more progressive era with laws
He also took aim at Nadeau for prevent them from purchasing independent until earlier this he decided to run.” that are there to protect workers
not working to build connections more if there is probable cause She pointed to large miscon- year, when he registered as a Dem- or provide more opportunities for
between the police and the com- that person will commit violence. duct settlements by the depart- ocrat, said he removed Pack in “I was profoundly dismayed on mothers who might take a leave of
munity. She also spoke about the impor- ment and said there should be mid-May when he learned of the the lack of judgment he had with work. But often that can seem to
tance of violence-interrupter pro- greater oversight and account- ties. his chairperson,” said Harris. “If come at the expense of bread-and-
“One of my criticisms of the grams to help de-escalate dis- ability for how it operates and you can’t make the simple judg- butter issues like constituent ser-
incumbent is that she hosted a putes. spends. Czapary, who met Pack when he ment call, you know, what are you vices.”
public safety forum a few weeks was a volunteer with the reserve going to do if you become council
ago and didn’t invite the police,” She acknowledged, however, Harris and Czapary also have officer corps that Czapary oversaw member? That is a disqualifier Mindy Moretti, another former
he said. “I mean, it’s your role to that the issue continues to plague seized on the issues of constituent at the police department, said that alone.” ANC commissioner in the ward,
create those bridges.” the city. concerns. Harris said Nadeau was he did not know anything about thinks Nadeau will hold on to her
more concerned with “flashy, lofty Pack’s ties and that it was a mis- So far, Nadeau has reported seat but says many constituents
Nadeau rejected suggestions “Before covid we were actually pieces of legislation” than in han- take not to have asked or learned raising $184,187, according to are dissatisfied.
that she has not been responsive dling issues critical to residents, more about him before making May 10 campaign finance filings —
to crime in the ward and said she outraising both Czapary, who re-
ported raising $108,619, and Har-


Before Old Bay Goldfish, a man fled Nazi Germany with a spice grinder

OLD BAY FROM B1 had been a successful spice mer- ing. To make his recipe look more Norfolk — Old Bay — and began Baltimore Spice Co., but after serv- symbol of Maryland pride,” wrote
chant in Wertheim, Germany, complex, Gustav Brunn decided to selling it to grocery stores 80 years ing in the military and graduating Pratt, the McCormick executive.
Jill Pratt, chief marketing offi- where he specialized in sausage add very small amounts of ingre- ago, in 1942. from Johns Hopkins, he returned McCormick, she noted, “has been
cer for Maryland-based McCor- spices before the Nazis came to dients that “you would think had to the family business. He worked headquartered in Baltimore for
mick, said the snack fusion was a power. In the late 1930s, after the nothing to do with steaming Competitors did try to copy the with his father until the 1960s, over 130 years.”
result of demands from fans on antisemitic attacks of Kristall- crabs,” Ralph Brunn said, such as mixture, Ralph Brunn said. Be- when Gustav retired and the son
social media who had been pair- nacht, he and his family fled to the cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves. cause of his father’s additions, took over. Ralph Brunn said Old Since that acquisition, Old Bay
ing the foods themselves for years. United States. When Brunn strug- they couldn’t. Bay made up only a small percent- has only continued to grow in its
Bags of the new crackers sold out gled to find work in Baltimore, he “Lo and behold, a very unusual age of the Baltimore Spice Co.’s partnerships with new products
online in nine hours, Pratt said. decided to start his own spice busi- thing happened,” Ralph Brunn, 97, The original spice grinder that business while he was with the and branding. Its most loyal fans
ness. He set up shop across from said. “They gave a wonderful over- was used to create the seasoning firm, a time in which it grew out of have celebrated the spice mixture
“For the past few years, people the Baltimore wholesale fish mar- tone to the main ingredients that now sits on display in the Balti- the region and opened factories with tattoos of the classic logo and
have shared their excitement ket on the Inner Harbor, and the were there, and they’re the ones more Museum of Industry, along across the world. Old Bay-themed weddings. Pratt
about the possibility of OLD BAY Baltimore Spice Company was that created the flavor Old Bay, with an overview of Gustav said McCormick plans to continue
collaborating with Goldfish,” she born. which is, of course, so popular Brunn’s story. Claire Mullins, the “I was able to achieve with Bal- to respond to the fandom with
wrote in an email. “There was even today.” museum’s director of marketing, timore Spice Company national new products, too.
a petition created At first, Brunn sold just individ- said it’s her favorite artifact in the growth, international growth,”
which is a true testament to how ual ingredients such as red pep- At first, since they had their collection. Brunn said. “I was able to do that “Our fans can expect to enjoy a
passionate our fans are when it per, celery seed and mustard. But own blends, the fish market ven- by the fact that my father had built lot more exciting things from Old
comes to showing their dedication over time, he noticed that the fish dors rejected his father’s attempts “This is a really lovely story of a very solid foundation.” Bay over the next few months,” she
and love for OLD BAY.” market vendors — many of whom to sell them his, Ralph Brunn said. an immigrant success, and a posi- said. In the meantime, they can
were steaming crabs — used their But then Gustav Brunn gave one tive impact on a community,” Mul- The Brunn family sold the com- find the new Old Bay Goldfish on
The roots of that love affair, and own spice blends. Brunn thought small crab steamer a free sample, lins said. “It’s such a classic Ameri- pany to another spice conglomer- grocery shelves through this sum-
of the spice itself, go back decades he could make a better one. and he came back for more, and can success story of somebody re- ate in the 1980s. McCormick pur- mer.
— to a Jewish immigrant who fled others in the fish market followed. ally filling a need that we didn’t chased the Old Bay product line in
Nazi Germany and landed in Balti- Brunn’s son, Ralph, who still Sales took off from there. Brunn know we had as a society. And 1990. Ralph Brunn, for his part, prob-
more with his family and a spice lives in the Baltimore area, said later named his seasoning after a where would we be these days ably won’t be trying the crackers
grinder. the law required his father to pub- Chesapeake Bay steamship line without Old Bay?” “It made sense. OLD BAY is an anytime soon. He’s just not that
lish the ingredients of his season- that ran between Baltimore and iconic brand founded in Balti- fond, he said, of overly spiced
Gustav Brunn, born in 1893, Ralph Brunn was just 14 years more, beloved and embraced as a foods.
old when his father started the

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RETROPOLIS upward to see the life-size image behind the old bureau of engrav-
of Lincoln more than 30 feet in ing.
A far older tribute to the air, and “vociferous cheers”
Lincoln survives in D.C. came from the crowd. Finally, in October 1923, Flan-
nery’s statue, cleaned of three
BY JASON EMERSON ation (NLMA) was formed to car- DEAGOSTINI/GETTY IMAGES When asked later why he put years of weathering, was re-erect-
ry out the task. Lincoln’s statue upon an 18-foot ed on the concrete plaza at the
People from across the country This statue of Abraham Lincoln, dedicated in 1868, is considered pedestal, Flannery told the Balti- foot of the southern entrance to
came to the Mall on May 22 for an As implied by the association’s by many the best likeness of the president ever made in marble. more Sun, “I resolved and did the courthouse — just a few feet
early celebration of the centenni- name, the monument was to be place it so high that no assassin’s north of its original location. (Un-
al of the Lincoln Memorial, which national and grandiose in scope, District of Columbia Court of Ap- even treetops. Thousands of the hand could ever again strike him fortunately, it was damaged on its
turns 100 on Monday. Barely more paid for by donations from U.S. peals), at the intersection of 41/2 city’s Black residents, mostly for- down.” way there: One of Lincoln’s coat
than two miles away, the original citizens. Similar associations Street NW and Indiana and Loui- merly enslaved, also showed up to lapels broke off.)
Lincoln memorial stood lonely popped up in cities and states siana avenues. It placed the Great honor Lincoln (although they had Removal, return and
and ignored in Judiciary Square. across the country, however, and Emancipator in front of a build- to stand behind the monument rededication Shortly after its return, Associ-
the NLMA’s fundraising effort fell ing that was once a slave market and the speakers’ platform). ate Justice Wendell Phillips
That monument, erected in far short of its goals, with almost and, for 90 days in 1862, the site For 51 years, this statue stood in Stafford of the Supreme Court of
1868, is the oldest surviving pub- all the donations coming from where city enslavers could re- The platform held 400 digni- front of the old city hall. It was the the District of Columbia, whose
lic statue of Abraham Lincoln in D.C. residents. One of the few quest compensation for freeing taries. President Andrew Johnson second public statue of Lincoln in courtroom overlooked the monu-
the United States. Many consider donations from outside Washing- the people they had enslaved, as presided, but no members of the the United States; the first, made ment, wrote a poem titled “The
it the best likeness of the Great ton was an $1,800 contribution directed under the city abolition House or Senate were present, of bronze, was erected in San Courthouse Lincoln Speaks”:
Emancipator ever made in mar- from John T. Ford, the former law signed by Lincoln that April. because they were required to Francisco in 1867 and destroyed
ble. The statue’s history is a story owner of Ford’s Theatre, where attend Johnson’s impeachment by the Great Fire in 1906. A rededication ceremony for
of survival: removed twice, reno- Lincoln had been shot. ‘To be seen by generations trial. the Lincoln Monument, with an
vated twice, damaged multiple long to come’ But in late 1919, the city court- oration by Harding, was sched-
times, abandoned for two years Ultimately, the NLMA raised After a parade to city hall, the house and grounds were set to be uled for April 15, 1923. This date is
and replaced after a president’s just $7,000. So the plan changed Exactly three years after Lin- event started with a prayer and remodeled, and the U.S. Fine Arts engraved on the monument itself,
intervention — yet still it stands, from a national monument to a coln’s assassination, on April 15, music from the 12th Infantry Commission recommended the although incorrect. The event was
the tribute of the residents of the local one from D.C. residents. The 1868, an estimated 20,000 people band. The main speaker was Ben- Lincoln Monument be taken moved to June 21, 1923, because a
capital city to the fallen president. size and scope were scaled down, gathered in front of the city hall to jamin Brown French, commis- down. new marble pedestal was not yet
and artists were encouraged to witness the monument’s dedica- sioner of public buildings under completed, but for unknown rea-
“The statue forms a personal submit proposals. tion. All federal and municipal Lincoln. Col. Clarence S. Ridley, director sons, no ceremony ever occurred.
testimonial of those who knew offices were closed, as were city of the Office of Public Buildings The monument was simply put
and loved Lincoln and contains The committee selected a pro- schools, and flags flew at half- “Here it stands, as it were, in and Grounds, told The Washing- back in place.
more sentiment than any other posal by D.C. sculptor and marble mast, while cannons boomed ev- the plaza of the city; and here it ton Post that the statue “interferes
statue in the city of Washington,” worker Lot Flannery. Flannery ery half-hour. According to news- will stand, we hope, to be seen by with the architectural beauty of For the next 86 years, Lincoln
said U.S. Rep. Edward J. King of was actually in the audience at paper reports, people filled the generations long to come,” French the courthouse on account of its stood vigil in front of the court-
Illinois in 1920, as he and others Ford’s Theatre the night Lincoln streets, rooftops, windows and said. position and general design,” and house. In 1929, he lost some fin-
fought to restore the statue to its was shot. (He was also called to be that it was “out of alignment” with gers from his right hand to the
place in front of the D.C. court- a juror in the trial of Lincoln Johnson pulled a cord to un- the plans for improving the court- vibrations of heavy traffic around
house after its removal the year assassination conspirator John H. cover the statue. Every head tilted house, namely because it was too him. Years later, he lost more
before. Surratt in June 1867, but he told tall and it was not in line with the fingers to multiple acts of vandal-
the court he had already formed center of the courthouse building. ism. Ultimately, the entire right
“It is a better likeness of Lin- an opinion of the case, so he was hand fell off and had to be recon-
coln than anything in plaster, dismissed.) The plan was to dismantle the structed. (Today, if you look close-
stone, marble, or bronze that I monument and move the pieces ly, you can see the hand is a bit too
have ever seen, and I have seen Flannery’s design for the Lin- to the government propagating large compared to the rest of the
about all that have ever been coln Monument was for a 36-foot- gardens south of the Washington statue.)
made,” artist Freeman Thorp said high memorial made of white Monument, where they would
in 1921. “Some have been made Italian marble, with an eight-foot stay until “otherwise disposed of.” In 2006, the Lincoln Monu-
that unquestionably are great statue of the president on a four- Some ideas of where to move the ment was put in storage again
works of art, but the best of them foot pedestal atop an 18-foot col- statue included the ruins of Fort because of renovations to the
are not accurate likenesses of umn upon a six-foot octagonal Stevens, where Lincoln came un- courthouse behind it. It was re-
him. This one is to those who, like base, all surrounded by an iron der fire during the Civil War, the placed and rededicated on Feb. 15,
myself, knew Lincoln, pleasing to railing. The statue represented campus of Howard University 2009 — exactly 141 years after it
look at because it is accurately Lincoln standing, as though giv- and Nancy Hanks Lincoln Park in was originally installed.
modeled, and in its simple truth is ing a speech, with his right arm Indiana.
in keeping with the unassuming slightly extended and his index While today the Lincoln Memo-
man we loved.” finger pointing, while the left Reports of the statue’s impend- rial is the grandest and best-
hand rests on a fasces (a bundle of ing removal caused barely a stir in known monument to Lincoln,
As reporter George Kennedy sticks bound with a ribbon of Washington. But once the monu- Flannery’s Lincoln statue in Judi-
stated in 1953, “The stone figure stars, a Roman symbol of leader- ment was actually taken down ciary Square is arguably more
in front of the courthouse is a bit ship). over the course of a month, a notable as a likeness and for the
of the real Lincoln.” firestorm of public vitriol quickly sentiment with which it was cre-
The birth of a monument “We have conversed with those led to congressional hearings. ated.
who knew Mr. Lincoln best, both
Just nine days after Lincoln’s of this city and of Springfield, and During the hearings in April As the National Republican
death on April 15, 1865, the Wash- they are unanimous in the opin- 1920, it was revealed that the wrote after the 1868 dedication
ington city council introduced a ion that Mr. Flannery’s statue is monument, once removed, was ceremony: “All who visit Washing-
resolution to create a committee the most faithful likeness of our not placed in the government ton from our own and foreign
to “devise measures for the erec- martyred President ever pro- propagating gardens, but was un- lands, may now have the opportu-
tion of a monument in the City of duced by an artist’s chisel,” the ceremoniously discarded in the nity to look upon the accurately
Washington to the memory of the National Republican newspaper courthouse basement. defined lineaments of that great
late President Lincoln.” The reso- declared. man who served his country in
lution was approved, and the Lin- The next year, newly inaugurat- that hour of extremest peril. . . .
coln National Monument Associ- The location selected for the ed President Warren G. Harding Let all who love their country,
monument was in front of the said that he favored restoring the who venerate a pure life, noble
Washington City Hall (today the statue in front of the courthouse. purposes, and heroic deeds, go to
Thorp, the artist, gave the senti- the front of our City Hall and gaze
ment further impetus when he upon the beautiful monument
found the displaced monument — upon apex of which stands the
not in the courthouse basement, marble statue of Abraham Lin-
but lying outdoors, roughly crat- coln.”
ed, by the banks of the Tidal Basin

RETROPOLIS One of the interior walls would That same year, French started
display the carved words of Lin- on the sculpture. He pored over
Memorial has captivated coln’s Gettysburg Address. An- literature about Lincoln and stud-
Americans for a century other wall would show the words ied casts of the president’s face
of his Second Inaugural Address. and hands. “I feel at times so
MEMORIAL FROM B1 shunted off to the rear. ROBERT S. SCURLOCK/SCURLOCK STUDIO RECORDS, inadequate,” he fretted, according
And over the next century, mil- ARCHIVES CENTER, NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AMERICAN HISTORY But where to build it? to Holzer’s biography.
most hallowed shrines. Some suggested Washington’s
It was the Lincoln Memorial — lions more trudged up the steps to Opera star Marian Anderson sings at the Lincoln Memorial in Meridian Hill. Others preferred a The first thought was to make
stand by the seated figure of April 1939 after being barred from Whites-only Constitution Hall. spot near what is today the Armed the statue in bronze, but that was
the 38,000-ton columned edifice America’s most revered presi- Forces Retirement Home, or a scrapped in favor of a marble
built to honor President Abraham dent, invoke his words, and add to more. And that’s why it’s so mes- incorporation of a Lincoln Monu- place near the Capitol, or Fort statue that would be about 12 feet
Lincoln, who led the United the story of the Memorial. merizing and so moving to this ment Association, “for the pur- Stevens, or somewhere in Vir- tall.
States through the Civil War, end- day.” pose of erecting a monument in ginia.
ed the enslavement of millions of Let’s go see old Abe, the poet the city of Washington, commem- Some thought the memorial In 1917, though, French realized
African Americans, and died by Langston Hughes wrote in 1926. Twenty-four years after Ander- orative of the great charter of should just be a special road from that a 12-foot-tall statue would be
the hand of an assassin with a son’s performance, the Rev. Mar- emancipation and universal lib- Washington to Gettysburg. dwarfed inside the giant memori-
pistol in 1865. Sitting in the marble and the tin Luther King Jr. gave his “I erty in America.” The site on the former marsh- al.
moonlight, Have a Dream” speech before land by the river was preferred by
Monday marks the 100th anni- 250,000. The speech’s powerful But nothing came of this effort, Bacon. But one powerful oppo- It needed to be seven feet taller.
versary of the dedication of the Sitting lonely in the marble and legacy adds another assassinated according to a 1927 history of the nent was Rep. Joseph G. Cannon, Twenty-eight blocks of Georgia
Memorial on May 30, 1922, an the moonlight, leader to the memorial’s story. memorial by Edward F. Concklin. former speaker of the House, who marble were brought in, and
event attended by thousands, in- And the focus changed with the called the place a swamp. carved with French at the New
cluding President Warren G. Quiet for ten thousand cen- And 50 years later, President times from emancipation and lib- A memorial there “would shake York studio of the Piccirilli broth-
Harding and Lincoln’s 78-year- turies, old Abe. Barack Obama, the country’s first erty to reunion. itself down with loneliness and ers, a team of renowned Italian
old son, Robert, on what was then Black president, spoke there on ague,” he said. stonecutters. The blocks were
called Decoration Day. The memorial was supposed to the anniversary of King’s speech. Other plans were raised and He was overruled, and ground then shipped to Washington and
represent the healing of the coun- fizzled. Finally, in 1911 an official was broken on Feb. 12, 1914. assembled inside the memorial in
It was the unveiling of the mon- try after the Civil War. Hundreds of gatherings to pro- Lincoln Memorial Commission The first task was to create a 1919.
ument that would captivate test, celebrate, pray, mourn and was set up to carry the project solid foundation. A special rail- At least two workers were seri-
Americans for a century, draw But Lincoln knew the war had entertain have unfolded against through. road spur was built to get stone to ously injured during the project,
visitors as if pilgrims, and stand been about slavery, and “the the backdrop of the memorial. the site, and a special river pier and one was killed when he was
as a global symbol of courage, bondsman’s two hundred and fif- Fourth of July fireworks, and for- But who would build it? Where was built to carry earth and grav- crushed by a huge block of stone
possibility and solace in times of ty years of unrequited toil,” as his mations of warplanes have ap- would it be located? And what el, according to old newspaper that fell from a toppled wagon,
grief. words carved in the memorial peared overhead. (A single air- would it look like? accounts. according to news reports at the
proclaimed. plane buzzed the 1922 dedication, Workers began by sinking 122 time.
The weather in Washington too.) Designs were suggested that hollow steel cylinders through the On Jan. 28, 1922, officials an-
was breezy and warm that Tues- And in 1922 the United States showed the memorial as a huge soft ground down to solid rock, nounced that the dedication
day. Old movie footage from the was unhealed. It was still harshly In recent years, U.S. presidents- pyramid, or a giant ziggurat according to Concklin’s history. would be May 30.
National Archives shows women segregated and racially oppressive. elect have visited the memorial topped with a statue of Lincoln, or Huge stone slabs were stacked It would be “the greatest exer-
carrying parasols, men in straw the night before their inaugura- a large circle of columns around a atop the cylinders to press them cise of a dedicatory nature ever
hats, and people clustered in the Fifty-one Black Americans tions, “as if to touch base with statue of a seated Lincoln. into the earth. When the cylinders witnessed in Washington,” The
shade of trees along what is today were lynched that year, and six Lincoln and to be as one with reached bedrock, the dirt was Post declared.
the Reflecting Pool. months after the dedication, the America’s greatest president,” Officials quickly settled on a scooped out, and they were filled When the day came, there were
Senate killed a federal anti-lynch- Holzer said. 44-year-old New York architect, with concrete to create solid pil- VIPs aplenty. Lincoln’s son, Rob-
Inside the memorial, the 175- ing law, according to the Library Henry Bacon Jr., to design and lars. ert, received an ovation when he
ton marble sculpture of a seated of Congress. But it has also been vandalized, build the memorial. In 1915 his Over this was built an upper arrived. Speeches were carried via
Lincoln had just been cleaned, marred with racist graffiti, and, on friend, New England sculptor foundation, which raised the floor loudspeakers and radio. The Ma-
and seemed to shine in the soft On Easter Sunday 1939, the a recent weekend, was trashed Daniel Chester French, 64, was level of the memorial about 25 rine Band played “The Battle
light. African American opera star Mar- during a graduation event that left picked to carve the statue of Lin- feet above ground. Dirt was Hymn of the Republic.” A poet
ian Anderson elevated the mean- broken bottles, litter and spilled coln. packed around the foundation to said Lincoln was made of “clay of
The memorial itself, its 44-foot ing of the memorial when she wine on the steps, the National create an artificial hill. the common road.”
tall columns tilted slightly inward sang there after she was barred Park Service said. Bacon had come up with an And upon that, the memorial The lone Black speaker was
for architectural effect, was ma- from performing at Whites-only elegant design suggested by the itself was constructed. Robert Russa Moton, head of the
jestic in its isolation by the river. Constitution Hall, seven blocks The impulse to create a memo- 2,000-year-old Parthenon, in Ath- On Feb. 12, 1915, the 17-ton Tuskegee Institute. He had writ-
away. rial to Lincoln began shortly after ens, and he built a detailed seven- cornerstone was lowered into ten a speech suggesting that the
It was modeled on the Parthe- he was assassinated in Ford’s foot-wide wooden model to show place. An old photograph shows a “unfinished” work Lincoln spoke
non, the Greek temple to the god- “When Marian Anderson Theatre by actor John Wilkes the commission. (The National team of African American work- of in the Gettysburg Address re-
dess Athena. Lincoln, too, was “of stepped on that platform and Booth, who was enraged that the Park Service still has the model.) ers guiding it as it was lowered on mained unfinished for African
the immortals,” his former close sang, ‘My country tis of thee’ . . . it Confederacy had just lost the Civil what looked like a cold day. Americans.
aide and biographer, John Hay, was transformative,” said histo- War. Inside the memorial, a statue A small chamber had been cut Holzer wrote that the White
had said. rian Harold Holzer, author of the “of heroic size . . . will occupy the into the stone to receive a sealed House frowned on what he had
2019 book, “Monument Man,” In 1867, Congress approved the place of honor,” he wrote in 1912. copper box filled with mementos. written, and told him to tone it
“You must not approach too about the Lincoln sculptor Daniel The box contained, among oth- down or lose his chance to speak.
close,” Hay said. “His monument Chester French. er things: copies of the Bible and Moton changed the speech, but
should stand alone, remote from the U.S. Constitution, a signature ended it:
the common habitations of man “Sweet land of liberty,” she of Lincoln’s, a map of the Gettys- “I somehow believe that all of
. . . isolated, distinguished and se- sang, “to thee we sing,” changing burg battlefield, a dollar bill and us, Black and White, both North
rene.” the standard lyrics “of thee I sing.” $2.06 in change, a copy of the and South, are going to strive on
Feb. 12, 1915, Washington Post, to finish the work which [Lincoln]
But people could not resist ap- “Suddenly this statue and this and a small silk American flag. so nobly began to make America
proaching. Fifty thousand were building became a symbol of aspi- an example for the world of equal
there for the dedication — African rational equality, instead of just a justice and equal opportunity.”
Americans, as was the cruel cus- symbol of Northern and Southern
tom in segregated Washington, brotherhood,” Holzer said in a
recent telephone interview.

“And I think it’s held that place
now for four score of its hundred
years,” he said. “It means much



Hugh Valentine, 91, who served in the Army, is a founding member of the Maryland chapter of the motorcycle club and has attended the Memorial Day weekend event every year since it began in 2003.

Bu≠alo Soldiers roam in D.C. again after a two-year pause

BUFFALO SOLDIERS FROM B1 Today’s racial divisions come benefits and recognition.” ice is what we do.” many low-income student schol- On Sunday, about 400 Buffalo
well over a century after the At Sunday’s ride, organizers The Buffalo Thunder event is arships, Thanksgiving meals and Thunder riders from across the
as well as all people of color who Buffalo Soldiers faced discrimi- Christmas gifts. This year, the country, many from as far as
gave their lives for American nation within the military and emphasized the Buffalo Soldiers’ the group’s biggest fundraiser, group hopes to give more than Florida and Indiana, rode from a
freedom. deadly violence at the hand of spirit of service. and its cancellation the past two $40,000 in college scholarships Landover church parking lot to
civilians. Both then and now, years meant the Maryland to local students and help as the African American Civil War
The threat of covid-19 shut Valentine said, the problems “We ride motorcycles a lot,” branch had to scale back its many as 150 families with holi- Memorial at U Street NW, pass-
down the parade in 2020 and stem from people’s lack of expo- Jeff “Shorty Airborne” Freeland, charitable work in the region. day turkeys. ing waving crowds along the
2021, disrupting the event’s near- sure to diversity. the Maryland chapter’s presi- They weren’t able to offer as 14-mile route.
ly two-decade history. But the dent said. “But community serv- Mason Monroe, chairman of
ride was back Sunday in a big “It’s up to us to change this,” the Buffalo Soldiers of Maryland “It’s really nice to come back
way, and Hugh Valentine, one of Valentine said. “So that our com- Roy Lewis finds the engraved name of his great-great-grandfather Foundation, said they didn’t ex- together and be able to fellow-
the five founding members of the munity values the life of each Phillip Roy at the African American Civil War Memorial. pect as many participants this ship in safer times and pay
motorcycle club’s Maryland individual, Black and White.” year because of covid-19, which homage to the Buffalo Soldiers
chapter, was at the forefront, meant the event was likely to and their sacrifice for the na-
proudly wearing his Buffalo Sol- Chiefly members of the Black yield less than half the $20,000 it tion,” said Kisha Brown, a Mary-
diers gear. 9th and 10th U.S. Cavalry regi- did during a normal pre-pan- land chapter member and event
ments, the Buffalo Soldiers were demic ride. The foundation relies organizer.
Valentine, 91, an Army vet- known for battling Native Ameri- on individual and corporate do-
eran and retired D.C. police cans in the American West in the nations year-round, and mem- Hassell said the event was a
officer, was thrilled with the late 1800s. They protected set- bers participate in other func- history lesson for her grandkids.
return of the ride, which he said tlers and built roads and infra- tions to raise funds to help Dressed in a Civil War costume,
is much more about community structure, while facing extreme majority-Black communities in reenacting a schoolteacher of the
than motorcycling. After two racial prejudice within the Army. D.C. and Prince George’s County. era, she walked with Karter and
years of protests for racial jus- Historians say American Indians Krista around the statue of Black
tice and a pandemic that has gave the nickname to the troops That community engagement uniformed armed servicemen as
highlighted racial health dis- because of their curly hair — and was the mission of the club from they read some of the more than
parities, Valentine said he as a sign of respect. its creation nearly three decades 200,000 names engraved at the
hoped the parade would bring ago, Valentine said. It was, he African American Civil War Me-
attention to the contributions “These people served the said, meant to re-create the spirit morial.
that troops of color have made country, and as Black men, they of service of the Buffalo Soldiers
both at war and in their commu- had so many struggles,” said — 19 of whom were awarded the “It’s a teachable moment,”
nities. Bobbie Coles of Silver Spring. Medal of Honor. Hassell said, “as well as a day of
“They were the last ones that got celebration.”



Keyboardist added synth sounds to Depeche Mode hits

ASSOCIATED PRESS Wilder, who replaced Clarke. OWEN SWEENEY/INVISION/ASSOCIATED PRESS which was inducted into the Rock
Andy “Fletch” Fletcher, the un- Their prominence would only and Roll Hall of Fame in 2020. As
assuming, bespectacled, red- grow in the 1980s and early 1990s, Depeche Mode co-founder Andy “Fletch” Fletcher performs in Washington in 2017 during the band’s usual, Mr. Fletcher let his band-
headed keyboardist who for more as Mr. Fletcher lent his keyboards Global Spirit Tour. Mr. Fletcher played keyboards with the British electro-pop band for over 40 years. mates do nearly all the talking.
than 40 years added his synth to albums including “Music for
sounds to Depeche Mode hits like the Masses,” which reached the The oldest of four children,
“Just Can’t Get Enough” and “Per- Top 40 in the United States and Andrew John Leonard Fletcher
sonal Jesus,” died May 26 at 60. led to a world tour, live album and was born in Nottingham, Eng-
The band announced his death documentary, as well as “Black land, on July 8, 1961. He and his
on its official social media pages Celebration” and “Violator.” family later moved to Basildon,
but did not share additional de- outside London, where he be-
tails. Mr. Fletcher died at his “His keyboard sounds crafted came childhood friends with
home in Britain, according to a not just Depeche Mode’s sonic Clarke and singer Alison Moyet,
person close to the band who was approach but shifted the direc- who later formed the duo Yazoo.
not authorized to comment pub- tion of Techno, EDM, Down-
licly. tempo, Triphop, & Electronica,” As teenagers, Mr. Fletcher and
Formed in Basildon, England, Living Colour guitarist Vernon Clarke formed the short-lived
in 1980 by Mr. Fletcher, fellow Reid said on Twitter. group No Romance, which
synthesizer players Vince Clarke evolved into the trio Composition
and Martin Gore, and lead singer A fan of soccer team Chelsea FC of Sound after Mr. Fletcher met
Dave Gahan, Depeche Mode with a penchant for chess, Mr. Gore at a pub in Basildon in 1980.
quickly rose to become a giant of Fletcher assumed a low-profile in Gahan was recruited later that
British electro-pop. Their debut the group. He did not sing or year, and the name was changed
album “Speak & Spell” (1981) write songs, and his face was to Depeche Mode.
opened with the modest hit “New never as familiar as those of his
Life” and closed with one of their bandmates. “Martin’s the song- Mr. Fletcher remained with the
enduring tracks, “Just Can’t Get writer, Alan’s the good musician, group until his death, though
Enough.” Dave’s the vocalist, and I bum reported struggles with depres-
The group found international around,” he said in the tour docu- sion in 1994 spurred him to sit out
success in 1984 with “Some Great mentary “101.” part of a tour. His death leaves
Reward” and the single “People Gahan and Gore as the only per-
are People,” both featuring Alan But Mr. Fletcher was a uniting manent members of Depeche
figure and often the tiebreaking Mode.
vote in the squabbles of his more
famous bandmates. He also occa- Survivors include his wife of
sionally played bass in the band, nearly 30 years, Gráinne Mullan,
and two children, Megan and Joe.



George K. Bryant, age 97, of Alexandria, VA he was a member of a team responsible for HOLIDAY HOURS Peacefully passed away on Monday, May On Thursday, May 26, 2022 of Bethesda, Entered into eternal rest on Tuesday,
passed away peacefully at his home in Alex- the engineering and the implementation of 16, 2022. Loving mother of Michael A. MD. Beloved daughter of the late Carl and May 17, 2022. He is survived by his wife,
andria with his family by his side on Septem- tracking stations for manned space flight on May 30, 2022 Greaves. Also survived by her mother, Jean the late Antoinette Ruppert. Sister of Caryl Patricia Thompson; four daughters, Lisa
ber 6, 2021. The family would like to thank project Apollo. He retired with honors, after 11 a.m. ~ 3 p.m. G. Greaves and a host of other relatives Ersenkal, Carl Ruppert (Jackie), Christopher Thompson, Chalena Thompson, Patricia
all the in-home caregivers, the doctors and providing a career of engineering services Photo Deadline: and friends. On Wednesday, June 1, friends Ruppert, Craig Ruppert (Pat), Catherine Cleveland and Cheryl Thompson-Wilson;
nursing personnel for all the kind care they as a federal worker then a private contrac- may visit with the family from 10 a.m., until Ruppert, Christine Ruppert and Curtis Rup- three sons, Charles “Melvin” Thompson,
have given to our father through his health tor for NASA, in the late 1980s. Kenny felt 12 noon time of service at 11 a.m., at Shiloh Baptist pert (Donna), Colleen is also survived by Mark Thompson and Rodger Thompson; 11
struggles. that one can always give a date for one’s re- NO EXCEPTIONS Church 1500 9th St. NW, Washington, DC. her 16 nieces and nephews and 18 great grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren;
Born in Pensacola, Florida into a Navy fami- tirement but for a man like himself, he said To place a notice, Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. Send con- nieces and nephews. Friends will be re- sister, Louise Staley; brother, Melvin Nick
ly he was the oldest of four siblings, known “If you don’t have anything to do at home dolences to ceived at PUMPHREY’S BETHESDA-CHEVY and a host of other relatives and friends.
to family as “Kenny”. Kenny is predeceased you should die behind the desk!”. call: CHASE FUNERAL HOME, 7557 Wisconsin Mr. Thompson will lie in state at Cheverly
by his parents, Mary Francis and George E. To his family, Kenny was a brilliant planner, 202-334-4122 Avenue, Bethesda, MD on Wednesday from United Methodist Church, 2801 Cheverly
Bryant; his sister Billie; his brothers John and a professional, a conservative, and a perfec- 800-627-1150 4 to 7 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial will Ave., Cheverly, MD on Wednesday, June 1
Donald and by his, at-the-time, young adult tionist. From building his own home in 1957 be offered at Shrine of the Most Blessed from 9 a.m. until service at 11 a.m. Inter-
son Mark. to manufacturing a custom TV bracket from Ext. 4-4122 Sacrament Catholic Church, 5949 Western ment at Ft. Lincoln Cemetery.
As the son of an actively moving Navy fa- his wheelchair in 2017, he could always con- Avenue, NW, Washington, DC on Thursday,
ther, Kenny’s childhood memories would struct, repair or plan anything. There was [email protected] June 2 at 1 p.m. Interment Gate of Heaven
always bring him back to a home in Wil- always plenty to do at home during his gold- Cemetery. In lieu of flowers memorial con-
loughby Spit on Orange St. in Norfolk where en retirement years: remodeling the entire GRUBB tributions may be made to the Bethlehem WOLF
he talked of fishing, crabbing and building a basement, replacing windows, remodeling House Foundation, 7202 Buchanan Street,
boat. He told of his first jobs as a teenager, the kitchen, to maintaining ALL the flower RAMONA LEE GRUBB (Age 83) Landover Hills, MD 20784. Please view and BRENDA ELY WOLF (Age 82)
delivering newspapers, red leading (priming) beds and lawn for his family. sign online guestbook at
iron on manufactured steel staircases and Dad said in his later years, 111 can’t com- Ramona Lee Grubb, 83 of Louisville, for- On May 29, 2022, Brenda, of Silver Spring,
collecting coins under the boardwalk at the plain, I HAVE HAD a full life”. So now his son merly of Maryland, passed away peacefully passed away peacefully with her daughter
Ocean View Amusement Park. Mark has taken his hand into the gates of on Friday, May 27, 2022. She was preceded and son by her side.
Being an inspired man of his father’s career, heaven. in death by her husband of 58 years, Wil- SCOTT Bren was the loving mother of Laura and
he joined the Navy during WWII following Survivors to cherish his memory are his liam K. Grubb. Stuart Hayman and Marcie and Neil Jacobs.
graduation from Eastern High School. He wife of 67 years, Elizabeth.; sons Thomas A devoted wife and mother, Ramona is She was the doting grandmother of Ariana
honorably served and participated as a (Alicia) of Virginia Beach, Steven (Trisha) of survived by her five children: Janis Griffin and Erin Jacobs and Jamie and Jason (Ash-
naval aviator in Bombing Squadron 75. He Weeksville, N.C. and Todd of Alexandria, VA; (Lowell), Connie Dorr (Darrell), Julie Cole, ley) Hayman. She was born in Annapolis,
finished his naval career in the Reserves un- daughter Donna (Jim) of Lawrenceville, N.J.; Ken Grubb (Alice) and Michael Grubb (Ana- MD and attended the University of Mary-
til retiring in the early 1980s as Lieutenant Brothers-inlaw Philip of Salvo, NC and Paul lia); 12 grandchildren and 10 great-grand- land where she met her husband Gerald.
Commander. (Helga) of La Plata, Md. He also accounts children. They were together ever since and married
He received his college education through for seven grandchildren: Alison, Mark, Joel, She enjoyed sewing and was an excellent almost 61 years. Brenda was an elementa-
the GI bill at Catholic University in Wash- Nicole, Lauren, Patrick, Kevin; and five great- seamstress. Ramona had an avid love of ry school teacher and later an office man-
ington, D.C. receiving a BS in Electrical En- grandchildren. animals, especially cats. The family wishes ager. She has loved her 16 years at Leisure
gineering Class of ‘51. He also followed up A private memorial service honoring him to thank Ramona’s loyal and faithful friend, World and her many new friends made
with graduate courses at Maryland Univer- will be planned for late spring of 2022. In Karen Mason. there. She loved socializing and especially
sity. lieu of flowers, find a way to honor a veteran Donations in her memory can be made to going on cruises with family and friends.
George started his professional career at or anyone who is devoted to his/her work Hosparus of Louisville. Funeral services are 1 p.m. May 31 at B’nai
Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), followed and family. Services will be private. Israel, 6301 Montrose Rd., Rockville, MD
by his “dream job” at NASA Goddard where To leave a special message for the family, 20852, followed by interment at Judean
please visit Memorial Gardens, 16225 Batchellors For-
HOHMAN est Rd., Olney, MD. Shiva will be at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday at Creekside,
Other than flying, perhaps Bob’s most fa- 2901 S. Leisure World Blvd. Building B Com-
vorite endeavor was his oyster farm on the PEEL munity room. Contributions may be made
Rappahannock River. Begun as a hobby, An to honor Brenda’s memory to B’nai Israel
All American Oyster Company grew from WILLIAM F. PEEL JR. Congregation or the charity of your choice.
producing a few thousand oysters to mil-
lions of oysters a year. At one point the AAA- William “Bill” Peel, Jr, of Key Largo, Florida DEATH NOTICE
OC was in the top 10% of oyster producers passed away peacefully on May 26, 2022
in Virginia with five to eight full-time em- at the age of 89. Bill was born December CARPENTER
ployees. Known by family as the “cottage,” 24, 1932, the only child to William Freder-
ROBERT L. HOHMAN SR., the oyster farm was Bob’s happy place. DEATH NOTICE ick and Eleanor Downs Peel. He is survived PASTOR ROBERT K. SCOTT LOUISE W. CARPENTER
Colonel USAF (Ret.) Bob was born in Auburn, Nebraska, to by his wife Barbara, their four children: JESUS IS THE WAY OUTREACH
Charles Phillip and Helen Leona Hohman on BEAL Billy (Jennifer), Vicki (Mack), Kathy (George) Peacefully entered into eternal rest on
Husband. Father. Grandfather. B-52, KC-135, August 15, 1940. When he was 6 years old, and Scott (Denise); 12 grandchildren and Of Oxon Hill, MD, passed away on May 21, May 17, 2022. She is survived by her de-
and FB-111 fighter pilot. Some people live the family moved to Omaha. Bob met Mary DENNIS EUGENE BEAL eight great grandchildren. Those preceding 2022. He is survived by his devoted wife, voted niece, Lynda (Carwin)Spearman of
larger than life and that describes Bob. A Anne Peter at a CYO dance in Omaha during him in death include Teri Peel his daughter Janice M. Scott; beloved daughter, Renee; Connecticut; nephews, Lynwood (Ramona)
humble boy who spent his early childhood his sophomore and her freshman year of Dennis Eugene Beal, age 78, of Glenn Dale in law, and John Brahtz his cousin. loving grandchildren, Niiah (Dominick), Stewart of Waldorf, MD, Collins Stewart
years on a farm in Nebraska, Bob was des- high school, and they married in 1963 after Maryland, went home to be with the Lord Mr. Peel attended American University and Shamille, Nilayah and Amir; siblings, Wil- and Michael Stewart of Laurel, MD, Quin-
tined for bigger things. He had his first job Mary Anne graduated from college and Bob on May 2, 2022. Preceded in death by par- spent his Navy career training pilots how liam (Eva), Charles (Joyce), Diane (Daniel), tin Stewart, Jeffrey (Carlise) Stewart and
at age seven delivering newspapers, and by graduated from pilot training. In addition to ents C. “Sonny” Monroe Beal and Mary Ellis to survive water landings and was on the and Anita (Jack); brother-in-law, Ralph. He Andrew Stewart, III, of Washington, DC.
age 11, he had the second largest route in his undergraduate degree from UNO, Bob Beal, and brother Gary Beal of Maryville Navy swim team. is preceded in death by his son, Bobby and As well as a host of many other near and
Omaha with assistants of his own. In high earned a Master’s degree from the Universi- TN. Survived by his beloved wife of 58 Bill and Barbara founded Red Coats, Inc. in one sister, Thelma. Friends may visit with distant friends and family. On Thursday,
school, Bob moved to selling shoes and ty of Southern California, as well as degrees yrs, Glenda J Beal; daughter Susan E Beal 1960 and worked tirelessly during the last the family on Wednesday, June 1, 2022 June 2, 2022 from 10 a.m. until service at
trimming trees, both of which paid better from the Armed Forces Staff College, and of Brooklyn NY, sister Mary Ann Sayne of 62 years to cultivate and expand family from 9:30 a.m. until service at 10:30 a.m. at 11 a.m. friends may visit with the family at
than newspapers. Bob used his earnings to the National War College. Maryville TN, his precious Boston Terrier businesses. Starting with the two of them Marshall-March Funeral Home, 4308 Suit- Marshall-March Funeral Home of MD, 4308
pay his way through college at the Universi- Bob’s grandchildren made his eyes light Teddy, sisters-in-law Wanda Johnson, Hel- working from their kitchen table, they grew land Rd., Suitland, MD 20746. Interment Suitland Rd, Suitland, MD 20746. Interment
ty of Nebraska, Omaha, where the Air Force up. Bob loved to watch his grandchildren en Johnson, Joann Moore, Deborah John- the businesses to be one of the largest Cedar Hill Cemetery. Lincoln Memorial Cemetery, Suitland, MD.
ROTC changed his life and the lives of those play sports and was an avid fan of their son and numerous cousins. Dennis grew employers in the Washington Metropolitan
around him forever. Bob passed away on rec league, high school, and college teams, up in Maryville TN and started his career area with more than ten thousand employ- DEATH NOTICE
May 23, 2022. which included practically every sport Fort as a newspaper reporter with the Knoxville ees working in more than a dozen states.
Bob loved flying airplanes. A 23-year officer Hunt Youth Athletic Association offered, Journal. He moved to Florida as an aid to He was a true entrepreneur and business GARRETT
and veteran of the Air Force, he was trained Georgetown Visitation field hockey and la- governor Lawton Chiles and continued to professional, but most importantly he was
in and flew more airplanes than just about crosse teams, Gonzaga lacrosse and golf work for him when he was elected to the a devoted family man, a mentor, and a had a quick wit and always provided sound
any Air Force pilot, logging more than 4000 teams, Yale women’s lacrosse, Yale men’s senate, moving to Washington, DC. Dennis friend to all. He will be dearly missed. advice and a shoulder to lean on. She had
hours in the B-52 alone. While in the Air golf, UNC men’s lacrosse, and Holy Cross had a lifelong love of news and politics Visitation: 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., Wednesday, many passions over the years including
Force, he was proud to be an instructor pilot women’s lacrosse. Bob never missed an and worked for some time as a lobby- June 1, 2022 at Joseph Gawler’s Sons Fu- tennis, Washington football, bowling, cross-
of all the SAC planes in existence during his opportunity to see his grandchildren, and ist. He also enjoyed mentoring freshman neral Home, 5130 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, words and first and foremost sharing special
service. Bob served three tours in Vietnam, one of his last outings was to Grandparents congressmen as they started their career Washington, DC 20016. moments with friends and family.
including a year during the 100-man rule. Day at the Basilica of Saint Mary School in in the Washington D.C. area. Dennis had She spent her last nine years at Knollwood
Bob was quoted in LIFE’s The Vietnam Wars early May. a great sense of humor, endearing him Army Distaff where the devoted staff treated
50 Years Ago – Two Countries Torn Apart: “I Survivors include Mary Anne Peter, his wife to family and friends. He will be greatly her with tender loving care.
was from a blue-collar family. I felt I was of 59 years; daughter Anne; daughter Mary missed. Graveside services will be held Mary Ann was the widow of Charles A.
very privileged to go to pilot training. It was (Chuck) Zinsner and their children Addie, at Trentville Cemetery, 9235 Strawberry Garrett. She was predeceased by her sis-
a big step up for me. It was a privilege to Teddy, PJ and Sally; son Bobby (Erika Mell- Plains PK, Strawberry Plains TN 37871, on ter Louise. She leaves behind four children,
serve in the military. I loved the military. The man) and children RJ and Max; his sister- Memorial Day, May 30 at 1 p.m. Carol Palazzo of Bethesda, Lisa Fitzpatrick
B-52 was the King of Battle, and at the time in-law Judy (the late Don); his brother Mar- (Terrence) of Kensington, Christopher Garrett
I was a very enthusiastic warrior.” Following shall (Cathy); and over 20 nieces, nephews, BROTHERS (Andrea) of Atlanta, Georgia, and Patrick Gar-
retirement from the Air Force, Bob worked great-nieces and great-nephews. rett of Melbourne, Australia; grandchildren,
for National Systems Management, L3 and The visitation will be at Everly-Wheatley, DOUGLAS ALAN BROTHERS Kelly Palazzo, Nicholas Palazzo and Lauren
the Ballistic Missile Defense Agency. Late in 1500 W Braddock Road, Alexandria, VA Hilbert (step granddaughter); two brothers,
life, Bob returned to the military as a civilian, 22302, from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Douglas “Doug” Brothers was born to the George McManus of Sterling, Virginia and
serving a 30-month deployment in Kabul, Af- May 31. The rosary and eulogies will begin at late Charles L. Brothers and Jule Brothers Christopher McManus of Silver Spring; cher-
ghanistan, teaching Afghan soldiers how to 6:30 p.m. A celebration of Bob’s life will be on April 22, 1943 in Springfield, MA. Doug- ished in-laws and nieces and nephews.
fly airplanes. Bob celebrated his 70th birth- held on Wednesday, June 1, at 10:30 a.m. at las Alan Brothers died peacefully on Thurs- A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at the
day on his last day in Kabul. The Basilica of St. Mary Catholic Church, 310 day, May 19, 2022 at age 79 at Brandywine Shrine of Most Blessed Sacrament, 5949
South Royal Street, Alexandria, VA 22314. Living, in Alexandria, VA. Western Avenue NW, Washington, DC on
Interment will be on a later date at Arlington Doug is survived by his wife, Estelle; their Thursday, June 2nd. Family and friends are
National Cemetery. three children, Sam, Elliot and Sherri welcome to a visitation at the church be-
In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made Brothers; their daughter-in-law, Siobhan tween 10 and 11 a.m. and the Celebration
in Bob’s name to University of Nebraska Grayson; their four grandchildren, Jacob, of Life Mass at 11 a.m. Interment at St. Ga-
Omaha Foundation, Robert L Hohman Fund, Jay, Sydney and Ethan Brothers; his broth- briel’s Catholic Cemetery in Potomac, Mary-
1010 Lincoln Mall, Lincoln, NE 68508 (800- er, Jeff Brothers; and his sister, Janis (Joel) land to be announced at a later date. In lieu
432-3216). Creeger. Services previously held. of flowers, donations may be made to the
Knollwood Army Distaff Foundation, 6200
PLITMAN WILLENBUCHER Oregon Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20015
( or the
Eamich (Patty), nine grandchildren Chris- USS O’Bannon DD987 which at the time MARY ANN GARRETT (Age 88) American Cancer Society.
tina Edmondson, Doug Philyaw (Amy), Mi- was the newest ship in the United States
BARBARA ELIZABETH PLITMAN chael-Ryan Fallon, Ellie Fallon (Dylan White), MARSHALL REDFIELD WILLENBUCHER Navy. He was the Chief Staff Officer of River Mary Ann (McManus) Garrett, who lived in
Tiffany Emery, Brock Emery, Tyler Owens CAPTAIN US NAVY (RET.) Squadron 9 of the Mobile Riverine Force in Chevy Chase for more than fifty years, died
Barbara Elizabeth Plitman of Basye, VA (for- (Katy), Justin Owens (Tara) and Alex Owen the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. Shore assign- peacefully on Thursday May 19, 2022 at her
merly of Leesburg, VA) passed away on May (Ellen), 12 great-grandchildren, and 12 niec- Of Bethesda MD and Newport, RI passed ments included Ships Parts Control Center home at Knollwood Army Distaff Retirement
24, 2022, at the home of her daughter near es and nephews. Also surviving is her moth- away on April 30, 2022 in Bethesda sur- in Mechanicsburg PA, Commander in Chief Residence in Washington, DC.
Lovettsville. She is survived by three daugh- er-in-law Sally Plitman and brothers-in-law rounded by his loving family. He was the de- Naval Forces Europe in London England, the Mary Ann was born in St. Louis on May 31,
ters Theresa Emery (Frank), Deborah Fallon Michael Plitman (Joan), Mark Plitman, and voted husband of the former Joan Croughan Fleet Introduction Team Spruance, Pasca- 1933. Her father was an army officer, and
(Mike) and Michelle Johnson (Paul Owens), sister-in-law Jeannie Payne. of Newport, RI. Born on May 20, 1936, he goula MS, the Office of the Chief of Naval she moved frequently as a child, referring of-
twin sister Bea Robinette, brother Ronald She was predeceased by her parents Wan- was the son of Captain Franz Otto Willen- Operations at the Pentagon, and the Naval ten to the year she attended three schools.
da and Mervin Eamich, husbands Lanny bucher USN, and Amy Hart Willenbucher. A Sea Systems Command. On retirement he She moved to Washington, DC in 1955, after
Robinette and Stuart Plitman and niece graduate of the Bullis School in Potomac, was the International Marketing Director for graduating from the University of North Car-
Dawn Robinette. Barbara was employed at MD, and a member of the Class of 1960 at two Washington, DC area firms. olina. She married Charles Garrett, in 1959.
the XEROX Corporation Training Center in the United States Naval Academy. Besides his wife, Joan, he is survived by She and Charlie raised their four children in
Lansdowne for 32 years. She was a Board Captain Willenbucher served on four ships his two sons, Timothy Redfield and Steven Chevy Chase, Maryland with regular trips
member and Secretary of the Loudoun First - USS Hazelwood DD531, USS Joseph K. Hart Willenbucher. Also surviving is Ste- to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware where they
Responders Foundation. Taussig DE1030 and USS Leahy CG17 and ven’s wife, Shannon Thomas Willenbucher; shared many special times with family and
A celebration of her life will be held on June USS Josephus Daniels CG 16 . He was the and two grandchildren, Lauren Anderson friends.
2 at 11 a.m. at the Loudoun Funeral Chap- Commissioning Commanding Officer of the and Thomas Hart Willenbucher; and several She was a devoted daughter, sister, wife,
el, 158 Catoctin Circle SE, Leesburg VA with nieces and nephews. His son, Christopher mother, grandmother, aunt and friend. Her
burial at Leesburg Union Cemetery. Dona- Marshall; and two sisters, Dorothy W. Imlay warmth and laughter were contagious. She
tions can be made, in lieu of flowers, in the of Olney Md and Shirley W. Randall of St Lou-
Memory of Barbara E Plitman to Loudoun is, predeceased him. HICKEY
First Responders Foundation 24876 Helms An amateur radio operator since his teenage
Terrace, Aldie, VA 20105 [email protected] Web- years, his call sign was W3YTS. His member- Margaret Burke. She was the eighth of 13
cast and condolences can be shared with ships included the “N” Club at the Naval siblings.
the family at www.Loudounfuneralchapel. Academy, the Army Navy Club in Washing- After graduating from Saint Columbkille
com. Click on Barbara Plitman obituary. ton, DC, and the New York Yacht Club. School, Barbara met the love of her life, Ed
The funeral will be held at a later date at the Hickey. She went on to live a rich and fulfill-
TREBING Naval Academy Chapel, followed by inurn- ing life in California, Maryland and London,
ment at the Columbarium. In lieu of flowers, England before settling in Northern Virginia,
She was a member of the US Delegation to donations may be made to the Navy Marine where she resided for the last 41 years.
the seventh General Assembly of the United Corps Relief Fund in his memory. Following her retirement from Goldman
Nations in 1952-1953. She later worked in Sachs, she enjoyed traveling, theater, and
the Washington government affairs office spending time with friends and family, par-
of Pan American World Airways, leaving in ticularly her grandchildren, of whom she
1958 upon her marriage to Dr. Trebing. They ZANOFF was especially proud. She was a daily com-
remained very happily married for 61 years, municant at the Cathedral of St. Thomas
until his death in 2019. JOSHUA ZANOFF More in Arlington, where she led the rec-
Throughout her life, Mrs. Trebing was an ac- itation of the rosary before the noon Mass.
JOYCE CHRISTIE TREBING (Age 94) tive member of the community volunteering It is with broken hearts that larger than life laugh, sense of humor, and BARBARA ANN HICKEY A viewing will be held at Murphy Funeral
with many nonprofit, charitable and civic or- we announce the unexpected kindness. We will forever miss his presence Home, 4510 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, VA, on
Joyce Alice (Christie) Trebing died on May 26, ganizations. She was proud to have been a passing of Joshua Zanoff, 48, of and spirit. Barbara Ann Hickey, 85, died peacefully Sunday, June 5, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. A
2022 in Washington, DC, where she was un- long-time member of the Lansing (Michigan) Charlottesville, VA, on May 24, Josh is also survived by his mother Audrey at her home in Arlington, Virginia on May Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated
der hospice care for acute heart disease and chapter of the Daughters of the American 2022. Born on December 12, Mitnick (Michael); father Bill Zanoff (Eliza- 24,2022, surrounded by her family. She on Monday, June 6, at 10 a.m. at the Cathe-
prolonged symptoms of dementia. Revolution. 1973 in Washington, DC, Josh beth); brothers Maury Zanoff (Karen) and was preceded in death by her husband, the dral of St. Thomas More. Interment at Arling-
A Michigan resident but a native Washingto- Mrs. Trebing is survived by two devoted sons, was the beloved son of William Zanoff and Jon Zanoff (Maria); niece Olivia Zanoff, and Honorable Edward V. Hickey, Jr. and sons Mi- ton National Cemetery will be held at a later
nian, Mrs. Trebing was the daughter of Ra- Harry Evan (and his wife, Jody) and David Audrey (Macks) Mitnick. He is survived by nephew Cole Zanoff. He is predeceased by chael F. Hickey and Joseph G. Hickey. date. In lieu of flowers, the family requests
leigh Wickersham Christie and Alice (Relyea) Martin. In addition, she is survived by four his daughter, Lily. his brother Matthew Zanoff. In addition, he Survivors include her sons Edward V. Hick- that donations be made in her name to:
Christie, who had moved to the District from loving grandsons, Harry Geoffrey (and his Josh was an exceptional chef, having stud- leaves behind many aunts, uncles, cousins, ey III (Angela), Paul V. Hickey, John D. Hickey Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arling-
New York City in on January 1, 1924. Mrs. wife, Anjanette), Christopher (and his wife ied at the Culinary Institute of America, and life-long friends he considered family, (Catherine), David T. Hickey (Suellen) and ton, 200 N Glebe Road, Suite 250, Arlington,
Trebing lived in Glover Park and graduated Crystal), Patrick, and Matthew (and his wife and he created a name for himself in the who will all miss him dearly. Daniel J. Hickey (Sarah) along with many VA 22203,
from Western High School (Class of 1945) Brittany), and a great-grandchild, Georgiana. Charlottesville restaurant world. His biggest Josh will be laid to rest on Tuesday, May 31 wonderful grandchildren. For more information please visit:
and the University of Maryland (Class of She is also survived by her lifelong friend and source of pride, joy, and accomplishment at 1 p.m. in a graveside service at Judean She is also survived by a brother, John E.
1949), where she was a member of the Alpha cousin, Millicent Fitzgerald, of Long Island, was his daughter Lily, whom he loved with Gardens, 16225 Batchellors Forest Road, Burke of Brockton, Massachusetts.
Delta Pi sorority. It was in College Park that New York. Mrs. Trebing was predeceased by all his heart. Josh was a devoted father, and Olney, MD. Shiva will be held Tuesday eve- Barbara was born on October 29, 1936 in obituaries/10766399
she met the love of her life, Harry Martin Tre- her brother, Keith Relyea Christie. Lily was the center of his universe. He was ning, 6 to 8 p.m. at Bill and Elizabeth Zanoff’s Brighton, Massachusetts to Patrick and
bing. After graduation, Mrs. Trebing served Interment will be at a private service at Druid forever grateful for the beautiful daughter home, with a Minyan service there at 7 p.m.
in the Executive Office of the Secretariat at Ridge Cemetery in Baltimore. In lieu of flow- he shared with Genevieve Story. Josh rel- In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to KINCANNON
the US State Department (where her father ers, the family suggests that contributions ished every moment with Lily. Lily’s college fund by contacting Bill Zanoff.
served as Chief of the Operations Branch). be made to the charity of your choice, or to Usually donning a Grateful Dead t-shirt, Josh Services entrusted to Sagel Bloomfield Dan-
the Harry M. and Joyce C. Trebing Scholarship created so many close friendships with zansky Goldberg Funeral Care.
in the College of Social Science at Michigan those he came in touch with through his
State University.
and involved in the community in so many
COPNODSTOLYEONUCRES Because your loved one served proudly... ALEXANDRA POE KINCANNON “Alex” ways, she was a positive and active force for
good in every venue in which she labored.
washingtoNnopwosdt.ecaotmh /noobtiitcueasrieosn allow you Military emblems are available with death notices and in-memoriams On May 16, 2022, Alexandra “Alex” Poe Kin- The role she cherished most was being
to express your sympathy with greater ease. cannon, 53, died peacefully and surrounded Mom to her adoring children: Helen Kate
To place a notice call 202-334-4122 or 800-627-1150, ext. 44122 by her loving family. Moorehead, Patrick Charles Moorehead,
Visit today. Born April 25, 1969, to L. Claire Kincannon and Aidan Emmanuel Moorehead.
C0979 2x3 and the late Charles Kincannon in Washing- Beloved wife of Paul Moorehead, dear sis-
GHI ton, D.C., Alex was a renaissance woman: a ter of Indya Kincannon, Alex is also missed
potter, scholar and writer, Peace Corps vol- by her sisters in law Elaine Wilhelm, Julie
unteer, PhD in cognitive psychology, active Moorehead and Melissa Crispell, brothers in
in her synagogue, her children’s schools, law Ben Barton, Mike Moorehead and Ray-
mond Wilhelm, her many nieces, nephews,
cousins, and countless friends and neigh-
Throughout her life Alex was an adventur-
er, exploring new intellectual territory as
a student at St. Johns College, traveling
across the globe with the family, always up
for trying new things, from hot air balloons
to flying trapeze. And wherever Alex went,
she was the candle that brought light and
warmth to all around her.
Services private. Memorial contributions
may be made in her name to Tifereth-Israel
Congregation of Washington, D.C., and the
Shepherd’s Table of Silver Spring, MD.


The Weather


Sunny and hot Today Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday OFFICIAL RECORD
Mostly sunny, Hot Hot and Cooler; a p.m. Possible Mostly sunny
Partly cloudy skies in the morning hot humid t‑storm t‑storm Temperatures AVERAGE RECORD ACTUAL FORECAST
won’t prevent temperatures from
steadily rising. Highs will top out 90° 70° 96° 75° 94° 72° 81° 66° 79° 62° 82° 63°
close to 90 degrees, with mostly
sunny skies setting in by the FEELS*: 96° FEELS: 103° FEELS: 99° FEELS: 85° FEELS: 81° FEELS: 88°
afternoon. Humidity levels will be slightly higher,
as well. Clear and mild overnight, with lows CHNCE PRECIP: 0% P: 0% P: 0% P: 60% P: 30% P: 5%
ranging from 65 to 69 degrees. WIND: SSW 4–8 mph W: W 4–8 mph W: WNW 7–14 mph W: WNW 7–14 mph W: NW 7–14 mph W: NE 6–12 mph
HUMIDITY: High H: High H: High H: High H: Moderate H: Moderate
W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W
REGION NATION Weather map features for noon today.
Statistics through 5 p.m. Sunday Dulles BWI
Reagan 83° 3:17 p.m. 83° 3:00 p.m.
56° 6:00 a.m. 59° 6:00 a.m.
Harrisburg Philadelphia High 82° 5:00 p.m. 78°/57° 79°/57°
91/68 89/70 Low 63° 5:20 a.m. 97° 1969 97° 1969
Normal 80°/62° 40° 1997 41° 1997
Hagerstown Baltimore Record high 97° 1991
89/67 Record low 41° 1894

91/67 Dover Difference from 30–yr. avg. (Reagan): this month: –0.1° yr. to date: +0.2°
Davis Cape May Precipitation PREVIOUS YEAR NORMAL LATEST
80/59 Washington Annapolis 76/67
90/70 85/67
OCEAN: 65°

Charlottesville Ocean City
90/66 74/66

Lexington OCEAN: 62° Reagan Dulles BWI
89/64 0.00" 0.00" 0.00"
Virginia Beach Past 24 hours 6.36" 6.85" 5.39"
Richmond 78/68 Total this month 3.69" 4.42" 3.60"
90/67 18.96" 17.22" 19.02"
OCEAN: 68° Normal 15.88" 16.94" 16.98"
Norfolk Total this year
Kitty Hawk

OCEAN: 65°

Pollen: Moderate Air Quality: Moderate Moon Phases Solar system

Grass Moderate Dominant cause: Ozone Rise Set
Trees Low Sun 5:45 a.m. 8:26 p.m.
Weeds Low UV: Extreme Moon 5:41 a.m. 8:58 p.m.
Mold Moderate Venus 4:02 a.m. 5:16 p.m.
11 out of 11+ Mars 2:51 a.m. 2:57 p.m.
Jupiter 2:47 a.m. 2:55 p.m.
Blue Ridge: Today, humid; mostly sunny; however, patchy T-storms Rain Showers Snow Flurries Ice Cold Front Warm Front Stationary Front Yesterday's National World May 30 June 7 June 14 June 20 Saturn 1:12 a.m. 11:44 a.m.
low clouds and fog in northern parts. High 72 to 78. Winds High: Fort Stockton, TX 105° High: Jacobabad, Pakistan 118° New First Full Last
south–southwest 6–12 mph. Tonight, clear. Low 60 to 64. Low: Randolph, UT 22° Low: Shepherd Bay, Canada –5° Quarter Quarter
Winds southwest 4–8 mph. Tuesday, sunny; very warm in <–10 –0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110+
northern parts. for the 48 contiguous states excludes Antarctica
Atlantic beaches: Today, mostly sunny, humid; use
sunscreen for extended time outdoors. High 74 to 83. NATIONAL Today Tomorrow Des Moines 88/66/t 80/55/t Oklahoma City 86/72/pc 86/68/c WORLD Today Tomorrow Islamabad 99/76/pc 100/76/pc Rio de Janeiro 85/71/s 78/71/c
Winds south 7–14 mph. Tonight, clear to partly cloudy. 92/73/pc Omaha 89/61/t 81/52/pc Riyadh 106/82/s 108/79/s
Low 64 to 68. Winds south–southwest 7–14 mph. Tuesday, Detroit 89/70/s 97/68/s Orlando 89/71/t 87/71/t Addis Ababa 81/55/pc 81/55/pc Istanbul 82/64/s 82/64/s Rome 79/64/pc 82/62/pc
sunny, but some clouds in the south. High 79 to 89. 79/52/c Philadelphia 89/70/s 96/72/s 64/48/sh San Salvador 81/69/t 80/69/sh
Albany, NY 88/68/pc 92/66/s El Paso 94/64/s 61/44/r Phoenix 95/72/s 98/75/s Amsterdam 58/47/c 88/69/s Jerusalem 89/64/s 87/60/s Santiago 60/34/s 56/34/c
Waterways: Upper Potomac River: Today, mostly sunny. Wind south 86/59/s 95/60/pc Pittsburgh 88/64/s 89/68/s 66/60/pc Sarajevo 73/51/t 76/53/t
4–8 knots. Waves less than a foot. Visibility clear to the horizon. Albuquerque 83/53/s 68/54/s Fairbanks, AK 76/50/pc 86/74/pc Portland, ME 81/59/pc 63/51/r Athens 84/67/s 111/79/s Johannesburg 63/43/s 58/37/pc Seoul 77/54/sh 78/58/s
• Lower Potomac and Chesapeake Bay: Today, mostly sunny. Wind 87/69/pc 92/75/pc Portland, OR 64/50/c 77/56/pc 94/80/t Shanghai 85/66/c 84/71/pc
south 6–12 knots. Waves 1–2 feet on the Lower Potomac and the Anchorage 67/50/s 96/73/pc Fargo, ND 73/51/t 89/69/s Providence, RI 86/69/pc 84/57/pc Auckland 67/58/r 91/58/s Kabul 77/59/s 77/59/s Singapore 91/79/pc 90/79/t
Chesapeake Bay.• River Stages: The stage at Little Falls will be 95/73/s 90/69/s Raleigh, NC 90/68/pc 93/68/pc 68/48/pc Stockholm 59/43/c 58/48/sh
around 4.10 feet today, rising to 4.30 Tuesday. Flood stage at Little Atlanta 86/68/pc 60/43/pc Hartford, CT 89/70/pc 85/68/t Reno, NV 65/41/s 73/47/s Baghdad 108/81/s 65/50/r Kingston, Jam. 87/78/t 86/77/t Sydney 62/51/r 62/47/pc
Falls is 10 feet. 89/70/s 79/60/t Richmond 90/67/s 95/70/pc 65/47/t Taipei City 94/76/t 88/77/r
Austin 95/75/pc 65/41/c Honolulu 85/73/s 87/67/s Sacramento 81/54/s 88/52/s Bangkok 94/80/t 52/42/pc Kolkata 96/83/t 96/83/pc Tehran 85/69/c 86/70/s
64/46/pc 91/72/s St. Louis 90/73/s 91/67/s 98/70/s Tokyo 81/67/pc 74/67/sh
Baltimore 91/67/s 76/55/pc Houston 91/77/pc 75/60/s St. Thomas, VI 86/78/pc 86/77/pc Beijing 89/55/s 76/63/pc Kyiv 69/57/t 70/52/s Toronto 86/68/c 87/67/c
82/67/s 91/71/s Salt Lake City 56/42/sh 63/47/t 60/49/sh Vienna 67/47/pc 75/55/t
Billings, MT 55/44/r 77/61/pc Indianapolis 87/68/s 88/71/s San Diego 69/59/pc 70/57/s Berlin 61/44/t 82/75/s Lagos 89/75/t 86/75/t Warsaw 61/46/r 68/51/pc
86/69/t 86/76/t San Francisco 67/52/s 70/53/s 57/43/c
Birmingham 89/67/s 91/65/s Jackson, MS 89/69/pc 85/58/t San Juan, PR 88/76/t 88/76/t Bogota 65/50/r 56/44/sh Lima 66/59/pc 66/59/s
90/68/pc 70/52/c Seattle 59/48/c 70/53/pc 71/48/t
Bismarck, ND 62/51/r 53/38/c Jacksonville, FL 88/69/t 90/69/s Spokane, WA 61/45/c 68/47/pc Brussels 60/46/c 68/55/r Lisbon 70/63/c 72/63/pc
87/61/t 88/76/t Syracuse 87/67/s 89/67/c 79/74/pc
Boise 50/42/sh 88/69/s Kansas City, MO 86/70/s 92/64/s Tampa 91/74/t 90/74/t Buenos Aires 52/40/s 56/48/r London 60/48/c 61/47/t
90/71/s 89/71/pc Wichita 88/68/pc 80/62/t 92/78/t
Boston 86/71/pc 93/76/pc Las Vegas 84/64/s Cairo 101/73/s 87/79/c Madrid 76/55/pc 88/61/s
Buffalo 82/68/s Little Rock 89/70/s Caracas 76/63/t Manila 95/81/t 90/80/t

Burlington, VT 84/66/c Los Angeles 76/58/s Copenhagen 58/50/sh Mexico City 80/57/c 73/54/t

Charleston, SC 86/71/pc Louisville 89/70/s Dakar 82/75/s Montreal 79/59/c 70/56/pc

Today’s tides (High tides in Bold) Charleston, WV 90/64/s Memphis 88/70/s Dublin 55/42/sh Moscow 69/57/pc 64/58/r

Washington 3:15 a.m. 8:50 a.m. 4:09 p.m. 9:25 p.m. Charlotte 88/67/pc Miami 83/75/t Edinburgh 53/42/sh Mumbai 93/82/pc 90/83/pc Key: s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, r-rain,
Annapolis 6:14 a.m. 12:53 p.m. 6:02 p.m. 11:53 p.m. sh- showers, t-thunderstorms, sf-snow flurries,
Ocean City 2:25 a.m. 8:09 a.m. 2:07 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Cheyenne, WY 56/39/c Milwaukee 85/70/pc Frankfurt 65/45/pc Nairobi 75/58/pc 76/59/pc sn-snow, i-ice
Norfolk 4:31 a.m. 10:23 a.m. 4:12 p.m. 10:36 p.m. Sources:; US Army Centralized
Point Lookout 2:05 a.m. 2:10 p.m. Chicago 89/72/s Minneapolis 84/64/pc Geneva 72/50/pc New Delhi 105/84/pc 106/84/pc Allergen Extract Lab (pollen data); (air
9:21 a.m. 7:27 p.m. quality data); National Weather Service
Cincinnati 87/68/s Nashville 89/68/s Ham., Bermuda 81/74/t Oslo 60/50/sh 63/50/t * AccuWeather's RealFeel Temperature®
combines over a dozen factors for an accurate
Cleveland 89/70/s New Orleans 89/76/pc Helsinki 65/48/c Ottawa 82/65/c 81/55/c measure of how the conditions really “feel.”

Dallas 93/76/pc New York City 86/73/s Ho Chi Minh City 90/77/sh Paris 66/50/pc 71/50/pc

Denver 67/41/t Norfolk 83/68/s Hong Kong 88/81/c Prague 62/42/t 70/49/pc

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Several understudies seamlessly She did some snooping on her It’s time to spill the beans on where
swooped in to keep life churning boyfriend’s phone — and found out some of the most popular idioms in
onstage in “Our Town.” C2 he was breaching her trust, too. C4 the English language come from. C8


Norm Macdonald performs during Comedy Central’s “Last Laugh” program in 2004 in Los Angeles. Macdonald’s new stand-up special, E≠ortlessness
“Nothing Special,” which he worked on before his death in September at age 61, begins streaming Monday on Netflix. is still Cruise’s
superpower in
Norm Macdonald new ‘Top Gun’
had one last secret

“Top Gun: Maverick” has been described as
many things in its mostly rave reviews:
Thrilling. Slick. Visceral. That rare sequel that
improves on the original at every hairpin

The iconic 1986 “Top Gun” played like a
parody of Reagan-era macho posturing. What
makes “Maverick” such a bracing gust of
cinematic pleasure is the fact that this time,
all the shiny hardware, fist-bumping action,
whooshing sound effects and bros-forever
emotional beats are kept afloat so effortlessly.

Effortlessness — the art of appearing
nonchalant even when you’re working your
hardest — might have been the cardinal
virtue of cinema’s Golden Age, when stars like
Cary Grant, Grace Kelly and Sidney Poitier
personified its most elegant, unselfconscious
values. But the term can apply just as aptly to
movies themselves — when “motion” and
“picture” converge on a sublime plane all
their own, with sound, image, actor and
emotion fusing to create an experience so
organic that it feels as if it arrived on screen
fully formed. A movie is effortless when it just
feels right — or, conversely, feels just right.

Like the original, “Maverick” is a big,
boisterous summer blockbuster, made for
spectacle and sensation rather than subtlety.
But it achieves all those aims with off-handed
confidence that’s as disarming as it is star-
tling, arriving at a time when showing your
work has become a badge of honor, on screen


How the comedian defied both cancer and a pandemic
to make a final special before he died

BY GEOFF EDGERS He was stage-ready and planning to tape a SCOTT GARFIELD/PARAMOUNT PICTURES
On the afternoon of June 28, 2020, Norm pair of performances in Los Angeles. Then
Macdonald had an idea. This was not a the coronavirus pandemic hit, shuttering Tom Cruise reprises his famed pilot role in
normal day. The next morning, he would have entertainment venues across the nation. At the sequel “Top Gun: Maverick.”
a stem cell transplant at the City of Hope almost the same time, Macdonald’s monthly
Medical Center just east of Los Angeles. The visit to the hospital revealed that the original
cancer, in remission for seven years, had cancer, multiple myeloma, had metastasized
returned. into myelodysplastic syndrome, which can
“Lojo, I want to shoot it tonight,” he said. often lead to acute leukemia. The diagnosis
“Oh, boy. Really?” she said. left Macdonald and Hoekstra spinning and
“Lojo” is Lori Jo Hoekstra, his best friend, unsure of the next steps. Except for one thing:
neighbor — they lived in the same condo Whatever happened, Macdonald wanted to
complex in Los Angeles — and producing make sure his material was shown.
partner for more than two decades. In 2013,
after doctors diagnosed Macdonald, she And it will be. “Nothing Special,” which he
temporarily moved with him to Arizona as he named before he died this past September at
disappeared from public view for four 61 of complications from cancer, begins
months to undergo his first stem cell trans- streaming Monday on Netflix. It includes
plant. This time, the procedure would take footage of a group of friends and admirers —
place closer to home. But it would also make David Letterman, Dave Chappelle, Molly
it hard for Macdonald to stick to his original Shannon, Conan O’Brien, David Spade, Adam
plan for his next Netflix stand-up special. Sandler — discussing the comedian on cam-
era after watching his final creation together.


Why Watergate moments are over for the press BOOK WORLD

You’ll be hearing a lot many others of my generation, I was former Post executive editor Leonard Winslow is giving up novels —
about Watergate in the first drawn into journalism by the Downie Jr. called it in a review — which but his latest release is a gem
next several weeks, as the televised Senate hearings in 1973, and I sets out to retell the story.
50th anniversary of the was enthralled by the 1976 movie “All
infamous June 17, 1972, the President’s Men,” based on the book Graff depicts Watergate not as a
Margaret burglary at the by Post reporters Bob Woodward and singular event but as the entire mind- BY RICHARD LIPEZ Danny and his Dog-
Sullivan Democratic National Carl Bernstein. set of the Nixon presidency — “a shaggy Don Winslow’s terrific new novel, town-neighborhood
Committee headquarters umbrella of a dozen distinct scandals,” “City on Fire,” does for Rhode Island Irish American family
approaches. There will Yet thinking about Watergate as he told me. By the time the break-in what David Chase’s “The Sopranos” did and pals are limited to
be documentaries, cable-news debates, saddens me these days. The nation that captured the attention of most for New Jersey. The Ocean State’s Cham- dockside pilferage,
the finale of that Julia Roberts came together to force a corrupt Americans, they were essentially bers of Commerce won’t necessarily see which is not nearly as
miniseries (“Gaslit”) based on the president from office and send many of “walking into the second or third act of it as a favor. lucrative as gambling,
popular Watergate podcast (“Slow his co-conspirator aides to prison is a a play.” Danny Ryan, the novel’s intermittent- truck hijacking, loan-
Burn”). I’ll be moderating a panel nation that no longer exists. ly decent-hearted, otherwise amoral sharking, protection
discussion at the Library of Congress on Woodward and Bernstein were protagonist, says things like the state and strip clubs, over
the anniversary itself — and you can It’s not just our politics that have almost alone on the story for months. motto of Rhode Island is “I know a guy.” which the Italian mob CITY ON FIRE
certainly count on a few retrospectives changed. It’s also our radically But eventually, the leading newspapers Or maybe it’s: “If you were supposed to has a monopoly. And By Don Winslow
in this very newspaper. transformed media environment. of the nation started to cover the hell know, you’d know.” And there’s this: it’s the Mafia that’s William Morrow,
The scandal has great resonance at out of the burgeoning scandal and the “Another first, Danny thought — some- connected to judges, 384 pp. $28.99
“The national newspapers mattered percolating questions of what — and one using ‘opportunities’ and ‘Rhode
The Washington Post, which won a in a way that is unimaginable to us when — the president knew about the Island’ in the same sentence.” pols and cops.
Pulitzer Prize for public service in 1973 today, and even the regional burglary plot. The extra-income opportunities for In the 1980s, a truce between the
for its intrepid reporting and the newspapers were incredibly strong,” young Providence waterfront worker ethnic gangs had held for decades —
courage it took to publish it. And it has Garrett Graff, author of “Watergate: A Americans read this coverage in their Danny even moonlights helping jack a
particular meaning for me, because, like New History,” told me last week. I have local papers; many cities still had two
been immersed in his nearly 800-page or more dailies at that point. Later, they SEE BOOK WORLD ON C3
history — a “remarkably rich narrative,”


Even at the end, Macdonald kept it ‘all about the comedy’

thing personal, because he didn’t
“I felt this kind of joy that Comedian Norm Macdonald joins host Conan O’Brien on “The Tonight Show” in 2009. “I felt this kind of joy that Norm’s back, to be like that,” says Quinn, who re-
Norm’s back, to be honest with honest with you,” O’Brien said of working on the late Macdonald’s new stand-up special. “I felt like he’s here with us.” placed Macdonald as “Weekend
you,” O’Brien said in an inter- Update” anchor. “When you
view about the experience. “I felt sat at her kitchen counter. Her face to swell. Drew Michael did this for his and Macdonald at SNL in the watch little segments with him,
like he’s here with us. Isn’t this a French bulldog, Aggie, let out a “He pretended, ‘I’m a fat slob 2018 HBO special, but that was 1990s. “They really were kind of he’s just one of those guys you
nice gift to get to be with Norm few barks. as stylized as an Absolut Vodka a left hand, right hand of a piano want to hear talk.”
some more.” and I’m here eating fried chick- ad. “Nothing Special” is bare by player.”
“Hello, everybody,” Macdon- en,’ during his [YouTube talk necessity. Voice-over from the hospital
People like to say there was ald said as the camera rolled. show], but it was complete ‘Speaking of secretive’ In July, Macdonald went in for
nobody like Norm Macdonald, “Norm Macdonald. And this is bulls--,” says his brother, Neil, a “The form is different,” Letter- In June 2020, Neil Macdonald
and they say that because it’s my comedy special. That’s right.” journalist with the Canadian man says in the post-perform- what would normally be an out-
true. He worked in a business Broadcasting Corp. “He was do- ance chat. “It’s not, strictly had flown in from Canada to patient round of chemotherapy.
run by dealmakers and compro- And for the next 54 minutes, ing it to come up with a reason speaking, stand-up. It’s some- donate blood for his brother’s But because of the pandemic, the
misers and yet could never com- without stopping, Macdonald for having put on weight.” thing else.” transplant. At first, things went doctors wanted him to stay over-
mit to doing anything less than delivered his material. well. Macdonald seemed to gain night. That’s when he somehow
fully his way. His pattern was to Hoekstra says Macdonald’s fo- Neil Macdonald says he wor- weight and strength; he punched got an infection. He would not
have no pattern. In 1997, when he For Hoekstra, working on the cus remained on comedy, often ries about how the special will be out a rough screenplay for a leave the City of Hope again,
was anchor of “Weekend Up- special in the wake of Macdon- at the expense of all else. She saw received — not for Macdonald, movie adaptation of his critically spending his last six weeks there.
date” on “Saturday Night Live,” a ald’s death was a distraction. him do hundreds of shows over but for Hoekstra, whose devo- acclaimed, best-selling comic
top NBC executive told him to Now, after handing in the final the years without repeating the tion to his younger brother has novel, “Based on a True Story: A He never talked of dying. He
stop telling jokes about former cut, she struggles with how to same material in the same order. left his family in “awe.” Memoir.” He began to book thought he would recover. Late
football star O.J. Simpson, who talk about it. If he seemed dysfunctional in so stand-up gigs. Then, in early in July, Macdonald did a voice-
had been acquitted in a high- many other areas of life — “You know, audiences can be 2021, doctors told him he needed over for Seth MacFarlane’s show
profile murder trial. Macdonald She wrestles with whether the whether losing his hotel keys or merciless,” he said. “Norm didn’t another stem cell transplant. “The Orville” while at the hospi-
told more jokes, until he was celebrity panel takes away from forgetting how to sign on to his give a f--- if he bombed. But she Neil donated again, and, in tal — not that anybody on the
fired. A decade later, he arrived Macdonald’s performance. She email — it’s because of how much does.” March 2021, Macdonald, check- other side knew. Hoekstra found
at a profane roast of comedian also isn’t sure what to share of attention he gave to his work. It’s ing in as always under his a private room and turned off the
Bob Saget with a set of corny, the comedian’s life. Macdonald how, the night before a stem cell Hoekstra and Macdonald had pseudonym, Stan Hooper, under- beeping monitors and hospital
G-rated Dad jokes that were so didn’t want anything about his transplant, Macdonald was able a friendship that ran deeper than went the procedure. intercom so that nobody could
terrible, they were perfect. His illness to get out, but there are to reel off almost an hour of many marriages. After meeting tell where he was Zooming from.
appearances on late-night TV things Hoekstra does want peo- material without looking at a at SNL, where she was a writer’s He rented a place in Newport
were legendary, as were his ple to know about what he went single note. assistant, Macdonald recruited Beach and walked along the And a month before he died,
tweetathons. through. her to be part of the “Weekend water. His health had plateaued, Macdonald told Hoekstra he
“Nothing was important to Update” team with him and but there were hopeful days. He wanted to watch the special they
Macdonald’s commitment to The rounds of chemotherapy him except for his stand-up,” she veteran writer Jim Downey. booked his normal run at Caro- had shot. So she raced home and
his craft extended to his personal in 2013 led to neuropathy that says. “Obviously, he had serious When Macdonald was fired from lines on Broadway for November searched through a box with
life. He never explained his rea- left him with constant pain in his things in his life he was also SNL, she followed him to Los 2021. In June, he texted Gardner. about 50 unlabeled video memo-
soning, but those closest to him feet, so bad that he described it dealing with, meaning the ill- Angeles to work on sitcoms and ry cards, eventually finding the
think he kept his illness secret as walking on shards of glass or ness. But professionally and in then a series of projects, includ- “Do you want to open for me June 28 footage and hustling
because he believed it would be through fire. It’s why Macdon- life, it was all about the comedy.” ing his stand-up specials, his for a private gig in Puerto Rico,” back to the hospital. Macdonald
bad for his comedy. Audiences ald, who loved to play tennis and sports show for Comedy Central he wrote. “Nov. 5, baby.” watched it from his bed and gave
would view him differently. golf, went through long bouts of Bare by necessity and his 2018 Netflix talk show, her notes.
Booking agents and TV pro- inactivity. It’s also why he wasn’t “Nothing Special” is unlike “Norm Macdonald Has a Show.” “Speaking of secretive,” says
ducers might pause before giv- always just being flaky when he comedian Colin Quinn, “he No one else knew. It was left to
ing him gigs. In a culture soaked bailed on social commitments. anything you’ve seen from Mac- “She became Norm’s sort of gal booked a gig with me in August Hoekstra, after Macdonald’s
in the confessional, Macdonald donald or, really, any stand-up. It Friday and manager,” says to do some casinos and we texted death, to tell Gurvitz and Netflix.
could have profited from the Then there was his physical has more aesthetically in com- Downey, the longtime SNL writ- each other. ‘Hey, I can’t wait to Everyone had the same initial
sympathy and inevitable public- appearance. Just over 6 foot 1, mon with an Instagram Live er. “He just couldn’t have done it do the gig.’ ‘Yeah, me neither.’ ” concern: How does Norm look?
ity that would come from talking with blue eyes and dimples, the than the slick specials generally without her.” Nobody wanted to see a gaunt
about his cancer battle. Instead, 1990s Macdonald had leading rolled out by Netflix. It’s also a Quinn could never quite fig- cancer patient out of breath,
the only people he told were man looks and briefly dated strange sensation to watch a “She was, by far, his most ure Macdonald out. But he knew trying to tell jokes. But that’s not
Hoekstra, manager Marc Gurvitz supermodel Elle Macpherson. stand-up comedian do his entire trusted sounding board on ma- he loved being around him. the Macdonald on “Nothing Spe-
and his immediate family, in- But after his cancer diagnosis, he routine without an audience. terial, what to wear for a special,” cial.”
cluding his older brother, Neil; had to go on dexamethasone, a says comedian Josh Gardner, “I would have loved to have
mother, Ferne; and son, Dylan, powerful steroid that caused his who first worked with Hoekstra just filmed him and just inter- “He looks fantastic,” O’Brien
who is 29. says. “The way it’s shot, it really
‘I wasn’t sure’ features his secret weapon, those
eyes and those dimples. And his
Hoekstra may have rolled her inner light is beaming as strong-
eyes or groaned when Macdon- ly as it ever did. I mean, it just
ald told her he wanted to film didn’t look like a man who was
that night before his transplant. diminished in any way.”
This wasn’t the first time Mac-
donald threw out an idea that Earlier this month, O’Brien
struck her as difficult or even agreed to MC a private celebra-
irrational. But Hoekstra, as orga- tion of Macdonald at the Fonda
nized and meticulous as Mac- Theatre in Los Angeles. About
donald was proudly shambolic, 250 people were in the room,
usually just shook off her initial including Dylan, Neil, Hoekstra,
skepticism and did her job, Bill Murray, Bob Odenkirk, Kcnd
which was to make Macdonald’s Judd Apatow.
ideas happen.
O’Brien called Macdonald
“I wasn’t sure which cameras “the most completely original
we were going to use or where it person I have ever met. He didn’t
would be shot,” she says now. “At look like anyone else, talk like
first, I think we had him set up anyone else or follow many of
sitting on a chair like a little far the basic principles of comedy.
away. And then we decided to He lived in his own strange
move, for lighting and just to get world populated by hobos,
closer. That’s why we shot it French Canadians, cardsharps,
where we did.” trappers, a pig with a wooden
leg, farmers, hooligans and, for
They set up in her condo. An reasons no one will ever under-
HD camera captured Macdonald stand, Frank Stallone.”
from the front, an iPhone from
the side. For lighting, Hoekstra As he wound up his tribute,
flipped on a bright lamp, and O’Brien looked out at the crowd
Macdonald, clean-shaven and and talked wistfully of how
wearing headphones and a blue much he was going to miss
sport coat over a pink golf shirt, seeing Macdonald do what no-
body else could.

“Selfishly, I don’t feel badly for
Norm,” he said. “I feel badly for
all of us.”


Shakespeare Theatre’s ‘Our Town’ showcases depth of D.C. acting talent

BY THOMAS FLOYD Wilson Chin’s superb scenic reliable as ever, plays the Webb
When director Alan Paul envi- design reimagines Sidney Har- family’s endearingly unassum-
sioned a post-lockdown produc- man Hall in the round, immers- ing matriarch.
tion of “Our Town,” featuring a ing the audience in the fourth-
who’s who ensemble of D.C. thea- wall-breaking proceedings. Then there were the under-
ter standouts, even he couldn’t That’s not the only trick up his studies. Dash, filling in for Craig
have imagined the depth of tal- sleeve: The 1938 play’s tradition- Wallace, brought gravitas and
ent he would be showcasing at al ladders are swapped out for uncanny comic timing to Mr.
the Shakespeare Theatre’s Sid- striking spiral staircases, breath- Webb, Emily’s father and the
ney Harman Hall. taking rafters hang just above local newspaper editor. Weaver
That’s because coronavirus the stage and the seemingly amused while stepping into Kim-
concerns, which already pushed sparse set is filled with third-act berly Schraf ’s shoes as Professor
back this staging of Thornton surprises. Lighting designer Willard, the scatterbrained town
Wilder’s metatheatrical opus Philip Rosenberg also offers stir- historian. Scofield, gamely spell-
from a February launch to May, ring illuminations, and Michael ing Eric Hissom, played George’s
and other health issues sidelined John LaChiusa’s smartly sub- father with a lovably wholesome
several central cast members. dued score punctuates Wilder’s streak.
But Paul’s deftly handled produc- profound prose.
tion forged ahead, formally But Paul’s savviest move was Twyford’s Stage Manager re-
opening with a half-dozen un- to populate this small-town tale flects on the bittersweet beauty
derstudies onstage. Among those with venerated actors from a of life in Grover’s Corners and
seamlessly swooping in to keep tightknit theater community. declares to an imagined audi-
life churning along in the fiction- Coolly commanding, Holly Twy- ence a thousand years from now
al hamlet of Grover’s Corners: ford pulls the strings as the that “this is the way we were.”
Todd Scofield, Elliot Dash and all-knowing Stage Manager. She may as well be talking to
Erin Weaver — decorated actors She’s the audience’s guide future generations about the
in their own right, whose stellar through Wilder’s poignant de- arts’ fortitude amid the pandem-
turns exemplified the breadth of piction of life and death in the ic. Schedule juggling, coronavi-
D.C.’s performing prowess. early 20th century, dispensing rus testing and actors coming
There’s an inherent timeless- wit and wisdom with an ease that and going: This is how theater
ness to “Our Town” and its makes Grover’s Corners all the endures nowadays. Let’s take a
three-act meditation on the hu- more inviting. moment to revel in it.
man experience in small-town Jake Loewenthal, fresh off Our Town, by Thornton Wilder.
America. Yet, for a play that musical triumphs in Signature Directed by Alan Paul. Scenic
revels in the rote — reflecting on Theatre’s “Rent” and “She design, Wilson Chin; costumes,
how little we appreciate life’s Loves Me,” imbues lovestruck Sarafina Bush; lighting, Philip
simple joys — Paul was particu- baseball prodigy George Gibbs Rosenberg; sound, John Gromada;
larly prudent in his choice to with boyish charm. As Emily music, Michael John LaChiusa. With
revisit Grover’s Corners in the Webb, the apple of George’s Hudson Koonce, Christopher
midst of the pandemic. His stag- eye, Chinna Palmer first exudes TERESA CASTRACANE PHOTOGRAPHY Michael Richardson, Maisie Ann
ing proves worthy of the shrewd doe-eyed innocence, then taps Posner, Josh Decker, Tommy Nelson,
endeavor, staying true to Wild- into a primal side that channels Holly Twyford plays the fourth-wall-breaking Stage Manager in the Shakespeare Theatre’s production Lawrence Redmond, Sarah C.
er’s minimalist intentions while her gut-wrenching work in an- of “Our Town.” Directed by Alan Paul, the play will run through June 11 at Sidney Harman Hall. Marshall, Suzanne Richard, Quinn
finding space for his own stylistic M. Johnson and Summer Wei. About
stamp. other Pulitzer Prize winner: tascia Diaz also leaves an im- thetic exasperation. (Diaz, who at San Francisco Playhouse, 21/2 hours. $35-$120. Through June
“Fairview,” produced at Woolly pression as George’s mother, is leaving the production early will be replaced by Kate East- 11 at Sidney Harman Hall, 610 F St.
Mammoth Theatre in 2019. Na- instilling the part with empa- to star in a revival of “Follies” wood Norris.) Felicia Curry, as NW.


With the gritty ‘City on Fire,’ Winslow has released
a welcome addition to the American-mob canon

BOOK WORLD FROM C1 Danny Ryan’s mother, who aban- bered. As the murders escalate, slow recently announced that he ROBERT GALLAGHER
doned him and her alcoholic there’s an attempt at a truce in has decided to give up writing to
truckload of Armani suits for husband and shows up later which the Irish and Italian boss- focus full time on politics. He Don Winslow is the author of “City on Fire,” the first in a trilogy.
gangland-rival Peter Moretti — seeking forgiveness, is a woman es meet at a Mafia clubhouse. will publish the second book in The second is planned for April 2023 and the last for April 2024.
until Danny’s buffoonish broth- with a mind of her own. She has “None of them look up as the the trilogy in April 2023 and the
er-in-law, Liam, drunkenly grabs the moral complexity of Carmela Murphy party comes into the last in April 2024.)
Moretti’s girlfriend’s breast at a Soprano but makes fewer com- room and sits down across the
seaside get-together. Comically promises. table; they just stare into the In an author’s note, Winslow
at first, then horribly, this insult water pitchers like there’s some says that, when he read Aeschy-
sets in a motion escalating power Winslow succinctly describes pretty tropical fish in them or lus, “I saw every theme that we
moves, betrayals and bloody Danny’s sad dad, the broken- something.” treat in modern crime fiction:
murders constituting a kind of down-drunk former head of the power, murder, vengeance, cor-
Great War over control of orga- Irish mob in Dogtown, with The gangland history is fasci- ruption, justice and redemp-
nized crime between New York something as prosaic as the gro- nating and seems to be based tion.” He imagined contempo-
and Boston. cery list Danny uses on his loosely on the rise and fall of the rary counterparts to the charac-
weekly visits to the old man. real-life Patriarca family. But it’s ters in the Greek classics and
Danny has a semblance of a Danny is to bring Marty Ryan’s Winslow’s ways with character, “became obsessed with the idea
moral conscience, but this is a “bacon, eggs, coffee, milk, bread, as well as his fluid narrative and of retelling their stories in a
novelty among his family and his Luckies, his Bushmills, his highly visual scene-setting, that modern trilogy.” Danny Ryan has
pals. Boss Pasco Ferri raped his Sam Adams, his Hormel corned suggest this novel, the first in a known murder, vengeance and
niece when she was 14. Two beef hash, his lotto tickets.” planned trilogy, could well end corruption. Will he find “re-
operatives hire a gay hustler to There’s not much more Danny up in the American-mob canon demption?” Read “City on Fire”
help them blackmail a rival, and needs to know about his father along with the works of Puzo, — then stay tuned.
instead of paying the guy, they than what’s on that list. Scorsese and Chase. Winslow’s Richard Lipez wrote the Don
stuff him in the trunk of a stolen “Cartel Trilogy” is a go-to place Strachey PI novels under the name
car and shove it into a pond. The current boss of the Irish for a look inside the Mexican Richard Stevenson. His most recent
Racism is as commonplace as the gang, John Murphy, isn’t in drug wars; now he’s doing a book is “Knock Off the Hat.” He
misogyny that makes most of the much better shape. He knows similar job on one of the more completed this review shortly before
young mob wives little more that that the Mafia has his people depraved aspects of Rhode Is- his death on March 16.
sex-doll-like possessions. Only outnumbered and outgunned land, where he grew up. (Win-
and that their days are num-


In this fractured media environment, another Watergate moment is not possible

SULLIVAN FROM C1 CHICK HARRITY/ASSOCIATED PRESS Watergate Committee. he know it?” Even the stalwart
Our media environment is far conservative Sen. Barry
were riveted by the proceedings Richard M. Nixon waves goodbye while departing the White House in 1974. “We forget how close Goldwater (Ariz.) was among
of the Senate Watergate Nixon came to surviving Watergate,” said Garrett Graff, author of “Watergate: A New History.” more fractured, and news those who, at the end, managed
Committee, whose hearings organizations are far less to convince Nixon that he must
were aired live on the three big that the revelations will “blow who attacked the Capitol as they people’s minds. But the amount trusted. resign.
television networks during the the roof off the House” — tried to overturn the 2020 of public attention they get will
summer of 1973. Graff reports offering evidence, he promises, presidential election results. be minuscule compared with And, in part, we can blame “Republican members of
that the average American of an organized coup attempt what happened when the folksy the rise of a right-wing media Congress understood that they
household watched 30 hours of involving Donald Trump, his I’m willing to believe that the Sen. Sam Ervin (D-N.C.) system. At its heart is Fox News, had a unique and important role
the hearings, which were also closest allies and the supporters hearings will be dramatic. They presided over the Senate which was founded in 1996, as the legislative branch to hold
rebroadcast at night by PBS. might even change some nearly a quarter-century after the abuses of the executive
(“The best thing that has the break-in, with a purported branch in check,” Graff said.
happened to public television mission to provide a “fair and “That freedom of action was
since ‘Sesame Street,’ ” one Los balanced” counterpoint to the made possible because there was
Angeles Times TV critic noted.) mainstream media. Of course, no right-wing media ecosystem.”
that message often manifested
Still, “we forget how close in relentless and damaging Not everything was good
Nixon came to surviving criticism of its news rivals. about the media world of the
Watergate,” Graff told me. “Even Meanwhile, Fox News and 1970s. It was almost entirely
at the end of the hearings, there company have served as a highly White and male, barely open to
was no guarantee that Nixon effective laundry service for other views or voices. This was
was out of office.” Trump’s lies. With that network’s long before the democratizing
help, his tens of thousands of effect of the Internet, which has
What changed that? The false or misleading claims have elevated the ideas of people of
increasing public awareness of found fertile ground among his color, women and other
the president’s wrongdoing and fervent supporters — oblivious marginalized groups.
the coverup. “The sheer to the skillful reporting
accumulation of the lies,” he elsewhere that has called out But it was a time when we
said, “at a time when the idea and debunked those lies. had a news media that
that a president could lie to commanded the trust of the
America was unthinkable.” As Graff sees it, the growth of general public, a necessity in
right-wing media has enabled helping bring Nixon to justice.
Fast-forward to today. The many Republican members of That, at least during his
House select committee Congress to turn a blind eye to presidency, was never possible
investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, the malfeasance of Team Trump. with Trump.
insurrection will hold hearings Not so during the Watergate
beginning early next month, investigation; after all, it was As we remember Watergate,
some of which will be televised Sen. Howard Baker (R-Tenn.) we ought to remember how very
during prime-time hours. Rep. who posed the immortal unlikely its righteous conclusion
Jamie B. Raskin (D-Md.), a question: “What did the would be today.
prominent member, predicts president know, and when did
Richard M. Nixon’s
presidency would have survived.

Graduation announcements seem to just be requests for money, reader laments

Miss Dear Miss a celebration. I don’t want to be Dear Miss Manners: There was saying is clear. Please share your But the reader’s notion sleeping in it — or, rather, not
Manners Manners: Seems rude, but come on. This is just recently an awards ceremony thoughts. that a present is sleeping — make me regret
the trend lately is asking for money. honoring athletes at a local high Why was that mascot retired? payment for visiting, but he’s very dear to
to send Apparently the announcements school. It is a “merged” school, entertainment me. The last thing I’d want to do
JUDITH graduation you received contained express and it adopted the mascot of Miss Manners can guess. is also crude. is hurt his feelings, or his wife’s.
MARTIN, announcements, requests for money, which is one of the previous schools If the mascot was deemed to “I’m a restless sleeper” — as
JACOBINA indeed crude. But so, Miss while the other’s was discarded. be offensive, it would not be a Dear Miss Manners: What is indeed you told Miss Manners
MARTIN AND but only to Manners believes, is your notion good idea to launch one last the polite way to refuse an you are, when in that bed —
NICHOLAS receive a gift. I that a present is payment for Some of the athletes at the offense. If you are one of the invitation to stay in someone’s “but just tell me what time to be
IVOR MARTIN was taught that entertainment. event were from the school athletes, or a parent, an home when it’s someone you over for breakfast.”
whose mascot was sort of alumnus or a coach, and are truly love and enjoy spending New Miss Manners columns are
you don’t expect You should give a present “retired.” However, in the feeling innocent of any time with? posted Monday through Saturday on
anything from others just because you care for the person announcements, they were all intention to offend, you would You
because you did something. or the family, and want to mark mentioned under the same be well advised to commiserate My brother has a simply can send questions to Miss
I have received three recent the occasion. You are not even nickname. For example, “These in private with others in the dreadful guest bed. Any nights Manners at her website,
graduate pics from friends’ required to bring a present to a students are the pride of the same position. You can also
children requesting support for graduation party — although Raccoons” — but some were But if the Beaver was just an follow her @RealMissManners.
their future. There is no party or Miss Manners might add that actually Beavers (not the real inoffensive beaver who was
get-together for these graduates you have no business attending names). overlooked, the young athletes © 2022 by Judith Martin.
— some explain it’s due to covid, a party where you do not care may want to register a polite
and others don’t give a reason. about the people. I feel it is a simple thing, and protest.
I was raised that if you get a that both mascots should be
gift, it’s usually because you had mentioned. I hope what I am

Concert Spirituel Sunday, June 12, 2022, OPERA Kennedy Center’s $30-110 Please check
aux Caraïbes 7:30 p.m. Terrace Theater website for
Guest Conductor Pedro Memelsdorff explores the 2700 F Street, NW, up-to-date
Music from the Caribbean complicated dynamics between the musical culture of Washington, DC 20029 COVID safety
French Colonies Imperial France and the people of the Caribbean. (202)546-9332 protocols.
Well-known French composers from the 18th century and
newly rediscovered works are represented in this
orchestral concert with vocal soloists and ensemble.

Gretry’s Thursday, June 2 & Friday, Artistic Director Ryan Brown and filmmaker Tania Kennedy Center’s $30-135 Please check
June 3, 7:30 p.m. Hernandez Velasco present a fully-staged modern Terrace Theater website for
Silvain premiere of Grétry’s 1770 Silvain like it’s never been 2700 F Street, NW, up-to-date
seen before. Set in the 19th century American Washington, DC 20029 COVID safety
Southwest, the story explores timeless tales of a father (202)546-9332 protocols.
and son relationship, and the still historically-pertinent
struggles over land rights in America.

| 16-2898



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Don’t Forget the Lyrics! (Fox at We Own This City (HBO at 9)
8) Contestants include a property Jenkins finds out that his ESPN2
manager from Lafayette, La., and colleagues are cooperating with Food Network Beat Bobby Beat Bobby BBQ Brawl BBQ Brawl Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby
a musical church minister from the task force investigation, and Jesse Watters Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity (Live) The Ingraham Angle Gutfeld!
Avondale, Ariz. the scope of his misdeeds comes Fox News Movie: Mulan ★★★ (1998) Movie: Beauty and the Beast ★★★★ (1991) The 700 Club
BBQ Brawl (Food Network at 9) to light.
The contestants have to make Freeform Breeders (10:39) Breeders Breeders
barbecue with old-school SPECIALS FX (6:30) Movie: Transformers: The Last Knight ★★ (2017)
methods. Norm Macdonald: Nothing (6:00) The Presence of Love Movie: Christmas at Castle Hart (2021) Movie: Christmas in Rome (2019)
Breeders (FX at 10) Ally tries to Special (Netflix) A posthumous Hallmark Gourmet Detective Mysteries Murder, She Wrote
save the company and throw a stand-up special from the Hallmark M&M Gourmet Detective Mysteries
birthday party for Ava. Paul gets “Saturday Night Live” alum (5:55) Movie: The Batman ★★★ (2022) We Own This City (10:05) Gentleman Jack (11:06) We Own This City
passed over for a job and gets recorded before he died of HBO Celebrity IOU Celebrity IOU Celebrity IOU Lil Jon Wants Celebrity IOU
stuck in a professional rut. complications from cancer in
Lil Jon Wants to Do What? September. Read Geoff Edgers’s HGTV (6:00) Grant Theodore Roosevelt Amer. Pres. W/Clinton The Fast
(HGTV at 10) Lil Jon and Anitra story about the show, C1.
soup up a couple’s 1950s-era Biography: Bobby Brown (A&E at History (5:30) Fifty Shades Darker Movie: Fifty Shades Freed ★ (2018) (10:03) Movie: The Boy Next Door ★ (2015)
trailer in hopes of upgrading their 8) A look at the tumultuous life of
camping trips. R&B singer Bobby Brown. Two Lifetime MLB Baseball: Washington Nationals at New York Mets (Live) Nats Fight Sp. MMA
Gentleman Jack (HBO at 10:05) episodes air Monday.
Anne tries not to let the The American Presidency With MASN The ReidOut (Live) All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word With 11th Hour
newspaper announcement about Bill Clinton (History Channel at
her sexuality faze her. Ann is 10:33) A series about the history MSNBC Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous
distraught by her family conspiring of the executive office, hosted by
with Captain Sutherland over former president Bill Clinton. MTV Life Below Ze Life Below Ze Explorer Life Below Zero: First Ala
Nat’l Geographic Life Below Zero
— Hau Chu NBC SportsNet WA Triton Poker Triton Poker Triton Poker Sports Final Triton Poker Triton Poker
Loud Movie: Despicable Me ★★★ (2010) Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends
Nickelodeon On Balance Marni Hughes Dan Abrams Live (Live) Banfield NewsNation

NWSN Yellowstone Yellowstone (8:35) Yellowstone (9:43) Yellowstone (10:57) Yellowstone

PARMT (6:00) Movie: Live Free or Die Hard ★★★ (2007) Movie: Armageddon ★★ (1998)

Syfy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Sheldon Sheldon Sheldon Sheldon

TBS (5:30) Movie: Sergeant York Movie: The Longest Day ★★★ (1962) (11:15) Movie: Bataan (1943)

TCM 90 Day: The Single Life 90 Day: The Single Life 90 Day: The Single Life The Family Chantel 90 Day: The Single Life

TLC NBA Tip-Off (Live) NBA Basketball: Dallas Mavericks at Golden State Warriors (Live) Inside the NBA (Live) The Cube

TNT Mysteries of the Unknown Mysteries of the Unknown Mysteries of the Unknown

Travel Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Movie: Kingsman: The Secret Service ★★★ (2014)

TruTV M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King

TV Land Fatal Attraction Fatal Attraction Fatal Attraction (10:05) Fatal Attraction Fatal Attraction

TV One
USA Network Harry Potter and Deathly WWE Monday Night RAW (Live) Miz & Mrs Miz & Mrs
Basketball Wives Basketball Wives VH1 Couples Retreat Basketball Wives VH1 Couples Retreat
VH1 Blast Grime Away Govt. Matters 7News at 6 Sports ABC News News Govt. Matters The National Desk


LEGEND: Bold indicates new or live programs ◆ High Definition Movie Ratings (from TMS) ★★★★ Excellent ★★★ Good ★★ Fair ★ Poor No stars: not rated

Boyfriend is selling her medication to a friend. That’s only part of the problem.

Carolyn Hax is fact that your boyfriend is and “just not into” someone?
away. The stealing something that you I’ve started seeing a wonderful
following is from rely on for your health — not woman … very laid back,
Feb. 8, 2008. to save his dying mother, mind attractive, successful. But I
you, or feed his family, but for feel very “blah” about things,
Carolyn Dear Carolyn: I profit. Wow. I’ll give you credit like sometimes I’d rather just
Hax found out that — most people try to be alone, and when I am alone
my boyfriend has rationalize away the little I don’t even think about her at
been selling my stuff, but you didn’t shrink all. I certainly don’t want to
prescribed anti- from a challenge. hurt her, but it raises the
anxiety medication (sedatives) question of whether I’m not
to a friend of his. Not many I appreciate that you’ve into her, or it’s just my
pills, but a few. I hate this invested a lot of time and hard emotional state right now.
friend, so on top of feeling work in this guy, and that
ripped off, I don’t want to do accepting he’s a thief means — Baltimore
anything that would benefit discarding it all. But you’re Baltimore: And your question
him. I found out, however, by trying to spin his atrocious raises the question, what do
snooping through my behavior into something … I you have to lose by being
boyfriend’s text messages. So, don’t know, non-atrocious. (A honest?
yes, I am aware we have trust complete waste of time, by the
issues; neither of us trusts the way, if I haven’t made my Granted, you don’t want to
other enough. We’ve had a lot leanings clear.) And, you’re throw around such universally
of counseling and are working trying to pass off the hated but hurtful observations as, “When
on it, but it’s slow going. What irrelevant friend as part of the I’m alone I don’t even think
should I do? And, please don’t problem. about you.” However, your
go too far down the road about circumstances are plainly
how it’s illegal. We’re not Instead, why don’t you spin sympathetic: You’ve been
talking about narcotics here; dumping the boyfriend as badly hurt and barely had time
Claritin was a prescription follows: getting your soul to mend (and might have a
drug a couple of years ago. back. touch of depression).
— Snoopy the Impromptu
Drug Dealer You’ve tried to make You’re also admitting you
counseling work on someone need time alone to someone
Snoopy the Impromptu Drug NICK GALIFIANAKIS/ILLUSTRATION FOR THE WASHINGTON POST who equates “decency” with who, presumably, you’d be
Dealer: This is good. If I slap “lost income.” Now try it on otherwise eager to see. If you
my forehead numb, it’s like someone who deserves your mean it like you say it, a
homemade Botox. attention: a certain text- wonderful person will get it.
snooping, self-loathing The truth is unerring that way.
Normally it’s difficult to provider of pills and excuses. Write to Carolyn Hax at
help people solve a problem Surely you want more out of [email protected]. Get her
when I’m told not to mention life. column delivered to your inbox
the problem. Fortunately, with Hi, Carolyn: I was in a each morning at
your situation, I can just relationship with a controller/  Join the discussion live at noon
mosey on down and pick the abuser, and I finally got out Fridays at
next problem in line. about four months ago. How chats.
can you tell the difference
You are rationalizing the between “just not ready for”

sunny or soggy? S0141 6x3.5

Stay one step ahead of the weather with the

Capital Weather Gang • @capitalweather


‘Top Gun’ sequel rea∞rms a winning sense of easy does it

NOTEBOOK FROM C1 point. Meanwhile, over in real PARAMOUNT PICTURES It’s also why Cruise’s most
life, we’re working just as hard notorious off-screen moments
and elsewhere. In the decade or merely to keep it together amid Tom Cruise, playing Capt. Pete “Maverick” Mitchell in “Top Gun: Maverick,” still insists on doing his have been so jarring. When he
so since Hollywood has turned to war, pandemic, economic down- own stunts. But the final result is a movie that plays with unforced ease. jumped on Oprah’s couch in
comic books and other IP for its turn and crushingly metronomic 2005, professing his love for Ka-
business model, filmmakers have violence, a grind that has reduced drive and focus came into their “Magnolia” and “Tropic Thun- Mission: Impossible franchise — tie Holmes to the point of pro-
increasingly bought into the all of us to knots of tense determi- own in toes-up, thoroughly in- der.” Whether in comedies or the latest trailer of which can be testing too much, it was one of
darker-equals-deeper myth, each nation to not lose it, Lord, at least habited performances. dramas, action adventures or sci- seen before “Top Gun: Maverick” the few times the actor let the
one laboring with tight-lipped not today. fi fantasies, Cruise has mastered — became so much more reliably aw-shucks veneer slip. His in-
intensity to make their origin He displayed just as much and keeps refining the art of entertaining than the dour, ada- volvement with Scientology,
story drearier and more down- Next to this grim form of commitment when he subverted appearing thoroughly relaxed mantly un-playful Bond movies which has been exposed as a
beat than the last. The other mindfulness, the breezily modest his own screen-idol persona by and in command. This is why his featuring Daniel Craig. dangerous and destructive cult,
option seems to be fan service at self-assurance of “Top Gun: Mav- delivering astonishing turns in gives the lie to the off-handed
its most arduously pandering, erick” feels like a balm. And, of demeanor he has cultivated over
whether by way of characters course, its easygoing mix of ac- decades.
(why settle for one Spider-Man tion, drama and lighthearted hu-
when you can have all three?), mor can be traced to one man: its Of course, Cruise himself is
cutesy crossovers (You got your producer and star, Tom Cruise. anything but off-handed: Just
Predator in my Alien! No, you got watching him tirelessly work
your Alien in my Predator!) and Cruise seemed born for the rope lines, press scrums and
compulsive fusillades of in-jokes, camera when he became a star in royal pomp during the global
nostalgic needle drops and quip- 1983’s “Risky Business.” He be- marketing push for “Top Gun:
py references (four words: came massive in the first “Top Maverick” makes that clear, as
“Guardians of the Galaxy”). Gun,” his sharp-eyed gaze and does his well-publicized insis-
signature grin becoming part of tence on doing his own stunts,
The strain is showing every- what looked like a billion-dollar even as he approaches his 60s. If
where. From TikTok to the latest brand. Still, underneath the Cruise’s obsessive focus, prac-
binge-worthy series; from the cocky arrogance of his character, ticed professionalism and calcu-
steps of the Met Gala to the the viewer could detect a young lated image seem at odds with
carefully choreographed PDAs of actor working hard at seeming the unforced ease of his work on
paparazzi-prepped It Couples, not to be working at all. It was in screen, that should come as no
the culture is awash in try-hards his successive roles — “The Color surprise: He’s a natural. So is his
who don’t care if we can see them of Money,” “Rain Man,” “Born on movie. Which makes it feel … just
sweat. Seeing them sweat is the the Fourth of July” — that right.
Cruise’s single-minded ethic of

MOVIE DIRECTORY (!) No Pass/No Discount Ticket Monday, May 30, 2022

DISTRICT MARYLANDAMC Georgetown 14 Downton Abbey: A New Era The Northman (R) 6:45-10:05 Regal Cinemas Majestic Regal UA Snowden Square The Bob's Burgers Movie AMC Worldgate 9 Cinemark Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG)
3111 K Street N.W. (PG) CC: 11:45-2:45-6:00-9:15 Everything Everywhere All At Stadium 20 & IMAX 9161 Commerce Center Drive (PG-13) CC: 10:00-11:00-1:45- 13025 Worldgate Drive Fairfax Corner and XD 11:00-2:00
Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets AFI Silver Theatre Montana Story (R) CC: 12:45- Once (R) 11:55-3:25-6:40-10:00 900 Ellsworth Drive Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) 3:30-4:30-6:15-7:15-9:00-9:30 Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) 11900 Palace Way F3: Fun and Frustration
of Dumbledore (PG-13) CC: Cultural Center 3:45-6:45-9:45 Memory (R) 11:45-2:50 12:30-12:50-1:00-1:20-1:50-2:05- Doctor Strange in the Mul- CC: 12:00-1:00-2:00-3:00-4:00- 11:15-2:45-6:40
11:10AM 8633 Colesville Road Everything Everywhere All Firestarter (R) 5:30-8:00-10:35 Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) 3:50-4:10-4:20-4:40-5:10-5:25- tiverse of Madness (PG-13) 5:00-6:00-7:00-8:00 Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) Anek 11:40-2:50-6:20-9:40
Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) Everything Everywhere All At At Once (R) CC: 11:40-2:15- Men (R) 10:50-1:40-4:20- 10:00-10:30-11:00-11:30- 7:10-7:30-7:40-8:00-8:30-8:45 CC: 10:30-12:30-1:40-3:40- The Bob's Burgers Movie (PG- 10:50-12:30-2:00-3:40-5:10- Downton Abbey: A New Era
CC: 1:00-4:00-7:00-10:00 Once (R) 11:15-4:05 7:15-10:30 7:10-10:00 12:30-1:20-1:40-2:00-2:20- The Bob's Burgers Movie 4:45-5:45-6:45-7:50-8:50-9:50 13) CC: 12:30-3:00-5:30-8:00 8:20-10:00 (PG) 11:10-2:20-5:20-8:20
The Bob's Burgers Movie Blue Velvet (R) 1:30-9:00 Firestarter (R) CC: 11:30- 2000 Mules 10:00-12:25-2:55 2:40-3:50-3:55-4:40-5:00-5:20- (PG-13) 12:00-1:30-3:00-4:20- The Bad Guys (PG) CC: 11:15- Doctor Strange in the Mul- The Bob's Burgers Movie Men (R) 9:30
(PG-13) CC: 11:30-2:00-2:35- In the Heat of the Night (NR) 8:20-10:45 Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) 5:40-6:00-7:10-7:15-8:00-8:20- 5:40-7:10-8:40 1:50-4:30-7:10 tiverse of Madness (PG-13) (PG-13) 10:00-10:45-12:40- PR (Punjabi) 1:00-4:30-7:40
5:05-7:35-10:05 4:00 Men (R) CC: 11:45-2:30-5:15- 11:00-2:10-5:20-8:30 8:40-9:00-9:20; 10:35 Doctor Strange in the Mul- Top Gun: Maverick - The CC: 12:45-3:45-4:35-6:45 1:25-3:20-4:05-6:00-9:25 Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13)
Doctor Strange in the Mul- Princess Mononoke (Monon- 8:00-10:30 Downton Abbey: A New Era The Bob's Burgers Movie tiverse of Madness (PG-13) IMAX 2D Experience (PG-13) The Bad Guys (PG) CC: 12:15- Doctor Strange in the Mul- 2:10-5:30-8:50; 11:50-12:50-
tiverse of Madness (PG-13) oke-hime) (PG-13) 10:45AM Family Camp (PG) CC: (PG) 10:35-1:35-4:35-7:35-10:35 (PG-13) 12:45-1:30-3:30-4:15- 12:50-2:00-4:00-5:50-7:20-9:00 CC: 11:30-3:00-6:30-9:45 2:45-5:15 tiverse of Madness (PG-13) 1:20-3:10-4:10-4:40-5:10-6:30-
CC: 11:00-12:35-3:35-6:35- The Other Side of the Wind 11:15AM Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) 6:15-7:00-9:00-9:45 The Bad Guys (PG) 1:20-2:20- The Unbearable Weight of F3: Fun and Frustration 10:00-11:30-1:05-2:35-4:10- 7:30-8:00-8:30-9:50
7:35-8:20-10:15 (R) 6:20 Doctor Strange in the Multi- 9:55-10:15-10:35-11:25- Doctor Strange in the Mul- 5:00-7:40 Massive Talent (R) CC: 12:45- 1:15-7:30 5:40-8:45-10:20
Top Gun: Maverick - The Fiddler's Journey to the Big verse of Madness 3D (PG-13) 11:50-12:55-1:05-1:25-1:45- tiverse of Madness (PG-13) Downton Abbey: A New Era 3:30-6:15-9:10 Downton Abbey: A New Era The Bad Guys (PG) 10:10- Regal Kingstowne & RPX
IMAX 2D Experience (PG-13) Screen 2:00-6:55 CC: 6:45-9:45 2:35-2:45-3:00-4:05-4:15- 10:30-12:00-1:00-1:40-3:05- (PG) 12:00-3:20-6:20 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG) (PG) CC: 12:30-3:30-6:30 12:50-3:30 5910 Kingstowne Towne Center
CC: 11:00-2:00-5:00-8:00 Horror of Dracula (1958) Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) CC: 4:35-5:05-5:45-6:10-6:30- 4:05-4:45-6:15-7:20-7:55- Men (R) 3:50-6:50 CC: 11:30-2:30-5:30-8:30 Everything Everywhere All At F3: Fun and Frustration Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13)
The Unbearable Weight (NR) 9:15 12:00-1:30-3:15-4:15-4:45-5:15- 7:15-7:25-7:45-8:15-8:45; 9:25-10:25 Ambulance (R) CC: 9:45 Once (R) CC: 12:00-3:15-6:30 5:45-9:15 12:20-3:40-7:00-10:20
of Massive Talent (R) CC: Downton Abbey: A New Era 6:30-7:30-8:00-8:45-9:45-10:45 8:55-9:20-9:45-10:20-10:25- The Bad Guys (PG) 11:35- Regal Waugh Chapel & IMAX The Lost City (PG-13) CC: Men (R) CC: 7:45 Anek 8:50 The Bob's Burgers Movie
2:20-4:55 (PG) 12:10-2:40-5:10-7:45 The Bob's Burgers Movie 10:35; 12:40-3:50-7:00-10:10 2:15-4:55-7:35 1419 South Main Chapel Way 12:50-6:30 Downton Abbey: A New Era (PG-13) 12:30-1:30-3:20-4:20-
Downton Abbey: A New Era AMC Academy 8 (PG-13) OC: 6:15 Top Gun: Maverick - The Downton Abbey: A New Era Alamo Drafthouse Cinema - (PG) 10:05-1:10-4:15-10:25 6:15-7:10-9:10-10:10
(PG) CC: 10:55-12:00-1:45- 6198 Greenbelt Road Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) Cinépolis Gaithersburg IMAX 2D Experience (PG-13) Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) (PG) CC: 12:00-3:00-6:00-9:00 One Loudoun Everything Everywhere All At The Bad Guys (PG) 10:30-
2:30-4:35-7:25 Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) OC: 1:00 629 Center Point Way 1:00-4:20-7:40 10:30-11:00-11:30-12:00-1:10- The Northman (R) CC: 10:45- Once (R) 10:15-1:40-5:00 12:45-3:30-6:05-8:40
The Northman (R) CC: 2:10- CC: 1:00-2:00-4:00-5:00-6:00- The Unbearable Weight of 1:50-2:20-2:50-3:20-4:20-5:00- 3:00-6:15 20575 East Hampton Plaza Men (R) 8:40 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG)
5:15-8:25-9:15 7:00-8:00 AMC Loews Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) Massive Talent (R) 10:55 5:30-6:00-6:30-7:30-8:00-8:30- Montana Story (R) CC: 10:30- Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) 10:20AM
Montana Story (R) CC: 11:10- The Bob's Burgers Movie (PG- St. Charles Town Ctr. 9 11:00-11:45-12:30-1:00-1:45- Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG) 9:00-9:30 1:30-4:30-7:30 11:00-12:00-2:30-3:30-6:00- 10:20-11:25-1:30-2:35-4:40-7:50 F3: Fun and Frustration
1:55-4:40-7:25-10:05 13) CC: 1:45-3:00-4:30-7:15 2:30-3:15-4:00-4:30-5:15-6:00- 10:00-12:55 The Bob's Burgers Movie (PG- Everything Everywhere All 7:30-9:30 The Bob's Burgers Movie 11:10-2:50-6:20-9:50
Everything Everywhere All At Doctor Strange in the Mul- 11115 Mall Circle 6:40-7:20-8:00-8:40 F3: Fun and Frustration 13) 11:20-2:00-4:40-7:20-10:10 At Once (R) CC: 10:00-1:15- Shogun Assassin (R) 7:15 (PG-13) OC: 6:45 Anek 1:25-4:50-8:20
Once (R) CC: 11:05-5:20-9:35 tiverse of Madness (PG-13) Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) The Bob's Burgers Movie 11:05-2:40-6:15-9:50 Doctor Strange in the Mul- 4:30-7:45 Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 (NR) 9:00 Downton Abbey: A New Era
Men (R) CC: 2:55-5:25-7:55- CC: 1:15-2:15-4:15-6:30-7:15 CC: 10:45-11:30-12:30-2:00- (PG-13) 1:30-4:45-7:40 Anek 11:30-3:00-6:40-10:05 tiverse of Madness (PG-13) Memory (R) CC: 10:00-3:40-9:20 10:00-1:30-5:00-8:30 The Bad Guys (PG) OC: 6:10 (PG) 12:15-3:25-6:25-9:30
10:20 The Bad Guys (PG) CC: 2:45-3:45-5:15-6:00-7:00-8:30- Doctor Strange in the Mul- Downton Abbey: A New Era 11:10-12:40-2:10-3:40-5:10- Firestarter (R) CC: 10:00- Everything Everywhere All At Downton Abbey: A New Era Men (R) 10:20
Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets 1:50-4:10 9:15-9:45-10:15 tiverse of Madness (PG-13) (PG) 12:25-3:35-6:45-9:50 6:40-8:50-9:40 12:30-9:30 Once (R) 10:20-2:15-6:15-9:55 (PG) OC: 7:20 Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13)
of Dumbledore (PG-13) OC: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG) The Bob's Burgers Movie (PG- 12:00-3:40-7:00 Montana Story (R) 10:10-1:10- The Bad Guys (PG) 10:40- Men (R) CC: 10:15-1:00-3:45- Men (R) 12:15-4:00-7:45-10:35 Everything Everywhere All At 11:20-2:40-6:00-9:20; 10:30-
7:30 CC: 1:20-4:20-7:10 13) CC: 12:45-3:30-6:15-9:00 Downton Abbey: A New Era 4:00-6:55-9:45 1:20-3:40-6:10 6:30-9:15 Doctor Strange in the Mul- Once (R) OC: 8:25 11:00-11:50-12:50-1:20-1:50-
Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) Firestarter (R) CC: 7:40 Doctor Strange in the Mul- (PG) 11:15-2:45-6:20 Everything Everywhere All At Top Gun: Maverick - The Family Camp (PG) CC: tiverse of Madness (PG-13) 2000 Mules 11:05-1:35-4:00- 2:20-3:10-4:10-4:40-5:10-5:35-
CC: 11:30-12:00-12:30-3:30- Men (R) CC: 5:15 tiverse of Madness (PG-13) Everything Everywhere All At Once (R) 1:15-4:30-7:45-11:00 IMAX 2D Experience (PG-13) 11:45-2:45 10:40-2:45-7:00-9:45 6:25 6:30-7:30-8:00-8:30-9:50
4:30-5:30-6:00-6:30-9:30 AMC Annapolis Mall 11 CC: 12:15-3:30-6:45-10:00 Once (R) 2:00-5:40 Firestarter (R) 10:15 12:30-3:50-7:00-10:00 Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) CC: Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) The Bob's Burgers Movie
The Bob's Burgers Movie 1020 Annapolis Mall Road The Bad Guys (PG) CC: 11:00- Men (R) 1:10-3:45-6:30-9:25 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG) 10:15-12:00-12:30-1:00-1:30- OC: 12:45 XD: 12:00-1:00-3:10-4:10-6:30- (PG-13) OC: 10:40AM
(PG-13) OC: 12:05 Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) 1:45-4:30-7:15 Hoyt's West Nursery The Bob's Burgers Movie 1:00-4:00-6:50 3:30-4:00-5:00-7:00-7:30-8:30 The Bob's Burgers Movie (PG- 7:20-9:40-10:30 Doctor Strange in the Mul-
Everything Everywhere All At CC: 10:30-11:40-12:10-12:40- Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG) Cinema 14 (PG-13) OC: 10:35AM Downton Abbey: A New Era The Bob's Burgers Movie 13) 11:30-3:00-4:15-6:30-10:10 Doctor Strange in the Mul- tiverse of Madness (PG-13)
Once (R) OC: 8:30 1:30-2:50-3:20-3:50-4:40-6:00- CC: 12:15-3:30-6:30 (PG) 12:20-3:30-6:20-9:20 (PG-13) OC: 12:45 Downton Abbey: A New Era tiverse of Madness (PG-13) 11:30-12:35-2:45-3:55-6:10-
Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) 6:30-7:00-7:45-8:15-9:10-9:40- Downton Abbey: A New Era 1591 West Nursery Road Regal Germantown Firestarter (R) 8:10 Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) (PG) 11:45-3:15-6:45-10:05 OC: 7:15 7:15-8:50-9:25
OC: 3:00 10:10-10:45-11:15 (PG) CC: 12:00-3:00-6:00-9:00 Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) 20000 Century Boulevard Men (R) 9:50 OC: 4:30; 8:00 Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) Regal Manassas & IMAX
The Bob's Burgers Movie Firestarter (R) CC: 9:45 CC: 12:55-1:40-2:30-3:20-4:00- Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) Angelika Film Center Mosaic OC: 6:50
Angelika (PG-13) CC: 10:20-12:00-2:35- Men (R) CC: 10:30 4:45-5:35-6:25-7:05-7:50-8:40- 10:00-10:30-11:00-11:30- Regal Westview & IMAX AMC Potomac Mills 18 2911 District Ave 11380 Bulloch Drive
Pop-Up at Union Market 5:05-8:00-10:30 Doctor Strange in the Multi- 9:30-10:10 12:00-12:30-1:00-1:30-2:00- 5243 Buckeystown Pike 2700 Potomac Mills Circle Medal of Honor Theater - The Bad Guys (PG) 11:00-
Doctor Strange in the Mul- verse of Madness 3D (PG-13) The Bob's Burgers Movie (PG- 2:30-3:00-3:30-4:00-4:30-5:00- Pleasure (NR) 9:15 NMMC 1:40-4:30-7:20
550 Penn Street NE - Unit E tiverse of Madness (PG-13) CC: 1:00-4:15-7:30 13) CC: 2:00-4:35-7:10-9:35 5:30-6:00-6:30-7:00-7:30-8:00- Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) Everything Everywhere All At
Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) CC: 10:15-12:05-1:15-3:10- Doctor Strange in the Mul- 8:30-9:00-9:30; 10:00 10:10-10:40-11:20-1:20-2:10- of Dumbledore (PG-13) CC: OC: 3:30 18900 Jefferson Davis Highway Once (R) 12:00-3:30-6:40-9:40
11:15-1:15-4:00-4:50-7:00 4:15-6:20-7:20-9:20-10:20 AMC Magic Johnson tiverse of Madness (PG-13) The Bob's Burgers Movie 2:40-4:40-5:20-6:00-8:00- 12:30-6:30 Doctor Strange in the Mul- We, the Marines (NR) 9:30- Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13)
Downton Abbey: A New Era The Bad Guys (PG) CC: 11:00- Capital Center 12 CC: 1:10-4:00-7:00-9:50 (PG-13) 12:40-1:40-3:20-4:20- 8:40-9:20 Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) tiverse of Madness (PG-13) 10:30-11:30-1:00-2:00-3:00-4:00 11:20-11:50-1:20-1:50-2:05-
(PG) 11:00-1:45-4:30-7:30 1:30-4:10-6:45 800 Shoppers Way The Bad Guys (PG) CC: 1:30- 6:10-7:20-8:50 The Bob's Burgers Movie CC: 11:30-2:45-6:00-9:15 10:30-1:30-4:30-7:15 2:40-3:10-4:40-5:10-5:25-6:00-
Everything Everywhere All At Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG) 4:15-6:45-9:10 Doctor Strange in the Mul- (PG-13) 11:10-4:50-7:40-10:15 The Bob's Burgers Movie Hit the Road 3:55 Regal Ballston Quarter 6:30-7:40-8:00-8:30-8:45-9:20-
Once (R) 2:00-7:15 CC: 10:50-1:50-5:20 Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG) tiverse of Madness (PG-13) Doctor Strange in the Mul- (PG-13) CC: 10:30-12:15-1:30- Montana Story (R) 1:15 671 North Glebe Road 9:50-10:50
Downton Abbey: A New Era CC: 10:15-11:30-12:30-1:30- CC: 1:20-4:05-6:50-9:15 10:10-1:20-4:40-7:40 tiverse of Madness (PG-13) 3:00-4:20-5:45-7:00-8:30-9:45 Everything Everywhere All At The Bob's Burgers Movie
Avalon Theatre (PG) CC: 1:00-4:00-7:10-10:05 2:45-3:00-3:45-4:45-6:00- Ambulance (R) CC: 1:05- The Bad Guys (PG) 10:20- 9:50-1:00-4:10-7:20 Doctor Strange in the Mul- Once (R) 10:45-1:45-4:45-7:45 Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) (PG-13) 12:30-1:30-3:20-4:20-
5612 Connecticut Avenue Firestarter (R) CC: 9:30 6:15-8:00 7:05-10:05 12:50-3:40-6:20-9:10 The Bad Guys (PG) 10:20- tiverse of Madness (PG-13) Downton Abbey: A New Era 10:30-11:20-11:50-12:20- 6:10-7:10-10:10
The Duke (R) 2:30-7:15 Men (R) CC: 12:15-2:45-4:45- The Bob's Burgers Movie The Lost City (PG-13) CC: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG) 12:50-3:20-5:50 CC: 10:15-12:00-1:15-2:15- (PG) 10:25-11:00-1:40-4:15- 12:50-1:20-1:50-2:40-3:10- Doctor Strange in the Mul-
Petite maman (PG) 12:15-5:00 7:15-9:50 (PG-13) CC: 10:30-12:10-1:15- 1:15-3:50-6:40-9:40 9:55-1:10-4:10-7:10 Top Gun: Maverick - The 3:30-4:15-5:30-6:45-7:30- 6:15-7:10 3:40-4:10-4:40-5:10-6:00-6:30- tiverse of Madness (PG-13)
Downton Abbey: A New Era AMC Center Park 8 4:20-7:15 Downton Abbey: A New Era F3: Fun and Frustration IMAX 2D Experience (PG-13) 8:45-9:30 Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) 7:00-7:30-8:00-8:30-9:20-9:50- 11:30-2:30-5:30-8:40
(PG) 11:00-1:50-4:40-7:30 4001 Powder Mill Rd. Doctor Strange in the Mul- (PG) CC: 12:45-3:40-6:30-9:20 10:05-1:50-5:20-9:20 12:20-3:40-7:00-10:10 The Bad Guys (PG) CC: 10:20- 10:10-11:10-12:00-12:30-1:00- 10:20-10:50 Top Gun: Maverick - The
Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) tiverse of Madness (PG-13) Firestarter (R) CC: 1:50-4:40- Downton Abbey: A New Era Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG) 1:10-3:50-6:30 2:00-3:00-4:00-5:00-6:00-6:30- The Bob's Burgers Movie IMAX 2D Experience (PG-13)
Landmark CC: 1:00-2:00-3:00-4:00-5:00- CC: 10:45-12:15-1:15-3:20- 7:20-9:45 (PG) 9:50-12:20-3:40-6:40-9:40 10:50-1:40-4:30 Top Gun: Maverick - The 7:00-8:00-9:00-9:30 (PG-13) 10:40-1:30-4:20-7:10- 12:20-3:40-7:00-10:20
Atlantic Plumbing Cinema 7:00-8:00 4:30-6:30-7:40 Father Stu (R) CC: 12:50-3:45- Men (R) 10:05 Downton Abbey: A New Era IMAX 2D Experience (PG-13) 10:10 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG)
The Bob's Burgers Movie The Bad Guys (PG) CC: 10:40- 6:35-9:25 The Bob's Burgers Movie (PG) 12:00-3:30-6:40-9:50 CC: 12:15-3:30-6:45-10:00 CMX Village 14 Doctor Strange in the Mul- 12:50-4:10
807 V Street Northwest (PG-13) CC: 2:15-4:45-7:30 1:45-4:25 Men (R) CC: 1:55-4:50-7:25- (PG-13) OC: 10:40AM Firestarter (R) 8:20 The Unbearable Weight of 1600 Village Market Boulevard tiverse of Madness (PG-13) Downton Abbey: A New Era
Men (R) OC: (!) 2:15 Doctor Strange in the Mul- Top Gun: Maverick - The 10:00 Regal Hyattsville Royale Men (R) 7:30-10:05 Massive Talent (R) CC: 12:40 Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets 12:30-2:50-3:50-6:10-7:20- (PG) 11:10-2:10-5:50-9:05
Doctor Strange in the Mul- tiverse of Madness (PG-13) IMAX 2D Experience (PG-13) Ambulance (R) OC: 4:10 The Bob's Burgers Movie Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG) of Dumbledore (PG-13) 1:10- 8:45-9:30 Firestarter (R) 10:00
tiverse of Madness (PG-13) CC: 1:15-4:30-6:00-7:30 CC: 11:00-2:15-5:30-8:45 6505 America Blvd. (PG-13) OC: 2:00 CC: 11:15-3:15-6:15-9:15 4:30-7:50 The Bad Guys (PG) 10:45- Men (R) 9:10
CC: (!) 11:20-2:00-4:50-7:30 The Bad Guys (PG) CC: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG) Landmark Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) Anek 2:45 Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) 12:40-3:30-6:05 Regal Springfield Town Center
Downton Abbey: A New Era 1:45-4:45 CC: 10:00-12:45-3:45-6:45 Bethesda Row Cinema 11:50-12:20-12:50-1:20-1:50- Xscape Theatres Downton Abbey: A New Era 1:00-4:15-7:30 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG)
(PG) CC: (!) 11:10-1:40-4:10- Downton Abbey: A New Era Everything Everywhere All 2:40-3:10-3:40-4:10-4:40-5:30- Brandywine 14 (PG) CC: 10:00-1:00-4:00- The Bob's Burgers Movie 11:30AM 6859 Springfield Mall
7:00 (PG) CC: 1:20-4:15-7:10 At Once (R) CC: 11:25-1:00- 7235 Woodmont Avenue 6:00-6:30-7:00-7:30-8:00-9:00 7710 Matapeake Business Drive 7:00-10:00 (PG-13) 2:15-5:00-7:45 Downton Abbey: A New Era Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13)
Men (R) CC: (!) 11:40-4:20- Everything Everywhere All At 4:15-7:45 Downton Abbey: A New Era The Bob's Burgers Movie Doctor Strange in the Mul- Montana Story (R) CC: 10:40- Doctor Strange in the Mul- (PG) 12:10-3:20-6:40-9:40 10:00-10:50-11:20-11:50-
7:20 Once (R) CC: 1:30-4:05-7:40 Firestarter (R) CC: 6:55 (PG) CC: (!) 4:30-6:00-7:15 (PG-13) 12:00-1:00-3:00-4:00- tiverse of Madness (PG-13) 1:30-4:20-7:10-10:00 tiverse of Madness (PG-13) Everything Everywhere All 12:20-1:20-2:10-2:40-3:10-
Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) Men (R) CC: 7:20 Men (R) CC: 6:35 Everything Everywhere All At 6:00-7:00 CC: 10:20-1:20-4:20-7:20-10:20 Everything Everywhere All 12:15-12:50-2:25-4:10-5:35- At Once (R) 11:40-3:00-6:50- 3:40-4:40-5:30-6:00-6:30-7:00-
CC: (!) 11:30-1:30-2:10-4:30- AMC Columbia 14 Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) Once (R) CC: (!) 1:00-7:00 Doctor Strange in the The Bad Guys (PG) CC: 11:05- At Once (R) CC: 11:00-2:20- 6:05-7:20 10:05 7:30-8:00-8:50-9:20-9:50-10:20
5:00-7:10-7:40 10300 Little Patuxent Parkway OC: 7:00 Men (R) OC: (!) 2:00 Multiverse of Madness 1:35-4:15-6:45 5:40-9:20 The Bad Guys (PG) 1:15- Men (R) 10:40 The Bob's Burgers Movie (PG-
Everything Everywhere All At Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) (PG-13) 12:10-1:10-3:20-4:30- Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG) Firestarter (R) CC: 9:10 3:55-6:45 13) 10:40-1:30-4:20-7:10-10:10
Once (R) CC: (!) 11:00-1:50- of Dumbledore (PG-13) CC: AMC Montgomery 16 OC: (!) 5:00 6:40-7:40 CC: 9:50-12:50-3:40-6:30-9:20 Men (R) CC: 3:45-9:45 The Unbearable Weight of Regal Dulles Town Center Doctor Strange in the Mul-
4:40-7:25 1:50-5:20-8:45 7101 Democracy Boulevard Downton Abbey: A New Era The Bad Guys (PG) 1:05-3:45 Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) Jo & Jo 11:30AM Massive Talent (R) 3:20 21100 Dulles Town Circle tiverse of Madness (PG-13)
Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets (PG) OC: (!) 1:30 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG) CC: (!) 10:30-11:30-12:05-1:30- Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) F3: Fun and Frustration 11:40-12:40-3:00-4:00-6:20-
Landmark E Street Cinema CC: 12:15-3:15-6:15-9:15 of Dumbledore (PG-13) CC: Everything Everywhere All At 1:15-4:20 2:30-3:00-4:30-5:30-6:00-7:30- CC: 10:00-10:45-12:45-1:15- 1:45-5:25 Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) 7:20-9:30-10:30
555 11th Street Northwest The Bob's Burgers Movie 1:00-3:30 Once (R) (!) 4:00 Downton Abbey: A New Era 8:30-9:00-10:30 2:00-4:00-4:30-5:15-6:15-7:45- Downton Abbey: A New Era 11:15-12:15-1:15-2:45-3:45- The Bad Guys (PG) 10:10-
(PG-13) CC: 11:10-1:50-4:30- Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) Doctor Strange in the Mul- (PG) 12:40-3:50-7:10 The Bob's Burgers Movie 8:30-9:45; 7:15 (PG) 12:45-1:50-4:00-5:05-7:10 4:45-5:30-6:00-7:00-7:55-8:45- 1:00-3:50-6:40-9:15
Petite maman (PG) (!) 3:45- 7:10-9:50 CC: 12:15-12:45-1:30-1:45- tiverse of Madness (PG-13) Everything Everywhere All At (PG-13) CC: (!) 11:10-1:40- Men (R) 8:15 9:15-10:15 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG)
5:30 The Bad Guys (PG) CC: 11:10- 2:15-3:00-4:00-4:45-5:00-5:30- CC: (!) 4:45-8:00 Once (R) 12:15-3:30-7:15 4:10-6:50-9:30 AMC Shirlington 7 Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) The Bob's Burgers Movie 11:30-2:50-6:10-9:10
Men (R) OC: (!) 4:55 12:40-3:30-6:00 6:15-6:45-7:15-8:00-8:15-8:45- The Duke (R) CC: (!) 6:30 Firestarter (R) 7:20 Downton Abbey: A New Era 2772 South Randolph St. 12:30-1:00-1:30-2:00-3:00- (PG-13) 1:30-4:20-7:15-10:05 Downton Abbey: A New Era
Everything Everywhere All At Doctor Strange in the Mul- 9:15-9:30-10:00-10:30 Doctor Strange in the Mul- Men (R) 6:25 (PG) CC: (!) 10:10-1:10-4:10- Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) 3:45-4:15-4:45-5:15-6:15-7:00- Doctor Strange in the (PG) 12:50-4:10-7:50
Once (R) CC: (!) 1:15-4:15- tiverse of Madness (PG-13) The Bob's Burgers Movie tiverse of Madness (PG-13) 7:10-10:10 CC: 12:50-1:30-2:00-3:50-4:30- 7:30-8:00-8:30 Multiverse of Madness Men (R) 11:00-1:40-4:30-10:40
7:15-8:00 CC: 11:45-1:00-2:45-4:00-5:45- (PG-13) CC: 12:30-2:00-3:15- OC: (!) 1:45 Regal Laurel Towne Centre Memory (R) CC: 11:15-4:25-7:05 5:00-6:50-7:30-8:00 Cinema Arts Theatre (PG-13) 12:45-4:00-5:15-7:30-
The Duke (R) CC: (!) 1:30-7:30 7:00-8:30-10:00 4:45-6:00-7:30-8:45-10:15 The Duke (R) OC: (!) 1:10 14716 Baltimore Avenue Firestarter (R) CC: 9:15 The Bob's Burgers Movie 8:30-9:00 Regal Virginia Gateway & RPX
Doctor Strange in the Mul- Top Gun: Maverick - The Doctor Strange in the Mul- Emergency (R) OC: (!) 3:30 Men (R) CC: (!) 1:55-9:45 (PG-13) CC: 2:20-4:50-7:20 9650 Main St The Bad Guys (PG) 10:55- 8001 Gateway Promenade Place
tiverse of Madness (PG-13) IMAX 2D Experience (PG-13) tiverse of Madness (PG-13) Men (R) CC: (!) 4:20-7:10 Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) Doctor Strange in the Multi- Doctor Strange in the Mul- Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) CC; 1:25-3:55-6:30
CC: (!) 1:20-4:20 CC: 1:15-4:15-7:15-10:15 CC: 12:15-1:30-2:45-4:30-5:45- Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) 10:30-11:00-11:15-12:00-1:00- verse of Madness 3D (PG-13) tiverse of Madness (PG-13) DVS: 10:00-1:00-4:00-7:00-7:30 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG) Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13)
Downton Abbey: A New Era Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG) 7:30-9:00-10:30 CC: (!) 1:15-2:00-3:00-4:15- 1:30-2:00-2:15-2:30-3:00-4:00- CC: 12:50-3:50-6:40-9:40 CC: 1:40-4:40-7:50 The Duke (R) CC; DVS: 9:50- 11:10-2:10 12:20-3:40-7:00-10:20
(PG) CC: (!) 1:10-2:30-4:10- CC: 11:45-3:15-6:15 The Bad Guys (PG) CC: 12:30- 7:15-8:00 4:30-5:00-5:15-5:30-6:00-7:00- Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) Downton Abbey: A New Era 12:10-2:25-4:45-7:20 F3: Fun and Frustration The Bob's Burgers Movie (PG-
7:10 Downton Abbey: A New Era 4:15-6:45 7:05-8:00-8:15-8:30-9:00 CC: (!) 10:00-11:00-1:00-2:00- (PG) CC: 1:05-4:00-7:00 Petite maman (PG) CC; DVS: 11:00-2:30-6:15-9:45 13) 10:40-12:30-1:30-3:20-
Men (R) CC: (!) 2:25-7:25 (PG) CC: 11:50-3:00-6:00-9:00 The Unbearable Weight Old Greenbelt Theatre The Bob's Burgers Movie 4:05-5:00-7:00-8:00-10:00 Everything Everywhere All At 10:05-12:00 Downton Abbey: A New Era 4:20-6:10-7:10-9:00-10:10
Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) Everything Everywhere All of Massive Talent (R) CC: 129 Centerway (PG-13) 10:40-1:30-4:10- iPic Pike & Rose Once (R) CC: 1:10-4:20-7:40 Downton Abbey: A New Era (PG) 12:30-3:30-6:45-9:55 The Bad Guys (PG) 10:20-
CC: (!) 1:00-1:45-4:00-4:45- At Once (R) CC: 11:50-2:45- 7:15-10:25 6:50-9:30 11830 Grand Park Avenue AMC Tysons Corner 16 (PG) CC; DVS: 9:40-12:05-2:35- Men (R) 10:35 12:55-3:35-6:20
5:15-7:00-7:45 6:15-9:35 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG) Happening (R) OC: 2:30 Doctor Strange in the Mul- Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) (!) 7850e Tysons Corner Center 5:05-7:40 Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG)
Doctor Strange in the Mul- Firestarter (R) CC: 9:15 CC: 12:45-3:45-7:00 Downton Abbey: A New Era tiverse of Madness (PG-13) 11:00-11:45-12:40-1:00-2:30- Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets Peace By Chocolate CC; DVS: OC: 2:00 10:10-1:10-4:05-7:05-9:40
tiverse of Madness (PG-13) Men (R) CC: 11:35-2:10-4:45- Downton Abbey: A New Era (PG) 2:00-5:00 10:40-11:40-1:50-2:40-5:15- 3:15-4:00-4:30-6:00-6:45-7:30- of Dumbledore (PG-13) CC: 2:30-5:00 Downton Abbey: A New Era
OC: (!) 7:20 7:20-9:50 (PG) CC: 1:00-4:00-7:00-10:00 Happening (R) 5:30 5:50-8:15 8:00-8:30 10:20-4:35-7:50-11:15 Hit the Road 9:50-12:15-2:20- Regal Fairfax Towne Center (PG) 12:40-3:50-7:05-10:15
Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) The Northman (R) CC: 3:45- The Bad Guys (PG) 10:30- The Bob's Burgers Movie Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) 4:35-7:10 4110 West Ox Road Everything Everywhere All At
Regal Gallery Place CC: 10:45-11:15-12:45-1:45- 10:05 Phoenix Theatres Marlow 6 11:30-2:00-4:30-7:00 (PG-13) (!) 11:15-2:45-6:15 CC: 12:30-3:45-7:00-10:15 Fiddler's Journey to the Big Once (R) 9:00
701 Seventh Street Northwest 2:15-3:45-5:15-6:45-7:45-8:15- Everything Everywhere All 3899 Branch Avenue Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG) Doctor Strange in the Mul- The Bob's Burgers Movie (PG- Screen 9:55-12:00-2:00-4:05- Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) Firestarter (R) 10:00
Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) 8:45-9:45; 4:45 At Once (R) CC: 12:40-3:55- 11:30AM tiverse of Madness (PG-13) 13) CC: 11:15-12:30-2:00-3:15- 6:00-8:00 11:20-12:20-12:50-1:20-2:40- Men (R) 10:45
12:20-3:40-7:00-10:20 AMC DINE-IN Rio Cinemas 18 7:10-10:20 Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) Downton Abbey: A New Era 12:00-3:30-7:00 4:40-6:05-7:20-8:45-10:05-11:30 3:40-4:10-4:40-6:00-7:00-7:30- Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13)
The Bob's Burgers Movie 9811 Washingtonian Center Firestarter (R) CC: 9:45 11:00-1:00-2:00-4:00-5:00- (PG) 11:50-3:10-6:15-9:15 The Bad Guys (PG) 2:00-5:15 Doctor Strange in the Mul- Cinemark Centreville 12 8:00-9:10-9:40 10:00-10:30-10:45-11:20-
(PG-13) 10:40-1:30-4:20-7:10- Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets Men (R) CC: 12:00-7:05 7:00-8:00-10:00 Everything Everywhere All At Downton Abbey: A New Era tiverse of Madness (PG-13) 6201 Multiplex Drive The Bob's Burgers Movie 11:50-12:50-1:20-1:50-2:05-
10:10 of Dumbledore (PG-13) CC: Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) The Bob's Burgers Movie (PG- Once (R) 10:50-1:55-5:20-8:40 (PG) 11:30-3:00-6:30 CC: 10:00-11:00-12:00-12:55- (PG-13) 4:20-7:10-9:50 2:40-3:10-4:10-4:40-5:10-5:25-
Doctor Strange in the Mul- 5:45-9:00 OC: 3:30 13) 11:30-2:00-4:30-7:05-9:30 Firestarter (R) 9:30 2:00-3:05-4:00-5:00-6:05-7:00- Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) Doctor Strange in the Mul- 6:00-6:30-7:30-8:00-8:30-8:45-
tiverse of Madness (PG-13) Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) Cinemark Egyptian 24 and XD Doctor Strange in the Mul- Men (R) 9:00 AMC Courthouse Plaza 8 8:00-9:05-10:05-11:05 12:40-3:50-7:00-10:10 tiverse of Madness (PG-13) 9:20-10:50
1:00-4:00-7:20-10:25 CC: 11:30-2:45-6:00-9:15 7000 Arundel Mills Circle tiverse of Madness (PG-13) 2150 Clarendon Blvd. The Bad Guys (PG) CC: 10:35- The Bob's Burgers Movie (PG- 12:30-3:30-6:40-9:45 Doctor Strange in the Mul-
The Bob's Burgers Movie Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) 12:00-3:00-6:00-9:35 Regal Rockville Center 1:10-3:55-6:30 13) 11:40-2:20-5:00-7:40-10:20 The Bad Guys (PG) 11:40- tiverse of Madness (PG-13)
VIRGINIAThe Bad Guys (PG) 11:00- (PG-13) CC: 11:00-12:15-1:45- XD: 12:40-3:50-7:00-10:10; Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG) 199 East Montgomery Avenue Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) Top Gun: Maverick - The Doctor Strange in the Mul- 2:20-5:00 10:05-12:00-1:15-3:15-4:15-
3:15-4:30-7:15-9:00-10:00 12:15-3:25-6:35-9:45; 11:00- 12:30-3:30-6:15-9:15 Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) CC: 1:00-1:40-2:25-4:00-4:40- IMAX 2D Experience (PG-13) tiverse of Madness (PG-13) Downton Abbey: A New Era 6:40-7:40-9:50
1:40-4:15-6:50 Doctor Strange in the Mul- 2:10-5:20-8:30 Downton Abbey: A New Era 10:00-10:20-10:40-11:20- 5:25-7:00-7:40-8:25 CC: 10:50-2:10-5:20-8:30-11:35 10:15-12:00-1:25-3:05-4:40- (PG) 11:50-2:50-5:50-9:00
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG) tiverse of Madness (PG-13) Doctor Strange in the Mul- (PG) 1:00-3:45-6:45-9:45 11:50-12:20-12:50-1:20-1:40- The Bob's Burgers Movie (PG- Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG) 6:15-7:45-9:20 Everything Everywhere All At Smithsonian -
11:00-2:00 CC: 11:30-1:00-2:30-4:30-5:45- tiverse of Madness (PG-13) 2:00-2:40-3:10-3:40-4:10-4:40- 13) CC: 12:25-3:00-5:30-8:00 CC: 10:15-1:45-4:45-7:55-10:55 The Bad Guys (PG) 10:05- Once (R) 11:30-3:00-6:10 Airbus IMAX Theater
F3: Fun and Frustration 7:45-8:45-10:45 10:10-11:10-12:10-1:15-2:20- Regal Bowie 5:00-5:20-6:00-6:30-7:00-7:30- Doctor Strange in the Mul- The Lost City (PG-13) CC: 12:50-3:30 The Roundup 11:55-2:30- 14390 Air and Space Museum Parkway
12:30-4:00-7:50 The Bad Guys (PG) CC: 12:45- 3:20-4:25-5:30-6:25-7:30-8:35- 15200 Major Lansdale Boulevard 8:00-8:20-8:40; 9:20-9:50-10:20 tiverse of Madness (PG-13) 10:05-1:15-7:25 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG) 5:20-8:10 Journey to Space (2015) (NR)
Downton Abbey: A New Era 3:30-6:00 9:30-10:35 Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) The Bob's Burgers Movie CC: 1:20-2:40-4:20-5:35-7:20 Downton Abbey: A New Era 12:10-3:10-6:20 Men (R) 7:40 10:20-11:35
(PG) 3:20-6:40-10:00 Top Gun: Maverick - The The Bob's Burgers Movie 12:00-12:40-1:10-1:50-2:30- (PG-13) 10:50-1:30-4:20-7:10- Downton Abbey: A New Era (PG) CC: 10:30-1:30-4:30- F3: Fun and Frustration The Bob's Burgers Movie To Fly! (1976) (NR) 10:55-12:55
Everything Everywhere All At IMAX 2D Experience (PG-13) (PG-13) 10:00-10:20-11:40- 3:10-4:00-4:30-5:20-6:00-6:30- 10:10 (PG) CC: 1:30-4:30-7:30 7:30-10:30 5:10-8:35 (PG-13) OC: 1:30 Top Gun: Maverick - The
Once (R) 11:25-2:50-6:15-9:35 CC: 12:30-3:45-7:00-10:15 12:05-1:00-2:20-3:40-5:00- 7:00-7:30-8:00 Doctor Strange in the Everything Everywhere All At The Northman (R) CC: 4:05- Anek 9:25 IMAX 2D Experience (PG-13)
Firestarter (R) 9:40 The Unbearable Weight 6:00-6:20-7:40-9:00-10:20 The Bob's Burgers Movie Multiverse of Madness Once (R) CC: 1:50-5:00-8:10 10:15 Downton Abbey: A New Era Regal Fox & IMAX 1:40-5:10-7:55
Men (R) 5:05-7:45-10:30 of Massive Talent (R) CC: The Bad Guys (PG) 10:30- (PG-13) 1:50-4:40-7:30 (PG-13) 10:05-1:10-4:30-6:20- Men (R) CC: 12:10-8:30 Everything Everywhere All At (PG) 10:00-1:10-4:10-7:10-10:15 22875 Brambleton Plaza University Mall Theatre
Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) 1:15-4:00 1:10-4:00-6:55 Doctor Strange in the Mul- 7:40-9:30 Once (R) CC: 10:10-1:25-4:45- Men (R) 6:10-8:50 Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13)
10:05-10:45-11:20-11:50- Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG) tiverse of Madness (PG-13) The Bad Guys (PG) 11:20- AMC Hoffman Center 22 8:05-11:20 Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets 12:20-3:40-7:00 10659 Braddock Road
12:50-1:20-2:05-3:10-4:10- 10:05-1:05-4:05-7:15 12:00-1:05-3:20-4:10-6:30 2:00-4:50-7:30 206 Swamp Fox Rd. Firestarter (R) CC: 9:15 of Dumbledore (PG-13) The Bob's Burgers Movie Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13)
4:40-5:25-6:00-6:30-7:30-8:00- Private Watch Party 11:00-2:45 The Bad Guys (PG) 12:00- Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG) Men (R) CC: 12:45-3:20-5:55- 10:20-1:40 (PG-13) 12:30-1:30-3:20-6:10- CC; DVS: 1:00-4:00-7:00-7:15
8:45-9:20-9:50 F3: Fun and Frustration 2:30-5:00 12:00-3:20 Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets 8:30-11:10 Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) 7:15-9:10 Doctor Strange in the Mul-
Doctor Strange in the Mul- 5:50-9:15 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG) Downton Abbey: A New Era of Dumbledore (PG-13) CC: Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) 10:10-10:45-11:25-12:05-1:20- Doctor Strange in the tiverse of Madness (PG-13)
tiverse of Madness (PG-13) Anek 9:35 12:30-3:40 (PG) 12:10-3:30-6:40-9:40 11:10-2:30-5:50-9:10 Multiverse of Madness CC; DVS: 12:00-2:30-5:00-7:40
12:00-3:00-6:10-9:30 Downton Abbey: A New Era Everything Everywhere All At (PG-13) 12:00-3:00-4:15-6:15-
Downton Abbey: A New Era (PG) 12:20-3:30-6:50 9:20-10:00
(PG) OC: 12:10 Everything Everywhere All At The Bad Guys (PG) 11:30-
Once (R) 12:10-3:30-6:50 1:50-4:20-6:50
Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (PG) Downton Abbey: A New Era Firestarter (R) 7:20 Top Gun: Maverick - The
Once (R) 10:55-2:10-5:30-9:10 Top Gun: Maverick (PG-13) CC: 10:10-11:40-1:20-3:00- 1:55-2:35-3:15-4:30-5:05-5:45- IMAX 2D Experience (PG-13) The Bad Guys (PG) CC; DVS:
OC: 2:40 CC: 11:45-3:00-6:15-9:30 (PG) 12:00-3:05 Men (R) 7:40 Men (R) 10:05 CC: 11:00-2:30-6:00-9:30 4:30-7:45-9:20-11:00; 6:10 6:25-7:40-8:15-8:55-9:35-10:50 11:20-2:40-6:00-9:20 12:20-2:40-4:50




♥ 84
♦ AK73
♣ Q632

♠ 74 ♠ 9863
♥ K J 10 7 3 ♥ 952
♦ 854 ♦ Q 10 9 6
♣ 987 ♣ 54

♠ Q 10 5 2
♥ AQ6
♦ J2
♣ A K J 10

The bidding:

1 NT Pass 6 NT All Pass
Opening lead — ♣ 9

ant of errors,” a club
player told me, “and I make
plenty. He asserts that if
you make the same mistake
twice, the second time is by
“He sounds like a hard
“I went down at 6NT,” my
friend said, “and my partner
swore I’d booted the same
type of situation before.”

declarer won in dummy and
tried a heart to his queen.
West took the king and led
the jack. South ran his win-
ners, but East kept his dia-
mond stopper and won the
13th trick.
“My partner wanted to
know what part of ‘com-
bining chances’ I don’t
Trying several chances for LIO
a contract is a common tech- MARK TATULLI MOTHER GOOSE & GRIMM MIKE PETERS

nique. South can win the first
club in dummy and next lead
a diamond toward his jack.
When East has the queen,
South wins three diamond
tricks, plus four clubs, four
spades and one heart.
If West had the queen of
diamonds, South would still
be alive. He could finesse
with the queen of hearts or

You hold:
Your partner opens 1NT.
North in today’s deal raised
to 6NT. Do you agree with
that call?
ANSWER: North’s bid would
have been routine at match-
point duplicate. At IMPs or BLONDIE

party bridge, North might
have looked for a safer slam
at a minor suit. A useful con-
vention is “forcing Stayman”:
A two-diamond response
forces to game and allows
investigation of various con-
tracts. Note that in today’s
deal, six clubs is made easily.
— Frank Stewart






You are attractive
and friendly. You have
a winning style that
people like. People

also like you because you are
genuinely interested in them.
Stay light on your feet this
year, because it’s an exciting
year full of change. Have the
courage to explore new ideas
and grab opportunities that
come your way.

Moon Alert: There are no
restrictions to shopping or
important decisions today.
The New Moon is in Gemini.

(MARCH 21-APRIL 19).
Today’s New Moon is the best
day all year to think about how
you can improve your daily
communications. For example,
do you really listen to others?
Or are you just waiting for your
turn to speak? Communication
is a two-way street.

DUSTIN Focus on moneymaking ideas
your assets today, because
this New Moon is the only
New Moon all year that is
taking place in your House of

(MAY 21-JUNE 20).
Today the only New Moon in
your sign all year is taking
place, which makes this the
perfect day to take a realistic
look in the mirror to see
how you can improve the
impression you create on
your world.

(JUNE 21-JULY 22).
The New Moon each month is
a chance to make resolutions.
Today’s New Moon encourages
you to think about your
spiritual world and your
religious values. What do you
think about in the dark at

(JULY 23-AUG. 22).
You are a social person. You
like one-on-one encounters
with others -- a fun coffee
get-together or an entertaining
evening out. Today’s New
Moon is the perfect day to
think about your relations with

(AUG. 23-SEPT. 22).
This is the perfect day to
think about your life direction,
because the New Moon is
taking place at the top of your
chart. Are you headed where
you want to go? Where do
you want to be five years from
(SEPT. 23-OCT. 22).
Today’s New Moon is your
chance to think about what
adventures might enrich your
life in an exciting way. Should
you take a trip and travel? Is
there something you want to
learn? Do you want to explore
opportunities in medicine, the
law or publishing?

(OCT. 23-NOV. 21).
Make some time today to
focus on those red-tape
details that are so easy to
ignore. Today’s New Moon
is the perfect day to roll up
your sleeves and focus on
inheritances, wills, taxes, debt
and shared property.

(NOV. 22-DEC. 21).
Today the only New Moon
opposite your sign all year is
taking place, which means it’s
a great opportunity for you to
think about how to improve
your closest relationships.
We’re talking close friends,
partners and spouses.

(DEC. 22-JAN. 19).
Make the most of this lovely
New Moon and ask yourself
what you could do to get better
organized in general. How
can you get better organized
at work as well as in your
everyday world?

(JAN. 20-FEB. 18).
It’s important to have a good
balance between play and
work in our lives. Do you feel
you have this kind of balance?
Do you reward yourself with
social outings and contact
with others? What about fun
activities with your kids?

(FEB. 19-MARCH 20).
What can you do to improve
where you live, as well as
improve relations with family
or the people where you live?
Today’s New Moon is the best
day all year to think about this.
Even a tiny improvement will
make your life easier.

— Georgia Nicols




More online: Feedback: 1301 K St. NW, Washington, D.C., 20071; [email protected]; 202-334-4775.



Rotokas, a language spoken on an island in Papua TODAY How much do you know
New Guinea, has the shortest alphabet with 11 letters. about Memorial Day?
Khmer, the official language of Cambodia, has the The Monday holiday may feature Take our online quiz to
longest with 74 letters. sunny skies and high temperatures find out.
in the low 90s.


BIRTHDAYS OF THE WEEK It’s in the bag: How to get a grip on idioms

Lenaghan Sherman MONDAY, MAY 30 BY MARYLOU TOUSIGNANT British admiral and war hero Our ancestors didn’t have com- THE WASHINGTON POST ILLUSTRATION/ISTOCK
Bourdeau Koropecky Arlington’s Nicholas Lenaghan (2016). Horatio Nelson, who had lost fy foam mattresses. They slept on
Reny Kelley Mount Rainier’s Willa Sherman (2010). L earning another lan- sight in his right eye, claimed after sacks stuffed with whatever they raccoon or other animal would
Morrell Perlberg Vienna’s Lucas Bourdeau (2009). guage is challenging. an 1801 naval battle that he had could find, often straw or hay. trick the dogs into thinking their
Wittemen Jafari The Mystics’ Myisha Hines-Allen (1996). There are thousands of not seen his commander’s flag Before bedtime, they might prey was up a certain tree. The
Kranefeld Holland Singer Idina Menzel (1971). strange new words to signal to retreat. “I have only one punch the sack to make it more dogs would then circle its base
know, along with how to pro- eye. I have a right to be blind comfortable. That also helped get and yap away. They were, literal-
TUESDAY, MAY 31 nounce them and use them cor- sometimes,” Nelson reportedly rid of bugs that would otherwise ly, barking up the wrong tree.
Composer Akira Ifukube (1914). rectly in a sentence. said. The British went on to victo- spend the night with them.
Illustrator William Heath Robinson ry. Getting the word out
(1872). One of the trickier parts is Think outside the box: Be cre-
Poet Walt Whitman (1819). figuring out the meaning of a It’s in the bag: Success is as- ative or different in problem- Check out Planet Word, the
language’s idioms (pronounced sured. solving. country’s first museum dedicated
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1 IDD-ee-ums). An idiom is a “to inspiring a love of words and
Olney’s Amir Meltzer and Asher Meltzer phrase whose meaning is differ- The 1916 New York Giants This phrase gained popularity language.”
(2009). ent from its individual words but were in the middle of what be- in the business world of the It’s in the historic Franklin School
Actor Tom Holland (1996). is widely understood by native came a 26-game winning streak. 1970s. It refers to a century-old at 925 Thirteenth Street
Playwright John Van Druten (1901). speakers of that language. Back then, a bag filled with base- puzzle in which nine dots must Northwest in Washington, D.C.
balls was left on the field during be connected using four straight The museum introduces several
THURSDAY, JUNE 2 For example, if someone says, games to replace balls hit into lines, without your pen or pencil aspects of language and has
Timonium’s Henry Koropecky (2016). “don’t cry over spilled milk,” they the stands. The Giants became leaving the paper. It’s easy . . . interactive exhibits. Entry is free
Clarksburg’s Epps Reny (2014). aren’t talking about an actual convinced that, if they led in the once your mind leaves the box. (though donations are welcome);
Olney’s Gaby Kelley (2010). puddle of milk. This idiom ninth inning, removing that bag timed entry passes are required.
Bethesda’s Anders Morrell (2010). means that something is done guaranteed victory because the Barking up the wrong tree: For museum hours, entry passes
Writer Dorothy West (1907). with, and it’s time to move on. win was “in the bag.” Make the wrong choice. and other information, visit
Educator John Hope (1868).
Many languages have idioms. Hit the hay (or hit the sack): This idiom dates back 200
FRIDAY, JUNE 3 Here’s a funny one in Polish: “Nie Go to bed. years to when people hunted
Falls Church’s Lila Perlberg (2011). mój cyrk, nie moje malpy.” It with packs of dogs. Sometimes a
Entertainer Josephine Baker (1906). translates to “Not my circus, not
Surgeon Charles Drew (1904). my monkeys” — in other words,
Geologist James Hutton (1726). “not my problem.”

SATURDAY, JUNE 4 Here are seven popular idioms
Silver Spring’s Sam Wittemen (2015). in English and their generally
Washington’s Julian Jafari (2013). accepted origins.
Poet Winifred Emma May (1907).
Illustrator Mabel Attwell (1879). Off your rocker: Crazy or odd
Bethesda’s Hannah Kranefeld (2012). In the 1890s, trolley cars were
Engineer Dennis Gabor (1900). attached to overhead electrical
Economist John Maynard Keynes wires with an arm and a wheel
(1883). called a rocker. If a car discon-
Scholar Elena Cornaro (1646). nected, it was off its rocker and
unable to work properly. The
Birthday announcements are for ages 6 to 13 and are British version of this idiom is
printed on a first-come, first-served basis. They do “off your trolley.”
not appear online. A parent or legal guardian must give
permission. We need photos at least three weeks Spill the beans: Reveal a se-
ahead of publication. We need names (if photos are cret.
not desired) at least a week before publication. Fill out
the online form at We are In Ancient Greece, men voted
temporarily unable to accept mailed submissions. in secret, using colored beans. If
Questions? Contact [email protected]. someone tipped over the vase
holding the beans, the election
results were no longer secret.

Turn a blind eye: Ignore
someone or something unpleas-

LA TIMES CROSSWORD By Catherine Cetta Their divorce is decades old. Is it too
late for the ex-husband to apologize?
1 Dart around like a Ask Amy Dear Amy: My use: “Over time, I’ve come to see something wrong. She
first wife, “Stacey,” understand how immature and insisted that I’m overthinking
hummingbird and I married selfish I was.” “You absolutely things and that maybe it would be
5 Like 9-Across AMY young. She loved deserved better, and I appreciate good for me to get some therapy.
DICKINSON me. We had three that you seem to have found a far
that has lost better partner than I was to you.” I’m not sure what I should do.
its fizz children together. “Thank you for raising our — Worried
9 Dark drink I was immature and had little children so well.” “I am so sorry
with fizz concept of what was required for for the pain I caused you and the Worried: This change in your
13 Easier to write a successful marriage, although kids.” relationship may be related to
neatly on, my parents had an almost idyllic “Iris’s” decision to stop drinking.
probably one. You might want to end your
15 Like tinned After 13 years together, I left note with this thought: “I don’t Either she has stopped, and
sardines the marriage. need any acknowledgment from being with you is a trigger for her
16 Las Vegas WNBA The divorce I initiated was you, but I hope you receive this in — or she has possibly resumed
team difficult for us all. the spirit I intend it — as a sincere drinking and doesn’t want you to
17 “Drive Happy” There were several apology.” know.
car rental reconciliations, and I spent about
company a year in analysis. Ultimately, I It is important that you detach (Her choice could also be a
18 Harvest left and married my second wife. completely from any expectations result of another issue.)
19 School gps. She and I have been very happily regarding the outcome. If your
20 *Mahalia married for over 30 years. apology angers her and she Her insistence that nothing
Jackson’s genre There are children (now responds harshly, then — maybe has changed, even though it
23 Poem of praise grown) from both marriages, and she needed to do that, and you obviously has, is a red flag. Yes,
24 “Passing” actress they all get along incredibly well. needed to hear it. you should assume that she is
Thompson Stacey remarried (happily) Dear Amy: I started dating “Iris” phasing you out and that she is
25 “Friendly” and, after many years in the five months ago. not willing to be honest with you
cartoon ghost wilderness, we are able to attend about her reasons.
27 Abbr. between family activities and engage in We’ve seen each other two to
names cordial conversation. three times a week and have gone It is rational to wonder why
29 *Colorful top with © 2022 Tribune Content Agency, LLC. 5/30/22 I have a desire to apologize to on trips together. someone is not being straight
a tropical design with you.
32 Contributor with 67 Stiletto, for one 28 “Cobra __”: 39 Entered a 52 “My stars!” her for all the pain I caused, but I Recently she decided to stop
deep pockets 68 “A __ formality” Netflix series username, say 53 Match, as am not sure whether I am just drinking, as it was becoming a You don’t seem to need
35 Esteem 69 One-named based on “The trying to make myself feel better. problem for her. therapy. You may, however, need
36 Layers on tall Karate Kid” 40 Singer Yoko subjects and I wonder if doing this might just to let Iris go.
wedding cakes singer from 41 Okra unit verbs cause her further pain or anger. I support her completely. In Dear Amy: Thank you for your
37 Orchestra __ County Donegal 30 Just like ewe 43 Breastbone 56 Alleviate Our adult children are aware of the five to six weeks since she forceful response to “Perplexed
38 Greek storyteller 31 Beret, e.g. 44 Biblical twin 57 “Don’t you __ my feelings and have advised me stopped drinking, I have seen her Partner!,” whose boyfriend
who coined DOWN 33 Rowing teams 45 One who feels stop!?” to let things be. only three times, and for only purchased Hitler memorabilia as
“sour grapes” 1 Mark as 34 Pass that leads 58 Pinkish Based on this brief synopsis, about an hour or so. a gift for his son.
42 German steel city another’s pain 59 Spanish miss: can you give any advice?
44 Current influence important to a successful 46 “That’s not true!” Abbr. — Regretful but Happy She always says she has plans. Any thinking and sensitive
on the weather? 2 “__ & Stitch” basket 47 Oregon city on 61 Cartoon She won’t come to my place or person should recognize that
45 *Trial figure 3 Too worked up to 37 Signing-ceremony frame Regretful: You say that you and stay over because she says now these items are loaded with
who can give memento the Willamette your ex now have a cordial that she has anxiety if she’s away heartbreaking associations.
a firsthand relax 48 Orb relationship, and so a note from from home, although she still
account 4 City between you wouldn’t necessarily create a hangs out with family/friends — Appalled
49 “__ Is a Woman”: SATURDAY’S LA TIMES SOLUTION problem for her. several times a week, and as far as Appalled: I was surprised to
Ariana Grande Phoenix and I can tell she continues to be learn that there is a robust
song Mesa Your impulse to apologize, active. market in this material.
50 Hair gel 5 Like most proms make amends or work on paying I can’t help feeling like she’s Amy's column appears seven days a
alternative 6 In __ of down your Karmic debt is phasing me out of her life and week at
51 Joyous song 7 Word of sorrow laudable. Despite the fact that doesn’t want to be in a Write to [email protected] or
54 Wrinkly pup 8 “You’re so your children are advising you to relationship with me anymore. Amy Dickinson, P.O. Box 194, Freeville,
55 Nature lovers, predictable” “let things be,” I hope you choose When I ask her if there’s anything N.Y. 13068.  You can also follow her
and what the 9 Mushroom top to do this. wrong between us, she says @askingamy.
answers to the 10 Sea creatures everything is fine.
starred clues with eight arms Sample thoughts you might She doesn’t acknowledge my © 2022 by Amy Dickinson. Distributed by
literally are 11 Front-runner feelings or seem concerned that I Tribune Content Agency.
60 Actor Guinness 12 Stand up for
62 Cathedral section (oneself) “Away from the S0136-3x1.5
63 Passion 14 Female deer noise and bustle”
64 Fork prong 21 Aspiring atty.’s
65 Mouse mover exam Discover great area neighborhoods in
66 Rational believer 22 Unlike most “Where We Live,” Saturdays in Real Estate.
26 High shine
27 To the rear, at sea


Soto finds
his groove
as the Nats
take series


In his first at-bat of the Wash-
ington Nationals’ 6-5 victory Sun-
day, Juan Soto was looking for a
fastball. If he got any other pitch,
he said later, he would adjust.
So when Colorado Rockies left-
hander Kyle Freeland threw a 2-0
slider, Soto sprayed the pitch into
the red seats beyond left-center
field at Nationals Park for a two-
run homer. It was his first since
May 12 and his ninth of the sea-
It was a vintage swing from
Soto, one that sparked the offense.
The Nationals (18-31) needed ev-
ery run they got; the bullpen near-
ly blew the lead for Josiah Gray by
giving up four runs in the seventh
and eighth innings before Tanner
Rainey slammed the door on Col-
orado (21-26). The victory secured
just the Nationals’ third series win
and their first since they took two
of three from the host San


Nationals at Mets
Today, 7:10 p.m., MASN

CELTICS 100, HEAT 96: Boston, paced by 26 points from Jayson Tatum, advanced to the NBA Finals for the first time since 2010 and will take on Golden State. and waiting
is Djokovic
Not to be denied
Celtics, led by young stars Tatum and Brown, hold off the Heat in Game 7 to reach NBA Finals BY LIZ CLARKE

miami — At times, they showed all his chutzpah and tried to win James Harden, whose humble beard at paris — It took every shot in
made it look ugly. Bad shot the game on his own. Ultimately, his last the time didn’t require its own Zip code.
attempts, wild drives shot clanked off the rim — like a ton of The 1995 Orlando Magic had 23-year-old Rafael Nadal’s repertoire, total
ending in offensive fouls, a shots on this night. A short while later, Penny Hardaway in his second year and conviction and considerable
game that could be the Celtics would spill onto Miami’s home 22-year-old Shaquille O’Neal in his third. “suffering,” as the Spaniard put
admired only by defensive floor in celebration of their 100-96 win And for the pre-modern game, the 1977 it, to reach the French Open
Candace enthusiasts — that’s how and their trip to the NBA Finals, where Portland Trail Blazers had 10 players who quarterfinals.
Buckner Jayson Tatum, Jaylen they will face the Golden State Warriors. were 25 or younger. Those Blazers still
Brown and the rest of the reign as the youngest team to win an NBA What Nadal will have left for
Boston Celtics played and prevailed in It wasn’t pretty, with Tatum needing title. Tuesday’s clash with top-ranked
Game 7 of the Eastern Conference finals. 21 shots to score a team-best 26 points Novak Djokovic — the 59th meet-
Tatum and Brown were born in the and Brown adding 24 but also four Tatum, at 24, and Brown, just a year ing of their rivalry, with implica-
1990s, and maybe they have an affinity for turnovers. But all Boston will see is older, have led the Celtics to the Finals. tions for tennis history at stake
that era of basketball. By throwing their beauty in the process. The way their era began in Boston, it — is unclear after Nadal needed
bodies around, they mucked up the game would have been hard to imagine the duo nearly 41/2 hours Sunday to sub-
to the point that not even the defensive- The growth of Tatum and Brown getting this far. due Felix Auger-Aliassime, a
minded Miami Heat could survive. They mirrors that of other young teams that challenger nearly 15 years young-
held their breath when Jimmy Butler have advanced to the Finals. The 2012 On June 23, 2016, when the Celtics er.
Oklahoma City Thunder had a baby-faced selected Brown with the No. 3 pick, many
Russell Westbrook, Kevin Durant and Nadal, who turns 36 on Friday,
SEE BUCKNER ON D8 sounded bleak after his 3-6, 6-3,
6-2, 3-6, 6-3 victory on Court
NBA Finals, Game 1: Celtics at Warriors | Thursday, 9 p.m., ABC Philippe-Chatrier, where he has
won 13 of his men’s-record


French Open, round of 16
Today, 5 a.m., Tennis Channel;
11 a.m., NBC

If Commanders move to Va., Maryland has unfinished business in title game
it could divide their fan base
A year after falling one victory shy of a perfect championship season, Terps get a second chance

BY ADAM KILGORE want. But you’re not going to get BY PATRICK STEVENS
Jonathan Kemp walked to the your more loyal fans.”
door after he finished lunch east hartford, conn. — On
Wednesday afternoon at Jasper’s Monday’s revelation that the
Restaurant in Largo, a white Commanders had acquired the Memorial Day a year ago, the
plastic bag of leftovers in hand. right to buy 200 acres in Wood- Maryland men’s lacrosse team left
Kemp, 49, recently moved to bridge raised questions about things unfinished.
Largo after growing up in South- how a potential move to that site
east Washington, where he de- — or any other in Virginia, The top-seeded and undefeated
veloped his love for the Washing- including an option near Dulles Terrapins have a chance to write a
ton Commanders — whom he International Airport — could different ending in their latest na-
still refers to, out of both habit alter the makeup and fervency of tional title game appearance Mon-
and defiance, by their former a fan base that has eroded during day against seventh-seeded Cor-
name. the 23-year stewardship of own- nell.
If the Commanders leave his er Daniel Snyder.
new environs for Virginia, which Maryland has won 34 of its past
grew into a vivid possibility this Once considered to be the rare 35 games, with the lone loss com-
past week, Kemp could not stop civic institution capable of unit- ing in last year’s final. Those unde-
rooting for his beloved NFL ing not only Washington but also feated Terps dropped a 17-16 deci-
team. He just would stop attend- most of Maryland and Virginia, sion to Virginia, denying them a
ing their games, and he suspects the Commanders could become year-end victory lap.
most of his friends would, too. the sole geographic property of
“To say, ‘I’m going to take all Virginia, making some wonder Maryland again has a chance to
my guys to Loudoun County [or] whether they would cede the close a season as the first unde-
Woodbridge,’ you’re going to get remaining vestiges of their Mary- feated champion since Virginia in
a different base,” Kemp said. land fan base to the Baltimore 2006.
“Maybe that’s the base that you Ravens.
“With this group, knowing how
Some of the team’s most die- far they got, with so many guys
hard holdouts live in Prince back, they were driven to get to
Monday, for sure,” said Maryland
SEE COMMANDERS ON D5 Coach John Tillman, whose pro-
gram will play in its seventh na-

A long putt on the first Ex-Formula One driver Maryland fans cheered as their team beat Princeton to make the championship game against Cornell. The Terps (17-0) have rarely
playoff hole gives Sam Marcus Ericsson takes faced serious challenges this
Burns a win over Scottie control late and secures
Scheffler at Colonial. D2 his first Indy 500 win. D5 SEE MARYLAND ON D3

NCAA men’s lacrosse final
Maryland vs. Cornell
In East Hartford, Conn.
Today, 1 p.m., ESPN


Nadal guts out victory and has Djokovic waiting GOLF ROUNDUP

FRENCH OPEN FROM D1 PASCAL ROSSIGNOL/REUTERS was to sit in neither player’s box. Burns nails
Instead, he looked on from a a 38-footer
21 Grand Slam titles. Rafael Nadal gave everything he had Sunday to beat Felix Auger-Aliassime, 3-6, 6-3, 6-2, 3-6, 6-3. “neutral” seat in the front row, to finish o≠
“I [am] going to fight for it,” he taking neither side yet impossi- comeback
the 2021 French Open semifinals CHRISTOPHE ENA/ASSOCIATED PRESS ble to miss — at least until the
said. “Two weeks and a half ago en route to claiming the title for contest headed into the fifth set. ASSOCIATED PRESS
. . . I don’t know if I would be a second time. After winning in a sweep, Novak Djokovic said: “I’m glad that I At that point, he later explained
able to be here. So just enjoying didn’t spend too much time on the court myself up to quarterfinals.” to a French broadcaster, he could Sam Burns has a winning mo-
the fact that I am here for one They haven’t competed at the take no more and had to leave to ment of his own at the Charles
more year. And, being honest, same Grand Slam since. Nadal Aliassime, who was seeking his tutelage, but his uncle stepped watch the conclusion on televi- Schwab Challenge.
every match that I play here, I missed the 2021 U.S. Open to fourth consecutive Grand Slam away from his coaching duties in sion.
don’t know if [it’s] going to be my undergo foot surgery. Djokovic quarterfinal appearance, weath- 2017. A little more than two hours
last match here in Roland Garros missed the 2022 Australian ered the Spaniard’s best. He It was a classic encounter after he finished his round of 5-un-
in my tennis career, no? That’s Open after being deported fol- hung with the hard-hitting Na- In April 2021, Toni Nadal marked by terrific shot-making, der-par 65 to get to 9 under at
my situation now.” lowing a failed legal challenge dal on extended baseline rallies. joined Auger-Aliassime’s coach- smart strategy and sportsman- Colonial Country Club in Fort
over his coronavirus vaccination He produced huge serves time ing staff with an understanding ship. As the proceedings neared Worth, Burns came back out for a
Nadal didn’t cite the rib he status. and again to fend off 16 of the that he would not coach him the four-hour mark, Auger-Alias- playoff and made a 38-foot birdie
cracked during a tournament in 22 break points he faced. And he against his nephew. That cir- sime was shrewd and remorse- putt on the first extra hole Sunday
March and made only passing Sunday’s matches took place kept his composure as the mo- cumstance arrived for the first less in yanking Nadal from side to beat Scottie Scheffler, his best
reference to “a tough process” on a cool, overcast afternoon as mentum shifted back and forth. time Sunday — on Nadal’s favor- to side and from front to back friend and the No. 1 player in the
with his foot, alluding to chronic the city slowly woke after Satur- ite stage, with his opportunity to with a medley of forehand blasts, world.
pain in his surgically repaired day night’s UEFA Champions The match unfolded with an claim a 22nd Grand Slam title drop shots and lobs.
left one. At this stage in his League final at Stade de France. unusual psychological subtext. and a record-extending “I can assure you he wanted to
hard-slugging career, the inju- Nadal, a lifelong Real Madrid Since childhood, Nadal had been 14th French Open in the balance. Nadal’s fitness has been in beat me more than anybody else
ries and ailments are baggage he fan, was among the luminaries coached by his uncle Toni, who question from the tournament’s and I wanted to beat him more
carries that he didn’t have in on hand — a rare diversion on molded his left-handed game Toni Nadal’s solution — he outset, but he has sidestepped than anybody else,” Burns said.
2005, when he won his first the night before a Grand Slam and indomitable fighting spirit. explained Friday, when his neph- direct questions about it. He “It’s going to be a fun story that
French Open title just days after match — and he exited, he said, Nadal won 16 majors under his ew and young charge advanced gave no hint of any limitations we’ll get to have for the rest of our
his 19th birthday. before the postmatch revelry to their fourth-round collision — deep into the fifth set, ripping a careers, and fortunately I got the
because it was time for bed. forehand winner down the line, better end of it this time. But hope-
Djokovic, who secured his in a full slide, to set up what fully we’re at the beginning of
quarterfinal berth earlier Sun- Unlike Djokovic, who was met proved to be the key break point. these situations.”
day in half the time by breezing by a mixture of boos and cheers
past Diego Schwartzman, 6-1, when he strode out for his With the victory, Nadal im- After Burns had a birdie chance
6-3, 6-3, is on a mission to equal match, Nadal was greeted like a proved his record at Roland stop just inches short at No. 18 to
Nadal’s tally of majors here at returning champion by the fans Garros to 109-3. finish his round, there were still
Roland Garros, where he is the who packed the 15,000-seat sta- eight groups left on the course.
defending champion, and sur- dium court. Stephens, Gauff will meet Scheffler was in the last of those,
pass it at Wimbledon next Sloane Stephens will return to and at one point during that time
month. He has yet to concede a The 6-foot-4 Auger-Aliassime, he was among five players tied at
set in the first four rounds. 21, was superior at the outset, the French Open quarterfinals 10 under on the back nine.
breaking Nadal’s serve early and for the first time since 2019 after
Asked after his victory about committing far fewer errors to she beat Jil Teichmann, 6-2, 6-0. The gusty wind changed all
the prospect of facing Nadal for a claim the opening set. After that. And Scheffler needed three
spot in the semifinals, Djokovic leveling at one set apiece, Nadal Stephens won the 2017 U.S. clutch putts for a 72 just to get into
called it “a huge challenge and rounded into form in the third Open and was the runner-up at the playoff between the 25-year-
probably the biggest one that set, pummeling Auger-Aliassime Roland Garros the next year. But old standouts.
you can have here in Roland with forehand blasts again and she hasn’t been a member of the
Garros.” again. final eight players at any major The seven-stroke comeback
tournament since she lost in the tied him with Nick Price in 1994
“I’m glad that I didn’t spend But the ninth-seeded Auger- quarterfinals in Paris three years for the biggest in a final round to
too much time on the court ago. win at Colonial. And it came 11
myself up to quarterfinals,” years after Burns was there as a
Djokovic said, “knowing that . . . Stephens will face Coco Gauff teenager when David Toms, also a
playing [Nadal] in Roland Gar- in an all-U.S. matchup next. former LSU Tiger, won after he
ros is always a physical battle.” took the lead for good with an
Gauff hit one backhand 83-yard wedge shot for an eagle at
The Djokovic-Nadal clash is around the net post in the first the par-5 11th.
the match so many tennis fans set along the way to earning her
have looked forward to at this berth in the quarterfinals for the l LPGA TOUR: Eun-Hee Ji
year’s French Open — albeit not second consecutive year. won the Match Play, beating Aya-
so early in the tournament — ka Furue, 3 and 2, in cooler condi-
because of its many layers of The 18-year-old took over tions at Shadow Creek in Las Ve-
significance. from 4-all in the opening set en gas for a spot next week in the U.S.
route to beating No. 31 seed Elise Women’s Open.
The victor’s next challenge Mertens of Belgium, 6-4, 6-0.
could prove equally daunting: a Ji, the 2009 U.S. Women’s Open
potential semifinal against Car- U.S. Open runner-up Leylah winner at Saucon Valley, took the
los Alcaraz, the Spanish teen Fernandez moved into the quar- last spot at Pine Needles with her
who beat Nadal and Djokovic in terfinals at Roland Garros for the sixth LPGA Tour victory and first
succession to win the recent first time with a 6-3, 4-6, 6-3 since 2019.
Madrid Open on clay. The sixth- victory over Amanda Anisimova.
seeded Alcaraz routed Karen At 36, Ji became the oldest
Khachanov, 6-1, 6-4, 6-4, on Sun- The 19-year-old Fernandez South Korean winner in tour his-
day to reach the quarterfinals, in had more than twice as many tory. Ranked 83rd in the world,
which he will face third-seeded winners, 35, as unforced errors, she was seeded 36th in the
Alexander Zverev. 17, and continued her run of 64-player field.
impressive returning at the tour-
Djokovic holds a 30-28 career nament. l PGA TOUR CHAMPIONS:
edge on Nadal, but Nadal leads Steven Alker avoided mistakes
19-8 on clay. Djokovic won their Fernandez, the youngest play- down the stretch and closed with
most recent meeting on the er to win a WTA title in 2022, is an 8-under 63 for a three-shot
tricky surface, ousting Nadal in seeded 17th at the French Open victory in the Senior PGA Champi-
and will play Martina Trevisan of onship in Benton Harbor, Mich.,
Italy next. for his third title this year and first
— Associated Press
WNBA ROUNDUP Perez of France birdied the fourth
hole of a dramatic playoff with
Ogwumike’s late putback propels Los Angeles past Minnesota Ryan Fox to win the Dutch Open
for the second tour title of his
SPARKS 85, 17-point first-half deficit. played 14 seasons with the Lynx 12-point lead at the end of the first and host Seattle handed New York career.
LYNX 83 Ogwumike finished with before she spent one year with the quarter and limited Phoenix (2-6) its seventh straight loss.
Sparks, with whom she is now an to just eight points in the second They switched to the 17th hole
ASSOCIATED PRESS 16 points. Chennedy Carter led assistant coach. She retired as the to take a 50-23 lead into halftime. Breanna Stewart had 14 points, at Bernardus Golf in Cromvoirt,
Nneka Ogwumike’s putback of the Sparks (4-6), who had lost six No. 10 scorer in league history eight rebounds, six steals and five Netherlands, having matched
her own miss with 7.3 seconds left of seven, with 20 points. Liz Cam- with 6,005 points. Diamond DeShields, the only assists for the Storm, which beat each other stroke for stroke on
lifted the Los Angeles Sparks to an bage added 15 points and Katie Mercury player to score in double the Liberty for the second time in three trips down No. 18 in the
85-83 win over the Minnesota Lou Samuelson 13. l DREAM 81, MERCURY 54: figures, finished with 23 points. three days despite having three playoff, with Perez holing birdie
Lynx on Sunday in Minneapolis. Kristy Wallace had 17 points to Skylar Diggins-Smith (19.2 points players, including Sue Bird, miss putts from 15 feet and then 30 feet
Rachel Banham’s jumper with The Lynx (2-7), who retired lead five Atlanta players in double per game) and Diana Taurasi both games in the covid-19 proto- to keep it alive.
26.6 seconds remaining pulled Seimone Augustus’s No. 33 jersey figures in a rout of visiting Phoe- (16.0) — the team’s top scorers — cols.
Minnesota even for just the sec- before the game, were led by Kay- nix. combined for nine points on l KORN FERRY TOUR: Harry
ond time. The game was also tied la McBride with 19 points, but her 3-for-17 shooting. Lavender had 12 points and Hall holed a seven-foot birdie on
at 65 after the Lynx erased a last-second jumper went off the Erica Wheeler scored 16 points, 10 rebounds. Briann January also the third playoff hole to beat Nick
rim. Cheyenne Parker had 12 points Phoenix has lost five consecu- had 12 points, and Kaela Davis, in Hardy in the NV5 Invitational in
and 10 rebounds and Rhyne How- tive games. her first game with the Storm Glenview, Ill.
Augustus was a key player on ard had 12 points with six assists (5-3), had 11 points.
Minnesota’s four WNBA champi- for Atlanta (5-3). l STORM 92, LIBERTY 61:
onship teams. The No. 1 overall Jewell Loyd scored 22 points, Jan- Han Xu led the Liberty (1-7)
pick out of LSU in the 2006 draft The Dream never trailed, took a tel Lavender had a double-double, with 13 points.


COLLEGES Longhorns from last year’s Verstappen now leads Leclerc from the right circle off a pass 1 p.m. Milwaukee at Chicago Cubs, first game » MLB Network
national championship varsity by nine points in the standings. from Mikael Granlund. 4 p.m. San Francisco at Philadelphia » MLB Network
North Carolina secures eight boat returned and beat the Leclerc has two wins this season; 7 p.m. Washington at New York Mets » MASN, WJFK (106.7 FM)
women’s lacrosse title second-place Cardinal by almost Verstappen and Perez have The countries met for the third 7 p.m. Baltimore at Boston » MASN2, WIYY (97.9 FM)
five seconds. . . . combined for five victories as Red straight time in the finals. 7 p.m. Kansas City at Cleveland » MLB Network (joined in progress)
Sam Geiersbach scored three Bull and Ferrari have claimed all Finland beat Canada in 2019 in 10 p.m. Pittsburgh at Los Angeles Dodgers » MLB Network
times — including the go-ahead Maryland will host a baseball seven races. Slovakia, and Canada topped the
goal with about five minutes to regional for the first time. Finns last year in Latvia. The STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS
play — and North Carolina beat But the win on the slick city 2020 event was canceled.
defending champion Boston The NCAA announced College streets of Monte Carlo went to 8 p.m. Eastern Conference semifinal, Game 7: New York Rangers at Carolina »
College, 12-11, on Sunday in Park as one of the 16 regional Verstappen’s teammate just one In the third-place game, David ESPN
Baltimore to win the NCAA hosts. The selection show week after Perez was ordered to Pastrnak had a hat trick in the
women’s lacrosse title. revealing the teams in each cede the lead to Verstappen Czech Republic’s 8-4 victory over TENNIS ATP/WTA: French Open, round of 16 » Tennis Channel
region will be at noon Monday. during the Spanish Grand Prix. the United States. . . . 5 a.m. ATP/WTA: French Open, round of 16 » MASN2
The top-ranked Tar Heels Leclerc had dropped out of the 7 a.m. ATP/WTA: French Open, round of 16 » WRC (Ch. 4), WBAL (Ch. 11)
finished the season 22-0, setting a Games at Bob “Turtle” Smith race with an engine failure, and Maple Leafs forward Jason 11 a.m.
school record for wins and Stadium will begin Friday. Red Bull chose to capitalize by Spezza announced his retirement
becoming the first undefeated AUTO RACING manipulating the finish to get after a 19-season NHL career. NCAA MEN’S LACROSSE TOURNAMENT, FINAL
national champion since 2017 Verstappen the win in Spain.
(Maryland). Sergio Perez rebounded from The 38-year-old is moving into 1 p.m. Maryland vs. Cornell » ESPN
Red Bull team orders that denied The team promised Perez he the Maple Leafs’ front office as a
Charlotte North, the NCAA’s him a chance to race for the win would be allowed to race for wins special assistant to General COLLEGE BASEBALL
all-time goals leader, led Boston one week ago to pick up his first and held its word Sunday. Manager Kyle Dubas.
College (19-4) with four goals, and Formula One victory of the ICE HOCKEY Noon NCAA tournament selection show » ESPN2
Cassidy Weeks scored three. season in the rain-marred Taken second overall by Ottawa
Monaco Grand Prix. Sakari Manninen scored on a in the 2001 draft, Spezza spent his MEN’S COLLEGE GOLF
North Carolina has won 49 of power play at 6:42 of three-on- first 11 seasons with the Senators
its past 50 games. The Tar Heels Perez earned his third career F1 three overtime, and host Finland before joining the Stars in 2014 5 p.m. NCAA individual national championship » Golf Channel
improved to 16-0 this season vs. victory after a questionable beat Canada, 4-3, in Tampere for and Toronto in 2019.
ranked teams. . . . strategy call by Ferrari cost pole- its fourth world hockey COLLEGE RUGBY
sitter Charles Leclerc a win on championship title. Spezza, a two-time all-star,
Texas won the first eights final his home circuit. finished with 363 goals and 4 p.m. National Collegiate Rugby, men’s sevens final » CBS Sports Network
by more than five seconds to earn Finland completed an 632 assists in 1,248 regular season
a tiebreaker over Stanford and Although Leclerc finished the Olympics-world double after it NHL games, with another HIGH SCHOOL BOYS’ LACROSSE
claim the Longhorns’ second race for the first time in four tries, won in China in February. 28 goals and 48 assists in
consecutive NCAA rowing title in he finished fourth and allowed 97 playoff games. 6 p.m. Nationals: Bullis vs. Salisbury School (Conn.) » ESPNU
Sarasota, Fla. reigning world champion Max Thomas Chabot was sent off CYCLING 8 p.m. Nationals: IMG Academy (Fla.) vs. Taft School (Conn.) » ESPNU
Verstappen to extend his lead in for hooking, setting up the
Texas and Stanford finished the points standings. Carlos winning power play. With the Jai Hindley accomplished rider to win Italy’s Grand Tour. for Hindley after he entered the
with 124 points, and Princeton Sainz Jr. finished second for four-on-three advantage, what he so narrowly missed out Hindley finished 1 minute final stage of the 2020 Giro
was third with 118. Ferrari, and Verstappen was third Manninen scored on a one-timer on two years ago by sealing wearing the pink jersey only to
for Red Bull. overall victory in the Giro d’Italia, 18 seconds ahead of 2019 finish as the runner-up to Tao
Led by Kaitlin Knifton, seven becoming the first Australian champion Richard Carapaz Geoghegan Hart.
following the concluding
individual time trial, which Hindley said that second-place
finished next to Verona’s Arena, a finish haunted him for months
Roman amphitheater. afterward.

The victory was all the sweeter — From news services


SOCCER ROUNDUP Nationals hold o≠ rallying Rockies to win series

Saint-Etienne NATIONALS FROM D1 Nationals 6, Rockies 5
is relegated,
and irate fans Francisco Giants from April 29 to ROCKIES AB RH BI BB SO AVG
storm field May 1. 11 221 .241
Blackmon dh...................3 01 001 .353
AUXERRE 1, “I feel like I’ve been swinging Daza cf............................5 00 003 .308
SAINT-ET. 1 (5-4 PKS) the bat pretty well the last couple Cron 1b ...........................5 11 010 .247
days,” Soto said. “I’ve been doing McMahon 3b...................4 11 000 .317
ASSOCIATED PRESS my homework, working on my Iglesias ss ......................4 01 002 .279
Angry fans invaded the field swing, working on my stance and Grichuk rf .......................4 12 100 .250
and set off flares as Saint-Etienne, everything. I just feel great.” Rodgers 2b .....................4 12 101 .182
one of France’s most storied soccer Hilliard lf ........................4 01 111 .212
teams, was relegated from the top He admitted during a series Díaz c ..............................3 5 10 549
tier after it lost, 5-4, on penalty with the Milwaukee Brewers last —
kicks to visiting Auxerre in a pro- weekend that he didn’t quite feel TOTALS 36
motion-relegation playoff Sunday. like himself at the plate. He still
The second-leg game was 1-1 leads the majors in walks (40), NATIONALS AB R H BI BB SO AVG
after 90 minutes with no goals and his on-base percentage of .381
added in extra time at Stade Geof- is in the top 20. But Soto has Hernández 2b .................3 1 2 1 2 0 .287
froy-Guichard. That left the aggre- struggled in May, especially re- Thomas lf .......................4 2 1 2 0 0 .200
gate score at 2-2 after the sides also cently; in his previous 13 games Soto rf ............................3 1 2 2 1 0 .236
drew, 1-1, in the first leg. entering Sunday, Soto batted .114 Cruz dh ...........................4 0 1 0 0 2 .238
Auxerre went ahead early in the (5 for 44) with two doubles and Bell 1b ............................3 0 0 0 1 0 .289
second half before Saint-Etienne’s 11 walks. Franco 3b........................4 0 0 0 0 0 .251
equalizer. In the shootout, Ryad Adams c..........................4 0 0 0 0 1 .192
Boudebouz missed a penalty for Sunday’s performance may be a Escobar ss ......................4 1 1 0 0 1 .221
Saint-Etienne as Auxerre clinched sign that he’s getting back on Robles cf.........................4 1 2 0 0 0 .257
its place next season in Ligue 1. track. His inside-out swing for
l MLS: In Carson, Calif., the LA that first-inning homer, coupled TOTALS 33 6 9 5 4 4 —
Galaxy cruised past Austin, 4-1, led with a sixth-inning double that
by Dejan Joveljic’s pair of second- nearly left the park in right, gave COLORADO ............. 100 000 220 — 5 10 1
half scores. . . . Soto his first multi-hit game since WASHINGTON........ 220 002 00X — 6 9 0
Two goals in an eight-minute May 12.
span in the second half lifted the E: Rodgers (5). LOB: Colorado 8, Washington 7. 2B: Hill-
host Seattle Sounders to a 2-1 win So what has been the differ- iard (4), McMahon (10), Cruz (6), Soto (10). HR: Black-
over Charlotte. ence? mon (7), off Gray; Soto (9), off Freeland; Thomas (3),
l NWSL: In Seattle, Rose La- off Freeland. RBI: Blackmon 2 (22), Díaz (9), Rodgers
velle scored on a header in the “I can’t tell you about it,” Soto (19), Hilliard (12), Soto 2 (16), Hernández (12), Thomas
75th minute to give OL Reign a 1-0 joked. “I’ve definitely been trying 2 (17). SB: Robles 2 (5).
win over the San Diego Wave. . . . my stuff, and it’s been working. ROCKIES IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
In Los Angeles, Ifeoma Onu- I’ve been taking more pitches. I’ve
monu had the lone goal as NJ/NY been seeing the ball better, and Freeland ................... 52/3 7 5 5 4 2 107 4.96
Gotham FC beat Angel City, 1-0. . . . you can see my swing is better — Stephenson................. 1/3 2 1 1 0 1 11 6.17
Rachel Daly’s goal in first-half way better.” Smith ...........................1 0 0 0 0 1 13 0.00
stoppage time helped the Houston Colomé.........................1 0 0 0 0 0 7 3.52
Dash salvage a 1-1 home draw with His double came after Lane
the North Carolina Courage. Thomas cleared the bases with a NATIONALS IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Marcelo will leave Madrid two-run homer to give the Nation-
Veteran left back Marcelo said als a 6-1 lead. The Nationals got Gray .............................5 3 1 1 4 3 93 5.08
after Real Madrid’s 1-0 win over their other two runs in the second Edwards Jr...................1 0 0 0 0 1 9 2.25
Liverpool in the Champions with three straight two-out sin- Machado ......................1 3 2 2 0 1 19 3.75
League final Saturday that it was gles and some heads-up base run- Finnegan ..................... 1/3 4 2 2 0 1 23 4.34
his final match with the club. ning by Alcides Escobar, Victor Rainey ...................... 12/3 0 0 0 0 3 18 2.35
It was an emotional farewell as Robles and César Hernández.
Madrid celebrated the title. WP: Gray (5-4); LP: Freeland (1-5); S: Rainey (5). Inher-
l ENGLAND: Ralf Rangnick With Escobar on third base and ited runners-scored: Stephenson 1-1, Rainey 2-0. T:
will not work as a consultant with Hernández at the plate, Robles 3:13. A: 25,225 (41,339).
Manchester United, the club said, stole second; when Rockies sec-
because of the demands of his new ond baseman Brendan Rodgers HOW THEY SCORED
job as Austria coach. dropped the ball, Escobar dashed
third a few pitches later and Charlie Blackmon homers. Yonathan Daza strikes out
scored on Hernández’s single. Victor Robles stole a pair of bases and later scored in the second inning for a 4-1 Nationals lead Sunday. swinging. C.J. Cron strikes out swinging. Ryan McMa-
hon walks. Jose Iglesias lines out.
Gray gave up a leadoff home er Dave Martinez said Soto hits and exiting with runners on NATIONALS ON DECK Rockies 1, Nationals 0
run to Charlie Blackmon to start seemed more relaxed Sunday and the corners, one out and his team NATIONALS FIRST
the game but allowed just two waited for his pitch. up by one. Rainey struck out Elias at New York Mets Cesar Hernandez walks. Lane Thomas reaches on a
more hits. He walked four, driving Díaz and Blackmon to escape that fielder’s choice. Cesar Hernandez out at second. Juan
his pitch count up to 93 and end- “Hopefully, this will kick-start threat, then retired the side in Today 7:10 MASN Soto homers, Lane Thomas scores. Nelson Cruz
ing his outing after five innings. him in order to continue to do order in the ninth. grounds out. Josh Bell grounds out.
what he does,” Martinez said. “I’m Tomorrow 7:10 MASN Nationals 2, Rockies 1
Soto helped make sure Gray got not concerned about him hitting. Strasburg sparkles NATIONALS SECOND
the win. Soto felt his at-bats in this He’s going to hit, and he’s going to In his second rehab start, Ste- Wednesday 1:10 MASN Maikel Franco grounds out. Riley Adams flies out. Al-
series were much better — and an drive the ball. Today was a good cides Escobar singles. Victor Robles singles, Alcides Es-
indication that he was on his way day, and hopefully he continues to phen Strasburg did not allow a hit at Cincinnati Reds cobar to third, Fielding error by Brendan Rodgers, Vic-
to swinging the bat batter. Manag- do that.” in five scoreless innings for low tor Robles steals second, Alcides Escobar scores. Cesar
Class A Fredericksburg. He threw Thursday 6:40 MASN Hernandez, Victor Robles scores. Lane Thomas flies
Here’s what else to know about 58 pitches and struck out six; his out.
the Nationals’ win: lone blemish was a full-count Friday 6:40 MASN Nationals 4, Rockies 1
walk in the fifth. NATIONALS SIXTH
Bullpen woes Saturday 4:10 MASN Alcides Escobar strikes out swinging. Victor Robles
Andres Machado and Kyle Starting the discussion flies out. Cesar Hernandez singles. Lane Thomas hom-
Erick Fedde and Patrick Corbin Sunday 1:40 MASN ers, Cesar Hernandez scores. Juan Soto doubles. Nelson
Finnegan allowed two runs apiece Cruz strikes out swinging.
in the seventh and eighth innings, are expected to start Monday and Nationals 6, Rockies 1
forcing Martinez to call on Rainey Tuesday at the New York Mets. As ROCKIES SEVENTH
to get the final five outs. Machado for Wednesday, that question Brendan Rodgers singles. Sam Hilliard doubles. Bren-
allowed three straight hits and a probably won’t be answered until dan Rodgers to third. Elias Diaz singles, Sam Hilliard to
Blackmon RBI groundout to cut Tuesday after Aaron Sanchez was third, Brendan Rodgers scores. Charlie Blackmon reach-
the Nationals’ lead to 6-3. designated for assignment Satur- es on a fielder’s choice, Elias Diaz out at second, Sam
Finnegan couldn’t limit the dam- day. Martinez said before Sunday’s Hilliard scores. Yonathan Daza grounds out. Charlie
age in the eighth, allowing four Blackmon to second. C.J. Cron strikes out swinging.
Nationals 6, Rockies 3
Ryan McMahon doubles. Jose Iglesias singles. Ryan
McMahon to third. Randal Grichuk called out on strikes.
Brendan Rodgers singles, Jose Iglesias to second, Ryan
McMahon scores. Sam Hilliard singles, Brendan Rodg-
ers to third, Jose Iglesias scores. Elias Diaz strikes out
swinging. Charlie Blackmon strikes out swinging.
Nationals 6, Rockies 5

at Miami Marlins game that the team will leave its
options open, potentially turning
June 7 6:40 MASN to a long reliever (Paolo Espino or
Josh Rogers) or going with a pitch-
June 8 6:40 MASN er in the minors — perhaps even
one who isn’t on the 40-man ros-
June 9 6:40 MASN ter, he said.

Radio: WJFK (106.7 FM)




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and then the two teams he was
“I think we’re all very excited for most aligned with, his alma mater Regardless of Monday’s out-
the actual opportunity that we and a place he called home for so come, Cornell’s legacy this season
have to play tomorrow,” goalie Lo- long, they’re playing for a national is secure. The Big Red reached the
gan McNaney said Sunday. “It’s an- championship,” Tillman said. “It’s semifinals for the first time since
other day to have together, and the craziest thing. Coach was very 2013 and the title game for the first
we’re going to cherish that.” successful and had a great way of time since 2009.
impacting people positively. May-
To complete the job, Maryland be there’s still some mojo in the Maryland will be remembered
will have to contend with a pro- works. I know he’s looking down far more for what happens Mon-
gram with which it shares a re- proud. He impacted so many of us.” day than in its previous 17 games
markable number of ties. combined. It had muted celebra-
While Maryland’s title game ap- tions when it won the Big Ten
Tillman is a Cornell alumnus, as pearance is not surprising, the Big tournament and when it advanced
is graduate transfer Jonathan Don- Red (14-4) was largely overlooked to the Final Four.
ville. The midfielder has 30 goals in the preseason because of an un-
and 22 assists in his lone year at tested roster and its absence of The opportunity to close things
Maryland after playing parts of nearly two years. out when they matter most arrives
three seasons for the Big Red be- Monday.
fore the pandemic cut short his Cornell won 10 of its first
junior year in 2020 and eliminated 11 games, then endured a midsea- “I don’t feel like it’s a complete
his senior year in 2021. son bobble with lopsided home failure if we don’t win,” Tillman
losses to Army and Brown. The Big said. “Sure, there’s going to be dis-
There is a long history between Red righted things this month, and appointment because that was one
the schools in the NCAA tourna- its 17-10 rout of sixth-seeded Rut- of the things you were hoping to do.
ment, with Cornell winning a pair gers in the semifinals Saturday But we’ve accomplished a lot so far.
of national title games in 1971 and came by a larger margin than I think the guys would like to finish
1976 and Maryland claiming the Maryland’s 13-8 defeat of fifth- it off the right way, but that’s a
past two postseason meetings — in seeded Princeton. really good Cornell team that’s
the 2014 first round and the 2018 standing in the way.”
At 28, Connor Buczek is the



National League American League

New York 32 17 .653 — 7-3 W-3 Milwaukee 30 18 .625 — 6-4 W-1 New York 33 15 .688 — 5-5 L-2 Minnesota 29 19 .604 — 7-3 W-1 Houston 30 18 .625 — 6-4 W-1
Atlanta 23 25 .479 81/2 6-4 W-1 St. Louis 26 21 .553 31/2 6-4 L-1 Los Angeles 33 14 .702 — 8-2 W-4 Tampa Bay 28 19 .596 41/2 6-4 W-2 Chicago 23 23 .500 5 5-5 W-1 Los Angeles 27 22 .551 31/2 3-7 L-5
Philadelphia 21 27 .438 101/2 3-7 L-3 Chicago 19 27 .413 10 4-6 L-1 Toronto 27 20 .574 51/2 7-3 W-5 Cleveland 19 24 .442 71/2 3-7 L-1 Texas 22 24 .478 7 5-5 L-1
Miami 19 26 .422 11 3-7 L-1 Pittsburgh 19 27 .413 10 4-6 L-1 San Diego 30 17 .638 3 7-3 W-1 Boston 23 25 .479 10 7-3 W-1 Detroit 17 29 .370 11 4-6 W-1 Seattle 20 28 .417 10 3-7 L-1
Washington 18 31 .367 14 5-5 W-1 Cincinnati 16 31 .340 131/2 5-5 L-1 Baltimore 20 29 .408 131/2 5-5 L-1 Kansas City 16 30 .348 12 2-8 L-1 Oakland 20 30 .400 11 4-6 W-1
San Francisco 25 21 .543 71/2 3-7 W-1

Arizona 23 26 .469 11 5-5 L-4

Colorado 21 26 .447 12 3-7 L-1

NOTES Giants 6, Reds 4 Rays 4, Yankees 2 Tigers 2, Guardians 1 Red Sox 12, Orioles 2 Zimmermann allows TODAY
Evan Longoria hit his Taylor Walls and Ji-Man Harold Castro homered five HRs in ugly loss
fourth home run in four Choi homered for Tampa for the third time in three
Braves: Recalled RHP games, a go-ahead, three- Bay’s only hits, and the games and Jeimer Can- Mullins cf............. 4 1 1 0 0 1 .241 NL games
Jesús Cruz from Class run drive in a six-run eighth Rays scored two runs in the delario also connected for Mancini lf ............ 3 0 3 1 1 0 .298
AAA Gwinnett, sent LHP inning that helped San seventh inning on four Detroit. Santander rf ........ 3 0 0 0 1 0 .219 NATIONALS AT METS, 7:10
Tucker Davidson to Francisco avoid a three- walks and a hit batter in a Mountcastle 1b ... 4 0 1 0 0 0 .250
Gwinnett and released game sweep and drop Cin- win over New York that The Tigers got only four Rutschman dh ..... 2 1 0 0 2 1 .167 W-L ERA TEAM
RHP Tyler Thornburg. cinnati to a National gained a four-game split. hits and beat Cleveland for Odor 2b ................ 3 0 0 0 0 1 .225
Cubs: Placed LHP Wade League-worst 16-31. just the seventh time in Urías 3b ............... 4 0 0 0 0 1 .231 RED SOX 12, ORIOLES 2 Fedde (R) 3-3 3.55 5-4
Miley (left shoulder Gleyber Torres had three their past 28 home games. Chirinos c............. 3 0 0 0 0 2 .141
strain) on the 15-day hits, including a home run, Owings ph............ 1 0 0 0 0 0 .120 Peterson (L) 2-0 2.16 4-0
injured list and recalled for the Yankees. Tigers starter Elvin Ro- Mateo ss.............. 4 0 2 0 0 1 .216
RHP Mark Leiter Jr. from driguez pitched four score- BREWERS AT CUBS, 1:05
Class AAA Iowa. less innings before exiting TOTALS 31 2 7 1 4 7 — BY ANDY KOSTKA
Marlins: Placed RHP with lower-body cramping.
Cody Poteet (right elbow) GIANTS AB R H BI BB SO AVG RED SOX AB R H BI BB SO AVG boston — For any pitcher, joining a list that includes Small (L) 0-0 0.00 0-0
on the 15-day IL. ---- ----
Red Sox: Manager Alex La Stella dh ............ 4 1 1 0 1 1 .278 Hernández cf ......5 1 1 1 0 1 .205 Jim Palmer, Mike Mussina and Don Larsen should be TBD ----
Cora said LHP Chris Sale, Yastrzemski cf-rf... 4 0 0 0 1 1 .298 Devers 3b............4 2 1 1 1 1 .345 a matter of pride. Two of them are Hall of Famers, and
sidelined since early April Flores 1b ................ 4 1 0 0 1 3 .260 YANKEES AB R H BI BB SO AVG Martinez dh ........4 0 2 1 1 1 .379 the third pitched a perfect game in the World Series. PADRES AT CARDINALS, 2:15
because of a right rib Pederson lf............. 3 1 1 1 1 1 .265 Bogaerts ss ........5 1 3 2 0 0 .328
fracture, will throw three Fairchild cf ............. 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 LeMahieu 3b .......4 0 1 0 0 1 .250 Story 2b ..............4 0 0 0 1 2 .222 And yet for left-hander Bruce Zimmermann, join- Martinez (R) 2-2 3.86 4-3
times this week at the Longoria 3b ............ 4 1 1 3 0 2 .240 Judge dh..............4 1 2 1 0 1 .309 Vázquez c............3 1 2 1 0 0 .302 ing a list with those three during Sunday afternoon’s 0-1
club’s spring training Crawford ss............ 3 1 0 0 1 0 .226 Rizzo 1b...............4 0 0 0 0 1 .213 GUARDIANS AB R H BI BB SO AVG Plawecki c...........0 1 0 0 2 0 .167 game against the Boston Red Sox would engender the Naughton (L) 0-1 2.89
complex in Fort Myers, Estrada 2b.............. 3 1 2 0 0 0 .278 Torres 2b .............4 1 3 1 0 1 .243 Dalbec 1b ............5 2 2 2 0 1 .180 opposite of pride. The Baltimore Orioles starter
Fla. González rf-lf ......... 4 0 1 2 0 3 .326 Andújar lf ............4 0 2 0 0 0 .286 Straw cf..............4 0 0 0 0 0 .236 Arroyo rf .............3 1 1 1 0 1 .203 watched five home runs leave the bats of Boston GIANTS AT PHILLIES, 4:05
Twins: Recalled IF-OF Bart c...................... 2 0 0 0 0 0 .160 Hicks cf................4 0 0 0 0 1 .200 Rosario ss...........4 0 0 0 0 1 .232 Bradley Jr. rf.......1 1 1 0 0 0 .227 hitters, turning to see them sail out of Fenway Park
Royce Lewis, one of the Ruf ph..................... 2 0 0 0 0 2 .221 Kiner-Falefa ss ...4 0 1 0 0 0 .258 Ramírez 3b .........3 0 0 0 1 1 .292 Cordero lf............4 2 2 3 0 1 .282 over and over in a 12-2 loss that sets up a rubber match Webb (R) 5-1 3.54 7-2
team’s top prospects, Casali c ................... 0 0 0 0 0 0 .263 Higashioka c........2 0 0 0 0 2 .164 Naylor 1b............4 0 1 0 0 1 .296 Monday to conclude the five-game, four-day series. 5-4
from Class AAA St. Paul Carpenter ph .......1 0 0 0 0 1 .111 Gonzalez rf .........4 0 1 0 0 2 .417 Gibson (R) 3-2 3.94
and sent IF Jose Miranda Trevino c..............1 0 0 0 0 0 .236 Giménez 2b ........4 1 1 0 0 2 .286 Zimmermann became the fifth pitcher in fran-
to St. Paul. Gallo rf ................4 0 0 0 0 1 .167 Palacios dh .........2 0 1 0 0 1 .302 TOTALS 38 12 15 12 5 8 — chise history to allow five long balls in an outing, MARLINS AT ROCKIES, 4:10
White Sox: SS Tim Miller ph-dh........2 0 2 0 0 0 .280 joining Palmer (1977), Mussina (1994), Larsen (1954)
Anderson is headed for TOTALS 33 6 6 6 5 13 — Maile c................3 0 1 1 0 1 .333 BALTIMORE... 000 010 001 — 2 7 1 and Jeremy Hellickson (2017). He’s among good López (R) 4-2 2.04 5-4
the IL after he left Kwan lf ...............3 0 0 0 0 0 .242 BOSTON......... 031 210 05X — 12 15 1 company for the wrong reason, and it led to the worst 0-2
Sunday’s game against REDS AB R H BI BB SO AVG TOTALS 36 2 9 2 0 9 — start of his season, a career high in runs allowed and a Feltner (R) 0-1 5.40
the Cubs with a right E: Odor (6), Bogaerts (5). LOB: Balti- continuation of a theme.
groin strain. The team Senzel cf .............3 0 0 0 1 3 .203 RAYS AB R H BI BB SO AVG TOTALS 33 1 7 1 1 9 — more 7, Boston 7. 2B: Mancini (6), Ma- BREWERS AT CUBS, 7:40
said he will undergo Naquin rf.............3 1 1 0 1 1 .259 teo (9), Mullins (9), Vázquez 2 (7), Bo- Across his past 101/3 innings — coming in starts
further evaluation Stephenson dh ...4 0 1 0 0 1 .306 Kiermaier cf ........4 0 0 0 0 2 .232 TIGERS AB R H BI BB SO AVG gaerts 2 (12), Cordero (6). HR: Dalbec against the Yankees and Red Sox, two of the top Ashby (L) 0-3 2.91 3-1
Monday. Votto 1b..............4 0 1 1 0 1 .165 Díaz 1b ................4 0 0 0 0 2 .256 (3), off Zimmermann; Cordero (2), off hitting clubs in the majors — Zimmermann has ---- ----
Drury 2b..............4 0 1 0 0 2 .239 Franco ss .............3 1 0 0 1 0 .259 Grossman dh......... 1 0 0 0 0 0 .199 Zimmermann; Devers (11), off Zimmer- allowed nine homers. They came in bunches Sunday, TBD ----
79BY THE NUMBERS Farmer ss............4 2 2 0 0 0 .261 Choi dh ................3 2 1 1 1 1 .260 Cndelario ph-dh .... 3 1 1 1 0 1 .191 mann; Arroyo (3), off Zimmermann; with two in the second, one in the third and two more
Moustakas 3b.....2 0 0 0 2 1 .214 Margot lf .............3 0 0 0 0 1 .339 Schoop 2b ............. 4 0 0 0 0 0 .173 Hernández (4), off Zimmermann. RBI: in the fourth. BRAVES AT DIAMONDBACKS, 8:10
Consecutive starts in Almora Jr. lf .......4 1 2 3 0 0 .326 Walls 3b-2b.........2 1 1 1 1 0 .152 H.Castro 3b ........... 3 1 1 1 0 0 .325 Mancini (17), Dalbec 2 (10), Cordero 3
which Red Sox LHP Rich Garcia c ...............3 0 0 0 0 0 .179 Phillips rf.............2 0 0 0 0 1 .211 Báez ss.................. 3 0 0 0 0 0 .194 (12), Devers (26), Arroyo (9), Hernán- “They were just on everything he threw,” Manager Strider (R) 1-1 2.22 0-0
Hill has allowed four or Lopez ph .............1 0 0 0 0 0 .268 Ramírez ph..........0 0 0 1 1 0 .284 Torkelson 1b ......... 2 0 0 0 1 0 .176 dez (23), Vázquez (20), Martinez (23), Brandon Hyde said. “We’ve just got to flush this one
fewer runs, dating back Paredes 3b ..........0 0 0 0 0 0 .195 W.Castro lf ........... 3 0 0 0 0 2 .274 Bogaerts 2 (22). and try to win a series tomorrow.” Gallen (R) 3-0 2.22 6-2
to May 2018, the majors’ Zunino c...............2 0 0 1 0 2 .152 Cameron rf............ 3 0 0 0 0 2 .172
longest active streak. Hill TOTALS 32 4 8 4 4 9 — Bruján 2b-rf.........3 0 0 0 0 0 .122 Haase c ................. 3 0 1 0 0 2 .176 Those homers continued a worrisome spell for PIRATES AT DODGERS, 10:10
is scheduled to start Hill cf .................... 3 0 1 0 0 1 .231 Zimmermann. The 27-year-old allowed one home run
against the Orioles on SAN FRAN. .... 000 000 060 — 6 6 1 ORIOLES IP H R ER BB SO ERA in his first 311/3 innings this season but has been prone Thompson (R) 2-4 5.50 3-5
Monday night at Fenway CINCINNATI ... 010 001 002 — 4 8 0 to the long ball since. 7-2
TOTALS 26 4 2 4 4 9 — Zimmermann ...... 4 8 6 6 1 2 4.53 Buehler (R) 6-1 2.90
21Park. E: Yastrzemski (1). LOB: San Francisco Sedlock ................ 3 6 5 5 1 3 15.0 — Baltimore Sun
6, Cincinnati 5. 2B: Estrada (12), La NEW YORK..... 010 000 010 — 2 9 0 TOTALS 28 2 4 2 1 8 — Diplán .................. 1 1 1 1 3 3 2.08
Consecutive games with Stella (5), González (6), Votto (4). HR: TAMPA BAY... 010 010 20X — 4 2 1
a hit by Dodgers SS Trea Longoria (4), off Warren; Almora Jr. (1), CLEVELAND... 000 000 100 — 1 7 1 RED SOX IP H R ER BB SO ERA NL scores
Turner, the longest off Doval. E: Díaz (1). LOB: New York 7, Tampa Bay DETROIT ........ 000 101 00X — 2 4 0
current streak in the 3. HR: Torres (9), off McClanahan; Judge Pivetta................. 6 5 1 1 3 5 3.95 SATURDAY’S RESULTS
major leagues. He GIANTS IP H R ER BB SO ERA (18), off Poche; Choi (4), off Severino; E: Ramírez (3). LOB: Cleveland 7, De- Houck .................. 2 2 0 0 0 0 4.04 Game 1: at Washington 13, Colorado 7
singled in the sixth inning Walls (2), off Severino. troit 3. HR: H.Castro (4), off McKenzie; Valdez.................. 1 0 1 1 1 2 5.84 Game 2: Colorado 3, at Washington 2
in Sunday’s win over the Cobb..................... 6 4 2 2 3 8 5.73 Candelario (5), off McKenzie. at St. Louis 8, Milwaukee 3
Diamondbacks. Brebbia ................ 1 1 0 0 0 0 2.49 YANKEES IP H R ER BB SO ERA GUARDIANS IP H R ER BB SO ERA WP: Pivetta (4-4); LP: Zimmermann at Cincinnati 3, San Francisco 2
Rogers ................. 1 1 0 0 1 0 6.63 McKenzie ......... 72/3 4 2 2 1 8 2.65 (2-3). Inherited runners-scored: Diplán Miami 4, at Atlanta 1
STAR OF THE DAY Doval ................... 1 2 2 2 0 1 3.44 Severino.............61/3 2 4 4 2 8 3.38 Shaw .................. 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 5.14 2-2. HBP: Valdez (McKenna). WP: Zim- L.A. Dodgers 3, at Arizona 2
Marinaccio ...........2/3 0 0 0 2 1 6.14 mermann, Valdez. T: 3:27. A: 35,715 at N.Y. Mets 8, Philadelphia 2
Marcell Ozuna, Braves REDS IP H R ER BB SO ERA Schmidt ............... 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.64 TIGERS IP H R ER BB SO ERA (37,755). SUNDAY’S RESULTS
Hit two home runs to at Washington 6, Colorado 5
contribute to Atlanta’s Mahle ............... 62/3 1 0 0 3 8 5.53 RAYS IP H R ER BB SO ERA Rodriguez............ 4 2 0 0 0 4 6.17 San Francisco 6, at Cincinnati 4
nine extra-base hits in a Strickland ........... 1/3 0 0 0 0 1 5.50 Peralta ................ 1 2 0 0 0 1 0.89 at Atlanta 6, Miami 3
6-3 win over the Marlins. Hoffman ............. 2/3 1 2 2 1 1 2.22 McClanahan......... 6 7 1 1 0 7 2.01 Lange ............... 11/3 0 0 0 0 2 1.45 ORIOLES’ LEADERS Milwaukee 8, at St. Louis 0
Warren ................ 0 3 4 4 1 0 7.27 Adam ................... 1 0 0 0 0 2 0.87 Chafin................. 2/3 2 1 1 0 0 3.38 L.A. Dodgers 3, at Arizona 1
TODAY’S GAME Kuhnel .............. 11/3 1 0 0 0 3 0.96 Poche ................... 1 2 1 1 0 0 1.69 Fulmer................. 1 0 0 0 1 1 3.06 Entering Monday’s game. at San Diego 4, Pittsburgh 2 (10)
TO WATCH Feyereisen ........... 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 Soto..................... 1 1 0 0 0 1 2.30 at N.Y. Mets 5, Philadelphia 4 (10)
Batters Avg H 2B HR RBI BB
Giants at Phillies, WP: Brebbia (3-0); LP: Warren (2-2). In- Mancini .298 51 6 3 17 18
4 p.m., MLB Network herited runners-scored: Strickland 1-0, WP: McClanahan (5-2); LP: Severino WP: Lange (2-1); LP: McKenzie (3-4); S: Hays .297 49 11 5 22 15
San Francisco RHP Logan Warren 2-2, Kuhnel 2-2. HBP: Mahle (3-1); S: Feyereisen (1). Inherited run- Soto (8). Inherited runners-scored: Mountcastle .250 37 3 5 19 6
Webb (5-1, 3.54 ERA) (Estrada). T: 3:10. A: 20,439 (42,319). ners-scored: Marinaccio 2-2. HBP: Mari- Shaw 2-0. WP: Rodriguez. T: 2:37. A: McKenna .250 10 3 0 3 3
faces RHP Kyle Gibson naccio (Zunino). WP: Poche. T: 2:35. A: 19,990 (41,083). Mullins .241 48 9 5 16 13
(3-2, 3.94) in the opener 25,025 (25,000).
of a three-game series in
Philadelphia. Braves 6, Marlins 3 Brewers 8, Cardinals 0 Twins 7, Royals 3 White Sox 5, Dodgers 3, Padres 4, Pirates 2 (10) AL games
Marcell Ozuna hit two Corbin Burnes tossed Starter Sonny Gray Cubs 4 (12) Diamondbacks 1 Trent Grisham hit a two-
AL leaders ORIOLES AT RED SOX, 7:10
homers as part of Atlanta’s seven scoreless innings cruised before leaving in Jake Burger atoned for a Tyler Anderson threw six run walk-off home run in the
Entering Monday’s games. barrage of extra-base hits and Jace Peterson hit a the seventh inning because costly error with a walk-off effective innings, Will Smith 10th inning, and San Diego, W-L ERA TEAM
BATTING in a win over Miami. three-run homer to lead of right pectoral soreness, RBI single in the 12th in- added a solo homer, and which has struggled offen-
Martinez, Bos .................................. .379 Milwaukee past St. Louis. and Minnesota beat Kan- ning, and the banged-up Los Angeles swept a four- sively, beat Pittsburgh. Wells (R) 1-4 4.30 2-7
Arraez, Min ...................................... .363 Austin Riley had two hits sas City behind Gio Urshe- White Sox topped the Cubs game series from Arizona.
Anderson, Chi .................................. .356 and drove in two runs for Lorenzo Cain and Rowdy la’s three-run homer. in a wild finale to the cross- Grisham drove a 2-0 Hill (L) 1-2 3.86 4-4
Devers, Bos ...................................... .345 the Braves, who secured Tellez also homered for town rivals’ season series. Anderson scattered five pitch from Chris Stratton off
France, Sea ...................................... .342 their first winning home- the Brewers, who gained a Royals starter Zack hits and has given up just the right field foul pole to TWINS AT TIGERS, 1:10
Bogaerts, Bos .................................. .328 stand of 2022. Ozuna and split of the four-game set. Greinke gave up five runs, two earned runs over his bring in automatic runner
Benintendi, KC ................................. .327 Riley hit back-to-back hom- six hits and two walks in four past 21 innings, spanning Jorge Alfaro. Bundy (R) 3-2 4.54 3-4
HOME RUNS ers in the first inning. Burnes, the reigning NL innings and later reported three starts that all ended 5.04 1-5
Judge, NY ............................................ 18 Cy Young Award winner, an issue in his forearm. in wins. Luis García got the win Brieske (R) 0-4
Trout, LA ............................................. 13 struck out 11 as he passed for the Padres.
Alvarez, Hou ....................................... 12 the 10-strikeout mark for CUBS AB R H BI BB SO AVG ASTROS AT ATHLETICS, 4:07
Ramírez, Cle ....................................... 12 the fourth game in a row.
Buxton, Min ........................................ 11 Morel cf...............6 0 1 1 0 2 .293 Valdez (L) 4-2 2.83 5-4
Stanton, NY ........................................ 11 Contreras dh .......5 0 1 0 0 2 .256 8-1
Rizzo, NY ............................................ 11 MARLINS AB R H BI BB SO AVG Happ lf.................5 1 0 0 0 2 .259 Blackburn (R) 5-0 1.70
Ohtani, LA .......................................... 11 Schwindel 1b.......4 0 1 0 0 1 .235
Devers, Bos ......................................... 11 Berti lf .................5 0 0 0 0 2 .250 ROYALS AB R H BI BB SO AVG Rivas 1b...............0 0 0 1 0 0 .215 DODGERS AB R H BI BB SO AVG PIRATES AB R H BI BB SO AVG ROYALS AT GUARDIANS, 6:10
RBI Chisholm Jr. 2b ...5 0 0 0 0 2 .279 Wisdom 3b..........3 0 1 0 2 1 .220
Ramírez, Cle ....................................... 48 Soler dh ...............3 2 2 3 1 1 .214 Merrifield cf ........4 0 0 0 0 2 .217 Ortega rf .............4 1 1 0 1 1 .225 Betts rf................4 0 0 0 0 0 .294 Castro ss .............5 0 0 0 0 2 .170 Heasley (R) 0-2 4.72 0-3
Story, Bos ........................................... 37 Cooper 1b ............3 0 0 0 1 0 .271 Benintendi lf .......4 1 2 1 0 1 .327 Hoerner ss...........4 1 0 0 1 0 .284 Freeman 1b .........4 0 1 1 0 1 .306 Hayes 3b .............3 1 1 1 0 1 .284 2-6
Judge, NY ............................................ 37 Rojas ss...............3 0 1 0 1 0 .223 BREWERS AB R H BI BB SO AVG Witt Jr. ss ...........4 0 0 0 0 2 .240 Higgins c .............3 1 0 0 1 1 .214 T.Turner ss..........4 0 1 1 0 1 .297 Reynolds dh ........4 0 0 0 0 2 .213 Plesac (R) 1-4 5.40
Stanton, NY ........................................ 35 De La Cruz rf........4 0 0 0 0 3 .242 Perez c.................4 0 0 0 0 1 .201 Simmons 2b ........4 0 0 0 0 0 .206 W.Smith dh.........3 1 1 1 1 0 .246 VanMeter 1b .......3 0 1 1 1 1 .211
France, Sea ......................................... 35 Sánchez cf...........4 0 1 0 0 1 .215 Wong 2b .............4 0 0 0 1 0 .222 Melendez rf.........4 1 2 1 0 1 .243 Ríos 3b ................4 0 0 0 0 1 .263 Castillo 2b ...........4 0 0 0 0 2 .236 RAYS AT RANGERS, 8:05
Ohtani, LA .......................................... 32 Astudillo 3b.........3 0 1 0 0 0 .333 Urías ss ..............5 0 1 0 0 2 .261 Dozier 1b .............4 0 2 1 0 0 .281 TOTALS 38 4 5 2 5 10 — Alberto 3b ...........0 0 0 0 0 0 .229 Perez c.................0 0 0 0 0 0 .100
ERA Wendle ph...........1 0 0 0 0 0 .279 Yelich dh.............5 0 0 0 0 2 .234 Santana dh..........3 0 0 0 1 0 .155 Taylor cf ..............3 0 0 0 0 1 .248 Suwinski cf .........2 0 0 0 2 0 .180 Rasmussen (R) 5-1 2.68 8-1
Pérez, Tex ........................................ 1.60 Fortes c ...............2 1 2 0 0 0 1.00 McCutchen lf ......5 0 0 0 0 2 .232 Rivera 3b .............4 0 0 0 0 1 .229 Pillar lf.................3 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Mitchell rf ...........4 0 0 0 0 2 .238 4.91 3-3
Cortes, NY ....................................... 1.70 Aguilar ph............0 0 0 0 1 0 .261 Tellez 1b .............4 1 2 1 0 1 .247 Lopez 2b ..............3 1 1 0 0 0 .215 WHITE SOX AB R H BI BB SO AVG Lux 2b..................3 1 1 0 0 0 .273 Heineman c .........4 0 1 0 0 0 .059 Otto (R) 2-2
Manoah, Tor .................................... 1.77 Taylor rf..............4 1 2 0 0 1 .250 Barnes c ..............2 1 0 0 1 0 .226 Marcano lf...........3 1 2 0 0 1 .400
McClanahan, TB ............................... 2.01 TOTALS 33 3 7 3 4 9 — Narváez c............3 3 3 1 1 0 .276 TOTALS 34 3 7 3 1 8 — Anderson ss ........2 0 1 0 0 0 .356 AL scores
Verlander, Hou ................................ 2.03 Cain cf.................4 2 3 3 0 0 .198 Mendick ss ..........4 2 2 0 0 0 .259 TOTALS 30 3 4 3 2 5 — TOTALS 32 2 5 2 3 11 —
Gausman, Tor .................................. 2.25 Peterson 3b ........4 1 2 3 0 1 .212 TWINS AB R H BI BB SO AVG Vaughn lf-rf ........5 0 0 1 0 2 .267 SATURDAY’S RESULTS
Gilbert, Sea ...................................... 2.29 BRAVES AB R H BI BB SO AVG Burger 3b ............5 0 1 1 1 0 .250 D’BACKS AB R H BI BB SO AVG Game 1: at Boston 5, Baltimore 3
Skubal, Det ...................................... 2.44 TOTALS 38 8 13 8 2 9 — Buxton dh............3 1 1 0 1 0 .205 Abreu 1b..............5 0 1 1 0 0 .236 PADRES AB R HBI BB SO AVG Game 2: Baltimore 4, at Boston 2
SAVES Acuña Jr. rf..........4 0 0 0 0 1 .288 Correa ss .............5 0 0 0 0 2 .279 Grandal dh-c........5 0 1 0 0 1 .169 Hummel lf ...........4 0 0 0 1 3 .178 Kansas City 7, at Minnesota 3
Romano, Tor ....................................... 15 Swanson ss.........4 1 1 0 0 0 .269 CARDINALS AB R H BI BB SO AVG Arraez 1b.............4 2 2 0 0 0 .363 Sheets rf .............4 0 2 0 0 0 .210 Rojas 3b...............4 0 1 0 0 2 .295 Profar lf ..................... 4 1 2 2 0 1 .222 Texas 11, at Oakland 4
Hendriks, Chi ...................................... 14 Ozuna lf...............4 2 2 2 0 1 .228 Polanco 2b...........3 0 1 0 1 0 .233 Pollock pr-lf.........1 2 0 0 0 0 .216 Marte dh .............4 0 1 0 0 1 .250 Kim 3b ....................... 4 0 1 0 0 1 .223 Cleveland 8, at Detroit 1
Iglesias, LA ......................................... 11 Duvall lf...............0 0 0 0 0 0 .188 Edman ss..............4 0 1 0 0 3 .278 Urshela 3b...........4 1 1 3 0 1 .259 Engel cf ...............4 0 2 1 1 0 .250 Walker 1b............3 0 1 0 1 0 .195 Hosmer 1b................. 3 0 0 0 1 0 .321 at Tampa Bay 3, N.Y. Yankees 1
Jiménez, Oak ...................................... 10 Riley 3b ...............4 2 2 2 0 0 .250 Gorman 2b............3 0 0 0 1 2 .321 Garlick rf .............4 0 1 1 0 0 .279 McGuire c ............3 0 0 0 0 1 .194 McCarthy rf.........4 0 0 0 0 2 .214 Voit dh....................... 4 0 1 0 0 0 .211 at Seattle 6, Houston 0
Chapman, NY ........................................ 9 Olson 1b ..............4 0 2 1 0 0 .249 Goldschmidt 1b ....4 0 1 0 0 1 .352 Lewis cf...............1 0 0 0 0 0 .300 Moncada ph.........1 0 0 0 0 0 .133 Perdomo ss .........4 0 1 0 0 1 .214 Cronenworth ss-2b ... 4 0 0 0 0 0 .207 Toronto 6, at L.A. Angels 5
Barlow, Tex ........................................... 8 d'Arnaud c ...........4 0 0 0 0 2 .244 Yepez lf ................4 0 1 0 0 0 .274 Gordon cf.............3 2 2 1 0 0 .271 García ph .............1 0 0 0 0 0 .190 Thomas cf ...........3 1 1 0 0 0 .273 Canó 2b...................... 3 0 0 0 0 2 .159 SUNDAY’S RESULTS
Pressly, Hou ......................................... 8 Albies 2b .............4 1 2 0 0 1 .247 Donovan rf ...........4 0 0 0 0 1 .288 Larnach lf ............4 1 3 2 0 1 .310 Harrison 2b .........4 1 0 0 1 0 .167 Hager 2b..............2 0 0 0 0 2 .133 Alcántara ss .............. 1 0 0 0 0 1 .172 at Boston 12, Baltimore 2
Soto, Det ............................................... 8 Contreras dh .......4 0 2 1 0 0 .281 Dickerson dh ........3 0 1 0 0 1 .182 Jeffers c ..............3 0 0 0 1 1 .198 Varsho ph............1 0 0 0 0 0 .264 Alfaro c...................... 4 2 2 0 0 1 .257 at Tampa Bay 4, N.Y. Yankees 2
STRIKEOUTS Harris II cf ...........3 0 0 0 0 1 .167 Knizner c ..............3 0 0 0 0 2 .247 TOTALS 44 5 10 4 3 4 — Herrera c .............3 0 2 0 0 0 .204 Grisham cf................. 3 1 1 2 1 1 .164 at Detroit 2, Cleveland 1
McClanahan, TB .................................. 81 Nootbaar cf ..........3 0 0 0 0 1 .115 Peralta ph............1 0 1 1 0 0 .232 Azocar rf.................... 3 0 1 0 0 0 .235 at Minnesota 7, Kansas City 3
Cease, Chi ........................................... 76 TOTALS 35 6 11 6 0 6 — Sosa 3b.................3 0 0 0 0 1 .228 TOTALS 34 7 11 7 3 5 — CHICAGO (N ) 000 000 100 210— 4 5 1 Houston 2, at Seattle 1
Cole, NY .............................................. 72 CHICAGO (A ) 000 000 001 211— 5 10 2 TOTALS 33 4 8 4 2 7 — at Oakland 6, Texas 5
Ray, Sea .............................................. 68 KANSAS CITY 000 000 210 — 3 7 0 Toronto 11, at L.A. Angels 10
Montas, Oak ....................................... 66 MIAMI ............ 100 000 200 — 3 7 0 TOTALS 31 0 4 0 1 12 — MINNESOTA .. 003 201 10X — 7 11 0 One out when winning run scored. TOTALS 33 1 8 1 2 11 — PITTSBURGH . 000 000 020 0 — 2 5 0
Gausman, Tor ..................................... 65 ATLANTA ....... 211 020 00X — 6 11 0 E: Hoerner (2), Burger (3), López (1). SAN DIEGO .... 000 020 000 2 — 4 8 0
Ohtani, LA .......................................... 63 MILWAUKEE . 010 032 020 — 8 13 0 LOB: Kansas City 5, Minnesota 7. 2B: Me- LOB: Chicago (N) 9, Chicago (A) 12. 2B: L.A. ................. 012 000 000 — 3 4 1
Cortes, NY .......................................... 61 LOB: Miami 8, Atlanta 5. 2B: Olson 2 ST. LOUIS ...... 000 000 000 — 0 4 0 lendez (3), Dozier (9), Gordon (4), Lar- Schwindel (8), Sheets (4). ARIZONA ....... 000 000 001 — 1 8 0 No outs when winning run scored.
Gilbert, Sea ......................................... 60 (20), Albies 2 (11), Contreras (3), Riley LOB: Milwaukee 5, St. Louis 5. 2B: nach (10), Garlick (1). HR: Urshela (4), LOB: Pittsburgh 6, San Diego 5. 2B:
(11). HR: Soler (10), off Fried; Soler (11), Narváez (7), Taylor (7), Yepez (4). 3B: off Greinke; Gordon (1), off Greinke; Lar- CUBS IP H R ER BB SO ERA E: T.Turner (4), Rojas (1). LOB: Los Ange- Hayes (12). HR: Profar (6), off Contreras;
off Stephens; Ozuna 2 (10), off Hernan- Narváez (1). HR: Peterson (4), off nach (3), off Greinke. les 2, Arizona 9. 2B: Marte (16). 3B: Per- Grisham (2), off Stratton.
dez; Riley (11), off Hernandez. Mikolas; Tellez (10), off Mikolas; Cain ROYALS IP H R ER BB SO ERA Stroman............... 7 3 0 0 2 2 3.95 alta (1). HR: W.Smith (5), off Davies.
(1), off Wittgren. Givens.................. 1 1 0 0 0 1 2.95 DODGERS IP H R ER BB SO ERA
MARLINS IP H R ER BB SO ERA BREWERS IP H R ER BB SO ERA Greinke ................ 4 6 5 5 2 2 5.05 Robertson ............ 1 2 1 1 0 1 2.08 PIRATES IP H R ER BB SO ERA Interleague scores
Burnes................. 7 2 0 0 1 11 1.95 Bolaños................ 2 2 1 1 0 0 3.00 Effross ................. 1 2 2 1 1 0 3.32 Anderson ............. 6 5 0 0 1 6 2.90
Hernandez ........... 4 7 4 4 0 3 5.77 Milner.................. 1 1 0 0 0 1 2.89 Clarke................... 1 3 1 1 0 1 6.61 Gsellman............11/3 2 2 0 0 0 5.02 Price..................... 1 1 0 0 0 2 3.00 Contreras............. 5 5 2 2 1 3 2.55 SATURDAY’S RESULT
Nance................... 1 3 2 2 0 2 3.12 Suter ................... 1 1 0 0 0 0 5.29 Peacock................ 1 0 0 0 1 2 0.00 Phillips ................. 1 1 0 0 1 1 2.84 Underwood Jr. ..... 2 1 0 0 1 3 3.27 Chicago Cubs 5, at Chicago White Sox 1
Floro..................... 1 0 0 0 0 0 6.14 WHITE SOX IP H R ER BB SO ERA Kimbrel ................ 1 1 1 1 0 2 4.50 Crowe................... 1 1 0 0 0 0 2.43 SUNDAY’S RESULT
Head..................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 1.12 CARDINALS IP H R ER BB SO ERA Cease ................... 7 2 1 0 4 5 3.69 Stratton............... 1 1 2 1 0 1 4.58 at Chicago White Sox 5, Chicago Cubs 4 (12)
Bleier ................... 1 1 0 0 0 0 3.72 Mikolas............. 52/3 9 6 6 1 6 2.67 Graveman ............ 1 0 0 0 0 1 2.78
McFarland ........ 12/3 2 0 0 0 1 7.23 TWINS IP H R ER BB SO ERA Hendriks .............. 1 1 0 0 0 2 3.32 D’BACKS IP H R ER BB SO ERA PADRES IP H R ER BB SO ERA
Wittgren .......... 12/3 2 2 2 1 2 5.40 López.................... 1 1 2 0 0 2 3.05
BRAVES IP H R ER BB SO ERA Gray ..................... 6 2 1 1 0 4 2.41 Bummer............... 1 1 1 0 0 0 3.95 Davies ................51/3 4 3 3 2 5 4.84 Gore ..................... 7 2 0 0 3 9 1.71
WP: Burnes (3-2); LP: Mikolas (3-3). In- Jax........................ 1 2 1 1 1 2 3.68 Foster .................. 1 0 0 0 1 0 2.45 C.Smith..............12/3 0 0 0 0 0 6.41 Crismatt............... 1 3 2 2 0 1 1.90
Fried..................... 6 6 1 1 3 5 3.10 herited runners-scored: McFarland 1-0. Thielbar................ 1 2 1 1 0 2 5.89 Wendelken........... 1 0 0 0 0 0 4.96 Hill........................ 1 0 0 0 0 0 7.00
Stephens ............. 1 1 2 2 0 0 2.04 WP: Burnes. T: 2:48. A: 44,169 Pagán ................... 1 1 0 0 0 0 2.12 WP: Foster (1-0); LP: Gsellman (0-2). Poppen ................. 1 0 0 0 0 0 2.77 García................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 2.95
Minter.................. 1 0 0 0 0 2 1.29 (45,494). IBB: off Cease (Hoerner). WP: Stroman,
Jansen.................. 1 0 0 0 1 2 3.48 WP: Gray (3-1); LP: Greinke (0-4). Inher- Robertson, Hendriks. T: 3:54. A: 38,080 WP: Anderson (6-0); LP: Davies (2-3); S: WP: García (4-2); LP: Stratton (2-2). NL leaders
ited runners-scored: Jax 1-1. HBP: Bola- (40,615). Kimbrel (10). Inherited runners-scored: HBP: Gore (Hayes). WP: Contreras, Gore.
WP: Fried (5-2); LP: Hernandez (2-5); S: ños (Buxton). WP: Bolaños, Jax. T: 3:05. C.Smith 2-0. HBP: Kimbrel (Thomas). PB: Alfaro (1). T: 2:50. A: 44,395 Entering Monday’s games.
Jansen (12). HBP: Stephens (Fortes). A: 27,195 (38,544). WP: Davies. T: 2:47. A: 30,482 (48,686). (40,209).
WP: Nance. T: 3:09. A: 39,669 (41,084). BATTING
Machado, SD .................................... .357
Astros 2, Mariners 1 Athletics 6, Rangers 5 Blue Jays 11, Angels 10 Mets 5, Phillies 4 (10) Pirates 4, Padres 2 Blue Jays 6, Angels 5 Goldschmidt, StL ............................. .352
Ryan Pressly got Luis Tor- Jed Lowrie hit a two-out Lourdes Gurriel Jr. had a Nick Plummer launched Late Saturday Late Saturday Hosmer, SD ...................................... .321
McNeil, NY ....................................... .319
rens to ground into a game- RBI single in the ninth in- season-high five RBI, and a tying homer in the ninth Ke’Bryan Hayes hit a Toronto rallied for the Iglesias, Col ..................................... .317
ending double play with the ning, lifting Oakland past Toronto completed a four- inning for his first MLB hit, three-run homer off major second straight night to Harper, Phi ....................................... .317
bases loaded in the ninth Texas. game sweep of Los Ange- Eduardo Escobar doubled league saves leader Taylor defeat Los Angeles. Cron, Col .......................................... .308
inning, preserving Hous- les. home the winning run in Rogers in the ninth, and Freeman, LA .................................... .306
ton’s win over Seattle. RANGERS AB R H BI BB SO AVG the 10th, and New York Pittsburgh beat San Diego. BLUE JAYS AB R H BI BB SO AVG Yastrzemski, SF .............................. .298
walked off Philadelphia. HOME RUNS
Yordan Álvarez broke an Semien 2b...........4 1 1 1 1 0 .196 BLUE JAYS AB R H BI BB SO AVG It was the first time the Espinal 2b ...........5 0 1 0 0 1 .275 Betts, LA ............................................ 14
eighth-inning tie with a two- Seager ss ............4 1 1 1 1 0 .237 Padres lost in Joe Mus- Bichette ss .........5 1 2 0 0 0 .250 Cron, Col ............................................. 13
out bases-loaded single. As- García rf-cf .........5 0 0 0 0 1 .220 Springer cf ..............6 1 2 0 0 0 .273 PHILLIES AB R H BI BB SO AVG grove’s nine starts this Guerrero Jr. 1b ...4 1 1 1 1 0 .256 Walker, Ari ......................................... 12
tros starter Luis Garcia Calhoun dh-rf......4 0 0 0 0 0 .266 Espinal 2b................6 0 0 0 0 0 .264 season. Hernández rf.......4 1 1 0 1 0 .161 Alonso, NY .......................................... 12
gave up one run and four Heim c.................4 0 0 0 0 1 .267 Bichette ss ..............6 2 2 1 0 2 .253 Schwarber lf .......4 0 0 0 1 2 .181 Jansen c..............4 1 0 0 1 1 .289 Pederson, SF ....................................... 11
hits in six innings with six Lowe 1b ..............4 1 1 0 0 0 .266 Kirk c .......................4 4 2 1 1 0 .289 Bohm 3b..............4 1 0 0 1 0 .274 PIRATES AB R H BIBB SO AVG Gurriel Jr. dh.......4 0 0 0 0 2 .230 Soler, Mia ........................................... 11
strikeouts and a walk. Ibáñez 3b ............3 1 2 0 1 0 .214 Chapman 3b ............4 2 1 0 1 1 .200 Harper dh............3 0 0 0 2 1 .312 Chapman 3b........4 1 2 2 0 0 .199 Riley, Atl ............................................. 11
Miller lf...............2 1 2 2 0 0 .228 Biggio 1b .................3 2 1 0 1 1 .118 Castellanos rf .....4 1 1 3 0 2 .258 Mitchell rf .................5 0 1 0 0 3 .294 Biggio lf ..............3 1 1 1 0 1 .097 Wisdom, Chi ....................................... 10
Culberson lf ........1 0 0 0 0 1 .234 Guerrero Jr. ph-1b...0 0 0 0 1 0 .256 Quinn cf ..............1 0 0 0 0 1 .167 Hayes 3b....................5 1 3 3 0 2 .283 Springer ph-cf.....0 0 0 0 1 0 .271 Tellez, Mil ........................................... 10
White cf..............3 0 0 0 0 1 .171 Gurriel Jr. lf.............3 0 2 5 2 0 .238 Segura 2b............4 0 2 0 0 0 .281 Reynolds cf................4 0 1 0 1 2 .218 Zimmer cf ...........1 0 0 0 1 0 .125 Schwarber, Phi ................................... 10
Huff ph................1 0 0 0 0 0 .395 Tapia dh...................4 0 2 3 1 2 .241 Hoskins 1b..........4 0 0 0 0 1 .215 Gamel lf.....................3 0 0 0 1 1 .257 Kirk ph ................1 0 1 1 0 0 .282 Harper, Phi .......................................... 10
Zimmer rf................3 0 0 0 0 2 .118 Realmuto c .........4 0 1 0 0 1 .247 Heineman ph-c ..........1 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Tapia pr-cf-lf ......1 0 1 1 0 0 .233 Goldschmidt, StL ................................ 10
TOTALS 35 5 7 4 3 4 — Hernández ph-rf......1 0 1 1 1 0 .170 Herrera cf-rf .......4 1 1 0 0 0 .270 VanMeter 1b-2b-1b...3 1 1 0 1 0 .207 Ozuna, Atl ........................................... 10
Camargo ss.........2 1 0 0 2 1 .257 Castro ss ...................3 0 0 0 0 0 .188 TOTALS 36 6 10 6 5 5 — RBI
ASTROS AB R H BI BB SO AVG ATHLETICS AB R H BI BB SO AVG TOTALS 40111311 8 8 — Suwinski dh...............4 0 1 0 0 3 .184 Alonso, NY .......................................... 46
Perez c.......................3 0 0 1 0 1 .100 Goldschmidt, StL ................................ 40
Altuve 2b.............4 0 0 0 0 0 .279 Kemp 2b..............5 1 2 0 0 0 .237 ANGELS AB R H BI BB SO AVG TOTALS 34 4 5 3 6 9 — Castillo ph-2b............1 1 1 0 0 0 .245 ANGELS AB R H BI BB SO AVG Turner, LA ........................................... 39
Brantley lf ...........3 0 1 0 1 0 .280 Laureano rf .........5 1 2 0 1 1 .215 Marcano 2b-lf............3 1 0 0 1 2 .286 Cron, Col ............................................. 37
Bregman 3b.........3 0 0 0 1 0 .235 Lowrie dh............6 1 2 1 0 2 .236 Ward rf ...............4 2 2 3 1 1 .359 METS AB R H BI BB SO AVG Rengifo 2b ..........5 1 1 0 0 2 .283 Lindor, NY ........................................... 37
Alvarez dh ...........4 0 2 1 0 0 .253 Brown 1b-lf.........3 0 1 0 1 1 .209 Ohtani dh............3 2 2 3 1 1 .249 Ohtani dh............4 1 0 0 0 1 .242 Tellez, Mil ........................................... 34
Gurriel 1b ............3 0 0 0 1 0 .222 Pinder ph-lf.........1 0 1 1 0 0 .264 Trout cf ...............5 0 0 0 0 1 .310 Guillorme 2b .......5 1 2 0 0 1 .355 TOTALS 35 4 8 4 4 15 — Trout cf ...............4 2 3 2 0 1 .320 Arenado, StL ....................................... 32
Peña ss................4 1 1 1 0 0 .290 Murphy c.............3 1 1 1 2 1 .207 Walsh 1b.............5 1 1 0 0 3 .244 Marte rf ..............5 2 2 0 0 1 .278 Duffy 3b..............5 1 4 1 0 0 .290 Harper, Phi .......................................... 32
Dubón cf ..............4 0 1 0 0 0 .176 Barrera lf ............2 0 0 0 1 0 .286 Rengifo 2b ..........5 2 2 0 0 0 .293 Lindor ss .............5 1 0 1 0 3 .253 PADRES AB R H BI BB SO AVG Walsh 1b.............5 0 0 1 0 3 .245 Betts, LA ............................................ 32
Siri rf ...................4 0 0 0 0 2 .220 Neuse ph-1b .......2 0 1 0 0 0 .239 Marsh lf ..............5 0 1 0 0 1 .276 Alonso dh............2 0 1 0 3 0 .286 Suzuki c ..............1 0 0 0 0 0 .188 Turner, LA ........................................... 29
Maldonado c........3 0 1 0 0 1 .123 Andrus ss............5 1 2 1 0 1 .238 Stassi c ...............5 1 4 3 0 1 .250 Escobar 3b ..........5 0 1 2 0 2 .225 Profar lf................ 3 0 1 0 2 0 .215 Stassi c ...............2 0 0 0 2 0 .215 Freeman, LA ....................................... 29
Díaz pr .................0 1 0 0 0 0 .213 Smith 3b .............5 0 0 0 0 1 .198 Velazquez ss.......5 0 0 0 0 2 .202 Canha cf..............4 0 0 1 0 0 .282 Kim 3b .................. 5 0 2 0 0 1 .222 Marsh lf ..............4 0 2 1 1 0 .279 ERA
Castro c ...............0 0 0 0 0 0 .114 Pache cf ..............4 1 2 0 1 0 .172 Wade 3b..............2 2 0 0 2 1 .229 Do.Smith 1b........2 0 0 0 1 1 .186 Hosmer 1b............ 5 0 1 0 0 3 .327 Lagares rf ...........4 0 2 0 0 0 .222 Musgrove, SD .................................. 1.86
Plummer lf..........4 1 1 1 0 2 .200 Voit dh.................. 3 1 1 0 2 0 .209 Ward ph ..............0 0 0 0 1 0 .354 Burnes, Mil ...................................... 1.95
TOTALS 32 2 6 2 3 3 — TOTALS 41 6 14 4 6 7 — TOTALS 39 10 12 9 4 11 — Mazeika c............3 0 0 0 0 0 .188 Cronenworth 2b ... 5 1 1 0 0 0 .211 Velazquez ss.......5 0 1 0 0 1 .210 Alcantara, Mia ................................. 2.00
McNeil ph ...........1 0 0 0 0 0 .317 Myers rf................ 4 0 2 0 1 2 .242 López, Mia ....................................... 2.04
MARINERS AB R H BI BB SO AVG TEXAS............ 101 020 001 — 5 7 5 TORONTO ...... 024 000 320 — 11 13 1 Nido c..................0 0 0 0 0 0 .211 Azocar rf............... 0 0 0 0 0 0 .229 TOTALS 39 5 13 5 4 8 — Quintana, Pit ................................... 2.15
OAKLAND ...... 000 030 021 — 6 14 2 L.A.................. 114 201 100 — 10 12 1 Nola c.................... 4 0 1 1 0 0 .214 Urías, LA .......................................... 2.49
Winker lf .............4 0 0 0 0 1 .212 TOTALS 36 5 7 5 4 10 — Grisham cf............ 3 0 1 1 1 0 .161 TORONTO ...... 100 000 230 — 6 10 0 Scherzer, NY .................................... 2.54
France 1b.............3 0 1 1 0 1 .342 Two outs when winning run scored. E: Espinal (2), Velazquez (4). LOB: To- Alcántara ss ......... 3 0 0 0 1 1 .175 L.A.................. 000 020 201 — 5 13 1 Mikolas, StL .................................... 2.67
Rodríguez cf ........4 0 0 0 0 2 .270 E: Semien 2 (5), Seager (6), Ibáñez (4), ronto 10, Los Angeles 7. 2B: Gurriel Jr. 2 Canó ph................. 1 0 0 0 0 1 .167 Wright, Atl ...................................... 2.68
Crawford ss.........3 0 1 0 1 0 .306 Culberson (6), Acevedo (1), Neuse (9). (11), Springer (8), Kirk (7), Walsh (8), PHILA. ......... 001 000 030 0 — 4 5 1 E: Rengifo (3). LOB: Toronto 8, Los An- Anderson, LA ................................... 2.90
Suárez 3b ............3 0 1 0 1 1 .220 LOB: Texas 7, Oakland 16. 2B: Ibáñez Marsh (5), Ward (7). 3B: Rengifo (1). NEW YORK .. 300 000 001 1 — 5 7 0 geles 13. 2B: Bichette (12), Guerrero Jr. SAVES
Frazier 2b ............3 0 1 0 0 1 .255 (4), Murphy (14), Andrus (9). HR: Sea- HR: Bichette (7), off Tepera; Ohtani 2 (5), Biggio (1), Chapman (7), Tapia (4), Rogers, SD .......................................... 17
Ford dh ................3 0 0 0 1 2 .160 ger (10), off Kaprielian; Miller (7), off (11), off Berríos; Ward (10), off Borucki; One out when winning run scored. TOTALS 36 2 10 2 7 8 — Duffy (2). HR: Trout (13), off Merry- Hader, Mil ........................................... 16
Torrens c .............4 1 1 0 0 1 .197 Kaprielian. Stassi (4), off Cimber. E: Hoskins (4). LOB: Philadelphia 7, New weather. Jansen, Atl ......................................... 12
Trammell rf.........2 0 0 0 0 2 .231 RANGERS IP H R ER BB SO ERA BLUE JAYS IP H R ER BB SO ERA York 9. 2B: Herrera (9), Guillorme (5), PITTSBURGH . 000 100 003 — 4 8 1 BLUE JAYS IP H R ER BB SO ERA Bard, Col ............................................. 11
Berríos.............. 21/3 6 6 6 1 1 5.62 Escobar (13). 3B: Marte (2). HR: Castel- SAN DIEGO .... 010 000 100 — 2 10 1 Kikuchi................. 5 9 2 2 1 4 3.48 Díaz, NY .............................................. 11
TOTALS 29 1 5 1 3 11 — Dunning ............ 41/3 7 3 2 3 5 4.31 Borucki ................ 1 2 2 2 1 1 9.95 lanos (6), off Ottavino; Plummer (1), off Phelps.................. 1 1 0 0 0 1 2.55 Kimbrel, LA ......................................... 10
Santana .............. 2/3 1 0 0 0 0 1.84 Stripling ........... 12/3 2 1 1 1 3 4.60 Knebel. Merryweather ..... 0 2 2 2 0 0 7.82 Melancon, Ari ..................................... 10
HOUSTON ...... 010 000 010 — 2 6 1 Burke ................ 12/3 1 0 0 2 2 1.09 Vasquez............ 11/3 0 0 0 0 1 7.20 PHILLIES IP H R ER BB SO ERA E: Brubaker (3), Nola (5). LOB: Pitts- Cimber ................. 1 0 0 0 1 1 1.74 Bednar, Pit ............................................ 9
SEATTLE ........ 000 001 000 — 1 5 0 Bush ................... 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 3.78 Cimber ................ 2/3 1 1 1 0 2 2.11 burgh 9, San Diego 16. 2B: Reynolds (6), Richards .............. 1 0 0 0 0 2 3.92 STRIKEOUTS
King ..................... 1 3 2 1 1 0 2.84 García .................. 1 0 0 0 1 2 3.32 Wheeler............... 6 4 3 1 3 7 3.16 Castillo (6), Profar (10), Hosmer (9), Romano .............. 2/3 1 1 1 2 0 2.79 Burnes, Mil ......................................... 78
E: Siri (1). LOB: Houston 6, Seattle 7. 2B: Martin ................ 2/3 2 1 1 0 0 4.67 Phelps.................. 1 1 0 0 0 1 2.41 Hand ................... 2/3 1 0 0 0 0 1.38 Kim (8). HR: Hayes (1), off Rogers. Stripling ............. 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 4.55 Nola, Phi ............................................. 74
Maldonado (3). HR: Peña (8), off Gonza- Familia................ 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 4.24 PIRATES IP H R ER BB SO ERA Rodón, SF ............................................ 64
les. Domínguez .......... 1 0 0 0 0 1 2.00 Alcantara, Mia .................................... 63
ASTROS IP H R ER BB SO ERA ATHLETICS IP H R ER BB SO ERA Knebel .............. 11/3 2 2 1 1 2 3.15 Brubaker.............. 5 6 1 0 2 3 4.15 ANGELS IP H R ER BB SO ERA Wright, Atl ......................................... 61
Kaprielian ......... 41/3 6 4 4 0 2 5.93 ANGELS IP H R ER BB SO ERA Peters............... 11/3 1 1 1 3 1 3.80 Manaea, SD ........................................ 60
Garcia................... 6 4 1 1 1 6 3.14 Selman ............. 12/3 0 0 0 0 1 0.00 METS IP H R ER BB SO ERA Stratton ............. 2/3 1 0 0 1 1 4.32 Lorenzen........... 62/3 5 3 3 2 2 3.19 Scherzer, NY ....................................... 59
Montero............... 1 0 0 0 0 2 0.46 Acevedo............... 1 0 0 0 2 0 3.04 Sandoval.............. 3 5 6 5 3 4 2.70 Banda .................. 1 2 0 0 1 2 4.50 Bradley ............... 1/3 2 0 0 0 0 6.30 Mahle, Cin ........................................... 58
Neris .................... 1 0 0 0 0 2 2.11 Moll .................... 2/3 1 0 0 0 0 1.12 Barria................ 21/3 0 0 0 1 1 1.54 Bassitt................. 6 2 1 1 3 7 3.66 Bednar ................. 1 0 0 0 0 1 0.75 Barraclough........ 1/3 0 2 2 2 0 3.38 Musgrove, SD ..................................... 58
Pressly ................. 1 1 0 0 2 1 2.45 Trivino ................ 1/3 0 0 0 0 1 7.71 Ortega ................. 1 3 3 3 1 1 2.86 Dr.Smith............. 2/3 1 0 0 0 1 2.57 Loup.................... 2/3 2 1 1 1 2 4.82
Jiménez ............... 1 0 1 1 1 0 2.25 Tepera ................. 1 2 1 1 2 0 4.35 Rodríguez ............ 1 0 2 2 2 0 4.60 Junk..................... 1 1 0 0 0 1 0.00
MARINERS IP H R ER BB SO ERA Quijada ............... 2/3 2 1 1 1 1 9.00 Ottavino ............. 1/3 2 1 1 0 0 4.08 PADRES IP H R ER BB SO ERA
Gonzales ............71/3 5 2 2 1 2 3.55 Barraclough......... 1 1 0 0 0 1 3.00 Nogosek .............. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 WP: Cimber (5-2); LP: Barraclough
Sewald .................2/3 1 0 0 2 0 2.70 WP: Jiménez (2-2); LP: Martin (0-4). In- Díaz ..................... 1 0 0 0 1 1 2.61 Musgrove ............ 6 6 1 1 2 7 1.86 (0-1); S: Stripling (1). Merryweather
Castillo................. 1 0 0 0 0 1 7.31 herited runners-scored: Santana 2-2, WP: Cimber (6-2); LP: Quijada (0-1); S: Suarez ................. 1 0 0 0 0 3 3.48 pitched to 3 batters in the 7th Inherited
Bush 2-0, Selman 2-0, Trivino 2-0. IBB: Phelps (1). Inherited runners-scored: WP: Díaz (2-1); LP: Knebel (1-4). Inher- García .................. 1 0 0 0 1 2 3.12 runners-scored: Cimber 1-0, Stripling
WP: Montero (2-0); LP: Gonzales (3-5); off Acevedo (Seager), off King (Mur- Borucki 2-2, Vasquez 1-0, Ortega 1-0, ited runners-scored: Familia 1-0, Rogers ................. 1 2 3 3 1 3 1.69 3-0, Bradley 1-1, Loup 2-2. IBB: off Ci-
S: Pressly (8). Inherited runners-scored: phy). HBP: Dunning (Kemp). WP: Dun- Tepera 3-3. IBB: off Quijada (Guerrero Rodríguez 1-0, Ottavino 2-2. IBB: off mber (Marsh), off Loup (Springer).
Montero 2-0, Sewald 1-1. IBB: off Sewald ning (2), Jiménez. T: 3:38. A: 8,342 Jr.). HBP: Vasquez (Ohtani). WP: Orte- Wheeler (Alonso), off Díaz (Harper), off WP: Banda (1-0); LP: Rogers (0-1); S: Bed- HBP: Merryweather (Ohtani), Romano
(Brantley). HBP: Neris (France). T: 3:00. (46,847). ga, Barraclough. T: 4:13. A: 36,568 Knebel (Alonso). HBP: Wheeler nar (9). Inherited runners-scored: Strat- (Trout). WP: Lorenzen, Barraclough. T:
A: 28,986 (47,929). (45,517). (Do.Smith). T: 3:51. A: 36,513 (41,922). ton 1-1. IBB: off Banda (Voit). HBP: García 3:45. A: 34,005 (45,517).
(Castro). T: 3:43. A: 38,189 (40,209).



After rare stoppage, Ericsson holds on for landmark win

qvist, another Swede, who was
indianapolis — Marcus Erics- “I can’t believe it,” said Marcus Ericsson, here kissing the bricks Sunday after giving Chip Ganassi Racing its fifth Indianapolis 500 win. fourth for McLaren. Rosenqvist is
in a contract year with McLaren
son had to leave Formula One to there was two laps to go. I was He joined the Ganassi organiza- bottle to Ganassi so the boss could naan still in the fight for Ganassi. and fighting for his job, but the
become a global racing star, a goal praying so hard there was not go- tion in his second IndyCar season take his own swig. Ganassi had not Kanaan, at 47 the oldest driver in McLaren group carried the Chev-
achieved Sunday when the Swed- ing to be another yellow, but I and has been steadily adapting to won the 500 in 10 years and sent the field, thought he was in perfect rolet banner at Indy as Juan Pablo
ish driver won the Indianapolis knew there was probably going to the circuit and its oval tracks; Eric- five legitimate contenders to Indy position for the win sitting in Montoya finished 11th.
500. be one,” Ericsson said. “It was hard sson finished a career-best third to end the drought. fourth on the restart.
to refocus, but I knew the car was on the Texas Motor Speedway oval American drivers Alexander
Ericsson took control of the race amazing. But it was still hard, you that was the warmup for the Indy The win seemed to belong to O’Ward wouldn’t relent. He Rossi and Conor Daly finished
late — largely because of teammate know? I had to do everything 500. Dixon, the six-time IndyCar cham- signed a contract extension with fifth and sixth, Rossi for Andretti
Scott Dixon’s speeding penalty — there, and then to keep them be- pion who went more than Arrow McLaren SP on Friday and Autosport and Daly for Ed Carpen-
and had the win in reach for Chip hind — I can’t believe it. I’m so It is the fifth Indy 500 win for 234 mph in qualifying to win the desperately wanted the win to cel- ter Racing.
Ganassi Racing until a crash by happy.” team owner Chip Ganassi, who pole. The New Zealander led 95 of ebrate his status as McLaren’s star.
teammate Jimmie Johnson with caught a ride to the victory podi- the 200 laps Sunday, and his Hon- But O’Ward finished second, fall- Helio Castroneves, last year’s
four laps remaining brought out a It’s the biggest victory of the um on the side of Ericsson’s car. da was easily the fastest in the field ing just short as he tried to give winner, finished seventh and one
rare red-flag stoppage at Indian- 31-year-old’s career. Ericsson was Ericsson is the second Swede to — so fast that Dixon didn’t slow Mexico a banner celebration on spot ahead of Meyer Shank Racing
apolis Motor Speedway. winless in five seasons in Formula win the Indy 500 in 106 runnings, down enough on his final pit stop. the biggest day in motorsports; teammate Simon Pagenaud.
One before he packed up for the joining Kenny Brack in 1999. Sergio Perez opened Sunday with Reigning IndyCar champion Alex
IndyCar seldom issues stoppag- United States and a move to North The penalty took Dixon out of a win in the Monaco Grand Prix. Palou finished 10th in another Ga-
es that might change the outcome. American open-wheel racing. Ericsson poured his jug of milk contention for the win. nassi entry.
But the crowd of more than all over his face, then handed the Kanaan was third in a Ganassi
300,000 — only a few thousand That left Ericsson and Tony Ka- Palou was an early contender
shy of a sellout and the largest until a caution closed the pits
sporting event attendance since when he needed to stop for fuel.
the start of the pandemic — roared He had to make the emergency
when IndyCar called the cars to pit fill-up, and the penalty took him
road. out of contention.

The stoppage gave Pato O’Ward Dixon faded to 21st after the
and the rest of the challengers penalty, and although he visited
almost 12 minutes to strategize Ericsson on the podium, he was
how to catch Ericsson for the win. consoled by his wife on pit road
after the race. Johnson finished
The race resumed with two laps 28th in his Indy 500 debut.
remaining, and Ericsson easily got
the jump on O’Ward. The Mexican “It’s one team. Everybody roots
got one final look for the lead that for everybody else, everybody
Ericsson defended, and O’Ward works together, and everybody is
knew not to force the issue. an open book,” Ganassi said.
“You’re going to have things hap-
“Nah, he was going to put me in pen in these 500-mile races, and
the wall if I had gone for it,” they’re not always going to fall
O’Ward said. your way. So, you know, we were
lucky to have five good cars and
A crash by Sage Karam back in five good drivers.”
traffic brought out the caution on
the final lap, and Ericsson coasted Honda drivers took six of the
to the victory podium under yel- top nine spots, along with the win,
low. Karam was transported to a and Kanaan had no problem with
hospital for evaluation of muscu- IndyCar’s decision to throw the
lar soreness. race-deciding red flag.

For Ericsson, it was his third “I believe we’re here for the fans.
IndyCar victory in 52 career starts. We hear the fans,” Kanaan said.
All three have been strange wins in “They came here to see a race. That
that Ericsson sealed the victories was the right call. That is the only
after red-flag stoppages, but he reason race control called that, I
never assumed he had the Indy think; it’s because that’s what peo-
500 won as he sat inside his cock- ple wanted to see. If I was in the
pit waiting to get back to racing. stands, I want to see a race finish
under the green.”
“I felt you can never take any-
thing for granted, and obviously


Warriors roll DeBaugh’s 800 win powers Severna Park’s outdoor breakthrough
past Falcons
with 13-run BY TRAMEL RAGGS experience,” said DeBaugh, who But the state outdoor meet that being really focused was champion. (The Lions won in 4A
first inning After Jack DeBaugh won the finished in 1 minute 55.94 sec- presented another variable: The going to be the key. Accepting last year.) Senior Nimrit Ahuja
Maryland 4A championship in onds. “I usually try to tune out first session, scheduled for Fri- that the day was going to be long played a crucial role, winning the
SHERWOOD 21, the grueling 800 meters Satur- the point-counting and just fo- day, was postponed by inclement can be a huge advantage for us 800 and 1,600 and running on
SEVERNA PARK 5 (5) day, all the Severna Park senior cus on the race ahead, but when weather. As a result, teams in 3A before we even stepped off the the Lions’ victorious 4x800
wanted was a snack and some- I came back and heard that we’d and 4A participated in prelimi- bus.” squad.
BY NOAH FERGUSON thing to drink. clinched it with, like, four events nary heats in the morning and
The Severna Park softball team But as DeBaugh rejoined his to go, my body was just overtak- then returned for the finals later DeBaugh’s victories in the 400 The Northern boys compiled
entered the Maryland 4A state teammates at the Falcons’ sta- en with a feeling I’ve never in the day. and 800 and as part of the 4x800 57 points to edge Huntingtown
championship game on a roll. tion at Prince George’s Sports & felt before — like, we really did relay played a major role in (55) and Howard (52) for the 3A
Notching one-run victories over Learning Complex in Landover, it.” “Not much changes from a Severna Park (87 points) defeat- title — their first state champion-
Bowie and South River to get he received a boost of energy physical standpoint because ev- ing Old Mill (59) and Northwest ship since a dominant stretch in
there, the Falcons carried plenty of from another source. He learned Coming into the meet, Severna eryone is having to adjust and (43). On the girls’ side, Urbana which the Patriots won in 1980,
momentum into Saturday night’s that, with his win, the Fal- Park was brimming with confi- deal with the same condensed (102) beat out Blake (90.5) and 1982 and 1983.
title bout with Sherwood. cons had clinched the first out- dence. Beyond being the favorite schedule, but the mental stand- C.H. Flowers (66.2) for the 4A
But Coach Meredith McAlister’s door state title in program his- on the boys’ side, most of the point is where meets like Satur- title. In Class 2A, the Oakland Mills
suddenly hot squad met its match tory. team already had championship day’s can be won or lost,” Sever- boys (168 points) dominated, and
at Maryland Softball Stadium in “It was such an awesome experience; the Falcons claimed na Park Coach Josh Alcom- In the 3A girls’ competition, the girls (88.5) edged runner-up
College Park. Sherwood came out cross-country and indoor track bright said. “So I just reminded Howard ran away with the win, Hereford (82). The boys were the
at a blistering pace and never titles this school year. them in an email Friday night scoring 104 points to double the 3A champs a year ago and now
looked back, steamrolling Severna next-best team and repeat as have 15 state titles.
Park, 21-5, for the Warriors’ sev-
enth state title. If the Commanders move to Virginia, will Maryland fans follow?
“[It’s] honestly just everything
we’ve worked for since the begin- COMMANDERS FROM D1 sort of firewall” within in its Ravens’ stadium,” Wake said. the years, and the large bulk of “overwhelmingly” want the sta-
ning of the season,” Sherwood Maryland fan base, Franklin “It’s easier to get to the Ravens’ the fan base is in Virginia now, so dium to remain where it is.
Coach Ashley Barber-Strunk said. George’s County, the jurisdiction said. Perhaps die-hard Prince stadium, and they’re winning, I can understand why the Com- “They have a unique strangle-
“We needed to work together. We that has housed the franchise’s George’s County fans would stick and to me, the stadium is better manders would want to look at hold on the community,” Long
needed to be together for us to be home games since FedEx Field with them, Franklin said, but than Washington’s stadium. If Virginia,” said Virginia state Sen. said.
our best, and that’s exactly what opened 24 years ago in Landover. casual fans probably would drift somebody said, ‘Let’s go to Jeremy S. McPike (D-Prince Wil-
they did.” A new stadium in Virginia would toward the Ravens. Woodbridge’ or, ‘Let’s go to Balti- liam). Close to the Beltway and iso-
Sherwood scored 13 runs in the not only require fans to negotiate more,’ I could see myself saying, lated by a desert of parking lots,
first inning and then eased toward the region’s often oppressive “This move would make Mary- ‘I’d rather go to Baltimore.’ ” To make up for fans who have FedEx Field draws little eco-
its five-inning, mercy-rule win. traffic to attend a home game, it land really just a Ravens state,” gravitated toward the Ravens, nomic stimulus to nearby busi-
The only hiccup came when the also would mean moving poten- said Franklin, a council member Outside of game day attend- the Commanders have been nesses. But Long worries for the
field’s lights went out for several tial economic gains away from a since 2010. “Right now, Mary- ance, geography has never been courting Virginians, most nota- stadium workers — concession
minutes with just one out to go. majority-Black region to a pre- land is a two-football-team state. less connected to fandom. Fans bly by moving their training servers, security personnel, etc.
The onslaught started with a dominantly White suburb. You have a strong customer base can stream, watch or receive camp to Richmond in 2013 — a — who would lose secondary
bases-loaded double by Summer for the Ravens and a strong constant updates about any team deal that expired last year, said income they rely on.
Green that brought home three “I don’t think that would be customer base for the Com- they please. Younger generations Virginia state Sen. Scott A.
Warriors and erased Severna lost on anyone,” said Prince manders. If the Commanders drift more toward players than Surovell (D-Fairfax), whose dis- “It’ll be a huge loss for the
Park’s one-run edge. Four singles George’s County Council mem- move that far down in Virginia, it teams. trict includes both potential sta- community,” Long said. “Not just
from Sherwood’s next five batters ber Mel Franklin (D-At Large). makes Maryland a Ravens state. dium sites. from a business standpoint —
ballooned the lead. Five more hits, And I don’t think that’s good for Around the NFL, Ravens Pres- just from the pure excitement. It
including triples by Kay Sakala Many hurdles and negotia- the Commanders’ fan base, and I ident Sashi Brown said in an “There’s more potential fans gives people a chance to come to
and Hannah Friend, capped a tions remain before any stadium don’t think it’s good for the interview, franchises are under- in Hampton Roads and Rich- Prince George’s County, see
14-hit first inning for the Warriors deal becomes final. The team Commanders’ business plan.” taking an initiative to answer a mond than there are west of Prince George’s County, dine in
(18-2). also is negotiating an option-to- once-obvious question: Where Dulles,” he said. Prince George’s County. I think
Six more hits led to six more purchase agreement at a Reese Waters, who hosts are our fans? The Ravens, prob- it’s a major loss. It’s not going to
runs in the second inning. Seven planned development of shops shows on the Team 980 and ably owing to their history of Surovell, who supports ex- have dire repercussions, but it’s
Warriors had multiple hits as the and offices in Loudoun County. WUSA-9, grew up in Prince success and the dazzling style of panding mass transit to serve going to have a huge effect.”
lead continued to grow and the Two key Virginia senators cast George’s County. When he first quarterback Lamar Jackson, Prince William, also predicted
surprise postseason run by Sever- doubt on stadium legislation, read Monday’s news, he felt have found surprising answers. that fans from Maryland and Franklin said an NFL stadium
na Park (13-11) screeched to a halt. with Sen. Chap Petersen (D-Fair- surprise and a protective in- Internal data shows their sec- D.C. would make the trip to see in a majority-Black area, espe-
The outcome was all but decid- fax City) saying he had lost stinct. As he thought more about ond-highest number of digital the Commanders in the com- cially in an era when some sports
ed well before the final out, but “confidence in the Washington it, Waters experienced a different engagements come from Mexico monwealth, just as Virginians franchises have relocated to sub-
Sherwood’s celebration was plen- Commanders as a viable NFL reaction, born of resignation. City. routinely cross the Potomac for urban neighborhoods, “sends a
ty enthusiastic anyway. As a flurry franchise.” Franklin said the attractions on the other side. good message for equity and
of gloves flew into the air, the Commanders are “essentially “That actually feels like the “We certainly want to feel inclusion.” If the stadium landed
Warriors ran onto the field in tri- fostering a competition between most appropriate home for them 70,000 strong at M&T Bank Sta- “Virginia’s been helping to pay in Virginia, Kemp said it would
umph. jurisdictions” and that “I don’t to have,” he said. “It’s very reflec- dium every Sunday that we’re for Maryland schools via their feel as if the Commanders were
“It feels fantastic. I’m so proud think Prince George’s County is tive of how far removed they are playing there and have sellouts,” casinos and the football team for turning their backs on Prince
of the team for how far we’ve going to back down.” from the hearts and minds of Brown said. “But we also realize decades,” he said. George’s County.
come,” catcher Holly Rogers said. their old-school fans.” a big part of what we do, as part
“We’ve really bonded and became Franklin said staying in Prince of our branding and our market- When Donnell Long saw the “In this city, which used to call
so close.” George’s County would be the George Wake, a retired teach- ing and activations with our fan Commanders had acquired the itself ‘Chocolate City’ once upon
Saturday’s win was Barber- Commanders’ best option be- er and coach at Fairmont base, happens outside the games right to purchase land in Wood- a time, that’s experienced the
Strunk’s fifth state title at the helm cause the team already owns the Heights High, remembers when that we play downtown. bridge, he thought to himself: “It degree of gentrification and peo-
of the Warriors and the team’s first land for a stadium and the gamedays meant a sea of bur- doesn’t look like we’re going to ple displacement that we have,
since 2019. county would work with the gundy-and-gold paraphernalia. “If Washington moves, it be able to keep them. If they put it’s even more particularly pain-
team to transform it in a mutu- Now, when he goes shopping would change the landscape that much of an investment in ful,” Waters said. “At the same
ally beneficial way. near his Bowie home, he sees somewhat but not really.” some land, the countdown is on.” time, what in Dan Snyder’s stew-
more Ravens purple and gold. He ardship of this organization says
As the Ravens’ competitive can envision a Commanders In Virginia, some local offi- Long is the chef/owner of Olde he would be at all sensitive to
success helped them grow more move extending the shift. cials view the deterioration of Towne Inn, a local institution that or that he would react or
popular in Anne Arundel and the Commanders’ fan base as an that sits next to the Prince respond to that in any way?”
Howard counties, having a sta- “It’s a distinct possibility that argument for the franchise to George’s County Courthouse. He Laura Vozzella contributed to this
dium in Prince George’s County people out where I live in Bowie move into their state. said business surges on fall Sun- report.
gave the Commanders “a strong and up in Crofton, places like days when Washington wins and
that, will probably go to the “I think you’ve seen the Ra- sags when it loses. He believes
vens eat into the fan base over Prince George’s County residents



Crash-filled NBA playoffs Storm 92, Liberty 61 HOCKEY MLS French Open
600 ends
in huge win CONFERENCE SEMIFINALS New York ............................ 15 8 22 16 — 61 Stanley Cup playoffs EAST W L T Pts GF GA At Stade Roland Garros; In Paris
for Hamlin Best of seven Seattle ................................ 23 26 17 26 — 92 New York City FC ..............8 3 2 26 25 10 Purse: $17,330,707
BY STEVE REED CELTICS ELIMINATED BUCKS, 4-3 NEW YORK MIN FG FT O-T A PF PTS Best of seven; x-If necessary Philadelphia ......................6 1 7 25 19 10 MEN’S SINGLES — FOURTH ROUND
Game 1: Milwaukee 101, at Boston 89 Allen 25:15 3-6 0-0 0-4 2 2 8 EASTERN CONFERENCE CF Montréal ......................7 5 2 23 28 26 Novak Djokovic (1), Serbia, def. Diego Schwartzman
concord, n.c. — Denny Ham- Game 2: at Boston 109, Milwaukee 86 Howard 22:55 4-7 1-1 2-4 3 2 10 HURRICANES AND RANGERS TIED, 3-3 New York...........................6 3 5 23 24 15 (15), Argentina, 6-1, 6-3, 6-3; Alexander Zverev (3),
Game 3: at Milwaukee 103, Boston 101 Dolson 17:46 2-3 0-0 0-4 1 3 5 Game 1: at Carolina 2, N.Y. Rangers 1 (OT) Orlando City ......................6 5 3 21 17 20 Germany, def. Bernabe Zapata Miralles, Spain, 7-6 (11),
lin held off Joe Gibbs Racing Game 4: Boston 116, at Milwaukee 108 Ionescu 22:04 3-9 0-1 1-3 4 1 6 Game 2: at Carolina 2, N.Y. Rangers 0 Cincinnati ..........................6 7 1 19 21 25 7-5, 6-3; Rafael Nadal (5), Spain, def. Felix Auger-Alias-
teammate Kyle Busch in over- Game 5: Milwaukee 110, at Boston 107 Whitcomb 24:54 2-7 0-0 0-4 3 0 6 Game 3: at N.Y. Rangers 3, Carolina 1 Inter Miami CF ..................5 6 3 18 15 22 sime (9), Canada, 3-6, 6-3, 6-2, 3-6, 6-3; Carlos Alcaraz
time Sunday night to win the Game 6: Boston 108, at Milwaukee 95 Xu 24:37 5-13 3-3 2-8 1 0 13 Game 4: at N.Y. Rangers 4, Carolina 1 Charlotte FC ......................5 8 1 16 13 18 (6), Spain, def. Karen Khachanov (21), Russia, 6-1, 6-4,
longest — and perhaps wildest — Game 7: at Boston 109, Milwaukee 81 Onyenwere 22:20 2-8 4-4 1-3 2 1 9 Game 5: at Carolina 3, N.Y. Rangers 1 Columbus ..........................4 5 4 16 17 16 6-4.
Coca-Cola 600 in history. HEAT ELIMINATED 76ERS, 4-2 Dangerfield 22:14 1-5 0-0 1-2 2 0 2 Game 6: at N.Y. Rangers 5, Carolina 2 Atlanta..............................4 5 4 16 20 20 WOMEN’S SINGLES — FOURTH ROUND
Game 1: at Miami 106, Philadelphia 92 Durr 17:54 0-7 2-2 0-0 2 1 2 Monday’s game: N.Y. Rangers at Carolina, 8, ESPN New England .....................4 5 4 16 22 23 Martina Trevisan, Italy, def. Aliaksandra Sasnovich,
Hamlin won for the 48th time Game 2: at Miami 119, Philadelphia 103 LIGHTNING ELIMINATED PANTHERS, 4-0 Toronto FC ........................4 7 3 15 21 27 Belarus, 7-6 (10), 7-5; Leylah Annie Fernandez (17),
in the NASCAR Cup Series and Game 3: at Philadelphia 99, Miami 79 TOTALS 200 22-65 10-11 7-32 20 10 61 Game 1: Tampa Bay 4, at Florida 1 D.C. United ........................4 7 2 14 17 23 Canada, def. Amanda Anisimova (27), United States,
for the first time in a points race Game 4: at Philadelphia 116, Miami 108 Game 2: Tampa Bay 2, at Florida 1 6-3, 4-6, 6-3; Coco Gauff (18), United States, def. Elise
at Charlotte Motor Speedway. Game 5: at Miami 120, Philadelphia 85 Percentages: FG .338, FT .909. 3-Point Goals: 7-27, .259 Game 3: at Tampa Bay 5, Florida 1 Chicago..............................2 7 5 11 13 20 Mertens (31), Belgium, 6-4, 6-0; Sloane Stephens,
Game 6: Miami 99, at Philadelphia 90 (Allen 2-5, Whitcomb 2-7, Dolson 1-1, Howard 1-2, Game 4: at Tampa Bay 2, Florida 0 United States, def. Jil Teichmann (23), Switzerland, 6-2,
“It is so special,” Hamlin said. WESTERN CONFERENCE Onyenwere 1-2, Xu 0-1, Dangerfield 0-2, Ionescu 0-2, WESTERN CONFERENCE WEST W L T Pts GF GA 6-0.
“That is the last big one that is MAVERICKS ELIMINATED SUNS, 4-3 Durr 0-5). Team Rebounds: 6. Team Turnovers: 1. OILERS ELIMINATED FLAMES, 4-1 Los Angeles FC..................9 3 2 29 29 16 MEN’S DOUBLES — THIRD ROUND
not on my résumé. We weren’t Game 1: at Phoenix 121, Dallas 114 Blocked Shots: 3 (Dolson, Whitcomb, Xu). Turnovers: 17 Game 1: at Calgary 9, Edmonton 6 FC Dallas ...........................7 3 4 25 24 13 Marcel Granollers, Spain, and Horacio Zeballos (4),
very good all day but got our- Game 2: at Phoenix 129, Dallas 109 (Howard 4, Whitcomb 3, Allen 2, Dangerfield 2, Onyen- Game 2: Edmonton 5, at Calgary 3 Real Salt Lake ...................7 3 4 25 17 17 Argentina, def. Jonny O’Mara, Britain, and Jackson
selves in the right place at the Game 3 at Dallas 103, Phoenix 94 were 2, Xu 2, Dolson, Durr). Steals: 8 (Dangerfield 3, Game 3: at Edmonton 4, Calgary 1 Austin FC ..........................7 4 3 24 28 18 Withrow, United States, 6-1, 6-1; Jean-Julien Rojer,
right time.” Game 4: at Dallas 111, Phoenix 101 Howard 2, Allen, Ionescu, Xu). Technical Fouls: None. Game 4: at Edmonton 5, Calgary 3 LA Galaxy ..........................7 5 2 23 17 15 Netherlands, and Marcelo Arevalo-Gonzalez (12), El
Game 5: at Phoenix 110, Dallas 80 Game 5: Edmonton 5, at Calgary 4 (OT) Nashville ...........................6 4 4 22 18 16 Salvador, def. Michael Venus, New Zealand, and Tim
NASCAR’s longest and most Game 6: at Dallas 113, Phoenix 86 SEATTLE MIN FG FT O-T A PF PTS AVALANCHE ELIMINATED BLUES, 4-2 Houston ............................5 6 3 18 17 17 Puetz (7), Germany, 6-4, 2-6, 6-1; David Vega Hernan-
grueling race lasted more than Game 7: Dallas 123, at Phoenix 90 Stewart 0-0 1-8 5 1 14 Game 1: at Colorado 3, St. Louis 2 (OT) dez, Spain, and Rafael Matos, Brazil, def. Sander Gille
51/2 hours and took 413 laps to WARRIORS ELIMINATED GRIZZLIES, 4-2 G.Williams 23:20 6-11 0-0 2-5 2 0 9 Game 2: St. Louis 4, at Colorado 1 Minnesota United .............5 6 3 18 15 15 and Joran Vliegen, Belgium, 6-4, 3-6, 7-6 (8-6); Wesley
complete. There were 18 caution Game 1: Golden State 117, at Memphis 116 Lavender 29:11 4-9 0-0 2-10 2 1 12 Game 3: Colorado 5, at St. Louis 2 Colorado ............................5 6 3 18 16 17 Koolhof, Netherlands, and Neal Skupski (6), Britain, def.
flags, and 16 drivers failed to Game 2: at Memphis 106, Golden State 101 January 26:55 6-8 2-2 0-3 2 2 12 Game 4: Colorado 6, at St. Louis 3 Seattle ..............................5 6 1 16 15 16 Mackenzie McDonald and Tommy Paul, United States,
finish. The race featured a 12-car Game 3: at Golden State 142, Memphis 112 Loyd 25:10 4-6 2-2 0-3 6 2 22 Game 5: St. Louis 5, at Colorado 4 (OT) Portland ............................3 6 6 15 21 25 6-3, 6-2.
wreck and a magnificent crash Game 4: at Golden State 101, Memphis 98 Prince 27:56 8-15 0-0 0-2 4 1 0 Game 6: Colorado 3, at St. Louis 2 Vancouver .........................4 7 2 14 14 23 WOMEN’S DOUBLES — THIRD ROUND
that sent Chris Buescher’s car Game 5: at Memphis 134, Golden State 95 Davis 20:49 0-6 1-1 1-2 0 4 11 CONFERENCE FINALS San Jose............................3 6 5 14 25 32 Elena-Gabriela Ruse, Romania, and Marta Kostyuk,
flipping over five times before Game 6: at Golden State 110, Memphis 96 Gray 17:38 4-7 2-2 3-5 0 3 7 Best of seven; x-If necessary Sporting KC .......................3 8 4 13 13 26 Ukraine, def. Zhang Shuai, China, and Caty McNally (4),
stopping upside down. K.Williams 14:55 2-4 0-0 0-2 3 1 5 EASTERN CONFERENCE United States, 4-6, 6-3, 6-4; Kristina Mladenovic and
CONFERENCE FINALS 14:03 2-7 LIGHTNING VS. HURRICANES-RANGERS SATURDAY, MAY 21 Caroline Garcia, France, def. Ajla Tomljanovic, Australia,
Defending race champion Best of seven; x-If necessary TOTALS 7-7 9-40 24 15 92 WINNER Toronto FC 2, at D.C. United 2 and Misaki Doi, Japan, 5-7, 6-4, 6-2; Lyudmyla Kichenok,
Kyle Larson appeared ready to EASTERN CONFERENCE 200 36-73 TBD Los Angeles FC 2, at Columbus 0 Ukraine, and Jelena Ostapenko (14), Latvia, def. Gabrie-
win the race in regulation before CELTICS ELIMINATED HEAT, 4-3 WESTERN CONFERENCE New England 3, at Cincinnati 2 la Dabrowski, Canada, and Giuliana Olmos (3), Mexico,
Chase Briscoe crashed trying to Game 1: at Miami 118, Boston 107 Percentages: FG .493, FT 1.000. 3-Point Goals: 13-24, .542 OILERS VS. AVALANCHE Atlanta 2, at Nashville 2 6-4, 4-6, 7-5; Madison Keys and Taylor Townsend, United
pass him with two laps to go in Game 2: Boston 127, at Miami 102 (Loyd 4-7, Davis 2-3, January 2-3, Stewart 2-3, Gray 1-1, Tuesday’s game: Edmonton at Colorado, 8, TNT States, def. Asia Muhammad, United States, and Ena
regulation. Game 3: Miami 109, at Boston 103 G.Williams 1-2, K.Williams 1-4, Prince 0-1). Team Re- Thursday’s game: Edmonton at Colorado, 8, TNT SUNDAY, MAY 22 Shibahara (9), Japan, 7-6 (12), 6-2; Maryna Zanevska
Game 4: at Boston 102, Miami 82 bounds: 3. Team Turnovers: None. Blocked Shots: 3 Saturday’s game: Colorado at Edmonton, 8, TNT Real Salt Lake 2, at CF Montréal 1 and Kimberley Zimmermann, Belgium, def. Sam Stosur,
Larson had the inside lane on Game 5: Boston 93, at Miami 80 (Stewart 2, Lavender). Turnovers: 11 (G.Williams 2, Monday, June 6: Colorado at Edmonton, 8, TNT at Charlotte FC 2, Vancouver 1 Australia, and Latisha Chan, Taiwan, 1-6, 6-3, 6-4.
the restart in overtime, but Aus- Game 6: Miami 111, at Boston 103 January 2, Lavender 2, Davis, Gray, K.Williams, Loyd, x-Wednesday, June 8: Edmonton at Colorado, TBA at New York City FC 1, Chicago 0 MIXED DOUBLES — THIRD ROUND
tin Dillon got a push from the Game 7: Boston 100, at Miami 96 Stewart). Steals: 13 (Stewart 6, Davis 2, January 2, Prince x-Friday, June 10: Colorado at Edmonton, TBA at Miami 2, New York 0 Bruno Soares and Beatriz Haddad Maia, Brazil, def. Ivan
second row and soon was run- WESTERN CONFERENCE 2, G.Williams). Technical Fouls: None. A: 10,228 (15,354). x-Sunday, June 12: Edmonton at Colorado, TBA Minnesota 2, at FC Dallas 1 Dodig, Croatia, and Sania Mirza, India, 6-4, 6-3; Ulrikke
ning four-wide along with Lar- WARRIORS ELIMINATED MAVERICKS, 4-1 STANLEY CUP FINALS Sporting KC 1, at San Jose 1 Eikeri, Norway, and Joran Vliegen, Belgium, def. Hugo
son, Hamlin and Ross Chastain. Game 1: at Golden State 112, Dallas 87 Sparks 85, Lynx 83 Best of seven Orlando City 2, at Austin FC 2 Gaston and Clara Burel, France, 6-4, 6-3; Neal Skupski,
Game 2: at Golden State 126, Dallas 117 TBD at Colorado 1, Seattle 0 Britain, and Desirae Krawczyk (4), United States, def.
But a crash ensued involving Game 3: Golden State 109, at Dallas 100 Los Angeles ........................ 24 21 16 24 — 85 Houston 3, at LA Galaxy 0 Storm Sanders, Australia, and Sander Gille, Belgium,
several drivers, including Larson Game 4: at Dallas 119, Golden State 109 Minnesota .......................... 11 23 24 25 — 83 AUTO RACING Philadelphia 2, at Portland 0 4-6, 6-3, 10-8; Gonzalo Escobar, Ecuador, and Lucie
and Dillon. Game 5: at Golden State 120, Dallas 110 Hradecka, Czech Republic, def. Rohan Bopanna, India,
LOS ANGELES MIN FG FT O-T A PF PTS NASCAR Cup Series SATURDAY’S RESULTS and Andreja Klepac (5), Slovenia, 7-6 (7-2), 6-4.
“I got a little loose and tried to NBA FINALS N.Ogwumike 30:47 6-10 4-4 1-5 2 4 16 at New York 4, D.C. United 1
make it stick,” Dillon said. “It Best of seven; x-If necessary; All games televised on ABC Samuelson 31:29 3-8 4-4 0-2 3 2 13 COCA-COLA 600 at Los Angeles FC 3, San Jose 2 PRO FOOTBALL
didn’t quite work out there. I had WARRIORS VS. CELTICS Cambage 27:26 6-10 3-5 0-3 1 5 15 At Charlotte Motor Speedway; In Concord, N.C. Columbus 2, at Atlanta 1
to do what I had to do to win the Thursday’s game: Boston at Golden State, 9 Brown 37:37 3-7 0-0 1-4 2 1 8 Lap length: 1.50 miles at Toronto FC 3, Chicago 2
race given where we are in Sunday’s game: Boston at Golden State, 8 Carter 28:44 8-15 4-4 0-6 4 3 20 (Start position in parentheses) Philadelphia 1, at New England 1
points. We had a shot there to Wednesday, June 8: Golden State at Boston, 9 Sykes 23:57 1-2 3-6 1-2 4 3 5 1. (1) Denny Hamlin, Toyota, 413 laps, 41 points. at CF Montréal 4, Cincinnati 3
bring home another 600.” Friday, June 10: Golden State at Boston, 9 C.Ogwumike 15:51 2-3 4-4 2-3 2 4 8 2. (4) Kyle Busch, Toyota, 413, 35. FC Dallas 3, at Orlando City 1
x-Monday, June 13: Boston at Golden State, 9 Nelson-Ododa 4:07 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 3 0 3. (18) Kevin Harvick, Ford, 413, 38. New York City FC 1, at Minnesota 0
On the next restart, Hamlin x-Thursday, June 16: Golden State at Boston, 9 4. (15) Chase Briscoe, Ford, 413, 40. at Miami 2, Portland 1
took the lead and held off Busch x-Sunday, June 19: Boston at Golden State, 8 TOTALS 200 29-56 22-27 5-25 18 25 85 5. (3) Christopher Bell, Toyota, 413, 41. Nashville 3, at Colorado 1
for the win. Kevin Harvick fin- 6. (8) Tyler Reddick, Chevrolet, 413, 43. Vancouver 1, at Sporting KC 0
ished third, and Briscoe was Percentages: FG .518, FT .815. 3-Point Goals: 5-14, .357 7. (29) Ricky Stenhouse Jr, Chevrolet, 413, 40. at Real Salt Lake 3, Houston 0 USFL
fourth. (Samuelson 3-5, Brown 2-5, Cambage 0-1, N.Ogwumike 8. (10) Michael McDowell, Ford, 413, 29.
0-1, Carter 0-2). Team Rebounds: 8. Team Turnovers: 2. 9. (36) Kyle Larson, Chevrolet, 413, 28. SUNDAY’S RESULTS All games played in Birmingham, Ala.
“It worked out perfectly,” Blocked Shots: 3 (Cambage 2, Nelson-Ododa). Turn- 10. (9) Alex Bowman, Chevrolet, 413, 29. at LA Galaxy 4, Austin FC 1
Hamlin said. overs: 15 (Sykes 5, C.Ogwumike 3, N.Ogwumike 3, 11. (17) Harrison Burton, Ford, 413, 26. at Seattle 2, Charlotte FC 1 NORTH W L T Pct PF PA
Cambage 2, Carter 2). Steals: 7 (Sykes 3, Cambage, 12. (14) Martin Truex Jr, Toyota, 413, 30. New Jersey .......................6 1 0 .857 152 118
There was a huge wreck on Carter, N.Ogwumike, Samuelson). Technical Fouls: 13. (28) Ty Dillon, Chevrolet, 413, 24. Philadelphia ......................4 3 0 .571 176 177
Lap 192 when Ryan Blaney, who Sparks, 3:05 second; Sparks, 4:35 fourth. 14. (25) Erik Jones, Chevrolet, 413, 31.
won last weekend’s All-Star 15. (22) Ross Chastain, Chevrolet, 413, 38.
Race, got too low on the apron on Celtics 100, Heat 96 MINNESOTA MIN FG FT O-T A PF PTS 16. (30) Todd Gilliland, Ford, 413, 21. SATURDAY’S MATCH Michigan ...........................1 6 0 .143 131 144
the bottom of the track and spun McBride 17. (24) Aric Almirola, Ford, 412, 20. Real Salt Lake at Vancouver, 7
back up. That started a chain Boston ................................ 32 23 27 18 — 100 Shepard 32:12 5-13 8-8 0-2 0 2 19 18. (33) Cody Ware, Ford, 412, 19. Pittsburgh.........................1 6 0 .143 92 164
reaction that caught up 12 cars, Miami ................................. 17 32 26 21 — 96 Fowles 32:44 0-1 5-6 1-6 1 2 5 19. (31) BJ McLeod, Ford, 407, 18.
sending some of NASCAR’s top Jefferson 30:55 4-8 7-13 2-7 0 6 15 20. (23) Joey Logano, Ford, accident, 405, 22. SATURDAY, JUNE 11 SOUTH W L T Pct PF PA
stars — Kurt Busch, Brad Kesel- BOSTON MIN FG FT O-T A PF PTS Westbrook 24:07 4-9 2-2 0-2 4 2 11 21. (21) Cole Custer, Ford, accident, 405, 16. New York at Charlotte, 3 y-Birmingham ...................7 0 0 1.000 188 125
owski, Bubba Wallace, William Horford 44:02 2-9 0-0 2-14 3 4 5 Powers 15:00 2-2 0-0 1-0 1 1 4 22. (16) Austin Dillon, Chevrolet, accident, 405, 15. San Jose at Nashville, 6 New Orleans .....................5 2 0 .714 167 128
Byron and Chase Elliott among Tatum 45:34 9-21 4-5 2-10 6 4 26 Carleton 21:37 3-8 9-10 0-0 3 3 15 23. (34) Kaz Grala, Chevrolet, 400, 0. Tampa Bay ........................3 4 0 .429 125 154
them — behind the wall for good. Williams III 14:42 0-2 2-2 1-3 1 2 2 Banham 20:46 1-3 2-2 1-6 2 2 5 24. (27) Noah Gragson, Chevrolet, garage, 386, 0. SUNDAY, JUNE 12 Houston ............................1 6 0 .143 156 177
Brown 43:38 8-15 7-8 1-6 6 5 24 Milic 17:49 3-8 2-2 0-1 1 1 9 25. (12) Daniel Suárez, Chevrolet, accident, 346, 22. New England at Kansas City, 3
Elliott led 93 laps before the Smart 40:45 8-22 5-6 0-9 5 4 24 4:49 0-0 0-0 1-1 0 2 0 26. (19) Chris Buescher, Ford, accident, 346, 11. y-Clinched playoff berth
crash and appeared to be the car Williams 29:55 5-8 1-3 3-6 0 3 11 TOTALS 27. (20) Justin Haley, Chevrolet, engine, 343, 10.
to beat. White 18:58 3-8 0-0 1-3 1 3 8 200 22-52 35-43 6-25 12 21 83 28. (7) Bubba Wallace, Toyota, dvp, 200, 15. WEEK 7
Pritchard 29. (11) Ryan Blaney, Ford, accident, 195, 13. SATURDAY’S RESULTS
“It’s chaos out there,” Byron 2:26 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 1 0 Percentages: FG .423, FT .814. 3-Point Goals: 4-17, .235 30. (35) Brad Keselowski, Ford, accident, 193, 7. Galaxy 4, Austin FC 1 New Jersey 20, at Tampa Bay 13
said. “You can’t drive the car the TOTALS (Carleton 1-3, Jefferson 1-3, Banham 1-4, McBride 1-5, 31. (2) Kurt Busch, Toyota, accident, 191, 6. New Orleans 31, at Michigan 27
slightest bit sideways or you’re 240 35-85 19-24 10-51 22 26 100 Powers 0-2). Team Rebounds: 12. Team Turnovers: None. 32. (5) William Byron, Chevrolet, accident, 191, 5. AUSTIN FC 011 SUNDAY’S GAMES
wrecked. So if somebody gets a Blocked Shots: 5 (Westbrook 2, Banham, Fowles, Jeffer- 33. (13) Chase Elliott, Chevrolet, dvp, 188, 14. LOS ANGELES GALAXY 044 Birmingham 26, at Pittsburgh 16
little bit sideways, then we all Percentages: FG .412, FT .792. 3-Point Goals: 11-32, .344 son). Turnovers: 13 (Fowles 3, Jefferson 3, McBride 2, 34. (6) Austin Cindric, Ford, accident, 145, 3. Philadelphia 35, at Houston 24
wreck. It either takes out other (Tatum 4-7, Smart 3-10, White 2-3, Brown 1-5, Horford Milic 2, Powers 2, Shepard). Steals: 8 (McBride 3, Fowles 35. (37) Corey Lajoie, Chevrolet, accident, 60, 2. First Half: None.
people or they spin to the infield. 1-6, Williams 0-1). Team Rebounds: 8. Team Turnovers: 2, Carleton, Milic, Powers). Technical Fouls: coach Cheryl 36. (32) Josh Bilicki, Chevrolet, accident, 31, 0. Second Half: 1, Austin FC, Fagundez, 3 (Wolff), 53rd WEEK 8
Just chaos.” None. Blocked Shots: 6 (Horford 2, Tatum 2, White, Reeve, 3:21 second. A: 7,234 (19,356). 37. (26) Ryan Preece, Ford, dvp, 16, 0. minute; 2, Los Angeles Galaxy, Chicharito, 6 (Joveljic), FRIDAY’S GAME
Williams). Turnovers: 13 (Brown 4, White 3, Tatum 2, RACE STATISTICS 61st; 3, Los Angeles Galaxy, Joveljic, 2, 64th; 4, Los Pittsburgh at New Jersey, 8
Said Busch: “I think I hit about Williams 2, Smart, Williams III). Steals: 4 (Smart 2, GOLF Average Speed of Race Winner: 118.711 mph. Angeles Galaxy, Joveljic, 3 (Alvarez), 88th; 5, Los SATURDAY’S GAME
15 different things.” Horford, Tatum). Technical Fouls: Celtics, 9:04 third. Time of Race: 5 hours, 13 minutes, 8 seconds. Angeles Galaxy, Alvarez, 2 (Joveljic), 90th. New Orleans at Birmingham, 3
Margin of Victory: 0.119 seconds. Goalies: Austin FC, Bradley Stuver, Andrew Tarbell; Los SUNDAY’S GAMES
Blaney said the wreck oc- MIAMI MIN FG FT O-T A PF PTS PGA Tour Caution Flags: 18 for 90 laps. Angeles Galaxy, Jonathan Bond, Jonathan Klinsmann. Michigan at Philadelphia, noon
curred when he got too low on Butler 48:00 13-24 8-11 1-9 1 2 35 Lead Changes: 31 among 13 drivers. Yellow Cards: Raveloson, Los Angeles Galaxy, 77th; Houston at Tampa Bay, 4
the apron at the bottom of the Tucker 17:02 0-3 0-0 0-4 0 1 0 CHARLES SCHWAB CHALLENGE Lap Leaders: D.Hamlin 0; Ku.Busch 1-2; D.Hamlin 3-9; Joveljic, Los Angeles Galaxy, 79th.
track. Adebayo 46:09 12-21 1-3 4-11 4 4 25 At Colonial Country Club; In Fort Worth Ky.Busch 10-39; B.Wallace 40; Ky.Busch 41-45; D.Suárez Austin FC, Bradley Stuver; Julio Cascante, Ruben Gabri-
Lowry 38:42 4-12 6-9 1-7 3 3 15 Purse: $8.4 million 46-62; C.Elliott 63-66; W.Byron 67; C.Elliott 68-110; elsen, Zan Kolmanic (Jon Gallagher, 66th); Diego Fagun-
“Gosh, I hate it,” Blaney said. Strus 35:24 3-10 0-0 1-8 3 4 8 Yardage: 7,209; Par: 70 R.Chastain 111-128; C.Elliott 129-148; R.Blaney 149- dez (Felipe Martins, 76th), Hector Jimenez (Nicholas
“Makes you feel pretty dumb for Oladipo 32:41 4-12 0-0 0-5 3 2 9 150; K.Larson 151; C.Elliott 152-170; R.Chastain 171- Lima, 66th), Daniel Pereira, Alexander Ring, Owen Wolff
doing that. I hate it tore up our Vincent 15:18 1-4 1-1 0-0 1 2 4 FINAL ROUND 196; D.Suárez 197-204; J.Logano 205-213; D.Suárez (Ethan Finlay, 66th); Sebastian Driussi, Maximiliano COLLEGE LACROSSE
car and a handful of others. . . . I Herro x-Won on first playoff hole 214-220; R.Chastain 221-251; D.Suárez 252-255; Urruti (Moussa Djitte, 82nd).
just didn’t know where I was at 6:43 0-2 0-0 0-0 1 0 0 R.Chastain 256-259; C.Briscoe 260; R.Chastain 261-303; Los Angeles Galaxy, Jonathan Bond; Julian Araujo, Nick NCAA men’s tournament
and just made a mistake.” TOTALS $1,512,000 T.Reddick 304-322; R.Chastain 323-353; K.Larson 354- DePuy, Derrick Williams; Marky Delgado, Samuel Grand-
240 37-88 16-24 7-44 16 18 96 x-Sam Burns (500) ................... 71 68 67 65 — 271 395; C.Briscoe 396; K.Larson 397-404; D.Hamlin 405-411; sir (Dejan Joveljic, 57th), Rayan Raveloson, Victor OPENING ROUND
The carnage wasn’t over as Ky.Busch 412; D.Hamlin 413 Vazquez (Efrain Alvarez, 46th); Kevin Cabral (Kelvin WEDNESDAY, MAY 11
Buescher’s No. 17 Ford flipped Percentages: FG .420, FT .667. 3-Point Goals: 6-30, .200 $915,600 -9 Leaders Summary (Driver, Times Led, Laps Led): Leerdam, 79th), Chicharito (Daniel Aguirre, 69th), Ra- Vermont 15, Manhattan 3
five times before landing on its (Strus 2-7, Vincent 1-3, Butler 1-4, Lowry 1-6, Oladipo Scottie Scheffler (300) ............ 66 65 68 72 — 271 -9 R.Chastain, 6 times for 153 laps; C.Elliott, 4 times for 86 heem Edwards (Chase Gasper, 69th). Delaware 20, Robert Morris 8
roof after a collision on the front 1-7, Herro 0-1, Tucker 0-2). Team Rebounds: 11. Team -8 laps; K.Larson, 3 times for 51 laps; Ky.Busch, 3 times for FIRST ROUND
stretch with Daniel Suarez. Turnovers: 2. Blocked Shots: 5 (Strus 2, Herro, Lowry, $579,600 -7 36 laps; D.Suárez, 4 times for 36 laps; T.Reddick, 1 time SATURDAY, MAY 14
Buescher had to wait until track Tucker). Turnovers: 8 (Lowry 2, Strus 2, Tucker 2, Butler, Brendon Todd (190) ................. 68 68 65 71 — 272 -7 for 19 laps; D.Hamlin, 4 times for 15 laps; J.Logano, 1 Virginia 17, Brown 10
officials flipped his car back over Vincent). Steals: 4 (Lowry 2, Butler, Strus). Technical -7 time for 9 laps; C.Briscoe, 2 times for 2 laps; R.Blaney, 1 Princeton 12, Boston U. 5
before he could get out of the car. Fouls: None. A: 20,200 (19,600). $353,500 -5 time for 2 laps; Ku.Busch, 1 time for 2 laps; B.Wallace, 1 Penn 11, Richmond 10 (OT)
Tony Finau (115) ...................... 71 68 67 67 — 273 -5 time for 1 lap; W.Byron, 1 time for 1 lap. Yale 18, Saint Joseph’s 16
He walked away from the Davis Riley (115) ...................... 67 67 70 69 — 273 -5 Wins: W.Byron, 2; R.Chastain, 2; C.Elliott, 1; Ky.Busch, 1; Sounders 2, Charlotte FC 1 SUNDAY, MAY 15
crash. Scott Stallings (115) ............... 67 64 70 72 — 273 -5 J.Logano, 1; A.Bowman, 1; K.Larson, 1; C.Briscoe, 1; Maryland 21, Vermont 5
NBA PLAYOFF LEADERS -5 A.Cindric, 1; Ku.Busch, 1; D.Hamlin, 1. CHARLOTTE FC 101 Rutgers 19, Harvard 9
“I guess a tire just ripped off $246,540 -4 Top 16 in Points: 1. C.Elliott, 475; 2. R.Blaney, 423; 3. SEATTLE 022 Cornell 15, Ohio State 8
and sent us flipping,” Buescher Entering Sunday’s game. Cameron Davis (80) ................. 66 68 69 72 — 275 -4 Ky.Busch, 417; 4. W.Byron, 415; 5. R.Chastain, 407; 6. Delaware 10, Georgetown 9
said. “I have been upside down Kevin Na (80) ........................... 67 71 68 69 — 275 -4 M.Truex, 400; 7. J.Logano, 396; 8. A.Bowman, 386; 9. First Half: 1, Charlotte FC, Bender, 2, 21st minute. QUARTERFINALS
before, but this was a bit more SCORING G FG FT PTS. AVG. Mito Pereira (80) ..................... 70 66 68 71 — 275 -3 K.Larson, 376; 10. C.Bell, 359; 11. K.Harvick, 335; 12. Second Half: 2, Seattle, Morris, 3 (Roldan), 72nd; 3, IN HEMPSTEAD, N.Y.
painful than the Talladega roll.” Patrick Reed (80) ..................... 66 66 71 72 — 275 -3 A.Almirola, 322; 13. A.Dillon, 311; 14. C.Briscoe, 300; 15. Seattle, Ruidiaz, 3, 80th. SATURDAY, MAY 21
Antetokounmpo, MIL ....... 12 140 91 380 31.7 Jordan Spieth (80) ................... 69 66 70 70 — 275 -3 T.Reddick, 300; 16. A.Cindric, 291. Goalies: Charlotte FC, Kristijan Kahlina, George Marks; Rutgers 11, Penn 9
Elliott won the first stage, Doncic, DAL ....................... 15 160 104 475 31.7 -3 Seattle, Stefan Frei, Stefan Cleveland. Princeton 14, Yale 10
while TrackHouse Racing team- Jokic, DEN ........................... 5 61 28 155 31.0 $178,500 -3 IndyCar Yellow Cards: Mora, Charlotte FC, 35th; Shinyashiki, IN COLUMBUS, OHIO
mates Suarez and Chastain won Morant, MEM ...................... 9 81 65 244 27.1 John Huh (61) .......................... 69 66 68 73 — 276 -3 Charlotte FC, 47th; Morris, Seattle, 87th; Tolo, Seattle, SUNDAY, MAY 22
the second and third stages, Tatum, BOS ...................... 17 148 111 460 27.1 Matt Jones (61) ....................... 70 66 71 69 — 276 -2 106TH INDIANAPOLIS 500 90th+3. Maryland 18, Virginia 9
respectively. Ingram, NO .......................... 6 56 39 162 27.0 Pat Perez (61) .......................... 67 66 72 71 — 276 -2 At Indianapolis Motor Speedway Charlotte FC, Kristijan Kahlina; Guzman Corujo, Jaylin Cornell 10, Delaware 8
Butler, MIA ....................... 16 153 103 431 26.9 -1 Lap length: 2.5 miles Lindsey, Christian Makoun, Joseph Mora (Christian SEMIFINALS
The race also included Tanner Durant, BKN ........................ 4 32 34 105 26.3 $132,300 -1 (Start position in parentheses) Fuchs, 81st); Jordy Alcivar, Benjamin Bender (Sergio IN EAST HARTFORD, CONN.
Andrews, a tire changer for Joey Curry, GS ........................... 16 136 83 415 25.9 Christiaan Bezuidenhout (50) . 68 68 69 72 — 277 -1 1. (5) Marcus Ericsson, Dallara-Honda, 200 laps, Running. Ruiz, 81st), Brandt Bronico; McKinze Gaines (Kamil SATURDAY’S RESULTS
Logano’s pit crew, getting his Mitchell, UTA ...................... 6 53 37 153 25.5 Tyler Duncan (50) .................... 71 67 72 67 — 277 -1 2. (7) Pato O’Ward, Dallara-Chevrolet, 200, Running. Jozwiak, 65th), Daniel Rios (Cristian Ortiz, 81st), Andre Maryland 13, Princeton 8
right foot clipped by pole sitter Edwards, MIN ..................... 6 50 28 151 25.2 Sungjae Im (50) ....................... 70 70 67 70 — 277 E 3. (6) Tony Kanaan, Dallara-Honda, 200, Running. Shinyashiki (Kerwin Vargas, 65th). Cornell 17, Rutgers 10
Hamlin on pit road. Embiid, PHI ....................... 10 78 73 236 23.6 Chris Kirk (50) .......................... 66 67 70 74 — 277 E 4. (8) Felix Rosenqvist, Dallara-Chevrolet, 200, Running. Seattle, Stefan Frei; Xavier Arreaga, Yeimar Gomez CHAMPIONSHIP
Booker, PHO ...................... 10 79 47 233 23.3 Russell Knox (50) ..................... 68 68 70 71 — 277 E 5. (20) Alexander Rossi, Dallara-Honda, 200, Running. Andrade, Nouhou Tolo; Nicolas Lodeiro, Alex Roldan, IN EAST HARTFORD, CONN.
— Associated Press Brown, BOS ....................... 17 139 68 389 22.9 Andrew Putnam (50) ............... 73 65 67 72 — 277 E 6. (18) Conor Daly, Dallara-Chevrolet, 200, Running. Cristian Roldan, Albert Rusnak (Kelyn Rowe, 87th), MONDAY’S GAME
E 7. (27) Helio Castroneves, Dallara-Honda, 200, Running. Obed Vargas (Fredy Montero, 62nd); Jordan Morris Maryland vs. Cornell, 1, ESPN
More about WNBA $98,700 E 8. (16) Simon Pagenaud, Dallara-Honda, 200, Running. (Jimmy Medranda, 87th), Raul Ruidiaz.
education? Beau Hossler (42) .................... 66 65 73 74 — 278 E 9. (2) Alex Palou, Dallara-Honda, 200, Running. NCAA women’s tournament
EAST W L Pct GB Viktor Hovland (42) ................. 69 65 73 71 — 278 E 10. (15) Santino Ferrucci, Dallara-Honda, 200, Running. Real Salt Lake 3, Dynamo 0
yDoisuc’roeveloromkionrgefoorf.what Connecticut .................................. 6 2 .750 — +1 11. (30) Juan Pablo Montoya, Dallara-Chevrolet, 200, Late Saturday FIRST ROUND Washington.................................. 6 3 .667 $77,700 +1 Running. FRIDAY, MAY 13
Atlanta ......................................... 5 3 .625 1/2 Daniel Berger (36) .................... 71 70 69 69 — 279 +1 12. (17) JR Hildebrand, Dallara-Chevrolet, 200, Running. Virginia 13, Southern Cal 11
Chicago ......................................... 4 3 .571 Max Homa (36) ........................ 69 69 73 68 — 279 +1 13. (14) Josef Newgarden, Dallara-Chevrolet, 200, Running. Duke 17, John Hopkins 12
Indiana.......................................... 3 7 .300 1 Zach Johnson (36) ................... 70 71 67 71 — 279 +1 14. (21) Graham Rahal, Dallara-Honda, 200, Running. HOUSTON 000 James Madison 14, Connecticut 7
New York...................................... 1 7 .125 11/2 Danny Lee (36) ......................... 73 64 77 65 — 279 +2 15. (11) Will Power, Dallara-Chevrolet, 200, Running. REAL SALT LAKE 123 Loyola (Md.) 17, Mount St. Mary’s 5
L Pct +2 16. (13) David Malukas, Dallara-Honda, 200, Running. Florida 19, Mercer 12
WEST W 1 .889 4 $56,333 +2 17. (28) Kyle Kirkwood, Dallara-Chevrolet, 200, Running. First Half: 1, Real Salt Lake, Wood, 3 (Chang), 29th Jacksonville 20, Stanford 8
Las Vegas ..................................... 8 3 .625 5 Talor Gooch (27) ...................... 72 69 67 72 — 280 +2 18. (31) Christian Lundgaard, Dallara-Honda, 200, Run- minute. Stony Brook 16, Drexel 4
Dallas............................................ 5 3 .625 GB Bill Haas (27) ........................... 68 71 71 70 — 280 +2 ning. Second Half: 2, Real Salt Lake, Cordova, 3, 57th; 3, Real Syracuse 12, Fairfield 11
Seattle.......................................... 5 6 .400 — Denny McCarthy (27) ............... 68 68 71 73 — 280 +2 19. (4) Ed Carpenter, Dallara-Chevrolet, 200, Running. Salt Lake, Glad, 3 (Meram), 90th+2. Denver 16, Vermont 3
Los Angeles .................................. 4 6 .250 21/2 Chad Ramey (27) ...................... 70 66 69 75 — 280 +2 20. (24) Devlin DeFrancesco, Dallara-Honda, 200, Running. Goalies: Houston, Michael Nelson, Xavier Valdez; Real Northwestern 22, Central Michigan 7
Phoenix......................................... 2 7 .22 21/2 Chez Reavie (27) ...................... 68 72 71 69 — 280 +2 21. (1) Scott Dixon, Dallara-Honda, 200, Running. Salt Lake, Zac MacMath, Tomas Gomez. Rutgers 17, Saint Joseph’s 10
Minnesota .................................... 2 41/2 Webb Simpson (27) ................. 66 69 73 72 — 280 +3 22. (23) Marco Andretti, Dallara-Honda, 200, Running. Yellow Cards: Avila, Houston, 15th; Carrasquilla, Hous- Princeton 15, Massachusetts 9
51/2 Alex Smalley (27) .................... 72 66 69 73 — 280 +3 23. (22) Sage Karam, Dallara-Chevrolet, 199, Running. ton, 25th; MacMath, Real Salt Lake, 79th. Michigan 17, Notre Dame 11
6 Harold Varner III (27) ............... 66 68 68 78 — 280 +3 24. (32) Jack Harvey, Dallara-Honda, 199, Running. Houston, Michael Nelson; Teenage Hadebe, Adam Lund- SECOND ROUND
+3 25. (10) Takuma Sato, Dallara-Honda, 199, Running. qvist, Tim Parker, Zeca; Corey Baird (Darwin Quintero, SUNDAY, MAY 15
SATURDAY’S RESULTS $41,832 +4 26. (33) Stefan Wilson, Dallara-Honda, 198, Running. 47th), Adalberto Carrasquilla, Memo Rodriguez, Thorle- Maryland 19, Duke 6
at Connecticut 79, Washington 71 Tommy Fleetwood (19) ........... 70 69 73 69 — 281 +4 27. (29) Dalton Kellett, Dallara-Chevrolet, 198, Running. ifur Ulfarsson (Fafa Picault, 68th), Matias Vera (Darwin North Carolina 24, Virginia 2
Las Vegas 83, at Chicago 76 Dylan Frittelli (19) ................... 67 70 70 74 — 281 +4 28. (12) Jimmie Johnson, Dallara-Honda, 193, Did not Ceren, 68th); Roberto Avila (Tyler Pasher, 47th). Loyola (Md.) 18, James Madison 8
Lee Hodges (19) ....................... 69 71 68 73 — 281 +4 finish. Real Salt Lake, Zac MacMath; Andrew Brody, Justen Syracuse 13, Princeton 9
SUNDAY’S RESULTS Adam Long (19) ....................... 68 71 73 69 — 281 +4 29. (26) Scott McLaughlin, Dallara-Chevrolet, 150, Did Glad, Aaron Herrera, Marcelo Silva; Maikel Chang Stony Brook 11, Rutgers 7
at Atlanta 82, Phoenix 54 Patrick Rodgers (19) ................ 71 70 74 66 — 281 +5 not finish. (Jefferson Savarino, 70th), Jasper Loffelsend (Scott Boston College 13, Denver 8
at Seattle 92, New York 61 +5 30. (25) Colton Herta, Dallara-Honda, 129, Did not finish. Caldwell, 70th), Pablo Ruiz (Nick Besler, 89th); Sergio Northwestern 15, Michigan 12
Los Angeles 85, at Minnesota 83 $30,660 +5 31. (9) Romain Grosjean, Dallara-Honda, 105, Did not finish. Cordova (Rubio Rubin, 76th), Justin Meram, Bobby Florida 15, Jacksonville 10
Luke Donald (13) ...................... 69 69 71 73 — 282 +5 32. (19) Callum Ilott, Dallara-Chevrolet, 68, Did not finish. Wood. QUARTERFINALS
MONDAY’S GAMES Lucas Glover (13) ..................... 70 67 70 75 — 282 +5 33. (3) Rinus VeeKay, Dallara-Chevrolet, 38, Did not THURSDAY, MAY 19
No games scheduled. Kurt Kitayama (13) .................. 71 65 70 76 — 282 +5 finish. Maryland 18, Florida 5
Collin Morikawa (13) ............... 70 71 70 71 — 282 +6 Boston College 20, Loyola (Md.) 13
TUESDAY’S GAMES Ryan Palmer (13) ..................... 69 69 71 73 — 282 +6 Formula One NWSL Northwestern 15, Syracuse 4
Washington at Indiana, 7 Ian Poulter (13) ........................ 70 69 71 72 — 282 +6 North Carolina 8, Stony Brook 5
Phoenix at Chicago, 8 Adam Svensson (13) ................ 69 68 69 76 — 282 MONACO GRAND PRIX W L T Pts GF GA SEMIFINALS
Connecticut at Las Vegas, 10 Michael Thompson (13) ........... 73 67 71 71 — 282 At Circuit de Monaco; In Monte Carlo. San Diego ..........................4 2 0 12 8 3 IN BALTIMORE
Dallas at Los Angeles, 10:30 Lap length: 3.00 kilometers Angel City FC ....................3 2 0 9 4 3 FRIDAY’S RESULTS
$22,092 (Start position in parentheses) OL Reign............................2 1 3 9 5 4 Boston College 17, Maryland 16
WEDNESDAY’S GAMES Lucas Herbert (9) ..................... 71 70 70 72 — 283 1. (3) Sergio Perez, Mexico, Red Bull Racing, 64 laps, Houston ............................2 1 2 8 6 3 North Carolina 15, Northwestern 14
Indiana at New York, 7 David Lipsky (9) ....................... 71 68 73 71 — 283 1:56:30.265, 25 points. Louisville...........................2 1 2 8 6 5 CHAMPIONSHIP
Minnesota at Atlanta, 7 Sebastian Munoz (9) ............... 70 70 70 73 — 283 2. (2) Carlos Sainz Jr, Spain, Ferrari, 64, +1.154 seconds, 18. Orlando .............................2 2 2 8 9 12 IN BALTIMORE
Nick Taylor (9) .......................... 66 71 72 74 — 283 3. (4) Max Verstappen, Netherlands, Red Bull Racing, 64, Chicago..............................2 1 1 7 9 7 SUNDAY’S RESULT
Dream 82, Mercury 54 17 — 54 +1.491, 15. Portland ............................1 1 3 6 6 5 North Carolina 12, Boston College 11
21 — 82 $20,009 4. (1) Charles Leclerc, Monaco, Ferrari, 64, +2.922, 12. Washington ......................1 1 3 6 5 5
Phoenix ............................... 15 8 14 Mark Hubbard (7) ..................... 71 70 72 71 — 284 5. (6) George Russell, Great Britain, Mercedes, 64, Gotham FC ........................2 2 0 6 4 5
Atlanta ............................... 27 23 11 Max McGreevy (7) ................... 68 66 74 76 — 284 +11.968, 10. North Carolina...................0 3 1 1 3 6
C.T. Pan (7) ............................... 69 69 74 72 — 284 6. (5) Lando Norris, Great Britain, McLaren, 64, +12.231, 9. Kansas City .......................0 4 1 1 2 9
PHOENIX MIN FG FT O-T A PF PTS Rory Sabbatini (7) .................... 71 69 71 73 — 284 7. (7) Fernando Alonso, Spain, Alpine, 64, +46.358, 6.
DeShields 35:53 8-27 6-9 2-5 1 2 23 Martin Trainer (7) .................... 68 70 74 72 — 284 8. (8) Lewis Hamilton, Great Britain, Mercedes, 64, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18
Turner 26:58 1-2 3-4 3-8 0 2 5 +50.388, 4. Washington 1, at Portland 1
Charles 24:39 2-11 2-2 0-2 0 3 6 $18,984 9. (12) Valtteri Bottas, Finland, Alfa Romeo Racing, 64, Orlando 2, at North Carolina 1
Diggins-Smith 28:14 2-12 2-4 3-6 5 3 7 Rickie Fowler (5) ...................... 69 70 71 75 — 285 +52.525, 2. at Louisville 1, San Diego 0
Taurasi 24:02 1-5 0-0 0-1 1 3 2 Troy Merritt (5) ........................ 73 66 72 74 — 285 10. (9) Sebastian Vettel, Germany, Aston Martin, 64,
Thomas 21:38 1-4 0-0 0-1 0 0 2 Matthew NeSmith (5) ............. 69 71 72 73 — 285 +53.536, 1. SATURDAY, MAY 21
Gustafson 15:44 1-3 2-2 1-2 1 1 4 Matthias Schwab (5) ............... 69 71 70 75 — 285 11. (17) Pierre Gasly, France, Alphatauri, 64, +54.289. Houston 2, at Portland 0
Anigwe 12:39 1-1 0-0 1-1 0 0 2 Brandt Snedeker (5) ................ 71 69 70 75 — 285 12. (10) Esteban Ocon, France, Alpine, 64, +55.644. at Angel City FC 1, Kansas City 0
Samuelson 10:13 1-3 0-0 0-3 1 1 3 Sahith Theegala (5) ................. 70 69 67 79 — 285 13. (14) Daniel Ricciardo, Australia, McLaren, 64,
+57.635. SUNDAY, MAY 22
TOTALS 200 18-68 15-21 10-29 9 15 54 $18,228 14. (18) Lance Stroll, Canada, Aston Martin, 64, Washington 0, at OL Reign 0
Joel Dahmen (4) ....................... 71 70 70 75 — 286 +1:00.802. San Diego 1, at North Carolina 0
Emiliano Grillo (4) .................... 69 68 71 78 — 286 15. (19) Nicholas Latifi, Canada, Williams, 63, +1 lap. Louisville 1, at Gotham FC 0
Austin Smotherman (4) .......... 67 71 70 78 — 286 16. (20) Guanyu Zhou, China, Alfa Romeo Racing, 63, +1 Chicago 4, at Orlando 2
Percentages: FG .265, FT .714. 3-Point Goals: 3-19, .158 LPGA Tour 17. (11) Yuki Tsunoda, Japan, Alphatauri, 63, +1 lap. WEDNESDAY’S RESULT TRANSACTIONS
(DeShields 1-2, Samuelson 1-3, Diggins-Smith 1-5, 18. (16) Alexander Albon, Thailand, Williams, did not at OL Reign 1, Kansas City 0
Gustafson 0-1, Charles 0-2, Thomas 0-2, Taurasi 0-4). MATCH PLAY finish, 48. MLB
Team Rebounds: 9. Team Turnovers: 1. Blocked Shots: 7 At Shadow Creek Golf Course; In Las Vegas 19. (15) Mick Schumacher, Germany, Haas F1 Team, did FRIDAY’S RESULT Boston Red Sox: Returned RHP Josh Winckowski to
(Anigwe 2, Turner 2, DeShields, Gustafson, Taurasi). Purse: $1.5 million not finish, 24. Washington 2, at Orlando 2 Worcester (IL).
Turnovers: 14 (Anigwe 3, DeShields 3, Turner 2, Charles, Yardage: 6,804; Par: 72 20. (13) Kevin Magnussen, Denmark, Haas F1 Team, did Los Angeles Angels: Reinstated LHP Jose Quijada from
Diggins-Smith, Gustafson, Samuelson, Taurasi, Thom- not finish, 19. SATURDAY’S RESULT the IL. Optioned RHP Janson Junk to Salt Lake (PCL).
as). Steals: 13 (DeShields 5, Charles 3, Turner 2, Anigwe, ROUND OF 16 Portland 2, at Chicago 2 New York Yankees: C Rob Brantly has elected free
Diggins-Smith, Thomas). Technical Fouls: None. Madelene Sagstrom (12), Sweden, def. Emma Talley agency.
(60), United States, $26,949, 4 and 2. SUNDAY’S RESULTS Oakland Athletics: Recalled RHP Domingo Tapia from
ATLANTA MIN FG FT O-T A PF PTS Eun-Hee Ji (36), South Korea def. Hye-Jin Choi (20), at OL Reign 1, San Diego 0 Las Vegas (PCL). Selected the contracts of LHP Sam
Coffey 0-0 0-3 3 1 0 South Korea, $26,949, 2 and 1. North Carolina 1, at Houston 1 Selman and RHP Parker Markel from Las Vegas. Op-
Howard 16:36 0-2 0-2 0-2 6 1 12 Gemma Dryburgh (8), Scotland, def. Moriya Jutanugarn Gotham FC 1, at Angel City FC 0 tioned LHPs Adam Kolarek, Zach Logue and RHP Jake
Parker 25:48 5-10 0-0 1-10 2 3 12 (24), Thailand, $26,949, 22 holes. Lemoine to Las Vegas. Transferred RHP Daulton Jeffer-
Wallace 22:12 6-10 2-2 1-3 2 3 17 Andrea Lee (48), United States def. Caroline Masson MONDAY’S MATCHES ies from the 15-day IL to the 60-day IL. Placed OF Skye
Wheeler 25:58 7-15 0-0 0-3 3 3 16 (32), Germany, $26,949, 2 and 1. Louisville at Kansas City, 3 Bolt on the 60-day IL.
McDonald 25:51 7-11 0-0 1-8 4 2 10 Jenny Shin (38), South Korea, def. Annie Park (54), Atlanta Braves: Released RHP Tyler Thornburg. Selected
Billings 25:50 2-2 2-8 0 1 4 United States, $26,949, 2 and 1. WEDNESDAY’S MATCHES the contract of RHP Jesus Cruz from Gwinnett. Optioned
Walker 17:07 4-9 0-0 2-2 1 1 8 Lilia Vu (51), United States def. Allisen Corpuz (62), Chicago at Washington, 7:30 LHP Tucker Davidson to Gwinnett.
Vaughn 13:20 1-3 0-0 3-5 1 0 0 United States, $26,949, 4 and 3. New York Mets: Acquired INF/OF JT Riddle from
Hillmon 12:16 3-8 0-0 0-1 1 2 3 Ayaka Furue (10), Japan def. Paula Reto (58), South FRIDAY’S MATCHES Cincinnati in exchange for cash considerations. Assigned
Mompremier 0-0 0-0 0-2 1 2 0 Africa, $26,949, 2 and 1. Orlando at Houston, 8:30 INF/OF JT Riddle to Syracuse (IL).
9:30 1-2 Jodi Ewart Shadoff (50), England, def. Tiffany Chan (63), Angel City FC at Portland, 10:30
TOTALS 5:31 0-0 4-6 10-47 24 19 82 Hong Kong, $26,949, 4 and 3. NHL
SEMIFINALS SATURDAY’S MATCHES Toronto Maple Leafs: Announced the retirement of F
200 34-70 Eun-Hee Ji (36), South Korea def. Andrea Lee (48), Washington at Gotham FC, 7 Jason Spezza.
United States, 4 and 3. OL Reign at Chicago, 3
N0236 1x2 Percentages: FG .486, FT .667. 3-Point Goals: 10-25, .400 Ayaka Furue (10), Japan def. Lilia Vu (51), United North Carolina at Louisville, 8 COLLEGES
(Wheeler 2-3, Walker 2-4, Howard 2-5, McDonald 2-6, States, 2 and 1. San Diego at Kansas City, 8:30 Memphis: Named Kerrick Jackson head baseball coach.
Hillmon 1-1, Wallace 1-4, Parker 0-2). Team Rebounds: THIRD PLACE
9. Team Turnovers: None. Blocked Shots: 2 (Billings, Lilia Vu (51), United States, $102,942 def. Andrea Lee
Howard). Turnovers: 23 (Billings 5, McDonald 4, Parker (48), United States, $79,634, 4 and 2.
3, Wallace 3, Wheeler 3, Coffey, Hillmon, Howard, FINAL
Mompremier, Walker). Steals: 9 (McDonald 2, Parker 2, Eun-Hee Ji (36), South Korea, $225,000 def. Ayaka Furue
Billings, Hillmon, Howard, Walker, Wallace). Technical (10), Japan, $141,906, 3 and 2.
Fouls: None. A: 3,138 (3,500). CLAESFGSHIFIIED D7
MONDAY, MAY 30, 2022

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Under a power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust from KYLE Under a power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust from LOLA Under a power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust from Under a power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust from
To apply, go to DANIEL THROGMORTON, dated May 19, 2017 and recorded CATHERINE JONES, dated January 21, 2011 and recorded VIVIENNE TRAWICK, dated August 24, 2006 and recorded CHARLESANNA HARVIN, dated June 29, 1999 and recorded
in Liber 30999, folio 230 among the Land Records of ANNE in Liber 23193, folio 297 among the Land Records of ANNE in Liber 18473, folio 26 among the Land Records of ANNE in Liber 9328, folio 212 among the Land Records of ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MD, default having occurred thereunder ARUNDEL COUNTY, MD, default having occurred thereunder ARUNDEL COUNTY, MD, default having occurred thereunder ARUNDEL COUNTY, MD, default having occurred thereunder
(Foreclosure Case docketed as Case No.C-02-CV-22-000107; (Foreclosure Case docketed as Case No.C02CV19003768; Tax (Foreclosure Case docketed as Case No.C-02-CV-20-001656; (Foreclosure Case docketed as Case No.C-02-CV-22-000007;
852 Anne Arundel County 852 Anne Arundel County Tax ID No.5-147-05713500 ) the Sub. Trustees will sell at ID No.05-001-11915905 ) the Sub. Trustees will sell at Tax ID No.08-692-00383606 ) the Sub. Trustees will sell at Tax ID No.04-571-90079614 ) the Sub. Trustees will sell at
ORLANS PC located at 8 CHURCH CIR, ANNAPOLIS, MD 21401, on located at 8 CHURCH CIR, ANNAPOLIS, MD 21401, on located at 8 CHURCH CIR, ANNAPOLIS, MD 21401, on located at 8 CHURCH CIR, ANNAPOLIS, MD 21401, on
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thereon situated in ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MD and more thereon situated in ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MD and more thereon situated in ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MD and more thereon situated in ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MD and more
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE fully described in above referenced Deed of Trust. fully described in above referenced Deed of Trust. fully described in above referenced Deed of Trust. fully described in above referenced Deed of Trust.
OF IMPROVED REAL PROPERTY THE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO A GROUND RENT OF $120.00 The property will be sold in an "as is" condition and subject to The property will be sold in an "as is" condition and subject to The property will be sold in an "as is" condition and subject to
PAYABLE ON THE 1st DAYS OF January AND July OF EACH AND conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the
207 Wicklow Road EVERY YEAR same, if any and with no warranty of any kind. same, if any and with no warranty of any kind. same, if any and with no warranty of any kind.
Glen Burnie, MD 21061 The property will be sold in an "as is" condition and subject to Terms of Sale: A deposit $25,000.00 will be required at the Terms of Sale: A deposit $35,000.00 will be required at the Terms of Sale: A deposit $5,000.00 will be required at the
conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the time of sale, such deposit to be in CERTIFIED CHECK OR time of sale, such deposit to be in CERTIFIED CHECK OR time of sale, such deposit to be in CERTIFIED CHECK OR
Under a power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust from MARK same, if any and with no warranty of any kind. BY CASHIER'S CHECK, CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. BY CASHIER'S CHECK, CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. BY CASHIER'S CHECK, CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
L. HOLLAND, dated August 2, 2014 and recorded in Liber Terms of Sale: A deposit $30,000.00 will be required at the Balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash within ten Balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash within ten Balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash within ten
27681, folio 254 among the Land Records of ANNE ARUNDEL time of sale, such deposit to be in CERTIFIED CHECK OR days of final ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for ANNE days of final ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for ANNE days of final ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for ANNE
COUNTY, MD, default having occurred thereunder (Foreclosure BY CASHIER'S CHECK, CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. ARUNDEL COUNTY. Time is of the essence as to the purchaser. ARUNDEL COUNTY. Time is of the essence as to the purchaser. ARUNDEL COUNTY. Time is of the essence as to the purchaser.
Case docketed as Case No.C-02-CV-21-001285; Tax ID No.5- Balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash within ten If the purchaser defaults, the deposit shall be forfeited and the If the purchaser defaults, the deposit shall be forfeited and the If the purchaser defaults, the deposit shall be forfeited and the
267-07317935 ) the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction days of final ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for ANNE property shall be resold at the purchaser's risk and expense. property shall be resold at the purchaser's risk and expense. property shall be resold at the purchaser's risk and expense.
at the ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY COURTHOUSE, located at 8 ARUNDEL COUNTY. Time is of the essence as to the purchaser. The purchaser waives personal service and accepts service by The purchaser waives personal service and accepts service by The purchaser waives personal service and accepts service by
CHURCH CIR, ANNAPOLIS, MD 21401, on If the purchaser defaults, the deposit shall be forfeited and the first class mail and certified mail addressed to the address first class mail and certified mail addressed to the address first class mail and certified mail addressed to the address
property shall be resold at the purchaser's risk and expense. provided by said Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum provided by said Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum provided by said Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum
JUNE 8, 2022 at 10:00 AM The purchaser waives personal service and accepts service by of Sale for any Motion or Show Cause Order incident to this of Sale for any Motion or Show Cause Order incident to this of Sale for any Motion or Show Cause Order incident to this
first class mail and certified mail addressed to the address sale including a Motion to Default Purchaser and for Resale of sale including a Motion to Default Purchaser and for Resale of sale including a Motion to Default Purchaser and for Resale of
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements provided by said Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum the Property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser the Property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser the Property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser
thereon situated in ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MD and more of Sale for any Motion or Show Cause Order incident to this shall not be entitled to receive any benefit from the resale, shall not be entitled to receive any benefit from the resale, shall not be entitled to receive any benefit from the resale,
fully described in above referenced Deed of Trust. sale including a Motion to Default Purchaser and for Resale of including, but not limited to, additional proceeds or surplus including, but not limited to, additional proceeds or surplus including, but not limited to, additional proceeds or surplus
The property will be sold in an "as is" condition and subject to the Property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser which may arise therefrom. Interest to be paid on the unpaid which may arise therefrom. Interest to be paid on the unpaid which may arise therefrom. Interest to be paid on the unpaid
conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the shall not be entitled to receive any benefit from the resale, purchase money at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note purchase money at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note purchase money at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note
same, if any and with no warranty of any kind. including, but not limited to, additional proceeds or surplus from the date of sale to the date funds are received by the from the date of sale to the date funds are received by the from the date of sale to the date funds are received by the
Terms of Sale: A deposit $25,000.00 will be required at the which may arise therefrom. Interest to be paid on the unpaid Substitute Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in Substitute Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in Substitute Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in
time of sale, such deposit to be in CERTIFIED CHECK OR purchase money at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note the event additional funds are tendered at the time of sale or the event additional funds are tendered at the time of sale or the event additional funds are tendered at the time of sale or
BY CASHIER'S CHECK, CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. from the date of sale to the date funds are received by the any time prior to settlement or if the settlement is delayed any time prior to settlement or if the settlement is delayed any time prior to settlement or if the settlement is delayed
Balance of the purchase price to be paid in cash within ten Substitute Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in for any reason. In the event that the Secured Party executes for any reason. In the event that the Secured Party executes for any reason. In the event that the Secured Party executes
days of final ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for ANNE the event additional funds are tendered at the time of sale or a forbearance agreement with the borrower(s) described in the a forbearance agreement with the borrower(s) described in the a forbearance agreement with the borrower(s) described in the
ARUNDEL COUNTY. Time is of the essence as to the purchaser. any time prior to settlement or if the settlement is delayed above-mentioned Deed of Trust, or allows the borrower(s) to above-mentioned Deed of Trust, or allows the borrower(s) to above-mentioned Deed of Trust, or allows the borrower(s) to
If the purchaser defaults, the deposit shall be forfeited and the for any reason. In the event that the Secured Party executes execute their right to reinstate or payoff the subject loan, execute their right to reinstate or payoff the subject loan, execute their right to reinstate or payoff the subject loan,
property shall be resold at the purchaser's risk and expense. a forbearance agreement with the borrower(s) described in the prior to the sale, with or without the Substitute Trustee's prior prior to the sale, with or without the Substitute Trustee's prior prior to the sale, with or without the Substitute Trustee's prior
The purchaser waives personal service and accepts service by above-mentioned Deed of Trust, or allows the borrower(s) to knowledge, this Contract shall be null and void and of no effect, knowledge, this Contract shall be null and void and of no effect, knowledge, this Contract shall be null and void and of no effect,
first class mail and certified mail addressed to the address execute their right to reinstate or payoff the subject loan, and the Purchaser's sole remedy shall be the return of the deposit and the Purchaser's sole remedy shall be the return of the deposit and the Purchaser's sole remedy shall be the return of the deposit
provided by said Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum prior to the sale, with or without the Substitute Trustee's prior without interest. Purchaser shall pay for documentary stamps, without interest. Purchaser shall pay for documentary stamps, without interest. Purchaser shall pay for documentary stamps,
of Sale for any Motion or Show Cause Order incident to this knowledge, this Contract shall be null and void and of no effect, transfer taxes and settlement expenses. Taxes, ground rent, transfer taxes and settlement expenses. Taxes, ground rent, transfer taxes and settlement expenses. Taxes, ground rent,
sale including a Motion to Default Purchaser and for Resale of and the Purchaser's sole remedy shall be the return of the deposit water rent, condominium fees and/or homeowner association water rent, condominium fees and/or homeowner association water rent, condominium fees and/or homeowner association
the Property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser without interest. Purchaser shall pay for documentary stamps, dues, all public charges/assessments payable on an annual dues, all public charges/assessments payable on an annual dues, all public charges/assessments payable on an annual
shall not be entitled to receive any benefit from the resale, transfer taxes and settlement expenses. Taxes, ground rent, basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, if basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, if basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, if
including, but not limited to, additional proceeds or surplus water rent, condominium fees and/or homeowner association applicable, shall be adjusted to the date of sale and assumed applicable, shall be adjusted to the date of sale and assumed applicable, shall be adjusted to the date of sale and assumed
which may arise therefrom. Interest to be paid on the unpaid dues, all public charges/assessments payable on an annual thereafter by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible thereafter by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible thereafter by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible
purchase money at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note basis, including sanitary and/or metropolitan district charges, if for obtaining physical possession of the property. Purchaser for obtaining physical possession of the property. Purchaser for obtaining physical possession of the property. Purchaser
from the date of sale to the date funds are received by the applicable, shall be adjusted to the date of sale and assumed assumes the risk of loss or damage to the property from the date assumes the risk of loss or damage to the property from the date assumes the risk of loss or damage to the property from the date
Substitute Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in thereafter by the purchaser. Purchaser shall be responsible of sale forward. If the Substitute Trustee(s) are unable to convey of sale forward. If the Substitute Trustee(s) are unable to convey of sale forward. If the Substitute Trustee(s) are unable to convey
the event additional funds are tendered at the time of sale or for obtaining physical possession of the property. Purchaser insurable title for any reason, the purchaser(s) sole remedy in insurable title for any reason, the purchaser(s) sole remedy in insurable title for any reason, the purchaser(s) sole remedy in
any time prior to settlement or if the settlement is delayed assumes the risk of loss or damage to the property from the date law or equity shall be limited to a refund of the aforementioned law or equity shall be limited to a refund of the aforementioned law or equity shall be limited to a refund of the aforementioned
for any reason. In the event that the Secured Party executes of sale forward. If the Substitute Trustee(s) are unable to convey deposit without interest. In the event the sale is not ratified deposit without interest. In the event the sale is not ratified deposit without interest. In the event the sale is not ratified
a forbearance agreement with the borrower(s) described in the insurable title for any reason, the purchaser(s) sole remedy in for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy, at law or equity, is for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy, at law or equity, is for any reason, the Purchaser's sole remedy, at law or equity, is
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By weathering the Heat, the young Celtics show just how much they have grown

the East’s best teams.
of those in TD Garden attending Boston’s Jayson Tatum held his own against Miami’s Bam Adebayo in this sequence and contributed 26 points and 10 rebounds in Game 7.
a draft party booed and then let But on this night, with this
Wyc Grousbeck, one of the team’s Smart finished with 24 points “Damn it, Jax!” Maxwell they had been here before — the other end for a 22-9 lead. early deficit, the Heat would need
governors, have it when he came and nine rebounds Sunday, and hollered, shaking his head. because they have. From there, Boston opened a more than the comic-book
out to say a few words. Horford grabbed 14 boards. strength of their superhero.
Whatever anxiety and unease “Confident as usual but 15-point advantage and Miami
“Fourteen years, that’s After Game 6, when these the fan base felt Friday, it didn’t understanding what works for us needed help — or, better yet, a “It’s all hands on deck,” Coach
probably the worst [reaction] I’ve Celtics walked off their home stop many of them from and what doesn’t. So that’s been Herro. Erik Spoelstra said before the
gotten,” he said that night, court, defeated by Butler but invading FTX Arena two nights the theme throughout the game in explaining the decision
according to ESPN. doomed by their many mistakes, later. While the Heat encourages playoffs, throughout the season, Tyler Herro, who won the sixth behind Herro’s return. “He
there was a palatable sense of the its fans to wear white in the and it doesn’t change because it’s man of the year award, had not passed his testing with the
Maybe Celtics fans were night being a wasted playoffs, on Sunday, like blades a Game 7,” Udoka said. “We faced played in the previous three trainers. He’s really been working
holding out for Dragan Bender — opportunity. It was heard of grass, Celtics fans dotted the two elimination games in the last games because of a strain in his diligently the last few days.”
the player who was drafted next through the exiting fans, who stands. series.” left groin. The Heat spent the
but hasn’t appeared in an NBA vocalized their displeasure in the first two games without him Herro didn’t make an impact.
game since 2020. Brown was an most Boston ways imaginable. A And whatever letdown the In the first quarter Sunday, the struggling to find offensive He entered in the second quarter,
all-star in 2021. local television personality yelled players felt, they had to leave it in Celtics made Game 6 look like a rhythm but had no such problem missed his first three-point
an expletive while leaving the Boston. On Sunday, Udoka called distant memory. Their celebrated in Game 6 because Butler attempt and finished his run
Then, the summer after the media section. When former off the usual morning shoot- defense showed up with transformed into the human scoreless in seven minutes.
Brown pick, then-Celtics Celtics player Cedric Maxwell, around and made it optional for signature plays, such as Horford embodiment of the “Fine, I’ll do Butler did find help in
president Danny Ainge made the who provides color commentary players to get up shots — all in stealing P.J. Tucker’s pass on it myself” meme. Thanos — teammates Bam Adebayo and
mercurial move to trade the No. 1 on the radio, wrapped up the hopes of having extra energy and Miami’s second possession and disguised as Butler — went off for Kyle Lowry, but Miami played
choice to Philadelphia. That pick broadcast, he turned and spotted fresh legs. Although the Celtics feeding Brown for a fast-break a playoff career high of 47 points from behind most of the night,
would become Markelle Fultz; Jason Jackson, who does radio eschewed routine, coming into layup. Later, Horford stuffed Max and willed the Heat to this and when it mattered most, he
the Celtics again selected third for the Heat. Game 7, Udoka felt their Strus on a dunk attempt, which moment. It set up a fitting was left carrying all the weight.
and found their man in Tatum. confidence remained as high as if led to Grant Williams’s bucket on conclusion to a lopsided yet
And in hindsight, the move again Early in the fourth quarter,
makes Ainge look like a savant. with less than 11 minutes to play,
Butler cut the Celtics’ lead to
Fultz’s challenges, which have 82-79. But the momentum ended
been well documented, there; Miami went scoreless over
eventually led him out of the next four minutes. During
Philadelphia. Tatum has that stretch, Tatum made a pair
ascended to first-team all-NBA of free throws then set up Grant
status. Williams cutting to the rim.
Tatum knocked down a midrange
There are other factors behind jumper, then hit a three in front
Boston’s rise to the top of the of courtside fans.
East. When Ainge stepped away
last year, coach Brad Stevens Then the Celtics needed
moved into the president’s office. defense — and luck — to survive a
He brought in Ime Udoka, a late Heat surge. When Butler
basketball lifer who’s unafraid of missed a pull-up three that would
coaching and calling out his have given Miami the lead with
stars, as he did after Game 1 of 16.6 seconds remaining, Brown
this series. grabbed the rebound.

“It was our veterans, Jayson “When he shot that, I was like,
and Jaylen, who let it get away ‘Man, what the hell?’ ” Brown
from us,” he said. said. “But he missed. We get the
rebound and move on.”
Then there’s Marcus Smart,
the longest-tenured Celtic, who Horford would be the first to
has grown in his role as a touch the conference trophy. He
defensive and emotional leader. needed 141 playoff games over his
In Game 7, his scoring proved just 15-year career to get to that
as critical as his perimeter moment. Tatum would loft the
defense. Robert Williams III, the first Eastern Conference finals
lob-catching and paint- MVP award, named after Celtics
protecting big man, has dealt great Larry Bird. And Boston,
with knee issues that have with its young stars, would start
limited him throughout the preparing for its next growth
playoffs. But when he is healthy, spurt, which begins Thursday
he’s the one who elevates night in San Francisco.
Boston’s physical defense into
elite territory. Even without “These guys, I seen JB come in
Williams, the Celtics can depend the league, take steps, take levels.
on Al Horford or tweener Grant I seen JT the same thing. I seen
Williams; both are capable of Smart grow,” Horford said. “For
taking on tricky defensive me, it’s just special to be with
assignments. them and be able to help them
and be a part of this.”

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