ELCA World Hunger
Lenten Resources BOLIVIA
Lent is a time of prayer, Spotlight on Bolivia
service, and self- • Population: 9,929,849 (2010)
examination. During this • Literacy rate: 91%
time, many of us choose to • Poverty rate: 51% of total population
live simpler lives,
remembering those who do Printable Table Tent
not have the food, money, or
resources to simply live. Download and print this table tent, designed for the Bolivia meal. This
Here are some resources to table tent includes conversation starters and information about your gifts
help your congregation to ELCA World Hunger in action.
remember those who are
hungry and living in poverty
this Lenten season.
Download, print and use different placemats during your Lenten meals to
raise awareness about hunger, poverty and related issues. Available in a
separate PDF.
Lenten Meal Series Table Prayer
Does your congregation host O God: To those who hunger, give bread. And to those who have bread,
meals before Lenten give the hunger for justice. Amen.
services? Why not join
together for a meal and help Story: Pascual
fight hunger at the same
time? Enjoy global cuisine Pascual had an idea to make a living and
while learning about the escape poverty — he just needed a small
world and how gifts to ELCA start- up loan to get his business started. But
World Hunger are making a no bank or lending institution would consider
difference. Instead of lending him money. That is when the
charging for the meal, collect Bolivian Evangelical Lutheran Church
donations to support ELCA stepped in to help. The church’s microloan initiative, supported by your
World Hunger. Complete gifts to ELCA World Hunger, provides loans to men and women in Bolivia
plans for six meals are whose incomes are too low to qualify for a traditional bank loan.
available on the following Read the full story.
topics: Bolivia, Cambodia,
Columbia, Costa Rica, Egypt, Local Recipes
and South America.
Popular foods in Bolivia include plato paceño (La Paz typical dish),
chario paceño (vegetable and meat stew) and picante de pollo (spicy
chicken). Try these dishes and experience a taste of Bolivia.
ELCA World Hunger
Pascual had an idea to make a living and escape
poverty—he just needed a small start-up loan to get
his business started. But because he was so poor,
no bank or lending institution would consider lending
him money.
That is when the Bolivian Evangelical Lutheran
Church stepped in to help. The church’s microloan
initiative, supported by your gifts to ELCA World
Hunger, provides 400 small loans to men and
women in Bolivia whose incomes are too low to qualify for a traditional bank loan.
Pascual received his first loan of $150 in 2005. He purchased materials to make bowler
hats, a popular item among women living in the Bolivian highlands society. Introduced by
the Europeans in the 1920s, today these hats sell for more than $20 in local markets. He
was able to sell enough hats to repay his loan quickly.
Five years later, Pascual’s business is still going strong. He continues to use a portion of
the proceeds to reinvest in more materials and make more hats. With a stable source of
income, Pascual has escaped poverty for good.
World Hunger in Action
Your gifts to ELCA World Hunger XIZBSFUIFZIFMQGVM
support many projects and programs
throughout Bolivia, including: t%JEZPVFOKPZUIFNFBMUPOJHIU
Support ELCA World Hunger by visiting Support ELCA World Hunger by visiting
www.ELCA.org/hunger/donate, calling www.ELCA.org/hunger/donate, calling
800-638-3522, or mailing a check to 800-638-3522, or mailing a check to
ELCA World Hunger, P.O. Box 71764, ELCA World Hunger, P.O. Box 71764,
Chicago, IL 60694-1764. Chicago, IL 60694-1764.
Meet Pascual Meet Pascual
Pascual had an idea to make a living www.elca.org/hunger Pascual had an idea to make a living www.elca.org/hunger
and escape poverty—he just needed Pascual received his first loan of $150 and escape poverty—he just needed Pascual received his first loan of $150
a small start-up loan to get his in 2005. He purchased materials to a small start-up loan to get his in 2005. He purchased materials to
business started. But because he was make bowler hats, a popular item business started. But because he was make bowler hats, a popular item
so poor, no bank or lending institution among women living in the Bolivian so poor, no bank or lending institution among women living in the Bolivian
would consider lending him money. highlands society. Introduced by the would consider lending him money. highlands society. Introduced by the
That is when the Bolivian Evangelical Europeans in the 1920s, today these That is when the Bolivian Evangelical Europeans in the 1920s, today these
Lutheran Church stepped in to help. The hats sell for more than $20 in local Lutheran Church stepped in to help. The hats sell for more than $20 in local
church’s microloan initiative, supported markets. He was able to sell enough church’s microloan initiative, supported markets. He was able to sell enough
by your gifts to ELCA World Hunger, hats to repay his loan quickly. by your gifts to ELCA World Hunger, hats to repay his loan quickly.
provides 400 small loans to men and Five years later, Pascual’s business is provides 400 small loans to men and Five years later, Pascual’s business is
women in Bolivia whose incomes are too still going strong. He continues to use women in Bolivia whose incomes are too still going strong. He continues to use
low to qualify for a traditional bank loan. a portion of the proceeds to reinvest low to qualify for a traditional bank loan. a portion of the proceeds to reinvest
in more materials and make more in more materials and make more
✁ hats. With a stable source of income, ✁ hats. With a stable source of income,
Pascual has escaped poverty for good. Pascual has escaped poverty for good.
Your gifts to ELCA World Hunger support Your gifts to ELCA World Hunger support
microfinance programs in Bolivia and in many Please make your check payable to “ELCA microfinance programs in Bolivia and in many Please make your check payable to “ELCA
other countries around the world. A gift of just World Hunger.” Place your gift in your other countries around the world. A gift of just World Hunger.” Place your gift in your
$125 is enough to provide a microloan congregation’s offering plate or mail it to: $125 is enough to provide a microloan congregation’s offering plate or mail it to:
to help someone start his or her own ELCA World Hunger, P.O. Box 71764, Chicago, to help someone start his or her own ELCA World Hunger, P.O. Box 71764, Chicago,
small business. Will you make a gift to help IL 60694-1764. To give online with a credit small business. Will you make a gift to help IL 60694-1764. To give online with a credit
someone like Pascual? Please give today. card, please visit www.elca.org/hungerdonate. someone like Pascual? Please give today. card, please visit www.elca.org/hungerdonate.
YES! I would like to support YES! I would like to support
ELCA World Hunger. ELCA World Hunger.
I have included my gift of $125. I have included my gift of $125.
Other $____________ Other $____________