to success
My goal
by Shahnaz Syahira
. I also knew the hardships are real. The
first semester is tough, and this
To be nominated as ANC’s candidates, semester is a lot tougher. With the
I have to get dean’s list every semester. continuous assessment and tests along
In other words, I have to gain 3.50 and the semester are a big hurdle for me to
above for my GPA in order to be overcome.
included in dean’s list every semester.
I believe, time management and
Fortunately, I survived in the first consistency are important to stay focus
semester as I managed to get 3.97 for on my goal. If I manage to get a good
my GPA. Another 5 semesters to go! marks for my assessment and tests,
My first semester, has taught me a lot; my journey to achieve my goal is a lot
things that I can still practice it in the easier. Thus, for this semester, by 1st
next semesters and things that I have September 2019, there will be stated
to improve more. dean’s list on my result.
I knew. When my age turns 22, I am There is a say,
wearing the graduation’s robe, taking
the scroll while my name is announce ‘friends are thieves of time’.
by the emcee as ANC in human
resource management. By January I absolutely agreed. It is fun to hanging
2021, I will grad with ANC and made up with them, enjoy life as a teenager
my parents proud. and making memories. My friends, they
are thieves who steal my free time, and
As long as I put my effort on these five I am blessed with that fact.
more semesters, I am sure my goal can
always be achieved.
When it comes to assignment and study, a girl that I need to work with
is Syahira. Not only because of we have a chemistry as a best friend,
she also a great team mates when it comes to group assignments and
a best buddy for study.
As I have lack of communication skills, she help me a lot to blend with
other people. When I can do well my assignments and well prepared
for examination, it will help me to gain a good marks for my
assessment that will contribute to my GPA. Thus, in the end of this and
next semester, my aim to get 3.50 and above can be achieved.
For me, it is important to know how to calculate the CGPA. It will help me to set
my target. My aim is my pointer 4.00 every semester. In other words, I have to
gain an A for every subject I took.
I believe in this wise words,
‘shoot for the moon. Even if you miss
it, you’ll land among the stars’
I did the same thing for my first semester, and I still proud of my achievement
regardless of my recent CGPA. As long as I set my mind and effort to achieve my
goal, I believe hard works never betray me. With my support of my family and
friends there is nothing impossible to get ANC. May Allah ease everything.
, stay focus for next five semesters
while enjoy the life as a student.
planning is the foundation. I have to
make used myself to plan my day. As
this semester almost all of our
subjects are continuous
assessments, I have to make sure I
organize the tasks in order so I will
not rush when the submission of
date arrives. Avoid procrastinates
and always remind the group mates
regarding our assignments.
Also, every night I have to make
sure I completed notes for two
topics for any subjects. I have to
sleep early so that I can wake up in
the morning to revise some topics.
The most important part is I have to
make sure I will get a great marks
for tests and assignments that will
contribute to my CGPA.
The assignments must be
completed within the given period
while the quality of the projects
remains perfect and preparations
for the tests must be taken
seriously. Thus, it is vital for me to