Out of the Dark Mysteries of the Messiah
Mandisa Rabbi Jason Sobel
In the darkness, Mandisa knew God Messianic rabbi Jason Sobel reveals the
was there, but she wondered if she links between the Old and New
could trust Him. Even at her lowest Testaments. The connections he draws
point, God was at work, powerfully between the Messiah, Torah, patriarchs
redeeming her story and calling and prophets will help you understand
her out of the dark. This is her how the whole of Scripture fits together.
story: from when she first became
a Christian to her rise as an award- Paper
winning Gospel music artist.
Hardcover $18.99
$26.95 $5.97
The Hiding Place: An Engaging Visual Journey 19.97$
Corrie Ten Boom The Mothers and Daughters
The ten Boom family’s heart- of the Bible Speak
wrenching story of sacrifice
and survival is presented with Shannon Bream
rare family photos, Delft-style Through the lives of these biblical mothers
design accents and artwork and daughters, Shannon explains the intimate
by Dutch artists. Hand- connection between faith and family.
lettered inspirational quotes Though imperfect women, we can see
and Scripture make this special how God used their stories to bring
edition of The Hiding Place about His divine plans.
come alive like never before.
Hardcover $26.99
Paper $16.99
Also available: $19.97
The Women of the
The Medieval Mind of C. S. Lewis Bible Speak
Jason M. Baxter Shannon Bream
Learn how the influence of great books fired
the imagination of the great mind of C. S. Hardcover $26.99
Lewis, giving rise to Christian imagery and
making his writing memorable and beloved. Behind the Lights
Paper $22.00 Helen Smallbone
When the Smallbones packed
Shackled up their six children, including
Grammy-winning Rebecca St.
Mariam Ibraheem James and For King and
Mariam Ibraheem was willing to Country’s Luke and Joel
face execution rather then deny Smallbone, they made the move
her Christian faith, taking a stand from Australia to the United
on behalf of all women maltreated States under the promise that
because of their gender and of all God would always provide,
people who suffer from religious no matter what. Here is their
persecution. family story.
Paper $16.99
See our 20% off coupons
on the back cover!
2Not all items are available in all store locations. Prices may vary. All prices in U.S. dollars.
NIV Quest Bible A Woman After God’s Own
Heart Bible
New International Version
If you have lots of questions as you read New King James Version
the Bible, the NIV Quest Bible may be Elizabeth George, editor
the answer. Included with the question/ Elizabeth George has integrated her
answer format are notes and articles, best-selling devotions for women into
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Dictionary-Concordance and more. 10-pt Bible to help women discover the
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Comfort Print. Now available in a limited-edition deep
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NIV Study Bible
With recently updated study helps, NIV Women’s Study Bible
the NIV Study Bible features
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maps, charts, outlines, book This classic has been redesigned with full-color
introductions, comprehensive throughout. Included are biographical portraits
concordance and more. Comfort of biblical women, insightful essays, study notes,
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Hardcover $49.99 $29.97
The Spiritual Growth Bible ESV Thompson
Chain-Reference Bible
New Living Translation
These contemporary-language Study English Standard Version
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800 articles in a single-column exploring Scripture for over 100
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Bible Cases King James Version Bibles
Protect your Bible with a new Bible case. Choose from an array These attractive King James Bibles come
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Healing Out Loud COMING
APRIL 12th
Sandi Brown i guess i haven’t learned
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“What do I do when I know God NOW!
loves me, but I don’t like myself?”
Written in conversational prose, this Shauna Niequist
book captures many of the When all she wants to do is hide, Shauna
insecurities a Christian woman may offers a clear-eyed look at what happens
experience and offers a path ahead when everything falls apart. Her
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Hardcover understand grief, to reshape faith, and
to practice courage along the journey.
Hardcover $26.99
The Good and Beautiful You Find Your People
James Bryan Smith Building Deep Community in a Lonely World
Are toxic self-narratives holding you Jennie Allen
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the Lord to bring healing opens you New York Times bestselling author Jennie
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$25.00 Hardcover $25.00
NOW! Bob’s inspiring and entertaining stories
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at Your Table We are encouraged to harness life’s
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Louie Giglio
Satan will do anything to tempt you into Hardcover $26.99
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By looking at Psalm 23 in fresh ways, Giglio $15.97
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Hardcover $22.99
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Go Create a Life that Counts Lysa TerKeurst
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What’s your mission in life, and how and regaining weight, TerKeurst understands
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world and to pursue a life even
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Hardcover $26.00
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4Not all items are available in all store locations. Prices may vary. All prices in U.S. dollars.
Jesus Listens $14.97 Everyday Prayers for Joy
Sarah Young Gina L. Smith
Over the years. Sarah Young has Everyday Prayers for Joy helps today’s
nurtured a deep prayer life. She offers Christian mom embrace real, lasting
honest prayers for readers who are biblical joy, as she intersects with
going through difficult times, who want and prays God’s Word for herself and
to pray God’s promises straight from her family.
Scripture, who are new to faith and are Paper
not sure how to begin to pray
Hardcover $12.99
Turn My Mourning Little Prayers for Ordinary Days
into Dancing
Henri Nouwen Katy Bowser Hutson, Flo Paris Oakes
Gleaned from the unpublished works
of this beloved author, this book & Tish Harrison Warren
Liilta Forsyth, illustrator
focuses not on how you can survive This collection of short prayers is designed
hard times, but on how you can live
fully in the midst of them and beyond. for children to pray in the midst of their
day, after spending time with a friend or
Ever practical, it offers solace looking at the stars. With winsome art, this
without platitudes.
Paper $14.99 book is perfect for parents to incorporate
$13.97 liturgy into their family life.
Hardcover $15.00
APRIL 15th
12.97Start with Prayer $ Fruit Full
Max Lucado Christie Thomas
If you find it difficult to pray, learn to Learn about the Fruit of the Spirit
create a routine and feel comfortable together! Each devotion includes a
communicating with God. Max shares Scripture passage, thought-provoking
250 prayers on fear, anxiety, strength, questions, ways to apply each verse and
gratitude and more. Helpful for anyone a prayer to help parents connect their
needing encouragement and hope. children with the Holy Spirit. Includes
bonus hands-on activities.
Hardcover $17.99
Paper $19.99
Spiritual Renewal
Andrew Murray
This beloved author provides
quiet reflections on the Bible
that invite believers to enter into
God’s presence and fellowship
with Him daily.
Inspirational Journals
Record your own thoughts, stories,and prayers … or give one of
these beautiful journals as a gift. Choose from many styles, sizes,
colors and bindings.
$9.99 to $19.99 ea.
Everyday Blessings $5.97
Max Lucado
Max Lucado offers 365 reflections on
individual Scriptures in the conversational style
that people everywhere have come to love.
Paper $9.99
Feathers of Hope The Do-Over Riverbend Gap Something
Sharon Garlogh Brown Bethany Turner Denise Hunter
While processing the death of her best Vanessa Miller
friend Casey, Wren Crawford lives with Paper $16.99 Paper $16.99
her aunt Katherine, who is struggling Paper $16.99
with her own retirement. Can they
find comfort by reaching out to
others and sharing God’s love through
their work?
Paper $18.00
The Letter Keeper Meet Me in Seagrass Pier The Incredible
the Margins Winston Browne
Charles Martin Hope Beach Series #3
Murphy Shepherd has made a career of finding Melissa Ferguson Colleen Coble Sean Dietrich
those no one else could. Now his new wife,
her daughter and two other teen girls are Paper $16.99 Paper $16.99 Paper $16.99
stolen, and Murphy is left questioning all he
thought to be true. Will Murphy be able to The Heart of An Amish Rosemary
rescue them from a nightmare that has struck Splendid Lake Quilting Bee Cottage
too close to home? Amy Clipston Three Stories Hope Beach Series #2
Paper Amy Clipston, Colleen Coble
Paper $16.99 Kathleen Fuller,
$12.97 $17.99 Sherry Shepard Gray Paper $16.99
The Lady’s Mine Paper $15.99
Francine Rivers
This New York Times bestselling
author returns to the California
frontier in this sweeping, romantic
tale of a displaced New England
suffragette, a Union soldier
disinherited from his Southern
family and the town they join.
Hardcover $27.99
Use our 20% off coupons
on the back cover!
6Not all items are available in all store locations. Prices may vary.
All prices in U.S. dollars.
Bare Tree and Little Wind The Bible for Me
Mitali Perkins; Khoa Lee, illustrator Mike Nawrocki and Amy Parker
The palm trees tell Little Wind Taylor Thompson, illustrator
that Real King is coming to This Bible storybook, written
Jerusalem. But who is this Quiet specifically to show God’s love
Man who shows up instead? This and purpose to 3-7 year olds,
captivating retelling of the Easter includes 50 colorfully illustrated
story invites you and your family stories of God’s people. Each
to celebrate Holy Week with story ends with a prayer where
deeper joy over the promise of the reader can easily insert the
Jesus’ return. child’s name, making the stories
uniquely personal.
Hardcover $15.99 Hardcover
God and Me at the Sea $19.95
Shelley Kinder All Things Bright
Brigid Malloy, illustrator and Beautiful
Have you ever felt God’s love so
deeply that you wanted to sing and Jean Claude, illustrator
dance? That’s how this little girl In this book’s stunningly beautiful
feels! Singing and dancing at the illustrations, birds soar, bugs burrow,
beach, she praises God with her elephants dance – the whole world
whole heart – and her whole body! sings in praise of their Creator God.
Hardcover And with the lyrics to the well-known,
classic tune, it’s easy for kids and
$16.99 parents to sing along.
14.97$ Little One, We Knew Hardcover $14.99
You’d Come
Sally Lloyd Jones 21.97$ The Biggest Story
Eve Tharlet, illustrator Bible Storybook
With engaging illustrations and
delightful text, this story celebrates Kevin DeYoung
the love expectant parents have Don Clark, illustrator
for their little ones even before The simple text, paired with
their arrival. Perfect to read aloud captivating artwork, retells
to 4-8 year olds.
Hardcover $18.99
important Scripture stories in a way
that children will understand. Each
Crowned with Glory of the 104 chapters ends with a
reflective prayer. Perfect for bedtime
Dorena Williamson or family reading. Ideal for 6-12
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Azira’s hair is an expression of
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countless things that helps make
her the incredible person she is! Bronco and Friends: Mission Possible
Told in bold, lyrical verse, this
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readers a positive mirror and Jane Chapman, illustrator
highlights truth about beauty. Bronco gets upset when a bee who’s
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Hardcover $12.99 his pals soon discover that thinking
of others can help them overcome
Josey Johnson’s Hair their fears and make a difference
and the Holy Spirit in the lives of those who need
them. A heartwarming new story by
Esau McCaulley role model Tim Tebow.
LaTonya Jackson, illustrator
When Josey wonders why people are Hardcover $17.99
so different, Dad helps her understand
that our differences are on purpose. In
fact, we have many differences because
God is creative!
COMING Hardcover $18.00
NOW! 7
Logos Bookstore of Hawaii
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Phone: (808) 596-8890
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– “Grow Your Mind and Spirit”
Jesus Calling for Moms Little Pilgrim’s Progress
Sarah Young The Illustrated Edition
This cherished keepsake for moms is a compilation of Helen L. Taylor; Joe Sutphin, illustrator
50 themed selections from Sarah’s bestsellers. Journaling Adapted for young readers, John Bunyan’s allegory of the
space, Scripture and meditations on love, strength, Christian life brings a treasury of wisdom to children’s
courage, God’s guidance and more will inspire and hearts and
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Hardcover illustrations, paired
$17.99 with timeless words
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Ann Voskamp Hardcover
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world or feeling life shift in ways you never expected, $26.99 $19.97
Ann’s hope-giving message will help you see that God
always makes a path through the impossible, no matter
the grief, pain or disappointment.
Hardcover $26.99
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