Clopper, the Christmas Donkey Saint Nicholas the Giftgiver
Emily King Ned Bustard
Ed Olson, illustrator Ned Bustard, illustrator
Clopper thought the journey We think a lot about presents
to Bethlehem with Mary and at Christmas. Learn about
Joseph would be too hard. Saint Nicholas and discover
With awe and wonder, he why he became known as one
retells his adventure for young of the greatest gift givers of all
children from the long trek to time. Colorfully illustrated and
the miraculous birth of the told in a fun rhyme, this is a
Baby to the nighttime visits of perfect gift for 4-8 year olds.
the shepherds and kings.
Padded Hardcover Hardcover
$11.99 $18.00
Shh ... Baby $14.97
Jesus Is Sleeping
The Story of Christmas
Lisa Tawn Bergren;
Laura Watkins, Rhyming Bible Fun for Kids!
illustrator Phil A. Smouse
In this charming board Phil A. Smouse, illustrator
book, all the animals Colorful illustrations and
in the Bethlehem stable humorous rhythm and rhyme. The
gather around the Story of Christmas is designed to
manger to catch a draw young ones closer to God.
glimpse of baby Jesus. Perfect for parents to read to their
Perfect for bedtime. children or young readers to enjoy
Board Book on their own.
$7.99 Paper $5.99
Christmas Dominoes The Way to the Manger
Juliet David Jeff and Abby Land
This first domino game helps These 25 devotions follow the
children ages 3-7 learn the Advent themes of hope, love,
story of Jesus’ birth, while joy and peace. Also included
practicing sharing, counting are journaling pages, family
and matching skills. The large activities and crafts, discussion
colorful game pieces include a questions and an Advent
mixture of characters, numbers wreath guide.
and animals. A Christmas story
booklet is included. Hardcover $12.99
Domino Game
Christmas is Coming!
Tama Fortner
Wazza Pink, illustrator
Designed to be read over and over
during Advent, Fortner builds
anticipation and celebration in the
hearts of your little ones ages 2-6
by offering the true reason for the
joy and excitement of Christmas.
Hardcover $9.99
Not all items are available in all store locations. Prices may vary. All prices in U.S. dollars.
The Mistletoe Countess Dwell
Pepper Basham This full-color collection of
Take some time to settle in this Advent reflections, activities
Christmastime with a story set in 1913 and prayers guides readers
England that is packed with history, through five weeks of
romance, mystery and some good old- preparing for the arrival of
fashioned humor. Jesus, in every space in their
Paper homes.
Simply Christmas Joy to the World
Tama Fortner Carolyn Miller, Amanda Barratt,
Thirty-one encouraging Erica Vetsch
devotions to help busy Three bestselling authors collaborate to
moms pause and ponder the offer three holiday Regency romances
true miracles of the in one volume. Take a break from the
Christmas season – the busyness to enjoy stories of depth and
wonder of a Savior who faith: “Heaven and Nature Sings”, “Far
would leave heaven to save As the Curse Is Found” and “The
us and the love of those Wonders of His Love” are included, and
who share our home. are finalists and recipients of the Carol
and Christy Awards.
Hardcover $14.95 Paper
Jotham’s Journey $16.99
Arnold Ytreeide The Wish Book Christmas
Ten-year old Jotham’s family
has vanished, and he must find Lynn Austin
them. As he journeys across When the 1951 Sears
Israel, he faces thieves, robbers Christmas Wish Book arrives,
and kidnappers, but he also the boys are obsessed with
meets the wise men, shepherds every toy in it. Best friends
and innkeepers until he, at last, Audrey and Eve realize they
finds his way to the Savior born must first teach the boys the
in Bethlehem. true significance of the
Paper holiday, and as they do, they
are surprised to find their
$17.99 own hearts healing from the
tragedies of war.
Prepare Him Room Hardcover
A Daily Advent Devotional $12.99
Susie Larson
In the hurriedness of December,
it’s easy to forget about the
sacredness of the season. What
if you approached this Advent
season with an open heart, with
room for God? Prepare Him
Room invites you to give God
that sacred space and ponder the
miracle of Christ.
God Has Not At Your Best
Forgotten You
Carey Nieuwhof
Dr. David Jeremiah Best selling author Carey
For those who are lonely or Nieuwhof’s new book is designed
struggling with anxiety in times of to help readers get time, energy
uncertainty, Dr. Jeremiah offers and priorities working in our favor
comfort and hope in knowing that so we can build a life we don’t
you are deeply loved by God. want to escape from.
Readers can navigate the present Hardcover
while embracing God’s promises
for the future.
Finding Rest
Hardcover $19.99
Jonathon M. Seidl
$13.97 The past year has been difficult on our
mental health. Seidl has fought anxiety,
You Are Not Your Own OCD, and suicidal thoughts of his
own. Now he offers practical, personal
Alan Noble and productive encouragement with
If we are “our own,” we are left stories of real hope, as well as ways the
burned out, depressed, anxious church can help struggling members,
and alone. By understanding to rather than being part of the
whom we as Christians “do” problem.
belong, our lives are reframed
past this crushing responsibility Paper $16.99
of contemporary life. The Journey
Hardcover Toward Wholeness
$22.00 Suzanne Stabile
This book provides what we need
Forming Resilient Children to deal with the constant change
and complexity of our world
Holly Catterton Allen to achieve lasting transformation
This book equips educators, counselors, in our lives. For those who want
ministers and parents with ways to help to dive deeper into the
children face the ordinary hardships of Enneagram wisdom presented by
childhood and to persevere when facing teacher Suzanne Stabile.
trauma. Healing and hope is offered for Hardcover
those hurt by chronic illness, disability,
abuse or disasters. $24.00
Crazy Faith
Even If Michael Todd
God isn’t looking for somebody to give
Mitchel Lee Him all the reasons why His plans can’t
Beautifully blending compassion happen. He’s looking for somebody to
and theological truth, Even If believe they will happen. He has so
rejects empty platitudes and much He wants to do through us. Are
invites readers to a deeper and we crazy enough to believe it?
resolute worship of the God Hardcover
who is with us in the furnace.
Paper $16.00
Not all items are available in all store locations. Prices may vary. All prices in U.S. dollars.
NIrV Adventure $24.97 NLT Thinline Reference,
Bibles for Early Readers Filament Enabled
New International New Living Translation
Readers Version Turn this full NLT Bible into a
Larry Richards, editor powerful study and devotional
Perfect for children learning experience. The Filament Bible app
to read and explore the Bible enables you to use your mobile phone
on their own. Features include or tablet to connect to study notes,
concordance, dictionary, color devotionals, interactive maps, videos
maps, Life in Bible Times, Great and worship music. Featuring
Verses to Memorize, hands-on readable text, cross-references and
activities, People in Bible Times, a thin, easy-to-carry size.
Did you know? facts and more.
The #1 Bible for kids. (3rd grade Leatherlike Rustic Brown $29.99
reading level).
$29.97 Blue Soft Leather-Look Hosanna Revival
EACH or Coral Soft Leather-Look Notetaking Bibles
Christian Standard Bible
$44.99 ea.
ESV Concise Study Bible The beauty of the hand-painted
cover art draws readers into the
English Standard Version pages of this CSB Bible. Ideal for
This Bible is rich in content, recording reflections, prayers and
yet approachable and easy insights. Also included are
to carry. With features such as concordance, full-color maps,
study notes, articles, maps one-year Bible reading plan and
and charts, illustrations and presentation page. 8-point font.
book introductions, this Bible Hardcover Dahlias,
will guide readers into a Lake or Lemons
deeper knowledge of Scripture. $54.99 ea.
Paper $14.99 each
Also available:
Hardcover $27.99
TruTone Brown $34.99
$34.97 NIV Grace & Truth
Study Bible
New International Version
R. Albert Mohler, editor
This NIV Study Bible features a
center-column cross-reference system,
concordance, full-color maps, words
of Jesus in red, bottom-of-the page
study notes and more. 9-point
Comfort Print ® for ease of reading.
Hardcover $49.99
Bible Cases KJV Bible Deluxe Gift Bible
Protect your Bible with a new Bible case. Choose from an array King James Version
of styles, colors and sizes for men, women, teens and children. Beautifully bound, these King James
Bibles feature enlarged print and Words
$15.99 to $29.99 of Christ in red. Some editions include
thumb-indexing, concordances, full-
color maps, Bible reading plan and more.
Black/Gray Zipper $29.99
Also available:
My Creative Bible $39.99
Navy Giant Print $34.99
Burgundy Giant Print Indexed $34.99
The Jesus Music The Way of My Father
Marshall Terrill Michael W. Smith
This visual companion to the Smith offers a deeply personal
documentary film by the same reflection on his father Paul’s legacy
name brings the history of a and its effect on his own life.
movement to life. Fifty Through the life and lens of his
Contemporary Christian Music earthly dad, Smith gives glimpses of
artists across five decades tell their our approachable Father in Heaven.
stories, ones that have united and Hardcover
changed the lives of Christians
around the world. $25.95
The Jesus I Know
Kathie Lee Gifford
People seem to have a
universal fascination with Jesus Followers
Jesus. Kathie Lee has had
conversations with atheists, Anne Graham Lotz
agnostics, Jews, Catholics, and Rachel-Ruth Lotz Wright
Protestants, Sikhs, Buddhists The daughter and granddaughter of Billy
and Hindus alike. Listen in Graham share heartfelt stories of laughter
on these conversations and and faith from their childhoods, from
the diverse opinions parenting adventures to family
about who He is. relationships. Certain to inspire readers to
Hardcover ignite faith in the generation that follows.
$19.97 Hardcover
Where the Light Fell
A Memoir
The Impossible Mile
Philip Yancey
In this searing meditation on the Johnny Agar
bonds of family and the allure of Johnny was never supposed to walk,
extremist faith, one of today’s most but he overcame the odds to
celebrated Christian writers recounts participate in long distance endurance
his unexpected journey from a strict races with his dad pushing him, until
fundamentalist upbringing to a life the final mile when he walks across the
of compassion and grace. finish line. An inspiring story of the
Hardcover power of family, faith and courage.
$28.00 Hardcover $26.95
Smells Like Bacon When Strivings Cease
Eddie James Ruth Chou Simons
& Tommy Woodard Ruth Chou Simons knows something
“The Skit Guys” newest book of feeling measured by achievement,
focuses on the power of performance and the approval of
friendships and how to build others. Be guided on a journey to find
those relationships to last. freedom from the never-ending quest
Hardcover for self-improvement by understanding
the undeserved gift of grace from a
$25.95 merciful God.
Not all items are available in all store locations. Prices may vary. All prices in U.S. dollars.
We the Fallen People The Genius of Jesus
Robert Tracy McKenzie Erwin Raphael McManus
Take a close look at the Founding Fathers’ A groundbreaking manifesto
ideas of human nature to be found in the decoding the phenomenon
history of American democratic thought. of genius through the life of
McKenzie guides readers in a conversation Jesus of Nazareth, revealing
with the past that can help us see the present, the untapped potential within
and ourselves, with new insight. every human being. From the
Hardcover author of The Artisan Soul,
The Last Arrow and The Way
$28.00 of the Warrior.
Hardcover $24.00
19.97The Case for Heaven $ Live No Lies
Lee Strobel John Mark Comer
What awaits us on the other side? Millennia ago, teachers of the Way of
Strobel has studied a neuroscientist, Jesus identified three enemies of the
a researcher who has interviewed a soul: the devil, the flesh and the
thousand accounts of near-death world. Centuries later, these enemies
experiences, an atheist-turned- are alive and well. Discover what they
Christian philosopher. All have look like in our secular culture and
compelling reasons why death is not develop a strategic plan to overcome
the end, but is a transition to the their subtle deceptions.
world to come.
Hardcover Hardcover $25.00
$26.99 $19.97
Person of Interest You Were Made
for This Moment
J. Warner Wallace
Imagine investigating a murder where Max Lucado
there is no crime scene, physical evidence Are you weary from your
or body. Wallace examines the historical challenges, wounded by your
claims of Jesus as he would a murder battles or worried your world
case, affirming His authenticity without is spinning out of control? If
relying on New Testament manuscripts. so, the Book of Esther brings
welcome news: Relief will
Paper come, even in what seems like
impossible situations.
Hardcover $26.99
Enemies and Allies Where Do We Go
from Here?
Joel C. Rosenberg
Based in Jerusalem, bestselling Dr. David Jeremiah
author Joel C. Rosenberg skillfully Many are asking “What day is it on
and clearly explains the sometimes- God’s prophetic calendar?”. Dr.
encouraging, sometimes-violent, yet Jeremiah opens up God’s Word to
rapidly shifting landscape in Israel reveal what it has to say about the
and the Arab/Muslim world. Readers days we are living in. For those new
will be taken behind closed doors to biblical prophecy or longtime
and introduced to the very kings, students of the Bible.
crown princes, presidents and prime Hardcover
ministers who are leading the change. $19.97
Hardcover $26.99
13.97$ One Minute Devotions
Jesus Listens for Boys or Girls
Sarah Young
Over the years, Sarah Young, author of Boys or girls will draw nearer to God
Jesus Calling, has nurtured a deep prayer as they spend time each day in
life. She draws on that closeness with their One-Minute Devotion. 400 pages,
God to offer honest prayers for readers ribbon marker.
who are going through difficult times,
who are new to faith and not sure how Faux Leather $14.99 ea.
to begin to pray, who want to pray
God’s promises straight from Scripture. New Morning Mercies
Hardcover $19.99
Paul David Tripp
In the Lord I Take Refuge Equip yourself daily with the
good news needed to trust God’s
Dane C. Ortlund goodness for your day. 366
The full ESV text of the 150 gospel-centered readings with
Psalms with a heartfelt devotion extended meditations.
for each one. Beautifully bound
with cream-colored paper, ribbon Hardcover $22.99
marker and large type font, this
volume makes a thoughtful, gift Also available:
for anyone who treasures the
Psalms. Note-Taking Edition $29.99
Gift Edition $29.99
Hardcover $22.99 TruTone Brown $29.99
A Little God Time for Boys God’s Got This
Boys are encouraged to make wise choices, Heidi Baker
serve others, be bold about who they are and Whether for the entire year or 40 days,
walk closely with our God, who is strong, these devotionals offer encouragement,
hope and confidence in the love, care
dependable and good. Family and protection of our Heavenly Father.
devotions are a small investment Beautifully bound for personal use
that yields valuable, eternal rewards. or gift-giving.
Encourage your child’s walk
with the Lord and bring blessing Faux Leather $16.99
to your family.
Also available:
Faux Leather $17.99
Jesus First
Also available: Faux Leather $17.99
Family Time with God
David & Naomi Shibley
Faux Leather $15.99
Man of Purpose Inspirational Journals
and Power
Record your own thoughts, stories and prayers … or give one of
Dr. Myles Munroe these beautiful journals as a gift. Choose from many styles, sizes,
Best selling author Dr. Myles colors and bindings.
Munroe offers daily practical and
biblical advice for men. Through $9.99 to $19.99
these devotional readings, men
can strengthen their relationship All prices in U.S. dollars.
with their heavenly Father as they
discover how to fulfill their
destiny and potential as part of
His eternal purposes.
Paper $12.99
Not all items are available in all store locations. Prices may vary.
inhale (exhale) Dishing Up Devotions
MercyMe 36 Faith-Building Activities
This 40-day devotional for the Homeschooling Family
is inspired by MercyMe’s Katie J. Trent
bestselling album and Infusing faith and fun, Dishing
encourages readers to breathe Up Devotions strengthens family
in grace and live out hope in a relationships while nourishing the
needy world. Includes parent’s soul. The book features
Scripture, application questions, thirty-six weekly devotions, faith-
meditative verses, prayers and building activities for the
space for journaling. whole family and even includes
baking recipes.
Hardcover $22.95
Paper $16.99
You Can Count on God
Max Lucado
God invites us to count on Him,
because He never changes. This 365-
day devotional offers short, powerful
A Woman of Purpose readings and Scripture, calling readers
and Power to know God on a deeper level as we
remember His faithfulness through
Dr. Myles Munroe all generations.
Dr. Myles Munroe offers practical Hardcover
and biblical advice for women. $19.99 $13.97
Each day’s reading includes
teaching and encouragement, Quest 52
a Scripture reading from both
the Old and New Testaments, A Fifteen-Minute-a-Day
and a thought for the day to draw Yearlong Pursuit of Jesus
readers closer to God. Mark E. Moore
The world has a lot to say about
Paper $12.99 Jesus. Discover who He really is
in this one-year, fifteen-minutes-
Devotionals a-day journey by respected Bible
teacher Mark E. Moore. A road
Why not choose a new devotional for the coming year? Find peace, map of purposeful encounters
strength, joy and hope for each day as you discover reminders of with the Savior.
God’s goodness and love.
Paper $17.00
$12.99 to $16.99
Also available:
Quest 52 Student Edition
Paper $14.00
Every Moment Holy
Volumes I and II
Douglas McKelvey; Ned Bustard, illustrator
These prayers encourage and remind readers
that our everyday lives are shot through
with sacred purpose. Volume I helps readers
acknowledge the sacred in the
everyday, such as doing laundry,
planting a garden or setting up the
Christmas tree. Volume II is designed
for use personally or in Christian
ministry to the ill and grieving. Both
are also available in pocket edition.
Leather-Like Hardcover
$35.00 ea.
Freedom’s Song $5.97
Kim Vogel Sawyer
A captive riverboat singer, Fanny
Beck, joins a group of runaway slaves
who are waging their own dangerous
escape, on a journey that eventually
leads her to powerful, unexpected love.
Once Upon The Librarian
a Wardrobe of Saint-Malo
Patti Callahan Mario Escobar
Megs Devonshire is a
brilliant mathematician on a Aftermath Hardcover $26.99 Woman
scholarship at Oxford. in Shadow
George, her beloved younger Terri Blackstock
brother, doesn’t have long to Carrie Stuart Parks
Paper $16.99
Paper $16.99
live and becomes captivated
by a brand-new book, The
Lion, the Witch and the
Wardrobe, which he begs her
to read. There is no way she
can refuse him.
Shadows of Tidewater The Gold in An Amish
Swanford Abbey Inn #1 These Hills Schoolroom
Julie Klassen Colleen Coble Joann Bischof Three Stories
Rebecca Lane attempts to deliver the
manuscript to an author who could Paper $16.99 Paper $16.99 Paper $15.99
help get her brother published. She
stays at Swanford Abbey, where the
author is found dead. Rebecca
becomes one of the suspects, and
Frederick, her former neighbor, is
torn between his feelings for her and
his search for the truth.
Faithful The Make You Feel
Orphan’s Wish My Love
Kim Cash Tate
Melanie Dickerson Robin Lee Hatcher
Paper $16.99
Paper $12.99 Paper $16.99
Not all items are available in all store locations. Prices may vary. All prices in U.S. dollars.
The Wonder of Creation II Kregel’s Treasury of
Illustrated Bible Stories
Louie Giglio
Each of the 100 devotions features a This treasury includes 250
scientific fact or an easy activity for Bible stories from the Old
exploring faith, a short Bible verse and and New Testaments. Paired
a closing prayer. With engaging with Classic Bible Art, this
illustrations and striking photos, this Bible storybook is destined to
fun and informative book is ideal for become an heirloom and a
children ages 6-10. thoughtful keepsake gift.
Hardcover $17.99
$12.97 Hardcover $24.99
The Inventions My First Storybook Bible
of God (and Eva)
Karoline Pahus Pedersen
Dave Connis Sandrine L’Amour, illustrator
Amy Domingo, illustrator Friendly, colorful illustrations and
Just like God, little Eva likes simple, engaging stories will capture
to invent. Both God and children’s attention and hearts as they
Eva love making broken read about twenty-seven of the best
things new. This whimsical known Bible accounts. Perfect for ages
picture book celebrates 5 and under.
God’s – and children’s – Padded Hardcover
limitless creativity.
Hardcover $12.99
Bible Questions $13.49
& Answers for Kids
Is God Still Awake?
This assortment of Scripture-based
Question and Answer books and Doodle Sheila Walsh
Devotion will encourage and challenge Poppy has big questions about
children to ask about God, faith and God. She wants to know how
to talk to Him and whether
the Bible. He listens to her. Told in
humorous, rhyming text, this
Paper $9.99 delightful full-color picture
book is perfect for children
Also available: ages 4-8.
The Bible Made Easy
Hardcover $18.99
Paper $12.99
Clever Cub Picture Books
Doodle Devotions for Girls
Clever Cub is a curious little bear who
Paper $9.99 LOVES to cuddle up with the Bible
and learn about God. A delightful and
$12.97 affordable picture book series for kids
and their parents.
God’s Power in Me Clever Cub Sings to God
Clever Cub Welcomes Baby Jesus
Margaret Feinberg Clever Cub Explores God’s Creation
Help children banish any negative Clever Cub Gives Thanks to God
thoughts and ideas they may have.
This interactive 52-day devotional Paper $5.99 ea.
encourages 8-12-year olds to
break free from negative thinking
and focus on the positive truths
of who God made them to be.
Hardcover $16.99
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Store Hours:
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Large Print Personal Size
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or becoming better, over 500 maps and charts, dictionary, include over 10,000
but by going deeper concordance, side-column cross-references, Life Application notes
into the gospel single column and features more than
truths. Gentle and format, Christian 500 maps and charts,
Lowly now has a gift Workers Resource, dictionary, concordance,
edition, study guide, Words of Christ in side-column cross-
journal and video red and more. Gold reference system, single-
study available. edges. Third edition. column format, Christian
Ask about these at 11-pt type. Worker’s Resource, Words
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