Athlete’s husband arraigned in court for murder PAGE9
)5(( .HQ1\DH·ZV V1S2D SHU Tuesday, October 19, 2021 // NO.07427
UhurureadsMashujaaRiot Act PG6
$"--*/( -&"%&34 50 03%&3
Shame of 70 NewsBeatPG3
MPsmisusing ColinPowell:
bursaryfunds Heovercame
Cashprobe: Apart from lack of Covidbattle
accountability in sharing kitty,
auditor questions delays in News Beat >> PG 2
completion of school projects,
most of which had stalled PG4 IEBC picks Greek
firm to print 2022
Sh25.1 million ballot materials
The amount of money that cannot be accounted
for in the Kilifi South constituency bursary fund
Nancy Gathungu
NEWS BEAT PEOPLE DAILY / Tuesday, October 19, 2021
#64*/&44 /&84 1"(& WEATHER TODAY 26° Nyeri 24°
31° Kitui 29°
01*/*0/ 1"(& 3FWJTF MBOE SBUFT UP CPPTU Nairobi 29° Wajir 36°
Members of the public queue to register as voters at Inform Lykos S.A
won tender to deliver
Kangemi in Nairobi, recently. PD/GERALD ITHANA election materials at
cost of Sh925 million
by Mercy Mwai voters after only 491,968 The Independent Electoral and Acting IEBC chief executive officer Marjan Hussein. FILE
new voters were regis- Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has
@PeopleDailyKe tered in the second week picked a Greek firm to supply next LOSERS Matilu was listed as secretary and In 2017, IEBC picked Dubai-based
representing a 15.47 per year’s election ballot papers as local Benjamin Kimwei, Helen Kahindi Al Ghurair Printing for the lucrative
Sparsely populated cent. firms once again miss out on the lu- Al Ghurair and Boniface Gathee as members. deal, a move that saw several cases
counties recorded the crative deal. Printing that had filed in court almost threatening to
highest number of new “The commission quoted Sh1.2 bil- Already the bidders have received derail the election.
voters while President would like to report that Following an evaluation process, lion was knocked their regret letters with sources
Uhuru Kenyatta’s vote a total of 491, 968 being IEBC settled on Greece based In- out at the techni- indicating that one of the interna- The tender is titled: Supply and
–rich Mount Kenya re- newly registered voters form Lykos (HELLAS) S.A at 7,172.85 cal stage for fail- tional bidders is planing to contest Delivery of Ballot Papers; Register
gion for the second week have been enrolled out Euros (about Sh925 million) at the ing to meet the the award at the Public Procure- of Voters; Statutory Election Result
running continued to of the two weeks target of exchange rate of Sh129. 40 per cent local ment Administrative Review Board Declaration Forms to be used at the
perform poorly in the three million. This rep- content plan. (PPARB). Polling Station; Election and Refer-
ongoing voter registration resents 15.47 per cent,” A report exclusively seen by endum Result Declaration Forms to
exercise. reads a statement signed People Daily, indicates that Inform UK’s Go Inspire “The commission hereby, regrets be used at the Constituency, County
by the commission’s Lykos (HELLAS) S.A beat 12 other Solutions which to inform you that your tender was and National Tallying Centre.
Latest data released by chairpersonWafula Che- firms to emerge as the lowest evalu- had quoted unsuccessful for failure to submit a
Independent Electoral bukati. ated bidder. Sh813 million notarized/certified ISO certificate or If dissatisfied bidders opt to con-
and Boundaries Commis- was disqualified its equivalent for security printing test the award, then the country is
sion, show that Orange With regards to Mount They include Dubai-based Al Gh- for failing sub- for a recognized authority,” a regret likely to witness once again a fierce
Democratic Movement Kenya counties, Nyeri urair Printing that was controver- mit notarized/ letter sent to one of international fight for the lucrative deal that al-
(ODM) leader strongholds county recorded the sially awarded the same tender for certified audited bidders reads. most derailed elections in 2017 as a
in Nyanza and coastal re- lowest number of voters the 2017 General Election. accounts for court nullified the tender awarded to
gions have also recorded at 148,995 representing 2018/19. IEBC acting chief executive Hus- Al Ghurair.
very low numbers. seven per cent, followed According to the tender report, sein Marjan Hussein, in his regret
by Murang’a county with Al Ghurair Printing that had quoted letter dated October 14, 2021, asked In June, activist Okiya Omtatah
According to the data 191, 545 representing 8 US$ 11,424.11 (about Sh1,256,652) the unsuccessful bidders to seek claimed the electoral agency was
released yesterday, the percent, Nyandarua and at an exchange rate of Sh110 was debriefing during the notification planning to use a single-sourced
best performing counties Kiambu counties with 9 knocked out at the technical stage period or submit a procurement ballot paper printer for the election
include Turkana county, per cent after only 109,652 for failing to meet the 40 per cent lo- complaint at the PPARB. after the commission declined to
which registered 62,500 and 353, 367 new voters cal content plan. disclose the contents of a single-
new voters representing were registered respec- According to its website, Inform sourcing deal with a local firm.
35 per cent, followed by tively, while Embu and Others who lost include UK’s Go Lykos (HELLAS) S.A. is located in
West Pokot county with Laikipia counties had 10 Inspire Solutions US$7,392.71 or Koropi, Greece and is part of the He moved to court under a cer-
58,675 new voters repre- per cent representing 100, (about Sh813 million) for failing Printing and Related Support Ac- tificate of urgency seeking to stop
senting 30 per cent while 887 and 80,231 new voters submit notarized/certified audited tivities Industry. It has 170 employ- IEBC from extending a framework
Samburu comes third respectively. accounts for 2018/19, South Africa’s ees at this location and generates contract it entered two years ago
with 27,059 voters repre- Uniprint PTY Ltd that did not indi- $33.41 million in sales. There are 17 with De La Rue Kenya EPZ Limited
senting 31 per cent. Those that led the cate its price, Ghanaian Aerovote companies in the INFORM LYKOS until the case he has filed is heard
pack from the region Security Print and Electoral Supply, (HELLAS) S.A. corporate family. and determined.
Wajir and Mandera include Meru with 229, UAE’s Masar printing and publish-
counties follow closely 545 representing 13 per ing and Dubai’s United Printing
with 28 per cent after they cent, Tharaka Nithi with Publishing LLC, UAE.
registered 52,923 and 69,386 representing 12 per
57,078 new voters respec- cent, Kirinyaga 113, 784 Others UK’s Tall Security Print
tively, Elgeyo Marakwet representing 11 per cent Limited that had quoted 3889.1
had 58,856 new voters and Nakuru 309, 384 new sterling pounds (about Sh580 mil-
representing 27 per cent, voters representing 13 lion) was knocked out for failing to
while Baringo, Narok and percent In Raila’s strong- provide ISO certification, Kenya’s
Garissa constituencies holds, Migori county is Africa Infrastructure Development
had 26 per cent after they leading with 21 percent Company that failed to submit duly
registered 76,146, 111 278, after having registered filled forms, India’s Seshaasai Busi-
53074 new voters respec- 126,446 new voters, Kisu- ness forms PVT Ltd that failed to
tively. mu county 175, 847 rep- duly fill the local content plan from
resenting 15 percent, and and Kenyan firm Kwanginsa Co. Ltd
But despite the said Homabay cou nty with that failed to include tender security
counties recording high 155 799 with 14 per cent. of Sh20 million.
numbers IEBC failed to
achieve its target of regis- However, the report does not in-
tering three million new dicate why a Kenyan firm, Ellams
Products Limited, that had quoted
Sh770.8 million was knocked out.
The tender was opened on Sep-
tember 10, 2021 at Anniversary
Towers. The committee was chaired
by Jacktone Nyonje while Samson
Tuesday, October 19, 2021 / PEOPLE DAILY NEWSBEAT
Powell, though with his frequently shattered glass ceilings in a pi- AT A GLANCE Colin Powell, left, with former President Barack Obama. Powell a Republican
flaws, transcended party oneering career that took him from com- broke party ranks and endorsed Obama. - AFP
politics and became a bat in Vietnam to becoming America’s Colin Luther Powell
unifying figure in the US first Black national security advisor under was born in Harlem, prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu led Born April 5, 1937 in Harlem, Colin
political and military spheres then-president Ronald Reagan. New York City, on 5 April the international tributes, noting Pow- Luther Powell’s “American Journey” --
1937, the son of Jamai- ell’s dedication to public service. the title of his autobiography -- started
Colin Powell, a US war hero and the first He was also the first African American can immigrants. in New York, where he grew up and
Black secretary of state who saw his trail- and youngest chairman of the Joint Chiefs Back at home, 97-year-old former earned a degree in geology.
blazing legacy tarnished when he made of Staff under Reagan’s successor, George His parents originally president Jimmy Carter called Powell a
the case for war in Iraq in 2003, died Mon- H.W. Bush. pronounced his name “true patriot” whose courage “will be an He received a commission as a sec-
day from complications from Covid-19. with a short “o” in the inspiration for generations to come.” ond lieutenant in the US Army, and was
Serving four presidents, Powell made traditional English way, posted in what was thenWest Germany.
The 84-year-old retired four-star gen- his reputation as a man of honour distant but he changed the US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin
eral was fully vaccinated, his family said in from the political fray -- an asset in the pronunciation in honour told reporters Powell was among the Powell completed two tours of duty
a statement, making him one of the most corridors of power. of a US Army Air Corps “greatest leaders that we have ever wit- in Vietnam -- in 1962-63 as one of John
high-profile US public figures to die of a pilot, Colin Kelly, who nessed,” lamenting the loss of“a tremen- F. Kennedy’s thousands of military advi-
breakthrough infection. George W. Bush described Powell as was killed shortly after dous personal friend and mentor.” sors, and again in 1968-69 to investigate
“an American hero, an American exam- Pearl Harbor. the My Lai massacre.
“We have lost a remarkable and loving ple, and a great American story” when Democratic National Committee
husband, father, grandfather and a great he nominated the professional soldier to A highly decorated chairman Jaime Harrison said he had He earned a Purple Heart, but also
American,” the family said. be secretary of state in 2000, making him army officer, he saw been inspired as a young Black man by faced questions about the tone of his
fourth in the presidential line and, up to service in Vietnam, an Powell’s lesson that “there is no limit to report into the hundreds of deaths at My
After engineering military victory in the then, the highest-ranking Black US public experience that later what we can be or achieve”. Lai, which to some seemed to dismiss
1991 GulfWar, Powell was so widely popu- official ever. helped define his own any claims of wrongdoing.
lar and respected that he was considered a military and political Infamous speech
strong candidate to become the first ever “He was highly respected at home and strategies. But Powell found it hard to live down Back in Washington, he quickly rose
Black US president. abroad. And, most important, Colin was a through the ranks to the pinnacle of the
family man and a friend,” the 43rd presi- He became a trusted his infamous February 2003 speech to national security establishment, serving
He ultimately decided against running dent said Monday. military adviser to a the United Nations Security Council Reagan as national security advisor, and
for the White House, although he later number of leading US about the alleged existence of weapons both George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton
broke with his Republican Party to en- Powell had a reputation for bipartisan- politicians. And, despite of mass destruction in Iraq -- evidence as Joint Chiefs chairman from 1989 to
dorse Barack Obama. ship, straight talk and integrity, and was his own misgivings, he which was later proven to be false. 1993.
praised for his officer’s instincts of duty helped swing interna-
A son of Jamaican immigrants, Powell and honour. tional opinion behind “It’s a blot... and will always be a part Powell freely admitted his liberal so-
the 2003 invasion of of my record. It was painful. It’s painful cial views made him a strange bedfellow
There was no word from the White Iraq. now,” Powell said in a 2005 interview for many Republicans, though the party
House by mid-morning but Israeli former with ABC News. was often happy to hold him up as an ex-
ample of its inclusivity.
Colin Powell, centre, Tributes nevertheless poured in from
served in four US Congress, where Democratic Senator But since 2008, he has endorsed Dem-
presidents. AFP MarkWarner praised Powell as“a patriot ocrats for the presidency, twice backing
and a public servant,” while centrist Re- Obama, and then Hillary Clinton and
publican Senator Mitt Romney mourn- Joe Biden.
ed the loss of“a man of undaunted cour-
age and a champion of character.” Powell earned a number of civilian
honours, including the Presidential
Former British prime minister Tony Medal of Freedom twice -- from Bush
Blair, who stood firmly behind US ac- Senior and Clinton.
tions in Iraq and gave military backing
to the war effort, described Powell as a He married his wife Alma in 1962.
“towering figure in American military They had three children: Michael, Linda
and political leadership.” and Annemarie.
By his own admission, Colin Powell basic training in Georgia, where his which he rescued three other soldiers He was later accused of “white- est officer ever to hold the post, and
was an average scholar who left high colour saw him refused service in from the burning wreckage. washing” the news of the massacre, the first from an African-American
school with no positive career plans. bars and restaurants. details of which did not finally be- background.
He was assigned to investigate a come public until 1970.
While studying geology at the City In 1962, he was one of thousands letter from a serving soldier that re- He faced an immediate crisis when
College of NewYork, he joined the Re- of advisers sent to South Vietnam by inforced allegations of a massacre at After returning from Vietnam, the US invaded Panama in December
serve OfficersTraining Corps (ROTC), President Kennedy to bolster the lo- My Lai in March 1968, in which US Powell obtained an MBA at George- 1989, toppling the dictator, General
a programme designed to identify fu- cal army against the threat from the soldiers killed hundreds of civilians, town University in Washington be- Noriega, a move strongly condemned
ture military leaders. communist North. including children. fore securing a prestigious White by the United Nations.
House Fellowship under President
Powell later described it as one of During his tour Powell was injured Powell’s conclusion, that “in direct Richard Nixon. The 1990 Gulf War saw the imple-
the happiest experiences of his life.“I by stepping on a punji stick, a sharp- refutation of this portrayal, relations mentation of a strategy which was
not only liked it,” he said later, “but I ened wooden stake hidden in the between American soldiers and the Powell was now seen as a ris- dubbed The Powell Doctrine. Essen-
was pretty good at it.” ground and used as a booby trap. Vietnamese people are excellent”, ing star. There was a period as a tially, Powell believed that it wasn’t
flew in the face of growing evidence lieutenant-colonel in South Korea until all diplomatic, political or eco-
After graduation in 1958, he was In 1968, he returned to Vietnam, of brutal treatment of civilians by US before a move to the Pentagon as a nomic means had failed that the US
commissioned as a second lieuten- receiving a decoration for bravery forces. staff officer. At 52, he was the young- should resort to military force.
ant in the US Army. He underwent after surviving a helicopter crash in
NEWS BEAT PEOPLE DAILY / Tuesday, October 19, 2021
6KDPH RI Abdikarim Osman Mohamed, the audit
03V PLVXVLQJ reveals that bursaries amounting to Sh4.9
EXUVDU\ IXQGV million were not supported with acknowl-
edgement receipts or letters from learning
CDF committees in schools or institutions for 77 beneficiaries Auditor General Nancy Gathungu at a past function. FILE institutions where the funds were allegedly
constituencies accused of of Sh1.7 million were not included. channeled to.
failing to account for needy BURSARY the construction was going on by June 2020
bright students on time The report also identified anomalies in MISUSE well past the completion of date of Decem- “In the circumstances, the accuracy,
the disbursements of Sh278,000 awarded ber 14, 2015. completeness and validity of bursaries of
by Anthony Mwangi and to 12 beneficiaries. For instance, four Auditor Gen- Sh4.9 million for the year ended June, 30
Mercy Mwai of them were awarded bursaries worth eral faults the At Shiavihiga, where a contract for the 2019, could not be confirmed,” reads the
Sh20,000 each despite having similar ad- various National construction of eight classrooms was report.
@PeopleDailyKe mission and registration numbers. It also Government awarded at a cost of Sh14.6 million, audit
revealed that seven others received two Constituency De- inspection done in 2020 revealed poor In Tongaren constituency, whose MP is
More than 70 constituencies are on bursaries each for different institutions velopment Fund workmanship. Eseli Simiyu, the report states that despite
the spot for misusing millions of shillings while one male student who received a (NGCGF) commit- the transfer of Sh13.4 million, Sh15.4 mil-
meant for bursaries for bright students bursary of Sh35,000 was shown to attend tees for issuing In Josephat Kabebea’s Tigania East con- lion and Sh7.5 million to schools and tertia-
from poor backgrounds. a girls’ only secondary school. stale cheques to stituency, the report shows that despite ry institutions, the amounts reflected in the
contractors as disbursements of Sh35 million in respect of bursary schedules differed with the money
Auditor General Nancy Gathungu in her “Consequently, the propriety and accu- well as schools bursaries to secondary schools, there was paid according to payment vouchers.
latest report on bursary funds allocated to racy of the bursaries payments of Sh39.2 no acknowledgement by the beneficiary
constituencies, has fingered 70 electoral million could not be confirmed,” says the In Bernard secondary schools amounting to Sh17.9 “The variances were not explained or
units for failing to account for funds meant report. Shinali’s Ikolom- million. reconciled and in the circumstances it was
to educate bright students from poor fami- ani constituency, not possible to ascertain the accuracy and
lies. In John Mutunga’sTiganiaWest constitu- the auditor ques- CDF committee completeness of the bursary payments
ency, the NGCDF committee did not pro- tions disburse- In Maragua constituency, whose MP is included in the reported transfers,” states
The report comes at a time schools have vide receipts for bursaries totaling Sh7.5 ment of Sh31.2 the report.
defied the Education ministry directive million from beneficiary institutions. million to sec- Mary Wamaua, no evidence was provided
not to send students home for lack of fees, According to the auditor, the committee ondary schools, to show that the committee had estab- In Mandera East constituency of Hassan
a week after they reported back for the sec- also gave out stale cheques amounting to special schools lished a bursary sub-committee to man- Omar Mohhamed Maalim, the audit shows
ond term. Sh33,000, which had not been reversed in and colleges age the scheme despite making transfers that even though Sh30.6 million was dis-
the cash book by the time of audit. after it emerged of Sh19.3 million and Sh17.7 million to sec- bursed to various secondary schools and
Apart from lack of accountability in the that all bursary ondary schools and tertiary institutions. tertiary institutions, there were no official
distribution of the bursary kitty, the Audi- “In the circumstances, the accuracy and application forms receipts or acknowledgement letters from
tor General also questions delays in com- validity of bursaries amounting to Sh7.5 were not filled by According to the auditor, this is contrary the benefiting institutions as required.
pletion of school projects, most of which million for the year ended June 30, 2019, the bursary sub- to the NGCDF circular of September 2010
had stalled. could not be confirmed,” reads the report. committee as that requires board managers to establish In Mathare constituency, represented by
required by law such committees to oversee distribution Anthony Oluoch, the auditor raises queries
She also faults the various National Gov- In Bernard Shinali’s Ikolomani con- of funds. of stale cheques amounting to Sh1 million
ernment Constituency Development Fund stituency, the auditor questions disburse- In Mathare since they had not been presented within
(NGCGF) committees for issuing stale ment of Sh31.2 million to secondary constituency, The constituency funds committee was six months. The cheques represented pay-
cheques to contractors as well as schools. schools, special schools and colleges after represented by also accused of failing to utilise balances ments for employees’ statutory deductions
it emerged that all bursary application Anthony Oluoch, amounting to Sh7.5 million in respect of and bursaries to needy students.
She cites the case of Kilifi South whose forms were not filled by the bursary sub- the auditor 57 projects management committee bank
MP is Ken Chonga, which could not pro- committee as required by law. The auditor raises queries accounts yet no explanation was given for “Failure to reverse the stale cheques in
vide supporting documents for Sh25.1 mil- also observed that the amounts awarded of stale cheques failure to close the accounts and transfer the books of account misrepresents the
lion purportedly disbursed as bursaries to to applicants was not indicated in the ap- amounting to the balances to the Fund account. cash balance in the financial statements.
needy students secondary schools and plication forms. Sh1 million since No explanation was given for this anoma-
tertiary institutions. they had not been “This is contrary to section 12 (8) of the ly,” reads the report.
“In the circumstances, the accuracy and presented within NGCDF Act, 2015, which requires that all
Bursary application probity of the bursary expenditure of Sh31. six months unutilised funds of the management com- In Borabu constituency whose MP is Ben
In addition, the report shows that the 2 million could not be ascertained,” states mittee shall be returned to the constitu- Momanyi, Gathungu raises concern that
the report. ency account,” states the auditor. although Sh26.2 million was disbursed as
bursary applications register showing ap- bursaries to students in various learning
plicants names, identification details, and In addition, Gathungu raises concern Despite the transfer of bursaries worth institutions, Sh8.9 million was not sup-
the schools or colleges attended were not over school projects in Ikolomani constit- Sh17.9 million and Sh15.3 million to sec- ported by any documents.
provided for audit and, therefore, it was not uency noting that they were poorly done ondary and tertiary institutions, respec-
possible to determine whether the benefi- while others were incomplete despite tively, in Fafi constituency whose MP is “Consequently, the validity and regular-
ciaries had applied for the money. money being pumped in by the manage- ity of the expenditure of Sh8.9 million as at
ment. The schools in question include 30 June could not be ascertained,” says the
The report further reveals that a review Lirhembe and Shiavihiga primary schools. report.
of the bursary schedule provided by the
Kilifi South NGCDF showed that admis- At Lirhembe, Gathungu regrets that In Dadaab constituency represented by
sion or registration numbers of various while a contract for construction of class- Mohammed Dahir Duale, the audit shows
rooms was awarded to a local contractor that although Sh13.9 million and Sh5.2 mil-
at a cost Sh13.9 million and despite the lion was disbursed to secondary schools
management having paid Sh10 million, and tertiary institutions, respectively, ac-
knowledgement letters from beneficiary
institutions for bursaries amounting to
Sh1.5 million were not provided, adding
that the Fund did not maintain a cheque
dispatch register.
In Michael Kingi’s Magarini constituen-
cy, Gathungu not only questions irregular
bursary awards to various schools but also
payments advanced to the Fund Account
Manager. According to the audit, out of
Sh16.3 million paid as bursary to second-
ary schools, an amount of Sh1.963 million.
by Hillary Mageka provides a legal framework for the displacement and sometimes cre- cluding my county and Uasin Gishu Makueni Senator Mutula Kilonzo
resolution of the disputes and pro- ated a row collection of own-source had a lot of disputes as to which Jr, the sponsor of the Bill. FILE
@PeopleDailyKe cedures for the altercation of the revenue. corner we should put the barrier for
boundaries. revenue collection from one county
Senators have backed a bill seek- Alteration of boundaries to the other,” he added.
ing to resolve county boundary dis- It provides procedures for creation There is also a dispute in the Kape-
putes in the wake of rising cases of of establishment of an independent Makueni Senator Mutula Kilonzo
inter-county boundary rows ahead commission to oversee delimitation do area between Turkana and Bar- Jr, who is the sponsor of the Bill, said
of the high stakes 2022 General Elec- of county boundaries. ingo. Article 188 of the Constitution that the proposed law will not only
tion. provides that Parliament shall form resolve the disputes but will also
“This Bill is expected to ensure a commission that shall recommend anchor the counties in law. Besides,
Under Article 188 of the Consti- resolution of disputes concerning alteration of a county boundary and Mutula cautioned individuals he
tution, the jurisdiction of altering county boundaries and to provide a deal with any disputes. termed as expansionist that with
boundaries lies squarely with Parlia- framework for the alteration of the the bill in place they will not be able
ment, the National Assembly and boundaries of a county should the “This Bill creates that very impor- to alter any boundaries going into
Senate. Currently, county boundar- need arise,” the bill reads in part. tant framework for us to be able to future as they will have to meet the
ies are anchored under the District settle disputes amicably,” Elgeyo threshold is two-thirds of the Mem-
and Provinces Act of 1992, which Currently, at least 15 counties Marakwet senator Kipchumba bers of Parliament, which is nearly
defined the boundaries. are embroiled in bitter wrangles Murkomen said. like amending the Constitution.
over boundaries, some degenerat-
The county boundaries bill, 2021 ing to clashes leading to deaths and “A number of other counties in-
Tuesday, October 19, 2021 / PEOPLE DAILY NEWS BEAT
ODM chief says he is keen MERU TOUR ascend the presidency.
to work with individuals who Raila, who took his ‘Azimio La Umoja’
will help deliver to Kenyans
in the next government Raila Odinga has clarion call to the Upper East, told the
hinted that he might residents that he will use his influence to
by Dorcas Mbatia and consider picking his lobby for new ‘khat’ markets including
Rawlings Otieno running mate from Tanzania.
Mt Kenya
@PeopleDailyKe “I have long-time friends across Africa.
DRC President Felix Tshekedi is my good
Raila administra- friend and will talk to him to allow miraa
tion will help secure be sold in DRC,” said Raila.
The former PM who is criss-crossing
Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) new markets for the
chief Raila Odinga yesterday hinted at he
might consider picking his running mate ‘miraa’ khat produce the country in readiness for the August
from Mt Kenya.
in Europe and DRC 2022 polls, defended his Sh6,000 per poor
Speaking before kicking off a three-day
tour in Meru, Tharaka Nithi and Embu should he ascend the household protection that it is possible if
counties to woo the East of the mountain, presidency
Raila said he was keen to work with indi- corruption is tamed.
viduals who will deliver.
He said that the country loses about
He told residents through local me-
dia stations that he has no problem with Sh600 billion to corruption annually,
choosing his running-mate from either the
East orWest of the mountain. adding that should he succeed President
“ I have no problem picking my running Uhuru, he will ensure that he seals all
mate from Mt Kenya East or West because
what matters is to have a person who will corruption loopholes so that he can save
deliver to Kenyans in the next government
but not the region he comes from,” said enough money to implement the Social
Raila .
secretary Peter Munya said asked them to ODM leader Raila “ Even if I have not received any support Welfare Protection.
“I will not hand-pick my running mate resolve their political rivalry. Odinga with Meru from Mt Kenya region in the past, they “Under the Social Protection Fund, fami-
I will be very keen on looking at his or Governor Kiraitu have still remained my friends right now lies that cannot afford to put on the table,
her track records on service delivery to Asked whether he will pick the CS, the Murungi in Maua President Uhuru Kenyatta is my friend and families that are extremely poor will be
Kenyans not necessarily where he or she former premier only said his wish is to have town in Meru former President Mwai Kibaki so in poli- given Sh6,000 monthly stipend to cushion
comes from because my government will Munya and Kiraitu work together. county, yesterday. tics there is no permanent enemy; what them from the vagaries of pain and suffer-
focus on economic recovery and job cre- matters is having a unified nation that ac- ing. This is a promise,” he said.
ation for the youth,” he added . “Munya and Kiraitu are my great friends PD/DORCAS MBATIA commodates everyone without tribalism He further explained that to fully imple-
both are very hardworking and great lead- and now you can see the region is behind ment the Social Welfare protection, his
Raila who was hosted by governor Ki- ers but what I want is to bring them to- me and they support my presidential bid,” administration will require a paltry Sh150
raitu Murungi and Agriculture cabinet gether because there is no problem with he added. While addressing residents in billion annually, adding that if all corrup-
one working at the national and the other Maua, Laare and Maili Tatu in Igembe tion loopholes are sealed, it will be possible
one at the county government because this Raila called on residents to back him come to fund the programme successfully.
will be one government,” he added. 2022 to enable the country receive tangible “I will seal all loopholes of corruption.
economical growth. Raila administration Corruption is the biggest enemy facing us
Raila further said he has never carried will help secure new markets for the‘miraa’ as a country. I will use the money saved on
any political grudge against Mt Kenya re- khat produce in Europe and DRC should he corruption on the people. We shall defeat
gion residents and leaders despite them corruption,” said Raila.
not voting for him in his past two presiden-
tial campaigns.
by Harrison Kivisu
Deputy PresidentWilliam Deputy President William Ruto addresses residents at Kaloleni,
Ruto has moved in to quell di- Kilifi county, yesterday. PD/DPPS
visions that have emerged in
his United Democratic Alli- This is the big agenda we had the winner so that we can
ance (UDA) within the coastal to discuss,” Baya. avert more divisions.We will
region and promised a fair do a fair nomination and no
nomination process. Among the issues the leg- one will be favoured,” Ali said.
islators claimed tabled to the
Ruto met more than 5,000 DP include a blue print on Lunga Lunga MP Khatib
aspirants who claimed that agriculture, revival of coastal Mwashetani reiterated that
some of his key supporters economy, industries, an end the coastal region will reap
from the area were discrimi- to extra-judicial killings. from the UDA manifesto be-
native. A splinter UDA group cause of its emphasis on job
has accused former Mombasa “We have lined up our con- creation.
Senator Hassan Omar of at- cerns about the party espe-
tempting to turn the outfit cially on how to popularize the Ruto, who is on charm of-
into “a one-man show.” party in the grassroots as well fensive political tour at the
as selling the bottom-up eco- Coast, extended his cam-
They accused Omar, who nomic model,” said Baya on paigns to Rabai and Kaloleni
has declared interest in the the sidelines of the meeting. sub-counties where he met
Mombasa governorship on a boda boda riders.
UDA ticket, of sidelining them Nyali MP Mohamed Ali said
during a closed door meeting. the aspirants for various seats The DP, who was accompa-
agreed that whoever will lose nied MP Aisha Jumwa, later
The party has been carrying in the primaries will have to proceeded to Malindi town to
out grassroots registration of support the winner. meet beach operators, mnazi
members and leaders in the vendors and other scale busi-
region. “We have agreed that who- ness people.
ever will lose should support
Kilifi North MP Owen Baya
and his Nyali counterpart
Mohamed Ali told journalists
that the region has presented
among other things, a coastal
blueprint to the party should it
form the next government.
“In politics, there must be
divisions and that is possible
everywhere, but we have
agreed that we need to unite
as members and make the
party popular and educate the
people about our manifesto.
NEWS BEAT PEOPLE DAILY / Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Head of State summoned county and country. “We have fulfilled President Uhuru Kenyatta inspects the 15 million cubic metres water capacity Thiba Dam in Gichugu,
the leaders and urged them these projects because of the cooperation Kirinyaga county, yesterday. PSCU
to work together to achieve and peace among leaders, which has en-
faster development sured that we not only transform the lives HEATED tions. committee which informed him that it had
of the residents of Kirinyaga but also all GOVERNOR “I want to say that since we started com- decided that the area must be beautified
by Eric Wainaina and citizens of Kenya. RACE with billboards bearing the portraits of the
Brian Musyoka ing to Kirinyaga, when we had our first President and the governor, Andrew agreed
“Our rice farmers are now getting bet- It is believed meeting to launch the committee, we have to have Ngirici’s billboard pulled down but
@PeopleDailyKe ter prices for their produce. With Thiba the political been working well with the county govern- on condition that it be replaced with the
dam we will be able to increase rice farm- squabble pitting ment.We have also been working well with President’s.
President Uhuru Kenyatta was yester- ing acreage to meet the local demand. We Kirinyaga Gover- the governor in every meeting we have
day forced to intervene in the supremacy need to grow and eat what comes from our nor Anne Waiguru had, and she has attended the meetings or “The committee planning the celebra-
battles between Kirinyaga Governor Anne county,” the President told the leaders. and Woman Rep sent a representative and, therefore, no de- tions accorded us the respect we deserved.
Waiguru and Woman Rep Wangui Ngirici, Wangui Ngirici cision has been made without her input,” They told us that they would not want the
which threatened to mar tomorrow’s Waiguru and Ngirici are locked in a revolves around Kibicho said. county leadership wars to play out on Oc-
Mashujaa Day celebrations. battle of supremacy ahead of next year’s the 2022 guber- tober 20 because that is the President’s day.
General Election with the latter having natorial race. The PS continued:“The truth of the mat- There will be no other Mashujaa Day the
Apparently concerned that the squab- declared her intention to gun for the gov- ter is that we gave the county government President will preside over. This will be the
bles could overshadow the celebrations ernor’s seat. Ngirici has de- 300 cards. That is the truth and we should last one (before he retires). The committee
whose chief guest will be new Malawi Pres- clared her inten- stop lying because we are State officials has told me and Wangui (Ngirici) that this
ident Lazarus Chakwera, President Uhuru Also sucked in the supremacy battles tion to gun for the guided by integrity. Let us not bring politics billboard will be replaced with President
summoned the top Kirinyaga leadership to between the two “iron ladies” is Interior governor’s seat. in the celebrations.” Uhuru’s photo, not the county’s,” Andrew
Sagana State Lodge in neighbouring Nyeri Principal Secretary Karanja Kibicho who said.
county and read them the riot act. is believed to side with Ngirici. Also sucked in Political competition
the supremacy But things escalated on October 10, after Unhappy, Waiguru accused Ngirici of
A statement from State House read: Unnecessary tension battles is Interior using her husband to fight her, saying
“President Uhuru Kenyatta has urged Kir- Recently, the Interior ministry warned Principal Sec- workers of an advertising agency arrived in she also had an “educated, moneyed and
inyaga leaders led by Governor Anne Wai- retary Karanja the town and started bringing down two handsome husband”, lawyer Kamotho
guru to unite and work together as a team that it had received intelligence reports Kibicho who is bill boards bearing Ngirici’s portrait and Waiganjo.
so as to achieve faster development and that some leaders from Nyeri, Murang’a believed to side replacing them withWaiguru’s.
prosperity for their county,” and Embu counties allegedly allied to Dep- with Ngirici. “Let us stop insults. We should ask our-
uty PresidentWilliam Ruto were mobilising It took the intervention of Ngirici’s hus- selves, there is no one who does not have
“At the same time, the President cau- goons to cause chaos and embarrass the band to save the workers who were pulling a husband because I also have mine. But
tioned the leaders against politics of de- President during Mashujaa celebrations. down the billboards from the wrath of an have you even seen him here loitering? Did
ceit and empty rhetoric, saying good lead- angry mob that wanted to attack them, and you elect Minji (Waiguru’s moniker) or my
ership emphasises peace, cohesion and Waiguru has accused Kibicho of sideling ordered them to reinstall the billboards. husband? If someone wants to contest
unity of the people as enablers of develop- her in planning for the celebrations and in- for the seat, they are free to do so. We also
ment,” statement added. stead working closely with Ngirici and her Mr Ngirici accused Waiguru of provok- have husbands who are well educated and
husband, tycoon Andrew Ngirici. ing him into a chaotic political competi- handsome and they have money but they
The President was making reference to tion ahead of the celebrations, saying he
the war of words that has characterised Governor Waiguru who recently indi- will not fall to her temptations. never say it,”Waiguru said.
preparations for the national celebrations cated that she would join the DP’s political
that will be held at the recently constructed vehicle of choice, the UDA, was quoted in Later, after a meeting with the planning
Wanguru stadium in the county. a local daily stating that; “I have been side-
lined from Mashujaa Day celebrations
Better prices preparations, I absolutely have no say,” in
Uhuru said the various multi-billion an apparent attack on Kibicho who is coor-
dinating preparations for the fete.
development projects being implemented
by the national government in Kirinyaga, Kibicho, however, hit back, sating that
among them the Sh8.5bn Thiba dam, the organising committee had allocated
would help transform the economy of the 300 slots to the governor and her support-
ers. He further accusedWaiguru of lying to
discredit the work of the planning com-
mittee and asked leaders to stop causing
unnecessary tension ahead of the celebra-
Residents queue to register in order to receive Covid-19 by Correspondent protocols set by the Ministry of Health, days, on account of the high Covid-19
vaccine, during a mass vaccination drive. PD/FILE to ensure they are safe from the scourge positivity rate, adding that the re-
@PeopleDailyKe that has devastated the world, killed opening of the country was dependent
millions, and sent economies into on vaccination numbers. Kenya hopes
President Uhuru Kenyatta yesterday remission. “You need to also protect to vaccinate some 10 million adults by
hinted at a possibility of lifting the na- yourself from the disease, so that when December and a cumulative total of 27
tionwide curfew soon. we re-open there are no more deaths, million.
and you will be free to live as you want,”
While addressing Karatina residents, he added. Yesterday the country recorded 33
on his way to Kirinyaga, he said: “In the new infections after testing a sample
days to come, we will look at it. I am And on a light note, the President of 3,530, translating to a 0.9 per cent
working, and very soon, you will hear it. said: “I am also delighted to say that I positivity rate. Ministry records showed
I don’t want to speak too early.” am contented, you know why? Because, 93 Covid patients were reported to have
these days, you go home early and you recovered while one died of the disease.
Uhuru was responding to calls from are now multiplying, or who do you
residents who urged him to lift the cur- think will vote tomorrow if you do not Uhuru’s hint came a day after Amani
few that has persisted for almost two multiply?” National Congress party leader Musalia
years since the first Covid-19 case was Mudavadi urged him to lift the night
reported locally in March last year. On October 4, Health CS Mutahi curfew, saying it is worsening the eco-
Kagwe extended curfew for a further 30 nomic situation in the country.
At the same time, the President urged
residents to continue following the
Tuesday, October 19, 2021 / PEOPLE DAILY NEWS BEAT
Kenya @58
He was the highest Mzee Kenyatta, then the Prime Minister, HE CAME Mau Mau Brigadier Joseph Mwenda, bodyguard and personal aide of Field Marshal
ranking fighter, who never chose to welcome him personally. OUT OF Musa Mwariama, at his home in Kiambogo, Timau. He holds up the famous photo they
surrendered and was not HIDING took with Mzee Kenyatta in December 1963. Mwariama has his arm wrapped around
captured or killed by the Mwariama rose from the rank of General Kenyatta’s shoulder. PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY AND MUSEUM
colonial government to that of Field Marshal after the capture Field Mar-
and killing of Kimathi. shal Musa intelligence to lay down strategies for suc- like General Baimungi agreed to come out
During the twilight years of the British Mwariama cessful attacks against the colonial settlers of their bases ahead of Kenya’s first Jamhuri
empire, the biggest challenge for colonial He joined the armed struggle a year be- agreed to go and administrative outposts in the region. Day, Mzee Kenyatta made several attempts
hegemony was the Kenyan independence fore the colonial government declared the back to his for his message to be heeded.
war waged by the Mau Mau. 1952 Emergency that unleashed untold suf- base and come “When the British started carrying out
fering and terror in the country. out with the air strikes on areas that they thought were Official government communication
Determined to keep their grip on Kenya, close to 2,000 bases of the Mau Mau, we used decoys to was released through public broadcasts
which they saw as the crown jewel of their During the colonial reprisals against the fighters who keep them busy. They used to carry out the and through government representatives
empire in Africa, the British launched a independence struggle, the British were were in hiding. strikes at night, so we would light fires in throughout the country for any Mau Mau
merciless reprisal to subdue anyone whom able to reduce the momentum of armed the forests away from our bases and they fighter still in their bases to come out since
they suspected of having the audacity to resistance in the western parts of Mt Kenya They were would keep on dropping bombs on those the colonial government had agreed to end
challenge the white settler power in Kenya. through the use of brute force and destruc- received by targets for the whole night,” says Brigadier its presence in the country.
tion. Mzee Jomo Mwenda. “What they never knew was that
Ruthless campaign to turn down the tide Kenyatta at we never slept at night.While they targeted When it was evident that Mwariama
of independence struggle lasted for almost However, on the Meru side of Mt Kenya, Ruringu Sta- forests and slopes of the mountain, we were and the other top leaders of the movement
a decade and saw communities uprooted, there were Mau Mau fighters whom the dium in Nyeri on the move conducting operations against were not responding to the messages, Mzee
wanton killings of ordinary people and ex- British could not capture or kill despite on December the settlers and colonial government posi- Kenyatta sent personal emissaries to meet
ecution of many of those who took up arms many encounters between them and forces 12, 1963 the tions.” them.
to fight for freedom. of the colonial government. same day
Kenya became The 91-year-old recalls that those who Jesse Kariuki, the mysterious indepen-
Mau Mau leaders were hunted down by Mwariama was the highest ranking of the independent. were under the command of Mwariama dence struggle operative who was regarded
colonial government forces, with many Mau Mau commanders in the Meru front. were taught to survive without eating by many as invisible, led the delegation that
captured to be executed or jailed and tor- Others included General Baimungi and After in- cooked food. was sent to deliver Mzee Kenyatta’s mes-
tured. General Ruku among others. dependence, sage to Mwariama.
Mwariama Mau Mau veteran, who has been feted as
Highest ranking Mau Mau leader by Towering height was decorated a national hero and awarded the Mashujaa Main reason
1956, Field Marshal Dedan Kimathi, was From the day in 1951 when he vowed with the Order Medal, says they avoided cooked food to Brigadier Mwenda recalls that Kariu-
captured and hanged after a short trial. of Elder of the enhance their natural senses.
to fight for freedom until December 1963 Burning Spear ki and his company had to pass through all
But even as the British rained down un- when he emerged from his last command medal. “We were taught that a diet without the security layers before getting the oppor-
relenting terror to subdue Kenyans, there base a few kilometers from Timau on the cooked food increases the sense of smell tunity to meet the Field Marshal.
were Mau Mau fighters who outsmarted slopes of Mt Kenya, Mwariama never and also reduces body odour, making it
them and kept the armed independence stopped fighting. harder for trackers to pick up our scent.We Meeting happened at Ntirimiti cave,
struggle alive until the end of the reign of ate fruits, tubers like sweet potatoes and which is a short distance fromTimau along
the settlers in Kenya. In one encounter with the British forces unripe maize,” says the Brigadier. the Nanyuki—Isiolo highway.
in Kina in Meru, he is said to have lost close
One of the most memorable occasions to 500 fighters. In the battle, he sustained Best trained After the meeting, Field Marshal and
in the days preceding independence on seven gun shot wounds but escaped and Mwariama never let down his guard and eight of his men traveled to Nairobi to meet
December 12, 1963 was when armed Mau survived to continue his fight against the Mzee Kenyatta.
Mau fighters came out of their bases to be British. that was one of the main reasons why the
received by Government officials. British never succeeded in trapping him. Mzee Kenyatta hosted them at his Ga-
With his towering height and constantly tundu home where he presented the Field
Most famous searching glances, the Field Marshal had a According to Brigadier Mwenda, there Marshal with the Kenyan flag and reassured
Most famous of the images of these oc- hypnotising and intimidating appearance. were four layers of security to guarantee him that the nation was now free.
the safety of Mwariama and his command
casions was that of Mzee Jomo Kenyatta Besides being charismatic, those who base at any given time. Mwariama’s death in 1989 was paradoxi-
being embraced by a tall Mau Mau fighter fought alongside the hero remember him cal. For a man who survived bullets and
with long dreadlocks. as an intelligent man who never trust- First layer was the Special Scouts, who al- deadly traps of the colonial government
ed blindly. Mwariama’s real name was ways monitored the surrounding areas and for more than a decade, he died from the
He was Field Marshal Musa Mwariama. M’Kirigua M’Muchiri. He was born in 1924 also kept their ears on the ground. effects of snake poison he sucked from the
He was the highest ranking fighter, who in Muthara location, Tigania division in leg of a friend who was bitten by a snake.
never surrendered and was never captured Meru county, Second was the guards who surrounded
or killed by the colonial government. the vicinity of the location of the Field Mar- Joel Mwariama, his son, says his father
Brigadier Joseph Mwenda, who was his shal. They were the first contact for anyone traveled to Ukambani with a friend and
His reputation as a revered armed inde- personal aide and bodyguard, says that approaching the leader’s location and they during the trip his friend was bitten by a
pendence struggle hero was evident when while the British were able to clamp down would mount the first engagement if those venomous snake.
on the majority of the leaders of Mau Mau, approaching were foes.
Mwariama was able to wage war against His father decided to suck the poison out
them until the end of their reign in Kenya. Third ring of security was the biggest of his friend’s leg but little did he know that
and was composed of the main force at the he had tooth cavities.
He said Mwariama relied on his superior base. Fourth ring was smaller than the third
and was composed of the senior ranks of Mwariama later succumbed to the snake
1951 the fighters who were also the best trained bite and was buried at his home in Kiambo-
and experienced. go, a short distance from the Ntrimiti Cave,
The year Field the last base he operated from during the
Marshal Musa Friendly visitors also had to contend with armed struggle.
Mwariama vowed the several levels of security. Before the
to fight for the Field Marshal and other Mau Mau leaders Presidential Library and Museum -
country’s freedom. Kenya
Field Marshal Musa Mariama in dreadlock with his fighters during the Mau Mau days.
NEWS BEAT PEOPLE DAILY / Tuesday, October 19, 2021
by Alphonce Mung’ahu plication byWaluke and his three months in prison. This Nairobi Hospital Unit
co-convict GraceWakhungu was after they were found manager Catherine Makau
@PeopleDailyKe to proceed to full hearing. guilty in the National Cereals (centre) and nurse Irene
and Produce Board corrup- Ngetich join the children of
The High Court yesterday Waluke is out on a cash tion (NCPB) case. Shadel Montessori Centre
directed that an appeal by bail of Sh10 million while in washing hands to mark
Sirisia MP JohnWaluke chal- Wakhungu is out on cash Through his lawyers, Global Handwashing Day at
lenging his jail sentence of 67 bail of Sh20 million pending Waluke has filed a 30-point the weekend. School man-
years be heard on February determination and hearing of document detailing what the aging Director Stellamaries
15 next year. the appeal. lawyers term as inconsisten- Mutua (in black) witnesses.
cies and lack of indepen-
When the case came up be- The two were released dence in arriving at the guilty PD/ALEX MBURU
fore Justice Esther Maina for on cash bail by Justice John verdict.
direction, she ordered the ap- Onyiego after spending about
Last year, the whose charges have been Former Treasury by Nancy Gitonga 7,000
DPP removed dropped are Jotham Rutto, CS Henry Rotich at
ex-principal Charity Muui, David Walunya, a Milimani court @PeopleDailyKe Amount of money in US dollars
secretaries Thugge Nelson Korir and Samuel Ki- yesterday. The DPP that Justice Said Juma Chitem-
and Koech from list mutai Koskei. filed an application The prosecution of High bwe said was not proceeds of
of defendants in to amend corruption court judges Said Juma corruption but fees for his son
corruption case “That persons against whose charges against him Chitembwe and Aggrey who studies in Australia
names do not appear in the in the Sh63 billion Muchelule over bribery alle-
by Nancy Gitonga consolidated charge sheet be Kimwarer and Arror gations will take longer after from arresting the two judg-
set free henceforth and their dams case. PD/ a court extended to next year es and their subordinates.
@PeopleDailyKe respective cases be deemed as orders barring the Director-
duly terminated under section CHARLES MATHAI ate of Criminal Investiga- The petition also sought
Director of Public Prosecu- 87 (a) of the Criminal Proce- tions from arresting them. to have the two judges
tions (DPP) Noordin Haji yes- dure Code,” said Taib. stopped from taking a plea
terday dropped charges against When the mater came up until the case is heard and
more suspects in the Sh63 bil- In an affidavit by Muteti, the for directions yesterday, Jus- determined.
lion corruption case facing for- DPP says the consolidation of tice James Makau extended
merTreasury Cabinet Secretary the charge sheet will also result the orders to February 21, Grilled by DCI
Henry Rotich and others over in the reduction of the number 2022 after it emerged that The two high court judges
the Kimwarer and Arror dams of counts from 40 to 30 in the the Director of Public Prose-
case. consolidated case. cutions (DPP) was yet to file were arrested on July 22 over
his response in the matter. claims of taking a bribe from
In a fresh application lodged Three files a respondent in part of the
in court under a certificate of The prosecution further The judge directed the cases they were hearing.
urgency, the DPP amended DPP to file his responses
the charge sheet dropping the says that consolidation of the within five days in the case Muchelule and
names of some suspects. two files will also reduce the filed by the Kenya Judges Chitembwe were arrested
number of witnesses from 104 and Magistrates Association alongside their drivers and
Last year, the DPP dropped in both cases to 52. (KJMA). secretaries.
charges against former Prin-
cipal Secretaries Kamau Thug- “The reason as to why we The court also enjoined The two were grilled at
ge and Susan Koech who were (the prosecution) want the the Law Society of Kenya as the DCI headquarters for
made State witnesses in the two cases consolidated is that the third interested party in two hours before they were
case after entering into a plea we will be relying on the same the case and granted it 15 set free.
bargain. witnesses, exhibits thus need to days to file its pleadings.
have them heard together. No Justice Chitembwe, in his
Haji asked the court to allow prejudice will be occasioned This was after KJMA, response, argued that the
him to consolidate Rotich’s to the accused persons,” Mu- through lawyer Danstan 7,000 US dollars he was in
case with that of former Kerio teti says. Omari, filed a petition argu- possession of at the time of
Valley Development Authority ing that the arrest of the two his arrest was not proceeds
boss David Kimosop who had “The amendment and sub- judges was illegal. of corruption but money
been charged in a separate file. stitution is done in exercise of meant to pay fees for his son
the powers of the DPP under According to papers filed who is studying in Australia.
Haji, through special pros- section (5) of the ODPP act in court, the association
ecutor Taib Ali Taib and deputy number 2 of 2013.” sought to have police barred
Director of Director of Public
Prosecutions (DPP) Alexander Muteti says that it is in the and the file on the Italian firm the Judicial proceedings pend-
Muteti, yesterday informed interest of justice that the two implicated in dams case. ing in the High Court.
Milimani Chief magistrate matters are heard together to German’s defilement case
Lawrence Mugambi that the avoid unnecessary delay in the However, defence lawyers “The petition in the High to be heard from next month
charge sheet had been amend- conclusion in the matter. led by senior counsel Kioko Ki- Court will clearly be affected
ed after a review of the two cor- lukumi for Rotich informed the by any consolidation order A Nairobi court yesterday guilty to seven counts of
ruption files. Currently there are three court that they will be opposing that you (magistate) may is- ordered that a case in child trafficking, defile-
court files of Rotich, Kimosop the application for consolida- sue,” said Kilukumi. which a German is ac- ment and pornography.
In the application, the con- cused of child trafficking, Scheller (pictured), who
solidation will reduce the DAMS SCANDAL tion of the two cases. Lawyer Katwa Kigen, for defilement and child has been in remand since
number of the accused persons The defence lawyers said Kimosop, accused the DPP of pornography, proceeds May 2020, is also facing
from 18 to nine persons. Former Treasury CS abusing his powers in the man- on November 18.When another count of unlaw-
Henry Rotich and others are that they were ready to proceed ner he is handling the case. the case came up for di- fully being in Kenya.
The court heard that the accused of conspiracy to with the hearing and it was rections before Milimani
suspects, whose charges have defraud the government of shocking that the DPP was in- Rotich and others are ac- Senior Resident Magis- -Alphonce Mung’ahu
been dropped will now be- Kenya USD 501,829,769. troducing a new charged sheet cused of conspiracy to defraud trate Caroline Njagi the
come State witnesses after they on the day of the hearing of the the government of Kenya USD accused, Thomas Scheller,
entered into a plea bargaining. They face 29 new charges case against the pretrial orders. 501,829,769 by unlawfully initi- confirmed that he is
of engaging in a project ating an entering into contract, ready for full hearing of
They are said to have since without prior planning, will- Kilukumi sought to be grant- financing and insurance agree- the case.The 71-year-old,
recorded statements with the ful failure to comply with ed more time to file a detailed ment for the development of Mombasa-based busi-
DCI in line with the plea agree- procurement laws, Abuse response as to why the two Arror and Kimwarer Multi- nessman has pleaded not
ment. Among the accused of office and committing an matters should not be consoli- purpose dams.
offence of financial miscon- dated.
duct. They face 29 new charges of
The lawyer said that current- engaging in a project without
ly, his client Rotich has chal- prior planning, willful failure
lenged his prosecution using to comply with procurement
the old charged sheet filed in laws, Abuse of office and com-
case number 20 of 2020 and if mitting an offence of financial
the new charge sheet is allowed misconduct.
it will be a collateral attack of
Tuesday, October 19, 2021 / PEOPLE DAILY NEWS BEAT 9
Ibrahim Rotich is the prime suspect in POLICE REPORT athlete’s parents regretting
the killing of the star athlete at her rural what he had done makes us
home in Iten, Elgeyo Marakwet county Ibrahim Rotich was ar- believe that he had a hand in
rested in a police station in the death,” added Makori.
by Wycliff Kipsang Wednesday. There were stab Ibrahim Rotich, the husband of athlete Agnes Tirop, when he Changamwe where he had
wounds in her body. appeared before Iten Law Courts yesterday. PD/JAMES GITAKA gone to visit a relative. Tirop became the world re-
@wsang08 cord holder last month after
According to police, Rotich Keiyo North police boss Tom missing and that her phone Rotich is suspected to have winning the 10km road race.
The husband of slain athlete is a key suspect in the death of Makori said the athlete’s par- had been switched off. stabbed Tirop several times She clocked 30:01 during the
Agnes Tirop appeared in court the Olympian whose death has ents had reported that she was “It is only when her parents before going into hiding. Adizero Road to Records event
yesterday but the prosecution shocked the country. in Herzogenaurach, Germany.
asked for 20 days to complete Police say Rotich had called
investigations. People Daily has established Tirop’s parents to say he was At the age of 19, Tirop be-
that Rotich was arrested in a sorry ‘for what he had done’. came the youngest winner of
Ibrahim Kipkemoi Rotich, police station in Changamwe the World Cross Country since
who appeared before Iten Law Police Division where he had reported that her husband had Zola Budd in 1985 and the sec-
Courts Senior Principal Mag- gone to visit a relative. called them crying and regret- ond youngest in World Cross
istrate Charles Kutwa, did not ting that he had done some- Country Athletics history.
take plea. Neighbours of the athlete at thing bad that we broke into
Rural Estate on the outskirts of the house where we found her She was part of Team Kenya
“I hereby order that the sus- Iten town have disclosed that body lying in a pool of blood,” in this year’s Tokyo Olympics
pect be detained at Eldoret the couple quarreled on many said Makori. where she came fourth in the
Railways Police Station and a occasions. 5000m race.
mental assessment be done at “The fact that he called the
the Moi Teaching and Referral CCTV footage Burial arrangements are un-
Hospital (MTRH), Eldoret be- “She had complained of an derway at her home in Nandi
fore facing trial,” said Kutwa. County.
abusive relationship. In fact she
There was tight security at had gone to take her belong- ǘȌɩǶȌɩخƧȌخDzƵ å
the court’s premises as Rotich, ings from her husband’s house
who appeared composed, was when the unfortunate incident §ª§ƊɈƊ ƵǞ ɯƊDzȌن
brought in. happened,” a neighbour and a
confidante of the athlete to told נלכםwȌƮƵǶ jɩƊ
The case will be mentioned People Daily.
on November 9 when the court
will issue more orders. Detectives have retrieved
CCTV footage from Tirop’s
Rotich, who is the prime home.
suspect in the murder of the
25-year-old two-time World Police have not, however,
Championships medalist, was shared the contents of the
arrested last Thursday by po- footage but they believe it will
lice in Changamwe, Mombasa be crucial in the prosecution of
County. the suspect.
Tirop was found dead in her Rotich is suspected to have
bedroom in their home in Iten, stabbed Tirop several times
Elgeyo Marakwet County on before going into hiding.
)$2 GRQDWHV 6K P (ǞƊǶ وלؿןנןؿ
§ȲȌƦȌɮ ɈǘǞȺ ²ƊɈɐȲƮƊɯ כמكףƊǿن
Food and Agriculture sioned fruits.
Organisation (FAO) will The national govern- 'HDO 3RD
donate $6 million (Sh618
million) to the Trans Nzoia ment, through relevant ׄ (À Jæ ث²
County government for the State departments, and
restoration of Mt. Elgon local communities will be ׁׁׁ ׅ׀׀ ׁׁׁ׀
Forest. key stakeholders in the
project that will also see
Raised funds will go to- improved water catch-
wards programmes meant ment at the source of the
to restore the forest’s de- Kiptogot River, whose
graded ecosystem, with the water has been tapped and
aim of enhancing climatic connected to supply to
conditions for sustainable residents of Endebes and
food productivity. Kwanza constituencies.
It will include tree plant- Food security
ing, capacity building and Director of Programmes,
adoption of relevant poli-
cies. Projects and Strategic
Initiatives in the Ministry
Speaking to KNA yes- of Environment Agnes
terday, County Executive Yobterik, said the project
Committee (CEC) mem- is aimed at increasing tree
ber for Environment and cover and water catchment
Natural Resources Andrew protection.
Musungu said the policy
framework for the pro- County Agriculture Chief
posed activities had been Officer Robert Musikoyo
shared with the donor and observed that the pro-
other stakeholders. gramme will go a long way
in ensuring favourable
John Mengw’a, the de- weather conditions for
partment’s Chief Officer, food production that will
said structures had been in turn contribute to food
put in place to ensure the security.
programme yields envi-
PEOPLE SPEAK PEOPLE DAILY / Tuesday, October 19, 2021
K K Wiper leader We reject CRA
A PUBLICATION OF MEDIAMAX NETWORK Kalonzo Musyoka is recommendation of
LIMITED We are really a good leader, and so a non-increment of
held up by Covid is his OKA partners the County Equitable
KEN NGARUIYA: but we kindly urge Gideon Moi, Musalia Share which is Sh370
Group Chief Executive Officer President Uhuru Mudavadi and Moses billion. To safeguard
Kenyatta to consider Wetangula. My prayer devolution and
ERIC OBINO: lifting the nationwide is that they work with ensure its optimal
Group Editor-in-Chief, Print curfew for the better Raila Odinga because implementation by
of our country’s the government is County governments,
People Daily is published by MEDIAMAX NETWORK economy. The curfew being formed now and we propose additional
LIMITED at DSM Place, Kijabe Street, P.O. Box 24943, is aggravating the we risk losing out. funding of Sh381.45b.
economic hardships , * 5 6 * ( 0 7 & 3 / 0 3 $ 0 6 / $ * - 0 ' ( 0 7 & 3 / 0 3 4
00100 - Nairobi, faced by Kenyans. $)"3*5: /(*-6 $)"*3 ."35*/ 8".#03"
" / $ 1 " 3 5 : - & " % & 3
Tel: 0730144100; 0709824000; 0204944100 .64"-*" .6%"7"%*
E-mail: Malaria jab: Century’s biggest medical breakthrough
Copyright 2021 The world is celebrating the endorsement % 3 1"5 3 * $ , " . 05 ) demand for the vaccine from the community.
of the malaria vaccine, which will go down as The Ministry of Health is up to the task to
Safaricom downtime one of the greatest breakthroughs in medical +BC QSPNJTFT make malaria immunisation part of the child-
concern to customers industry.The jab is a product of 30 years of hood vaccinations programmes.
collaborative research and recently gained ap- UP CF POF PG UIF CFTU
Safaricom’s announcement that every M-Pesa proval from stringent regulatory authorities. UPPMT UP SFEVDF NBMBSJB So far, the vaccine has shown that it can
service will be disrupted tonight due to a sched- JOGFDUJPOT BOE DBTVBMUJFT reduce severe malaria cases. It significantly
uled internal maintenance of the telco’s systems This is great news especially for sub-Sahara reduces severe and life-threatening malaria.
should be a call to action for the organisation. Africa, which bears the heaviest brunt of the parasite in the foreseeable future. This in turn can reduce hospital admissions
malaria, in terms of deaths and the high Malaria is a parasite that is spread by mos- and the need for blood transfusions that bur-
In a notice issued yesterday, the telco said the healthcare costs—prevention and curing the den our health care systems.The MalariaVac-
disruption will affect all transactions from mid- disease.The jab will help mitigate against all quitoes with 67 per cent of the victims being cine Pilot Evaluation has assessed the vaccine
night toWednesday, October 20 at 4am. the challenges and even relieve healthcare infants and babies. Malaria is the deadliest of safety, its impact and feasibility for the last two
systems that are sometimes overburdened. diseases carried by the tiny insects. Every year, years and it is highly acceptable.We adminis-
While Safaricom says the timing has been more than 200 million people contract the tered the jab even during the Covid pandemic.
planned to minimise disruption to customers, the Of course, the benefits go beyond financial disease globally.
downtime which comes hardly a month after an- savings for healthcare.We are looking at a In the three counties where the pilot pro-
other in September, may pique some curiosity. future where children will not have to face Africa bears the heaviest burden, with gramme has been rolled out, data shows two-
the risk of severe malaria and loss of lives to 260,000 children dead in 2019 alone according thirds of the children in the who don’t sleep
Safaricom had announced it was conducting a the disease.This calls for celebration and toWHO. In Kenya, we register at least 3.5 mil- under a mosquito net are benefiting from the
maintenance exercise on its mobile money plat- acknowledging the role of Ministry of Health, lion cases and 10,700 deaths every year, with RTS,S vaccine. It has helped reduce severe
form between midnight September 21 to the early WHO, PATH, UNICEF and other partners and Western Kenya the most affected region. malaria by up to 30 per cent.This shows it can
hours of September 22 when millions of Kenyans the manufacturer of the vaccine. It has been a significantly add to the number of tools we
were left without the crucial services for hours. journey of more than 100 years. The RTS,S vaccine comes at an opportune have deployed to the fight malaria.
time to push the fight against malaria to the
We may say bigger corporations, including the In the past year, our healthcare system has next stage. In the piloting of the vaccine in Af- From a policy perspective, the vaccine
globally acclaimed Facebook, have had a down- been stretched to the limit.The Covid pan- rica, Kenya, Ghana and Malawi were selected establishes a strong case for increased invest-
time. However, it must not be lost that Safaricom demic added an extra burden to healthcare and 800,000 children received at least a dose ment in medical research. Governments in
is a key pillar of the economy, and its services are professionals, and this makes the vaccine an of it and a total of 2.3 million doses have been areas that are most affected by malaria can
not only corporate but also a national concern. even more welcome watershed because it administered. seize the moment and employ more resources
frees critical resources for other essential ser- in vaccine research to help create a more resil-
During the Facebook outage the fear was pri- vices in the health sector. The jab promises to be one of the best tools ient health system.
vate user data may be compromised given the to reduce malaria infections and casualties. In
three platforms are used by almost half of the My expectation is that the jab will motivate 2019,WHO had indicated an urgent need for As we celebrate the vaccine breakthrough,
world population. Facebook Inc lost billions of more researchers to continue their efforts for a change of tools and tact for the next stage of we also need to educate communities on the
dollars as a result. For M-Pesa, it might be difficult more vaccines for other diseases.We have fighting malaria, and the jab is a timely inter- need to embrace it and understand their role
to estimate the revenue loss to the firm and indi- learned from the Covid vaccines that more is vention. in our healthcare systems.
viduals, but it can run into millions of shillings. better, and the successful testing and intro-
duction of the malaria vaccine gives us hope In Kenya, more than 200,000 children have — The writer is acting Director General
It is worth noting the company has been deep- that we will completely win the war against received at least a dose. It helps that there is a for Health, Ministry of Health
ening its firewalls, which saw 28 employees fired
in March for fraud-related offences, which is a
surge from 16 dismissals the previous year. Ma-
jority of the latest cases (22) were linked to data
privacy with eight involving breach of policy and
four SIM swap cases while two cases involved as-
set misappropriation.
Indeed, Safaricom has reiterated it has estab-
lished fraud management squads specialising in
analytics to drive safety through accelerated use
of machine learning and automation, continuous
fraud awareness and process reviews.
Having said that, it would put Kenyans and in-
vestors at ease by reducing downtime frequency.
Alternatively, better ways can be used to solve
inevitable system upgrades and related issues
without grounding an application as important as
M-Pesa for hours.
Maybe, this is where experts of blockchain tech-
nology could come in handy to leverage networks
where downtime in one service does not affect
uptime of other services. The telco is such an im-
portant national security and economic concern
to take chances with.
5)06()5 0' 5)& %":
(&03(& 8"4)*/(50/
Tuesday, October 19, 2021 / PEOPLE DAILY PEOPLE SPEAK
We need robust media policy to defend public interest ODDLY ENOUGH
A country without a robust and +0& .6$)&36 tion media and services operation :RPDQ JHWV
free media will, over time, have its available in Kenya and how they may GD\V LQ MDLO IRU
democratic credentials undermined 5IF OFX QPMJDZ XJMM DPWFS QSJOU
be regulated. Specifically, it will cover VHOILH ZLWK EHDU
and degraded, simply because the print, electronic, film and digital
gatekeepers are not given the neces- àMN BOE EJHJUBM NFEJB BT XFMM BT NFEJB TFSWJDFT media as well as media services such An American woman who got
sary space to play their critical role. as Public Relations, Advertising and too close and personal with a griz-
That is why the media is regarded an gence of media conglomerates. literacy. Wire services. zly bear and her cubs for a photo
key pillar of a governance system. We must continue building on Currently, media issues are con- has been jailed for four days.
Having a media policy that ad-
As a government, therefore, we this foundation. As government, we sidered under various pieces of legis- dresses emerging sector trends Samantha Dehring, 25, got
take media freedom very seriously as remain committed to upholding lation including: the Media Council will promote a pluralistic, diverse, within a few feet of the enormous
seen in the various interventions we media freedom which is central to Act, Kenya Information and Com- professional, independent, publicly animal inYellowstone National
have extended to the sector and our a functioning governance system. munication Act, Copyright Act, 2001, spirited and self-sustaining media Park, the mythical home of car-
commitment to strengthen media An open and free media facilitates the KBC Act, 1988, Film and Stage whose role is to inform, educate and toon characterYogi bear.
freedom, enhance independence, imparting of information, ideas and Plays Act,1962 and Kenya Commu- entertain across social segments.
build media capacity and establish a knowledge. It also checks the other nications Act, 1998.We acknowledge But unlike other victims of an In-
regulatory framework that cultivates arms of government. the need to review most of the laws In addition, it will set a framework stagramable moment on the top of
professional accountability. in line with the fast-changing media that ensures freedom of expression cliffs, Dehring lived to tell the tale.
It is an oft stated fact that the landscape. and enables journalists, media prac-
In addition to the passing of the citizenry’s world view is arguably titioners, media owners and users “Approaching a sow grizzly with
Media Council Act 2013, Kenya In- influenced more by the media than In the past 11 years there have of media services — advertisers, PR cubs is absolutely foolish,” said
formation and Communication Act by personal experiences. We rely to a been massive changes in the media practitioners among others — to Wyoming prosecutor Bob Murray.
2013 and the Access to Information large extent on the media to inform landscape. Today, the media land- operate independently and respon-
Act 2016, the government is putting and educate on myriad issues of scape is almost synonymous with sibly. It will also identify the core It was“pure luck... Dehring is
in place a robust policy to guide the politics, culture and other socio- technological innovation. Digitalisa- regulators and spell out the contours a criminal defendant and not a
sector and ensure the laws devel- economic indicators. That is how tion is the driving force behind me- they will follow as they exercise mauled tourist.”
oped for the sector speak to it. The important the media is. dia expansion. their regulatory functions. Broadly,
last comprehensive media policy the policy will seek to promote and — AFP
was developed in November 2009 This is what drives the need for a It is against this background that defend the overall public interest for
vide Gazette No. 12071. comprehensive and updated policy I established a taskforce on media the public and common good of all. *RDONHHSHU VHQW
that is in keeping with the times. The reforms so that they develop a com- RII IRU KLWWLQJ
The enactment of the Constitu- policy is underpinned by eight key prehensive and futuristic media The constitution of a taskforce on KLV RZQ SOD\HU
tion in 2010 bequeathed the country principles—media as a public trust; policy that will help actualise and the Kenya Media Policy Guidelines
a new foundation where freedom of freedom of the media; indepen- contribute to the political, economic by my ministry is a timely move to A goalkeeper in the Northern
the media and expression are guar- dence of the media; media diversity and social pillars ofVision 2030 and address these issues and put our Ireland league was sent off Sat-
anteed. This was happening after a and pluralism; professional media; values and principles as enshrined in media operations at par with global urday for hitting one of his own
decade of rapid media liberalisation universal access, especially of the the Constitution. standards. players.
and convergence. This was soon fol- disadvantaged; public account-
lowed by the digital switch-over in ability; and media and information It is expected the new policy will — The writer is Cabinet Secretary Aaron McCarey, playing for
the broadcasting sector that birthed cover the various mass communica- for ICT, Innovation and Youth Glentoran, was red-carded in the
many new players and saw the emer- Affairs last 10 minutes of the 2-2 draw
with Coleraine.
COP26 summit must avert the looming catastrophe
He was furious after Coleraine
Kenya will, in under two weeks’ " -#& 350 - & / : and grasslands ploughed“into obliv- had scored an 80th-minute equal-
time, join the resr of the world at a ion”. The fossil fuel-driven climate iser, running to remonstrate with
crucial annual meeting to address ,FOZB JT BNPOH DPVOUSJFT NPTU WVMOFSBCMF emergency has severely hit every teammate Bobby Burns who had
one of the defining challenges of our corner of the planet. given the ball away in the lead-up
age – climate change. UP HMPCBM XBSNJOH ZFU UIFZ BSF MPX FNJUUFST to the goal.
Unless the global carbon emis-
The world must shift gear and race mate change, including heatwaves, way to low greenhouse gas emissions sions are slashed by half by 2030, the McCarey appeared to strike
faster at this meeting to secure the drought, floods, storms and forest and climate-resilient development. climate impacts being experienced Burns in the face before grabbing
futures of local and global econo- fires. Each country is required to outline now will be magnified on a disas- him by the shirt while he was
mies and societies. Political will is a and communicate their post-2020 trous scale. Failure to deliver ambi- grounded.
must and leaders cannot put off this The past 20 years were the warm- climate actions through their NDCs. tious outcomes at COP26 will con-
alarming issue any longer. est on record and governments agree demn the most vulnerable nations to “Aaron’s held his hands up in the
urgent collective action is needed. Failure to achieve the goals could the costliest, most dangerous future. dressing room and said it shouldn’t
The COP26 meeting in Glasgow, At COP26, 200 countries are being precede a climate catastrophe, the have happened,” said Glentoran
UK, from October 31 to November asked to submit plans to cut emis- reason COP26 is in the eye of the Kenya is among the countries boss Mick McDermott.
12, could lead to major changes in sions by 2030. Plans to cut emissions storm expected to address poverty most vulnerable to global warming,
our everyday lives. That is why it is are called nationally-determined and the triple environmental threat yet they are low emitters but face — AFP
important to simplify the jargon to contributions (NDCs), which are at of biodiversity loss, climate disrup- the challenge of access to climate
understand why it is so critical to the heart of the Paris Agreement, an tion and escalating pollution facing finance to enact ambitious and resil- TRUTHIS: Listening to Jesus is the
humanity. international treaty signed by almost humanity today. ient climate action. first step to following Him.
all world’s nations at COP21 in Paris
COP stands for Conference of in 2015. The agreement aims to keep UN secretary-general Antonio High emitters in the industrialised
the Parties. Established by the UN, the rise in the global average temper- Guterres’ issued a warning of apoca- developed world must pledge new
COP1 took place in 1995 and the ature to well below 2°C above pre-in- lyptic proportions,“a code red for climate finance with a concrete plan
Glasgow conference will be the 26. dustrial levels (1.5°C). It also seeks to humanity”, after the Intergovern- to deliver a minimum of $500 billion
Up to 25,000 people are expected at strengthen ability to adapt to climate mental Panel on Climate Change to developing nations by 2024.
the summit, including world leaders, change and build resilience. released a report with a dire assess-
negotiators and journalists. ment in August. COP26 must also acknowledge
Crucially for developing countries economies need trillions, not bil-
Top of the agenda is global warm- such as Kenya, the treaty seeks to The Earth is ravaged to a“point lions, of dollars when the new cli-
ing. The world is warming because align all finance flows with a path of no return” with forests cut down, mate finance goal established under
of fossil fuel emissions caused by lakes, rivers and oceans polluted, the Paris Agreement begins in 2025.
humans which have intensified
extreme weather events linked to cli- —
58&&54 50 5)& &%*503 Your vote is the power to decide Packaging makes the difference / / / @PeopleDailyKe / / / People Daily
Public healthcare is possible @NelsonHavi: If you are 18 and above @edwardmwasi: The cost of a plate of Let’s promote startups, competition
and have not registered as voter, please French Fries (Chips) in a Five Star Hotel
@fnoluga: Who has noticed that Ke- do so in these registration centres in in the city is equivalent to a whole sack @kipkoecheruiyot: Our people are mak-
nyatta National Hospital is no longer Westlands constituency. Your vote is the of potatoes in Nyahururu. The difference ing progress. Whenever I buy milk &
congested? Well, over 160,000 patients power to decide how and by who you will is in the clientele, packaging, and VALUE milk products, I always buy brands from
who would otherwise go to KNH have be served. It is a civic duty. Take it up and ADDITION. It boils down to the utilization non-established companies. Always pro-
been attended to in 15 newly established be effectively served. of information… mote growing businesses. They’re good
hospitals in the last 6 months. Public for employment creation,competition &
healthcare is possible! eliminating monopoly!
NEWS BEAT PEOPLE DAILY / Tuesday, October 19, 2021
The International Court of Justice on 12 October handed
down a decision mostly upholding Somalia’s claims in
a long-running maritime border dispute with Kenya. In
this Q&A, Crisis Group expert Meron Elias assesses the
potential impact on ties between the two countries
What is the outcome of the court ruling? With political talks stalled, Mogadishu International deployed thousands of troops in Somalia as Mogadishu has been sending troops to fight
After seven years of bitter wrangling pushed ahead with its case at the ICJ, drag- Court of Justice part of the African Union Mission in Somalia forces allied to Jubaland President Ahmed
ging Nairobi reluctantly into proceedings President Joan (AMISOM) to combat Al-Shabaab. These of- Madobe. Madobe partly relies on the Ke-
between Kenya and Somalia for control of in 2014. Starting in September 2019, Kenya Donoghue ficials claimed that Nairobi was meddling in nyan military to help him secure Jubaland’s
contested Indian Ocean waters, the Inter- made repeated representations to the Af- delivers the Somali politics by taking the side of Ahmed capital and main port, Kismayo. Although,
national Court of Justice (ICJ) on October rican Union Peace and Security Council, verdict on the Madobe, president of Somalia’s Jubaland as Crisis Group has reported, the drivers of
12 issued an eagerly awaited judgment pressing for Somalia to withdraw the case maritime case state, in his separate dispute with Mogadishu. the clash between Mogadishu and Madobe
demarcating the two countries’ maritime and settle the matter through talks. Judges between Kenya In March 2021, Kenya withdrew its legal team are internal – the former seeks to centralise
boundary, ruling mostly in Somalia’s fa- in The Hague rejected Kenya’s demands to and Somalia on from the court’s proceedings in The Hague. power and resources while the latter favours
vour.The main disagreement between the refer the case back to the African Union. October 12 at Kenya claimed that the ICJ, which until that greater devolution – tensions between Kenya
parties had centred on how the maritime Nairobi contends that the court decision, The Hague. February had been headed by Judge Abdul- and Somalia over the maritime dispute could
border should be drawn. Kenya argued which it says significantly alters the exist- qawi Ahmed Yusuf, a Somali national, was provoke Kenya to double down on military
that it should run in a straight latitudinal ing approach that many countries take to FILE biased. support for Madobe.
line from the point on the coast where the delimiting boundaries along lines parallel
countries’ land borders meet. Somalia to the equator, could result in a cascade of Although diplomatic relations were re- How can Nairobi and Mogadishu rebuild ties
contended that the sea border should run similar border disputes along the Indian stored between the countries in May after
south east, perpendicular to the coast at Ocean coast. Qatari mediation, Kenya began hardening going forward?
the point where its land border with Kenya its stance again as the ruling approached. Both sides have a strong interest in repair-
meets the sea. The resulting disputed tri- How has the case affected relations be- . & 3 0 / In what was viewed as an effort to ratchet up
angle amounted to 100,000 sq km of mari- &-*"4 pressure on Mogadishu, President Kenyatta ing relations. Somalia and Kenya are histori-
time space. Much of that territorial sea is tween Somalia and Kenya? on 23 September presided over a ceremony cally, culturally and economically interlinked.
believed to contain significant oil and gas The case has increasingly poisoned upgrading a military station located near the Many citizens of both countries share a com-
deposits as well as rich fisheries. 5IF NPTU disputed waters into a full naval base. In an mon ethnic heritage and the neighbours’ so-
relations between Somalia and Kenya QSPNJTJOH 8 October statement, just prior to the ruling, cial and trade links have proven deep and en-
The judges in the end trod a fine line – especially over the last two years. Ties XBZ UP Kenya denounced the ICJ and what it said during. Thousands of Kenyans, particularly
and gave each party roughly half the dis- nosedived in February 2019 when Soma- NBOBHF was a “flawed” court process. Invoking the teachers and traders, work and live in Soma-
puted territory. The bench unanimously lia held a conference in London to gauge UIF SJTL PG memory of Nairobi’s defeat of ethnic Somali lia.Tens of thousands of Somalis likewise live
rejected Kenya’s claims that the two sides interest in the exploration of offshore oil DPOGSPOUBUJPO rebels who fought to secede from Kenya and in Kenya, including many university students
shared a decades-long understanding of and gas. Kenya protested strongly, accus- XPVME CF join Somalia in the 1960s, a senior Kenyan of- who attend Kenyan colleges. The repeated
where the maritime border lies. In setting ing Somalia of auctioning off blocks in the UBMLT UP BHSFF ficial also said the country would be as reso- ructions between the sides tend to disrupt
the new boundary, the court, in a split de- disputed area. Somali authorities denied PO B NVUVBMMZ lute in defending its territorial integrity as it the lives of scores of ordinary citizens, and
cision, largely concurred with Somalia’s that the blocks in question were located in BDDFQUBCMF was during that revolt. hinder the wider effort to stabilise Somalia,
reasoning as to how the boundary should the disputed zone. Meanwhile, Mogadishu BQQSPBDI UP which will require continued involvement
be delineated. contended that Nairobi has been taking FOGPSDJOH UIF After the judgment was announced, posi- by Kenya (a key AMISOM troop contributor)
advantage of the dysfunction in Somalia KVEHNFOU tions continued to harden. Kenyatta stated and other neighbours. Despite strong views
The court also said it had attempted to since the collapse of the state in 1991 to il- that the court’s judgment would “strain the on the judgment on both sides, especially in
“attenuate in a reasonable and mutually legally annex Somali waters. relations between the two countries”. Lead- Kenya, all have an interest in de-escalation
balanced way” any effect on Kenya’s ac- ing contenders in Kenya’s forthcoming 2022 and greater cooperation.
cess to the sea by granting Nairobi a sub- Amid the legal battle, both sides en- elections meanwhile have urged authorities
stantial portion of the disputed territory. gaged in an escalatory cycle of tit-for-tat not to cede “an inch of the country”. While Thus, while in the short run Nairobi and
In practical terms, the court meant that measures. These include a short-lived Ke- some Kenyan officials told Crisis Group they Mogadishu are likely to exchange more
the boundary line would extend south nyan ban on all flights to and from Somalia were surprised by the judges’ efforts to find barbed words, a direct armed confronta-
east, but at a reduced angle to the coast as and a Somali ban on the importation of Ke- a middle ground, as they expected the judg- tion over the maritime dispute is unlikely,
compared to what Mogadishu had origi- nyan khat, which is an economic mainstay ment to lean more toward Somalia’s position, notwithstanding the sometimes belligerent
nally demanded. for thousands of farmers in central Kenya. they said they would still reject the judgment. rhetoric. Some Somali officials have privately
told Crisis Group that Mogadishu may ask a
The court meanwhile rejected Moga- Nairobi has dangled the prospect of rec- Somalia’s political class is treating the de- third country to patrol the oceans to coun-
dishu’s demand for compensation for ognising Somaliland, whose declaration of cision as a victory for the country, and many ter Kenya’s claims, but that prospect seems
Nairobi’s historical exploitation of the independence in 1991 Mogadishu rejects are positioning themselves to reap political remote as Somalia’s allies are likely to press
contested waters, finding that Kenya had and which no other state recognises. Ke- dividends. In recent weeks, all the main con- instead for a more amicable settlement.
not violated its international obligations nya has also repeatedly threatened to close tenders have cast themselves as champions
through its maritime activities in the dis- the Dadaab and Kakuma refugee camps, of Somali sovereignty facing off against what Along those lines, the most promising way
puted area. Kenyan President Uhuru Ke- which are home to hundreds of thousands they portray as the country’s overbearing to manage the risk of confrontation would
nyatta quickly rejected the decision, while of Somali refugees. southern neighbour. be talks to agree on a mutually acceptable
Somalia’s President Mohammed Abdullahi approach to enforcing the judgment. Qatar,
“Farmajo” hailed it as a historic victory. By the end of December 2020, Kenya President Farmajo, in particular, has had which has good relations with both Kenya
and Somalia had suspended diplomatic poor relations with Nairobi since coming to and Somalia and as noted above helped
Why did out-of-court negotiations fail? ties amid accusations from Somali fed- office and almost certainly will look to the mend fences between the two earlier in 2021,
Both Kenya and Somalia had agreed as eral officials against Kenya, which has ruling for a political boost as he gears up for has quietly offered to mediate. Nairobi and
the delayed elections in Somalia. His oppo- Mogadishu should accept this offer and use
far back as April 2009 to settle the matter AT A GLANCE nents, including former Presidents Hassan any talks to establish mechanisms for further
through negotiations following a Memo- Sheikh M0hamud and Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, dialogue.
randum of Understanding they jointly Somalia and Kenya have been feuding for years over a trian- however, say Farmajo merely benefited from
filed with the UN Secretariat, rather than gular area of the Indian Ocean a court case they had set in motion during Although both sides have repeatedly prom-
ruling on boundaries themselves. their respective periods in office and that they ised to revive the Somalia-Kenya Joint Com-
Riches as well as sovereignty are at stake. deserve more credit. mission for Cooperation – a forum bringing
A senior official, who served in Somalia’s together high-level officials from both sides
foreign ministry in that period, told Crisis It is believed an oil and gas bonanza lies beneath the disput- Strained relations will likely continue to to discuss bilateral ties – they have taken lit-
Group that Kenya never took Somalia’s ed 100,000-square-kilometre (38,000-square-mile) swathe affect efforts by Nairobi and Mogadishu tle action on this front. The two neighbours
approaches for bilateral talks seriously at of ocean. Nairobi has granted exploration permits to Italian to confront Al-Shabaab’s lethal insurgen- should restart this platform to regularly dis-
the time and that at least three attempts to energy giant ENI but the Somalis are contesting the move cy. Instead of focusing on how to reverse cuss their many shared interests and smooth
meet Kenyan officials over the issue failed. Al-Shabaab’s control of large swathes of over disputes.
A Kenyan official confirmed this version of For Kenya, redefining the border along Somalia’s claim south-central Somalia, including Jubaland,
events, saying that Kenyan foreign minis- would also cut into fertile fishing grounds, particularly around
try officials were “negligent”, underesti- the Lamu archipelago
mating the seriousness of Mogadishu’s
Tuesday, October 19, 2021 / PEOPLE DAILY NEWS BEAT
Aspirants seeking by Nancy Gitonga
to secure win in the
nominations to fly the @PeopleDailyKe
party’s ticket in polls
Migori Governor Okoth
by Munira Mandano Obado and his four children
now say that they are not
@PeopleDailyKe opposed to the application
by the Director of Public
Key politicians in Kwale County party after a meeting with Opposi- FROM TOP The DP has on various occasions Prosecutions (DPP) Noordin ,*0,0 ,*-6,6.*
have sent signals they will fight for tion chief Raila Odinga. CLOCKWISE: stressed that the party will hold Haji to introduce 500 new
Deputy President William Ruto’s free, fair, credible and transparent documents in their corrup- 8F BSF OPU
United Democratic Alliance (UDA) Agriculture Principal Secretary Mwanaisha nominations. This has given strong tion case. PQQPTFE UP UIF
ticket in the 2022 General-Election. Hamadi Boga’s camp is said to have Chidzuga, hope to political aspirants who feel OFX NPWF CZ 4UBUF
been thrown into confusion after Fatuma Achani, they have lost in the past contests Lawyer Kioko Kilukumi UP JOUSPEVDF OFX
Ruto has for the past five days Achani’s meeting with Raila. Boga Feisal Bader unfairly. who represents Obado FWJEFODF
pitched tent at the Coast rallying intends to vie for the governorship and Lunganzi yesterday told the trial mag-
support for his presidential bid from on Orange party ticket. Chai, all eyeing Most say they do not mind going istrate Lawrence Mugambi that will be used as evidence
one of the regions expected to pro- posts through to the party primaries and compete court they were not opposed in the trial.
vide swing votes. “Even Prof had to plan for a meet- UDA. among themselves on issues, devel- to the new move by the State
ing with Raila in Nairobi so that he opment track-record and ideologies to adduce fresh evidence in “In the course of pretrial
Two candidates have so far de- could know his stand. But now KWALE IN that will better people’s lives. They the Sh73.4 million corrup- proceedings with the wit-
clared they will fight for the gover- that Achani has gone back to UDA UDA SPOTS claim they do not mind losing, but tion case against his client. ness, we discovered 500 new
norship using the party, three for we are relieved because she would fairly in the party primaries. documentary pieces of evi-
the Senate, Woman Representative have given us headache during the Two candi- However, lawyer George dence which will be vital for
(five) while 16 others will fight for primaries,” said the source. dates have so far “We will not shift camps. We will Kithi representing Jared Pe- the case,” said Kiprop.
National Assembly seats. declared they instead support those who will win ter Kwaga said to be Obado’s
Speaking to People Daily, Mwa- will fight for the in the various seats,” said Nimusimu close associate strongly op- Haji also seeks amended
Each of the aspirants are optimis- naisha Chidzuga, who aspires to governorship Mwasina, a woman representative posed the application by the the charge sheet so that
tic they will win in the nominations run for the Matuga constituency using the party, hopeful in Kwale. DPP saying it was against the Obado and co-accused can
to fly the UDA ticket against oppo- seat said will also face her four op- three for the law in the matter to amend take fresh plea.
nents from other parties. ponents during the party primaries. Senate Nimusimu will face Bibi Masha, the charges.
Zeinab Chitsangi, Zuhura Mwam- The prosecution told that
The latest of the candidates is “It’s going to be tough in the party The deputy zandi and Stella Mutinda. Kwaga is said to have it will be important to al-
Deputy governor Fatuma Achani primaries with four men being the governor had ini- opened several companies low their application before
who his battling to succeed gover- only woman but I believe I will win tially sent strong Recently, Ruto said it will be a which were awarded tenders court.
nor Salim Mvurya in 2022. “I have the ticket,” Chidzuga said. signals she will win-win contest as those who lose by the Migori county gov-
settled on the UDA party and I will run on the Or- in the party nominations will be ernment since Obado was “We are seeking to be al-
vie for the gubernatorial seat via the Chidzuga will face off with ange party after considered for other positions, in- elected as the county boss. lowed to amend the charge
ticket and my president will be Wil- Kwale county minister for Gender a meeting with cluding being nominated. sheet and to be allowed to
liam Ruto,” she said. and Sports Ramadhan Bungale, Opposition chief Kithi opposed the appli- supply additional docu-
Mwalimu Kitambi Digore, Suleiman Raila Odinga “Nobody will loose. For those as- cation by the prosecution ments,” said Kiprop.
Achani will face off with Kenya Koti and SalimVyongo. pirants who will not succeed to grab because it goes against Ar-
Ports Authority (KPA) engineer the party ticket just support the one ticle 50 of the constitution. “We pray that this applica-
Lung’anzi Chai in the party prima- In Msambweni Constituency cur- who has emerged the winner and He added the intended new tion is allowed so that the
ries. rent MP Feisal Bader will also face it you will be considered in other po- charge sheet is overloaded ends of justice are met and
off in the party nominations with sitions,” Ruto said. and thus undermined fair that the application is made
Party primaries Bashir Kilalo and Peter Nzuki. trial. in good faith in compliance
Lung’anzi is sure to grab the party with the law.”
“I have not seen anywhere
ticket come the party primaries say- on the affidavit where it has The court will on this
ing he commands strong grassroot been pointed out that the morning rule whether it will
support. “I know I will win the UDA charge sheet is defective,” allow the DPP to adduce 500
governorship ticket in Kwale coun- Kithi said. new documentary evidence
ty and come 2022 during the Gen- before the hearing case pro-
eral Election, I will deliver the seat The lawyer added that ceed.
against all my opponents,” he said. said the court had no basis in
the law to allow the amend-
Achani’s move is a big relief for ment of the charge sheet as
Orange Democratic Movement had been asked by the pros-
(ODM) candidates. The deputy ecution
governor had initially sent strong
signals she will run on the Orange In the case, the prosecu-
tion through State Counsel
Peter Kiprop informed the
court they intend to intro-
duce 500 new documents
University lecturers threaten to First eye clinic Kibabii adds nursing
to list of its courses
down tools over perks impasse opens in Turkana
Dedan Kimathi University Lokitaung sub-county Hospital in Kibabii University in Bungoma County
of Technology lecturers have Turkana North has opened its first oper-
threatened to down their tools ating theatre and eye clinic. The project, has added the School of Nursing to its list
beginning next week over a implemented by the County Govern-
payment standoff with their ment of Turkana in partnership with of courses being offered. The School of
employer. The lecturers held Spanish Eye Doctors through Missionary
demonstrations yesterday at Community of St Paul Apostle (MCSPA) Nursing was officially launched on Sat-
the University claiming their under the Turkana Eye Project, includes
employer has deliberately two operating theatres, one minor the- urday. Speaking during the Launch, the
denied them a pay rise for four atre, six-bed pre-operation and six-bed
years. The 200 lecturers under post-operation. Governor Josphat Nanok Chief Executive (CEO), Nursing Council
University Academic Staff said the operating theatre is expected to
Union (UASU) claimed that reduce the number of surgical-related of Kenya, Dr Edina Tallam, confirmed
the university has failed to referrals and minor ophthalmic ailments
honour a Collective Bargain- to Lodwar County Referral Hospital. that the institution had gotten a nod
ing Agreement that arose after Communities from neighbouring coun-
a 2017 labour related court case. The union chapter Sec- tries will benefit from the facility. - KNA from the Council after putting in place
retary Antony Muriithi faulted
their employer for the said the required equipment that will aid in
denial claiming their peers
in other universities were impacting students with the requisite
long granted the same on the
strength of the said CBA. knowledge. “Before the Council gives a
- KNA go ahead for a University to offer nursing,
it normally undertakes prior assessment
that ensures the required equipment is
in place,” she said. - KNA
NEWS BEAT PEOPLE DAILY / Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Members of Sowesava self-help group RQ GURXJKW ELOOLRQV
who had previously been charged with
malicious damage of Gidjoy Investment by Hillary Mageka
perimeter wall valued at Sh144,000.
From left, Philomen Otieno, Nick Ow- @hillarymageka
ango, Patrobas Awino, Calvin Ooko,
Boniface Oduor, Titus Okoth, Ken- Senators will summon
nedy Odhiambo, David Makau, Peter four Cabinet Secretaries to
Owino and Benita Alando Nathaniel shed light on the use of bil-
at Milimani Law Courts where they lions of shillings meant to
were charged a fresh with an added mitigate effects of drought.
charge of forceful entry into the land
located in Donholm, Nairobi. Case will They are UkurYatani
be heard on November 2 after Defence (National Treasury), Charles
lawyer George Gilbert requested Keter (Devolution), Peter
more time to familiarise with the new Munya (Agriculture and
charges. PD/CHARLES MATHAI Livestock) and EugeneWa-
malwa (Defence).
'URXJKW H[SRVHV MXPERV Management Authority
LQ $PERVHOL WR GDQJHU Senate Speaker Ken Lu- should ensure strategic
saka (pictured) directed the measures such as repairing
Ecosystem received Elephants cross the Voi-Taveta Highway Committee on National Se- of boreholes, wells and wa-
less than 50 per cent of in Tsavo East National Park. INSET: Elijah curity, Defence and Foreign ter pipes are timely,” Trans
average rainfall, thereby Naini, a conservationist and Treasurer Relations to invite the CSs Nzoia Senator Michael
fuelling wildlife attacks of the Olgulului-Ololarashi Group to tell the country what they Mbito said.
Ranch. PD/MANUEL NTOYAI are doing to save lives and
by Manuel Ntoyai livelihoods. Mandera, Marsabit, Tur-
However, I think it is important we look at acre avocado farm that has been set up in kana, Samburu, Isiolo,Wajir
@Manuel_Ntoyai the future,” he said. one of the corridors used by animals. Last month, President and Garissa are some of the
Uhuru Kenyatta declared counties that have been
The severe drought ravaging the coun- Permanent zone Francis Legei, commanding officer at drought a national disaster worst hit by the drought.
try has led to increased human-wildlife “This is the permanent zone in OOGR Big Life Foundation, says cases of human- and instructed the National
conflicts at the Amboseli Ecosystem. wildlife conflicts have been on the rise due Treasury to release Sh2 bil- Kenya Red Cross report
where pastoralists land use is actively to a number of issues with drought propa- lion to provide relief food indicates that 2.1 million
Land of jumbos as its moniker (right- promoted and developed. However, it is gating the clashes at the moment. and other emergency sup- Kenyans are experiencing
fully) goes, received less than 50 per cent also crucial for wildlife and contains key port to affected families. hunger and water scarcity.
of average rainfall, with the increasing dry dispersal areas and migration routes that Foundation is a non-profit conserva-
spells continuing to wreak havoc. need to be actively managed and protect- tion organisation focused on preserving “We need to get data on Mbito said dignity of the
ed,” he says. wildlife and habitats of the Amboseli- what this money does. It is affected people has been
Around the Amboseli Ecosystem, Tsavo-Kilimanjaro ecosystem of East Af- possible that a lot of money stripped away as they walk
drought has led to human-wildlife con- Naini states that another mapped area, rica through community-based and col- is being pumped into these for long distances and
flicts catalysed by a raft of issues from Cultivation zone, is focused on the rain laborative strategies, areas but not doing what queue for hours for relief
human settlements to commercial use of fed and irrigated agriculture areas in the it is supposed to do,” said food.
land in areas perceived to be wildlife habi- south-east and east of OOGR that have al- “Vision 2030 Wildlife Migratory Corri- Lusaka.
tats and corridors. ready been sub-divided. dors and Dispersal Areas report highlights “Meteorological Depart-
the Kimana corridor as among the most He went on: “We should ment has also forecast that
During the recent Tembo Naming Fes- According to the National Wildlife cen- threatened within the Greater Amboseli know how much food has the October to December
tival at Amboseli, Kenya Wildlife Service sus 2021 report, the country is currently ecosystem. Due to the drought, elephants been bought for livestock short-rain season will be
Director-General Brigadier (Rtd) John home to 36,280 elephants, a 12 per cent are forced out of the park and migrate to- in North Eastern and other poor, which is likely to cause
Waweru noted that wildlife conservation increase since 2014. wards farms. This leads people to retaliate parts and at what cost.We even more food shortage in
faces challenges such as poaching, cli- and kill the animals,” he explains. need to know how much the coming year,” he said,
mate change and loss of habitat. Surge has increased pressure on the money was allocated for
landmass, which has also been dwindling Legei continues to say: “When we find livestock and cereals.” Wajir Senator Abdullahi
Waweru said in KWS Strategic Plan due to change of land use. Chunks of com- such cases, we normally record them Ali lamented that the gov-
2019-2024, intervention actions have munity land that would previously har- in our data base then map out the area. Piles pressure ernment is always talking
been developed to protect and conserve bour elephants during drought, has now When the animal is killed by KWS we also Senators have piled of emergencies and relief
wildlife with three key pillars; conserva- been converted to farming. record.” food, which have never
tion, collaboration and enterprise. pressure on the govern- been useful.
For instance, the KiliAvo farm, a 180- Organisation has four mobile units ment to shift focus from
Naming ceremony included collaring a to help drive the elephants back to safer emergency interventions Ali said the Government
20-year female elephant, which he says is POSSIBLE INTERVENTIONS zones. to programmes that build should think outside the
part of collaboration. the resilience of pastoralist box to mitigate recurrent
Danson Leng’ete, a resident of Namelok communities to combat re- drought and hunger.
“There has been a rise in human-ele- area, says there is need for the county gov- current hunger in Arid and
phant conflict, caused by an increase in ernment to intervene by putting up water Semi-Arid counties. Mandera Senator Mo-
human population adjacent to wildlife points for wildlife to avoid the conflicts. hamed Mahamud regretted
habitats,” acknowledged Cabinet Secre- According to the lawmak- that drought is taken as an
tary for Tourism andWildlife, Najib Balala He also says community should be en- ers, the government needs emergency yet the disaster
during the event in Amboseli. lightened to give way along the corridor. to change tack in fighting is experienced annually.
food and drought problems
He added: “The goal of the #TemboN- that recur annually.
amingFestival is to secure a future for
elephants and their habitats in peaceful “The Ministry of Devolu-
co-existence with humans.” tion and National Drought
Elijah Naini, a conservationist and
Treasurer of the Olgulului-Ololarashi
Group Ranch (OOGR), which forms part Bumps erected at black spot
of Amboseli Ecosystem, says their con-
servation and development plan 2011- in Naivasha to curb accidents
16 established a number of zones that
included the Pastoralism Development The Kenya National Highway Authority has moved to
and Wildlife zone. “Humans can go beg- erect speed bumps at the notorious Ihindu trading center
ging with a bowl for food, the government in Naivasha along the Nairobi-Nakuru. The bumps are
can bring us relief food, but what about expected to reduce accidents involving traders heading to
these animals?Who is going to take care of the nearby Ihindu vegetable market. Last month, residents
them? While we cannot dispute, it is ones blocked the highway for over an hour demanding speed
right to use his land the way they’d want. bumps after a trader was hit by a speeding car. Naivasha
East MCA Stanley Karanja said over 20 people have been
killed on that section since the year began. He attributed
this to speeding, noting that efforts to get a footbridge or
speed bumps had hit the wall leading to the demonstra-
tions. “We are happy that our demonstrations have borne
fruit and KeNHA finally agreed to erect the bumps,” he said.
– Kirera Mwiti
Tuesday, October 19, 2021 / PEOPLE DAILY NEWS BEAT
Commission wants county CAR, GOVERNORS AT WAR 5XWR PRVW
equitable share of revenue SUHIHUUHG
be stagnated because of The commission through a pro- FDQGLGDWH LQ
tough economic times posal in the draft Division of Revenue 0W .HQ\D
Bill, 2022, currently in Parliament
by Roy Lumbe wants the county equitable share by Alvin Mwangi
of revenue be stagnated because of
@PeopleDailyKe tough economic times @PeopleDailyKe
A fresh standoff looms between Council of Governors chair Martin Wambora (centre) accompanied by Uhuru had pledged to increase Deputy PresidentWilliam Ruto is still
Governors and the Commission on Narok Governor Samuel Tunai (left) and his Vihiga counterpart Wilber Ot- the allocation to Sh370 to ensure no leading as the most preferred presiden-
Revenue Allocation (CRA) over a tichilo addresses the media in Nairobi, yesterday. PD/GERALD ITHANA county losses. tial in the Mt Kenya region.
proposal by the latter to retain coun-
ty allocation at Sh370 billion in the which is Sh370 billion,” he said. cated not less than 35 per cent of all Wambora, at the same time, re- According to the recently released
2022/23 financial year. He accused the commission of the revenue collected by the national vealed that the COG Leadership and polls by Mizani Africa, Ruto came first
government. the Royal Danish Embassy held a con- in the popularity polls with a percent-
The commission through a pro- plotting to stall operations within sultative meeting last month in which age of 58.2.
posal in the draft Division of Revenue the counties stating that governors “As you are aware, the bill had a lot it was agreed that counties will receive
Bill, 2022, currently in Parliament would not take anything less than of goodwill as it was passed in both additional funding of Sh 1.2 billion in The DP is closely followed by ODM
wants the county equitable share Sh751.45 billion in equitable share. houses of Parliament and in 45 out of the DANIDA PHC Programme. leader Raila Odinga at 27.1 per cent
of revenue be stagnated because of the 47 County Assemblies,” he added. and ANC’s Musalia Mudavadi stepping
tough economic times. “To safeguard devolution and to “The program is expected to sup- in the third position with a popularity
ensure optimal implementation of In the current financial year, all the port the gradual phase out of the grant of 5.2 per cent.
CRA argued that slow economic devolved functions by County Gov- 47 county governments were allocat- and strengthening of level 1, commu-
growth, constrained fiscal frame- ernments, the Council proposes ad- ed Sh370 billion in equitable revenue nity health units. The signing of the Justifying Ruto’s lead, the poll which
work, the need to contain the public ditional funding of Sh381.45 bring- with the allocations following a pro- Bilateral Agreement with the National was conducted between October 1-10
debt, financing and providing secu- ing the total allocation to counties to tracted debate in the Senate, marked Treasury and inclusion of amounts in in the 11 Mt Kenya counties said the
rity for the 2022 General Election in- Sh751.45 billion,” he said. by standoffs and arrests over the third the county budgets will be done by second in command has been consis-
formed its recommendation. generation revenue sharing formula. November 2021,” he said. tent in his engagements with people on
Improved allocation the grassroots.
This has, however, not gone down Wambora said CoG’s position is Senators had clashed over the for- On bilateral HealthCare Partner-
well with county chiefs who under mula with those whose counties were ship between the Kenya and the UK, “Yes we understand that ODM lead-
their umbrella Council of Governors informed by the Constitution of Ke- losing revenue opposing it taking the Wambora noted that an MoU was ers are making inroads in the vote-rich
(CoG) have protested the move. nya Amendment Bill, 2020 which intervention of President Uhuru Ke- signed between the government of region but from our findings we have
recommends that counties be allo- nyatta to unlock the stalemate. Kenya and the UK on workforce col- established that most of the young
Through CoG chairman Martin laboration in healthcare aimed at people are still stuck with Deputy Presi-
Wambora, governors have rejected facilitating Kenyan healthcare pro- dent while the elderly have decided to
the proposal instead arguing that the fessionals to work for the National back Odinga,” CEO Mizani Africa Haron
funds must be increased. Health Services in the UK and Ireland. Kiriba. Raila has intensified his tours in
the Mt Kenya region as he tries to woo
“Following in-depth discussions He observed that the Kenya-UK the region ahead of the 2022 polls.
on the issue, we wish to reiterate that, Health Alliance was established to
we reject in totality the proposal by deliver collaborative Bi-lateral pro- In the popularity ranking of can-
CRA that recommends a non-incre- grammes in healthcare between the didates preferred for DP, NARC Ke-
ment of the County Equitable Share two countries. nya party leader Martha Karua has
emerged as the best choice for Deputy
Recovery President in the Mt Kenya region.
of broken Karua was ranked the most likely fe-
male candidate to deputize the presi-
transformer dent with a popularity ranking of 34.8
per cent.
Kenya Power workers are
seen removing a trans- Agnes Kagure and Kirinyaga Gover-
former that had fallen in nor Anne Waiguru closely follow the
the wee hours of yesterday NARC Kenya leader with a popularity
along River Road, Nairobi ranking of 31.9 and 14.9 per cent re-
downtown. The incident spectively.
prompted a section of
business premises in the In September, Mizani Africa also
area to suffer a blackout named Karua as the most influential
which disrupted their politician from the Mt Kenya region
businesses. followed by governorWaiguru.
According to the September polls,
,PSOHPHQW 7-5& UHSRUW EHIRUH SROOV ,'3V WHOO VWDWH Karua led with 35.3 per cent followed
by Waiguru who gathered a popularity
by Roy Lumbe work, the victims said the imple- resettlement of IDPs country- and we needed the same imple- score of 18.7 per cent.
mentation of the report would be wide. mented before the next govern-
@PeopleDailyKe a major milestone to the govern- ment takes charge. Karua’s latest popularity score
ment commitment to settle the She observed that the presi- comes after she was announced as the
The 2007/08 post-election vio- issue of IDP’s saying most of them dent should work on fulfilling his According to Njeri, the resettle- Mt Kenya Forum spokesperson over
lence victims in the country have have been neglected. promises to the IDPs yet to be re- ment program was marred with seven political parties.
urged the government to imple- settled as part of his legacy before numerous land disputes saying
ment the Truth, Justice, and Rec- Led by the group’s county co- he leaves office. that some lands have never been In terms of the best male candi-
onciliation Commission (TJRC) ordinator Lucy Njeri, they said subdivided with others grabbed date to deputise Ruto, the poll found
report before elections. the TJRC report provided clear “We urge the president to en- by those mandated to guide the speaker of the national assembly Jus-
guidelines on how to conclude sure the report is made public, we process. tin Muturi as the best leading with 28.7
Through the national IDPs Net- tabled our views on the matter per cent.
Muturi was followed closely by for-
mer Kiambu Governor William Kabogo
with 21.7 per cent and Agriculture Min-
ister Peter Munya came third with 17.6
NEWS BEAT PEOPLE DAILY / Tuesday, October 19, 2021
by Alvin Mwangi Aketch said the government invited a team from the Kenya Bu- The building in Ruiru is the fourth National Construction Authority
had employed a multi-sectoral ap- reau of Standards and they are test- to collapse in less than two months, executive director Maurice Akech speaks
@PeopleDailyKe proach incorporating the Engineers ing the materials used before giving putting the Kiambu County Lands, to the press in Nairobi, yesterday. PD/
Board of Kenya, the National Con- us the final report,” said Aketch. Housing and Physical Planning
The government has given prop- struction Authority and the Board of docket on the spot on how approv- NJENGA KUNGU
erty developers countrywide 30 days Registration of Architects and Quan- He said the investigations team als are done.
to comply with building regulations tity Surveyors. had also found out that the develop-
failure to which they will face the full er of the building had made an ap- On August 31, a five storey build-
force of the law. Weak foundation plication for the verification of the ing that was under construction col-
Commenting the collapse of a building, but it was not approved. lapsed in Gachie, Kiambu County,
National Construction Authority killing five people. Last month, a
(NCA) executive director Maurice nine-storey building in Ruiru on CEO Engineers Board of Kenya building collapsed in Kinoo.
Akech said contractors found to Sunday, Aketch said preliminary Margaret Ogai said the team will be
have violated the law will be cau- findings had established the build- working closely with county govern- This is not the last time the gov-
tioned, suspended for a period of ing did not had a weak foundation. ments to map out all the buildings ernment has put contractors on
time or deregistered. under construction in the country. notice.
“Our multi-sectoral team is still
“We have already enhanced our conducting investigations but from Ogai noted that some of the chal- In 2015, President Uhuru Ke-
surveillance through a multi-agency what we have been able to establish, lenges the authority faces while nyatta asked the Ministry of Lands
approach to get rid of buildings that the building may have collapsed be- enforcing the law include develop- to conduct a comprehensive audit
are non-compliant and putting the cause of a weak foundation.We have ers impunity and inadequate skilled of all buildings in Nairobi.
lives of mwananchi at risk,” he said. manpower.
Kitui governor says it’s DFDGHP\
in the best interest of
Ukambani region to be part by Bernice Mbugua
of an opposition coalition
by Mutuku Mwangangi
Chief Justice Martha Koome yes-
@PeopleDailyKe terday launched the Kenya Judiciary
Academy (KJA), which is part of her
Kitui Governor Charity Ngilu yesterday Kitui Governor appears to be President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Jubilee Alliance of Uhuru and Ruto. strategic vision to improve training for
told Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka Charity Ngilu. FILE preferred successor. In 2017, Ngilu backed the National Su- judges, judicial officers and staff.
to swallow his pride and back former Prime
Minister Raila Odinga for the presidency in GOVERNOR’S “It will be unthinkable to support Odinga per Alliance (Nasa) which lost to the ruling Koome said the academy will be a
next year’s election. FOOTPRINTS for the third time. I will be the most stupid Jubilee. Kalonzo was Raila’s running mate place where judges, judicial officers
person to once again support his bid with- in the alliance. and Judiciary staff can take a break
Ngilu claimed that Kalonzo does not In the 2002 elec- out a measure of reciprocity,” Kalonzo from regular duties for learning, re-
have the political stamina to win the presi- tion, Charity Ngilu stated. Machakos Governor Afred Mutua has flection and discussion.
dency. was part of the op- also challenged Kalonzo to exit the na-
position coalition Past elections tional political scene to give way for young The CJ, who also launched the
“Kalonzo Musyoka is a good leader, and whose candidate The former Vice-President did not rule and visionary leaders to rescue the com- academy’s website, presided over the
so are his One Kenya Alliance partners was Mwai Kibaki, munity from what he described as political handing over of the directorship of
Musalia Mudavadi, Moses Wetangula and the eventual winner. out the possibility of working with the bondage. the Academy from Justice Kathurima
Gideon Moi. But they can’t beat Raila in former premier in future, noting that he M’Inoti, who was recently appointed
terms of votes. If we decide to go alone as In 2007 elec- is ready to work with everyone in future if Mutua maintains that he is the best pres- a Judge of the Appellate Division of
the Kamba community, we will be disad- tion, she threw her everything is put on the table.” idential candidate who can amass support the East African Court of Justice, to
vantaging ourselves needlessly,” she said. weight behind Raila in other regions. Supreme Court judge, Justice Smokin
and in 2013, she “I’m open to working with all but tell me Wanjala.
The Narc leader’s endorsement of Raila is backed the Jubilee why I should support Mr. Odinga for the “The time has expired for Kalonzo Musy-
likely to reignite perennial rivalry between Alliance of Uhuru third time,?” he posed. oka, he cannot continue purporting to be a The academy will have adequate
the governor and the former Vice-Presi- Kenyatta and Wil- leader of Ukambani and I am calling upon facilities including a research centre
dent. The two have been political rivals for liam Ruto. “I don’t see any person convincing me to my fellow leaders including governors Ki- for KJA’s Research and Policy Depart-
decades. support him. I’d rather go back to Tseikuru vutha Kibwana, Ngilu, senators and MPs ment, lecture halls, seminar rooms,
In 2017, Ngilu (his rural home) than support him again. as well as religious leaders, professionals well-stocked library, amphitheater,
“My prayer is that Kalonzo and his OKA backed the National At the age of 67, this is my moment. I must and business community to now have a hotel, sports and gym facilities.
team work with Raila because the govern- Super Alliance run. If I don’t, when would I?” Kalonzo strength to free our people from the yoke
ment is being formed now and we risk los- (Nasa) which lost to added. of mind control by Kalonzo,” Mutua said. Social context
ing out,” said Ngilu. the ruling Jubilee. “My hope is to see the Kenya Judi-
Kalonzo was Raila’s This is not the first time Ngilu is endors- Criticism of Kalonzo in his backyard
Ngilu, who is a fierce critic of Deputy running mate in the ing presidential candidates who hail from intensified following Wiper party’s loss in ciary Academy become a home where
President William Ruto, wants Raila and alliance. outside the Ukambani region. In the 2002 last week’s by election in Nguu/Masumba judges, judicial officers and judiciary
Kalonzo to stick together and come up with election, she was part of the opposition co- ward. staff can take a break from their nor-
a working formula for next year’s election. alition whose candidate was Mwai Kibaki, mal duties for learning, reflection, and
the eventual winner. An independent candidate backed by discussion. The Judiciary’s “window to
Speaking on an FM radio station, Ngilu Makueni Governor Kivutha Kibwana won the world,” she said.
accused Kalonzo’s advisers of misleading In 2007 election, she threw her weight the seat, followed by a UDA candidate.
him. behind Raila and in 2013, she backed the Wiper’s candidate came third. The Chief Justice noted that the
relocation of the Judiciary Training
The governor said Kilonzo’s supporters, Institute from the Postbank Complex
who are insisting that he must run for the in Muthaiga, to the Kenya Commer-
presidency, were only interested in advanc- cial Bank Leadership Centre in Kar-
ing their political interests. en, was part of the quest for a per-
manent home for the KJA.
“I ran for presidency (in 1997) and I
did not win simply because our votes as a Koome directed the academy to
community are not enough to elevate one pursue a three dimensional approach
to presidency. Kalonzo too ran in 2007 un- to judicial education which include
successfully but in 2013 and 2017, when he elements of substantive knowledge,
teamed up with Raila, they formed a formi- skills development and social context.
dable force that challenged the status quo,”
“Judges and judicial officers dealing
he said. with specialized areas of law should
Kalonzo has declared that he will go for also acquire an understanding of the
legal principles underlying the par-
nothing other than the presidency and ticular area of law concerned, so that
rejected calls for him to back Raila who they can make reliable findings on any
technical issues presented to them for
adjudication,” she said.
Tuesday, October 19, 2021 ,&/ (*$)*/("
6DIDULFRP DQQRXQFHV Economist says current
DQRWKHU LQWHUUXSWLRQ charges are outdated, deny
RI 0 3HVD VHUYLFHV devolved units their much-
needed revenue
by Noel Wandera
SERVICE: For the second It is operates in Kenya, Tan- Counties have been advised to update Controller of Budget Margaret Nyakang’o. FILE
month running, Safaricom zania, Lesotho, Democratic their land rate rolls to enable them raise
has announced a planned Republic of Congo, Ghana, own-source revenue (OSR), even as they The report shows the aggregate budget share of revenue raised nationally from
maintenance on its mobile Mozambique and Egypt. eye more funds from the Exchequer and estimates for the 47 County governments the Consolidated Fund County Revenue
money platform M-Pesa, to capital markets. in the period under review amounted to Funds (CRFs).
ensure it meets the needs of its Fears also abound that such Sh501.7 billion comprising Sh186.7 bil-
customers. outages can compromise pri- Ken Gichinga, chief economist at Men- lion (37.2 per cent) allocated to develop- Nyakang’o said the total expenditure by
vate user data, in addition to toria Economics said the current land ment expenditure and Sh314.9 billion County governments in the period under
The maintenance will take loss of revenue for firms and rates were outdated and did not reflect (62.8 per cent) for recurrent expenditure. review was Sh398 billion, representing an
four hours onWednesday, individuals which can run into the existing market rates, denying coun- absorption rate of 79.3 per cent of the ag-
from 12am to 4am, a period millions of shillings. ties much-needed revenue. Equitable share gregate annual County governments Bud-
within which services includ- It notes that in the 12 months of the fi- get . High expenditure on personal emol-
ing airtime purchases shall be However, Raphael Matu, “There is need to revalue so that the uments, low expenditure on the develop-
temporarily unavailable. a financial analyst reckons rates are anchored on present market val- nancial year 2020/21, CoB approved the ment budget, weak budgetary control and
that though the four-hour ues,” said Gichinga, noting that it is only transfer of Sh346.2 billion as the equitable use of revenue at source, high expenditure
“Timing of this main- down-time will lead to re- recently that rates in Nairobi were reval- on local travel costs, and high pending
tenance activity has been duced transaction and loss of ued after almost 40 years. /:","/( 0 bills which amounted to Sh96 billion as
planned to result in the revenue, it will not be major at June 30, 2021 were factors Nyakang’o
least inconvenience to our since it has been anticipated. According to a new report by the Office 5IF UPUBM FYQFOEJUVSF said hampered effective budget execution
customers,” Safaricom said of the Controller of Budget, own-source CZ $PVOUZ HPWFSONFOUT JO during the reporting period .
in a statement. However, Safaricom has been oper- revenue from counties decreased by Sh1.2 UIF QFSJPE VOEFS SFWJFX
the announcement did go ating M-Pesa for 14 years, a billion, from Sh35.8 billion collected in the XBT 4I CJMMJPO According to the report, counties spend
down with customers, who period which has ushered in a financial year 2019/2020 to Sh34.4 billion Sh281.9 billion on recurrent expenditure
expressed concern over the new period of money transac- in the financial year 2020/21. while total expenditure on personal
increased maintenance. tions. In April last year, Safari- emoluments Sh176 billion. Only Sh116.1
com andVodacom completed Controller of Budget (CoB) Margaret billion was spend on development, while
Three months the acquisition of the M-Pesa Nyakang’o, said the Sh34.4 billion repre- Sh105.9 billion used for operations and
“This has been the norm. brand, product development sented 64.2 per cent of the annual target maintenance.
and support services from of Sh53.7 billion.
M-Pesa has been undergo- Vodafone through a newly-
ing maintenance more than created joint venture. Four counties including Makueni,
10 times in the last three Bungoma, Laikipia and Kisumu have ap-
months,” said Guru Mwafriqa, The duo said the trans- proached the Capital Markets Authorities
on his Twitter handle. action, first announced in (CMA) to raise Sh1.1 trillion through infra-
2019, would accelerate the structure bonds to bridge deficits in their
Opinion is divided over the platform’s growth in Africa development projects.
frequency in maintenance, by giving bothVodacom and
with speculation rife that the Safaricom full control of the However, Gichinga said though such in-
increased number of transac- brand, product development novative ways are welcome, they risked at-
tions could be constraining and support services as well tracting more county taxes, adding onto a
the system. The platform has as the opportunity to expand $71.5 billion (Sh7.9 trillion) national debt.
over 40 million users and pro- into new African markets.
cesses over Sh60 billion a day. “Indeed there is always room for inno-
– Noel Wandera vation, but given the levels of our national
debt, it would not be a good idea to start
increasing county debt which will result in
more county taxes,” he said.
by Bernard Sigei “Prudential has laid a solid
by Barry Silah will allow them to transact through the Raxit joined PLAK seven years
bank’s website, mobile app, call center @PeopleDailyKe ago as the Head of Risk & Com- foundation in Africa over the
@PeopleDailyKe and the bank’s branches. Kihara Maina, pliance.
CEO at I&M Bank said the launch of the Prudential has announced a past seven years and will con-
I&M Bank Kenya has partnered with platform consolidates the bank’s in- new leadership team to drive Wilf Blackburn, Regional CEO,
Backbase, a global digital banking soft- vestment around customer needs. growth in East and Central Insurance Growth Markets, tinue to scale its operations and
ware provider to bolster its customers’ Africa. The region which cov- Prudential Corporation Asia said
access to digital banking services. “We are certain that through leverag- ers Uganda, Kenya and Zambia, the new appointments are part strengthen local capabilities to
ing Backbase’s platform, I&M Bank will is led by Arjun Mallik (pictured) of the insurer’s commitment to
The bank said the partnership makes navigate the new normal with speed, who was formerly the CEO of develop talents to accelerate deliver on its growth strategy,” he
it the first bank in the region to leverage customer focus and a distinct advan- Prudential Uganda. Additionally, growth for its African business.
this award winning omni channel digi- tage for the future,” he added. Regional Gwen Kinisu has been appoint- said in a statement.
tal banking platform to enhance the Vice President, Backbase Matthijs ed CEO of Prudential Life Assur- East and Central Africa is
bank’s digital banking experience and Eijpe said the solution will provide an ance Kenya (PLAK), an anchor
offerings. Dubbed I&M On The Go, the enriched banking experience to the market for Eastern and Central one of four sub-regions in the
platform will support customers to ac- bank’s customers in line with its prior- Africa and will report to Arjun. continent that Prudential has
cess all the bank’s products and servic- ity of giving premium focus on digital a presence and interest in. The
es in real-time through mobile banking technology. Raxit Soni who was formerly other regions are Francophone
and internet banking. In addition, it CEO of PLAK assumes the role of Africa, Western and Southern
Chief Actuary, Prudential Africa. Africa and Northern Africa.
Established seven years ago
in the region the insurance
company serves over 1.3 mil-
lion customers in East and
Central Africa.
BUSINESS HUB PEOPLE DAILY / Tuesday, October 19, 2021
PROJECT: National Irrigation ment. issues out of court. Yesterday, NIB National officials
Board (NIB) said yesterday that “We haven’t withdrawn from the Farmers say NIB has stopped led by the Deputy General Manager,
it has not withdrawn from multi- Operations and Irrigation Manage-
billion shilling Lower Kuja Irrigation project. Some farmers petitioned operations for almost three months ment Services Daniel Atula visited
Rice Scheme irrigation projects us to compensate them for land now, but the officials cited only one the sites to meet the locals and ne-
contrary to what the farmers are which was taken to develop the rice month out, saying soon they will be gotiate for a truce.
saying. schemes and so we are still negoti- back once the issues are resolved.
ating with them,’’ they said. Ouma confirmed that the team
Joel Tonui, NIB regional man- A spot check revealed that was in the schemes to meet and en-
ager and the schemes manager “We want to assure farmers that as things stand, there are no seri- gage with the local community on
Ken Ouma said yesterday that the once we resolve the issues at stake, ous rice farming activities and the possible and effective means in
board had not withdrawn from the we will resume operations,’’ said construction of canals being under- which they can withdraw the peti-
project, adding that they had only Tonui as the NIB officials from taken by NIB in the area despite ap- tions to allow the project to go on.
temporarily stopped some develop- Nairobi pitched tent in the area to propriation of Sh4.7 billion toward
negotiate and settle the outstanding the project by the board. – Kepher Otieno
Government vows Forbes’ study ranks Kenya Investment
to intensify war on third best country for
illegal gas refilling business in Africa after Growth Ranking Liability Economy
South Africa and Rwanda
CRACKDOWN: The government Forbes Best Country Kenya is also ranked Kenya has been losing Forbes says the economy,
vowed yesterday to fully implement by John Otini for Business survey 93 in the world with billions of shillings to however, is well placed to
the raft of tough measures aimed at says Kenya has Rwanda at 90 and South theft and corruption resume its decade-long
controlling illegal refilling gas centres @PeopleDailyKe a growing and Africa at 59. Ghana, without consequences five to six per cent growth
that robs the government of millions entrepreneurial Egypt and Namibia for offenders as rate. Treasury expects a 6.1
of shillings in revenue. A team of offi- Weak governance and corruption are middle class with follow at 94, 95 and 96 in executive, legislature per cent growth next year
cers has heightened operations to kick the major factors affecting Kenya’s rank- the gross domestic that order out of a total and judiciary trade despite elections
out illegal operators by incorporating ing as an investment and business desti- product growing at 161 countries blame over the weakest
Petroleum Institute of East Africa to nation, a new survey shows. an average of five per link on war on graft
protect the interests of multinational cent
petroleum companies that are the ma- The study by world business media firm,
jor victims of the illicit trade. Forbes, says though Kenya is the third best 4637&: to their punishment have stalled in the the first half of 2021 with over Sh60 billion
country for business in Africa after South courts. Forbes says the economy, howev- coming from government borrowing even
The multi-agency team comprises Africa and Rwanda, it could be a lot better 5IJT HSPXUI er, is well placed to resume its decade-long as customer deposits continued to rise.
officers from Kenya Revenue Author- if theft of State funds and lack of account- IBT
five to six per cent growth rate. Treasury
ity (KRA), Directorate of Criminal In- ability are addressed. IPXFWFS
expects a 6.1 per cent growth next year de- However, the country is facing an elec-
vestigations (DCI), Energy and Petro- CFFO spite elections. tion next year which poses uncertainty
leum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) and It says that Kenya has a growing and en- JNQBJSFE even as inflation continues to rise on ac-
National Intelligence Service (NIS). trepreneurial middle class with the gross CZ XFBL “While fiscal deficits continue to pose count of high oil prices which could inturn
domestic product (GDP) growing at an HPWFSOBODF risks in the medium term, other economic lead to high interest rates.
Director of Fichua Uhalifu at DCI average of five per cent. “This growth has, BOE indicators, including foreign exchange re-
David Chebii rubbished claims by the however, been impaired by weak gover- DPSSVQUJPO serves, interest rates, current account defi- Oil prices hit their highest level in years
Energy Dealers Association (EDA) that nance and corruption,” says Forbes Best cits, remittances and FDI (Foreign Direct yesterday as demand recovers from the Co-
they are being harassed and extorted Country for Business survey. Investment) are positive,” the survey adds. vid-19 pandemic, boosted by more custom
through the operation. from power generators turning away from
Kenya is also ranked 93 in the world with Economic growth expensive gas and coal to fuel oil and die-
Handling cylinders Rwanda at 90 and South Africa at 59. Gha- Credit and drought-related impedi- sel.That has coincided with key economies
Chebii, a Superintendent of Police na, Egypt and Namibia follow at 94, 95 and rebounding from the pandemic, leading to
96 in that order out of a total 161 countries. ments were temporary. Now in his sec- a significant tightening of the market.
said the government is committed Central African Republic is the least desir- ond term, President Uhuru Kenyatta has
towards full implementation of the able nation to do business in according to pledged to make economic growth and Brent crude oil futures rose 90 cents, or
Petroleum (Liquefied Petroleum) reg- the study. development a centerpiece of his admin- 1.1 per cent, to $85.76 a barrel, after hitting
ulations of 2019, which prohibit LPG istration, focusing on his “Big Four” initia- a session high of $86.04, the highest price
marketers from handling cylinders The country has been losing billions of tives of universal healthcare, food secu- since October 2018.
owned by rival players, among other shillings to theft and corruption without rity, affordable housing, and expansion of
measures. He said the government has consequences for the offenders, as the manufacturing. USWestTexas Intermediate (WTI) crude
also tightened laws to regulate the sec- executive, legislature and judiciary trade futures climbed $1.23, or 1.5 per cent, to
tor in order to effectively deal with the blame over who is the weakest link on war The banking sector made large profits in $83.51 a barrel, after hitting a session high
illegal trade that sees the government on graft. Several state officers have been of $83.73, highest since October 2014.
lose billions of shillings. shown the door but cases that should lead
“Other than ensuring that these A bright
people operating illegal gas refilling
centres, popularly known as mashi- future for
mo remit taxes to KRA, we are also
out to ensure the safety of the public business
because some of these facilities are
operated in residential areas,” Chebii A 49-year-old Grace Sopiato
said in a statement. Ene Saning’o from Mashuru
in Kajiado county receives
Early this month, EDA wrote to the a brand new NP 300 Nissan
Inspector General of Police accusing Hard Body Pick-up keys
the police of allegedly harassing and and a logbook from Lotto
extorting them through the crack.The ambassador and Milele
association through its secretary gen- FM presenter MC Tricky
eral Kepher Odongo had demanded after winning the Lotto
the immediate release of all vehicles Jumbo Jackpot. Grace
, equipment and gas cylinders be- plans to use the vehicle
ing held by the DCI. However Chebii for transportation as she
defended the team involved in the expands her vegetable
crackdown, and instead accused EDA supplying business. PD/
of harbouring individuals involved in
the illicit trade. GERALD ITHANA
– Mathew Ndung’u
Tuesday, October 19, 2021 / PEOPLE DAILY BUSINESS HUB
LOW 4&$503 78"1 13&7*064 505"- $ 5(68/76 )25 7:2 5( 23(1(' ),)7((1 7:(17< ),9( <($5 75($685< %21'6 ,668( 12V );' );'
10.00 13.00
15.00 360.00 Eaagads Ltd Ord 1.25 87.50 384.50 1,600
415.00 80.00 Kakuzi Plc Ord.5.00 20.00 88.00 300
101.00 260.00 Kapchorua Tea Kenya Plc Ord Ord 5.00Am 330.00
350.00 16.75 The Limuru Tea Co. Plc Ord 20.00 19.05
21.25 130.00 Sasini Plc Ord 1.00 130.75
154.75 Williamson Tea Kenya Plc Ord 5.00
36.00 20.00 Car & General (K) Ltd Ord 5.00 36.00 36.00 200 7RWDO $PRXQW 2IIHUHG .VKV 0
Development comes in wake of sluggish BANKING 3HUIRUPDQFH 5DWH
growth in loan books with only four banks $PRXQW $FFHSWHG .VKV 0
posting double-digit growth in debt spaces 11.35 8.60 ABSA Bank Kenya Plc Ord 0.50 10.10 10.15 25,100 2I ZKLFK &RPSHWLWLYH ELGV
40.00 26.00 300
69.00 57.50 BK Group Plc Ord 0.80 28.00 28.20 61,200 1RQ FRPSHWLWLYH ELGV
55.00 39.25 794,000 %LG WR &RYHU 5DWLR
4.30 3.40 Diamond Trust Bank Kenya Ltd Ord 4.00 58.25 59.50 20,200 0DUNHW :HLJKWHG $YHUDJH 5DWH
46.95 20.50 9,500 :HLJKWHG $YHUDJH 5DWH RI $FFHSWHG %LGV
50.75 40.00 Equity Group Holdings Plc Ord 0.50 49.85 49.50 203,600 3ULFH SHU .VKV DW DYHUDJH \LHOG
6.50 3.22 &RXSRQ 5DWH
29.00 24.25 HF Group Plc Ord 5.00 3.72 3.71 26,100 3XUSRVH $SSOLFDWLRQ RI IXQGV
99.00 78.00 500 5HGHPSWLRQV
142.00 127.00 I&M Group Plc Ord 1.00 21.55 21.50 19,200 1HZ %RUURZLQJ 1HW 5HSD\PHQW
14 0011.90 2,556,700
KCB Group Plc Ord 1.00 44.80 45.10
National Bank of Kenya Ltd Ord 5.00 4.12 100
by John Otini ment as banks continue to deal NCBA Group Plc Ord 5.00 25.55 25.75 -
with a huge load of bad loans 6,500
@PeopleDailyKe from last year. Stanbic Holdings Plc ord.5.00 86.00 86.00 83,800
Market analysts say I&M Stanbic is paying Sh1.7 a Standard Chartered Bank Kenya Ltd Ord 5.00 129.00 128.25 21,600
Bank stock is the most under- share while NCBA is paying
valued stock among lenders Sh0.75 a share.The listed banks The Co-operative Bank of Kenya Ltd Ord 1.00 12.85 13.00 900 % )257+&20,1* 75($685< %21' 6 ,668( 6 )25 7+( 0217+ 2) $8*867
at the Nairobi Securities Ex- earned a combined Sh66 bil- 55,700
Absa banks. government securities. SURVSHFWXV EHIRUH WKH LVVXH GDWH
5.10 0.45 Deacons (East Africa) Plc Ord 2.50 0.45 1,500
Analysts at Bloomberg shows Standard Chartered Bank re- 1.27 0.88 9,100
in a report that while I&M has corded a decline in comparison 4.90 3.80 Eveready East Africa Ltd Ord.1.00 1.04 1.09 110,200
high returns on equity, the to both the first half of 2020 and 0.00 0.00 700
lender has very low price to first half of 2019. 9.50 0.80 Express Kenya Plc Ord 5.00 4.40 4.40
book ratio, compared to the 4.53 3.70 1,853,400
bigger banks. Cheap money 13.80 4.20 Homeboyz Entertainment Plc 0.50 4.66 143,600 'DYLG /XXVD
Kenyans increased their de- 26.50 14.35 'LUHFWRU )LQDQFLDO 0DUNHWV
What this means is that the 4.00 3.00 Kenya Airways Ltd Ord 1.00 3.83 9,700 -XO\
bank is achieving higher profit- posits handing banks cheap 20.00 15.00
ability on account of less assets money with deposits for 11 17 13.20 Longhorn Publishers Plc Ord 1.00.m 3.96 3.95 19,900
compared to the likes of KCB banks rising 13 percent to Sh3.9 0.29 0.22 110,900
and Equity Bank. trillion. 6.24 3.50 Nairobi Business Ventures Ltd Ord. 1.03 6.36 5.94 300
The analysts say Equity Bank “There was sluggish growth Nation Media Group Plc Ord. 2.50 21.75 22.15 600 CBK KEY RATES
is the most efficiently priced in loan books with only 4 banks 5,000
lender with the highest price to posting double-digit growth in Saineer Africa Plc OH 5.00 3.01 315
book ratio and high return on loans,” said Mwango Capital 78,200
equity in the market. with banks running for govern- Standard Group Plc OH 5.00 16.90 212,300
ment securities.
“Generally the banking sec- TPS Eastern Africa Ltd Ord 1.00 16.00 16.00 18,400 Central Bank Rate 7.00% 28/09/2021
tor saw a return to huge profits The banks are also on an 800 Inter-Bank Rate 4.25% 15/10/2021
boosted by reduced provision- ambitious regional expansion Uchumi Supermarket Plc Ord 5.00 023 0.23 CBK Discount Window 13.00% 28/09/2021
ing for bad loans,” said Eric spree with KCB, Equity Bank, 11,200 91-Day T-Bill 6.952% 18/10/2021
Mokaya, an analyst at Mwango I&M leading the charge with WPP Scangroup Plc Ord 1.00 4.90 4.91 REPO 6.78% 06/10/2021
Capital said in a market report. acquisitions. Inflation Rate 6.91% September,2021
CONSTRUCTION & ALLIED Lending Rate 12.12% August,2021
According to the Com- National Bank of Kenya took Savings Rate 2.64% August,2021
mercial Banks’ Credit Survey a break from its loss making to 8.35 2.40 ARM Cement Plc Ord 1.00 5.55 Deposit Rate 6.3% August,2021
Report by the Central Bank of record a Sh717 million profit 41.85 34.00 KBRR 8.9% 27/07/2016
Kenya (CBK) for the quarter from Sh381m loss in first half 42.80 19.05 Bamburi Cement Ltd Ord 5.00 37.65 37.00
ended June 2021, profit before of 2020.The bank’s profitability 1.62 1.18
tax for the banking sector sig- rose 378 per cent compared to 9.54 7.20 Crown Paints Kenya Plc Ord 5.00 30.80 30.00
nificantly increased by 133.3 the same period in 2019.
per cent to Sh50.5 billion in E.A.Cables Ltd Ord aso 1.50 1.48
second quarter of 2021. Absa profits rose 9.5 times on
the back of a 64 per cent drop E.A.Portland Cement Co. Ltd OH 5.00 8.10 810
Loan loss provisioning in loan loss provisions. The
This is from Sh21.7 billion performance shows a strong ENERGY & PETROLEUM
match to solid returns 2021 de-
in Q2’2020, attributable to a spite pandemic shocks. 5.10 3.90 K KenGen Co. Plc Ord. 2.50 4.79 4.57
reduction in loan loss provi- 1.86 1.29
sioning on improved business EQUITIES MARKET 5.50 4.50 Kenya Power & Lighting Co Plc Ord 2.50 1.68 1.70
environment and economic 6.00 6.00
recovery. During the week, the Equi- 27.50 23.55 Kenya Power & Lighting Plc 4% Pref 20.00 4.53
ties market recorded mixed 7.20 5.44
During the Bloomberg anal- performance, with NASI and Kenya Power & Lighting Plc 7% Pref 20.00 6.00
ysis I&M bank stock was trad- NSE 25 gaining by 1.7 per cent
ing at Sh21.55 per share on the and 0.8 per cent, respectively. TotalEnergies Marketing Kenya Plc Ord 5.00 24.30 24.45
NSE while Absa bank is trading
Sh10.20. Equity Bank is trading The NSE 20 declined by Umeme Ltd Ord 0.50 6.66
at Sh49 a share compared to 1.1%, taking their YTD perfor-
KCB which is trading at Sh45 a mance to gains of 17.6%, 5.2% INSURANCE
share. and 13.4% for NASI, NSE 20
and NSE 25, respectively. 8.78 6.60 Britain Holdings Plc Ord 0.10 7.66 7.64
Using the data, KCB comes 3.50 2.01
out as the most profitable The equities market per- 392.00 276.00 CIC Insurance Group Ltd Ord.1.00 2.69 2.69 KEY CBK INDICATIVE EXCHANGE RATES 18/10/2021
bankat the bourse due to the formance was driven by gains 2.80 728
fact that it has the highest re- recorded by large cap stocks. 10.30 6.60 Jubilee Holdings Ltd Ord 5.00 350.00 348.50 CURRENCY MEAN BUY SELL
turn on equity followed by Absa 12.85 9.00
and Equity. Kenya Re Insurance Corporation Ltd Ord 2.50 2.45 2.46 US DOLLAR 110.8941 110.7941 110.9941
SW KRONER 12.8482 12.8344 12.8620
Equity Bank posted a profit Liberty Kenya Holdings Ltd Ord. 1.00 8.00 7.78 STG POUND 152.0597 151.9041 152.2153
of Sh17.9 billion in the first half SINGAPORE DOLLAR 82.0648 81.9665 82.1631
of 2021 compared to Sh12 bil- Sanlam Kenya Plc Ord 5.00 11.50 11.95 SAUDI RIYAL 29.5655 29.5380 29.5929
lion in the same period of 2019 SA RAND 7.5567 7.5455 7.5680
while KCB made Sh15.3 billion INVESTMENT S FRANC 119.8791 119.7645 119.9936
in first six months of 2021, up NOR KRONER 13.1316 13.1175 13.1458
from Sh12.7 billion, same pe- 18. 00 14.05 Centum Investment Co Plc Ord 0.50 17.50 17.50 KES / USHS 32.5627 32.4972 32.6281
riod in 2019. 0.45 0.34 KES / TSHS 20.7406 20.6768 20.8044
1500.00 1,500.00 Home Afrika Ltd Ord 1.00mm 037 039 KES / RWF 9.1764 9.1465 9.2063
Only Stanbic Bank and 2.24 1.63 KES / BIF 17.9310 17.8104 18.0515
NCBA Bank are planning to is- 1.66 1.08 Kurwitu Ventures Ltd Ord 100 1,500.00 JPY (100) 96.9736 96.8819 97.0653
sue dividends this year refacing IND RUPEE 1.4731 1.4717 1.4745
the cautious business environ- Olympia Capital Holdings Ltd Ord 5.00 1.98 2.00 HONGKONG DOLLAR 14.2534 14.2405 14.2662
EURO 128.6426 128.5135 128.7718
Trans-Century Plc Ord 0.50ma 1.40 1.40 DAN KRONER 17.2590 17.2415 17.2764
CHINESE YUAN 17.2279 17.2113 17.2445
INVESTMENT SERVICES CAN $ 89.4704 89.3861 89.5547
AUSTRALIAN $ 82.1282 82.0430 82.2133
0.90 8.00 Nairobi Securities Exchange Plc Ord 4.00 8.54 9.00 AE DIRHAM 30.1905 30.1604 30.2206
75.00 61.25 B.0.C Kenya Plc Ord 5.00 70.00
485.00 429.00 435.50
12.90 10.00 British American Tobacco Kenya Plc Ord 10.00 430.00 1170 29,800
194.00 162.50 164.75 10,000
1.45 1.19 Carbacid investments Plc Ord 1.00 11.20 1.33 300,100
14.00 10.40 10.40 47,200
0.70 0.25 East African Breweries Plc Ord 2.00 164.75 027
33.50 2610 30.00
Flame Tree Group Holdings Ltd Ord 0.825 1.33
Kenya Orchards Ltd Ord 5.00wo
Manias Sugar Co. Ltd Ord 2.00
Unga Group Ltd Ord 5.00
45.25 37.80 Safaricom Plc Ord 0.05 42.90 4310 5,229,800
7.48 5.90 ILAM FAHARI I-REIT Ord.20.00 6.52 6.54 700
2100.00 1235.00 ABSA New Gold ETF 18561 1855.00
NSE ALL SHARE INDEX: UP 0.93 points to close at 177.10
NSE 20-SHARE INDEX: DOWN 1.24 points to close at 1972.91
NSE 25-SHARE INDEX: DOWN 2.24 points to close at 3840.40
Paris, Monday don virtual reality glasses that book said in a blog post. consumer market, first class
make it feel as if they’re face- The European Union universities and, crucially,
Facebook on Monday an- to-face with a friend -- when top quality talent,” the blog
nounced plans to hire 10,000 in fact they are thousands of hires, spread over the next post said.
people in the European miles apart and connected five years, will include “highly
Union to build the “meta- via the internet. specialised engineers”, but The announcement comes
verse”, a virtual reality version the company otherwise gave as Facebook grapples with
of the internet that the tech “The metaverse has the po- few details of its plans for the the fallout of a damaging
giant sees as the future. tential to help unlock access new metaverse team. scandal, major outages of
to new creative, social, and its services, and rising calls
Facebook chief executive economic opportunities. And “The EU has a number for regulation to curb its vast
officer Mark Zuckerberg has Europeans will be shaping of advantages that make it influence.
been a leading voice in Sili- it right from the start,” Face- a great place for tech com-
conValley hype around the panies to invest -- a large The company has faced a
idea of the metaverse, which storm of criticism over the
would blur the lines between '"$�, past month after former
the physical world and the employee Frances Haugen
digital one. /P POF DPNQBOZ XJMM PXO BOE PQFSBUF UIF leaked internal studies show-
ing Facebook knew its sites
The technology might, for NFUBWFSTF -JLF UIF JOUFSOFU
JUT LFZ GFBUVSF XJMM CF could be harmful to young
example, allow someone to JUT PQFOOFTT BOE JOUFSPQFSBCJMJUZ people’s mental health.
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
4"&&% ,)"5*#;"%&)
Beijing, Monday by surprise. Hypersonic missiles are nology. a hypersonic missile had been
much faster and more agile than “This was not a missile, this was launched in the summer. It flew
China has denied reports that it normal ones, meaning they are through low-orbit space before
tested a nuclear-capable hyperson- more difficult to intercept. a spacecraft,” he said. “This is of cruising down and narrowly missing
ic missile earlier this year, insisting great significance for reducing the its target, the report said.
instead that it was a routine space- It comes as concern grows around cost of spacecraft use.”Zhao added
craft check. China’s nuclear capabilities. that many countries had carried out “The test showed that China had
similar tests in the past.When asked made astounding progress on hy-
The initial report in the Finan- On Monday, foreign ministry if the Financial Times report was personic weapons and was far more
cial Times newspaper prompted spokesman Zhao Lijian told a media inaccurate, he replied “yes”. advanced than US officials realised,”
concern inWashington, where US briefing that a routine test had been the report read.
intelligence was reportedly caught carried out in July to verify different The report on Saturday quoted
types of reusable spacecraft tech- five unnamed sources who said - Xinhua
PHHWLQJ RQ $IJKDQLVWDQ Atleast26killedasIndian
rescuers step up efforts
At least 26 people have being rescued after their
Foreign Ministers of Iran, been killed in floods in vehicle was inundated
China, Pakistan, Tajikistan, southern India after heavy with floodwater. Kottayam
Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and rains caused rivers to over- and Idukki are two of the
Russia to hold talks in Tehran flow, cutting off towns and worst affected districts in
villages. Five children are the state. Days of heavy
Tehran, Monday among the dead. There rainfall has also caused
are fears the death toll deadly landslides. Swollen
Tehran will host a meeting of Afghani- could rise further as many rivers have washed away
stan’s neighbours plus Russia next week, people are missing. Sev- bridges connecting many
the country’s foreign ministry has con- eral houses were washed small villages. Military he-
firmed, with the October 27 event witness- away and people became licopters are being used to
ing the presence of all six foreign ministers. trapped in the district fly in supplies and person-
of Kottayam in Kerala nel to areas where people
During a press conference on Monday, state.Video from the area are trapped, officials said.
Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman Saeed showed bus passengers
Khatibzadeh announced that in addition - BBC
to Iran and Russia, the meeting will be at-
tended by China, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uz- Haiti gang Mawozo accused
bekistan and Turkmenistan, who all have
land borders with Afghanistan. Afghanistan’s Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi (second R) and members of the of US missionary kidnap
Taliban delegation Shahabuddin Delawar (second L) and Khairullah Khairkhwa (right)
According to Khatibzadeh, the meeting arrive at Ankara Esenboga Airport last week. AFP A notorious gang is behind
will continue discussions that the countries the kidnap of a group of
had during a virtual meeting held in early Iran has also harshly condemned the Earlier this year,Tehran hosted intra-Af- North American mission- been particularly bad,
September. Taliban’s armed assault against resistance ghan talks that included theTaliban before aries near Haiti’s capital,
fighters in the Panjshir valley, and a series the armed group took control of Afghani- Port-au-Prince, officials with more than 600 kid-
“The six countries will be focused on of explosions claimed by the Islamic State stan. Iran has, however, refused to partici- say. The five men, seven
how they can help form an inclusive gov- in Khorasan Province, ISKP (ISIS-K) armed pate in any talks hosted or participated by women and five children nappings recorded in the
ernment in Afghanistan with the presence group that have rocked Afghanistan in re- the US, which it says was a main cause of were returning from a visit
of all ethnic groups, and how they can help cent weeks. instability and violence in the country. to an orphanage when first three quarters of 2021,
shape a future of peace and security in Af- they were abducted on
ghanistan,” said Khatibzadeh. Khatibzadeh said Iran has maintained Afghanistan’s Ministry of Interior Affairs Saturday. Officials say compared with 231 over
contact with all parties in Afghanistan, in- has said girls will be allowed to return to they are being held by the
Since the Taliban took control of Kabul cluding the Taliban. “What is clear is that secondary schools soon. Saeed Khosty, a 400 Mawozo gang - also the same period last year,
in mid-August, there has been a debate in Taliban has a direct responsibility in main- spokesman for the interior ministry, told blamed for the kidnap of
Iran on whether the group has changed its taining peace and stability, and to preserve Al Jazeera on Sunday that the exact tim- Catholic clergy in April. according to a local civil
ways since it was in power more than 20 the health of all Afghan groups including ing will be announced by the Ministry of Haiti has one of the high-
years ago. the Hazaras and Shias,” he said. Education. est rates of kidnapping in society group. The rise has
the world. This year has
But Iran’s official position is that it wants AFGHAN CONFERENCE “From my understanding and informa- come in the wake of Presi-
an inclusive government and stability in tion, in a very short time all the universities
its eastern neighbouring state, something The meeting will be attended by China, and schools will be reopened and all the dent Jovenel Moïse’s assas-
Tehran considers vital for its national se- Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turk- girls and women will return to school and
curity. menistan, who all have land borders with their teaching jobs,” he said. sination. - BBC
The calls have continued after the Tali- - Xinhua Sudan cabinet to hold
ban formed an administration that does
not include ethnic and religious groups or meeting amid protests
Sudan’s cabinet will hold the country’s precarious
$LU VWULNHV WDUJHW FDSLWDO RI (WKLRSLD·V 7LJUD\ an extraordinary meet- transition. The protesters
ing on Monday amid an gathered outside the presi-
Addis Ababa, Tuesday several months of peace. year. Kindeya Gebrehiwot, a escalating political row dential palace in central
The raids, confirmed by between factions of the Khartoum demanding
Ethiopian military air two humanitarian workers, spokesman for the Tigray au- ruling Forces of Freedom the dissolution of Sudan’s
strikes hit the capital of the came days after a new mili- and Change (FFC). Pro- post-dictatorship interim
Tigray region and killed at tary offensive was launched thorities, told The AP a market military Sudanese protest- government, saying it has
least three people, witnesses against the Tigray forces ers rallied for a second day failed them politically and
said on Monday, returning the who have fought Ethiopian was bombed on a busy market on Sunday, aggravating economically. The protests
war abruptly to Mekelle after and allied forces for nearly a what civilian Prime Min- come as Sudanese politics
day and many people were ister Abdalla Hamdok reels from divisions among
called the “worst and the factions steering the
wounded. Another resident, most dangerous crisis” of rocky transition. - BBC
speaking on condition of ano-
nymity for fear. - AFP
Tuesday, October 19, 2021 / PEOPLE DAILY 5MINSWITH %&-*") *161" !"MCFSUP@.XBT 21
SHE’S IT! Model Deliah
MWANGI ALBERTO An old retired man decides to run for
the Mayor’s seat just to see if he still got
How did you find a footing in Is it a rigorous task being a TV same time adhering to the it and to try and impress his teenage
modelling? commercial model? Health ministry rules. I’m daughter. He wins mostly because of
I had taken my friend for working on setting up a his millennial campaign manager who
casting at Nairobi’s Serena I find it easy; as it is something I re- business, but I can’t say uses social media to convince the voting
Hotel in 2008. As I was just ally enjoy doing. Basically, I know the which one at the moment. electorate of Los Angeles that Neil
seated there, a lady known rules; what to do before going for a Bremmer is the mayor they need. The
as Lyndsey of Surazuri commercial shoot, what to carry, and If you were not a model, first season follows the clueless mayor,
came up to me and asked if I had au- how to behave among other aspects. what other career would as he tries to navigate the political
ditioned and I said no. She asked why you be pursuing? scene. He finds out the hard way that
I didn’t want to audition and in reply I What other interests do you pursue I’d definitely be in entertain- being mayor is different from the
said I didn’t know. The rest is history. away from modelling? ment; I’d be dancing, on your billboard advertising business that he
TV screens, and I’d be a fitness founded years ago. He has to convince
And did your family support the I’m a professional flight attendant, instructor. his arch-rival Arpi Meskimen that he’s
career path you took? formerly with Emirates airline. I’ve good at his job all while trying to raise
been a radio host too. I also love fit- Who do you idolise and why? his witty and whip-smart teenage
Not at all, but I wish they did. How- ness and cooking. My mother. She is one strong daughter. What follows are riotous nine
ever, I went professional as soon as I episodes, as the mayor and city council
started modelling with Surazuri that How has it been during the Covid-19 woman that has taught me values workforce try to get used to each other
very year. So, it’s been 13 years of pandemic, and what are your post- and respect. I’ve seen how hard she all while trying to do public good. They
awesome experiences. pandemic plans? works. And as they say behind every end up doing more harm than good. The
successful man there is a woman, series gives a nod to the hard Covid-19
How easy or challenging was it to It’s been tough as it has been my mum has been that woman to my times with elbow bumps as greetings
commercialise your craft? the case for everyone around the dad. I also Love Victoria Beckham; and the cast making references to the
world. I’m not even thinking after I just love her growth and how she chaos the pandemic has inflicted on
It wasn’t that easy, because here pandemic, as I don’t know how balances running her family and humanity. You can watch Mr Mayor on
in Kenya, we have industry struc- long it’s going to be around. business all at the same time. Showmax for a few giggles and a lot of
tures that are not followed. For I’m just learning new ways of truths on politics. SCORE: 7/10
instance, a model is required to be working around it and at the What’s your secret in staying ever
registered with an agency, as the young and beautiful? MUSIC REVIEW
client should go through the agency Deliah
to get models. But here, it’s a free- Ipupa is a Nothing major. I have my balanced !"SU/PSBSJ
style kind of business, where some renowned Kenyan diet, drink enough water, and eat my
clients even contact the models supermodel, actress and veggies. I work out when I have the BALD MEN
directly. former flight attendant who chance and I thank God for the good ANTHEM -By Bien
has graced many billboards, genes. ft Aaron Rimbui
Along the way, what major TV screens and catwalks
challenges have you encountered around the world. She chats Your advice for any young girl Never knew I would ever hear a
and how did you overcome them? with Mwangi Alberto aspiring to be a model... song celebrating kipara ngotos and
about her experiences that I would end up loving it. Bald Men
Unfortunately, alot of people and aspirations I’d say respect is paramount. Anthem celebrates all the bald men
here in Kenya don’t take modelling They need to respect themselves in the world. It does this by positing
seriously. The best way I have had %&-*") *161" and others, take care of their body unverifiable claims that if you go bald
to handle this is to uphold a lot of skin, eat right, be active and exercise you can never go back and that bald
respect for myself and what I do. It’s *U T WFSZ FBTZ by swimming or biking. Make sure men love better. This song is a vocal
very easy for people to be derailed, GPS QFPQMF UP CF books come first, and most impor- debate on why bald is great and goes
especially with the small offers of EFSBJMFE
FTQFDJBMMZ tantly, do your research about the ahead to nullify the akili ni nywele ar-
trips, holidays and other goodies. XJUI UIF TNBMM PGGFST modelling agency you’d want to join; gument stating that there are numer-
But honestly I love every bit of it, as PG USJQT
IPMJEBZT BOE get to know what type of modelling ous people with full heads of hair who
I’ve managed to work and interact PUIFS HPPEJFT they want to do. do not live up to the wisdom the wise
with different nationalities and cul- purport them to have. Bien’s vocals
tures, and learnt a lot of news things as always are on point. Rimbui on the
too. keys is a delight to watch and listen to.
The two come together to do
Do you have any runway shows or exactly what they set out to,
TV commercials that are still etched make an anthem that seeks
in your mind? to centre the bald movement
as the go to hair movement.
Yes, I do. They include the Kenya The video is retro and is beautifully
Fashion Weeks, Festival for Fashion done with no cuts; the production
and Arts (Fafa), Bujumbura Fashion team must have been hard at work to
Week, Africa Fashion Week (Amster- pull that off. SCORE: 9/10
dam and London) and the runway
show when Calvin Klein was opening
shops in Dubai. I’ve also done many
commercials among them Coca-
Cola’s One billion reasons to believe
in Africa, Guinness’ Making of a name,
Kenya Airways, and my latest Absa
Bank premier league TV ad and bill-
board with Mochez Models.
Is the modelling industry in Kenya
cutthroat or it’s all smooth sailing?
It is cutthroat, not smooth sailing.
There are loads and loads of cartels,
and exploitation is rife in a major
22 PEOPLE DAILY / Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Clique & Clicks Get4QPUUFE Maureen
Sia of
by Alice Mburu aimed at recognising the compa- and invited guests from across residents
ny’s best performing distributors Africa graced the event, among to fill
Global pharmaceutical and health for the year 2020/21. In total, the them BF Suma regional country their
products developer, manufacturer winners were awarded 61 cars, 13 manager Kenya and Uganda Lilian jerrycans
and distributor BF Suma on Friday intercontinental trips and six inter- Chen and Wiper leader Kalonzo with
held its annual incentives award- national trips. The company’s top Musyoka. water.
ing event at the Bomas of Kenya managers, leaders, distributors
in Nairobi. The colourful gathering PD/ALICE MBURU by Gerald Ithana
Mediamax Network Ltd in partnership with Tatua3 recently held a two-day
food donation drive at Afweni in Lagdera, Garissa county. The exercise
aimed at reaching more than 1,200 vulnerable families affected by the
severe drought currently being experienced in the region. Hundreds of
residents received foodstuff, water for domestic use and 300 litres of diesel
to help in pumping water from the boreholes in different wards. Ten wards
received 20,000 litres of water for livestock.
Lifesaving mission
BF Suma country assistant mananger Moses Muteti awards Plantinum member of Jacaranda Club Bernard
Innocent Mwuinde. Kasema gives it the thumbs up.
Community members fill their tanks with water for domestic use.
DJ Rique Mfalme leaves nothing to chance.
Car award winner Beneficiary Saaida Mohamed Tatua3 CEO Joan Mwaura talks with
Winfred Muasya with her food hampers. Ahammed Gabi, 90, at Afweni.
elated by her
achievement. Wiper leader Kalonzo Idris Mohammad, a
Musyoka. beneficiary.
BF Suma
Africa’s top
senior crown
leader and
Dr Susan
receives her
award from
the company’s
Kenya and
Uganda Lilian
Tuesday, October 19, 2021 / PEOPLE DAILY 23
You ,W·V DOO DERXW -JGF & 4UZMF Waithera@Ntarasiplay
NJOKI KARU, an artiste, AT A Njoki Karu, a LOVE & LAST
GLANCE certified music
shares how she helps therapist. PD/ 8*5) 8"*5)&3" 05*&/0
Njoki Karu de-
people use music to fines music ther- NJERI MAINA How your
apy as the use of personality
achieve non-musical goals music techniques makes or breaks
such as singing, your romance
such as alleviate stress instrumentation,
rhythmic clapping The most recent scientifically
and anxiety, regain normal or even teaching supported personality theory is
harmonies for non- called the Big Five personality ap-
brain function in people musical goals such proach. According to this approach,
as wellness. your personality consists of five ba-
who have undergone brain sic traits. When you are in a romantic
One does not relationship, these traits can either
trauma and even help have to be a musi- complement each other or cause
cian to book a ses- misunderstandings and chaos. Your
build motor and increased sion. As long as you personality type is determined by
can interact with genetics and to an extent, upbring-
cognitive skills music, then you can ing. This article will address three of
do music therapy. these personality traits and the next
by Njeri Maina article will address the other two.
Music therapy
@njerimainar is powerful as we Neurotism measures whether
tend to tie memo- you tend to be highly anxious or
W hen the sages talked about ries to sound. If a emotionally stable and confident.
a voice melodious enough song was playing If you are anxious, you may find
to charm a snake out of its during a heart- yourself getting attracted to more
nest, they were probably break, it forms part emotionally stable lovers because
talking about Njoki Karu. of the sonic land- they make you feel like you can lean
Njoki is a musician fresh scape of your life. on them. Based on research, highly
from Perform Music Incu- Anytime the song anxious people report lower levels
bator where she impacted many with not just plays, it will have of satisfaction in relationships. They
her great voice, but the equally powerful lyr- a visceral reaction are also highly reactive to stress and
ics she pens. even if you do not experience negative emotions. High
know why for in- anxiety may lead to relationship
Njoki is known for writing Secret Love in stance. problems if the anxious person does
2018 for Rafiki, a film that was directed by not learn to manage their anxiety.
Wanuri Kahiu. Njoki is also a certified mu- / +0,* Music therapy
sic therapist. She always knew she wanted infuse fun in Conscientiousness measures
to study music and would later learn about 1FPQMF wellness your level of persistence and re-
music therapy from her mother and de- BSF NPWFE sponsibility versus your tendency
cided to pursue a course in this field as she CZ TPOHT JO whom she played for from the time he was use drums, shakers, clap hands, stamp feet, to easily giving up. Research shows
has always been passionate about wellness B MBOHVBHF comatose untill he regained conscious- use cymbals - for these, you do not have to that people with high conscien-
as well. She graduated in 2018 from Berk- UIFZ EP OPU ness. She would play his favourite songs carry a tune at all. You just have to be willing tiousness have higher chances of
lee College of Music in Boston, USA after VOEFSTUBOE as requested by the mum and would have and open enough to take part in the assigned relationship success as they put in
five years, with a major in music therapy. 5IBU JT sessions with both mum and son. Over time, activities,” Njoki further explains. the effort required for a relationship
She interned in Los Angeles in 2019, then BMM ZPV the mum would open up and share more to work. If you are a persistent and
move back to Kenya to practice. But what OFFE UIF about their lives, he would come to, and The other common misconception that responsible person, you may get im-
exactly is music therapy? PQFOOFTT UP Njoki would work with physical therapists Njoki has come across during her practice patient and irritated if bae is too laid
BMMPX NVTJD to pair music with physical exercises that is that musicians are automatically music back and lacks the energy or moti-
What it is UP IFMQ ZPV would help him regain his motor skills. Njoki therapists, especially if they make sooth- vation to do what needs to get done.
“Music therapy is the evidence-based OBWJHBUF shares that it is such experiences that keep ing music or music that may be considered In such a relationship, you will find
ZPVS her practicing music therapy. therapeutic. This could not be further from that one person appears more hard-
use of music to achieve non-musical goals FNPUJPOBM the truth as a music therapist needs to be working and resilient and the other
such as increased wellness and self- MBOETDBQF Debunking myths certified and to be well-educated so that they always seems to be having an easy
awareness, normally done by a certified Njoki shares that one does not have to be are equipped to help clients who are seeking time. This can lead to resentment
music therapist. These goals vary as some therapy based on tried and tested methods and loss of mutual respect. For such
people use music to alleviate stress, allevi- musically gifted to claim the catharsis that rather than solely based on instinct no mat- couples, it is good to allocate roles
ate anxiety, help regain normal brain func- comes from music therapy. ter how good the instinct might be. according to the situation so that
tions in people who have undergone brain each partner contributes something
trauma while some will use music therapy “Music is a universal language in that For those looking for a music therapy ses- meaningful to the relationship.
to help build motor and increased cognitive many people engage with it regularly, sion with Njoki, they can find her on Insta-
skills in children with special needs. It all and emote or feel moved by it during said gram on her eponymous handle where they Agreeableness indicates your lev-
depends on the client,” Njoki explains. interaction. People are moved by songs can either direct message her or book a ses- el of friendliness and empathy ver-
in a language they do not understand, for sion via email. As to her plans for the future, sus your level of hostility. Couples
She shares that music therapy sessions instance. That is all you need to take part in Njoki shares that she will keep practicing who have high levels of agreeable-
can be either individual or in a group de- music therapy, the openness to allow the music therapy, teaching voice work, song- ness usually enjoy high levels of re-
pending on client preference. The format of music to help you navigate your emotional writing and instruments outside therapy lationship satisfaction according to
the session follows a routine and is made landscape. Moreover, music is so vast. There classes, and releasing great music records research. You may also find that one
up of various parts such as an introduction is the rhythmic portion of it where you can both independently as well as film scores. of you is agreeable, meaning that
or check-in session, the body where the this person is friendly, helpful and
music therapist uses various techniques social, while the other prefers not
to explore set goals, then a closing session be too friendly. For such a couple, it
where the therapist transitions the client would be important for them to un-
from the session back into their normal life. derstand each other’s social needs
and to support each other. The
The therapy techniques vary depending agreeable bae should be allowed to
on the therapist, the number of people in socialise and be nice to people and
the session, and the issue being explored. the disagreeable one should be un-
Some sessions can incorporate techniques derstood and respected.
such as a drum circle where participants
drum and create a percussion piece that
explores a common theme such as loss.
Others can involve playing back a recorded
piece of music, playing a single instrument
or several, singing, or even songwriting.
Being a songwriter herself, Njoki loves
incorporating this in her therapy sessions
and creates music pieces with her clients.
As to the question of whether music
therapy is effective, Njoki answers strongly
in the affirmative. She shares how she has
seen people grow from the therapy ses-
sions. One example is a meningitis patient
24 PEOPLE DAILY / Tuesday, October 19, 2021
People Plus Tell ZPVS Story
Rosemary Kamweti was going through I go up the She talks of how fortune favours the
a rough patch in life when she decided mountains to brave and how serendipity would put her
to climb the Ngong Hills —suprisingly conquer life and James Muhia, another mountaineer
the stress she bore vanished. The climb on the same hike. They would talk, bond
turned out to be therapeutic and this set and decide to do future climbs together in
her on a path to summiting higher peaks. order to encourage each other as well as
The IT expert has gone up Mt Kenya six to bring down mountaineering costs. They
times and Mt Kilimanjaro eight times. would enroll at Blue Sky for rock climbing
Early this year, she conquered Batian, the classes, as one has to have a certain level
highest peak on Mt Kenya of rock-climbing skills to be able to even at-
tempt climbing Nelion and Batian.
by Njeri Maina AT A
GLANCE In August 2020, Rosemary decided to try
@njerimainar her first Batian ascent. She was forced to
In the three years turn around as it started snowing halfway.
On December 12, 2018, Rose- that Rosemary Snow tends to be slippery, hence why hikers
mary Kamweti summited point Kamweti started are told to attempt summiting Batian and
Lenana, the third highest peak mountaineering, Nelion during the drier months. She would
of Mount Kenya that stands at she has conqured climb down disappointed, but determined
4,985 metres above sea level. both mountain to try it another time. She talks of how the
The first thing she would ask peaks and life’s successful Batian summit this January was
Munyaka Njiru, the Bucketlist challenges both exhausting and exhilarating.
Adventures founder and guide, was why
they had gone to the third highest peak Having been “It took a total of four days. The toughest
and not the highest one. mountaineering part of the climb has to be the traverse be-
since 2018, she had tween Nelion and Batian. There is a place
The answer would be that this was the heard that making called the Gate of Mist, the gap between
most accessible peak as one requires it to Batian’s peak these two peaks where we had to use ice
rock climbing skills to summit the other was a reserve for axes to get across a section, which was just
two peaks. Rosemary would take this as expert climbers, snow. I remember doubting myself and
a challenge and would summit Batian, and especially for- the guides telling me that it was possible.
the highest peak on Mt Kenya that stands eigners. The sum- Later on, I would climb up with just my bare
at 5,199 metres on January 20 this year, mit climb, whose hands and summit, of course while har-
thereby becoming the second black wom- base is at 4,600 nessed to a guide. The whole experience
an to ever successfully complete such a metres and peak at humbled me. It taught me to be calm and to
fete. The first woman was Lydia Muthoni 5,199 metres was believe in myself and shut off any thoughts
in 1998. But a journey of a thousand miles said to be long and that doubt my ability or that amplify just
starts with one step, so when did Rose- “technical” thus dif- how steep and scary a challenge is. Even
mary take her first step into hiking. ficult. However, she after descending, it took me a week to be
conquered Batian in able to articulate my experience up there.
Mountain therapy January this year. But would I do it again? Definitely,” Rose-
“You go up mountains to either chase mary enthusiastically explains.
Rosemary who
angels or demons,” Rosemary starts. holds Bachelors of Speed hiking
“In 2018 September, I was going through Business Informa- Rosemary has grown from strength
a stressful time and was looking for an tion Technology
outlet. I had gone to talk out my issues from Jomo Kenyat- to strength in the three years since she
in therapy twice before I decided to go up ta University of Sci- started hiking. She has summited Kili-
Ngong Hills on a whim. The quiet time up, ence and Technol- manjaro eight times, with the last attempt
ogy is an IT expert being a sub 24-hour challenge at the end of
who balances work February. She has done a 10-day hike in the
and hiking. Ruwenzori ranges in Congo. The ranges
stand at 5,109 metres above sea level. She
At last! Rosemary Kamweti celebrates after she reached Batian peak. PD/COURTESY has summited Mt Kenya six times and has
tried all the three routes up though on dif-
coupled with the serenity and the arduous and summit the mountain using Machame ferent climbs.
climb must have catalysed the solution route. She talks of how she prepared for
seeking-process because I came down with this by going for several prehikes in Kenya. Mt Kenya has three possible routes up;
answers. Suffice it to say, I have never gone She explains that Kilimanjaro is a gentler the Naromoru route, which is the shortest
back to therapy and always go up moun- ascent compared to Mt Kenya hence why and hardest, the Chogoria route ,which
tains to find myself. Mountain climbing is she picked to do it first. She would then is the most scenic and the Sirimon route
therapeutic for me,” she explains. enlist the help of Bucketlist Adventures and which is the least used. She has summited
summit Mt Kenya in December the same and descended down Mt Kenya in 10 hours.
Three weeks after the Ngong summit, year using the Chogoria route. She also plans to do a Mt Kenya Traverse,
Rosemary would travel to Mt Kilimanjaro where you go up one route and come down
another. She hopes to keep speed climbing
and bettering her total ascent and descent
times on the hikes she goes for with Lennin
Peak, which stands at 7,134 metres being
one of the challenges she is eagerly looking
forward to. Lennin Peak is situated in the
Pamir’s range of Kyrgyzstan that borders
with China and Tajikistan.
But where does she get the time? Rose-
mary works in database administration.
Being an information technology expert
means that one can be called in to work at
any time, which means that there are times
when she can plan for a hike then have to
miss it when work comes calling.
She talks of the importance of planning
her time and ensuring her hikes coincide
with longer public holidays with any ad-
ditional days needed for the hike being sup-
plemented by her leave days. She talks of
the importance of balancing both work and
hiking as they are complimentary and each
is fulfilling to her in its own way. Where
there is a will, there is a way, she says. If you
truly want to do something, you will find a
way to create time.
Tuesday, October 19, 2021 / PEOPLE DAILY 25
Drought Smart Way to Grow Money
tolerant crops, a Arrow roots best grow in
welcome relief riverbeds, swampy areas,
for Makueni or in a dry area where the
farmers farmer digs trenches and
fills them with water so the
by Mwangi Mumero arrow roots stay wet. Care
should be taken not to over-
@PeopleDailyKe water the plants as the tu-
bers rot when overexposed
New varieties of drought toler- to water.
ant pigeon peas, sorghum and
green grams have been introduced Arrow roots grow to
in Makueni county to help farmers maturity within six to eight
cope with the challenges of fail- months depending on the
ing rains occasioned by climate variety. There are two main
change. The high yielding variet- varieties Dasheen and
ies of pigeon peas are Egerton Eddoe. Dasheen matures
Mbaazi 1, Egerton Mbaazi 2 and faster, but its seedlings are
Egerton Mbaazi 3. Sorghum variet- almost twice as expensive
ies include EUS1 and Gadam while compared to Eddoe seed-
two varieties of green grams are lings.
Karembo and Biashara.
Other than sell the ma-
The new varieties have been re- tured tubers, one can also
leased by the International Crops grow and sell seedlings.
Research Institute for the Semi- One can also add value to
Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and Egerton the arrow roots by making
University Seed Unit in a project crisps, or flour.
supported by the United States
Agency for International Develop- Arrow roots, the buried gold
ment (Usaid).
George Gitonga Kairithia started farming the tuber upon
Over the years, Makueni farm- the insistence of his wife and late mum. He would later
ers have had to grapple with a discover its lucrativeness as produce from quarter acre
myriad of challenges, notably easily fetched Sh300,000. Since then, he has never looked
harsh environment. Unavailabil- back. He shares lessons learnt from this venture
ity of improved varieties that can
withstand or escape drought, that by Njeri Maina variants had to be grown in a swampy place or a (&03(&
are disease-resistant and their re- place with a lot of water, there are new variants (*50/("
spective certified seed have been @njerimainar that can be grown anywhere through irriga-
the main and even bigger problems tion. Many farmers who have land away from * JOUFOE UP
to agricultural productivity in the The demand for wholesome foods and riverbeds and swamps dig trenches that flow
arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs). African dishes has risen in the recent with water, which is needed as the arrowroots LFFQ GBSNJOH
past due to the increased awareness grow. He shares that arrow roots are easy to
The three pigeon peas varieties on importance of healthy foods among grow as they require little management despite BSSPX SPPUT
are early maturing, taking only six citizens. Many are opting out of eating maturing in six to eight months depending on
months to mature compared to the pancakes, sausages, and bread for the variety planted. BOE BU TPNF
traditional varieties, which take a breakfast and instead choosing to eat
whole year. The short maturing pe- boiled arrow roots, commonly referred to as The farming process QPJOU DIBOHF A sack of arrow roots. They mature in
riod allows them to escape adverse nduma. In Kenya, there are two main variants,
weather conditions. UIF GBSN JOUP six to eight months depending on variety
George Gitonga Kairithia saw this trend, an- dasheen and the traditional arrow roots also planted. MAIN: Arrow root plantation.
According to Mary Muteti, ticipated demand and decided to start growing referred to as eddoe. Dasheen can grow almost B SFTFBSDI
Makueni county director of agricul- arrow roots. Gitonga is one hardworking man. anywhere if properly irrigated while the tradi- PD/NJERI MAINA
ture, the county has 32,000 acres He is the headteacher of MCK Chaaria Town- tional arrow root best grows in riverbeds and
under green grams. It requires ship Boarding and Day Primary School in Meru. swampy areas. GBDJMJUZ they are ready to be harvested. They normally
at least 120 ,000 kilogrammes of He has also written and co-written numerous weigh between two kilogrammes and five ki-
seed to satisfy demand- which they books under Oxford University Press, all while “Prepare the land by tilling, so that the soil logrammes depending on the variety planted.
have been unable to meet through having a thriving farming business. is loose and soft. Make holes that are about 15 One harvests arrow roots by wetting the ground
the formal means. Aware of the centimetres in diameter and depth, and about so the tubers can be easily uprooted. The arrow
constraints to access improved and Being a teacher, he knows the value of 30 centimetres from each other. The distance root is then cut from the plant and the plant can
certified seed – a major limiting knowledge and gladly shares it. This is the rea- from each other should not be too far apart so be used in the next planting season.
factor to agricultural productiv- son he started Arrow roots Farmers in Kenya, that the leaves grow and form a canopy thereby
ity, the project has worked with a Facebook group that seeks to offer insights blocking the sun from reaching the ground There is a ready market. A quarter-acre can
partners to establish robust seed into arrow root farming, trade farming tips and They should not be too close together as the give over 5,000 kilogrammes of arrowroots that
systems through formal and marketing advice while at it. Gitonga has hosted arrow roots will not have enough space to grow can fetch between Sh250,000 to Sh300,000 per
farmer-based organisations that numerous group members at his farm as a way to their full potential. Next, fill the hole about harvest. With an acre, one can easily clock a
would ensure steady production of sharing knowledge and encouraging those halfway through with organic manure. The use million shillings upon hitting the market, which
and timely supply of seed of the hesitant to start to just do it. of fertilizer is not advised. Keep the soil moist is why many view it as the buried gold. The
improved varieties. throughout the growing period. Regularly water common markets are hotels, weddings, break-
But what prompted Gitonga to start arrow the tubers, at least twice per week and weed fast caterers, and open-air markets.
On its part, Egerton University root farming? “Fear of poverty. I come from a appropriately,” Gitonga explains.
commercially releases the vari- humble background. I know for a fact that one The arrow root market is slowly growing as
eties bred by ICRISAT, contracts cannot rely on one source of income if they are There are no known diseases that affect people add value to the produce by making
farmers through its Agrisoy Seed to outrun poverty. So eight years ago, I bought a arrow roots. As for pests, one can spray pesti- crisps, flour used as infant food. Gitonga main-
Company and conducts on training. four acre piece of land in Meru. Part of the land cides after consulting a local extension officer. tains that demand for arrowroot can only grow
was next to a swamp, which is great for growing as innovative ways of value-adding are discov-
The new varieties have already traditional arrowroots. My late mum and my Harvest and market ered with each passing day.
been approved and certified by the wife encouraged me to try my hand at arrow It is important to know when to harvest
Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate root farming and since I began this venture, I
Service (Kephis). Upon expansion have never looked back. I intend to keep farm- your arrow roots since when they overstay in
of seed production capacity, seeds ing arrow roots and at some point change the the ground in a well-watered area, they start
will be distributed to farmers in farm into a research facility,” Gitonga candidly retaining water and become spongy and not as
Kerio Valley, Machakos, Tharaka says. crunchy as they should be when cooked. The
Nithi, Kitui and Turkana counties. arrow roots turn yellow and stop growing when
He shares that while traditional arrow root
26 PEOPLE DAILY / Tuesday, October 19, 2021
3 2 %R[ 7KLND &HOO
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7KH EXULDO FHUHPRQ\ ZLOO EH KHOG RQ Tuesday 19th October, 2021, at Thangira
Tuesday, October 19, 2021 / PEOPLE DAILY ENTERTAINMENT
5.00 Inuka 19.30pm STORY OF US 5:00 BBC ARIES (MAR. 21- APRIL 20)
5.30 Wake Up, Shape Up! 5:30 Gear Up Small business ventures can earn you ex-
6.00 K24 This Morning ,1 7+($75(6 12: 6:00 Good Morning tra cash. Secret affairs may be tempting.
9.55 Wisdom Moment Plan some family outings.
11.00 Daily Brief 10:00, 12:45, 15:45, 18:45: NO TIME TO 9:00 Layd Back TAURUS (APR. 21- MAY 21)
13.00 News Cut 9:30 Animation Time Legal matters that have been pending
13.30 Jungu La Spoti DIE 3D 10:30 Jee, huu ni may be alleviated through compromise.
14.00 Bongo Movie CENTURY GARDEN CITY Concern yourself with legal matters and
15.00 Akili & Me CENTURY GARDEN CITY 11:00 Hypochondri your objectives.
16.00 K24 Mashinani 11:30, 13:45, 16:00: VENOM –LET THERE
16.30 Paula & Friends ach RR GEMINI (MAY 22-JUNE 21)
17.00 Beatbox BE CARNAGE 12:00 Afrusion Changes in your domestic situation will
18.00 The Secretary CENTURY GARDEN CITY 1:00 Lunch prove to be favorable in the long run. You
19.00 K24 Saa Moja 10:30, 14:45, 17:00: THE BOSS BABY 3D will get upset over trivial matters. Visitors
19:30 Story Of Us Time News may drop by unexpectedly, resulting in ten-
20.00 Vistas 2:00 IAAF Recorded sion with your lover.
20.30 Punchline 4:30 Big Minds Rpt
22.30 Pl Sunday Review 5.00 Club 1 CANCER (JUNE 22-JULY 22)
23.30 Countdown 6:30 The Great You can enjoy short trips. You can easily
00.30 Al Jazeera impress others with your generous nature.
Debators Time spent with family, children, or good
5.00 Ime Ria Ruciini 7:00 Taarifa friends will be regenerating and positive.
6.00 Rikiratha- Live 7:30 Grapevine
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10.30 Ngano Cia Cucu 9:00 Channel 1 Be careful how you deal with colleagues.
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1.00 Mohoro Gitau-Live News today.
1.30 Kayu Ka Ruriri- Rpt 10:00 Maisha ya
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3.00 Wendo Muroge- Rpt mama Travel will also be very informative. Donʼt
3.30 Satai- Rpt 11:00 CCTV get intimately involved with a coworker.
4.00 Ririmbuka -Live 11:30 Layd Back Opportunities for travel and socializing are
7.00 Kameme Maturaini- evident.
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Kihenjo 9.00 On The Wings Donʼt let the moods of those you live with
8.30 Maisha Bure get you down. You can expect changes in
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10.00 Thenema 11.00 NTV Today
11.30 Ririmbuka 1.00 NTV At1 SCORPIO (OCT. 24 - NOV. 22)
12.30 DW 1.30 NTV Sasa Your depressed mood has been hard to
3.00 China Wings shake. You must lay down ground rules so
3.30 Gina Dʼs Kids that you can complete a job.
4.00 NTV At 4 Disruptions may set you back, but youʼre
4.15 Password strong, and in the end the choices you
5.00 The Beat make will be favorable.
6.00 Be Careful With
My Heart For now just do the best you can. If you ad-
7.00 NTV Jioni dress those in a position to grant you favors
8.00 Wild Skin you should get the support you require.
9.00 NTV Tonight
10.00 Lit 360 AQUARIUS (JAN. 21 -FEB. 19)
11.00 World Cup Daily This is a great day to spend with family. Op-
portunities to get together with friends will
Highlights be enlightening and entertaining. Control
12.00 CNN your anger.
PISCES (FEB. 20-MAR. 20)
Your intuition will be right on. Follow your
vestments. Travel will be favorable. Resist
overspending on luxury items.
6XGRNX 7KH DLP LV WR ÀOO :&45&3%": 4 40-65*0/
68 3 the grid so that ACROSS DOWN
each row, col- 1. Rambo 1. Repose
7. Patience 2. Blew
2 451 umn and every 8. Pines 3. Rags
10. Whispering 4. Tiger
945238 "( # & $!'% 3x3 shaded 12. Excavate 5. undivided
box contains 14. Sign 6. Reagan
&! $ %'# "( 16. Silk 9. SHave
91 7 8 only one of the 17. Aberdeen 11. Icelandic
20. Bangladesh 13. Tub
'% "!(#$& digits 1-9. You 23. Salon 15. Grass
need to reason 24. Eligibible 16. Sobbed
93 # " !%'(&$ 25. Mecca 18. Narnia
2 7 48 !$ % (&"'# out where to 21. Dale
22. Haze
127648 (' & $# "%! place the miss-
ing numbers
" ! '$%&(#
by using the
451 6 %# ( "&$!'
numbers given
6 59 $& ' #(!% " in the grid and
a process of
/,)(¬6 /,.( 7+$7 _ %< 780 elimination. It is
a game of logic
not mathemati-
12:00 Football Review- Rpt cal ability.
6:00 Morning Express
08:00 Life Nʼ Style ACROSS 21. Late actor Orson ___ (6) 6. Spin (4)
12.00 Documentary 3. Aiding (9) 22. Murder (8) 7. Small cut (4)
4.00 Mbiu-Ya-Ktn 8. Out (4) 23. Wife of Zeus (4) 11. Maurice ___, French
5:00 Baseline 9. Stubbornness (8) 24. Allot, earmark (9)
6:00 Losing Heaven 10. Quantity (6) singer/actor (9)
7:00 KTN Leo 6SULQJ ÁRZHU DOWN 12. Fencer (9)
7:30 Just Kidding 14. Experise (4-3) 1. Pulling power? (9) 14. Young goat (3)
8:00 Great Bake Off 15. By way of (3) 2. Orange preserve (9) 15. Account, interpretation (7)
9:00 KTN )ULGD\ %ULHÀQJ 16. Tranquillised (7) 4. Large shop (5) 18. Sugary (5)
10:20 Movie 17. Sweetheart (5) 5. US state, capital 19. Sit for (4)
20. Short skirt (4)
Indianapolis (7)
Tuesday, October 19, 2021 $. QDPHV QHZ ZRUOG UDFH
by Amos Abuga expected to have stops in North
America, Asia, Africa, Oceania
and Europe and will incorporate
Kenyan leg of the inaugural many of the world’s biggest and
The POF TUPQ Sport shop... World Cross Country Tour has most prestigious cross country
been named John Ngugi Country meetings that have been part of
Tour in honour of the five-time the Cross Country Permit series
world champion. in recent years.
The Kenyan event will be held Athletes will compete in various
'005#"-- 1"(& on February 12 in Eldoret with the meets throughout the year and
local organising committee up- earn cross country ranking points
/FZNBS beat they will deliver a great event. based on their relative finishes. Legend John Ngugi. PD/FILE
SVMFE PVU PG “We have named the event the Mutwii said they have already
14( DMBTI AK president Jack Tuwei said
BHBJOTU -FJQ[JH John Ngugi Cross Country Tour identified the venue for the one- early preparations are necessary
JO $IBNQJPOT because he is a legend,” said Ath- day event and are working on due to the minimal time between
-FBHVF letics Kenya senior vice-president other logistics. now and February especially with
Paul Mutwii. regards to invitations.
“We were in Eldoret to try and
Mutwii, who is also the chair identify the best venue to host this “When you send invitations to
of the committee, said with the event.We have settled on Lobo vil- athletes, you have to include the
World Athletics Cross Country lage, situated between the airport route, altitude of the place and the
Tour having begun in Cardiff this and town. It is a suitable site and weather conditions. The course
past weekend, it should signify a we are still working on it. Imme- will also have to be inspected and
competitive season ahead. diately we finalise on it, we will in- approved,” Tuwei said.
vite the technical team fromWorld
According to World Athletics, Athletics,” disclosed Mutwii.
the World Cross Country Tour is
Safety top agenda ahead of 18th
Standard Chartered Marathon
ATHLETICS: Nairobi Traf- tially closed. Kris Bhan-
fic Police Commander Joshua Motorists will be diverted to deri and
Omukata assured yesterday his mother
that all necessary measures Dagoretti Road, Lang’ata Road, in a previ-
had been taken to ensure the Enterprise Road, Uhuru Highway ous race.
security of all participants ahead and Waiyaki Way. Trucks from
of the 18th edition of Standard Inland Container Depot (ICD) will PD/EDWIN
Chartered Nairobi Marathon to be redirected to Mombasa Road
be held on Nairobi’s Southern within the stipulated period. OTIENO
Bypass on October 31.
The marathon makes a come-
To allow for safety provisions back this year after it was can-
for the runners, law enforcers celled in 2020 due to unprece-
have designed an elaborate road dented challenges brought about
closure diversions schedule by Covid-19 and the containment
that will see traffic to and out of measures required.
the Southern Bypass diverted to
alternative roads between 12am The marathon makes a come-
and 1pm. back this year after it was can-
celled in 2020 due to unprece-
All interchanges to the South- dented challenges brought about
ern Bypass will be closed with by Covid-19 and the containment
the Dagoretti interchange par- measures required.
- Amos Abuga
Lions, Swamis keep up the .DUWLQJ VWDU H\HV
momentum in Super Division VHQLRU FKDOOHQJH
CRIKCET: The trio of the Kenyan international. Prodigy Kris Bhanderi dent at German School Nairobi karting series takes a three-month
Stray Lions, Swamibapa and Meanwhile, second placed hoping to leap onto a higher was crowned the Rotax Junior Max lull.
Kanbis Sports Club posted level next season Champion with back to back wins
positive results in the race for Swamibapa were also in bull- on rounds 9 and 10. “I am definitely going up. Time
glory as the Super Division 50 ish form as they beat hosts by Edwin Otieno comes when you feel you need
Over Championship stepped Ngara Sports Asked about his 2020 plans, the some fresh impetus into your rac-
up at the weekend. Club by five @PeopleDailyKe karting prodigy alluded: “There’s ing career. Nothing is final yet, but
wickets. nothing sure for next year yet, but if I am to remain in Kenya next year,
Leaders Stray Lions on 52 Ngara Newly-crowned Kenya National I would surely want to take my rac- then I will have to fight it out in the
points continued their hot who won Rotax Junior Max Karting champi- ing career to the next level.We have Senior Rotax,” said Kris who will be
streak following a comfort- toss se- on Kris Bhanderi has his eyes firmly some plans for Rotax Senior Max, turning 16 in December this year.
able six wicket win over Sir lecting to set on a Rotax Senior Max seat next but I would also like to race in the
Ali Muslim Club at the latter’s bat first were season. United Kingdom.” Kris has been to Protrain Rac-
home turf in Park Road. Alex dismissed for ing in UK’s Whilton Mill where he
Obanda (130 off 79 balls) was a paltry 78 score Bhanderi racked a maiden ca- Overseas trainers savoured a scintillating mini-max
the star man on the bat for on the board with reer title on the season closing The 2022 Kenya National Kart- experience with overseas trainers.
Lions as Shem Ngoche (3-66) Swamis bowlers double-header at Solai’s Rift Valley
also had a stellar moment wreaking havoc Motor Sports Club (RVMSC) race- ing Championship season will start “I am happy and excited for the
on the crease in the bowling especially Nehe- track where he cleared the ground next year with 10 rounds scheduled next step of my racing career and
department. miah Odhiambo with all his opponents. to run in various venues including a bigger grid for that matter. It will
(5-19) and Whistling Morans in Athi River and give me more competition and a
Despite Sir Ali setting an Peter Koech The 15-year-old Year-10 stu- Nakuru’s Solai. reason to pursue new limits,” he
impressive total of 282 on the (3-19) who said.
board in the opening innings, contributed to Kris has his options open as the
Obanda had other ideas after the fall of eight
the break leading his charges wickets in the
to a score of 287 with his con- first innings.
tribution including 14 bound-
aries and eight sixes in what -Barry
was a sensational outing for Sillah
Tuesday, October 19, 2021 / PEOPLE DAILY PEOPLE SPORT
Last year’s winners of Kiptoiyot Cup, Tea Research, cel- by Philip Yegon ticipation in the competition that the arrangements for the compe- to showcase their talents at the
ebrate. PD/PHILIP YEGON, is expected to end in December. tition are on course and he is up- grassroots so as to be spotted by
@PeopleDailyKe The tournament is sponsored by beat it will be a successful event. big clubs in the country and sub-
Kericho Senator Aaron Cheru- sequently become professional
Stakes are high in Kericho iyot. Chumo, who is also the Foot- footballers.
County where Senator Kiptoiyot ball Kenya Federation Kericho
football tournament nears kick- Assisting youth branch Secretary, revealed that Tea Research Institute team
off The overall winners will pocket the tournament will start at the were the winners of the inaugural
ward level on 23rd on Saturday tournament last year after beat-
Preparations for the tourney Sh1 million while winners at the and progress to the constituency ing Galaxy 2-0 in the finals staged
are in top gear as teams assemble constituency and ward levels will and finally county level. at the Kericho Green Stadium.
their arsenal to battle for the ulti- also go home with cash rewards.
mate prize within two weeks. The tournament was started The champions then pock-
A member of the tournament’s last year by Senator Cheruiyot eted Sh500,000 while Galaxy got
Over 350 football teams across secretariat, Samwel Chumo, said and is aimed at assisting youths Sh250,000.
the county have confirmed par-
by Gibo Zachary number of players who New FKF Premier still continuing their fine run in
will be crowned the best League boys are the season just like they ended
@PeopleDailyKe this season if you give your without a win despite the last.
best and your hearts out,” major signings
Shabana FC chairman said Nyandoro. The current League leaders
DrYobes Nyandoro chal- by Barry Silah top the standings with six points
lenged his players yester- “We’d love to have the off two matches with six goals in
day to be ambitious and MostValuable Player of the @PeopleDailyKe the process. Bandari last Friday
focused, saying they need year come from Shabana. beat Bidco United 3-2 in Thika
to establish a name for Achieving this will see Football Kenya with coach Andre Casa Mbungo
themselves and the club teams knocking doors in Federation Pre- keen to make headway in the
or their efforts will go to search of your services at mier League championship early enough.
waste. higher levels, be it within newcom-
Kenya or even abroad, and ers Kenya Struggles continue
He told them that suc- mine will be to sign release Police FC New signingsWhyvone Isuza
cessful people are those letters and wish you the are yet
who have vision and urged best. So, don’t be comfort- to find formerly ofWazito, Rogers Aloro
them to have targets indi- able playing in the Na- their formerly of Tusker FC and Jo-
vidually and collectively as tional Super League and seph Okoth who was snapped
a team and strive to ensure convince your mind that rhythm from KCB FC have made an im-
that they get to the highest that’s where you want to despite pact and given the long serving
level of playing football end your career. No, that’s massive sign- players a run for their money.
within and outside the a lack of ambition. Play in ings as the new Mbungo has a good challenge
country. NSL with the aim to help season enters the of a big and talented squad that
our team earn promotion third round. can give him a shot at the title.
Nyandoro said this after to premier league,” added Police have The revitalisation of John Mwi-
paying a courtesy call on Nyandoro. no points and ta and Ugandan striker Umaru
the club’s training ground no goals in two Kasumbba has given the tech-
in Nyanchwa where he He intimated that the matches which has nical bench huge options with
gave out foodstuffs. new management is work- sent tongues wag- dangermen William Wadri and
ing on the modalities ging even though it is Hassan Abdallah offering bite to
“You saw the other of ensuring the players’ still early days. the Dockers this season as well.
day, our very own Brian welfare is once and for all Four weeks after losing
Michira was recognised taken care of. 1-0 to Kakamega Home- Kakamega Homeboyz also
as one of the best and top boyz, Police, under John have six points in the bag albeit
midfielders in the league “We are preparing for a Bobby Ogola, lost 2-0 Satur- with a low score rate. Out of two
last season and also one very big fundraising by De- day to Nairobi City Stars at Ru- matches, Bernard Mwalala’s
of the most promising cember so that these small araka Grounds. side have only managed two
youngsters in the league. issues about you not able Police, who won the pre- goals after they beat Wazito 1-0
Imagine if all of us aim to pay rent and going hun- mier league promotion play- in a tight match on Sunday with
to get such accolades or gry because will be a thing off against Vihiga United last the lone goal coming through
even better. Imagine the month, brought in big names George Odiwuor’s 47th minute
like Ex-Gor Mahia winger penalty.
FKFPL RESULTS Clifton Miheso, former AFC
Leopards attacker John Mark Gor Mahia who face archri-
Bidco United 2-3 Bandari FC Makwatta, former Leopards vals AFC Leopards Wednesday
Nzoia Sugar 0-0 Sofapaka captain Duncan Otieno and Ex- in this season’s first installment
P. Rangers 4-0 Vihiga Bullets Gor skipper Musa Mohammed. of Mashemeji Derby are seventh
KCB 0-0 Afc Leopards With these signings, Police with only one match played due
Mathare Utd 0-1 Ulinzi Stars are expected to mount a chal- to CAF engagements.
Kenya Police 0-2 Nairobi Stars lenge for the title but the team
Wazito FC 0- 1 KK Homeboyz might take time to adjust to the Defending champions Tuck-
big time. er, who have seen their Thurs-
Meanwhile, Bandari FC are day match with Kakamega
Homeboyz postponed due to
their forthcoming return leg of
CAF Champions League pre-
liminary match with Zamalek,
are 16th.
Mathare United are bottom
of the standings with no win as
their struggles continue in the
new season.
Shabana FC chairman Dr Yobes Nyandoro speaks Mark Makwata of Kenya Police FC (left) attempts to
to players in Nyanchwa. PD/GIBO ZACAHARY dribble past Nairobi City Stars defenders during their
FKFPL match at Kasarani Stadium Annex, Nairobi, on
October 16, 2021. PD/RODGERS NDEGWA
30 PEOPLE SPORT PEOPLE DAILY / Tuesday, October 19, 2021
ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE TEAM GP W D L F A PTS Madrid, Monday in 2018, and his partner, Amelia Lorente, were
Chelsea 8 6 1 1 16 3 19 both convicted of domestic violence in Febru-
Liverpool 8 5 3 0 22 6 18 @PeopleDailyKe ary 2017.
Man City 8 5 2 1 16 3 17
Brighton 8 4 3 1 8 5 15 Bayern Munich defender Lucas Hernandez Neither made a complaint against the other
Tottenham 8 5 0 3 9 12 15 has until October 28 to enter prison “volun- but both were charged by Spain’s public pros-
Man Utd 8 4 2 2 16 10 14 tarily” after he appeared before a Madrid court ecutor.
West Ham 8 4 2 2 15 10 14 on Monday for violating a restraining order in
Everton 8 4 2 2 13 9 14 2017. The then-Atletico Madrid player and his girl-
Brentford 8 3 3 2 10 7 12 friend were each sentenced to 31 days of com-
Wolves 8 4 0 4 8 8 12 France left-back Hernandez has 10 days munity service. They were also ordered not to
Leicester 8 3 2 3 13 14 11 from Monday to enter prison “voluntarily”, see each other for six months.
Aston Villa 8 3 1 4 12 12 10 unless his appeal is accepted,
Arsenal 7 3 1 3 5 10 10 Four months later though, Hernandez was
Crystal Palace 7 1 4 2 8 11 7 The 25-year-old was arrested four years ago arrested at a Madrid airport.
Southampton 8 1 4 3 6 10 7 for violating a court order banning him from
Watford 8 2 1 5 7 15 7 contacting his partner after a violent alterca- He was in the company of his partner, who
Leeds 8 1 3 4 7 15 6 tion between the pair. was not arrested as her own restraining order
Burnley 8 0 3 5 5 13 3 had not yet been formally served. They were
Newcastle 8 0 3 5 10 19 3 He was summoned to be notified of his im- returning to Spain after getting married in the
Norwich 8 0 2 6 2 16 2 prisonment order and appeared “voluntarily United States and the couple have since had
at 11.30am today (Monday), one day before his a son.
SPANISH LA LIGA Real Sociedad 9 6 2 1 12 7 20 summons,” the Madrid court said in a state-
ment. Hernandez was sentenced in 2019 to six
Real Madrid 8 5 2 1 22 10 17 months in prison, a sentence he had ap-
The “ten-day period to voluntarily enter pealed. It was the rejection of this appeal, on
Sevilla 8 5 2 1 11 3 17 prison” now runs from Monday and expires the grounds that he was a repeat offender, that
“on October 28,” the statement added. led to this summons before a court in Madrid.
Atletico Madrid 8 5 2 1 11 6 17
Hernandez, aWorld Cup winner with France - AFP
Osasuna 9 5 2 2 13 12 17
Rayo Vallecano 9 5 1 3 15 9 16
Barcelona 8 4 3 1 14 8 15
Athletic Bilbao 8 3 4 1 7 4 13
Valencia 9 3 3 3 13 11 12
Real Betis 8 3 3 2 11 9 12
Villarreal 8 2 5 1 9 5 11 )DWL·V UHWXUQ
Real Mallorca 9 3 2 4 7 13 11
Espanyol 8 2 336 8 9
Elche 9 2 3 4 6 10 9
Cadiz 8 1 4 3 7 11 7
Celta Vigo 9 2 1 6 7 12 7
Granada 8 1 3 4 6 12 6
Levante 9 0 5 4 6 13 5
Alaves 7 1 0 6 2 12 3
Getafe 9 0 2 7 3 13 2
GERMAN BUNDESLIGA Bayern Munich 8 6 1 1 29 8 19
Dortmund 8 6 0 2 22 14 18 Youngster scores sensational imum as soon as possible,” said Koeman.
goal, earns penalty to ease “One hour was what we discussed with
Bayer Leverkusen 8 5 1 2 21 12 16 pressure on coach Koeman
after coming back from injury the doctors, above all not to overload him
SC Freiburg 8 4 4 0 12 6 16 in this important week.”
Madrid, Monday
Union Berlin 8 4 3 1 12 9 15 There were some short-term boosts too,
@PeopleDailyKe with Sergio Aguero coming on as a substi-
VfL Wolfsburg 8 4 1 3 9 10 13 tute in the final minutes once the result
Ansu Fati came to the rescue again on was secure to make his Barcelona debut,
Cologne 8 3 3 2 13 14 12 Sunday by scoring a sensational goal and four months after joining from Manches-
earning a penalty in a 3-1 victory over Va- ter City.
RB Leipzig 8 3 3 3 16 8 11 lencia as Barcelona got a big week off to a
winning start. A calf injury has meant a slow start at
Hoffenheim 8 3 2 3 17 11 11 Camp Nou for Aguero but the 33-year-old
Memphis Depay slammed in the spot- will be a valuable option for Koeman if he
M’gladbach 8 3 2 3 10 11 11 kick and Philippe Coutinho, who came on can regain form and fitness in the next few
for Fati on the hour, added a late third to weeks.
Mainz 05 8 3 1 4 8 8 10 give a comfortable complexion to a game
that Valencia had led after just five min-
VfB Stuttgart 8 2 3 3 13 14 9 utes.
Hertha Berlin 8 3 0 5 10 21 9 Ansu went off with Valencia still chas-
ing an equaliser, an indication of how
E.Frankfurt 8 1 5 2 9 12 8 important Ronald Koeman considers his
involvement in Wednesday’s Champions
VfL Bochum 8 2 1 5 5 16 7 League game against Dynamo Kiev, with
the season’s first Clasico against Real Ma-
Augsburg 8 1 3 4 4 14 6 drid coming four days later.
A. Bielefeld 8 0 5 3 4 11 5 “We have a week with three big games at
home and the first one was the most im-
Greuther Fuerth 8 0 1 7 5 20 1 portant,” said Koeman. “When you start
the game with an early goal conceded
ITALIA SERIE A Napoli 8 8 0 0 19 3 24 there is a mental thing but we overcame it.” Brightest spark
AC Milan 8 7 1 0 18 7 22
Inter Milan 8 5 2 1 23 11 17 After losing their first two games to Bay- For the third time in six games, Barca
Roma 8 5 0 3 16 9 15 ern Munich and Benfica, Barca sit bottom
Lazio 8 4 2 2 18 13 14 of the group, meaning a victory over Kiev were behind inside the first five minutes.
Atalanta 8 4 2 2 14 10 14 is all-but essential.
Juventus 8 4 2 2 12 10 14 Jordi Alba was well-placed to clear the
Fiorentina 7 4 0 3 10 11 12 Madrid, meanwhile, are only two points
Bologna 8 3 3 2 13 15 12 clear of Barcelona in seventh but they have corner at the near post but instead skewed
Udinese 8 2 3 3 10 12 9 a game in hand and another significant
Empoli 8 3 0 5 10 16 9 loss on the back of the limp defeat by Atlet- to the edge of the penalty area, where Gavi
Torino 8 2 249 8 8 ico Madrid before the international break
Hellas Verona 8 2 2 4 17 17 8 could have implications for Koeman’s fu- was shielded from intercepting and Jose
Sassuolo 8 2 2 4 9 11 8 ture as coach.
Spezia 8 2 1 5 10 20 7 Gaya arrived, ripping a superb shot into
Sampdoria 8 1 3 4 11 16 6 Yet with Ansu, they have hope, the
Genoa 8 1 3 4 12 18 6 18-year-old, who wears the number 10 the bottom corner.
Cagliari 8 1 3 4 11 17 6 shirt previously belonging to Lionel Messi,
Venezia 7 1 2 4 5 12 5 now the symbol of what the club are pro- Ansu was Barcelona’s brightest spark.
Salernitana 8 1 1 6 6 17 4 moting as the‘DreamTeen’, and optimism
for an exciting future. A flowing move that started with Frenkie
This was the teenager’s fourth game de Jong down the right ended with Ansu
since returning from 11 months out with a
knee injury.“We try to get Ansu to his max- sprinting down the left but this time he
was unable to finish.
In the 13th minute, he was more clini-
cal, squaring up two Valencia defenders
before playing inside to Depay and burst-
ing between both of them. He took the ball
FRENCH LIGUE 1 Paris SG 10 9 0 1 24 10 27 back, looked up and whipped the ball from
Lens 10 5 3 2 16 11 18
Marseille 9 5 2 2 18 11 17 the left of the area and inside the far right-
Nice 9 5 2 2 17 5 16
Angers 10 4 4 2 15 11 16 hand post.
Lyon 10 4 4 2 16 13 16
Rennes 10 4 3 3 15 9 15 Gaya did well to prevent Sergino Dest
Strasbourg 10 4 2 4 18 15 14
Nantes 10 4 2 4 14 11 14 tapping in at the back post but his next
Monaco 10 4 2 4 14 13 14
Lille 10 4 2 4 13 15 14 covering challenge was too heavy, this
Lorient 10 3 5 2 11 13 14
Montpellier 10 3 4 3 17 16 13 time to stop Ansu converting Jordi Alba
Clermont 10 3 4 3 13 20 13
Reims 10 2 5 3 11 12 11 cross. - AFP Barcelona’s Spanish
Troyes 10 2 3 5 9 14 9 midfielder Ansu Fati
Bordeaux 10 1 5 4 12 21 8 SPANISH LA LIGA RESULTS celebrates after scoring
Metz 10 1 3 6 11 22 6 his team’s first goal
Brest 10 0 5 5 11 19 5 Rayo Vallecano 2 - 1 Elche during the La Liga
Saint-Etienne 10 0 4 6 9 23 4 Celta Vigo 0 - 1 Sevilla match between FC
Villarreal 1- 2 Osasuna Barcelona and Valencia
Barcelona 3 - 1 Valencia CF at the Camp Nou
Levante 0 - 0 Getafe stadium in Barcelona on
Real Sociedad 1 - 0 Real Mallorca October 17, 2021. AFP
Tuesday, October 19, 2021 / PEOPLE DAILY PEOPLE SPORT
Liverpool star ,Q IRUP 6DODK Karim Benzema. AFP
Egyptian forward has netted 104 times in ing the total of former Ivory Coast LQ VH[WDSH
the world’s most watched domestic league, attacker Didier Drogba during two VFDQGDO FDVH
matching the total of former Ivory Coast spells with Chelsea.
attacker during his two spells at Chelsea Versailles, Monday
Salah showed why he is one of
Paris, Monday goals record for an African when the most in-form players in the @PeopleDailyKe
he scored in a 5-0 rout of Watford world with a stunning solo ef-
@PeopleDailyKe at the weekend. fort as he danced between four Real Madrid forward Karim Benzema
defenders to score for the eighth goes on trial in France onWednesday
Liverpool star Mo- The Egypt forward has net- consecutive game. accused of complicity in the attempted
hamed Salah equalled ted 104 times in the world’s most blackmail of former international
the Premier League watched domestic league, match- AFP Sport highlights Africans teammate MathieuValbuena in a case
who starred in the major European known as the “sextape affair”.
leagues this past weekend.
Benzema, 33, stands accused of help-
SADIO MANE, MOHAMED one we’ve got to thank,” said Chelsea victory. ing a group of alleged blackmailers to
SALAH (Liverpool) manager Thomas Tuchel. approachValbuena in an attempt to
ODILON KOSSOUNOU (Bayer extort money. Four other men are also
Mane became just the VICTOR OSIMHEN (Napoli) Leverkusen) on trial.
third African player to score
100 Premier League goals The Nigeria forward scored his fifth Ivory Coast defender endured a The case cost both Benzema and
after Drogba and Salah as Serie A goal of the season as Napoli torrid afternoon at the back as a 37-year-oldValbuena their place in the
Liverpool overwhelmed defeated Torino 1-0 to maintain their young Leverkusen side were put to French national team, although Ben-
Watford. Salah was the perfect start to the season. Osimhen the sword by league leaders and zema was restored to the lineup for this
provider for Mane’s landmark headed in after 81 minutes, making reigning champions Bayern Munich. year’s European championship.
effort with a brilliant pass for the most of an attempted clearance Kossounou and his teammates
the Senegal attacker to slot that ricocheted off team-mate Eljif were powerless to stop Bayern’s The case centres on the role that
home his sixth goal of the Elmas. “It was the most important marauding front line in the first half, Benzema is suspected of playing in the
season. goal of my career,” said Osimhen. as Robert Lewandowski, Thomas murky affair six years ago, which started
“The atmosphere at the stadium Mueller and Serge Gnabry smashed whenValbuena handed his smartphone
PATSON DAKA (Leicester) was incredible. The fans pushed us in four goals in seven minutes. The to Axel Angot, a man connected to foot-
forward and we managed to get the 5-1 win sent Bayern back to the top balling circles in the southern port city
Zambia forward Daka grabbed three points.” of the table. of Marseille, with the request to transfer
his first Leicester goal as the its contents to a new device.
Foxes inflicted more misery TAIWO AWONIYI (Union Berlin) KAMALDEEN SULEMANA (Rennes)
on Manchester United with a Angot, now on trial for breach of trust,
4-2 win. Daka has played just Fresh from his international debut, The Ghanaian teenager scored a came across sexually explicit footage on
39 minutes of Premier League the Nigeria forward bagged his magnificent solo goal to take his the phone involvingValbuena.
football since his mid-year move fourth goal in three games to hand haul for the season to four in a 3-0
from Salzburg, but made his mark Union a surprise 2-0 win over victory at Metz. Sulemana, who Undercover agent
off the bench with the final goal of Wolfsburg. The home crowd sang started both World Cup qualifying Prosecutors says he then explored
the game in stoppage time as he Awoniyi’s name after he put Union wins over Zimbabwe, poked the ball
tapped home at the back post ahead just after half-time by scoring through the legs of a defender before ways -- together with a friend, Musta-
from a free-kick. his sixth league goal this season. smashing in via the crossbar as pha Zouaoui -- to approachValbuena
“He is our life insurance”, said Rennes put the game out of reach by and threaten publication of the footage
EDOUARD MENDY (Chelsea) goalkeeper Andreas Luthe. half-time. unless he paid them.
The Senegal goalkeeper IHLAS BEBOU (Hoffenheim) VITAL N’SIMBA (Clermont) Valbuena received several calls in
repelled a late Brentford June 2015 threatening exposure of the
barrage to secure a 1-0 win. Togo striker Bebou opened his The Angola-born Democratic footage, which he reported to police.
The European champions Bundesliga account for the season Republic of Congo defender bagged
needed Mendy to make with two goals in Hoffenheim’s 5-0 his first Ligue 1 goal to give promoted The blackmailers then went to for-
thrashing of Cologne. Bebou scored Clermont a memorable 1-0 win over mer French international Djibril Cisse,
three stunning saves to in the first half and doubled the lead reigning champions Lille. N’Simba who refused to act as their messenger,
hold out for a victory after the break with a neat backheel crashed home a powerful low drive instead warningValbuena of what was
to take them back to to send Hoffenheim on the way to from 20 metres to end a run of seven brewing.
their second-highest Bundesliga games without a victory for his side.
the top of the table. Cisse, who played for Premier League
“He’s a world-class club Liverpool during his career, was
goalkeeper and is the initially charged in the case, but later
What followed is an imbroglio involv-
David Henderson arrives at the Cardiff Cardiff, Monday quire the appropriate licences to near the Channel island of Guern- ing several shadowy middlemen, one of
Crown Court on October 18, 2021. AFP hire a plane commercially. sey, killing Sala, 28, and pilot Da- whom turned out to be an undercover
@PeopleDailyKe vid Ibbotson, who was 59. agent called “Luka” placed by police
He will be tried on a separate who were trying to get proof before tak-
A 66-year-old man has pleaded charge of endangering the safety At a previous court hearing, it ing action against the protagonists.
guilty to a charge in relation to of an aircraft, which he denies. Af- was alleged that Ibbotson was not
the death of Argentine footballer ter jury selection, the case was ad- licensed to fly an aircraft commer- Eventually the presumed black-
Emiliano Sala in a light-aircraft journed until Tuesday afternoon. cially, and that he was no longer mailers went to one of Benzema’s old
crash in 2019, a British court heard certified to fly the Piper Malibu friends, Karim Zenati, who prosecutors
on Monday. Henderson, who was charged aircraft involved. say enlisted Benzema’s help to reach
with both offences last year, is al- Valbuena.
David Henderson admitted one leged to have arranged the flight Sala had become Cardiff’s re-
count of attempting to discharge to bring the former Nantes striker cord signing after a fee of £15 mil- - AFP
a passenger without valid per- from France to Cardiff, where he lion (18 million euros, $19 million)
mission or authorisation, before was due to begin training with the was agreed with Nantes during
a trial in Cardiff. Welsh club, who were then in the the January transfer window.
Premier League.
That charge typically concerns - AFP
a business operator failing to ac- The plane crashed into the sea
Tuesday, October 19, 2021 / / / @PeopleDailyKe / / / People Daily
Chinhoi takes Day Two lead at Nyali Safari Tour series
by Alex Njue two early birdies at the 11th and 12th in the last flight of Simon Ngige and
@PeopleDailyKe and later at the 16th for the day’s three senior pro Dismas Indiza during the
under par 68 and a two rounds total of third round.
Zimbabwe’s Robson Chinhoi two under par140. Ngige shot level par 71 to sail
grabbed a narrow one shot lead go- Enroute to the home green, Chinhoi, through to the last two rounds with
ing into Tuesday’s third round of the who said he is in for big things this one under par 141 after a level par 71.
2021/2022 Safari Tour Golf series at season, dropped a shot at the 13th in “I need to work on my shot game, in
the par 71 Nyali Golf and Country Club addition to the front nine’s ninth hole. particular chipping which has not been
course on Monday. “Today I started very well unlike in the very good. I take off very well but my
A winner of the Vet Lab leg of the se- opening round where he made a num- short game some 50 yards from the
ries, Chinhoi recovered from a bogey at ber of unnecessary bogeys. I am hitting greens is denying me low scores, but
the front nine to post a low three under the ball pretty well and I am wishing it I am going to work on it’’ said Ngige
par at the back following a birdie finish would rain even more as it makes the who birdied the fifth and 11th with only
at the par three 18th after picking up course, particularly the greens, easy a double bogey coming at the 14th,
to handle’’ said Chinhoi who will be which denied him a day three lead.
Download QR PARIS: Neymar has been ruled out
Code app on of Paris Saint-Germain’s Champions
Google Play and League Group A clash with RB Leipzig
scan this QR code on Tuesday with an adductor muscle
with your smart injury, his club said.
phone for pic-
tures, videos and PSG said in a medical bulletin on
more stories Monday that Neymar “had some
pain in his groin since returning from
¶1R URRP international duty and will undergo
IRU QLFHWLHV· more treatment over the next few days
before returning to full training.”
The world’s most expensive player
scored for Brazil in their 4-1 World
Cup qualifying win against Uruguay
last Thursday, playing 90 minutes in
that game having also featured in their
0-0 draw in Colombia the previous
He didn’t play for PSG as they beat
Angers 2-1 in Ligue 1 last Friday, a
game also missed by Lionel Messi.
The Argentine should return against
Leipzig at the Parc des Princes as PSG
look to build on their 2-0 win over
Manchester City in their previous
Champions League outing last month.
Suarez says he will set feelings aside as he second leg they booed and heckled Suarez agitating even his teammates Relationship troubles
returns to his former stomping ground as as Suarez got to work again. Neymar, meanwhile, will hope to
Atletico Madrid face Liverpool tonight in training.
He flicked the ball away as Liver- recover in time to play Marseille next
pool tried to take a throw. He con- “He went against them, he strug- weekend.
fronted Fabinho, hoping to stir a
reaction. Fabinho was booked for gled with them, he raised his elbows “The priority is always the health
the challenge that followed, Suarez of the players. ‘Ney’ has a small issue
rolling on the floor, hands clasped and I thought, ‘This is not what you which we hope will only keep him out
around his leg. for a few days,” PSG coach Mauricio
Madrid, Monday let alone remorse. Suarez had given normally see in training’,” Gerrard Pochettino told reporters on Monday.
Barcelona the lead against Liverpool “I just can’t get enough,” the Liv-
@PeopleDailyKe and nobody could say he was not erpool fans once sang. Now it was: said. Despite his injury, Neymar did take
relishing every second of it. “Cheat, cheat, cheat”. part in training on Monday, unlike
Luis Suarez reunites with Liver- “Normally, you see a lot of respect, Mauro Icardi, who was absent due
pool in the Champions League on In the build-up to the second leg Liverpool triumphed, an historic to what Pochettino called
Tuesday and for another 90 min- at Anfield, he switched back. comeback turning a 3-0 first-leg but Luis would crush anyone.” “personal problems”.
utes, a fans’ favourite and cherished defeat into a 4-3 win on aggregate,
former club will have to be enemies He spoke of his close relationship Suarez’s anguish only adding to the It was that same drive and defi- Media reports in
again. with Liverpool’s staff and how his satisfaction. France said former
children learned the excitement of ance that made Suarez join Atletico Inter striker Icardi had
The last time Suarez met Liver- football in the city. They adored Suarez playing for gone to Milan to try to
pool in Spain was also the first time them but despised him playing Madrid after being cast off by Bar- resolve relationship
since he left the club five years earli- He posed for a photo, giving a against them and at theWanda Met- troubles with his
er in 2014 and it was the Uruguayan thumbs up next to the club’s crest ropolitano on Wednesday, they will celona. partner Wanda
who set the tone. on a wall. expect nothing different. Nara, who is also
Suarez told Diario Sport this his agent.
He slid in studs up, not for a tackle None of that was insincere. Liver- In an interview with the BBC last
but a finish, and without a moment’s pool was the club that raised Suarez year, Steven Gerrard talked about month he was “treated like he was PSG are with-
hesitation celebrated, circling from a precocious talent at Ajax to out the suspend-
around the back of Liverpool’s goal, one of the most feared strikers in the 15” by Ronald Koeman and the club ed Angel di Maria
his arms outstretched, grinning. world. as well as the
president, Josep Maria Bartomeu, unfit duo Lean-
He had scored 82 goals in 133 Agitating teammates dro Paredes and
games for them, won a cup with With them he had shared joy and “leaked that he was damaging the Sergio Ramos for
them, been defended through rac- the meeting with
ism and biting scandals by them, despair.When Liverpool missed out dressing room”. the Germans.
and earned their adoration as one on winning the Premier League in
of their greatest ever players. 2014, a pivotal defeat by Crystal Pal- Suarez had not enjoyed his best Leipzig are cur-
ace left him crying under his shirt. rently bottom of
But there at Camp Nou, in the season for Barca and there was an Group A without a
crackle of a Champions League last- But now Suarez was celebrat- point.
16 tie, there was no sign of restraint, ing their disappointment and the argument to say his style was de-
Liverpool fans remembered. In the - AFP
priving the team of a more mobile,
free-flowing attack. - AFP
Group A: Club Brugge vs Man. City (7.45pm), Paris vs Leipzig (7.45pm)
Group B: Atlético de Madrid vs Liverpool (10pm), Porto vs AC Milan (10pm)
Group C: Beşiktaş vs Sporting CP (7.45pm), Ajax vs Dortmund (10pm)
Group D: Shakhtar Donetsk vs R. Madrid (10pm), Inter vs Sheriff (10pm)
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