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Directed by
Department of Modern Languages
Dr. Martín Ponti
Produced by Our Sponsors
Department of Modern Languages
The Gender Studies Program
The Communication and Media Studies
Prada Film Club
Sigma Delta Phi
Spanish Club
Gobierno de España: Secretaría de Estado
de Cultura y el Ministerio de Cultura,
Educación y Deportes
Interested in learning more about the Spanish speaking world? RED GRINGO (Gringo rojo)
Considering a Minor or a Major in Spanish?
Miguel Angel Vidaurre / Chile / 2016/ Spanish with English subtitles
Thought about studying abroad in a Spanish speaking country?
A pop-political manifesto, Red Gringo follows singer Dean Reed’s surprising pop
Reach out to any of our dedicated faculty who can connect you to all stardom and unlikely political transformation after his exposure to the brutal and
things Spanish! repressive of U.S.-supported regimes in South America in the 1960s. Reed’s political
transformation earned him the nickname “The Red Elvis,” which he was known by
Dr. Cristina Casado Presa until his mysterious death.
Associate Professor of Spanish THE COMPANION (El acompañante)
Department Chair
Gender Studies Program Director Pavel Giroud / Cuba / 2016 / Spanish with English subtitles
Cuba, 1968: HIV patients are quarantined to centers under military rule. After caught
Dr. Elena Deanda Camacho doping, boxer Horacio is sent to one of these centers to serve his time. There, Hector
soon develops an unlikely friendship with Daniel – a conflicted and rebellious HIV
Associate Professor of Spanish patient. Through their friendship, The Companion enters into an ethical gray area to
Black Studies Program Director examine human condition when faced with extreme situations and its two fallen
edeanda2@washcoll.edu heroes try to change their lives.
Dr. Martín Ponti Film followed by discussion session.
Assistant Professor of Spanish TRUMAN
Cesc Gay / Argentina, Spain / 2015 / Spanish with English subtitles
Dr. Rebeca Moreno
Visiting Assistant Professor of Spanish When Julián receives an unexpected visit from his childhood friend Tomás the
rmorenoorama2@washcoll.edu encounter is bittersweet: Julián has terminal cancer and isn’t seeking treatment.
Rather, he focuses on a most important task: finding a home for his beloved dog
Mr. Collin Ashmore Truman.
Visiting Instructor and Language Coordinator
FILMSSCHEDULE It is with great enthusiasm that I welcome you to our second annual
Accent Film Festival, where we celebrate the language of cinema and
THE EMPTY CLASSROOM (El aula vacía) the diverse experiences of our global community.
Gael García Bernal / Multiple Countries / 2015 / Spanish & Portuguese with English This year, Washington College will be showcasing a variety of films
subtitles from the Spanish speaking world that speak to the varied human
experience. We have included blockbuster and mainstream films
Nearly half of all young people in Latin America never finish high school. 11 award- such as Truman by the award winning Spanish director Cesc Gay, to
winning filmmakers create captivating short films to explore the underlying issues reflective films that touch upon the cruel realities of inequality, such as
behind this dangerous statistic. in The Empty Classroom, a collection of short films by emerging
directors. It is our hope that whatever your selection may be, that
TEMPEST (Tempestad) each film leads you to unhurried conversations and deep reflections.
Tatiana Huezo / Mexico / 2016 / Spanish with English subtitles I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the following
departments, institutions, and people for making this film festival a
On her way to work, Miriam is arrested on suspicion of human trafficking. While the reality. Your generous contribution opens our community to a greater
government reports that a criminal gang has been rounded up, in reality a group of diversity of voices, images, and ideas.
innocent Mexicans has fallen victim to a corrupt system. She is sent to a private
prison controlled by criminals, and she is forced to pay a monthly fee to remain Thanks To:
alive. A poignant film, Tempest reflects on the impact of the violence and impunity
that afflict Mexico. Dr. Alicia Kozma | Ms. Cathy Naundorf | Washington College | The
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures | Communication
and Media Studies Program | The Spanish Club of Washington
College | Sigma Delta Pi | The Gender Studies
It is the goal of everyone behind this Festival to offer the greater
Washington College community the opportunity to come together
through the captivating magic of film making.
Enjoy the films and the popcorn!
Dr. Martín Ponti
You’re Invited!
The Norman James Theater is in William Smith Hall on Washington
College’s campus.
Thursday March 1st
Tuesday March 6th
Red Gringo/Gringo rojo
Wednesday March 7th
The Companion/El acompañante
Thursday March 8th
The Empty Classroom/El aula vacía
Red Gringo/Gringo rojo