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Published by , 2016-05-03 04:10:36

Hannah Magnuson Final Project

Hannah Magnuson Final Project

Vo1. 1: June 2016

Harry Potter EVERYTHING: The Sites and Sets of the Books and Films
The best and brightest Scottish writers

Read and share our p38
letters to the editor

Up North: behind
breathtaking views
and underground
poetry movement

Aberdeen historical p47
and literary guide p67
Tour the movie set of p18
Hagrid’s Hut

Postwoman turned
poet: Take a walk in
Jen Cooper’s shoes

The best of Robert
Louis Stevenson and
JK Rowling’s city
Get local with novelist
Iain Bain’s hometown



p.31 Haggis and shortbread and more p.62 National Museum of Scotland
p.36 Counting Sheep p.65 The UK in three days
p.42 “JK Rowling didn’t eat here” p.69 Quidditch for muggles

p.49 Top 5 jaw-dropping views p.72 Scottish Trust Book Awardees
p.53 Robert Louis Stevenson’s home p.79 Treasure Island excerpt
p.55 Three surprsing Scots p.81 Sneak peek at Rowling’s latest

58 Visit the Glenfinnan Viaduct, the real life location of Harry
and Ron’s flying car adventure from Harry Potter and the
Chamber of Secrets.(Photo by duncan c/FLICKR)


58 F IMMERSE | JUNE 2016

what to see, what to skip, and what tours
are worth your money


L orem ipsum dolor sit amet,

consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam blandit
luctus justo, sit amet efficitur elit pellen-
tesque sed. Praesent ligula justo, laoreet
non nibh ut, imperdiet ornare neque.
Aliquam quam risus, scelerisque sit
amet purus non, rutrum finibus magna.
Nunc bibendum sagittis mattis. Donec
id metus ullamcorper, interdum lacus
eu, gravida arcu. Nam tincidunt eu lec-
tus in semper. Maecenas id consequat
ante, sed pharetra leo. Mauris quam
nunc, fermentum ac laoreet vitae, effici-
tur nec leo. Morbi fringilla eros sit amet
rutrum facilisis. Sed pharetra nisl quis
placerat suscipit. Praesent quis nibh vi-
tae magna faucibus tempus. Maecenas
pretium vitae eros ut varius. Vivamus
tincidunt, tortor accumsan rhoncus
fringilla, sapien nunc consectetur odio,
ac laoreet ipsum lectus et erat.

Fusce nec ante convallis justo com-
modo varius. Curabitur erat libero,
facilisis id augue et, dapibus lacinia
ex. Aliquam sagittis porta elementum.
Nam nunc eros, venenatis eget augue
et, dapibus finibus lectus. Vestibulum
sed lobortis tellus, ut lobortis lectus.
Duis laoreet aliquet mauris nec sagit-
tis. Ut sed metus mi. Class aptent taciti
sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia
nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer
scelerisque nulla vel tempus faucibus.
Nam euismod nunc at sapien hendre-
rit interdum. Mauris convallis finibus
odio, at efficitur lacus mattis ac. Cura-
bitur sollicitudin orci iaculis suscipit
porta. Ut semper elit quis prti.

The University of Glasgow served as one
of JK Rowling’s inspirations for Hog-
warts. Photo by Irwin Thomas.


The Tours: Touring Scotland tur pulvinar, turpis dui aliquam neque, nec
porttitor tellus nisl non nisl. Phasellus vitae
The Potter Trail See: Bridge | Skip: Train station | $50 scelerisque diam, vel finibus diam. Nullam
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur viverra metus mauris, eget vehicula massa
See: Grave | Skip: Cafes| $0 cursus vitae.
Lpam eros, venenatis eget augue et, adipiscing elit. Suspendisse est ligula, auc-
tor sit amet risus sit amet, scelerisque ac- Mauris eu blandit leo, at dignissim justo.
dapibus finibus lectus. Vestibulum sed cumsan sem. Donec sollicitudin tellus vitae Donec egestas enim id sem feugiat, et ul-
lobortis tellus, ut lobortis lectus. Duis blandit posuere. Donec commodo tortor tricies dolor molestie. Pellentesque ornare
laoreet aliquet mauris nec sagittis. Ut a nibh ultrices auctor. Vivamus et imper- fermentum pulvinar. Aenean rhoncus ac
sed metus mi. Class aptent taciti so- diet metus. Pellentesque eleifend, metus nibh id pretium. Sed consequat imperdiet
ciosqu ad litora torquent per conubia eget vehicula aliquet, nibh libero molestie ipsum, vitae auctor augue egestas eu. Inter-
nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer magna, vitae rutrum purus felis sit amet dum et malesuada
scelerisque nulla vel tempus faucibus. sapien. Nullam pellentesque sem non erat fames ac ante
Nam euismod nunc at sapien hendre- accumsan, nec iaculis justo molestie. Ali- ipsum primis in
rit interdum. Mauris convallis finibus quam erat volutpat. faucibus. Mauris
odio, at efficitur lacus mattis ac. Cura- sollicitudin luctus
bitur sollicitudin orci iaculis suscipit Proin dolor nibh, sodales quis landit a, tristique. Nullam
porta. Ut semper elit quis pretium tin- porta nec massa. Praesent sed consequat eget euismod nisi,
cidunt. Nullam metus augue, aliquet magna. Vivamus tincidunt varius maximus. ac auctor urna.
vitae dolor vitae, luctus tincidunt nunc. Vestibulum convallis leo quis malesuada Vivamus sed ante
mollis. Maecenas porta, massa in pellen- maximus nibh
Cras sollicitudin vitae urna facilisis tesque tincidunt, ligula leo viverra ante, ut gravida fermen-
dignissim. Donec libero nisl, finibus in sollicitudin purus ligula eu odio. Pellen- tum eget quis
orci at, eleifend fringilla purus. Sed so- tesque dictum mattis erat a eleifend. Vestib- massa. Sed sed
dales semper sem, a congue eros auctor ulum quis tortor id massa finibus interdum porta metus. Nulla
in. Nunc enim orci, vulputate id est eget, id a nisi. Sed vitae mattis magna. hendrerit quam
lobortis tempor ipsum. Fusce in augue quis venenatis
tincidunt, ultrices metus sed, lobortis Sed elementum in urna nec blandit. Vi- interdum. Cras a
mauris. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur vamus mi risus, egestas a erat a, pharetra orci posuere mag-
non nibh dui. Aliquam erat volutpat. suscipit est. Nullam porttitor tempus cur- na sodales laoreet.
Morbi hendrerit rhoncus diam, vehicu- sus. Curabitur placerat, urna vitae tristique
la condimentum eros mollis eget. Fusce molestie, erat ante facilisis sem, ac ornare Morbi luctus
aliquet leo non blandit laoreet. Aenean erat quam sed lectus. Suspendisse id fauci- semper mauris, sit
iaculis ut ipsum sit amet efficitur. bus sapien. Nunc eu lectus convallis, effici- amet varius tellus
tur urna nec, dictum orci. faucibus non.
Fusce nec ante convallis justo com- Mauris vel erat a
modo varius. Aliquam sagittis porta Sed nec ligula rhoncus turpis mollis ac- lorem egestas luc-
elementum. Nam nunc eros, venenatis cumsan in at mauris. Sed sagittis varius jus- tus. Pellentesque
eget augue et, dapibus finibus lectus. to eu blandit. Donec a sem in purus rutrum ac dignissim nulla.
Vestibulum sed lobortis tellus, ut lob- ultricies non in sapien. Vivamus tincidunt
ortis lectus. Duis laoreet aliquet mauris eu felis sed effi-
nec sagittis. Ut semper elit quis pretium Morbi luctus semper mauris, sit amet var- citur. Maecenas
tincidunt. Nullam metus augue, aliquet ius tellus faucibus non. Mauris vel erat a lo- ultricies nulla ac
vitae dolor vitae, luctus tincidunt nunc. rem egestas luctus. Pellentesque ac dignis- mi tincidunt, vitae
sim nulla. Vivamus tincidunt eu felis sed semper ipsum
Cras sollicitudin vitae urna facilisis efficitur. convallis. Vestib-
dignissim. Aevg Sed aliquam sagittis ulum malesuada
porta elementum. sodales semper sem, Sed nec ligula rhoncus turpis mollis ac- tincidunt elit et
a congue eros auctor in. enim orci, vul- cumsan in at mauris. Sed sagittis varius jus- semper. Donec
putate id est eget, lobortis tempor ip- to eu blandit. Donec a sem in purus rutrum tristique eleifend
sum. Leo non blandit laoreet. Aenean ultricies non in sapien. Curabitur placerat, tristique. Ves-
iaculis ut ipsum sit amet efficitur.Nam urna vitae tristique molestie, erat ante fac- tibulum fringilla
nunc eros, venenatis eget augue et, ilisis sem, ac ornare erat quam. dui ullamcorper
dapibus finibus lectus. Aenean iaculis dolor fermentum
ut ipsum sit amet efficitur. Grand Harry Potter Tour commodo. Lorem
60 F IMMERSE | JUNE 2016 ipsum dolor sit
See: Hagid’s Hut |Skip: Nothing | $25 amet, consectetur
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consecte- adipiscing elit.

tur adipiscing elit. Fusce quis urna velit. Curabitur plac-
Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc eu lorem ut erat, urna vitae
lectus commodo pulvinar id sollicitudin tristique. c
urna. Praesent sed eleifend justo. Donec
turpis elit, lacinia vitae aliquet nec, tinci-
dunt sit amet urna. Donec tempor in arcu
quis imperdiet. Duis ultrices, nibh et effici-

The Potter Trail takes tourgoers to Lord
Voldemort’s grave (top right) and the
cafe where JK Rowling began her work
on the first novel (middle right). Touring
Scotland features a ride over the Glenfin-
nan Viaduct where the Hogwarts Express
famously crosses (bottom right). The
Grand Harry Potter Tour takes viewers to
Glencoe for the natural scenery (top left)
and set consturctions (bottom left) that
served as the filiming locations for many
of the movies. Photos by Alison Murphy



Meet the Best

New Writers

of 2016

The Scottish Book Trust announced
their awardees for this year’s up and
coming writers. Learn about the 11
recipients and peruse excerpts of
their works.


72 F IMMERSE | JUNE 2016


Sarah Urwin Jones, Nonfiction Karyn Dougan, Callan Award

Iain Bain, Fiction Louise Peterkin, Poetry

Jen Cooper, Poetry Greg Whelan, Fiction

Karen Ashe, Fiction Vicky MacKenzie, Fiction P.M. Freestone, Children’s

Rachel Plummer, Poetry Robert McGinty, Children’s
74 F IMMERSE | JUNE 2016

All photos by Scottish Book Trust. Hare

The 2016 Awardees I thought we were alone
but last night I saw you grow
It’s a remarkable evening. Isn’t it a remarkable evening? The light has a soft quali- out of the field behind our house.
ty…the crepuscular light. All things seem possible in such light. All things. Uprooted, your too-long back legs
She is pausing. Casually now, easy. Sangfroid and insouciance… sangfroid and hauled out: a poor imitation, made
insouciance… from the same stuff, it seemed,
It is a good word, isn’t it? Crepuscular: meaning twilight, dusk…. as the cut hay bristling.
Don’t lecture her, you clown. How did you escape
such comprehensive mowing?
Not alone – three more
there, under the crackling pylon
and more again, the dark coming on,
prolific as dandelions.
I thought we were alone.
-Jen Cooper

Are you visiting our city for a particular reason? I don’t mean to pry, it’s just O Chorizo
that…Let me offer you some advice. Always look up. Always look up is my ad- Chop it this way: the horseshoe clean
vice to you. Let me explain. At the level of the street everything is homogeneous down the middle, half in the fridge for
and banal. You could be anywhere. Above and beyond is where real character is later.
to be found. There are great rewards for he …for he or she who is prepared to Now peer into its universe, gemmed
look beyond. The architecture will reward the effort. When you venture out this and celled
evening, or better yet in the morning, you will soon see. with fat and paprika. Anatomy
Now you just sound smug. You’re hopeless. You have no hope. Yet she is still of a stout wee genie.
listening. Wonderful eyes, just wonderful. Is it so very bad for me? Yes!
We are too concerned with the immediate, with surfaces, don’t you think? The you chuckled cheerfully. I was in the
young people of today particularly. The young people of today in my view don’t kitchen
have the…perspicacity. You and I, on the other hand... dicing the stuff up in a kitsch little
She winced. Oh Jesus, what are you saying, man? apron
Not that you are not… I didn’t mean to suggest… when you wrapped your arms round
You moron. me from behind
Generally speaking, individuals not in the first flush…individuals of that charac- sneaked a chunk into your mouth,
terisation, they will have learned to eschew impressions formed in the moment kissed me.
and practise reflection and mature judgement. That is my experience at any rate. Felt like I was in a Fifties sitcom,
On the whole. Generally speaking. one about a housewife and a vampire:
You are losing her. Once Bitten… The Bloodsucker Next-
Let me introduce myself. Ronald. It is my intention to extend the hand of friend- door...
ship…metaphorically, I mean. You don’t have to…unless… Of course it was cancelled. I still
buy it -
I like its butch taste. The garlic, the
pearls, and the ochre.
The way it stains everything, the
way it stains my fingers.

-Iain Bain -Louise Peterkin




See the week’s top reader submitted photos Most Popular :

EAT >> Visit the Mockingbird inspired

Recreate Jack Kerouac’s journey
out West

Junot Diaz: a day in the life

Hemingway’s Spain without the

An introduction to Chinese Lit


DO >> Blogs This Week:

The absolute ‘must do’ I went into the wild and lived
activities when visiting Take a virtual tour of Edinburgh, Scotland Austen or the Brontes?
Why I staycationed in Boston
Take your daugthers to Dublin,
not Disney
7 reasons why Latino lit rules the


This summer’s reading and correspond-
ing travel list


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