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Published by bcarpaneto, 2017-04-12 08:24:42

Beauty Is Found Within


Beauty Is Found




● Scene 1------------------------- page 4 ​ (
● Scene 2 ------------------------ page 5 (6th Grade – Part A) ---------Song “Belle”
● Scene 3 ------------------------ page 8
● Scene 4 ------------------------ page 10 (5th Grade – Part A) -------- Song “Gastón”
● Scene 5 ------------------------ page 13
● Scene 6 ------------------------ page 15 (4th Grade) -------- Song “Be our guest”
● Scene 7------------------------- page 20 ---------------------- Song “If I can´t love her” (solo)
● Scene 8 ------------------------ page 23 (4th Grade) -------- Song “Something there”
● Scene 9 ------------------------ page 27 (5th Grade - Part B) -------- Song “Kill the beast”
● Scene 10 ---------------------- page 29
● Scene 11 ---------------------- page 31 (6th Grade – Part B) -------Song “Human again”
● Scene 12 ----------------------- page 34 (All groups)--------Song “Beauty and beast”


6t​ h​ Grade (Part A)

2. ----------------------------------
5. ----------------------------------
6. ----------------------------------
7. ----------------------------------
1​ 1. LEFOU
12. ---------------------------------



1 Narrator, Prince, Witch, 2 helpers Piece of cloth, rose Proscenium

As the narrator speaks, the actors perform the scene.
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a young prince lived in a shining castle. Although
he had everything his heart desired, the prince was spoiled, selfish, and unkind.
One winter's night, an old beggar woman came to the castle and offered him a single rose in return for
shelter from the bitter cold. Repulsed by her appearance, the prince sneered at the gift and turned the
old woman away, but she warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within.
And when he dismissed her again, the old woman's ugliness melted away to reveal a beautiful
enchantress. The prince tried to apologize, but it was too late, for she had seen that there was no love
in his heart, and as a punishment, she transformed him into a horrific beast, and placed a powerful
spell on the castle, and all who lived there. Ashamed of his monstrous form, the beast hid himself
inside his castle.
The rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose, which would bloom only for a short time. If he
could learn to love a woman, and earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell, then the spell
would be broken. If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast for all time.
As the years passed, he fell into despair, and lost all hope, for who could ever learn to love a beast?
Far away from the castle, in a lovely little provincial town, lived a beautiful young lady called Belle.
She and her father had moved into the town some time before. She was very gentle, and her nature
was happy and good, her presence was sunshine, and she was the joy of her father's heart. Belle was,
in a way, quite different from the rest of the girls that lived there.


Scene 2 Belle, Gaston, Town props Big image at the Main stage and
Baker, Town Bread
people Books back. Town. proscenium
Bookseller, Gun
Lefou (All 6t​ h

Song – Belle

Little town, it's a quiet village
Every day, like the one before
Little town, full of little people
Waking up to say...

There goes the baker with his tray like always
The same old bread and rolls to sell
Ev'ry morning just the same
Since the morning that we came
To this poor provincial town...

BAKER:​ Good morning, Belle!
BELLE:​ Morning monsieur!
BAKER:​ Where are you off to today?
BELLE:​ The bookshop! I just finished the most wonderful story, about

a beanstalk and an ogre and...

BAKER:​ (Ignoring her) That's nice...Marie, the baguettes! Hurry up!!

Girls:​ Look there she goes, that girl is strange no question
Dazed and distracted, can't you tell?
Boys:​ Never part of any crowd
Cause her head's up on some cloud
All:​ No denying she's a funny girl, that Belle!

Boys:​ Bonjour!
Girls: ​Good day!
Boys: H​ ow is your family?
Girls: ​Bonjour!
Boys: G​ ood day!
Girls: H​ ow is your wife?

Actor with mic:​ I need six eggs!


That's too expensive!
Belle:​ There must be more than this provincial life!

(​BELLE enters the bookshop)

BELLE:​ Good morning miss. I've come to return the ​book​ I borrowed.
BOOKSELLER:​ (Putting the book back on the shelf) Finished already?
BELLE:​ Oh, I couldn't put it d​ own!​ Have you got anything new?
BOOKSELLER:​ (laughing) Not since y​ es​terday.
BELLE:​ That's all right. I'll borrow... this one.
BOOKSELLER:​ That one? But you've read it twice!
BELLE:​ Well it's my favorite! Far off places, daring

swordfights, magic spells, a prince in disguise!
BOOKSELLER​: (handing her the book) ​HIT​ Well, if you like it all that much,

it's yours!
BELLE:​ ​HIT​ But miss!
BOOKSELLER:​ I insist!
BELLE:​ Well ​thank​ you. Thank you very much! (leaves bookshop)

Boys:​ Look there she goes
That girl is so peculiar!
I wonder if she's feeling well
Girls:​ With a dreamy far-off look!
Boys:​ And her nose stuck in a book!
All:​ What a puzzle to the rest of us

BELLE:​ Oh! Isn't this amazing!
It's my favorite part because, you'll see!
Here's where she meets Prince Charming
But she won't discover that it's him 'til chapter three

Girls: N​ ow it's no wonder that her name means 'beauty'
Her looks have got no parallel!
Boys:​ But behind that fair façade
I'm afraid she's rather odd
Very different from the rest of us...
All:​ She's nothing like the rest of us
Yes different from the rest of us is…….. Belle!

People keep on doing their things in town. Suddenly, Gaston and Lefou appear. Instrumental song
keeps on playing while they talk.​

LEFOU:​ Wow! You didn't miss a shot, Gaston! You're the
greatest hunter in the whole world!


GASTON:​ I know!
LEFOU:​ Huh. No beast alive stands a chance against

you...and no girl for that matter!
GASTON:​ It's true, Lefou, and I've got my sights set on that

one! (pointing to BELLE)
LEFOU:​ The inventor's daughter?
GASTON:​ She's the one! The lucky girl I'm going to marry.
LEFOU:​ But she's--
GASTON:​ The most beautiful girl in town.
LEFOU:​ I know--
GASTON:​ And that makes her the best. And don't I deserve the best?
LEFOU​: Well of course, I mean you do, but I mean...
GASTON:​ Right from the moment when I met her, saw her

I said she's gorgeous and I fell
Here in town there's only she (BELLE walks by and away)
Who is beautiful as me
So I'm making plans to go and marry Belle H​ e walks towards her..

GASTON:​ Hello, Belle.
BELLE:​ Bonjour Gaston. (G​ ASTON grabs the book from BELLE)​ Gaston,

may I have my book, please?
GASTON​: How can you read this? There's no pictures!
BELLE:​ Well, some people use their imaginations.
GASTON:​ Belle, it's about time you got your head out of those books

(tossing book into the mud) and paid attention to more
important me! The whole town's talking about
it. (BELLE picks up the book and is cleans off the mud) It's not
right for a woman to read books…I mean, she might start to begin thinking for herself!
BELLE:​ Gaston, you are positively primeval.
GASTON:​ (Putting his hand around her shoulders) Why thank you,
Belle. Hey, whaddya say you and me take a walk over to
the tavern and have a look at my hunting trophies.
BELLE:​ Maybe some other time…Please, Gaston. I can't. I have to get home and help my
LEFOU:​ Ha ha ha, that crazy old loon (GASTON and LEFOU laugh heartily)
BELLE:​ Don't you talk about my father that way!
GASTON:​ Yeah, don't talk about her father that way! (He conks LEFOU on
the head.)
BELLE:​ My father's not crazy! He's a genius! (Explosion in background.
GASTON and LEFOU continue laughing. BELLE rushes home and
descends into the basement.)
BELLE:​ Papa? S​ he runs to the proscenium.


Scene Belle, Maurice Strange machine Proscenium
3 Tools

There is an explosion. Some smoke fills the stage (from a very strange machine).

BELLE:​ Papa?
MAURICE:​ How on earth did that happen?
BELLE:​ Are you all right, Papa?
MAURICE:​ Yes, darling. Everything is fine. I am going to take my new invention to the fair.
BELLE:​ Yes, you will. And you'll win first prize at the fair tomorrow.
MAURICE:​ Hmmmph!
BELLE:​ ...and become a world famous inventor!
MAURICE:​ You really believe that?
BELLE:​ I always have.
MAURICE:​ Well, what are we waiting for. (​Repairing the machine)
BELLE:​ I got a new book. Papa, do you think I'm odd?
MAURICE​: My daughter? Odd? Where would you get an idea like that?
BELLE:​ Oh, I don't know. It's just I'm not sure I fit in here.

There's no one I can really talk to.

MAURICE​: What about that Gaston? He's a handsome fellow!
BELLE:​ He's handsome all right, and rude and conceited and...Oh Papa,

he's not for me!

MAURICE:​ Well, don't you worry, cause this invention's going to be the

start of a new life for us.

BELLE:​ It works?!
BELLE:​ Good bye, Papa! Good luck!
MAURICE:​ Good bye, Belle, and take care while I'm gone!


5t​ h​ Grade (Part A)

1. GIRL 1
2. GIRL 2
3. GIRL 3
4. GIRL 4
5. BOY 1
6. BOY 2
7. BOY 3



Completely sure of the answer he would receive in return, Gaston proposed to Belle. To his surprise
and anger, she refused to marry him. He felt depressed and met his friends at the town tavern.

Scene Tavern
Gastón, Lefou, Four Bimbettes, Bar Main stage

Three boys (All 5th grade) Jars

Gaston and all his friends are having drinks at the town tavern. Gaston is depressed and angry.
GIRL1​ : Did you know that Gaston proposed to Belle?

GIRL 2:​ Did he?

GIRL 3​ : Yes, he almost begged her to be his wife.

GIRL 4​ : And what did she say?

GIRL​1: She said she didn’t deserve him.

GIRL 2​: Monsieur Gaston, oh he's so cute!
He’s still in my heart, I can hardly breathe!
He's such a tall, dark, strong and handsome man.

GIRL 3:​ How dare she refuse to marry him?

GIRL 4:​ What’s wrong with her!

GIRL 1:​ She is crazy!

GIRL 2:​ He is gorgeous!!! (S​ he is in love with him)

All his male friends try to cheer Gaston. As they do so, Lefou follows their words (in a silly way,
making movements and repeating the last words…) Gaston gets angry at him and knocks him on the

BOY 1​ : Don’t worry, dear friend, she will definitely change her mind.

BOY 2:​ Gaston, you’ve got to pull yourself together.

BOY 3 ​: Cheer up, Gaston, she will come back and beg you to forgive her for having spoiled your
proposal. Who does she think she is?


GIRL 1:​ Anyway, he still has us!

GIRL 2​: Yes, I’m the one who will marry him anyway!

GIRL 3:​ No, I will.

GIRL 4:​ No way, I will marry him, you’ll see!

Song - Gaston

Gosh it disturbs me to see you, Gaston
Looking so down in the dumps
Ev'ry guy here'd love to be you, Gaston
Even when taking your lumps
There's no man in town as admired as you
You're ev'ryone's favorite guy
Ev'ryone's awed and inspired by you
And it's not very hard to see why

No one's slick as Gaston
No one's quick as Gaston
No one's neck's as incredibly thick as Gaston's
For there's no man in town half as manly
Perfect, a pure paragon!
You can ask any Tom, Dick or Stanley
And they'll tell you whose team they prefer to be on

No one's been like Gaston
A king pin like Gaston
No one's got a swell cleft in his chin like Gaston
As a specimen, yes, he’s intimidating!
My what a guy, that Gaston!

Give five "hurrahs!"
Give twelve "hip-hips!"
Gaston is the best and the rest is all drips

No one fights like Gaston
Douses lights like Gaston
In a wrestling match nobody bites like Gaston!
For there's no one as burly and brawny
As you see he’s got biceps to spare
Not a bit of him's scraggly or scrawny
That's right! And ev'ry last inch of him's covered with hair


No one hits like Gaston Matches wits like
In a spitting match nobody spits like Gaston
He’s especially good at expectorating!
Ten points for Gaston!
When he was a lad he ate four dozen eggs
Ev'ry morning to help him get large
And now that he’s grown he eats five dozen eggs
So he’s roughly the size of a barge!
Instrumental – ooohhh ahhhh
Oh, ahhh, wow! My what a guy, that Gaston!
Dancing (jars )​ – large instrumental + dance
No one shoots like Gaston Makes those beauts like Gaston
Then goes tromping around wearing boots like Gaston
I use antlers in all of my decorating!
My what a guy, Gaston!



Belle’s father, Maurice, went to the Great Inventions Fair, but on the way he got lost and found
himself alone in a dark wood. Suddenly he saw four wolves growling at him. The old man ran away,
chased by the dangerous wild animals. He stumbled down a hill, and landed at the gate of a strange
castle. He entered the castle and a beast that lived there made him his prisoner.

Without realizing, Maurice lost his scarf in the woods whilst running from the wolves. The following
day, Lefou, Gaston’s best friend and server, went into the woods to find and kill a turkey for Gaston.
There, he stumbled upon the scarf and because it was very cold, he decided to wear it. On his way
back to the tavern, he met Belle.

Scene Scarf Proscenium
5 Lefou, Belle

LEFOU appears with Maurice´s scarf.
LEFOU​: Hello, Belle. I am sure you will regret what you said to Gaston.
BELLE:​ Oh be quiet! It’s not your business anyway.… wait Lefou! Where did you find this scarf?
LEFOU​: This one…. In the woods…. It’s beautiful…. Isn’t it?
BELLE: ​It belongs to my father
LEFOU:​ hmmm, really? Well, I found it, and I’m going to keep it.
BELLE:​ Please Lefou, try to make an effort and tell me exactly where you found it.
LEFOU​: ​(making a funny big effort movement)​ ​ Somewhere in the woods….
BELLE:​ Where's Papa? Where is he, Lefou? Oh please try harder!
LEFOU​: (​ making an extreme effort)​ ​ somewhere near the crossroads…
BELLE​: We have to find him! You have to take me to him!
LEFOU​: I’m not going back to the woods!
BELLE:​ Don t you understand! He could be in danger….
LEFOU​: I’m not going back to the woods….
BELLE​: Fine then…I’ll go by myself!


4​th​ Grade

3. CHIP (cup)
6. COGSWORTH (major-domo)



Belle went into the woods and finally found the castle. She found out that her father had
become the prisoner of a horrible beast. Feeling sad for her father, she offered herself to take
his place at the castle. Maurice left the castle and Belle had to stay there.

To her surprise, an incredible adventure began…

Because of the spell, everything there was strange and different…very much like her.

Scene Trays Big
6 image
Lumiere, Mrs. Pot, Chip, Dust Castle Main stage and
Cleaner, Clock, Cogsworth, (ins./dark)
Doormat, Belle, 4t​ h​ year (objects)

As the curtains open, Belle is walking across the castle, and all the “people” there are
following her movements as she walks, and pretending not to have seen her. After that she
falls asleep and they start talking.

LUMIERE: S​ he looks rather sad. We should do something.

MRS. POT: ​Yes, she does. Just imagine, she was so kind and sweet that she had to change places
with her father.

CHIP : M​ omma. Is she going to stay here with us? (​Shouting​.)

MRS. POT: Y​ es, Chip, speak low please, she might wake up.

DUST CLEANER: ​The prince invited her to dinner and she refused.

CLOCK: W​ e should do something to help her.

COGSWORTH: O​ ur prince wasn’t very kind to her, in fact, he was furious when she
didn’t accept his invitation to dinner.

LUMIERE: ​Yes, he has to be gentler. I​ t must be very difficult for her. Look at us. We look rather
strange. She is alone, in a strange place, where strange people live…

CLOCK: ​Where a strange beast lives!

DOORMAT: ​We have to help her cheer up.
COGSWORTH: ​Have you looked at her? She is very nice.


MRS. POT: Y​ es, she is.​ W​ hat if…….? (E​ verybody turns and looks at her.​ )
CHIP : ​What if what, Momma? I don’t understand!
MRS. POT: ​You will understand it when you’re older, Chip.
DUST CLEANER: ​Yes, that would be a great idea…

Belle wakes up

LUMIERE​: Zut alors! She has waken up!

COGSWORTH​: I am Cogsworth, head of the household. This is Lumiere.

LUMIERE:​ En chante, cherie.

COGSWORTH:​ (​trying to talk around LUMIERE who is still kissing BELLE's hand)​ I​ f there's
anything...stop that...that we can...please
(f​ inally shoving him out of the way)​ .​ make your stay more comfortable.
(​LUMIERE burns the hand of COGSWORTH)​ ​ Ow!!!!

BELLE:​ I am a little hungry.

MRS. POT​: Are you? Hear that? She's hungry. Stoke the fire, break out the silver, wake the china.

COGSWORTH:​ (​ s​ ecretively)​ ​ Remember what the master said.

MRS. POT​: Oh, tish tosh. I'm not going to let the poor child go hungry.

COGSWORTH:​ ​(​thinking he is giving in to the ultimate demand)
Oh, all right. Glass of water, crust of bread, and then--

LUMIERE:​ Cogsworth, I am surprised by you. She's not our prisoner. She's our guest. We must
make her feel welcome here.
(t​ o BELLE​)​ Right this way, mademoiselle.

Song - Be Our Guest

Ma chere Mademoiselle, it is with deepest pride
and greatest pleasure that we welcome you tonight.
And now we invite you to relax, let us pull up a
chair as the dining room proudly presents -
your dinner!

Be our guest! Be our guest!
Put our service to the test
Tie your napkin 'round your neck, cherie
And we'll provide the rest
Soup du jour
Hot hors d'oeuvres
Why, we only live to serve
Try the grey stuff


It's delicious

Don't believe me? Ask the dishes

They can sing, they can dance
After all, Miss, this is France
And a dinner here is never second best
Go on, unfold your menu
Take a glance and then you'll
Be our guest
Oui, our guest
Be our guest!

Lumiere and Chorus:
Beef ragout
Cheese souffle
Pie and pudding "en flambe"
We'll prepare and serve with flair
A culinary cabaret!
You're alone
And you're scared
But the banquet's all prepared
No one's gloomy or complaining
While the flatware's entertaining
We tell jokes! I do tricks
With my fellow candlesticks
And it's all in perfect taste
That you can bet
Come on and lift your glass
You've won your own free pass
To be our guest

If you're stressed
It's fine dining we suggest

Be our guest! Be our guest! Be our guest!

(Instrumental + Dance)


Be our guest, Be our guest
Get your worries off your chest
Let us say for your entree
We've an array; may we suggest:
Try the bread! Try the soup!
When the croutons loop de loop
It's a treat for any diner
Don't believe me? Ask the china
Singing pork! Dancing veal!
What an entertaining meal!
How could anyone be gloomy and depressed?
We'll make you shout "encore!"
And send us out for more
So, be our guest, be our guest, be our guest!

Mrs Pot:
It's a guest! It's a guest!
Sakes alive, well I'll be blessed!
Wine's been poured and thank the Lord
I've had the napkins freshly pressed
With dessert, she'll want tea
And my dear that's fine with me
While the cups do their soft-shoein'
I'll be bubbling, I'll be brewing
I'll get warm, piping hot
Heaven's sakes! Is that a spot?
Clean it up! We want the company impressed

We've got a lot to do!

Mrs Pot:
Is it one lump or two?
For you, our guest!

She's our guest!

Mrs Pot:
She's our guest!

She's our guest!


She’s our guest! Be our guest! Be our guest!
Be our guest! Be our guest!
Our command is your request
It's been years since we've had anybody here
And we're obsessed
With your meal, with your ease
Yes, indeed, we aim to please
While the candlelight's still glowing
Let us help you, We'll keep going
Course by course, one by one
'Til you shout, "Enough! I'm done!"
Then we'll sing you off to sleep as you digest
Tonight you'll prop your feet up
But for now, let's eat up
Be our guest!
Be our guest!
Be our guest!
Please, be our guest!


Scene Belle, Beast Rose Proscenium
7 Objects Armchair, bowl,
piece of white cloth.

Narrator 3:
Belle was very curious. And after having a delicious dinner she decided to have a walk on her own all
through the castle. On the left wing of the castle, the place that the Beast had warned her not to go,
she discovered an enchanted rose. But suddenly, the Beast appeared….

BEAST:​ (​growing angry)​ Why did you come here?
BELLE:​ ​ (B​ acking away, scared)​ ​ I'm sorry,

BEAST:​ I warned you never to come here!

BELLE:​ I didn't mean any harm.
BEAST:​ ​(A​ ngrier)​ Do you realize what you could have done!
Get out!!!! GET OUT!!!!

(B​ ELLE turns and flees the room. She reaches the stairway down to the corridor (public) and shouts

BELLE:​ Promise or no promise, I can't stay here another minute!

BEAST calms down, then falls into despair, finally realizing that he may have destroyed his chances
with BELLE

Song – If I Can’t Love Her

And in my twisted face
There's not the slightest trace
Of anything that even hints of kindness
And from my tortured shape
No comfort, no escape
I see, but deep within is utter blindness
As my dream dies
As the time flies
Love a lost illusion
Cold and driven


To this sad conclusion

No beauty could move me
No goodness improve me
No power on earth, if I can't love her
No passion could reach me
No lesson could teach me
How I could have loved her and made her love me too
If I can't love her, then who?

Long ago I should have seen
All the things I could have been
Careless and unthinking, I moved onward

No pain could be deeper
No life could be cheaper
No point anymore, if I can't love her
No spirit could win me
No hope left within me
Hope I could have loved her and that she'd set me free
But it's not to be
If I can't love her
Let the world be done with me.

Narrator 3

When Belle left the castle, she was attacked by some wolves in the woods. Beast went to her rescue
and was wounded by the wolves. Belle took him back to the castle and helped Beast sit in his chair.
Mrs. Potts then brought a bowl with water and a piece of white cloth, Belle cleaned him and he was
healed. ​And guess what…?

BELLE: Here now. Oh, don't do that. Just...hold still.
(B​ EAST growls at her as she tries to clean the wound with her rag.
(She touches the rag to the wound and BEAST roars in pain. The OBJECTS, who have been
watching, jump back into hiding from the outburst.)
BEAST: ​That hurts!

BELLE: I​ f you'd hold still, it wouldn't hurt so much.

BEAST: W​ ell if you hadn't run away, this wouldn't have happened!

BELLE: ​Well if you hadn't frightened me, I wouldn't have run away!

BEAST: (​ ​Opens his mouth to respond, but has to stop and think of a good line)


Well you shouldn't have been in the West Wing!
BELLE: W​ ell you should learn to control your temper!
(BEAST raises his hand to bring out another point, but finds he has none, so he bows his head down
again. The OBJECTS emerge from their hiding as BELLE has conquered the ferocious temper of
BEAST. BELLE moves the rag closer to the wound)
Now, hold still. This may sting a little. By the way, thank you, for saving my life.
(​BEAST opens his eyes, looking surprised.)
BEAST: (​ v​ ery tenderly)​ ​You're welcome.


Scene Lumiere, Mrs. Pot, Chip, Dust Hearts?? Big Main stage and
8 ? book proscenium
Cleaner, Clock, Cogsworth, shelf
Doormat, Belle, Beast, 4​th year image at
(objects) the back.

The curtains open and they both walk together to the stairs (Tarima at the back of the main
stage).They finally begin to like each other and all the objects start coming into stage, feeling happy
with the idea of Belle setting them free from the spell.

MRS POT: (​ to all the objects)​ ​ ​Would you look at that?

DOORMAT: I​ sn't this exciting!

CHIP: ​I didn't see anything.

MRS. POT: C​ ome along, Chip. There's chores to be done in the kitchen.

CHIP: B​ ut what are they talking about? What's going on?

Song – Something There

There's something sweet
And almost kind
But he was mean and he was coarse and unrefined
But now he's dear, and so unsure
I wonder why I didn't see it there before

She glanced this way I thought I saw
And when we touched she didn't shudder at my paw
No it can't be, I'll just ignore
But then she's never looked at me that way before.

(BACKGROUND MUSIC – during speaking)

BEAST: B​ elle, I have something to show you. But first, you have to close your eyes. It's a surprise!

BELLE: ​Ohh, may I open them?

BEAST: ​All right, all right. Now!

BELLE: ​I can't believe it! I've never seen so many books in my whole life!

BEAST: ​You like it?


BELLE: ​It's wonderful!

BEAST: I​ t's yours!

BELLE: O​ h, this is one of my favorites! It's "King Arthur." Have you ever read it?

BEAST: N​ o.

BELLE: Y​ ou don't know what you're missing. I'd love to read this again. can read this

BEAST: ​No, that's all right.

BELLE​: No, really, you read it.

BEAST: ​Oh, No, you...

BELLE: ​No, you

BEAST: N​ o! I can't...

BELLE: ​You never learnt to read?

BEAST: ​Only a little, and long ago.

BELLE: ​Well, it just so happens that this is the perfect book to read aloud. Come here, sit next to me.

New and a bit alarming
Who'd have ever thought that this could be?
True that he's no Prince Charming
But there's something in him that I simply didn't see

Instrumental – DANCE leading in to next part (30 seconds)

There may be something there that wasn't there before.
Perhaps there's something there That wasn't there before.
There may be something there that wasn't there before.

4​th​ graders leave the stage​.

BELLE:​ Knowing now, that this was indeed the legendary sword called "Excalibur," Arthur tried to
pull it from the stone. He tried once. He tried a second time, but still, he could not pull it out. Then,


for the third time, Arthur.
BEAST:​ So that must mean he's the king!

BELLE​: Wait and see.

BEAST:​ I never knew books could do that.

BELLE​: Do what?

BEAST:​ Take me away from this place, make me forget for a little while.

BELLE:​ Forget?

BEAST:​ Who I...What I am...

BELLE: ​We have something in common, you know.

BEAST:​ What is that?

BELLE:​ In the town where I come from, the people think I'm odd.

BEAST:​ You?

BELLE:​ So, I know how it feels to be...different. And I know how lonely that can be.
They stare at each other.​

BELLE:​ For the third time, Arthur drew forth the sword, and there
arose from the people a great shout. Arthur became king.

BEAST:​ I told you so...

BELLE:​ When Guenvire heard that Arthur was slain, she went away to a convent, and no one could
make her smile again. The end.

BEAST​: What a beautiful story.

BELLE​: Oh, I knew you would like it! I would like to ask you something.

BEAST:​ What's that?

BELLE:​ A second chance. Would you have dinner with me tonight?
BEAST:​ Huh? Me? You? Well, that would be, I mean -- Oh, yes!!
BEAST:​ Belle? Are you happy here with me?
BELLE​: ​(H​ esitantly)​ Yes, I am.
Belle and Beast dance to the introduction of “S​ omething There”​


Curtains fall

5t​ h​ Grade (Part B)

1. GIRL 1
2. GIRL 2
3. GIRL 3
4. GIRL 4
5. BOY 1
6. BOY 2
7. BOY 3


Narrator 2:

Gaston never gave up the idea of marrying Belle. As soon as he knew Belle was at the castle with the
beast, he had the idea bringing her back to the town, and with despair and revenge in his heart, he
made a plan to destroy and kill the beast. All his friends met in order to help him rescue Belle.

Scene Gaston, Lefou, 5​th​ year Sticks? Proscenium
9 Black

GIRL1​: What do you think?
Will any of us ever marry Gastón?

GIRL 2​: I don´t really think so.

GIRL 3​: He´ll never give up his love for Belle. He´ll insist and insist…

GIRL 4​: He´s obsessed with her. He would do anything to marry her.

Music Cue

BOY 1:​ Come on, friends, everyone come together over here! Let’s all gather here! We all have to
help our friend Gaston!

BOY 3: ​Yes! He has to rescue Belle from the horrible beast as soon as possible!

BOY 2: ​Look!​ G​ astón is coming and we are all going to kill the beast! There he is! Gaston, dear
friend, we are all ready to help you!

Gastón, L​ efou and all 5t​ h​ graders move to the proseinium, coming through the passageway in the
auditorium (Among the parents).

GASTON:​ So it's time to take some action, boys. It's time to follow me!

LEFOU: Y​ es, boys, it´s time to follow me! I mean, him! F​ unny


Song - Kill The Beast

Through the mist
Through the woods
Through the darkness and the shadows
It's a nightmare but it's one exciting ride

Say a prayer
Then we're there
At the drawbridge of a castle
And there's something truly terrible inside

It's a beast
He's got fangs
Razor sharp ones

Massive paws
Killer claws for the feast

Hear him roar
See him foam
But we're not coming home
Til he's dead
Good and dead
Kill the Beast!

Through the mist
Through the woods
Through the darkness and the shadows
It's a nightmare but it's one exciting ride

Say a prayer
Then we're there
At the drawbridge of a castle
And there's something truly terrible inside

It's a beast
He's got fangs
Razor sharp ones

Massive paws
Killer claws for the feast

Hear him roar
See him foam
But we're not coming home


Til he's dead
Good and dead
Kill the Beast!

Scene Belle, Beast, Prince Sticks? Proscenium
10 Black
Piece of

They keep on shouting, let us kill the beast, the curtains open and they fight against the objects at the
castle. The fight ends, all people except Beast and Gastón leave the stage. The two main characters
come to the proscenium, (curtains close) they keep on fighting and Gastón digs his knife on the on the
beast´s back.

The Beast is (lying and dying!) on the floor. Belle enters the proscenium and she kneels beside him.
BELLE​: No! No, please! Don't leave me! I love you.

Beast transformation.​

BELLE:​ Is it you?
PRINCE: Y​ es, Belle, it´s me.

They freeze, black out.


6t​ h​ Grade (Part B)

4. --------------------------
5. --------------------------
7. --------------------------
9. --------------------------


Narrator 1:

And the powerful spell disappeared. Suddenly, everything in the castle turned back to the normal. The
objects transformed back to their human form. Their bodies became bigger, their voices changed,
their faces became human and everyone was very happy indeed.

Scene Belle, Beast, Prince Sticks? Proscenium
11 Real: Lumiere, Mrs. Pott, Chip, Black
Dust Cleaner, Clock, Cogsworth, capes
Piece of

All 6t​ h grade children (now become the people working at the castle ) enter the stage as the curtains
open and they sing and dance the song. Some children, the ones equal to the main characters in
grade 4 (​Lumiere, Mrs. Pott, Chip, Dust Cleaner, Cogsworth, ) w​ ill use their microphones.

Song - Human Again

REAL LUMIERE:​ Ha ha, wee wee, my friends. The day we have waited for has arrived!

REAL MRS. POT​: Oh, I can´t believe it, Lumiere!

REAL LUMIERE​: Aaah...human again!

REAL MRS. POT:​ Human again!

REAL LUMIERE: Y​ es, let us sing to celebrate!

I am cooking again
I’m good-looking again
With a mademoiselle on each arm

I am human again
Only human again
Poised and polished and gleaming with charm...

I am courting again
Chic and sporting again

REAL MRS. POT​ Which should cause sev'ral husbands alarm!

REAL CHIP:​ I'll hop down off the shelf


LUMIERE AND MRS. POT:​ And toute suite be myself

REAL CHIP:​ It is great to be human again

Now we´re human again,
Only human again
With our knickknacks and whatnots no more

REAL CHIP:​ Little push, little shove, They could, (whoosh) fall in love

Ah, cherie, it is all so top-drawer

I wear lipstick and rouge
And I’m wow not so huge
Why, I easily fit through that door
I exude savior-faire
I wear gowns! I have hair!
It’s so great to be human again

Now we´re human again
Only human again
With the world once more making sense
I've unwound for a change

REAL LUMIERE:​ Really? That’s very strange!

Can I help it if I'm t-t-tense?

In a shack by the sea
Sitting back sipping tea
Let my early retirement commence
Far from fools made of wax
I get down to brass tacks and relax

When I'm human again

So sweep the dust from the floor!
Let's let some light in the room!
I can feel, I can tell
Someone’s broken the spell
Today! Now!


REAL LUMIERE:​ Shine up the brass on the door!
Alert the dustpail and the broom!
And all’s gone to plan
Our time is at hand
Today! Now!
Open the shutters and let in some air
Put these here and put those over there
Sweep up the years
Of sadness and tears
And throw them away
Black out


Narrator 1:
From then on, the Prince learned that beauty is found within. He and Belle got married and lived
happily ever after.

Scene Proscenium and main stage
12 All characters and groups

Belle and Prince go to the tarima and as they dance (instrumental song “Beauty and Beast), all
children get together on stage (4​th​, 5t​ h and 6​th​) Once they get on their places, they all start singing the
final song, Beauty and Beast.

Finale - Beauty and Beast (ALL SING)

Tale as old as time

True as it can be

Barely even friends
Then somebody bends

Just a little change

Small to say the least
Both a little scared
Neither one prepared
Beauty and the Beast

Ever just the same

Ever a surprise

Ever as before
Ever just as sure
As the sun will rise

Tale as old as time

Tune as old as song


Bittersweet and strange
Finding you can change
Learning you were wrong
Certain as the sun
Rising in the east
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the Beast
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the Beast


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