Kitoko Beauty
Table of Contents
PG 1 Resume
PG 2 Mission Statement
PG 3-4 Recommendation Letter
PG 5 Business Policy
PG 6 General Health & Safety/Aftercare
PG 7 Client Consent Form
PG 8 Table Set Up
PG 9-10 Before & After
PG 11 Salon Service and Pricing
To become an owner of an Exceptional Eyelash Extension salon.
San Jacinto College
Eyelash Extension student at San Jacinto College. With 320 Hours of
instruction and 200 hours of hands on application of eyelash extensions on
15+ satisfied clients.
• Sanitation, Decontamination, Sterilization
• Classic Eyelash Extensions
• 3 Length bonding technique
• Bottom Eyelash Extensions
Barbicide Certified
Nova Lash Certified – 06/2019
Mission Statement
Committed to provide first class service with the highest standard of
exceptional quality and attention to detail. We aim to empower and inspire
lives with beauty, and to make every client embrace their individual beauty.
Stay Beautiful.
Recommendation Letters
To Whom This May Concern,
My name is Anthony Damron and I am proud to offer my recommendation of Marie
Mambo Sam to whom I have personally known for 4.5 years as my fiancé.
During my relationship with Marie Mambo Sam, I have experienced an individual who is
Extremely goal oriented and driven, willing to work hard and grow both personally and
Professionally, and carries herself in a polite, respectable manner. In addition, Marie
Mambo Sam is an extremely humble, kind, honest, and good-natured woman who has
Always presented herself with dignity, grace, and class.
Marie is an intelligent, determined, and detail oriented individual who is not afraid to ask
Questions, listen, work hard and learn. She has my full support and confidence in her
Future endeavors.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you should require any further information.
Best regards,
Anthony Damron.
Recommendation Letters
Business Policy
A $50-dollar Deposit is Required before each appointment in order
Same day cancellation fee $75
A 24-hour notice is required if you need to cancel an appointment.
Late Policies
Please notify us if you are running more than 15 minutes late to your
appointment. Failure to do so will result in service being cancelled, fees may
To ensure the ambiance and quality of your service we ask that you come
alone to your lash appointment.
If you get an allergic reaction to eyelash extensions or adhesive, we will
remove eyelash extensions free of charge. We do not offer refunds.
Cash, Cash App, and PayPal. Checks NOT ACCEPTED.
General Health
Do you have any medical conditions or have had any medical treatments
that may make you unsuitable for this Appointment?
Is this the first time you have had eyelash extensions installed:
Do you habitually rub, pull or pick your lashes for any reason:
Are you allergic to cyanoacrylate?
Have you had any facial surgical procedures in the past 5 months?
Are you pregnant?
Do you have conjunctivitis or any contagious eye diseases.
I_________ have read and understood the statements above, and consent to
having my eyelash extension service performed on me.
Signature___________________________________________________________________________________________ Date: _____________
Proper hygiene is very important.
Do not use waterproof mascara.
Do not use an eyelash curler.
Let your lashes cure, do not wet them for 3-4 hours.
Gently wash your lashes every 2/3 days.
Clean lashes with l
Do not stay longer than 15 minutes in a sauna.
Avoid putting growth serums or oils on lashes.
Do not pull or rub your eyelash extensions
It is normal for clients to experience the loss of a few lashes during the first
24 hours after application.
Client Consent Form
Full Name: ________________________________________ Date:________________
Telephone: (Cell) ___________________________________
Email: ____________________________________________
I_______ understand that this is a semi-permanent procedure, as my natural lashes will continue to grow
and fall out normally, making touch-up or “fill” appointments necessary to maintain the original look
achieved by replacing the lashes that have fallen out. Most clients require a fill in appointment every 2-3
I _______ understand that in some rare occasions there are certain risks associated with having artificial
eyelashes and eyelash extensions applied to or removed from my natural eyelashes. I further understand
that in rare cases as part of the procedure eye irritation and discomfort could occur. I agree that if I
experience any of these conditions with my lashes that I will contact the certified eyelash extension
professional that performed this procedure and it may be beneficial to have the eyelashes removed.
I______ understand and consent to having my eyes closed and covered for the duration of approximately
60-120 minute procedure. Times may vary depending on the type and number of eyelashes applied
I______ consent to “before and after” photographs for the purpose of documentation, potential
advertising and promotional purposes.
I_____ agree to disclose any allergies that I may have to latex, surgical tape, cyanoacrylate, Vaseline. Ect
I____ understand that some risks of this procedure may be but not limited to eye redness and irritation.
I certify that I completely understand and comply with the above as stated.
Print Your Name (client): _________________________________________________________
Signature(client): ________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Table Set Up
Included in Table Set Up: Blood spill kit, Mister, Fan, baby tape,
Para film, hand sanitizer, adhesive, double sided tape, Different
eyelash extension options and length, Acetone, eyelash
extension application tools, lint free cotton balls.
Before & After.
Salon Service &
Classics Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150
Hybrid Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $175
Volume Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $185
Mega Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200
Bottom Lash Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35
Client must have 50% of lashes remaining in order to get a refill
Eyelash Extension removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35
What are eyelash extensions?
Individual, synthetic lash extensions are bonded with medically safe, award winning, NovaLash
Platinum Bond Adhesive to your natural lashes to create a full, natural, long-lasting look.
Do Eyelash Extensions hurt my natural lashes?
No, because an eyelash only lives for 30 to 60 days there is no opportunity for lash damage.
When your natural lashes gradually shed the extensions will simply fall out with them. It is
important to remember to avoid salons that use stacking or bridging techniques as these
methods can put tension on hair follicles and cause damage to future hair growth.
How long do they last?
Your eyelash extensions can last indefinitely with the proper maintenance along with refills
every 2-3 weeks.
How long does it take?
Approximately 2 hours.
Can I wear makeup with eyelash extensions?
Yes, it is recommended you do not put mascara on your eyelash extensions.